Lists of irrecoverable losses. Our losses in war - many are counted twice

If you want to establish the fate of your relative, who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic War, then get ready for a long and laborious work. Do not expect that it is enough to ask a question and someone will tell you in detail about your relative. And there is no magic key to the secret door, behind which there is a box with the inscription "The most detailed information about Sergeant Ivanov II for his great-grandson Edik." Information about a person, if preserved, is scattered over dozens of archives in tiny, often unrelated fragments. It may turn out that after spending several years searching, you will not learn anything new about your relative. But perhaps a lucky break will reward you after just a few months of searching.

Below is a simplified search algorithm. It can seem complicated. In fact, everything is much more complicated. Here are the ways to find information if it has been saved somewhere. But the information you need may not have survived at all: the hardest of all wars was going on, not only individual servicemen died - regiments, divisions, armies were killed, documents disappeared, reports were lost, archives burned ... It is especially difficult (and sometimes impossible) to find out the fate of servicemen killed or missing in the encirclement in 1941 and in the summer of 1942

Total irrecoverable losses armed forces USSR (Red Army, Navy, NKVD) in the Great Patriotic War amounted to 11.944 thousand people. It should be noted right away that these are not dead, but for various reasons excluded from the lists of units. According to the order of the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense No. 023 of February 4, 1944, irrecoverable losses include "those who died in battles, who disappeared in action at the front, who died of wounds on the battlefield and in medical institutions, who died from diseases received at the front, or who died at the front. from other reasons and captured by the enemy. " Of this number, 5.059 thousand people have gone missing. In turn, most of the missing were in German captivity (and only less than a third of them survived to be liberated), many died on the battlefield, and many of those who ended up in the occupied territory were subsequently recruited into the army. The distribution of irretrievable losses and missing persons over the years of the war (recall that the second number is part of the first) is shown in the table:


Irrecoverable losses

(thousand people)

Killed and died from wounds (thousand people)


















In total, 9,168 thousand servicemen died and died from wounds in the Great Patriotic War, and the total direct human losses of the Soviet Union for all the years of the Great Patriotic War are estimated at 26.6 million people. (The numerical data on losses are taken from the works of Colonel-General G.F. Krivosheev, 1998-2002, which seem to us the most reliable and least politicized of all known estimates of the USSR's losses in the Great Patriotic War.)

1. First steps

1.1. Home search

First of all, you need to know exactly the last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth and place of birth. Without this information, it will be very difficult to search.

The place of birth must be indicated in accordance with the administrative-territorial division of the USSR in pre-war years... The correspondence between pre-revolutionary, pre-war and modern administrative-territorial division can be found on the Internet. (Directory administrative division USSR in 1939-1945 on the site

It is usually easy to find out the time of the call and the place of residence of the conscript. According to the place of residence, you can determine which District Military Commissariat (RVC) he was called up.

Ranks can be determined by the insignia on the surviving photographs. If the rank is unknown, then membership in the rank and file, command and political staff can be very roughly determined by the education and pre-war biography of the soldier.

If a medal or order with which a soldier was awarded during the war has survived, then the number of the award can be used to establish the number of the military unit and even find out the description of the feat or military merit of the recipient.

It is imperative to interview the relatives of the serviceman. Much time has passed since the end of the war, and the soldier's parents are no longer alive, and his wife, brothers and sisters are of a very advanced age, much has been forgotten. But when talking with them, some insignificant detail may emerge: the name of the area, the presence of letters from the front, words from the long-lost "funeral" ... Write everything down and for each individual fact be sure to indicate the source: "story of SI Smirnova 10.05 .2008 ". It is necessary to record the source because conflicting information may appear (the grandmother said one thing, but the certificate indicates another), and you will have to choose a more plausible source. It should be borne in mind that family legends sometimes convey some events with distortions (something is forgotten, something is confused, something the narrator "improved" ...).

It is very important at this stage to determine in the troops of which People's Commissariats (People's Commissariats, or in the modern way - ministries) your relative served: People's Commissariat of Defense ( ground troops and aviation), Navy (including coastal units and aviation of the Navy), the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD troops, border units). Cases of different departments are kept in different archives. (Addresses of departmental archives on the website.)

The main task at the first stage should be set - finding out the date of death and the number of the military unit in which the soldier was at least some time.

1.2. If there are letters from the front

All letters from the front were viewed by the military censorship, the servicemen were warned about this, therefore, usually the letters did not indicate the names and numbers of military units, the names of settlements, etc.

The first thing to determine is the number of the Field Mail Station (PPP or "field mail"). By the number of the teaching staff, it is often possible to determine number military unit. ("Directory of field postal stations of the Red Army in 1941-1945", "Directory of military units - field posts of the Red Army in 1943-1945" on the site ) It should be borne in mind that it is not always possible to determine a specific unit (regiment, battalion, company) as part of a military unit. ("Recommendations" on the site )

Until September 5, 1942, the address of a military unit usually consisted of the number of the PPS and the numbers of the specific military units served by this PPS (regiment, battalion, company, platoon). After September 5, 1942, the actual numbers of military units were not indicated in the address, and instead of them, conditional numbers of addressees were entered within each specific PPS. Such conditional numbers could include from two to five to six characters (letters and numbers). It is impossible to determine the actual number of the military unit by the conditional number of the addressee. In this case, only the division or army number can be determined by the PPS number, and the regiment, battalion, company number will remain unknown, since each army had its own unit coding system.

In addition to the PPS number on the postmark (in the center) there is the date of registration of the letter at the PPS (in fact, the date the letter was sent) - it will also come in handy in further searches. The text of the letter may contain information about the rank of a soldier, about his military specialty, about rewarding, about belonging to a private, junior command (sergeant), command (officer) or political staff, etc.

2. Internet search

2.1. United data bank "Memorial"

2.1.1. The largest resource on the Internet is the official website of the Ministry of Defense, the United Data Bank Memorial. The databank was created on the basis of documents stored in TsAMO: reports of irrecoverable losses, journals of the dead in hospitals, alphabetical lists of burials, German personal cards for prisoners of war, post-war lists of those who have not returned from the war, etc. Currently (2008) the site operates in test mode. The site can be searched by last name, place of call, year of birth and some other keywords. It is possible to view scanned images of source documents in which the found person is mentioned.

When searching, you should also check the consonant surnames and names, especially if the surname is poorly perceived by ear - with repeated rewriting, the surname could be distorted. The operator could also make a mistake when entering handwritten information into the computer.

In some cases, there are several documents for one soldier, for example: a report on irrecoverable losses, a personal list of those who died from wounds, an alphabetical list of those who died in a hospital, a military burial record card, etc. And of course, very often no documents are found on a soldier - this mainly refers to those who went missing in the initial period of the war.

2.2.1. In addition to the website of the Memorial OBD, there are several available databases on the Internet with a search by last name (Links page on the SOLDIER

2.2.2. Regardless of the search results on the WBS Memorial website and in databases, it is necessary to search in several search engines on the Internet, specifying known information about a relative as a search string.Even if the search engine tells you something interesting according to your request, you should repeat the search for various combinations of words, check synonyms and possible abbreviations of terms, names, names.

2.2.3. You should definitely visit genealogical and military-historical sites and forums, look through the catalogs of military literature sections on the sites electronic libraries... Read the memoirs of soldiers and officers who served in the same sector of the front as your relative found on the Internet, as well as descriptions of the military operations of the front, army, and division in which he served. This will help you a lot in your future work. ... And it's just useful to know about the everyday life of that great war.

2.2.4. You should not completely trust the information received from the Internet - often no one is responsible for its reliability, so always try to check the obtained facts with other sources. If you fail to verify, then make a note or just remember which information is obtained from an unverified source. In the future, you will often come across information that is unlikely, unreliable, doubtful or even, most likely, false. For example, very soon you will have a list of namesakes, a wanted relative, who have some biographical facts that match the ones you need. You don't need to throw anything away, but be sure to indicate the source from which you received it for each new fact - maybe in a year you will have new information that will make you evaluate the information collected in a new way.

2.2.5. If you have a desire to ask your question at the military history forum right now, do not rush. To get started, read the posts on this forum over the past weeks. It may turn out that such questions have already been asked several times, and regular visitors to the forum have already answered them in detail - in this case, your question will cause irritation. In addition, each forum has its own rules and traditions, and if you want to receive a benevolent response, then try not to violate the rules of conduct adopted on the forum. Usually, when you write the first message on the forum, you should introduce yourself. And do not forget to provide an email address for those who want to reply to you by letter.

2.3. Memory Books

2.3.1. In many regions of the country, Memory Books have been published, which contain alphabetic lists of the region's residents who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic War. Books of Memory are multivolume editions, you can find them in regional library and in the military enlistment offices of the region, but it is difficult to find them outside the region. In some regions of the country, in addition to the regional Book of Memory, Books of Memory of individual regions have been published. Some Books are available in electronic versions on the Internet. Since publications of different territories, regions, republics and districts were prepared by different editorial teams, the set personal information and the design of different publications is different. As a rule, in the Books of Memory of the regions, military personnel are indicated who were born or drafted into the army in this region. It is necessary to check both Books of Memory: published in the place of birth and published in the place of military conscription. (Links to electronic versions of Books of Memory on the Internet at the site

In the Books of Memory of some regions, on the territory of which fighting, provides information about the servicemen who died and were buried in the region. If you know in which region a soldier died, you need to check the Memory Book of the corresponding area.

2.3.2. A large database of dead servicemen is available in the museum at Poklonnaya Mountain in Moscow, and museum staff provide information both in person and by phone, but the database installed in the museum is abbreviated (contains only the last name, first name, patronymic and year of birth), and the complete database, created with public money, is now is privately owned and practically inaccessible. In addition, with the appearance on the Internet of the site "OBD Memorial" both databases can be considered outdated.

2.3.3. If you yourself are unable to access the required Memory Books, then you can ask to check the book desired area to an Internet forum with military history or genealogical topics. In addition, many cities have their own sites on the Internet, and most of these sites have their own regional forums. You can ask a question or make a request on such a forum, and you will most likely be given advice or a hint, and if the settlement is small, then you can find out some question at the military registration and enlistment office or museum.

It should be borne in mind that errors are also encountered in the Memory Books, their number depends on the conscientiousness of the editorial team.

3. Obtaining information from the archive

3.1. On the personal registration of dead and missing servicemen

3.1.1. This subsection provides brief information on the personal registration of servicemen who died and disappeared during the Great Patriotic War. Knowledge of the main features of documentation is necessary for further work with archival documents.

3.1.2. It should be noted that during the war, the registration of the dead servicemen was organized quite clearly (as far as was possible in war conditions). With an interval of 10 days (sometimes less frequently), each military unit of the Field Army sent to the higher headquarters a list of irrecoverable losses - "Report on irrecoverable losses ...". In this report, for each deceased soldier, the following were indicated: surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, rank, position, date and place of death, place of burial, conscription office, address of residence and names of parents or wife. Reports from different parts gathered at the Troop Manning Directorate General Staff Red Army (later - in the Central Bureau of Red Army losses). Similar reports were submitted by hospitals about soldiers who died of wounds and diseases.

After the war, these reports were transferred to TsAMO, and on their basis a file of irrecoverable losses was compiled. Information from the report of the military unit was transferred to the personal card of the serviceman, the card indicated the number of the military unit and the number under which this report was taken into account.

3.1.3. A notice of the death of a serviceman was sent by the headquarters of the unit in which the deceased served, as a rule, to the military enlistment office. In the military registration and enlistment office, a duplicate of the notice was drawn up, which was sent to relatives, and on its basis a pension was subsequently issued. The originals of the notices were kept in the military registration and enlistment office. The original of the notice had a round seal and a corner stamp with the name of the military unit, or its conditional five-digit number. Some of the notifications by the headquarters of the military units were sent directly to the relatives, bypassing the military enlistment office, which was a violation of the established order. Some of the post-war notifications were issued by the district military registration and enlistment offices on the proposal of the Central Bureau of losses. All notices issued by the military registration and enlistment offices bore the seal and details of the military registration and enlistment office, and the number of the military unit, as a rule, was not given.

The notice of the death of a serviceman indicated: the name of the unit, rank, position, date and place of death of the serviceman and the place of burial. (Image of the notice of the death of a soldier on the SOLDIER

3.1.4. It is necessary to distinguish between two ways of indicating the names of military units in open (unclassified) correspondence:

a) in the period 1941-42. the documents indicated the actual name of the part - for example, 1254 rifle regiment (sometimes with the indication of the division number);

b) in the period 1943-45. indicated the conventional name of the military unit - for example, "military unit 57950", which corresponded to the same 1254 joint venture. Five-digit numbers were assigned to NCO units, and four-digit numbers were assigned to NKVD units.

3.1.5. A soldier who was absent from the unit for an unknown reason was considered missing, and the search for him within 15 days did not give any result. Information about the missing was also transmitted to a higher headquarters, and a notification of the missing was sent to relatives. In this case, the notice of the missing serviceman indicated the name of the military unit, the date and place of the disappearance of the serviceman.

Most of the servicemen, who were listed as missing, died during the retreat, or during reconnaissance in force, or surrounded, i.e. in cases where the battlefield was left to the enemy. It was difficult to witness their death for various reasons. The missing persons also included:

- captured military personnel,

- deserters,

- business travelers who have not arrived at their destination,

- scouts who did not return from the mission,

- the personnel of entire units and subunits in the event that they were defeated and there were no commanders left who could reliably report to the top of the instance about specific types of losses.

However, the reason for the absence of a serviceman could be not only his death. For example, a soldier who lagged behind a unit on the march could be included in another military unit, in which he then continued to fight. A wounded man from the battlefield could be evacuated by soldiers of another unit and sent directly to the hospital. There are cases when relatives during the war received several notifications ("funerals"), and the person turned out to be alive.

3.1.6. In cases where the higher headquarters did not receive information about irrecoverable losses from the military unit (for example, in the event of the death of a unit or its headquarters in the environment, loss of documents), the notification could not be sent to relatives, tk. the lists of the unit's servicemen were among the lost staff documents.

3.1.7. After the end of the war, the district military registration and enlistment offices carried out work to collect information about the servicemen who had not returned from the war (door-to-door survey). In addition, the relatives of a serviceman who did not return from the war could, on their own initiative, draw up a "Questionnaire on the person who did not return from the war" at the military registration and enlistment office.

Based on information from the military registration and enlistment offices, the card index of losses was replenished with cards drawn up based on the results of a survey of relatives. Such cards could contain the entry "the correspondence was interrupted in December 1942", and the number of the military unit was usually absent. If, however, the number of the military unit is indicated on the card drawn up on the basis of a report from the military registration and enlistment office, then it should be treated as probable, presumptive. The date of the disappearance of a serviceman in this case was set by the military commissar usually by adding three to six months to the date of the last letter. By the directive of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, it was recommended to the district military commissars to set the date of disappearance according to the following rules:

1) if the relatives of a serviceman who did not return from the war lived in an unoccupied territory, then three months should be added to the date of the last letter received,

2) if the relatives of a serviceman who did not return from the war remained in the occupied territory during the war, then three months should be added to the date of the liberation of the territory.

Household survey sheets and questionnaires are also stored in TsAMO (department 9), and they may contain information that is not in the card. When filling out the card, not all the information given in the house-door survey sheet was usually entered into it or a questionnairebecause it was not possible to verify the information recorded from the words of the relatives. Therefore, if it is known that the family of a serviceman received letters from him from the front, but later these letters were lost, then some information from these letters (PPS number, date of the letter) may appear in the records of the house-to-house survey. When answering a request about the fate of a serviceman, the archive workers are not able to find the records of the house-to-house survey. You will have to look for them on your own, but, most likely, during a personal visit to the archive. The RVC report number indicating the year is stamped on the back of the personal card. After the website of the Memorial WBS appeared on the Internet, it became possible to independently search for source documents.

3.2. Brief information about archives

Most of the documents relating to the period of the Great Patriotic War are kept in the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO). Below, the search for the military personnel of the People's Commissariat of Defense (NPO) will be mainly described and, accordingly, links will be made to the archive of TsAMO, since it is in it that the archives of the People's Commissariat of Defense (and then the Ministry of Defense) are stored from June 22, 1941 to the eighties. (Addresses of departmental archives on the website.)

The file of the dead and missing NCO servicemen during the Great Patriotic War is kept in the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO). Similar loss files are available in:

a) the Central Naval Archives in Gatchina - on the personnel of the fleet, coastal service and aviation of the Navy,

b) the Russian State Military Archive in Moscow - for persons who served in the bodies, formations and units of the NKVD,

c) the archive of the Federal border service FSB of the Russian Federation in the city of Pushkino, Moscow region - on the border guards.

In addition to the listed archives, the necessary documentation may be in the state regional archives and in departmental archives.

Part of the information can be obtained on the website of the "WBS Memorial"

To obtain information about the fate of a serviceman, it is necessary to send a request to TsAMO (or to other archives mentioned above), in which briefly indicate the known information about the serviceman. It is also recommended to include a postage stamped envelope with your home address in the envelope to speed up the reply. (Postal address of TsAMO and a sample application on the website.)

If the military rank of a soldier is unknown or there is reason to believe that he could have been awarded an officer rank, then in the statement to TsAMO you should write "I ask you to check the personal files and card indexes of losses of the 6th, 9th, 11th departments of TsAMO" (in departments 6, 9 , 11 are filed, respectively, for the political, private and sergeant, officers).

It is recommended to simultaneously send in the same letter a statement with a request to "Clarify the awards" and indicate the surname, name, patronymic, year and place of birth of the serviceman. TsAMO has a card file of all awarded servicemen of the Red Army, and it may turn out that the soldier in question was awarded a medal or order. (The image of the "Awarded's Registration Card" and the questionnaire-request on the website.)

Due to insufficient funding of the archive, the answer from it may come by mail in 6-12 months, therefore, if possible, it is better to visit the archive in person. (The address of TsAMO is on the website.) You can also issue a request at the military registration and enlistment office, in this case the request to the archive will be issued on the military registration and enlistment office letterhead with the signature of the military registration and enlistment office.

Since 2007, only citizens of the Russian Federation have been admitted to TsAMO - this is the instruction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which apparently forgot that natives of all republics of the USSR fought and died in the war.

3.4. Received a response from TsAMO. Analysis of the response

Thus, a letter from TsAMO (or the result of an independent search in the Memorial WBS) may contain 4 answer options:

1) A message about the death of a serviceman with an indication of the number of the military unit, the date and place of death, the rank and place of burial.

2) A message about a missing soldier indicating the number of the military unit, date and place of loss.

3) A report on a missing serviceman, drawn up on the basis of interviews with relatives, with incomplete, unverified or inaccurate information.

4) Notification of the absence of information about the serviceman in the card index of losses.

If you are lucky, and the answer from TsAMO contains the name of the military unit, then you can proceed to clarification combat path soldier (see below)

If you are VERY lucky, and a registration card for your relative was found in the card index of the awarded TsAMO, and an extract from it was sent to you in the response of the archive, then you should familiarize yourself in the same TsAMO with the award list, which contains short description feat or merit of the awarded. The description of work in TsAMO is given below, and the description of the search in the military registration and enlistment office can be skipped.

If it was still not possible to establish the number of the military unit in which your relative served, then you will have to continue the search in the military registration and enlistment office and in other departmental archives. More on this below.

4. Search for information at the place of call

4.1. Brief information on the organization of work in the RVC on staffing the Active Army

4.1.1. In order to correctly draw up a request to the district military enlistment office (RVK), you should familiarize yourself with the organization of work of the RVC on staffing the Army in the Field (DA).

4.1.2. RVC made the call and mobilization of citizens, as well as their distribution to duty stations.

Citizens drafted into the army (i.e. not previously served) could be sent

- to a reserve or training regiment or brigade stationed at that time near the place of conscription,

- to a military unit formed in the area.

Citizens mobilized from the reserve (i.e. already serving in the army) could be sent directly to the front as part of marching companies or battalions.

4.1.3. Marching companies (battalions) usually did not go directly to the combat unit, but first arrived at an army or front-line transit point (PP) or an army or front-line reserve rifle regiment (or reserve rifle brigade).

4.1.4. The newly formed, reformed or resupplied military units were sent to the front and took part in hostilities under their own numbers.

4.1.5. Reserve regiments and brigades received an unprepared military contingent, carried out initial military training and sent troops to the front or to educational establishments... Sending to the front was usually carried out as part of marching companies or battalions. It is necessary to distinguish between the permanent and variable composition of spare military units. The permanent composition included the military personnel who ensured the functioning of the military unit: the headquarters of the regiment, management, commanders of battalions, companies and platoons, employees of the medical unit, separate company communications, etc. The variable composition included servicemen enrolled in a spare part for military training. The period of stay in spare parts of variable composition ranged from several weeks to several months.

4.1.6. In the military registration and enlistment office for each conscript (that is, for the first time conscripted and previously not served in the army) a "Recruitment card" was drawn up. It recorded data about the conscript, the results of a medical examination and information about the parents. On its reverse side, the penultimate item contains the number of the draft team and the date the team was sent. (Image of the draft card on the SOLDIER

4.1.7. A reserve person liable for military service is a person who has passed a valid military service in the Red Army and the RKVMF, and in the reserve of 1 or 2 categories. Upon arrival at the RVC at the place of residence from the service (or for other reasons), a conscript registration card was entered on a conscript, which did not contain information about relatives, briefly provided medical data, indicated the date of issue of the mobilization order and the place of registration, the conditional number of the conscription team , to which the person liable for military service was assigned when the mobilization was announced. Also, information on the issuance of a military ID, place of work, position, home address was entered into the registration card. The second copy of the registration card was at the headquarters of the unit to which the citizen was assigned. (Image of the account card of a conscript on the SOLDIER

Under the numbers of the draft teams, the already existing cadre formations and their units were specially encrypted, which, when mobilized, were supposed to expand to the number of wartime states due to the call of the military-liable reserves assigned to them. Accordingly, lists of such recruiting teams can be saved in the RVC, and in different MVCs for the same cadre military unit the number of the recruiting team was the same, since the cadre military unit, where specific conscripts followed, is the same.

4.1.8. In addition to the above documents, each RVC kept the following journals:

- Alphabetic books called in Soviet Army during the Great Patriotic War ...,

- Alphabetical books for registering the dead ...,

- Name lists privates and non-commissioned officers, recorded dead and missing ...

The aforementioned "Alphabetical books, drafted into the Soviet Army ..." were compiled on the basis of the draft cards and registration cards of the conscript, but they have a significantly smaller set of information compared to the original documents. In many military registration and enlistment offices, draft cards and account cards were destroyed after the expiration of the storage period. In some military registration and enlistment offices these documents are still kept.

4.1.9. When the draft command was sent to the military registration and enlistment office, a "Name list for the draft command" was drawn up. In addition to the list of servicemen, it contains the number of the military unit (conditional - "military unit N 1234", or actual - "333 SD") and the address of this unit. (Image of the name list for the team on the SOLDIER In many military registration and enlistment offices "Name lists ..." were destroyed after the expiration of the storage period. They are still kept in some military registration and enlistment offices.

4.2. Search for information in the military registration and enlistment office

4.2.1. If the response from the archive does not indicate the number of the military unit or if there is no information about the serviceman in the archive, then you will have to continue the search at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of conscription. You can send an application to the military registration and enlistment office by mail or appear in person. The latter is, of course, preferable. If the exact address of the military enlistment office is unknown, then on the envelope you can write only the name of the city (without specifying the street and house), and in the "To whom" column write: "District military enlistment office" - the letter will reach. The application must include all known information about the soldier. (Sample application to RVC and postal codes on the SOLDIER

Since registration documents with different names were drawn up for recruits and mobilized, and it is not always known whether the wanted person served in the army before the war, it is recommended in the application to the RVC to ask for copies of both documents: the draft card and the registration card of the conscript.

4.2.2. If the response received from the RVC contains the conditional number of the military unit, then you need to determine the number is valid. ("Directory of conventional names of military units (institutions) in 1939 - 1943" and "Directory of military units - field posts of the Red Army in 1943-1945" on the site

4.2.3. It should be recalled that the archives of the military registration and enlistment offices located in the temporarily occupied territories in the western regions and republics of the Soviet Union could have been lost.

4.2.4. Finding information about the personnel and direction of marching companies and battalions is very difficult, because in the process of moving to the front line, the marching units could be redirected to transit points (PP) located along the route, or re-staffed in reserve rifle regiments and brigades of armies and fronts. The marching companies that arrived in the combat unit were sometimes, due to circumstances, immediately put into battle without proper enrollment in the unit's staff.

4.3. Spare parts and military units of the local formation

4.3.1. If there is no way to find out at the conscription office where the conscript was sent, then continuation of the search should be carried out in the funds spare and training units stationed at that time near the settlement of conscription. Usually they were sent to train conscripts who had not previously served. Further information retrieval should be done in the documents of these parts. in TsAMO... (Directory "Dislocation of spare and training parts" on the site

Thanks for the answers, especially about the decryption of orders.

Yes, Pavlushkina later became a captain - this is her post-war title. Then she just graduated from the Military Medical Academy in Leningrad, if not confused. The wedding was really, "military field". Otherwise, there are much more questions in this story than answers - there are almost no witnesses who would have seen the battle with the 1st gun and the death of all. The documentary base is small - it's a pity that at one time our predecessors paid very little attention to the detailed collection of testimonies. That the reasons for the death of the sailors is a difficult topic: in the photographs where the sailors are seen quite well (these are the pictures that are not on the Internet, I watched them in the archive of a private collector) there is definitely no barbed wire, they were not tied to the trunk. The tarpaulin disguise above them did not burn, but the bodies really burnedhalf lying down. The fire was small, judging by the burned-out boards, from the strength of 2 m2, but very strong - in the hearth, the head of one of the victims burned out until it was indistinguishable, and the hands burned out, while the chest and stomach were scorched, and below the waist the trousers did not burn at all. Two more were burned to the waist, and apparently were still crawling about a meter after the burns. One was completely burned, only the boots remained. Three initially lay, apparently - together, in a row, under the barrel of the gun. One stood on his feet until death. Total - 4 people. One of them died, apparently - with a rifle in his hands, two dropped their rifles when they were fatally injured, central (whose head is burnt out) maybe already dead. The nurse was not tormented, as according to legend. She died, possibly with a weapon in her hands.

Why the sailors were lying under the cannon and the nature of the injuries: there are many assumptions, including that the Nazis attacked the cannon from the mountain and from the field, preventing the sailors from evacuating from the artillery yard (in fact, the room around the gun ~ 20 m2 area, 1 m deep, lined with wood)... To hide from shelling from the mountain, the wounded crawled under the cover of the armored tower. Further, the Nazis could bypass the cannon from the field and throw an incendiary mixture in a bottle at the sailors or use a flamethrower (but at the same time, the Germans would have to stand in full height in front of the lying, but armed sailors, in order to put the flame into the artillery yard).Whose crew died - Smagliya or Shvaiko (which remained until the arrival of Smagliya),- alas, it is not yet clear. There were only "two" witnesses of that battle alive. On the one hand, there are two Red Navy men from the Smaglia group. With him they went to Voronya Gora, saw a mortal battle, saw Smagliy hitting tanks with a cannon, saw how they were surrounded by the Nazis, but they were wounded (there was a brutal bombardment and shelling) and they withdrew from the battle - they went back. This is indirectly confirmed by the reconnaissance group of the 2nd gun. On the other hand, there is also a certain female doctor comfrey (I don't write my name, because people are real)operating near battery "A". This woman in the 60s, after the first talks in the media about Aurora appeared, appeared in Leningrad and at private meetings with fellow soldiers of the battery and some military officials, among other things, said that Smagliya was actually taken prisoner along with her and the others. sailors. In the camp, she allegedly saw him, what happened later is not known. The woman had in her hands the documents of the wounded battalion commander, which she had kept for 20 years, and photographs of the commander Skoromnikov. She handed them over to the TsVMM in Leningrad. From her testimony, one thing is strange - she never mentions the fierce battle on the mountain, which the Red Navy saws. Allegedly, all the sailors were taken prisoner in the dugout, and that's all. During the occupation, she herself lived in Duderhof, as she said - not bad. When Duderhof was released (heroic battle for Voronya Gora in January 1944, the poem by M. Dudin is dedicated to him)- this woman with the Germans and local Finns was evacuated to Estonia, where she met the Victory. Later she was not repressed, she worked as the head physician in the provinces of the central part of the USSR. After her statements in the 60s, apparently, she was well "tested", but not touched, and she lived out her life in peace. But the "secret legacy" remained a noble one, which is well known behind the scenes, with which one has to deal, since there are some indirect similar indications other persons.

From various documents of the "N" parties it follows that behind the "not very high military backstage" they knew about all this from about 1965, but the case was not given a move due to the already created politically verified version. Now I work with the origins. The legend "about the barbed wire" was known among the locals already in the fall of 1941. Subsequently, they started talking about it only in the 60s, when the war correspondent Grishinsky K.K. one of his cadets told the version about the death of Smagli, which he heard in Duderhof. Grishchinsky found most of the surviving batteries in two years - it's true, they are all documented and verified. Incl. he found Pavlushkina and wrote the first story. I found Grishchinsky's scanty notes - he worked fairly honestly, apparently, and did not try to lie. But he was the first to mention the execution by burning in the media, relying only on a letter from the witness of the execution, Alexandra M., who at that time lived in Poland. As for the rest, with the exception of the testimony of his cadet, he has no exact evidence. Alexandra herself, when analyzing her letter and her other testimonies, writes everything the wordslocal residents. Pavlushkina, in Grishchinsky's article - she allegedly also already knew about such a death of Alexei.

Your own book of memories (there is the whole war, 2 volumes, not just a battery) She wanted to publish Pavlushkina in 1980, but the manuscript lay in Lenizdat until perestroika, then it was completely wrapped up. But in the same 1980, the book "The High Fate of Aurora" by M.Yu. Chernov was published, where in the chapter "Oranienbaum-Crow Mountain" there appeared a final, "politically verified" version, based largely on the first work of Grishchinsky and Pavlushkina's own memoirs ... The fate of Antoina Grigorievna herself is actually difficult (I read not only her memoirs, but also some personal archives) - since 1963, she has been trying to punch through the memorial to the Aurovites, but over and over again it was "wrapped" for various reasons. Finally, in 1984, she was able to obtain the right to the construction site, found an architect (Levenkov A.D., author of memorials on the Road of Life) and volunteers / sponsors. During the construction, volunteers (military, cadets, pioneers, Komsomol members, athletes, tourists, sympathizers) hand-processed 9,000 tons of rocky soil during the year, while planning only one memorial to the Auroraites. The reports on the construction are colossal - almost 2,500 people went to work during these months. Everything was built on a voluntary basis from March to September 1984. In general, a 15-kilometer memorial complex was supposed to be built in the places of all the guns, all projects were approved, but it did not work out. Against Palushkina in 1986-1989. known-unknown persons launched a behind-the-scenes campaign, using "alternative" versions of Smagliy's death, with the involvement of the media, and the extradition of Pavlushkina as a liar. As a result of the persecution, she retired, and could not complete what she had begun (all her assistants simply curtailed the construction site, completing only what the social obligations were taken for). It is not worth talking about the "campaign" in detail, since it is "dirty laundry" and disgusting, and people are still alive. One pity - because of all this squabbling memory Heroes remained not fully immortalized. But to this day there are beds in the fields, there are .. one was plundered for scrap 2 years ago. Below the bed of the 6th gun under the mountain Kirchhoff, in the summer he was clearing it with those who were not indifferent from the garbage - just in the year of the 75th anniversary of the death of the battery, someone filled up the bed with rotten hay and logs - he actually defiled it. Then I ordered and hung a porcelain plaque on it. Then I finished painting Stanina, this is an unfinished work. Figures paint about the number of victims are controversial, in fact. These are "official data" from the multi-year version, and according to the documents of the artillery division, about 90 people left the battle from the battery "A". But all the same, the losses are large - initially the battery had about 150 people. Many died in almost continuous air strikes and battery shelling on September 9-11, 1941 and earlier. Well, during the assault on the battery by the Nazis. It was a terrible battle - but people fought to the death in it for their homeland. At the end - a photograph of probably the last still living commander of battery "A" - A.I.Dotsenko. He died on January 13, 2014 in Sevastopol.

I wrote an article on Wikipedia, filled it out from the work of my friends, and my own. But there everything is basically built on a politically verified version, and it would have been cleaned out in a streamlined way, like a legend. Yes, and to write about the battery "A" publicly, it is objectively very difficult, so as not to slander the Heroes, and not to make an unforgivable mistake. P.E. This is mainly work in a narrow circle for more than one year, with a careful collection of materials.

P.S. Based on the reports of the division commander, the fate of battery "B" was no less cruel and tragic (batteries "A" and "B" were part of the same artillery battalion), but very little information has been preserved about it.


Job by search and burial remains sovietwarriors in... establishednames... This volume includes the names 1976 warriors... The whole list ... bymedallion M.D. Komissarova). Born: 1908. Archive: TsAMO, 13th SD fund, inventory 2, lists irrevocablelosses. Found ...

  • Document

    ... reports by first letters name ... burial ... irrevocablelossessoviet ... by establishing sovietwarrior ...

  • Secret wars of the soviet union the first complete encyclopedia alexander okorokov


    ... reports the pseudonym "Vitmar" was used in Moscow - by first letters name ... burial ... irrevocablelossessoviet ... by restoring public order and establishing normal life in the country. To keep honor and dignity high sovietwarrior ...

  • Mikhail valerievich cherepanov why is the valley of death alive for the 25th anniversary of the campaigns of the "snow landing" in the meat forest (15 9 1981 - 15 9 2006)


    ... burial remains warrior... The time has come to establish a regular newsletter names and destinies warriors, established ... soviet soldier. Every fifth, certain byfound here medallions ... data on losses... Into the book irrevocablelosses fit in all ...

  • The editorial board of the series of collections of documents "The Great Patriotic War 1941 -1945


    The missing are recorded in listirrevocablelosses, parts with reportby team. By expiration of 45 days ... aside burial killed on the battlefield. Installed medication freshening standards ...


    Decades later, it became possible to open another page in the history of the battles for the capture of Kholm with the participation of soldiers of individual tank battalions.

    The story that I want to tell the readers began in the summer of 2011, when a group of American, Canadian, Australian and European scientists visited our museum. Among them was the Australian writer Jason Mark. After that visit, he published Besieged: Epic Battle for Cholm in Sydney. The book is in English. Its name can be translated as "Siege: Epic Battle of the Hill". A thick volume, the content does not go beyond the scope of similar publications in the West. The author writes with admiration about "the outstanding feat of the Scherer battle group as one of the most famous military achievements of Germany during the Second World War ..." From this position, the new book does not carry anything new, but it includes 328 military photographs, 22 maps and sketches, 22 aerial photographs, which are invaluable documents for historians and local historians. The only copy of this edition signed by Jason Mark is kept in our museum. When the photographs taken from the book were posted on the Internet with the permission of the museum staff, they were seen by Mikhail Korotkov, a local historian from Marev. Fascinated by the search for the names of soldiers who died in battles in the neighboring region, he collected archival material on the combat losses of 170 and 146 separate tank battalions participating in the Toropetsko-Kholmsk offensive operation and operating in Molvotitsy and Kholm. In particular, he was interested in the description of the unsuccessful tank attack on Kholm, undertaken on April 16, 1942, and the photographs of the wounded in the book. soviet tanks KV-1 and T-60.

    I must note that the actions of the tankers of the 146th separate tank battalion remain a blank spot for us. Apart from the fact that it existed as part of the North-Western Front in 1942-1943, I could not find out any other information. There is nothing about tank battalions in our museum. Little information was found on the Internet about the 170 separate tank battalion. In January 1942, he was included in the Third Shock Army of the North-Western Front. The battalion was armed with 4 KB heavy tanks, 18 T-60 light tanks and 13 British MK II Matilda infantry tanks. From February 15 to February 20, 1942, in the operation to capture the village of Molvotitsy and the city of Kholm, the battalion destroyed 5 anti-tank guns, 1 armored vehicle, 12 ATRs, 4 light machine guns, 12 mortars, 20 vehicles and up to two infantry companies. In total, the battalion lost 8 MK. II (4 of them were blown up by mines) and 4 T-60.

    Judging by the lists of losses of 170 separate tank battalions from February 18 to March 9, 1942, 26 tankers were killed in the battles for the village of Myshkino and the town of Holm in Marev. Among them is the battalion commander, Major Viktor Gavrilov. In the battles for our city, five soldiers of the battalion were killed. These are the platoon commander Junior Lieutenant Georgy Tretyakov (buried in the village of Borisovo), the driver-mechanic Junior Sergeant Sergei Matishchev and the radio operator Private Arkhip Bastrygin (buried in the village of Zalesye), the radio operator Private Vasily Makeev (buried in the village of Losinaya Golova). The lists of irrecoverable losses of the 146th separate tank battalion include four who died in the battles for Kholm in January 1942. These are the commanders of the T-60 tanks, Sergeant Major Mikhail Popov, Senior Sergeant Vasily Stepanov, who are buried in the city of Kholm, and Sergeant Mikhail Kozhevnikov, buried in the forest 1.5 km northeast of the village of Sopki, as well as the driver of the T-60 tank Junior Sergeant Nikolai Osipov, buried in Kholm.

    April 1942

    The list of losses of the 170 separate tank battalion includes four people. The driver-mechanic senior sergeant Nikolai Kulemin and the turret gunner sergeant Aleksey Sharov burned down in a wrecked tank on April 12 in Kholm, and the driver-mechanic sergeant Pavel Tkachev died on April 18 and was buried in the forest 5 kilometers east of Kholm. On the same day, the orderly, Private Vasily Zakutaev, was buried in Kholm.

    Jason Mark's book describes an attack by eight Soviet tanks on german positions in the Hill. Among the tanks knocked out that day was the heavy KV 146 of a separate tank battalion with a crew consisting of company commander Senior Lieutenant Pyotr Nedoshivin, senior driver-mechanic Sergeant Major Vasily Lyubimov, junior driver-mechanic Sergeant Major Timofei Kolchenko, radio telegraph operator senior sergeant Mikhail Rankov, gun commander Stepan Schemerev. The dead crew remained in a tank on the battlefield in enemy territory.

    In the winter of 1943

    In the lists of losses of the 170 separate tank battalion for February-March 1943, there are six who died in the battles for Kholm. Deputy company commander Senior Lieutenant Iosif Melikhov, tank commander Lieutenant Pyotr Logvinov, tower commanders senior sergeants Philip Rodchenko and Pyotr Gladkikh, radiotelegraph operator senior sergeant Pyotr Kuznetsov were killed in one battle on February 26, 1943 and were buried in the village of Osetishche. The tank commander, Lieutenant Nikolai Melnikov, died of his wounds in the village of Bolshoye Vasilyovo on February 28, 1943. The radiotelegraph operator, corporal Nikolai Sidorenko, was killed in the village of Nakhod.

    Anatoly PIMANOV

    Photo from the book "Siege: The Epic Battle of the Hill" by Jason Mark

    In the pictures:


    Ryabtsev Mikhail Nikitovich, b.

    • Place of Birth - . Date and recruiting office -. Place of service -. Military rank - Ensign. Reason for retirement -. Retirement date -. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from the order on exclusion from the lists" Fund No. 33 Inventory No. 737308 Case No. 2. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Nikitovich, Born in 1916

    • Place of birth - Gomel region, Terekhovsky district, village Markovichi (wife - Ryabtseva Varvara Yakovlevna). Date and military enlistment office - 1939 Terekhovsky RVK, Gomel region. Place of service -. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - missing. Retirement date -. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying losses" fund no. 58 inventory no. 977520 case no. 308 (Terekhovsky RVK, 1947). (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Nikolaevich, Born in 1903

    • Place of birth - Dnepropetrovsk (wife - Anastasia Vasilievna, lived: Dnepropetrovsk, Korolenko st., 2, apt. 18). Date and recruiting office - Kirov Regional Military Commissariat, Dnepropetrovsk. Place of service - 31 st. Military rank - Red Army. The reason for leaving is killed. Date of disposal - 01.24.1944. Place of disposal -. Burial place - Kirovograd region, Kamensky district, Balandino village. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" fund no. 58 inventory no. 18002 case no. 253. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Nikolaevich (Nikitich), Born in 1915

    • Place of birth - (mother - Ryabtseva Pelageya Sergeevna, lived: Ulyanovsk region, Nikolaevsky district, village Elshanka). Date and recruiting office -. Place of service - 16 app. cn. Military rank - junior lieutenant, platoon commander. Reason for leaving - missing. Retirement date -. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from the order on exclusion from the lists" Fund No. 33 Inventory No. 563785 Case No. 4. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Pavlovich

    • Place of birth - Lyubimoye village, Sverdlovsk City Council, Lugansk region. Date and recruiting office - 1941 Rivne district of Lugansk region. The military rank is senior sergeant. Reason for leaving - died. Date of disposal - September 1943. Source- "Memory Book of Ukraine. Lugansk region" (14 volumes, Lugansk, 1994) v.10

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Pavlovich, Born in 1909

    • Place of birth - Kozulsky district. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died in battle. The date of disposal is 12/26/1943. Place of departure - Belarus, Vitebsk region, Vitebsk district, 1.5 km northeast of the village of Tulovo. Source - "Book of Memory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory" (8 volumes, Krasnoyarsk Book Publishing House, 1994) v.4 p. 449 (Kozulskiy district).
    • Place of birth - Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kozulsky district, Shadrinsky s / s, Polkanovka village (wife - Ryabtsova Maria Yegorovna). Date and recruiting office - Kazul RVK. Place of service - 23 Guards Department of the brigade. Military rank - private. The reason for leaving is killed. The date of disposal is 12/26/1943. Place of disposal -. Burial place - 1.5 km north-east village Tulovo, Vitebsk district, Vitebsk region Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" Fund No. 58 Inventory No. 18002 Case No. 52. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Pavlovich, Born in 1911

    • Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - missing. Date of disposal - December 1943. Source - "Book of Memory of the Rostov Region" (16 volumes, Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Book Publishing House, 1991) v. 7 p. 461 (Morozovsky District), Archive of VK Morozovsky District - no information available.
    • Place of birth - Rostov region, Selivanovsky district, Rossoshansky s / s, kh.Skobelev (mother - Ryabtseva Maria Zakharovna, lived: Rostov region, Morozovsk, Naberezhnaya st., 30-A). Date and military enlistment office - 07/02/1941 Rovenkovskiy RVK, Voroshilovgrad region. Place of service -. Military rank - private. The reason for leaving was missing (written communication was terminated on 24.06.1943). Retirement date -. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying the losses" fund No. 58 inventory No. 977522 case No. 528 (Rostov OVK, 1949). (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Pavlovich, Born in 1916

    • Place of birth - Zarechensky village council, st.Akademicheskaya. Date and recruiting office-1941. The military rank is sergeant. Reason for leaving - died in battle. Date of disposal - August 1944. Place of disposal - Poland. Source - "Book of Memory of the Tver Region" (, "Book of Memory of the Tver Region" (10 volumes, publishing house "Tverskiye Vedomosti", 1994) v. 7 p. 455 (Vyshnevolochek District), MIPTs "Fatherland "(
    • Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died in battle. Date of disposal - 08/20/1944. Place of departure - Poland. Burial place - Rzeszow Voivodeship, Mielec, Volnosty Street. Source - APN "List of Soviet Buried in Poland", MIPTs "Fatherland" (
    • Place of birth - Vologda region. The military rank is sergeant. Reason for leaving - died in battle. Date of disposal - 08/20/1944. Place of departure - Poland. The burial place is the village of Ruda in the area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Radomyshl-Wielki. Source - TsAMO "List of Soviet buried in Poland" (file 8 sheet 219), MIPC "Fatherland" (
    • Place of birth - (wife - Nedyakina Anna Yakovlevna, lived: MASSR, Elnikovsky district). Date and recruiting office - 06/23/1941 Kandalashkim RVC. Place of service -. Military rank - Red Army. Reason for leaving - missing. Retirement date -. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying losses" fund No. 58 inventory No. 977520 case No. 721 (Razinsky RVK, Gorky region, 1947). (
    • Place of birth - Vologda region., Kharovsky glass factory "Zarya" (mother - Anosova Vera Ivanovna, lived: Kalinin region, Vyshne-Volochsky district, Kolomensky s / s, Borisov glass factory). Date and military enlistment office - 06.1941 Kandalaksha RVK, Murmansk region. Place of service - 3rd Guards MSbr. Military rank - guard sergeant. The reason for leaving is killed. Date of disposal - 08/20/1944. Place of disposal -. Burial place - Poland, Radoml Wielki, south. Ruda village 1 km near the road. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" fund no. 58 inventory no. 18002 case no. 862. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Pavlovich, Born in 1917 cm. Ryabtsov Mikhail Pavlovich, born in 1917

    • Place of birth - Kazulsky district, station Chernorechenskaya. Place of service - 243 rd 906 b. Military rank - junior sergeant, machine gunner. Reason for leaving - died in battle. Date of disposal - 02/08/1943. Burial place - Lugansk region, Krasnodonsky district, Novosvetlovka urban-type settlement (Ukraine, Lugansk region, N.-Swelovka village). Source - "Book of Memory of Ukraine. Lugansk region" (14 volumes, Lugansk, 1994) volume 16, "Book of Memory of Krasnoyarsk region" (8 volumes, Krasnoyarsk book publishing house, 1994) volume 1 page 351 ( Oktyabrsky district, Railway district Krasnoyarsk)
    • Place of birth - (relatives lived: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kozulsky district, Glushkovsky s / s, Borisovka village). Date and recruiting office - Kazul Regional Military Commissariat of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Place of service - 264 RD. Military rank - Red Army. Reason for leaving - missing. Date of disposal - 09/05/1942. Place of disposal -? Village Ozhnaevo, Ulyanovsk district, Oryol region. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" Fund No. 58 inventory No. 818883 case No. 382. (
    • Place of birth - the village of Gryaznushka, Kozulsky District, Krasnoyarsk Territory (sister - Ryabtseva Ekaterina Pavlovna). Date and military enlistment office - 1942 Krasnoyarsk GVK Krasnoyarsk. Place of service -. The military rank is soldier. Reason for retirement - disappeared (written communication ceased in December 1943). Date of disposal - 02/08/1943. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying losses" fund No. 58 inventory No. 977520 case No. 381. (
    • Place of birth - (father - Sudich Sidor Nikolaevich, lived - Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kozulsky district, Glushkovsky s / s, Borisovka village). Date and recruiting office - Kazul RVK. Place of service - 264 RD. Military rank - Red Army. Reason for leaving - missing. Date of disposal - 09/05/1942. Place of disposal - near the village of Ozhigovo, Oryol Region. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" fund No. 58 inventory No. 818883 case No. 382. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Pavlovich, Born in 1920

    • Place of birth - (the family lived - Sumy region, Shalyginsky district, Sosnovka village). Date and recruiting office - Shalyginsky RVK. Place of service - 6 osbmp. Military rank - Red Navy, gunner. Reason for leaving - missing. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" Fund No. 58 inventory No. 818883 case No. 1133. (
    • Place of birth - Sumy region, Shalyginsky district, Sosnovka village (father - P.I. Ryabtsev). Date and recruiting office - Shalyginsky RVK. Place of service - 6th Special Forces, barrage company. Military rank - Red Navy, gunner. Reason for leaving - missing. Date of disposal - 11.1941. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Card index of irrecoverable losses" TsVMA, "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" TsVMA fund No. 864 inventory No. 1 case No. 119 and No. 1357. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Pavlovich, Born in 1922

    • Place of birth - Yaroslavl region, Pereyaslavl-Zalesky. Date and recruiting office - Boyarsky RVK of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The title is private. Reason for leaving - died. Date of disposal - 08/22/1942. Source - "Book of Memory of the Nizhny Novgorod Region" (16 volumes, Nizhny Novgorod, State Printing Enterprise "Nizhpoligraf", 1994) v.4 p.688

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Panteleevich, Born in 1924

    • Date and recruiting office - Asinovskiy RVK. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died in battle. Date of disposal - 03/10/1943. Place of departure - Smolensk region, village of Lyady. Source - "Book of Memory of the Tomsk Region" (8 volumes, Tomsk, 1994) v. 3 p. 405
    • Place of birth - Tengushevsky district, Staraya Kacheevka village. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died in battle. Date of disposal - March 1943. Place of burial - Smolensk region., Gagarinsky district, village Stolpische. Source - "Book of Memory of Mordovia" (6 volumes, Saransk, Mordovskoe book publishing house, 1994) v. 8 p. 403 (Tengushevsky district)
    • Place of birth - Mordovian region, Tengushevsky district, village Kapneevka (father - Ryabtsev Panteley Mikhailovich). Date and recruiting office - Tengushevsky RVK. Place of service - 153 OSBR. Military rank - Red Army. The reason for leaving is killed. Date of disposal - 03/10/1943. Place of disposal -. Burial place - Smolensk region., Gzhatsky district, village Stolpische. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" Fund No. 58 Inventory No. 18001 Case No. 824. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Parfenovich, Born in 1903

    • Place of birth - Mogilev region, Chaussky district, village Novoselki (wife - Ryabtseva Makritsa Yakovlevna, lived: Pinsk region, Gantsevichy district, village Loktysh). Date and military enlistment office - 07.1941 Chaussky RVK. Place of service -. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - missing. Retirement date -. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying losses" fund no. 58 inventory no. 977523 case no. 27 and no. 211 (Gantsevichi RVK, Pinsk region, 1950). (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Parfentievich (Parfirevich), Born in 1919 (1920)

    • Place of birth - Kursk region, Oktyabrsky district, Maltsevo village. Date and recruiting office - October RVK, Kursk region. The military rank is sergeant. Reason for leaving - died of wounds. Date of disposal - 05/03/1942 (05/02/1942). Place of disposal - REP 34. Place of burial - Lugansk. Source- "Book of Memory of Ukraine. Lugansk region" (14 volumes, Lugansk, 1994) v.16, "Book of Memory of the Kursk region" (15 volumes, "Kurskinformpechat", 1993), v.5
    • Place of birth - Kursk region, Leninsky district, Maltsevo village (mother - Ryabtseva Anna Matveevna). Date and recruiting office - Leninsky RVK. Place of service - 17 div. Military rank - sergeant, scout platoon commander. Reason for leaving - he died of wounds (shrapnel laceration wound of the right forearm, amputation of the right shoulder). Date of disposal - 05/02/1942. Place of disposal - EP-34. Burial place - Voroshilovgrad. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" fund No. 58 inventory No. 818883 case No. 52 and No. 1038. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Petrovich, b.

    • Place of birth - Dnepropetrovsk region, Pokrovsky district, Pokrovskoe village. Date and recruiting office -. Place of service - military unit 2559. Military rank - Red Army. Reason for leaving - died of wounds. Retirement date -. Place of disposal -. Burial place - Crimean ASSR, Ak-Monay village. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying losses" fund no. 58 inventory no. 18001 case no. 393. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Petrovich

    • Military rank - Red Army. Reason for retirement - died Date of retirement - 03/09/1942. Source - "Book of Memory of the Samara region" (21 volumes, Samara, 1993) v.10 p. 235 (Krasnoyarsk district)

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Petrovich, Born in 1916

    • Place of birth - (wife - Ryabtseva Anna Andreevna, lived: Kolyvan district, state farm GLO). Date and recruiting office - 1941 Kolyvan RVK. Place of service -. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - missing. Retirement date -. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying the losses" fund no. 58 inventory no. 977520 case no. 816 (Kolyvansky RVK, 1947). (
    • Place of birth - Novosibirsk region, Kolyvansky district, Vyuny village. Date and recruiting office - Kolyvan RVK, Novosibirsk region. The title is private. Reason for leaving - died in battle. Date of disposal - 08/31/1942. Burial place - Novgorod region., Parfinsky district, Dubovitsy village. Source - "Book of Memory of the Novosibirsk Region" (15 volumes, Novosibirsk Book Publishing House, 1996) v. 10 p. 105
    • Place of birth - Novosibirsk region. (wife - Ryabtseva Anna Andreevna, lived in Novosibirsk region, Kolyvansky district, Vyonsky molar meat. farm №210, farm №2). Date and recruiting office - Kirov Regional Military Commissariat, Novosibirsk region. Place of service - 28 Guards SD 86 Guards SP. Military rank - Red Army. The reason for leaving is killed. Date of disposal - 08/31/1942. Place of disposal - Dubovitsy village. The burial place is in the district of the village of Dubovitsy. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" fund No. 58 inventory No. 818883 case No. 317. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail PetrovichBorn 03.11.1917

    • Place of birth - Zarechnoye, Minsk region. (Ryabtseva Lukerya, lived in Minsk region, Starodorozhsky district, village Zarechnoye). Place of service - 33 joint ventures. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - he died in captivity. Date of departure - 09.12.1941 (captured on 26.06.1941 in the Brest region). Drop off - Camp Stalag X D (310). Burial place - Neuengamme. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information about prisoners of war" fund no. 58 inventory no. 977521 case no. 1575. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Polikarpovich, 04.01.1922

    • Place of birth - (Chernihiv region, Novgorod district). Reason for leaving - he died in captivity. Retirement date - 12.10. ... Burial place - Vola. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information about prisoners of war" fund No. 58 inventory No. 977520 case No. 2822. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Prokhorovich, Born in 1911

    • Place of birth - Poperechnoye village Date and military enlistment office - 1941. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died in battle Date of departure - 1944. Source - "Book of Memory of the Altai Territory" (9 volumes, Barnaul, Altai Book Publishing House) v.2 p. 648 (Kamensky district)

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Safronovich (Sofronovich), Born in 1916

    • Place of birth - Altai Territory (now Novosibirsk Region), Krasnozersky District, Kolybelka village. Date and recruiting office - 01/14/1942 Berdsky RVK. Place of service - 235 rd 732 bd. Military rank - private, scout. Reason for leaving - died in battle. Date of disposal - 02.24.1943 (02.21.1942). Burial place - Novgorod region, Parfinsky district, village Olgino. Source - "Book of Memory of Bertsk" (, "Book of Memory of Novosibirsk Region" (15 volumes, Novosibirsk Book Publishing House, 1996) v.10 p.105
    • Place of birth - Altai Territory, Krasnoshchekovsky district, Kalybelka village (father - Ryabtsev Safron Petrovich). Date and recruiting office - Berdsky RVK. Place of service - 235 RD. Military rank - Red Army. The reason for leaving is killed. Date of disposal - 02.24.1943. Place of disposal -. Burial place - Zaluchensky district, south-west. d.Olgino. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" fund no. 58 inventory no. 18001 case no. 262. ( Ryabtsev Mikhail Sofronovich, Born in 1916
    • Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died. Date of disposal - 02.24.1943. Burial place - Novgorod region., Starorussky district, village Marfino (reburied from village Olgino). Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information from the lists of burials" (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Safronovich, Born in 1916

    • Place of birth - S. N. Baganenok, Veselovsky district, Novosibirsk region. (mother - Ryabtseva Anna Efimovna). Date and recruiting office - 01/14/1942 Krasnozersky RVK. Place of service - 732 joint ventures. Military rank - Red Army. The reason for leaving is killed. Date of disposal - 02/19/1943. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying the losses" fund no. 58 inventory no. 18004 case no. 664 (Veselovsky RVK, 1946). (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Semenovich, b.

    • Place of birth - (wife - Ryabtseva Elena Nikolaevna, lived: Stalingrad region, Krasnoarmeisky district). Date and recruiting office -. Place of service - pp. 06628. Military rank - captain. The reason for leaving is killed. The date of disposal is 12/15/1943. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from the order on de-listing" fund No. 33 inventory No. 563783 case No. 9, "Information from documents clarifying losses" fund No. 33 inventory No. 594258 case No. 9. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Semenovich, Born in 1914 cm. Ryabtsov Mikhail Semenovich, born in 1917

    • Place of birth - Tsulunidze, village of Santrediya, tea-state farm (wife - Ryabtseva Anastasia Petrovna). Date and recruiting office - Tsulunidze RVK. Place of service - 1st Ukrainian Front, 6th Guards. MSBR 455 Guards. motorized rifleman. baht. Military rank - sergeant, squad leader. Reason for retirement - killed Date of retirement - 11/18/1943. Burial place - Zhytomyr region, Brusilovskiy district, Kocherovo village, north of 700 m. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about dead soldiers", "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" Fund No. 58 inventory No. 18001 case No. 1255 ... (www.

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Semenovich, Born in 1918

    • Place of birth - Kaygorodok village. Date and recruiting office - 05/17/1942 Sysolsky RVK. Place of service - 493 bd. Military rank - senior lieutenant. Reason for leaving - died in battle. Date of disposal - 01/31/1945. Place of departure - Poland. Source - "Book of Memory of Komi" (10 volumes, Syktyvkar, Komi Book Publishing House, 1993) v.1 p. 447 (Kaigorodsky district).
    • Place of birth - Stalingrad region, Novonikolaevsky district, Kh.Dvoinovsky (wife - Ryabtseva Ekaterina Pavlovna, lived: Komi ASSR, Sysalsky district, Kaigorod, base). Date and military enlistment office - 1942 Sysolsky RVK Komi ASSR. Place of service - 148 RD 496 RV. Military rank - lieutenant. The reason for leaving is killed. Date of disposal - 01/31/1945. Place of disposal -. Burial place - east. env. Kleshchev, Pshinsky district, Kotovitsky voivodeship. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents on the dead soldiers" "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" fund No. 33 inventory No. 11458 case No. 810, "Information from the order on de-listing" Fund No. 33 inventory No. 11458 case No. 650. (
    • Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died in battle. Date of disposal - 01/31/1945. Place of departure - Poland. Burial place - Katowice Voivodeship, Pshina, Karol Szymanskogo street (castle park). Source - APN "List of Soviet Buried in Poland", MIPTs "Fatherland" (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Semenovich, Born in 1918

    • Place of birth - the village of Veremeyki. Reason for leaving - missing. Source - "Pamyats. Magileuskaya voblasts" (21 volumes, Minsk, "Higher school", 2000), v. 14, p. 517 (Cherikovsky district)
    • Place of birth - Belarusian SSR, Mogilev region, Krichevsky district, village Tankov (sister - Semenkova Anna Mar., lived: Mogilev region, Cherikovsky district, village Veremeyki). Date and recruiting office - Krichevsky RVK. Place of service - KBF. Military rank - Red Navy. Reason for leaving - died. Date of disposal - August 1941. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from the card index" TsVMA. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Semenovich, Born in 1924

    • Place of birth - Lipetsk region., Eletsky district, village of Kazaki. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died. Date of disposal - May 1942. Source- "Memory Book of the Lipetsk Region" (4 volumes, Lipetsk, 1995) v.3
    • Place of birth - Oryol region, Yeletsky district, 2 Cossack village council (mother - Matryona Ivanovna Ryabtseva, lived in Oryol region, Yeletsky district, 2nd Cossack village council, Glastkova street). Date and recruiting office - Yelets RVK. Place of service - 132 RD 425 artillery regiment. Military rank - scout. Reason for leaving - killed by a shrapnel from a mine explosion. Date of disposal - 05/10/1942. The burial place is on the square next to the mass grave of the village Trudy Teryaev Berezovsky s / s Pokrovsky district, Oryol region. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" fund No. 58 inventory No. 818883 case No. 1145. (
    • Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died. Date of disposal - 05/10/1942. Burial place - Oryol region, Pokrovsky district, village Berezovka, Berezovsky s / s, mass grave. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information from the lists of burials" (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Sidorovich, b.

    • Place of Birth - . Date and recruiting office -. Place of service - 109 RD. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died of illness. Date of disposal - 08/28/1944. Place of departure - EG 1385. Burial place - Rostov, Yaroslavl region, city cemetery. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from a medical document" fund number 58 inventory number A-83627 case number 2853. (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Stepanovich, Born in 1913

    • Place of birth - Zaporozhye region., Gulyai pole (wife - Ryabtseva Ekaterina Iosifovna, lived: Gulyai-Pole, 9 January St., 187). Date and military enlistment office - 07/10/1941 Gulyai-Polsky RVK. Place of service -. Military rank - . Reason for leaving - missing. Retirement date -. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying losses" fund number 58 inventory number 977520 case number 317 (Gulyai-Polsky RVK, 1947) and number 1036, fund number 58 inventory number 18004 file number 784 ... (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Stepanovich, Born in 1914

    • Place of birth - Kh. Samoilov. The military rank is senior sergeant. Reason for leaving - died. Date of disposal - August 1943. Place of disposal - Donetsk region, Dmitrievsky district. Source - "Book of Memory of the Krasnodar Territory" (22 volumes, Krasnodar Book Publishing House, 1994) v. 4 p. 289 (Gulnevichsky district)
    • Place of birth - Krasnodar Territory, Kiev district, Samoilovka village (wife - V.Ya. Ryabtseva, lived in Krasnodar Territory, Gulkovsky district, Samoilovo village). Date and recruiting office - Gulkovskiy RVK of Krasnodar Territory. Place of service - 2 Guards. art. div ARGK. Military rank - guard sergeant, commander of the liaison office. The reason for leaving is killed. Date of disposal - 08/01/1943. Burial place - former Krutaya, Dmitrievsky district, Stalin region. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information from the report on irrecoverable losses" fund no. 58 inventory no. 18001 case no. 573. (www.

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Stepanovich, Born in 1922

    • Date and recruiting office - Cheremkhovsky RVK, Irkutsk region. Reason for leaving - died. Date of disposal - 03/29/1943. Source - "Book of Memory of the Irkutsk Region" (10 volumes, East Siberian Book Publishing House, 1990) v.2 p.291
    • Place of birth - Mogilev region, Propoisky district, village Ragi (mother - Ryabtseva Garpina Ivanovna, lived: Irkutsk region, Golumetsky district, V.-Golum. S / s, village Melgutut). Date and military enlistment office - 1941 Cheremkhovsky RVK, Irkutsk region. Place of service -. Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - killed (from a letter from comrades). Date of disposal - 03/29/1942. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying losses" fund no. 58 inventory no. 18004 case no. 504 (Golumetskiy RVK, Irkutsk region, 1946). (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Terent'evich cm. Ryabtsov Mikhail Terentyevich

    • Military rank - private. Reason for leaving - died. The date of disposal is 11/22/1943. Burial place - Belarus, Gomel region, Vetkovsky district, village Prisno (reburied from a place 500 m east of the village of Prisno). Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers", "Information from the lists of burials" (

    Ryabtsev Mikhail Tikhonovich, Born in 1912

    • Place of birth - Krasnodar Territory, Kurganinsky district, Rodnikovka station (mother - Matryona Nikitichna Ryabtseva, lived: Stavropol Territory, Alexandrovsky district, Aleksandrovskaya village, Kalinina street, 198). Date and military enlistment office - 06/28/1941 Ishim RVK Azepbaidan SSR. Place of service -. Military rank - . Reason for retirement - disappeared (written communication ceased in March 1942). Retirement date -. Place of disposal -. Burial place -. Source - TsAMO, "Memorial. Documents about the fallen soldiers" "Information from documents clarifying losses" fund No. 58 inventory No. 977535 case No. 23. (