Schedule oge in Russian. What is OGE

The OGE exams, like the USE, can be retaken in some cases, this procedure is directly provided for by the rules for conducting final certification.

Of course, retaking is possible only in certain cases, listed in the rules, and only on certain dates. Retaking the OGE in 2018 for pupils of grade 9 - in what cases it is possible to retake the OGE, when it is possible to retake the final exams.

The main thing that some ninth-graders are afraid of is that they will not be able to pass all the OGE exams for a positive score, it became known to Ros-Register. Someone is simply too worried, someone is almost sure of failure to pass an already completed exam, waiting for its results. One way or another, but it is with this popular option that you should start.

In Russia, ninth grade graduates are required to pass four exams in order to receive a school leaving certificate. Two of them are Russian and mathematics, which are compulsory for every graduate. Two more exams can be passed in any other subjects, at the choice of the student himself.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that two exams are formally required, in fact all four are required.

A ninth-grade graduate will not be able to get a certificate of education if he does not pass four final exams for at least three. This is how ninth-graders differ from graduates of eleventh grades, for whom, to obtain a school certificate, it is enough to pass only mathematics and Russian. They pass all the rest of the Unified State Exam exclusively for admission to universities.

Retaking the OGE in 2018 will be possible only for those graduates who fail one or two of the four required exams. If a student did not cope with three or even four exams at once, there is nothing to be done - he will have to go to school for another year and prepare for the OGE already in 2019.

So, those 9th grade graduates who in 2018 will not be able to get a satisfactory score for one or two OGE can be admitted to retake.

In addition to this category of schoolchildren, there are several categories of ninth-graders who have the right to retake the OGE on reserve dates. The general meaning in this case boils down to the fact that these are those students who, for valid reasons, could not pass the exams on the main dates. For instance:

  • if the student did not attend the exam for a valid reason, which he can confirm with a document (illness or surgery of the student himself, death of a close relative, etc.),
  • if a student came to the exam, but did not complete it for valid reasons (for example, it became ill with health),
  • if the exam did not take place due to some kind of force majeure (flood, hurricane, etc.),
  • if the student filed an appeal for violation of the examination procedure, and the commission satisfied it.

The main period for passing the OGE in 2018 ends on June 9 with an exam in social studies. It takes a maximum of 10 days to check any of the exams, so by June 19, grade 9 graduates will know the results of all exams passed.

For those who “failed” some of the OGE or did not pass the exams during the main period for good reasons, a retake wave will be organized, which will begin on June 20.

schedule retake the exam in June-July 2018:

  • June 20 - Russian;
  • June 21 - mathematics;
  • June 22 - social studies, biology, informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT), literature;
  • June 23 - foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish);
  • June 25 - history, chemistry, physics, geography;
  • June 28 - all academic subjects;
  • June 29 - all academic subjects.

In September there will be another additional opportunity on the following days:

  • September 4 - Russian;
  • September 7 - mathematics;
  • September 10 - history, biology, physics, geography;
  • September 12 - social studies, chemistry, informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT), literature;
  • September 14 - foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German, Spanish).

In case a graduate needs to retake two exams in September, and they fall on the same day, reserve dates are also planned for the September retake.

For the majority of ninth-graders, an important stage has ended - the passing of the main state exam (OGE). Until July 1, there is a reserve period for the final certification, on these days children who, for whatever reason, could not appear at the OGE point, take exams. This may be a failure to appear due to illness, departure to sporting events, chess tournaments and other competitions.

Also, on reserve days, the guys who have registered for the exams taking place at the same time pass the final certification. The organizers try to define oGE dates for various subjectstaking into account the interests of both children with technical abilities and the humanitarian warehouse. But there are always students who want to take subjects in different directions. For example, physics and literature. Or history and biology, geography and computer science, and these exams are held simultaneously in all regions of Russia. Therefore, they can be taken in reserve terms.

Students who could not pass the main state exam for a positive mark have the opportunity to pass retake in two disciplines during the reserve period. These can be either compulsory subjects or self-selected ones. If "unsatisfactory" is received in three or more subjects, it will be possible to retake them only after September 1.

The attitude towards the organization of the OGE in Russian, mathematics, physics and other disciplines has become more strict. Evaluate examination papers ninth-graders are now not regional bodies, but state independent commissions. This allows you to make the calculation of results more objective, the assessment system is as transparent and independent as possible. The experts do not have the opportunity to find out whose work they are currently checking, this guarantees objectivity, excludes the possibility of influencing the members of the commission.

The examination procedure has undergone many changes. Until 2014, students had to take four compulsory subjects, then the organizers reduced the number of exams to two. This innovation did not have the best effect on general level knowledge of ninth grade graduates because most of the children did not want to take the OGE in additional disciplines. There were no more than ten percent of applicants, so the Ministry of Education again decided to increase the number of state examinations for ninth-graders. Due to the too small number of subjects subject to attestation, there was a significant deficit in student knowledge in many areas.

In 2015, all ninth-graders had to pass only two compulsory subjects and in two academic disciplines chosen to their taste.

The official website of the OGE published confirmation of the changes made. Moreover, experts from the Ministry of Education and Science intend to further increase the number of state exams for ninth grade students. For example, graduates of 2020 will have to undergo state certification in six subjects. The Ministry of Education is going to add one discipline to the list of exams every two years. According to experts, this system will significantly improve the level of knowledge of students and contribute to the rise of Russian school education to a qualitatively new level.

Previously, only the grades for state exams in Russian and mathematics had an impact on the average scores of the certificate. The results obtained at the OGE by choice did not affect the final grade in any way, even if these were unsatisfactory grades. However, now, when calculating the average score, the marks for two additional exams are also taken into account, but the third OGE by choice still does not affect the certificate. Only with positive marks for compulsory disciplines, a student will be able to receive a certificate of completion of the ninth grade.

The examination procedure remains the same. Until 2014, students took 4 compulsory subjects, but then the number was reduced to 2. This innovation had a negative impact on the general level of preparation of schoolchildren, since most of the students refused to take exams in additional subjects, about 10% of those wishing to do so, so the Ministry of Education and Science again decided to increase the number of exams. Due to the small number of disciplines to be taken, there was a significant lack of knowledge among students in certain industries.

In 2015, all ninth-graders had to pass only 2 compulsory subjects and, if they wanted, could pass exams in two more disciplines. But this year the changes will come into force, now schoolchildren will take 4 exams - 2 compulsory and 2 randomly selected.

OGE-2017. Tests for the exam-2017

OGE-2017. Schedule of the OGE 2017




Early period

geography, informatics and ICT

geography, informatics and ICT

russian language

russian language

history, chemistry

history, chemistry

mathematics B, P


foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral)

foreign languages, biology, physics

social studies, literature

social studies, literature

reserve: geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral), history

reserve: geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT, history

reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology

reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P

reserve: Russian language, mathematics



foreign languages

foreign languages

literature, history, biology, physics

russian language

russian language

informatics and ICT, social studies, chemistry, geography

reserve: foreign language

reserve: foreign language

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: literature, history, biology, physics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: informatics and ICT, social science, chemistry, geography

The main stage




foreign languages

foreign languages

foreign languages

foreign languages

geography, informatics and ICT

geography, informatics and ICT

russian language

russian language

mathematics B

mathematics B

history, biology, physics, literature

mathematics P

physics, informatics and ICT

physics, informatics and ICT

social Studies

social Studies



physics, literature

physics, literature

social studies, geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT

russian language

russian language

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral)

foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral)

chemistry, history

chemistry, history

reserve: informatics and ICT, history, biology, literature

reserve: geography, informatics and ICT

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: literature, chemistry, physics, social science

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: biology, history of foreign languages

reserve: mathematics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: social science, geography, physics, chemistry

reserve: mathematics B, mathematics P

reserve: mathematics

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

Additional period (September dates)




russian language

russian language

russian language

russian language

mathematics B




literature, history, biology, physics

literature, history, biology, physics

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, geography

foreign languages

foreign languages

reserve: mathematics B, Russian

reserve: mathematics, Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: geography, history, biology, physics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: mathematics

reserve: informatics and ICT, social science, chemistry, literature

reserve: foreign languages

reserve: foreign languages

  • athletes: going to training camps, competitions, parades, candidates for the national teams of the Russian Federation;
  • participants in international school Olympiads, contests and competitions;
  • students directed to treatment and preventive measures;
  • graduates of schools abroad or going abroad to continue their studies.

In additional terms, but no later than the beginning of the next academic year, they can take:

  • graduates who missed OGE 2017 for a good reason;
  • studying abroad;
  • received an unsatisfactory rating.

OGE-2017. How do the results of the OGE affect the school certificate?

Estimates for OGE 2017 they do not go directly to the certificate, but they affect it. Moreover, if earlier this was true only for the main subjects - the Russian language and mathematics - then with 2017 years will also affect the grades in the certificate OGE optionally.

How this will be done is not yet known exactly. Judging by the latest edition of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing certificates, for the final grades in the Russian language and mathematics, the rule is true: grade for the year X grade for the exam / 2 \u003d grade in the certificate with rounding up. That is, the combination of marks "5" and "4" will still give "5" in the certificate, the combination of "4" and "3" - "4" in the certificate. It is logical to assume that the same mechanism will remain for items of choice.

IN this year only two subjects can be retaken. If the exams fail in two subjects at once or in one subject twice, the certificate will not be issued, and retaking will be possible no earlier than September 1, 2017.

OGE-2017. OGE and GVE - and again the final exam

IN recent times on the Internet (and not only there) unfamiliar abbreviations began to appear more and more often - OGE and GVE, often interpreted as "new exams" or "exams that now need to be passed instead of the GIA and USE." The further such "discussions" went, the more confusion they caused in the minds of high school students who were so tired of endless school reforms. But there is nothing complicated here. Let's figure it out together.

We did not have time to get used to the fact that after the ninth grade we need to take GIA, and after the eleventh - Unified State Exam, as there were some other OGE and GVE. The interpretation of these abbreviations is "Main state exam"And" State final exam "- does not bring any clarity. Where did they come from? What is the difference? Do they exist now instead of GIA?

What is the OGE?

In fact, everything is simple. Let us recall, first of all, that since 2014, the GIA (State final examination) becomes mandatory for all ninth graders in Russia. According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013, GIA 2015 is held in two forms - OGE in the 9th grade and GVE in the 9th grade. Let's take an excerpt from the same order (with some abbreviations):

GIA is carried out:

a) in the form of the main state exam (hereinafter - OGE) using control measuring materials... (hereinafter - KIM) - for students educational organizations, including foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots abroad, refugees and internally displaced persons who have mastered educational programs the main general education full-time, part-time or extramural forms, as well as for persons who have mastered educational programs of basic general education in the form of family education or self-education and are admitted to the State Academy of Arts in the current year;

b) in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, assignments, tickets (hereinafter - the state final exam, GVE) - for students who have mastered educational programs of basic general education in special educational institutions of a closed type, as well as in institutions, executing punishment in the form of imprisonment, ... as well as for students with disabilities health, students with disabilities and disabled children who have mastered educational programs of basic general education.

What is GVE?

9-graders who do not have health restrictions or do not study in closed-type special institutions will take the GIA in the form of the OGE, that is, according to standard tests - KIMs. And 9-graders with corresponding restrictions pass the GIA in the form of the GVE.

In the GVE format, 11-graders of the same category (with corresponding restrictions) take the exam and 11-graders.

OGE-2017. How much time is allocated for passing the exam?

In 2017, the following amount of time for each subject is allotted for passing the Basic State Exam (OGE) in the 9th grade.

OGE-2017. What subjects of the OGE is obligatory to take?

All ninth graders are required to pass four subjects OGE 2017: Russian, mathematics and two optional. At their discretion, students choose two exams from the following list of subjects:

  • biology;
  • social Studies;
  • physics;
  • computer science;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • english language;
  • history;
  • literature;
  • spanish language;
  • french;
  • german.

State exams after the ninth grade are needed to get a certificate of incomplete (secondary) education. In addition, by concentrating on a few state exams, you will gain the experience of preparing for the exam, which is necessary for admission to universities.

Recall that for admissions committees Universities, the sum of the USE scores is important, so the result for each exam is important.

OGE-2017. What can be used at the OGE?

When passing some subjects upon passing the State Final Attestation (GIA), it is possible and necessary to use permitted reference and computational materials.

Below is a list of approved additional materials.

Russian language - spelling dictionary;
- mathematics (algebra) - a table of squares of two-digit numbers, formulas for the roots of a quadratic equation, factorization of a quadratic trinomial, formulas for the nth term and the sum of the first n terms of arithmetic and geometric progressions. Exam calculators are not used;
- physics - non-programmable calculator (for each student) and experimental equipment;
- chemistry - periodic system chemical elements DI. Mendeleev; table of solubility of salts, acids and bases in water; electrochemical series of metal voltages; non-programmable calculator;
- biology - not used additional materials;
- geography - ruler, non-programmable calculator and geographic atlases for grades 7, 8 and 9 (any publisher);
- social studies - no additional materials are used;
- history of Russia - no additional materials are used;
- literature - full texts works of art and collections of lyrics;
- computer science - additional materials are not used for parts 1 and 2, for part 3 - a computer with software familiar to the student;
- English / German / French / Spanish - sound reproducing and recording equipment for listening and recording the answer to an oral question.

OGE-2017. If you received a "deuce" and how to retake the exam

In case of receiving an unsatisfactory mark in one or two subjects, the graduate is allowed to retake the subject at an additional time before the beginning of the next academic year.

In case of non-receipt of a satisfactory grade and at retake, the graduate will not be issued a certificate. Instead, a certificate of completion of the training will be provided. The certificate indicates the subjects for which an unsatisfactory grade was received, and next year it will be possible to retake only these subjects.

In this article, we will try to clarify the main points that relate to the retake GIA-9... If you have any further questions, please contact your local school or education department.

You can pass the State Final Attestation for the 9th grade several times, in the current year or next. there is main spring-summer period with reserve dates and two additional: in August and September. It takes approximately 10 days to check the exam.

If you couldn't get through GIA-9 during the main period due to illness or other valid circumstances, the optional items can be returned later, on reserve days. AND from 2016/17 academic year the opportunity to retake optional subjects before the start of another academic year(until September 1 - Note.) appeared.

Retake GIA-9 in the current calendar year it is possible if you:

  • got unsatisfactory results in compulsory subjects;
  • could not come to the exam for a good reason and documented it;
  • failed to complete the exam for valid reasons and documented it;
  • filed an appeal for violation of the examination procedure, and it was satisfied by the conflict commission;
  • received 0 points from the GEC due to violations of the established exam procedure.

These rules have nuances. If you receive a "failure" one compulsory subject, then it can be retaken in August. At the same time, schoolchildren can go through GIA-9 again with a satisfied appeal or a work canceled by the HEC.

When "Obstruction" of both Russian and mathematics hand over GIA-9 again possible in September (since it is believed that the new academic year begins on September 1 - Note.). Also, in the fall, those who can retake exams for good reasons I could not pass the compulsory subject in August. But there is one important condition: in this case you do not receive a certificate... After passing GIA-9 in September, there may be several options for the development of events: you go to college, go to the 9th grade again, or study the 10th grade program at home on your own (and take the GIA again next year, plus credits for the 10th grade).

In all cases of retake GIA-9 you need to apply for the exam.

After the end of the current 2016-2017 school season, Russian ninth-graders will need to pass school state exams, the conditions of which have been changing, corrected or supplemented for many years in a row.

"It will not surprise in this regard" the pupils of the 9th grade and the academic year 2017 with additional exams, which was no exception in terms of innovations - this season, schoolchildren will needhand over alreadyfive (5) items, two of them will be mandatory for delivery, and three more can be chosen at their own discretion.

Mathematics and the Russian language will remain compulsory exams for pupils of grades 9 in the academic year 2017, and students will pass the SIA and OGE, these basic subjects of study will be an independent state commission.

State final certification for ninth-graders in Russian schools is a necessary and mandatory stage of obtaining and consolidating knowledge based on the results of the passed educational process.

After him (9th grade and with successful passing of exams), they will either remain in school and further in order to get their hands on a school certificate of secondary education received, or they will make their choice in favor of receiving secondary specialized education, in educational institutions for obtaining a profession ( specialty).

On the forms of conducting final exams for ninth graders:

The main state exam (OGE) - will be passed by the overwhelming majority of schoolchildren, and it does not take into account how the student took the course - full-time or part-time.

The main state examination is carried out with the help of control and measuring materials, the so-called KIMs.

The State Final Exam (GVE) is taken by those students who are trained in closed educational institutions - juvenile colonies and boarding schools, including children with disabilities and who have completed training abroad.

How many exams in the 9th grade of 2017 (subjects) -5!

From the current 2017 academic year, schoolchildren will definitely take three exams from academic subjects (to choose from) of which the mark obtained in two of them will be included in the average score of the school certificate in the same way as in the compulsory two exams - Russian and mathematics.

Subjects (exams for 9th grade students) of choice are as follows:

- foreign language
- physics
- chemistry
- Social Studies
- geography
- literature
- natural science
- computer science
- biology.

For information - for those students who are studying regional, their native language, you can choose it as a sample exam.

According to schoolchildren, the most difficult exam is mathematics. Not all ninth-graders, judging by the statistics, read this subject willingly, many find it difficult.

Exact and cognitive sciences in general in last years are not very revered in Russian schools, which is certainly sad and a little alarming.

It means that fewer and fewer children are striving to learn such unpopular subjects as mathematics, physics,

For exams (GIA) in compulsory and elective subjects in 2017, ninth-graders, students and graduates of 9th grades should prepare in advance, because thorough preparation gives great chances of successful delivery and is a certain guarantee of success.

The same 9th grade schoolchildren who receive an unsatisfactory mark for the exam will be given the opportunity to retake this subject.

When scheduling exams, the management of educational institutions reserves retake days for other situations. For which cases they are needed - there are several of them:

Inability to complete the exam for a good reason (the student is sick);
- failure to appear for a valid reason by the student for the exam;
- received unsatisfactory result - retake;
- when a student is removed from the exam because of his behavior, if the commission will allow him to retake;
- if two subjects (exams) are assigned for one day;

If the student did not show up on the appointed day and time for the exam for a good reason, for example, he was sick, he must present a certificate, which is sent to the state commission, and that already assigns him the exam on some of the reserve days.

For graduates of grades 9 in special cases, early delivery of the OGE is provided, namely:

For students of evening schools who are called up to serve in the army on time;
- those who travel abroad for training camps, competitions, contests, Olympiads, etc.
- for schoolchildren leaving our country for a long time;
- those who go for long-term treatment.

Grade 9 practice exams in 2017

In order to best prepare for final exams Grade 9 in the 2017 academic year of the GIA and OGE, students should take a responsible approach to preparation, for which there are many useful resources on the Internet, including in the form online tests, as well as all kinds of tutorials.

Additional classes for those teaching materials and subjects in which they are not confident will also not interfere with students preparing for exams. Maybe someone will have to hire a tutor for a fee if there is no other way

As for sites with online training and tests, they have an undoubted advantage, because they have round-the-clock access to this information, the ability to take tests at any time and as needed, and immediately receive the test result.

Retake 2017 - when to retake the SIA and OGE in September

Retaking the exam as a student is a very difficult question for him, exciting and to some extent alarming. How and in what time frame will it be possible to retake subjects with unsatisfactory grades, to re-test?

During the summer, only those students who could not pass one or two subjects are allowed. They will be assigned additional days during the summer.

The same schoolchildren who cannot pass more than two exams in 2017 will have to retake in September, a new academic year 2017-2018, after the 1st of the first month of autumn.

Such a rather tough approach to education and passing exams is due to the low level, according to experts, which is now observed in Russian schools.

Every year, which has long been a problem - knowledge russian schoolchildren are weakening, their interest in learning only decreases. That is why they introduced such demanding conditions for passing exams, which to a certain extent is justified.

Grade 9 exams in the 2017 academic year - subject scores

The system for converting points into grades for 9 grades received at the IGA and OGE, developed by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation, which, after successfully passing the exams, should be entered into the school certificate.

Positive and minimum (satisfactory) marks on the 9th grade exams will be considered:

Study subjectinformatics and ICT - 5 points;
- subject of study
literature - 7 points;
- subject of study
mathematics - 8 points;

- subject of studyphysics - 10 points;
- subject of study
geography - 12 points;
- subject of study
biology - 13 points;
- subject of study
history - 13 points;
- subject of study
russian language - 15 points;
- subject of study
social Studies - 15 points;
- subject of study
foreign language - 29 points.

In conclusion ... important, interesting and useful information ...

The subject of mathematics in the 9th grade is given in modules (parts), the maximum grade-point in the algebra module can be obtained - 17, but in the geometry module - already 11 points, and in "real mathematics" - 8 points. Total figure points (maximum), maybe - 36.

Also, the Russian language has its own individual recruitment system. maximum score for schoolchildren in grades 9, where the number of spelling is counted, grammatical, speech and punctual errors are taken into account.

Only those ninth-graders, students of grades 9, who seriously and responsibly approached their studies throughout the entire academic season, can achieve high results in IGA and OGE in the 2017

Parents, on the other hand, should look after their "adult" children, assist in creating comfortable conditions for study and home activities.

If there is such a need when preparing for exams, it may be worth hiring a tutor for the subject in which your child is not confident in his abilities.

But no matter what we say, the main responsibility lies primarily with the 9th grade students themselves, who will pass exams in 2017.

They must be fully aware of the full amount of responsibility that lies with them and do everything in order to successfully pass this test called exams.

Remember that in modern world only educated people achieve success, which is why a good education highly demanded and highly paid.

We wish you good luck and good mood in the academic year 2017, to all students, including those 9th grade students who will have to take final exams!

IGA and OGE 2017 - exams for 9 graders

For students in grades 9 - exams and preparation for them

The modern school In Russia is no longer the same as we remember 20 or 30 years ago, now it is a rather complex mechanism with its own contradictions, pluses and minuses. And a competently, rationally compiled timetable of lessons and the organization of leisure time is only a small part of the school process.

Class schedule at any russian school, is the result and the result of the work of almost the entire teaching staff of this educational institution, which should be organized reasonably and correctly, on high level, taking into account modern requirements and trends.

The main goal of planning the educational process is to achieve the set task, planned activities, a particular result. A well-planned schedule for school students will always help them improve their academic performance, improve the quality of the knowledge they receive, and normalize student behavior.

For almost 15 years now, ninth grade students have been taking compulsory exams. Many consider this system incompetent, but, nevertheless, there are no plans to cancel exams in the near future. However, in 2017, some changes were introduced in the system of passing the OGE - a compulsory state exam.


The procedure for conducting the OGE has not yet changed. From 2002 to 2014, ninth grade students of secondary schools took 4 subjects, however, now this number of compulsory subjects has been reduced to two. Thanks to this, the level of training of schoolchildren has significantly decreased. In 2015, ninth grade students had to pass 2 compulsory examinations, and 2 other subjects were surrendered at will, that is, they could not be surrendered at all. In 2017, secondary school students must take 4 exams again - 2 optional and 2 compulsory.

Major changes in the OGE.

Students can choose additional subjects for passing the OGE in 2017 on their own. 2 disciplines can be chosen from the following:

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Geography
  • Biology
  • History
  • Literature
  • Foreign language
  • Computer science
  • Social Studies

In the future, the number of subjects for passing the exam will increase. In 2018, students will have to take an exam in 5 disciplines. And by 2020, their number will be increased to 6. Many education experts argue that an increase in the number of subjects for passing the OGE will help increase the level of knowledge among students in Russian schools.

Previously, the average mark of the certificate was influenced only by the marks for exams in two compulsory subjects - Russian and mathematics. In 2017, the GPA will be influenced by the marks for the two additional exams.

But it is worth noting that a ninth grade student will be able to receive a certificate only if he has positive marks.

OGE schedule for 2017 for Russian schools.

Already now, we can say how many OGE exam in 2017 will be held among ninth grade students. The certification date is from May 26 to June 9. The OGE will begin with passing the exam foreign languagefollowed by a math exam. The certification of the OGE will end on June 9.

Retaking the OGE in 2017 for Russian schools.

In case of receiving unsatisfactory marks on the OGE, ninth grade students will be able to retake the exam in only two subjects. If a student received an unsatisfactory mark in three or four disciplines, then he will be able to retake them only in September. Thus, the student remains in the second year.

The attitude towards all subjects for passing the OGE in 2017 has become more responsible. A special state independent commission will evaluate the work of ninth grade students. This control will make the calculation of results more equitable. The members of the independent commission during the verification of the work will not know which student it belongs to. Therefore, any influence on the commission is completely excluded.