Demo version of oge social studies. Online tests GIA in social studies (society)

However, this does not mean that two OGEs can be limited. Schoolchildren also have to take elective subjects, so from the beginning school year they think about which items to choose.

Perhaps the most popular subject in the selective discipline category is social studies. Children who in the future wish to enroll in specialties of a natural-humanitarian or social-humanitarian nature, as well as students who do not have a craving for a particular profession, sign up for this OGE. Such ninth-graders choose social studies, believing that this subject is one of the easiest in the school curriculum.

Unfortunately, this OGE is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Some of the tests can indeed be solved by reasoning, but most of the tasks will require knowledge of terminology, as well as an understanding of legal and social characteristics development of society. In addition, an important point is awareness of the KIM structure and the OGE regulations in 2018.

Demonstration version of the OGE-2018

Dates of the OGE in social studies

It's no secret that making a schedule for preparing for the exam is not so easy. Each subject needs to be taught according to a certain system, and throwing between several disciplines will not allow you to properly consolidate knowledge. When scheduling classes, remember that you will take social studies on such days:

  • early delivery is scheduled for April 27, 2018 (Friday). Reserve day - May 7 (Monday);
  • the main trial is scheduled for June 7, 2018 (Thursday). In case of force majeure, the OGE may be postponed to June 22 (Friday);
  • an additional examination will take place on September 12, 2018 (Wednesday), and September 20 (Thursday) is named as a reserve.

The structure and content of the CMM

The Thematic Commission analyzed the results of previous years and came to the conclusion that this CMM does not need to be improved, so there are no plans to change its structure. When passing the exam, you will need to demonstrate a wide range of intellectual abilities: the tasks of the KIM assume that the student will recognize, reproduce and extract information, classify, organize, compare, specify, provide explanations, assess and attract arguments in favor of his opinion.

The OGE on this subject will touch upon the theoretical foundations of the modern social structure, the sphere social activities, basic institutions of management, personality and its social qualities, economic phenomena and processes, political and legal structure of the state, as well as test the skills of a student that should make him a full-fledged citizen.

The OGE in Social Studies covers a number of disciplines, including political science, sociology, law, as well as the science of economic processes

Most of the assignments are based on sociological research, popular science and socio-philosophical publications, excerpts from regulatory documents, as well as media reports. When evaluating the answer sheet, members of the examination committee will check:

  • the ability to describe objects of a social nature (see emphasis on their basic qualities and characteristics);
  • understanding the essence and role of a person from the point of view of his socially active qualities;
  • the ability to carry out a comparative assessment of objects of a social nature, an understanding of the relationships and ways by which there is an interaction between man and nature, the individual and society as a whole, the individual citizen and the state;
  • knowledge of various objects of society, orientation in various types of human activity and relations, implemented in the social sphere;
  • the ability to explain human behavior in terms of moral and ethical norms, approaches of a social and economic nature;
  • the ability to apply knowledge in practice by solving practice-oriented and cognitive tasks;
  • skills in finding and organizing information.

If we talk about the main sections made in the KIM OGE, then the greatest attention should be paid to:

  • society, its interaction with nature, the main interrelationships realized in various spheres of social life, as well as the peculiarities of their manifestation;
  • the qualities of a person and personality as a biological and social being, the concepts of work, play and learning, interpersonal relationships and conflicts;
  • spiritual life and its characteristics, roles scientific activities, education and religious norms in the structure and functioning of society, the concepts of freedom of conscience, moral norms and patriotism, humanistic views and the institution of citizenship;
  • the role of the economy in public life, as well as the following terms: resources, needs, property rights, production, trade and market;
  • entrepreneurship, monetary relations, the tax system, the goals and functions of the state in the conduct of economic policy;
  • the social structure of modern society, family relations, values, relationships and conflicts of a social and interethnic kind;
  • politics and its role in public life, functions and parties, as well as forms of state regimes;
  • the role of law, the concept of a legal violation, types of responsibility;
  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation, its content, the state structure of the country, branches and systems of power, the duties and freedoms of citizens, as well as the mechanisms by which human rights are realized.

High-quality preparation will allow the student to solve 31 tasks in 180 minutes

The OGE in social studies is 31 tasks. In the ticket, they are all divided into two parts:

  • the first part - 25 tasks. Numbers from 1 to 20 are tests in which the student only needs to make a choice from the proposed answers. Answers to tasks numbered 21-25 are a series of sequentially indicated numbers. Basically, the first part tests knowledge in the sections dedicated to man and society, the concept of spiritual culture, economic activity, social sphere, politics, social management and legal activity. Correct solution of all tasks will bring the ninth grader 26 points (or 66.7% of all points for the exam).
  • the second part - 6 tasks. In this part, students will have to formulate and write answers on their own, analyzing the text. For the correct solution of the tasks from the second part, you can get another 13 points (or 33.3% of all KIM points).

In total, 39 points can be scored for social studies. CMM can be solved in 180 minutes. The regulations of this OGE do not provide for any additional subjects or reference materials and manuals.

What scale will the points be recalculated?

The points scored for solving the social studies ticket are transferred to the assessment according to the following scheme:

  • “Unsatisfactory” is given to students who scored from 0 to 14 points;
  • "Satisfactory" - a mark for knowledge that allowed to get from 15 to 24 points;
  • “Good” is a mark given for 25-33 points;
  • “Excellent” is awarded for works in which the student was able to score from 34 to 39 points.

The selection of students for training in specialized classes is made among children who have earned from 30 points and more in social studies.

How to prepare for the OGE in social studies?

Download and work out the demo versions of tickets offered at the beginning of the article!

Preparation for this exam should be comprehensive, which means that you will have to work not only test tasks, but also learn how to extract information from a variety of sources, interpret it and use it as arguments to explain your position. Graduates of previous years who passed the test in the form of the OGE in social studies advise ninth-graders to adhere to this approach:

  • download and run demo versions of CMMs for 2018. Firstly, this way you will immediately understand what grade you can expect right now; second, compare it with the desired result; and thirdly, you will be able to understand what topics you missed when studying at school;
  • schedule preparation and start learning social studies from the beginning of the school year. This OGE is characterized by a complex and varied conceptual apparatus, so do not hope that you can prepare for it in a couple of weeks;
  • find a good site with online tests and assignments. Study there literally 30-40 minutes a couple of times a week in order to "fill your hand" with a quick and correct recording of answers;
  • work out the requirements codifier - this document describes the approaches to completing assignments and the principle by which they are assessed;
  • buy encyclopedias and reference books, which are well disclosed conceptual apparatus subject. Competent terminology is the key to your success in social studies!

Every year, OGE demos are published on the official website of FIPI current year... On August 21, 2017, demonstration options, codifiers and specifications of control measuring materials of the KIM OGE 2018 were published, including in social studies.

Demo version of the OGE in social studies 2018 (GIA grade 9)

Demo version of the OGE social studies option + answers
Specification download
Codifier download

Total tasks - 31; of them by type of tasks: with a short answer - 25, with a detailed answer - 6; by difficulty level: B - 16; P - 13; AT 2.

Maximum primary score – 39.

There are no changes in KIM 2018 in social studies in comparison with 2017.

The grading system for the performance of individual tasks and examination work generally

Correctly performed work is estimated at 39 points. Each correctly completed task 1–21, 23–25 is estimated with 1 point.

Task 22 is evaluated according to the following principle: 2 points - no mistakes; 1 point - one mistake was made; 0 points - two or more mistakes were made.

The tasks of Part 2 are evaluated depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer.

For complete and correct performance of tasks 26-28, 30 and 31 2 points are given. If the answer is incomplete - 1 point.

For complete and correct performance of task 29, 3 points are given. In case of incomplete implementation, depending on the representation of the required components of the answer - 2 or 1 point.

Thus, for completing the tasks of Part 2 (correct and complete formulation of answers to all six questions), the examinee can receive a maximum of 13 points.

Every year, demos of the current year's OGE are published on the official website of the FIPI. On August 21, 2017, demonstration options, codifiers and specifications of control measuring materials of the KIM OGE 2018 were published, including in social studies.

Demo version of the OGE in social studies 2018 (GIA grade 9)

Demo version of the OGE social studies option + answers
Specification download
Codifier download

Total tasks - 31; of them by type of tasks: with a short answer - 25, with a detailed answer - 6; by difficulty level: B - 16; P - 13; AT 2.

Maximum primary score – 39.

There are no changes in KIM 2018 in social studies in comparison with 2017.

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and examination work as a whole

Correctly performed work is estimated at 39 points. Each correctly completed task 1–21, 23–25 is estimated with 1 point.

Task 22 is evaluated according to the following principle: 2 points - no mistakes; 1 point - one mistake was made; 0 points - two or more mistakes were made.

The tasks of Part 2 are evaluated depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer.

For complete and correct performance of tasks 26-28, 30 and 31 2 points are given. If the answer is incomplete - 1 point.

For complete and correct performance of task 29, 3 points are given. In case of incomplete implementation, depending on the representation of the required components of the answer - 2 or 1 point.

Thus, for completing the tasks of Part 2 (correct and complete formulation of answers to all six questions), the examinee can receive a maximum of 13 points.

State final examination for graduates of the ninth grade is currently voluntary, you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

What is more attractive then the form of the OGE (GIA) for graduates of the 9th grade of 2019? Conducting directly certification in this new form allows you to get an independent assessment of the preparation of schoolchildren. Everything tasks of the OGE (GIA) are presented in the form of a special form that includes questions with a choice of answers to them. A direct analogy with the USE is drawn. In this case, you can give both short and detailed answers. Our website website will help you prepare perfectly and assess your chances realistically. Besides, tests GIA and OGE online with checking answers help you decide on a further choice profile class high school. You yourself will be able to easily assess your knowledge of the chosen subject. To do this, our project offers you various tests in a number of disciplines. Our site dedicated to preparation for the delivery of the GIA 2019 grade 9 online, will fully help you prepare for the first serious and responsible test in life.

All materials on our site are presented in a simple, understandable form. Whether you are an all-A-student in your class or the average average student, everything is now in your hands. It will not be superfluous for you to visit ours. Here you will find answers to all your questions. Be prepared for the difficult test of the OGE, GIA and the result will exceed all your expectations.

The main general education

Social Studies

Demo version of the OGE-2019 in social studies

Demovariant, codifier and specification of the OGE 2019 in social studies from the official website of FIPI.

Download demo version of the OGE 2019 along with the codifier and specification at the link below:

Stay tuned for information about our webinars and broadcasts on the YouTube channel, very soon we will be discussing the preparation for the OGE in social studies.

The structure and books correspond to the modern codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which the control measuring materials (KIM) OGE. The manual includes sections: "Person and Society", "Sphere of Spiritual Culture", "Economy", "Social Sphere", "Sphere of Politics and Social Management", "Law". Completeness, compactness, clarity and clarity of presentation - in the form of tables and diagrams - ensures the maximum efficiency of preparation for the exam without involving additional literature.

Pupils who successfully passed the OGE in social studies claim that the recommendation to read the entire text of the work before starting the assignments gives a good effect when doing the work. When reading the work, emotional stress is removed, brain activity is directed to the analysis of materials and the graduate is involved in a productive cognitive activityleading to high scores for work performance. As materials for work we use Demo option OGE in Social Science 2019, published on the FIPI website.

The variant consists of 31 tasks in total. Part 1 includes 25 tasks, of which the first 20 involve choosing one correct answer out of 4 proposed options, and tasks 21-25 - a multiple answer. Part 2 contains the text and 6 tasks for it, involving writing a detailed answer to them.

The first 20 tasks of the work test the knowledge of the social science course in the following sections: man and society (tasks 1-4), spiritual culture (tasks 5-6), economics (tasks 7-10), social sphere (tasks 11-13), the sphere of politics and social management (tasks 14-16), law (tasks 17-20). Tasks 21–31 are not assigned to a specific content line, since they are focused on checking, first of all, subject skills.

Part 1

The answer to tasks 1–20 is one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer.

Exercise 1

Which of the following terms are used primarily in the description political sphere society?

  1. tribes, nationalities
  2. estate, class
  3. republic, federation
  4. costs, profit