Extroverts or introverts for and against. Extroverts are few, but they huddle together.

The soul of the company, a restless storyteller who considers it his moral duty to "stir up" others. Most likely we are talking about an extrovert, who, more often than not, is presented in a favorable light, compared to an introvert. But is it really so? Who is an extrovert, how well does he live? Can we say that this is a more successful personality type? How to become an extrovert? Is it worth striving for? What signs confirm that we are an extrovert? How can an extrovert live? How to be friends with him and build a dialogue? We offer small excursion into the world of extraversion.

Who is an extrovert?

An extrovert is a personality type aimed at interaction with the outside world... Unlike he cannot sit in one place for a long time, he is not interested in introspection and meticulous debriefing. The extrovert does not dwell on insults or failures, very quickly forgets the bad and rushes on at breakneck speed.

At first glance, the life of such people is much richer and more interesting than that of their "opponents" - introverts. Moreover, there are more extroverts - about 70% of the world's population. This is the main paradox. If we analyze the bulk of well-known leaders, then extroverts and introverts are almost equally among them. Considering that there are more of the former, it turns out that the percentage successful people among them is not great. Why is this happening? Again, due to the excessive openness of extroverts, a certain superficiality and restlessness.

Extrovert and introvert.

Pure psychotypes are not so common. In most cases, a person combines both types of personality, just one of them prevails at different periods of life. Thus, the majority of people are prone to both extraversion and introversion. For example, in childhood they are open and sociable, and in adulthood they become more closed. Or, conversely, a quiet schoolgirl turns into a show business star, gathering thousands of stadiums.

But that doesn't mean an introvert becomes an extrovert. After all, personality type, like temperament, is laid before birth child. It has quite clear physiological differences. For example, extroverts have a better developed sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for activity. For introverts, on the contrary, the influence of parasympathetic nervous system, causing calmness. In total, Jung deduced 8.

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Unlike character, which is corrected all life, the psychotype does not change. More precisely, it practically does not change. Simply, since such people have both principles, similarly, depending on age, one of them is clearly manifested.

In addition, extroverts can be emotionally stable or unstable, which corresponds to the type of temperament and.


Extraversion is a personality's property to direct its efforts outward, to interact with other people. If her inclinations are present in a person, then changing the vector of behavior will not be difficult. If we are talking about a pure introvert, then it will be extremely difficult for him to give up "internal dialogue" in favor of communicating with others.

The main thing to remember is that an introvert is not a diagnosis and an extrovert is not a reward. Both psychological types have their own strengths, while not being devoid of significant disadvantages. But before talking about them, let's define how we can understand that we are facing an extrovert.

It is quite easy to identify an extrovert, because he always interacts with others, likes to be in the spotlight, and easily and willingly makes new acquaintances. The extrovert will be the first to start communicating, will talk more than listen. It is easy enough to define an extrovert in oneself. But sometimes you want to hear an outside opinion. You can accurately understand your personality type, and at the same time your temperament:

Due to the focus on external world, the extrovert will "betray" himself much earlier than anyone thinks about this question at all. We are not talking about cases when a person purposefully tries to hide his psychological characteristics and pretends to be someone else. This is about the most common communication.

It is also advisable to find out what the signs of an extrovert are, in order to find them in yourself or your interlocutor.

Signs of an extrovert.

  1. Loves communication and noisy companies, hates loneliness;
  2. Feels uncomfortable in silence and "four walls";
  3. In the presence of others, it is charged with energy and good mood;
  4. Is inclined to get acquainted first, easily forges new connections;
  5. Talking more about himself than listening to others;
  6. It is easy enough to get carried away, and can also quickly lose interest;
  7. Doesn't like to delve into himself;
  8. Doesn't always know how to control his own;
  9. Careful and attention to detail is clearly not about him;
  10. Quickly makes decisions without always considering them;
  11. Easily lets go of the negative, forgets;
  12. Likes to share his experiences with others;
  13. Prefers the conquest of the surrounding world to fantasy;
  14. Often writes or calls his friends;
  15. Speaks quickly and loudly, gestures more actively.

If there are more answers "yes" than "no", then there is a high probability that we are facing an extrovert, or we ourselves have this type of personality. Let's talk about whether this is good or bad.

What does it mean to be an extrovert?

The pros and cons of the extrovert are far from straightforward. On the one hand, being cheerful and cheerful, making acquaintances easily is a clear plus. On the other hand, rash actions and gaps in the planning stage very often create inconveniences for extroverts. Also, the talkativeness of this personality type can play a cruel joke, especially when dealing with more thoughtful introverts.

Given that extroverts do not focus on failures, they do not experience any special moral problems, and therefore they rarely learn from their mistakes. This is another plus or minus of them. Of course, they take care of their nerves, but they also “dance on a rake” regularly, so the “bump” comes off the forehead extremely rarely. But first things first.

Pluses of an extrovert.

Since extroverts are natural-born communicators, the bulk of their advantages is associated precisely with the ability to establish connections:

  • Abundance of friends and acquaintances;
  • Success in employment and career development;
  • Easy and relaxed attitude to life;
  • Sympathy and attention from others;
  • Popularity with the opposite sex;
  • Rich biography, variety of life stories;
  • Ability to inspire people, "charge" them with your energy.

Thanks to these qualities, doors are open everywhere for extroverts, but sometimes they close, facing the negative aspects of this personality type.

Cons of an extrovert.

The superficiality and transience of too active people sometimes causes disappointment in them from others. With a deeper understanding of who an extrovert is, they are no longer perceived as welcoming. This is due to the following disadvantages of extroverts:

  • Excessive sociability, which sometimes turns into talkativeness;
  • Inability to control emotions;
  • Regular change of interests, preventing full realization;
  • Lack of real friends;
  • Inability to listen, which repels the interlocutors;
  • Inattention to detail, poor preparation;
  • Methodical repetition of the same mistakes.

Despite the disadvantages, many want to become extroverts, or at least adopt their strengths. How difficult it is to do this, let's talk further.

Can you become an extrovert?

Anyone interested in the question "How to become an extrovert?" We hasten to please and upset at the same time. Extrovert is a personality type that depends on the course of many physiological processes in the body. You cannot become an extrovert, you can be born into one. On the other hand, since there are practically no pure psychotypes, even the most inveterate introvert has the ability for extraversion. It's just that it is much more difficult for him to reveal and realize them than to a pronounced extrovert.

But everything lends itself to practice and training. Anyone who sincerely wants to change something in themselves can do it. For example, improve communication skills, overpower your antipathy towards noisy companies, etc.

Whoever plans to become an extrovert, first, must understand what an extrovert is, analyze the features of his behavior. Perhaps the disadvantages of this personality type will outweigh its merits. Don't idealize someone else. It is better to learn to see the advantages in yourself, in the way you are. And here you will have to communicate with extroverts anyway and it's better to be ready for it. Otherwise, it will turn out something like this - "Extrovert, who is this?" - Until the answer is found, a million mistakes will be made in the dialogue.

How to communicate with an extrovert?

In fact, communication with an extrovert is not a problem, given the fact that he is the first to start this very communication. It should be remembered that this psychotype is extremely emotional and talkative. So, don't interrupt the extrovert. In principle, this will not work. Better to let the dialogue go free, amiably leaving your ears to it.

It's one thing to be friends with an extrovert or to be his work colleague. It is completely different to build a relationship with such a person. Although opposites attract, so that the extrovert will find in the introvert a loyal listener or viewer. But they may have very few joint intersections... If the extrovert rushes to the next party, the introvert will prefer to stay at home and watch TV, wrapped in a warm blanket.

Their attitude towards each other will also differ. The introvert tends to bond for a long time, while the extrovert is more superficial. This does not necessarily mean that he will change, but in order to maintain the attention and feelings of the extrovert, his partner will always have to be in good shape, to develop with him.

In general, we are all human and there are not so many differences between us. Temperament, psychotype, skin color or political views have never interfered with a real strong friendship or.

Is it okay to be an extrovert?

How can an extrovert live? Definitely not quiet and calm. The life of an extrovert is full of adventure, communication, drive. So, you should be yourself while respecting other people. It is advisable for extroverts to learn not to overload their acquaintances with their energy. Also, they should not perceive as "lazy asses", all those who can sit in one place for at least a couple of minutes.

More important to extroverts rethink your attitude towards friendship... After all, true friends do not number in the thousands. Sometimes bragging about an abundance of friends, extroverts turn out to be completely lonely people. In this, it is better for them to adopt the manner of introverts, and choose the really worthy ones in their environment.

In general, you should not worry about your extraversion. Better to find a constructive use for this and channel your energy in the right direction.

An extrovert is a real generator of energy and fun. You will hardly get bored with him. But you won't be able to turn on the “silent” mode either. Knowing this, you should immediately tune in to a life rich in emotions and adventure. But, for extroverts, it is advisable to try to curb their nature and learn to "dose" their contribution to the dialogue. In general, being an extrovert is not very bad, as well as getting such a person in your environment.

An introvert is a person whose energy is directed inward. He is not bored with himself. He is calm and judicious, attentive to detail and careful in his decisions.

Introverts sometimes seem gloomy, withdrawn, and completely antisocial. But in their souls they are sweethearts. It's just that social contacts take energy from them.

In the inner circle of an introvert - two or three people. Laconic with strangers, he is ready to discuss for hours interesting topics with those he loves.

Loneliness for an introvert is a lack of involvement in someone's life. He can be lonely even in a crowd. An evening with or a contemplative walk is the best way for an introvert to recharge.

Who are extroverts?

An extrovert is a person whose energy is directed towards the outside world. He is sociable, open and active. He looks at everything with optimism. Not afraid to take the initiative and be a leader.

Impulsivity makes extroverts seem like dummies at times. But don't confuse emotionality with superficiality.

Extroverts get their energy from communication. Loneliness for an extrovert is when there is not a soul around, with no one to say a word to. They have many friends and acquaintances.

Extroverts are fun. In order not to get bogged down in a routine and kindle an inner flame, they will go to the club or invite guests.

What does Carl Gustav Jung have to do with it?

In 1921, Carl Gustav Jung's book "Psychological Types" was published. In it, he introduced the concepts of extraversion and introversion. Jung viewed extroverts and introverts through the prism of the predominant mental function - thinking or feeling, sensation or intuition.

The fundamental work of Carl Jung has been and is still being addressed by many scientists. The extraverted-introverted typology formed the basis of the Myers-Briggs theory, the Big Five personality model and Raymond Cattell's 16-factor questionnaire.

In the 1960s, Jung's ideas were taken up by the British psychologist Hans Eysenck. He interpreted extraversion and introversion through the processes of arousal and inhibition. Introverts feel uncomfortable in noisy, crowded places, as their brains process more information per unit of time.

Are introverts really smarter?

Many psychologists, sociologists and neuroscientists all over the world are trying to figure it out. Unsuccessful so far. But the more research is done, the more obvious it becomes that extroverts and introverts work differently.

The line of demarcation is dopamine. It is a neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain and is responsible for feelings of satisfaction. In the course of a scientific experiment, it was found that in a state of excitement, extroverts have strong activity in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tonsils and the nucleus accumbens. The former are responsible for the process of emotional stimulation, and the nucleus is part of the dopamine system (pleasure center).

Extroverts and introverts produce dopamine in the same way, but the reward system responds to it differently. Extroverts take less time to process stimuli. They are less sensitive to dopamine. To get their "dose of happiness", they need it along with adrenaline.

Introverts, by contrast, are overly sensitive to dopamine. Their stimuli travel a long and difficult path in areas of the brain. In their reward system, another neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, plays a major role. It helps to reflect, concentrate on the task at hand, work productively for a long time and feel good during internal dialogue.

How do I know who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?

To determine the Jung type, the Gray-Whewright tests and the Jung's Type Index (JTI) questionnaire are usually used. Also psychologists use personality questionnaire Eysenck. At the everyday level, you can go through more or analyze your behavior.

Neither one nor the other suits me. Who am I?

According to Carl Jung, introversion and extraversion do not exist in their pure form. “Such a person would be in an insane asylum,” he said. The author of the popular book "" Susan Kane agrees with him.

Every person has the traits of an extrovert and an introvert. Signs of one or the other may prevail depending on age, environment, and even mood.

People who are in the middle of the scale of introversion - extraversion most of the time are called ambiverts (or diaverts).

Ambiverts are not ringleaders, but they can enthusiastically participate in what they like. Activity gives way to passivity and vice versa: the soul of the company can easily become a shy quiet one. In some situations, ambiverts chatter uncontrollably, in others, words have to be dragged out of them with ticks. Sometimes they work well in a team, but they prefer to solve some problems alone.

How do introverts and extroverts interact?

The first step to effective communication is respect for the individual.
If your friend is an introvert If your friend is an extrovert
  • Don't expect an instant reaction. Introverts need time to process information.
  • To draw his attention to something important, write him a letter or message.
  • At a party, do not bother him with questions: “Well, why are you keeping quiet? Are you bored?". Let him get comfortable.
  • Don't invade his personal space. Let him be alone if he wants to. Never take an introvert's taciturnity or isolation personally.
  • Be patient - let him talk. The more attentively you listen, the faster you will find the rational kernel.
  • Don't be offended that he ignores the written messages. If you expect action from him, call. Between times, be sure to ask how you are doing.
  • At a party, do not leave him unattended, channel his energy in a constructive direction.
  • To please the extrovert, simply agree to his next adventure.

It is very convenient for perception to divide people into two groups in order to understand the peculiarities of their characters - but there is a catch in this "convenience".

Recent times There is a lot of content on the Web about introverts and extroverts (well, mostly extroverts). The theme is played up this way and that. So why is the topic / extroverts suddenly so fashionable now?

At first, it is very convenient for perception to divide people into two groups in order to understand the peculiarities of their characters. Boys to the right, girls to the left.

But there is a catch in this "convenience". A non-specialist can make himself a false "diagnosis", "conclusion" about his character traits, and live based on them.

However, the human personality is much deeper and wider than the two-digit code. Moreover, for a better understanding, as a rule, personality traits in the description are sharpened, and the "portrait" comes out sharper than it really is.

Therefore, in psychological practice, the scale of introversion-extraversion is used by psychologists for diagnosis. Many psychological tests contain such scales in various forms. For example, the same Big Five models: Jung's analytical psychology, Hans Eysenck's three-factor theory of personality, Raymond Cattell's 16 personality factors, the Minnesota multidimensional personality questionnaire, the Myers-Briggs typology.

Secondly, a myth is formed in the minds of ordinary people that extroverts are more successful. Writer Marianne Reid took advantage of this discrimination and released 15 Things Introverts Never Tell You, which has received tens of thousands of likes and has been translated into many languages. And the article "30 Things Only Antisocial People Understand" on Buzzfeed has been read by over a million people.

The pictures below are a grotesque illustration of how introverts and extroverts react to the same situations in life.

1. Introvert and extrovert have different perceptions of intimacy and friendship.

Andrey Zlotnikov

2. An introvert needs space for inspiration, and an extrovert needs a viewer

Andrey Zlotnikov

3. Introverts differ from extroverts by attention to detail.

Andrey Zlotnikov

4. An extrovert beats an introvert in a willingness to connect with strangers.

Andrey Zlotnikov

5. Lack of attention from other people is not like that. big problem for introvert

Andrey Zlotnikov

6. If an extrovert is in trouble, everyone will know about it. If an introvert has grief, he will deal with it himself

Andrey Zlotnikov

7. Getting in touch with a stranger is not a problem for an extrovert. Introvert will be delicate and think about other people's boundaries

Andrey Zlotnikov

8. For an introvert, being alone means getting access to a powerful energy resource. And for an extrovert, this is torment

Andrey Zlotnikov

9. Introverts differ from extroverts in greater perseverance, readiness for monotonous work.

Andrey Zlotnikov

10. The crowds of people frighten the introvert, for him it is a tangible obstacle, and the extrovert is glad to the crowd, because for him these are new impressions and new acquaintances

Andrey Zlotnikov

But in general, comparing introverts to extroverts is like comparing basil to dill. If in a salad, then basil, and if for salting, then dill - without context, it makes no sense to catch.


Extroversion is a personality warehouse, characterized by the predominant orientation of activity, attitudes, aspirations and interests to the outside world and the people around.

Introversion - a person's tendency to be interested in himself and his own inner peace more than the reality surrounding him.

Introvert, extrovert who is this?

Everyone at least once asked the question: "who is an introvert and an extrovert?" or "how to determine who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?", now we will try to put everything on the shelves for you.


In 1921 a Swiss psychiatrist Charles GustavJungin his work "Psychological types" identified two completely opposite psychotypes and proposed to divide all people into introverts and extroverts, about each, now for more details.

Let's take a look at each type separately.

Who is an Introvert?

An introvert is a person whose psychological energy is directed inward. He feels comfortable only alone with himself, or with people very close to him. The way out of the comfort zone for an introvert is any interaction with strangers, any public speaking, all this causes stress for an introvert and thus he spends a lot of his emotional energy.

Therefore, rest for such people is more of a lonely evening with a mug of tea than a noisy party or a trip to some shopping centerwhere there is a large crowd of people, in its own words it means a closed, uncommunicative person.

Pros and cons of being an introvert


  • It is very difficult for introverts to make new friends, thereby acquiring useful contacts, which is very helpful in life.
  • Each new job, any courses is a huge stress.
  • Calls on the phone for an introvert are comparable to live communication, respectively, a call to a hairdresser, restaurant, university is torture for them.


  • Alone, introverts feel comfortable, which makes them self-sufficient and independent from other people.
  • Introverts are often very smart, well-read people, as they prefer a book to a party, so their introversion does not bother them too much.

Who is an extrovert?

An extrovert is a person whose psychological energy is directed outward, to the outside world. They feel comfortable being in society, in a crowd of people, be it a class, a queue, a concert. When alone they feel lonely, sad.

Extroverts usually have many friends, acquaintances, they are very sociable, often they are company leaders. This type of people is always positive and give it to others.

They prefer to relax - in noisy companies, these are clubs, parties, concerts, for an extrovert, communication is the main element of recreation, because from it he draws his emotional energy.

Pros and cons of Extrovert


  • Extroverts feel very bad about being alone, they need to communicate with other people, which makes them dependent on society.
  • Extroverts are often frivolous and can go for any adventure that is more likely to lead to problems.


  • Extroverts can easily make new acquaintances, which is very helpful in both personal life and career.
  • They quickly adapt to new teams.
  • Often just public speaking is given.

How do I know who I am - an introvert or an extrovert?

To get to know yourself better, try to relate yourself to this table.

In which column you found more matches, you belong to that psychological type more, whether you are an introverted person or an extroverted person. Pure psychotypes are extremely rare, because in a certain period of life, a person can feel both an introvert and an extrovert, depending on the events that happened in his life.

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 13 minutes


Depending on the psychological characteristics are divided into introverts and extroverts. A specific type is characterized by behavioral features and the direction of internal energy. In this article I will consider the answers to the questions: "Who is this - an introvert?" and "Who is an extrovert and ambivert?"

Most people in the world are extroverts. They like to communicate and relax in noisy companies, to get new impressions.

An introvert is a person whose vital energy is directed inside himself. He does not openly show emotions, does not express thoughts and feelings. A true introvert does not feel comfortable in a large company, especially if he is surrounded by strangers. He will never be the first to make contact and always remains secretive, even with a few friends. Finding a girl for such a person is extremely problematic.

In a world of outgoing extroverts, introverts find it extremely difficult. They experience, experience mental anguish, focus on a certain situation. People around the introvert do not notice anxiety, do not seek to provide support and help of a psychological nature.

Introvert personality traits

I propose to consider the character traits of an introvert. A detailed study of the characteristics of behavior will help us. It is wrong to think of introverts as extremely shy. They are in constant communication with a small group of people and avoid crowded companies.

What additional personality traits do true introverts have?

  • It is extremely rare to make acquaintances. For introverts, this can be a significant waste of energy. Therefore, their social circle is modest.
  • Introverts feel uncomfortable in a large company or crowd of people. Any event, protest or meeting, brings immense discomfort.
  • An upcoming interview makes the introvert very nervous. The first minutes of the conversation, he tries to concentrate, after that he reaches maximum concentration and begins to deftly show his abilities.
  • Honesty is considered the main advantage. He remains loyal to friends, albeit few.
  • Introverts try to relax and restore energy in splendid isolation. For a short time they are isolated from society and do nothing. After the activity resumes.
  • An introvert cannot immediately trust a stranger. In the process of creating a relationship, you need to be patient and wait.
  • The introvert is liked by other people with his own politeness. For any guest, an introvert tries to create an extremely comfortable and pleasant environment.
  • Planning is important. They think everything in advance and carefully, try to achieve a balance between loneliness and communication.

Video "How to be an introvert"

If there are such people in the environment, do not seek to judge them. Try to understand the specifics of their behavior.

Introvert behavior in life

In the environment of everyone there is a person who leaves a noisy holiday before everyone else, citing the need to relax, or does not want to look into the bar after work, justifying the decision with some important reason. Don't look for a catch or try to catch it. Most likely, he is telling the truth and simply wants to rest. This is the behavior of an introvert in life.

  1. The main feature of an introvert: the source of his energy is memories, emotions and experiences. He gets tired of constant communication. Several hours of loneliness allow you to cheer up and prepare for the next meeting with the outside world.
  2. Introverts can focus on certain activities. Alone, they read, watch the best New Year's films, knit, walk, do art or sports.
  3. For a long time, introverts can stay in one place and watch a certain event - the flow of a river or the play of children. They even prefer to work alone, since constant contacts are very exhausting.

    Introverts make great researchers and scientists

  4. An introvert is a punctual and well-organized person. He is laconic and restrained in manifestations, thoughtful, reasonable and seemingly absolutely calm.
  5. An introvert will think it over carefully before expressing a thought or taking a step. Often, the slowness of introverts is ridiculed by extroverts.

Introverts are assigned modesty and insecurity, which is not entirely correct. Of course, demonstrative behavior is not typical for an introvert, but he is confident in his own abilities and has high self-esteem. It's just that the environment does not understand his inner world.

Types of introverts

Introversion is a state when psychic energy is directed inward. Introverts use their own ways to adapt to society. Psychologists have long regarded this condition as a defect in personal development.

It is now clearly known that introversion manifests itself in human behavior and in the features of the brain. The behavior of different introverts can vary significantly.

4 types of introverts

  • Social ... Within a small group, social introverts are chatty, relaxed, and outgoing. They carefully choose their surroundings and reveal themselves only in a comfortable environment. They work alone, the presence of strangers takes energy and interferes with concentration. A prolonged lack of communication is not scary, but there is a need to feel practicality, to be among people and observe behavior.
  • Thoughtful ... These introverts pay a lot of attention to thoughts, introspection and inner peace. They boast highly developed intuition and the ability to evaluate the world using their own experiences as a prism. They approach the business creatively and put a piece of their soul. The work that is performed according to the instructions does not suit them. Finding a job for thoughtful introverts is sometimes problematic.
  • Anxious ... Anxious introverts prefer to be alone because they feel uncomfortable around them. When communicating with people, they often do not understand the interlocutors and find themselves in an awkward situation. Only through regulated communication do anxious introverts feel comfortable. Behavior is helpful, and others are expected to be kind and predictable.
  • Restrained ... These introverts come across as a slow person. They think things over before doing or saying anything. After waking up, it takes time for them to recover. Restrained introverts often come up with balanced and reasonable proposals, their thoughts are characterized by solidity and depth. This quality is an excellent counterbalance to the activity of a bright extrovert.

The behavior of people depending on the type is significantly different. Some do not avoid communication, others are true fans of lonely pastime.

What should an introvert do?

An introvert will not be able to make money in sales, since such work involves communication with a client, improvisation, correct construction dialogue. These qualities do not correspond to the peculiarities of the behavior of introverts. Working in a large firm is also not suitable, as being in an office space crowded with other employees of the company will not bring comfort. A psychologist or a teacher - neither.

These professions require close communication with strangers, which is fraught with enormous stress for an introvert. The question arises: what should an introvert work with? Answering it, I will say that when looking for a job, an introvert should take into account his strengths - a thorough analysis of information and the destruction of stereotypes.

Top professions

  1. Writer ... The profession fosters the fusion of unity and love for creativity. A writer can be at home and work for days. He practically does not communicate and makes the most of his creativity.
  2. Accountant ... The accountant's head is filled with numbers, reports and acts. He lives in a world of numbers and tries not to be distracted by the people around him. The popularity of outsourcing is growing, where work can be done at home while sitting on the couch.
  3. Designer ... A great opportunity to work remotely and get the most out of your creativity. An experienced designer can get a large and highly paid project. This way of earning money can provide a good income.
  4. Copywriter ... The job is suitable for an introvert who is fluent in Russian and is able to write texts. Communication with customers is carried out through social networks or e-mail, and high-quality order fulfillment brings good money.
  5. Interpreter ... Profession requires knowledge foreign language and provides an opportunity to escape from office slavery. The customer is only interested in the result, and the introvert is able to provide it.
  6. Programmer ... This option is ideal for a melancholic introvert who needs access to computer technology to work properly. Due to their temperament, such people communicate little in real life, but on the Internet they are real activists.

The professions I have named allow you to work from home. If they are not suitable, you will have to deal with sending out your resume and preparing for the interview.

Video description of introverts and extroverts

Extrovert - who is this?

It is equally interesting to find out who an extrovert is.

Extroverts are people who direct life energy towards society. They are the absolute opposite of introverts who focus on the inner world.

Extraversion is the scientific name for a state when a person seeks to come into contact with the objects around him, longs for communication and fulfillment of desires. True extroverts, in pursuit of the realization of desires, quickly waste vital energy.

Many extroverts are characterized by violent external activities and a continuous expansion of the circle of friends. The lack of communication causes a lot of pain for extroverts. Locking them can lead to severe stress or depression.

Extrovert Traits

An extrovert is a person who cannot imagine existence without society. Self-expression is achieved exclusively in society and on condition that he approves of it. Extroverts usually make excellent politicians, singers, orators, actors, public figures and dancers.

A characteristic feature of an overt extrovert is talkativeness. It is usually focused on friendly communication, but highly dependent on public opinion... There are also other signs of an extrovert that dominate the character.

Self-expression of an extrovert is oriented towards the outside world. Such people are dependent on others, because they cannot live normally without constant communication.

Extrovert behavior in life

It is believed that extroverts are more successful in work and life than introverts. There is some truth in this. As statistics show, it is the extroverts who own the world, they account for about 70 percent of the world's population.

These persistent, sociable and incredibly active people are able to quickly achieve good resultsthat weighing, thinking and slow protégés cannot boast of. Let's take a closer look at the behavior of an extrovert in life.

  1. Extroverts are characterized by frantic sociability, initiative, activity and openness to the world. They enjoy speaking to an audience and listening to words of praise. The extrovert instantly adapts to new conditions, although he does not like planning and is characterized by spontaneous actions.
  2. An extrovert can have a deep inner peace. He is not a superficial person. The inner "I" is used extremely rarely, and uses thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions to achieve new goals.
  3. In life, extroverts show emotions in every possible way and never hide their experiences and feelings. When important events are approaching or occurring - the birth of a child or a wedding anniversary, they are happy to share information with the environment, using facial expressions and violent gestures.
  4. Extroverts don’t figure out what motivates other people to do a certain thing. They demand directness and do not accept hints.
  5. Extroverts treat other people with understanding, but do not always understand themselves. There are times when personal feelings and emotions become a real mystery for an extrovert. Conscious empathy with a lack of shyness allows them to easily make new acquaintances and expand their circle of friends.
  6. The extrovert often has good ideas, but the constancy and monotony scares away from the beginning of their implementation. They like to work in a team when a colleague can complete the work begun.

Extroverts are quite interesting and outgoing personalities, without problems with sociability and acquaintances. They lack independence, which is compensated by activity in society.

Types of extroverts

During the conversation, we learned that an extrovert is an emancipated person, characterized by active interaction with society. Energy comfort comes first. He makes contact with ease, even in cases when the interlocutor is extremely unfriendly.

  • Ethical-sensory ... This type of extrovert is represented by active optimists with excellent taste. They are focused on stability, but have problems with planning, which is due to the inability to calculate their own time.
  • Intuitive logical ... They are characterized by excellent intuition and quick reaction to the situation. Work and career always come first. Such extroverts are very gullible, but do not take into account the feelings of others.
  • Sensory-logical ... Resolute and extremely proactive pragmatists who actively participate in various events. They boast a high resistance to stress, but painfully endure criticism and disruption of plans.
  • Intuitive-ethical ... These kinds of extroverts like to exchange emotions and acquire original things. They are capable of conducting behavioral analysis and have the gift of persuasion. They are not friendly with instructions and formalities.

There are times when an introvert can change the psychotype and attitude towards society. Read the characteristics of the opposite carefully and try to acquire them. To achieve the goal, you will need to become more sociable, master the technique of showing initiative and visit noisy companies more often.

What should an extrovert do?

The concept of "extrovert" appeared in psychology at the beginning of the last century. Man possesses this property of character from birth. It influences the choice of profession.

Extroverts enjoy active social life. In their work, they motivate themselves with success, recognition, material, career and psychological encouragement. In the process of choosing a profession, they prefer to work in large organizations where there is a hierarchy.

The most suitable professions

  1. Educator ... Children are close to extroverts due to their openness and curiosity. Such a person can safely work in kindergarten or at school. He won't get tired of this job.
  2. Secretary ... A profession involves the desire and ability to help another person. It is possible that the personal life of the extrovert may fade into the background, but this is compensated by the status of an active accomplice and powerful motivation in the form of rewards.
  3. Correspondent ... The list of the main advantages of a real correspondent is represented by sociability and curiosity. Only an open person, ready for constant communication and not afraid of unexpected situations, can work successfully in this area.
  4. Administrator ... Extroverts are able to organize and motivate people. These are the qualities a good administrator should have. Discipline with confidence and interest allows the extrovert to solve problems in a timely and efficient manner.
  5. Policeman ... An officer's career is attractive to extroverts, as it is characterized by a strict hierarchy and system of ranks. Using opportunities, such a person will be able to achieve good results, and the role of a protector will give a certain charm.
  6. Lawyer ... The lawyer working in the courtroom resembles a tamer of wild animals. With the help of a dexterous gesture and an unexpected question, he is able to turn the situation around and pull the ward out of the swamp. A good lawyer can play on the feelings of outsiders and keep the public eye. Only an extrovert can do it.

This is not a complete list of professions ideal for an extrovert. Such people can work as a guide, advertising manager, HR specialist, or translator. The main thing is that the profession promotes the development of potential.

Ambivert - who is this?

In this article, we talked about introverts and extroverts. Is there a “golden mean” - a person who combines all the qualities? It turned out yes. It's about ambivert. Such people feel great both alone and in noisy company... They often change the environment.

For a true ambivert, communication in the company is permissible, provided that it is short-lived. Frequent meetings with other people are stressful.

Ambiverts pay special attention to self-education. Prolonged loneliness has a negative impact on morale. Often leads to discontent and depression.

There are a number of fundamental differences that define ambivert. Main distinctive feature the ability to easily transition to another state is considered.

Psychological portrait of ambivert

  • Outside surveillance is replacing proactive action... This is not to say that the ambivert was the "ringleader". But, he can easily participate in different activities. True, with the next such events, you should not expect support from the ambivert, since it will go into observation mode.
  • A mixture of a merry fellow and a quiet one... People from the ambivert's environment describe his tastes, wishes, preferences and character traits in different ways. He can be active or remain passive, depending on the type of activity and his condition. Some friends call him a carefree merry fellow, others call him a cold and reasonable gentleman.
  • Festival star... Ambivert can happily drop in at a secular party, for example, a New Year's corporate party, and become an excellent conversationalist. He attends such events at regular intervals.
  • The ability to reincarnate... The environment or the current situation can cause the ambivert to transform. From a ringleader, he will instantly turn into an ordinary visitor, or vice versa.
  • Teamwork and loneliness. Ambiverts easily perceive the need to work in a team, but they also cope well with tasks and responsibilities on their own. This is provided that the person is versed in a specific area. In some cases, he may ask for help, but he will experience discomfort.

I am finishing the material on introverts, extroverts and ambiverts. I hope you find this article useful and can help you learn something new about yourself. Good luck!