What does an academic bachelor mean. What are Applied Bachelor's and Academic Bachelor's Degrees? Features of modern master's degree

Not so long ago, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation published on its website new project the order, which deals with the division of the bachelor's degree into two directions: applied and academic. Each of the directions has its own characteristics, which each applicant should know about in order to choose a training program suitable for himself.

What is Academic and Applied Bachelor's Degree

Academic bachelor degree - This is a traditional direction, focusing on obtaining basic theoretical knowledge by students. This form of training involves conducting research and expanding the already existing theoretical base. The academic bachelor's degree is suitable for those students who plan to connect their future life with scientific work and obtain a master's or graduate student's degree.

Applied Bachelor - a form of education focused on training professionals in a specific field of activity. Students of this direction in practice master all the main features of their future profession... The purpose of this direction is to train qualified personnel who will be trained in all production processes and will be able to start work immediately after graduation without an internship.

Why was a new form of training bachelors created?

As the Ministry of Education and Science explains, the applied bachelor's degree was developed, since production requires young specialists who, without work experience, will already be familiar with all production processes. Students of this direction from the first year will begin to master the basics of their future profession, and by the end of their studies they will have a clear idea of \u200b\u200ball the features of production.

According to the testimony of employers, many students who come to work immediately after university are not familiar with production processes and need additional training and internships. The Applied Baccalaureate was created with the aim of solving this problem.

In 2013-2014 academic year the state allocated 3700 for the training of future specialists budget places... About 50 russian universities have already started training qualified specialists in the applied program as an experiment.

What is the Difference Between Applied and Academic Bachelor's Degree

The most important difference between these two areas is the development of different educational programs. At the academic bachelor's degree, most subjects involve the development of a theoretical base by students. Particular attention is paid to scientific research and projects. Students are purposefully preparing for further admission to the magistracy and maintaining a permanent scientific work... Applied subjects in this area make up only 10% of the total educational program.

In the applied baccalaureate, most of the subjects studied are of a practical nature. To date, the standards and regulations have not yet been developed, according to which applied bachelors will be trained. However, it is already known that 50% of the total educational process will take place on industrial practice or in the universities' own laboratories. Students will also have the opportunity to work with new high-tech equipment.

Some educational institutions have contracts with employers, and can send their students to practice. After receiving a diploma, reputable students can get a job with the employer who had their internship.

Another feature of the applied bachelor's degree is admission to a lightweight program. It is assumed that by 2018 the passing scores for admission to the academic bachelor's degree will increase, while those for the opposite direction will remain the same. However, each university sets the passing USE scores itself.

For the first few semesters, students of both directions will study according to the same program - study compulsory subjects. Then everyone will be able to make an independent informed choice about which direction is most suitable for him. At this stage, students are divided into academic and applied bachelors.

After four years of study, undergraduate students receive a higher education diploma. After that, he has every right to get a job where it is necessary to have a higher education. Those who studied at the butt bachelor's degree receive two documents at once: a diploma of higher and vocational education... Students of the academic bachelor's degree can take exams for admission to the master's program, go through a competitive selection and continue their studies. Applied Bachelors will also be able to take part in competitive selection for admission to the magistracy. But for this they must have a document confirming their work experience.

Bachelor's degree is the first level of higher education, training in which on the basis of secondary complete education lasts four years, on the basis of secondary vocational education it can last three years. The first three years of undergraduate studies involve the preparation of students as broad specialists, and only in the fourth year does it become possible to choose a specific profile. Upon graduation, students receive a bachelor's degree in a specific profile and a diploma of completed higher education. This diploma allows you to find a job in positions that require higher education, while the lack of narrow specialization provides ample opportunities. In this way, bachelor's degree is a higher education that fully complies with international standards.

In the Russian education system, the concepts of academic and applied bachelor's degree were introduced not so long ago.

  • Academic bachelor degree - This is the classic form of education under the bachelor's program.
  • Applied Bachelor - This is an experimental educational program that, along with the academic, training for four years. However, there are differences in the training programs themselves.

The applied bachelor's program is characterized by an orientation towards practical professional and theoretical training, which is in fact a combination of secondary vocational and higher education programs. The purpose of the applied bachelor's degree is to train workers and specialists at a high technological level to work with complex computer technologies. In applied bachelor's programs, a lot of time is devoted to the practical training of students at employers' enterprises, laboratory work and writing term papers.

After completing any type of bachelor's degree, graduates have the opportunity to continue their higher education already at the second stage, having entered the master's program.

On the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, for the purpose of public discussion, “On the approval of the federal state educational standard higher education in the direction of training 40.03.01 Jurisprudence (bachelor's level) "(hereinafter - the project). The new standard assumes the division of bachelors into two groups: "academic bachelor" (hereinafter AB) and "applied bachelor" (hereinafter - PB). Having assessed both the project itself and the conditions created by the Ministry for its discussion, as a teacher of a law school, I consider it my duty to express my opinion about what is happening.

The Ministry's website states that an explanatory note to the project is “not required”. Of course, everything is clear to the authors anyway. The university community, of course, needs explanations about the reasons for such revolutionary changes.

Only 15 days were allotted for discussion. A good half of the term expired before the news reached the universities. It is impossible to discuss the project at meetings of departments or Academic Councils, as is customary, and form a document expressing the desired opinion of the university community in a week. If we were talking about civil law relations, the behavior of the Ministry would be considered as unfair (just as it is recognized as unfair that a party to a contract sets deadlines for which it is objectively impossible for the other party to comply). A question to officials: why is this? There is only one answer: you are not interested in public opinion, but an opportunity to refer to the fact that the decision was submitted for public discussion.

The main question is what good is the project? - remains unanswered. The negative effect of the innovation is obvious. We only managed to heal, but the wounds of the 90s still hurt, which took many talented teachers to work in other areas of activity (a scientific and pedagogical school is not a joint-stock company, you cannot create it in a month). Universities have just started to come to their senses after the transition to the "bachelor - master" system, the optimal curricula have not yet been finally formed, the development of courses continues. And again the ministerial battle trumpet is thundering: “Forward, to new achievements! Reading a civil law course? You will be teaching two courses: civil law for an academician and civil law for an applied specialist. How to distribute material between courses? We do not know. But we know that it is precisely this kind of division of future lawyers that will save the fallen prestige of legal education and make it possible to end unprofessionalism. "

Well, if it's so serious, universities will try. But just explain what is the difference? The project shows that from the point of view of the educational process, there is no difference between AB and PB.

1) AB and PB are trained in the same types of professional activities (clause 4.2 of the project).

2) The same professional tasks are set before AB and PB (clause 4.3 of the project),

although described in different words... For example, “development of regulatory legal acts” (AB) and “preparation of draft regulatory legal acts” (PB), “... taking actions related to the implementation of legal norms” (AB) and “qualification of legal relations” (PB), “ensuring the rule of law, law and order ... "(AB) and" protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, legal entities and the state "(PB), etc.

3) professional competence (let's close our eyes to the fact that for several years the professorship has not been able to determine the logical scope of the overseas concept of COMPETENCE, which is beloved by the Ministry of Education), and so - the competences of AB and PB, if they differ, then in what is unacceptable from the point of view of the essence of the legal profession common to them (p. 5.2 - 5.4 of the draft):

Normative activity:

ability to develop regulatory legal acts in accordance with the profile of professional activity (PC-1);

the ability to prepare drafts of regulatory legal acts using the techniques and methods of legal technology (PPK-1);

Comment.The same thing, because no specialist will explain how the development of an act differs from its preparation.
Law enforcement activities:

1) the ability to exercise professional activity based on developed legal awareness, legal thinking and legal culture (PC-2);

2) the ability to ensure compliance with the law by subjects of law (PC-3);

3) the ability to make decisions and perform legal actions in strict accordance with the law (PC-4);

4) the ability to apply regulatory legal acts, to implement the norms of substantive and procedural law in professional activities (PC-5);

5) the ability to legally qualify facts and circumstances correctly (PC-6);

6) possession of the skills of preparing legal documents (PC-7);

1) the ability to carry out professional activities at a high professional level (PPK-2);

2) the ability to ensure that legal entities comply with the requirements of legal norms (PPK-3);

3) the ability to determine the sectoral affiliation of public relations subject to legal regulation (PPK-4);

4) the ability, on the basis of a systematic approach, to determine the range of legal norms applicable to public relations subject to legal regulation (PPK-5);

5) the ability to interpret legal norms (PPK-6);

6) the ability to determine and skillfully use effective ways to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the state, society, individuals and legal entities (PPK-7);

7) the ability to master legal terminology and correctly apply it orally and written speech (PPK-8);

8) the ability to competently draw up law enforcement acts (PPK-9)

Comment.The competencies are the same (PC-2 with PPK-2; PC-3 with PPK-3; PC-4 covers PPK-4.5, 6.7, and PC-7 - PPK-9; PC-5 includes PPK-7, and PK-6 - PPK - 4.5).

It is shocking that AB should not have PPK-8, that is, it should not be able to speak and think in legal language, and PB should not have PC-4, that is, it should not act in strict accordance with the law. As a bachelor with legal education, not having PPK-8 and PC-4, will carry out the rest of the prescribed PCs - a mystery for a lawyer. But it, apparently, was solved by the creators of obscure PCs and PPKs.

Law enforcement activities:

1) readiness to perform official duties to ensure law and order, the safety of the individual, society, state (PC-8);

2) the ability to respect the honor and dignity of the individual, to observe and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (PC-9);

3) the ability to detect, suppress, disclose and investigate crimes and other offenses (PC-10);

4) the ability to prevent offenses, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to their commission (PC-11);

5) the ability to identify, assess corrupt behavior and contribute to its suppression (PC-12);

6) the ability to correctly and fully reflect the results of professional activities in legal and other documentation (PC-13);

1) the ability to show integrity, correctness, impartiality and respect for the rights and legitimate interests of the individual in the performance of professional duties (PPK-10);

2) the ability to show intransigence to corrupt behavior, to all forms of humiliation of the human person (PPK-11);

3) the ability to identify the causes and conditions for committing offenses and to determine measures aimed at preventing them (PPK-12);

4) the ability to assess unlawful behavior and contribute to its suppression (PPK-13);

5) the ability to conduct operational-search measures and procedural actions in strict accordance with the law (PPK-14);

6) the ability to competently and skillfully draw up procedural and other legal documents (PPK-15);

The Russian education system is based on the Bologna methodology. If desired, the student can graduate from a bachelor's, specialty or master's degree. Within the framework of training for a bachelor's degree, the passage of an applied or academic form is provided. In this regard, the question arises of what it is and how one form differs from another.

In order to characterize the applied and academic bachelor's degree and their differences, one should understand the current higher education system in Russia.

On September 12, 2013, an order of the Ministry of Education and Science was adopted Russian Federation "On approval of the lists of specialties and areas of training for higher education." According to this document, the following levels of higher education are distinguished:

  • The undergraduate course lasts 4 years;
  • Specialty;
  • Master's degree.

Note! Higher education in the Russian Federation is optional. It testifies to the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills in the chosen field. Thanks to the diploma of higher education, the graduate can apply for a prestigious job in the existing specialty.

In order to enter a university for a bachelor's degree, a secondary complete education is enough. A certificate of its receipt is issued after the end of 11 classes of school. Also, a college or technical school graduate can apply for a bachelor's degree. In this case, the period of study at the educational institution is taken into account. At the same time, the study period at the university is reduced to 3 years.

In addition to the undergraduate degree, russian system education, there is a master's degree and a specialty. Bachelor's degree differs from master's degree and specialty not only in the number of years of study.

The difference lies in the amount of information provided to the trainee. The bachelor's degree is the starting point for admission to a specialty or master's degree.

At the same time, a master's degree is required to obtain academic degrees. In accordance with the requirements that were presented to the participants in the Bologna process, a specialist was equated with a master's qualification. As a result of training, a specialist has the right to receive an academic degree based on the results of writing scientific papers.

Application form

The applied bachelor's program is a relatively new kind. At the time of its approval, the issue of a 3-year or 4-year study period was being decided. As a result of disputes, it was decided to create a training course for 4 years. This time period is considered optimal for obtaining the required academic level of education.

Choosing between these options, prospective students prefer the applied form. This is due to the possibility of immediate employment after graduation. In the labor market, an applied bachelor has ten times more advantages than an academic one.

According to current practice, a bachelor has no specific qualifications. Based on the results of training in the applied form, the student receives an education with a focus on the practical side of the issue. Similar organization educational process assigns a qualification level to the student.

Important! This is a training program based solely on the principles of practical professional activity.

Based on the results of the educational process, high-level specialists and professional workers are graduated. The difference between a graduate of an applied bachelor's degree lies in his ability to understand the functioning of complex devices, electronic systems and machines.

The practical view, in contrast to the academic, allows the student to go to production immediately after graduation. The specialist does not need to additionally complete advanced training courses.

His knowledge and skills will be enough for successful work and career advancement.

The main thing that distinguishes the applied type is the emphasis on the practical aspects of production. This is manifested in the student receiving an applied qualification in the chosen profession. Such a program creates an increased demand from employers.

Among the specialties for which there is training for an applied bachelor, it is customary to single out the following areas:

  • cartographic;
  • chemical;
  • ecological;
  • geoinformatics;
  • ship armament;
  • architectural;
  • optical engineering;
  • advertising;
  • materials science;
  • management;
  • sociological;
  • choreographic;
  • economic;
  • social work;
  • informative;
  • records management;
  • materials science;
  • computing technology.

Within the framework of the applied baccalaureate, there is a question about its equivalence to training in colleges and technical schools. This is due to the 3-3.5-year duration of study in these institutions. Despite a relatively similar period, graduating from a technical school or college does not provide the required qualifications.

Useful Video: Applied Bachelor's Degree

Academic form

This is a curriculum based on the formation of a theoretical basis. The theoretical foundation is created in a variety of disciplines within the curriculum. There is no practical activity in the academic form. It is understood that the basic skills necessary for successful work will be acquired by a specialist already during the internship. The academic bachelor receives practical skills directly at the time of the performance of duties.

For the academic type, there is a 4-year study period. During this period of time, the bachelor is preparing for. This form serves as a starting point for subsequent admission to the magistracy.

Note! The academic program does not differ from the applied one. The essential difference lies in the maximum inclusion of applied bachelors in the production process.

Similarities and differences

The common thing that binds the academic and applied bachelor's degree is the length of the educational process... The duration of both forms of education is 4 years.

Similarities include a higher education diploma. In case of successful completion, the graduate is issued a document. It indicates the type of bachelor's degree in which the training was completed.

It is noted that a relatively similar level of specialized knowledge and theoretical information is obtained. For the optimal choice between applied and academic bachelor's degree, it is necessary to find out their fundamental difference.

Among the significant differences, it is customary to distinguish:

  1. Novelty in the emergence of a form of education. The academic option is traditional form... The applied variant is a relatively new type in Russian education.
  2. The difference in the prevalence of a theoretical or practical basis in curriculum... For the academic form, the emphasis on theory is relevant. For the applied version, practical skills are more important.
  3. Paths to further development as a specialist. Based on the results of the academic form, master's studies are allowed. Practical education marks the end of the educational process with employment in the specialty.
  4. Possibility of admission to the magistracy. The academic form allows you to immediately apply for admission to the magistracy. After practical training, it is required to obtain work experience in the chosen specialty, after which training in the magistracy is allowed.

Note! The main thing that distinguishes the applied bachelor's degree and the academic one is the availability of practical skills, knowledge, skills. All this is reflected in qualifications and in the possibility of further study for obtaining an academic degree.

Useful video: is it worth going to a master's program after a bachelor's degree?


In the Russian education system, there are both academic and applied bachelor's degrees. Their difference lies in the amount of theoretical and practical knowledge acquired by students. The choice of form depends on the goals of the future specialist.

In contact with

In accordance with current legislation, there are several levels of higher education:

  • postgraduate studies;
  • magistracy;
  • academic and applied bachelor's degree.

What is the difference?

In accordance with the federal state higher education standards, which began to operate in September 2014, the bachelor now has the opportunity to obtain the qualification of an academic or applied bachelor. Thus, in addition to the traditional, until recently, academic qualification, the so-called applied bachelor's degree also appeared, in connection with which many people until today do not know what this qualification is, and what are the main differences between them.

Features of the academic form of education

Until recently, many doubted that by entering the "bachelor's" form of study, one could, in principle, get an interesting diploma of higher education. Today, many are already asking another question: "What to choose - an academic bachelor's degree or an applied bachelor's degree?" But first of all, it is worth considering what this form of training exists for.


Bachelor's degree is a form of higher education that has traditionally existed in Europe, as well as the United States and other developed countries. In the advanced countries of Asia, it was adopted only at the end of the last century, while Russia made a decision to join the Bologna Convention, as well as to undertake a full transition to this education system in 2003. It is for this reason that, since 2011, the more traditional form of education of the “specialty” type for our country has practically been replaced by a new one, and the list of professions where it remains is constantly decreasing.


The question itself of what an applied bachelor's degree means began to appear relatively recently, when in 2009 a decree was issued to begin an experiment aimed at creating a similar form of education in various educational institutions.

This form of education has a base in the form of various educational programs of higher education, which are focused primarily on obtaining extremely serious theoretical training in combination with programs of secondary specialized education, aimed at providing students with practical skills directly at work. However, since 2014 with the introduction new form learning, many wondered what the applied and academic bachelor's degree means.

Who is a bachelor?

A bachelor is a graduate of a university with a broad profile, that is, he is provided with a complete base of all the skills and knowledge that a person with higher education should have, including both fundamental training and various humanitarian disciplines.

However, some highly specialized subjects taught to specialists exclusively in the fifth year, the bachelor will not study at all, because he can already get all these skills and knowledge directly at the enterprise, that is, working in a specific position. It is far from a secret that the specific training that is offered in the senior courses of modern universities often does not meet the demands put forward by employers, as a result of which, in the majority of cases, it is necessary to retrain using new equipment or technological lines. From this point of view, the difference between applied and academic bachelor's degree appears, because in the first case, much more practical knowledge is provided to each student.

At the same time, in accordance with the basic meaning of the academic form, it is sometimes better to get universal training and thoroughly master the basics before starting work.

How does this help in the future?

Bachelors who have good fundamental training behind them can successfully work in almost any engineering or economic field, as a result of which they already receive a narrower specialized education in accordance with the needs of a particular enterprise or organization.

The new level training system, which is present in modern universities, allows each person to choose the most optimal personal educational trajectory according to its own life situation, as well as intellectual and financial capabilities or certain professional interests. Do not forget that after a person receives a diploma of higher education, as well as acquires the qualification "bachelor", he has the opportunity to continue his studies in the magistracy.

How does he work?

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Education, more than 50% of the total labor intensity of the educational program in this case is exclusively practical classes, which is significantly more compared to how the academic bachelor's program is conducted. In connection with this fact, it is definitely impossible to say which is better - applied or academic bachelor's degree, since they have their pros and cons.

The focus on practice in this case is expressed additionally in the fact that bachelors are trained for certain enterprises of certain industries, as a result of which, in the process of drawing up and further implementing the educational program, the wishes of specific employers will also be taken into account. The program used in the applied bachelor's degree has a standard development period of four years, during which students are provided professional trainingpractice-oriented and characteristic of various educational institutions secondary specialized education. At the same time, professional theoretical training is provided, for which the academic baccalaureate is famous. Thus, considering which is better - an applied or an academic bachelor's degree, first of all it is worth starting from the student's goals, as well as the area of \u200b\u200binterest to him.

Why is this needed?

Some professions over the past few years have become much more complex, and if earlier it was customary to demand exclusively technical skills from middle-level specialists, then nowadays you also need to have a significant theoretical base. In the overwhelming majority of cases, all kinds of colleges or technical schools do not provide an opportunity to provide training for specialists at this level, while university graduates who have received a good academic base for several years have little experience in real production conditions. That is why, thinking about which is better - bachelor's degree or applied bachelor's degree, many choose the second option, since it was introduced in the form of a new quality level of existing higher education.

It was created in order to combine the efforts of an average professional and high school, adopting only the most important forms of theoretical and practical training. We continue to consider the applied bachelor's and bachelor's degrees. Their differences lie in the fact that in the applied form, along with a diploma of higher education, the student receives the maximum of skills and knowledge that are required to start working in his specialty without the need for any additional internships.

How does this happen?

In the same way, as in the case of the standard form of training, after the completed training, the graduate is provided with a diploma and qualification "bachelor". In what other ways are applied bachelor's and bachelor's degrees different? Their differences lie in the fact that in the applied form the student is provided with a certain qualification category in any specific or several different professions.

Thus, the Applied Bachelor is a specialized educational qualification provided to those students who have completed the program completely top level education at the undergraduate level. At the same time, figuring out which is better - a bachelor's or an applied bachelor's degree, it should be noted that in the applied form after graduation, the student has the competence to solve all kinds of technological problems in different socio-economic spheres, and can start professional activities immediately after how to finish training. The only difference in this case is a much larger amount of practical training, in connection with which the student is provided with the qualification of a worker or a certain position of an employee in his chosen profile.

What are the benefits?

To this day, many do not understand what a bachelor's degree and an applied bachelor's degree are. What is the difference between them was described above, and then the advantages of the applied form should be considered.

Of course, the main advantage is that it provides training of highly qualified specialists, primarily focused on practice. It is assumed that those students who can complete the four-year program of study in this form will ultimately be good practitioners with good theoretical background corresponding to higher education, and that is why many are thinking about what to choose - an academic bachelor's degree or an applied bachelor's degree.

All employers who actively participate in the development process are interested in such specialists today. curricula... It also distinguishes between undergraduate and applied undergraduate studies. What is the difference between these forms can also be expressed in the fact that in the latter case, a specialist is prepared for a certain workplace using the technologies in demand, and it is practically guaranteed that employment takes place immediately after graduation.

Thus, for a particular employer, it is extremely important to have such a form of training, if he is ready to take part in the training of specialists, knows what kind of workers he needs at the moment, and what he may need in the long term.

What's up with science?

First of all, researchers often think about how the applied bachelor's degree differs from the bachelor's degree. In this case, the possibility of further education is also provided, that is, if desired, the graduate can enter the magistracy in the future. However, the main difference from this point of view is that an applied scientist must first of all go to the production for which he was trained, and not to science.

Other differences

It is also worth noting several other facts that distinguish the applied bachelor's degree from the undergraduate degree. The applied form of education completely eliminates the social gap that has formed between working professions, as well as the increased social status inherent in graduates of higher educational institutions. Approximately by 2018, more than 30% of university students will be engaged in applied bachelor's programs, and at the same time, about 50% of the programs of secondary specialized education that exist today can be transformed into them.

What does an applied bachelor's degree mean for a modern student? This is a great prospect for students who are going to further work in applied fields.