Almanac "Day by Day": Science. Culture

I do not even know approximately how many books of memoirs about the Great Patriotic War have been published in our country in the years since the Victory. But I think that there will be several hundred such memoirs, and perhaps more than a thousand. Our famous marshals and generals, who commanded fronts, armies, who headed large headquarters, and prominent political workers - members of military councils of operational associations, and generals, admirals of a lower rank, and regimental officers wrote about the harsh and difficult time of that time. Even some soldiers and sergeants, front-line soldiers, spoke about their difficult military fate.

And each time, after reading such a book, I felt a sense of deep respect for the author for the fact that he was able to recreate on its pages the events in which he participated, warmly tell about his fighting brothers. But it seemed to me that this requires a special gift, although it is known, of course, that there are only a few professional writers among memoirists. I honestly admit that for many years after the war I did not even think of taking up the pen. But for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Victory, I, being at that time the commander of the Volga Military District, invited veterans of our 289th Guards to my Kuibyshev infantry regiment A. P. Ishkova, V. I. Dudnikova, M. P. Kukharskaya with her husband N. M. Smirnov. Naturally, there were a lot of conversations, memories. It was then that my front-line colleagues "sat down" on me.

Yuri Andreevich, - they said, - our regiment is not worse than others, it is even mentioned in the History of the Second World War. Write a book about how we fought the fascists. After all, our fellow soldiers passed more than seven thousand five hundred kilometers along the front roads.

What a writer I am, friends! I pleaded. - And there is almost no free time for this.

Nothing, - said one of the veterans, - it's not the gods who burn the pots. We will help you collect facts, documents.

We mobilize fellow soldiers, they will send their memories ...

In a word, they persuaded me. I began to tidy up my personal archive little by little. I received hundreds of letters from fellow soldiers - I did not even expect that so many people would respond. There were also new meetings with veterans of the 289th Guards. We visited Stavropol, where the regiment was being formed, on the Stalingrad land near Dubovka, where we had to wage fierce battles with the enemy, in other bridges. Impressions about these meetings were accumulated, old frontline episodes came to life in conversations with combat friends.

And now more than ten years have passed. The book seems to be ready. And I ventured to submit it to the readers' judgment.

Of course, both with me and with my volunteer assistants, far from everything from the frontline life was retained in memory. I did not try to analyze in detail fighting regiment from the point of view of tactics, and tried to tell more about people, about their lives and exploits. But of course, not all of my fellow soldiers were able to name me by name: over the four years of bloody battles, the composition of the regiment changed more than once. And only those who, frankly, were lucky, survived: after all, everyone had the same chances of life and death. The infantry, even on the defensive, more often than others fell under enemy fire, and there is no need to talk about the offensive ...

Long ago, trenches and trenches, dugouts and dugouts - frontal wounds of the earth, have collapsed and overgrown with grass. Towns and villages destroyed during the war have long been restored. But the memory of the heart lives on. And with spiritual pain you realize that every year there are fewer and fewer of those who, in the harsh time of the Great Patriotic War, with arms in their hands, saved the Motherland, rid the world of the brown plague. First of all, for them, for my dear fellow soldiers, I wrote this book.

I sincerely thank A. V. Akinshin, N. M. Kodenko, P. T. Kovalenko, M. P. Kukharskaya, N. M. Smirnov, G. F. Skibu, G. P. Shagin and all other veterans for their great help which they gave me while working on my memoirs. I am especially grateful to V.I.Dudnikov for the arduous work of collecting and summarizing materials about the combat ...

05.03.1919 - 06.10.1999
Hero Soviet Union

Naumenko Yuri Andreevich - Commander of the 289th Guards Rifle Regiment (97th Guards Rifle Division, 5th Guards Army, 1st Ukrainian Front), Guard Lieutenant Colonel.

Born on March 5, 1919 in the town of Romny, Poltava province (now Sumy region, Ukraine). Since 1921 he lived in the village of Loknya (Romensky district). In 1934 he graduated from the 7th grade of the school, in 1936 - the Romensky technical school of mechanization agriculture... In 1936-1937 he worked as a technician-rate setter at metallurgical plant in the city of Voroshilovsk (now the city of Alchevsk, Luhansk region, Ukraine), in 1937-1939 - a loader in the Kerch seaport, an accountant and chairman of the local trade union committee at a state farm in the village of Bagerovo (now the village of Leninsky district, Crimea).

In the army since December 1939. In July 1941 he graduated from the Zhytomyr Military Infantry School.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War: in August 1941 - company commander of the 963rd Infantry Regiment (Southern Front). Participated in the defense of Zaporozhye. On August 18, 1941, he was wounded in the head and leg, until September 1941 he was in a hospital in the city of Novocherkassk (Rostov region).

From October 1941 - assistant chief and chief of staff, and in October 1943 - May 1945 - commander of the 1151th (from May 1943 - 289th Guards) rifle regiment. He fought on the South, Donskoy, Voronezh, Steppe, 2nd and 1st Ukrainian fronts. Participated in the Rostov defensive and offensive operations, Barvenkovo-Lozovskoy operation, Kharkov battle, Stalingrad and Kursk battles, The Belgorod-Kharkov operation, the liberation of the Left-Bank Ukraine, the Kirovograd, Uman-Botoshansk, Lvov-Sandomierz, Sandomierz-Silesian and Berlin operations. During the war he was wounded three times.

Particularly distinguished in Berlin operation... The regiment under his command on April 16, 1945 successfully crossed the Neisse River (Nysa-Luzhitska), broke through the enemy defenses north of the city of Bad Muskau (Germany) and was the first in the division, crossing the Spree River on the move, reached the Elbe River near the city of Torgau (Germany ). In the battles, the soldiers of the regiment destroyed 22 enemy tanks, 12 assault and 20 field guns, 14 armored personnel carriers.

For the skillful command of the regiment and courage and heroism shown in battles, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1945, to the guard lieutenant colonel Naumenko Yuri Andreevich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

In May 1945 he was the first commandant of the city of Dresden (Germany). Until 1946, he continued to command a rifle regiment (in the Central Group of Forces, Austria). In 1949 he graduated from the Frunze Military Academy. He again commanded a rifle regiment. May-November 1956 - deputy commander rifle division, in 1956-1960 - commander of a mechanized division (in the Baltic Military District). In 1962 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff.

In 1962-1964 - Deputy Head of the Combat Training Directorate of the Southern Group of Forces (Hungary), in 1964-1965 - Corps Commander (in the Carpathian Military District), in 1965-1968 - Deputy Commander of the Leningrad Military District for Combat Training. June 1968 - October 1971 - Commander of the 11th Guards Combined Arms Army (headquarters in the city of Kaliningrad, Baltic Military District).

From October 1971 to June 1975 - Commander of the Volga Military District. May 1975 - May 1980 - senior representative of the main command of the Joint Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact member states in the Hungarian People's Army. 1980-1988 - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces for non-military training - head of non-military training of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Since June 1988, Colonel-General Yu.A. Naumenko is in reserve.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 9th convocation (1974-1979).

Colonel General (11/18/1971). He was awarded 2 Orders of Lenin (06/27/1945; 02/15/1979), the Order of the October Revolution (12/16/1972), 2 Orders of the Red Banner (02/06/1943; 03/28/1945), the Order of Suvorov 3rd degree (08/30/1944), Alexander Nevsky (03/31/1944), 2 Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree (11/02/1943; 03/11/1985), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (02/19/1986), 2 Orders of the Red Star (10/02/1942; 12/30/1956), the order “For service to the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR "3rd degree (04/30/1975), the medal" For courage in the fire "(01/23/1973), other medals, the Order of the Red Banner of the Battle (Mongolia, 11/12/1984), other foreign awards.

In the city of Romny, Sumy region (Ukraine) on the Alley of Heroes, a memorial stand of Y.A. Naumenko was installed. In Moscow, a memorial plaque was installed on the house in which he lived.

Member of the Encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Correctional Pedagogy, social psychology and health-forming education GBOU Volgograd State Academy of Advanced Training and Retraining of Educators.

The area of \u200b\u200bfundamental scientific research is methodology, theory and practice of health-forming education.

Relevant areas of application scientific research:

1) Technologies of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities in integrated education in a mass school.

2) Technologies for the positive prevention of the use of psychoactive substances by adolescents and young people and the formation of their social skills.

3) Design and implementation of the program of correctional activities of the educational institution in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the initial general and basic general education.

4) Design and implementation of a program for the formation of a healthy and safe lifestyle for schoolchildren in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general and basic general education.

The most significant results of research and development include:

1. Socio-cultural concept of health-forming education (basic theoretical provisions, design principles, models of implementation in the activities of mass comprehensive school and principles for evaluating effectiveness with a set of diagnostic techniques).

2. An approximate regional program for the formation of a healthy and safe lifestyle for primary schoolchildren (general requirements for the structure and content, options for different types of educational institutions).

3. An approximate program of correctional activities at the level of primary general education (general requirements for the structure and content, options for different types of educational institutions).

4. Regional requirements for the content and structure of a comprehensive program of general educational institution on the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances by schoolchildren, as well as specific methodological developments.

In the socio-cultural concept for the first time:

Pedagogical formulations of concepts are given (health, healthy lifestyle, vitality, internal picture of health, health-preserving and health-forming education, health-preserving technologies in education);

Models of health-forming and health-saving education are analyzed;

A comprehensive medical-psychological-pedagogical monitoring of assessing the effectiveness of health-preserving activities of a general education school has been developed.

The concept is intended primarily for the conduct and organization of applied research as a theoretical and methodological basis. However, on its basis it is possible to obtain experimental developments of an applied orientation.

In the approximate regional programs for the formation of a healthy and safe lifestyle for primary schoolchildren and the correctional activities of a general education school at the primary level of general education, mechanisms for fulfilling the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard are described. The informational-methodical and organizational-pedagogical support of the process of forming a healthy and safe lifestyle of a younger student and the correctional activity of a general education school at the primary stage of general education is presented. Using model programs as a scientific and methodological guideline, the teaching staff of secondary schools will be able to draw up similar programs, taking into account the socio-cultural and organizational characteristics of their school.

Regional requirements for the content and structure of a comprehensive program of a general educational institution for the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances by schoolchildren regulate the relevant activities of a general educational institution, determine the criteria for its effectiveness and propose specific practice-oriented experimental developments. These technologies are intended for direct use in practical activities by teachers of a general education school or can serve as a guideline for the design of author's methods of the corresponding problem.

Scientific publications:

1. Integrative psycho-logo-pedagogical characteristics of juvenile delinquent behavior.

(article) print. Academic year: Journal of Volgograd teachers, No. 1, 2002. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO. S. 79-87.

2. Connection of aggressive behavior of children with emotional disturbances of the psyche.

(article) print. Academic year: Journal of Volgograd teachers, No. 2, 2002 - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO. S. 78-88.

3. Organization of health-preserving education as a complex problem.

(abstracts) print. Development of social and psychological service in the education system of Volgograd: Theory and practice: Abstracts. doc. II regional scientific and practical. conf. November 11-12, 2003 - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2003.S. 57-59.

4. The concept of positive prevention of drug addiction among children and adolescents in educational institutions.

(article) print. Development of social and psychological service in the education system of Volgograd: Theory and practice: Abstracts. doc. II regional scientific and practical. conf. November 11-12, 2003 - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2003.S. 148-151.

5. Socio-psychological approach to the prevention of alcohol and drug use by schoolchildren.

(article) print. Academic year: Journal of Volgograd teachers, No. 3, 2003. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO. S. 25-30.

6. Problems in self-determination and self-affirmation in adolescence as a source of deformation of personal development.

print Pedagogical problems of the formation of the subjectivity of a schoolchild, student, teacher in the system continuing education: Sat. scientific. and method. tr. Issue 11 / Ed. N.K. Sergeeva, N.M. Borytko, A.N. Kuzibetsky. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2003.S. 49-53. O.V. Naumenko

7. The concept of health-formative education.

(article) print. Innovations in education: Scientific and methodological journal, No. 2, 2004 - M .: Publishing house of GOU VPO "Modern Humanitarian University".

8. Health-forming education in ka-children's school.

(article) print. Ways of modernization of education: innovative educational and organizational technologies in cadet schools and boarding schools: Materials and educational and methodological developments of the participants of the All-Russian seminar-meeting / Volgograd, November 11-14, 2003 - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2004 . S. 50 - 57.

9. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the domestic experience of health-preserving school activities.

(article) print. Innovations in education: Scientific and methodical journal, No. 5, 2004 - M .: Publishing house of GOU VPO "Modern Humanitarian University".

10. Health-forming education as the goal of school modernization.

(article) print. Materials of the Pershoi International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Potential of Svitu 2004". Volume 42. Straightforward reform of the education system. - Dnipropetrovsk: Science I ovita, 2004.S. 30-34.

11. The concept of education that forms the health of schoolchildren.

(article) print. School Director: Scientific and Methodological Journal, No. 5, 2004 - M .: Publishing house. firm "September". S. 85-91.

12. School and health: theoretical and methodological analysis.

(monograph) print. School and health: theoretical and methodological analysis: Monograph / Yu.V. Naumenko. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2005 .-- 244 p.

13. Choosing a healthy lifestyle: the potential of health-forming education.

(article) print. Problems of life choice of adolescents and young people in the context of social changes: Mater. spoke. and teaching method. development of the participants of the All-Russian. conf. "Problems of socialization of adolescents and youth in the context of social changes." Volgograd, April 21, 2004 - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2005. S. 100-108.

14. Model of the formation of the internal picture of health in children and adolescents.

(abstracts) print. Personality development in the educational systems of the South Russian region: Abstracts of the XII annual meeting of the Southern branch of the Russian Academy of Education and the XXIV psychological and pedagogical readings in the South of Russia. - Rostov-n / D .: Ed. RGPU, 2005. Part IV. S. 138-139.

15. Health-preserving school activities.

(article) print. Pedagogy: Scientific-theoretical journal, No. 6, 2005 - M .: Publishing house of RAO.

16. Health and a healthy lifestyle as the values \u200b\u200bof Russian civilization.

(article) email Education: researched in the world [Electron. resource] / Under the patronage Russian academy education, GNPB

17. Health-forming education as a model of sociocultural teaching practice.

(article) print. Standards and Monitoring in Education: Scientific Information Journal,

№ 4 (49), 2006 - M .: Publishing house of the National Center for Standards and Monitoring of Education. S. 13 - 22.

18. Modern practice of health-preserving education.

(article) print. Valeology: Scientific and practical journal, No. 3. 2006 - Rostov n / Don: Publishing house of GOU VPO "Rostov State University". S. 44 - 52.

19. Health, healthy lifestyle and Illness as values \u200b\u200bof Western civilization.

(article) email Education: researched in the world [Electron. resource] / Under the patronage of the Russian Academy of Education, GNPB

them. K. D. Ushinsky. - M .: OIM.RU, 2000-2001. - Access mode: World Wide Web. URL: - 01.21.2006

20. Socio-cultural concept of health-forming education.

(article) email Education: researched in the world [Electron. resource] / Under the patronage of the Russian Academy of Education, GNPB

them. K. D. Ushinsky. - M .: OIM.RU, 2000-2001. - Access mode: World Wide Web. URL: - 01.21.2006

21. Comprehensive strategy for strengthening the health of schoolchildren.

(article) print. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Schoolchildren's Health. Prevention of socially significant diseases "(November 27-29, 2006,

tver). - Tver: Publishing house "Scientific book", 2006. S. 204-209.

22. A child with minimal brain dysfunction as a problem primary education print Elementary school: Monthly scientific and methodological journal, No. 1, 2007 - M .: Publishing house of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. S. 25-31.

23. Health as a subject of pedagogical research and an object of pedagogical practice.

(article) print. Materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Health-Forming Education: Experience, Forecasts, Problems" (May 29-30, 2007, Kazan). - Kazan: Publishing house of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology vocational education RAO, 2007.S. 123-130.

24. Health-forming function of the educational process at school.

(monograph) print. Health-forming function of the educational process at school: Monograph / Yu.V. Naumenko. - Vol-gograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2008. - 368 p.

25. Health as a component of the content of general education.

(article) print. Formation of a culture of health in the modern educational environment: Materials of the First All-Russia. scientific-practical conf. "Preservation and strengthening of health in educational institutions of the Russian Federation" (November 8-9, 2007) / Ed. F.F. Kharisova. - M .: Federal Institute for Education Development, 2007.S. 276-288.

26. Psychological foundations of health-forming education.

(article) print. Psychological science and education [Electron. magazine], No. 3, 2009 / Publisher - Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. - Access mode: World Wide Web. URL: / ISSN-online: 2074-5885. - 13 p.

27. Pedagogical essence of health-preserving and health-forming education.

(article) print. Scientific works... Volume 48, series "physical education and sports". - Bulgaria, Sofia: Publishing house of Rusin University "Angel Kunchev", 2009. pp. 25-34.

28. Russian roots of the socio-cultural phenomenon "health".

(article) print. Tsaritsyno Christmas Readings. Issue 1 / Ed. IN AND. Supruna. - Volgograd: Publishing house of the Lyceum №8 "Olympia", 2011. S. 60-66.

29. Health-forming education: Socio-cultural concept of the formation of schoolchildren's health.

(monograph) print. Health-forming education: Sociocultural concept of schoolchildren's health formation: Monograph / Yu.V. Naumenko. - Publisher LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG Dudweiler Landstr., Germany, 2011 .-- 430 p.

30. Comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of health-forming education: Content and assessment of the effectiveness of health-forming education.

(monograph) print. Comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of health-forming education: Content and assessment of the effectiveness of health-forming education: Monograph / Yu.V. Naumenko. - Publisher LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG Dudweiler Landstr., Germany, 2011 .-- 299 p.

31. Sociocultural concept of the phenomenon of "health." (Article) print. Psychology of education in the XXI century: theory and practice: materials of the Intern. scientific-practical conf. Volgograd, 14-16 Sept. 2011 / ed. T.Yu. Andryushchenko, A.G. Kritsky, O.P. Merkulova (to the 80th anniversary of the VGSPU). - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGSPU "Change", 2011. S. 22-28.

32. Designing health-forming education.

(article) print. Problems of personality development and the formation of a healthy lifestyle: value-motivational approach: Collection of scientific and methodological materials / Comp. and scientific. ed. N.Yu. Sinyagina, E.G. Artamonov. - M .: ANO "TsNPRO", 2011.S. 9-16.

34. Correction of the psychological health of the teacher as an element of the training program for education workers.

№ 11, 2003 - Moscow: Publishing house of the NOU "School" Polar Star "", 2003. S. 3-6.

35. Fundamentals of correctional pedagogy and preventive psychology.

(teaching aid) pec. Fundamentals of Correctional Pedagogy and Preventive Psychology: Study Guide for Students of Advanced Training Courses / Yu.V. Naumenko. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2004 .-- 224 p.

36. Organization of activities of an educational institution for health-forming education.

76 s. - Supplement to the journal "Academic Year", No. 6, 2004. Series "Health Preservation". Issue 1. - S. 4-14.

37. Organization of health-forming activities in an orphanage and boarding school.

38. Designing health-forming education.

№ 5 (38), 2004 - M .: Publishing house of the National Center for Standards and Monitoring of Education. S. 46-51.

39. Methodology for the hygienic assessment of the lesson schedule.

76 s. - Supplement to the journal "Academic Year", No. 6, 2004. Series "Health Preservation". Issue 1. - S. 63-68.

40. The program of the course "My health" (grades 2-4).

(educational program) print. Experience in the implementation of a comprehensive education strategy that forms the health of schoolchildren: Sat. scientific method. developments / Ed. Yu.V. Naumenko. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2005. - Supplement to the journal "Academic Year", No. 8. Series "Health-saving". Issue 2. - S. 141-154. A. V. Shcherbina

41. The program of the course "My health" (grades 5-7).

(educational program) print. Experience in the implementation of a comprehensive education strategy that forms the health of schoolchildren: Sat. Art. and scientific method. developments / Ed. Yu.V. Naumenko. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2005. - Supplement to the journal "Academic Year", No. 8. Health Preservation Series. Issue 2. - S. 154-171. A.I.

42. Organization of comprehensive preventive work in a general educational institution for the prevention of drug addiction among students. (Method. Recommendations) pec. Standards and Monitoring in Education: Scientific Information Journal,

№ 6 (45), 2005 - M .: Publishing house of the National Center for Standards and Monitoring of Education. S. 39-45 (beginning).

Standards and monitoring in education: Scientific information journal, No. 1 (46), 2006 - M .: Publishing house of the National Center for Standards and Monitoring of Education. S. 51-56 (end).

43. Mathematics: correctional and developmental classes.

(development method) printing Mathematics: Correctional and developmental classes with students of preparatory and 1-2 grades primary school / Auto-comp. Yu.V. Naumenko, A.A. Shabanov. - Volgograd: Publishing house "Teacher", 2006. – 268p. Shabanova A.A.

44. Russian language: correctional and developmental tasks and exercises (1-2 grade).

(development method) print. Russian language: Correctional and developmental assignments and exercises for students in grades 1-2 / Avt.-comp. Yu.V. Naumenko, E.P. Pleshakova. - Volgograd: Publishing house "Teacher", 2006. - 134 p. E.P. Pleshakova

45. Russian language: correctional-developmental tasks and exercises (3-4 grade).

(development method) printing Russian language: Correctional and developmental assignments and exercises for students in grades 3-4 / Auth.-comp. Yu.V. Naumenko, E.P. Pleshakova. - Volgograd: Publishing house "Teacher", 2006. - 156 p. E. Pleshakova

46. \u200b\u200bOptimization of the class schedule: comparison of the normative and real load of students. (method. recommendations) print. School director: Scientific and methodological journal, No. 2 (107), 2006 - M .: Publishing house. firm "September". S. 65-70.

47. Possibilities of correction of intellectual health deficiencies in primary school students in the study of mathematics.

№ 2 (47), 2006 - M .: Publishing house of the National Center for Standards and Monitoring of Education. S. 23-30.

49. Prevention of stress and strengthening of the emotional health of adolescents.

51. Features of teaching children with MMD. (Method. Recommendations) pec. Education and training of children with developmental disabilities: Scientific and practical journal, No. 5, 2006 - M .: Publishing house "Shkolnaya pressa". S. 3-11.

52. Prevention of drug addiction among students at school. (Method. Recommendations) pec. Prevention of drug addiction among students at school: Methodical recommendations / Ed. Yu.V. Naumenko. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPKRO, 2006. - Supplement to the journal "Academic Year", No. 42. Health Preservation Series, Vol. Number 3. - 128 p. Dodina N.P.

53. Monitoring the health-preserving activity of the school. (Method. Recommendations) pec. Standards and monitoring in education: Scientific and informational journal, No. 3 (54), 2007 - M .: Publishing house of the National center for standards and monitoring of education. S. 20-27.

54. Modeling health-forming education. (Method. Recommendations) pec. Educational issues: Scientific and educational journal, No. 2, 2007 - M .: Publishing house of GOU VPO " State University "High School of Economics"". S. 140-160.

55. Comprehensive strategy for the prevention of drug addiction among students at school.

(method. recommendations) print. A comprehensive strategy for the prevention of drug addiction among students at school: Methodological recommendations for teachers and parents / Ed. Yu.V. Naumenko. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2007. - 112 p. Gavrilova T.A., Dodina N.P.

56. Program of HIV / AIDS prevention in educational institutions.

(method. development) printing. HIV / AIDS Prevention Program in Educational Institutions / Ed. Yu.V. Naumenko. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2007. - 70 p. Gavrilova T.A., Dodina N.P.

57. Prevention of HIV / AIDS in general educational institutions: Methodical recommendations for teachers.

(method. recommendations) print. Prevention of HIV / AIDS in educational institutions: Methodological recommendations for teachers. - Volgograd: Publishing house of VGIPK RO, 2007. - Methodological recommendations have been developed within the framework of the regional program of measures of the Volgograd Region Administration to combat drug use and their illicit trafficking for 2006-2008. - 188 p. Gavrilova T.A., Dodina N.P.

58. Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of health-preserving school activities.

59. My health: Formation of a value attitude to health and prevention of HIV / AIDS in adolescents at school.

(method. recommendations) print. My health: Formation of a value attitude towards health and prevention of HIV / AIDS in adolescents at school / author-comp. P.P. Kuchegasheva, Yu.V. Naumenko, I. V. Fedoskin; ed. Yu.V. Naumenko. - M .: Globus, 2008 .-- 236 p. - (Series "Educational work"). P.P. Kuchega-sheva, I.V. Fedoskina

60. Health-preserving school activities: performance monitoring.

(method. recommendations) print. Health-preserving school activities: performance monitoring. Methodical recommendations for teachers and heads of educational institutions / Auth.-comp. Yu.V. Naumenko. - M .: Publishing house "Globus", 2008. - 125 p. - (Series "School Management").

61. Prevention of stress and strengthening the emotional health of adolescents.

(method. recommendations) print. School planning: Journal for school administrators, No. 6, 2008 - M .: Publishing house "Public education". S. 57-69 (beginning). - School planning: Journal for school administrators, No. 1, 2009 - M .: Publishing house "Public education". S. 78-88 (end).

62. Monitoring of physical culture and health-improving work at school. (Method. Recommendations) pec. Management of elementary school: Scientific information journal, No. 4, 2009 - M .: Publishing house of CJSC "MCFER". S. 70-78.

63. Monitoring students' knowledge of a healthy lifestyle.

64. Key approaches to teaching gifted children. (Method. Recommendations) pec. Management of elementary school: Scientific and informational journal, No. 11, 2009 - M .: Publishing house of CJSC "MCFER". S. 4-10.

65. Comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of health-preserving school activities.

(method. recommendations) print. Health-saving activities in the context of state educational policy: Materials of the II All-Russia. scientific-practical conf. "Preservation and promotion of health in educational institutions of the Russian Federation" (October 30-31, 2008) / Ed. F.F. Kharisova. - M .: Federal Institute for Education Development, 2009. P.113-158.

67. A gifted child, family and mass school: how to preserve and increase young talents?

68. Comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of health-preserving school activities: recommendations for the heads of educational institutions.

(method. recommendations) print. Comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of the health-saving activity of the school: recommendations for the heads of educational institutions / Ed. Yu.V. Naumenko. - Volgograd: Osnova Publishing House, 2010. - 60 p. Biryukova Yu.O., Kozlovtseva E.A., Chandra M.Yu.

69. Comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of health-preserving school activities: recommendations for specialists of municipal educational authorities. (Method. Recommendations) pec. Comprehensive monitoring of the effectiveness of health-preserving school activities: recommendations for specialists of municipal educational authorities / Ed. Yu.V. Naumenko. - Volgograd: Osnova Publishing House, 2010. - 68 p. Biryukova Yu.O., Kozlovtseva E.A., Chandra M.Yu.

70. Optimization of the class schedule: comparison of the normative and real workload of students.

72. Proper nutrition of a student: problems and recommendations. (Method. Recommendations) pec. Encyclopedia of administrative work at school: A universal electronic reference book for the administrator of an educational institution. No. 15, 2011. - M .: Publishing firm "September". P. 21.

73. Approximate program of correctional work.

74. Health-preserving school activities: performance monitoring.

75. The activities of the educational institution on the formation of a culture of health and a safe lifestyle of primary school students. (Collection of programs) pec. The activities of an educational institution to form a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle for primary school students: Collection of programs / Auth.-comp. Yu.V. Naumenko. - M .: APKiPRO, 2011 .-- 48 p. Annenkov V.V., Masterov A.G., Chubarenko V.V.

76. Recommendations to the teacher on the organization of preventive work with parents to prevent drug addiction among children and adolescents. (Method. Recommendations) pec. Scientific and methodological journal of the deputy director of the school for educational work: Management of the educational process at school. No. 4, 2011. - M .: Publishing house of the NOU Center "Pedagogical search". S. 50-58.

77. An approximate program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Naumenko Yuri Vladimirovich has awards:

Yu.V. Naumenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,

head of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy,

social psychology and health-forming education

Volgograd state academy raising

qualifications and retraining of educators

My Health Program: Conceptual Framework

Value foundations educational program "My health"

The researchers agree that within each culture there is a historically developed system of interconnected culture-forming symbols, designed to "accustom people to certain types of life in accordance with a given model necessary for the existence of a certain type of socio-cultural integrity. Without questioning the existence of other systems, we substantiated the existence the following basic system of culture-forming symbols: "health - healthy lifestyle - ill health."

"Health" as a culture-forming symbol is an image of a person (ideal), corresponding to a certain system of ethical and philosophical views on the world as a whole and on the place (purpose) of a person in this world, characteristic of a specific socio-cultural community. A healthy person is a person who is able not only to live well within the framework of a given culture, but also to support it with his direct life activity. Accordingly, a “healthy lifestyle” as a culture-forming symbol derived from the symbol “health” sets a healthy lifestyle for a given specific socio-cultural community for an individual specific person.

The sociocultural symbol “ill health” describes the image of a person who, consciously or unconsciously, does not accept, in whole or in part, the value system of a particular socio-cultural community and therefore cannot be successful in it.

Thus, the system of interdependent culture-forming symbols "health - healthy lifestyle - ill health" preserves the integrity of culture through its reproduction in each individual person.

In Russian and, later, in Soviet culture, the phenomenon of "health" at the level of public consciousness (mentality) has always been perceived as an integrative characteristic of the integral development of an individual and was identified with the "health" of a person, that is, well-being in mental, social and family life. The culture-forming symbol "healthy lifestyle" corresponding to these ideas assumed an endless process of self-education and human improvement of his physical and spiritual-moral nature in their indissoluble unity to achieve social and personal well-being.

In the new socio-cultural conditions, the health-preserving activity of an educational organization, based on medico-biological ideas about the phenomenon of "health", cannot solve the problem of forming an attitude towards health as a value in the younger generation, since the medical and biological model of health is far from sociocultural ideas about the phenomenon of "health ".

We offer the following socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health", corresponding to the Russian mentality and culture: health is a state of integrity of the physical, mental and social development a person that he needs to achieve personal and social well-being. The system-forming idea for the proposed socio-cultural symbol "health" is the position: a person is healthy if he is spiritually and physically improving himself and always strives for the best in his personal and social life.

Traditionally, the quality characteristic of the phenomenon of "health" is vitality, which we define as a systemic quality of a person, characterizing the organic unity of psychophysiological and social abilities of a person to effective use means of positive self-expression and self-realization within the framework of a specific cultural and historical society. Summarizing psychological research, we distinguish two levels of vitality: psychophysiological and socio-personal.

Psychophysiological vitality characterizes the vital activity of a person at the level of a biological organism and individual-typical properties of the psyche:

The characteristic of the human body is quite high adaptability to changes in its typical natural and social environment, which manifests itself in the preservation of the usual positive well-being;

Consistency and identity of emotional experiences in similar situations;

Correspondence of mental reactions to the strength and frequency of environmental influences, social circumstances and situations.

Social and personal vitality characterizes a person's vital activity at the level of subjectivity (in the interpretation of E.I. Isaev and V.I.Slobodchikov):

Awareness by the individual of the continuity, constancy and identity of his physical, mental and personal I;

The ability to manage their behavior in accordance with social norms, rules and laws;

Positive criticism of oneself and one's own life activity in all its forms and manifestations, as well as its results;

Ability to positively plan their life and implement this plan in general terms;

The ability to change behavior and clarify the meaning of one's existence, depending on the change of life circumstances.

Therefore, a person's lifestyle is an individual strategy of life activity to achieve a state of well-being, built taking into account the individual characteristics of vitality. The corresponding content of the socio-cultural phenomenon "healthy lifestyle" is a person's vital activity aimed at self-stabilization according to the laws of natural and social being, at natural self-preservation and self-manifestation for positive self-affirmation in one's own body, in the immediate social environment, in society and nature as a whole. School education, which strengthens the health of a child, should consist, first of all, in the formation of constructive ways of resolving difficult life situations as a necessary condition for maintaining and strengthening their viability in a joint life with peers and teachers in the context of a holistic educational process. This means reaching a state of "optimal whole" with characteristics "stable" and "stable in manifestation."

A new non-traditional understanding of the phenomenon of "health" is associated with studies of the semantic sphere of personality (DA Leontiev), where the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health" is reflected in the form of a personal semantic system "internal picture of health", which performs the function of structuring the subject's relationship with the world and giving stability of the structure of these relations on the basis of an individual reading of the sociocultural symbol "health". We distinguish four levels of the personal conceptual system “internal picture of health”.

At the first (informational-passive) level, health is perceived as a given that does not depend on a person, as a state of absence of diseases. Activities to preserve and strengthen their health is expressed in local non-systemic therapeutic and prophylactic measures in connection with the emergence of a state of "ill health".

At the second (adaptive-supporting) level, health is perceived as a state of well-being that a person can independently achieve as a result of systematic preventive measures and adherence to a healthy lifestyle in its traditional sense. The activity to preserve and strengthen one's health at this level is of a systemic purposeful nature, but its content remains a variety of therapeutic and prophylactic measures in order to prevent a state of ill health. At the third (resource-pragmatic) level, health is perceived as a resource that an individual needs to adapt to external social and natural conditions to achieve a state of success. Therefore, health must be maintained and improved so that this resource is not used up prematurely. At this level, activities to preserve and strengthen health are also systemic and purposeful, but their content is determined by the psychophysiological characteristics of a person and his personal aspirations.

At the fourth (personality-oriented) level, health is perceived as a manifestation of a person's ability to harmonious (physical, social and spiritual) development and achievement of a state of well-being. Health is associated with the state of a person as a unique, distinctive person who realizes himself in creative activity. Therefore, activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening one's health are perceived as necessary and natural for self-development and self-improvement.

Thus, the pedagogical understanding of the phenomena of "health" and "healthy lifestyle" can be formulated as follows.

Health Is a socio-cultural characteristic of a person that integrates the systemic elements of the effectively-practical and semantic spheres of the personality (vitality and the internal picture of health) and manifests itself in the success of life in achieving a state of well-being (physical, mental and social).

Consequently, a healthy lifestyle is an individual strategy of a person's vital activity to achieve a state of well-being, which is implemented on the basis of value-based sociocultural ideas about the phenomenon of “health” and taking into account the individual characteristics of vitality.

At the same time, traditional health-preserving education focuses on preserving and strengthening the psychophysiological vitality of schoolchildren and does not cover the entire problematics of the formation of a complex sociocultural phenomenon of “health” in schoolchildren. Therefore, the acquisition of the systemic nature and complexity of the health-preserving activity of the school by increasing the number of health-preserving technologies used and their species diversity without significantly changing the semantic ideas of schoolchildren about the socio-cultural phenomenon of “health”, since it does not solve the problem of acquiring the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of “health”.

Thus, the strategic task of the school in shaping health as a sociocultural phenomenon is to form in schoolchildren a personal system of meanings "internal picture of health" of resource-pragmatic and personality-oriented levels in conjunction with improving the vitality of schoolchildren at the psychophysiological and socio-personality levels.

Tactical tasks of the school for the formation of health as a sociocultural phenomenon:

Training in methods of identifying factors that cause stress and associated with the implementation of relevant activities in conjunction with a specific socio-cultural group, which would help to understand the essence of these factors, timely detect and anticipate their impact;

Learning a strategy for solving individual problems by purposefully improving one's viability in order to achieve an individually significant result when performing actual activities;

Training in specific measures to protect against exposure to stressors or to quickly address the adverse effects of such exposure;

Learning to manage your emotions by assisting in their identification and understanding, in the regulation and verbal formulation of your emotions in accordance with the socio-cultural attitudes of society;

Training in effective communication techniques under stress or in anticipation of such an impact;

Improvement of psychophysiological vitality in physical culture and health-improving activities, taking into account the real state of somatic health.

The My Health educational program should contribute to the solution of the first five of the tactical tasks listed above in relation to primary school students.

Principles and features of the organization of training on the educational program "My health"

The logic and trends in the development of the content and forms of organization of general education today are manifested as an increase in the importance of the value-semantic components of the content of education in comparison with civilizational ones, as a replacement for the reproductive-functional model of competence education. This trend has been vividly embodied in federal state educational standards primary general education and basic general education. Therefore, the health-forming orientation of general education is manifested in the allocation of specific components of its content in the form of the educational program "My Health", which contribute to the formation of the personal experience of designing the child himself and his life in accordance with the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health", as well as taking into account the individual characteristics of vitality and opportunities for its improvement.

This health-forming focus of the My Health educational program is supported by the following principles:

The principle of ideological and semantic integrity of the knowledge component of the content of general education, which forms the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health";

The principle of the cultural identification of the child as a result of the development of the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health" in the process of general education;

The principle of designing a developing component of a health-forming orientation of the content of general education;

The principle of organizing personality-oriented education, which assumes the development of the sociocultural content of the phenomenon of "health".

The principle of ideological and semantic integrity of the knowledge component of the content of general education, which forms the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health"

This principle is based on the fact that:

The system of knowledge about health as a socio-cultural phenomenon should reflect the general idea: “A person is healthy if he is spiritually and physically improving himself and always strives for the best in his personal and social life”;

The structure of knowledge about health as a socio-cultural phenomenon by levels of education should reflect an interconnected system of ideas that characterize health as a whole in accordance with the integral model of its formation.

The principle of the ideological and semantic integrity of the knowledge component of the health-forming orientation of the content of general education, in addition to the educational program "My Health", is most effectively implemented in the subject content of the subjects "The World Around" and "Physical Culture".

Failure to comply with this principle when structuring the content of general education leads to the fact that knowledge about the content of the phenomenon of "health" is not systematic and is based mainly on medical and biological concepts. As a result, this knowledge is not included in the value-semantic picture of the world. It is possible to avoid this mistake if the content of general education is designed in the form of a set of cultural-event life-affirming situations for living together and experiencing by the children's collective.

The leitmotif of all cultural and eventful life-affirming situations proposed to students for understanding and discussion should be the thesis that the health of each person in the unity of his physical, mental and social manifestations is a necessary condition for the preservation and development of culture and society - social well-being can only be built physically and spiritually healthy people. Our position is based on the statement of A.B. Orlova, that the experience is capable of anticipating situations and events that have not yet occurred, but which are presented in the consciousness of the subject as emotionally colored states and act for him as an event in his life. Experiencing an event or situation does not imply necessarily participation in this event. You can also experience the event mentally, imagining yourself in a particular situation and experiencing "something special." The experiences themselves, of course, do not induce a person to commit acts, but it is this “something special” that acts as an internal signal through which the personal meaning of future events is realized. Following the proposed logic, we argue that the child's experience of a cultural and eventful life-affirming situation leads to the formation of an emotional-evaluative attitude towards the phenomenon of "health" in relation to himself and the society in the coordinates "healthy - unwell." In terms of the traditional approach to describing the content of education, what has been said above can be rephrased as follows: the child's experience of a cultural and eventful life-affirming situation is one of the ways of forming the experience of personality relations. In accordance with the above, we formulate the principle of the cultural identification of the child as a result of mastering the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health" in the process of general education.

The principle of cultural identification of a child as a result of mastering the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health" in the process of general education

In order for the formation of the student's personality as a person of culture in the process of general education, it is necessary to fill the content of education with a variety of cultural and eventful life-affirming situations for living together and experiencing them by the children's collective in order to form a semantic attitude in each member of the collective, which is a necessary condition for the preservation and development of culture and society is the health of every person in all its manifestations (physical, mental and social).

Among the wide variety of forms of emotional experience, we have identified the most common:

General positive emotional background that appears when students perceive information about health and a healthy lifestyle, as well as when assessing facts and phenomena of reality for their compliance with the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health". This emotional state is characterized by instability and undifferentiation in relation to the objects of experience and is based on the formula "pleasant - unpleasant" (or "painful - not painful", "it is possible - not");

Situational emotional assessment of information about health and the surrounding reality, which is differentiated (the formula "right - wrong" or "reasonable - unreasonable"). As a rule, it arises when a student already has a certain emotional experience in assessing facts and phenomena of reality for their compliance with the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health";

A stable differentiable emotional assessment of one's own life and the surrounding world for compliance with their socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health" (the formula "useful - does harm" or "develops and helps to improve - destroys beauty and integrity"). An analysis of pedagogical practice shows that a general positive emotional background in the perception of information about health and a healthy lifestyle is typical for the majority of younger students. Therefore, teachers do not structure the content of general education in the system in the form of a logically connected sequence of cultural and eventful life-affirming situations. As a result, these unstable and undifferentiated experiences do not acquire a new qualitative state as schoolchildren grow up and, as a result, gradually lose their evaluative and regulatory function.

The implementation of the culturological component of the health-forming orientation of the content of general education, in addition to the educational program "My Health", is most effective in the subject content of such academic disciplines as "Literary Reading", "The World Around", "Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia", "Art" , "Physical Culture".

The principle of designing a developing component of a health-forming orientation of the content of general education

The developmental component of the content of general education will be focused on the development of the social and cultural phenomenon of "health" by schoolchildren if:

The content of general education will contribute to the actualization and awareness of students of the need for positive interaction with others to solve the problems of a specific person's life and problems of social development (the system-forming idea: “Health as a state of well-being is impossible without the well-being of others, and even more so due to their ill health”);

The mastering of the content of general education will be mastered by students in the process of resolving an interconnected sequence of life-affirming situations, the content of which is the solution of the optimization problem learning activities schoolchildren, taking into account their individual psychophysiological capabilities and characteristics of interaction in the conditions of a particular children's collective.

Analysis of pedagogical practice shows that the developmental component of the content of general education of a health-forming orientation, in addition to the educational program "My Health", can be implemented in almost all school subjects of elementary school.

The principle of organizing personality-oriented education, which involves the development of the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health"

In order for general education, which forms the socio-cultural phenomenon of "health", to become personality-oriented, it is necessary:

To single out the existential problem as a system-forming idea of \u200b\u200bstructuring the content of general education: "Preservation and improvement of individual health in the context of systemic social transformations to achieve a state of complete well-being";

To solve this problem in relation to specific situations in the life of the student, offer him to experience life-affirming situations of various forms and content, while living and experiencing which the student will show basic personal functions.

Thus, personality-oriented health-forming education in our proposed understanding should lead to the actualization of the following basic personal functions of schoolchildren:

Selectivity (revision) of someone else's and own experience of life for its value in comparison with the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health";

Reflection of your own life situation, assessment of your behavior, status in the team, communicative and business success, etc. on their compliance with the essence of the phenomenon of "health" (state of well-being of the physical, mental and social);

Correlation of the current experience with the strategic values \u200b\u200band plans of the individual, achievement and maintenance of the state of "health" as physical, mental and social well-being;

Self-regulation and responsible decisions in a variety of life situations in order to avoid damage to one's health in all its forms (or to minimize the consequences of possible negative impacts the surrounding socio-cultural environment);

The need for self-realization through creativity and going beyond traditionalism when designing an individual strategy of life activity based on the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health";

Ability to be free, independent, independent of external authorities and orientation in making vital decisions to individual characteristics and the need to preserve and maintain their health (state of physical, mental and social well-being).

The analysis of pedagogical practice shows that, as in the situation with the implementation of the developmental component, the effectiveness of the school's activity in the implementation of personality-oriented education of health-forming orientation also remains low. The main reason for this phenomenon is the lack of understanding of the essence of the phenomenon of "health" as a sociocultural characteristic of a person among the teaching staff. As a result, personality-oriented education of a health-forming orientation is projected on medical and biological concepts of health, and possible successes in this area of \u200b\u200bthe school's activity are local and non-systemic achievements that do not affect the overall result.

The principle of the formation of the competence component of the content of general education in schoolchildren, focused on the formation of the socio-cultural phenomenon of "health"

In order for education, which forms the socio-cultural phenomenon of "health" in schoolchildren, to be of a competence-based nature, it is necessary:

In the content of general education, highlight the sequence of tasks-situations that simulate real situations of life self-determination of schoolchildren when interacting with a specific socio-cultural group in activities relevant to them, which carry the risk of health disorders in any of its forms (physical, mental, social) and actualize the problem of improving their vitality (psychophysiological and socio-personal) to maintain health;

To offer students an adequate technology for solving these tasks-situations in the form of individual design of a strategy for their own behavior and subsequent collective reflection of each solution in order to optimize and consolidate it in the form of a dynamic semantic system “readiness to optimize viability in the context of systemic social changes”;

To organize pedagogical support of schoolchildren in the process of the formation of the socio-cultural phenomenon "health".

In addition to the educational program "My health" in the lessons of natural science, the subject "The world around you" and physical culture, various situations of life self-determination can be modeled, associated with the need for volitional efforts to give up unhealthy habits, and in the lessons literary reading and the foundations of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia - situations associated with the fulfillment of social roles and orientation in the system of moral and cultural values, necessary to maintain social and mental health.

Activities and forms of employment

The educational program "My Health" is approximate and does not set a strict sequence of studying the material in a particular class. At the same time, its study presupposes a concentric approach to the presentation of educational material for the entire period of study at the initial stage of general education: all topics are studied in full in all classes, but at different levels of complexity of the presentation of the material and the degree of cognitive activity of students. In particular, in grades 3-4, the main form of organization of the educational process should be the implementation by students of project and research works on relevant topics.

The educational program involves conducting health lessons once a week at the expense of hours of the variable part or hours extracurricular activities curriculum (educational) plan, implementing the basic educational program of primary general education, in the general cultural direction. According to its structure, classes consist of the following parts:

Updating existing experience and everyday knowledge. In this part, various psychological exercises are used, including brainstorming, as well as stimulating audio materials;

Formation of new ideas. It is carried out using psychological games, creative sketches, elements of psychodrama;

Working out a personal strategy of behavior ("auction of ideas", the implementation of design and research work, as well as other ways of solving problem situations);

Comprehension of the experience gained, reflection ("continue the phrase" and others).

The formation of the phenomenon of "health" as a socio-cultural characteristic of a person is possible only in specially organized life-affirming situations, including the mechanisms of the person's meaning-making. Therefore, each lesson should be devoted to comprehending and finding ways to resolve such situations.

By a life-affirming situation, we mean a project of an integral situation of the formation of the socio-cultural phenomenon of "health" as a manifestation of a person's life self-determination, which not only requires him to demonstrate the properties of the subject of life and life, but also gives a result that determines the characteristics of his life creation in general.

The following types of life-affirming situations are distinguished:

The situation of searching for motives and goals of life on the basis of the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health" and the situation of analysis and assessment of life problems and circumstances, taking into account the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health" and individual characteristics of vitality (meaning education);

The situation of life choice and decision-making, taking into account the socio-cultural content of the phenomenon of "health" and individual characteristics of vitality (sense-awareness);

The situation of designing a way of life (improving vitality in conjunction with clarifying the conceptual system "internal picture of health") and taking responsibility for one's "project" (sense-building).

All three types of situations are possible for the perception of primary school students. But, as practice shows, in grades 1 and 2, teaching is more effective when designing life-affirming situations of meaning-making and sense-awareness.

In grades 3-4, in the classroom, life-affirming situations of meaning-building should prevail, which are effectively resolved in the form of execution training project... As a result, a junior schoolchild will be able to build an optimal individually effective strategy of behavior within an actually unfolding activity in interaction with a specific socio-cultural group, which will allow him to achieve success without prejudice to his health in all its manifestations.

Planned results of mastering the content of the educational program by students

Universal competences that are formed in the process of mastering the content of the educational program "My Health":

Ability to organize their own life activities to achieve a state of complete well-being (somatic, psychological and social);

Ability to actively participate in joint activities, interact with peers and adults to preserve and strengthen personal and public health as a socio-cultural phenomenon;

Ability to convey information on health-preserving topics in an accessible, emotionally vivid form in the process of interacting with peers and adults.

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research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values \u200b\u200bin the group:

study OR development

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study NOT development

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" research and development "

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# study


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bromine ~1

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" research development "~2

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The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Allowed values \u200b\u200bare a positive real number.

Interval search

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Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author ranging from Ivanov to Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
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