331 division. Bryansk Proletarian SD

331 rifle division. It was formed after the start of the war. On the initiative of the Bryansk regional committee and the city party committee, who turned to Stalin with a request to form a unit of Bryansk workers, by order No. 0319 of the People's Commissar of Defense of August 20, 1941 from August 27, 1941 in Michurinsk began to form 331 Proletarian Bryanskrifle division. The division was formed on the basis of the reserve of the commanding staff of the Oryol Military District and Western Front, assigned to the Oryol military district. When the 331 rifle division was formed, it consisted mainly of natives The Oryol region, as well as the Kursk and Voronezh regions. The division was formed by September 15, 1941. On November 1, the division was withdrawn from the Oryol military district, included in the 26th reserve army and transferred to the city of Alatyr in the Chuvash ASSR. Since December 1, 1941, the 331st rifle division is in the army. Having unloaded that day at the Khimki station, the division became part of the 20th Army of the Western Front. The division consisted of 873 people of the highest, senior and middle command and command personnel, 10,600 people of the junior commanding and rank-and-file personnel. The division was well armed 2.

331 Roster rifle division:

1104 rifle regiment

1106 Infantry Regiment

1108 Infantry Regiment

896 artillery regiment

298 anti-aircraft battery

508 mortar division

394 reconnaissance motorized rifle company

509 sapper battalion

783 communications battalion

397 motor transport company

417 medical battalion

410 chemical protection company

186 field bakery

773 field cash desk of the State Bank

On December 2, 1941, the division concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bKhlebnikovo, Paveltsevo, Kotovo and received the task of driving the enemy out of the settlements of Katyushki, Gorki, Puchki, Krasnaya Polyana.

Acting together with the 28th rifle brigade, the 331st rifle division completed the task. From 8 to 20 December, units of the division, pursuing the retreating enemy, moved in the direction of Solnechnogorsk, Volokolamsk. Solnechnogorsk was bypassed from the south, which forced the enemy to leave the city without a fight.

On December 19, units of the division reached the outskirts of Volokolamsk and, breaking into the city on the shoulders of the retreating enemy, after a three-hour battle, liberated it from the invaders.

From December 24, 1941 to January 25, 1942, the division took part in the Volokolamsk offensive operation of the 20th army. By December 24, the division had 4,455 men. Since December 20, the division has fought fierce battles with the enemy, entrenched on the Timkovo, Khvorostinino, Ludin Gora line.

The 331st Infantry Division, together with the 1st Guards Tank Brigade and the 352nd Infantry Division, the 64th Marine Infantry Brigade, entered the operational group Katukov (commander of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade).

Khvorostinino was released on January 2, and Birkovo on January 5. By January 9, the 331st rifle division with a 40th rifle brigade, 31st tank brigade, two artillery regiments, and one mortar division made up the King's group (the commander of the 331st rifle division).

By January 10, the division had 3,463 men. The losses of the division from December 24 to January 10 amounted to 3287 people, having received the reinforcement of 742 people. On January 13, units of the division drove the enemy out of Aksenovo. On January 14, the enemy of the most fortified stronghold of Ludin Gora was knocked out, which by this time was already in the rear of the advancing troops of the 20th army.

The German defensive line in this sector was broken. The pursuit of the retreating enemy begins. From 10 to 27 January, the 331st rifle division was advancing in the direction of Sereda, Palatki. On January 27, units of the division reached a new defensive line of the enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bKrutitsa, Palatka, Bolteikha. The losses of the 331 rifle division in the battles from 10 to 25 January amounted to 738 people. During the same time, the division received additional 913 people.

From January 31 to February 16, the division led an offensive from the Barantsevo area, Starye Rameshki, southeast of Empty Tuesday.

From February 16, she fought with the enemy, fortified in the Arzhaniki, Krutitsa region, but had no success. From March 15 to April 20, the 331st Infantry Division operated as part of the 5th Army of the Western Front. From April 20, the division was again part of the 20th army. On April 20, 1942, the Battle of Moscow ended. The 331st Infantry Division took part in its offensive phase. During this time, the division fought about two hundred kilometers, liberated 138 settlements from the German fascist invaders, including the regional centers of Krasnaya Polyana and Volokolamsk. Trophies were seized: 1 aircraft, 69 tanks, 494 vehicles, 4 armored vehicles, 29 tractors and tractors, 92 motorcycles, small arms, ammunition and other military equipment.

Since July, the division has been participating in the Pogorelo-Gorodishchensk offensive operation of the 20th army. 331 rifle division with 17 tank brigade supporting it was tasked to break through enemy defenses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bend of the Derzha River, 1 kilometer north-west of Botino, Botino, strike in the direction of Aleksandrovka, Gubino, Annino and, in cooperation with 88 and 354 rifle divisions, destroy the enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bGubinka, Fedorovskoe, Akulino. The immediate task is to capture the line at an altitude of 208.5, the north-western corner of the forest is one and a half kilometers northeast of Mikhalkino, the further task is to capture the line at an altitude of 204.9, Annino, and the reinforcement detachment to bring the forest edge east of Mikhalkino to a defensive state. The 17th tank brigade was supposed to capture the crossings across the Sinyuya River in the Fedorovskoye, Annino sector. It was assumed that the 17th tank brigade with the infantry of the 331st rifle division would later be thrown into the region of Kulshevo, Grebenkino, Karamzino. These forward units were to capture the Vazuzu crossings in the Timonino-Khlepen area. It was assumed that on initial stage operations, the advancing units of the 331st rifle division and 17th tank brigade will be supported by the 15th and 302th howitzer artillery regiments, the 37th Guards mortar division and the long-range artillery of the 312th rifle division. The 251 rifle division was to advance on the right, and the 354 rifle division on the left.

Parts of the 331 rifle division took up their initial position just before the start of the offensive, replacing the left-flank units of the 251 rifle division, which previously occupied the front sector, now intended for the offensive of the 251, 331 and 354 rifle divisions and units of the 8th Guards Rifle Corps. In the first echelon of the division, two rifle regiments operated in the offensive, each of which was assigned a tank company of the 17th tank brigade. The width of the section, broken through by each regiment, was one kilometer. The command and part of the headquarters of the 20th army moved to the Botino area.

On the morning of August 4, after artillery preparation, units of the 331st Infantry Division crossed the Derzha and went over to the offensive. By 14 o'clock, units of the division captured Mikhalkino and Gubino. The second echelon of the division was brought into battle, and by 18 o'clock Rakovo, Akulino, Annino, Ilyinskoye, Bryukhachevo were liberated. The offensive continued on 5 August. Parts of the division were advancing around the Seven Moss. In the evening the advance detachment went to the Vasyutnik, Koptelovka area. The next day, the division was ordered to advance in the direction of the mouth of the Gzhati. On August 6, parts of the 331 rifle division by the end of the day, having first occupied Istratovo, reached Vazuz in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Seltso. The area became the site of her fighting for the next seven months. Part of the division's forces from the Istratovo area turned to the Pechora.

The composition of the 331 rifle division in 1942:

1104 Infantry Regiment

1106 Infantry Regiment

1108 Infantry Regiment

896 artillery regiment

253 separate anti-tank battalion

394 reconnaissance company

612 sapper battalion

783 communications company

397 motor transport company

417 medical battalion

410 chemical protection company

756 Divisional Veterinary Infirmary

186 field bakery

1411 Field Post Station

773 field cash desk of the State Bank

331 Infantry Divisionparticipated in the Moscow battle, Rzhev-Sychevskaya, offensive operation "Mars",Rzhev-Vyazemskaya 1943, Smolensk, Belorussian, Gumbinnenskaya, East Prussian and Prague offensive operations. The 1104 rifle regiment during the battles during the operation Mars was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Nikolaevich Zinoviev, the 1108 rifle regiment - by Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Fedorovich Anastasyev. During the Smolensk offensive operation, she participated in the liberation of the city of Smolensk. September 25, 1943 commander infantry battalion The 1106th Infantry Regiment of this division, Captain P.F. Klepach hoisted a red banner over the Smolensk hotel, which became a symbol of the liberation of the entire Smolensk region. In September 1943, the division wasawarded the honorary title "Smolenskaya" ... The war ended in Prague as 331 Rifle Proletarian, Bryansk-Smolensk twice Red Banner, Order of Suvorov division. More twelve thousand warriors divisions were awarded orders and medals. Six of them were appropriatedthe title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Commanders of the 331st Infantry Division -ge neral-major F.P.Korol (in 1941 - 1942), Colonel G.A. Kutalev (in 1942), Colonel A.E. Klets (in 1942), colonel, and since September 1943, Major General P.F. Berestov (1942-1945). It was disbanded in the summer of 1945.

2 For example, during the December battles in the 20 army, most of the division's fighters were armed with automatic rifles. In January, the number of automatic rifles decreased, but still amounted to half of the automatic rifles in service in all other units and formations of the 20th army combined (on January 10, 1942, 1126 out of 2261 in the entire army).

The Germans fought their way south.

It was assumed that the reinforcement detachment consisted of a reinforced rifle company, a sapper company and two or three captured tanks. The sapper companies for the divisions, apparently, were taken from the army. Whether such detachments were actually created is not known. A sapper company was also attached to the 17th tank brigade.

Berestov P.F., Klepach P.F., Gagarin E.M., Kuznetsov G.I., Solovey V.S., Fedorenko S.A. Another Hero of the Soviet Union from this division, G.S. Antonov was stripped of this title in 1950 after he fled with a foreign bride to the American zone of occupation in Vienna and was then convicted in absentia by a military tribunal.
Tombstone (old)
Tombstone (new)
Bust in Mamonovo (1)
Bust in Mamonovno (1, new)
Bust in Mamonovo, near the school
Memorial sign in Mamonovo

Mamonov Nikolai Vasilyevich - Commander of the 331st Infantry Regiment of the 96th Infantry Division of the 48th Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, Lieutenant Colonel.

Born September 27, 1919 in the village of Pashenino, now the Sokolsky District of the Vologda Region, in the family of a railway worker. Russian. Childhood and adolescence were spent in the village of Konosha, Arkhangelsk region. He graduated from 7 classes, was the captain of the youth football team. Graduated from the Sokolsk Dairy College in 1939. After assignment, he left to work as a technologist in an artel for the production of milk powder in Tatarstan.

December 20, 1939 drafted into the army. Sent to serve in the troops of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the USSR. From December 20, 1939 to April 1, 1940 - a serviceman of the 233rd regiment of the convoy troops of the NKVD of the USSR (Lvov military garrison, Ukraine), a Red Army soldier. From April 1 to August 14, 1940 - cadet training unit 3rd division of the convoy troops of the NKVD of the USSR. As part of this military unit, on May 1, 1940, he took the military oath. From August 14, 1940 to June 29, 1941 - cadet of the Saratov School of the Border and Internal Guard Troops of the NKVD of the USSR. By order of the head of the Saratov school of the border and internal security troops of the NKVD of the USSR No. 28 dated June 29, 1941, in the order of early graduation, as an excellent student, he was promoted to lieutenant with simultaneous assignment to the command of one of the divisions of the NKVD troops of the USSR for the protection of railway structures and industrial enterprises (military garrison station "Sofrino", Moscow region).

On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, from July 1941 - commander of a fighter platoon and, bypassing the position of company commander, - battalion commander in the troops of the NKVD of the USSR. During the heavy rearguard battles in the summer-autumn of 1941, Lieutenant N.V. Mamonov with the remnants of his unit joined the ranks of the Red Army. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1942.

As a soldier of the Red Army, he fought in the troops of the Kalinin, Bryansk, 1st and 2nd Belorussian fronts. In particular, on April 22, 1942, he is the commander of the rifle battalion of the 386th rifle regiment of the 381st rifle (later - the Leningrad Red Banner) division of the 39th army of the Kalinin front, senior lieutenant. Since April 22, 1943, Major N.V. Mamonov - Commander of the 331st Infantry Regiment of the 96th Infantry (later - Gomel Red Banner Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree) division (3rd formation), which was being formed on the territory of the Tula region.

The 96th Infantry Division (3rd formation) from July 12, 1943 participated in hostilities on the Soviet-German front as part of the 53rd Infantry Corps (2nd formation) of the 48th Army of the 1st and 2nd Belorussian fronts.

Archival documents indicate that only in the period from July 25 to August 1, 1943, the 331st Infantry Regiment, thanks to the skillful leadership of its commander N.V. Mamonov, in fierce battles he destroyed over two thousand enemy soldiers and officers, captured a large number of trophies.

In the November days of 1943, the soldiers of the 331st Infantry Regiment, led by their commander, Major N.V. Mamonov. were among the first to burst into the streets of Gomel and finally cleared this ancient Belarusian city of the invaders, and at the beginning of 1944 they distinguished themselves especially on the approaches to Bobruisk: bleeding, they repulsed six fierce enemy attacks from the little-known Belarusian village of Korma, and then, after regrouping, they themselves launched a decisive offensive.

During the offensive battles of the summer and autumn, of the same 1944, the 331st Infantry Regiment in fierce battles exterminated over one and a half thousand enemy manpower, and also captured one hundred and fifty Nazis. Among the captured trophies were thirty-six artillery pieces and mortars, five tanks, thirty-four machine guns.

On October 12, 1944, the 331st Infantry Regiment (96th Infantry Division, 48th Army, 2nd Belorussian Front) of Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Mamonov from the bridgehead on the Narev River broke through the enemy's defenses and captured the strongholds of Khmelevo and Psheradovo, located in 4- 10 kilometers northeast of the Polish town of Pultusk.

On October 26, 1944, Lieutenant Colonel Mamonov led a military operation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of Kleshovo-Nové, 3 kilometers north of the city of Pultusk, by the regiment crossing the Pelta River, a water barrier, behind which a direct route to the southern provinces of East Prussia was opened for Soviet troops. Here, the 25-year-old regiment commander was mortally wounded in the head by a fragment of an aerial bomb during enemy bombardment.

Initially he was buried in Poland - in the village of Obrytie of the Pultu district (district) of the former Warsaw, and now the Mazovian province. In 1947 he was reburied in the center of the city of Heiligenbeil (now the city of Mamonovo, Kaliningrad region) on the territory of the brotherly military memorial.

Haveby the kaz of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 24, 1945 for the skillful command of a rifle regiment, courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, lieutenant colonel Mamonov Nikolay Vasilievichposthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin (03.24.1945, posthumously), the Orders of the Red Banner (12.10.1943), Kutuzov 3rd degree (07.20.1944), Alexander Nevsky (02.17.1944), the Red Star (04.09.1943), medals.

On July 25, 1947, the name of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel Mamonov N.V. assigned to the former East Prussian city of Heiligenbeil. IN post-war period Two busts and a bas-relief were installed for the hero in the town of Mamonovo; in the city of Sokol, Vologda region - a bas-relief; in the regional center of the village of Konosha, Arkhangelsk region - a memorial plaque. The streets in Sokol and Konosha bear the name of the Hero.

On April 1, 1985, by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel Mamonov N.V. forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st cadet company of the 1st battalion of the modern Saratov Military Red Banner Institute internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The name of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel N.V. Mamonov, in addition, was included in the lists of soldiers-pupils of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Biographical material and photos of the Hero were kindly provided to the site "Heroes of the Country" by Galina Suseyeva (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

It was in 1943 in the Rzhev direction. There were battles. As soon as a new commander arrives at the regiment, in a couple of days he will be killed ...

The soldiers of the 331st Infantry were resting in the forest after the battle, when an officer approached them with a duffel bag and in a simple overcoat, without high insignia. He said: "Hello. Nikolai Vasilievich Mamonov. I have been instructed to lead the regiment ..."

It is difficult to count all the military operations on the war fronts, in which the soldiers under the command of Nikolai Vasilyevich Mamonov participated. They smashed the Nazis near Kursk and Orel, crossed the Dnieper, were the first to break into Gomel, participated in the defeat of the “East Val” of the Germans in Belarus, and in August 1944 were among the first to cross the state border of the USSR and stormed the fortifications of East Prussia. The Germans called the soldiers of the 331st regiment "Mamonov's thugs".

For military exploits committed under the command of the regiment in the battles on the approaches to East Prussia, Lieutenant Colonel Mamonov was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - on October 12, 1944, the 331st Rifle Regiment of Lieutenant Colonel Mamonov from the bridgehead on the Narew River broke through the fierce enemy defenses and captured strongpoints Khmelevo and Psheradovo (northeast of the Polish city of Pultusk).

A military journalist, Vasily Rzhanov, who served under Mamonov's command, in his book "With My Own Eyes" says that before his last battle, on the bank of the Polish Pelta River, the commander, shouting over the "messers", convinced the soldiers that if they had "reached from Kaluga to Pultusk , we will certainly get from Pultusk to Berlin. "

At this time, one of the bombs exploded near the dugout. Mamonov managed to push into the shelter a nearby adjutant, and he himself was wounded by a tiny splinter the size of a needle that penetrated the brain and died on the way to the medical unit.

Learning about the death of the commander, the soldiers, without waiting for an order, furiously attacked the Germans who had dug in behind Pelta and at once smashed their fortifications.

Then about a third of the regiment consisted of Chuvash. Rzhanov recalls the inscription on the wreath they brought to the grave: "To our Russian brother Mamonich from grateful Chuvash ..."

Nikolai Vasilyevich did not have a chance to finish off the fascist beast in his lair, but his subordinates did it for him. On March 24, 1945, the day when the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was signed on the posthumous awarding of Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Mamonov with the Golden Star of the Hero, his native regiment, breaking through the enemy defenses, was among the first to enter Heiligenbeil.

After the victory, the ashes of Nikolai Vasilyevich Mamonov by his combat brothers were brought from under the Polish Pultusk to the former East Prussia - the city of Heiligenbeil, which received a new name - Mamonovo.

331st Bryansk-Smolensk Proletarian twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Infantry Division.

Formed in August - November 1941, mainly from workers and collective farmers of the Oryol region as the 331st Bryansk Proletarian Rifle Division. As the front approached, it was redeployed to the Tambov region, to the city of Michurinsk in September 1941, where it continued to form and put together subunits. The number received after the release of the GShKA Directive No. org / 2/539994 dated 11.08.41 for the Oryol VO (Bryansk region was formed in 1944, before that part of it was part of the Oryol). The division included the following units:

Division number, its type

Shooting regiments of all types

The composition of divisions at the time of the end of hostilities, transformation, death or disbandment

Periodically were part of the division









331 sd

1104, 1106, 1108









619 rear, 508 mdn

Top secret.

State Defense Committee
Resolution No. GKO-534ss dated 20.08.41.
Moscow Kremlin.

Meeting the proposals of local party and Soviet organizations, the State Defense Committee decides:

1.332 s.d. to staff with the best people in Ivanovo and the region, worker weavers and the best collective farmers. The division should be called "332 Ivanovskaya named after M. Frunze SD".

2.331 s.d. to equip with workers of Bryansk and other cities and districts of the Oryol Region, advanced people of collective farms. The division should be called "331 Bryansk Proletarian SD".

To equip these divisions with the best command and political personnel, to arm and provide all types of equipment in the first place and in full.

I. Stalin, Chairman of the State Defense Committee. Reason: RGASPI, fund 644, inventory 1, d.7, l.138
October 1, 1941 - this date is considered the birthday of the division.
Representatives of the authorities of Bryansk came to the oath and on behalf of and on behalf of the Bryansk city party committee and the city executive committee, they presented the division with a battle banner. The members of the delegation told the soldiers the good news that, at the request of fellow countrymen, the division would henceforth be called the 331st Bryansk Proletarian Rifle Division. The words were read on the Red Banner: "Be brave and stand in battle!" (this banner is in the local history museum of Bryansk).

With this banner eleven thousandth division on November 28, 1941 landed at the Khlebnikovo station, where the headquarters of General F.P. King.

It was part of the 20th (December 1941 - February 1942, July 1942 - March 1943), the 5th (March - June 1942) and 31st (from the end of March 1943) armies. She took part in the Moscow Battle, Rzhev-Sychevskaya, Rzhevsk-Vyazemskaya in 1943, Smolensk, Belorussian, Gumbinnenskaya, East Prussian and Prague offensive operations. For participation in the Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner (June 19, 1943). In the Smolensk operation of 1943, the division advanced in the direction of Yartsevo, Smolensk, crossed the river. Dnepr and in cooperation with the 31st and 5th armies liberated Smolensk (September 25, 1943), for which she was awarded the honorary title of Smolensk. For breaking through the enemy's defense in the Orsha direction and liberating the city of Orsha, she was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree (2.VII.1944). For participation in the liberation of Minsk she was awarded the second Order of the Red Banner (23.VII.1944). The 331st Division did not reach Prague and Berlin, it actually finished fighting on the sea coast, south of the city of Konigsberg, she plunged into echelons, arrived at the Polish-Czechoslovak border, and here she was found victory. More than 12 thousand of its soldiers were awarded orders and medals, 6 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Ml. Sergeant RYABIKOV Vasily Nikitovich, born in 1909, gunner of mortar company 1104th joint venture - Order of the Red Star, medal "For Courage". Red Army soldier RYABKOV Vasily Yegorovich, born in 1913, shooter 1104 joint venture 331 rifle division - medal "For Courage".

By orders of the Supreme Command, the name of the Minsk was assigned:

1104 joint venture (Lieutenant Colonel Viktor Yakovlevich Korzhavin), 1106 joint venture (Major Vasily Nesterovich Smolyar)

By order of the Supreme Command of July 3, 1944, gratitude was declared to the troops that participated in the liberation of Minsk, and a salute was given in Moscow with 24 artillery salvos from 324 guns. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 3, 1966, the city of Minsk for courage and heroism, selfless partisan struggle of the working people of the city and the Great Patriotic War and for the successes achieved in the rebuilding of the city and in the development national economy, awarded the Order of Lenin.

The division was commanded by:
King Fyodor Petrovich (08/27/1941 - 02/13/1942), Major General;
Kutalev Gavriil Antonovich (02/14/1942 - 03/07/1942), colonel;
Klets Alexander Emelyanovich (03/08/1942 - 04/09/1942), colonel;
Berestov Peter Filippovich (04/10/1942 - 05/11/1945), colonel, from 09/01/1943 Major General.

Combat path of the division Collected here are all available materials found in the process of studying the path of the division.

November 30th the Germans occupied Krasnaya Polyana, and went to the outskirts of Lobnya. The enemy was already standing at the very gates of Moscow, seven kilometers from Khimki, and in Krasnaya Polyana, long-range guns were installed at firing positions for firing at the Kremlin.
To eliminate the threat to the Western Front, the 1st shock and 20th armies were transferred from the reserve, which were brought into battle between the 30th and 16th armies.
By order of the Headquarters, A. Lizyukov's operational group was transformed into the 20th Army. It included: 28, 43, 35 and 64 rifle brigades, a tank battalion and two RS divisions. From 20:00 on November 29, the army was subordinated to the Soviet of the Western Front. Major General A. Vlasov was appointed commander of the 20th Army. Colonel A. Lizyukov became deputy commander. The army headquarters, headed by Colonel L. Sandalov, was located in Khimki (Sotsgorodok).
The armies were tasked with stopping the enemy on the Bely Rast - Krasnaya Polyana line, then going on the offensive, crushing the enemy during December 3-6 and capturing these settlements, as well as Yakhroma and Solnechnogorsk.
G. Zhukov took into account the enemy's lack of operational reserves, the exhaustion of German soldiers, the frosty winter and other circumstances. G. Zhukov absolutely ruled out a pause for the transition from defense to offensive, because the delay was in the enemy's favor. Therefore, the 30th, 1st shock, and 20th armies were advancing in the same zones and groupings in which they completed their defensive operations.

The Soviet command tried to prevent the withdrawal of the main forces of the 3rd and 4th tank groups to the Volokolamsk-Ruza line and decided to accelerate the pace of the offensive. The explanatory note of the commander of the Western Front G.K. Zhukov to the plan-map of the upcoming counteroffensive first of all showed that, under the conditions of the situation, there would not be any simultaneous transition of the front armies to the counteroffensive. The timing of the offensive was stipulated as follows: “1. The beginning of the offensive, based on the timing of the unloading and concentration of troops and their re-equipment, should be established for the 1st shock, 20th and 16th armies and Golikov's army in the morning on December 3-4, for the 30th army - December 5-6 " ... Having stipulated in the next paragraph of the note that the composition of the armies is in strict accordance with the directives of the General Headquarters, we indicated the tasks of the Western Front: “... on Uzlovaya and Bogoroditsk in the flank and rear of the Guderian group to defeat the enemy on the left wing of the front of the armies of the Western Front. - In order to pin down the enemy forces on the rest of the front and deprive him of the possibility of transferring troops, the 5th, 33rd, 43rd, 49th and 50th armies of the front on December 4-5 go on the offensive with limited tasks. "The main aviation grouping (three quarters) will be aimed at interaction with the right strike group and the rest with the left army of Lieutenant General Golikov."

On this plan, JV Stalin briefly wrote: "I agree" and put his signature. As for the tasks assigned to the troops of the armies that are part of the Western Front, they were as follows:

The 1st Shock Army under the command of Lieutenant General V.I.Kuznetsov must deploy with all its forces in the Dmitrov-Yakhroma area and strike in cooperation with the 30th and 20th armies in the direction of Klin and further in the general direction of Teryaeva Sloboda;

The 20th Army from the Krasnaya Polyana-Bely Rast region, interacting with the 1st Shock and 16th Armies, strikes in the general direction of Solnechnogorsk, covering it from the south, and further to Volokolamsk; in addition, the 16th Army, with its right flank, advances on Kryukovo and further, depending on the situation;

The 10th Army, interacting with the troops of the 50th Army, strikes in the direction of Stalinogorsk-Bogoroditsk and then continues the offensive south of the Upa River.

Read below the notes of our fellow countryman, deputy chairman of the Lobnya Veterans Council, retired captain Vladimir KOLTYPIN about the courage and stamina of the defenders of these places.

“... The Lobny line of defense became for the enemy a truly stumbling block. With the involvement of the local population, a multi-kilometer ditch 6 meters wide and 4 meters deep was dug along the railway line, which was covered with several rows of barbed wire, anti-tank and anti-personnel minefields, and pillboxes. The Hitlerite command did not spare its soldiers, over and over again throwing them onto these multi-layered redoubts. Enemy aircraft constantly bombed them with enemy aircraft. But it was all in vain.

The Germans tried to carry out the main attack on Moscow through Krasnaya Polyana and the Lugovaya station. Fighters of the 1104th and 1106th rifle regiments, the 28th, 35th and 64th infantry brigades, and other units and subunits of our troops stood against them to death.

Or take the combat crew of anti-aircraft gunners commanded by Sergeant G. Shadunets. At the same time, 23 tanks, with the support of infantry, moved to the remaining gun from the battery. The calculation entered into an unequal battle with the enemy. And the Red Army won this battle, destroying 6 armored vehicles of the enemy. For the accomplished feat, the gun commander, gunner private B. Baranov and loader private V. Petreev were awarded the Order of the Red Star. After the war, Sergeant G. Shadunets will be awarded the high rank of "Honorary Citizen of Lobnya", and the famous anti-aircraft gun now stands at the site of his legendary battle. From the first days in the territories occupied by the enemy, a powerful partisan movement... In places of hostilities, numerous donor centers began to deploy hastily. This did not require agitation appeals. People clearly understood that blood was needed to save hundreds, thousands of wounded, and they themselves went to donate it. The local population also showed high spiritual, patriotic qualities in collecting donations for the front. It was in this unity of the front and rear that was the main guarantee of our future Victory.

One of its first loud chords was the defeat of the Germans in the Krasnaya Polyana area. This settlement then often flashed in the combat reports of the Sovinformburo. In general, the heroic defense at the Lobny border lasted from November 29 to December 8, 1941. Now, six mass graves tacitly testify to this, where over 5 thousand defenders of the region are buried, 2 front-line memorials, 14 military monuments, 3 granite obelisks, 8 name plates, 10 street names. There are also two museums in Lobnya - the military and labor glory and history of our legendary T-34 tank.
Not only people of the older generation, but also young people constantly come here. The veteran organization of the city, headed by Alexander Zhirokhov, a man whose surname is included in the section "Glorious Sons and Daughters of the Motherland" of the fifth edition of the encyclopedia "The Best People of Russia" ". This section also contains the names of two other front-line soldiers - Prokopy Kolychev and Vladimir Koltypin. In a word, the veteran organization of Lobny, acting in close contact with the local administration, is doing everything to ensure that the Lobny line of defense continues to pass through the hearts of every resident today. "

Memories of Nikolai Vasilievich Shlyapnikov , retired guard colonel.

Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, disabled person of group II. Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the 331 Bryansk-Smolensk Proletarian twice Red Banner Order of Suvorov Infantry Division. Honorary Citizen of the city of Volokolamsk. During the war he was twice seriously wounded. He has awards: the Order of the Patriotic War of I and II degrees, the Order of the Red Star, 22 medals, including the medal "For the Defense of Moscow".

Nikolai Vasilievich recalls:- By the decision of the Government, our plant was to be evacuated to the city of Kirov. Each of us had a choice: army or evacuation. I chose the first without hesitation. Everyone who had a secondary education was sent to the reserve for enrollment in military schools. We were eager to go to the front, but in response to our requests we received an answer: "Wait." At the beginning of December, staff officers came to the company, and a few minutes later the news spread: "Those who want to go to the front are being selected." A line immediately lined up, and on the next day all those selected, including Nikolai Shlyapnikov, were outfitted and sent to study, which lasted two weeks. On the twentieth of December, military echelons with companies of recruits were sent to the front, and on the morning of January 1, the train stopped at Snegiri station. Further, the railway track was destroyed and there was an 80-kilometer pedestrian crossing to Volokolamsk, which was completed in three days. In Volokolamsk, Nikolai Shlyapnikov was sent to a company of anti-tank rifles (PTR), appointed a gunner. The 20th army decided combat mission - break through the German line of defense along the Lama River. This was hampered by a powerful German resistance center located at a height of 206. The 1st Guards Tank Brigade tried to take this height with the village of Ludina Gora on October 20, but the very rugged terrain - the Lama River with its steep banks, ravines - and the powerful shelling of German troops did not allow the tanks to approach the enemy positions. A plan was developed to break through the German defenses, in which artillery played a large role. To facilitate the work of the sappers, the regiment's units were twice withdrawn at night to the approaches to Ludina Gora, and approached enemy barriers. “The Germans, thinking that an attack was being prepared, illuminated the terrain with rockets, opened mortar fire. We retreated to their initial positions, and enemy shells and mines exploded, often hitting their own wire barriers and minefields,” Nikolai Vasilyevich says. On January 14, along the passages made by sappers in the minefields, the rifle units of our regiment reached the line of attack. The Germans opened rifle and machine-gun fire on them. It was then that the artillery regiments said their word: shell after shell exploded at the German positions. preparation of the attack. It lasted about forty minutes. During this time, everything was covered with clouds of smoke and a blanket of snow. Then the artillery fire was transferred to the depths, and the rifle units went on the attack. Our company was in the second echelon, and we saw how the riflemen In two hours our regiment captured Ludina Gora, and by the end of the day the neighboring regiment captured the village of Posadniki. prepared defensive line The Nazi troops were broken through, opening up the operational space for the offensive. The enemy suffered serious damage. After the battles on Ludina Gora, the regiments of our division rushed westward, liberating settlements one after another ... "Irina EFREMOVA

During the fighting on December 2-6, the 1st and 12th Panzer Divisions regained control of the White-Vladimirskoye road and entered the city. The 47th Panzer Brigade was cut off, but managed to break out of the encirclement. From December 3, by order of the Headquarters, the newly formed 20th Army (64th, 35th, 28th, 43rd rifle brigades, 331st and 352nd rifle divisions and other units) was included in the Western Front. On December 1, army troops occupied the Black line (12 km north of Lobnya), Lugovaya station, Khlebnikov, Melkisarovo, Uskovo (3 km south of Skhodnya). The 352nd Rifle Division continued to concentrate in the Khimki area. In connection with the created operational situation, the front commander ordered the 20th Army to seize the Krasnaya Polyana, Vladychino, Kholmy area in the morning of December 2. On the morning of December 2, units of the 20th Army (331st Infantry Division, 134th Tank Battalion, 7th Separate Guards Mortar Division, 28th Infantry Brigade, 135th Tank Battalion, 15th Separate Guards Mortar Division) crossed over in the offensive with the task of encircling and destroying the enemy in the indicated area, the 331st Infantry Division with attached units advanced in the direction of Krasnaya Polyana - Ozeretskoye and by the end of December 3, approached 1-2 km to Krasnaya Polyana, where it was located before the enemy infantry battalion (106 1st Infantry Division) with tanks. The division was reinforced with the ARGK 203-mm division for firing at the entrenched fascists. The enemy put up stubborn resistance to the advancing units with mortar and artillery fire, and used anti-tank and anti-personnel obstacles. There were no changes on the rest of the 20th Army's front.

Order №030

331 Bryansk Proletarian SD

Active Army

"Behind recent times there are cases when the corpses of soldiers are taken to the village for burial. Com. division ordered:

- to prohibit the removal of the corpses of soldiers for burial in settlements (rear areas) and to bury them on the battlefield. I only allow middle command personnel to go to the rear for the burial of corpses.
Chief of Staff Major Suchkov
Military Commissar Senior Battalion Commissar Garatsenko "

During December 4 and 5, battles on the front of the 1st Shock Army assumed a fierce character; a number of points passed from hand to hand. The enemy threw up infantry in vehicles and tank subunits along the Fedorovka, Olgovo, Yakhroma road, removing units from the left flank of the 30th Army, and influenced our advancing troops with combat operations of ground attack aircraft. Our aviation was tasked with supporting our troops and fighting the German aviation. In connection with the appearance at the junction of the 1st shock and 20th armies of the 1st tank division enemy and the threat of penetration of enemy tanks into the joint between them, the commander of the Western Front ordered during December 5 (at the expense of the anti-tank defense of the consolidated group and the means of the 1st shock army) to organize a strong anti-tank defense of the Iksha, Bely Rast, Black region. The commanders of the 1st and 20th armies were instructed to transfer tank means to interact with the left flank group. The commander of the 20th Army was ordered to build a dense and deep anti-tank defense in the area of \u200b\u200bBely Rast, Sukharevo, Marfino, capable of repelling a massive enemy tank attack. In addition, the commander of the Western Front ordered, at the expense of divisions, to transfer at least 20 anti-tank guns to strengthen the joint between the armies; urgently replenish the material part (repaired and new) of the 24th and 31st tank brigades. The troops of the 20th Army, interacting with the 1st Shock and 16th Armies, continued fighting during December 4 and 5 for the capture of the Bely Rast, Krasnaya Polyana area. The struggle for White Rast was also stubborn; this point passed from hand to hand twice. By the end of December 5, the troops of the 20th Army, repulsing fierce counterattacks from Bely Rast, Krasnaya Polyana, continued fighting on the line east of Bely Rast and south of Krasnaya Polyana (Kuzyaevo, Lugovaya station, Gorki, Shemyakino); The 31st Tank Brigade defended the Chernoe area. In special cases, by order of the high command, anti-tank areas and obstacles were created in advance at points or at the junctions of formations and the army. An example is the order of the commander of the Western Dandy on December 5 to organize an anti-tank defense area at the junction of the 1st and 20th armies in view of the appearance in the Nikolskoye, Bely Rast area of \u200b\u200ba new large enemy tank grouping. At the end of November on the right wing of the Western Front after the capture of the cities of Klin, Rogachevo, Solnechnogorsk by the fascist troops; forcing the Moscow-Volga canal in the Yakhroma region; the capture of Gorki, Krasnaya Polyana, Vladychino and the unfolding battles for the village of Kiev - the enemy in the Khlebnikovo area came close to the outer defense belt of Moscow. An artillery cannonade was heard in Moscow. But by this time, the reserves of the Supreme High Command were already being concentrated from the deep rear. On November 27, at the direction of Comrade Stalin, an operational group of Colonel Lizyukov was urgently created in the Moscow defense zone, consisting of the 28th and 43rd rifle brigades, a company of KV tanks and two guards mortar divisions. The headquarters of the Supreme High Command set this group the task: "By stubborn defense on the Khlebnikov, Cherkizovo line, prevent the enemy from breaking through to Moscow." On the same day, by order of the commander of the Moscow Military District, having occupied the defensive line of Ivakino, Cherkizovo, Uskovo, entered the battle and blocked the enemy's path to Moscow. To the right of Lizyukov's group, the 2nd Moscow Rifle Division (without the 2nd Rifle Regiment), having the task of covering the Rogachev-Dmitrovskoe direction, with the 311th machine gun battalion and the 15th Guards mortar battalion assigned to it, occupied the defense of the strip northeast of Khimki. On November 29, the 40th Rifle Brigade was ordered: "Immediately, on alert, move in the direction of Krasnogorsk, Nakhabino, Dedovsk and take up defensive positions on the prepared line with the task of preventing enemy tanks and infantry from breaking through in the direction of Krasnogorsk." Consequently, the most dangerous for Moscow at the end of November, the northern and north-western sectors of the defense, thanks to the timely approach of the reserve units of the Supreme High Command and their inclusion in the troops of the Moscow defense zone, were covered. From November 29 to December 2, near Moscow, the forces of the 20th, 60th and 24th armies were concentrated and deployed. At dawn on December 2, the newly formed 20th Army went on the offensive with the task of encircling and destroying the enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bKrasnaya Polyana, Vladychino, and Kholmy. By this time, the 20th Army withdrew from the troops of the Moscow defense zone and was included in the Western Front; On December 11, she occupied Solnechnogorsk. At the end of November, units of the 2nd Moscow Rifle Division with their active defense held back the offensive of the enemy that had broken through in the area of \u200b\u200bOzeretskoye, Myshetskoye, Vladychino, Krasnaya Polyana, Katyushki, Kiev - right up to the approach from the reserve of units of the 20th Army. From the front in the zone between the 30th and 16th armies, where the Germans drove their wedge, the reserve armies of the High Command (1st and 20th armies) entered into action. The 5th Army held its positions at Zvenigorod and further south-west along the Moskva River, covering the enemy from the south-east. The density of the front was uneven. The most dense grouping of troops was formed on the right wing, where we had a generally continuous operational front. The greatest density was in the sector of our 16th Army: one rifle division per 3 km and about 20 guns and 20 mortars per 1 km. The Germans here had one division per 5 km, 12 guns and 10-15 mortars per km. There was no continuous operational front on the left wing; the troops operated in separate directions. The lowest density was on the front of our 50th Army, where there was one rifle division per 17 km. Units of the 20th armies on December 5 fought with the enemy for the capture of the Bely Rast - Krasnaya Polyana line. The enemy put up stubborn resistance on the entire front. The 64th rifle brigade with a group of tanks from the 24th tank brigade fought for the village of Kuzyaevo, the 35th rifle brigade on the night of December 5 took up defensive positions on the line: Katuar, Sukharevo, Marfino, Larevo, Art. Lugovaya, Sholokhovo, Kiovo, 331 rifle division with 134 tank brigade and 7 ogmd fought with the enemy at the turn of Gorki, Katyushki, Puchki, 28 rifle brigade, 135 tank brigades, - Katyushek, Nosova, Perepecheno, Krasnaya Polyana, 352 rifle division defended the former strip defense, 31st tank brigade - Chernoe, Larevo, Khlyabovo areas.

During the first two weeks (from December 6 to December 19), the offensive of the armies of the Western Front developed as follows:

1) the right wing (1st, 20th, 16th armies) covered 90-70 km during this time (average pace 6-7 km per day);
2) the center (33rd, 43rd armies) actually did not advance;
3) the left wing moved unevenly; its northern part (49th Army) had a slight advance, but on the southern (approaching) flank the pace of our offensive was growing - the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps was advancing from average speed 8-9 km, and the 10th Army - 12-15 km per day, as a result of which about 160 km were covered.

Situation on the right wing of the Western Front

The troops of the right wing of the Western Front in early December occupied defensive positions on the near approaches to Moscow. The right-flank 30th Army defended itself on the Volga, the northern part of the Moscow Sea, northeast of Rogachev - with a front to the southwest. In accordance with the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the 1st Shock and 20th Armies occupied the line: the eastern bank of the Moscow-Volga Canal, Dmitrov, Yakhroma, Ignatovo, south of Krasnaya Polyana and further west; The 16th Army defended itself on the Kryukovo, Dedovsk line and further south.

c) the 20th Army, in cooperation with the 16th Army, to complete the elimination of the enemy's Krasnaya Polyana grouping during December 7 and reach the line of the Ozeretsky state farm (3 km north of Krasnaya Polyana), Myshetskoye, where to regroup for a further attack on Solnechnogorsk.

On the left, part of the forces is advancing the 16th Army.

The 20th Army, for the most part of its forces (64th, 35th Infantry Brigades, 331st and 352nd Infantry Divisions) fought a fierce battle during the day for the capture of Krasnaya Polyana, where the enemy put up stubborn resistance, moving in separate directions in a counterattack. At the same time, the enemy carried out trench work with the device of obstacles in the Bely Rast area. The main efforts of the 20th army were concentrated in the direction of Krasnaya Polyana, the southeastern outskirts of which parts of the 331st rifle division, 28th rifle and two tank brigades reached by the end of December 6, where they fought a fierce battle.

The commander of the 20th Army, by order No. 05 / op, assigned the following tasks to the army:

1) in cooperation with units of the 16th Army, during December 7, complete the liquidation of the Krasnaya Polyana group of the enemy, reach the line of the state farm Ozeretsky, Myshetskoye (4 km south-west of Ozeretsky) and regroup for the subsequent conduct of an offensive operation;

2) the right flank of the army (64th rifle, 24th and 31st tank brigades) to hold the occupied line and prevent the enemy from breaking through in the direction of Chernaya, Marfino; 3) the center of the army (331st Rifle Division, 134th Tank Battalion, 7th Separate Guards Mortar Division, 1st and 2nd Divisions of 517th Artillery Regiment) to cover the enemy in the Krasnaya Polyana area from the north and south and jointly complete the encirclement with the 28th Rifle Brigade and destroy it; later to reach the line of the state farm Ozeretsky - height 196.6; 4) the left wing (28th Rifle Brigade, 135th Tank Battalion, 15th Separate Guards Mortar Battalion) to bypass Krasnaya Polyana from the west, close the encirclement and, together with the 331st Rifle Division, destroy the enemy in Krasnaya Polyana; to further master Myshetsky; 5) reserve (35th rifle brigade with armored trains No. 53 and No. 55) was tasked with defending the Sukharev line (8 km northeast of Ozeretsky), Kiev and preventing the enemy from breaking through on Khlebnikov. The 352nd Rifle Division was to concentrate in the Sukharevo, Sholokhov, Marfino area to develop the offensive in the western direction.

20-th army in the morning of December 7 was advancingby concentrating their efforts on the right flank and in the center; fierce battles unfolded for the capture of Krasnaya Polyana. By the end of the day, the 64th Rifle Brigade captured Bely Rast, developing an offensive on Nikolskoye. On the rest of the front, the troops fought stubborn battles all day, with the 331st Infantry Division with the 28th Infantry Brigade and the 134th Tank Battalion continuing to engage in street battles in Krasnaya Polyana.

In front of the units of the 20th army, the 106th infantry, 2nd and 1st tank divisions of the enemy stubbornly defended in the area of \u200b\u200bBely Rast, Krasnaya Polyana, partially regrouping their forces to the north in order to strengthen resistance to the advancing units of the 1st shock army.

The commander of the 20th Army, by order No. 06 / op, set the task destroy the fascists in the Krasnaya Polyana area, striking with the right wing in the direction of White Rast, Rozhdestveno (8 km west of White Rast). Army units were tasked with reaching the line of height 239.6, Nikolskoye, Vladychino. The main efforts of the army were concentrated on the left flank and in the center. The enemy, given the unfavorable situation for him (the overhang of the 30th Army and the 1st Shock Army from the north), gradually withdrew in the western and northwestern directions. At 3 o'clock on December 8, the 331st Infantry Division and the 28th Infantry Brigade, as a result of two-day battles, captured Krasnaya Polyana. Parts of the division during the day cleared Krasnaya Polyana of small groups of machine gunners who had settled there and developed military operations in the direction of the state farm Ozeretsky, Myshetskoye. By the end of the day, units of the 23rd and 106th infantry and 1st tank divisions of the enemy were finally driven out of the White Rasta, Ozeretsky and adjacent villages by the active actions of the 20th army. The front commander ordered the commander of the 20th Army to place tanks and anti-tank guns at these points in order to prevent the enemy from returning the lost position with counterattacks. The enemy on the entire front continued to retreat westward. According to the testimony of the captured 23rd Infantry Division, this division suffered heavy losses during December 8 from the fire of our artillery and aviation, and also had a large number of frostbite. Some companies have 25 people left.

In order to destroy the Solnechnogorsk group commander of the 20th Army by Order No. 08 / op set the following tasks to the troops:

a) the 64th rifle brigade with the 24th tank brigade to pursue the enemy along the road to Timonovo and, joining the advance detachment on the Leningradskoe highway north of Solnechnogorsk, prevent the withdrawal of the enemy's Solnechnogorsk group and the approach of its reserves from the north and northwest; b) the 35th rifle brigade with the 31st tank brigade to go to the Redino area, with the goal of leading an offensive on Solnechnogorsk, bypassing from the north; c) the 331st Infantry Division, the 134th Tank Battalion, the 7th Separate Guards Mortar Division and the 2nd Division of the 517th Cannon Artillery Regiment by the end of the day, go to the Skorodumka area, Sopovo (5 km south of Solnechnogorsk) to strike from the southwest; d) 28th Rifle Brigade, 135th Tank Battalion, 15th Separate Guards Mortar Battalion to enter the Obukhovo, Ozhogino area (3 km south-west of Solnechnogorsk) to strike from the southwest and provide the left flank of the army.

During December 9 and 10, the 20th Army continued to pursue the enemy retreating to the west and south-west, trying to cut off his retreat routes with its right-flank units. The enemy hastily retreated, abandoning weapons and equipment. So, in White Rast, he left many corpses, one heavy tank, 4 anti-tank guns, heavy and light machine guns. In the battles for Krasnaya Polyana, he suffered heavy losses in manpower and materiel; during a hasty retreat from Krasnaya Polyana to Myshetskoye, the enemy left up to 15 motor vehicles and 50 motorcycles on the road.

It was clear that the enemy, under the blows of units of the 30th, 1st, and 20th armies, was forced, instead of an organized retreat, to switch to a hasty retreat.

At 14 o'clock on December 10, the advance units of the 64th rifle brigade reached the area of \u200b\u200bthe Leningradskoe highway northwest of Solnechnogorsk. The advance detachment of the 20th army, as part of the 31st tank brigade, captured Dubinin by 13:40.

By the end of December 10, the enemy rearguards were thrown back from a number of settlements, and the main forces of the army reached the line of Shikhovo, Redkino (9 km north-west of White Rast), Kochergino, Khorugvino, Esipovo, Radoml, having a grouping of forces to the right flank and fighting with covering enemy units.

On December 11, the commander of the 20th Army assigned the army the task of capturing Solnechnogorsk, by the end of the day to reach the line Misirevo (3 km south of Klin), Mikhailovskoye, Troitskoye, Timyufeevo (2 km north-west of Pyatnitsa) and be ready for the development of the offensive to the west ...

To accomplish this task, the 64th rifle brigade with the 24th tank brigade and the 133rd rifle division were ordered to reach the Misirevo-Mikhailovskoye line, providing the army's right flank;

The 331st rifle division and the 134th tank battalion to enter the Troitskoye, Gorki, Dudkino area;

The 28th Infantry Brigade, the 135th Tank Battalion, in cooperation with the 354th Infantry Division of the 16th Army, to destroy the opposing enemy and occupy the villages of Berezhki, Pyatnitsa (the northeastern bank of the Istra reservoir), throwing the leading detachment to the western bank in Melechkino and Timofeevo;

The 35th rifle brigade to reach the Moshnitsa area, Golovkovo (4 km northwest of Solnechnogorsk), providing Solnechnogorsk from the northwest; The 31st tank brigade should enter the area of \u200b\u200bthe rest house northeast of Solnechnogorsk and be ready:

a) to the offensive together with the 331st Rifle Division; b) to interact with the 35th Rifle Brigade in the event of a possible enemy attack from the northwest. c) the 352nd Infantry Division and the 7th Separate Guards Mortar Division were ordered to concentrate in Solnechnogorsk.

Thus, the 20th Army, with its right flank, sought to quickly and firmly saddle the Leningradskoe highway and completely capture Solnechnogorsk. With their left flank, in cooperation with the right-flank units of the 16th Army, the troops of the 20th Army were to reach the area west and northwest of the Istra reservoir, with the aim of helping the 16th Army to cross this line. This was necessary because the enemy was trying to hold back the offensive of the 16th Army with strong rearguards with tanks.

Continuing to develop the pursuit in the western and northwestern directions, the troops of the 20th Army bypassed Solnechnogorsk from the north and south. From the morning of December 11, the advance units of the 31st Tank Brigade conducted reconnaissance of the enemy on the southeastern outskirts of the city. By 14 o'clock the 35th rifle brigade was fighting in Rekintsy. A group of the 64th rifle brigade and the 24th tank brigade, bypassing Solnechnogorsk from the north, entered the highway north of the city and forced the Germans to leave the city; the Germans did not have time to set it on fire. Only small parts of the cover were left in the city (machine gunners on cars). Simultaneously with the actions of this group, the 31st tank brigade was the first to break into Solnechnogorsk by 14 o'clock. By the end of December 11, the 64th rifle brigade advanced to Osipov, where it fought. In this area, 2 tanks, 30 vehicles, 4 anti-tank guns, rifles, light machine guns and other military equipment were captured. Parts of the left flank (331st Infantry Division) in the Peshka area captured 41 vehicles. Covering the retreat of the main forces (23rd Infantry and 1st Panzer Divisions) with rear guards and suffering heavy losses, the enemy hastily retreated westward in the direction of Nudol, trying to quickly reach the Volokolamsk highway. The Germans strained their efforts in front of the front of the 1st shock and 20th armies in order to prevent the encirclement of their exhausted units by our troops and their complete defeat. However, the situation was unfavorable for the Germans, since as a result of the withdrawal of units of the 30th Army into the Klin region, as well as the overhang of the 30th and 1st armies over the left flank and rear of the 3rd tank group, the enemy's retreat to the west was threatened. On December 1, aerial reconnaissance noted a hasty movement of convoys of vehicles in the western and south-western directions along the roads Klin-Teryaeva Sloboda, Solnechnogorsk-Nudol, Istra-Novo-Petrovskoe. In areas southeast of Klin, there was a large number of vehicles moving in disorder in different directions. According to the testimony of the prisoners, there were cases when German officers abandoned their units and fled; units in these cases were commanded by non-commissioned officers and corporals. By the end of December 11, the 20th Army fought with its forward units in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Leningradskoe highway. The 31st tank brigade with the 35th rifle brigade fought on the outskirts of Strelin. The 331st Rifle Division, bypassing Peshki from the north, advanced on Savelyevo, Sopovo; The 28th Rifle Brigade reached the Rostovtsevo-Dudkino line; The 352nd Infantry Division in the second echelon advanced to the Peshka area. In the battles, 4 tanks, 13 vehicles, 7 mortars, 13 guns and many other trophies were captured.

During December 12, the offensive of the 20th and 1st Shock Armies continued. The enemy, hiding behind rear guards, tried to withdraw his units from the flank attacks of our troops. The Zavidovskaya group of Germans, ensuring the retreat of the 3rd tank group from the north, fought during December 12 in the Bezborodovo area (on the Leningradskoe highway near the Moscow Sea), Novo-Zavidovskiy, Zavidovo.

Events on the front of the 1st Shock Army, as already mentioned, developed more slowly. This prompted repeated and persistent instructions from the commander of the Western Front, demanding swift and decisive action on the part of the commander of the 1st Army. In order to achieve full cooperation between the 1st and 20th armies, the front commander transferred the 55th rifle brigade to the 20th army on the morning of December 12. At the same time, the 46th Cavalry Division was transferred to the Kalinin Front. The current situation required energetic measures to defeat the Germans.

Commanders 30, 1, 20, 16 and 5

No. 0103 / op
Copy: Beginning. Of the General Staff
Of particular importance
Map 500,000

1. The enemy, conducting stubborn rearguard battles, continues to retreat to the west.

2. The immediate task of the armies of the right wing of the front by relentless pursuit to complete the defeat of the retreating enemy and by the end of December 18 to reach the front Stepurino, Ramenye, Shakhovskaya, Andreevskoe, the upper reaches of the Ruza, Ostashevo, Asherino, Vasyukovo, Klimentevo, Oblanishchevo, Gribtsovo, Maurino. I order:a) Commander 30, having surrounded Klin with a part of the forces, with the main army forces on 16.12.41 to go to the front Turginovo, Pokrovskoe, excl. Teryaeva Sloboda. Securely secure the right flank of the front. Extension line: on the right - to Turginovo the same, then (orient.) Excl. Shosha river; on the left - to the same Klin, then - excl. Teryaeva Sloboda, excl. Prince's Mountains.
b) Commander 1 - part of the forces to assist the 30 army surrounded by Klin from the south, the main forces of the army to go to the front of Teryaeva Sloboda, Nikita on 16.12.
The razgranny to the left - to Vertlinskoe the same, then Troitskoe, Nikita, Volokolamsk, Romantsevo.
c) The commander of the 20 main forces of the army by 16.12 to go to the front Kolpaki, Davydkovo, Novo-Petrovskoe.
The spreading line on the left - until Friday, the same, then - Novo-Petrovskoe, Sosnino, Chernevo.
d) The commander of the 16 main forces of the army on 16.12 go to the front excl. Novo-Petrovskoe, Skirmanovo, Onufrievo.
The razgranit the left to Istra is the same, then Onufrievo, Khotebtsevo, Myshkino.
e) Commander 5 with the main forces of the army on December 16 to go to the Safonikha front, the Ozernaya river, Tabolovo, Ruza, Tuchkovo. The razgranny to the left - to Maurino the same, then New. Nikolskoe, Kolychev. 4. The commanders of the armies are personally responsible for reaching the indicated lines in time. The commanders in their orders to the divisions set tasks for each day, indicating which lines the divisions must reach, strictly demanding that the division commanders execute them. 5. The offensive of the armies will be supported by the front air force. 6. Pursue swiftly, not allowing the enemy to break away. Widely use strong software to capture road junctions, gorges, disorganize enemy marching and battle formations. 7. I categorically prohibit frontal attacks of fortified enemy resistance centers. The lead echelons, without stopping, bypass them, entrusting the destruction of these nodes to subsequent echelons. 8. I demand a clear organization of interaction at the junctions with neighbors and rendering assistance to each other, not formally excuses himself by drawing the lines. 9. Receipt and orders given to convey. Zhukov. Bulganin. Sokolovsky.

The 20th Army received a new task: the main forces to reach the front of Kolpaki, Davydkovo, Novo-Petrovskoye ... Having completed this task, it advances in the general direction of Volokolamsk.

The 20th Army broke through the enemy's defenses in the area of \u200b\u200bArt. Volokolamsk, Ivanovskoe, Khvostinino, Spas-Ryukhovskoe, and on December 20, Volokolamsk was liberated. Participated in this: an operational group consisting of 145 tank brigades (Major General Fedor Timofeevich Remizov), 17 rifle brigades (Colonel Gabriel Antonovich Kutalev), 64 rifle brigades (Colonel Ivan Mikhailovich Chistyakov), 331 rifle division (Major general Fedor Petrovich King), as well as an operational group consisting of: 17 tank brigade (Colonel Nikolai Andreevich Chernoyarov), part of the forces of the 1st Guards. tank brigade (Colonel Mikhail Efimovich Katukov, who is also the group commander).

The troops of the 20th Army during December 12 fought west of Solnechnogorsk and at Obukhov, where the enemy offered stubborn resistance, but by the end of the day he was nevertheless driven out of these points.

By the end of December 12, units of the 20th Army reached the line Subbotino (4 km west of Solnechnogorsk), Obukhovo, Berezhki (southwest of Solnechnogorsk 12 km), Friday, where communication was established with the right-flank units of the 16th Army (354th Infantry division, the right flank of which was in Lopotov). The reserve of the army commander - the 352nd Rifle Division - was concentrated in Solnechnogorsk.

During December 13, the troops of the 20th Army, overcoming the resistance of the 23rd and 106th infantry divisions of the enemy, covering the withdrawal of their main forces, advanced slightly on the right and left flanks, while in the center they moved forward somewhat.

In the morning of December 14, the main efforts were concentrated on the right flank and in the center, in the general direction to Gorki, Nikolskoye, Kuznetsovo, along the northern bank of the Nudol River to inflict a flank attack on the enemy in the southwestern direction.

To this end, the 64th Rifle Brigade, the 331st Rifle Division, together with Remizov's group (17th Rifle Brigade, 44th Cavalry Division, 145th Tank Brigade), which had entered the area, captured the Zamyatino line (9 km north-west Solnechnogorsk), Loginovo and sent an advanced detachment to Troitskoye, Kuznetsovo.

The 28th Infantry Brigade prepared for the crossing of the Istra reservoir at the Berezhka-Friday line, interacting with the right-flank units of the 16th Army.

Having received the order for the main forces of the army to enter the Kolpaki, Davydkovo, Novo-Petrovskoye front, the commander of the 20th Army assigned the following tasks to the troops:

64th rifle and 24th tank brigades to pursue the enemy in the direction of Kutino (12 km southeast of Teryaeva Sloboda) and by the end of December 14 with the main forces to reach the Nikolaevka, Skripyaschevo, Khokhlovo area (10 km northeast of Nudol-Sharino) ; reach Savino by the end of December 16.

The 331st Infantry Division, the 134th Tank Battalion and the 31st Tank Brigade pursue the enemy in the direction of Nudol-Sharino and by the end of December 14 with the main forces reach the Korenka and Podzhigorodovo area, and by the end of December 15 - in the Denezhkino area.
The 35th Rifle Brigade pursued the enemy in the direction of Denkovo \u200b\u200band by the end of December 14 to reach Antipino, and by the end of December 15 to Bodrovo (7 km south of Nudol-Sharin).
28th rifle brigade to pursue the enemy in the direction of Davydkovo and by the end of December 14 to reach the area of \u200b\u200bM. Ushakovo, Leonovo; reach Rybushka by the end of December 15.
By the end of December 14, the 55th Rifle Brigade reach Ekaterinovka and by the end of December 15 - Stepankovo, providing the right flank of the army.
352nd Infantry Division, which makes up the second echelon, on December 14 to reach the area of \u200b\u200bGorki, Khrenovo, Pogorelovo, by the end of December 15 - Korenka, Tiliktino.

Despite all efforts, due to extremely stubborn resistance of the enemy, the troops of the 20th Army could not reach the designated line and by the end of December 14 were 8-10 km away from it. On the morning of December 15, the front commander ordered the commander of the 20th Army to explain the reasons for the failure of the troops to comply with the order to reach the lines that are the task of the day. The army commander reported:

“The slow advance of the troops of the 20th army was caused by the following reasons: first, at the turn of the river. Katysha from Troitskoye to Istra reservoir, the enemy is putting up strong resistance, organizing the defense of this line; second, when retreating, the enemy blows up bridges, mines roads, sets up obstacles, as a result of which an offensive through the forest has to be carried out extremely slowly, overcoming the snow, making barriers, pulling up artillery and ammunition; third - the Military Council personally organized the offensive of the 64th brigade units and led the battalion into the attack, which at 21:30 on 14.12 broke through the enemy's defenses and captured Troitskoye, destroying up to two infantry companies; trophies were taken: 5 NTO guns, guns and vehicles ”.

The troops of the 20th army, interacting with the 1st shock army, as well as with the 16th army, which at that time was fighting for the capture of the Istra reservoir, somewhat lagged behind in their advance due to the stubborn resistance of the Germans. This could not but influence the course of the operation of the right wing of the Western Front, since it made it possible for the enemy to put himself in order and set up barriers.

During December 15 and 16, the forces of the 20th Army continued to conduct stubborn offensive battles along the entire front. On the left flank, the 28th Rifle Brigade by 5 o'clock on December 15, forcing the northern arm of the Istra reservoir, captured Melechkin and continued its offensive in the southwestern direction. To the south, the troops of the 16th Army also crossed this water line.

On December 17, army troops reached the line of Semenkovo, Klimovka, Denezhkino (7 km north of Novo-Petrovsky), Prechistoye, Rybushka, Rumyantsevo. The 352nd Rifle Division was concentrated in the Shapkino area, Stegachevo in reserve.

In the battles from 13 to 16 December, the 20th Army captured 79 guns, 113 vehicles, 20 motorcycles, 16 machine guns, 102 bicycles, 300 barrels of gasoline, a large number of mines, warehouses and carts with property looted by the Germans. Many enemy soldiers and officers were killed.

Subsequently, the 20th Army concentrated its main efforts along the highway to Volokolamsk. From the testimony of the prisoners, it was established that north of Volokolamsk, the enemy was withdrawing its forces to the line of the Lama River. To the south by air reconnaissance

On December 15, the movement of enemy convoys was noted, retreating along the Volokolamsk-Ryukhovskoye highway.

The commander of the Western Front, by order No. 0112 / op of December 16, 1941, assigned the following mission to the armies of the front's right wing:

“... Continuously pursue the enemy and go to the front by the end of 21.12. B. Ledinki, Pogoreloe Gorodische, Kuchino, Mikhalevo, Myshkino, Borodino, Simbukhovo ... "

In accordance with this, the armies were assigned tasks:

1. By the end of December 18, the 1st Shock Army should reach the Alayevo, Ramenye, Shakhovskaya front with its main forces, firmly securing the right flank of the front. The dividing line on the right is the same; on the left to Nikita - the same, then - Ilyinskoe, Shakhovskaya, Kuchino, Pesochnya.
2. The 20th Army, having captured the city of Volokolamsk, by the end of December 18, with the main forces to reach the Shakhovskaya (excl.), Andreevskoye, Chernevo front. The dividing line on the left (to Chernevo) is the same, then Zlatoustovo.
3. 16th Army by the end of December 18, the main forces to reach the front Ostashevo, Ascherino, Tsyganovo. The dividing line on the left (to Myshkino) is the same, then Gzhatsk (incl.).

During the period from 17 to 20 December, the battles on the front of the 1st, 20th and 16th armies were in the nature of continuous pursuit of the Germans. When retreating, the enemy widely used machine gunners in vehicles and barriers, especially in settlements and on road junctions. When retreating, the Germans abandoned materiel and vehicles in a number of sectors of the front. The commander of the 20th Army directed the main efforts of the troops to capture Volokolamsk, for which order No. 012 / op set the following tasks: in cooperation with the neighbors on the right (1st Shock Army) and on the left (16th Army), by the end of December 17, capture Volokolamsk and by the end of December 18 the main forces to go to the front excl. Shakhovskaya, Andreevskoe, Chernevo. The capture of Volokolamskoye was entrusted to the group of General Remizov. However, due to the stubborn resistance of the enemy (units of the 106th Infantry, 2nd and 5th Panzer Divisions), the task of the day was not completed. General Remizov's group (131st and 145th tank, 17th rifle and 24th tank brigades) occupied Denkovo \u200b\u200bby the end of the day and from the morning of December 18 together with the group of General Katukov (1st Guards and 17th Tank Brigades , 89th separate tank battalion) of the 16th Army fought during the day with the enemy in the Chismen area. Other units of the 20th Army continued to carry out the tasks assigned to them.

On December 20, the commander of the Western Front, General of the Army Zhukov, gave the troops order No. 0116 / op, in which the armies of the right wing were tasked with continuing the non-stop offensive and by the end of December 27 to reach the front of Zubtsov, Vasyutina, Zlatoustovo, Gzhatsk, Kiselevo, Mikhailovskoye, Medovniki.

In accordance with this, tasks were set for the armies:

1. 1st Shock Army, firmly securing the right flank of the front, by the end of December 22, the main forces of the army to reach the front of Zheludovo (excl.). Burnt Settlement, Kuchino. By the end of December 27, the mobile group capture Sychevka, Novoduginskaya. Dividing line on the right - Rogachevo, Reshetnikovo, Kotlyakovo, Zubtsov (all exclusively for the 1st Army); on the left (to Pesochna) the same, then the Pomednitsa junction.

2. 20 Army by the end of December 22, the main forces to reach the front Kuchino (excl.), B. Krutoye, Mikhalevo.

A mobile group, interacting with the 16th Army, occupy Gzhatsk on December 25. The dividing line on the left (to Zlatoustovo) is the same, then Novoduginskaya.

3. 16th Army by the end of December 22, the main forces to reach the front Shnyukovo, Astafyevo, Galyshkino. The dividing line on the left to Gzhatsk is the same, then - Meshcherskaya station.

Thus, all the armies of the right wing of the front were tasked with advancing further to the west, to overcome the defensive line on Lama and Ruza, where the Germans sought to stop our offensive in order to gain time and firmly consolidate and hold the Rzhev, Gzhatsk, Vyazma region.

In his order, the front commander again demanded from commanders of all levels "to take fortified enemy units, bypassing them, and not to delay the forward movement of the forward echelons of the battle formation ..."

At 6:00 on December 20, units of the 20th Army - the 64th Rifle Brigade and General Remizov's group - in cooperation with General Katukov's group, captured Volokolamsk, knocking out the remnants of the 106th Infantry and 5th Tank Divisions. Many trophies were captured in the city. After capturing Volokolamsk, by order of the front command, General Remizov's group was transferred to the 1st Shock Army, and General Katukov's group to the 20th Army. Both groups, after the capture of Volokolamsk, continued to lead the offensive and by the end of December 20 captured the village of Spas-Pomazkino and continued to develop success in the western direction. The 20th Army broke through the enemy's defenses in the area of \u200b\u200bArt. Volokolamsk, Ivanovskoe, Khvostinino, Spas-Ryukhovskoe, and on December 20, Volokolamsk was liberated. They took part in this: an operational group of 145 tank brigade (Major General Fedor Timofeevich Remizov), 17th rifle brigade (Colonel Gavriil Antonovich Kutalev), 64th rifle brigade (Colonel Ivan Mikhailovich Chistyakov), 331 rifle division (Major General Fedor King), an operational group consisting of: 17 tank brigade (Colonel Nikolai Andreevich Chernoyarov), part of the forces of the 1st Guards. tank brigade (Colonel Mikhail Efimovich Katukov, who is also the group commander).
By the end of December 21 and the first half of the next day, the 1st, 20th and 16th armies reached the line of the Lama and Ruza rivers. The troops of the 1st Shock Army reached the Marmyl, Telegino and further along the Lama River. They met organized resistance from the 14th Motorized, 23rd and 106th Infantry Divisions of the enemy on the Zvanovo, Plaksino, Lama River, Yaropolets lines. Parts of the 20th Army approached the Lama River and carried out a partial regrouping on December 22. During December 21 and 22, the enemy fought stubborn battles in the Ivanovskoye area (up to two infantry battalions of the 106th Infantry Division, reinforced with tanks), Timkovo (parts of the 35th Infantry Division), Ryukhovskoye (35th Infantry and 11th Tank Division ). At the same time, the troops of the 16th Army fought stubborn battles with the enemy defending the line Spas-Ryukhovskoye (units of the 5th Panzer Division), Ostashevo, Ivankovo, Glazovo, Dyakovo (two infantry regiments of the SS division and units of the 252nd Infantry Division).

The troops of the 20th Army from 12:00 on December 23 went on the offensive with the task of breaking through the enemy's defenses in the Volokolamsk direction (Timkovo, Khvorostinino and further south). The offensive did not develop due to the strong defense of the enemy. By the evening of December 23, army troops were regrouping to the right flank in order to resume the offensive in the morning of December 24.

The rate of advance of the Red Army troops in December 1941 (despite the harsh conditions of a severe winter, the presence of a large snow cover) reached an average of 6 km per day (it should be borne in mind that the bulk of the troops during the offensive was infantry); such rates should be considered quite satisfactory.
From the memoirs of a participant in the battles:

After 18 days of fierce fighting, the 20th Army succeeded in capturing a bridgehead on the western bank of the Lama. In my memory, there are heaps of twisted or abandoned German equipment, wandering into captivity of frostbitten enemy soldiers, a lot of enemy corpses.
But we also suffered heavy losses. Never forget the bodies of Far Eastern sailors from the brigades of the Marine Corps, spread out on the bloody snow in black pea jackets and peakless caps ... In the days of the offensive, severe frosts reigned, but G. Zhukov, who was steep in his decisions, issued an order according to which frostbite was equated with a crossbow, and the culprit was brought before a military tribunal as a deserter. But many of our fighters, especially the militia, were in shoes and windings ...

The width of the front of the armies with their access to the railway line Moscow, Leningrad decreased:

a) for the 30th army - up to 30-32 km;
b) for the 1st shock army - up to 14-15 km;
c) for the 20th army - up to 14-15 km. Thus, the width of the front was almost halved, which made it possible to echelon the battle formations of the armies in depth.

The advance of the 1st shock, 20th and 16th armies by December 20-21 ended at the border of the Lama, Ruza rivers, where the units met the organized defense of the enemy. This circumstance explains such a low rate of advance during the offensive in the period of December 21-25.

In the offensive, the armies of the right wing were unevenly provided with artillery.

20th Army - 517th Artillery Regiment of the Reserve of the High Command; 16th Army - 2nd Guards, 39th and 138th Artillery Regiments of the High Command Reserve, 523rd and 528th Cannon Artillery Regiments, 544th High Power Howitzer Artillery Regiments, 1st and 2nd Guards , 533th, 610th, 768th, 863th artillery anti-tank regiments, 13th, 17th, 28th, 30th, 31st, 35th, 37th and 26th 1st separate guards mortar divisions, 871st artillery anti-tank regiment.

331st Infantry Division, starting his combat path on December 1, 1941. from Khlebnikov, liberated 142 settlements: villages, towns and cities of the Moscow region. In January 1942, the Moscow region was liberated. The division was at Rzhev. Of the 11 thousand soldiers and officers who arrived in Khlebnikovo, only 120 people remained from the old staff.

VOLOKOLAMSK. Occupied on October 27, 1941. Released on December 20, 1941 by the ZapF troops during the Klin-Solnechnogorsk operation:
20 A - a task force consisting of: 145 brigade (Major General of the t / v Fedor Timofeevich Remizov, who is also the group commander), 17 brigade (Colonel Gavriil Antonovich Kutalev); 64th brigade (Colonel Chistyakov Ivan Mikhailovich), 331 RD (Major General Korol Fedor Petrovich); an operational group consisting of: 17 brigade (Colonel Nikolai Chernoyarov), part of the forces of the 1st Guards. tbr (major general m / v Katukov Mikhail Efimovich, he is also the group commander).

WEDGE. Occupied on 23 November 1941. Released on 15 December 1941 by the troops of the Western Front during the Klinsko-Solnechnogorsk operation:
30 A - 365 RD (Colonel Shchukin Matvey Aleksandrovich), 371 RD (Major General Fedor Vasilyevich Chernyshev), 348 RD (Colonel Lyutikov Anisim Stefanovich); 24 cd (Colonel Malyukov Grigory Fedorovich); 8 brigade (Colonel Rotmistrov Pavel Alekseevich), 21 brigade (Lieutenant Colonel Lesovoy Andrey Lvovich).
1 Ud. AND- 29th brigade (Colonel Erokhin Mikhail Emelyanovich), 50th brigade (Lieutenant Colonel Ryabov Vasily Vasilyevich), 84th brigade (Major General Kozyr Maxim Evseevich), 47th brigade (Colonel Lysenkov Sergey Nikolaevich).
By order of the NKO of the USSR, the name was given to Klinsky 54 bap (Major Skibo Ivan Mikhailovich).

How it was

So, the Nazis approached Moscow. The plan for their offensive was simple and impudent: surround Moscow with a ring of troops, blockade it, and then take it by storm. The possibility of flooding the capital by exploding dams and locks was not excluded. A large group of fascist troops attacked the northwestern defense of Moscow and captured the cities of Shakhovskaya, Volokolamsk, Klin, Solnechnogorsk, Istra. The creation of the defense of Moscow involved not only the troops of the front, but also the entire civilian population, enterprises of the capital and the region. The experience accumulated over several months of the war suggested how to act. By the decision of the Moscow Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, resistance forces were created, which were to begin to operate after the occupation of the area by the invaders. A fighter battalion of more than 300 fighters was formed. The commander was appointed director of the Ozeretsk state farm, communist Leonid Ivanovich Boytsov. At the same time, two partisan detachment and several underground groups. The commander of one detachment was appointed the old Bolshevik, a participant in the civil war, Kondakov Alexander Vasilyevich, and the commander of the other - the head of the regional department of the NKVD, Kositsin Alexei Fedorovich. A voluntary underground group consisting of 13 people was created from the DMZ employees. In the event of the occupation of the region, the task of all these three detachments and groups was to destroy the plant, energy sources, waterworks and communications, telephone communications, so that the enemy could not use them. They, of course, were entrusted with sabotage combat actions to destroy enemy manpower and military equipment. The detachments were supposed to keep in touch with the population, to attract patriotic-minded people to participate in underground work, following the example of the Belarusian and Ukrainian underground and partisans. Fortunately, our detachments of partisans and underground fighters did not have to take action. They established communication with the command of the Soviet defensive units of the 20th Army, conducted reconnaissance of the enemy and daily gave our command information about the movement and number of German units, about the condition and availability of roadways, about the nature of the terrain. By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the country on December 6, a powerful offensive of Soviet troops began along the entire western front. But before that, German troops managed to capture the village of Rogachevo and the entire Rogachevo highway, reach the bank of the Moscow-Volga canal and force it near the Peremilovskie heights, located somewhat south of Dmitrov. The Savelovskaya railway was cut. The closest defense line to Moscow was occupied by the newly formed Second Moscow Communist Division. It passed along the southern bank of the Klyazminskoye reservoir along the Pavedniki-Khlebnikovo line, then along the canal to the village of Gnilushi. On November 29, fierce battles unfolded on the defense of the large village of Ozeretskoye, a few kilometers from the Savelovskaya railway. The Germans attacked incessantly. But they failed to capture the village. On November 30, the Nazis again launched an attack under the cover of aviation. But our troops are destroying the German infantry and tanks with direct fire. The Nazis are trying to break through the Soviet defense in other directions: near the villages of Rybaki, Myshetskoye, Vladychino. Ozeretskoye is subjected to a terrible bombardment. Germans superior forces near the village of Vladychino, they managed to break through the front line and capture Krasnaya Polyana. They were separated from Lobnya by a field and an anti-tank ditch. A battery of anti-aircraft guns stood against the tanks of the Nazis, which fired powerfully with direct fire.

About 30 kilometers remained to Moscow. The Germans began to prepare for the shelling of the capital. But our generals, officers, soldiers were preparing to resist. "There is nowhere to retreat, behind is Moscow." People were literally preparing to accept death, but not to give up the capital. On the night of November 30 to December 1, the 896th artillery regiment was urgently deployed in the direction of Lobnya from Khimki, which was already on the march dressed in winter uniforms: wadded trousers, earflaps, warm mittens, felt boots. On the morning of December 2, the gunners met the advancing chain of fascist troops with hurricane fire. This was the beginning of the rout of the enemy troops near Moscow. After the strongest artillery preparation on December 6, our troops broke the resistance of the fascists and for the first time pushed them westward. In a heavy battle on December 8, the village of Krasnaya Polyana was liberated by soldiers of the 28th Infantry Brigade, 1104th, 1108th Infantry Regiments. Here 12 tanks and 33 enemy armored personnel carriers were captured. During the retreat, the Germans committed atrocities. They looked disgusting - they pulled women's and children's hats over their heads, tied them in woolen and knitted scarves, sweaters, pulled women's boots on their feet. The Russian winter made itself felt, and the Nazis became even angrier and more cheeky from this. They robbed civilians, burned down houses and utility rooms. In the region, 229 civilians were killed, in the village of Ozeretskoye, 35 prisoners of the Red Army were burned alive in a boarded-up barn, in Krasnaya Polyana itself, the Nazis drove into the building of the regional executive committee more than 250 men aged 15 to 65 years and kept them for a week without food and water. More than a thousand women and children were herded into the basement of house # 2. Many children died from dampness, stuffiness, lack of nutrition, and several women went mad. The Krasnaya Polyana factory was destroyed by 70 percent, and even half of the premises were gone from the Institute of Feed. Of the 80 yards in the village of Myshetskoye, five remain. Seven out of 350 houses in the village of Ozeretskoye. And these are just individual figures and examples of devastation and grief in a small area captured by the Germans ... The Nazis did not get to Dolgoprudny. The war scorched only the surroundings, six kilometers remained to the village.

People and destinies

The main defense line of the Moscow region passed along the Pavedniki-Khlebnikovo line, along the Moscow-Volga canal to the village of Gnilushi, Skhodnya, Zvenigorod, Kubinka. Railway bridge over the canal and highway over the river. Klyazma were mined. This was told in 1965 by the commander of a sapper platoon, Major A. Sorokin, who was invited to secondary school No. 3 to attend Ogonyok, dedicated to the battle for Moscow, together with the commander of the 331st rifle division, Major General S.V. King and Colonel A.I. Gritsenko. Already on October 19, 1941 in the village of Khlebnikovo on Sovetskaya Street, which runs parallel railroad, the hospital No. 31 for the lightly wounded is located. As old-timers Nadezhda Petrovna Pankova and Ekaterina Yegorovna Alekseeva say, there was an operating room in the house of Pankova's parents. After the operation, the wounded were transferred to a barrack - the former office of a brick factory. Those who died from their wounds were buried next to the railway (where there is now a memorial at the mass grave). In the second half of October, trains stopped running altogether. Only armored train # 55 cruised along the Savelovskaya railway, the guns of which fired at enemy positions in the Lobnya area. The armored train withdrew to the sidings in Khlebnikovo to replenish ammunition and again went into battle. At the end of November, the front line passed already five kilometers from Khlebnikovo.

Krasnopolyansky district was partially occupied from November 30 to December 8 - 27 kilometers remained to Moscow: at that time the Moscow border passed along the Likhoborka river. Terrible autumn of 1941 at the Lobny line of defense soviet troops, having taken upon themselves the frontal blow of the fascist tanks, they blocked the path of the Nazis to Moscow. This was the moment of the highest tension for both belligerents in the battle of Moscow. Troops for the newly formed 20 army arrived in the Khlebnikovo area. The enemy managed to break through to the bridge over the Moscow-Volga canal. The enemy tank units took possession of Bely Rast, Ozeretsky, Krasnaya Polyana and reached the Lobnya station and northward to the Savelovskaya railway track. The army was ordered to deploy its forces from Khlebnikovo along the Klyazma River to the village of Cherkizovo along the Leningradskoye Highway. In the Khlebnikovo area there was a 331 rifle division. Winter came very early that year. There were severe frosts. On Dmitrovskoe highway, on the way to the front, not reaching a kilometer and a half to the bridge over the canal, warm uniforms were delivered to the regiment. So, on the move, the personnel were dressed in winter clothes: short fur coats, wadded trousers, earflaps, mittens and felt boots. That is why the residents of Khlebnikovo, seeing the fighters, called them all Siberians. Our troops were regrouping at this time. On a night march from November 30 to December 1, they left Khlebnikovo on the line of the Sheremetyevskaya-Lobnya-Kiev railway line and prevented the further offensive of the Nazis and their breakthrough through the railway. On the morning of December 1, there was the first baptism of fire. The appearance of enemy tank units in front of the deploying units of the 20th Army was completely unexpected. However, the meeting with our troops was unexpected for the enemy as well. According to the testimony of the prisoners, the Nazi command hoped to freely seize the canal crossings in the Khlebnikovo area. And suddenly, its forward units faced a new continuous front of our troops, which met the enemy with dense artillery fire, and in the Lobnya area - with tank counterattacks. The enemy's advance stopped, however, the enemy managed to approach Moscow at a distance of 25 kilometers. 331 Rifle Division under the command of Major General S.V. The King moved her headquarters from Moskovskaya Street from Khlebnikovo to the Lobnenskaya School, which is near Lake Kiev.

The First Shock and Twentieth Armies were ordered on December 2 to deliver counterattacks and defeat the advancing enemy forces. On the morning of December 2, the only 331 division of General S.V. entered the attack on Krasnaya Polyana from Khlebnikovo. King with a tank battalion. From the Melkisarovo area - the 28th rifle brigade of Colonel A.I. Gritsenko, also with a tank battalion. Front-line aviation and artillery struck enemy units. On the night of December 4, 1941, the troops of the 20th Army, namely the 331st Infantry Division, launched a series of counterattacks on the enemy's defense, as a result of which the village of Katyushki was liberated. The battles for Krasnaya Polyana were long and stubborn. The enemy turned this village into a large defensive hub, saturated with a large amount of equipment. And on the morning of December 6, 1941, our troops launched a counteroffensive. In fierce battles that lasted all day, units of the division of General S.V. King and the brigade A.I. Gritsenko, supported by army artillery, advanced to the eastern and southeastern outskirts of Krasnaya Polyana. During the day of the fighting, they advanced only 2-3 kilometers. Small success, but still a success. By the end of December 8, all Krasnaya Polyana was liberated. 17 enemy tanks and 6 armored vehicles remained on the battlefield. From the division of General S.V. The submachine gunners fought the king especially bravely. Sergeant A. Novikov was killed by the hero's death. He was a signalman and corrected the wire connecting the regiment headquarters with the observation post of General S.V. King. Enemy submachine gunners opened fire on the brave signalman, A. Novikov clenched the cable ends that had not yet spliced \u200b\u200bwith his teeth and returned fire from the machine gun. So they found him dead - with the ends of the cable in his teeth, but the connection worked.

Every year, December 6, at the mass grave in Khlebnikovo, where the soldiers-defenders of Moscow are buried, the rector of the Church of the Non-Handmade Image of the Savior, Father Alexy, is performing a requiem. On a frosty early winter morning, teachers, students of the Gastello School No. 3 and veterans gather around the grave and, holding candles in their hands, commemorate the dead.

About 64th Rifle Brigade

Klepach Prokofy Fedorovich. (21.II.1919, Klepachi village, Khorolsky district, Poltava region),
Hero of the Soviet Union (1945). Member of the Great Patriotic War from June 1941 to 1945. Was in the active army on the Karelian, Western, 2nd and 3rd Belorussian fronts. Battalion commander of the 1106th rifle regiment of the 331st rifle division of the 31st Army. He distinguished himself in the battles for the liberation of Smolensk in September 1943. After demobilization from the army in 1946, he graduated from the Poltava Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a director of an industrial plant, an engineer at a household goods factory. Lives in the town of Khorol, Poltava region. Honorary Citizen of Smolensk (1965). Lit .: Belyaev I.N. Registered forever. - Ch. 1. - M., 1985.

Remembers Colonel A.I. Lopukh, then commander of the 896th artillery regiment of the 331st rifle divisions

“In the city of Khimki, at the headquarters of the Western Front, I received the task: to march on the night of November 30 to December 1 to reach the line of the Kiovo-northern outskirts of Lobnya - Sheremetyevskaya and prevent a further German offensive and their breakthrough through the railway. This task was immediately communicated to the subordinates. On the Dmitrovskoe highway, on the way to the front, not reaching one and a half kilometers to the bridge over the canal, the regiment was supplied with warm uniforms. So, on the move, the personnel were dressed in winter clothes and shoes. "

Dec 1 the German group "Center" introduced new reserves into battle, took possession of the White Rast, Krasnaya Polyana and Ozeretsky, went to the railway track at the station. Lobny and to the north. From 1 Dec. units of the 2nd Moscow Infantry Division, the 1106th Infantry Regiment of the 331st Division, the 35th Separate Infantry Brigade, and 864 anti-aircraft artillery fought fierce battles against the units of the 2nd Tank Division of the enemy. regiment 1 air defense corps, two armored trains at the crossing connecting Rogachevskoe and Dmitrovskoe highways.

At a critical moment, the command of the Western Front decides to inflict 2 December. counterattacks by forces of two fresh armies - 1st Shock and 20th, and an offensive in the direction of Kholmy (17 km north-west of Kiovo). On the night of the 2nd Dec. the commander of the 20th army with the chiefs of the combat arms and staff officers left for the troops to organize a counterstrike. An army observation post was set up near the command post of the 331st rifle division of Major General F.P.Korol (near the station of Lobnya). The headquarters of the 20th Army must be transferred from Khimki to Khlebnikovo. The organization of the counterstrike took place in the conditions of a still uncentered army, in extremely limited terms. The personnel did not have combat experience; the soldiers entered the battle right after unloading from the train trains. Counterblows followed from both sides on December 2, December 3. and 4 Dec. 1941 A sharp change in the situation on the Western Front occurred on December 5 in the sector of the 20th Army in the Lobnya region. On the night of December 5. in addition, frosts hit 35 degrees. The fact is that not only the uniforms of the German army, but also its military equipment did not correspond to winter time. The Germans self-confidently rushed to get rid of Moscow before winter. And if the November twenty-degree frosts constrained the enemy's strength to a certain extent, then the thirty-five degree frosts turned out to be catastrophic for the equipment. At the cost of huge sacrifices, the Red Army, having seized the initiative, went on the offensive, first in the Lobnya region on 5-6 December. In mid-December, the 5th, 33rd, 43rd armies of the center of the Western Front went on the offensive.

According to the testimony of German soldiers:

“... Dec 5. Several heavy tanks were approaching the village. With our means, we were powerless against these monsters. Our uniforms are in no way comparable to the Russians. " “Our so successfully developing offensive 5-6 December. broke. We must think too much on ourselves. Everything went upside down. We were already at the canal, but here we met terrible resistance from the Russians. Many cars were forced to abandon and stomped on foot without food or sleep. The people here are fighting fanatically just to destroy us. " "... They walked through the country like bandits-arsonists ..." (By order of Hitler, during the retreat, the Germans burned houses, destroyed food, livestock, horses, forage, spoiled wells, mined roads so that the Red Army would come to an empty place). “... Jan 6. It is snowing, frost 42 degrees .... Superhuman dedication of the Russians. We underestimated the Russian army. This is especially clear now, when a Siberian division, perfectly equipped for war in winter conditions, has been thrown against us. " “... Our machine guns and vehicles often do not work in the cold. Then the terrible "Russian hand-to-hand" begins. " "... Field courts sit day and night."

“All roads are clogged with a continuous stream of retreating German troops. Jan 25. frost 45 degrees, and despite this, all the time I hear machine-gun fire from the neighboring area: the Russians are constantly attacking. "

Thinking over and comparing facts and memories of the position closest to the capital german army on the Lobny border, you involuntarily come to the idea that the desperate situation of the Russians in the winter of 1941 was helped by the land itself, nature, even the frosts that hit in early December. On December 4, in all the churches of the capital, services were held in honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. And I recall that the center of the Selets tithe of the former Metropolitan patrimony, or as it was once called the "House of the Most Pure Theotokos", was right here, near Lobnya, in the very Kachalka that became the border from which the Red Army drove the enemy to the west for several months ... At the initiative of the Lugovsky settlement Council of Deputies, memorial plaques were installed: "The Moscow defense line passed here in December 1941" (stone), "The street is named after the 35th separate rifle brigade, which from this line in December 1941 launched a counteroffensive against the Nazi invaders ". An interesting monument is an anti-aircraft gun, at the fork of Dmitrovskoye and Rogachevskoye highways. Such a story is connected with this weapon, standing on a pedestal, and generally speaking intended for firing at aircraft.

The soldiers, lowering the muzzle down, used anti-aircraft guns against enemy tanks. In a fierce battle, the crew died, and so that the gun would not be silent, a local resident Timofeenkova, a mother of four children, came to the rescue, and her 12-year-old son helped her to drag the shells. The selflessness of the Russians is beyond comparison.

Goryunov Ivan Alekseevich

Born on 23.02.1907 in the village. Stolipino, Zubtsovsky District, now Tver Region. in a peasant family. Russian. Graduated from 4th grade. He worked in a regional industrial complex. In the Red Army in 1939-40. and from August 1942. Member of the Soviet-Finnish war 1939-40.
In the battles of the Great Patriotic War from September 1942.
Machine gunner of the 1104th Rifle Regiment (331st Rifle Division, 31st Army, 3rd Belorussian Front) Private Goryunov 10/19/1944. near the village of Dagutshen (28 km north-west of Suwalki, Poland) he exterminated up to 15 Nazis and suppressed the firing point.
3.11.1944 awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree.
01/26/1945 Goryunov in the battle for the city and railway station. Letzen (East Prussia, now Gizycko, Poland) killed more than 10 German soldiers. Being wounded, he continued to remain in the ranks.
02/18/1945 awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, 31.3.1956 awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree.
03/16/1945 near the settlement of Deich-Tirau (East Prussia, now the village of Ivantsevo, Bagrationovskiy district, Kaliningrad region) hit two firing points with machine gun fire, and killed up to 10 Nazis.
6.4.1945 awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, 31.3.1956 rewarded with the Order of Glory 1 degree.
In 1945. demobilized. He lived in the village. Stolipino. He worked in a regional industrial complex.
Awarded with medals.
He died on 26.8.1981. Buried in the city of Zubtsov.
Literature.: Cavaliers of the Order of Glory of three degrees. M., 1984. p. 44-47;
Glory, glory, glory! M., 1979. p. 40-45.

331st Bryansk Proletarian Rifle Division


In the Khlebnikovo microdistrict there is a mass grave of the soldiers who died in the December 1941 days in the battle for Moscow. Who are they? Where from? And from the book of B. Ilyinsky "Bryansk Proletarskaya" we learned that in the Tambov region - in Michurinsk, the 331st rifle division was formed by order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 310. Major general was appointed commander of the division Fedor Petrovich King... The division was staffed mainly from the workers and peasants of the Bryansk region. In mid-September 1941, the division was fully formed. Combat training sessions were intense. October 1 is the official birthday of the division. On this day were awarded battle Banners... At the ceremony, a delegation of workers arrived on behalf of the Bryansk city party committee and the city executive committee, they presented the division with the Battle Banner. From that time on, the division became known as the 331st Bryansk Proletarian Rifle Division. On the reverse side of the banner there are the words: "Be brave and stand up in battle!"

Major General Fedor Petrovich Korol

331st Bryansk Proletarian Rifle Division under the command of Major General F.P. King, starting his combat path on December 1, 1941. from Khlebnikov, liberated 142 settlements: villages, towns and cities of the Moscow region.

We are considering a personal profile record (copy) of the general sent to us from the central archive of the Ministry of Defense: King Fedor Petrovich, Ukrainian, born on November 23, 1894, a member of the CPSU (b) since 1920, an employee, from the peasants ... Civil education, city school, grade 4 in 1913, military education in the old army - warrant officer school in 1916. In the Red Army since February 1919. Participated in campaigns and battles against Wrangel, Denikin, Makhno, to eliminate banditry in the south from 1919 to September 1926. No wounds or contusions. Revolutionary honorary awards: he was awarded a personalized silver revolver in 1926. He graduated from the courses "Shot" in Moscow in 1923, advanced courses for the higher command staff at the Academy. Frunze 1927. He served as the head of the regimental school in 1919, the assistant to the regiment commander in May 1919, the commander of the infantry regiment - June 1920-1925, and in May 1925 he was appointed commander-commissar of the 66th rifle regiment. After completing the Improvement courses at the Academy named after M.V. Frunze commanded the 6th separate regiment of the Siberian Military District, was awarded a personal Mauser in 1928. Since August 1931. teacher of tactics at the Military Technical Academy of the Red Army (Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army), from September 1932. head of the department of tactics, senior lecturer of the Academy of Armored Forces, associate professor of the department (1933 -1938)

  • awarded the medal "20 Years of the Red Army";

  • badge "Excellent worker of the Red Army".
At this, F.P.Korol's personal record breaks off and the headquarters office writes: "The Military-Technical Academy of the Red Army, head of the department of tactics of armored forces from 1932 to June 1941". During this period, the academy released from its walls thousands of well-trained commanders who, during the war years, skillfully commanded units of the Red Army. Among them are such names as General I.D. Chernyakhovsky, Generals of the Army S.M. Shtemenko, Epishev, Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko, P.P. Poluboyarov, V.I. Chuikov, Bogdanov and M.E. Katukov. Fyodor Petrovich Korol also contributed to the training of highly qualified personnel for the armored forces during this 10-year period. During his service at the Academy, F.P. The king was given military rank brigade commander (1938), and with the establishment of general ranks - the rank of major general (1940). “Headquarters of the Western direction, deputy. Head of ABT in armored vehicles (1940). Commander of the 331st Infantry Division of the Western Front since August 1941 ".

Here we will take a little break from personal data. In August 1941, new units of the Red Army were formed and Major General F.P. King (this rank was awarded to him on 06/05/1940) was entrusted with the formation of the newly created 331st Infantry Division. He leaves for the city of Michurinsk and on August 27 takes over as division commander. In Michurinsk, there is an intensive study and preparation for battles. By mid-September, the division was fully formed. It consisted of the 1104th, 1106th, 1108 rifle regiments, the 896th artillery regiment, the 619th separate anti-aircraft artillery division, the 394th separate reconnaissance company, the 783rd separate communications battalion, the 509th engineer battalion, 410 1st flamethrower platoon, 397th motor transport company, 417th medical and sanitary battalion (in which paramedic Klavdia Ivanovna Kolotushkina, our compatriot, served), bakery, field post station. The division had about two hundred men who had already fought the enemy on the western borders and were scorched by the fire of battles; more than one and a half thousand took part in the civil war, fought on Lake Khasan and Khalkhin-Gol, and took part in battles with the White Finns. They then formed the backbone of the division. October 1, 1941 - this date is considered the birthday of the division. Representatives of the authorities of the city of Bryansk came to the oath, and on behalf of and on behalf of the Bryansk city party committee and the city executive committee, they presented the division with a battle banner. The members of the delegation told the soldiers the good news that, at the request of fellow countrymen, the division would henceforth be called the 331st Bryansk Proletarian Rifle Division. The words were read on the Red Banner: "Be brave and stand in battle!" (this banner is in the local history museum of Bryansk). With this banner, the 11,000th division landed on November 28, 1941 at the Khlebnikovo station, where the headquarters of General F.P. King. The soldiers were placed in the village houses. In the warmth of the home, even the plank floor looked like a downy bed. But the rest of the night was short. In the morning - joy! Everyone was given wadded trousers, quilted jackets, hats, mittens, felt boots. Many even got short fur coats. This is probably why locals nicknamed them Siberians... Each has a small white bag with a ghillie suit. At night, the soldiers of the 1106th Infantry Regiment secretly moved along the railway track to Lake Kiovo, 1104 rifle regiment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Katyushki, and 1108th in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Nesterikha. These villages and Krasnaya Polyana were already captured by the Nazis. The division entered the battle on the move. To help these regiments from Nosov moved 28 separate rifle brigade under the command of Colonel Gritsenko, who in 1966 was a guest of our school and told the guys about these battles. The Nazis had 20 kilometers to reach Moscow. This was the closest sector of the front to Moscow. The enemy was rushing to the Savelovskaya railway at the Lobnya station and to the north - to the station. Meadow. Of course, for the advancing units of the 331st Division, the appearance of the enemy was unexpected. But for the advancing enemy, the meeting here with fresh units too. The Nazis had 20 kilometers to reach Moscow. This was the closest sector of the front to Moscow (Marshal G.K. Zhukov). All units of the division, which managed to concentrate, were ordered to deliver a counterattack in the direction of Krasnaya Polyana. We walked more than once from Lobnya to Krasnaya Polyana. Travel time from 1 to 1 hour 30 minutes. The wars of the 331st Rifle Division with heavy battles liberating the village of Katyushki, Nesterikha, Krasnaya Polyana, Puchki went on for 8 days in fierce battles. The observation post was at school number 1 near Lake Kiovo. At the most important moment of the battle, the connection was interrupted, the signalman, an ordinary Red Army soldier, Novikov, was looking for a gap (near the village of Katyushki), finding a gap, he stripped the ends of the wires and took them into his mouth. At that moment, a shell hit his head. But the connection worked, and therefore the words written in a letter by another Red Army soldier Y. Nelyubin are dear to us, "Dear, my dear Moscow!" Our dear capital, in the most difficult moments of the battle, I always thought about you and was always ready to give my life and blood for you to the last drop. Do not forget our graves, too, if we die for you! " It was on our land, 3-5 km from Khlebnikov, on December 8 Krasnaya Polyana was liberated. The path of the 331st Bryansk Proletarian Rifle Division lay on Solnechnogorsk, Volokolamsk. The division began to advance and liberate villages, towns and cities. In January 1942, the Moscow region was liberated. The division was at Rzhev. Of 11 thousand soldiers and officersarriving in Khlebnikovo, only 120 people. The division was taken to the 2nd echelon for replenishment, and General F.P. The king was transferred and appointed commander of the 111th tank brigade for Voronezh front... On September 23, 1942, during an air raid, Fyodor Petrovich King was killed. The body was buried at the Vvedenskoye cemetery. Interestingly, General King is buried twice ...

In 2008, as a result of a long search, we met the son of Yu.F. The king, who led us to the modest grave of Major General Fyodor Petrovich KAROL and Commissar Lobachev. After the death of General F.P. The king's tank brigade fighters wrote to his wife evacuated to Tashkent: "Olga Nikolaevna, be sure that our Motherland will not forget the family of the hero who gave his life in the fight against German fascism."

The Motherland will not forget Fyodor Petrovich. Olga Nikolaevna Korol was later buried in the same grave. Yuri Fedorovich led us past the armored academy, where 10 pre-war years served by his father. He showed the windows where the family of the General King lived.

Why do we know so little about the commander Fyodor Petrovich Korol? Why, when speaking about the Moscow battle, they begin the story with Dmitrov (70 km from Moscow), even with Kalinin and in passing they mention Krasnaya Polyana and hardly speak of the 331st Bryansk Proletarian Division. Yes, because at the beginning of the war his division was part of the 20th army, which at that time was supposed to be commanded by General Vlasov. According to one version, he spent the entire period of the Moscow battle in a hospital with an inflammation of the middle ear. Later, on the Volkhov front, he betrayed his homeland, went over to the side of the enemy and swore allegiance to Hitler. The shadow of the traitor pursued the warriors of the 20th army, incl. 331st Infantry Division. The younger generation should also know about this. Chernyakhovskaya Angelica, grade 9


lieutenant colonel

Born on December 23, 1918 in the village of Troitskoye, Novo-Odessa region, Mykolaiv region. By 1937 he graduated from the 2 courses of the Zootechnical Institute by correspondence.

In September 1938, the Novo-Odessa district military registration and enlistment office was drafted into the Red Army and sent to serve in the 10th separate company guarding the headquarters of the Special Western District. After a short time, he graduated from the school for junior commanders, and by the time the Great Patriotic War began, he graduated from the Cherkasy Infantry School.

Already on the second day of fighting, commanding a machine-gun platoon as part of the 6th separate guard regiment, he was seriously wounded in the head and was evacuated to the rear. After being cured in a hospital, in February 1942 he was assigned to the 1104th Rifle Regiment of the 331st Rifle Division, where he first took command of a machine-gun company, and three months later was appointed assistant chief of staff of the regiment. The division at that time fought as part of the 20th Army of the Western Front. Its units were on the defensive northeast of Gzhatsk and were preparing to participate in the Rzhev-Sychevsk offensive operation. During these August battles in 1942, Senior Lieutenant Beznisko showed personal courage and heroism, for which he was presented by the command of the regiment to his first military award - the Order of the Red Banner:

“In battles with german fascists Comrade Beznisko acts boldly and decisively, showing courage and courage. He, working as the first assistant to the chief of staff, skillfully and efficiently leads the battles. On August 4, 1942, personally participating in the battles himself, he showed courage and fortitude, near the village. Mikhalkino personally destroyed 2 enemy heavy machine guns, destroyed 5 soldiers and one officer, thus ensuring the advance of the 2nd battalion. "

However, the division commander and military commissar considered the level of the award too high and downgraded the performance to the medal "For Courage". By order of the commander of the 20th Army No. 0425 / n dated September 26, 1942, Senior Lieutenant Beznisko was awarded the medal "For Courage" (No. 75023).

Continuing to participate in the battles, in September 1942, Grigory Lukich received a slight wound in the lower back and after a short treatment he returned to duty. In December 1942, he was entrusted with the command of a consolidated separate machine-gun battalion of the division. Already in the January and February battles of the following year, 1943, Captain Beznisko with his machine-gun battalion heroically fought for one of the dominant heights, which was important in the defense of the division, for which he was presented with another award:

"Comrade. Beznisko was an active participant in the Patriotic War. In his daily work, he pays all attention to the combat training of the unit, its cohesiveness, and discipline among personnel.

Under his leadership, the battalion fought bravely during the battles from January 28, 1943. over height 200. Seven enemy counterattacks were repulsed in two days of fighting, and the enemy suffered heavy losses. During one of the attacks, a machine-gun crew was disabled. In order to prevent the machine gun from falling into the hands of the enemy, Beznisko, under heavy fire, risking his life, crawled to the machine gun and pulled it out of the firing zone. For two days of fighting, the battalion picked up 4 German rifles, an automatic rifle and 2 anti-tank guns under enemy fire. During the battles for the height of 200 tons. Beznisco 31.1.43. was seriously wounded and evacuated from the battlefield. Despite the injury, Comrade Beznisko did not leave the unit, but continues to work on increasing the combat capability of his unit, while continuing to heal.

Worthy of being awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Deputy division commander Colonel Klets.

On the same day, the divisional commander, Colonel Berestov, signed a submission to the Order of the Red Banner. However, the commander of the troops of the 20th Army, by his order No. 069 / n of 18 February 1943, awarded Captain G.L. Beznisko. order of Alexander Nevsky № 1299... Already five days after the order, a well-deserved military order adorned the front soldier's chest.

In May 1943, G.L. Beznisko was appointed chief of staff of the 1104th Infantry Regiment of the 331st Infantry Division. Together with other parts of the division, the 1104th Infantry Regiment takes part in the battle for Smolensk and takes part in the liberation of the city on September 25. The division is awarded the honorary title of Smolensk.

During 1943 - 1944 G.L. Beznisko is twice promoted to military rank. From June 1944 he was already a lieutenant colonel. For participation in the liberation of Belarus and the liberation of the cities of Dubrovno, Orsha and Borisov, he is awarded two more military orders. One of the submissions for the award deserves the most attention, since Lieutenant Colonel Beznisko was nominated for the highest government award for organizing the crossing of the Berezina - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Here's what the view said:

“In the battles for the Berezina River and the city of Borisov, Lieutenant Colonel Beznisko showed examples of heroism and fortitude. After a personal reconnaissance, he developed a plan for its forcing, the implementation of which was associated with enormous difficulties and required the audacity and courage of its executors. At the moment of crossing the river, the enemy opened a hurricane of artillery and mortar fire on the crossing and undertook air bombing. Lieutenant Colonel Beznisko, being in direct communication with the first daredevils who rushed across the river on improvised materials, personally led the crossing, not bowing his head under enemy shells and setting an example of brave and selfless work for his subordinates. He always appeared in the place where the situation was most difficult and gave the necessary instructions personally. The task of crossing the Berezina River was fulfilled with flying colors. Having crossed the river, Lieutenant Colonel Beznisko, under fierce fire from a fiercely resisting enemy, was among the first to break into the city of Borisov, directly leading the battle on the spot until the city was completely cleared of the Nazis.

Lieutenant Colonel Beznisko Grigory Lukich deserves the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

The regiment commander is Lieutenant Colonel Korzhavin. "

However, the division commander again played a role in the fate of Lieutenant Colonel Beznisco. On July 9, 1944, not finding heroic merits in the actions of his subordinate, Major General Berestov signed a presentation, but ... to the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. In this form, it was later implemented by the commander of the 31st Army. By order No. 0109 / n of August 8, 1944, he awarded Lieutenant Colonel G.L. Beznisko. Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (No. 83475). A month earlier, Grigory Lukich Beznisko was awarded the Order of the Red Banner (No. 90848) by order of the commander of the 31st Army No. 072 / n of June 27, 1944. Both orders were awarded to him almost simultaneously.

In March 1945, Lieutenant Colonel Beznisko was sent to the department of the commanders of rifle regiments of the Improvement courses for senior officers of the 3rd Belorussian Front, after which in April 1945 he was appointed deputy commander for combat units of the 167th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 1st Guards Rifle Division. As part of this regiment, he meets Victory.

Further post-war service Grigory Lukich Beznisko did not last long. In May 1946, he became the head of a military state farm as part of the 11th Guards Army, and in December 1947 he was even appointed commander of a rifle battalion in the 96th Guards Mechanized Regiment of the 30th Mechanized Division. Four months after this appointment military career Lieutenant Colonel Beznisko G.L. was over - in April 1948 he was transferred to the reserve.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, Lieutenant Colonel Beznisko G.L. was wounded five times, including twice - seriously, was awarded four military awards, including the Order of the Red Banner, Alexander Nevsky, World War I degree, as well as medals "For Military Merit", "For the Defense of Moscow", "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. "

Sources: Award sheets, an award card and an officer's record card.

Evgeny Grigorievich Vorobiev was born in 1925 in the village of Pochinok-Ineli, Komsomolsk district of the Chuvash ASSR.

At the beginning of 1943, he was drafted into the Soviet Army, fought as a machine gunner in the 1104th rifle regiment of the 331st rifle division. Awarded with the order The Red Star and the Medal For Courage.

Evgeny Vorobyov arrived in the division as part of a marching company. He had not yet had time to plunge into the everyday life of the front, as the regiments went on the offensive. It was March 2, 1943.
Vorobyov's fellow soldier Viktor Artemiev says:
- At dawn, after a little artillery preparation, we went on the offensive. But because of the heavy fire of the enemy, they were forced to retreat to the starting line. An especially fierce fire was fired by a pillbox installed in the wall of the church. Large-caliber artillery could not destroy it either.
Then the regiment commander decided to blockade this firing point with the forces of a group of Komsomol members. This group also included my fellow soldiers - machine gunner Yevgeny Vorobyov, fighter Yevgeny Andreev from Mariinsko-Posad region, Georgy Alekseev from Urmarsky region and others. Under cover of night from 4 to 5 March, a group of daredevils with the miners of the 612th separate sapper battalion set off to eliminate the main focus of enemy resistance. As I remember now, the platoon commander gave the signal to attack. Grenades flew into the embrasure of the pillbox. Evgeny Vorobyov opened concentrated fire. The enemy was taken by surprise. The group, approaching almost close to the walls of the bunker, fell into the "dead" space of machine-gun fire. The pillbox garrison, apparently fearing the encirclement, did not offer serious resistance, and retreated into the trench along the communication routes. To consolidate the success, artillery cut-off fire was called in. After that the regiment rose to the attack. In this night battle, Evgeny Vorobyov suppressed a machine-gun point.
From a letter by E. Grigoriev “... Maybe you remember I wrote to you about Anton Terentyev from our area. He was a signalman and we met often. On April 25, in the battle for the village of N. Aleksandrovka, Smolensk region, he died a heroic death. What a pity to lose such brave and loyal defenders of the Fatherland ... Do not worry about me, I am alive and well. My state of health is wonderful. I am eager to destroy enemies as much as possible ... "
Junior Sergeant E. Vorobyov especially distinguished himself in battles in East Prussia. On December 16, 1944, the regiment commander presented him for a government award:

“.4.10.44, in the area of \u200b\u200bGoldap, repelling enemy counterattacks, destroyed a light machine gun along with the crew and 5 Nazis. On 7.12.44, watching the enemy, he destroyed 4 Nazis and one machine gunner.

Worthy of being awarded the Order of the Red Star.
Evgeny Vorobyov died on February 4, 1945. About this battle: “By the end of the day, 4.02.45, the enemy from the forest north of Landsberg attacked the northern outskirts of the city, where at that time the division headquarters was located. The unit of the neighboring 88th Rifle Division, located on this line north of the city, hastily retreated. Taking advantage of this, the Germans dash, with the support of 3 aircraft guns, began to approach the buildings. To repel the attacking enemy at an unnamed high-rise with a mark of 135.5, the headquarters officers and the division commander's security platoon were thrown. After 8-10 minutes, a platoon of an anti-aircraft machine-gun company entered the intersection of the road. The enemy was thrown back into the forest north of the city by massive fire ... "

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