In le n i gaivoronskiy, optical devices

“I approve of the following: state requirements for the minimum content and level of preparation Rector A.R. Darbinyan in s ... "

RAU curriculum standard

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(Format title page must meet the requirements given in the appendix) (1)

The content of the report is in accordance with the following:

state requirements for the minimum content and level of preparation Rector A.R. Darbinyan in p ss to n and k ov on the basis of indications of n p o rtions and position R i d c e r a z r b o tk and “___” _____________ 200_

at the conclusion of the study of the program. "

Faculty: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Faculty name C afe dra: ___________________________________________ (1) Name of the department A second (s): _c. E.s., Turyan Karen Vladimirovich ____________________________

Academic title, academic degree, full name


D and s and pl and n and: Corpor a t i v n e f in ns Code and name of the discipline according to curriculum

For master's programs (1):

M a g ist ic program: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ e and m u n and ts i n i c i n i ts i n i ts i n i n i c i n i ts i n i n i ts i n i ts i n i ts i n i n i ts i n i n i c i n c i n g e n t Master's program title Direction: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Name of the direction according to OKSO YEREVAN Remove unnecessary from the title page after filling in Annotation The course covers the main range of issues of financial analysis.

It outlines the essence, purpose and functions of corporate finance, examines aspects of making financial and investment decisions, financing projects, planning and budgeting capital investments, assessing financial efficiency, and capital structure of companies.

Purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of this course is to outline the main content of the discipline "Corporate Finance"; consider the system of basic management methods various aspects financial activities; promote the assimilation of students of the new paradigm of financial management; to form the logic of making management decisions in the field of financial activities; to acquaint with modern financial instruments.

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Topic 1.1 Affirmed value and opportunity costs Introduction to the theory of present value.

Rationale for the NPV Rule. Valuation of long-term assets. Introduction to perpetual annuity and annuity. Compound interest and present value.

Topic 1.2.

Present value of bonds and shares Estimated value of bonds. Valuation of common shares. Capitalization rate calculation. The relationship between share price and earnings per share. Business valuation using the discounted cash flow method.

Topic 1.3.

Advantages of Net Present Value over Other Criteria for Investment Decisions Overview basic concepts... “Competitors” of net present value. Payback.

Average profit based on book value of assets. Internal rate of return. Profitability ratio, or benefit-cost ratio.

Topic 1.4.

Making investment decisions using the net present value method Discounting questions. Separation of investment decisions and financing decisions. Mutual influence of projects. Choice of capital investment programs under resource constraints. Modeling of choice in conditions of limited capital.

Section 2. Risk Topic 2.

1. Introduction: risk, income and opportunity costs Short story capital market. Measuring the risk inherent in an investment portfolio. Calculation of portfolio risk. Impact of individual securities on portfolio risk. Diversification and addendum of values.

Topic 2.2.

Risk and Income The birth of portfolio theory. The relationship between risk and reward. Reliability and role of the long-term asset valuation model. Some alternative theories.

Topic 2.3.

Long-term investment planning and risk Measurement of the beta coefficient. Capital structure and company capital costs.

An example of calculating capital costs. Determination of the discount rate. An alternative view of risk and cash flow.

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Section 4. Financing decisions and market efficiency Topic 4.

1. Corporate Finance and Six Lessons from Market Effectiveness The difference between investment decisions and financing decisions.

Efficient capital markets. Six lessons from market efficiency.

Topic 4.2.

Overview of sources of financing for corporations and the issue of securities Common shares. A first look at corporate debt. Preference shares. Convertible securities. Corporate finance models. Venture capital. The first public offering of securities. The usual offering of securities by public companies. Subscriber role. Private accommodation.

Preferred subscription or rights issue.

Section 5. Dividend policy and capital structure Topic 5.

1. General framework for dividend policy and debt management policy How dividends are paid. Making decisions on the payment of dividends. Disputes over dividend policy. Right-wing radicals. Taxes and left-wing radicals. Centrists. Leverage effect in a tax-free competitive economy. The influence of financial dependence on profitability. Traditional approach. MM and a long-term asset valuation model.

Corporate taxes. Corporate and personal income taxes. Costs of financial hardship. Explanation of the choice of financing policy. The choice of the debt-equity ratio.

Topic 5.2.

Relationship between investment decisions and financing decisions Adjusted present value method. Adjusted discount rate as an alternative to the adjusted present value. Weighted average capital cost formula.

Section 6. Options Corporate Liabilities and Option Valuation.

Various combinations of calls, puts and stocks. What determines the value of options. Options pricing model. The value of subsequent investment opportunities. Option to abandon the project. Timing option. The essence of the warrant. Essence of a convertible bond. The difference between warrants and convertible bonds.

Section 7. Debt financing Classical theory percent.

Time structure and yield to maturity.

Explanation of the temporary structure. Accounting for the risk of default. National bonds, foreign bonds, Eurobonds. Contract for the issue of a bonded loan. Security and priority. Repayment terms. Limiting clauses.

Novelties in the bond market. Project financing. Extract from the bond prospectus. Hedging technique. Duration and variability.

Hedging with futures. Forward contracts. Swaps. Hedging with options. Leasing.

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Basic textbook Brailey R., Mayers S. Principles of corporate finance. - M .: JSC "Olymp - Business", 1997.

W. Megginson, S. Smart, L. Gitman Corporate finance 2nd edition. Thomson, 2007.

Main literature Basovsky L.E. Financial management: Textbook - M .: INFRA-M, 2002.

Blank I.A. Financial Management: Training Course. - K .: Elga, Nika-Center, 2004.

Bodie Zvi, Merton Robert Finance. - M .: Publishing House Williams, 2004.

Further reading Aaker D. Strategic market management. - SPb .: "Peter", 2002.

Van Horn D., Vakhovich J. Fundamentals of financial management. - M .: Ed. house "Williams", 2001.

Marshall D., Bansal V. Financial Engineering: A Complete Guide to Financial Innovation. - M .: "INFRA-M", 1998.

Perar J. Financial management with exercises. - M .: "Finance and Statistics", 1998.

Ross S., Westerfield R., Jordan B. Fundamentals of corporate finance. - M .:

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World Intellectual Property Organization


edition 2010


2 C o m s t in o s in ois

10 TIMES WORKING TO C o n a t e ls in the SPHERE

20 R Redistribution of global services in the area I s

30 sy s t in i s i s u s i s i s in i n teRes x i n e r s

38 glob a l In f R a s t R uct uR a i s 44 glo b a l Approach to global war roms 52 com mun ic a c II 56 u P Rav le n Ie I f Inans s


This issue of the annually published WIPO Executive Summary provides up-to-date information and case studies of the Organization's 2010 activities. Each section reveals the contribution of the various programs to our strategic objectives and provides examples of recent projects and results.

WIPO, a specialized agency of the UN system, is mandated to maintain a balanced, accessible and efficient intellectual property (IP) system. Given that the system is under severe pressure from a rapidly changing external environment, it is my top priority as Director General to take action to ensure that WIPO can respond to the aspirations and needs of its Member States.

Work in the Organization is carried out in a variety of areas, which will include both our traditional, core activities and new tasks. These include finding ways to creatively harness innovation to address climate change, food security and public health issues, and developing a global IP infrastructure to meet the growing demands of the IP system.

Efforts to promote the use of IP by developing and least developed countries intensified: The WIPO Development Agenda ensures that development-related principles and activities are incorporated into WIPO's programs.

Fundamental to WIPO's work is to promote a better understanding and respect for IP while helping to inform international discussions on IP. The WIPO Overview aims to explain, in simple terms, how WIPO functions and how, together with Member States, we strive to support the development of a comprehensive international IP system capable of responding to today's realities and the challenges of tomorrow.

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Intellectual property is associated with the creations of the mind. it falls into two categories:

Industrial property includes:

patents for inventions trademarks industrial designs geographical indications

literary and artistic works (for example, books, films, music, architecture, art) the rights of performers to their performances, producers of phonograms (as well as CDs and MP3 files) to their recordings, and broadcasting organizations to their radio and television programs.

John Silver Alexander Raths Oleg Filipchuk Jonathan Hill Fernando Alonso Herrero The IP system regulates Photos:'s ownership, distribution and exchange of these intangible assets, allowing the creators or “owners” of IP rights to derive some benefit from their work or to profit from their investment in creative process. in this way, the IP system fulfills its fundamental purpose of stimulating and disseminating innovation and creativity and promoting market stability. Innovation and creativity are playing an increasingly important role in finding solutions to emerging global challenges such as climate change, food security and public health.

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WIPO is the leading intergovernmental organization dedicated to the promotion and use of IP. Her varied activities include:

Administering multilateral treaties and working with Member States to support the development of an international IP legal framework Provide services in global IP protection systems that facilitate and reduce the cost of obtaining international protection for new inventions, brands and industrial designs; provision of services for arbitration, mediation and other types of alternative dispute resolution Assistance to governments and organizations in the development of national strategies in the field of IP and innovation, in the preparation of appropriate legislative framework, building the infrastructure and human capacity necessary to harness the power of IP in the process of economic development. v Development of technical platforms that facilitate the distribution of work among IP offices; Development of open databases of registered trademarks, industrial designs and technical information contained in patents to facilitate access to knowledge Raising awareness of IP, improving understanding and building respect for IP Working in partnership with the UN and other organizations to identify IP solutions that can to respond to challenges such as climate change, food security, public health and other global challenges This Executive Summary highlights the main areas of WIPO's work, grouped according to the strategic objectives of the Organization, and provides examples of recent key developments and results.


WIPO was founded in 1970. after the entry into force of the 1967 WIPO Convention, receiving a mandate from its member states to promote the protection of IP worldwide through cooperation between states and in collaboration with other international organizations.

FIRST IP TREATIES The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 1883 is the first major international agreement designed to help inventors from one country obtain industrial property rights for their intellectual creations in other countries.

berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and works of art, the first multilateral copyright treaty, entered into force in 1886. the purpose of the convention was to provide assistance to citizens of its member states in obtaining international protection for their right to control and remunerate the use of their literary and artistic works.

wIPO's member states define the strategic direction and approve the activities of the Organization. Member States' delegates meet in assemblies, committees and working groups. WIPO currently has 184 member states.

68 intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and 271 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are accredited to WIPO meetings as observers.

The main decision-making bodies that shape WIPO's policy are the WIPO General Assembly and the WIPO Coordination Committee. In addition, some of the treaties administered by WIPO have established the Assemblies of the respective Unions, such as the PCT Union Assembly and the Madrid Union Assembly. By a decision of the General Assembly, Standing Committees are established for a specific purpose. For detailed consideration of a matter, the Standing Committee or any of the Assemblies may decide to establish a working group.

The WIPO Secretariat is located in Geneva. Its staff, representing over 100 countries, includes experts from all fields of IP law and practice, as well as specialists in public policy, economics, administration, translation and information technologies (IT).

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WIPO works with other organizations and specialized agencies of the UN system in Geneva and around the world to make an effective contribution to UN initiatives and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

WIPO's partnership initiatives include:

wIPO External Offices in New York, Singapore and Tokyo, assisting in building relationships with numerous international, regional and national partner organizations, external relations functions, ensuring a consistent organizational approach to external community relations, including the UN and other international organizations, efforts to mobilize extrabudgetary resources by seeking new partners and potential donors to provide additional resources for financing development projects WIPO Voluntary Fund, established to ensure the active participation of indigenous and local communities in the discussions of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC)

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Development Agenda - Recommendation 2 addresses the need for additional assistance through donor funding (the establishment of trust funds and other voluntary funds specifically for LDCs) to promote the legal, commercial, cultural and economic uses of IP, with a focus on financing activities in Africa.

wOIS, WTO AND TRIPS with entry into force 1995 the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has begun a new era in the history of multilateral protection and enforcement of IP rights. The provisions of the TRIPS Agreement concerning copyright and related rights, patents, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs and integrated circuit layout are complementary to international treaties administered by FIP; the TRIPS Agreement contains specific references to some of these treaties.

an agreement between WIPO and WTO on cooperation in the implementation of the TRIPS agreement entered into force in 1996. and concerns, in particular, issues of notification of laws and legal acts and legal support of member countries. Aid continues to be disbursed to many developing countries (with a particular focus on aid to LDCs) that need to meet their TRIPS commitments by 2013. and by 2016. in relation to drugs.

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The three WIPO Standing Committees deal with specific areas of law: the first deals with patent law, the second with copyright, and the third with trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications. The Intergovernmental Committee (IGC) is studying IP issues in relation to genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional expressions of folklore / culture. The committees are composed of delegates from the governments of the member states, as well as representatives of IGOs \u200b\u200band NGOs who attend meetings as accredited observers. In addition, many representatives of indigenous and local communities are participating in the IGC.

WIPO administers a number of treaties that set out internationally agreed rights, obligations and general standards for the protection of IP rights, while balancing the interests of the general public. The organization actively encourages states to accede to these treaties and to apply their provisions. Large-scale treaty adherence and consistent implementation maintains a stable international environment, builds confidence in respect for IP rights around the world, stimulates investment and fosters economic and cultural development.

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STANDING COMMITTEE ON PATENT LAW (SCP) The first task of the established in 1998. The committee began to negotiate a Patent Law Treaty (PLT) and an Administrative Instruction on the harmonization of formal requirements and procedures. The PLT was adopted in 2000. and entered into force in 2005.

In 2001. discussion began on a new regulation, the draft Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT). The aim of the treaty was to harmonize the substantive rules of patent law with an emphasis on determining prior art, novelty, inventive step / obviousness, industrial applicability / utility, drafting and interpreting claims, and requiring the sufficiency of disclosure.

Although the delegations were able to reach agreement in some areas, consensus was not possible on a number of issues.

In 2006. Member States suspended negotiations on the SPLT, believing that the time had not yet come to agree on a work plan for the SCP.

In June 2008. The SCP resumed its work with a discussion of the State of the International Patent System Report, which provided an overview of current international patent issues covering the diverse needs and interests of Member States. In 2009. discussions at the SCP have developed along a number of parallel lines. The Committee commissioned five studies: on exceptions and limitations, including in the context of general policy, socio-economic conditions and development; technical solutions to expand access to and dissemination of patent information; transfer of technology; on objection systems. Discussion on these issues continues.

Exclusions from patentable subject matter Exclusions from patentable subject matter vary considerably in different national and regional laws. however, in many countries, the following categories are exempt:

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STANDING COMMITTEE ON TRADEMARKS, INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS (SCT) Long-term negotiations in the PCZT led to the adoption in 2006 of a. Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks, establishing simplified and internationally harmonized administrative rules for the registration of trademarks. It specifically mentions non-traditional types of marks, such as holographic signs, traffic signs, colored signs and signs that do not consist of visual designations, and does not provide for their mandatory registration.

The Singapore Treaty recognizes the benefits of electronic filing and electronic notifications, while addressing the differing needs of developing and developed countries. An integral part of the treaty is a commitment by developed countries to provide technical and other assistance to developing and least developed countries to strengthen their institutional capacities so that they can benefit more from the treaty.

SCT identified areas further development international law in the field of trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications. An in-depth analysis was carried out of the laws of Member States and the practice of their offices on trademarks in relation to the registration of three-dimensional, color, sound and such marks as movement and location signs, holographic signs, slogans, olfactory, tactile and taste marks. As a result of its work, the SCT has identified a number of overlapping positions regarding the depiction and description of non-traditional marks that can serve as a guide for trademark offices, as well as for trademark owners and practitioners seeking new marketing and advertising practices that require flexibility in identification. goods and services. At held in June 2010. At the meeting of the working group under the Singapore Treaty, the members agreed to define standards for the image of 3D signs, holographic signs, location signs, movement, color and sound signs. The Working Party decided to recommend to the Singapore Treaty Assembly, which met in September 2010, to amend the Singapore Treaty Regulations to include mandatory rules for these marks.

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of a certain geographical origin, possessing special qualities or reputation in connection with this place of origin (for example, “Prosciutto di Parma”

Parma ham from the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy). While gues are undoubtedly valuable as a marketing tool, there is no international consensus on the best way to protect them.

wIPO promotes the use and protection of gu and supports Member States whichever approach they choose within the applicable international regulatory framework... the organization organizes regional and international symposia on various issues related to gu, and organizes forums where stakeholders can exchange information and experiences.

sTATE EMBLEMS, OFFICIAL CONTROL CLAMES AND EMBLEMS OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS SINCE 2009 All marks protected under Article 6ter of the Paris Convention and communicated to States Parties to the Convention or WTO Members through WIPO are freely available in the fully searchable 6ter Express database.

The conventions on copyright and related rights are normative legal documents that ensure the protection of the rights of authors, performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations and contribute to the cultural and economic development of countries. Copyright and related rights play a critical role in protecting the rights of various parties and their contribution to the cultural industry, and in regulating the relationship between these parties and the public.

The work of the SCCR is dedicated to the development of international norms and standards in the field of copyright and related rights. At its December session in 2009. The Committee decided to expedite work on exceptions and limitations to copyright for the benefit of the blind and persons with reading difficulties. In this regard, in June 2010. The SCCR noted progress in implementing practical measures to facilitate access to published copyrighted material in accessible formats and within a reasonable time frame. This includes ongoing work on the partner platform and the recent launch of an online forum to raise awareness and stimulate discussion on this issue. Discussions at the SCCR also examined the need to recommend to the WIPO General Assembly to convene a diplomatic conference on a WIPO treaty for the protection of audiovisual performances. The Committee continued its discussion on the protection of broadcasting organizations and considered the first and second parts of the study on the socio-economic impact of the unauthorized use of signals. A series of regional workshops are being held to gather views on the purpose, specific scope and object of protection for a possible draft treaty on the protection of broadcasting organizations using a signal-based approach. In June 2010. the Committee's discussions were transcribed for the first time and subtitled in real time for the hearing impaired.

mEETING THE NEEDS OF PERSONS WITH A REDUCED WAY TO RECEIVE PRINT INFORMATION The proliferation of digital technologies has brought a new dimension to the question of how to maintain a balance between copyright protection and the needs of specific user groups. more than 314 million blind and reading-impaired people worldwide who want to take advantage of reasonable copyright exceptions and limitations. WOIS has developed a website,, to provide a platform for IP initiatives designed to facilitate access by persons with print disabilities to information and cultural content. The platform was created in the context of inter-agency efforts within the UN system aimed at ensuring “Delivering as One” to support vulnerable groups and provide them with equal opportunities.

in March 2010. WIPO jointly with the United States Copyright Office organized a training course aimed at improving the understanding of national and international copyright laws relevant to book publishing, film production and other copyrighted content for persons with reading disabilities. the participants considered measures to facilitate access, as well as barriers and restrictions that prevent access to appropriate technologies within national borders.

WIPO also supports the ratification of the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT), known as the “WIPO Internet Treaties”. With their ratification in 2009. By the European Union (EU) and its member states, the number of States parties to each treaty has grown to 88 and 86, respectively. The SCCR will continue to consider issues related to the implementation of these treaties, in particular the relationship between law and technology in areas such as technical

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in September 2009. WOIS CEO Francis Harry signed an agreement with the International Federation of Musicians (IFM) and the International Federation of Actors (IFA) to support efforts to ensure that the significant contributions of actors and performers around the world are recognized and to improve the position of performers in developing countries.

in June 2009 WIPO has also signed an agreement with the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFF) to promote, support and develop efforts to protect the music industry and related rights everywhere.


WIPO provides a forum for discussion and awareness raising on important issues related to the use of copyright in the Internet environment, such as the emergence of new forms of licensing and the importance of digital content identifiers and rights.

In 2009. work was underway to improve understanding of the opportunities inherent in the commercial exploitation of copyright in the digital environment. WIPO has focused on the role of copyright in software development and new business models for distributors

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WIPO assists countries to establish or modernize collective management organizations (CMOs), develop automated rights management systems to facilitate access to international markets, and prepare model contracts and guidelines. CMOs are extremely useful to copyright and related rights owners — authors, composers, performers, publishers and producers — by helping them manage and benefit from their rights. CMOs are supported to ensure that rights management systems are available in developing countries that are compatible with international systems.


RESOURCES, TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND FOLKLORE (ICgD) Globalization of the economy and progress in bio- and communication technologies provide indigenous and local communities with additional cause for concern about the increasing risk of unfair misappropriation and misuse of their traditional knowledge and cultural heritage systems. These communities seek appropriate ways to preserve, maintain and safeguard their cultural and intellectual heritage, uphold their cultural identity and promote their own sustainable economic development, taking into account their collective values. WIPO's work in this area is to explore how the principles of IP can contribute to economic development and equitable benefit-sharing, led by communities, using cultural heritage as a cultural and economic asset. The IGC is currently negotiating text-based negotiations to develop international legal instruments for the effective protection of traditional knowledge (TK) and traditional cultural expressions / expressions of folklore (TCEs), and to address the relationship between IP and genetic resources (GRs). ) SHARING TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE Project to establish a traditional food knowledge center in the Indian state of Kerala

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Policy development and norm-setting activities of the IGC are only part of WIPO's program on TK, TCEs and GRs.

The organization offers an expanded capacity building program in the area of \u200b\u200bTK, TCEs and GRs. The demand for it is steadily growing and more and more diversified. A key challenge is the creation of practical tools to enable indigenous and local communities to protect their TK, TCEs and GRs in ways that are consistent with their own interests and values.

WIPO's capacity building resources include legislative information, practical training programs, IP guides and information technology tools to address IP issues in the digitization of intangible cultural heritage (developed through the WIPO Project on creative heritage), as well as a toolkit for safeguarding community interests after TK has been documented. The program also covers the protection of crafts.

Many Member States are demanding concrete results from the IGC following a decade of activity and, in line with

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WOIP VOLUNTARY FUND 2006 The General Assembly established the WIPO Voluntary Fund, which ensures the active participation of indigenous and local communities in discussions on the mcgR. The fund finances the participation of representatives of indigenous and local communities from all regions of the world in meetings of the ICGD. Their opinion significantly improved the understanding of the root aspect and increased its influence on the work of the committee. ICGD sessions are opened by a panel of experts chaired by indigenous and local community representatives who articulate issues to be addressed and share experiences with the full committee.

Fellowship for the Study of the Law of Indigenous Peoples The WIPO Indigenous Law Fellowship Program, launched in August 2009, responds to the capacity-building needs of the rapidly evolving field of Indigenous Peoples' Law, as well as capacity-building in IP law and policy for indigenous lawyers and consultants on policy issues. fellows must be recognized and active members of indigenous communities.

tRADITIONAL CULTURE ON THE INTERNET in May 2010 WISO created a new streamlined TK website, available in English, French and Spanish. it provides direct access to all working papers and other materials related to the μgR process, clear links to capacity building resources, one-step access to key resources and databases, and a link to curricula. the new Creative Heritage Portal contains samples

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The services provided by WIPO under these treaties (the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) system, the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks, the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs and the Lisbon System for the International Registration of Appellations of Origin) are to facilitate the filing of applications for documents of title in all participating countries in which protection is requested. The increasing use of the Internet and online databases means that the potential benefits of such centralized filing or registration systems are only increasing. Both developing and developed countries can derive significant benefits from them.

WIPO administers these global systems of protection and provides a forum through which they can evolve in response to the changing needs of users - rights holders, their representatives, IP Offices or third parties. Revenues from these fee-based private sector services account for 90 percent of WIPO's budget.

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PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) The most widely used of these systems is the PCT (142 members). This multilateral treaty, which entered into force in 1978, offers applicants an advantageous way of securing international patent protection. An international patent application under the PCT procedure has the same legal effect as a national application in each of the States bound by the Treaty. Applicants, patent offices of all PCT member states, and the general public in general benefit from the PCT system through uniform formal requirements, the use of international search reports and international preliminary examination reports, and a centralized publication system. PCT applicants receive valuable information on the possible patentability of their inventions and have a longer time frame to decide in which PCT countries to seek patent protection. In this way, the PCT system consolidates and streamlines patent procedures, provides deferral of substantial costs, and empowers applicants to make important decisions in an informed manner.

In 2009, 155,900 PCT international applications were filed, a 4.5 per cent decrease from the previous year. The first decline in the Organization's history in a year in PCT filings was attributed to the global economic crisis. Despite this, the decline in the number of applications was not as sharp as expected, and last year's results almost reached the 2007 level.

PCT applicants are increasingly using software for the preparation and electronic filing of PCT international applications. About 80% of all applications are now filed in whole or in part in electronic form.

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Trends in PCT filings, 1978-2009 42.9 100,000 33.5 31.2 29.1 15.6 11.0 14.7 17.4 17.0 20.5 18.4 17.5 13.8 22.1 16.1 18.7 9.9 9.0 8.2 17.7 11.0 17.8 6.4 11.5 9.4 6.9 2.1 2.0 4.4

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1,042 934 833 836 782 8 Cost of processing (CHF)

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1% 3% 9% 9% 2% 7%

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In 2009, the United States, Japan and Germany again became the leading countries of origin for PCT applications. The Republic of Korea retained its fourth place on the list of applicants, while China moved up to fifth. In some countries of Eastern

In Asia, the number of international filings continued to rise despite adverse global economic conditions:

positive growth was observed in China (+ 29.7%), Japan (+ 3.6%) and the Republic of Korea (+ 2.1%).

Developing country applicants have increasingly used the PCT system in 2009. The largest number of applications were in the Republic of Korea and China, followed by India, Singapore, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, Malaysia, Mexico and Barbados.

The leading position in the list of PCT applicants was taken by Panasonic Corporation (Japan), followed by the Chinese Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd ”, the third -“ Robert Bosch GmbH ”(Germany).

The highest share of PCT applications published in 2009 was in computer technology (8%), pharmaceuticals (7.8%) and medical technology (7.7%). The highest growth rates were observed in the areas of microstructures and nanotechnology (+ 10.2%), semiconductors (+ 10%) and thermal processes and apparatuses (+ 7.2%).

To encourage the use of the PCT in developing countries, the international filing fee has been reduced by 90% for individual applicants (but not companies) from the approved list of developing countries and by 90% for all LDC applicants.


The Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks offers trademark owners the ability to protect a trademark in the 85 member countries of the system by registering a mark through WIPO on a single application. A similar opportunity exists for industrial designs under the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs, which currently has 56 contracting parties. Both systems offer expedited and cost-effective access to trademark and industrial design protection in multiple jurisdictions. Information on international registrations is publicly available online and searchable.

In 2009, the number of international applications for the international registration of trademarks under the Madrid System was 35,195, representing a 16.4 percent decline over 2008 as a result of the global economic crisis. Notably, some contracting parties saw an increase in the number of international applications filed in 2009, notably in Japan and the European Union, top ten users of the Madrid System, as well as in the Republic of Korea, Croatia, Hungary and Singapore.

Germany tops the list of top applicants for the seventeenth consecutive year, followed by users from the European Union, France, the United States and Switzerland. China continues to be the most frequently listed country in international trademark applications.

At the end of 2009, the international register contained 515,562 valid international trademark registrations held by 169,939 different trademark owners, many of whom are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Of the total international applications filed in 2009, 35.7 per cent were sent to WIPO electronically.

The ROMARIN database, updated daily, contains detailed information on all valid international marks as well as on international applications and subsequent designations pending. ROMARIN also provides information on all expired international registrations.

Following a study by WIPO on the possible inclusion of additional languages \u200b\u200bof filing (Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian) in the Madrid System, a pilot project was initiated with the participation of interested Offices. The inclusion of additional filing languages \u200b\u200bwill be subject to separate agreements with these Offices.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

In 2009, 1,681 international registrations were made under the Hague System for 8,872 different designs.

Compared to 2008, the growth was 10.4%.

By the end of 2009, the international register contained 25,662 international industrial design registrations in force, which were owned by 7,728 different rightholders, the largest number of which were from Germany. In 2009, the most commonly used class in the Locarno classification was Class 9 - containers, packagings and containers used to transport or store goods.

Recent initiatives to improve the Hague System include the decision to suspend the earliest of the three Acts that govern the Hague Agreement, which simplifies and streamlines the overall administration of the international design registration system. The emphasis on the 1999 Geneva Act ensures greater compatibility of the system with registration systems in countries where the protection of industrial designs depends on examination to determine the acceptance of the application.

Since April 2010, it has become possible to apply in Spanish. Expected,

- & nbsp– & nbsp–


The Lisbon System, with 27 contracting parties, simplifies the international protection of appellations of origin, i.e.

geographical indications, which are protected in their country of origin because they have come to denote a product whose quality or characteristics are determined by geography. From 1966, when the Lisbon System became operational, until the end of 2009, 891 appellations of origin were registered, of which 817 are still in force. In 2009, the first meeting of the Working Group on the Development of the Lisbon System, established by the Assembly of the Lisbon Union, took place. In October 2009, WIPO launched a survey of governments and other stakeholders on how to further improve the attractiveness of the system for current users and potential new members. In addition to examining the results of the survey, the Working Group is also discussing a study on the relationship between regional systems for the protection of geographical indications and the Lisbon system.

iMPROVEMENT OF INFORMATION TRANSFER In order to improve access to information regarding the status of international registrations in the Lisbon system member states, a number of rules governing the system were amended in 2009. It is easier for interested parties to determine the protection status of an internationally registered appellation of origin in a particular Member State through a formal mechanism for communicating a “declaration of protection” well in advance of the one-year refusal period following receipt of the notification of the international registration.

28 WIPO ARBITRATION AND MEDIATION CENTER The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center is the premier resource for alternative IP dispute resolution. It offers specialized procedures, including arbitration, mediation and expert judgment, for the resolution of international commercial disputes between private parties. The Center's procedures are an efficient and low-cost alternative to litigation, especially in cases of disputes with the potential involvement of parties from different jurisdictions. The Center has an extensive list of specialized mediators, arbitrators and neutral experts from a wide variety of regions available to conduct procedures under the WIPO Rules. These procedures can be carried out in any country, in any language and in accordance with any legislation, which gives the parties wide discretion.

Parties may use “ Electronic resource WIPO Dispute Resolution ”(WIPO ECAF) for the settlement of disputes filed under the WIPO Rules. WIPO ECAF provides secure filing, storage and retrieval of dispute-related documents by parties, neutral experts and the Center, and these documents, contained in the electronic dossier, are available at any time in any country.

The Center also works with IP owners and users and their respective organizations to create alternative dispute resolution procedures specifically tailored to the specific characteristics of recurring disputes in their fields of activity. Streamlined standard procedures and an effective infrastructure for dispute resolution can facilitate the productive use of affected IP rights.

The Center is the premier dispute resolution service for trademark owners seeking fraudulent registration and use of Internet domain names, a practice commonly known as cybersquatting.

The entire procedure is carried out online and leads to the adoption of enforceable decisions within two months. 2010 marked the 25th anniversary of the registration of the first Internet domain name by US computer systems firm Symbolics, with approximately 200 million domain names currently registered worldwide.


- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Mikael Damkier was accepted by ICANN on the recommendation of WIPO and is in high demand as a fast and cost-effective dispute resolution procedure. Since December 2009, WIPO has been using the new ePus paperless procedure, removing the requirement for mandatory filing and notice on paper of pleadings. This innovation reduces the time and costs associated with filing disputes for settlement under the ePus, and saves approximately one million pages of paper annually, making the procedure greener and virtually paperless. The first, paperless dispute, settled in favor of Nokia, which regained control of eight domain names.

In 2009, the Center received 2,107 complaints about cybersquatting. Although this volume is 9.5% below the 2008 level, it covers the highest number of individual domain names (4,688) in a single year since the UDRP was introduced.

In the ten years since December 1999, when the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) was initiated by WIPO, the Center has received more than 17,500 UDRP cases. The Center works closely with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to advise on circumstances that may interfere with the proper implementation of the UDRP.

In December 2009, the Center presented the WIPO Mediation and Expedited Arbitration Rules for the Film and Media Industry.

Developed in collaboration with experts from these fields, these rules and related contractual clauses and agreements are especially relevant for international film and media transactions, where parties require quick and cost-effective solutions to disputes that interfere with the implementation of ongoing projects.

The Singapore Office of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center was opened in May 2010 to promote alternative dispute resolution in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Center monitors developments in the field of IP protection in the domain name system and conducts strategic work in this regard. For the Center, it is a politically important issue for ICANN to introduce new generic top-level domains (gTLDs). Thanks in part to WIPO's efforts, the Draft ICANN Top-Level Domains Applicant Guidebook includes a new dispute resolution procedure for trademark owners regarding, for example, the liability of domain name registration services.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

A wide range of programs and activities targeted at countries are aimed at:

Assisting policymakers in integrating IP into national development plans Modernizing IP institutions, streamlining offices and developing human resources Assisting in drafting and updating IP legislation and implementing international treaties Strengthening the capacity of the professional corps, including awareness campaigns and capacity building tools SMEs Develop and manage IP assets for economic growth Promote innovation by facilitating access to and utilization of technical knowledge and information Strengthening regional cooperation mechanisms Promote public-private partnerships to promote wider use of the IP system Selected regional Secretariat offices WIPO, each with relevant geographic experience, act as focal points in providing legal and technical assistance to Africa, Arab states, countries of the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America and the Caribbean. Through comprehensive country programming and needs assessments, in consultation with national IP authorities and a wide range of stakeholders, opportunities for a more structured approach to the process of formulating national IP strategies and plans are enhanced.

Meeting the specific needs of LDCs is being addressed by the LDC Division through the provision of comprehensive technical assistance, including Training with a focus on skills development programs Developing IP institutions to promote branding of products for export markets Using appropriate technologies to increase national productivity High-level political dialogue with ministries and parliaments Cooperation with other UN agencies and multilateral organizations Upon request from the aforementioned countries, they also receive legal and legislative assistance

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

In recent years, WIPO has intensified its cooperation with the countries of Central Europe and the Baltic States, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region and central Asia... Particular attention is paid to their special needs as economies in transition, in which IP often already plays a significant role in accelerating economic and cultural development. As a consequence, there is a growing demand for more sophisticated programs and technical assistance, especially in the areas of promoting innovation and technology transfer, addressing specific problems of copyright systems, enforcing IP rights and promoting entrepreneurship. WIPO encourages the exchange of experiences, lessons learned and best practices between these countries.


The process of creating the infrastructure for innovation and securing financial and human resources is essential for local innovators and research institutions to use IP and remain the owner of their research results, ensure their protection and use. In developing countries, the process is accompanied by a number of challenges. For example, many countries suffer from a lack of local professionals able to draft patent applications, monitor and manage IP assets, facilitate their creation and marketing, and negotiate technology licensing agreements.

WIPO assists Member States in developing comprehensive IP strategies and offers practical tools and training programs to help build sustainable national capacity in these areas. WIPO has also developed a handbook to assist research institutions in developing countries to design and implement institutional IP policies.

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: A STORY OF SUCCESS INOVA Leading edge technology is often the result of research in university laboratories. however, their way to market is conditioned by access to the necessary infrastructures, financing and skills. city \u200b\u200buniversity

campinas (Brazil) has established its own technology transfer center, Inova Innovation Agency, through which research and inventive products are not only protected as IP rights, but are also marketed through technology licensing agreements with industry. Developed by the University's Institute of Chemistry, the Fentox reagent for the in situ and ex situ destruction of environmental pollutants is now licensed to Contech Produtos Biodegradaveis and is available on the Brazilian market. A number of WIPO programs aim to help universities use IP so that they can benefit from their research. Programs include training in patent drafting, licensing, and the establishment of centers for the exchange of IP expertise.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

fLEXIBILITY AND public policy In response to requests from individual Member States or regional organizations, WIPO provides, bilaterally and confidentially, coordinated expert legal advice. The advice also includes an analysis and explanation of the legal and policy options available to countries under certain international treaties, taking into account each country's international commitments and national development and policy priorities. Through the consultation, WIPO is answering questions about how developing countries can take advantage of the options and flexibility available in international IP law. These issues are of particular concern to many governments, especially following the WTO Doha discussions on IP and health.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

The development of the human capital of countries is a key factor in fully reaping the benefits of national and international IP systems. Numerous training programs and vocational training The WIPO Academies contribute to the development of these human resources.

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it is intended for inspection, repair, replacement of out-of-service in the instrument and

for installation of bu sso


n ad set

in place. He

placed in the building

and the lid

f t lara boo sso li.

Vl agopogl from it el b



by the swallower, installed

na boo sso li. For this

o w e rn u t to lpacho to

in lago by glot e la

according to

in place of


with boo sso li

in the lago of the absorber 67 (Fig. 3.7).

The weights are intended for the installation of the bus li rd to the set point

local st and. On

head in ke

do not have


which the

here in a there are no cords.

From ver t to and (2


from w e rt s to anya

in in to in at

about view and rem about


it is intended for the answer in the lago of the absorber.

The file is used for cleaning the instrument.

Screws М 2х4


to replace

of the above

out of service

in in t about in the device. It is placed in

the st o nd of the case will be used for each case.



periods in about in

in work. After

about the end of the work.

o bv yazat ishn u ro m i

attach the carabiner to the case. Stacking che trash in

the case is disclosed after

extra dry and clean.

3.10. Fu aphids

Boo sso l and

per risk in the treasure

duralum other


fo t lyars.

In f t lar

if the treasure has:

boo sso l, azim u t al a

for mounting, spare parts,

form u lar and TOiE. In the case of the risk, the treasure is in the middle of the risk.

On the cases of boosters and

you have a shoulder strap

and maybe for

cre a n iya f t laro v

on a clear time.

3.11. A winter nozzle A N B 1M

Azim u t al a


about limitation


true home meridian - poles of M ira in the position of june not more star z

(alpha) and β (beta) from the stars of the Little M e dice, about limiting the true azimuths

the star is good.

The main and frequency and azimuth attachment are the sight 6 (Figure 3.14),

bu xa11 with elevator and level 7.

Vizier 6 provides the viewer with a tube, located at an angle of 90 ° keeo si, and consists of by two and not by two parts. Rotation in two parts and in the circle is existent through the yoke.

Figure 3.14. Winter nozzle A N B1M:

6-sight; 7th level ram; 8-p uk oyat to a; 9th ut ik; 10-screw; 11-beech see vertical guidance mechanism; 12-screw.

SUN-ON-COLAR PRIORITY The filter is set to the right (filter light) p H C 10 - when the Sun is brightly lit, the light filter H C 9 - when there is weak smoke).

The grid is installed in the focal plane of the object and the ocular and is provided with a glass of glass in a plane parallel to juplast in ku. N a n a n an e of a small bisset 66 (Fig. 3.15) in an ideal scale, a large bisset 72, square 69 and intersection 70.

Small bisset 66 (scale) serve for introducing a star

For the purpose of going about the displacement of the star α relative to the pole of the world

for fastening the azimuth heading to the tail of the bus and the vertical heading to the izira.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version

coarse w e rt ical n o dc

in Izira, if

v yvernut, bu ksa,

corpu s, and together with it and in all the khan change

are growing from the bottom.

smooth (precise) p rt ic h s

in Izira (in

doesn’t mean

before de lakh in er rt ical y glo in) previously n m e khan change

in ert ical at the head.

in the isira slowly rotate in the vertical plane.

Figure 3.15. View of the star of the constellation of the Malaya Meditsa in the field of view of the grid: 66th scarlet bisector; 67-star α (Polar bright); 68-pol yusM ir a; 69 to vadr at;

70th lane; 71-star β; 72-large bisector op.

Level 7 is used for horizontal azimuth setting. It consists of a bullet, a right and a tube. Am pula on the right is filled with gypsum m.

3.12. Operational documentation

Technical description and operating instructions (MOT

and E) PA B-

2A M (PA B-2A) are intended for

study of designation, technical data and

kit P AB-2AM

appointment, device and rights

operation of the azimuth attachment AN B1M (AN B1).

Technical description and operation manual (TO&I E) PA B-2M

(PA B-2) are intended for studying the device

and right silt


periscopic art illerian booze P AB-2M (P AB-2).

For m ul yar do lz e n st about yan n about

we are in the presence of a booze. All information about work

would you like to be recorded?

form u lar.

All records in the form u lyar to lie

we only know about

che rn ilam and,


and neat. Cleaning, arches and

incomplete corrections are not allowed.

3.13. SsoliP preparation A B –2A M

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version

I. Inspection of rechargeable batteries

bat are th


instrument ro m

n about e

do not bho dim about


it is in good working order.


rechargeable batteries

bat are yah;

if e go


by dho dit

do not bho dim about

about iz e st and their

for charging according to the instructions.

II. Moving the appliance from the running position to

bo e w o e

1.Install it re gu

are stable

in y s t

so what would you do


sbu ssol (fig. 3.10 and 3.11).

For this

it is not necessary to do the following:

Distance 90, taunting the leg;

O weakens you

88 (low

lambs) hold it about in

87 and, in s dv in u in

n and t re bu e m u yudlin y, secured with clamps and 87 (n and n them and lambs and);

Distance av it re n about gu, otherwise

in about gn at bashm aki 91 n o z e k in


on a shoe like, and tightened yan u t yo si 85 sharn iro in erhn to them and lambs and;


head 82 t re n gi (not correct

would be a play a).



deputy m

gro n te,


in you bo in,

t res u in and

uncomfortable, in


would be here but

according to

shoe aki t re n o gi,

do not need to be advised

done in

gro n te at depth for

If you have to work in words,

not allowing them to reach the distance

then next

remove the cup from the thread, push on the latch

80, and, in a growing cup of

walking clockwise arrow in the winding

tree in o, sing or t hard and gro n t.

2. Install the sso lion cup. For this we do not need to do the following:

Open the luggage and open the door;

Insert the ball of the ball into the cup

and, holding her left hand,

right most

83 (Figure 3.10) cups;

by swinging


close the film

boo sso l,

until beat

at the station


ball in o go u ro in n i

at the end


finished in t

83 to the end, observing the position

poses of the ryk.

3. Set up the risk

n a mo no kulyar boo sso li

works because of

at the roof)

and close the drink

n aibo le e

at the bottom


(vertically or

n akl n no),

co o f lu y yas sharakt e ro m

at the covered. For this

do not bho dim about

do it

the following:

Open the footer and open the risk n;

Get started

n o f


perisco n

monocular and

finished in t

71 (Figure 3.9).

4. Attach the rack (fig. 3.13)

combat position. D la

this is not about

distance of m e n 107

about the

su harya 111

shvellera 104.

5. When working

sbu sso pour in


do not need to do the following:

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


poo go to itzu

100 (fig. 3.12 and 3.13);

Remove the lacquer of the battery tray of the battery and 93;


100 and connect pc e l

a well of rechargeable batteries and 93;

Install in e xy 98 (Fig. 3.12) on the laptop and close the power with clamps

in in t about m ho mout and 99; v includes llam pu

in e xi in about about m

ru k yat ki 95;

Installed on “last ochkin

hv about st ”to the rpu of the nookulyar

on and on 115

(fig. 3.13) laths of cartridge 97 (fig. 3.12 and 3.13) lamps

nets, preferably

on the latch of the lamp holder

and locked in the latch

in the grooves "last ochkin a

tail "and nesting. Includes llam pu

in about ro to m

ru k yat ki 95;

For illumination of the magnetic arrow 15 (Fig. 3.4) and the scales of the boom, rotate

handle 95 (fig. 3.12) cartridge 96 of the hand lamp.

3.14. Types of technical maintenance of compass P A B -2A M

by dde rzh an iya

good n o m

with st about yang

the countries have

the following is a technical service:

Control panel (CO);


technical service (ETO);


Monitoring of the device is carried out while the device is in operation.

Every day

te hn ico e

about service

about in about child

use (combat work,

at, busy), and also not

do not do it if the appliance was not used.

Te chn ico e

about service

No. 1 of the device is not


No. 2 of the appliance runs

every two times

Work on

te chnical servicing and maintenance (except

TO-2) you have personal

with st av o m,

to ry m

cover the film

boo sso l,

ru to v o dst v o m

com and diro v

on the trickle with the help of the specialist in frequent. Work on TO-2 is performed by specialists of the master connection.

3.15. Control osm otrbu ssoliP A B -2A M

1. N ary osm from r pr abor a.About the outside view of the device. Check the integrity of the varnish of the colorful coating and of the physical parts of the appliance parts. Check if the chlorine, belts and other parts of the appliance are in good condition.

Inspection of p lect ies and applications

and Z and P.

To inspect

com plet n about st and according to the form u lar.

Pro overk and opt ic esk ihdet al her... Inspection of external surfaces

len z o ku lara,

about the object and protective glasses boils and periso pan a about the essence

dust and dirt.

When you look at the lens and

about b e ct iv a


PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version

inside them on the surfaces.

If there are lags

replace the lago by the swallow.

4. Proof

m echanism. Rotating m aho v ichko v

do not have to

easy st and

move at stano in o f m e khan change and reckoning

me khan izm

o in measurement

horizontal and vertical corners. Check that the arrow is set to an arrow.

5. Checking the lighting performance. Verification is carried out according to clause 7

"The list of basic checks of the technical condition of the P AB-2AM bus."

3.16. List of basic checks of the technical condition of the bu ssol P A B -2A M

Checks to be carried out:

Before leaving the house, busy, busy;

Periodically, about ding - two times a month;

change of the place of deployment;

When carrying out a technical service.

1. Setting the ball level

Prepare the bus

work. Reverse

in the upper part of the bus

horizontal plane

in all length about round st and



poses of the ryk. After


to rotate the air bladder

sharo in oh go

u ro in n i n e

do lie

from first to start

position more

dividing the ball level (0-01) in new buses and more than 2/3 of the cost (0-02) in the buses of the systems e kshim and guarantee terms and (middle part of the sso line is not up to

horizontal corners in more than 1/3 of the cost of dividing the ball-level beads and more than 2/3 of the price Departments in buses have existed and guaranteed terms).

2.Level of agility shooter

Set in a cup with three boils

sharo v o m u ro in n y and close it e.

Razarre t iro in at m agn it n u

an arrow. Combine the ends of the magnetic arrow with

in de kso v. Highlights

m agn it nu yu

arrow from position


at the bottom

b e c e c e r

(from v e rt ku

etc.). Deviation of end in magnetic


in about

in position

equally after


col le bans) by

high flatness and indices should be better ±

0.5m m (approx. About the thickness of the arrow).

3.About the bottom of the display

PREPARATION OF THE CUP OF WASTE for the test as per item 2. Move the arrow out of the equilibrium position, along the bottom to the side of the v ert ku, etc.). The ends of the arrow should not be in the back at the top of the decks, and in the north

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4.Measured strokes in relation to the mechanism for measuring the mountains of horizontal angles and

m me n e c e for measuring vertical angles

Set up the bus

sharo v o m u

u ro in n yu. D la

about limitation

m e rd in m e rd m e r t o f m e r t o f m e khan Measuring the horizontal corners

do not need to be short and short and long distance not

100 m. In the growing maho in icho k

38 (Figure 3.6) from the count

m e khan change measurement


side by side, by two st and

trans cross

any point

u far n but go

pre dm e t and

remove from the account

boo sso lin s m

Then, growing m aho in icho to in


nav o dki. Change


in the growing maho in ichka,

two by two and across the cross to th

the same point of connection is on the other side and it is removed from the account by bus

D a c o n t in a c o t in a count

in e face and m e rt in o go. Check it out

about me khan is changed in all

range not

scales b s l o nd coarse 28 (fig. 3.5)

after 15-00.

Dead walk m ekhan izm and me rt in e rt ical corners check alo -


m aho v icho k

me khan ism a


To the right of the disguise of the m e rt of the run from the count

m e khan izme ameasurement of combustion

z o n t al x glo in

and me khan of measurement in er rt ical head in

new business

up to 0-01, in buses with system and guarantee periods and up to 0-02.

For elimination

me khan ism ah

in the influences of the dead



about sse

exploitation follows

trans cross

mono culyara

twice the selected insertion point, always from the bottom.

5. Installing a Zero

M e st about m

n u la (M 0) Nasses in the count

i 36 me khan ism a


in ert ical s

who to ro m

in Izirn aya

m o no cu lara


serviceable bus from the account

exceeded 0-01 (o pt ic

mono culyara

must be

parallel flax

gorizo \u200b\u200bnt a and

you go for

in e masks at 0-01).

Places to check after blowing them

about brazo m:

Distance setting 100 m

the device in e xy, on which we will make

at the level of the object and at the monocular on the ground;

N ave and cross

grids n a m e t ku

count by

scales 33 and 36

m e khan of measurement in ert ical head

at gol n aklon and A1;

Change places and devices in e xy, after

we will do it at our site

the corresponding height about the object and in the monocular on the ground;

N ave and cross

monocular on the second mark and take off the vertical

We will calculate the number by the form:

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A 1 + A 2

M 0 \u003d

taking account A1 and

A2 with his own and knowledge and;

If it seems that M 0 is not equal to zero, then either

u chit s in at et u

in further work with the device, or remove it from work.

For e rn about go

we do not want to know about


right silo:

“POSITIVE ERROR M 0 is read from the point of view, measured with a boolean, and

the negative is added to it ”.

To erase a malfunction:

Set on scales 33 and 36 the mecha nism of measurement of the vertical angles value M 0;

About weakness in int and 66 (fig. 3.7) at the top of the head 42 and, attached to it,

trust only

33, near the station in iv

n and n e n o l. After that

in in t s at about rtse

m aho w ichka finished.

6.Par al l e lnst iopt ich esk Ichosey perisk opa ibussol and

Correct risk, installed on the laptop, not

note but

change direction

lin nii v isiro v anii.

Checking the deflection in the external beam is carried out by:

Aw e st and m about no cular without risk


not near

Set up periso p n a mon o cular.

If there is a defect in the risk, the image of the driving point is not

move right across the cross of the bead mesh; If the offset is open,



in e disguise


displacement by

on the ice

me khan ism am i, according to scales.


periscope, locked

in ert icaln about

mono culyara, to lie n a

be parallel to flax

o si mon o kulara

zonal and vertical planes. ADDITIONAL DISPLAY OF DECLINE 0-01.

Serviceable illumination

work with the appliance

night time.


about light

do not bho dim about

turn the hand of the box

(fig. 3.12 and 3.13) and

make sure,

what is on


patron e 96

pe re n about s about l lamp,

patron e 97 lam py

grids and in ehe 98. If the lamps

burn, so

we do not need to check

rechargeable batteries

bat are you; if a

lam py, means

they burned and they are needed

replace with spare parts.


do not bho dim about

measure t e r m

rechargeable battery voltage

bat are y. Battery voltage should not be at least 2 V.

8.Color change swallowed from it I vl agivl agopogl from it I

Look at


in lago by glot e la

67 (fig. 3.7) and about brother


on a color

by swallow

in lags. P ri


color for swallow in lags

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do not need to be replaced. Swallow the lion lagi (silica gel) until it doesn’t have a blue color.

9.Reliability of the bussol and in the chashke (support) of the tripod


at the head in the head

(Figure 3.10) cup 84 of thong. Believe it, no

does the cup roll when the latch 80 is in

groove. Install n o gu

u st about ychi-

in about the ground and close it in in to m

boo sso l in

cup. P when finished

do u po pa

clamp n about m in te

boo sso l n e do lzh n

and turn around in the cup of the train, and the gap p

between two halves and cups should be from 1.5 to 4 mm.

3.17. STORAGE OF BU ssolyP A B-2A M

D for the sake of safety of a constant combat readiness and long-term service

the appliance is not used

correctly store it,

time to erase not correct -

but you should know the operation and follow the operating instructions.

For a long time

the appliance is stored until it is in


a place.

To categorically


store it


and in the middle of the proximity

pe th, radiator o ro v

on the aggregate of power units. The bus can always be stored in a case on the shelf, stand.

storage is allowed to have only serviceable devices.

in the room,

where are the devices stored,


and iron


we are at a distance and not at all

boo sso li. In addition, in this

it shouldn't be, but it shouldn't be, sour

or any other chemical agent.

It is forbidden to store it in the same place on the pipes.


size agn ichiv an iya

m agnite

arrows in o


f t lar ss slu be positioned so that

the magnetic arrow was parallel to

m agn it n about m u

meridian (the zipper of the case of the bus is facing west).

storing the appliance

to be about objects, creating them

magnetic and elec tric fields.


the device is tested in accordance with the article

with "Perechne m

about sn o n s

check the technical condition of the P AB-2AM bus ”(see item 3.16).

3.18. Solving tasks

Measure the distance to the set

at about the place and for long-range

grid scales;


Having broken the atfro n t bat are and;

Sewing d o rin g

the arrowhead until the nest position is taken;

may cause

at a break


about p ith details,

distance in about

o p tic sys tems, in

re sult at e

what appliance p


device p in

by teasing parts

permitted. In order to obtain accurate results at

work with the appliance

and to preserve it

oK, not about, we are about

do it

the following is the right sludge.

PRI u st ano in ke

boo sso li



m agn it n o y

the arrows are pouring about the circle

iron and steel

items. Such

product like

o uds, cars, rails, etc., to lj n s

it doesn’t

10 m; items

middle age

(alkaline batteries,

about the gun,

helmet, box

against gas, etc.) - not near

0.5m; small

objects (pocket flashlight, pen,


Not near 20 cm.


lin nii ele kt ro transmission o kazy in ayut

in Liyan

n a m agn it n u y

the arrow of the bus is at a distance of dozen or so, and sometimes even more.

For the installation of the invoice

scales, as well as when pointing at the cross

monocular on selected point

n a n o st and m aho v ichki me khan izm o v

to grow in

side by side

Both re gat e r y bar y me khan ism s o t

in operation:

Do not go skat y daro in

what is the yak's rv

che rv barny about m at ko les su

when in the key, for

ryzh n u y

ru ko yat ku

from in o d from t pu skate smoothly

full of

on the go

cut through the hole in the

tooth bya wheel;

when in the key

it seems that what the hell do they pirate in


do not bho dim about


according to

before you beat the right hook.

selected work point.

Typical measurements are about 3-4 times and brother is the average value. AFTER EVERY MAGNITIVE azimuth is set to knock down

the instrument and the count on the bus scales.

precise about the limits

m agn it n

azim u t a n a

distance about yang

chit in length in length

per risk and

in n o sit

corresponding to the right

in the account taken

by right

about no 0-01,

- about number 0-02, etc. (with horiso

n t al about m

the position of the risk). If a

periscope p n a n n n e n in the right - add as a rule, if to the left - o add.

Do not move the bus without a case (even at a short distance) or

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