Reflections on conscience, honor, dignity and inner nobility of a person. Reflections on conscience, honor, dignity and inner nobility of a person Honor and conscience go by

Our whole life is a choice! We do it every minute, every day, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously. This large selection consists of many smaller ones. We choose a life partner; the business we want to do; friends; travel; purchases; food and much more. We do this continuously. From what choice we make and in favor of what, depends how our life will unfold, in which direction we will move on. This applies to all aspects of our multifaceted life.

The most important thing is we have freedom of choice, always! And this inner freedom to make your choice according to human honor and dignity cannot be taken away, hidden behind bars or locked in a safe. A person can only part with such inner freedom. For me, the phrase that we often hear in life is unacceptable. "I could not do otherwise, I had no choice."... These are the words of a man who shirks responsibility, who does not want to make a choice, who wants to justify his, in some way unworthy, deed or words. But he tries to deceive, first of all, himself, and simply refuses the choice, but refusal of choice is also a choiceperhaps unconscious! Such actions are even worse. Because a person does not grow spiritually, but falls several steps down.

The indicator of our choice is conscience... I.e, a responsibility A person, first of all, in front of himself, as a bearer of high, fair values. The hidden voice of the Soul. It gives you the opportunity to correct your wrong choice. Every person has it, it all depends on what kind of life a person allows her to live. Whether he locks her behind the most secret door behind seven locks or gives her freedom and lives with her in harmony and peace. A free conscience illuminates a person from the inside with a wondrous light, and hidden deeply, sooner or later, it breaks out, it flares up, heats everything inside. It is the matter of time.

Sometimes it amazes how low and for what a person can sink. The price of the question that prompted me to write about it is $ 20 a month, unpaid for two years, totaling $ 480. So, quite a bit for a salaried manager, whose income is $ 1,500 per month, and quite a lot for the same employee, whose income is $ 250 per month.

I will not go into the details of this situation. Here is an error of the manager in calculating wages, which was revealed by chance two years later by an employee, when he was promoted. The attitude and behavior of a person in this situation is interesting. The leader's fear of the founder makes his mind twist convulsively in search of an unworthy way out of this situation. All possible means of manipulation were used: pressure, blackmail, intimidation, etc., which would not induce action, but forced shut up... The final phrase: "You will not get anything, I will do everything for this," clearly confirmed the leader's determination. I would like to note that the employee is an honest and decent person in all respects.

At the root of fear is a reluctance to question your reputation as a smart, intelligent financial leader. The money can be returned, but it will be necessary to provide the founder with an explanation of the reasons. The reason is clear - a mistake. Although this situation suggests different thoughts. Did one employee get hurt like this? And maybe it's not a mistake at all, but purposeful systemic action in relation to all employees. I will not look for other reasons, and develop a logical chain. Naturally suggested conclusions may be just a figment of our imagination.

Let's say this is just a mistake. And here before our eyes is this choice, in which we are practically all the time and the consequences of which affect our life. So a person is able to forget about his destiny on this earth, he drives an inner call truth, for fear of losing some kind of social status.

This situation has no end yet, it is in the process of clarification and proceedings. But there are a lot of such examples in our life. After all, a person's actions are determined by the framework of his idea of \u200b\u200blife. And before making a choice, you must first of all ask yourself the questions: "What do I get?", "What do I lose?"

Gains and loses above all Essence Human, gains and loses in his. After all, the purpose of our arrival in this world is development, spiritual growth of our personality, our Essence. Really for Human is tantamount to exchanging your conscience for money, no matter how much. Money appears, we spend it, but what, in the end, does the Entity get? What is a person guided by when deciding to exchange the eternal for the temporary?

An equally important question: "What is the other person losing, whom my decision can influence?" It is at this moment that the balance of weights arises, which every person has. Where is this balance, at what point? At the point when I understand that both the other person and me, my Essence, should feel good from all sides.

This is where it probably wakes up conscience, at this moment and at this place. AND person must not forget about the purpose of his Essence on earth. He commits an act for which in the future he will not be tormented by remorse conscience... But not everyone experiences the pangs of conscience, but only those who have it. Many people are just a mixture of fear and guilt. Fear of future possible punishment, retribution. In this situation, the leader is not distinguished by high moral qualities, and what punishment is possible from an ordinary ordinary employee? There are no limits, nothing to stop, there is not even an elementary ability for empathy, for compassion.

Most people live as if they won't wake up tomorrow, as if they are living their last day. They overstep the boundaries of what is permissible, and they themselves put a price tag on their conscience. So we are observing the situation in the form in which it took shape. One can only regret and say: "They do not know what they are doing." And the worst thing is that they don't want to know.

Everyone should stay, first of all, Human, in whatever situation he is, whatever position he occupies. And a person should be guided by honor, dignity. To act in your deepest the truthresonating with his essencethat does not require excuses. These are the qualities that should underlie everyone. Human, they will help to pass the difficulties with dignity and strengthen the will and spirit. Because our every minute choice is a process of continuous becoming, and who we become is determined by our internal state and constant choice.

The moment we make a choice is moment of creation of our life... The consequences of our choice affect not only us, our entire family, the people who surround us, acquaintances and strangers, and the fate of our land. We must teach this to our children, we are simply obliged to instill this from childhood in order to lay a qualitative foundation in the basis of every personality. The future of our state and our people depends on this. Because children absolutely copy the judgments and behaviors of you and me, adults. And without instilling in them responsibility to themselves, they will never hear such words: "Shame on you?!" They will not penetrate their hearts.

No, they will not be ashamed, they were brought up like that. Their internal scales "What is good and what is bad", by which they are able to determine this, society has long begun to utilize. Say these words to some teenager that you often hear in response? It's not hard to guess, I myself have been answered more than once with an insolent grin. Because there is a time for the formation of the child's understanding of these important concepts, what is shame, what conscience.

And the child of this leader will witness an easy conversation between dad and mom, who will calmly tell her husband about the impudence of this employee: "Here is a scoundrel, he could guess that he was cheated." Even more, dad will offer mom options for avoiding responsibility. Now draw your conclusions what will our society be like.

People, without your participation, we will never be able to explain to children what is good, what is bad. Let's start with ourselves, evaluate what example we show to children. After all, we all want to live in a just society that will be guided by the concepts honor and conscience.

I would like to reach out to every blind and deaf so that a ray of light penetrates into every sleeping soul, tore off the veil, open my eyes and make me think. So that people respect themselves for their actions. So that they retain their true freedom, when they do not have to bend their souls, do like everyone else. To keep their harmony inner peace... Yes, for this very often in life you need courage, the courage to act according to the voice of your conscience. But this will make it possible to fill Light soulso that she shines with a wondrous diamond from within, radiating the Light of purity, regardless of her position in society.

Perhaps someone, after reading this article, will recognize themselves. Can correct the consequences of his mistake. It's never too late to apologize, it's never too late act on honor... Perhaps someone will hear his voice conscience... Do not jam it, listen and follow this call. For your true purpose. For why you came to this planet. For our children. For our future. For our Motherland.

The girl chose the ugliest apple on the tray. When asked why she did this, she replied in surprise: "So that others get better ..."

It's amazing that she did this without thinking.

Mobile lesson on the topic:

"To live by conscience and honor"

The severity of Russian laws is mitigated by the non-binding nature of their implementation.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Kindness, love and compassion, mercy and understanding

Russian is inherent in man. Do not lose value century after century.

For people living in our school, there is no other people's anxiety, sadness, pain.

Literature carries these properties of a righteous nature into our lives:

Pushkin's divine word, Chekhov's melancholy, Tolstoy's vow,

Saltykov caustic satires and Nekrasov to fight calls

They will live forever in our hearts.

Lesson objectives:

Analyze concepts such as bribery and corruption and show them negative consequences for society;

Introduce M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin as a prominent political figure;

Introduce the punishment for acts of corruption;

Motivate students to live by the standards of morality and ethics.

Lesson objectives:

Demonstration of behavior to students that does not violate legal and generally accepted norms;

Formation of the need to comply with the rules and regulations;

Outlining the consequences of breaking the law;

Expansion of knowledge in the field of anti-corruption legislation of the Russian Federation.

Which of these great writers do you think we're going to talk about today and why?

We will talk about Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin, because the building in which we are located is named in his honor.

Quite right. Let's turn to the photographs and documents that you see on the stand. The great literary figure Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin lived and worked in this building in the distant 19th century.In Ryazan streets and a library bear the name of the Russian writer, and recently a monument was erected. The satirist entered the history of the Ryazan province as a prominent political figure.

- Let's remember what connected it with the Ryazan region?

On the screen is a slide with photographs of the writer.

- In 1858, Alexander II signed a decree appointing Saltykov-Shchedrin as vice-governor of Ryazan. The city then had about 50 streets. Saltykov-Shchedrin knew people and their addresses so well that legends still circulate about his awareness. According to the local historian Igor Kanaev, there is a known case when a courier could not find a person, and Mikhail Evgrafovich sent him to church. There they found the wanted person.

According to the memoirs of Ryazan officials, at the very first reception of employees of the Provincial Government, “Saltykov-Shchedrin, frowning and looking around everyone, said:“ I will not allow taking bribes, gentlemen, and with better wages I will exact more stringently. Whoever wants to serve with me - let him leave this manner and serve honestly ... ". It is noteworthy that many inveterate "clerks" had to leave their places in the Provincial Government. The vice-governor himself complained in friendly correspondence: "Such a collection of all kinds of illegalities and nonsense can hardly be found, and Vyatka trickery is nothing more than good nature compared to Ryazan's trickery." For their irreconcilable attitude to all kinds of abuse, the Ryazan inhabitants nicknamed Saltykov-Shchedrin "Vice-Robespierre." For two years of vigorous activity, the great satirist got so much of the local bureaucratic fraternity that a plump folder was assembled from the complaints and slander written against him. The crowning glory was a complaint from ... the Ryazan governor himself. In 1860, the troublemaker was removed from the post of vice-governor out of harm's way and transferred to Tver.

In 1867-1868 M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was again sent to our city for the post of chairman of the Treasury. In those years, he lived in a modest apartment in an old one-story building of the Starodubsky family (house number 49 at the intersection of modern Svoboda and Shchedrin streets).

It was during the Ryazan period of his life that Saltykov-Shchedrin first received official recognition as a writer. As a vice-governor and later manager of the Ryazan Treasury, he paid attention to educating the population: he published the newspaper Ryazanskie Provincial Gazette, was a trustee of the local library. By the way, it was Saltykov-Shchedrin who initiated the construction of the theater in Ryazan.

Please tell me what I have not stopped fighting with Mikhail Evgrafovich and how do we call this concept now?

Working as a vice-governor in Ryazan from 1858 to 1860, he always fought against bribery."Vice-Governor Saltykov. Knowledgeable, active, disinterested, demanding with respect to employees, exacting with respect to subordinates; with these qualities he gained special trust and attention from the head of the province; he was met with the same attention from the people of the local elected society. and by his literary fame ... He sincerely wishes the abolition of serfdom and actively pursues the abuse of it, as evidenced by a significant number of consequences that took place in the past year, about the cruel treatment of landowners with serfs on important and unimportant reasons, the removal of some of them from managing the estate and calling them to live in the provincial town. "

Let's now turn to our textbooks on literary Ryazan and read about the abuses that the author describes. This is a real commentary on Saltykov's later story "Misha and Vanya." Ivan - 14 years old and Gavrila - 11 years old, brothers, unable to endure the torture, decided to commit suicide and stabbed themselves in a nearby garden with a table knife. The youngest died, the older one was cured. Upon learning of this suicide, Saltykov wrote a "very necessary" official paper, in which he reported: "Yesterday, September 27, two boys who are in the service of Colonel Kislinskaya, who lives in Ryazan near

mr. Velyasheva, encroached on their own life. At the same time, there is a rumor in the city that this attempt came from repeated cruel tortures both on the part of their owner and on the part of Mr. Velyashev ... And therefore I instruct you to carry out the strictest formal investigation about this incident, after presenting it to me ". In addition to this case, there is one more known, which is closely connected with the impending reform in the peasant case and with the attempts of local Ryazan landowners by various machinations to circumvent the impending liberation of the peasants. "spoke about him as a typical case of the era of the beginning of emancipation.

So what is bribery called now?

On the present stage we also come across this concept, and it is called "corruption".

On-screen slide about corruption .

1) "God-disgusting delicacy" Peter1

2) "Arbitrary self-reward" S.S.Uvarov

3) "Service sweets" M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin

As you understand, this social phenomenon arose a long time ago, but it still exists. Let's turn to the presentation and work with the handout (Appendix No. 1 proverbs about corruption ). Think about what illegal activity is referred to in proverbs and sayings?

About corruption.

Quite right. We study law, participate in the regional project “Meet, judicial system RF "and we know what corruption is. Like any complex phenomenon, corruption does not have a single canonical definition. This concept in the scientific world and in the practical sphere, it still does not have an unambiguous interpretation, a generally accepted characteristic. The discrepancies are determined by the difference in the positions from which this phenomenon is considered: political, economic, legal, moral, everyday.

Your handouts have different approaches to the definition of corruption, read (Appendix # 2 ). Analyze all the definitions and highlight the main features that are present in all definitions. Name them.


For personal gain;

Theft, embezzlement, appropriation of state property by an official.

It is believed that only the greedy bribe-taker is to blame for corruption, and the one who gives the bribe is the innocent victim. Do you think this is so?

No. Any corrupt deal has two sides: the one who gives the bribe (bribes) and the one who receives it (who is bribed).

Let's look at the criminal code of the Russian Federation. Article 290 (taking a bribe), Article 291 (giving a bribe). What is a bribe?

- Bribe- these are material values \u200b\u200b(objects or money) accepted by an official, or any property benefit, or services for action (or, conversely, inaction).

What are the four groups of the recipient of the bribe highlighted in the article?

Executive, whose actions are included in the official powers.

An official for illegal actions (inaction).

An official holding a public office in the Russian Federation.

State position of the subject of the Russian Federation or the head of local government.

What is the maximum punishment determined by the U.K. RF for receiving a bribe for each of the groups? Let us analyze for this purpose Article 291 (bribe-giving). What is the maximum punishment here? (Appendix No. 3) .

Analyze the level of corruption in different countries. What, in your opinion, are the reasons for the persistence of corruption?

The desire of officials to enrich themselves at the expense of the state.

Not effective enough legal basis and a mechanism for the implementation of anti-corruption laws.

Psychological factor and morality (immoral antisocial phenomenon).

What steps is being taken by our state in the fight against corruption. I propose to consider the legislative framework of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 4 ). Here is a handout of laws, decrees, decrees, all the legislative framework in the fight against corruption. It is noteworthy that many documents are based on the experience of countries that are effectively fighting this evil. I propose to get acquainted with the experience of Japan, South Korea.

We listen to students' messages.

So, the first step has been taken, there is a state legislative program, whole system the executive branch in the fight against corruption, the anti-corruption council, a working group to foster interaction between the government and business groups. But, unfortunately, there is an opinion in society that it is senseless to fight corruption and an ordinary citizen does not have the opportunity to resist its manifestations in any way. Is it so? (Appendix No. 5 ). I suggest you analyze the following situations related to any manifestation of corruption in everyday life:

Inspection of the passenger and his baggage at the airport was not carried out by the employee in accordance with the established rules;

The driver's license was obtained with an unsatisfactory mark on the exam;

IN medical school a less capable applicant is admitted for a bribe.

- And nowthink and answer the questions:

What motives were the direct participants in the corruption actions guided by?

What personal selfish benefits did you want to receive?

What socially dangerous consequences can such a situation lead to?

So what conclusion can be drawn from what we have now analyzed?

- It all depends on the upbringing of a person, it is necessary to form an anti-corruption worldview, anti-corruption behavior as a way of life.

Shortly before his death, Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin said: “Before I die, I would like to remind everyone of the once valuable and weighty words: shame, conscience, honor, which are now forgotten and have no effect on anyone” ...

Our dear graduates, each of you will soon join adult life... I really want you not to forget what the great Russian writer said in the 19th century so far from us. But his words are still relevant now. I would like them to always help you choose the right path and make the right decision in your life. I would like you to never pass by injustice and, if possible, fight it. We have high hopes for you. You are our future.

Elections as a public institution have existed for a long time. The attitude towards them has always been ambiguous. Nowadays, unfortunately, for some ordinary voters, elections are just an annoying procedure that takes up personal time. A completely different situation developed in pre-revolutionary Russia... In those days, one could only dream of universal suffrage. But those who had the right to participate in the elections treated them very, very responsibly. IN Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX - early XX century, the most widespread were the elections of vowels to city councils, which were held every four years.

According to the "City Regulation", adopted on June 16, 1870, an all-estate system of city self-government was established. City dumas are elected bodies. They received significant rights in solving many issues of urban life. For example, they were in charge of city fees, capital and property, care for improvement (roads and pavements, water supply, lighting, firefighting), about the health of residents, the care of the poor, the development of public education.

The city reform entailed significant changes in Russian electoral law. A fairly wide circle of voters took part in the elections to the city government bodies, but not all.

The voter had to be a man at least 25 years old, own real estate within the city, maintain a trade or industrial establishment, the tax collection from which was received in favor of the city. Those who did not pay taxes to the city treasury were deprived of their voting rights.

All voters were divided into three categories: large, medium and small taxpayers. Each rank paid a third of the city's taxes and elected a third of the vowels. The first two-thirds of all voters property status accounted for the maximum percentage of selected vowels. This determined the dominant role of large and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the city duma.

In the fall of 1870, the elections in Vladimir began with the compilation of lists of persons who had the right to vote. After corrections and approval, the voter lists were published in Vladimirskie gubernskiye vedomosti. Governor Strukov has set the elections for December 4, 5 and 7. As a result of the past elections, the majority in the Vladimir City Duma (43 out of 72 vowels) received the commercial and industrial part of the population.

Confusion with balls

On December 27, 1870, the vowels of the Vladimir Duma elected the mayor and members of the city council. Before the start of the elections, they swore an oath that they would vote in good conscience and honor, without bias and self-interest, eliminating enmity and ties of kinship and friendship; to choose the most worthy of their fellows.

On the whole, the important event went well, with the exception of the incident with the merchant's nephew - vowel Nikolai Vasilyevich Borovetsky. During the procedure for his election, the balloons were taken out of the ballot box and mixed, not counting the electoral and non-selective ones separately. On the second attempt to vote, one ball was missing. This circumstance and the absence of Borovetsky in the hall caused a debate, and then a third ballot, during which Nikolai Vasilyevich was not elected a member of the council.

Such a course of events greatly outraged Borovetsky. He complained to a superior body - the Vladimir provincial presence on city affairs. At a meeting on January 7, 1871, Nikolai Vasilyevich asked the past elections to the city council "as accompanied by an obvious deviation from the legal order to destroy, appointing new ones." In the subsequent discussion of the incident, the vowel Rank clarified that during the election of the members of the council, the balls were constantly missing. After hearing all interested persons, the members of the provincial presence decided to recognize Borovetsky's election as a member of the council as held incorrectly and to grant him the right to a new “if he wishes”.

Nikolai Vasilievich, dissatisfied the decision, sent a complaint to the Senate. The Senate "did not find grounds for any change in the adopted resolution." New elections for city positions, as demanded by the offended Borovetsky, did not take place.

The intrigues of the merchant Tarasov

On December 3, 1890, elections of vowels to the Vladimir Duma for the next four years were held in the city council. The merchant Tarasov's behavior to them angered many voters. Nine people made a written statement to the mayor, Shilov. In a letter to the mayor, dissatisfied citizens wrote that Tarasov had a party at the last elections and was its agitator. Before the elections, the merchant walked around the city and collected "in the name of his party members" up to 20 powers of attorney for the right to vote, which were presented at the elections. For the execution of these powers of attorney with a notary, money was paid, in all likelihood and rumors, to the Tarasovs of their own.

Directly at the elections, the merchant, together with his clerks Frolov, Shalfeev and Seletsky, showed the "partisans" (that is, members of the assembled party) where to put the balls. The pantomime was visible to everyone. If it was necessary to elect a candidate, then Tarasov thrust his hands into his pockets, if not, he put his hands back. When his "partisans" approached the box, then before putting the ball down, they cast their eyes at Tarasov, who was standing next to him, or at one of his assistants, and then voted.

The actions of Tarasov and his "talent" were reported to the governor and prosecutor of the Vladimir District Court. On February 6, 1891, the head of Vladimir at the meeting of the Vladimir provincial on city affairs of the presence, presenting the application submitted to him, explained that neither before the start of the elections, nor during them, he was not informed of any violations of the law established for the elections, and therefore such in a timely manner could not be verified. For his part, the acting prosecutor of the Vladimir District Court informed the governor the day before that it was proposed to terminate the case initiated upon the application. The statement was left without consequences.

Weekdays or Holidays?

On December 4, 1912, the vowels of the Vladimir Duma, among other electoral issues, considered the following: when is it more convenient to vote - on weekdays or on weekends?

Vowels Ovchininsky, Smirnov, Praytvoslovov and some others expressed a wish that the electoral meeting for the selection of vowels be scheduled for a holiday, since on weekdays many, especially those who were in the service or engaged in trade, were deprived of the opportunity to participate in the elections.

Other vowels found it convenient to schedule elections on weekdays. In their opinion, to devote one working day to participate in the elections could not meet with difficulties among voters, no matter what class they belonged to, especially since in the past electoral meetings were usually held on weekdays. By means of standing up, by a majority of 25 to 6, it was decided to ask the Vladimir council to appoint elections for a weekday.

Election Day

Participation in the elections required both time and patience from voters. On Wednesday, January 9, 1913, elections of vowels to the Vladimir Duma took place all day. In the morning, a crowd of voters filled the hall of the city duma, the corridor, the building of the council. By 11 o'clock, the documents were checked, the bell rang, and everyone gathered in the hall, where chairs were already arranged in rows.

The secretary of the council read out the list of 243 voters who had appeared. They had 266 votes, as some of those present voted for themselves and by proxy. Before the start of the procedure, the mayor Nikolai Somov introduced those who took part in the elections for the first time to the arrangement of ballot boxes. Eight of them were placed against the wall of the hall.

Precisely at noon, the first round of the ballot began. Voters dropped balloons either to the right side of the box (for), or to the left (against), and then moved on to the next ballot box for voting. The expression of will took place in series: in the first round, eight people ran from the beginning of the list of candidates, then the next ones on the list, and so on. The first round ended in 40 minutes. After counting the balls, the results were announced. The candidate who received the majority of the popular vote was considered to be voted.

The elections ended at 9 pm. For the entire past day, 91 voters left the premises. In total, 20,920 balloons were dropped into the ballot boxes during the election procedure. This was the last election of vowels to the Vladimir City Duma, which had worked the entire prescribed period. The revolutionary year 1917 abruptly changed the whole life of Russian inhabitants, including the law on elections.


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I wanted to write an article about Honor and Conscience, but it is already ready. Thank you, Natasha! Here are just a few comments ... That the topic is not popular? Well, nothing, let's fix the situation))) Pyramids, practices - it's all great, in order to work with pyramids, a person must achieve purity of thoughts, a person achieves purity of thoughts when he becomes a Human.

In A. Novykh's books - Conscience, Honor, Dignity, True, becoming a Human is very often mentioned.

“And honor is one of the signs of the general spirituality of a person, not just a warrior, that is, when he lives with some highly moral values. A man without honor is nothing and nobody. " Sensei

“- First of all, you need to become a Human! The Ultimate Lotus is highest level... It is very difficult to achieve it. But we must strive for this. - And already turning to Nikolai Andreevich and Volodya, he said: - You need to carefully prepare for everything. Moreover, to penetrate into the essence of "Lotus", it takes years and a training system. This time. Secondly, what you came into contact with is not just a Guardian, but a kind of labyrinth. Only a person with a pure soul, firmly striving for the Light, can pass it, break through to the Highest. Otherwise, this labyrinth obstacle will open you a completely different door and lead you in a completely different way. Therefore, a lot depends on your spiritual development.

So it's sort of like a clearance level? - Volodya specified.

Quite right, ”Sensei confirmed. - So it's not just that. And in order to have an appropriate level, one must have an appropriate spiritual experience. And this is far from the case, as some people believe, that if once a day they did meditation for their own pleasure, or they prayed, so to speak, for a "tick", that is, they noted, it means that today they were engaged in spiritual activities. Spiritual experience is the result of a life in which your spirituality should be manifested in everything: in thoughts, deeds, actions, spiritual practices and, first of all, helping people in the name of good, for this is the closest path to God. Human love is not in vain, for it purifies the soul and grants the power of creation. Prayers and meditations are not meaningless, for they are the same good for spiritual growth a person as food for a fetus gaining strength. Trusting in God is not false, for in him the existence is hidden, which connects us directly with Him. So to be a real Human and truly approach God - this means every day more and more to manifest the Light of your soul into the world and to ensure that there is not even a hint of the presence of a shadow in this Light. Only then can you pass the Guardian and reunite with the true Source of Light. " Sensei 4

”Rigden: People do not need to waste time looking for the guilty, amusing their Animal nature, or waiting for someone to do something for them. They need to start acting themselves, becoming a good example for others. In society, people are drawn to those who have Honor, Dignity, who help other people free of charge, who live according to Conscience, who really serve the spiritual world, ignoring material priorities. This is the kind of person you need to be, first of all working on yourself. "

“That is, a culture of popularizing spiritual and moral values, knowledge, goodness, conscience, honor, dignity, friendship between people, positive, creative models, examples of a way of thinking, the best human deeds of both individuals and collectives should be developed. There should be no propaganda of the negativity imposed by the Animal mind - war, violence, murder, discord, hatred, selfishness, and so on. Moreover, the initiative and the matter of popularizing creative ideology, as well as preventing any attempts to impose a destructive ideology on people, should come from the society itself. These conditions are the basis for the formation of a single world community with a spiritual vector of development. " AllatRa page 861

“The good-minded with the glorious will step, Having made their choice in thoughts, words and deeds. They will put from the end - the Beginning ... ... Do I really need a weak Man, whose word is dust and lies? Almighty in Spirit, glorious I wish, Who does the good to the world. Let him finally break out, the Power of Arta will be to the aid. Wise is the one who in the crowd standing on the edge of the worlds Heeds the word of Ahura. The choice is given. Everyone will choose his own lot of evil or lot of good, And together with good and freedom. "

Elena ✎ Valentina K 06/21/2017 16:55

thanks for adding to the article. And the last paragraph from which book? Avesta?

Valentina K ✎ Elena 06/22/2017 01:39

I took it from the book "Crossroads", and thanks to you, Elena, I began to read "Avesta", thank you!)))

Here's another thing I wanted to talk to you about. You are the author of the article “More about the innermost ...”? You wrote a comment and I remembered our conversation with you under this article about the night horror experienced. So this is exactly what Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich are talking about - about the clearance levels!

You see, ”Nikolai Andreevich said slowly. - This story of yours evoked in me an association with that case from my practice of "Lotus", which I told you about.

What is the case? - Volodya joined their conversation with obvious interest.

Yes, I once, while practicing the Lotus Flower, tried to delve into meditation as much as possible. And I clearly felt the approach to some edge ... the limit to which, as it seemed to me, it is quite possible to reach. And most importantly, I clearly felt, or rather realized, that there was enormous power behind him. But the closer I tried to get closer, the more I felt another, opposite force. It's even hard to describe it in words. Fear and horror are nothing compared to these sensations. It lasted only for a few moments, but I could not resist and quickly left the meditation. And this is despite the fact that Sensei warned me about this Guardian, despite all my accumulated experience and knowledge in the field of psychology, despite the fact that I was determined to perform this meditation, but could not pass. I, of course, expected that my Animal would create obstacles to me. But that it will be so strong! It was then, to be honest, that I really realized the full power of the Animal present in me.

Viktor, who listened attentively to Nikolai Andreevich, clarified:

That is, the closer you get to that world, the stronger the influence of this world?

Well, this is a normal phenomenon, ”Sensei said. - It's not so easy to reach the edge, let alone overcome it.

And I, by the way, also had something similar, - Volodya recalled. - Once I was doing meditation and decided, so to speak, as an exploration, to dive deeper than what I usually do. Well, I dived on my head. And most importantly, I feel that I am approaching something bright and good. And then again, some kind of fog appeared on the way. I wanted to go through it, but it wasn't. Yes, such an unusual fog - thick and dark. That's how you burn rubber, only without smell. Such unpleasant sensations seized me in him. Besides, it turned out to be sticky. And most importantly, I began to suck in somehow. I'm back, but he won't let me go. Such fear attacked me, as if I had plunged deep into the water, but I could not get out, I could not get out. I somehow got out of that meditation and no longer indulge in such "diving" out of curiosity. I do everything within the framework of what Sensei said.

I will now write my vision: it seems to me that the Guardian is not so easy to pass, and in general is it possible for a person to pass it himself? I do not know. Remember, in the program "Unity" Igor Mikhailovich says that the Holy Spirit creates an Angel from a Man. And here the capital letter "CH" in the word Man is of great importance, because Man deserves ... And especially during the times of the Crosshairs. What will we choose?

Valentina K ✎ Valentina K 06/24/2017 20:12

Yes, the topic is not popular ... but I like it, I'll talk to myself then, I'm not the only one talking to myself. Here's another quote I found:

And one person can do a lot ... The sage went to the mirror every evening and asked himself: "Who are you and who were you today: a slave or a free man?" This is what distinguishes a free man from a slave, that a slave, even when he sees evil and is not indifferent to it, he is silent. And a free person, seeing evil and lies, does not pass by, but acts according to Honor and Conscience here and now, as befits a truly free person. Igor Danilov

They were inspired by the movie. To be honest, this question has always been relevant, but only after watching to the end, I emphasize, to the end of the film "Who benefits from the global conflict? Or the ALLATRA MOD about honor, freedom and human rights" , the puzzles finally fell into place.

Ancient people had an idea of \u200b\u200binner freedom, they were free internally. However, over time, the concept of internal freedom was lost and people began to look for freedom in the external, which a priori cannot be. The body is constantly dependent on something: it is cold, then hot, that is, it wants to, then it is thirsty, then the neighbor is not satisfied, then the flies bite, then it wants something and what it does not know.

One can feel free only in spirit. To be free from bindings, from templates is another matter, it certainly has a place to be. And something else, without which there can be inner freedom... Honor, conscience, inner nobility, dignity, self-respect, the ability to see only positive in others - these qualities are possessed by a real Man, a Man with a capital letter.

Over the past few decades, in the constant race for material wealth and in the tireless struggle for survival, we have lost these qualities, therefore there are not even sensible articles on this topic. Everything is somehow selective, but you still want to understand it deeply, well, there is such a spiritual impulse.

These concepts should be basic in the upbringing of children, but above all, parents should be guided by them in their lives. Previously, when faced with difficult situations, the question was "what to do?" The film gave me even more than I expected. He taught not to be afraid to speak the truth, to defend their honor and dignity, but also to respect the honor and dignity of other people.

He gave me that inner support on which all the foundations and principles of raising children are built. Everything ingenious turned out to be simple as always. Children need to be given a code of honor as the basis for their moral upbringing. Based on which they will intuitively find within themselves the answers to the questions of how to act in a given situation. And for this you need to form it at home.
For myself, answer the question "what will I do if I see injustice?"

Life is a great school for the education of our souls. No sooner said than done.

First lesson

I am standing at the checkout in the store, a quarreling couple enters. They approach the checkout and continue to sort things out loudly, using obscene language. Such a situation is usually annoying, but for some reason we are used to being silent, because this is how we were taught. Don't get in, they will figure it out on their own, so we are silent for fear, and maybe no one ever told people that they don't behave like that in public places. Calmly, tactfully, with respect, she explained that they were in public place and it is unpleasant for us, present here, to listen to their conversation, people also politely excused themselves and left.

Any situation is just a lesson. There are no errors. A person is not mistaken, he is looking for the right way out of the situation. Life is full and harmonious when we are able to see a friend, teacher, God in another, even if it seems to us that he is mistaken. Indeed, in fact, he is not mistaken, but goes through his lesson, but this is visible only when we look through the prism of Love and Knowledge, with full confidence that he has enough strength to pass it. Life brings only joy when we have passed the next stage with dignity.

What is it - the internal code of honor, a real Man, which cannot be violated, no matter how external circumstances develop?

  1. I and only I, responsible for the situation in which I found myself, for all my words, actions and thoughts. And thoughts, as scientists have proved, are material, they are the ones that shape our future, so there is a special responsibility for them.
  2. Respect the choice of another person, whatever it may be. Everyone is responsible for their choice and I am obliged to accept it with love and gratitude, as our Creator accepts it.
  3. Appreciate the work of another person as your own.
  4. Do not indulge in evil, boldly speak the truth, even if it contradicts the opinion of the majority.
  5. There are boundaries of permissibility that must not be violated, never, under any circumstances.

This is only a small part of the principles that are guided by a mature Personality walking the spiritual path.

A mature, strong-minded Personality is one who lives in harmony with herself and the world around her, does not lie to herself and others, does not compare herself with anyone, she is spiritually free, open to eternity and endless knowledge. Its maturity is manifested in unity with all, recognition of the equality of all people and their full acceptance. She sees the potential of other people and is happy to discover it. Accepts other people's choices entirely. Such a person accepts responsibility for his words and deeds, for the situations in which he finds himself, with Love and Gratitude to the Almighty.


God has endowed man with gifts. One such gift is Conscience. Only not everyone recognizes it as a gift, for some it is a punishment, and some do not use it at all. Let's see what it is.

A. Novykh's book "Sensei-II" contains wonderful words on this topic:

"But isn't it easier to stop dreaming and choose a role in life worthy of the title of Human? And be who you should be. So that, falling asleep, you would be calm that your conscience is clear. So that, dying, you would not be ashamed of your thoughts And so that even standing before God, as Christians say, at God's Judgment, you have something to say. So that your basket with good deeds was full, and with bad deeds was empty. That is what it means to be a Human. For life is too short. And it is given in order for a person to prove to God that he is worthy of the title of Man ... "

The ancients said that Conscience is the degree of the greatness of the Spirit.

Conscience is the pain that a person experiences when an internal code of honor is violated. The most paradoxical thing is that the animal component in a person really wants to violate it, and at the same time it is very scary to do it. Here is such internal conflict turns out. But initially it was given by God as the ability to feel when he is doing the right thing and when he is not. So they say: "I acted according to my conscience or not according to my conscience." Everyone chooses what to do.

"And honor is one of the signs of the general spirituality of a person, not just a warrior, that is, when he lives with some highly moral values. A person without honor is nothing and no one."

"Rigden: People do not need to waste time looking for the guilty, amusing their Animal nature, or waiting for someone to do something for them. They need to start acting themselves, becoming a good example for others. In society, people are drawn to those who have Honor, Dignity, who help other people gratuitously, who live according to Conscience, who really serve the spiritual world, ignoring material priorities. This is the kind of person you need to be, first of all working on yourself.

In a civilized society that has a spiritual vector of development, every person from childhood should be able to ignore thoughts from the Animal nature, understand their dual nature, their energetic structure and its capabilities. He must know that he is directly connected with the spiritual world, that God is one and for communication with Him there should not be any intermediaries at all, this is the mystery of two: man and God. It is necessary to create conditions in society for the new Personalities who have come to this world to understand the main meaning of life: to build up their spiritual strength, to observe the cultural and moral foundations natural for a person, to show more humanity, kindness in their thoughts, words and deeds, to improve in their inner work on yourself and, ultimately, save your Soul. "

"A person is initially free and there is no sin behind him. After all, what is sin? Sin is what weighs us down inside, at the subconscious level, it is what separates us from God, makes us fear, feel guilty. That is, it is natural a consequence of the actions of your psyche after violating universal moral and ethical laws. This is a sin. These laws are the code of your honor, your conscience. And if you yourself violated it, you yourself must become better and purer in thoughts and deeds. "

From the book A. Novykh "Sensei-I"


From the word honest. Honest with yourself and others. In ancient times in Russia there was such a concept as "Honest merchant word". It was given by merchants and was valued above all else. It had weight in society, people believed in it, more than now they believe in notarized documents. Sealing a deal with a handshake was stronger than written contracts, and reputation was valued more than money, but life.

Not only economic considerations served as the background for an honest merchant's word. It was a kind of code of honor. Many merchants of the past were illiterate. It cost nothing to deceive such a person who could not sign the deed of the fortress and other financial documents. It was extremely difficult to issue a bill of sale legally. However, an honest merchant's word was as significant as honor or noble origin in a noble environment.

Human honor is an internal concept and it is associated with respect, self-respect. If a person respects himself, then he will respect others as well, value in them such concepts as honor and dignity, freedom of choice. Under any circumstances, in which such a person may find himself, the code of honor is untouchable.

Such a person sees the inner potential of other people, their value and resources, he feels the unity with other people at the inner level. Protecting the honor and dignity of other people is an internal need for him, the number one task in communicating with other people. Violation of moral and ethical principles causes internal discomfort, mental pain and suffering in him. So they say: "conscience torments." And how can she torment? She prompts - you are going wrong, not there


A person with his own dignity, respects himself and others, he is able to recognize the inner equivalence of others, to feel the potential and inner beauty of people.

He is in harmony with himself and the world around him, without being exalted or humiliated. Such a person firmly stands in this position, and it is his self-esteem that does not allow him to fall into one of these extremes, he does not seek to prove anything to anyone, to try to influence the choice of other people. He is full of inner nobility. This manifests itself in everything and concerns all aspects of his life. Moral and ethical norms instilled from childhood by parents, a noble person cannot overstep under any circumstances. All thoughts of a noble person are connected with the help of his neighbor.

Visually, such people do not stand out in any way, but they breathe with inner warmth and light, next to them it is good and calm, as if it is easier to breathe. And one more detail that I noted for myself, after communicating with such a person, I want to live, create, love the whole world, enjoy every moment.

If each person, to the best of his ability, sincerely, with all his being, strives to develop such qualities as: honor, conscience, dignity, inner nobility, then our life will become brighter, we will be able to build a creative society, life in which will bring only joy. Such a society is by no means a fantasy, but the only correct reality. And I am sure that we will be able to unite in spirit and it is in our power, if everyone tries, then the fairy tale will come true.

Isn't it worth it?

"All people are simple and consist of the same material. But, depending on personal choice, one becomes Hitler, and the other becomes Buddha. So, if you want to live in a better society, start, first of all, with yourself, become Look inside yourself, think about why you live in this world, who you really are. Look with a clean gaze at the world around you, without the veil of Ahriman. Watch the purity of your thoughts. Replace your mental backbiting - goodwill, instead of envy sincere rejoice for the success of another person, instead of empty angry discussions, it is better to go and do good to other people, simply, silently and unselfishly. Instead of wishing harm to another and yearning for his death, it is better to share with him a piece of your bread and just sit down together and talk about what is in everyone's soul, about life, about love, about God. Let the rays of your goodness into the world, share your pure knowledge, and many souls will be warmed by their warmth. And you see, let two of your little pure spark ignite from one. two, there and the third will flare up. And when there are many such sparks, a real flame will ignite. So one person can do a lot of useful and good things! And he does not even imagine how large-scale his deed will be and how valuable his work before God will be for the good of his soul. "

A. New "Sensei-IV"