How to prepare for heat in Ukrainian. Tips for preparing for heat

The 2016 introductory campaign can be considered officially open: as early as December 15, admission rules should appear on the websites of universities with a list of specialties and subjects for passing the ZNO for each of them. And on May 5, 2016, the first exam of external independent assessment (Ukrainian - ZNO) will take place. So there is less and less preparation time, and you need to use it wisely.

We have collected tips for our readers from the teachers of the EDUGET Training Center, in addition, general recommendations are in our article ZNO without problems.

First advice - Systematic

No matter how much time is left before the test, the body's capabilities are not limitless, which means that watching 5 online lectures in a row will not give anything: the first and the last will be remembered, and the whole middle will mix into an illogical mess. The effectiveness of preparation for malignant neoplasm lies precisely in developing your own pace and following a certain sequence in the classes.

For example, you can allocate 2 or 3 times a week to classes, watch one 20-minute video lecture at a time, then you must pass tests for it (for each lesson, the ProZNO course provides test), after a short rest, repeat the key points.

Second tip - highlight the main thing

This advice logically follows from the previous one. While working with a video course, with a textbook, with your own notes, it is worth writing out separately (preferably directly on cards) key points, main formulas, dates, names, important information to remember. The cards are then convenient to carry with you, they can be placed in front of the monitor, attached to the wall - and repeat, repeat, repeat.

Tip three - Include emotions

Best of all, emotionally charged information, vivid images, something related to personal experiences that resonated in the soul are remembered. This is especially important when studying history and literature.

Conclusion: we turn to the classics of theater and cinema, we go to museums. Have learned a topic about this or that historical period? Watch a play or film about this figure. A trip to a historical museum in general should be included in the list of mandatory events, because in the tests of ZNO on the history of Ukraine, there are many questions about determining the period of a particular illustrative material. (Note that the listeners of the course on the history of Ukraine from ProZNO were initially lucky: all the illustrative material has already been filmed in all museums of the country and is used in video lectures.)

In preparation for the ZNO tests in literature, nevertheless, remember that the script may differ slightly from the literary source, so the order should be as follows: first reading the work, and only then watching its embodiment on stage or in a movie.

Tip four - relaxed atmosphere

One of the Success Secrets of Intensive Courses foreign languages lies precisely in creating a relaxing atmosphere. Once the Bulgarian teacher Georgiy Lozanov discovered that in a state of rest, even in half-sleep, information is memorized and assimilated much better. Then they started talking about the suggestive teaching method (with the help of suggestion), about over-memorization ...

For full use methodology requires an experienced curator, however, it is quite possible to apply some elements in the process of preparation for OLS. What is needed for this? To study in a comfortable chair or on a sofa, not in full light, but in the twilight, to a calm, quiet melody (always without words, preferably in the rhythm of the heart - with a frequency of 60 beats per minute). So you can listen new information, for example, when watching or repeating video lectures from ProZNO. Then you need to go into active mode - turn on more light, sit down at the table, take a test on the topic.

Fifth tip - More communication

Listening to lectures is a passive activity, and it is the information that was used for active actions that is best remembered. In the first place in terms of effectiveness here, of course, is the process of passing the test exercises after each lesson, but in the second place is the retelling of the learned topic to an interested or just a very patient interlocutor.

What to do? It is possible to involve those who are also preparing for the EIT - friends or classmates - and retell topics to each other. If it is difficult to meet, then there is always a mobile connection or skype - the very process of speaking the information helps to put it on the shelves in the head, to make it “yours”.

If everyone else asks questions on the topic he listened to (which can be prepared in advance), then the effectiveness will be even higher: in order to answer, you need not only remember the information as a set of sounds and symbols, but understand the essence of the subject.

Sixth Tip - Move

We have already written about kinesthetics who find it difficult to prepare for an exam that requires perseverance. However, for everyone else it is much more useful to move more - after all, after a good walk, a charge of energy will help to cope with the most difficult tasks! And for the walk itself, you can take a dictaphone with you, on which you yourself or together with friends (see the previous advice) write down the topic for review. And listen with headphones, repeat even several times! If the park has Wi-Fi, then you can connect to your course on the EDUGET platform and listen to the teachers of ProZNO.

Tip Seven - Treasure Map

Feel like a pioneer! Draw on a piece of Whatman paper a huge map with continents, instead of names, write in the objects and topics that you are going to study, and gradually fill in the "blank spots" with formulas, quotes, dates, pictures. The map will hang in the room constantly before your eyes, attract attention, visually show how much terra incognita has not yet been mastered.

You can also pin memory cards and magazine clippings on the same card - whatever your heart desires. The card should be bright, witty, made with love - and, of course, without mistakes, because the wrong spelling is just as firmly imprinted in the memory as the correct one.

A variant of the card for memorization for mathematicians is a large table in which the formulas for memorization are also entered. You can also depict an axis of coordinates, assign different directions or subjects to different sectors to prepare for ZNO and then place points in the field, calling them learned topics. At least visually it will be visible where there are more points, and where there are fewer. All mathematicians will also love the idea of \u200b\u200ban Excel spreadsheet with a list of topics to learn. Each topic can be rated on a 10-point scale, depending on the difficulty, then, as you study the auto-sum, calculate your progress. Or you don't have to bother, but just take tests after each lesson in the ProZNO courses: there the system calculates the results automatically and stores it in your personal account.

Every year, the ZNO brings new surprises to applicants, and before planning your preparation, you should at least familiarize yourself with the specifics of passing the ZNO in 2016. To do this, we offer our selection of help articles.

Spring promises conflicting feelings for schoolchildren. She promises to someone a quick vacation, and who needs to do it. The upcoming meat grinder at VNO makes both applicants and their parents stay awake at night. But it is never too late to train your child if it floats on some object. Moreover, for this you do not need to go to electives and pay tutors - there are enough free (or not quite) online courses in Uanet that promise graduates the highest scores on testing. counted five such projects.


In February, the online educational platform Prometheus is a series of science courses for students who want to prepare for external independent testing. Especially new courses will be able to help applicants from the ATO zone, temporarily occupied territories and refugees, the founders of the platform believe.

The courses are free, and they are read by the teachers of Odessa national university them. I. Mechnikov, Odessa National medical universityas well as school teachers. A total of five disciplines are available: mathematics, physics, chemistry, Ukrainian and English.

The educational portal "Academy" offers free online courses to prepare for UPE in almost all subjects. In addition to the standard set of disciplines, there are also courses in geography, biology, Ukrainian literature and foreign languages. And to get access to all this knowledge, you just need to register in the system.

Project manager - candidate historical sciences, associate professor V.L.Broslavsky. By the way, on the portal you can not only study, but also publish your materials and research not only for the UPE, but also for any educational purposes.


Preparation for UPE consists of five components: interactive lectures with intermediate tasks, illustrated notes, seminars, homework assignments and exams. Communication with students occurs in real time through chat on the platform and social networks... Support is provided 24/7. You can access educational materials at any time and from any device.

Founders of the EdEra platform as a social project. Education is paid, but in the non-standard sense of the word. Payment for training is carried out according to a trust scheme - each student himself sets its size, starting from 1 UAH, based on his own capabilities. There are also free courses on EdEra.

ZNOUA online

ZNOUA Online is a new online UPE preparation platform that builds on the example of Khan Academy. A significant difference from other systems, according to the creators, is the division of a separate topic into micro-skills and skills necessary for high-quality training. Each student can pursue their own preparation plan based on their strengths and weaknesses. Such training will be possible not only on computers and laptops, but also on various mobile devices.

The training takes place in a modern format. The student is presented with different types of problems. If something is not clear, then you can refer to the video explanations. For each achievement, the student receives his reward: a new avatar, badge, badge. True, the platform has not yet been launched - access to it will open in the coming weeks.

"Knowledge online"

Center distance education "Knowledge Online" offers video lessons, final notes and tests to test knowledge of history, mathematics, physics and the Ukrainian language. Lessons are read by teachers from leading universities in Ukraine, including KNU named after T.G. Shevchenko.

Training on the platform is shareware, although in reality it is not. First you need to log in (for this, the student will have to register), after which the student will have access to several topics for free. but further training have to pay.

A week later, on May 5, the main ZNO session starts in Ukraine. The first graduates will take tests in the Ukrainian language and literature. Natalia Kovtonyuk, teacher at the ZNO.UA test preparation center, told how best to prepare for testing in the Ukrainian language.

While repeating the Ukrainian language program, special attention should be paid to exceptions to the rules.

To make it easier to memorize, form associations, make tongue twisters, phrases. Below are examples of some of them:

The colon rule can be remembered by the following phrase: “I see no reason! Complete the explanation! " Then you will remember that in a non-union sentence, a colon is put in front of the part containing the reason, explanation or addition.

The dash rule in a non-union sentence is easily remembered for the following phrase: "Time and place were compared, and the investigation was opposed." And then if part non-union proposal contains the meaning of time, place, comparison, consequences, opposition, then a dash is put.

  • Tips How to pass ZNO in literature as "excellent"

"TsaP HoChe FistaShKi" is a phrase in which all consonants are deaf.

"Romo, pour!" - a phrase in which all consonants are sonorous.

“BUDE GOZHE ҐEDZU IN JAZI” is a phrase in which all consonants are voiced.

"De Ti Z'їSi Tsi LiNi?" - Only after these letters should you write soft sign... And after "R" - only before "O" (zgoryvaniyah) and in the words "Gorky", "Zorkin".

"MaVPa BuF" - after these letters we write an apostrophe in Ukrainian words before I, yu, є, ї.

"MaVPOCHKA BuF KAZHE" Huh "і GuKa іShaka а" - after these letters we write an apostrophe in foreign words before I, yu, є, ї.

"A petty lad who loved sixteen times to brag about his wrist tattoo of a brushwood", "Sknari became sad and because of the reason, he didn’t cut off the tolerances" - these two phrases contain exceptions to the rules of simplification.

“Some of these phrases are taken from textbooks, but most were made by my students, colleagues, or myself. So don't waste your time on useless memorization, get creative! This is how you can remember all the exceptions from spelling! ”Natalia Kovtonyuk is sure.

If it so happened that you did not prepare in advance and there are too many "blank spots" in your knowledge, now, when preparing for the UPE, focus on those sections, of which there are most questions on testing. In particular, there is only one question from the section "Phonetics" in the VNO, and from the "orthoepy" too. Most of the tests are from the sections "Syntax", "Morphology".

Also, make sure that you know how to write an essay in the VNO format, because you can get as much as 20 test points, while for other questions (there are 104) they give from 1 to 4 points.

“Be sure to complete all the tasks of the previous years (they are freely available on the website,” the teacher advises. “Do not forget that nervous system you also need rest, and you need positive emotions. After all, friends are also preparing for the UPE, why not help each other? Therefore, arrange a "battle" on the knowledge of the characters, asking each other short questions.

On the last evening before VNO, the teacher advises to rest. “Eat something tasty, hug someone close. This will ensure healthy sleep, which is so important before the UPE, says Natalia. - I always joke about this when they ask me how I passed in 11th grade ukrainian language and the history of Ukraine by 200 points: a week before the test I fell in love, got distracted from everything and repeated the program in a calm mode. If this had not happened, then I simply would not have slept midnight before the UPE. Therefore, repeat, fall in love, listen to your favorite music, communicate with friends. "

Is it possible to read the news about ZNO? Information about the university? Do you want to try to test yourself? We have selected for you 50 cousins, sorted by theme. Take away sob and talk!

1. - the official site of the UTSOYA (Ukrainian Center for the assessment of the quality of education)

2. - distributed the site with the regional centers of the UCNAO, so that you can know the contacts of the nearest center.

3. - The individual side of the skin participant of the medical examination from the restoration to the removal of the scores and the certification

4. - official site of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

5. - all universities and specialties. Poki scho varto vikoristovuvati resource, schob be amazed at all the specialties and visibility, at what kind of passive ball of treasure pratsyuvati. Plus marvel at the statistics for the past rock

6. - a shout of abіturієntіv for accusations, balls, specialties.

7. - site of assignments to novelties about coverage.

8. - razdil Osvita.YuA, assignments to news about ZNO

9. - a great information portal.

10. - a great catalog of VNZ, colleges, courses and tutors.

11. - courses, news, podії for abіturієntіv and їkh batkіv, bezkoshtovnі files and testi.

12. - great information site about VNZ, ZNO, kursi.

13. - Information portal about ZNO, I will enter the campaign, VNZ and schools.

14. - a state-owned site about professorship with new items and vacancies.

15. - catalog of professions.

16. - statti about the development of the profession, the length of service, the robotization.

17. - Distribution of the information portal, assignments of professors, description of professions, new items.

18. http: // ... - there is a great number of psychological and professional tests.

19. - decal of proficiency tests for scientific methods.

20. - razdil Osvita.YuA, BNZ assignments, I will enter the ratings.

21. - VNZ catalog.

22. - VNZ catalog behind straights.

23. - a great portal about VNZ, Bologna process and ratings.

24. - catalog of VNZ, pіdbir VNZ, abіturієnt calendar.

25. - site with online tests passed the rockyv ZNO.- an author's blog about ZNO s Ukrainian mov and literature. The site is to revenge statty-lessons on different topics, for the sake of effective training and material. Also the author of the blog is to conduct on-line trainings and webinars to ZNO.

31. - another site, assignments to topics of ZNO from the Ukrainian Movies and Literatures.

32. - Electronic version of the book "Ukrainian Orthodoxy"

33. - great online vocabulary. Fragmentation by professors of Ukrainian universities and, for the present day, the largest of the current vocabularies of the Ukrainian language. To revenge word forms, meaning, vidmenyuvannya, synonymy and phraseology.

How to prepare for cancer treatment?

ZNO - external independent assessment, which takes place in the form of tests and is mandatory for all school graduates in Ukraine. Absolutely everyone who wants to enter a higher educational institution must take it. In this article, we will give some effective tips that will help applicants to pass the ZNO with high scores, which will ensure passage to the desired university. Well, let's get started!

    Decide who you want to be... To do this, analyze your interests, desires and knowledge. Assess the situation soberly. If you have already chosen several professions, then select the universities in which you want to study, chat with students, go for a Day open doors selected HEIs, read the requirements (they can be found on the main website of the higher education institution).

    Decide on items in advance... If you want to pass the test well, you must first select those three or four subjects that you will take. Mandatory are the Ukrainian language and literature, history / mathematics (2016), because the points for the first part are transferred to the DPA. You can pass only these subjects, if so required by your university, or choose a few more subjects. For example, in many higher educational institutions future teachers also need biology, and doctors need chemistry or physics.

    Start preparing early... Many people think that “I will start teaching in a week” is a good option. Of course, this will work if you have a phenomenal memory or you are a person who for 11 years not only sat at a desk, but crammed everything and listened attentively. But those who still did not learn and listen to everything (and this is the majority of students) should start preparing from grade 10. Be sure to focus on those subjects that you need first of all, and do not forget about simple school subjects, because the score of the certificate plays an important role in admission (in some universities, the certificate coefficient is 0.1).

    Tutoring... If you are completely bad with a subject that the university requires, then do not spare money for good tutor... If you live in a small town, it is much easier, because you can ask applicants from previous years, teachers or friends. And already with the tutor, discuss how the lesson will be held, what you need for it and how much to pay. Do not be afraid to refuse a tutor after a while, because it often happens that they tell one thing, but in practice another. Many are simply looking for a way to earn extra money and do not invest the necessary knowledge, so you should be very careful and not pay money to “scammers”.

    Buy / print required textbooks, reference books, special training courses... Check with teachers or students on what textbooks you will need. Do not buy too much, only 2-3 + school years will be enough (you can take it from the library or download it to your computer and print it). An excellent solution would be to buy collections in which, in addition to theory, there are also tests.

    Make a preparation schedule... Distribute everything on the shelves. To do this, print the ZNO program and just make a schedule self-preparationso it will be much easier for you to force yourself to learn and you will see how much more you have to learn.

    Chancery... Buy all the stationery you need. For those who like to highlight everything, I recommend buying multi-colored pens, felt-tip pens, markers, pencils and stickers, but you can do without it.

    Solve tests... Lots of tests. Lots of tests. Deconstruct each option. This will help you gain more confidence and confidence. Be sure to take the OHS tests of previous years, because this will show your level of knowledge, and so it will be easier for you to see your mistakes and know what you need to learn.

    Outline... Synopsis is very convenient, because all the material you have learned will be in one place, you will quickly find the topic you need and can be easily re-read a few days before the test. Have you read anything informative about your subject? Write down what you didn't know or what you liked. It is not necessary to keep notes in a strict form, these are not school notebooks, here you can draw and highlight with multi-colored pens and pencils, which is prohibited in many schools.

    Watch movies and video tutorials, subscribe to the ZNO preparation communities. Now there are a lot of video lessons in which they completely lay out all, and sometimes with cognitive additions, the material. Often these videos are about 10 minutes long, which doesn't take long. Various historical films will help you pass history well and better remember the material. Also, if you lead an active social life and cannot imagine a day without the Internet, subscribe to special training communities. Posts are posted there every day in the form of tests or additional materials... Look for information on the Internet yourself, because very often you can find useful tables or rules that you have not seen or did not know before.

Don't be afraid and be confident. Everything will work out if you put in the effort. Do not forget that this is just a test, you should not kill yourself over it and forget about everything else.