Unionless complex sentence. Practice on Punctuation in Compound Sentences Due to Lingering Rains

Topic: Performing the exercises "Compound and complex sentences".

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of students about compound (SSP) and complex (SSP) sentences.

Writing plan:

Exercise number 1. SSP:Indicate the correct explanation of punctuation in the sentence (answer form - number - letter):

A. Compound sentence, before the union And a comma is needed. B. Simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And the comma is not needed. B. Compound sentence, before the union And the comma is not needed. D. A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And a comma is needed. 1. Day faded away () and evening darkness began to approach quickly. 2. The fog dissipated () and the outlines of objects became clearer. 3. The tops of the pines () sounded melodiously and the aspen whispered barely audibly. 4. We were not at home () and we decided to visit our old acquaintances. 5. The road was getting worse () and we decidedly turned back. 6. The sun warmed up quite like summer () and the starlings returning from the warm edges began to build nests. 7. A short shower passed () and the streets smelled of the bitter sweetness of birch buds. 8. The sky was getting lighter every minute () and now the bright rays of the sun burst out from behind the mountains. 9. She dressed up on holidays as a simple woman () and it was very good for her. 10. Branches of cherry blossoms look out of my window () and the wind sometimes strews my table with white petals.

Exercise 2. SSP:Form a complex sentence from a simple common sentence.
Sample: Despite the late hour, birds could still be heard in the forest. “It was late, but you could still hear birds singing in the forest.

1) Despite severe fatigue, I did not want to sleep. 2) Due to prolonged rains, the swamps have become completely impassable. 3) At the end of the report, the listeners asked the speaker many questions. 4) After a detailed discussion of the plan for the upcoming excursion, the students hit the road.

Exercise 3. WBS:All commas are numbered in the sentences below. Write down the numbers that represent the commas between the parts of the complex sentence.

1. - Earlier, (2) it happened, (3) he ate another head of cheese, (4) and on that day he would be stubborn: I don’t want to but I don’t want to! He says (5) that he had dinner at home.

2. All of Russia speaks Russian, (1) and what kind of fool are you? Well, tell me someone in our family, (2) so I don't know Russian? Eh, (3) your poor grandfather, (4) who, (5) having lived in Russia for seven years, (6) spoke Russian better than the postmaster Ivan himself!

3. Then I read my favorite poems, (1) which, (2) although they are not in the curriculum, (3) compulsory for study, (4) I will still read it in the exam, (5) and now I want to read Mary ...

4. He is already standing here, (1) probably, (2) half an hour, (3) therefore everyone, (4) of course, (5) guessed about his fascination ... Kintel backed away, (6) feeling (7 ) how the ears and cheeks are filled with warmth.

5. And, (1) maybe (2) not by chance at these heights, (3) not overcome by a glacier, (4) almost thirty years ago, an unprecedented battle broke out, (5) from which, (6) as my uncle thought Sasha, (7) the saved peoples could start a new chronology.

6. - Come on, (1) - suddenly says grandfather and enters the rhododendron bushes.
- Where? - I ask and, (2) so as not to be left alone, (3) I run after him. Now I notice (4) that there is a barely visible path in the thickets.

7. After all, he already knew (1) that he was ugly. And his freckles and disobedient reddish-whitish whirlpools, (2) which no comb could smooth, (3) he simply hated.

8. Yes, (1) from the very moment, (2) when I became aware of myself, (3) and until the last minute, (4) when you are exhausted, (5) quietly, for the last time put her head on my chest , (6) escorting to the difficult path of life, (7) I always remember your hands at work.

9. -I learned very easily and quickly, (1) - Shchepkin continued his story, - for I was barely six years old, (3) I had already learned the wisdom - the alphabet, (4) the book of hours and the Psalter ... The Book of Hours and the Psalter - two church books, (5) which were completely memorized by heart.

10. You already know (1) what awaits around the corner, (2) because you lost count of them, (3) but you won't order your heart, (4) and it stops in your chest again and again, (5) and you stubbornly hope to be in time understand, (6) think out, (7) write.

11. I will only say (1) that among these words there were many such, (2) which I met with love and joy. And now I'm only talking about those (3) that disgusted me.

12. The cry, (1) full of despair and anguish, (2) broke the silence, (3) hit the rocky slopes of the gully and with a biting echo returned to the savannah, (4) informed its inhabitants, (5) that the owner of these places went out to hunt - leopard.

13. And here Irakli Andronikov showed me a Goethe letter, (1) in which the "darling" says, (2) that, (3) if there were at least one completely happy month in his life, (4) he would, (5) most likely (6) and considered his whole life happy.

14. And here the laughter goes aside, (1) and in its place comes reverence for the past, (2) great pride, (3) that it was and that I remember it.

15. Smiling, (1) she threw back the collar from her lips, (2) pulled off the mittens with her teeth, (3) small pieces of ice adhered to them, (4) breathed on her chilled fingers and looked around carefully.

16. The whole family, together with the "boys" and nieces, in the evening sat at a large table in the dining room, (1) which was a room with grandmother's iconostasis, (2) traditional tropical plants by the windows and a large bookcase, (3) behind the glass of which there were all sorts of portraits: family portraits, (4) schoolgirl daughters in uniforms alone and in groups, (5) godson nephews in student jackets ...

Similar information.

Unionless difficult sentence

In a non-union complex sentence, the following punctuation marks are put: comma, semicolon, colon and dash.

Commais put when listing: The waves sounded, the sun shone, the sea laughed.

Semicolonis put when sentences are less connected in meaning: The windows were opening; dawn; the later birds flew away.

Colonplaced in the following cases:

Second sentence complements first The second sentence indicates reason Second sentence explains first You can insert a union that: You can insert unions because since: You can insert namely: I looked up and saw: there was a girl in front of me. I know you have both pride and outright honor in your heart. The nanny can't sleep: it's so stuffy here. All the way they were silent: mutual dissatisfaction with each other did not stop. The weather deteriorated: snow fell and muzzle, covering traces, drifting snow. I have never seen such an autumn: there was neither a breeze nor a cloud in the transparent sky.

Dash placed in the following cases:

The first sentence means conditionwhat the second sentence says The second sentence points to consequence what is said in the first If the sentence contains opposition: Union can be inserted if ... then: Union can be inserted so: You can insert the union a: The forest is cut - the chips fly. To be afraid of wolves - do not go to the forest. The smoky sun rises - it will be a hot day. The Falcon flies upward, presses itself to the ground. Seven times measure cut once. All! I finished my studies ...


# 1 From a simple sentence, form a compound sentence in which emphasize the main members.

Sample execution:

Despite the late autumn, migratory birds could still be seen in the forest. - Stood already late autumnbut still in the forest could be seen migratory birds.

1. Despite severe fatigue, I did not want to sleep.

2. Due to prolonged rains, the swamps have become completely impassable.

3. At the end of the report, the audience asked the speaker many questions.

4. As a result of the onset of darkness, tourists pitched tents for the night.

# 2 Write down only those complex sentences in which you do not need to put a comma. Underline a common minor term or a common subordinate clause.

1. In early April, the starlings were already noisy and yellow butterflies were flying around the garden.

2. It became stuffy in the house and I went out into the air to freshen up.

3. In the slanting rays of the setting sun, the buildings of the port city shine brightly and the coastal sands gilt.

4. The night was already falling on the mountains and the fog began to roam the gorges.

5. When the moon appeared from behind the clouds, everything around brightened and a silvery path appeared on the sea.

6. Forests rustle with the great ocean rumble and the tops of the pines bend after passing clouds.

7. Suddenly a violin began to play on the lower floor under the balcony and two gentle female voices began to sing.

# 3 Rewrite complex sentences by inserting letters. Arrange punctuation marks, emphasize grammar.

1. When I started working on ... it became clear that the year will be good.

2. Everyone (as if) was waiting for (not) he would still sing.

3. Who once fell in love with science, he loves it for life and (neither, not) when he does not part ... voluntarily.

4. In a dark sky that had a mustache ... but thousands of stars flashed barely ... visible from ... rnits.

5. The tiger that lives in the Ussuriysk Territory is larger than its Indian counterpart.

6. The forest stands silently, (not) mobilely, as if it is peering somewhere (that) with its tops.

7. It was already evening when the train was approaching the station ... where we had to get off.

8. The old man warned us that if p ... the year does not improve ... about hunting ... (not) what to think.

# 4 Rewrite non-union complex sentences, inserting missing letters. Arrange punctuation marks(colon or dash).

1. Love the book, it will help ... t you understand ... the motley confusion of thoughts, it teaches ... t you respect a person.

2. Suddenly I feel someone takes me by the shoulder and pushes me.

3. He called himself we load the floor… in the back.

5. The weather was terrible, the wind was howling, sleet fell in flakes.

6. The night shadow moved over the r ... vninu more (neither, not) which could not be discerned in the darkness.

7. The sun beats down strongly in the evening, perhaps a thunderstorm is gathering ...

8. I went ... all around the triumph ... oh and the kingdom ... oh it was night.

9. Success ... have no harm.

10. A week passed, the other he did not return home.

Form a compound sentence of two independent ones using the indicated conjunctions 1) Ralf hat einen Text übersetzt. Er hat leider viele Fehler gemacht. (Aber) 2) Karl geht in die Schule. Seine kleine Schwester bleibt zu Hause. (Und) 3) In diesem Sommer war das Wetter sehr schön. Wir haben vielgebadet. (deshalb) 4) Zuerst hören die Kinder einen Text von der Kassette ab. Sie beantwortet die Fragen des Lehrers (dann) 5) Ich gehe heute nicht ins Kino. Ich muss meinen kranken Freund besuchen. (Denn)

Form a compound sentence of two independent ones using the indicated conjunctions 1) Ralf hat einen Text übersetzt. Er hat leider viele Fehler gemacht. (Aber) 2) Karl geht in die Schule. Seine kleine Schwester bleibt zu Hause. (Und) 3) In diesem Sommer war das Wetter sehr schön. Wir haben vielgebadet. (deshalb) 4) Zuerst hören die Kinder einen Text von der Kassette ab. Sie beantwortet die Fragen des Lehrers (dann) 5) Ich gehe heute nicht ins Kino. Ich muss meinen kranken Freund besuchen. (Denn)

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Determine the language Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Kanda Yoruba Chinese Chinese Lappish Spanish Kanda Yoruba Chinese Korean latin Spanish Kanish Yoruba Chinese Korean Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Estonian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Sebuan Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Ukrainian Urduinian Khimono Chilean Thai Tamil Telugu Urduinian Khimon Japanese ) Azeri Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belor Us Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Lao Maltese Latin Latvian Liider Malay Malay Malay Malay Latish Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuan Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Purpose:

Ralph Form a compound sentence from two independent ones using the indicated conjunctions 1) the translated text. He made many mistakes. (a) 2) Karl goes to school. His little sister stays at home. (and) 3) this summer, the weather was very pleasant. We swam a lot. (therefore) 4) the first children to listen to the text from the cassette. You answered the teacher's questions (then) 5) I'm not going to the movies today. I must visit my sick friend. (because)

An exercise. Form a complex sentence from a simple common sentence.

Sample: Despite the late hour, birds could still be heard in the forest. “It was late, but you could still hear birds singing in the forest.

1. Despite severe fatigue, I did not want to sleep. 2. Due to prolonged rains, the swamps have become completely impassable. 3. At the end of the report, the audience asked the speaker many questions. 4. After a detailed discussion of the plan for the upcoming excursion, the students hit the road.

An exercise. Rewrite sentences, emphasize grammar and make diagrams.

1. Outside the window, a snowball was slowly falling, and a snowy, clear light lay on the walls of the room (A. Tolstoy). 2. Monthly light fell from the windows in pale blue, pale silver arches, and in each of them there was a smoky shadow cross, softly breaking over illuminated armchairs and chairs (Bunin). 3. The sun went down, and golden dust stood over the city (A. Tolstoy). 4. The train started, and she stopped, looking with wide blue eyes at the wagons flashing along the platform (Bunin). 5. It was quiet in the garden, only the bird sometimes turned and fell asleep in the linden branches, and the tree frogs sighed softly, and the fish splashed in the pond (AN Tolstoy).

An exercise. Write down the text, insert the missing letters. In complex sentences, highlight the grammatical foundations. Make a diagram of the 5th sentence.

Was since mid-March. In ... sleep this year turned out to be even, friendly. Fromr..dka out..have abundant, but short d..hdi. We have already traveled to .. forests on roads, p .. covered with thick mud. The snow was still lying in snowdrifts in deep forests and in t..yy..enemies, but on the p... the donkey, became loose and dark, and from (under) it (some) there was a big bald ... .. black .. black, fat, steamed on the bottom of the earth. B..rezovye buds swelled, and the lambs on the willows from white became yellow, fluffy and huge. The willow blossomed.

Pch..ly poured out of st..ev for the first bribe, and on the forest p..lany ro..ko the first snowdrops appeared.

We with (not) t..penia waited for the aforementioned years of old icons..with little skv..rtsov - these first per..years old cities, rados..new weights..nikov in..sny

(According to A. Kuprin.)

An exercise. Explain punctuation marks in the following compound sentences. Highlight the conjunctions connecting parts of the sentences.

1. The plane was gaining altitude, and big city with squares and rectangles of quarters quickly decreased before our eyes (Azhanov). 2. He appeared at our construction site only six months ago, and we immediately became friends (Chakovsky). 3. The hot sun was looking longingly for the wind, but there was no wind (Turgenev). 4. Either I did not understand myself, then the world did not understand me (Lermontov). 5. A warm summer rain fell all night long, and by morning the air was fresh, it smelled strongly of lilacs, and I wanted to run out into the garden as soon as possible (Nagibin). 6. He never cried, but at times a wild stubbornness found him (Turgenev).

An exercise. Indicate in which cases the union is used in compound sentences, and in which - in sentences with homogeneous members. Put necessary signs punctuation.

1. On the right side of these meadows stretched mountains and in a slightly noticeable strip in the distance the Dnieper (Gogol) burned and darkened. 2. It became dark and the street was little by little empty (Chekhov). 3. We walked towards the sea and soon found ourselves on a rocky ledge overhanging the abyss (Nagibin). 4. The cranes fly away and low autumn clouds obscure the sky (Soloukhin). 5. The summer was dry and sultry, and the glaciers in the mountains began to melt in early June (Babel).

An exercise. Use the necessary punctuation marks.

1. In the evening it got colder and the puddles were covered with thin ice. 2. In early April, starlings were already noisy and yellow butterflies (Chekhov) were flying in the garden. 3. From the east, dark rain clouds approached and sipped moisture from there. 4. The sunrise rose and fell again and the horse got tired of jumping steppes (Svetlov). 5. In the blue sky, clouds float and migratory birds fly by (Prishvin). 6. Soon the whole garden, warmed by the sun, caressed, came to life and the dew drops like diamonds sparkled on the leaves and the old neglected garden that morning seemed so young and elegant (Chekhov). 7. The swallows disappeared and yesterday at dawn all the rooks were flying and like a net flashed over that mountain (Fet).

An exercise. Write off by placing the missing punctuation marks. Highlight grammatical foundations in complex sentences.

1. The memory of the past of Russia is kept not only by the manuscripts of ancient authors, ancient mounds and settlements, but also by old geographical names hide some historical facts... 2. KamAZ is known as a supplier of heavy dump trucks and this fact allows it to actively use its brand. 3. The Trinity-Sergius Lavra was founded in the XIV century and to this day the monks preserve the tradition of hospitality. 4. A strong cyclone hit Sakhalin, but communication with the mainland was not interrupted.

Test tasks

(The concept of a complex sentence. The main types of complex sentences)

1. When is a complex sentence given?

a) Each language belongs to a society, a known social union.

b) Friend of idle thought, my inkwell, I have decorated my varied age with you.

c) There is patience, there will be skill.

d) Approaching the porch, he noticed two faces peering out of the windows almost at the same time: a woman in a cap, narrow and long, like a cucumber, and a man, round, wide, like Moldavian pumpkins.

2. What complex sentence has three simple ones?

a) Life is terrible and wonderful, and therefore, no matter what terrible story you tell in Russia, no matter how you decorate it with robber's nests, long knives and miracles, it will always echo in the soul of the listener with reality.

b) Some shops are flooded with light, and it seems that people are swimming in them, like fish in the water of aquariums.

c) I remember that when you used to come to us on vacation or just like that, it became somehow fresher and brighter in the house, as if the covers were being removed from the chandelier.

d) The color of the animal was so much like the color of the bark that if it remained motionless, then it would be completely impossible to notice it.

3. What complex sentence has four simple ones?

a) To see and hear a writer for me, a provincial - I was then working in Siberia - would be an extraordinary, dazzling happiness, which I could not even hope for.

b) I noticed that wherever you go, you will find something wonderful.

c) I wanted to throw myself on my father's neck and, as Anisya taught, bow at his feet, but the view of the dacha with Gothic windows held me back.

d) Camus came to literature with the realization that life is meaningless and the sky is empty, and this paralyzed his humanistic aspirations to a certain extent.

4. Which sentence is complex?

a) Heine created The Winter's Tale in Paris, where Turgenev wrote Fathers and Sons.

b) As soon as the December dawn began, Anochka went out into the street.

c) Wilderness and game in the Pushcha, however, clear glades are divided into regular numbered squares.

d) How he got here - he could not understand this in any way.

5. Which sentence is complex?

a) I will answer you very simply, since we are already friends.

b) On both sides there are high, up to five meters in height, inaccessible walls of reeds, which have long been called supports, while the deep thickets of green dense thickets are called the Caspian jungle.

c) The most delicate shades of colors - red, crimson, yellow and green - painted the cloud, the rays also changed their color every moment.

d) Then there were blows, then the wheels sang.

6. Which sentence is a complex non-union?

a) I don't know if there will be a date.

b) Since these verses are written, I look at them as if they were a commodity.

c) No matter how warm the rain was, we began to chill.

Test tasks

(Compound sentence and its grammatical features)

1. What scheme reflects the structure of a complex sentence?

a) or, or.

b), (what ...).

d) (if ...),.

2. In what case are conjunctions given that can connect parts of a compound sentence?

a) what if, when

b) but, however

c) because, due to the fact that, because

d) how, although

3. In what case are the parts of a compound sentence connected by a connecting union?

a) Mitya slept with unfinished windows, and the garden and the moon stared into them all night.

b) It was foggy in the morning, but by breakfast the weather cleared up.

c) A corncrake will start screaming behind a nearby bush, or a pood fish will hit with a cannon shot.

d) I don't want to think about anything, or thoughts and memories wander, vague, unclear, like a dream.

4. In what case are the parts of a compound sentence connected by a dividing union?

a) The sea shone, everything was in bright light, and the waves beat menacingly against the stone.

b) Only the heart beats, but the song sounds, and the string rumbles softly.

c) Neither the viburnum grows between them, nor the grass turns green.

d) You either listen, or let others listen.

5. In what case are the parts of a compound sentence connected by an adversarial union?

a) The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruits are sweet.

b) Either the bird is flying, or the rain is noisy.

c) Her face was pale, her slightly parted lips also turned pale.

d) This artist is talented, and yet his paintings do not touch you.

6. In what case are parts of a compound sentence connected by a double conjunctive union?

a) Bunin was incredibly curious, and he always needed, in all the details, to know the life around him.

b) But the calyx of the bells always tilts to the ground, while these unknown flowers had the cups stretched upwards.

c) The inspector walked around the classroom with concentrated anger, not saying a word, and that was bad form.

d) Not only I could not bear this circus performance, but also my sister looked at the trained animals with longing, resentment and pity.

Test tasks

(Punctuation marks in a compound sentence)

1. In what case does the union connect parts of a compound sentence?

a) The corridors and the large room were bare and empty and seemed unusually spacious and light.

b) The blizzard was a blizzard and chilled the blood.

c) It is fresh, and the mountains, blown by the sea air, take on purple tones.

d) Only thoughts rush and beat, and greet him with restlessness.

2. In what case is a comma needed before the union?

a) High in the sky blue stars shine and a milky white moon shines.

b) A horn blows in the yard and dogs howl at different voices.

c) The windows to the garden are raised and from there it blows a cheerful autumn coolness.

d) Silence and solitude.

3. In what case is a comma not needed before the union?

a) The sun went down and began to get dark.

b) It froze and for snow fields, in the west, dimly shining through the clouds, the dawn was yellow.

c) And the forests would not grow without the sun and the bread would not ripen in the fields.

d) Cold blows from the window and pours snow.

4. In what case are punctuation marks incorrectly placed in a sentence?

a) Love knows no fear, and rejects fear, and rises from the dust.

b) And why this strange night, and why is this sleepy ship standing in the sleepy sea?

c) Sweeps and there is no end to the blizzard.

d) The snow melted and washed away the trail.

5. In what case are punctuation marks incorrectly placed in a sentence?

a) Petersburg Street aroused in me a thirst for spectacles, and the very architecture of the city inspired me with a kind of childish imperialism.

b) The comedy was directed by him, and he rehearsed with the actors himself.

c) They said a lot about Pushkin and said something, they said little about Lermontov and said nothing.

d) Someone gives me a hand, and someone smiles.

1. Womit beschäftigt sich die Gerontologie?

2. Was für eine Rolle spielt im Leben die Bewegung?

3. Dürfen ältere Menschen Sport treiben?

4. Welcher Versuch wurde im Forschungsinstitut für Körperkultur angestellt?

5. Wie wirken Körperübungen auf den menschlichen Organismus ein?

8. Write down only those sentences that correspond to the content of the text and translate them into Russian.

1. Es existieren an die zweihundert Theorien, welche die Ursachen des Alterns sowohl des gesamten Organismus als auch der einzelnen Zellen und sogar der Moleküle zu ergründen suchen.

2. Die Bein- und Fußmuskeln, die sich in fast dauernder Bewegung befinden, altern auch so schnell wie z.B. die weniger trainierte Bauchmuskulatur.

3. Körperkultur und hohes Alter? In dieser Gegenüberstellung liegt etwas Widernatürliches.

4. Sportler, die in den älteren Jahren ihre sportliche Betätigung aufgeben, leiden im gleichen Masse an den typischen Alterskrankheiten wie diejenigen, die nie Sport getrieben haben.

5. Die Körperübungen wirken nicht so günstig auf den Stoffwechsel und das Kreislaufsystem.

Second option

1. Form a compound sentence from two simple sentences using the conjunctions given in brackets and translate them into Russian.

1. Abends spielt meine Mutter oft Klavier. Bei ihrem Spiel denke ich ans Meer oder ans Gewitter. (und) 2. Bis sechs Uhr machte ich meine Hausaufgaben. Später spielte ich Fußball mit meinen Schulfreunden. (dann) 3. Die Prüfungen sind schon ganz nah. Wir müssen den ganzen Stoff wiederholen. (deshalb) 4. Gestern wollten wir einen Ausflug machen. Es regnete den ganzen Tag. (aber) 5. In Puschkins Familie wurde immer französisch gesprochen. Puschkin sprach als Kind ausgezeichnet französisch. (denn)

2. From the sentences below, write out only additional subordinate clauses and translate them into Russian.

1. Der Lehrer hat uns gesagt, dass wir bald ein Diktat schreiben werden. 2. Er hat gefehlt, weil er lange krank war. 3. Die Reisenden fragten den Reiseführer, welche Sehenswürdigkeiten sie in Berlin besichtigen werden. 4. Da ich sehr müde bin, bleibe ich lieber zu Hause. 5. Die Eltern wollten wissen, ob ihre Tochter sie am Wochenende besucht.

3. Insert the zu particle where needed.

1. Er hört mich Klavier ______ spielen.

2. Er hat versprochen, _______ kommen.

3. Ein Glück, dass sie_______ rauchen aufgehört hat.

4. Das Buch blieb auf dem Tisch _____ liegen.

5. Er hat mir versprochen, heute Abend _____ kommen.

6. Wir können diese Aufgabe ______ erfüllen.

7. Wir lehrten ihn gewissenhaft mit den Büchern _____________ (umgehen).

8. Er muss noch lernen sich auf der Bühne frei und schön ______bewegen.

9.Du brauchst das Hotelzimmer nicht______________ (abbestellen).

10. Nach dem Spiel laufen die Kinder________ essen.

4. Make a sentence using the infinitive phrases um… zu, statt… zu, ohne… zu.

1. Fahre mit der U-Bahn, um ... zu ... (den Zug nicht verpassen). 2. Statt… zu… (ein Telegramm aufgeben), ruft sie mich an. 3. Er ging vorbei, ohne ... zu ... (uns bemerken). 4. Die Touristen machen eine Rundfahrt durch die Stadt, um… zu… (alle Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen). 5. Statt… zu… (die Wörter übersetzen), liest das Mädchen den Text.