A question mark is put. When does the question mark appear? Do I need a subheading question

When does the question mark appear?

    A question mark is put in two cases: 1) When a specific question is raised, or thoughtfulness is expressed. For example: What is the date today? 2) When surprise is expressed or a rhetorical question is asked, the question mark is used with an exclamation point. For example: You ?!

    Question mark - a punctuation mark, which, as a rule, is put in sentences that are interrogative for the purpose of the statement, i.e. in sentences containing a question. In addition, this sign is also placed in rhetorical questions, i.e. questions that do not require an obligatory answer. And here the function of the question mark is rather to draw attention to the problem raised by the author.

    A question mark is placed after direct question, including after following one after another incomplete interrogative sentences, for example:

    Who is this? Was the commander in chief himself? (L. Tolstoy).

    Will I fall, pierced by an arrow, or will it fly by? (Pushkin).

    Who are you? Alive? Dead? (A. Blok).

    Note. In interrogative sentences with homogeneous members, a question mark can be placed after each homogeneous member for the purpose of dismembering the question, for example:

    Who cares for me? before them? to the whole universe? (Griboyedov).

    A question mark in brackets is used to express doubt or bewilderment of the writer, most often within the quoted text.

    A question mark is placed in interrogative sentences when there are interrogative pronouns that appear at the beginning of a sentence: who, what, how much, why, why, how, when, or is it an interrogative particle. Sometimes a question mark is put in a sentence, if the question follows from the context, usually this happens when transmitting direct speech. For example: A stranger asked: "Is your dad at home?" a verb before direct speech indicates that the phrase contains a question and therefore a question mark is required.

    The question mark is placed in simple sentences with interrogative intonation, which, as a rule, include an interrogative pronoun or an interrogative pronoun adverb.

    Where does the sun live?

    Who will tell the kid a bedtime story?

    What is the nightingale singing about?

    The question mark is also placed in non-allied sentences if a direct question is asked.

    Let us ask ourselves the question: is evil growing or not growing on Earth?

    I don't understand: why are you interested in describing the hurricane?

    He walked home and thought: why is grandfather sick?

    Rhetorical questions that draw the attention of listeners to the problem posed and do not require an answer are also formalized with a question mark.

    What is beauty?

    What does the scientist leave behind?

    First of all, it is worth noting that the question mark is one of the punctuation marks. But determining when to put a question mark is not difficult. It is necessary to put a question mark in those sentences in which a question is implied and, accordingly, interrogative intonation. For example, what's your name?

    We put a sign at the end of the sentence.

    If we ask a question, then in written speech there must be a question mark at the end of the sentence. In oral speech, such phrases have an interrogative intonation.

    In addition, at the beginning of a sentence there may be interrogative words, such as, who what what how much with whom etc.

    In other cases, there is no interrogative word, but the interrogative intonation remains. In addition, such questions (without the question word) can be answered in the affirmative (yes) or negative (no).

    A question mark is a punctuation mark that is not used in all sentences containing a question. Question it should be direct:

    In sentences with homogeneous members, a question mark can be placed after each of them, because in oral speech we can make a special pause and raise our voice after each of such homogeneous members. Read more about this here.

    IN indirect issues there is no question mark.

    This is not just a made-up rule to make our life even more difficult. It is due to the difference in intonation in sentences with an indirect question. In fact, it is no different from the intonation of affirmative sentences, and this must be reckoned with.

    With regard to all punctuation rules,

    the answers are wonderfully given.

    But there are situations in life

    when questions permeate dreams.

    When you try to find the answer painfully

    all in search, leaving with concentration,

    then the question grins meaningfully,

    and no answer ... only ellipsis ...

    The one who came up with this interrogative,

    much needed, but also very complex sign,

    i didn't think he was so tiresome,

    when the answer cannot be found.

    A question mark is posed when a question is asked. Regardless of whether this is a rhetorical question (not requiring an answer) or not. For example: What are you doing ?; How are you?. Well, and rhetorical: Is it really starting to rain? etc

    The question mark is one of the main punctuation marks that is almost always placed at the end of a sentence. A question mark can stand in the middle of a sentence and be enclosed in parentheses, in cases where this punctuation mark means doubt - We met a neighbor from the fifth or sixth (?) Floor.

    In writing, a question mark can sometimes be combined with an exclamation mark or ellipsis to give a more emotional coloring to a sentence.

We all know that a question mark is placed at the end of a sentence and expresses a doubt or question. But not everyone knows that this punctuation mark comes from two Latin letters "q" and "o" (these are the first and last letters latin word "Quæstio", which means "search" or "question").

Previously, such an abbreviation (qo) ended an interrogative sentence, and later it was replaced by a ligature in the form of a question mark. Originally, the letter "q" was written above the "o". Later, such a spelling turned into the modern style known to us.

In most languages, the question mark is placed exclusively at the end of a sentence. But in spanish question and exclamation marks ("¡!" and "¿?") are placed at the beginning and at the end of a sentence. In this case, an inverted sign stands in front of the sentence, and an ordinary one at the end. For example: "¿Cómo estás?" (Spanish).

One question mark has long been used in Spanish. Only after 1754, when the Royal Academy of Languages \u200b\u200bissued the second edition of "Spelling", question marks began to begin and end interrogative sentences. The same goes for the exclamation mark.

This rule did not immediately find wide application. In the 19th century, there are still texts where there are no question marks and exclamation marks in inverted form at the beginning of sentences. But the syntax of the Spanish language is considered peculiar, and it is sometimes difficult to determine in which part of a complex phrase the interrogative part begins. Therefore, over time, in all texts, they began to put two interrogative and exclamation marks in sentences.

For a long time, in Spanish, inverted signs were used only in long sentences in order to avoid their false interpretation. But in short and simple questions, they put only one question mark at the end of the sentence.

Into modern Spanish big influence renders english language... Today, this language is increasingly limited to just one question mark. This trend can be observed especially clearly on the forums on the Internet.

As for the Russian language, until the end of the 15th century, all the texts were written either without spaces between words, or were divided into inseparable segments. The period in Russian writing appeared in the 1480s, and the comma in 1520. The semicolon appeared later and was used as a question mark. Even later, question and exclamation marks began to be used. For the first time N. Karamzin used dash in his texts, and by the end of the 18th century. this punctuation mark began to be used more actively.

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Inverted question mark

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Question mark (? ) - a punctuation mark, usually placed at the end of a sentence to express a question or doubt. For example: "So, passing by, not getting involved, not wasting time, effort, 'it doesn't concern me' has become a familiar feeling?" - Daniil Granin.

It has been found in printed books since the 16th century, but to express the question, it was fixed much later, only in the 18th century.

The outline of the sign comes from the Latin letters q and o (quaestio - search for an answer). Initially, they wrote q over o, which were then transformed into the modern style.

It can be combined with an exclamation mark to indicate surprise (?!) (According to the rules of Russian punctuation, the question mark is written first).

  • 1 Interesting facts
  • 2 See also
  • 3 Notes
  • 4 Literature
  • some languages, such as Spanish, also use an inverted question mark (¿, U + 00BF) at the beginning of a phrase in addition to the usual question mark at the end. For example: ¿Cómo estás? (Spanish How are you?)
  • in French, the question mark, like some other punctuation marks, is separated from the word by a space, for example: Qu "est-ce que tu dis? (fr. What are you saying?)
  • in command templates of various operating systems, usually the "?" stands for any character.
  • in Microsoft Windows operating systems, the use of the service character "?" is prohibited in the file name. If necessary, use the symbols "7" or "¿" as a substitute. But it should be remembered that not all programs support files with the “¿” symbol in the name.
  • in early versions of BASIC, the "?" was an alternative notation for the PRINT command.
  • in arabic and in languages \u200b\u200bthat use Arabic script (e.g. Persian), the question mark is written in reverse ( ؟ - U + 061F).
  • in Greek and Church Slavonic languages, an inverted question mark is used: the dot is at the top, and the "curl" is at the bottom. The question mark is depicted as the symbol ";".

see also

  • Interrobang
  • Exclamation mark
  • Replacement character

Notes (edit)

  1. History of Russian punctuation. The role of punctuation marks. N.G. Goltsova
  2. Pletneva A.A. Kravetskiy A.G. Church Slavonic language... M., 2001.


  • Question mark (?) // encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional volumes). - SPb., 1890-1907.

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Question Mark Information About

Do I need question mark at the end of the sentence "Ask mom, she knows this person *"

To convey interrogative intonation, it can be set question mark... But it's better to rephrase: Ask your mom if she knows this person.

Question number 299250

Good day! Tell me how to correctly format the title "Do you know that ..." - is it necessary question mark?

Russian language help desk response

Question mark after the ellipsis is not needed.

Question number 298682

Do I need to put question mark at the end of similar sentences? Or here in the middle question mark and dash? "What he wants from me, I cannot understand." "What are you trying to tell me, I don't understand."

Russian language help desk response

Question mark no need to put.

Question number 297607

If the title is "Did you know what ..." Next is the answer (new sentence). Should I use a question mark?

Russian language help desk response

Question mark in this case it is not needed.

Question No. 296433

Hello. I have a question. Please tell me if you can use question mark at the end of the title in a scientific publication, in my case, this is the title of a scientific publication in the field of history. I really hope for your answer.

Russian language help desk response

Among the articles on history and historical sciencespublished on the site of the Cyberleninka project, we found several similar examples. Consequently, there is no prohibition on the use of a question mark at the end of the titles of scientific articles.

Question No. 295836

Children and adults think (,) how to help her (?) The question is whether or not to put a comma and a question mark?

Russian language help desk response

You need to put a comma, question mark - not.

Question No. 295811

Hello! Do I need to put question mark in the headings of the text such as: "How to determine the profitability ...?", "In what cases is it required ...?", "What is the information for ...?", "What is devaluation?" If a question mark it is not necessary to put it, then how can this be justified (after all, this is an interrogative sentence)? Thank!

Russian language help desk response

Such sentences can be intonationally designed both as interrogative and as narrative. At the end of the heading - an interrogative sentence is put question mark, at the end of the heading - a declarative non-exclamation sentence, no sign is put. Punctuation marks are decided by the author. Wed book titles: Do we know Russian? (M.D. Aksyonova), What do you say? (V.F.Barashkov) and What is it about (I. B. Levontina), How to parse and assemble a word (I. G. Miloslavsky).

Question No. 294640

Good day! We need your hint about the question mark with sentences in quotes. I heard that with an interrogative sentence in quotation marks, a question mark is placed after the quotation marks. And if this is the name of the event from two sentences? Creative meeting "Crochet. How to knit fast"? How are closing quotes placed in this case: before the question mark or after? Please, tell me.

Russian language help desk response

If a question mark is included in the name of an event (in the given example, it seems to be included), then it is written before the closing quotes: Creative meeting "Crochet. How to knit quickly?"

If a question mark refers to the entire sentence, then after the quotation marks. For instance: Have you watched the movie "Gogol. Beginning"?

Question No. 294634

Please tell me, is it possible to combine a question mark with an ellipsis at the end of a sentence? If so, how is it formalized? With three dots (? ..) or four (? ...) Thanks in advance

Russian language help desk response

Yes, it is possible. Is written question mark and two dots: ... this is the end?..

Question No. 294262

Hello! I would like to clarify which sign to put at the end of a sentence, one part of which is narrative and the other contains a question. The sentence is: Who needs the truth, I would like to know (?) What is better to put here, question mark or point? Answer please.

Russian language help desk response

If the words i would like to knowdo not contain a question (would you like it or not?), you need to put a full stop at the end of the sentence.

Question No. 293930

Good day. Please tell me if you need a period inside the quotation mark or another period (after the quotation mark) in the sentence: When I was going to move to France, I heard only one thing: “You are lucky. Go. "

Russian language help desk response

The period is placed only after the closing quotes: When I was going to move to France, I heard only one thing: “You are lucky. Go ahead. " And here question mark, exclamation mark and ellipsis are placed before quotation marks: When I was going to move to France, I heard only one thing: “You are lucky. Go! "

Question No. 292287

Hello. Sorry to bother you, but I have been tormented by one question for a long time, the answer to which I could not find. I would be very grateful if you can help me with this. The bottom line is this: is it possible to write appeals in the third person with a particle "would"? Example: Katya, I would clean up and go to rest. Zhenya, I would put my head on her shoulders (,?) And say: "My dear, I'm so tired." One more thing. If at the beginning of the sentence there is a question, azatm it smoothly turns into a narrative, then a question mark is not put?

Russian language help desk response

Such incentive sentences, starting with an appeal, can be built.

If the sentence is pronounced without interrogative intonation, question mark not put.

Question No. 292155

In a sentence with direct speech: A: "P?" - according to your schemes, why not a dot after the closing quotation mark? Wouldn't it be more correct: A: "P?". - question mark is put at the end of direct speech, and a period after quotation marks as a period at the end of the whole sentence.

Russian language help desk response

No, the point is not needed. A period after the quotation marks is not put if there is an ellipsis, a question mark, or an exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, and the quotation (or direct speech) enclosed in quotation marks is an independent sentence.

Question No. 291940

Hello! Explain this question. Can I use question mark at the end of the sentence-question, if further in the text the author answers the question posed.

Russian language help desk response

If the sentence contains a question, then it is possible and necessary.

Question No. 290564

Do I need to put question mark in the sentence "Olga was there too, where can we go without her"?

Russian language help desk response

Question mark may or may not be set depending on intonation. The decision is made by the author of the text.

A punctuation mark (?), Placed at the end (in some languages, for example, in Spanish, and at the beginning, in inverted form) of an interrogative sentence ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

question mark - (Question mark) Punctuation mark expressing interrogative intonation. It is placed at the end of a sentence, and in some languages \u200b\u200b(for example, in Spanish) also at the beginning of an inverted sentence ... Font terminology

question mark - The graphic sign "?", Used to indicate an interrogative sentence. In Spanish, there are two question marks, one upside down at the beginning of a phrase and one upside down at the end. Topics ... ... Technical translator's guide

question mark - Cm … Synonym dictionary

Question mark

Question mark - 1. A question mark is placed at the end of a simple sentence containing a question, for example: Did their brother come? Vladimir Ivanovich? (Chekhov). Matchmaking? Yes? (Fedin). Note. The question mark can be placed in ... ... Spelling and Styling Reference

Question mark (?) -? Inquiry "?" redirected here. Cm. also other meanings. A question mark (?) Is a punctuation mark, usually placed at the end of a sentence to express a question or doubt. Occurs in printed books since the 16th century, but for expression ... ... Wikipedia

question mark - a punctuation mark (?), placed at the end (in some languages, for example, in Spanish, and at the beginning, in inverted form) of an interrogative sentence. * * * QUESTION MARK A QUESTION MARK, a punctuation mark (?) At the end (in some ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Question mark - A question mark (inosk.) About the unknown, mysterious, doubtful. Wed Other manifestations that attracted my eyes during walks along the Nevsky, still remain mysteries, a question mark, something in the kind of history ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

question mark - A punctuation mark, which is put: 1) at the end of an interrogative sentence. Won't you leave? Not? (Chekhov); 2) optional in interrogative sentences with homogeneous members after each homogeneous member in order to dismember the question. Who are you ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms


  • ALL? , Gr. Mark, Gregory Mark's new book "B? C? E?", Where a question mark turns black after each of the three letters of the title, is not a bow towards blatant verbal modernism and not playing with it. ... Category: Classical and contemporary prose Series: Russian Diaspora. Collection of poetry and prose Publisher: Aletheia, Buy for 278 rubles
  • The youngest son of the Cursor, Igor Budkov, There is an emergency in the virtual world. One of the Cursor's three sons disappeared from the monitor screen. The head of counterintelligence Voprosy Voprosovich and his deputy question mark in English ... Category: Children's adventures Series: Virtual Adventures of the Question Publisher: Author, Buy for 49.9 rubles eBook (fb2, fb3, epub, mobi, pdf, html, pdb, lit, doc, rtf, txt)