The initiator of the first and second Kamchatka expedition. Vitus Bering, or Northern Commander Path


On April 28, 1732 (280 years ago), a decree was issued on the organization of the second Kamchatka expedition, under the leadership of V.I. Bering and A.I. Chirikova, signed by Empress Anna Ioannova. The purposeful study of the heritage of expedition studies of those years today is very relevant. The XVIII century information is of great interest, as they refer to the temporary period for which it is characteristic the greatest degree The preservation of the nature of regions and the traditional culture of peoples reflected in documentary sources collected by the participants of the expedition.

The purpose of the abstract: to explore the geographical studies of the second Kamchatka Expedition 1733--1743.

Based on the purpose, we define the following tasks:

1. Get acquainted with the biographies of prominent participants in the second Kamchatka expedition

2. Trace the expedition route and identify the most important discoveries

3. Determine the geographical value of the expedition

When writing an abstract, we used the materials of the library of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University.

Expedition equipment. Participants

The purpose and tasks of the second Kamchatka expedition

Admiralty-board was not quite pleased with the results of the first expedition of the Bering. She agreed that in the place where Bering was swimming, there was no compound, or, as they said, the similarities of the "Kamchatka Land" with America, but the I could be left between Asia and the new light could be north. In addition, the Senate pointed out (September 13, 1732), which was not made of astronomical observations and there were no detailed information about the "local peoples, customs, on the fruits of the earth, about metals and minerals." Therefore, according to the senate's opinion, it was necessary to explore the North Sea against the mouth of Kolyma, and hence to swim into Kamchatka. It is clear that the Senate was not confident in the existence of a strait between Asia and America (Fig. 1).

Bering himself was aware that his swimming of 1728 did not quite allowed the tasks to him. Immediately after returning to Petersburg, already in April 1730, he filed a project of a new expedition. In this project, he offered to build a vessel on Kamchatka and to try to divide the coast of America, which, according to Bering proposals, "not very far from Kamchatka, for example, 150 or 200 miles to be". As an argument in favor of this opinion, Bering led the following considerations: "Removing, invented" (ie, he opened). Finally, Bering pointed out the need to study the coast of Siberia from Ob to Lena.

On April 17, 1732, a decree on the equipment of a new expedition to Kamchatka under the bosses of Bering was followed. In the conviction of the plan of the expedition, the Senate, Admiralty-Collegium and the Academy of Sciences took part. Astronoma Josephid Delile was instructed to make a map of Kamchatka and adjacent countries. Bering's first expedition did not bring data that would allow to resolve the question of how far America is from Asia.

Joseph Delilis was in 1732 to the leadership of the expedition map "Lands and Seas, located north of the Southern Sea". On this map to the south of Kamchatka and east of the "Earth IESO", a non-existent "land, which Don Juan de Gama saw was applied. In confirmation of the reality of this land, the divyl refers to the above-mentioned data of Bering on finding land to the east of Kamchatka. Meanwhile, Bering referred to the Commander Islands, in those days not yet open. Be that as it may, Delili recommended looking for the land of the Gama "for noon" from Kamchatka, east of the so-called land of the company found by the Dutch in 1643. Regarding this land, Gama Delilius expresses the assumption whether it is connected with America in California. As the Gama Delilius presented himself, you can see on the map, published by him in Paris in 1752. The wrong card of Delilis was the reason for many failures of the Bering expedition.

According to the project of Bering, and the second expedition should have been achieved by Kamchatka by dry path, through Siberia, like the first. It should be noted, however, it should be noted that the President of Admiralty Admiral Nikolai Fedorovich Golovin made an expedition to carry out an expedition to Kamchatka by the Sea Powered by South America, past Mount Mountain and Japan; Golovin was taken to even become the head of such an enterprise. But his project was not accepted, and the first Russian circumnavigation It was carried out only in 1803-1806 under the head of Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky, who elected exactly the path to Kamchatka, who was assumed by the head-past Mount Horn.

At the direction of the Senate (Decree on December 28, 1732), one of the goals of the expedition was to find out if there is a combination of Kamchatka land with America, such a passage of the North Sea, i.e. It is possible to pass by the sea from the mouth of Kolyma to the mouth of Anadyr and Kamchatka. If it turns out that Siberia is connected to America and it is impossible to pass, then the midday or eastern sea, and then, as we said, return to Yakutsk through Lena.

Another goal that the Senate put is - searching for the coast of American and finding the way to Japan; In addition, it was necessary to describe the river dude and the trash of the mouth of the river Farn to Amur. The same decree Beringu was prescribed, in accordance with the presenters of Peter I, to get to which cities or the town of European possessions. The nearest European hold at the time was the Spanish Colony of Mexico. However, Chirikov, in his considerations about the decree on December 28, 1732, did not advise sailing to Mexico: it would be more expedient to be, he wrote, explore the unknown shores of America north of Mexico, 65 and 50 S.Sh. Part therefore, and a part of the concern of complications with Spain, the Admiralty-Board at its meeting on February 16, 1733, considering the Instruction of the Bering, determined that, in her opinion, for the importance or for the need to be in the memorable European possessions, it is not reasonable, For those places already known and on the maps laid, besides, and from some Spanish ships, the American shores are inspected to 40 degrees of northern latitude or higher.

Thus, the expeditions were raised purely geographical tasks - to find out if there is a shed between Asia and America, as well as put on the map of the shore of North-West America.

Expedition members

The head of the expedition was appointed Bering, the assistant was defined by Chirikov, the second assistant to Shppberg. The latter was intended as the head of the journal for swimming in Japan; Subsequently, the Englishman Lieutenant Walton and Dutchman Michman Shellting were appointed to him.

From the navigators who participated in Bering swimming, we note the names of Vixel and Sofron Khitrov. Both of them left notes. For the inventory of the northern shores of Siberia, the lieutenants of ant and Pavlov were identified, subsequently replaced by the Babygin and Socratic; The Ovvin of which continued Minin, then Bronchishchev and Lasinius, replaced by Hariton and Dmitry Laptev. From the Academy of Sciences were appointed: Naturalist Johann Gmelin, then Professor History and Geography Gerard Miller, subsequently the famous historiographer, finally, Professor Astronomy Louis Delil - De - Croyer; His assistants were students of A. D. Porsyradnikov, subsequently a member of the Academy of Sciences, and Popov. Gmlin and Miller were subsequently replaced by Steller and I. Fisher. A student Stepan Krasheninnikov was engaged in the study of Kamchatka, afterwards academician. Academicians received 1260 rubles of salary per year, and in addition, 40 pounds of flour annually. With each academician consisted of 4 ministers. Students had a salary in the amount of 100 rubles per year, and flour 30 pounds. Hired blacksmiths and carpenters paid 4 kopecks per day.

Gerard Fritrich (and in Russian Fedor Ivanovich) Miller was born in 1705 in Herraford, in Germany. He was invited to the St. Petersburg Academy with the twenty-year-old young men. In 1733, he was appointed to the Bering expedition, in which he arrived, along with Hmelin, 10 years. In Siberia, Miller worked in archives, making discharge from papers belonging to the history and geography of the region. In addition, the life of Buryats, Tungus, Ostyakov, Vogulov studied. As siberian archives Then, for the most part, the materials collected by Miller represent the invaluable treasure. Part of the documents are printed in the meeting of state diplomas and treaties (1819 - 1828), additions to acts historical in monuments Siberian history, in the 2nd edition of the history of Siberia Miller and in other places.

Doctor of Historical Sciences V. Pashekky.

Vitus Ionassen (Ivan Ivanovich) Bering A681-1741) belongs to the number of great navigators and polar researchers in the world. His name wears the sea, the shores of Kamchatka, Chukotka and Alaska, and the Strait separating Asia from America.

Science and life // illustration

Science and life // illustration

Science and life // illustration

Science and life // illustration

Science and life // illustration

Science and life // illustration

Science and life // illustration

Bering stood at the head of the greatest geographical enterprise equal to which until the middle of the 20th century did not know the world. The first and second Kamchatka expeditions headed by them swept their research to the Northern Coast of Eurasia, all Siberia, Kamchatka, the Sea and the Land of the Northern Pacific Ocean, opened unknown scientists and navigators North-West shores of America.

Essay about Two Kamchatka Expeditions Vitus Bering, which we are typing here, written in documentary materials stored in the Central TsGAVMF (Central State Archive of the Navy). These are decrees and regulations, personal diaries and scientific notes of the participants of the expedition, ship logs. Many of the materials used were not published before.

Vitus Beriag was born on August 12, 1681 in Denmark, in the city of Horsens. He wore the name of Mother Anna Bering, who belonged to the famous Danish family. The father of the navigator was church old-age. About the childhood of the bing of information was almost no preserved. It is known that he participated in a young man in swimming towards the shores of East India, where she also went and where he spent many years his brother Sven.

Vitus Bering returned from his first trip in 1703. The ship on which he was swimming, arrived in Amsterdam. Here there was a meeting of Bering with Russian admiral Cornelius Ivanovich Crys. On behalf of Peter I, Crys hired experienced sailors to the Russian service. This meeting led Vitus Bering to the service in the Russian military fleet.

In St. Petersburg, Bering was appointed commander of a small ship. He delivered a forest from the banks of the Neva to the island of Kotlin, there on the orders of Peter I created the naval fortress - Kronstadt. In 1706, Bering was produced in lieutenants. His share fell a lot of responsible orders: followed the movements of Swedish ships in the Finnish bay, sailed in the Azov Sea, distilled the Pearl ship from Hamburg to St. Petersburg, made a trip from Arkhangelsk to Kronstadt around the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Twenty years have passed in the works and battles. And now there was a steep turn in his life.

On December 23, 1724, Peter I gives an indication of the Admiralty-College to send an expedition to Kamchatka under the authorities of a decent maritime officer.

The Admiralty Board proposed at the head of the expedition to put Captain Bering, because he "in Ost-India was also a teaching." Peter I agreed with the candidate of Bering.

January 6, 1725, just a few weeks before his death, Peter signed instructions for the first kamchatka expedition. Bering was prescribed on Kamchatka or in another suitable place to build two decks ships. On these vessels, it was necessary to go to the shores of the "Earth, which goes to Nord" and which, possibly, do not know the end "), is part of America, that is, to determine whether the land that goes to the north is connected to America.

On an expedition, except Bering, marine officers were appointed Alexey Chirikov, Martyn Shppberg, Geodesists, navigursors, master's ships. In total, 34 people went on the journey.

Petersburg left in February 1725. The path lay through Vologda, Irkutsk, Yakutsk. Many weeks and months lasted this difficult hike. Only at the end of 1726, the expedition reached the banks of the Okhotsk Sea.

To build the vessel started immediately. The necessary materials were delivered from Yakutsk throughout the winter. It was associated with many difficulties.

On August 22, 1727, the just built ship "Fortuna" and accompanying his small bot left Okhotsk.

A week later, travelers saw the shores of Kamchatka. Soon in Fortune, a strong flow opened. Forced to go to the mouth of the river big and unload vessels.

Preserved in the Central State Archive of the Navy Delivery of Bering in Admiralty-Collegium, they give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe difficulties that travelers were met in Kamchatka, where they stayed almost a year before they could go swimming back to the north.

"... Upon arrival at the Bolsheretsky Ustya," wrote Bering, "the materials and provisions sent to the Bolsheretsky priest in small boats. Under it is the Ostrog of Russian housing 14 yards. And he sent a river with a river in small boats, heavy materials and some part of the provincial, which were brought to the water to the upper Kumchadal Ostrog for 120 miles. And the same winter from the Bolshe Tracks to the Upper and Lower Kamchadal Ostrov, I was sent completely along the customs in dogs. And every evening, in the way for the night, the mills from the snow were buried, and on top covered, the Great Metalians live in so far, which are called Purgi. And if the Metelitsa will be in a purest place, and they will not have time to do it, then it makes people snow, which is dying. "

On foot and on dog sledding, they passed on Kamchatka more than 800 versts to Nizhne-Kamchatsk. There was a bot "St. Gabriel". On it, on July 13, 1728, the expedition went to swim again.

August 11 entered the strait separating Asia from America and now wearing the name of the Bering. The next day the sailors noticed that the Earth, by which they floated, remained behind. August 13, a ship, adjusted by a strong wind, crossed the northern polar circle.

Bering decided that the expedition had fulfilled its task. He saw that the American coast was not connected with Asia, and was convinced that there was no such compound and further to the north.

On August 15, the expedition entered the open Northern Arctic Ocean and continued to swim in the North-North-East. There are many whales. The circle ocean was spread around the circle. Chukotka land further north, according to Bering, did not stretch. Not approaching the "Chukotka corner" and America.

The next day of swimming, there was also no sign of the shore in the West or in the East, nor in the north. Having reached 67 ° 18 "s. Sh., Bering gave the order to return to Kamchatka, so that" no reason "not to winter on unfamiliar brags. On September 2," St. Gabriel "returned to the Nizhne-Kamchatka harbor. Here the expedition held the winter.

As soon as the summer of 1729 came, Bering went swimming again. He headed to the east, where, according to Kamchatka residents, in a clear day, the earth was sometimes visible in the clear day. In the burden of last year's swimming travelers, her "did not happen to see." Berig decided "notifying for ordinary" about whether this land really exists. Duli strong northern winds. With great difficulties, the navigators passed 200 kilometers, "but the tokmo of the Earth did not see any," wrote Bering to the Admiralty College. The sea watched the "great fog", and with it the cruel storm began. They took the course to Okhotsk. On the way back, Bering reincuted for the first time in the history of the navigation and described the southern bank of the Kamchatka.

On March 1, 1730, Bering, Lieutenant Shppberg and Chirikov returned to Nerburg. In the St. Petersburg Vedomosti, correspondence was published on the completion of the first Kamchatka Expedition of Vitus Bering. It was reported that Russian navigators on the courts built in Okhotsk and in Kamchatka, rose to the Polar Sea significantly north of 67 ° C. sh. And thereby proved ("invented") that "Tamo is truly the northeastern passage." Next, the newspaper emphasized: "Thus, from Lena, if b in the northern country, the ice did not interfere, watering to Kamchatka, as well as further to Yaphan, Khina and Estra-India, it was possible, and besides, he (Bering. V.P.) And from the inhabitants they informed that before 50 and 60 years old, a certain ship from Lena to Kamchatka arrived. "

The first Kamchatka expedition made the most important contribution to the development of geographical ideas about the northeast coast of Asia, from Kamchatka to the northern shores of Chukotka. Geography, cartography and ethnography have been enriched with new valuable information. The expedition created a series geographic mapsFrom which the final value is particularly outstanding. It is based on numerous astronomical observations and for the first time gave a real representation not only about the east coast of Russia, but also about the size, the length of Siberia. According to James Cook, who appropriated the name of Bering Strait between Asia and America, his distant predecessor "was very good for the coordination card, determining the coordinates with an accuracy that it would be difficult to expect when it would be expected." The first expedition card, which shows the districts Siberia on the space from Tobolsk to the Pacific Ocean, was considered and approved by the Academy of Sciences. The final card was also immediately used by scientists from Russia and soon spread in Europe. In 1735, it was engraved in Paris. A week later, published in London, then again in France . And then this card has been repeatedly reprinted as part of various atlases and books ... The expedition identified the coordinates of 28 points on the route Tobolsk - Yeniseisk - Ilimsk - Yakutsk - Okhotsk-Kamchatka-Chukotka Nose-Chukotka Sea, which were then entered into the "catalog of cities and noble Siberian places, laid on the map, through which the path had, in which width and length of these. "

And Bering has already developed the draft second Kamchatka expedition, which later turned into an outstanding geographical enterprise equal to which the world did not know for a long time.

The dominant place in the expedition program, the head of which was appointed Bering, was assigned to the study of all Siberia, the Far East, Arctic, Japan, North-West America in the geographical, geological, physical, botanical, zoological, ethnographic relationship. Of particular importance was attached to the study of the Northern Maritime Passage from Arkhangelsk in the Pacific Ocean.

In early 1733, the main detachments of the expedition went from St. Petersburg. More than 500 maritime officers, scientists, sailors were sent from the capital to Siberia.

Bering, together with his wife, Anna Matveyevna went to Yakutsk to lead the transfer of goods to the port of Okhotsk, where five ships for swimming in the Pacific Ocean had to be built. Bering followed the work of the detachments of X. and D. Laptev, D. Shepsina, V. Pronchischev, P. Lassinius, engaged in the study of the northern shores of Russia, and the academic detachment, which included historians Miller and A. Fisher, Naturulists I. Gmelin, S. Krasheninnikov, Steller, Astronomer L. Delikroor.

Archival documents give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe extraordinarily active and versatile organizational work of the MarigorThener, who governed from Yakutsk, the activities of many detachments and links of the expedition, which conducted research from the Urals to the Pacific and from Amur to the northern shores of Siberia.

In 1740, construction of packets "St. Peter "and" St. Pavel ", where Vitus Bering Nos Alexey Chirikov took the transition to Avachinskaya Harbor, on the shore of which the Petropavlovsky port was laid.

152 officers and sailors and two of the members of the academic detachment took place on two ships. Professor L. Delkyreyra Bering determined the ship "St. Paul, "and the adjunct of the city of Steller took on" St. Peter "in its crew. So began the path of the scientist who received worldwide fame.

On June 4, 1741, ships came to the sea. They took a course on the southeast, to the shores of the hypothetical land of Juan de Gama, which was at the map of J. N. Delilil, and which was ordered to find and explore on the way to the shores of North-West America. Strong storms hit the ships, but Bering was insistently ahead, trying to accurately fulfill the decree of the Senate. I often flashed fog. In order not to lose a friend's friend, the ships beat in the bell or shot from the guns. So passed the first week of swimming. Ships reached 47 ° C. Sh. where the land of Juan de Gama was supposed to be, but there were no signs of sushi. On June 12, travelers crossed the following parallel - no land. Bering ordered to go to the northeast. He considered the main task to reach the North-West shores of America, not yet open and not studied by a single navigator.

As soon as the first tens of miles north were held, as found themselves in a dense fog. Package "sv. Paul "under the team of Chirikov disappeared from sight. A few hours were heard, as they beat in the bell, letting know about their whereabouts, then the bell strikes did not hear the bells, and the deep silence lay down over the ocean. Captain Commander Bering ordered the shoot from the gun. The answer did not follow.

Three days, Bering Barzdil Sea, as agreed, in those latitudes where ships were separated, but never met the detachment of Alexey Chirikov.

About four weeks package "St. Peter "walked by the ocean, meeting only herd whales along the way. All this time, the storms mercilessly trembled a lonely ship. The storms followed one after another. The wind ripped the sail, caused damage to the Rankoute, loosened fasteners. In the grooves in some places. Taketing fresh water was on the outcome.

"July 17, - as recorded in a Waktnaya magazine, - from the noon half the first hour they saw the land with high ridges and snow covered with snow."

Bering and his companions did not interfere as soon as possible to land on the American coast outdoor. But strong variable winds blew. The expedition, fearing the stone reefs, was forced to stay away from the ground and follow the west. Only on July 20, the excitement decreased, and the sailors decided to pull the boat.

Bering sent a steller to the island of Naturulist. Steller held 10 hours on the shore of the island of Kayak and managed during this time to familiarize himself with the abandoned residents of the Indians, the objects of their life, weapons and the remnants of clothing, described 160 species of local plants.

The end of July n August "St. Peter "went out in the maze of the islands, then in a slight distance from them.

On August 29, the expedition approached the Earth again and became anchored between several islands, which were named Shumaginsky by the name of the Schumagina sailor, he had just died from Qingi. Here travelers first met the inhabitants of the Aleuta Islands, exchanged with them gifts.

September came, the ocean of Poormil. A wooden ship with difficulty withstood the onslaught of hurricane. Many officers began to hang about the need to stay on the winter, especially since the air was becoming more student.

Travelers decided to hurry to the shores of Kamchatka. There is more and more disturbing records in the Magnaya Magazine, indicating the difficult position of navigators. The yellowed pages, hurriedly written by duty officers, say how they sailed day after day, without seeing land. The sky was tightened with clouds, through which many days did not pierce the sunlight and no star could have seen. The expedition could not accurately determine their location and did not know how soon they are moving to their native Petropavlovsk ...

Vitus Bering was seriously ill. The disease even more intensified from dampness and cold. Almost continuously lied rain. The situation was becoming more serious. According to Captain's calculations, the expedition was still far from Kamchatka. He understood that he would get to his native promised land not earlier than the end of October, and this is only if Western winds are changed to the passing eastern.

On September 27, a cruel squall had fallen, and after three days a storm began, which, as noted in the Watchthe magazine, spread "great excitement". Only four days later the wind slightly decreased. The passage turned out to be short. On October 4, a new hurricane flew out, and huge waves again fell on the side of "St. Peter.

Since the beginning of October, most of the team has already weakened so much from Qingi, which could not participate in shipboards. Many have their hands and legs. Provision reserves catastrophically melted ...

Transferred a brutal multi-day storm, "St. Peter again became, despite the oncoming western wind, move forward, and soon the expedition opened three islands: St. Markian, St. Stephen and St. Abraham.

The dramatic of the position of the expedition was aggravated every day. Not enough not only food, but also fresh water. Officers and sailors who still kept on the legs were exhausted by unbearable work. According to the navigator, the Vaxel's navigator, "the ship sailed as a piece of dead tree, almost without any control and walked along the will of waves and wind, where they just decided to chase him."

On October 24, the deck covered the first snow, but fortunately lasted for a short time. The air was becoming more and more student. On this day, as noted in a timing journal, patients were "different ranks 28 people."

Bering understood that in the fate of the expedition, the most responsible and difficult moment came. He himself, completely disassembled by the disease, he still climbed the deck, visited officers and sailors, tried to raise faith in a prosperous outcome of the journey. Bering promised that as soon as the Earth appears on the horizon, they certainly arrive towards her and stop at the winter. The team "St. Peter "believed his captain, and all who could move legs, straining the last forces, corrected urgent and necessary ship's work.

On November 4, the contours of an unknown land were marked early on the horizon. Approaching her, sent to the shore of the officer of the Renisner and Naturalist of Steller. There they discovered only thickets of dwarf willow, which was racing on the ground. Not a single tree grew nowhere. Someone on the shore lay the logs thrown by the sea and covered with snow.

There was a small river nearby. In the vicinity of the bay discovered several deep holes, which, if they are covered with sails, can be accommodated under housing for patients with sailors and officers.

The landing began. Bering on stretchers were transferred to the dugout prepared for him.

The landing took place slowly. Hungry, weakened by the Sailors' sickness died along the way from the ship to the shore or barely stepped on the ground. So 9 people died, 12 sailors died during a swim.

On November 28, a strong storm ship disguised with anchors, I threw ashore. Sailors at first did not give this serious importance, as they believed that they landed on Kamchatka, that locals would help the pit on dogs to get to Petropavlovsk.

A group sent by Bering for exploration rose to the top of the mountain. From the height, they saw that the boundless sea spread around them. They landed not in Kamchatka, but on the incident island lost in the ocean.

"This is a news," wrote Svei Vaxel, "she worked on our people, like a thunder blow. We clearly understood what helpless and hard position I got what the complete death threatens us. "

In these difficult days, the disease is increasingly tormented by Bering. He felt that his days were considered, but continued to take care of his people.

Captain Commander lay alone in the dugout, covered on top of a tarralet. Bering suffered from cold. Forces left him. He could not stand either with his hand or his foot. Sand slipped from the walls of the dusty feet and the bottom of the body. When officers wanted to dig it, Bering was opposed, stating that so warmer. In these, their last, the most difficult days, despite all the misfortunes, which dropped out for the expedition, Bering did not lose his breath's vigor, he found sincere words to encourage his face comrades.

Bering died on December 8, 1741, without suspecting that the last referencing of the expedition is located a few days of a good movement of the vessel from Petropavlovsk.

Bering satellites survived a heavy winter. Food with marine animals, which were in abundance. Under the guidance of officers, Vixel and Sofron Khitrovo, they built a new vessel from the fragments of the Battery pack. Peter". On August 13, 1742, travelers said goodbye to the island, which was called the name of Bering, and well reached Petropavlovsk safely. There they learned that package "St. Paul ", who commanded Alexey Chirikov, returned to Kamchatka last year, opening like me Bering, North-West shores of America. These lands were soon called Russian America (now Alaska).

This ended the second Kamchatka expedition, whose activities were crowned with great discoveries and outstanding scientific achievements.

The Russian sailors were the first to open the unknown North-West shores of America, the Aleutian ridge, the Commander Islands and crossed the myths about the Earth of Juan de Gama, which Western European cartographers were portrayed in the north of the Pacific Ocean.

Russian ships were the first to pace the sea route from Russia to Japan. Geographic science received accurate information about the Kuril Islands, about Japan.

The results of discoveries and research in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean are reflected in the whole series of cards. Many of the expedition remaining participants in the living participants took part in their creation. A particularly outstanding role in the generalization of materials produced by Russian sailors belongs to Alexey Chirikov - one of the brilliant and skillful seurrets of that time, a dedicated assistant and the successor of Bering. The share of Chirikov was completed by the Second Kamchatka Expedition. He made a map of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, on which the path of the ship "St. Pavel ", open seamels North-West shores of America, the islands of the Aleutian ridges and the eastern shores of Kamchatka, which served the original base for Russian expeditions.

Officers Dmitry Shepsin, Sofron Heathrovo, Alexey Chirikov, Ivan Elagin, Stepan Malygin, Dmitry and Khariton Laptev made up "Map Russian Empire, northern and eastern shores adjacent to the Arctic and Eastern Oceans with part of the newly found through the sea swimming of the Western American coast and the island of Japan. "

Such fruitful was the activities of the Nordic detachments of the second Kamchatka expedition, often allocated to an independent Great Northern Expedition.

As a result, the naval and hiking of officers, navigators and geodesists who operated in the Arctic were investigated and marked by the Northern Coast of Russia from Arkhangelsk to the Large Baranov Stone, which is east of Kolyma. Thus, according to M. V. Lomonosov, "the passage of the marine ocean in quiet" was undoubtedly proved.

In order to study the meteorological conditions of Siberia, observation points from the Volga to Kamchatka were created. The world's first experience in organizing a meteorological network on such an extensive space brilliantly succeeded by Russian scientists and sailors.

On all vessels of the second Kamchatka expedition, which flooded the polar seas from Arkhangelsk to Kolyma, along the Pacific Ocean to Japan and North-West America, were visual, and in some cases, instrumental meteorological observations. They are entered into the road journals and have survived to this day. Today, these observations are also of particular value because they reflect the features of atmospheric processes in the years of extremely increased architecturality of the Arctic seas.

The scientific legacy of the second Kamchatka Expedition of Vitus Bering is so great that it is not fully mastered. It was used and now scientists are widely used.

First Kamchatka Expedition Vitus Bering. 1725-1730.

Witus Bering was the first Russian navigator headed targeted Geographic expedition. His brief biography can be found here. If you carry out historical parallels, the Bering expeditions can be compared with James Cook expeditions, whose swimming were also the initiative of the Admiralty and the state.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe first Kamchatka expedition belongs to Peter I?

Peter the first of the rulers of Russia began to systematically study the geography of the country, and above all, the instrumental compilation of the "general" cards.

The search for Russia's exit to the expanses of the World Ocean has always been his "Fix idea". But it was not possible to break through to the Black Sea. The domination at the Baltic was very relative to the Swedes or Danes at any moment could overlap the narrow neck of the exit from the Baltic to the Atlantic expanses. The northern seaway and the Far East remained: through the shed between Asia and America, Russian courts could break through India and China. If there was a strait.

It is known that at the beginning of the independent reign of Peter, the first researcher of Kamchatka Vladimir Atlasov brought to Moscow of the Japanese named Denbay, which was brought to the southern coast of the peninsula in 1695 and was captured by Kamchadal.

King Peter, despite endless wars in the West, did not forget about the eastern limits of his kingdom. In 1714-1716, by the direction of Peter, a marine message was established (on the rooks) between the Okhotsk and the Western coast of Kamchatka. The next step was the search for the coast North Americawhich he assumed is close to Kamchatka or even closes with Asia. In 1720-1721, one of the expeditions, heading from Kamchatka to the southwest, even reached the middle of the Kuril ridge, but did not find the American coast.

I must say, the question "connects or not Asia with America" \u200b\u200bwas interested in many of many. With a question and a request to equip an expedition for the first time to Peter I Paris Academy of Sciences, a member of which Peter formally appeared. A great influence on Peter I on this issue was provided by the famous German scientist leiby. Leibniz was not only the initiator of the creation of the Russian (first Petersburg) Academy of Sciences, but also advised Peter on many issues state Device and had on him big influence. But it was especially developed in finding new ways to the east of the Dutch "East India Company", which led Peter the first to power in Russia. For her, the question "Does Asia be connected with America?" It was not idle at all. And in 1724 Peter Taki "Dodavidi" before the decision is made. And from the decision-making to the incarnation of Peter, as you know, the distance was short.

On December 23, 1724, Peter gives an indication of the Admiralty-Collegium to equip the expedition to Kamchatka under the entry of a decent maritime officer. The Admiralty Board proposed at the head of the expedition to put Captain Bering, because he "in Ost-India was also a teaching." Peter I with the candidate of Bering agreed. (Dutch too.)

"Tsarev Okaz" Expedition Bering

January 6, 1725, (just a few weeks before his death), Peter his own written instructions for the first Kamchatka expedition. Beringu from comrades was prescribed on Kamchatka or in another suitable place to build two decks ships

1. Extlores in Kamchatka or in another place there is one or two bots with decks; 2. On these bots near the Earth, which goes to Nord and in the aspirations (I don't know the end of the end), it seems that the Earth is part of America; 3. In order to look for where it comes up with America: and to get to what city of European possessions or if they will see what a European ship, to spend from him, as the bush is called and take on the letter and visit the shore and take a genuine statement and, Put on the map, come here. "

Bering Strait opened the seed diges

Some irony of the situation was that the shed between Asia and America 80 years ago opened the Cossack Semen Dejnev. But the results of his campaign were not published. And they did not know any Peter, nor in the Admiralty College, nor Vitus Bering, far from their duties from geographic discoveries. At the "Sky" about the campaign of Dezhnev stumbled upon the historian Miller in Yakutsk, only in 1736, during the Great Northern Expedition.

The composition of the first Kamchatka expedition

On an expedition, except Bering, marine officers were appointed Alexey Chirikov, Martyn Shppberg, Geodesists, navigursors, master's ships. A total of 30 people went on a trip from St. Petersburg.

On January 24, 1725, A. Chirikov from St. Petersburg with his team, on February 8, he arrived in Vologda. A week later, Bering joined him with other members of the expedition. The number of only staff participants of the expedition, as sent from St. Petersburg, and acceded along the path to 20 specialists. Total under the command of Vitus Bering, including auxiliary composition (rowers, cooks, etc.) there were about 100 people.

From Vologda to Okhotsk

The distance from Vologda to Tobolsk Expedition was 43 days. After a monthly rest, they tried again. Almost all summer of 1725, the team spent on the road. The winter of 1725-26 has worried about Ilimsk. On June 16, all the detachments of the expedition arrived in Yakutsk. And only on July 30, 1727, on the third year by departure from St. Petersburg, Bering and his team were reached by Sekhotsk. Legend says that Bering himself, from Yakutsk to Okhotsk, 45 days spent in the saddle! Upon arrival in Okhotsk, without losing time, started building a vessel. Overacle was overcome more than ten thousand wool on water, riding, on sledding, walking ...

On August 22, 1727, the just built ship is the Galiot "Fortune" and accompanying his little bot, who arrived from Kamchatka, left the Okhotsk and took the course east.

Galiot - two-dimensional shallow seated ship.

From Okhotsk to Nizhnekamchatsk

The path from Okhotsk to the west coast of Kamchatka took the week and on August 29, 1727 travelers had already sailed in view of the Kamchatka coast. What happened further - it is difficult to explain logically. Despite the fact that the Russians by that time were more or less settled in Kamchatka, Bering did not have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sizes of the peninsula. Even the opinion that Kamchatka smoothly goes to Japan, and that there is no end-to-end path to the East ... Bering and did not suspect that the southern point of Kamchatka remained quite a bit.

Therefore, the expedition commander decided to fall on the West Bank and move to East Beach for the winter, in Nizhnekamchatsk. We decided to build there new ship And from there start major research. (According to other sources, the fortune-built "fortune" gave strong flow, and the expedition was forced to stick to the shore). Whatever it was, but Bering came in the mouth of the river big and ordered to drag and shore equipment and reserves.

Travel Bering through Kamchatsky Peninsula

In the Central Archive of the Navy, the breeching in Admiralty was preserved - a colleague about his transition across Kamchatka:

"... Upon arrival to the Bolshriess, the materials, the materials and provincial stirred to the Bolshestsky rich water in small boats. Under it is the Ostrog of Russian housing 14 yards. And he sent a river with a river in small boats, heavy materials and some part of the provincial, which were brought to the water to the upper Kumchadal Ostrog for 120 miles. And the same winter, from the Bolsheretsky Ostrog, to the Upper and Lower Kamchadal Ostrov, I was sent completely along the customs in dogs. And every evening, in the way for the night, the cubes from the snow were buried, and the tops were covered on top, the Great Metalitsa live, who were called Purgi on the ones.

Description of the transition of the expedition through the Kamchatsky Ridge, dragging all the property, including materials for the construction of ships, weapons, ammunition, took two months with excess. Walking, on rivers and on dog sledding, the expedition has done more than 800 wool! Truly heroic feat.

To the Bering Strait on all sails

Upon arrival in Nizhnekamchatsk all cargoes and team members, a new ship was solemnly laid. It happened on April 4, 1728. The construction went unusually quickly. June 9, the ship was already completed. And smoothly in a month, July 9, 1728, a well-covered and equipped Bot "Holy Gabriel" under all sails, with 44 team members on board came out of the mouth of the Kamchatka River and took the course to the northeast.

Just over the month lasted north along the shores of Asia. On August 11, 1728 "Holy Gabriel" crossed the strait, separating Asia from America. But at that time the sailors could not know, strait it or that another. The next day noticed that the Earth, by which they passed by the former course, remained behind the left. August 13, a ship, adjusted by a strong wind, crossed the northern polar circle.

After 50 years, Captain James Cook, during his own, passed this strait in search of the Northern Sea Path around America. The route from the maps drawn up Vitus Bering. Warming up the accuracy of Russian locations, James Cook offered to call the shed between the continent of the Bering name. So with the filing of this great Morelode, one of the most significant straits on Earth received the name of our, no less than the Great Compatriot.

The Bering Expedition fulfilled its task

On August 15, the expedition entered the open (northern ice) ocean and continued to swim in the North-North-East in full fog. There are many whales. The circle ocean was spread around the circle. The land of Chukotka further north did not stretch. Other lands were not visible.

In this place, Bering decided that the expedition had fulfilled its task. He did not find any American coast in the area of \u200b\u200bthe direct visibility. There was no replacement to the north. Having passed to clean the conscience a little more north, to a latitude of 67 "18", Bering on August 16, 1728 gave the order to return to Kamchatka to "without reason" not winter on unfamiliar beaches. Already on September 2, 1728, "Holy Gabriel" returned to the Nizhnekamchat Harbor. Here, the expedition decided to zazim.

Bering understood that he performed only part of the task. America he did not find. Therefore, in the summer of next year, he and his associates took another attempt to break through to the American shores from the east. Going to the sea in June 1729, the expedition passed strictly east 200 miles and did not meet any signs of land.

There is nothing to do, turned back. But on the way to Okhotsk went around Kamchatka from the south and installed the exact southern tip of the peninsula. This discovery has become extremely important and necessary for all subsequent expeditions. Eh, they themselves knew the true sizes of the Kamchatka, they would not have to drag the whole cargo for hundreds of the verso to the wolf!

Vitus Bering. short biography. What opened?

Russian travelers and pioneers

Again Travelers of the Epoch of the Great Geographical Discoveries

The first teams of nautical detachments led by Bering went from St. Petersburg in February 1733, in October 1734 they arrived in Yakutsk. In September 1736 academic detachment arrived in the city, and the total number of expedition participants amounted to about 800 people. About 3 years left for the organization of the railway plant and cable workshop, the manufacture of ship rigging, harvesting of food and equipment. The same time was required to transfer people and cargoes in Okhotsk , as well as the construction of ships here.

In September 1740, the Bering team (the 1st Pacific squad) sailed from Okhotsk to Kamchatka and зазизал сахатовская на в гования, "Saint Peter" and "Saint Paul", called Petropavlovsk, called Petropavlovskaya Petropavlovsk. Only 8 years after departure from St. Petersburg, June 4, 1741 ships under the command of Bering and Chirikov went to the shores of America. At the "Saint Peter" with the Bering sang his assistants Lieutenant S.L. Vaxel and Naturalist G.V. Steller, describing this journey; At the "Holy Paul" with Chirikov - Professor of Astronomy L. Delil de la Croyer. More than a week, ships went to the southeast in search of the mythical "Zhuana-da-gama land", marked on some maps, then turned to the northeast and on June 20 in a dense fog lost each other. Further swimming was made separately.

On July 17, "Saint Peter" approached the coast of North America at 58 ° 14 "Northern latitude (within visibility was the Ridge of St. Ilya). Due to the impossibility of approaching the shore on the weather, the vessel moved to the West along the coast. July 20 was discovered -The kayak, where the team was landed to replenish freshwater stocks. Steller for 10 hours To the conclusion that the expedition really reached America. On August 29, the islands were discovered in honor of the deceased and buried sailor here, I. Shumagina, where the first meeting with Aleuts occurred. From here on September 6, "Saint Peter" went west along the chain of the Aleutian islands to Kamchatka . Swimming was heavy: increasing qing, incessant storms, shortage of fresh water and food. On November 4, the ship came to the shore, as the team believed, Kamch TKI, but it was an island, named later than Bering. Due to storms, damage to the vessel and zing (only 10 people were avoided)) the crew landed on the winter. Soon package threw it, it became completely unsuitable for swimming. The team had to survive many difficulties and deprivation. By the middle of winter, the number of dead from the Qing has reached 30 people. On December 8, 1741, Bering himself died, and the commander became Waxel. The duties of the doctor performed the steller, who did not stop and scientific training, in particular, discovered, described and sketched a rare animal from the Siren family (Cow's Stellerov) and a greater spectacular cormorant, soon completely exterminated. Only during the wintering team found out what is on the island. From the remains of the dilapidated "St. Peter", a single-way vessel (GUKOR) was built on which the remaining alive (46 people.) It was possible to achieve Petropavlovsk on August 26, 1742 on the oars on August 26, 1742.

"Saint Paul", having lost sight of the vessel of Bering, went to the east, and on the night of July 16 (for 1.5 days before Bering), the team saw American land - Island from Alexander's archook. After passing 400 km northwest along the coast, Chirikov for intelligence on one of the islands landed 11 people who did not return. Another 4 people sent in a week on their search, also disappeared. The loss of 15 team members probably killed by Indians, and 2 boats, without which there was no fresh water reserves, forced Chirikov to make a decision to return to Kamchatka. Having passed a bit north-west (within visibility were the Ridge of St. Ilya and the Kenai Peninsula), "Saint Paul" took the course to the West. On the way back, the islands of the Aleuta Ridge are open on the way back - Moknak, Adah (Aleuts), Agatta and Atti are met here. On October 10, 1741, the ship returned to the Petropavlovsk harbor, having lost 6 people from Qingi, including Professor Delil de la Croyer died. The report of Chirikova in the Admiralty-College reported in December 1741 was the first description of the north-west coast of America. In May-June, 1742 Chirikov made another swimming in the east at the "Holy Pavel", but due to bad weather conditions, it came only to the island of Attu Aleuta ridge. On the way back from the vessel, the island was visible, at which there was still a team of Saint Peter (Bering Island). In Petropavlovsk, Saint Paul returned on July 1, opening the island of copper from the group of the Commander Islands (named after Bering).

The task of the 2nd Pacific Troops of Captain M. Shppberg was mapping of the Kuril Islands and the establishment of connections with Japan. To do this, 2 vessels were built in the Okhotsk port and the 3rd repaired was repaired. In June 1738 Brigantine "Arkhangel Mikhail" (Captain Shppberg), Dubel-boat "Nadezhda" (Lieutenant V. Valton) and Bot "Gabriel" (Michman A.E. Shellting) switched to Bolsheretsk (Kamchatka) and from there July 15 headed for south. After 4 days in the fog lads and turned back the vacation vessel, after another 5 days lost each other 2 other ships. Shppberg along the Kuril ridge reached the island of Mr., he cut him down and, without deciding alone to go to Japan, on August 18 returned to the Bolsheretsk. Val Tone managed to walk to the island of Hokkaido, put on the map 26 of the Curil Ridges on the map and returned to the port on August 24. During the wintering, another ship was built - the Bolsheverk Slut (commander V. ERR), and at the end of May 1739 already 4 ships sailed to the south. At the coast of Japan in the fog, Valton's ship lagged behind, the rest of June 16 came to Honshu Island and 6 days followed along his coast. Many Japanese visited Russian courts where they were a lively trade, but from caution Shppberg did not dare to plant sailors ashore. On the way back, the court warked out from the south of the Kuril Islands, went to the island of Hokkaido and returned to Kamchatka. The Walton team not only proceeded along the Eastern shore Honshu much further by Shppberg ships (perhaps before Izu Islands), but also planted ashore, where he was welcomed by the Japanese. The third trip to Japan, undertaken by Shpampberg in 1742, turned out to be unsuccessful: the expedition was able to reach only the southern tip of Hokkaido, from where he turned back because of the fogs and the cygrounds began.

The most important results of swimming in 1738-42 - the opening of the way to Japan and the description of the entire Kuril ridge, first traveled from the East. In addition, in the shelling at the "Nadezhda" he explored the west coast of the Okhotsk Sea to the mouth of the Uda and Shartar Islands, and in the southern part of the Okhotsk Sea to the Strait of Laperose, who was not seen in the fog, and also passed more than 600 km along the eastern shore of Sakhalin. Michman V.A. Khmethevsky in 1743-44 At the Bolsheverk gate, he made an eye shot of the northern coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk from Okhotsk to the Viligi River and the West Coast of Kamchatka from the Kachtany River to Bolsheverka.

To clarify the practical possibility of swimming in the Northern Sea, the study of the Arctic Ocean and the Arctic Coast of Asia, 4 detachments were organized, and for each of them the research tasks were determined.

First (Dvinsko-Ossan) squad in the summer of 1734 on 2 courts (Koch) under the command of Lieutenant S.V. Muravyova and his assistant lieutenant M.S. Pavlova passed from Arkhangelsk through the Strait of the Ugra Ball to the northern tip of the Western coast of the Yamal Peninsula and returned to the wintering in the mouth of the Pechora. In 1735, the detachment reached the strait between Yamal and the island of White, but in the fog did not notice him and returned to wintering. According to the denominations of team members and complaints local residents Muravyov and Pavlov were given to the trial and "for many dishonest, linous and stupid deeds" were resolved into the sailors. Lieutenant S.G. was appointed chief Malygin, his assistant - Lieutenant A.I. Skurats. In 1736, on 2 new bots, they reached the coast of Yamal, but because of the heavy ice setting turned back and looked at the mouth of the rivers. In 1737, I managed to get around Yamal and on the Obskaya Lip and Obi October 3 to achieve Berezov . In 1739, the courts went back, and after wintering at the mouth of the caches in 1740 arrived in Arkhangelsk. According to the results of the detachment, the coast map of Barents and Karovsky was drawn up (named in memory of the winterings at the mouth of the cares) of the seas from Arkhangelsk to the mouth of Ob length of more than 4 thousand km. The name of Malygin is called the strait between Yamal and the island of White.

The second (Osco-Yenisei) squad headed Lieutenant D.L. Sheep. Descending in the summer of 1734 at the Tobol dubel-gate from Tobolsk Down the Irtysha and Obi, the detachment due to the storms could not pass the ripple; In 1735, the qing began on the vessel, and it was forced to return; In 1736, the detachment approached the tip of the Peninsula, but could not get out of the Ob lip. Only in 1737 Tobol and the newly built Bot "Obi-Postalion" reinforced the Gydan Peninsula and through the strait, called later in honor of the sheep, reached the mouth of Yenisei. In 1738, sheep on the way to Tobolsk arrested, accusing in connection with the family of a reference prince A.G. Dolgoruky in Berezov, hesitated to the sailors and sent to Okhotsk at the disposal of V.I. Bering. Under his command, Sheepi walked to the shores of North America and was restored in the officer rank. The second detachment was headed by the navigator F.A. Minin, which in 1738-40 on "Obi-Postalion" three times, was trying unsuccessfully bypass by the Taimyr Peninsula from the mouth of Yenisei. In these swims and land campaigns of the shturman D.V. The fermented was described 500 km of the coast of the Kara Sea, numerous small islands were opened, including Dickson Island and Minin Schhers, the Pileinsky Bay. About 1 thousand km of the west coast of the Taimyr Peninsula and a number of islands are applied to the mining and parcel card.

Third (Leno-Khatangsky) detachment under the leadership of Lieutenant V.V. Pronchishchev (In the detachment there was his wife T.F. Nodchischev, the first polarica woman) was supposed to describe the coast from the mouth of Lena to the mouth of Yenisei. In 1735, Dubel-Slut "Yakutsk" due to the estates and frost was able to achieve only the mouth of the River Olenek, where the team zashed. In 1736, the ship was held along the eastern shore of the Taimyr Peninsula before his northern tip (Cape Chelyuskin), but could not get around the peninsula because of the ice and turned back. During the wintering at the mouth of Oleon, Pronchischev and his wife died from Qingi. Navigator S.I. Chelyuskin completed the processing of the materials obtained and made the coast map from the mouth of Lena to the Faddey Bay with a length of about 1.3 thousand km. Head of returned in summer 1737 in Yakutsk Lieutenant was appointed detachment H.P. Laptev . In 1739-40, the renovated "Yakutsk" twice made swimming along the east coast of the Taimyr Peninsula, however, because of the extremely complex ice setting, it was not possible to go far to the north. The detachment under the command of Laptev was mainly repeated for the previous routes (Pronchischev), but also in these swimsters, new geographic objects (bays, islands, sheds) were opened, and previous geodetic surveys were updated and supplemented; Many facilities, including open nodeshev, got the names. In August 1740, the ship was crushed by drifting ice. The team managed to save a significant part of food and property and get to the place of previous wintering on Hatang. Laptev took up the study of the inland districts of Taimyr and its coast. In 1739-42 on dog sledding of the Battcan party V. Medvedev, Geodesyist N. Beijing, Chelyuskin and Laptev himself in the most severe conditions, suffering from hunger and snow blindness, crossed Taimyr in different directions, examined the entire coast. As a result of sea and land hikes, the third detachment (1735-42) made instrumental shooting more than 3.5 thousand km of the coast of Asia between Yeniseem and Lena, opened and described a lot geographic objects, including the Taimyr Peninsula (area of \u200b\u200babout 400 thousand square meters), compiled a number of cards, gathered valuable materials about the region and its indigenous population. The studies of Chelyuskin were especially significant, only the length of his sangn routes amounted to 6.3 thousand km. They, in particular, described the northern coast of Taimyr, including Cape - the very northernmost point of Eurasia (wears his name).

The task of the fourth (East Lensky) detachment was a description of the northern coast of Asia east from Lena, to the strait to the Pacific Ocean (if its existence is confirmed). In July 1735 P. Lassinius on the bot "Irkutsk" with a team (52 \u200b\u200bpeople) descended from Yakutsk down Lena, went out into the sea and headed east. Heavy ice forced the squad in the middle of August to stand on the wintering at the mouth of the Hara-Ulah River (Borhai's lip). Due to the lack of food and cings by spring, 1736 died 40 wintering workers, including Lassinius. The chief of the detachment was the lieutenant D.Ya. Laptev . By typing the team and re-equipped "Irkutsk", in August 1737 he went to the sea, but after 3 days because of the solid ice was forced to return to the wintering at the mouth of Lena. After the trip to St. Petersburg (having received the instructions) in June 1739, Laptev with a detachment penetrated into the East-Siberian Sea through the strait, called him name, and in September reached the mouth of the Indigir, where the ship was frozen into ice. Wintering time was used to shoot. Laptev organized 4 parties (soldier A. Hoskpna, Navigarman M.A. Shcherbinina, Geodesyist I. Kindyakova and his own), who studied the sea coast to the mouth of Kolyma, as well as the River Jan, Indigir, Chrome. In the summer of 1740 Irkutsk past the mouth of Kolyma reached the Cape of Big Baranov, but because of the ice returned to the wintering to Nizhnekolum Ostroga. In 1741, another unsuccessful attempt Bypassing Cape Big Baranov, and returned to Nizhnekolmsk. During wintering in 1740-42, the Kolyma River, the path of her influx of Big Anyu in the Anadyr River's pool, the route from Anadyr to Penzhinsky's lips, is described. In the summer of 1742 - the Anadyr River to the mouth. The expeditions contain valuable ethnographic information included in scientific reports, reports and legends to the cards.

As a result of the dedicated labor of the participants of all 4 northern detachments and the price of many lives, the material was collected in terms of volume and significance. More than 13 thousand km of the coast of the Northern Ocean (from the mouth of Pechora to the Cape of Big Baranov), the outlines of the Taimyr peninsula, Yamal and others were first revealed for the first time, the sites of the lower, partly and medium, the flow of all major rivers from Pechora to Kolyma, were applied On a map of a significant part of the seas of Kara and Laptev, data on ice setting in the seas, tides, climates, the population of the North and Northeast are collected. Many studied natural objects are re-examined only in the XX century. Materials formed the basis of the General Map of the Northern Ocean Coast on the Kildine Island to the Kolyma River and the General Maritime Card of the Kamchatka Expedition (1742). The work of northern detachments has shown the extreme difficulty and danger of sea travel along the coast of the Northern Ocean. The complex ice environment did not allow to bypass the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Taimyr peninsula and advance in the east Next Cape Big Baranov. And, as a result, there was a need to develop projects of high-grade swimming routes from the coast of European Russia to the Pacific Basin through the Northern Arctic Ocean (project M.V. Lomonosov, etc.).

The study of the nature and natural wealth of the inland districts of Siberia, its history and ethnography of indigenous peoples was entrusted to the participants of the academic detachment. It includes professors of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Historic, Naturalist IG Gmelin and astronomer L. Delilion de la Croyer, students S.P. Krasheninnikov , A. Gorlanov, V. Tretyakov, L. Ivanov and F. Popov, translator I. Yakhontov, painters I.Kh. Berkgan and I.V. Lursenius, Geodesists A. Krasilnikov, I. Chekin, A. Ivanov and M. Ushakov. Already during the work, the detachment replenished the adjunes of G.V. Steller and I. E. Fisher , translator ME AND. Lindenau , painter IK Decker. They were accompanied by master and challenge people, Tolmachi, soldiers. Miller has achieved a decision on which scientists submitted directly to Senate and Academy of Sciences, and not the head of the second Kamchatka expedition to Bering.

The detachment went from St. Petersburg on August 8, 1733, returned on February 15, 1743; Some participants remained in Siberia to 1746-47. Routes of scientists covered huge territory From the Southern and Middle Urals to Yakutia and Transbaikalia, from the southern borders of Siberia to Lowovyev Irtysh, Obi, Yenisei and the Middle Middle Lena. According to Miller's estimates, the only one of the participants in the second Kamchatka Expedition, which visited all Ural and Siberian countries and cities, for 10 years he drove about 35 thousand versts. Due to the insecurity of transport and food, the detachment could not fully get to Kamchatka, there was directed by Krashinnikov, and then Steller.

The scientific interests of Miller (the unofficial head of the academic detachment) were unusually multifaceted: history, source studies, archeography, statistics, regional studies, archeology, ethnography, linguistics, cartography, economics, trade, diplomacy, geopolitics. Miller deservedly owned the fame of the "Father of Siberian Historiography". He discovered and acquired for the Academy of Science a number of valuable manuscripts, including the famous Remezian chronicle. Under his leadership in the archives of all Siberian cities, about 8.5 thousand documents were copied, the originals of which mostly burned or destroyed in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Miller collected (by the method of questionnaire) information about Siberian delegations, recorded oral traditions, examined other settlements and burial grounds. Compiled by the dozens of dictionaries of the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Siberia are the most important source for linguists, and some of them, asymalized in the XVIII century, the only one. The work of the scientist is distinguished by exceptional hardworking, purposefulness, the presence of a clear research plan. His programs and instructions for the participants of the squad are a complex of scientific projects, the implementation of which was to open Siberia and for Russians, and for world science. His program of studying Siberia from 1,287 articles (1740) is not particularly significant - management not only for participants of the academic detachment, but also many subsequent travelers.

After completing all research work Miller wrote dozens of works dedicated to Siberia. Among them, the fundamental "history of Siberia" (5 volumes), "General Geography of Siberia", "Special or Special Geography of Siberia" "Description of Siberian Peoples" (2 volumes), as well as monographs and articles, with analyzing specific scientific problems in the economy, Trade, archeology, geopolitics, history of Russian geography discoveries and others. Until now, only a part of these works has been published (for example, from 23 Heads of the History of Siberia 13). Of unpublished materials, the most significant for modern science is ethnographic. Miller first tried to comprehendly relatively to study the ethnic history, languages, material and spiritual culture of Siberian peoples. He can rightly be considered the "father" of ethnography as science. It was Miller who stated that ethnography - "real" independent science, closely related to history. The tasks that he put in the field of exploring the indigenous peoples of Siberia cannot be not recognized by the grandiose. Equally large-scale and its activities aimed at solving these tasks. The results of the work are reflected in the field diary of the scientist (about 2.5 thousand pages), in other expeditionary manuscripts and special ethnographic works. The ethnographic collection collected by Miller in Siberia included samples of clothing (festive and everyday, men's, female and children's, shamanic kits) of many Siberian peoples, as well as objects of cult, tools. The most important tool for the knowledge of the ancient history Miller considered archeology. He was the first of the Russian historians not only drew attention to archaeological monuments and made them a detailed examination and excavation, but also expressed a number of provisions, the correctness of which was obvious only much later. So, he believed that for historical science Separate monuments and finds (ceramics, tools, bones and other) are not less important than majestic mounds and gold and silver products. The archaeological collection of the scientist consisted mainly of items purchased from local residents.

Gemlin, engaged in natural-scientific research, opened in Siberia, according to K. Linnei, more new plant species than all the other nerds. Path notes of Gmelin, along with the descriptions of plants and the animal world, contain valuable information about the industry and trade of Siberia, the nrules and customs of the Russian and the indigenous population. Together with Miller, he compiled a number of projects aimed at developing the region (organization of medical care, the use of Siberian's medicinal resources, the creation of a metallurgical base based on the use of coal and iron ore in Kuznetsk county and others). The assembled materials allowed him to identify differences in relief, climate, flora and fauna to the west and east of Yenisei. Although the proposal of Gmelin about the border between Europe and Asia is not in the Urals, but according to Yenisei, it was not accepted, following him, scientists began to allocate Western and Eastern Siberia. Having generalized his observations and information received from local residents, the scientist created the first orographic scheme of Southern Siberia from the Altai mountains to the foreigner and apple ridges.

Crashinnikov and Steller, working on Kamchatka (and Steller also a member of swimming to the shores of America) in incredibly difficult conditions, performed genuine scientific feat. Their monographs (both entitled "Description of the Earth Kamchatka") are complex scientific works The country-head type about the nature of the Kamchatka, its wealth, the population, the history of research, the development of Russians, the relationship between the Russians with confinements. These scientists are distinguished by encyclopedic interests (geography, geology, botany, zoology, history, ethnography, linguistics). Kraschinnikov, who examined underground emptiness on Yenisei, can be called the first Russian speleologist. Descriptions of Sobolinsky (Crashinnikov) and Fish (Steller) Fishes are the first works on such an important category of the Russian population of Siberia as industrial people.

Significant work on the study of the northeast has done the translator Ya. Lindenau. It compiled valuable ethnographic descriptions of the peoples of the region - Yakuts, Tungus, Lamutov, Yukagirov and Koryakov, gave a description of Chukotka, River Lena and Anadyr, made a number of cards. Research I.E. Fisher in the field of linguistics and ethnography of the peoples of Siberia (Khanty, Selkups, Chulym Turks and others) retain their meaning so far. Objectively assess the contribution of Fisher into the study of Siberian peoples does not allow that its expedition manuscripts are mostly not published and weakly studied.

The enormous amount of valuable information is contained in travel notes and diaries of scientists. These are unique information about many thousands of geographic objects, toponyms, the resettlement of the Russian and indigenous population, the architecture of cities and the risks, the number and ethnic composition of residents of yasachavas, their history, migrations, material and spiritual culture, archaeological monuments, economic activities of Siberians, Message Training and Dr. Many descriptions are illustrated by the artists of the detachment (perspective patterns and plans, sketches of physical types of indigenous people of Siberia, their homes, clothes, life, cults of the cult and life, archaeological monuments).

During the studies, magnetic, barometer and temperature indicators were recorded, in a number of cities, the first meteorological stations were created, where trained seruners were constantly observations. In case of imperfection of instruments and scientific methods, Professor Delilion de la Croyer, Geodesist of colors, the navigator Chelyuskin and other participants in the second Kamchatka expedition definitely determined the coordinates of a huge number of geographic objects that became supporting points in the preparation of dozens of regional Siberia maps, geographic discovery cards in Pacific Ocean, as well as general, manufactured under the leadership of Miller (1745-46, 1754-58). Many European scientists did not immediately recognize the accuracy of these cards. Swiss geographer S. Engel and his supporters argued, in particular, that Miller, fulfilling the political order of the Russian government, pushed Siberia's borders in the east at 30 ° that Bering was not off the coast of America. Miller defended the honor of the Russian state and argued the priority of Russian geographical discoveries in controversy with opponents, publishing in Russia and abroad the cycle of special works. And only the swimming of J. Cook to Bering Strait in 1778 finally confirmed the scientific conscientiousness of Russian scientists. According to the measurements of the chop of lard, the length of Siberia had to even increase by 4.5 ° in comparison with the cying data. The accuracy of reports of Chelyuskin was proven only in the middle of the XIX - early XX century. A.F. Middendorf , A.A. Sokolov and R. Amundsen.

The second Kamchatka expedition demanded the mobilization of large financial, material and human resources. In the construction of dozens of marine and river vessels, harvesting and transportation of equipment and food, thousands of Siberians - Russian and indigenous people were occupied in other works. The grandeur of the ideas and the heroic efforts of travelers correspond to the scale and importance of the results of the expedition. It was an important stage in the development of Siberia, the prerequisite and the beginning of the accession and development of the Russian western part of the North American continent. From it begins the history of Russian-Japanese relations. Becoming the Pacific Power by entering the European Community, in which the rival countries defended their interests in the Pacific region, Russia radically changed its foreign policy situation. Thanks to the mobility activities of the participants of the academic detachment scientific discovery Siberia has become a favorable fact.

Expedition materials have long served as the main sources of information about Siberia and the Northern part of the Pacific, they have not lost their meaning so far. The legacy of the second Kamchatka expedition is actively studied. In particular, scientists of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk), Germany (Galle) and Denmark (Copenhagen) carried out a large-scale serial publication in Russian and german language (in Russia and Germany) documents of the second Kamchatka expedition, as well as correspondence of its participants, and their works (way descriptions, diaries, botanical compositions of steller, ethnographic works of Miller, etc.). In the series "Sources on the history of Siberia and Alaska from Russian archives" published 6 volumes, in which about 1 thousand documents of the second Kamchatka expedition and travel descriptions of the steller, Krasheninnikov and Fisher were published.

Lit.: Gnucheva V.F. Materials for the history of expeditions of the Academy of Sciences in the XVIII and XIX centuries. M.; L., 1940; L.S. Opening Kamchatka and Bering Expedition. 1725-1742. M.; L., 1946; Yani-Zov G.V. Great Northern Expedition. M., 1949; Efimov A.V. From the history of the great Russian geographical discoveries in the Arctic and the Pacific Oceans. XVII - the first half of the XVIII century. M., 1950; Trekov V.I. Essays from the history of Russian geographical studies in 1725-1765. M., 1960; Andreev A.I. Essays on the source of Siberia. M.; L., 1965. Vol. 2; Ivanov V.F. Historical and ethnographic study of Yakutia. XVII-XVIII centuries. M., 1974; Magidovich I.P., Magidovich V.I. Essays on the history of geographical discoveries. M., 1984. T. 3; Ivanov V.N. Historical thought in Russia of the XVIII-XIX centuries. About the peoples of Northeast Asia. M., 1989; Width D.A. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and Northeast. 1725-1917 Novosibirsk, 1994.

First Kamchatka Expedition 1725-1730. It takes a special place in the history of science. She is
it was the first in the history of the Russian Empire a major scientific expedition undertaken by the decision of the government. In the organization and conduct of the expedition, a large role and merit belongs naval fleet. The initial point of the First Kamchatka Expedition served as the registered Decree of Peter I on the organization of the "First Kamchatka Expedition" under the command of Vitus Bering, on December 23, 1724 Petr I personally wrote Instructions Bering.

The sea route from Okhotsk to Kamchatka was opened by the expedition K. Sokolova and N. Codovka in 1717, and the seaway from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in the Pacific was not yet opened. It was necessary to reach the mainland land to the Okhotsk, and from there - to Kamchatka. There all reserves were delivered from Bolsheretsk to Nizhnekamchatsky Ostrog. It created great difficulties in the delivery of materials and the provincial. It is difficult for us to even imagine all the incredible severity of the path through a deserted thousand consumer tundra for travelers who have no organizational skills. It is interesting to take a look at the journey, and in what form people and animals arrived to the destination. Here, for example, a report from Okhotsk of October 28: "Supported from Yakutsk, a provisional arrived in Okhotsk on October 25 for 396 horses. On the way, 267 horses were disappeared for the lack of forage. During the trip to the Okhotsk, people suffered a great hunger, from a lack of providy ate belts,
skin and leather pants and soles. And the horses arrived in the grass, getting out of the snow, in short, in the late arrival in the hunting of the hay did not have time to prepare, but it was not possible; All peered from deep snow and frost. And the rest of the ministers arrived by Narts on dogs to Okhotsk. " From here cargoes were shipped to Kamchatka. Here, Nizhnekamchatsky Ostrog, under the guidance of Bering on April 4, 1728, the bot was laid, which in June of the same year was laid on the water and was named "Saint Archangel Gabriel".

At this vessel, Bering and his satellites in 1728 made swimming through the strait, called the name of the head of the expedition subsequently. However, due to a dense fog, it was not possible to see the American coast. Therefore, many have decided that the expedition was unsuccessful.

Results I of Kamchatka Expedition

Meanwhile, the expedition was determined by the length of Siberia; The first marine ship was built on the Pacific Ocean - "Holy Gabriel"; open and applied to the map 220 geographical objects; confirmed the presence of a strait between the main students of Asia and America; defined geographical position Peninsula Kamchatka. The discovery map of V. Bering became known in Western Europe And immediately entered the newest geographical satin. After the expedition of V. Bering's outlines of the Chukotka Peninsula, as well as the entire coast from Chukotka to Kamchatka acquire views close to their modern images on the maps. Thus, the northeastern tip of Asia was applied to the card, and now there was no doubt about the existence of a strait between the continents. In the first printed message about the expedition published in the St. Petersburg Vedomostas for March 16, 1730, it was noted that Bering reached 67 degrees 19 minutes of northern latitude and confirmed that "Tamo is truly northeastern travel, in such a way that of Lena ... water to Kamchatka and Tako further to Japan, Hini
(China) and Ost-India take it possible.

Of great interest to science were geographical observations and travel records of the expedition participants: A.I. Chirikova, P.A. Chaplin and others. Their descriptions of coasts, relief,
animal I. vegetable world, Observations from lunar eclipses, currents in the oceans, the state of the weather, comments on earthquakes, etc. It was the first scientific data on the physical geography of this part of Siberia. Descriptions of the participants of the expedition also contained information about the economy of Siberia, ethnography and others.

The first Kamchatka Expedition, which began in 1725 with the instructions of Peter I, March 1, 1730 returned to St. Petersburg. V. Bering presented to the Senate and Admiralty-Colleague Report on the progress and results of the expedition, a petition for raising in rank and award officers and ordinary.


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