Matsuo bass portrait. Biography Baso Matsuo

Matsuo Basey (pseudonym); At birth, called Kindzak, to achieve the age of majority - Munefus; Another name is Dzinsitiro - the great Japanese poet, theorist of the verse.

Born in 1644 in the small castle city of Weno, the province of Iga (Honshu Island). Died on October 12, 1694 in Osaka.

Basyo was born in a poor family Samurai Matsuo Yidzaemon, was his third child. Father and the elder brother of the future poet taught calligraphy at the courts of more secured samurai, and he already received at home a good education. In his youth, he was fond of Chinese poets, such as Du Fu. In those days, the books were already available even the nobles of the middle hand. From 1664 in Kyoto studied poetry. Was in the service of a noble and rich samurai Todo Yoshitad, saying goodbye to whom, went to Edo (now Tokyo), where he was public service From 1672. But the life of the official was unbearable for the poet, he becomes a teacher of poetry. Among the contemporaries, Matsuo received fame primarily as a master Reng. Baso is the creator of the genre and aesthetics hockey.

In the 1680s, Bass, guided by the philosophy of the Buddhist school Zen, the basis of his creativity was putting the principle of "insight". The poetic heritage of Basey is represented by 7 anthologies created by him and his students: "Winter days" (1684), "Spring Days" (1686), "Stickling Field" (1689), "Pumpkin Gorryanka" (1690), "Straw Mountain Cloak "(Book 1st, 1691, Book 2nd, 1698)," Coal Bag "(1694), lyrical diaries, written prose in combination with verses (the most famous of them -" along the paths of the north "), as well as prefaces To books and poems, letters containing thoughts about art and views on the process of poetic creativity. Poetry and aesthetics bass have influenced the development of the Japanese literature of the Middle Ages and the New Time.

In honor of Basy, the crater on Mercury is named.

- (pseudonym; another pseudonym - munefus; real name - Dzinsitiro) (1644, Weno, Iga Province, - 12.10.1694, Osaka), Japanese poet, vehicle theorist. Born in a samurai family. From 1664 in Kyoto studied poetry. Was in the public service from 1672 in ... ...

- (1644 94), Japanese poet. Vertex samples of philosophical lyrics in the genre of hockey, full of elegant simplicity and harmonious perception of the world; Comic Reng (chain poem). The heritage of Matsu Bass and his students amounted to 7 anthologies, including ... ... Modern encyclopedia

- (1644 1694), Japanese poet. Philosophical lyrics in the Hockey genre (about 2 thousand), complete elegant simplicity and harmonious perception of the world; Comic Reng (poem "chains). The heritage of Matsuo and his students amounted to 7 anthologies, including ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Matsuo Basey - (Dr. Pseud. Munefus; Name. Name Dzinsitiro) (1644-94), Japanese poet, poetry theorist. Poems: OK. 2000 hockey; Comic Reng. Poetic. The heritage of M. and his students amounted to 7 anthologies: "Winter days" (1684), "Spring days" (1686), "Sticky ... ... Literary encyclopedic Dictionary

- (real name of Munefus, 1644-1694) The Great Japanese poet, who played a big role in the formation of the poetic genre of Khacki. Basyu was born in the province of IGA, in the central part of Honshu Island, in a poor samurai family, in childhood got good ... ... All Japan

Baso (pseudonym; another pseudonym munefus; real name Dzinsitiro) (1644, Weno, Iga Province, 12.10.1694, Osaka), Japanese poet, vehicle theorist. Born in a samurai family. From 1664 in Kyoto studied poetry. Was in public service with ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

See Matsuo Baso. * * * Bass Bass, see Matsuo Bass (see Matsuo Bass) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Tournament professional Sumo Matsuo Baso (1644 1694) Japanese poet List of words or phrases with references to the corresponding ... Wikipedia

Basso - Baso, see Matsuo Base ... Biographical Dictionary

Buson: Portrait of Bass Matsuo Baso (Yap. 松尾芭蕉 (pseudonym); at birth, called Kindzak, upon reaching the age of Munefus (Yap. 宗房); Another name is Dzinsitiro (Yap. 甚七郎)) Great Japanese poet, vehicle theorist. Born in 1644 in Weno, ... ... Wikipedia


  • Poems (ed. 2012), Matsuo Baso. Matsuo Basyo is a great Japanese poet, theoretical verse. Born in 1644 in the small castle city of Weno, the province of Iga (Honshu Island). Died on October 12, 1694 in Osaka. Feeling ideological ...
  • Bass, Bass Matsuo. Matsuo Basyo is a great Japanese poet, theoretical verse. Born in 1644 in the small castle city of Weno, the province of Iga (Honshu Island). Died on October 12, 1694 in Osaka. Feeling ideological ...

Five centuries passed from the times of Sayga's worshi, when a new great poet went on the roads along the roads of Japan, Matsu Basy. Just like Saigo, he preferred a staff to her home and the best moments of life gave the composition of poems. Just like Saigo, he was indifferent to bo-gasts, power, purchased pleasure and exceeded everything appreciated spiritual self-improvement. Just like Saigo, he studied himself and taught others to seek beauty and meaning in trifles everyday life. Saigo was a favorite poet Baso, and even moreover, the spiritual companion of his wanderings and creativity. However, with all spiritual relationship, these were different poets. No wonder Baso loved to repeat the east sage commandment: "Do not go in the footsteps of the ancients, but look for what they were looking for," which meant: in order to become a worthy successor of the predecessors, you need to not imitate them, but to understand their spiritual experience, and to understand it - Wow, in a new way. Following this formula, Bass and was able to become the one who became: a great heir to the cherished traditions of Japanese poetry and her great innovator.

The future poet was born in 1644 in the pro-Wing of the IGA in the family of a poor samurai Matsuo Ezaamon, who earned the teacher of calligraphy. When the boy grew, he was given the name of Munefus to him in return for children's nickname. The literary pseudonym "Baso" was invented by the poet later. Matsuo's poems were addicted to the young years. This was facilitated by communication with relatives, pre-redly dealt in the literature, and with the Princely Son, who was a passionate fan of pozia. At the reaches of the twenty-eight years, Matsuo decided to move to the largest at that time cultural Center Edo (now Tokyo), where he intended to seriously engage in the improvement of his poetic talent. The desperate attempts of their relatives to dissuade him from this idea did not have success: the call of poetry was delighted the arguments of reason. With ambitious hopes in the soul and with Tomik, Matsuo left his poems in the hands of Matsuo. Leaving, he attached to the gate of the house in which his friend lived, leaf with verses:

Cloud ridge lay down between friends ... I said out the migratory geese forever. (Translation V. Markova)

In Edo, a young poet with his head plunged into a stormy literary life. Acquaintance with the fashionable at that time the Poetic School, Dunrin taught him to draw inspiration in everyday life, and the study of Chinese classical literature developed a taste for philosophical poetry. By connecting these traditions, Basely brought the old genre of hockey to a new orbit of philosophical lyrics. This allowed the poet to rise to such a height of skill, where every three-hundredths turned into a real masterpiece.

Every year the work of the poet acquired more and more recognition. Bass appeared not only fans, but also followers: it became one of the most authoritative and favorite teachers of poetic skill. Learn from him was considered the greatest honor.

However, the growing day from the day of glory did not provide a poet of peaceful existence. The poetic craft was bad, and he did not want to do anything else. Pupils baces were mostly poor as he himself, and therefore could not ease his position. However, among them there was one immota from the wealthy family, who persuaded the father to give the poet the wretched hut-guard on the bank of the pond. For a tired many-year poverty bass, it was almost a royal gift. Fucking a new place, he planted around the house banana palm trees. They were given a poet the literary name (the word "bass" in japanese Means the "Banano-Russia"), and at the same time - and the poetic name is its dwelling: "Bananova hut" (which he sounds like "Basean"), in this small non-reliable house, clinging on the outskirts of the city, could not even It's akin to hide from the shower or jellies. But for any life benefits of Baso, it would not be sought to exchange his stupnie, an uncompressed fortress standing on guard of his spiritual and creative freedom. With a truly imperial dignity, he lived in her life of the beggar, but a happy artist independent of favor " strong Mira This "enjoying creativity and communication with friends, under all the circumstances I preserve the ability to rejoice in the simplest things: Material from site.

And I am a simple man! Only the bindwell flourishes, I eat my morning rice. (Translation V. Markova)

The inner decoration of his refuge and stoled after his threshold of Baso's neighborhood loved in many poems.

In winter, 1682 during a terrible fire that destroyed a significant part of the city, the Bananova hut burned down. Having left without a bed, the poet did not fell in spirit, deciding that finally the time came on new wanders, which he had long dreamed of. Soon bass, accompanied by one of the students, went on a journey, which lasted ten years with small breaks. Sometimes the poet returned to a banano hut carefully rebuilt with friends, but the thirst for wanderings drove him again in the road. He died during the next journey, surrounded by his students.

Glory, which Matsuo Baso, during his lifetime, did not fade after his death. Today, three centuries, each educated Japanese knows at least a few of his poems. And the poet himself, and his hockey acquired broadly fame worldwide.

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  • basso
  • poet Bosa Photo.
  • brief biography Basyo

In the creation of which his students took part: " Winter days"(1684)," Spring days"(1686)," Sticky Field"(1689)," Pumpkin Gorlyanka"(1690)," Sollar cloak monkey"(Book 1st, 1691, Book 2, 1698)," Bag coal»(1694), lyrical diaries, prefaces to books and verses, letters containing judgments about art and creative process in poetry. Travel lyrical diaries contain descriptions of landscapes, meetings, historical events. They include their own poems and quotes from the works of outstanding poets. The best of them are considered "On the paths of the North" ("Okuno Hosomiti", 1689).

Poetry and aesthetics Basey significantly influenced Japanese literature of that time, "Style Baso" determined the development of Japanese poetry for almost 200 years.


Baso was born in a poor family Samurai Matsuo Yydzaemon (Yap. 松尾 与 左衛門), was his third to the child. In different years, I wore the name Kinsaku, Hanxiti, Tositiro, Tuemon, Dzinsitiro (Yap. 甚七郎). Baso (Yap. 芭蕉) - literary pseudonym, translated meaning "banana tree".

Father and the elder brother of the future poet taught calligraphy with the courts of more secured samurai, and at home he received a good education. In his youth, he was fond of Chinese poets, such as Du Fu. In those days, the books were already available even the nobles of the middle hand. From 1664 he studied poetry in Kyoto.

It was in the service of a noble and rich samurai Todo Yoshitad (Yap. 藤堂 良忠), with whom he shared a passion for the genre khacki - Popular japanese form Joint poetic creativity. In 1665, Yoshitad and Basyu with several acquaintances were composed by the Stroyfon Khacki. The sudden death of Yoshitada in 1666 put the end of the calm life of Matsuo and in the end he left the house. I got to Edo (now Tokyo), where it consisted in public service since 1672. But the life of the official was unbearable for the poet, he becomes a teacher of poetry.

It is believed that Baso was a slim man of small growth, with thin elegant features of the face, dense eyebrows and a protruding nose. As is customary from Buddhists, he brill his head. He had a weak health, he suffered all his life with a stomach disorder. By letters of the poet, it can be assumed that he was a man calm, moderate, unusually caring, generous and faithful towards his relatives and friends. Despite the fact that all his life he suffered from poverty, Bass, as a true philosopher Buddhist, almost did not pay attention to this circumstance.

A characteristic refusal to the generally accepted ethics, peculiar to Zen, nevertheless does not mean its absence. IN japanese culture Ethics in Zen found an embodiment in ritual forms through which expression occurs, although very stingy, attitudes towards the surrounding world and people. The relevant ideas were embodied in the Japanese aesthetic worldview of Vabi Sabi.

Accommodation in a modest hut is not only not so much following its desires, it is important, directly the path of creativity, which is an expression in poetry.

Yuki-but as

Snow Morning.
One dried ketu

Another sign of reduced ethics in Zen, which manifested itself in the Japanese poetry, can be considered the use of humor in the description different phenomena surrounding world. Bass is able to smile where, where it would seem necessary to show compassion or pity, or laughs where the other would have experienced dubious moutigation. Restrained and calm contemplation - it is they who allow the artist to have fun in various difficult situations. As the philosopher Henri Bergson noticed, "... Go to the side, look at life like an indifferent viewer: many dramas will turn into a comedy." Indifference or, in other words, insensitivity - go roots in Zen, but supplied baces in indifference is hardly possible, because there is a way for him - this is a way to overcome the adversity of life, and among them, and most importantly - really the ability to laugh at themselves, sometimes Even very ironic, describing a heavy life in the wanders:

The principle of "eternal loneliness", freeing the creator from the bustle of the world, leads him on the way from utilitarian interests and goals for its highest destination. Thus, creativity acquires sacred meaning, it becomes a guide on a life path. From the entertainment, how it was in his youth, from the way to succeed and get recognition by woning over the rivals, how it seemed to be in the years of heyday, in the late years, the poet's view of the poetry is changed to the point of view that it was its true to the destination, it was it led by life path. The desire to free this sacral meaning from any signs of mercantility, to protect it, forces Basy to write in the afterword to the Poetic Column "Minasiguri" ("Empty Chestnuts", 1683): \u200b\u200b"Vabi and Poetry (Fuga) are far from everyday need. This is buggy chestnut bugs, which people did not pick up when visiting Saigy's huts in the mountains. "


In honor of Baso named crater on Mercury.

see also

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  1. Boronina I. A. // Big Soviet Encyclopedia: 30 tons .. - m .: Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  2. // Japan from A to J. Popular illustrated encyclopedia. (CD-ROM). - M.: DirectMedia Publishing, "Japan Today", 2008. - ISBN 978-5-94865-190-3
  3. // Brief literary encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1962-1978.
  4. Haiku - article from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia (3rd edition).
  5. // Great Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 2000.
  6. , from. 13.
  7. Ueda, Makoto. The Master Haiku Poet, Matsuo Bashō. - Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1982. - ISBN 0-87011-553-7. R. 20-21
  8. Bresslyt T. I. "Essays of the Japanese poetry of the IX-XVII centuries." - M.: Publishing company Eastern Literature RAS, 1994. - 237 p. P.149-215
  9. Oranges G. S.Zen // Big Soviet Encyclopedia: at 30 tons / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1972. - T. 8.
  10. Matsuo Basyu (Collected Works Matsu Baso). - ( Full collection Japanese classical literature). T. 41. Tokyo, 1972. (Translation of poems - Bresslyt T. I. From the book "Essays of Japanese poetry of the IX-XVII centuries. - 1994)
  11. . Checked on May 14, 2013.


  • Breslavts T. I. Overnight on the road: poems and wandering Matsuo Baso. - VLDV. : Publishing house of the far earth. University, 2002. - 212 p. - ISBN 5-7444-1316-2.
  • Breslavts T. I. Poetry Matsuo Base / Ot. ed. T. P. Grigorieva. - m. : Science, 1981. - 152 p.
  • Grigoriev T. P., Logunova V. V. Matsuo Base // Japanese literature. Short essay. - m. : Science, 1964. - P. 45-52. - 282 p.
  • Shirane H. Traces of Dreams: Landscape, Cultural Memory, and the Poetry of Basho: [english ] . - Stanford University Press, 1998. - 400 p. - ISBN 978-0-8047-3098-3.


An excerpt characterizing Matsuo Base

The door opened out of the inner rooms, and one of the printed nephews of the graph, with a sullen and cold face and amazingly disproportionately for his feet long waist.
Prince Vasily turned to her.
- Well, what is he?
- All the same. And how do you want, this noise ... - said Princess, looking at Anna Mikhailovna, as unfamiliar.
"Ah, Chere, Je Ne Vous Reconnaissais Pas, [ah, honey, I didn't recognize you," Anna Mikhailovna said with a happily smile, easily by signing to the nephew of the graph. - Je viens d "Arriver et Je Suis a vous Pour Vous Aider a SOIGNER MON OnCLE. J`imagine, Combien Vous Avez Souffert, [I came to help you walk for the uncle. Imagine how you were crawling,] - she added, with participation Obtaining eyes.
Princess did not answer anything, did not even smiled and immediately came out. Anna Mikhailovna removed gloves and in the conquered position was located on the chair, inviting Prince Vasilla to sit beside himself.
- Boris! She said to her son and smiled, "I'll go to the count, to the uncle, and you look at Pierre, MON AMI, shake, do not forget to give him an invitation from Rostov. They call him lunch. I think he will not go? She turned to the prince.
"On the contrary," said the prince, apparently not in the spirit. - Je Serais Tres Content Si Vous Me Debarrassez De CE Jeune Homme ... [I would be very happy if you walked me from this young man ...] Sits here. The graph never asked about him.
He shrugged. The waiter led a young man down and up another staircase to Peter Kirillovich.

Pierre never managed to choose their careers in St. Petersburg and, indeed, was expelled to Moscow for a rue. The story that Graf Rostov was told was fair. Pierre participated in the binding of a quarter with a bear. He arrived a few days ago and stopped, as always, in his father's house. Although he assumed that his story is already known in Moscow, and that the ladies surrounding his father, always unfavorable to him, will take advantage of this case to irritate the graph, he all went on the day of arrival at half pasta. Entering the living room, the usual location was printed, he greeted the ladies who were sitting on the chains and for the book, which one of them read out loud. There were three of them. Senior, clean, with a long waist, a strict girl, the very one that went to Anna Mikhailovna, read; Younger, both rosy and pretty, distinguished from each other just that one had a mole above the lip, very beautiful her, sewed in the chambers. Pierre was encountered as a dead man or worried. The eldest princess interrupted reading and silently looked at him with frightened eyes; The youngest, without a mole, took exactly the same expression; The smaller, with a moles, a fun and ridiculous nature, bent to the backslands to hide a smile caused, probably the upcoming scene, the fun of which she foresaw. She pulled down the wool and bent, as if disassembling patterns and barely holding back from laughter.
"Bonjour, Ma Cousine," said Pierre. - Vous Ne Me Geesnnaissez Pas? [Hello, Kuzina. You will not recognize me?]
- I recognize you too well, too good.
- How is the health of the graph? Can I see him? - asked Pierre awkward, as always, but not embarrassed.
- The graph suffers and physically and morally, and it seems you made sure to cause him more moral suffering.
- Can I see the graph? - repeated Pierre.
- GM! .. If you want to kill him, completely kill, you can see. Olga, let's look like a broth for uncle, soon time, "she added, showing this pierre that they were busy and occupied by reassuring his father, while he was obviously busy just upset.
Olga came out. Pierre stood, looked at the sisters and, bowing, said:
- So I will go to myself. When you can, you tell me.
He came out, and the ringing, but the harsh laughter sisters with his motherhood heard him.
The prince of Vasily arrived on another day and fit in the house of the graph. He called for Pierre and told him:
- Mon Cher, Si Vous Vous Conduisez Ici, Comme A Petersbourg, Vous Finirez Tres Mal; C "EST TUUT CE QUE JE Vous Dis. [My dear, if you behave here, as in St. Petersburg, you will finish very badly; I have nothing more than me.] Count is very, very sick: you do not need to see him at all.
Since then, Pierre was not disturbed, and he spent one over the day at the top, in his room.
While Boris entered Him, Pierre went through his room, occasionally stopping in the corners, making threatening gestures to the wall, as if piercing the invisible enemy with a sword, and strictly looking over the glasses and then again starting his walk, pronouncing unclear words shaking Shoulders and rank with hands.
- L "ANGLEMERRE A VECU, [England End,] - He said, frowning and pointing at someone's finger. - M. Pitt Comme Traitre A La Nation Et Au Drit Des Gens Est Condamiene A ... [Pitt, as a traitor of a nation and folk right, sentenced to ...] - He did not have time to finish the sentence of Pitt, imagining himself at this moment by Napoleon himself and with his hero already committing a dangerous relocation through Pa de Kale and won London - as he saw a young, slim and beautiful officer who came into him . He stopped. Pierre left Boris to fourteen-year-old boy and did not remember him resolutely; but, despite the way, with his peculiar to him, and his hand he took him by his hand and smiled friendly.
- You remember me? "Calm, Boris said with a pleasant smile." - I came to the column with Mother, but it seems not very healthy.
- Yes, it seems, unhealthy. It is disturbing everything, "Pierre answered, trying to remember who this young man.
Boris felt that Pierre would not recognize him, but did not consider it necessary to call himself and, without experiencing the slightest embarrassment, looked in his eyes.
"Count Rostov asked you today to come to him to dine," he said after quite a long and awkward for Pierre Silence.
- BUT! Graph Rostov! - Joyfully spoke Pierre. "So you are his son, Ilya." I can imagine myself, did not recognize you in the first minute. Remember how we went to the Sparrow Mountains with M ME Jacquot ... [Madame Jaco ...] For a long time.
"You are mistaken," Boris said somewhat, leisurely, with a safe and mocking smile. - I am Boris, the son of Knyagini Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya. Rostov Father's name is Ilya, and the Son is Nikolai. And I didn't know M ME Jacquot.
Pierre waved his arms and head, as if mosquitoes or bees attacked him.
- Oh, what is it! I confused everything. So many relatives in Moscow! You are Boris ... Yes. Well, here we are with you and agreed. Well, what do you think about the Boulogne expedition? After all, the British will have to be bad, if only Napoleon cross over the canal? I think the expedition is very possible. Willhnevo would not stick!
Boris knew nothing about the Boulogne expedition, he did not read the newspapers and I heard the villa for the first time.
"We are here in Moscow more busy dinners and gloys than politics," he told his calm, mocking tone. - I don't know anything about it and do not think. Moscow is busy with gossip over all, he continued. - Now they talk about you and about the graph.
Pierre smiled at his good smile, as if afraid for his interlocutor, no matter how he would say something like that, in which he would have repent. But Boris spoke clearly, clearly and dry, straight looking into the eyes of Pjar.
- Moscow there is nothing more to do, how to gossip, "he continued. - All are busy to those who leave the count of their condition, although, maybe he will survive all of us, what I wish from the heart ...
"Yes, it's all very hard," Pierre picked up, "very hard. "Pierre was completely afraid that this officer was inappropriately in an awkward conversation for himself."
"And it should seem to you," said Boris, slightly blushing, but without changing the voices and postures, "you should seem to see that everyone is busy to get something from rich."
"So there is," Pierre thought.
- And I want to tell you to avoid misunderstandings that you are very mistaken, if you will accept me and my mother to the number of these people. We are very poor, but I, at least for yourself I say: It is because your father is rich, I do not consider myself his relative, and neither I nor the mother will never ask anything and do not take it away from him.
Pierre could not understand for a long time, but when she understood, jumped off the sofa, grabbed Boris by his hand from below with his peculiar speed and awkwardness and, putting much more than Boris, began to speak with a mixed sense of shame and annoyance.
- This is strange! I really ... and who could think ... I really know ...
But Boris again interrupted him:
- I am glad that I expressed everything. Maybe you are unpleasant, you excuse me, "he said, calming Pierre, instead of being calm them," but I hope that he did not insult you. I have a rule to say everything right ... How can I convey? Do you come to dinner to Rostov?
And Boris, apparently filled with himself a difficult duty, coming out of an awkward position and putting another ones in him, became completely pleasant.
"No, listen," said Pierre, calming down. - You are an amazing person. What you have now told is very good, very good. Of course, you do not know me. We have not seen so long ago ... they still ... you can assume in me ... I understand you, I really understand. I would not do that, I would have the ability to spirit, but it is beautiful. I am very glad that I got acquainted with you. Strange, "he added, having spoiled and smiling, - what did you assume in me! - He laughed. - Well, yes what? We will get acquainted with you better. You are welcome. - He shook his hand Boris. "You know, I have never been at the count." He did not call me ... I feel sorry for him as a person ... But what to do?
- And you think Napoleon will have time to send the army? - asked Boris, smiling.
Pierre realized that Boris wanted to change the conversation, and, having agreed with him, began to energize the benefits and ineffodies of the Boulogne enterprise.
Laki came to call Boris to Princess. Princess left. Pierre promised to come to dinner then to get closer with Boris, tightly filtering his hand, gently looking into his eyes through glasses ... For the care of his Pierre for a long time she still walked around the room, no longer pierced the invisible enemy with a sword, but smiling at the memories of it Mil Smart and solid young man.
As it happens in the first youth and especially in a loner position, he felt a caustic tenderness of this young man and promised himself to make friends with him.
Prince Vasily accompanied the princess. The princess held a handkerchief from the eye, and her face was in tears.
- It's horrible! Hornly! She said, "but what I should have, I will fulfill my duty." I will come to spend the night. It can not be left. Every minute road. I do not understand what the princes is backed. Maybe God will help me find it to cook it! ... Adieu, Mon Prince, Que Le Bon Dieu Vous Soutienne ... [Goodbye, Prince, let you support you.]
- Adieu, Ma Bonne, [Farewell, my sweet,] - answered the prince of Vasily, turning away from her.
"Oh, he is in a terrible position," the mother said to his son when they sat down again in the carriage. - He will not recognize almost anyone.
- I do not understand, Mama, what his relationship to Pierre? - asked son.
- Everything will say the testament, my friend; From him and our fate depends ...
- But why do you think he will leave something to us?
- Oh, my friend! He is so rich, and we are so poor!
- Well, this is still insufficient reason, Mama.
- Oh my god! Oh my God! How bad it is! - Mother exclaimed.

When Anna Mikhailovna went with her son to Count Cyril Vladimirovich Duffle, the Countess of Rostov was sitting alone, applying a handkerchief to the eyes. Finally, she called.
"What you, honey," she said an angry with a girl who made himself wait a few minutes. - Do not want to serve or what? So I will find you a place.
The Countess was upset by the grief and the humiliative poverty of his girlfriend and therefore was not in the spirit that he was always expressed by the name of the maid "cute" and "you".
- It's guilty, "said Maid.
- Ask for me a graph.
Count, overturning, went to his wife with a somewhat guilty view, as always.
- Well, shooting! What Saute Au Madere [Sota on Mader] from Ryabchikov will be, Ma Chere! I tried; Not for nothing I gave a thousand rubles for Tarask. Standing!
He sat down beside his wife, climbing the hedverts onto the knee and embrace gray hair.
- What do you need, Shtynushka?
- That's what my friend is - what is your blicker here? She said, pointing to the vest. "It's Sota, right," she added smiling. - That's what the graph: I need money.
Her face became sad.
- Oh, Shtnushka! ...
And the count has dried up, getting a wallet.
- I need a lot, the graph, I need five hundred rubles.
And she, delivering a battle handkerchief, rubbed her husband's vest.
- Now. Hey, who is there? He shouted with such a voice, how shouting only people, confident that those whom they are cleaned, strive to rush to their call. - Send Mitenka to me!
Mitenka, the noble son, brought up by the count, who now heed all his affairs, entered the room with quiet steps.
"That's what my dear," said the Graph who had a competitive young man. "You bring me ..." he thought. " - Yes, 700 rubles, yes. Yes, look, such ribbons and dirty, as that time, do not bring, and good, for the Countess.
- Yes, Mitenka, please, so that clean, the Countess said sadly sighing.
- Your shyness, when you order deliver? - said Mitenka. "Look for knowing that ... However, I don't mind worrying," he added, noticing how the graph had already started hard and often breathe that he had always been a sign of a started anger. - I was and forgot ... this minute should you deliver?
- Yes, yes, then, bring. Here is a decanter give.
- Eclae gold I have this mitenka, "the graph added smiling when the young man came out. - There is no way. I can't endure this. Everything is possible.
- Ah, money, graph, money, how many grief from them in the world! - said the Countess. - I really need this money.
"You, Shnymushka, a famous Motka," said the count and, kissing his hand, went back to the office.
When Anna Mikhailovna returned again from the shuffle, the Countess had already money, all with new pieces, under a handkerchief on the table, and Anna Mikhailovna noted that the Countess something was rapid.
- Well, what, my friend? - asked the Countess.
- Ah, in what a terrible position! It is impossible to find out, he is so bad, so bad; I traveled a minute and did not say two words ...
- Annette, for God's sake, do not refuse me, - suddenly the Countess said, blushing, that it was so strange with her elder, a thin and important face, getting money from under the header.
Anna Mikhailovna instantly understood what was the matter, and it was bent to deftly hug a countess.
- That's Boris from me, on sewing a uniform ...
Anna Mikhailovna hugged her and cried. Countess cried too. They cried that they were friendly; and that they are kind; and that they, girlfriends of youth, are engaged in such a low item - money; And that their youth passed ... But the tears of both were pleasant ...

Countess Rostov with daughters and already with a large number of guests sat in the living room. The count conducted guests to men in the office, offering their hunting collection of Turkish tubes. Occasionally he went out and asked: did not he come? I was waiting for Marwe Dmitrievna Ahrosimov, ninnable in the Society of Le Terrible Dragon, [Terrible Dragon,] Lady, not wealth, not honors, but the directness of the mind and frankly ease of treatment. Mary Dmitrievna knew the royal surname, knew the whole Moscow and the entire Petersburg, and both cities, wondering her, secretly laughed at her rudeness, told the jokes about her; Nevertheless, everyone without exception was respected and afraid of her.
In the office, full of smoke, there was a conversation about the war, which was declared a manifesto about the set. Manifesta has not yet read, but everyone knew about his appearance. The count was sitting on a gathering between two smoking and talking neighbors. The count himself did not smoke and did not say, but tilting his head, then on one side, then on the other, with visible pleasure I looked at the smoking and listened to the conversation of the two neighbors of his own, which he was stated with each other.
One of the said civilians, with wrinkled, bull and shaved thin face, a person who was already approaching old age, although dressed as the most fashionable young man; He was sitting with his feet on the gathering with a view of a home man and, by running away to the amber's mouth from the side of his mouth, I glowed the smoke and buried. It was the old bachelor Shinshin, a cousin of the Countess, an evil language, as they spoke about him in Moscow living rooms. He seemed to be conducive to his interlocutor. Another, fresh, pink, guards officer, flawlessly washed, fastened and combed, kept amber from the middle of his mouth and pink lips pulled slightly, releasing his rings from a beautiful mouth. It was that Lieutenant Berg, officer of the Semenovsky regiment, with whom Boris rode together in the regiment and which Natasha teased faith, older countess, calling Berg by her bridegroom. Count sat between them and listened carefully. The most pleasant occupation for the graph, with the exception of the game in Boston, which he loved very much, was the position of the listening, especially when he managed to make two talkative interlocutors.
- Well, how, the father, Mon Tres Honorable [the most respectable] Alphonse Karlych, said Shinshin, laughing and connecting (in which the peculiarity of his speech was the most popular Russian expressions with exquisite French phrases. - Vous COMPTEZ Vous Faire des Rentes Sur L "Etat, [You expect to have income from the treasury,] from the company Rota Getting Want?
- No C, Peter Nikolaich, I just wish to show that in the cavalry of the benefits much less against the infantry. Now understand, Peter Nikolaichi, my position ...
Berg always said very accurately, calm and courteous. Its conversation always concerned only his one; He was always calmly silent while they talked about something that did not have a direct relationship to him. And it could be silent in this way, he could have been taking a few hours, without experiencing or producing in others the slightest confusion. But how soon the conversation concerned him personally, he began to speak extensively and with visible pleasure.
- Consider my position, Peter Nikolaich: Be I in Cavalry, I would have received no more than two hundred rubles to a third, even in the rank of Lieutenant; And now I get two hundred thirty, "he said with a joyful, nice smile, looking around Shinshina and Count, as if it was obvious to him that his success would always be the main goal of the desires of all other people.
"In addition, Peter Nikolaich, moving to the guard, I mean," continued Berg, "and the vacancies in the Guards infantry are much more often." Then, figure out how I could get out of two hundred and thirty rubles. And I postpone and I am sending my father, "he continued, the launch of the ring.
- La Balance at Est ... [Balance is installed ...] German on Obuhe Molotitis Lapel, Comme Dit Le Broverbe, [As the proverb says,] - shifting amber on the other side of the RTA, said Shinshin and winked the count.
Count breakdown. Other guests, seeing that Shinshin is talking, approached to listen. Berg, not noticing either ridicule, neither indifference, continued to talk about how he has already won the rank in front of his companions on the corpus, as in the military time the regular commander can kill, and he remains older in the company, it can be very easy to be Roat, and how in the shelf everyone loves him, and how his papida is pleased with them. Berg, apparently, enjoyed, telling all this, and, it seemed, did not suspect that other people could also have their own interests. But everything he told, it was so cute stepwise, the naivety of young egoism him was so obvious that he disarmed his listeners.

Matsuo Basey (松尾芭蕉 (pseudonym); upon reaching the age of majority - Munefus (宗房); Another name - Dzinsitiro (甚七郎)) (1644, Weno, the province of IGA, - 12.10.1694, Osaka) - the great Japanese poet, theoretical verse, who played a big role in the formation of the poetic genre of Khacki.

Born in a samurai family. From 1664 in Kyoto studied poetry. He was in the public service from 1672 in Edo (now Tokyo), then a teacher of poetry. Among the contemporaries, Matsuo received fame primarily as a master Reng. Baso is the creator of the genre and aesthetics hockey. In its style - elegant simplicity, associativity, harmony of the beautiful, depth of comprehending the harmony of the world.

In the 1680s, Bass, guided by the philosophy of the Buddhist school Zen, the basis of his creativity was putting the principle of "insight". The poetic heritage of Base is represented by 7 anthology created by him and his students: " Winter days"(1684)," Spring days"(1686)," Sticky Field"(1689)," Pumpkin Gorlyanka"(1690)," Sollar cloak monkey"(Book 1st, 1691, Book 2, 1698)," Bag coal"(1694), lyrical diaries written by prose in combination with verses (the most famous of them -" Along the paths of North"), As well as prefaces to books and verses, letters containing thoughts on art and views on the process of poetic creativity. Poetry and aesthetics bass have influenced the development of the Japanese literature of the Middle Ages and the New Time.

In honor of Basho, Basho is named (CRATER) on Mercury.


Baso was born in a poor family Samurai Matsuo Yidzaamon (松尾 与 左衛門), he was his third to the child.

The future poet was called Kinsaku, then Hanxiti, Tositiro, Tuemon, and later - Dzinsitiro.

Father and the elder brother of the future poet taught calligraphy with the courts of more secured samurai, and at home he received a good education. In his youth, he was fond of Chinese poets, such as Du Fu. In those days, the books were already available even the nobles of the middle hand. From 1664 in Kyoto studied poetry. It was in the service of a noble and rich samurai Todo Yoshitad (藤堂 良忠), saying goodbye to whom, went to Edo (now Tokyo), where he was in public service with 1672. But the life of the official was unbearable for the poet, he becomes a teacher of poetry.

It is believed that Baso was a slim man of small growth, with thin elegant features of the face, dense eyebrows and a protruding nose. As is customary from Buddhists, he brill his head. He had a weak health, he suffered all his life with a stomach disorder. By letters of the poet, it can be assumed that he was a man calm, moderate, unusually caring, generous and faithful towards his relatives and friends. Despite the fact that all his life he suffered from poverty, Bass, as a true philosopher Buddhist, almost did not pay attention to this circumstance.