What is the fifth column in Russia? The fifth column in Russia. What is the "fifth column"? The fifth column in the Russian government.

"The Fifth Column" - this is the name of the internal enemies of the state, who are ready, on orders from the outside, to try to strike at the most unprotected place, or gradually undermine society from the inside.

The history of the concept of "Fifth Column"

According to Wikipedia, during the reign of the odious dictator Mussolini, when the First World War was going on, he claimed that he had a "fifth army" of German supporters in the countries allies of the Entente.
Some researchers allegedly call the creator of this expression Emilio Mola a Spanish general who commanded the entire Franco army during the most difficult Spanish Civil War in the history of the state.
According to unverified sources during the capture of Madrid in 1936 In the year he shared that in addition to four military columns, he also has a fifth column located in the city itself, which has the ability to effectively support the advancing troops.

Examples of using the expression "Fifth column"

IN 2014 year 18 March 1st, when the documents on the accession of the Crimean Peninsula to the Russian Federation were signed, President Putin noted in his speech: " Some Western politicians are trying to intimidate us not only with serious sanctions, but also with the emergence of big problems within the country. I would like to understand what they all mean? Some actions of national traitors, the "Fifth Column", or maybe they expect that with the deterioration economic situation state people will begin to show their discontent?"

"Representatives of the liberal opposition, or, as they are rightly called the "Fifth Column", are currently conducting a systematic and targeted campaign to discredit the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics and values ​​of the entire Russian world. For this reason, there are regular stuffing into the information space, to which we need to respond harshly."

"If at first the Fifth Column preferred to speak out in a peaceful manner, today it has revealed its true face to us and has actually begun to conduct subversive activities without hiding. There is no need for the participation of the Fifth Column in direct armed conflicts against the Russian state. The fact that enemies control almost all media".

Spanish Civil War

The fighting took place with 1936 year and ended in April 1939 years. The war was between the Conservatives led by General Franco and the Republicans, who represented the "left" Popular Front. If the former were supported only by fascist Germany and Italy, but the latter - by the entire progressive world community, including the USSR.

During this war, Franco's soldiers shot about 75 thousands of their enemies, and about fifty thousand people were executed by the Republicans. According to researchers, about two hundred thousand soldiers died in battles and 25 thousands of non-combatants died of starvation. General Franco was able to win this war.

What is the Fifth Column video

IN Lately Increasingly, at all levels, both in Russia and in Ukraine, and in other countries of the post-Soviet space, the phrase "fifth column" began to be used. What does it mean and what threat does it pose to society?

History of the term

The emergence of the expression in question is associated with Then the republican regime opposed the fascist General Franco. In 1936, the Franco attack on the capital of Spain began. To intimidate the enemy, a speech by one of the generals, the dictator E. Mol, was broadcast on the radio. He said that in addition to the four military columns marching on the city under the leadership of various generals, there were adherents of the new regime in Madrid itself, who would come out at the right time. He called these spies the "fifth column". In Russia, both in the past and today, this image of an internal enemy is actively used. Let's take a historical digression and find out what the fifth column is in Russia and does it really pose a real threat to the state?

Intervention of foreign powers in the internal affairs of Russia

The fact that each state has its own geopolitical and economic interests is a long-known truth. But not everyone understands that a strong economically and politically Russia is an undesirable moment for many countries. Why? Yes, because the colossus of Russia, an unpredictable and strong state, frightens developed countries, they see it as a competitor that must be weakened at any cost. Therefore, advanced powers and wars were unleashed by proxy (for example, Russian-Turkish 1806-1812), and in domestic politics took an active part. So, for example, the coup d'état carried out by a handful of nobles in 1801 was directly paid for by England, and this is already a recognized fact. At that time, the term "fifth column" did not yet exist, but its methods were used quite widely. Why did England need to get rid of Paul? But because he, in alliance with Napoleon, planned to organize a campaign in India and generally oppose the hegemony of England in the world. Skillfully taking advantage of the dissatisfaction of the nobles with the reign of Paul the First, Great Britain solved its problems with their hands.

20th century

Let's move on to the twentieth century. Was there a fifth column in Russia in the last century? First World War undermined its economy and provoked a new crisis. After February Revolution Nicholas turned to his relatives from the royal house of England with a request to accept his family, but was refused. Why? The weak Provisional Government could not cope with the situation in the country, and the allies demanded more and more offensives at the front. caused a civil war, foreigners immediately began to "help" the white movement. But did they really want to help? Russian words are known white general about the fact that no one except Russians needs great Russia. The power of the Bolsheviks was supposed to destroy the country, but it did not work out quite like that. The created Union of Soviet Socialist Republics became a new giant, which, again, was feared and dreamed of destroying, dividing. Its collapse had both internal and external causes. No wonder the President of the United States congratulated his people on the cold war after the collapse of the USSR.

The Other Side of the Medal

Despite the fact that the existing giant, Soviet Union, frightened the developed countries, and, probably, they had their agents on its territory, after all, the scale of the fight against "pests" exceeded all conceivable limits. "Enemies of the people" - this terminology of the Soviet era may well replace the expression "fifth column". These are the same agents of influence working against their country for the benefit of another. Most of them have not only ideological motives, but also more mercantile ones - personal gain. However, in the Soviet era, many innocent people suffered as enemies of the people. In addition, the presence of an internal enemy can always be a good excuse for any policy failure. government agencies power, an explanation for the existence of economic problems and a reason for rallying citizens. Thus, the "fifth column" can be a good excuse for tough policies for those in power.

Russia in the 90s

Keeping all of the above in mind, let's try to see the current political situation and determine whether it is possible to consider such a phenomenon as the "fifth column of Russia" in the current situation. One of the basic principles of dialectics requires the study of a phenomenon in its development and historical context. Therefore, let's start with Russia's position in the world cannot be called otherwise than weak. The foreign ministers who replaced "Mr. No" A. Gromyko made concessions on all the demands of the US and the West, following the leaders of the country. In return, Russia gained global recognition and, as Putin put it, the right to sit next to the leading powers at meetings of the G8 and the like.

Current political situation

There is an opinion about the sole management of world processes by the United States. There is enough evidence for this. But as soon as Russian Federation began to declare its strategic interests and contradict the "world dictator", they immediately started talking about the terrible aggressive Russia. The situation today is such that the world community condemns the Russian Federation on all counts. At the same time, fear of the country and personally Putin is being formed. What should the Russian government do in this situation? The choice can be this: accept your position as a second-rate power and surrender to the mercy of the "winners" or defend your interests to the end. What is the fifth column in this situation? This is not just opposition, but forces that weaken the state from within and shake the political situation at a very dangerous time for the country. The situation is similar to the ideas of the "defeatists" during the First World War, advocating the loss of their own state in the war.

Crimean crisis

Even before the spring of 2014, there was an opposition in Russia that opposed the existing political regime. Some of these forces legally participated in the political struggle through elections. Another, like, for example, the world-famous Pussy Wright, operates with the help of PR campaigns, running into trouble and exposing the actions of the authorities as a speech against freedom of speech. The protest in Moscow, organized by Navalny's allies, was a more serious attempt to raise public discontent. But it was only in connection with the Crimean question that the term "fifth column" revived again. By and large, everyone who spoke out against it fell into it. This rather large group included a completely motley audience, which ambiguously assessed the annexation of the Crimean peninsula.

Attempts to list the fifth column

So, most of the Russian population and political leaders welcomed the annexation of part of Ukraine in the form of Crimea to Russia. Therefore, the attitude towards people who expressed their protest against the actions of the Russian authorities was so clearly manifested negatively. There are not so many of them, but nevertheless, many of them are quite influential people. Of the deputies of the lower house of parliament, there are four people: Valery Zubov, Ilya Ponomarev, Sergei Petrov and Dmitry Gudkov. They were joined by Nemtsov, Yavlinsky, Novodvorskaya. A big surprise was the position of all beloved artists, such as Y. Shevchuk, who immediately spoke out against the invasion Russian troops to the Crimea, considering everything that happened as an annexation. Many of the representatives of our creative elite were afraid that in this way a war would be unleashed between Ukraine and Russia. Apparently, BG also wrote about this on his Facebook page, urging the peoples not to be at enmity. So far, the war is going on in the Ukrainian East. The issue with Crimea hung in the air.

The Reality of the Enemy Within

The presence of opposition in society is a normal phenomenon. Any democracy advocates pluralism, including opinions. The use of measures of state coercion against dissidents is a sign of totalitarianism. Can it be said that the authorities persecute, for example, the Okean Elzy group or other groups and individuals who oppose the prevailing policy? The artists themselves deny this fact. But something else is happening. Various social forces, sometimes even of a very extremist nature, are trying to unleash the persecution of the so-called fifth column. In the same time public opinion can criticize any position, including the opposition. But the very widespread use of the term "fifth column" in the media and political debates - what is it if not an escalation of social tension and a call to fight pests, enemies of the people, cosmopolitans, and so on?

Fifth column

Fifth column
From Spanish: Quinta columna.
It is generally accepted that this expression is from a speech on the radio (autumn, 1936) by the Spanish General Emilio Mola (1887-1937), who in the years civil war in Spain (1936-1939) led the attack of the Francoist rebels against Republican Madrid. In it, he said, addressing the inhabitants of Republican Madrid with threats, that in addition to the four army columns that he had at his disposal, going to Madrid, there was also a fifth - in the city itself. These are secret supporters of Franco who will stab the Republicans in the back when a decisive attack on the city begins.
A friend of the version, E. Mola said these words at his headquarters during a meeting with foreign journalists.
There is a third version of the origin of this turnover: the English journalist Lord St. Oswald claimed that the expression "fifth column" first appeared in his telegram from Madrid, sent to the editors of the British newspaper "Daily Telegraph" in September 1936.
But be that as it may, even during the years of the Spanish Civil War, the concept of "fifth column" began to be associated with the name of General Mola. So, Dolores Ibarruri in the article “Defending Madrid - defending Spain” (gaz. “Mundo Obrero” dated October 3, 1936) wrote: “The traitor Mola said that he would throw “four columns” against Madrid, but only the “fifth” would start offensive. (...) The "fifth column" is inside Madrid, and first of all it is necessary to defeat it.
The popularity of the expression was facilitated by Ernest Hemingway's play The Fifth Column (1938).
Used: as a collective name for spies, saboteurs - * all those who act secretly, treacherously, waiting for an opportune moment for an open speech.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

Fifth column

Initially, this was the name given to spies, saboteurs and wreckers who supported the counter-revolutionary frankists during the years of the struggle against them of the Spanish Republic (1936-1939). This expression belongs to the Spanish General Emilius Mola, who commanded the counter-revolutionary army. Advancing on Madrid, he radioed in the fall of 1936 an appeal to the population of the capital, in which he stated that, in addition to the four army columns at his disposal, he also had a fifth column in Madrid itself. According to the fifth column that carried out subversive espionage work in Madrid, they began to call in general secret agents of the enemy who help him with espionage, sabotage and sabotage (A. Marjoric Taylor. The Languare of world War II. - New York, 1944, p. 28).

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004

See what the "Fifth Column" is in other dictionaries:

    In the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of the agents of General Franco operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the fifth column was the code name for the fascist ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - "FIFTH COLUMN", in the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of the agents of General Franco, acted in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the "fifth column" code name ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    In the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of the agents of General Franco operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the "fifth column" is the code name for the fascist ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - ... Wikipedia

    The name of Franco's agents operating in Spain. republic during the national revolutionary wars of 1936 39. The term P. to. arose in the beginning. oct. 1936, when the Francoist gene. Mola announced on the radio that the rebels were advancing on Madrid in four columns, ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    fifth column- The name of the Nazi agents in various countries, which carried out sabotage and espionage activities, sowed panic, engaged in sabotage and helped the capture of these countries by German troops. The term fifth column first came into use in ... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

    In the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of the agents of General Franco operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the "Fifth Column" is the code name for the fascist ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fifth column- About traitors, traitors, who are on the payroll of hostile states and are used for espionage, sabotage and the decay of the spirit of the population of one or another belligerent country. In every country to which Hitlerism had access, a spy station was created ... ... Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language

    - (“The Fifth Column”) is the name of General Franco's agents operating in the Spanish Republic during the National Revolutionary War of 1936 39. The term “P. To." arose in early October 1936, when the Francoist General E. Mola announced on ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Pub. Unapproved Secret agents of the enemy are spies, saboteurs, saboteurs, traitors. / i> The expression of the general of the Francoist army Emilio Mola, who announced during the attack on Madrid (1938) that, in addition to four army columns, he had in the city ... ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings


  • "The Fifth Column" and the Russian Church. Age of persecution and splits, Shambarov Valery Evgenievich. When the USSR collapsed, one of the main organizers of this operation, Zbigniew Brzezinski, said: "We now have one enemy - the Russian Orthodox Church." Although she is from the communist authorities ...

In the news every now and then they talk about some kind of “fifth column”. I would like to know what this term means?


The phrase "fifth column" is widely used in political phraseology and journalism to refer to various types of internal adversary. In other words, the fifth column refers to people who cause alarm in the country and hide their foreign connections from the public. It can be saboteurs, saboteurs, internal enemies.

The term "fifth column" itself appeared in the 30s of the XX century during the Spanish Civil War. At some point, rumors began to spread in Madrid about traitors operating in the country. The Republican government arrested thousands of de facto supporters of General Franco, who led the anti-Republican forces, and people who simply fell under suspicion. Every morning, dozens of corpses were found on the streets of Madrid. There were rumors about the impending doom of the cause of the Republic. Therefore, maybe the accidentally dropped phrase fell on fertile ground.

It is believed that for the first time this term was used by the famous Brigadier General Emilio Mola, commander of the Nationalists. Speaking on the radio, he painted a picture of the fighting of four columns advancing on Madrid, and mentioned the presence of a fifth column, which was already in the city and would begin the offensive. After that, the rebel army came very close to Madrid, but due to the limited number of soldiers and ammunition, they did not dare to storm. Therefore, whether Mola told the truth about the presence of the fifth column is still unknown.

The activity that became known as the fifth column during the Spanish Civil War took place in the most different countries in different historical periods. However, one of the most studied and famous is still the German fifth column of the Second World War. We are talking about Nazi agents in other states, which contributed to their capture by German troops.

In our time, there are fifth columns of China and Russia. And many Russian politicians say that a US fifth column is operating in their country.

In Ukraine, the concept of the fifth column has been widely used since the mid-2000s. As a rule, it is used to refer to pro-Russian movements. In independent Ukraine, the fifth column is a number of political parties that support the foreign policy of a neighboring state. A prime example their activities can be called the Severodonetsk congress, the main goal of which was the creation of a southeastern autonomous republic.

During the Russian-Ukrainian conflict of 2014-2015, the term "fifth column" became even more widespread. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko repeatedly uses it in his public speeches and addresses.

The concept of "fifth column" has found its reflection in art. In 1938, Ernest Hemingway, who was in Madrid during the civil war as an American war correspondent, wrote a play about Republican counterintelligence called The Fifth Column. In 1960, the play was made into a film starring Richard Burton.

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Books are written about secret agents and films are made. At the same time, society perceives such characters ambiguously.

When a hero risks his life in another country for the sake of saving his homeland and compatriots, he is usually sympathized with. A foreign spy who has infiltrated a foreign state with the aim of destroying it and destroying its inhabitants causes negative emotions among viewers and readers. And how to perceive the real traitors to the Motherland, who live next to us and receive generous rewards from foreign customers, destabilize Russia? Phraseologism "fifth column" is applied to a group of such persons. The traitors themselves consider themselves the Russian "liberal" opposition. Although in reality they denigrate the real ideas of liberalism, demonstrating solidarity with the Ukrainian Bendera, Chechen terrorists or states that are hostile to the Russian Federation. Political scientists call such "liberals" non-systemic opposition. Like a virus, they penetrate into all state systems: political, financial, law enforcement, educational, culture and media. Then, having received an order from above, they begin to sow panic among the masses, create chaos in the country and support pro-Western sentiments. As a result, permissiveness and corruption flourishes, corrupt officials and swindlers line their pockets. The state of the economy is deteriorating and the standard of living of ordinary citizens is falling sharply. The authorities are forced to take radical measures to suppress the unrest, which is what the traitors seek. They "heat up" the mass discontent of the people against the current leadership of the country, coming up with various pretexts. For example, totalitarianism, cruelty power structures or violation of human rights.

How did the fifth column appear in Russia

The formation of this structure began in the eighties of the last century by the American Michael McFaul, the former ambassador of the United States to the Russian Federation. He gathered a certain circle of people and, with their help, launched a powerful activity against the well-being of the USSR. In the dashing nineties, the country was in a state of socio-economic chaos, which McFaul took advantage of by creating a pro-Western opposition. Even now he owns complete information about our country, knows all the opposition formations in the Russian Federation and actively cooperates with some of them. In 2003, the parties of the non-systemic opposition Union of Right Forces, led by the late Boris Nemtsov and Yabloko, led by Grigory Yavlinsky, lost their parliamentary status, failing to gain the required number of votes in the elections to State Duma. During the same period, oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who collaborated with the West and opposed Vladimir Putin, received a prison sentence for financial crimes. In 2004, Putin was elected president of the country for a second term. He fired Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov, forming a new government team. Therefore, the majority of pro-Western politicians and "liberals" turned out to be aloof from state system. As a result of their removal, the United States lost the ability to influence Russian politics. Then the Americans prepared a plan for a color revolution in the Russian Federation, which the "liberals" were supposed to implement. In addition to politicians and public figures, fifth column in Russia represents the intelligentsia, which idolizes the West and forms Russophobic sentiments in Russia. Many of these people have obtained US citizenship or European countries where they have real estate, and their children study at foreign universities. Such intellectuals hate the Russian nation, treat Russia with contempt, and propagandize the prosperous life of Western countries, acting solely in their interests. Some liberals successfully disguise themselves and present themselves as well-wishers of the Russian Federation. However, it is important to understand that pro-Westerners and Russophobes do not care about the fate of our state.

Fifth column in Russia: faces of traitors

With the help of the intelligentsia, it is easy to carry out information campaigning, since citizens trust the opinion of famous people. At the same time, if some people may not know politicians, officials, journalists, then popular actors, writers and musicians are familiar to everyone. Most of them, with the money of the people they hate, have provided themselves with a completely comfortable old age. Representatives of the fifth column acted in films, traveled on tour throughout the country, published books in thousands of copies. However, they prefer to dance to the tune of the West and sling mud at the state in which they live. For example, the singer Andrei Makarevich in one of his interviews called the Russian people slaves who are not able to think. In addition, he is an opponent of the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation and an ardent supporter of the Kyiv authorities. TV presenter Mikhail Shats openly accuses the Russians of hostilities in Ukraine. Ksenia Sobchak calls Russian people cattle. According to the writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya, she is surrounded by dirty savages represented by Russians. By the way, she corresponded with Khodorkovsky when he was in prison. Writer Vladimir Voinovich hates the President of Russia and calls him a criminal. Actress Liya Akhedzhakova is sure that the Malaysian plane was shot down by Russia in 2014 and even apologizes to Ukraine on behalf of the entire Russian nation. There are many such examples. Of course, one can ignore the statements of traitors, especially Akhedzhakova and Voinovich. You never know what comes to mind at such a venerable age? And Makarevich, perhaps, lacks the audience at concerts. So he decided to become famous for bad deeds. However, these "comrades", together with non-professional politicians, promote Western values ​​and despise the leadership of the country and its inhabitants.

Fifth column rallies

Traitors are trying in every possible way to turn the citizens of Russia against the authorities. The scheme of actions is simple: the people are gathered for a protest demonstration, people are dissatisfied with the government and carry out a coup d'état. Then the leaders of the coup will be occupied by the organizers of the coup, and not by the people's representatives, as the people were told. As a result, the new "leadership" will enrich itself by destroying our country at the command of the West. So from 2011 to 2013 there were mass protest movements in the country, the symbol of which was the white ribbon. Representatives of the "liberal" opposition once again missed the State Duma and, accusing the authorities of electoral fraud, demanded Vladimir Putin's resignation. The rally on Chistoprudny Boulevard was attended by about seven thousand people. The Fifth Column in Russia disseminated information in advance through social media and own media. Well-known “liberals” spoke at the rally: Boris Nemtsov, Alexei Navalny, Mikhail Kasyanov, Yevgenia Chirikova, as well as Viktor Shenderovich and Ilya Yashin. The main slogan was: "Let's return power to the people!". Then riots broke out, clashes with police and the arrest of 300 protesters, including Yashin and Navalny. True, they were released after fifteen days. The next protest action on Bolotnaya Square gathered about 150 thousand people, among them Boris Akunin, Ksenia Sobchak, Oleg Kashin, Grigory Yavlinsky, Leonid Parfyonov. The Belolentochniki demanded the release of "political prisoners", the appointment of re-elections and the dismissal of Vladimir Churov, the head of the Central Election Commission. On December 24, a rally of thousands took place on Akademik Sakharov Avenue, where Andrei Makarevich, Ksenia Sobchak, Mikhail Prokhorov, Evgeny Roizman took part. Actions under the slogans: "Russia without Putin" and "For Fair Elections" took place in many major cities countries.

Support for criminals and gay parades

In February 2012, the soloists of the group Pussy Riot offended the feelings of believers by performing the so-called "punk prayer" in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. They grimaced at the altar and shouted: “Mother of God, drive Putin away.” A few days later, the group members were arrested, they were threatened real term. In some Russian cities there were demonstrations in support of the "singers". Cultural figures decided to write a collective letter demanding to stop criminal prosecution girls. The defenders of Pussy Riot were Liya Akhedzhakova, Andrey Makarevich, Boris Akunin, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Viktor Shenderovich and others. A similar situation in the country occurred after the arrest of Nadezhda Savchenko. The activists staged pickets and wrote a letter to the President of the Russian Federation demanding the release of the Ukrainian military. Among the defenders of Nadezhda there are again familiar faces: Vladimir Shenderovich, Liya Akhedzhakova, Lyudmila Ulitskaya. In addition, members of the fifth column spoke unflatteringly about the celebration of May 9th. For example, according to Lev Ponomarev, head of the For Human Rights movement, a demonstration military equipment during the parade proves that Russia threatens outside world. I wonder where he was threatened? How can you see elements of aggression in Victory Day? Representative of the "liberal" opposition in Russia Valeria Novodvorskaya, now deceased, along with the same Ponomarev, advocated holding gay parades in the Russian Federation, since the ban on such events allegedly violates the rights of gays and lesbians. The "liberals" became especially active after the signing by Vladimir Putin of a law prohibiting the promotion of homosexuality among children. The presidential decree was supported by 88% of Russians. Navalny and Sobchak have repeatedly spoken out in defense of sexual minorities. At the same time, it is not clear how their rights are violated? Are gay people being denied employment or medical care? Is someone forcing them into hiding or arresting them? They were only forbidden to demonstrate their "features" and impose them on the younger generation.

in vain tried

State Department long years used the fifth column to weaken Russia. Washington, through the American Foundation for Democracy, allocated millions of dollars to the parties of the “liberal” opposition to the Russian Federation. The appearance of Vladimir Putin greatly disturbed the United States. Therefore, before the presidential elections in March 2012, the American authorities ordered the traitors to Russia to prevent the victory of the then prime minister. As a result, Russia was overwhelmed by a powerful white ribbon protest movement. Then it seemed that the current government of the country was about to be overthrown. Representatives of the fifth column were looking forward to another portion of dollars from Washington for completing a difficult task. Sociologists talked about the decline in Putin's rating. However, US analysts did not expect that the vigorous activity of the “liberals” would have the opposite effect and help Vladimir Putin win the elections for the third time. An attempt to organize a color revolution in Russia failed. The traitors tried to rectify the situation and continued to organize protests, but it was no longer possible to gather thousands of crowds. The people did not support far-fetched claims against the President of the Russian Federation. Instead of the collapse of the country from within, the fifth column only strengthened the authority of the head of state. In 2012-2013, cases of theft among white ribbon workers and their cooperation with foreign funds became known to the public. Such information opened the eyes of many Russians who supported pro-Western figures. In addition, the people saw the results of the color revolution in other countries, for example, in Ukraine. Residents of multi-million Russia will never allow this to be done to their country. Therefore, the traitors are left to bite their elbows and admit defeat.

The material was prepared by Daria Lychagina