Path translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences. Comprehensive English-Russian Dictionary

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  1. way (road, path, route, tract)
  2. track (path, trajectory)
  3. path
  4. circuit

Multiple number: paths.


path to god
road to god

new path
new path

spiritual path
spiritual path

best path
optimal route

digital path
digital path

winding path
winding path

dangerous path
dangerous path

flight path
flight path

short path
short path

old path
old course

closed path
closed loop


Does this path lead to the train station?
Does this path lead to the station?

Vasilissa put the skull on the end of a stick and darted away through the forest, running as fast as she could, finding her path by the skull "s glowing eyes which went out only when morning came.
Vasilisa put her skull on the tip of a stick and at full speed rushed headlong through the forest, illuminating her path with the glowing eyes of the skull, which went out only with the arrival of morning.

I am seeking the path to the end of the universe.
I'm looking for my way to the edge of the universe.

We cleared a path through the woods.
We have cleared a path through the forest.

The path to evil may bring great power, but not loyalty.
The path to evil can bring great strength, but not faithfulness.

Take the path that runs along the river.
Follow the path along the river.

I can "t be pushed off the path because I don "t know where I" m going.
I cannot be led astray because I do not know where I am going.

Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing A happy daisy, in the garden path That so your silver foot might press me going, Might press me going even unto death.
A happy daisy by the path I will grow up and lie down on the earthly firmament, And under its silver leg I will obediently find the death I desire.

The path between the two houses was blocked by snow.
The passage between the two houses was covered with snow.

The path is direct.
The path is straight.

I rue the day I crossed paths with this asshole.
I curse the day that fate brought me to this bastard.

The future has many paths - choose wisely.
The future has many paths - choose wisely.

Or the Marketplace Adelanto line is a very long 202 mile (325 km) 500 kilovolt power line that runs from the Adelanto substation close to Adelanto, California and the High Desert all the way to the Marketplace substation in Nevada.…… Wikipedia

path - W2S2 n plural paths ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦ (track) ¦ 2¦ (way through something) ¦ 3¦ (direction) ¦ 4¦ (plan) ¦ 5 somebody's paths cross ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; Origin: pAth] 1.) ... Dictionary of contemporary English

Path 26 - is a set of three 500 kV power lines that forms Southern California Edison s (SCE) intertie with Pacific Gas Electric (PG E) to the north. Since PG E s power grid and SCE s grid both have interconnections to elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest and ... Wikipedia

Path 46 - Path 46, also called West of Colorado River, Arizona California West of the River Path (WOR), is a set of many high voltage electrical power transmission lines that are located in southeast California and Nevada up to the Colorado River. This…… Wikipedia

Path - PathPath may also refer to: * Course (navigation), the intended path of a vehicle over the surface of the Earth * Trail, footpath, or bicycle way in rural or urban settings * Sidewalk running along the edge of a road, in some varieties of English…… Wikipedia

path - [pæθ] noun count *** 1.) a way from one place to another that people can walk along: a steep mountain path A short path through the woods leads to the village. up / down / along a path: Amy walked up the path to the house. a) a way from one place ... Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

Path 15 - is the name of a major north south power transmission corridor in California. It forms a part of the Pacific AC Intertie and the California Oregon Transmission Project. Path 15, along with the Pacific DC Intertie running far to the east, forms an ... Wikipedia

Path 66 - (also called the California Oregon Intertie or abbreviated COI) is the name of several 500 kV power lines that were built by Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), Pacific Gas Electric (PG E), and PacifiCorp in the early 1970s to 1990s and …… Wikipedia

path - / path, pahth /, n., pl. paths / padhz, pahdhz, paths, pahths /. 1.a way beaten, formed, or trodden by the feet of persons or animals. 2.a narrow walk or way: a path through a garden; a bicycle path. 3. a route, course, or track along which…… Universalium

Path 61 - or the Lugo Victorville 500 kV Line is a relatively short AC 500 kV power line that runs from Southern California Edison s (SCE) Lugo substation southwest of Hesperia to Los Angeles Department of Water and Power s (LADW P) Victorville substation…… Wikipedia

path - path1 n. 1.a track or way worn by footsteps; trail 2. a walk or way… English World dictionary


  • Cooperative Path Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Brian White. An invaluable addition to the literature on UAV guidance and cooperative control, Cooperative Path Planning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles is a dedicated, practical guide to computational path ... Buy for 11196.4 rubles eBook
  • 802.1aq Shortest Path Bridging Design and Evolution. The Architect "s Perspective, Allan David. Facilitates both the understanding and adoption of 802.1aq as a networking solution 802.1aq Shortest Path Bridging (SPB) is a technology that greatly simplifies the creation and configuration ...

English-Russian translation of PATH

transcription, transcription: [pɑ: θ]

1) path; trail; path to beat, blaze, clear, make a path ≈ to trample, mark, clear, blaze a path to clear a path through a jungle ≈ to clear, cut a path in the jungle to cross smb. "s path ≈ to cross smb.'s road beaten path ≈ a beaten path, a trodden path a path goes, leads somewhere ≈ a road goes, leads somewhere war path ≈ a war path

2) sport a) treadmill b) cycle track track c) moto track road

3) a) path; road, path (line along which someone or something moves) Syn: way b) mat. trajectory The curved path in which the ball will move. ≈ The curved path the ball will follow. Syn: trajectory

4) line of conduct; course of action It is very seldom for two successive kings to tread in the same path. ≈ Very rarely a new king chooses the same strategy (in his activities) as his predecessor.

path, path; path - a garden * garden path - a * through the woods forest path bicycle path path - the * to the town path to the city - hurricane * (meteorology) hurricane path - storm * (meteorology) storm path - * of storms storm path path, road - to cross smb. * "s to meet someone - he gave a friendly greeting to everyone who crossed his * he gave a friendly greeting to everyone who met him along the way - to cross smb. *" s to get up to someone across the road - to be in smb. "s * to stand on someone else's path, to become someone across the road - he crushed everything crossing his * he swept everything in his path course, route (flight) - glide * (aviation) glide path planning trajectory - * of bomb flight path bombs - take-off * take-off trajectory (rocket) (physical) run (particles) path, path - the beaten * beaten path - the * of glory glorious path - a * to success path to success - to enter the * enter the path - to go in smb. "s * follow someone - to stray from the narrow * (figurative) go astray line of behavior or action - to follow the * of duty follow duty (rare) train of thought, reasoning path (easy athletics) hippodrome circle (sports) passage in defense (medicine) nerve pathway, pathway (brain and spinal cord a) (deprecated) follow the path

access ~ Sun. access path

efficient ~ efficient trajectory

~ path; path; to enter on (or to take) the path to enter the path; to cross (smb. "s) path get (smb.) across the road

equilibrium ~ equilibrium trajectory

optimal ~ optimal trajectory

path cinder track or treadmill ~ tue. track ~ line ~ line of behavior or action ~ tue. route ~ route ~ duration (operations in the PERT system) ~ route; path; to enter on (or to take) the path to enter the path; to cross (smb. "s) path to become (smb.") across the road ~ path (in the PERT system) ~ incl. access path ~ trajectory ~ trajectory (in the economic model) ~ path; path; path ~ physical means of completing the task

~ of least effort path of least resistance

~ too long th. path name too long

search ~ Sun. search route

semicritical ~ Sun. semi-critical path

signal ~ signal path

slack ~ Sun. path ordered by reserve

slackless ~ critical path

source ~ required th. no original pathname specified

steady-state ~ steady trajectory

through ~ through path

Big English-Russian dictionary. The Big English-Russian Dictionary. 2012

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  • Large English-Russian Dictionary

More meanings of the word and the translation of PATH from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "PATH" in dictionaries.

  • PATH - I. ˈpa] th, ˈpaa (ə)], ˈpai], ˈpȧ] noun (plural paths] thz also] ths) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pæth, path; ...
  • PATH - / path, pahth /, n. , pl. paths / padhz, pahdhz, paths, pahths /. 1.a way beaten, formed, or trodden by ...
    Random House Webster "s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • PATH - vi to walk or go. 2.path noun a trodden way; a footway. 3.path · vt to make a path ...
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  • PATH - / pɑːθ; NAmE pæθ / (also path · way) noun 1. a way or track that is built or is made by ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • PATH - path S2 W2 / pɑːθ $ pæθ / BrE AmE noun (plural paths / pɑːðz $ pæðz /) [Language: Old English ...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • PATH - (paths) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A path is a ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • PATH - noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a career path (\u003d a way of making a career) ▪ There’s no fixed ...
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • PATH - (TRACK) [C] - a route or track between one place and another, or the direction in which something is ...
    Cambridge English vocab
  • PATH - Synonyms and related words: air lane, air line, air route, airway, alameda, approach, artery, avenue, beat, beaten path, beaten ...
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  • PATH - INDEX: 1. in a town 2. outside a town 3. a wide road for traveling quickly 4. a path for ...
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  • PATH - n. 25B6; noun a path down to the beach: FOOTPATH, pathway, footway, pavement, track, trail, trackway, bridleway, bridle path, ...
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  • PATH - n. 1 footpath, pathway, tow-path, track, trail, walk, walkway, Brit footway A little kitten was sitting on the garden path ...
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  • PATH - path.ogg 1. pɑ: θ n 1. 1\u003e path, path; a garden path - a path through the woods ...
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • PATH - 1) path; track; route 2) trajectory 3) path length; run length 4) eng. sidewalk 5) svz, radio channel; tract; track ...
    Comprehensive English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
  • PATH - 1) path; track; route 2) trajectory 3) path length; run length 4) eng. sidewalk 5) svz, radio channel; tract; track 6) track (magnetic recording) 7) interconnect 8) ...
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  • PATH - 1) road 2) track 3) contour 4) line 5) computer. route 6) direction 7) track 8) track 9) trajectory 10) track 11) track. along a non-tangential path - balanced ...
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • PATH - 1. pɑ: θ n 1. 1\u003e path, path; a garden path - a path through the woods - ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • PATH - noun 1) path; trail; path to beat, blaze, clear, make a path - trample, mark, clear, pave the way to clear ...
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  • PATH - noun 1) path; trail; path to beat, blaze, clear, make a path - trample, mark, clear, pave the way to clear a path through ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • PATH - 1) trajectory; way; route || route 2) mileage; path length 3) guide 4) channel. - access path - actual ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Automation 2
  • PATH - 1) trajectory; way; route || route 2) mileage; path length 3) guide 4) channel. - access path - actual path - actuating path - afterrunning path - arcuate ...
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  • PATH - 1) path; move 2) path, path 3) anat. nervous way. - alternative path - conduction path - copulation path - entrance path - penetration path
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  • PATH - 1) path; trail; lane 2) racetrack circle 3) sidewalk. - borehole path - cantilevered foot path - circular path - drainage path - foot path - glide path -…
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  • PATH - 1) path; track; tract; channel 2) conductor (IS) 3) route (in the network) 4) circuit; branch (program) 5) trajectory. source path required - no path specified ...
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  • PATH - 1) trajectory (for example, in an economic model); line 2) physical means of performing the task - path of adjustment - path ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics and Finance
  • PATH - 1) path; track; route; lane 2) trajectory - path of escape - path of nose gear - path of ...
    English-Russian construction dictionary
  • PATH - 1) path 2) channel, path 3) circuit. - access path - alternate path - antenna-feeder path - audio-frequency path - baseband transmission path - best redundant path - cable ...
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  • PATH - path (access) route communication path see access path see authorized path see bypass path see communication path see data path ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Security
  • PATH - noun 1) path; trail; path to beat, blaze, clear, make a path ≈ trample, mark, clear, pave the way to clear ...
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  • PATH - ped-via, viette; (sidewalk) trottuore
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  • PATH - agi anan; dalan
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  • PATH- - or patho- combining form see: pathos pathological state; disease
  • PATH - I. noun (plural ~ s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pæth; akin to Old High German pfad ~ Date: before ...
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  • -PATH - noun combining form Etymology: German, back-formation from ~ ie ~ y practitioner of a (specified) system of medicine that emphasizes one aspect ...
    Explanatory Dictionary of English - Merriam Webster
  • -PATH - ˌpath, ˌpaa (ə) th, ˌpaith noun combining form (-s) Etymology: in sense 1, from German, back-formation from -pathie -pathy; in ...
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
  • PATH- - combining form or patho- Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from pathos experience, emotion, passion, suffering - more at pathos 1. ...
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
  • PATH - (v. I.) To walk or go.
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  • PATH
    Webster English Dictionary
  • PATH - (n.) A way, course, or track, in which anything moves or has moved; route; passage; an established way; as, the ...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • PATH
    Webster English Dictionary
  • PATH - (v. T.) To make a path in, or on (something), or for (some one).
  • PATH - (v. I.) To walk or go.
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • PATH - (n.) A way, course, or track, in which anything moves or has moved; route; passage; an established way; ...
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • PATH - (n.) A trodden way; a footway.
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  1. path [ ɑ: ] noun
    1. path; trail; track

      Examples of using

        There was a path went down the mountain but it was steep and so usually we took the road and walked down on the wide hard road between fields and then below between the stone walls of the vineyards and on down between the houses of the villages along the way.

        A path led down from the house itself, but it was very steep, and usually we preferred to go down the road and walked a wide, frost-hardened road between fields, and then between the stone fences of vineyards and even lower between the houses of the villages lying by the road.

        Bye weapons. Ernest Hemingway, p. 222
      1. Now, uttered before a stranger, the accusation cut me to the heart; I dimly perceived that she was already obliterating hope from the new phase of existence which she destined me to enter; I felt, though I could not have expressed the feeling, that she was sowing aversion and unkindness along my future path; I saw myself transformed under Mr. Brocklehurst's eye into an artful, noxious child, and what could I do to remedy the injury?

        And now this accusation, thrown in my face in front of a stranger, wounded me to the core. I vaguely guessed that she wanted in advance to deprive me of a glimmer of hope, to poison the new life that she was preparing for me; I felt, although perhaps I could not express it in words, that she sows hostility and distrust towards me and on my future life path; I saw that Mr. Brocklehurst already considered me a lying, stubborn child. But how could I fight against this injustice ?!

        Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë, p. 31
      2. Often their yelps drifted across the desolation, and once he saw three of them slinking away before his path.

        Very often, their howl came to him from the desert distance, and once he saw three wolves, which, stealthily, crossed the road.

        Love of life. Jack London, p. 11
    2. cinder or treadmill
    3. way; path;
      to enter on (or to take) the path to enter the path;
      to cross smb. "s path to become smb. across the road

      Examples of using

      1. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path."

        This love takes no account of laws or pity; she knows no fear and mercilessly sweeps away everything in her path.