Journal of the nobility collection. Revival of the Russian noble assembly

(2nd edition)

"The road will be mastered by the walking ..."


1.1. We, representatives of the Russian noble families, announced on May 10, 1990 of the restoration, and proclaimed our main goals to be the resurrection of destroyed and lost spiritual, moral, cultural and material values, the restoration of the interrupted historical continuity of generations and the ideals of morality, Christian tolerance, and respect traditional for the Russian state. to the personality, enlightened patriotism and sacrificial service to the Fatherland.

1.2. The historical vocation of the Russian nobility from time immemorial was the service of the state. The nobility developed as a class of defenders and servants of the Fatherland, who raised the importance of feelings of duty and honor. Guided by these feelings and our own vision of state and socio-political ideals, we advocate the revival of Russia as a great Power, which harmoniously absorbed in modern conditions all the best traditions and qualities that manifested themselves during its almost 12-century existence.

1.3. Our country arose at the junction of several great civilizations and, having repelled all the aggression directed at it from the east, south and west, thanks to its unique geopolitical position and to the efforts of all the peoples who inhabited it, she herself began to represent a great civilization. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Russia was an advanced state for its time - a parliamentary monarchy with a highly developed economy, an active political life, humane legislation, high level citizenship, spirituality and human brotherhood.

The evolutionary development of the state was forcibly interrupted by the revolutions of 1917, carried out by radical political elements, who managed to captivate Russian society with false ideals of establishing social justice according to the recipes of the communist doctrine.

We must state that the destruction of the Russian state took place under the conditions of nihilism that had been implanted in the country for a long time, and representatives of all estates, not excluding the nobility, were involved in this process to one degree or another.

1.4. Having withstood with all the people all the trials sent down by the Almighty, we now set ourselves the following main tasks: to promote the revival of the moral and spiritual foundations of the Russian society and state, the formation of public consciousness on the principles of traditionalism, ancestral faith and enlightened patriotism, the revival and strengthening of Russian statehood on the basis of historical Russian state traditions and principles, restoration of Russian historical traditions of state administration and local self-government.

1.5. Protesting against the imposition on our society of a sense of the doom of the Russian peoples to epigonize the Western world with its so-called "universal human values", "unified ideology", globalism and tolerance, we stand for all-round support and priority of the national identity of cultural traditions, ethical ideals and eternal spiritual values \u200b\u200bof peoples Russia, for the revival and consolidation of the Faith of the ancestors in our life as a proven means of restoring morality and ethics in society.

1.6. Without binding ourselves to the framework of any specific political parties, we set the task of uniting persons belonging to the Russian nobility and the descendants of Russian noble families who have retained their self-identification as representatives of an estate that for centuries has been creating, strengthening and defending the Russian state, its cultural and scientific potential, for the restoration and the continuation of the historical continuity of generations, for the establishment both in our own environment and in society as a whole, a sense of belonging to the history and future of our Fatherland, for common work for the good of Russia. At the same time, we are confident that the consolidation of persons belonging to the Russian nobility and the descendants of Russian noble families is possible only on the basis of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, the Faith of the ancestors, and traditions of faithful service to their Fatherland.

1.7. We declare that Russian Noble Assemblyregional branches (regional Nobility Assemblies) and the Council of the United Nobility, included in it, are the successors of the organizational structures and activities, respectively, of the Union of United Noble Societies, provincial Noble Assemblies at the place of registration of the now formed Noble Assemblies and the Council of the United Nobility, which existed in Russia until February 1917.

1.8. We declare that Russian Noble Assembly is a traditionalist organization with deep respect for the Russian spiritual and cultural heritage, for the traditions of the historical Russian Statehood, while it does not dogmatize specific forms and does not bow before the ideas of the past, but is ready to use all the wealth of the historical experience of the country and people, perceiving it in a dynamic development.

1.9. We declare that Russian Noble Assembly, recognizing the enduring spiritual and moral significance of the Approved Charter of the Great Local Church and Zemsky Sobor of 1613 on the calling of the House of Romanovs to the kingdom, the Act of Succession to the throne in 1797, the Manifesto of the Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich 1924 on the adoption by him in exile of the Imperial regulatory title and other dictatorial acts the legal status of the House of Romanov, is a legitimist organization, that is, honoring the legitimate Russian Imperial House as a historical institution and one of the main pillars of modern civil society and remaining loyal to its Head. The now legitimate Head of the Russian Imperial House of Romanov is Her Imperial Highness the Empress The grand duchess Maria Vladimirovna, and Her legal heir is His Imperial Highness Sovereign Tsarevich and Grand Duke George Mikhailovich.

1.10. Although Russian Noble Assembly - the organization is non-political and does not set itself the goal of coming to power, we not only reserve the right to speak out, including in the media, on the most important issues of the life of Russia and other states that were part of a single Power, but we also intend to be invariably active to participate in public and state activities in all its most important areas.

1.11. We consider it important in every possible way, patiently and persistently to form elements of harmony and unity in the main directions of social and political activity of various movements and organizations that stand on the positions of restoration and development of Russian statehood. We stand for the priority of national and national interests. Wherein Russian Noble Assembly is open to cooperation with all forces, all state, political and public organizations that set themselves the goal of contributing to the revival, strengthening, prosperity and greatness of the Russian State and the territories of the historical Russian Power, the prosperity and prosperity of our peoples. Unacceptable for Russian Noble Assembly, for our cooperation are only totalitarian organizations and parties adhering to the atheist ideology, participation in whose activities we consider incompatible with membership in.

1.12. We believe that people of duty and honor of all strata of society, relying on the experience of national history, creatively assessing the multivariate possibilities of the present and the future, are able to make a significant contribution, and, perhaps, play a decisive role in the revival of the Fatherland.

In this activity, we are guided by the provisions set out in the following sections of our Concept.


2.1. "A political fortress is strong only when it rests on moral strength ...", - said V.O. Klyuchevsky. Only the unity of state and moral principles allowed our state from ancient times to modern history to overcome the most serious crises when such unity was broken. However, several generations of our compatriots grew up in conditions of propaganda of distorted Russian history, ignorance of the principles of education and effective development of a multinational, multi-structured and multi-confessional state, which was our Russia.

2.2. Our finding of truth is not a search for abstract intellectual truth and, moreover, not an empty copying of a foreign scheme, but a search for truth as a path in life, a combination of truth-truth with truth-justice.

2.3. We are convinced that the prosperity and greatness of our Fatherland is possible only through moral revival and the establishment in society of the priorities of Russia's traditional spiritual, moral and cultural values, spiritual and religious education.

We believe that Faith is a guarantee of morality and moral principles, predictability of behavior and stability of people's existence. Modern traditionalists, and indeed all citizens who sincerely care for the welfare of their Fatherland, regardless of their current state affiliation and nationality, need to adopt, preserve and re-feel in themselves the depth of the Faith of our ancestors, their kindness, forgiving love, respect for traditions, stability , family, homeland.

At the same time, we state that despite the difficult period experienced by our country in the 20th century, most of the members of our noble union were brought up in the spirit of respect for the Faith of their ancestors.

2.4. The Russian nobility has historically developed as a multinational and multi-confessional estate corporation, and Russian Noble Assembly respects the confession of the Faith of their ancestors by members of our organization.

We regard as unacceptable only militant atheism and belonging to extremist and totalitarian sects. The propaganda of fighting against God, offending the feelings of most members of our noble union, is incompatible with membership in Russian Noble Assembly.

2.5. Respecting all religions of the peoples of Russia (Christianity, Islam and other confessions), the Russian Nobility Assembly emphasizes the special role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the centuries-old history of our Fatherland and the enduring importance of Christian values \u200b\u200bin the revival of the Russian state. Orthodoxy, as the confession of the bulk of the Russian population, has always been a spiritual source that nourished the Russian statehood.

The Russian Orthodox Church is for Russian Noble Assembly the main and immutable moral arbiter.

2.6. Therefore, in the revival of the Faith and, first of all, Orthodoxy, we see the most important element of the spiritual revival of Russia.

In the name of this, we consider it necessary:

  • to provide the Church with the opportunity to take the proper authoritative place in society and the state;
  • to return the churches and all the remaining property to the Church, which she owned before the Bolshevik coup, taking into account their museum value and preservation;
  • to render all possible assistance in the restoration of churches and shrines of all confessions;
  • introduce the teaching of the basics of spiritual (religious) knowledge and the study of religions prevailing on the territory of our country in general educational institutions;
  • restore the institution of military priests;
  • give an unambiguous assessment of the atheist totalitarian regime and eliminate the attributes of veneration and symbolism of the enemies of the Russian statehood and faith;
  • to return the previous names to unworthily renamed cities, streets, other geographical and other objects;
  • to perpetuate the memory of the fighters for the Russian statehood and the Faith, who opposed the totalitarian regime and suffered from it;
  • develop and implement a comprehensive program for the preservation and restoration of the country's national cultural and historical heritage;
  • develop a methodology for the spiritual education of children and youth in the spirit of the truth about historical Russia;
  • carry out relevant publishing activities.

2.7. In general, the most important and priority task for Russian Noble Assembly there must be the development of fruitful cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church and the provision of all-round assistance and support to her in her great saving mission. The Russian Noble Assembly sees its special role in strengthening the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church and overcoming the consequences of the tragic rift that divided the Russian world into "metropolis" and "abroad"

2.8. All possible assistance in the upbringing of a new highly moral generation of Russian citizens should become the most important area of \u200b\u200bactivity of modern Russian Noble Assembly... This upbringing should harmoniously combine enlightened patriotism, Faith, respect for historical Russia, and citizenship.

2.9. With our life, appearance, deeds, we must return to the public consciousness of Russians the images of a nobleman and a citizen, worthy of imitation, especially in matters of nobility, honor, duty, broad education, impeccable upbringing, civil and human dignity.


3.1. The revival of Russia is unthinkable without a return to the forcibly interrupted legal tradition and legitimacy, outside the continuity of more than a thousand years of Russian statehood. Based on this, Russian Noble Assembly proposes to introduce into the Constitution of Russia a provision stating that Russia (Russian Federation) is the legal successor not only of the USSR, but also of the Russian Empire. The Russian Noble Assembly proposes to introduce into the Constitution of Russia an article calling for voluntary and peaceful reunification of the peoples of the Russian Empire and the USSR.

3.2. The February Revolution and the Bolshevik coup of 1917 were the greatest catastrophe for Russia. As a result, the power in the country ended up in the hands of the enemies of the Russian statehood, which led to the destruction of the historical Russian State. Whatever changes the totalitarian regime established by the communists underwent in the future, it always remained inherently anti-Russian, since its existence was based on class misanthropic principles, directly opposite to those on which Russia stood. Hostility towards historical Russia was the cornerstone of his ideological concept.

3.3. Russian Noble Assembly proceeds from the historical experience of the twentieth century, which indicates that the legitimate and legitimate development of states is possible in a political system with a predominance of non-extremist political parties. The natural, historically emerging core of such a system, a consolidating force and a banner so necessary for such a multinational and multi-confessional country like Russia, is called upon to become a legitimate hereditary monarchy, capable of adequately and for the long term to ensure and symbolize the national unity of the state. AND Russian Noble Assembly offers our society just such a form of nationwide consolidation.

3.4. We believe that the restoration of the monarchy in Russia would best meet the interests of the country and the peoples inhabiting it, since:

  • monarchy is the legacy and the result of centuries-old historical development of the country, the embodiment of the deep foundations of national consciousness, it is not identified with the state regime of any particular historical epoch and can now become the same life-giving source of state existence as it was in Kiev, Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • the authority of the Supreme Power of the Monarch, alien to narrow political, social, professional, national and other predilections, is capable of becoming a force that ensures the prosperity and development of free and healthy political thought, reflecting the aspirations of Russians who are striving to return their homeland to its original creative path;
  • the hereditary and therefore independent and incorruptible Supreme Power of the Monarch is capable of being a force morally uniting the country and serving as a guarantor of the protection of the national interests of its peoples;
  • the monarchy is a reliable alternative to any form of totalitarian regime;
  • possessing popular confidence, the Monarch as the Supreme Arbiter, Conscience and Symbol of the state is compatible with any form of administrative, social and economic structure that recognizes private property and universal moral principles.

3.5. Wherein Russian Noble Assembly realizes that the restoration of the monarchy in our country must take place in a non-violent way, upon reaching the proper level of churching of the people, with the blessing of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church and with the consent of the majority of Russian society.

3.6. However, regardless of these conditions, the legitimate Russian Imperial House, the Head and Members of which, being citizens Russian Federation, still forced to live abroad permanently, must be recognized as a historical institution that has made an invaluable contribution to the creation, strengthening, development and greatness of the Russian State.

At the state level (by decree of the President of Russia, by a law adopted by the Federal Assembly of Russia or in another way), the official Status of the Russian Imperial House should be adopted, allowing the Members of the Imperial Dynasty of Romanovs not only to live with dignity in Russia, but also to symbolize continuity with a long history, contributing to the maintenance of social , religious and national peace in modern Russia, preservation of a single civilizational and cultural space of all peoples of the historical Russian State, making an important contribution to the revival of the spiritual foundations of society, the development of culture and art, the preservation of natural resources, the improvement of the institutions of the rule of law and civil society.

3.7. For himself Russian Noble Assembly the legitimate Head of the Russian Imperial House is the Source of Honor.

Outside of service to the Russian Imperial House, outside of the Imperial homophorion of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, over the Russian nobility itself, which has historically always been an open estate, loses its meaning and perspective of its existence, since it itself does not have the rights of revocation, incorporation of new members into the noble community, approval of coats of arms , the final approval of the rights associated with nobility, etc.

3.8. Russian Noble Assembly corporate public organization and does not require from its members uniform political, including monarchical views, a single ideological commitment. However, persons joining the Russian Nobility Assembly must respect the recognized Russian Noble Assembly Head and Members of the Russian Imperial House. Disrespectful attitude, insulting remarks towards the Head and Members of the Russian Imperial House are incompatible with membership in Russian Noble Assembly.

3.9. Serving the Russian Imperial House, assistance in its activities, all possible assistance to the integration of the Russian Imperial House into the life of modern Russia are the most important and priority tasks Russian Noble Assembly.


4.1. Historical Russia was not an accidental mechanical union of peoples and territories, but a naturally formed integral cultural and political organism that developed within the objectively necessary geographical boundaries. Russia has never known national oppression, the numerous peoples inhabiting it had the opportunity to preserve their identity and develop their national culture.

4.2. The dismemberment of Russia according to the national principle, carried out by the Bolsheviks, into union and autonomous republics and the drawing of artificial borders along the living body of the country were aimed at destroying its historically established unity and ultimately led to its current disintegration into a dozen independent states.

4.3. Russian Noble Assembly recognizes the newly independent states as an existing reality, is ready to communicate and cooperate with their state and public structures on the basis of respect, compliance with international law and diplomatic rules, as well as the national legislation of these states.

4.4. However, we consider such disunity and isolation to be a temporary phenomenon and disadvantageous in economic, socio-political, cultural relations for the vast majority of citizens living in the territory of historical Russia, which does not meet the long-term interests of the fraternal peoples.

4.5. Proceeding from this, we believe that in the future it is correct and logical to restore, in one form or another, the state unity of the territories and peoples of the historical Russian State. In doing so, we take into account the following circumstances:

  • the peoples of historical multinational Russia, being under Russian cultural and political influence, before the revolution, developed harmoniously in all directions and were loyal to the Supreme Power; as the economic, spiritual and moral revival of Russia, one can count on the restoration of such loyalty and trust;
  • the state-political isolation of a number of territories of historical Russia, hastily proclaimed by their political leaders and national radical forces, inevitably led to the disruption of the most important economic ties and a decrease in the living standards of the population;
  • the high historical, economic and cultural connectivity of the territories of historical Russia, the widespread settlement of various peoples and nationalities in all its regions makes us see in the continuation of the integration processes the pillar direction of the development of a single statehood of all peoples of historical Russia.

4.6. We believe and emphasize that the state, interstate or supranational unity we proclaim must be achieved peacefully, on the basis of the voluntary consent of all subjects of the unification process, as a community of peoples closely united by a single history and economy.

4.7. Wherein Russian Noble Assembly opposes the unification and uniformity of national regions, for the principle of their originality, plurality of ways, diversity of ethnic groups and confessions.

4.8. The task of the regional Nobility Assemblies, revived or formed in the newly independent states of the Near Abroad and included in a single Russian Noble Assembly- by their own example, using the methods of "people's diplomacy" to demonstrate their interest in broad interaction with the public structures of other independent countries that were previously part of a single state, proving the possibility and advantages of unity.

4.9. In any conditions Russian Noble Assembly will provide all possible moral support to the Russian and Russian-speaking communities, wherever they are. We are ready to act as mediators and arbitrators in various interethnic conflict situations, defending the principles of unity, opposing any signs of national, religious, linguistic and other discrimination.


5.1. The arbitrariness of the totalitarian regime and its heirs must be replaced by a firm government firmly based on laws binding on all legal entities and individuals, regardless of their affiliation with the political circles in power at the moment.

At the same time, on the basis of universal consent, a smooth, without interethnic and social confrontations, a real transition to a full-fledged civil law-governed state should be ensured.

5.2. The triumph and universality of the execution of the law must be ensured by a strong executive branch with direct subordination of all subordinate structures to it vertically. In advocating the establishment of a strong state power, we proceed from the premise that such power should be the triumph of law and serve as protection against any arbitrariness.

5.3. We are supporters of the consistent implementation of political reforms and freedoms, first proclaimed in Russia by Emperor Alexander II and developed by his Son and Grandson.

5.4. At the same time, without denying the importance of building a civil society in the country, we affirm that rights and freedoms without obligations, not supported by a moral imperative, a sense of duty and responsibility, sooner or later will inevitably lead the world to a spiritual and then material crisis, as already more than once in history.

5.5. In the field of local government, the proven experience of zemstvos at different levels should be actively used.

5.6. The country's Armed Forces should be built on the basis of traditions Russian Army and the Navy, with the restoration of their attributes and symbols, the return of historical names to military units, ships, etc. Russian Noble Assembly intends to continue to actively cooperate with the Armed Forces.

5.7. In the field of legal proceedings, it is necessary to develop the best principles and traditions of the judicial system that existed in Russia.

Strict and real execution of court decisions by both private individuals and state structures and bodies must be achieved, up to criminal liability for non-execution; real independence of judges from local and federal authorities was ensured, including economic and domestic independence, while reporting in accordance with the law.

5.8. In the field of education and training of new generations, all the achievements of the classical education system should be restored, taking into account modern experience.

Russian Noble Assembly considers itself entitled to create its own certified training system.

5.9. We proclaim traditionalism, stability and harmony as the main qualities of the rule of law and consider it necessary to end discrimination in the legal rights of citizens of historical Russia.

All representatives of the first Russian emigration who were forced to leave the country, and their descendants must be recognized in Russian citizenship by a single legal act, regardless of whether they submitted any petitions or applications, only on the fact that they themselves or their ancestors belonged to Russian citizenship before 1917. To take advantage of this act or not will remain the right of each such representative of the Russian Diaspora.

Ways to compensate all persons who suffered from totalitarianism, especially in the first years of the Bolshevik regime, must be found, the documents of the repressive bodies concerning them must be made public, and burial places must be established.

5.10. In the field of mass media, equal opportunities should be unswervingly ensured for all social and political movements that recognize legal norms of activity. Russian Noble Assembly while seeking appropriate opportunities to disseminate their ideas and vision further development state.


6.1. We proceed from the premise that property rights are sacred and inviolable. Outside of this principle, building an efficient economy is impossible. Economic freedom and freedom of entrepreneurial activity are the main conditions for the effective development of the country's economy.

6.2. All types of property, including state, corporate (in particular, joint-stock companies), collective (in the form of community property, or "peace" common in Russia), or private, must enjoy equal respect and the same protection of the law. The creation of a diversified free economy is in the best interest of Russia's economic revival.

6.3. At the same time, state control over the most significant, from the state point of view, industries, primarily defense enterprises, land use and subsoil exploitation, should be preserved.

6.4. The most important condition for the economic growth of Russia is the revival among Russian industrialists and all citizens of labor morality, the skills of responsible work, which pre-revolutionary Russia in all their classes.

6.5. The key to the success of any activity can only be the correct balance of tradition and innovation. Any transformations carried out, whether political, economic or social, should not interrupt the continuity of the relationship between Russian society and Russian civilization with age-old national spiritual and moral foundations and traditional way of life for the sake of artificial implantation of foreign orders.

6.6. To stabilize the domestic economy, we consider it necessary to introduce a system of national protectionism, which consists in supporting the state and / or large domestic financial and industrial firms, first of all, for domestic industry and responsible capital and creating favorable conditions for their development in comparison with foreign ones.

6.7. The land should be provided to the peasants and those who are able to cultivate it, in line with the continuation and development of the ideas of Stolypin's agrarian policy.

It is necessary to encourage and provide priority conditions for the acquisition of land for those descendants of Russian farmers and landowners who retained the ability and desire to work on the land; the return of Russian emigration to Russia should be facilitated by creating preferential conditions for their acquisition of property in the country and participation in the revival of national entrepreneurial activity.

6.9. In order to preserve the country's national cultural heritage, part of the property that previously belonged to the Russian nobility (estates, etc.), and is now in desolation, could be transferred for management Russian Noble Assembly, the regional Noble Assembly or another noble financial and economic organization (fund, bank) so that these cultural values \u200b\u200bcould be restored and be in the possession of both a noble public organization and, possibly, private individuals.


7.1. Activities Russian Noble Assembly carried out in full accordance with the current legislation of the states where its members live.

7.2. The main motive behind all promotions Russian Noble Assembly there must be a search for ways to harmony and unity of the peoples of historical Russia.

7.3. In practice Russian Noble Assembly such forms of public discussion as conducting discussions, up to national, conferences, "round tables", etc. with the involvement of highly qualified experts, should be widely used.

7.4. Goals and means of activity Russian Noble Assembly should be equally noble, pure and transparent.

All-Russian public organization "Union of the descendants of the Russian nobility -Russian Noble Assembly "(abbreviated name - Russian Noble Assembly,RDS) is a corporate public organization that unites persons belonging to the Russian nobility, as well as the descendants of Russian noble families, who have documented and irrefutably proved their undoubted belonging to the Russian nobility.

The RDS was created at the Constituent Assembly in Moscow on May 10, 1990, officially registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 17, 1991 under No. 102, re-registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Public Associations" on July 15, 1999 . under the same number 102, in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities" entered by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties on January 28, 2003 in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities under the main state registration number 1037700077942, the record on RDS was made by the Ministry of Justice RF to the departmental register of registered non-profit organizations on 05.05.2006 under the account number 0012011299, about which, after the re-registration of the organization in 2008, a Certificate was issued on 09.30.

Activities of the Russian Noble Assemblydirected on the revival of the greatness of Russia, all its regions, on the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Russian State, on the restoration and continuation of the historical continuity of the state and generations, on the formation of public consciousness on the basis of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, the Faith of the ancestors and the historical traditions of the Russian Statehood , for the establishment in society of true culture, principles of civic dignity and honor, traditions of faithful service to their Fatherland, respect for Russian history, high morality and spirituality.

The Russian Noble Assembly includes about 70 regional branches (regional - provincial - Nobility Assemblies) and representations, including, at present, 51 regional Noble Assembly on the territory of the current Russian Federation, regional Noble Assemblies created in most of the territories of the historical Russian Power - the countries of the Near Abroad and the Baltic States , as well as 3 branches and representative offices in the Far Abroad countries, in Australia, Bulgaria and Western America. The total number of RDS is about 9-10 thousand people with family members. An honorary member of the RDS was His Holiness His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, a representative of the noble family of Ridigers, who reposed in Bose.

The supreme governing body of the Russian Noble Assemblyis the All-Russian Noble Congress, convened, as a rule, every three years. Between the Congresses, the highest standing governing body of the RDS is the Council of the United Nobility, uniting the Leaders or plenipotentiaries most of the regional Noble Assemblies. In between its meetings, the collegial governing body of the RDS is the Small Administrative Council, which includes, in addition to the leaders of the RDS, members of the Council of the United Nobility, who head (oversee) the most important areas of the RDS as a whole.

Heads the Russian Noble Assembly RDS leader, since April 26, 2014 - Oleg Vyacheslavovich Shcherbachev,who is also the Leader of the Moscow Nobility Assembly. First Vice-Leader of the RDS - Mr. Alexander Yurievich Korolev-Pereleshin,supervising all external, social and interregional relations, organizational and economic activities, coordinating the activities of regional Nobility Assemblies and is also the executive secretary of the Council of the United Nobility. Vice-Leaders of the RDS are Stanislav Vladimirovich Dumin, approved at the same time as the Heraldic Master of the RDS, and who is also the Heraldic Manager of the Heraldry under the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, and a member of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, and Vladimir Fedorovich Shukhov, President of the Shukhov Tower Foundation.

The Russian Noble Assembly is a non-political organization although it not only reserves the right to speak out, including in the media, on the most important issues in the life of Russia and other states that have historically been part of a single State, but also actively participates in social and civil activities, trying to interact with the Federation Council and the State By the Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia, the Public Chamber of Russia, participating in a number of round tables and in individual hearings in the State Duma committees, in a number of hearings and conferences held in the Public Chamber. It actively interacts with many other state bodies and organizations, including with presidential and government structures, various ministries, including the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Agency "Rossotrudnichestvo", the Ministry of Culture of Russia, with the Russian State Military Historical a cultural center under the Government of the Russian Federation, with administrations of many regions of Russia and countries of the Near Abroad. Leaders or representatives of many regional Nobility Assemblies are members of the Public Chambers or Public Councils under the Administration of their republics and regions.

RDS actively participates and organizes conferences, round tables and seminars on topical social and political topics. So, in recent years, the RDS, together with the all-Russian social movement "For Faith and Fatherland", with considerable success have held a number of very serious and significant scientific conferences that have not only scientific but also important social and political significance. In March 2007, it was the I-st \u200b\u200bscientific-practical conference "The Monarchist Idea in the XXI Century", timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the February Revolution and the forcible abdication of Tsar Emperor Nicholas II Alexandrovich - the sad dates of Russian history, marked on March 15, 2007. In May 2009, in the conference hall of the Russian State Trade and Economic University (RGTEU), the II scientific and practical conference from the same cycle "Monarchist idea in the XXI century" was successfully held. The theme of the conference was "The role of the monarchist idea in the modern unity of the peoples of historical Russia." On March 4, 2011, exactly on the day of the 150th anniversary of the signing by Sovereign Emperor Alexander II Nikolayevich of the Manifesto "On the all-merciful granting of serfs the rights of the state of free rural inhabitants" in Moscow, this time and with the participation of RGTEU, the next, III scientific and practical conference of this cycle, dedicated to the celebrated anniversary. Conference theme: “Russian experience of reforms. To the 150th anniversary of the Manifesto of Emperor Alexander II on the liberation of peasants from serfdom. " March 13, 2012 in Moscow was held IV All-Russian scientific-practical conference under the general theme "Monarchist idea in the XXI century", on the theme: "Russian imperial geopolitics: past and future. To the 200th Anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 ”. Each time the organizers of the conferences set themselves not only purely historical, scientific and cognitive tasks, but also quite specific practical goals: to show that the monarchical form of government not only has not outlived its usefulness, but, on the contrary, is both quite successful in the modern world and promising in the future, that in modern Russia there are enough social and political movements, and politicians, scientists, and simply independently-minded people who hold such traditionalist positions. In 2007 and 2009. the purpose of the scientific forums was not to assess what happened 90 years ago, but to discuss new, modern approaches to using the best Russian statist traditions and implementing the monarchist idea in practice. In 2011, the goal is not only to highlight the Great Peasant Reform in Russia, its historical significance, but also to critically comprehend and compare russian reforms mid - second half of the XIX century, with subsequent reforms in our country, including the liberal reforms of the late XX - early XXI century, which we are witnessing. In 2012, the goal is not only to highlight the history of Russian foreign policy, and even more so not only the history associated with the victory of Russia and the coalition of other countries over Napoleonic France, but also to critically comprehend the features of foreign and domestic policy countries in the context of the imperial tasks of the Power, history and prospects of their implementation in the space of Eurasia and the World.

All these conferences received a lot of attention from politicians, scientists, and the media, in which these forums received a great response.

In December 2012, 2013 and 2014. RDS acted as a co-organizer of "round tables" - hearings in the Public Chamber of Russia, devoted to summing up the results of the year of interregional memorial events of public and church-public organizations of a patriotic orientation, their interaction and public-state partnership, plans and projects for the next years.

The Russian Noble Assembly closely interacts with the Moscow Patriarchate. The RDS was the first public organization in Moscow, in whose residence a house church was set up in honor of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God. The RDS has good contacts with the Synodal Department for Relations between Church and Society, with the Department for External Church Relations, with the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks, and with many other Synodal departments. The First Vice-Leader of the RDS A.Yu. Korolev-Pereleshin is a member of the Council of Orthodox Public Associations under the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society. Each regional Assembly of the Nobility, be it on the territory of modern Russia or the Near Abroad, necessarily directly interacts with the leadership of its diocese.

The Russian Noble Assembly annually actively participates in the activities of the World Russian People's Council. Since 2012, the Leader of the RDS has been a member of the Council of the Cathedral.

RDS participates in most church-public and many church actions. So, in 2007-2010. RDS annually participated with its own separate stand in the largest church and public events - church and public exhibitions and forums "Orthodox Russia - on the Day of National Unity", timed its exposition in the corresponding year to church and public historical dates and anniversaries.

Since 2009, together with the rector of the Patriarchal courtyard - the Temple in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign", Archpriest Mikhail Gulyaev, the RDS annually initiates and organizes a memorial service for all victims of the Russian Troubles, Revolution and Civil War on November 4, on the Day of National Unity, Russian people who died in a foreign land. At the invitation of the RDS, members of the RDS and well-known representatives of the Russian Diaspora, descendants of prominent figures of the opposing sides, who were once irreconcilable political opponents and representatives of state and public organizations, pray at the services. Conducted with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and headed by Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Church-Society Relations, the commemorative events are invariably very successful and receive a great public and media response. In 2010, together with the same rector of the Patriarchal Compound - the Temple in the Name of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" and the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society, the RDS became the organizer of the International literary competition of essays by children of school and early university age living in the Russian Federation, near and far abroad, "The Face of Russia" - compositions about outstanding personalities of the past of Russia who made the greatest contribution to the spiritual, cultural, intellectual development of Russia, its state power, to the creation of the ideals of goodness, love, peaceful coexistence. The competition was held with the aim of spiritual and patriotic education of the younger generation, the identification of gifted students with the blessing of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. The RDS managed to attract E.I.V. to the Imperial Guardianship over the competition. Heir to the Cesarevich Grand Duke George Mikhailovich. The results of the competition were announced on November 4, 2010, on National Unity Day, together with His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

The Russian Noble Assembly actively interacts and participates in the activities of many similar-minded organizations: the Society of the Descendants of the Participants of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, the Moscow Merchant Society, the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, the Russian Zemsky Movement, all-Russian public organizations of the Movement “For Faith and Fatherland”, “Russian Christian-Democratic Perspective” and others, was a co-founder, co-organizer of a number of them. The RDS is a member of the International Noble Association CIAN, interacts with foreign national noble and traditionalist associations and many other foreign organizations, and is especially active with foreign communities and organizations of Russian compatriots around the world.

The Russian Noble Assembly carries out a large list of scientific and educational, historical and memorial, cultural, humanitarian and educational programs, most of which are timed to coincide with the most important dates and events in Russian history. In accordance with these programs, both in Moscow and in other cities, a large number of historical and scientific, genealogical, heraldic, scientific and practical conferences, seminars are held, scientific and journalistic works are published, public art and historical and publicistic exhibitions are held.

The largest historical and scientific actions in recent years, the All-Russian conferences “Military dynasties of the Fatherland. On the 625th anniversary of the victory at the Kulikovo field and the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War ”(Kostroma, September 2005),“ Results of the Crimean War. To the 150th anniversary of graduation "(Moscow, March 2006)," In the service of the Fatherland. Cultural and educational mission of the Russian nobility. To the 225th anniversary of the Provincial Nobility Assemblies in Russia and the 20th anniversary of the Russian Nobility Assembly ", dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the" Charter for the Rights, Liberties and Advantages of the Noble Russian Nobility "published by Empress Catherine II on April 21, 1785 and the 20th anniversary of the reconstruction RDS in 1990 (Moscow, May 2010), “Nobility and Modernity” (St. Petersburg, June 2011), “Tatar Nobility Assembly. Its history and its development at the present stage in the search for civil unity and interethnic harmony. To the 20th anniversary of the Mejlis of Tatar Murz ”(Ufa, March 2012); “The Romanov Dynasty in the History of the Russian State” (Moscow, March 2013); “The Imperial House of the Romanovs: 400 Years in the Service of Russia” (Moscow, March 2013), in which the Head of the Russian Imperial House, Ye.I. Sovereign Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, "How to Resist the Falsification of Russian History", in collaboration with the Russian State Library (Moscow, October 2013), "110th Anniversary of the Beginning Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 "(St. Petersburg, January 2014)," The Crimean War in the memoirs of the descendants of its participants ", dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the beginning of the First Defense of the City of Russian Glory of Sevastopol (Moscow, October 2014)," The Great War in documents and book funds. Problems of Study, Description, and Publication ”jointly with the Russian State Library (Moscow, November 2014).

RDS holds a number of traditional annual historical and genealogical forums, enjoying great fame and authority among specialists. These are traditional international Savyolov readings, which are annually held together with the Historical and Genealogical Society in the hall of the State Historical Museum in Moscow. These are the annual Grigorov readings held in Kostroma with the leading participation of the Kostroma Noble Assembly together with the Kostroma Historical and Genealogical Society. Finally, for many years the RDS has been holding in Krasnodar, relying on the Noble Assembly of the Kuban, the International Noble Readings, which are very famous both in the entire North Caucasus and in Russia as a whole, in the countries of the Near and some countries of the Far Abroad. In recent years, the International Noble Readings have been held with the following topics: 2006 - "Who will lay down his soul for his friends", dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the beginning of the liberation of the Orthodox population of the Balkans from the Ottoman yoke; 2007 - “Under Andrew's faithful banner ...”, to the 225th anniversary of the Black Sea Military Fleet of Russia and the 220th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian naval commander MP Lazarev; 2008 - ““ And God's grace came down ... ”: The Romanovs and the North Caucasus”, to the 90th anniversary of the tragic death of the Holy Royal Passion-bearers; 2009 - "Under the shadow of St. George", dedicated to the 240th anniversary of the establishment of the military order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George; 2010 - “Virtue and honor should be the same rules ...”: the nobility of the North Caucasus in the service of the Russian Empire ”, to the 225th anniversary of the provincial Nobility Assemblies in Russia and the 20th anniversary of the Russian Noble Assembly; 2011 - "The honor bestowed upon us by God and the King ...", to the 200th anniversary of His Imperial Majesty's Own Convoy; 2012 - ““ It is not for nothing that all of Russia remembers ... ”: the era of 1812 and the Russian nobility”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812; 2013 - “Reign for glory, for glory to us!”, To the 400th anniversary of the accession to the throne of the Romanov Dynasty; 2014 - “We loved you selflessly, our land of Svyatorusskaya ...”, to the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War.

It was established and has been operating under the RDS since the mid-1990s. RDS Artists Association, uniting both professional artists, members of creative art unions, the Russian Academy of Arts, venerable, recognized masters, and talented amateurs. The largest in recent years artistic exhibitions,the RDS - exhibitions of the RDS Artists Association in the gallery of the Pilgrimage Center of the Moscow Patriarchate in Moscow in February 2007 and in May 2010 (the latter was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the RDS reconstruction); the exhibition "Distant - Close" in the building of the Administration of the President of Russia in the Moscow Kremlin (October-November 2010), dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Victory and the 20th anniversary of the RDS reconstruction; an exhibition at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Austria, Vienna (September 2011), dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812; an exhibition in the main building of the Federation Council - the upper chamber of the Russian parliament (October 2011), dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the re-creation of the RDS and the upcoming 1150th anniversary of the Russian Statehood; exhibition "Glorious Year of Russia" in cultural center Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (November 2012), dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812; participation of the RDS Artists Association as an official exhibitor in the large exhibition "Unforgettable Time ..." in the Central Moscow Exhibition Hall "Manezh" (April 2012), dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812; exhibition "400th anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty" in the Cultural and Social Center of the Transport Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Central Federal District (November 2013); the exhibition "In Search of Beauty" at the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (March-April 2014), dedicated to the opening of the Year of Culture in Russia, and a number of others.

IN recent times In the activities of the Association, a new important direction has appeared - art photography, thanks to the arrival of several very talented photo artists in the Association. A couple of separate large photo exhibitions. Exhibition "August Service to Russia", dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Head of the Russian Imperial House E.I.V. Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, opened on the day of this anniversary, December 23, 2008 in the gallery of the Pilgrimage Center of the Moscow Patriarchate. At the exhibition, held with the blessing of the then Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, dozens of photographs were presented, telling about life path Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. The exhibition "For Faith and Fatherland", dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the vocation to the Russian Throne of the Romanov Dynasty, was held jointly with the Movement "For Faith and Fatherland" in the City Exhibition Hall of Bryansk in April-May 2013. The exposition told about life in exile and today, members of the Russian Imperial House.

Several are worth mentioning exhibitions creative works of the descendants of Russian nobles and guests of the RDS "Reflection of the Soul",held in 2012 and 2013. Their peculiarity was the variety of works presented: paintings and graphics, jewelry, installations, embroidery, lacquer miniatures, soft toys. The authors did not seek to impress with their professional skills, the main thing that prompts them to create is the desire to tell about the beauty of the world around them, to show that, despite the long years of oblivion, cruel hard times, the descendants of famous families managed to keep in their souls a craving for beauty, the desire to create, traditions inherent in representatives of those strata of society that once, together with the entire Russian people, were the pride of Russia

The RDS and its regional Nobility Assemblies carry out a number of cultural programs: they hold a significant number of concerts, literary and literary-musical salons, etc., or by their own members, but mainly under their auspices - attracting professional performers. In 1996, under the guidance of a professional ballet dancer Michael Shannon, the Imperial Theater, an entreprise ballet and opera theater, was created under the guidance of a professional ballet dancer Michael Shannon, which performed in St. Petersburg at the Hermitage Theater, in Moscow on the stage of the Ostankino Palace. tours in Yekaterinburg, France, Belgium and Slovakia. For a number of years in the late 1990s. In the Opera House of the Tsaritsyno Museum and Estate Complex, the RDS vocal quartet under the direction of Irina Khovanskaya performed. In recent years, the RDS began to actively organize under its auspices professional concert programs on large stages, dedicating them also to the most important dates and events of Russian history: full-scale concerts of Russian romance, concerts "Three Russian basses" - the program of authorship of the RDS, concerts of spiritual, folk Cossack songs performed by famous monastic choirs, concerts of the Moscow quintet of saxophonists, recitals stars of Russian romance and classical opera. Literary and literary-musical salons of the RDS are held quite regularly both in Moscow and by most of the regional Nobility Assemblies.

Among the recent many anniversary promotions RDS is worth mentioning the first International Congress of the descendants of the participants in the Patriotic War of 1812, initiated and actually organized and held by the RDS together with the Society of the descendants of the participants in the Patriotic War of 1812 in June 2012 in Moscow (formally, the Congress was held under the auspices and with the funding of the Moscow Government), at which brought together more than 300 people from all over the world, the second International Congress of the descendants of the participants in the Patriotic War of 1812, held in Paris on November 13-16, 2012, the initiative, organization and participation in the planting of the "Borodino Oak Alley" in the park on Vorobyovy Gory in Moscow in September 2012, as well as the holding of the Constituent Congress of the descendants of the participants of the First World War on July 31, 2014.

Occasionally RDS gives classic balls - bright, representative, colorful action, unforgettable for anyone who at least once participated in it. The most recent such official RDS balls were given at the House of the Russian Diaspora in Moscow on May 16, 2010 in honor of the 20th anniversary of the RDS re-establishment and on May 15, 2011, on the eve of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812, as well as in the premises of the Polyanka complex Art Hall, on Bolshaya Polyanka in the center of Moscow, April 30, 2012, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the 20th anniversary of the perception of the rights and duties of the Head of the Russian Imperial House by Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna.

When RDS in Moscow operates Youth Society... A number of regional Nobility Assemblies take care of gymnasiums, lyceums and cadet corps in their regions, are engaged in the development and implementation of pedagogical programs.

The Russian Noble Assembly and its regional organizations carry out charitable and trusteeship activities.

Printed organ of the Russian Noble Assembly - newspaper "Dvoryanskiy Vestnik", published since 1993 (the pilot issue was published in November 1992), registered in March 1994 as an all-Russian newspaper. RDS in 1994-1999 also published 10 issues of the historical-journalistic and literary-artistic almanac "Noble Assembly", and in 1998, trial, 2 issues of the magazine on family education "Gouverneur". A number of regional Nobility Assemblies (Moscow, Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Bashkortostan, Samara, Udmurt, etc., as well as the Australian Representation of the RDS) also publish newspapers, almanacs, magazines or bulletins.

Since 2001 Russian Nobility Assembly jointly with the publishing house Tsentrpoligraf carries out a large publishing program "Russia Forgotten and Unknown"... More than 80 books in this series have already been published. The purpose of the program is to open the undeservedly forgotten pages of the great history of our Fatherland, to remind about the deep spiritual and moral traditions that Russia has always been strong with. According to the results of the competition held back in 2001 by the Union of Publishers and Distributors of Printed Products of the Russian Federation and the Vitrina magazine, the series was among the first ten winners awarded the Golden Grain Prize.

And several Catalogs issued by the Association of Artists of the RDS are also particularly important, due to its visibility, a component of the general publishing activity of the RDS.

It is extremely important for the RDS members that the activities of the Russian Nobility Assembly are held under the Highest Patronage of the legitimate Head of the Russian Imperial House, Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. On behalf of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, the RDS facilitates contacts between the Head and Members of the Russian Imperial House and the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House with the Hierarchy of the Moscow Patriarchate, with the Diocesan administrations, with various administrative structures. In addition, traditionally, at the request of the inviting party, receiving the Members of the Russian Imperial House (Russian federal representative bodies, the Governments of Moscow and St. Petersburg, regional administrations, the governments of some foreign countries), the Russian Noble Assembly helps the inviting party to establish contacts with the Chancellery registered in Russia The Head of the Russian Imperial House, and in a number of cases, on behalf of the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, participates in the coordination and solution of organizational issues related to the preparation of the Highest visits of Members of the Russian Imperial House to Russia or foreign countries, in the preparation and implementation of actions aimed at the integration of the Russian Imperial House At home in the life of our Fatherland.

The RDS actively cooperates with the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House and the Heroldy created at the Chancellery.

Legal address of the Russian Noble Assembly:109012, Moscow, st. Varvarka, house 14. The current headquarters of the RDS is located at the address: 109028, Moscow, Pokrovsky Boulevard, house 8, bldg. 2 A (this is also the address for mailing).

On October 2, 2010, Moscow celebrated the 65th anniversary of the Leader of the Russian Noble Assembly (RDS), His Excellency Prince Grigory Grigorievich Gagarin.

Representatives of the Church, government authorities, public organizations, relatives and friends of Prince Gagarin and many members of the Russian Noble Assembly gathered to congratulate the hero of the day.

On behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Chairman of the Synodal Department for Church and Society Relations, Mitred Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, congratulated the prince, who presented His Excellency with an icon of the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. Director of the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House A.N. Zakatov read out a congratulation to Prince Grigory Grigorievich from the Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna and announced the decree on awarding the hero of the day. Sign with the monogram image of the Name of the Head of the Russian Imperial House of the 1st degree. On behalf of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Prince Gagarin was congratulated by a group of generals led by Lieutenant General A.Ya. Kolomeychenko. At the same time, the head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of Russia for perpetuating the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland, Major General A.V. Kirilin presented His Excellency the 200th Anniversary of the Ministry of Defense medal, which the prince was awarded for his active cooperation and interaction on the part of the RDS with Armed Forces Russia. Rector of the Russian State Trade and Economic University (RGTEU), which is under the highest patronage, Professor S.N. Baburin announced the decision of the Academic Council of the university to award Prince Gagarin with the Nikolai Rumyantsev Gold Badge of Honor. First Deputy Director of the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation G.I. Kalchenko, congratulating the hero of the day, presented him with a commemorative government medal for his contribution to the patriotic education of youth.

Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin congratulates Prince Gagarin

Professor S.N. Baburin congratulates Prince Grigory Grigorievich

Major General A.V. Kirilin congratulates His Excellency

Congratulatory greetings from the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia V.E. Churov and Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations S.A. Popov. The Deputy Head of the Office of the Public Chamber of Russia A.I. Kudryavtsev, Head of the Rossotrudnichestvo Department Yu.Yu. Didenko and others.

At the gala reception, the associates of the For Faith and Fatherland Movement, headed by the Chairman of the Governing Center K.R. Kasimovsky, Member of the RC G.N. Grishin and the spiritual father of the Movement, Hieromonk Nikon (Levachev-Belaventz), ranks of the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House Herald Master S.V. Dumin and lawyer G.Yu. Lukyanov, head of the Moscow Department of the Russian Imperial Union-Order A.A. Lyubich, members of the Society of the descendants of the participants Patriotic War of 1812, headed by the chairman of the Society V.I. Alyavdin, General Director of the company "Partnership of A. I. Abrikosov's sons" D.P. Abrikosov, President of the Society of Friends of the State Historical Museum A.A. Bondarev, President of the Moscow Interdistrict Bar Association S. B. Zubkov, representatives of the priesthood and leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church, members of the RGTEU Administration and others.

Chairman of the Governing Center of the Movement "For Faith and Fatherland" K.R. Kasimovsky and Member of the Management Center G.N. Grishin congratulate Prince Grigory Grigorievich

And, of course, Prince Grigory Grigorievich was congratulated by the numerous deputation of the RDS headed by the First Vice-Leader of the RDS A.Yu. Korolev-Pereleshin, including the Vice-Leader of the Moscow Noble Assembly (MDS) Professor P.V. Florensky, Leader of the Bashkortostan Noble Assembly - Mejlis of Tatar Murza Z.Ya. Ayupov, Leader of the Perm Noble Assembly A.A. Posukhov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.M. Lavrov, head of the pilgrimage section of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society S.Yu. Zhitenev, Leader of the youth section of the RDS M.M. Volkova and many, many others.

Press Service of the Movement For Faith and Fatherland ( [email protected] )


prince Grigory Grigorievich G A G A R I N E

Prince Grigory Grigorievich Gagarin - Rurikovich, a direct descendant of the Russian Grand Dukes Vladimir Monomakh, Yuri Dolgoruky, Vsevolod the Big Nest. Born October 2, 1945 in the suburbs of Paris Villejuive into a family of Russian emigrants. Baptized in the suburbs of Paris, Clichy, in the Church of the Holy Trinity in December 1945 in the presence of his parents, relatives and friends. Father - Prince Grigory Borisovich Gagarin (1908-1993), son of Major General Prince Boris Vladimirovich Gagarin (1876-1966), hero of the First World War, awarded the Order of St. George 4th class and the gold St. George weapon. Prince B.V. Gagarin in exile was the chairman of the Union of St. George Cavaliers. Father of Prince G.G. Gagarina G.B. Gagarin studied first at the Cadet Corps, then graduated from the University of Liege and worked as a mechanical engineer. During World War II, he was in the Army of General Charles de Gaulle, was in a combat unit that was one of the first to land in France, and had a number of military awards.

Mother Maria Fedorovna Karpova (1910-1998) is a representative of a famous noble family, descending from Rurik. Her grandfather - Gennady Fedorovich Karpov, a famous historian, professor, after his death at Moscow University, a scholarship named after him was established for especially successful students. The mother of Prince G.G. Gagarin graduated from the Sorbonne and then worked as a class lady in a gymnasium in Paris. Mother was fortunate enough to have E.I.V. Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, who entered the senior class of this gymnasium to pass the examinations for the certificate. During World War II she also participated in the French Resistance movement.

The parents of Prince G.G. Gagarin had known each other since the 1930s. They met again in France, immediately after the liberation of Paris from German occupation in August 1944, decided to get married and got married at the end of 1944 in the Paris suburb of Clichy. After the end of the war and the birth of a son, the parents of G.G. Gagarin, following the example of a significant part of the Russian emigration, wanted to return to their homeland in Russia. The mother of Grigory Grigorievich especially insisted on this. However, the father of Grigory Grigorievich, having become acquainted by this time with the methods of work of the Soviet special services, who tried, by means of pressure and intimidation, to involve him in working with internees, realized what awaited him in the Soviet Union and changed his mind about returning to Russia under the communist regime. Grigory Grigorievich's mother, however, did not agree with him and insisted on returning. There was a serious quarrel and the family broke up. Father G.G. Gagarin later lived and died in England. The mother of Grigory Grigorievich married a second marriage to Grigory Erastovich Tulubiev (1897-1960), a hereditary nobleman, a former guards officer, a member of the White movement, who fought in the White Army with the rank of staff captain. From this marriage in 1948 the half-brother of Prince Grigory Grigorievich Gagarin, Andrei Grigorievich Tulubiev, was born.

A few years after the end of the war, Grigory Grigorievich, together with his mother and stepfather, moved first to the German Democratic Republic, and then to Russia. They expected to settle in one of the capitals, but they were sent to Troitsk Chelyabinsk region, on the border with Kazakhstan. The stepfather raised and raised Grigory Grigorievich as his own son, never making a distinction between him and his half-brother.

Prince G.G. Gagarin has two higher education... In 1964 he entered the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute, graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in 1971 and was left to work at the department. From that time he lived in Chelyabinsk. In 1993 he graduated from the Mining Faculty of the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute in Moscow. Worked as a research assistant at the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute (1971–1986), head of the laboratory at the South Ural Trust for Engineering and Construction Surveys (1986–1992), Chief Specialist of the Spetszhelezobetonproekt Design and Technology Institute (1992–2001), Chief Specialist of the Building Inspection Department and facilities at OOO South Ural Regional Technical Center Prombezopasnost (2001–2006).

Since 2007 - head of the department of technical development of production, expert in the inspection of buildings and structures of CJSC Uralspetsenergoremont-Holding. Since 2009 - Investment and Construction Advisor to the Rector of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics (Moscow).

In 1999, he applied for membership in the Russian Noble Assembly (RDS). Accepted by a full member of the RDS, with an entry in the 5th part of the Pedigree book of the RDS (diploma # 2173). Even before the final entry into the RDS, Prince G.G. Gagarin began to organize the Chelyabinsk Regional Nobility Assembly, which he created in 1999 and, not without difficulty, was officially registered in early 2005 as regional office RDS. All these years (until 2009 inclusive) he was the leader of the Chelyabinsk Noble Assembly. Delegate of the 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th All-Russian Noble Congresses. In May 2005 he was elected to the Council of the United Nobility, since that time he actively participated in all meetings of the Council.

In August 2007, Grigory Grigorievich was introduced to the Head of the Russian Imperial House, E.I.V. Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. The candidacy of Prince G.G. Gagarin, as a possible future Leader of the RDS, was highly approved.

At the reporting and elective 12th All-Russian Noble Congress in May 2008, he was elected the Leader of the Russian Noble Assembly.

Prince G.G. Gagarin actively supported and continued the public, civic and cultural and educational activities of the RDS, which the organization had carried out all previous years. After being elected as the Leader of the RDS, he personally heads most of the RDS programs and projects.

Since 2008, she has been participating in the preparation and conduct of visits to Russia by the Head and Members of the Russian Imperial House, in the implementation of actions aimed at integrating the Russian Imperial House into the life of our Fatherland.

Since 2010, Prince G.G. Gagarin is a member of the Council of Orthodox Public Associations under the Synodal Department for Church-Society Relations.

- Russian Imperial House: Order of St. Anne, 2nd degree (2009);
- Foreign: Order of Honor of the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika (2009); medal "20 years of the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika" (2010), medal "600 years of the city of Bender" of the Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika (2009).
- Russian Noble Assembly: honorary medal (2nd degree, 2008) honorary award "In memory of the creation of the Union of the descendants of the Russian nobility - the Russian Noble Assembly."

Prince G.G. Gagarin is married. His wife, Princess Valentina Oskarovna, née Bidlingmeier, comes from a family of German settlers in the Caucasus (born in 1948 in Kazakhstan), the parents of the wife left for permanent residence in Germany in the late 1980s. The only daughter of Prince Grigory Grigorievich - Princess Maria Grigorievna, was born in 1972 in Chelyabinsk, graduated from the university in Germany, in Stuttgart, married to a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany, has a daughter, Anna (born in 2008).

The Russian Nobility Assembly (abbreviated as RDS; full name - "Union of the descendants of the Russian Nobility - Russian Nobility Assembly") is a corporate public organization uniting persons belonging to the Russian nobility, as well as descendants of Russian noble families who have documented and irrefutably proven their undoubted belonging to the Russian the nobility.

Noble assemblies were canceled by decree of the CEC on November 10, 1917. The document itself was a unique source.

21) Structures and publications in genealogy: Russian genealogical society in St. Petersburg.

The Russian Genealogical Society (abbreviated RGO) was founded in 1897 in St. Petersburg on the initiative of Prince A.B. Lobanov-Rostovsky. The meetings of the society were held at Nadezhdinskaya Street (now Mayakovsky Street), 27.

The purpose of the society is the scientific development of the history and genealogy of noble families (including the study of the genealogy of the service nobility of pre-Petrine Russia); in the field of RGS studies - research on heraldry, sphragistics (an auxiliary historical discipline that studies seals and their impressions on various materials), diplomacy and other historical disciplines. Chairman - Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich. The Russian Geographical Society included historians, court dignitaries, statesmen, representatives of provincial noble assemblies: N.P. Likhachev (one of the founders and the actual leader of the society), S.D.Sheremetev, G.A.Vlasyev, D.F. Kobeko, N. V. Myatlev, V. V. Rummel and others. In 1901 - 130 members (in 1898-23). The main works of the members of the society were published in 4 issues of Izvestia (1900-11). The archive of the Russian Geographical Society kept ancient letters, columns, documents of the 16th-18th centuries. from the family archives of the Osorgins, Tyrtovs, Musins-Pushkins, and others (now in the archives of Leningrad and Moscow). In 1919, the Russian Geographical Society entered the Russian Academy of the History of Material Culture, and was renamed the Russian Historical and Genealogical Society; in 1922 it ceased to exist.

22) Structures and publications in genealogy: Historical - Genealogical Society in Moscow.The Historical and Genealogical Society in Moscow, founded in 1904 and restored in 1990, is a voluntary scientific and public organization and aims to continue the traditions of historical and genealogical research. scientific development problems of domestic genealogy, the study of the history of genera and families, mutual assistance in genealogical research, popularization and promotion of genealogical knowledge and genealogy as a branch of historical science.

Goals and objectives

1. Takes care of the preservation of family archives and collections, describes and publishes them in compliance with the rules established on this subject.

2. Collects and processes materials on history, pedigree, heraldry and related disciplines.

3. Collects the library, archive and museum on all subjects that meet the objectives of the Society.

4. Arranges public meetings with the reading of reports and lectures and organizes exhibitions on issues that meet the objectives of the Society.

5. Conducts genealogical and heraldic expertise and consultations on these issues.

6. Interacts with archives, museums, libraries and other institutions and organizations (including foreign ones) on issues that meet the objectives of the Society, and provides its members with the opportunity to study in archives, libraries and museums.

7. Exercises the right of editorial and publishing activities, publishes (in accordance with the procedure established by law) its own journal and the works of its members and others, printed and graphic materials on genealogy, heraldry and related disciplines, republishes works on these and other issues related to the subject of the Society's knowledge.

8. Orders the execution of genealogical research and other work on the specified issues in Russia and abroad and fulfills orders of Russian and foreign citizens and organizations, and also acts as an intermediary in the execution of such orders.

9. Finances genealogical programs, research, expeditions, participates in the implementation of similar programs organized by other scientific and public centers, organizations and individuals (including foreign ones).

10. Opens branches in other cities.

11. Gives prizes and medals for works that meet the objectives of the Society.

12. Creates a computer data bank on genealogy, heraldry and related disciplines and organizes an information center.

23) "Historical genealogy"

The journal "Historical Genealogy" is published by the Center for Genealogical Research in Yekaterinburg. This journal publishes articles on topical issues of genealogy, introduces genealogical sources into processing (noble papers). The articles contain information about the fate of certain noble families (the fate of the Romanovs), about the fate of certain surnames. On the development of French clans in relation to immigrants.

Oleg Shcherbachev: To be proud of the glory of the ancestors is not only possible, but also must ...

Interview of the Leader of the Russian Nobility Assembly, the Leader of the Moscow Noble Assembly Oleg Vyacheslavovich Shcherbachev, a columnist for the federal weekly Rossiiskie Vesti.

To the 25th anniversary of the revival of the Russian Nobility Assembly

It seemed that after the revolution, the nobility in Russia was finally and irrevocably destroyed in the Stalinist camps, the dungeons of the Lubyanka, disappeared in the "great dispersion" of emigration ... with tears in their eyes they burned family albums with photographs of grandfathers in uniforms and grandmothers in evening gowns, tore up church records and noble certificates ...

With the fall of the Soviet regime, they began to talk about the revival of cultural and historical traditions, the restoration of the lost continuity of generations, it became possible to recall their roots, ancestors ... And it turned out that it was not possible to completely destroy the nobility - in Russia there were still noblemen born before the revolution, in many families have preserved the memory of noble ancestors, family seals and family traditions have been preserved ... On May 10, 1990, the All-Russian public organization "Union of the descendants of the Russian Nobility - Russian Nobility Assembly" (abbreviated name - Russian Noble Assembly, RDS) was created in Moscow.

A quarter of a century has passed since then ... About the fulfilled and unfulfilled plans, projects, about how the Russian noble corporation lives today, the Rossiiskiye Vesti columnist talked with Oleg Vyacheslavovich Shcherbachev, the Leader of the Russian Noble Assembly, the Leader of the Moscow Noble Assembly.

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of the revival of the Russian Noble Society. How justified were the hopes with which it was created, what have you managed to do over the years? I would like to know what does the noble corporation represent today and what is its number?

Thank you for your congratulations! Of course, for the centuries-old history of the Russian nobility, twenty-five years is a very short period of time, but for us this is a very significant date ... Let's remember how it all began ... At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, our country was very worried interesting, crucial time. Indeed, then there were many hopes and illusions, various parties, movements, public organizations and foundations arose and disappeared without a trace. The Russian Noble Assembly, which was revived on May 10, 1990, is still in operation and, I am sure, with God's help, will exist for a long time to come. I think that after 10 or 20 years it would be much more difficult to revive the Nobility Assembly. After all, at that time people who were born in the Russian Empire were still alive, they remembered it, they remembered the horrors of the Red Terror, the executions of relatives, prisons, exile, camps, privations. They stood at its origins, gave it a moral and religious foundation.

Now they like to say: Russia is a great country with a single history ... The country is certainly great, and the history is great, but at the same time tragic and catastrophic. And one of the main tasks of the Russian Nobility Assembly is to testify about this story, which we have been doing all these 25 years, publishing books, newspapers, almanacs, doing scientific work, holding conferences. A lot has been done in this field. I would especially like to note the book series "Russia Forgotten and Unknown" (the authors of the project are SA Sapozhnikov, one of those who stood at the origins of our organization, now the honorary leader of the Moscow Noble Assembly, and VA Blagovo). To date, more than 100 books on various aspects Russian history, the White movement, emigration. The series is available in all major libraries not only in our country, but also abroad. In my opinion, this is already something to be proud of.

Today the Russian Nobility Assembly is an all-Russian public organization with 70 branches operating both in the regions of the Russian Federation and practically throughout the territory of the historical Russian state. In this sense, it is also, one might say, a unique association. The sacramental question of the number ... I will not dissemble, there are not very many of us: about four and a half thousand (with family members - about 12,000). According to my estimates, this is no more than 2-3% of those who could join us.

This begs the question: where are the remaining 98%?

There may be several reasons for this. First, a person joining our organization must present a convincing document chain. Some are intimidated by this. I understand perfectly well that most of the nobles who have passed through the Soviet ice rink have no documents left. Thank God we managed to survive. So, you need to request archives. To some this may seem difficult, if not hopeless. Those who are not afraid of difficulties are rewarded a hundredfold: he learned what he did not even suspect. Family genealogy is an interesting science. We try to help everyone who comes to us, be it a descendant of nobles or other estates, because even Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said: “To be proud of the glory of ancestors is not only possible, but also must; not to respect it is shameful cowardice "...

Do not forget the fact that for more than seventy years they have tried to erase or pervert historical memory from the people. Ahead loomed "a bright future", and behind - "dark Middle Ages", "prison of peoples", "reactionary tsarist regime" ... Some cliches have already been forgotten, but do not flatter yourself. Historical amnesia disease is fraught with relapses.

Another reason why then not everyone was in a hurry to join the Assembly of the Nobility is quite commonplace: fear. And it is difficult to condemn someone here: people have experienced such that after that they can be silent for the rest of their lives, so as not to harm children, grandchildren, relatives! The result is a tree without roots. And now such victims of fear and silence come, and they already have no one to ask ...

The good news is that they come. Perhaps the flow of those wishing to join the Assembly is now slightly less than in the early 1990s, but, all the same, people are drawn to tradition, to the origins of our culture, to enduring moral values, to the concepts of honor, service, and duty. And we are trying to help them find their story.

You mentioned such concepts as honor and duty. Obviously, they cannot be forcibly instilled in a person, they are brought up by generations, like patriotism or Christian morality, which was absorbed with mother's milk. Was it possible to preserve at least a part of society these values \u200b\u200bduring the years of Soviet power, when the word "nobleman" was mentioned only as an abusive word?

The concept of honor, especially of noble honor, is very subtle. In Russia, it was formed in the XVIII - XIX centuries... In pre-Petrine Russia, there were completely different ideas about honor. And although the image of a knight is, of course, of Christian origin, we should not forget that it was honor that pushed many nobles to act spectacular, but not at all Christian. In the 19th century, the aristocracy in Russia, of course, was not atheistic, but I would venture to say that religion was not the core of its life. The fruits of this "Petersburg confession" turned out to be tragic, and the depth of "popular Orthodoxy" in many ways turned out to be an illusion. Therefore, oddly enough, it was the 20th century that became the century of the return of the nobles and intellectuals to the temple. In emigration, the Church became a real center for the crystallization of Russian life in exile. And in Soviet Russia, the clergy and nobility turned out to be brothers in misfortune, outcasts and "dispossessed". Suffering requires understanding and justification, and outside of Christianity it is impossible. Long before 1990 the parishes of Elijah Obydenny, Nicholas in Kuznets, and the Resurrection of Slovuschei in Bryusov Lane became a kind of “Moscow noble meeting”. When the "colossus" collapsed, and we witnessed the miracle of the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church, this revival began, mind you, with the urban intelligentsia.

And now about patriotism. What kind of patriotism should there be on Solovki, in Karlag, or even in the cramped room of a Moscow communal apartment left after the "compaction"? But love for the homeland is an ineradicable feeling. Just understanding the homeland is deeply individual. Both in the Soviet Union and in the diaspora, the Russian nobleman was doomed to love his Fatherland in about the same way as Israel “on the rivers of Babylon”. Of course, someone mimicked, someone assimilated, but someone remained loyal to that Russia, which his fathers and grandfathers once swore and served, and, if necessary, went to death.

The nobility in Russia appeared as a "service" estate, obliged precisely by service to prove their loyalty to the sovereign - the grand duke, tsar, emperor. This is how the clan and caste backbone of the noble corporation was laid. Today the historical and political conditions have changed. Has the internal connection between the current representatives of the nobility and the descendants of the Russian emperors been preserved?

Certainly. A full-fledged noble worldview is unthinkable without respect for the historical dynasty and its legitimate Head. After all, our ancestors have served the sovereigns of the House of Romanov for centuries. Already in the first year of the existence of the Russian Nobility Assembly, its contacts began with the then Head of the Russian Imperial House, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, who, one might say, blessed our activities, signed the first Charter of the Noble Assembly. I consider this very important and symbolic: a man who was born in 1917 on the territory of the Russian Empire, lived his whole life in exile and who for more than 50 years carried this heavy cross, this mission. The Grand Duke still had a chance to set foot on the land of his ancestors, on the day when the capital of the Russian Empire regained its historical name. He died less than a year later. A truly beautiful fate, a truly legendary personality.

The Imperial House exists and will continue to exist ... Today its Head is the daughter of the Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich - Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna. Call it a parallel reality, but all the same, the dynasty is a reality: legal, historical, sacred.
It happened more than once in the history of the Church when a part of the hierarchy, and even a large part, deviated into heresy. The mystical body of the Church is indestructible. And on earth - as long as at least one ordained bishop lives, the apostolic succession continues. A dynasty is also a succession, consecrated by law and the Church.

It must be said that the Russian Nobility Assembly did a lot for the return and reintegration of the Russian Imperial House into the public life of modern Russia, especially in the 1990s. The first visits of the current Head of the Dynasty, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, were organized with the direct and active participation of the Russian Noble Assembly and its leadership. It is also not out of place to recall this in the year of the 25th anniversary of the Assembly as one of the most important practical results of its activities.

The Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna has publicly stated more than once that she is not going to enter into a political struggle in any form ... What is the attitude to the policy of the Russian Nobility Assembly?

You are right, the head of the dynasty has repeatedly stated that she is not involved in politics. This is a principled position. The dynasty should unite, not separate. And this is also the principled position of the Russian Nobility Assembly. As an individual, any nobleman, of course, has the right to join one or another party. But, as a public organization, as an estate corporation, the Noble Assembly was and remains outside of politics. Which does not mean - outside of public life. On the contrary, both the Russian Imperial House and the Russian Nobility Assembly are simply obliged to participate in the formation of civil society, its value orientations, to guard its moral foundations, to cultivate the cultural field.

How are the relations of the noble community with the Russian Orthodox Church developing?

I think, like all normal Orthodox people ... For the Russian Nobility Assembly, the Russian Orthodox Church is one of the most important moral authorities. But at the same time, I must emphasize that the nobility in the Russian Empire was multinational and multi-confessional. It remains so today. There are Catholics, Lutherans, and Muslims in the Assembly of the Nobility. The Russian Empire was able, highlighting Orthodoxy as a state religion, to preserve the national characteristics of the peoples included in it. Christianization, of course, was carried out, but skillfully and gently enough - in comparison with the "liberal" West, for example America, the religious policy of Russia was the height of tolerance. The Orthodox monarch was a sincerely beloved "white king" for all his subjects.

The rebuilding of the Assembly of the Nobility in modern Russia practically coincided in time with the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church. We, of course, understand that we are in different "weight categories", but we cannot fail to realize both the inextricable historical connection and the duty of collaboration. The late His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, who was born in emigration, in Tallinn, and came from the noble family of Ridigers, was our honorary member and did a lot for the Noble Assembly, especially at the stage of its formation. The Assembly of the Nobility is also linked with the current Primate, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, by strong filial ties. As well as with many other hierarchs and clergy.

In order to better acquaint the Moscow public, including members of the Assembly of the Nobility, with the true church life, with real representatives, so to speak, of the second estate, I recently started the project “Conformity. Dialogue with a priest ”. And, I want to say, what a gallery of wonderful Moscow priests passed before us - smart, educated, versatile, deep and interesting interlocutors!

I repeat, the nobility and clergy are called to be co-workers in the field of the revival of historical Russia. It is so today, I hope it will be so in the future ...

Representatives of the noble class have faithfully served the Fatherland for generations ... During the Patriotic War of 1812, the Crimean campaign, the First World War, aristocratic youth voluntarily went to the front lines, it was considered a shame to sit in the rear. Today this is difficult to imagine. What, in your opinion, is the reason for the decline of patriotic feelings, the loss of moral guidelines, the suddenly appeared ideals of a "consumer society", etc.?

In general, I do not like it when the absolutely vague term “national elite” is manipulated. Who really is this elite? High-ranking officials? Oligarchs? Businessmen from culture? Bandits who made money from crime and privatization? I find it hard to agree that it is russian elite, especially if she keeps her capital in offshores and Swiss banks, and her offspring are studying in England - and not at all in order to return home with the knowledge they have acquired. This is the nouveau riche. The real elite is formed not in five or even twenty-five years, but in generations and centuries.

The main task of the real Russian elite has always been to serve the Fatherland. In the war of 1812, representatives of all aristocratic families were in the army, during the Great War, the first to die were the officers of the Guard, who considered it beneath their dignity to bend under machine-gun fire. The elite of society ceases to be such as soon as it opposes itself to this society. Despite the different social status, prosperity, level of education, people should have a single system of values. In the 19th century, it was ingeniously formulated by Count S.S. Uvarov. God, Tsar, Fatherland - with these words both the Great Dukes and the peasants lived and died, together and constituted the great Russia. This unifying principle is the fundamental difference between estates and classes, groups, strata, and even strata that are fashionable today.

Why isn't it now? Well, why should it be so in our country, after more than 70 years of communist ideology, built on the principles of atheism and proletarian internationalism? The Bolsheviks came to power on national betrayal, retained this power through national betrayal (remember the Brest-Litovsk Peace) and brought up traitors, suffice it to name the phenomenon of Pavlik Morozov, the epidemic of denunciation that raged at that time. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, when a critical situation developed at the front, the official ideology had to be adjusted. Stalin remembered the names of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Nakhimov. But I would not delude myself with the sincerity of this "turn", about which they now like to speculate.

Speaking about patriotism, one should not forget one important nuance, namely, that patriotism is love, love for the Motherland. But all love awaits love in return. As for the present state, then, on the one hand, it has abandoned the communist ideology, but, on the other hand, it did not realize itself as the legal successor of historical Russia. This duality creates value relativism, “splitting of consciousness,” which, obviously, does not contribute to the rise of patriotic feelings.

Maybe toponymy, symbolism are not the most important thing in this world, but you must agree that this is what eats into our consciousness, sits on its subcortex. And although the Royal Passion-Bearers have long been glorified, Muscovites are forced to pass through the Voikovskaya station every day. The cleared images of the Savior Not Made by Hands and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are on the Kremlin towers, crowned with five-pointed stars, and next to them lies the unburied body of the "eternally living" destroyer of Russia.

What, in your opinion, can serve as the basis for a national idea capable of uniting the disunited and largely morally disoriented Russian people?

We must understand that it is impossible to come up with a national idea. It has been nurtured by the people - I repeat these words again - for generations and centuries. Also, there is the concept of a historical and religious vocation. Both the person and the people have their own cross. Attempts to reject him, to deviate from the God of the predestined path are disastrous. Russia was not just a monarchy for a thousand years, most European states were monarchies. Russia itself, perhaps unwillingly, took over from Byzantium the mission of the Christian empire, the Third Rome. And so she predetermined her fate. Whether someone likes it or not, we must admit: we are an empire. And the Christian empire requires, of course, a Christian emperor, an anointed one.

I am not saying that in the 21st century it should be an absolute monarch, especially since by 1917 our monarchy was far from absolute. I'm talking about the monarch as the symbol of the nation. I may be asked the question: how does he, in fact, differ from the president? Usually they answer like this: the dynastic principle. This is certainly a very important difference. When the heir to the throne from childhood is brought up as a future monarch, responsible for the fate of his country, which his ancestors have improved since the founding of the state, and which he will then entrust to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, this guarantees stability and continuity.

But I would like to focus on the religious aspect. Have you ever thought about how priests, ordinary Russian priests, who almost daily confess their sins, manage to endure all this calmly and not go crazy? They are not professional psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, who, by the way, break down much more often. For a religious person, the answer is obvious: the power of grace inherent in the gift of the priesthood ... But after all, the hereditary monarch, by duty and right, receives a special, sacred gift in the sacrament of the second chrismation. It is he who gives him the strength to bear the burden of power.

Almost a million Russian people who belonged to the nobility ended up in emigration after the revolution. Are contacts with the émigré noble assemblies restored today?

The oldest organization of the Russian nobility - Union de la Noblesse Russe - was created in Paris in 1925 from representatives of the provincial nobility assemblies who were forced to leave their homeland. When the Russian Nobility Assembly was formed in 1990, of course, contacts with this “Parisian” Union of Nobles began immediately. It could not be otherwise, because after the catastrophe of 1917, many families were divided by the "iron curtain". But one should not think that everything turned out so cloudlessly. For a Russian emigrant, could there be anything good from the Soviet Union, even if it was a Noble Assembly? But time heals, and gradually the wounds heal. Despite some differences in our charters, generally good relations have developed between the organizations. An important milestone was 2013, when a delegation of the Union of Nobles, headed by its then chairman Kirill Vladimirovich Kiselevsky (alas, recently deceased), at the invitation of the Moscow Nobility Assembly, participated in a large program prepared by us dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov. The House "Russian Abroad" hosted an evening from the cycle "Goodbye, Russia - hello, Russia!", Dedicated to the Union of Nobles - this was, in fact, our first joint action.

I have no doubt that our contacts will continue to develop in the future. I would also like to note that in some countries the Russian nobility was not united in any organizations, and they emerged only in the 1990s as branches of the Russian Noble Assembly. So it was in Australia, in Bulgaria.

In the domestic press, it is customary to savor spicy details about the weddings of European crowned heads with affection. At the same time, open lies are often written about the current Russian Imperial House and all kinds of gossip are spread. How do you assess this trend?

To be honest, I don't see a big difference between gossip and juicy details - all this fits into the general style of our modern press. Of course, I perfectly understand what you are talking about. The subtext is this: there, in the West, monarchies are beautiful and good, but here, in Russia, it is absurd and atavistic. The question is why? Why, for example, is the restoration of the monarchy in Spain positive and relevant, while in Russia it is served with sauce: you, they say, want to return your palaces? Or maybe even serfdom to boot? Moreover, the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna does not get tired of repeating that she is against restitution and, moreover, does not claim the property of the dynasty.

Attacks on the Head of the Russian Imperial House are often based on emotional and sometimes absurd arguments. No matter how much you refute them, they still emerge and are presented as a sensation. What can I say here? It makes no sense to explain something to a person who does not want to understand. But you need to methodically and honestly write the history of the Imperial House in exile, publish archival documents, photographs, letters - for thinking people.

On the Internet, you can find ads that guarantee for a certain amount of rewarding "royal" order or princely title. Do these proposals have anything to do with the Imperial House or the Noble Assembly?

Believe me, all such offers are pure fraud. Genuine awards are not bought on the Internet or in any other way, but are received for services to the state, Church, dynasty that has preserved its historical identity. Only in this case, these are full-fledged awards, not trinkets.

The dynastic orders established by European monarchs in past eras are retained by the current heads of the crowned dynasties, even in the event of the loss of state power. The Orders are favored by the Heads of the Italian, French, Portuguese and many other non-reigning dynasties. The list of dynastic orders published by the International Commission of Orders of Cavalry and other authoritative scientific societies also includes the Russian imperial orders of the Romanov dynasty. The right to award imperial orders and bestow nobility is an integral historical prerogative of the Head of the Russian Imperial House. Currently, the imperial orders, as well as the orders of the Russian Orthodox Church, do not have state status, and their reward does not entail any privileges. They are only an honorary token of respect and gratitude from the Russian Imperial House. I would like to note that many well-known public figures, military leaders, clergymen, people of culture are holders of the imperial orders.

Isn't the current interest in the search for noble ancestors a kind of fashion - for many it is prestigious to have their own coat of arms, genealogy?

Prestigious and fashionable is not always bad. The bad news is that fashion is passing. And genealogy should be rooted in the popular mind. Nations that honor their history, their traditions, cannot but know and honor their ancestors. We talked about patriotism. Through the history of his family, his native ancestors and the history of the country becomes close and dear - is this not the basis for true patriotism? Whoever your ancestors were - nobles, peasants, merchants, clergymen - they are all worthy of memory, they all worked for the good of Russia. The main thing is that the passion for genealogy and heraldry does not lead to the temptation to rewrite history, in this case - your family history, the history of the clan. If such a temptation touches someone's souls, let them think about the fact that fictional ancestors will not be able to pray for them ...

But I am deeply convinced that there is a religious aspect to genealogy. We are all descendants of Adam, a branch of the same human race. This understanding runs throughout the Bible. Open the New Testament. How does it start? From the genealogy of Jesus Christ.