Distance learning of biological higher education. "Biology" and "Biotechnology": universities, faculties required for the Unified State Exam

Do you like biology? Do you want to get an education that will be related to this science? You are in luck, experts in biology and related sciences are waiting for the best universities in the country. Let us examine the possible areas of study and future professional activity.

A good score after a biology exam can open many doors for you. Without knowledge in this area, it is impossible to become a doctor, ecologist or study psychology. Veterinarians and agricultural specialists will also be required to provide test results admissions committee, and in some universities and pass a separate internal exam.

But let's start with a simple and at the same time very difficult choice. Which educational institution to submit documents with high scores after the USE in biology and which specialty to choose.

Top universities and faculties in Russia, where biology is a specialized subject


Specialty / Bachelor's degree

Passing score 2017 (budget / commerce)

06.03.01 Biology


(for four USE and university exam)

06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology

Information biology

Molecular biology

General biology and ecology


Cytology and genetics


06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology


141 / no set

06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology


205 / no set

06.03.01 Biology


152 / no set

06.03.01 Biology



High technologies and innovative business systems

In-demand specialties

Biology is a fundamental science, so you can find hundreds of professions in which it will be in demand in one way or another. We will tell you about the most promising in terms of development of the area and the increased interest of HR departments.


These experts study the structure and function of the chemicals that make up living organisms.

Today competition for budget places in universities in this specialty is not too high, but experts predict that in a few years the demand for the profession will grow significantly.

The salary of a biochemist starts from 15 thousand rubles, and more experienced specialists can count on 40-50 thousand.


The specialist is engaged in laboratory research that improves production technologies. Also, biotechnologists are working on the creation of new biologically active additives, vitamin complexes, pharmacological preparations.

The profession is in constant demand in the labor market. A specialist with a biotechnology diploma will quickly find a job in food or cosmetic laboratories, and make a career in public catering.

The average salary is in the region of 50-60 thousand rubles, but beginners will receive about 15 thousand.

This is the specialist who supervises the cultivation and collection of plants. He must be well versed not only in crop production, but also in soil science, geography, geology, and even weather research.

The profession is in demand and well paid, but the agronomist does not have to spend even half of his working day in his office. Its place is in the field, next to the plants.

Salary from 20 thousand rubles. A good agronomist with work experience and understanding of his specialization can earn up to 150 thousand.


A specialist in agronomic chemistry studies soil science, agriculture, meteorology, plant biochemistry and much more. The result of the work of an agrochemist will be to improve soil fertility, plant breeding and increase yields. Experts spend their working day in large laboratories doing research.

The salary of an agrochemist starts from 15 thousand rubles, the upper salary is 50 thousand rubles, with a lot of experience and extensive knowledge in many areas.


Salaries in this area start at 20 thousand rubles, and a specialist with experience and his own research will receive about 60 thousand rubles a month. The profession is in demand, good specialist will find a job very quickly.

Zoologists are focused on the study of various types of animals, their interaction with humans, any aspect of the development of the animal world. Specialists work in research institutes, reserves, specialized parks and medical centers. The knowledge of zoologists in agriculture, pharmacology, medicine, and other branches of science and industry is in demand.

Salaries start at 19 thousand rubles, the maximum rate for a professional zoologist is 50 thousand.

Geneticist (geneticist)

At the moment, this specialty is more in demand as a scientific activity involving a large number of studies of human DNA. In the future, genetics specialists will become more interesting to the labor market, and the industry is expected to develop rapidly.

Genetic professionals will be involved in identifying potential genetic diseases, developing DNA correction programs, preventing birth defects or health problems in children from incompatible couples.

Geneticists earn at the beginning of their careers from 25 thousand rubles, the maximum bar is 90 thousand.

Biology for admission to a medical school

We deliberately did not mention in the list of demanded professions of doctors and those who work in related fields. We will talk about them in the next article.

Biology is one of the most important subjects in medical universities, so the standard school knowledge for admission will not be enough. Develop:

  • take additional lessons or study the necessary topics on your own;
  • devote time to scientific competitions and olympiads;
  • create your own projects and do small research;
  • write articles for school or city publications;
  • visit training courses at the chosen university.

If you love biology, then many roads are open to you in a variety of professions. Before deciding on a university, visit the Day open doors and spend at least one day in the company of a person who is somehow connected with your future profession... This will give you more than months of reflection.

Biotechnology - one of the fastest growing scientific directions... Biomolecular research, biomedicine, bioengineering - all these areas and specializations are among the most demanded in the world.

In addition to medicine, biotechnology is increasingly being used to protect environment and in the energy sector. In other words, this biotechnology, which works at the intersection of biology and technology, provides mind-blowing career opportunities.

Among educational organizations American universities are leading, but other continents have a lot to show.

Check out the list of the strongest medical universities in and .

Top Ten Biological Universities in the World

  1. Harvard University (USA). Harvard University is ranked # 1 in the world in genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, as well as biochemistry and biophysics according to US News & World Report in 2014. Educational program Harvard Biotechnology allows students to pursue bioengineering and nanotechnology, bioinformatics. The best at Harvard is the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. The multidisciplinary approach allows us to prepare not only scientists, but also employees for managerial positions in the biotechnology industries.
  2. University of Tokyo (Japan). The World Ranking Guide ranked the University of Tokyo at the 2nd place in its ranking in 2014. The Faculty of Biotechnology offers master's programs in biomolecular research, biofunctional research, molecular and cellular biosciences. Students study DNA, Protein Engineering, and Bioinformatics. It is important to note that graduate students undergo international internships.
  3. University College London (UK). University College London is regularly ranked in the top 10 of various prestigious rankings the best universities biotechnological direction. Students receive their first higher education in biochemistry (study of chemistry, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biotechnology). The most important area here is experimental biochemistry. The MSc in Biotechnology specializes in critical areas such as cell regulation, molecular cloning, and others.
  4. University of California San Francisco (USA). The university offers some of the best programs in the world in biochemistry and biophysics - the fields closest to biotechnology. Master's students get the opportunity to combine scientific research with the acquisition of professional business experience, which allows, after graduation, to quickly find a job in the rapidly developing sector of biotechnology. The most in demand are programs and internships in molecular biotechnology.
  5. University of Pennsylvania (USA). The university offers undergraduate, graduate and PhD programs in biotechnology, as well as the so-called "professional master" in biotechnology. Students can choose from the following majors: Molecular Biotechnology, Biopharmaceuticals / Biotechnology Engineering, or Biomedical Technology. There is also the possibility of obtaining a double degree in cooperation with Wharton University.
  6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). Founded in 1998, the Faculty of Biological Engineering quickly became one of the best in the world - it couldn't be otherwise. university of Technology planets (according to the latest ratings). There are first-class modern centers-laboratories for biomedical engineering, environmental and health sciences, microbiology, etc.
  7. Johns Hopkins University (USA). The Center for Biotechnology Education at Johns Hopkins University offers undergraduate and graduate programs in biotechnology. Students receive basic knowledge in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, genomics and proteomics. Students also study applied science and the application of new technologies in business, as well as receive opportunities for internships abroad. There are also part-time and distance learning programs.
  8. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA). Founded in 1824, the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is the oldest technology university in the United States. The Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Sciences offers a range of programs, including a particularly popular program at the intersection of biotechnology and medicine.
  9. Stanford University (USA). One of the best universities in the world - Stanford University - offers an excellent bioengineering program. The program was developed in conjunction with the Faculty of Medicine and Engineering and aims to apply engineering approaches to medical problems and biological systems. The university also offers enticing internship opportunities with leading companies in the industry.
  10. University of Rhode Island (USA). This renowned university offers a range of biotechnology programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Research focuses heavily on stem cell biotechnology, molecular biotechnology, and bioprocessing.

Top Biology Schools in North America

  1. Harvard University (USA).
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA).
  3. Stanford University (USA).
  4. University of California, Berkeley (USA).
  5. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) (USA).
  6. Princeton University (USA).
  7. Yale University (USA).
  8. Johns Hopkins University (USA).
  9. University of California, Los Angeles (USA).
  10. Columbia University (USA).

The best biological universities in Europe

  1. University of Oxford (UK).
  2. University of Cambridge (UK).
  3. Imperial College London (UK).
  4. ETH Zürich (Switzerland).
  5. University College London (UK).
  6. University of Edinburgh (UK).
  7. Wageningen University and Research Center (Netherlands).
  8. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany).
  9. King "s College London (UK).
  10. Uppsala University (Sweden).

Best biological universities in Asia

  1. University of Tokyo (Japan).
  2. University of Melbourne (Australia).
  3. The University of Queensland Australia (Australia).
  4. National University of Singapore (Singapore)
  5. Kyoto University (Japan).
  6. Australian National University (Australia).
  7. Osaka University (Japan).
  8. Monash University (Australia).
  9. University of Sydney (Australia).
  10. University of Western Australia (Australia).

Areas of expertise such as “ biology"And" biotechnology”Are widely represented in Russian universities. In large universities and academies, these are separate faculties that graduate bachelors and specialists in their respective narrow fields of knowledge. There are also several specialized universities that also graduate rather narrow specialists - biologists and biotechnologists. More general qualifications can also be obtained at the relevant faculties of medical, veterinary, chemical and other universities.

Moskovsky state University them. M.V. Lomonosov

Faculty of Biology

The Faculty of Biology has 28 departments and more than 50 department research laboratories. Students can choose one of eight specialties: anthropology, zoology, botany, physiology, genetics, biochemistry, biophysics, microbiology.

In 2010, the competition will be held for the amount uSE results in mathematics, biology, Russian language and chemistry, as well as an additional entrance test: the exam in biology.

Russian state agricultural university - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva

In RSAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev's specialty as a biologist or biotechnologist can be studied at four faculties: agronomic, zooengineering, horticulture and vegetable growing, soil science, agrochemistry and ecology.

Last year, the passing balls of the exam were as follows:

Biology - 35 points
- 34 score
Foreign language
- 20 points
- 30 points
- 21 score
Social science
- 39 points
- 32 score
Russian language
- 37 points
- 33 score

Saint Petersburg State University

At St. Petersburg State University, biology can be studied at the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science. For admission to the specialty "biology" you will need to pass three exam test - Russian language, biology, chemistry.

Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology

At MGUPB, you can become a biotechnology engineer if you enroll in one of two faculties:

Food biotechnology

Automation of biotechnical systems

At these faculties, you can study the following specialties, for admission to which you need to pass the exam:

"Bioecology" - Russian language, biology, mathematics
"Biotechnology" - Russian language, mathematics, physics
"Food Biotechnology" - Russian language, mathematics, physics
"Food technology" - Russian language, mathematics, physics

Moscow State University of Food Production

At MGUPP biotechnology can be studied in four main areas:

Environmental biotechnology

Production of enzyme preparations

Bioconversion of plant raw materials

Obtaining biologically active substances

On the specialty "biotechnology" and "Food biotechnology" it is necessary to take the exam in mathematics, Russian language, chemistry.

On the specialization of the Faculty of Food Engineering, it is necessary to pass mathematics, Russian, chemistry or physics (optional).

Russian State Medical University

Biological specialties at the Russian State Medical University can be obtained at the Faculty of Medicine and Biology.

The Unified State Exam must not be lower than the minimum number of points established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

For admission to the specialty "Medical biochemistry" it is necessary to pass the exam in chemistry, Russian language, biology. For admission to the specialty "Medical biophysics" it is necessary to take the exam in physics, Russian language, biology.

Moscow state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology them. K.I. Scriabin

Specialties "biology" and "Zootechnics" can be obtained at two faculties:

Veterinary and biological

Zootechnology and agribusiness

Moscow State University of Technology and Management

At MGUTU at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Fisheries, you can become a biotechnologist in the following specialties (with the corresponding ones necessary for admission to the Unified State Exam):

Bioecology (biology, Russian, mathematics)

Water resources and aquaculture (biology, Russian, mathematics)

Technology of fish and fish products (mathematics, Russian, chemistry)

Ecology and nature management (geography, Russian, mathematics)

Russian University of Chemical Technology. DI. Mendeleev

In RCTU them. DI. Mendeleev at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, you can get a specialty "biotechnology"... To enter the faculty, it will be necessary to pass the Unified State Examination in Russian, mathematics, biology.

Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology. M.V. Lomonosov

In MITHT them. DI. Mendeleev at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Organic Synthesis, you can get a specialty "biotechnology"... To enter the faculty, you must pass the Unified State Exam in Russian, mathematics, physics or chemistry (optional).

List of specialties by direction« Biology» and« Biotechnology» you can find .

Every person dreams of choosing a profession that would not only be always in demand, and therefore highly paid, but also benefit society. One of these professions is undoubtedly the profession of a biologist. It is these specialists who study everything related to living organisms on our planet. Our health, development and future largely depend on their professionalism. Therefore, it is not surprising that the profession of biology is the second most popular in the world.

Every person dreams of choosing a profession that would not only be always in demand, and therefore highly paid, but also benefit society. One of these professions is undoubtedly biology profession... It is these specialists who study everything related to living organisms on our planet. Our health, development and future largely depend on their professionalism. Therefore, it is not surprising that the profession of biology is the second most popular in the world.

True, unfortunately, not everyone can get this necessary and promising profession, since it puts forward a number of requirements that can only be met by people with certain inclinations and character. But what is the peculiarity of this profession, you will learn from our article.

Who is a biologist?

From Greek biology translated as "life science" (bios - life, logos - science). Accordingly, the name of the profession of a biologist indicates that this is a specialist who studies aspects of the life of all living organisms on planet Earth. That is, his close attention is drawn to the origin, evolution, growth and development of living organisms, regardless of whether it is a microbe, plant or animal.

Biology was officially separated into an independent branch of science only in the 19th century. However, its formation dates back to even more ancient times. It is known that already the great Aristotle in the 4th century BC. made the first attempts to streamline information about nature, highlighting four stages in it: people, animals, plants, the inorganic world.

Today, the profession of a biologist unites specialists of very different specializations, each of whom is studying only a certain class of representatives of living organisms. For example, anatomists and physiologists study the structure and features of human life, zoologists specialize in animal anatomy and physiology, and a botanist is engaged in flora... And this is not a complete list of the biologist's specialization. There are such modern directions, such as genetics, microbiology, biotechnology, embryology, breeding, biophysics, biochemistry, virology, etc.

But in any case, whatever specialization you choose biologist, his duties are almost identical. The duties of any biologist include: studying, systematizing, studying the general properties and patterns of development of a particular group of living organisms, conducting research in laboratory conditions, analyzing the results obtained and issuing practical recommendations for improving conditions within the framework of his specialization, etc.

What personal qualities should a biologist have?

It is not difficult to guess that a biologist, first of all, must love nature and be interested in the appearance and development of life on Earth. In addition, a true biologist is distinguished by:

  • analytical and logical mindset;
  • curiosity and patience;
  • accuracy and care;
  • observation and rich imagination;
  • well-developed figurative visual memory;
  • perseverance and ability to concentrate attention;
  • responsibility and honesty.

It should be noted that since biologist's job involves participation in laboratory studies, in which various chemical preparations are often used, the specialist should not have a tendency to allergies.

The benefits of being a biologist

As mentioned above, biology is an actively developing branch of science, which opens up huge prospects for career growth and self-realization for specialists. Another undoubted advantage of the biology profession is its relevance. According to labor market experts, this profession in the coming years may become one of the most demanded and highly paid ones.

An important advantage of this profession is also a wide variety of institutions and organizations in which you can show your talent and professional skills. Today biologists are gladly hired in laboratories at scientific research institutes, environmental organizations, reserves, botanical and ecological gardens, research institutes, environmental organizations, industries agriculture and education (schools, colleges, universities).

Disadvantages of the biology profession

Despite the fact that biology is one of the most demanded branches of science in the world, in Russia this field of activity is still at the stage of formation, so the salary of biologists is low. Especially if they work in state institutions (for example, in laboratories at research institutes or schools).

The work of a "practicing" biologist (a specialist who studies living organisms in their natural habitat) involves frequent business trips. These specialists can be found everywhere: in the desert, and in the tundra, and high in the mountains, and in the field and at an experimental agricultural station. Naturally, it is not always possible to conduct research in comfortable conditions, therefore, future biologists must be prepared for life in Spartan conditions.

For successful employment of young specialists, more often than not, theoretical training alone is not enough. therefore biology students it is necessary to take care of practical work experience in advance (that is, while still in the learning process, look for work in a specialty that is as close as possible to the future profession).

Where can you get the profession of biology?

It is very easy to get the profession of a biologist in Russia today, because in almost every medical university there are specialized faculties (biological, bioengineering, agronomic, etc.). Therefore, the choice of this or that university depends solely on personal interests and capabilities. Naturally, among universities there are also undoubted leaders, biology graduates who get high-paying jobs much more often than graduates of others educational institutions... Therefore, if you are interested in successful employment, we recommend that you, first of all, try to become a student of such universities as:

  • Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov - Faculty of Biology;
  • Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy K.A. Timiryazeva - faculties: agronomic, soil science, zooengineering, agrochemistry and ecology, gardening and vegetable growing;
  • St. Petersburg State University - Faculty of Biology and Soil Science;
  • Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology - faculties: automation of biotechnical systems and food biotechnology;
  • Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K.I. Scriabin - faculties: zootechnology and agribusiness, veterinary and biological.