Oxford Masters Scholarship. We are in social

Citizens can apply for the Foundation scholarship Russian Federation - students of departments, courses, scientific directions and training programs, if they study full-time at the full-time departments of Universities.

Applicants for the Foundation scholarship - students enrolled in educational programs undergraduate and specialist training - must demonstrate good and excellent academic performance during the last two consecutive semesters, as evidenced by copies of the relevant documents (certified extract from the transcript or a copy of the transcript for the last two semesters).

Applicants for the Foundation scholarship - 1 year undergraduates - must have at least 95% of "good" and "excellent" marks in the appendix to the diploma of graduation educational institution, which is confirmed by copies of the relevant documents (certified copies of the diploma and annex to the diploma on the completion of the bachelor's program or specialist training).

Applicants for the Foundation scholarship - 2-year undergraduates - must demonstrate good and excellent performance in the previous academic year, which is confirmed by copies of the relevant documents (certified extract from the transcript and examination sheet or a copy of the transcript).

Applicants for the Foundation scholarship - postgraduate students of the 1st year of study - must have at least 95% of the marks "good" and "excellent" in the appendix to the diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution, which is confirmed by copies of the relevant documents (certified copies of the diploma and annex to the diploma of the end of the program master's degree or specialist training).

All applicants for the Foundation scholarship must demonstrate an active conduct of scientific work in the framework of the chosen scientific direction, participate in the scientific and practical activities of the departments of their University, take an active part in the public life of the faculty and the University. The presence of scientific publications in scientific journals, student collections or other special scientific publications.

Applicants studying on a budgetary basis will have an advantage in obtaining a scholarship.

The assignment of the Foundation scholarship does not cancel the student's right to receive state, including increased, scholarships in the usual manner, as well as other personal scholarships, if it is not provided by commercial organizations. If a student at the beginning of the Competition knows that he will receive such a scholarship in the 2016-2017 academic year, then he is not eligible to participate in the Competition.

If a student, already being a Foundation scholarship holder, participates in a competition for a personal scholarship of a commercial organization, then after the results of the competition are announced, the student must choose to receive either a Foundation scholarship or a personal scholarship of a commercial organization. The student is obliged to inform the coordinator of the Foundation at his university about his decision.

A student who is a relative (as defined below) of any member of the administration, faculty or Academic Council of the University must indicate their family ties in the application for the Competition. The Foundation reserves the right to refuse a scholarship to such an applicant after consideration of the application by the experts of the Competition. The definition of "relative" includes: spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew / tsa cousin / sister, as well as the following relatives on the part of the spouse: mother, father, sister, brother , son or daughter.

The competition for the Foundation scholarship is held annually. A student who has previously received a Foundation scholarship can participate in a new competition on a general basis.

Registration of applications for the Competition

Applications for the Contest are submitted by applicants through the DAAS - Distributed Application Approval System, which was specially developed by the Foundation for the Contest. The Foundation provides Universities with access to the DAAS system free of charge. The Foundation provides all technical support for the functioning of the system independently.

To conduct the Competition, the Fund provides a special application form for participation in the Competition, which reflects the following characteristics of the applicant:

  • academic performance,
  • professional motivation of the applicant,
  • degree of scientific training and scientific potential of the applicant,
  • availability of scientific publications,
  • participation in research projects,
  • participation in educational, cultural, social and other projects implemented at the University or outside it,
  • availability of prizes from university, regional, regional, all-Russian, international Olympiads, competitions,
  • participation in the public life of the University.

The Foundation has the right to use in its materials (research) the data of applicants from the applications of the Competition (except for the full name, addresses and phone numbers), as well as any information about the conduct and results of the Competition, including the financial conditions of the Competition.

A student cannot take part in the Competition in absentia (while on an internship, on academic leave, etc.) - at the time of registration and submission of the application, he must be trained at this University.

The work of the scholar in the specialty is allowed. For the 3rd year of the undergraduate program and the 3rd, 4th year of the specialist degree, work in the specialty is allowed no more than 5 hours a week.

Procedure and format of the competition

The competition is held in two stages. The first stage of the Competition is held by the University. The second stage of the Competition is held by the Representative Office of the Fund in Moscow. The terms of the Contest are approved by the Foundation annually.

The first stage of the Competition

Applicants submit applications for the Competition in the DAAS system within the prescribed period by filling out a special electronic form. At the time of opening and further during editing, the application has the "New" status.

When applicants have finished filling out applications, they confirm the end of editing by following the application closing procedure. The application receives the "Closed" status.

The Fund Coordinator at each University confirms the correctness of closed applications and the accuracy of the information presented in them. After confirmation, the application has the status "Confirmed". Incorrectly executed applications and applications containing inaccurate information are not confirmed by the coordinator and are not allowed to participate in the Competition, their status remains unchanged - "Closed".

Experts of the First stage evaluate applications with the "Confirmed" status on a five-point scale in the DAAS system. After analyzing expert assessments and comments, the Fund coordinator forms a preliminary list of finalists for the First stage of the Competition.

Applications with the "Finalist" status become available for evaluation by the experts of the Second stage of the Competition.

The intermediate terms of the First stage of the Competition - the beginning of the submission of applications, the completion of the submission of applications, the closure of applications, confirmation of applications, the examination of applications, the determination of the finalists of the First stage of the Competition - can be adjusted for each University in accordance with the schedule curriculum and the date of the Academic Council.

Second stage of the Competition

The second stage of the Competition is held by the Representative Office of the Fund in Moscow. The representative office provides access to the applications of the finalists of the First stage of the Competition to independent experts of the Competition - Russian and foreign specialists in the field of humanities and socio-economic sciences.

When evaluating applications, experts are guided by established criteria.

The main criteria for the examination of the Competition are:

  • level scientific activities student (results, prospects, degree of personal interest, relevance of a scientific problem),
  • professional qualities of the student (literacy, knowledge of professional terminology, foreign languages, the ability to summarize the main aspects of their scientific and learning activities, formulate intermediate conclusions and plan research prospects);
  • the prospects and expediency of the methods of scientific work used by the student,
  • formal professional activity of a student - the presence of scientific publications related to the research topic, participation in specialized scientific conferences as a speaker, the presence of research projects related to the research topic,
  • conducting by the student of social work and his own projects, demonstrating an active life position, social responsibility, communication skills, the ability to apply professional skills and knowledge directly related to the specialty in practical activities,
  • professional aspects and the realism of the student's career and personal plans.

The Foundation's activities are aimed at stimulating the educational, scientific and practical activities of talented and promising Russian students studying in the field of humanitarian, social and economic sciences.

The Oxford Russian Foundation scholarship is awarded to 2-4 year students of the daytime departments of the humanities faculties of Russian state universities studying under the bachelor's program in the following scientific areas:



History and theory of art,


World literature,







Ethics and Religious Studies,



An applicant for a scholarship must have high academic performance (study at "good" and "excellent" in the last two consecutive semesters), as well as show high scientific and social activity:

Have publications in special scientific publications (student collections, scientific journals, etc.),

Participate in the scientific and practical activities of their departments,

Take an active part in the social life of the faculty,

Be respected by teachers and students.

Summer and winter schools are regularly held for scholarship holders - visiting interdisciplinary seminars that allow young scientists to get acquainted with related fields of knowledge, influence the formation of professional ties, and engage in the development of joint projects both at the Russian and international levels.

Among twenty partners of the Oxford Russian Foundation, Irkutsk state University is the only representative of Eastern Siberia. The scholarship program has been operating here since 2006. 163 people became scholarship holders for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Olga Alexandrovna EDELSHTEIN, Deputy Chairman of the Student Research Council (SRWS) at ISU, curator of the scholarship program of the Oxford Russian Foundation at ISU:

Obtaining a scholarship from the Oxford Russian Foundation has a positive effect on increasing the quantity and quality scientific works scholarship students. If, on average, there are 0.1-0.2 scientific publications per student engaged in research work, then for Oxford students this figure is much higher - 1-2 publications per scholar. Significantly increases and academic mobility students: thanks to the financial support of the Foundation, fellows can attend from 5 to 10 conferences and schools of the Foundation per year. And high scientific achievements RUF Fellows are a worthy reason to receive an increased academic scholarship.

Applications indicating the full name, course, direction (specialty) are submitted to the e-mail address of the deputy dean for research work at the faculty (at the institute). After submitting the application, the applicant for the scholarship will be sent a personal login and password for the DAAS Internet system - (Distributed Application Approval System, Distributed Application Processing System).

The composition of the SRWS ISU Council and the RUF Coordination Council is indicated on the ISU website

The full Scholarship Regulations can be found on the website

Primary activity Oxford Russian Foundation, founded in 2005, aims to promote the development of education in the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The main fund objectivesinclude the support of students and teachers of the best russian universities and the holding of joint events that contribute to the establishment of fruitful cooperation between Russian and British educational centers. The Oxford Russian Foundation also promotes the dissemination and implementation of modern educational initiatives and innovations that are promising for the development of Russian education.

The foundation's activities consist of several charitable programs:

* scholarship program for full-time students of Russian universities,

* scholarship program for young teachers (temporarily suspended),

* project "Books for the University Library",

* « E-library»,

* summer student schools,

* seminars on English philology,

* support for Russian and international scientific and educational conferences.

The key project of the Oxford Russian Foundation is a scholarship program for students of the humanities departments of classical (academic) universities.

The project is currently being implemented in twenty universities in various regions of the Russian Federation. Fellowships are selected with input from universities and the expert community.

Tyumen State University has been participating in the Oxford Russian Foundation program since the beginning of 2009.

Beneficiaries are talented and promising students, undergraduates and postgraduates studying in the specialties of the humanities and socio-economic sciences:

* history,

* archeology,

* history and theory of art,

* cultural studies,

* world literature,

* political science,

* psychology,

* sociology,

* philology,

* philosophy,

* economy,

* ethics and religious studies,

* ethnology,

* journalism,

* digital humanities (since 2018)

Scholarshipsare paid to students of 3-6 courses, undergraduates and graduate students monthly during the academic year (10 calendar months), subject to confirmation of high academic performance, as well as scientific and social activity. The amount of the scholarship is 6,000 rubles per month.

For the Contest, the Foundation provides a special form applicationsfor participation in the Competition, which reflects the following characteristics of the applicant:

* academic performance,

* professional motivation of the applicant,

* degree of scientific training and scientific potential of the applicant,

* availability of scientific publications,

* participation in research projects,

* participation in educational, cultural, social and other projects implemented at the University or outside it,

* the presence of prizes from university, regional, regional, all-Russian, international Olympiads, competitions,

* participation in the public life of the University.

Register and fill out an applicationhttps://utmn.orf-daas.ru/login/?next\u003d/

Program coordinator at Tyumen State University: E.E. Yuzhakova, Deputy Head of Strategic Communications Department.

No one knows when Oxford University was founded, however, the first evidence of teaching here dates back to 1096, making it the oldest university in the English-speaking world and the second oldest functioning university. A major change happened in the 13th century when some students and faculties left Oxford to found Cambridge university, his competitor.

The University of Oxford has 38 colleges and 4 divisions. 23 thousand students study at these various institutes, of which 11,728 are bachelor students, 10,941 are postgraduates. The total number of foreign students is 9,900, which is 42% of the student body. This is good news for international students as Oxford welcomes students from all over the world.
Obtaining an opportunity to study at Oxford is very difficult as only one student is selected out of five applications for admission. Therefore, to be competitive for Oxford, it is necessary to demonstrate outstanding achievement and have leadership qualities.

In the Times Higher Education World University rankings, Oxford is ranked first in the world. This is not surprising since Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and conducts fundamental research. Oxford is ranked first in not only one but several ranking systems, including the QS World University Rankings.
To see the ratings as well as others interesting Facts and the personality of Oxford, open Oxford University Facts and Figures.

Undergraduate Scholarships

Reach Oxford Scholarship
... The scholarship covers tuition, fees, annual grants for accommodation, round trip airfare.
... Eligibility - Students from low income countries.
... The number of recipients is approximately 2-3 students annually.
Admission Procedure - Students must be admitted to a university prior to applying for the Reach Oxford Scholarship. The application deadline is October 15th, you must apply after you are admitted to the university. For more information on the Reach Oxford Scholarship, read this page.

Other scholarships for specific colleges and specialties
The Reach Oxford, Simon and June Li Fellowships have no restrictions on areas of study other than medicine. However, apart from these scholarships, there are many good scholarship programs that focus on a specific field of study as well as nationality. To find scholarships that are right for you, visit Oxford University Scholarship Search.

Undergraduate and PhD Scholarships

Clarendon Scholarship

... Eligibility - All local and international students wishing to pursue any degree at Oxford University.
... The number of recipients is 140 new students every year.
... Acceptance Procedure - No other separate scholarship application is required to qualify for the Clarendon Scholarship.

Ertegun Scholarship
... The scholarship covers tuition, fees, accommodation.
... Eligibility - All local and international students wishing to study at humanitarian sciences at the University of Oxford.
... The number of recipients is at least 10 students annually.
... You must complete certain types of scholarships on your application.

Other Scholarships for International Students
Besides the Clarendon and Ertegun scholarships, there are other good scholarships for international students. These scholarships, as in the case of undergraduate scholarships, are aimed at a specific field of study. To find these scholarships, open Oxford scholarship search.

Application dates
... For Bachelor's Degree - Application deadline opens September 1 and closes October 15. Once you have been accepted, you must submit a separate scholarship application on January 1st.
... For postgraduate studies - applications start on September 1 and ends on January 8 or 15, depending on the specialty.

How to Apply for the University of Oxford Scholarship
The application procedure for international students is clearly explained on the University of Oxford website. If you are an undergraduate student, please read the Undergraduate Admission Guide to learn about the application process. If you are a graduate student, then open the guide to accepting graduate students.

You can find more detailed information about the university in our review

That's all! Good luck to everyone in your enrollment and scholarships!

Education in the UK is the dream of many graduates around the world. In the future, a British diploma will help you get a prestigious position, and in general, the prospects are very wide. But not all foreigners can pay for their education in the UK, because education here is quite expensive. However, there is one big plus - talented applicants and students can apply for scholarships or grantsthat will cover part or all of the study costs.

Scholarship programs are funded by public, private foundations and universities themselves. To get such a "lucky bonus", you need take part in a competition... There are many applicants for the scholarship, and the requirements for the selection participants are high, but there is always a chance.

Foundations and organizations

In the UK, there are currently several programs created with the support of the government and private foundations. A certain number of foreign students can use them annually.

Chevening Scholarship

Chevening scholarshipinternational program support for talented students, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and sponsoring organizations. The scholarship is usually awarded for 1 year for a master's degree.

Anyone can participate in the selection, whose package of documents meets the requirements of the Chevening program: higher education, citizenship and permanent residence, high level proficiency in English (TOEFL or IELTS), 2 years of work in the specialty, planned activity in your country after studying in the UK. Among the applicant countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, etc.

The candidate must clearly plan the futureknow what subjects he needs to master in order to be useful at home. At the 1st stage there is an essay competitionand the packages of documents of the candidates that are most relevant to the requirements are considered. 2nd stage - detailed interview with representatives of the British Council.

Training is possible in a number of areas: science and space, politics and international relationships, business and innovation, economics, journalism, law and public administration, architecture, research environment, climate change, energy sources, etc.

The scholarship is usually awarded for one year. This includes an amount covering the cost of training (£ 12,000) and the same amount allocated for food and accommodation. If the cost is higher, the student covers the difference at his own expense. Anyone can apply through the system. You can track the deadlines for accepting applications and updates on the program or resource

The hill foundation

The Hill Foundation charitable organization issues grants for full-time study at Oxford University to students from abroad (including the CIS countries). Any direction of bachelor's and master's degrees is available. This the scholarship fully covers tuition and living expenses (in the 2015-2016 academic year, the minimum amount was £ 14,057). Competition is fierce, so documents should be submitted at least one year before the start of the course.

Special requirements: applicant (citizen of another state) must have a university degree in their country with honors; personal qualities and activity in social life are important; striving to apply the knowledge gained in the UK for the benefit of their country. The applicant must confirm what his plans include return to home country (minimum 12 months after completion of training).

UK University Scholarships

Most major universities in the UK provide scholarships and grants to international students. The main condition is the excellent academic performance of the applicant. University scholarships cover tuition costs in full or 30-50%. There are options when accommodation is compensated.

Clarendon Foundation Scholarship - Study in Masters at Oxford University
Gates Scholarship at Cambridge University
Full scholarship for master's studies university University of Westminster
Birkbeck, University of London, School of Arts

The University's School of Arts offers 15 for graduate and postgraduate students for students from all countries applying for full-time or correspondence form learning. The scholarship is applied for by students entering the programs of faculties: art history, cinematography, journalism, english language and the humanities, etc. All details on