Gifted child. Prerequisites, conditions and driving forces of the mental development of the child Has internal prerequisites

Distinctive features gifted children 1. They have higher intellectual abilities, susceptibility to skills, creativity and manifestations compared to the majority of other peers. 2. They have a dominant, active, non-saturable cognitive need. 3. Experience the joy of mental labor.

CATEGORIES OF GIFTED CHILDREN 1. Children with unusually high general level mental development ceteris paribus. 2. Children with signs of special mental giftedness - giftedness in a certain area of ​​science, art. 3. Students who, for some reason, do not achieve success in learning, but have bright cognitive activity, originality mental warehouse, outstanding mental reserves.

Problems: 1. Development of educational programs for intellectually gifted children. 2. What conditions must be created for the teaching of a gifted child. 3. Forms and methods of work with gifted children. inherent gifted child. 4. Methods, methods for identifying and detecting gifted children.

PURPOSE: - To develop students' interest in research activities, to perform complex tasks, the ability to think creatively, and also strengthen their self-confidence .. Create conditions for the optimal development of gifted children Tasks: - identify capable and gifted children who show interest in the subject; - use an individual approach in working with gifted students in the lessons of geography, biology, ecology and after school hours, taking into account age and individual features children; - holding various extracurricular competitions, intellectual games, olympiads, allowing students to show their abilities.

Principles of work with gifted children 1. The principle of differentiation and individualization of education (the highest level of implementation of which is the development of an individual program for the development of a gifted child). 2. The principle of maximum diversity of opportunities provided. 3. The principle of ensuring the freedom of choice by students of additional educational services. 4. The principle of increasing role extracurricular activities gifted children through the circle. 5. The principle of increasing attention to the problem of interdisciplinary connections in individual work with students. 6. The principle of creating conditions for joint work students with a minimum role of the teacher.

Forms of events Topics Dates Results Participation Prize place In-class and extracurricular activities Participation in district subject Olympiads Olympiad in geography, biology, once a year November Participation in the competition "Youth Geographic Championship". Geography 1 time per year October Participation in school subject Olympiads Olympiad in geography, biology, ecology 1 time per year November Participation in the Intellectual-Personal Marathon. assignments to identify knowledge in subjects Participation in the competition "Youth Biology Championship" In biology 1 time per year November Participation in scientific and practical school-level conferences Geography, biology subjects September, May School-level competitions Throughout the year Plan of individual work with children

gifted child- this is a child who stands out for bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity.

Signs of giftedness

  • Signs of giftedness - these are the features of a gifted child that are manifested in his real activities and can be assessed at the level of observation of the nature of his actions.

Instrumental An aspect of the behavior of a gifted child can be characterized by the following features:

  • Presence of specific activity strategies.

  • Formation of a qualitatively original individual style of activity, expressed in the tendency to “do everything in one's own way” and associated with the self-sufficient system of self-regulation inherent in a gifted child.

  • Highly structured knowledge, the ability to see the subject being studied in the system, the curtailment of methods of action in the relevant subject area. In other words, the originality of the methods of activity of a gifted child is manifested in his ability to see the simple in the complex, and the complex in the simple.

  • A special type of learning. It can manifest itself both in high speed and ease of learning, and in a slow pace of learning, but with a subsequent sharp change in the structure of knowledge, ideas and skills.

Motivational aspect of the behavior of a gifted child can be characterized by the following features:

  • Increased, selective sensitivity to certain aspects of objective reality or to certain forms of one's own activity, accompanied, as a rule, by the experience of a feeling of pleasure.

  • A pronounced interest in certain occupations or areas of activity, an extremely high enthusiasm for any subject. The presence of such an intense propensity for a certain kind of activity has as its consequence an amazing perseverance and industriousness.

  • An increased cognitive need, which manifests itself in insatiable curiosity, as well as a willingness to go beyond the initial requirements of activity on one's own initiative.

  • Preference for paradoxical, contradictory and uncertain information, rejection of standard, typical tasks and ready-made answers.

  • High criticality to the results of one's own work, a tendency to set super-difficult goals, striving for perfection.

Main activities

  • practical,

  • theoretical (cognitive),

  • artistic and aesthetic,

  • communicative,

  • spiritual value.

  • sensorimotor

  • spatial-visual

  • conceptual and logical

Types of giftedness according to the criterion "Types of activity and the spheres of the psyche that provide it"

Types of giftedness according to the criterion “the degree of formation of giftedness”

  • Actual giftedness

  • psychological characteristics of a child with such cash (already achieved) indicators of mental development, which are manifested in a higher level of performance in a particular subject area compared to the age and social norm.

Types of giftedness in accordance with the criterion "form of manifestation"

  • manifests itself in the child's activity quite clearly and distinctly (as if "by itself"), including under adverse conditions. The child's achievements are so obvious that his giftedness is beyond doubt.

General giftedness

    General giftedness manifests itself in relation to various types of activities and acts as the basis of their productivity. The psychological core of general giftedness is mental abilities (or general cognitive abilities), around which emotional, motivational and volitional qualities personality. General giftedness determines, accordingly, the level of understanding of what is happening, the depth of emotional and motivational involvement in activities, the effectiveness of goal setting and self-regulation.

Special talent

  • Special talent reveals itself in specific activities and can only be determined in relation to certain areas of activity (music, painting, sports, etc.).

Types of giftedness according to the criterion "level of achievement of the child"

  • Abilities that exceed the average level of the abilities of their peers, to a small extent. However, children with such giftedness nevertheless have the main hallmarks of giftedness and should be assessed accordingly by teachers and school psychologists.

  • Very bright intellectual, artistic, communicative or some other abilities and inclinations Their giftedness, as a rule, is obvious to others, with the exception of cases of the so-called hidden giftedness.

  • Abilities that are so superior to the average age norm that it allows us to speak of such children as children with exceptional, special gifts. The success of their activities can be unusually high.


Principles for identifying gifted children:

  • 1) the complex nature of the assessment of different aspects of the child's behavior and activities, which will allow the use of various sources of information and cover the widest possible range of his abilities;

  • 2) the duration of identification (expanded in time observation of the behavior of a given child in different situations);

  • 3) analysis of the child's behavior in those areas of activity that correspond to the maximum extent to his inclinations and interests;

  • 4) the use of training methods, within the framework of which it is possible to organize certain developmental influences, remove psychological “barriers” typical for a given child, etc.;

  • 5) involvement in the assessment of a gifted child of experts: highly qualified specialists in the relevant subject area of ​​activity;

  • 6) assessment of the signs of a child's giftedness, not only in relation to the current level of his mental development, but also taking into account the zone of proximal development;

  • 7) predominant reliance on environmentally valid psychodiagnostic methods that deal with the assessment of the child's real behavior in a real situation, such as analysis of activity products, observation, conversation, expert assessments of teachers and parents, natural experiment.

  • a) the system of preschool educational institutions;

  • b) a system of general education schools, within which conditions are created for the individualization of the education of gifted children;

  • c) a system of additional education designed to meet the constantly changing individual socio-cultural and educational needs of gifted children and to ensure the identification, support and development of their abilities within the framework of extracurricular activities;

  • d) a system of schools focused on working with gifted children (including lyceums, gymnasiums, non-standard educational institutions of the highest category, etc.) and designed to provide support and development of opportunities for such children in the process of obtaining a general secondary education.

Forms of teaching children in the system of additional education

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Model of work with gifted children Compiled by the teacher primary school Baeva Natalya Oskarovna

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“... We have a lot of work to do to improve the quality of all parts of national education. In secondary education, it is necessary to pull up comprehensive schools to the level of teaching in Nazarbayev Intellectual schools. School graduates must know Kazakh, Russian and English languages. The result of teaching schoolchildren should be their mastery of the skills of critical thinking, independent search and in-depth analysis of information.

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It's important to know About 30% of those expelled from school for academic failure are gifted children. About 30% of those expelled from secondary schools for learning disabilities, academic failure and even stupidity are gifted and over-gifted children. In schools in the UK, when identifying gifted children, special attention is paid to underachieving students and students with behavioral problems, since in this group of children the percentage of gifted is the highest.

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Giftedness is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher, compared to other people, outstanding results in one or more types of activity. A gifted child is a child who stands out with bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity. Childhood- the period of formation of abilities and personality. This is the time of deep integrative processes in the child's psyche against the background of its differentiation. The level and breadth of integration determine the characteristics of the formation and maturity of the phenomenon itself - giftedness. The progress of this process, its delay or regression determine the dynamics of the development of giftedness.

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Types of giftedness Psychologists distinguish several types of giftedness: academic (the ability to learn in the broad sense of the word), intellectual, creative (the ability to think in an original way, create something new), psychomotor (the ability to play sports or applied arts), artistic and leadership. The opinion that gifted people are capable of everything is wrong - usually their talent manifests itself in more than one area, but not in all at once.

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Relevance at the level of educational institutions Early identification, training, education and support of gifted and talented children is one of the main problems of improving the education system. The need to develop a system of interrelated activities aimed at stimulating the educational and scientific activity of students, the formation and strengthening of the values ​​of science, culture and education in the appropriate social environment, creating an environment for creative communication.

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Objectives: Determination of the strategy of pedagogical interaction in work with gifted children. Creation of a set of conditions and means aimed at improving the system for identifying, supporting and developing gifted children in the conditions of educational institutions. Creation of conditions and equal opportunities for the development of intellectually, artistically and sports gifted children.

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Tasks: Carrying out diagnostic examinations of children to identify giftedness, determining their creative potential, interests and abilities. Creation of conditions for the development of versatile talent: personnel, material and technical, development of regulatory and legal support. Development of a system of measures of motivation, moral and material incentives for the work of students and teachers.

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Approaches and mechanisms of work with gifted children Among the strategies, the main value-target orientations in work with gifted children are the following: identification and development of potential opportunities; activation - a strategy focused on creating conditions that provide the maximum opportunity for the manifestation and development of the individual abilities of each child; overcoming barriers - a strategy aimed at leveling the obstacles that hinder the development of children; support and development of high achievements shown by the child.

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Teaching Strategies for Intellectually Gifted Students Acceleration of learning (early admission to school, college, "jumping" through the class, private schools, etc.). Deep learning (schools with in-depth study mathematics, physics, foreign languages etc.) Enrichment of learning (research and project activity; usage active forms organization of training; educational mini-courses, circles, electives, corrective, developing and integrative programs, etc.) Problematization of education (using original explanations, revising existing information, searching for new meanings and alternative interpretations, etc.)

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The most well-known approaches to the development of gifted children are changes in the content of education (changes in curriculum And educational material) and technologies for working with it; changes in the organization of educational, cognitive activity; development of personal characteristics; overcoming the personal problems of the gifted.

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Forms and methods of organizing work with gifted children Organization of the work of creative laboratories and clubs for gifted children in subjects; Elective and special courses profile classes Individual work with intellectually and creatively gifted children Intellectual marathons Participation in olympiads, competitions and intellectual games different levels; Subject weeks (decades). System development additional education: circles, sections, associations. Student scientific and practical conferences Organization and work of specialized classes

The principle of determinism is a general scientific principle scientific knowledge and explains the dependence of any phenomenon on the facts that produce it (from the Latin determinare - to determine). According to the principle of determinism, all phenomena are interconnected and interdependent in a natural way. His understanding changed significantly with the development of psychological science. This principle is not exhausted by simple causality. It is assumed that the phenomenon under study is due to the interaction of "factors accessible to empirical control" . It is a priority principle of scientific knowledge. The principle of determinism is interconnected with the principles of development and consistency.

Causality cannot be considered separately for the external world and the internal world; causality is given by a single common determination.

S. L. Rubinshtein formulated the principle of determinism in psychological science: "The effect of the impact of one phenomenon on another depends not only on the nature of the impact itself, but also on the nature of the phenomenon on which this impact is made." “External causes act through a system of internal conditions”, the environment causes mental phenomena indirectly, being refracted through the personal and cognitive properties of the subject. According to S. L. Rubinshtein, a person acts as a single integral system of internal conditions through which all external influences are refracted.

The refraction of the external through the internal presupposes the mediation of external influences by the entire history of the development of the individual. A person's ability to determine his future is connected with the development of the previous stages of his life, each of which was previously the future.

That is, determinism includes historicism. The cause, which generates the effect as a change in the object, gives different effects depending on the internal conditions. The nature of the object, its state changes its influence. It is also important that the total effect of different causes is not additive, the overall effect is not equal to the sum of individual effects. There are also reverse causal relationships.

The environment causes mental phenomena indirectly, being refracted through the personal properties of the subject. In order to talk about the influence of external factors, it is necessary to know the internal ones. The state of learned helplessness arises under the influence of traumatic events in those people who have internal prerequisites (pessimistic attributive style, high anxiety, low self-esteem, external locus of control, etc., that is, a set of stable characteristics, which in this study is designated as personal helplessness and it is precisely these prerequisites that are studied in detail in the work), which, in turn, are determined by the entire history of a person’s life, his experience of interacting with the world. These internal prerequisites for more early stage were formed in interaction with the family and the presence or absence of experience of traumatic events.

The restructuring of enterprises has internal and external prerequisites.
External requirements for restructuring follow from the need to develop the economy based on the growth of its competitiveness, which ensures the country's leadership in the international market.
The basis of a competitive economy is the competitiveness of its enterprises that carry out successful business. The competitiveness of the economy is, firstly, the quality and competitiveness of domestic products and, secondly, the activation of exports.
The main components that ensure the competitiveness of enterprises are:
quality of products and services;
marketing and sales strategy;
personnel qualification;
technological level of production;
the tax environment in which the company operates;
availability of funding sources.
The main problems facing domestic enterprises that are aware of the need for restructuring are the problems of legislative regulation of restructuring, investment, and state support.
The interests of various participants and stakeholders are considered as internal aspects of restructuring.
The practice of restructuring projects shows that the process of reorganization inevitably affects the interests of a number of groups connected in one way or another with the enterprise. If the goals and methods of restructuring violate the interests of these groups, then the opposition of the latter leads to the failure of the restructuring. Among such groups in different enterprises may be:
the owners of the enterprise;
top management of the enterprise;
criminal elements;
trade unions of workers of the enterprise;
regional administration.
The main reason for the failure of restructuring is the lack of real support among the majority of interest groups. However, these groups themselves can harmonize their interests. But all compromises between them will be decided at the expense of the interests of the enterprise itself - it is considered by them only as an object of their interests, but not as a carrier of their own.
The enterprise should be considered as a living organism with its own interests. To neutralize the clashing heterogeneous interests of various interested groups, it is necessary to:
strong state power and political will supporting uniform rules games for everyone without exception;
improvement of the tax system - to stimulate efficient and honest management;
the presence of a strong law enforcement system - to neutralize criminal groups;
improvement of the legal mechanism - to protect the economic (and judicial) sphere from political influence;
liberalization of the sphere of labor relations and, again, a strong government - to prevent social blackmail.


  1. Chapkina Elena Gennadievna Features of the restructuring of Russian banks at the present stage of reforming the banking system. 08.00.10 Finance, money circulation and credit. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences. Moscow - 2004, 2004
  2. Chapter 1
  3. 1.1. Background and results of the restructuring of the banking system in the Russian Federation
  4. 1.2. Changes in property relations in the process of restructuring the banking system of Russia
  5. 1.3. The main differences in the processes of restructuring the macro- and micro-levels of the banking system