Extravert and introvert: distinctive features. Extravert and introvert - who are these? What is introvert and estravert

Anton Stovkov

Reading time: 13 minutes


Depending on the psychological characteristics are divided into introverts and extroverts. The specific type is characterized by the peculiarities of behavior and the direction of internal energy. In the article, I will consider answers to questions: "Who is this - introvert?" And "Who is the extrovert and ambiver?"

Most people in the world are extroverts. They like to communicate and relax in noisy companies, receive new impressions.

The introvert is a person whose vital energy is directed inside him. He openly does not show emotions, does not express thoughts and experiences. The true introvert does not feel comfortable in a large company, especially if strangers surround him. He will never be the first to contact and always remains secretive, even with few friends. Finding a girl for such a person is extremely problematic.

In the world of sociable extroverts, introverts are extremely difficult. They are experiencing, experiencing mental flour, focus on a certain situation. People surrounding introverts do not notice alarm, do not seek support and help psychological.

Character features of introvert

I propose to consider the characteristics of the introvert. It will help us a detailed study of behavioral features. Consider introverts extremely shy, not correct. They keep continued communication with a small group of people and support crowded companies.

What additional features of the nature have real introverts?

  • Extremely rarely dating. For introverts, it is fraught with significant energy costs. Therefore, their communication is modest.
  • Uncomputed introverts feel in a large company or cluster of the people. Any event, protest or meeting, brings huge discomfort.
  • The coming interview causes the introvert to be very nervous. The first minutes of the conversation, he tries to focus, after it reaches the maximum concentration and begins to deftly begin the ability.
  • The main advantage is honesty. He retains loyalty to friends, albeit a few.
  • Relax and restore the energy of introverts try in proud loneliness. For a short time, they are isolated from society and do nothing. After activity is resumed.
  • The introvert can not be trusted to the outside person. In the process of creating relationships, it is necessary to show patience and wait.
  • Introvert likes other people their own politeness. For any guest, the introvert tries to create an extremely comfortable and pleasant atmosphere.
  • Important is planning. They all in advance and carefully think over, try to achieve equilibrium between loneliness and communication.

Video "How to Be an introvert"

If there are such people in the environment, do not strive to condemn them. Try to understand the features of their behavior.

Introvert behavior in life

Surrounded by everyone there is a person who earlier than all leaves a noisy holiday, referring to the need to relax, or does not want to look into the bar after work, justifying the solution to some important reason. Do not look for trick or try to catch it. Most likely, he tells the truth and just seeks to relax. This is the behavior of the introvert in life.

  1. The main feature of the introvert is the source of its energy - memories, emotions and experiences. From constant communication, it is strongly tired. A few hours of loneliness allow you to cheer up and prepare for the next meeting with the world around.
  2. Inverters can focus on specific activities. Alone, they read, watch the best New Year's films, knit, walk, are engaged in creativity or sports.
  3. For a long time, introverts may be in one place and monitor a certain event - the river flow or game of kids. Even work is preferred alone, since constant contacts are greatly exhausted.

    From introverts, wonderful researchers and scientists

  4. The introvert is a punctual and well-organized personality. It is a few and restrained in manifestations, thoughtful, judged and is absolutely calm.
  5. Before expressing the thought or make a certain step, the introvert all thoroughly thinks. Often, the slowness of the introverts is ridiculed by extroverts.

The introverts are assigned modesty and uncertainty that not quite right. Of course, for introvert, demonstrative behavior is not peculiar, but he is confident in its own forces and has a high self-esteem. Just the environment does not understand its inner world.

Types of introverts

The introversion is a state when mental energy is directed inside. The introverts are used to adapt to society their own ways. Psychologists have long considered this condition a defect of personal development.

Now it is clearly known, introversion is manifested in human behavior and in the peculiarities of the brain. The behavior of different introverts can differ significantly.

4 types of introverts

  • Social . Within a small company, social introverts of chatters, are relaxed and sociable. They carefully choose the environment and are revealed only in a comfortable setting. Work alone, the presence of foreign people takes energy and prevents concentration. A long lack of communication is not scary, but the need to feel practicality, to be among the people and observe the behavior is present.
  • Thoughtful . Such introverts pay a lot of attention to thoughts, self-analysis and inner world. They boast of well-developed intuition and the ability to evaluate the world using their own experiences as a prism. The case is suitable creatively and insert a piece of soul. The work that is performed according to the instructions is not suitable. Sometimes it is problematic to find the work of thoughtful introverts.
  • Anxious . Anxious introverts prefer loneliness, because surrounded feel uncomfortable. Communicating with people often do not understand the interlocutors and find themselves in an awkward situation. Only under the condition of regulated communication, the alarming introverts are experiencing comfort. The behavior of the preventive, the surrounding expects goodwill and predictability.
  • Restrained . Such introverts produce the impression of a slow personality. Before doing something or say, they are thinking about everything. After waking up, they need time to come to themselves. Restrained introverts often put forward suspended and reasonable sentences, their thoughts are characterized by thoroughness and depth. Such quality is an excellent counterweight for the activity of a bright extrovert.

The behavior of people depending on the type is significantly different. Some do not avoid communication, others are true fans of lonely pastime.

Who to work as an introvert?

The introvert will not be able to earn in sales, since such work provides for communication with the client, improvisation, the correct construction of the dialogue. These qualities do not comply with the features of introvert behavior. Work in a large company is also not suitable, since finding the office space, crowded with other employees of the company, will not bring comfort. Psychologist or teacher - either.

The listed professions require close communication with unfamiliar people, which for introvert is fraught with huge stress. The question arises: who to work as an introvert? Responding to him, I will say that when searching for work, the introvert should take into account its strengths - a thorough analysis of the information and the destruction of stereotypes.

Top professions

  1. Writer . Profession contributes to the merger of unity and love for creativity. The writer can be at home and work. It practically does not communicate and the maximum uses creative abilities.
  2. Accountant . The head of the accountant is filled with numbers, reports and acts. He lives in the world of numbers and in the surrounding people try not to be distracted. The popularity of outsourcing is growing when the job can be done at home sitting on the sofa.
  3. Designer . A wonderful opportunity to work remotely and maximize creative potential. An experienced designer can get a large and high-paying project. This way of earning can provide good income.
  4. Copywriter . The work will suit an introvert, which is well dominated by the Russian language and is able to write texts. Communication with customers is carried out through social networks or email, and high-quality execution of orders brings good money.
  5. Translator . Profession requires knowledge of a foreign language and provides an opportunity to escape from office slavery. The customer is interested only as a result, and introvert into force to provide it.
  6. Programmer . The option is ideal for an introvert melancholic, which is needed for normal operation to access computer technicians. Thanks to temperament, such people communicate a little in real life, but the Internet has real activists.

The professions that I called allow you to work at home. If they are not suitable, you will have to deal with resume and preparation for the interview.

Video Description of introverts and extroverts

Extravert - who is it?

No less interesting to know who is such an extrovert.

Extraverts are called people who send vital energy towards society. They are an absolute antipode of introverts focusing on the inner world.

Extraversion is the scientific name of the state, when a person seeks to come into contact with its objects around him, eager to communicate and fulfill the desires. True extroverts in pursuit of the realization of desires quickly waste vital energy.

Many extrovers are characterized by turbulent external activities and continuous expansion of the circle of communication. The lack of communication brings extroverts a lot of pain. If you lock them, it can lead to serious stress or depression.

Features of the nature of the extrovert

Extravert is a person who is not a thought of existence without society. The self-expression is achieved exclusively in society and, provided it approves it. From the extroverts, excellent politicians, singers, speakers, actors, public figures and dancers are usually obtained.

The characteristic feature of an explicit extrovert is talkative. It is usually focused on friendly communication, but strongly depends on public opinion. Other signs of an extrovert, dominating in the nature, are distinguished.

Expravel self-expression is focused on the outside world. Such people are addicted to others, because they cannot live normally without constant communication.

Extra Exutert Behavior in Life

It is the opinion that the extroverts are more successful in work and life than introverts. The share of truth is there. As statistics show, the world owns the extroverts, they account for about 70 percent of the world's population.

These persistent, sociable and incredibly active people are able to quickly seek good results than they cannot boast weighing, thinking and slow protege. Let's consider the behavior of the extrovert in life.

  1. Extraverts are characterized by frantic sociability, initiative, activity and openness of the world. They like to perform in front of the audience and listen to the words of praise. The extrovert is instantly adapted to the new conditions, although he does not like planning and spontaneous actions are peculiar.
  2. Extravert may have a deep inner world. He is not a superficial man. The inner "I" uses extremely rarely, and thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions use to achieve new goals.
  3. In the life of the extroverts in every way manifest emotions and never hide experiences and feelings. When important events are approaching or occur - the birth of a child or wedding anniversary, they gladly share information with the environment using facial expressions and stormy gestures.
  4. Extraverats do not find out what other people are motivated when performing a certain act. They require directness and do not accept hints.
  5. To other people, the extroverts are understood with understanding, but do not always understand themselves. There are cases when personal feelings and emotions become a real mystery for an extrovert. Conscious emption with lack of imperative allows them to make it easy to make new acquaintances and expand the circle of communication.
  6. Extravert often appear good ideas, but constancy and monotoncy scares from the beginning of their implementation. They like to work in the team when the work began to complete the colleague.

Extravents are quite interesting and sociable personalities, no problems with community and dating. They lack independence, which is compensated by activity in society.

Types of extroverts

During the conversation, we learned that the extrovert is a liberated person, characterized by an active interaction with society. He comes first energy comfort. It goes to contact ease even in cases where the interlocutor is defined extremely unfriendly.

  • Ethical sensory . This type of extroverts is represented by active optimists with excellent taste. They are aimed at stability, but have problems with planning, which is due to the inability to count on their own time.
  • Intuitive-logical . Characterized by excellent intuition and rapid response to the situation. In the first place is invariably located work and career. Such extroverts are very trusting, but are not considered with the feelings of others.
  • Touch-logical . Decisive and extremely initiative pragmatists actively participating in various events. They can boast high stress resistance, but painfully transfer criticism and breaking plans.
  • Intuitive-ethical . This kind of extroverts like the exchange of emotions and acquire original things. They are able to conduct behavioral analysis and possess the gift of conviction. Do not be friends with instructions and formalities.

There are cases when an introvert can change the psychotype and attitude to society. Carefully read the characteristics of the opposite and try to purchase them. To achieve the goal, it will be necessary to become more sociable, master the technique of manifestation of the initiative and more often to be in noisy companies.

Who to work extrovert?

The concept of "extrovert" appeared in psychology at the beginning of the last century. This nature character has a person from birth. It affects the choice of profession.

Extraverts like active social life. In the work, they motivate themselves with the success, recognition, material, career and psychological promotion. In the process of choosing a profession, they prefer work in large organizations where the hierarchy is present.

The most suitable professions

  1. Educator . Children are close to extroverts due to openness and curiosity. Such a person can safely work in kindergarten or at school. This work does not get bored.
  2. Secretary. . Profession provides for the desire and ability to help another person. It is possible that the personal life of the extrovert can move to the background, but this is compensated by the status of an active partner and powerful motivation in the form of rewards.
  3. Correspondent . The list of the main advantages of this correspondent is represented by communicability and curiosity. Only an open person, ready to continuously communicate and not afraid of unexpected situations, can successfully work in this area.
  4. Administrator . Extraverats are able to organize and motivate people. That qualities should have a good administrator. Discipline with confidence and interest allows the extrovert to solve the tasks in a timely manner and most effectively.
  5. Policeman . The officer career is attractive for extroverts, since it is characterized by a strict hierarchy and the rank system. Using the possibilities, such a person will be able to achieve good results, and the role of the defender will give a certain charm.
  6. Lawyer . A lawyer working in the courtroom is reminded by the fuser of wild beasts. With the help of a dexterous gesture and an unexpected question, he is able to flip the situation and pull the wilt ward. A good lawyer can play on the feelings of third-party people and to keep the attention of society. This is only an extrovert.

This is not a complete list of professions, ideally suitable extrovert. Such people can work guide, advertising manager, specialist of the personnel service or translator. The main thing is that the profession contributes to the disclosure of the potential.

Ambiilret - who is it?

In the article, we learned about introverts and extroverts. Is there "Golden Middle" - a person combining all the qualities? It turned out yes. We are talking about an ambiver. Such people feel great and alone, and in a noisy company. They often change the surrounding conditions.

For this ambiver, communication in the company is permissible, provided that it is short-lived. Frequent meetings with other people stressful.

Ambirls pay special attention to self-education. Prolonged loneliness has a negative impact on a moral state. Often leads to dissatisfaction and depression.

There are a number of fundamental differences that define ambivertes. The main distinguishing feature is considered to be easy to move to another state.

Psychological portrait of Ambiorterta

  • On the replacement of active actions comes third-party observation. It cannot be said that the ambiver "started". But, it can easily participate in different events. True, with the following similar events, we should not expect support from an ambiver, because it will go into observation mode.
  • Mublence and Tihony. People from the surroundings of the ambiffest describe its tastes, wishes, preferences and character traits. It can be active or remain passive depending on the kind of classes and its condition. Some friends call him a carefree merry, others - a cold and judicial gentleman.
  • Star festivals. Ambiwrt may gladly look at a secular party, for example, New Year's corporate party, and become an excellent interlocutor. Visits such events with a certain periodicity.
  • Ability to reincarnation. The surrounding situation or the current situation may cause an ambitious reincarnation. From the capital, he will instantly turn into an ordinary visitor or vice versa.
  • Teamwork and loneliness. Ambirls easily perceive the need to work in the team, but they also work well with tasks and responsibilities. This is provided that the person understands the specific area. In some cases, it may seek help, but does not test discomfort.

Finishing the material dedicated to introverts, extroverts and ambiver. I hope you consider the article useful and can help you know about yourself something new. Good luck!

And these are not just loud words - we are really all different and committed unique. But still there is something that unites us. You can talk about the similarity of the temperature of the temperament, the characteristics of the emotional sphere, the level of intelligence or the attitude to the surrounding reality. This allows psychologists to group people according to the peculiarities of their mental activity. For two such large groups and include extroverts and introverts. Is it possible to take an absolutely person to one of these groups? What is the difference between the extracerted and introverted type of personality?

Being a creative social, man since his birth and to deep old age is experiencing similar to themselves. - This is one of the greatest tests for a person, and any tightness and adversity are endured easier if near close, friends, ready to support and help people. The need for social contacts is all, but it manifests itself in different ways, and the level of this need is different.

The most bright desire to interact with other people is noticeable from the extroverts, they are literally oriented towards society. No reason, the term "extrovert" himself is associated with the Latin prefix Extra - "outside." For the first time, this concept, as well as the term introvert, suggested that K. Jung in his book "Psychological Types". To date, a huge number of psychological studies confirming the theory of K. Jung and complementary characteristics of these types.

  • Extraverts are always in the thick of people, they draw energy in the crowd and readily splash it back as, sociability, demonstration and striving for popularity. The best job for an extrovert is in a team, and the best holiday in a noisy, funny company.
  • Faced with problems, the extrovert immediately runs for help and support to friends, and he usually has a lot of them. But with any of his success, he, too, with willingly and is often noisy sharing with others. Therefore, often an extrovert happens "Too much" - it is tired by its energetic, excessive sociability, speaking and increased emotionality. In addition, these people are often obsessive or aggressive, and with a sense of tact they have serious problems.
  • A large number of people near the extrovert do not just like it, it excites it, it acts intoxiciously. Therefore, hitting the center of attention, the extrovert is completely losing the brakes that he is not too good.

People of this type absorb the world by all the senses, they are enough for many cases, they are fond of a bunch of various things, but rarely know something deeply and thoroughly.

To summarize all of the above, the following personality features can be distinguished inherent in extroverts:

  • social orientation;
  • communicability and sociableness to obsession;
  • openness and interest in people;
  • activity and assertility;
  • increased excitability, especially among people;
  • next to domination and often to aggression.

However, these features are manifested in different ways, so in psychology it is customary to talk about the level of extroversion. There are also special tests that allow you to determine the severity of these personal characteristics. That is, someone is more like an extrovert, and someone is smaller. The same applies to another type of personality - introvert.

Introverts - who are they?

As clearly out of the name, the introverts are turned inside, focused on their inner world and are not in a hurry to swallow the soul before the first oncoming and before the second too. Unlike open, sociable and hyperactive extroverts, the introverts are closed, immersed in themselves and seem slow tugodums.

But it is not so. Just introverted individuals spend their energy economically and inside itself, rather than splashing it out, like extroverts.

  • They are characterized by immersion in their thoughts and feelings.
  • Very often, these are people of a creative warehouse, even though their closure and dislikes do not allow them to openly demonstrate the results of their work, they do not like to brag and avoid any publicity.
  • The introverts are less noticeable than extroverts, but not less, and more often much more productive than people with an extroverted type of personality, which are not so much doing how much the results achieved.

Inverters are called non-worn hermits. This is also not quite so. Of course, a crowd, a noisy party and a human bustle causes rejection, and often scares. But the only friend, the most closely, an introvert will always be faithful, although it will not shout about this loyalty at every step.

Introvert unobtrusive, with his troubles and problems, he prefers to cope independently, but will not refuse to help the neighbor. True too persistent and obsessive types tries to avoid, their pressure forces it to closes in themselves, hiding in her sink. This often causes others to consider an introvert by a worn, self-which egoist. Among this type, such people are also found - if a person is interested only in its own, it is difficult to love other people.

Summing up the analysis of the characteristics of the introvert, you can highlight a number of damn items:

  • calm and calmness;
  • closedness and uncommunicability;
  • lottery, inexpressiveness of facial expressions and gestures;
  • noncommunicability and reluctance to work in a team;
  • low emotion level or experience of emotions inside itself;
  • tendency to reflections;
  • things and theories are interested in more than living people;
  • he is never boring alone with him.

However, in its pure form, these two types are quite rare. Therefore, there are so noticeable that no testing is needed to determine who in front of you is an introvert or extrovert. But there is also the third type.


If you translate this term from Latin, then an ambiver will be something like a "bilateral" or "flutter". Sometimes this type includes people with low-heated features of the extrovert and intravera. It is not entirely correct - the characteristics of both types of y are quite bright.

In one situation, the ambiver can behave as an introvert, in the other - as an extrovert. This is a kind of chameleon with a changing type of behavior, emotionality and society. Despite such changes (and may, thanks to it), people of this type are well rolled and adapt in any social medium or alone.

In a pleasant company and under the mood, ambitra can be sociable, incended, fun. However, alone, they will always find their business. They love to engage in self-education and creativity and not alien to public demonstration of their talents.

Ambiiler is:

  • successful writer, organizing a presentation of his book and surrounded by a crowd of fans;
  • a scientist speaking with a brilliant report on the results of long-term research;
  • the teacher, emotionally and artistic reading lectures and demonstrating deep knowledge in different areas of science.

Yes, an ambiver is able to enjoy success and willingly works in a team, but it never breaks it to head, and success is his personal achievement. A person of this type can be a "soul" party (and may just sit in the angle by an observer), but will never be its initiator. Different people are committed differently perceive representatives of this type, sometimes it seems that we are talking about completely different personalities.

Thus, the ambiver is inherent in the following personality characteristics:

  • versatility, personality complexity;
  • fast transitions from activity to pensive passivity;
  • equally comfortable perception of crowd and loneliness;
  • flexibility of psyche and behavior;
  • ability to adapt in changing conditions.

That is, an ambiver though combines the features of an introvert and an extrovert, is not among them between them. These people are generally not suitable for the definition of "medium", most likely, they are really bilateral, more precisely, even multilateral.

Causes of differences of types

Each of the described psychological types (especially for extroverts and introverts) is not only positive, but also the negative sides, which would be like to get rid of. For example, disgusting, the closure and selfishness of introverts and excessive sociability, the obsession and the aggressiveness of the extroverts. How is the formation of these types? Or the upbringing is to blame for everything, and with the right approach of all children you can grow ambiflowers?

Another K. Jung wrote that the features of introverts and extroverts are congenital. Later, psychophysiologists and psychologists have proven that the peculiarities of the behavior of these types are associated with the originality of the highest nervous activity, primarily with such an indicator as the ratio of excitation and braking processes in the central nervous system.

  • Extraverats have strong and stable processes of nerve cells. This allows them for a long time to maintain high activity and emotionality. To feed your nervous system, they need a constant influx of information from outside, primarily emotionally sensual.
  • Inverters have more pronounced braking processes. The depression of excitation leads to inhibition, detachment, coldness. Excessive external information that is not able to quickly recycle their brain, causes irritation and fatigue.
  • But the ambitious processes of excitation and braking not only equally strong, but also are in equilibrium. And thanks to the movable nervous system, a high level of excitation can quickly change as strong braking.

The excitation force and the rate of proceedings of nerve processes affect the speed of reactions, and at the level of sociability, and on the brightness of emotions. That is, the right upbringing can smooth out the extreme manifestations of types that prevent live in society, but it is impossible to fully "re-educate" an introvert and an extrovert. And undesirable, as this can lead to a violation of the activities of the psyche.

Yes, the grounds for the formation of these mental types are congenital neurophysiological character, but if you have found the features of an extrovert or introvert, then there is nothing terrible or unpleasant in this - the world is rich in its diversity. Success in our life, as well as happiness, available and introverts, and extroverts. They only go to them in different ways.

Fragment of book Marty Lanie. Advantages of introverts. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013.

In this book, the practitioner psychotherapist and the leading expert in the United States on the topic of introversion unites his rich experience and results of scientific research to dissuade the introverts in the fact that something is wrong with them and help them see and evaluate their strengths - analytical skills, creativity , High concentration ability. In addition, in the book you will find practical advice on how to establish relations with people of different temperaments in the family, at work and in the circle of friends.

The founder of this theory of Karl Gustav Jung believed that extroversion and introversion - congenital properties having a physiological substantiation. Modern science confirmed the correctness of his intuitive guesses. He claimed that it was best to adapt in this world, moving on the continuum from an introverted to the extravel edge of the spectrum when we need it. According to Jung, in addition to extremes, you can be at any point of the continuum, and this is quite normal. However, we always pull in one direction stronger than in the other. Everyone has a "comfortable niche", where we function in the best way. Journal believed that the child would be significant harm if it will be pushed out of the natural area of \u200b\u200bits temperament in the process of tying, since it is "violence over the congenital predisposition of an individual." He was convinced that it leads to mental illness. However, Jung pointed out that other continuum points are available to us. And the ability to move on it can improve the awareness of our entire process. Jung believed that if a person operates outside his natural niche (extrovert or introverted): additional energy is consumed, and the new is not produced. But if you learn to accumulate energy and thus create its stock, it can be effectively used in less natural environment. The basic differences between the introverts from the extroverts are as follows. Head, which distinguishes introvert from the extrovert - the source of energy. Extraverats are charged with energy from the outside world - actions, people, places and things. They are wasteful energy. Long periods of inactivity, internal contemplation, loneliness or communication only with one person deprive them of the sense of life. Nevertheless, the extroverts need to alternate the time when they are particularly active, with intervals are simply being, otherwise they will lose in inclusiveness of feverish activities. Extraverts are easily expressing, targeting the result, adore the crowd and action. Most of them love to communicate, engage in some kind of activity, work with people, be in the thicker affairs and events. Contrary to popular belief, they are not necessarily an easy and more fun character, they are simply a focus of their attention is always outside their personality. Experts are easy to spend energy and often cannot stop. They quickly restore the forces, engaged something outside the house, having organized active leisure. Experts may experience loneliness and feel empty when they are not contacted with people or the outside world. It is often difficult for them to relax and give their own body to relax. The credits, for their part, the source of energy is found in their inner world of ideas, emotions and impressions. Contrary to the consequences of them, this is not necessarily quiet or closed people. Just the focus of their attention - inside self. They need a quiet place, where you can thoroughly think about everything and charge energy. They can be preserved energy. The outside world quickly introduces them into the state of over-excitation, and they have an unpleasant feeling that there is something "too much". This can manifest itself in nervousness or, on the contrary, apathy. Therefore, introverts need to limit social contacts so as not to be completely empty. Nevertheless, they need to complement the time spent alone, the time of stay in society, otherwise they may lose the vision of the prospects, relationships with others and generally connections with the external world. The credits that are able to balance their energy needs have persistence and perseverance, know how to watch Things independently, deeply focus and creatively operate. The next difference between introverts and extroverts - their feeling of external arousal and response to external stimuli. Extraverts are comfortable in an atmosphere of permanent action. Extraverats love to experience more emotions and new impressions, introverts like more to know what they are experiencing. For introverts, a high degree of internal activity is characterized, and everything that comes from the outside world will very quickly increase the level of their voltage. Independent, often not even understanding why, trying to regulate the sense of tension by limiting the receipt of information from the outside. The introverts do not frighten the difficulties when they can focus on one or two activities and should not work in a state of stress. But if there are too many different things, they quickly experience a feeling of overload. Aso, the introverts are already overwritten among other people. Energy leaves them when they are in a crowd, an educational audience or in a noisy planting at the nerves. People can like them very much, but, by talking with one person for some time, introverts usually experience a sharp desire to go away, take a break, "block air". Extracerts are also needed breaks, but for other reasons. For example, if they go to the library, it is very short in a state of knowledge (internal process) and soon begin to experience the need to walk between the racks, come up to commercial machines, talk to people (external process). Communication breaks can enhance the excitation from the extroverts and reduce it from introverts. Extraverats feel the need to charge the greater, the more feel the lack of excitement inside. The difference between the extroverts and introverts is the perception of the concepts of latitude and depth. In general, the extroverts prefer a wide range: have a lot of friends, impressions, to understand everything in onemand, to be wagon. What they know from the environment is usually not deepening when processing the experience gained. The credits prefer the depth and limit the impressions, but in each reach the veryest. They usually have few friends, but very close. Their mind absorbs information from the environment, and then analyzes and expands it. Inverters like to explore the subject, reaching the very roots, they are looking for "wealth" of few impressions, not diversity. It is enough for them to discuss one two topics in a conversation, otherwise they begin to seem that they are overcrowded to thoughts. So, the main differences between the extrovert and the introvert. Extravert:

  • Loves to be in the thick of events.
  • He loves a variety, one thing anniversary.
  • Familiar with many people, considers them friends.
  • I am pleased to chat with people, even with strangers.
  • The action charges it, with impatience enough for the next case.
  • Says or acts, without experiencing the need to first think.
  • In general, this is a pretty energetic person.
  • Located to talk more than to listen.
  • Prefers to relax alone or in a narrow circle of close friends.
  • Friends consider only those who have developed deep relations.
  • It needs to rest after some kind of activity, even if it is entertainment.
  • It seems calm, balanced, likes to watch.
  • As a rule, first thinks, and then he speaks or acts.
  • Feels emptiness in the head, being in a group of people or in a state of stress.
  • Does not like to feel overloaded work.
The simplest way to diagnose temperament is as follows. If you still have not decided to include, think, think about how to answer this question: in the crisis situation, you tend to feel that they closed, distanced themselves from everything and react slowly? Or do you prefer to do not physically move, do not take something wrong? In the stressful situation, we return to the most basic laid on us from the nature of the behavior model. If you tend to retreat and silence fell on you, like a thick fog, it means that you are more introvert. If you are more extrovert, react, immediately leading yourself to combat readiness. And in the one and another reaction there is its own value. If you are still not sure, ask yourself the question: "When I feel more rested: after the passive (introverted) stay alone or an active (extractal) pastime among people?" Also you You can use the special online test introvert or extrovert. Evaluation of temperament.

Sometimes a person is thinking about who he is an introvert or extrovert. What is this concept? To figure out, you need to know some terms generally accepted in psychology.

How to understand, person introvert or

The character of a person is a totality of actions, habits and skills. Damage it is certain habits and specific skills. And it is they dictate how to do a person in this situation. But, in addition to the habits and skills formed during the lives, the nature can be attributed to one of the psychological types, which also affect its actions. Introvert and extrovert - who is what they are inherent, more accurately can say psychologists.


The terms "extrovert" and "introvert" are known for a long time, but the Karl Jung in the early 20th century has been firmly in the beginning of the 20th century. These are two absolutely opposite types of personality. It is believed that each person has features of both types, but some one prevails.

Extravert is a person who loves to communicate. He may have a rich inner world, but he does not really pay attention to him, but only if it is necessary to achieve some kind of purpose.

The introvert is a person who is immersed in himself. Nevertheless, if necessary, he can communicate with people, but just as much as necessary. The definition is based on the aggregate of such qualities as ambition, activity, assertiveness, sociability and talkativeness. To answer the question: "Are you an introvert or extrovert?", It is necessary to consider each type in more detail separately. And only then you can make some conclusions.


Extravert is a person who seeks to communicate with people. He likes the attention of others. He easily tying new acquaintances, participates in public events, often opposes the public. Friendly, has many friends, very ambitious and assertive. For these words, you can characterize the extrovert.

These people do not tolerate loneliness, they are very dependent on someone else's opinion, which is why they are easy to influence. Extravert can become excellent Tamada, artist, politician or official. But he must keep his aggressive under control, try to limit and desire to act under the influence of the moment.


The introvert is a person who is configured is pessimistic, closed, always keeps his emotions under control. He is shy and restrained. He likes to be in silence and loneliness. The company introvert prefers books. It rarely makes new acquaintances, and if it becomes someone else, then the most reliable and for life. He never comes against his beliefs, but if suddenly it still happens, the introvert will suffer and worry. It is good or bad, but such people practically do not succumb to someone else's influence and always have their point of view. One of the most valuable qualities of this type of person - a person rarely crosses the common norms of behavior.

From introverts, excellent scientists are obtained, researchers, writers or private entrepreneurs. After all, for them a creative process is more important than the final result. Children-introverts are Tikhoni and excellent students who can never stand up and give passing. And all because very kind, even too much. Many of this use, especially if you wish to write off on the control. Men-introverts become spinners, but women of this type feel married much more comfortable than extranerts.

Where did such differences between people appear?

Karl Jung suggested that everything is associated with a source of energy, which determines (i.e. introvert or extrovert it). Its recovery plays a big role in the well-being and vital activity of each. This usually happens during sleep when the physical body rests, and the mental just dresses the thoughts and sensations that a man experienced during the day. Energy portion The human biofield can also get through food and breathing, but it is not so significant as restored during sleep. Such a scenario of energy production is suitable only for introverts. In the morning they feel vigorous and rested.

Extraverts for full-fledged vital activity need an additional feedback with energy, since they are simply not enough for the night. Where to take it? Only in the surrounding world. Therefore, they so often need attention, they try to attract him with all their might and get their portion of energy from other people. It is with this that the concept of "energy vampirism" is connected. This is a category of extroverts that receive energy, causing evil to others, provoking people on scandals and quarrels at which its huge emission occurs.

That is why many of those who have been attacked feel empty and tired. Fortunately, such extrovers are significantly less than representatives of another category, which are charged with energy, creating good and helping people. They like to benefit and at the same time thanks to their good acts to be the center of attention.

Who is easier to live in our world?

Many think about who in life is easier to adapt - introvert or extrovert. After some observations, it is safe to say that it is easier to adapt all the same extrovert.

After all, the attention of most people in society focused on the world around us. Nevertheless, creating all the conditions for itself - privacy and silence, the introvert can fully disclose its potential, as well as the extrovert will bring a huge benefit to society, working in the best conditions for its type.

Who is better?

It is impossible to say who is worse - introvert or extrovert. It is simply impossible. Each type of personality has both positive features and negative. The best example of an introvert is a balanced that looks into the essence of things, while the extrovert may be completely frivolous to them. You can imagine a botana-loser or a programmer in ripped jeans, whose hair is disappeared, and his thoughts are hidden somewhere far from the surrounding reality.

Communication of two types

Very often, these two types cannot understand each other due to the fact that they can have a different reaction to the same events. And it confuses both. The introverts do not like to show initiatives. In essence, they reinsurers, which greatly prevents them from the team where the rapid decision is appreciated. At the same time, they are wonderful strategists. Extraverts are impulsive and ready for the battle here and now. They are interested in tactics and immediate victory.

And cautious introverts in the team only interfere. And it does not matter that the latter can see the situation deeper and predict its outcome in the distant future. In fact, the introverts are gray cardinals who prefer to observe what is happening from the outside, while the extroverts so crave to be in the center of events.

Sooner or later, every person wonders: "How do I find out, Introvert me or an extrovert?" And begins to look for answers to psychology books. Passing a lot of tests, the results of which are quite contradictory, it is finally lost in the sea of \u200b\u200binformation and terms. But the easiest way to start to make a comparative table, which will clearly show, introvert or extrovert this user. It should describe all the features of your character and verify with data found in books or, for example, in this article.


And no matter who you are an introvert or extrovert. This is not a sentence. Knowing about the positive qualities of its psychological type, you can purposefully uncover and achieve stunning success on the selected field. In addition, every person, no matter, introvert or extrovert (who are these, we already told in detail), familiar with these concepts and with the features of character inherent in each of these types, can be perfectly communicated with everyone, easy to find them .

It has long been known that the types of personalities of the introvert and extrovert, brightly polar. But in life there are individuals, in whose character is crossed by the features of both types. Introvert and extrovert, who is it?

"In nature, there are two fundamentally different ways to adapt, which ensure the continuous existence of a living organism. One lies in high reproduction rates, with a relatively low protective ability and the short life expectancy of a separate individual; The other is to ensure the individual itself by diverse means of self-preservation at relatively low fertility, the behavioral type characterized by the focus on the subjective mental content "(focus on the internal mental activity); and extroversion as a "behavioral type characterized by the concentration of interests on external objects." K.G.Yung.

The word "extrovert", if literally translate from Latin into Russian, means "external". Based on this, it can be argued that the type of personality "Extravert" is an individual, a characteristic feature of which is the outer orientation in society, both impact and impression.

The word "introvert", if literally translate from Latin into Russian, means "internal". From this it can be argued that the "introvert" is an individual, a characteristic feature of which is exceptional focus only on itself, the inability, often flowing into a closedness.

There are also individuals, in the character of which there are features of both introverts and extroverts. This type of people relates to ambiversets and are much more common than everyone else. It must be said that the greatest success in his life is precisely the ambifrants.

Classification of identity types, proposed by Karl Gustav Jung

The famous Swiss psychologist psychoanalyst K.G. Jung first developed and offered the famous theory-classification of identity types up to date and today. He suggested their names, described their behavior and distinctive features of each individuality.

According to Jung's classification, all of humanity is divided into three types of personalities.

  • extravert;
  • introvert;
  • ambivers

It is in the type of personality of an ambiver that you can see a combination of two other.

They define differences between these two types of personality and described the main features of the character embedded in early childhood.

Extraversion, as well as introversion, can manifest themselves in early childhood, almost in infancy.

Extraversion is manifested by interest in subjects and to the world around the world, the desire of universal communication. All his inner mental life is a response to the result of communication with society. He is experiencing about all his surroundings. His manitis is all unknown and risky.

The main manifestation of the introversion is the closure and closeness of the person, as well as the orientation solely on its inner world. Here everything is based on personal judgments and decisions, as well as human reactions to their own thoughts and perceptions.

Extraverted introvert, or an ambiver (in other words), this is, according to Yung, the type of person, which is not manifested with the birth of a person, and acquires them with maturity.

Psychological picture

If a self-sufficient person met, alienated and closed, the main psychological characteristics of which are focusing only in their inner world, not inclined to communicate and with great difficulty establishing all sorts of external contacts, without showing that he is not comfortable, this is an introvert.

Extravert is the exact opposite of the introvert. This man deployed to the outside world, easily setting the contacts, placed in front of himself the interests of society above their own, but to some extent the adventurer and soul of the company. With such a person, "easy and fun" you can spend your free time without thinking about the consequences.

If they describe the psychological portrait of an ambiver, then it can be argued - people of such a warehouse of character are very sociable, but at the same time they love to be a little alone. They, like the extroverts, can be a "soul of the company", but at the same time they can gladly eat in themselves and in their thoughts.

Characteristics of the personality of such warehouses of character

Provided that the characteristics of the personality prevail the features of an extrovert, he:

Provided that the characteristics of the personality prevail the features of the introvert, he:

  1. She strives for the closetness of his real inner world, leaving from the surrounding reality.
  2. Communicating with people, characterizes their personality only in their subjective sensations. Most often, perceiving opponent-interlocutor hostile.
  3. He is comfortable, while in the company, if active actions are not required from it.

Provided that the characteristics of the person prevail the features of the ambiffe, he:

  1. It can feel comfort both "in the crowd" and in its "mink", where the outsider "entrance is ordered."
  2. Located in 2 extremes: at the time of the "soul" and "center" of a cheerful company, and at the same time he feels an insurmountable desire to "escape somewhere, where no one will find it."
  3. It is about such people that can be said: "Do not deprive me of loneliness, but do not leave me alone."

AmbiWrth then is "in comfort" when it acts as a pseudo-introvert or pseudo-extrovert, absolutely not exciting his nervous system.

Restoration and preservation of emotional resource for a person sociable

As you know, the most sociable people are always extroverts. To preserve the emotional self-regulation balance, they need to understand what is their "feedback feeding".

For people with this type of character, the main emotional resource is:

Restoration and preservation of the emotional resource for a person self-sufficient in its closure

As is known from psychology, self-sufficient man always introverted in its closure. Such people also need to be able to restore their energy balance.

For people with this type of character, the main energy resource is:

Restoration and preservation of the emotional resource for a person both self-sufficient in its closure and at the same time sociable

Psychologists note that ambiferts restore their energy resource when applying a set of methods that use both extroverts and introverts.

Extroversion, introversion, ambivers

This is common in science-psychology criteria for categorization, or, in other words, indicators for measuring the features of a particular personality.

The criteria for extroversion refers:

  • interest in external events and peace;
  • the desire to have a huge number of friends and acquaintances, and be them in demand;
  • can quickly adapt to any circumstances and surroundings;
  • huge curiosity and her all sorts of manifestations;
  • internal content and their own desires are located on the 2nd place, for external needs.

The criteria for introversion refers:

The criteria for ambivers belongs:

  • being in society, after a while the desire to change the situation begins;
  • having increased sensitivity to the situation of stress, it is quickly tired of the company's noise, but long-staying in complete loneliness begins to test the depression, discontent and oppression;
  • the instantaneous transition from the state of the closetness (characteristic of introvert) into unrestrained sociability (characteristic of an extrovert).
  • among the close friends of random people does not happen;
  • tikhonya-etching and at the same time Buntar-Pravdoluba;
  • skillful use of internal and external energy.

Reactions to the stressful situation for all considered types of personality

The response to stress or a difficult life situation at a representative of any of the person under consideration may be in two manifestations.

First, to respond extremely, that is, sharing its pain with the surrounding people, splashing it verbally into space.

Secondly, respond to intrusted, that is, experiencing his pain alone, "inside".

For an extrovert, it is undesirable to experience such a situation extraponatory. By virtue of the already excessive emotionality and openness inherent in such a person in everyday life. Such a form of reaction to an event can lead it to a state of excessive aggressiveness, or a complete devastation leading to full emotional burnout and, on this background, the formation of biological burnout (death).

For introvert, it is not recommended to experience its pain alone, pushing it into its consciousness. Such a reaction will definitely lead such a person to the emergence of a depressive state or disorder, conscious independent isolation from society, and as a result of autism.

Unlike the extrovert and introvert, the ambiffe can cope with stress and complex life situations by any of these two ways, without applying harm in any way.


Having considered the characteristics of all three types of identity proposed by K. Jung, comparing and analyzing them by structuring the similarities and the difference between them to unambiguously say who is better - introverts and extroverts are not possible, since all people are individual and choose their own circle of communication in their special characteristics.