National security of Ukraine. The concept and structure of the national security of Ukraine

16.1. Understanding and structure of the national security of Ukraine

16.2. The system of ensuring the national security of Ukraine

IN modern world the problem of national security is singled out as a separate branch political science and political activities, the value of which is constantly growing. The very existence and development of a person, society, and state depends on the level of national security. The processes of globalization, the strengthening of the unity of the world with a simultaneous deepening of its national diversity, the revolution in the military sphere have led to a change in the threats and dangers to humanity, individual nations and states, and requires new approaches to global, international and national security.

The most acute problem of national security has turned out to be for modern post-communist states, including Ukraine, which are in a transitional period. It is characterized by exacerbation of social contradictions, which provoke conflicts in various spheres of society, threaten its national security. The creation of an effective system for ensuring the national security of Ukraine, the modernization of its military policy in accordance with the requirements of the time is an integral part of the processes of state building in Ukraine. The existence of Ukraine as a sovereign and stable state, its progressive development, self-preservation and security are impossible without the development and implementation of a purposeful system of policy to protect interests from external and internal threats. All this determines the urgency of the problems of national security and military policy of Ukraine.

The concept and structure of the national security of Ukraine

National security problems are among the most important, complex, multidimensional and integral phenomena of social and political life. National security theory is a metascience that combines the applied aspects of social, military, humanitarian, technical, psychological, biological and other sciences in order to study the essence, content, methods, forms and means of ensuring the security of individuals and social communities of various levels. Therefore, when studying national security, many categories are used, including the following: security, national security, national interests, national security objects, subjects of national security, security factors, threats, danger, national security system, principles of national security, functions of national security etc.

Security is a state when for some reason nothing and no one threatens anyone; at the same time it is the activity of people, society, the state, the world community of peoples to identify, prevent, weaken, eliminate and prevent a threat that can lose them, destroy material and spiritual values, hinder their progressive development. The presence of security is a necessary condition and one of the main motives for the viability of a person, society, state and world community.

With the emergence of national states, their transformation into the main subject international relations, security has acquired the character of national security. English philosopher and political thinker Thomas Hobbes (1558-1679 pp.) At one time said: national security is not just the center of statist activity, it is the main raison d'être of the state. Without it, Hobbes believed, any state is generally impossible.

The concept of national security reflects the leading role of the nation - political, state-public community - as the bearer of the interests of the development of society, indicates that national statehood remains the main form of the political organization of society, and the nation state continues to play the role of an important subject of international relations.

In today's interconnected, interdependent world, independent statehood has become one of the greatest values. The 20th century was a triumph for nation states. If before the First World War there were 62 independent states in the world, 1946. - 74, then by the end of the XX century. their number has more than tripled, to 193 states. National security reflects the state of protection of the national interests of independent states. Ignoring nation states, their sovereignty and interests is the wrong way, which leads to conflicts.

In the XX century. the concept of national security was first introduced into the political lexicon in the message of T. Roosevelt to the US Congress 1 904 p., where he justified the annexation of the Panama Canal zone by the interests of national security. The main ideas of the modern understanding of national security were set forth in the "National Security Law" adopted in the USA in 1947. To ensure the national security of hay, three main tasks were envisaged:

Strengthening coordination between foreign, domestic and military policy;

Enhancing intelligence capabilities and capabilities;

Rationalizing "defense cooperation" with the armed forces.

In the future, national security was considered mainly in the military-political aspect as a problem of state defense.

For development modern humanity the growth of national consciousness is characteristic. This phenomenon reflects not only elements of a healthy reaction to the expansion in the world of globalism, but also a confirmation that the national factor remains the source of historical progress.

A nation is not a transitory value, but modern shape self-organization of society, thanks to which the universal human rights of various ethnic, cultural minorities and economic communities acquire specific content. By combining ethnic originality and economic universality of social life, the nation does not allow the former to turn into an archaic community of a fundamentalist or racial-Nazi type, and the latter - to leveling any cultural identity with communism or cosmopolitan nationalism.

In the states of the modern world, national security has become an integral attribute, a kind of categorical imperative of their foreign, domestic and military policy. Despite this, the concept of national security remains a term with many meanings. In American political science, national security is defined as the long-term support of values \u200b\u200bor a system, and the absence of a threat to them, or as a policy that ensures the social autonomy of groups, the level of political status, a certain minimum of expected economic well-being, and not just the physical survival of individuals within national borders ... The understanding of the concept of national security is influenced by the historical and political experience of states, the nature of political regimes, the specifics of the international situation in a particular historical period, the goals of foreign and military policy, and the like.

In Concept (Basics public policy) the national security of Ukraine, approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on January 16, 1997 p. national interests ".

At the same time, national security is a system for optimizing the relationship between perceived threats and resources, and has a society to counter these threats. There are always threats to society, and the level of protection from them is never the maximum. Therefore, national security is a dynamic means of achieving and maintaining a balance between real and potential threats, on the one hand, and the subject's ability to resist them, on the other.

National security functions through a system of diverse relationships between the individual and society, between the citizen and the state, between society and the state, between different states. Therefore, national security is the state of internal and interstate relations, which determines the effectiveness of the system of state, legal and public guarantees of human and civil rights and freedoms, basic values \u200b\u200band interests of society and a sovereign state from internal and external threats.

The main objects of national security are:

Man and citizen - their constitutional rights and freedoms;

Society - its spiritual, moral and ethical, cultural, historical, intellectual and material values, informational and natural environment and natural resources;

The state - its constitutional system, sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability;

Nation and other national communities, its identity and factors of self-development;

Social communities, their functional roles and development factors;

Nature, natural environment - his immediate state.

The subjects of national security are the state, the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, courts of general jurisdiction, the prosecutor's office of Ukraine, citizens, public organizations and associations. The main subject of ensuring national security is the state. The subjects of national security are the subjects of political, economic, social, intellectual and other types of activity, on the basis of which the state of protection of the interests of a citizen, society, and state arises.

The national security of Ukraine for the public spheres of functioning is divided into the following main types: political, economic, state, social, information, scientific and technological, environmental, humanitarian and military security. They are characterized by originality, but they are closely related and interdependent. These elements are equally important for the formation of an integrated security system, but, depending on historical circumstances, various factors each component can take on special significance.

Political security is a state of protection of the political interests of an individual, social groups, states from internal and external threats, as well as a system of measures to ensure this protection. In many cases it is identified with state security, but its content is much broader. Political security, as a central element of national security, means the security of all political life, the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, political parties, social and political associations, movements, the integrity and independence of the state from political arbitrariness and extremism within the state, political pressure and aggressive trends in the international arena.

The most acceptable form of political organization that ensures political security is representative democracy, according to which various group interests are realized. The eminent English philosopher Thomas Hobbes emphasized that it is the representative form of democracy that is capable of bringing various interests in society to a common denominator in civilized forms and methods.

State security is understood as security state institutionsnecessary to perform the functions of managing public affairs. These include state sovereignty, territorial integrity, state border, constitutional order, state power, economic, scientific, technical and defense potentials.

Economic security is a state of protection of the national economy, which ensures the implementation of economic sovereignty, economic growth in the context of a system of international relations and allows:

1) ensure the economic development of the state based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress;

2) maintain or quickly update production in the face of termination of external delivered or emergencies internal character;

3) ensure sustainable financing of its monetary system and meeting the needs of society under adverse internal and external conditions.

The essence of economic security lies in the ability of the state to create the necessary material prerequisites for the all-round development of society, to act as an independent subject of micro-state relations. Economic security implies the protection of economic life from illegal and explosive financial and economic actions of certain citizens, organizations and other states. It is associated with the protection of economic rights and freedoms, property of citizens, public organizations and states ensuring economic equality, freedom of trade, economic activity within the framework of current legislation. The most important factor of economic security is the compliance of the system of economic and industrial relations not only with the needs of production, but also with the economic development of the country.

There are several areas of economic security: demographic, food, resource, water supply, energy, price, financial and monetary, criminal.

Social security reflects the state of protection of the social interests of the individual, social groups and society as a whole. Ensuring normal living conditions of society, preventing the degradation of certain social groups, and the very survival of the Ukrainian nation depend on social security. It is such a state of legal norms and security institutions that ensure the protection of human rights and freedoms, spiritual and material values \u200b\u200bof society.

Information security of society and the state is characterized by the level of security, stability of the main spheres of life (economy, management, military affairs, etc.) in terms of dangerous, destabilizing information influences. Information security of a person reflects the level and quality of information about the real state of affairs in all spheres of life, the protection of his psyche and consciousness from dangerous information influences - manipulation, disinformation, and the like. This is such a state of legal norms and relevant institutions that ensures the constant availability of reliable information for making informed managerial and political decisions and protecting the state's information resources.

Environmental safety is a state of legal norms and relevant institutions that guarantees protection environment, rational use and recovery natural resources, storage and development of the environment to ensure full human life.

In the coming decades, the most relevant issues will be global economic security:

1) climate warming due to the greenhouse effect;

2) destruction of the ozone layer;

3) pollution of the oceans' surface with oil slick

4) an increase in the amount of acid rain;

5) the problem of nuclear safety and nuclear waste;

6) deforestation and oxygen imbalance, etc.

Scientific and technical safety is the state of protection of the scientific potential of the state, the competitive technologies available in the country, as well as the prevention and elimination of the consequences of technological imperfection and economic activity.

In modern conditions, the concept of national security is expanding due to the involvement of more and more spheres of public life. So, the US national security strategy in the XXI century. introduced the humanitarian aspect - the education system, became an official confirmation of the policy pursued by the United States - stimulating the scientific sphere, creating better conditions for the development of the intellectual potential of the state. World experience shows that the standard of living of the population, the socio-economic situation in the country are determined by the degree of education of society and its attitude to the intellectual.

Therefore, national security is impossible without intellectual security as a component of humanitarian security. Humanitarian security of Ukraine covers the spiritual life of society. This is the state of protection of the humanitarian potential of the nation: its physical and mental health, social well-being, morality, spirituality, intellectual resource, psychological unity, humanitarian activity. Intellectual security provides for the creation of the necessary prerequisites for the development and functioning of intellectual potential - the education and science systems, intellectual property, computer support, communication systems, databases on printed and electronic media.

The foundation of Ukraine's national security, along with economic, is military security. Under the circumstances, the growth of threats to national security, military security may become a priority.

Military security is a state of protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the basic interests and values \u200b\u200bof society and a sovereign state from possible encroachments using military force... Some scholars understand military security as a certain state of interstate relations and the state's defense capability, in which the probability of war becomes the slightest or counteracts the involvement of the country in it.

A feature of military security is that it is part of state security and simultaneously functions as an independent phenomenon. All other types of security have military aspects - social, economic, environmental, informational and the like.

The concept of military security is closely related to military danger - a system of political, economic, military and other factors in relations between states, which, under certain circumstances and conditions, is capable of leading these states to a military conflict of one scale or another. The military danger for Ukraine, as well as for other states, lies in the possibility of becoming an object of military aggression on the part of another state or a union of states, as well as as a result of this aggression.

In terms of the scale of its functioning, the national security of Ukraine is related, interacts with international security. In essence, national security is the provision of international security within the framework of independent national states. International security also functions at the regional (regional security) and general, global levels (global security).

International security is a state of relations between states and peoples that does not allow the violation of peace and the creation of a real threat to the development of mankind, in which peoples can, without interference, pressure, exercise their sovereignty, the right to self-determination, and choose directions of socio-political self-realization. International security is also the activity of states and international institutions to maintain such a state, as well as a universal system of mechanisms and guarantees that do not allow the use of force in international relations, the seizure of foreign territories, interference in the internal affairs of other states. In world politics, international security is seen as an important function of the world community, which is carried out on the principles of disarmament, respect for democracy, respect for sovereignty, regulation of military conflicts arising in certain regions of the world. Ukraine views international security as an important condition and factor for its national security.

The basis of national security is the protection of national interests. The decisive role of interests in determining the behavior and actions of a person, nation, social group, state was noted by many thinkers and political figures - from philosophers Ancient Greece to modern theorists of political science. Lord Palmerston expressed a well-known aphorism: "In England there are no eternal friends or enemies, in England there are eternal interests."

The first definition of national security in terms of national interests belongs to the American journalist and sociologist W. Lippmann. "The state is in a state of security," the sociologist wrote, "when it has to sacrifice its legitimate interests in order to avoid war and when it is able, if necessary, to protect these interests by means of war." The founder of the concept of "political realism" G. Morgenthau argued that "the starting point of the policy of any state should be the concept of national interests, defined in terms of strength." Despite the diversity of approaches to defining national interests, the presence of scientific and political discussions about their role in political activity, they have been and remain integral and defining components of national security.

National interests are the defining needs of the society (state), which correlate with its (her) basic values \u200b\u200band are expressed in the form of program regulatory goals in certain legislative acts.

The national interests of Ukraine reflect:

Fundamental values \u200b\u200band aspirations of the Ukrainian people, their needs for proper living conditions, increasing the stability of state institutions;

Development of the Ukrainian nation, historical consciousness and Ukrainian national dignity, the development of ethnic, cultural, linguistic, religious identity of all nationalities living in Ukraine;

Strengthening the gene pool of the Ukrainian people, their physical and moral health and intellectual potential;

Creation of a civil society, increasing the efficiency of government and local government bodies, developing democratic institutions to ensure human rights and freedoms;

Overcoming the economic crisis and creating a socially oriented market economy;

Preservation and improvement of scientific and technical potential, approval of an innovative development model;

Ensuring technological and man-made safety of life of citizens and society, preserving the natural environment and rational use of natural resources;

Ensuring development and functioning ukrainian language as a state in all spheres of public life throughout Ukraine, guaranteeing the free development, use and protection of Russian and other languages \u200b\u200bof national minorities of Ukraine;

Creation of an effective national security system at the local, regional and national levels.

The priority external national interests of Ukraine include:

Ensuring state sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders;

Integration of Ukraine into the European political, economic, legal and Euro-Atlantic space;

Establishing equal and mutually beneficial relations with all states, integration into the European and world community while maintaining economic independence;

Preventing the dominance of foreign economic, political and cultural influence, economic and cultural-information imperialism;

Achieving free access to important economic zones, communications and information flows;

Supporting the international process of non-proliferation of nuclear technologies, new types of weapons, reducing the number and combat strength the armed forces;

Participation in the construction of effective international, global and regional security.

The needs of Ukraine's development only in certain areas of state and public life in certain regions, in certain time periods, reflect temporary (transitory and intermediate) interests. Examples of such interests can be: overcoming the economic crisis, eliminating differences in the foreign policy orientations of the regions, overcoming the image of Ukraine as an authoritarian state specially created by the enemies of Ukrainian independence, overcoming the contradiction between the need for accelerated modernization of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the possibilities of state funding for their development, and so on.

National security as the state of relations regarding the protection of national interests has its antipode of threat and danger. Threats to national security are a state of relations when there is an obvious intention (promise) of one state (states), legal entities or individuals to harm the national interests of another state (states). Threats pose a potential threat to national interests. Danger to national interests is the practical actions of one state (or groups of states), legal entities or individuals to directly harm the national interests of another state.

According to the degree of possible harm to the interests of a citizen, society and the state, the system of dangers can be classified in the following order:

Risk - the possibility of a situation or its existence, in which the preconditions for countering the process of realizing national interests, values, and the system of ensuring national security are formed;

Challenge - concrete opposition to protecting interests and goals, solving problems of ensuring national security in the form of official and unofficial political and diplomatic actions, economic and information expansion, and the like;

Danger - damage to important national interests and national security on a limited (local) scale;

Threat - an immediate danger of causing harm to vital national interests and national security, which goes beyond local boundaries and affects the basic national values: sovereignty, statehood, territorial inviolability.

Threats and threats to national security need to be considered at two levels. First, threats to the national security of Ukraine are of a system-wide nature and are due to the objective features of the development of modern civilization. These are, first of all, the problems associated with the processes of globalization of various spheres of public life, the deepening contradictions between globalization and national-state forms of social development, pessimistic demographic, environmental, energy forecasts for the first half of the XXI century. The probability of not only occurrence, but also an increase in the number of local conflicts, the emergence of conflicts between different civilizations and the like. These threats are global and regional. Secondly, the threats caused by the specific problems of modern Ukraine as an independent state, in particular, the systemic economic crisis, the slow pace of transformation processes in Ukraine towards democracy, as well as the processes of social and political structuring of society. In terms of the scale of possible consequences, these threats can be national, local, and isolated.

Threats and dangers can be classified according to the spheres of public life in which they find themselves, or according to the type of national security.

Threats to the political security of Ukraine should be considered real impacts that make it difficult or impossible to implement national political interests and pose a threat to the sovereignty of the nation and individual freedom, independence, conciliarity, stability and progressive development of the Ukrainian state as an equal subject of international relations. These include:

Violations by public authorities and local self-government bodies of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, human and civil rights and freedoms, in particular during election campaigns, insufficient effectiveness of control over compliance with the requirements of the Constitution and the implementation of the laws of Ukraine;

Encroachment on the state sovereignty of Ukraine and its territorial integrity, territorial claims from other states;

Attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of Ukraine by other states;

Military and political instability, regional and local wars (conflicts) in different regions of the world, primarily near the borders of Ukraine;

Intelligence and subversive activities of foreign special services;

The threat of encroachments by certain groups and individuals on state sovereignty, territorial integrity, economic, scientific, technical and defense potential of Ukraine, rights and freedoms of citizens;

The spread of corruption, bribery in government bodies, the merger of business and politics, organized criminal activity;

Criminal activity against the peace and security of mankind, primarily the spread of international terrorism;

The threat of using nuclear and other facilities on the territory of Ukraine for terrorist purposes;

Possibility of illegal import of weapons, ammunition, explosives and weapons of mass destruction, radioactive and narcotic drugs into the country;

Attempts to create and operate illegal paramilitary armed formations and attempts to use the activities of military formations and state law enforcement agencies in the interests of certain forces;

Manifestations of separatism, attempts at ethnic autonomization of certain regions of Ukraine.

In the system of national economic security of Ukraine, threats are actions directed against the implementation of the economic sovereignty of the state, the formation of Ukraine as an equal participant in international economic relations. Examples of such threats can be:

A significant reduction in the gross domestic product, a decrease in investment and innovation activity and scientific, technical and technological potential, a reduction in research in strategically important areas of innovative development;

Weakening of the system of state regulation and control in the economic sphere;

Instability in the legal regulation of relations in the economic sphere, in particular, the financial (fiscal) policy of the state;

Lack of an effective financial crisis prevention program;

Growth of credit risks;

The critical state of fixed assets in the latest industries, the agro-industrial complex, life support systems;

Aggravation of the problem of maintaining the proper technical condition of nuclear facilities on the territory of Ukraine;

Insufficient rates of reproduction processes and overcoming structural deformation in the economy;

Critical dependence of the national economy on external market conditions, low rates of expansion of the domestic market;

Irrational structure of exports with a predominantly raw material character and a low share of products with a high share of added value;

Large debt dependence of the state, critical volumes of state external and internal debt;

Dangerous growth of the share of foreign capital in strategic sectors of the economy for the economic independence of Ukraine;

Ineffectiveness of antimonopoly policy and mechanisms of state regulation of natural monopolies makes it difficult to create a competitive environment in the economy;

Critical condition with food supply of the population;

Inefficiency in the use of fuel and energy resources, insufficient rates of diversification of sources of their supply and the absence of an active policy of energy conservation, which poses a threat to the energy security of the state;

- "Shadowing" of the national economy;

The predominance of personal, corporate, regional interests over national interests in the activities of management structures.

Threats to social security encompass actions directed against the establishment of Ukraine as a social state, the creation of a responsible, solidary society, against national social interests, which reflect the needs of the Ukrainian people for well-being and decent living conditions.

Extremely dangerous are:

Inconsistency of programs for reforming the country's economy and the results of their implementation with certain social priorities;

Ineffectiveness of state policy to increase the labor income of citizens, overcome poverty and balance the productive employment of the able-bodied population;

The crisis in the health care system and social protection of the population and, as a result, a dangerous deterioration in the health status of the population; the spread of drug addiction, alcoholism, social diseases;

Aggravation of the demographic crisis;

Reduced opportunities for quality education for the poor;

Manifestations of moral and spiritual degradation of society;

The growth of child and adolescent neglect, homelessness, vagrancy;

Uncontrolled migration processes in Ukraine;

Permanent unemployment;

Shadowing of the processes of formation of the middle and upper classes and the like.

In the system of environmental safety, threats are directed against those legal norms and the corresponding security institutions that guarantee the protection of the environment. The following groups of threats are extremely relevant for Ukraine:

Significant anthropogenic disturbance and technogenic congestion of the territory of Ukraine, an increase in the risks of emergencies of a technogenic and natural character;

Irrational, exhausting use of natural mineral resources, both non-renewable and renewable;

Inability to overcome the negative social and environmental consequences of the Chernobyl disaster;

Deterioration of the ecological state of water basins, aggravation of the problem of transboundary pollution and decrease in water quality;

Aggravation of the technogenic state of hydraulic structures of the cascade of reservoirs on the Dnieper River;

Uncontrolled import into Ukraine of environmentally hazardous technologies, substances, materials and transgenic plants, pathogens dangerous to humans, animals, plants and organisms, ecologically unjustified use of genetically modified plants, organisms, substances and derived products;

Ineffectiveness of coping measures negative consequences military and other environmentally hazardous activities;

Danger of technogenic, including nuclear and biological, terrorism;

Strengthening the influence of harmful genetic effects in populations of living organisms, in particular, genetically modified organisms and biotechnologies;

Obsolete and insufficient efficiency of complexes for the disposal of toxic and environmentally hazardous waste, and the like.

The concept of "information threat" is associated with the concept of "information security". This is such an internal or external informational influence in which there is a real or potential danger of changing the direction or rate of progressive development of society, an individual, a state. Information threats affect consciousness, subconsciousness, information resources and other objects of the country's information infrastructure. The main information threat to the national security of Ukraine is the threat due to the impact on the consciousness of people, information resources and information infrastructure to impose on citizens, the state, society a system of values \u200b\u200band interests that are beneficial for another state. The information impact is aimed, in fact, at undermining the sovereignty of Ukraine, its independence and independent development. Information threats are a prerequisite for information warfare.

The threats to the information security of Ukraine include:

Manifestations of restrictions on freedom of speech and citizens' access to information;

Dissemination of the cult of violence, cruelty, pornography by the mass media;

Computer Crime and Terrorism;

Disclosure of information that is state and other secrets prescribed by law, as well as confidential information that is the property of the state or is aimed at ensuring the needs and national interests of society and the state;

An attempt to manipulate public consciousness, in particular, the dissemination of false, incomplete or biased information;

Manipulation public opinion on the part of government authorities, financial and political circles;

Attempts to introduce censorship, etc.

Ensuring humanitarian security involves identifying and eliminating threats associated with actions aimed at undermining the humanitarian, intellectual potential of the nation, human and civil rights and freedoms. Among these threats, the following should be noted first of all:

The growing scientific and technological backwardness of Ukraine from developed countries;

Ineffectiveness of state innovation policy, mechanisms for stimulating innovation;

Low competitiveness of products;

Underdevelopment of the domestic market for high-tech products and the lack of its effective protection against foreign technical and technological expansion;

Decrease in domestic demand for the training of scientific and technical personnel for scientific, design, technological institutions and high-tech enterprises, an unsatisfactory level of remuneration for scientific and technical labor, a decline in its prestige, imperfect mechanisms for protecting intellectual property rights;

Outflow of scientists, specialists, skilled labor from Ukraine;

Uncertainty of the state scientific and educational policy and the like.

A special place in the system of national security belongs to threats to the development of the ethno-national sphere or ethno-national security. These include actions aimed at undermining ethno-national stability in the state, limiting the use by the Ukrainian nation of all its potential capabilities; underestimation or ignorance of the role of the Ukrainian language as the state language, attempts to impose on society outdated schemes of ethno-national relations that are beneficial for other states, and the like. The main threat in the ethno-national sphere, as well as in the system of national security, is the underestimation of the role of the national idea in the transformation of Ukrainian society on the way to democracy, protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state.

The issue of preserving national identity worries sub-ethnic groups in many countries. In the modern world, there is an urgent need to improve interethnic relations through the implementation in practice of the proven principles of national policy, namely:

1) the principle of self-determination of peoples;

2) alignment of levels of socio-economic development and support for relatively equal living conditions of ethnic groups in multinational states;

3) priority of universal human interests over national ones;

4) determination by the peoples of their internal political status without outside interference;

5) territorial integrity;

6) democracy of interethnic relations;

7) fight against all forms of racial and ethnic hostility and xenophobia.

The potential threat to the ethno-national security of Ukraine is the coexistence in the ethnopolitical sphere of several multidirectional models of national identity. The famous English political scientist E. HIV dream analyzed six models of national identity that have emerged in Ukraine over the years of independence. Such models include the national-ethnocultural model (the simultaneous national revival of both the Ukrainian nation and national minorities, which determines the role of the Ukrainian nation, "Ukrainization" is the restoration of historical justice), "the model of linguistic groups" (ethnos and language coincide), the model of double identity (the idea of \u200b\u200ba single Russian-Ukrainian cultural space and blurred borders are put forward by Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians), a model of Eurasian identity (the idea of \u200b\u200bSlavic unity), a synthetic model (a combination of elements of the Soviet and Ukrainian ethnocultural traditions). The model "Ukrainian political nation" is being built by various political forces on slightly different foundations. The presence of these models of national identity is the basis of multidirectional political orientations, some of which pose the danger of losing statehood.

In the Concept of National Security of Ukraine, the main threats to the national security of Ukraine in the military sphere include:

Encroachment on the state sovereignty of Ukraine and its territorial integrity;

The build-up of groupings of troops and weapons near the Ukrainian border, which disrupt the balance of forces that have been formed;

Political and military instability and conflicts in neighboring countries;

Applicability nuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction against Ukraine;

Decrease in the level of combat effectiveness of the state's military organization;

Politicization of the power structures of the state;

The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery;

Illegal migration;

The accumulation of a large number of obsolete and unnecessary for the Armed Forces of Ukraine military equipment, weapons, explosives;

Incompleteness of contractual and legal registration and insufficient arrangement of the state border of Ukraine;

Unsatisfactory level of social protection of servicemen, citizens dismissed from military service, and their family members;

Creation and functioning of illegal armed groups.

The spectrum of the most dangerous threats to important national interests of Ukraine in the military sphere is much wider. 1997, according to the results of an export survey of leading experts on military security problems and representatives of ministries and departments that form the basis of the state's military organization, there were 40 such threats.

The national interest of Ukraine in stabilizing the military-political situation in Central Europe and preventing armed conflicts faced the danger of such threats (further threats are presented according to their level of danger) such as the creation and existence of illegal paramilitary formations, the aggravation of interethnic and inter-confessional contradictions, the presence of foreign military formations on the territory of Ukraine, the nomination of territorial claims against Ukraine, statements and actions discrediting the internal and foreign policy Ukraine, the activation of the separatist forces and their support from outside. Threats such as the instability of the military-political situation around Ukraine and in some countries of Central Europe, the interest in establishing control over strategic objects, raw materials and communications of Ukraine, the desire to dominate certain states in the region, interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine, the belligerence of the political leadership of neighboring countries.

For the development of the Military Organization of Ukraine, the danger was the absence of a clearly defined military and military-technical policy, the concept of military development, the implementation of unreasonable military reforms, the haphazard determination of the quantitative composition of the military organization, the failure to take into account the real economic capabilities of the state and geopolitical conditions, the emerging outflow of junior officers from the military organization.

The support of the combat effectiveness of the formations of the Military Organization at the required level was not provided due to the decrease in the ability to maintain the combat training of troops, the decrease in defense spending, the deterioration of the demographic situation, and the decrease in the level of military discipline. Decrease in the level of technical and material support of formations and units, aging and failure of military equipment, destruction of the military-industrial complex, breakdown of cooperation ties in the production of weapons and military equipment, loss of the prestige of military service and a decrease in the moral and psychological level of personnel.

The realization of the national interest in securing mobilization resources and reserves ran up against such threats as a decline in the level of training of mobilization reserves, a deepening imbalance between mobilization needs and available capabilities, the loss of a system of mobilization deployment of the state and its military organization, the lack of a clear regulatory framework mobilization deployment of the state and its military organization.

The development of domestic military science took place under the influence of such threats as the loss of scientific potential in the military sphere, a decrease in the requirements of military science, a weakening of attention to the development of modern military art, a lag in the development of critical and dual-use technologies, and the loss of control over the system of training scientific personnel.

Threats in the creation of a system for ensuring military security were the lack of a unified military security policy, the lack of regulation of the system for ensuring military security by laws, imperfect legislative, informational, organizational and scientific support for joint combat use formations of the Military Organization, the lack of a unified system of automated command and control of troops, weapons, technical means.

At the beginning of the XXI century, both in terms of danger level and total potential, internal threats had a significant advantage. The most dangerous are the absence of a definite military and military-technical policy, the concept of military development in Ukraine; attempts to create illegal paramilitaries in Ukraine; carrying out unjustified reforms in the military sphere, unsystematic determination of the number of military organizations, reducing the ability to maintain the required level of combat training of troops, reducing defense spending; degradation of technological and industrial potential; lack of stable military and economic ties with other states; uncontrolled export of capital and certain strategically important raw materials outside Ukraine; the growth of corruption in government bodies; illegal export of weapons and the latest technological developments.

Among external threats, the most dangerous were the aggravation of interethnic and interfaith contradictions and their activation from outside; the presence of foreign military formations on the territory of Ukraine; putting forward territorial claims against Ukraine; statements and actions discrediting the domestic and foreign policy of the state; the desire of some states to establish a dominant military-political influence and their tendency to use forceful methods to solve conflict situations; existing and potential hotbeds of local actions, armed conflicts in the immediate vicinity of the borders of Ukraine; the presence in some states of large arsenals of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction; threats of international terrorism; uncontrolled migration processes, etc.

The national security of Ukraine is faced with a large group of civilizational threats inherent in international security. These include both traditional sources of danger (expansionism, hegemonism, the advantage of some states in strategic and nuclear weapons, neo-colonialism, cultural and information imperialism) and new threats that have emerged in recent decades.

The destabilizing factors of international and national security are such new threats as an increase in the number of local conflicts, international

terrorism, violent extremism, theft of nuclear materials and the proliferation of nuclear technology, organized crime, illegal distribution of drugs, excessive proliferation of light weapons and small arms, acute economic problems and environmental degradation, violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief, the rights of national minorities, as well as manifestations of intolerance, aggressive nationalism , chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism. These threats are highlighted in the Charter for European Security adopted at the OBA Istanbul Summit in November 1999

The modern world is changing rapidly, and these changes are equally tangible and dangerous both for the traditionally weak and for the countries of the so-called "golden billion". In this light, Ukraine appears to be an almost defenseless country with a contradictory foreign policy. Analyzing the system of international relations, one can single out key trends in world politics and potential "and influence on the security of Ukraine, prospects for economic and humanitarian development. Among them:

The permeability of borders and the formation of a new political geography. Borders between certain countries are gradually losing their traditional meaning, becoming permeable and, in general, performing the function of connecting territories with different customs and political regimes. The growing conventionality of state borders threatens the system of international guarantees of territorial integrity and inviolability. Ukraine, in the face of uncertainty in resolving territorial issues with Russia and Romania, is in a high risk zone. The result of the transparency of borders is massive migration from poor countries to the successful Western world. According to some estimates, by 2025, migrants could make up 25-50% of the population of North America, the EU and Japan. Soon, Ukraine, located in the center of one of the largest migration routes Asia - Europe, will feel increasingly serious difficulties in controlling migration flows;

The spread of the global terrorist network with its active desire to gain access to the latest nuclear, biological, bacteriological, information technologiesespecially dangerous in the conditions of total openness of modern society;

Uncontrolled proliferation of nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. For example, the creation of nuclear weapons North Korea and Iran can lead to a corresponding update of nuclear programs by Japan, South Korea, etc. According to forecasts, by 2020 the number of "nuclear states" will be 10-12;

Deepening chasm between rich and poor countries. The world's resources will always be attracted by rich countries and flow into them. According to UN estimates, by 2025 7.8 billion inhabitants of the planet, that is, the absolute majority - 90%, belong to the third world. At the same time, the situation of the middle class will worsen, provoke social riots on a global scale;

Growing resource and energy shortages. The beginning of the XXI century. characterized by fundamental changes in the energy sector. The era of low prices has ended and the transition to the era of energy shortages has taken place. According to the International Energy Agency, the global demand for energy by 2030 will increase by 37-50%. Over the past five years, oil prices have quadrupled. For Ukraine, the current energy situation is already dangerous because in the process of redistribution of the global energy market, Ukraine, with its rather serious transit potential, will actually remain on its sidelines. Indeed, after the scandalous events of 2005-2006 pp. it has acquired a reputation as a "weak link" in the Eurasian energy transit system;

An unprecedented growth in the influence of transnational corporations (TNCs) and financial groups on the economic and socio-political development of the world in general and nation states in particular. The economic expansion of TNCs actually "washes away" the sovereignty of economically weak countries, increases their dependence on the global economic environment;

Formation of new centers of force of influence. China and India, together with Russia and Brazil, are claiming the role of world leaders. For example, while maintaining the current dynamics of economic growth, by 2040 China will become the second power in the world after the United States, India will overtake Japan by 2035 p., And the currencies of both countries will become global by 2020 By 2050. The total volume of the economy of Brazil, Russia, India and China will exceed the total GDP of the G7 countries. In the project "Map of the Global Future" developed by the US National Intelligence Council 2005 p., Four options for the development of the world are highlighted:

1) scenario "Davos World". According to him, in 2020 China and India will confidently dominate the global economy;

2) the "Pax Americana" scenario, where the leadership remains with the United States, which was able to restore political unity with Europe and "curb" the states of the Middle East;

3) the "New Caliphate" scenario, where the transnational theocratic community dominates in the world of the future;

4) the Spiral of Fear scenario, which allows the uncontrolled proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, global economic collapse, collapse of modern international institutions and the international system. It is important for Ukraine to clearly define and select the direction of the foreign policy course that would fully satisfy the national interests of Ukraine, while guaranteeing security and relying on the support of the population.

An important condition for countering the main threats to the national security of Ukraine is the creation of an effective system for ensuring national security, correct definition priorities state development... Ukraine does not have a powerful military or world-wide energy potential. To the factors that contribute to the approval of effective modern system national security include:

Support by the masses of the idea of \u200b\u200ba nuclear-free, non-violent world;

Development of integration and internationalization processes of the world community;

Progressive activities of representatives of the political circles and forces of the state, as well as the military-political leadership.

National security as a state of protection of the vital interests of a person, society and the state is an objective prerequisite for the formation and development of state independence of Ukraine, a factor in establishing a democratic society.

In the process of functioning of national security, the national interests of Ukraine are realized - the fundamental values, needs, aspirations of the Ukrainian people, without which its existence is impossible.

Protection of the national interests of Ukraine provides for activities to identify, prevent and eliminate threats to national security in all important spheres of life.

The national security of Ukraine as an integral phenomenon covers the following types of security: political, economic, state, social, informational, economic, humanitarian, military, etc.

National security is one of the levels of functioning of international security as the activity of states to create relations between the people and the state, which make impossible real threats to the development of society.