University of Genoa italy. University of Genoa in the heart of the Italian Riviera

Founded in 1471, the University of Genoa is one of the largest universities in Italy. At the end of the 20th century, the university began to actively develop, and many new regional campuses were included in it. Today, the University of Genoa has about 40,000 students and employs about 1,800 teachers and researchers and about 1,600 employees. In 1996, a campus with several faculties appeared in Savona. Today it houses the Faculty of Engineering and teaches business programs. New laboratories were also built, including computer modulation, logistics and industrial engineering laboratories.

The Faculty of Naval Engineering and Marine Technology (DINAV) was founded in 1993 and included the staff and equipment of the Policatedra Institute of Naval Technology. The faculty teaches disciplines from the field of marine engineering, shipbuilding and ship installations. Faculty staff conduct scientific research together with students of postgraduate programs and in the framework of cooperation with enterprises, research institutes and universities both in Italy and abroad. Scientific activity and teaching is conducted using the faculty laboratories for fluid dynamics, experimental design and electronics.

Already in the 13th century, there were Colleges in Genoa, which united people studying one branch of science. The activities of these Colleges were regulated by the Charters, which obliged each applicant to take a mandatory entrance examination in the presence of representatives of the College.

Colleges, after graduating from which students received degrees in law, theology, medicine or art, became the first form of organization higher education in Genoa. Exact date The founding of the College of Law is unknown, but it has been established that it existed already in 1307, since that year the Local Militia Command announced that all members of the Colleges were exempt from paying any taxes and duties. Also, no documentary sources have survived that would contain the date of the founding of the College of Medicine, but it was founded at about the same time as the College of Law and certainly existed in 1353, when the tax exemption of representatives of both colleges was announced. The College of Medicine also taught courses in philosophy, art and natural sciences, as these branches of knowledge were believed to be an integral part of medicine.

    Year of foundation

    Number of students

Academic specialization

Graduates of shipbuilding programs traditionally work in the design, manufacturing, management and organization of companies or engage in technical and commercial activities, as in the field of professional servicesand in shipbuilding. The skills required for this come from a variety of disciplines and include:

  • Marine engineering, covering both hydrostatics (geometry, balance and stability) and hydrodynamics (resistance to motion, engines and seaworthiness);
  • Engineering and design, studying the general distribution of space, ergonomics and aesthetics.
  • Shipbuilding, in which both structural proportions of the hull (load, design and distribution of structures, verification of robustness) and construction methods are considered;
  • Ship equipment, including propulsion and control systems (engines, drive shafts, propellers, rudder), auxiliary and special installations and additional equipment.

In terms of its scale, the University of Genoa is considered a major educational institution. Every year 35,000 students study in it in all directions. Apply to admissions committee along with the Italian youth, any foreigner can. At the same time, the number of foreign nationals in the student body of the University of Genoa is 7 percent. Academic staff educational institution there are 2,200 teachers. Most of the specialists are invited to work from other leading universities in the world. On an ongoing basis, UniGe provides its students with the opportunity to participate in international exchange. All the nuances student life can be found out from university social networks.

A library complex with special literature is available to students for independent work... In a comfortable hostel, there is always space for students.

Membership in the academic network EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATION adds to the popularity of the university.

The university was founded in 1481. It currently has about 40,000 students, 1,800 faculty and research personnel and about 1,580 administrative staff.


The University of Genoa is organized on several independent campuses located in different urban areas. Notable buildings - the main university premises (Via Balbi, 5) designed and built in 1640, a new complex in Valletta Puggia built in the 1980s and 1990s and hosting the Departments of Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics and the new Facoltà di site Economia, conceived in 1996, renovating old seaport docks. The university's botanical garden, Orto Botanico dell "Università di Genova, occupies one hectare in the city center, just above the main university building.

the University of Genoa also has many regional campuses in Savona, Imperia, Santa Margherita Ligure, Ventimiglia and La Spezia.


As early as the 13th century, there were Colleges in Genoa that awarded degrees in law, theology, medicine, and the arts.

The College of Theology was officially founded in 1471 with the Papal Bull Sixtus IV (Francesco della Rovere). A few years after that dates the promulgation of the Charter College of Medicine By the Council of Elders in 1481.

In 1569, under the Senate decree of the Republic of Genoa, the Colleges were incorporated into schools run by the Jesuits. The Jesuits settled near the old church of San Girolamo Del Rosso and enlarged their premises by purchasing some land to house their College and schools. The building, which is now the main university building, was designed by the architect Bartolomeo Bianco and began to be used in 1640.

After the suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773, a special committee reorganized various courses of study, dividing them into higher education (Church Law, Philosophy, Civil law, Theology, Logic and Metaphysics, Physics) and primary education (courses in Rhetoric, Reading and Writing).

After the institution of the French Empire, which absorbed the Republic of Genoa, higher education was subdivided into various special schools: Law, Medicine, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Commerce, Language and Literature, Chemistry. The University of Genoa was affiliated with the Imperial University of Paris. It was rebuilt as a separate university in 1812

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After the fall of Napoleon, the provisional government of the republic appointed a new Committee in charge of higher education, and at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 it was decided that the University of Genoa should be entrusted to the Kingdom of Sardinia, enjoying the same privileges as those accorded to the University of Turin. The university was closed due to political unrest between 1821 and 1823 and again between 1830 and 1835.

In 1870, the first two technical institutes Higher education was founded: the Royal Naval School and the Royal School of Economic Research, which in 1936 were absorbed by the Royal University of Genoa, becoming the Faculties of Engineering and Economics respectively.

In the late 20th century, the university expanded rapidly with new regional campuses. In 1996, some departments were founded in Savona in the reconstructed army area of \u200b\u200bBarak. That campus hosts the Department of Engineering and also courses in Business. New labs have been made in Simulation, Logistics & Industrial Engineering, among others.

In January 2001, the "Institutional Review of the University of Genoa" gave the CRE Institutional Assessment Program. This assessment, research conducted and reports made, explain the university's current promotion of invitations to external professorships and students.


FROM school year 2012-2013 the university is headed by the rector and it was divided into 5 schools, including a total of 23 departments:

  • School of Science, Mathematics and Physics
  • Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCCI)
  • Department of Physics (DIFI)
  • Department of Mathematics (DIMA)
  • Department of Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences (DISTAV)
  • School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Department of Pharmacy (DIFAR)
  • Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Features (DIMI)
  • Department of Experimental Medicine (TEN CENTS)
  • Department of Neuroscience, Recovery, Ophthalmology and Maternal Embryonic Medicine (DINOGMI)
  • Department of Surgical and Integrated Diagnostic Sciences (DISK)
  • Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL)
  • School of Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Department of Law
  • Division of Science Education (DISFOR)
  • The Department political science (DISPO)
  • School of Humanities
  • Department of Antics, Philosophy and History (DAFIST)
  • Department of Italian, Roman, Antics, Arts and Drama Studies (DIRAAS)
  • Department of Contemporary Cultures and Languages
  • Polytechnic school
  • Department of IT, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Development (DIBRIS)
  • Department of Civil, Chemical and Engineering Protection environment (DICCA)
  • Department of Mechanical, Energy, Logistics Development and Technical Management (TEN CENTS)
  • Division of Naval, Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering (DITEN)
  • Department of Architectural Sciences (DSA)


Today the university has a student population of about 40,000, both undergraduate and graduate students. The University of Genoa shares the campus of the Florida International University Branch in Miami, Florida, United States, in Genoa. The two universities mutually accept students from any university's School of Architecture.


In 2004, there were approximately 1,710 faculty and research assistants and approximately 2,000 non-scientific employees working for the University of Genoa, making it one of Genoa's largest employers.

If you love the sea, the University of Genoa is a great option for training and continuing education.

The University of Genoa is one of the largest and most prestigious universities in Italy. Currently, the university has more than 40,000 students, about 1,800 teachers and researchers, as well as 1,580 administrative staff. The university is located in the Liguria region on the Italian Riviera. These lands have gone through a difficult history associated with the formation of the republic, the periods of its independence and the years of the rule of the French monarchs. But, despite various eras and moments in the history of the city, the University of Genoa has always remained a highly regarded teaching institution with great authority. The architecture of the main building and the interior design have remained unchanged for more than three hundred years, which irrefutably testifies to the quality of the work of the 17th century masters, whose hands created the external facades and elegant decoration in the building itself. Over the past decades, the entire university complex has significantly increased in size and has ceased to fit into the premises of a three-story building. Therefore, today the University of Genoa is divided into several independent campuses located in different areas of the city. The buildings of the main premises of the university (Via Balbi, 5) were designed and built by the architect Bartolomeo Bianco in 1640, a new complex for the faculties of chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics in Valletta Puggia, built in 1980-1990. The Faculty of Economics is located in the old docks of the port, renovated in 1996. The university's botanical garden, Orto Botanico dell'Università di Genova, occupies one hectare in the city center, next to the main university building.

The University of Genoa also has a number of regional educational institutions in the cities of Savona, Imperia, Santa Margherita Ligure, Ventimiglia and La Spezia.

The history of the University of Genoa is about seven hundred years old. The first scientific colleges were founded here in the middle of the 13th century. The current Pope Sixtus the Fourth establishes a theological college studying the science of God in 1471. Ten years later, another college was opened in the same building, this time teaching medical sciences, the most complex and necessary at that time. Students come to lectures by professors from all over Italy. By the middle of the 17th century, namely by the 1630s, there is an increasing need for an increase in teaching space, and also, students need laboratories, workshops and libraries, which leads to the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200brationalizing the existing premises and building a new unifying building, which became would be the face of the scientific world of Genoa. For architectural work, the talented Bartalomeo Bianco is invited. Its difficult tasks include the embodiment of the main ideas of the university, with comfortable lecture rooms, appropriate location of faculties in different categories, and most importantly - to create a masterpiece of architecture that fits into the appearance of the medieval city.

The university has vast experience in international cooperation projects, research projects and student mobility projects. Much attention is paid to international relations: the university sends its students abroad, and receives foreign students. Active cooperation is underway with foreign universities... The University of Genoa is actively involved in European and international programs in the field of higher education, provides services for the recognition of the equivalence of foreign academic qualifications with the corresponding Italian qualifications and the recognition of the disciplines passed. That is why the University of Genoa is recognized as the best in terms of internationalization (92 points out of 110). Thanks to the Erasmus program, students and teachers of this university participated in cooperation projects with 400 foreign universities. The University of Genoa gives students the opportunity to participate in such projects for free, having received a special scholarship from the university.

The university includes 11 faculties, 53 scientific departments and a division that provides services in the field of information technology

List of Faculties of the University of Genoa:

  • Faculty of Architecture
  • Faculty of Art and Philosophy
  • Department of Economics
  • Faculty of Pedagogy
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty foreign languages and literature
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
  • Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
  • Faculty of Pharmacology
  • Faculty of Political and Social Sciences

The program "Higher public education in Italy ".

In 1471, thanks to the Bull of Pope Sixtus IV, the Republic of Genoa can award academic degrees. In 1670, the Jesuit University was founded, which during the French Empire was merged with the Imperial University of Paris. After the fall of Napoleon, he is again in the Kingdom of Sardinia. In the lobby of the University Palace, there are busts of Mazzini, Garibaldi, Mameli and Bixio, who, together with such Genoese professors as Cesare Cabella and Cesare Parodi, boldly took part in the Risorgimento movements. Genoa University plays a leading role in the current reform of the university system, and the new Charter entered into force on December 29, 2011.


The University of Genoa offers about 300 courses, including post-graduate courses, organized according to the aspirations and views of young people, taking into account the importance of high qualifications and measurement based on the demands of the labor market in Europe and - in many cases - at a global level. The University of Genoa is a Ligurian University as it is represented throughout the region, as well as educational centers in Savona, Imperia and La Spezia.

The university offers students a solid cultural and scientific education and gives them many tools for a professional future. It offers real opportunities for integration between theory and practice, including through stages with institutions and companies and periods of study abroad. There are many different forms of cooperation and cooperation with foreign universities and institutes, which ensure high mobility of teachers and students from and to foreign countries... So far, with over 3,000 international students, the University has exceeded 8% of the total number of registered students, establishing even more - and in contrast to national data - its position as a point of attraction for students who choose Italy for their university studies. The University of Genoa attaches great importance to the quality of teaching and research, being one of the fundamental elements to ensure the development of knowledge, which is the basis for real innovation and competitiveness.

Research allows to achieve results oalt \u003d "(! LANG: f recognized prestige also at the international level and develop excellence. In terms of teaching, the model of the relationship between students and proalt \u003d" fessors повышает взаимность oalt = "f relationship and openness and alt \u003d" гибкая настройка обучения с использованием новых компьютерных инструментов: платформенное электронное обучение = "формы, доступность alt =" for people with disabilities on the university website, 7 academic points (grades alt \u003d"для !} distance learningdistributed throughout the region).

In cooperation with the Regional Agency alt \u003d "(! LANG: for Education Services and Job (Agenzia Regionale per i Servizi Educativi e per il Lavoro - ARSEL) and Region oalt \u003d" f Лигурия, Университет oalt = "f Genoa applied itselalt \u003d" f для улучшить прием oalt = "f non-resident students and their conditions lialt \u003d" fe с помощью signialt = "ficant investments alt \u003d" для стипендий и проживания в городе, который становится все более динамичным и alt = "full oalt \u003d" f культурные проблемы.!}

Fees, enrollment