MA Alekseev, people's teacher of the USSR. Mikhail andreevich alekseev

Association “Students of M.A. Alekseev - People's Teacher of the USSR ”, an attempt was made to collect in one publication, consisting of two volumes, articles methodological developments, letters of an outstanding teacher, people's teacher of the USSR M.A. Alekseev, as well as the memoirs of his colleagues and students.

At the initial stage of this work, we naively believed that the book would cover all facets of our Teacher's life. As the deadline for completing the work on the book approached, the understanding of the absolute hopelessness of the implementation of this truly noble plan became clearer. It turned out that, in addition to such subjective factorsas a chronic lack of time, budget funds, as well as a lack of creative opportunities, there are also fundamental factors that impede the implementation of such an ambitious plan.

The first reason comes from the gigantic scale of Mikhail Andreevich's personality. Possessing some kind of supernatural abilities, he was able to directly beneficially influence the fate of tens of thousands of people. Imagine how many people have kept and keep fond memories of him. As we worked on the book, we learned that by collecting materials about M.A. Alekseev, dozens of people were or are engaged, and they realized that to collect all this information, comprehend and melt in the form of pages of this publication is beyond our capabilities.

The second reason is the incredible complexity of the fate of Mikhail Andreevich. The story that played out in 1985 in Verkhnevilyuisk, forcing Mikhail Andreevich to leave his beloved school, to move to Vilyuisk, is an eternal drama of the struggle between light and darkness, an endless conflict between good and evil. For many of us, this is still like an unhealed wound. We must admit that, unfortunately, we have not been able to find such a saving point of view from which it would be possible, at least for a significant part of the persons involved in those events, painlessly but truthfully to illuminate the most dramatic part of the Teacher's life. Apparently, the time has not yet come when it will be possible to speak about all aspects of the Teacher's life as openly and freely as we are now calmly discussing the irreconcilable conflict of the great Socrates with the Athenian fellow citizens of that era or the history of the violent Giordano Bruno's revolt against medieval inertia.

Completing the work on the publication of the two-volume edition, we are fully aware of the above shortcomings of our work, and yet we hope that we have overcome at least a step on the path of creating an integral image of Mikhail Andreevich. We are confident that future generations of researchers will be able to more boldly and vividly reveal the huge rift that existed between inner peace Mikhail Andreevich and the harsh reality that surrounded him. Only then will the picture become obvious, showing what titanic efforts the great teacher had to make in order for the values \u200b\u200bof life he has endured to become common property, and the world around us to become as we know it.

People's Teacher of the USSR, Excellence in Public Education of the USSR, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR and YaASSR In 1966, in the Verkhnevilyui secondary school of the Verkhnevilyui region of the YaASSR, through his efforts, specialized physics and mathematics classes were opened. In 1974, the Verkhnevilyui secondary school No. 2 (now the Gymnasium named after M. A. Alekseev), by the Decree of the Ministry of Public Education of the USSR of September 12, 1974, received the status of a republican school with in-depth study of the foundations of physics and mathematics. BIOGRAPHY (based on the materials of A.I. Petrova, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of IMI YSU, Honored Teacher of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), scientific advisor republican "Alekseevsky readings") Born on May 5, 1917 in the Bappagain nasleg of the Vilyui ulus. At the age of 6, he became an orphan. In 1936 he graduated from the Yakutsk Pedagogical College. He was appointed a teacher of mathematics and physics at the Rodchevskaya seven-year school of the Srednekolymsky region of the YaASSR. In 1939 he entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute. In the same year he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. Was elected secretary of the Komsomol committee of the 20th separate engineer battalion of the 99th rifle division... In June-August 1941, in the battles near Przemysl, he was wounded and was taken prisoner (the events are described in the newspaper Pravda on June 19, 1966 in the article "The First Counterstrike": about the feat of the soldiers of the 99th Infantry Division, who repulsed weeks holding the city of Przemysl in their hands). In 1942, after escaping from captivity and returning, he was convicted and sentenced to ten years in a forced labor camp (in 1956 he was fully rehabilitated by the Military Tribunal of the North Caucasian Military District). In 1951-1955 he was a student of the Yakutsk Pedagogical Institute. After graduation and until 1958 he worked in Dalyr high school Verkhnevilyui region of the YaASSR. Until 1960 he worked at the Berdigestyakh secondary school of the Mountainous Region of the YaASSR. In 1960 he moved to Verkhnevilyuisk, began to work at the Verkhnevilyuisk secondary school named after Isidor Barakhov. Thanks to his efforts, the school acquired the status of a Republican school with in-depth study of the basics of physics and mathematics, where he worked until 1985.

The whole life of Mikhail Alekseev, a people's teacher of the USSR, an excellent student of public education of the USSR, an honored teacher of schools of the YaASSR and RSFSR, passed in the 20th century. It seemed to some of his contemporaries, who were well acquainted with the twists and turns of the fate of this amazing man, that Mikhail Andreevich was born to test the strength of the human spirit.

He was born in the historical year 1917, during the time of great revolutionary upheavals, was drafted into the Red Army as a student, in 1941 he was wounded in the battles near Przemysl, was convicted after his escape and return, he was fully rehabilitated only in 1956. All his further life is connected with school and children.
For his enormous contribution to the development of public education in the USSR M.A. Alekseev was awarded with orders Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor.
For hundreds of students of M. Alekseev, the habit of intensive mental work acquired at school later turned into an integral part of intellectual life.
Mikhail Andreevich worked in the physics and mathematics school he created for only ten years. But the "Promethean fire" kindled by the outstanding teacher did not go out in the minds and hearts of his contemporaries. In 1990, the Verkhnevilyui republican gymnasium was opened, which was later named after the USSR people's teacher M.A. Alekseev. At present, this republican gymnasium, the only one in Yakutia, bears the dignified title of the spiritual successor to the early and advanced stages of physics and mathematics education. She became the prototype of modern innovative educational institutions republic - gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums.
In total, more than two thousand students graduated from the first physics and mathematics classes, the Verkhnevilyui physics and mathematics school No. 2 and the Verkhnevilyui republican gymnasium. At least a hundred of them became doctors and candidates of science. At present, they constitute a substantial percentage of the national intelligentsia of Yakutia. Famous politicians, civil servants, heads of large enterprises, economists, financiers, physicians, teachers, etc. emerged from the former Physics and Mathematics workers. Many of them, to some extent, experienced the influence of the unique and powerful personality of MA Alekseev.
Through the prism of today's realities, the implementation of the Scheme for the integrated development of productive forces, transport and energy, which required a forced injection into industrial production whole army specialists, especially clearly visible is the prophecy of the outstanding son of the Sakha people, expressed by him back in the 50-60 years of the last century. As a continuation of the idea of \u200b\u200bMA Alekseev on the development of physical education in the republic, the physics and mathematics forum "Lensky Krai" was created, located in the Khangalassky region.
The staff of the Verkhnevilyui republican gymnasium appeals to the public of the republic with an appeal to put in 2015, the year of the 50th anniversary of the opening in the village. Verkhnevilyuisk of the first physics and mathematics class, in the center of the capital of our republic there is a monument to the USSR people's teacher Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev.
On behalf of the pedagogical
collective Verkhnevilyuiskaya
republican gymnasium
them. M.A. Alekseeva Director,
candidate of pedagogical sciences

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(in memory of the USSR people's teacher Mikhail Alekseev) The teacher is famous for his students Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev is the founder of the physical and mathematical movement in Yakutia

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Alekseev Mikhail Andreevich (05 May 1917 - 18.09 1995) Soviet teacher, methodologist, People's teacher of the USSR, Excellence in public education of the USSR, Honored teacher of the RSFSR and YaASSR. There is a profession on earth, a vocation, The starting point of all professions on earth. We call the teacher the person who has revealed to us the light of knowledge

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An outstanding teacher of the Sakha people, Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev was born on May 5, 1917 in the village. Bappagay, Vilyui district, in a poor family. He went through a difficult childhood, worked as a laborer, and was left an orphan early. Soviet power gave him the opportunity to learn to be a teacher. Having finished excellently in 1936, the Yakutsk Pedagogical College, he enthusiastically took up teaching children in the distant Kolyma Territory, at a school, in the Rodchevo area. Two years spent there forever determined his vocation in life - to be a teacher. Before being drafted into the army, he studied at the Ryazan Teachers' Institute at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and at the Kalinin State Pedagogical Institute in 1938 - 1940. The teacher is the one who illuminated our minds: Towards the solution of unthinkable problems. The Teacher is the one who gifted Us with the ability to distinguish good from evil, to create, to write. The teacher is the one who taught to fight: For life, for the right and for the good of all. The teacher is the one who taught to try not to retreat before anything. The teacher is the one who taught science: So that we can all dream of space. The teacher is the one who taught separation: That which is not easy to describe with a pen.

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Into the harsh pre-war years MA Alekseev served as a political instructor on the westernmost border, in one of the best divisions of the Red Army - the 99th Infantry Division. In the city of Przemysl on June 22, 1941, he met a surprise attack by the German fascist troops. In the battles near Przemysl (June-August 1941, the events are described in the newspaper Pravda on June 19, 1966 in the article "The First Counterattack": about the feat of the soldiers of the 99th Infantry Division, hands of the city of Przemysl). After seven days of heroic defense of the city, the division withdrew in an organized manner to the east. Near Kiev, the division was almost completely destroyed, among many Mikhail Alekseev was captured. The struggle for life, a sense of patriotism helped him survive in the fascist camp, make several escapes, then painfully endure the unfounded accusations of his own treason. In 1942, after escaping from captivity and returning, he was convicted and sentenced to ten years in a forced labor camp (in 1956 he was fully rehabilitated by the Military Tribunal of the North Caucasian Military District) Mikhail Alekseev was released from the GULAG camps in 1951 with a firm decision devote your life to work for the good of your country. The completely life school of torment, the "philosophy of suffering," he passed through, made him an indefatigable worker, a principled fighter for justice, who devoted all his energies to the noblest cause - raising children. He never betrayed this business.

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In 1951-1955 he was a student of the Yakutsk Pedagogical Institute. After graduation and until 1958, he worked at the Dalyr secondary school of the Verkhnevilyui region of the YaASSR. Until 1960 he worked at the Berdigestyakh secondary school of the Mountainous Region of the YaASSR. In 1960 he moved to Verkhnevilyuisk, began to work at the Isidor Barakhov Verkhnevilyuisk secondary school, and in 1966 he opened the first physics and mathematics class. During Khrushchev's "thaw", his innovative goals of in-depth study of the exact sciences and the widespread involvement of rural youth in engineering and technical specialties fell into fertile soil. The results were not slow to appear. From 1963 to 1974, his students in the republican Olympiads in physics and mathematics did not concede to anyone I and II places, they were prize-winners of the All-Union Olympiads. During these years, up to 90% of its graduates entered universities. Much has been written about the school of M. Alekseev, similar to the "school of joy" of V. Sukhomlinsky, in the central press; Thanks to his efforts, the school acquired the status of a Republican school with in-depth study of the basics of physics and mathematics, where he worked until 1985. In total, more than two thousand students graduated from the first physics and mathematics classes, the Verkhnevilyui physics and mathematics school No. 2 and the Verkhnevilyui republican gymnasium.

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But Mikhail Andreevich brought up not only the winners of the Olympiads. The children who studied with him maintained their respect for science for the rest of their lives, learned to learn, became worthy citizens, it’s impossible to count how many teachers, doctors, candidates and doctors of science, politicians, engineers were raised by the school founded by Mikhail Alekseev. All of them saw before them a living example of a real citizen and a Teacher with a capital letter.

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Mikhail Andreevich worked in the physics and mathematics school he created for only ten years. But the "Promethean fire" kindled by the outstanding teacher did not go out in the minds and hearts of his contemporaries. In 1990, the Verkhnevilyui republican gymnasium was opened, which was later named after the USSR people's teacher M.A. Alekseev. At present, this republican gymnasium, the only one in Yakutia, bears the dignified title of the spiritual successor to the early and advanced stages of physics and mathematics education. It became the prototype of modern innovative educational institutions of the republic - gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums.

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The school is known in Yakutia as "Alekseev's school", although Mikhail Andreevich is an ordinary teacher. It's just that the life style of this school is given to them and rooted, and the teachers are supported. Even when physics and mathematics classes were born and Alekseev rushed about Yakutsk in search of instruments, sent in batches of entreaties to Moscow publishing houses, he was clearly aware that the main thing was not the famous Feynman lecture courses in physics, not oscilloscopes, but "the correct aspiration of life." Alekseev believes: having set personal goals, you cannot become an intellectual. He himself is an intellectual in this high, civic meaning of the concept. But never to the world of his home, chamber, he gave so much spiritual strength as to school. Mikhail Andreevich's love for children is reckless, but not disinterested. His self-interest is the future of Yakutia, its cultural, scientific and technical ascent. Alekseev's kindness, if I may say so, is social, for it serves a fair, accurate identification of the child's capabilities, multiplying them to a vocation and bringing them to a profession, the return of which, in his opinion, is all the more significant the more responsive a person is brought up. It is no coincidence that almost all of the Upper Vilyuys return home to Yakutia after universities.

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If there were no teacher, then there would probably be no poet, no thinker, no Shakespeare, no Copernicus. And to this day, probably, If there were no teacher, the Undiscovered Americas Remained undiscovered. And we would not have been Icarus, We would never have soared into the sky, If in us by his efforts Wings were not grown.

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You are the fate of human sorcerers and ruler, You are a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom, light, You are just a magician! You're just ... a teacher, But it's so difficult - just giving advice. Teacher, the days of your life, as one, You devote to the school family, You call all those who came to study to you Your children. But children grow up, from the school bench They walk along the roads of life And they carry your lessons in their memory, And they keep you in their hearts.

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The famous educator divided teachers into three categories. Those who look at the school as a source of livelihood were called tormentors. He considered the “teachers for joy” to be real teachers, whom life brought together in childhood with good teachers. And "teachers from pain" - they were poorly taught in childhood, and they wanted to find the best ways of education. Now almost a third of the subject teachers of the Upper Vilyui school are Alekseev's students. Truly "the best gift of the country to children is a good teacher". This is from the minutes of the teachers' council, from Alekseev's speech. The best practices of Mikhail Andreevich were widely promoted on the pages of the newspapers Izvestia, Sovetskaya Rossiya, in the magazines Culture and Life, Physics at School. He published a series of articles: "All children are good." "Upbringing is more difficult than teaching", "A teacher is always a teacher", "Happiness is in your hands", etc. Was created and shown several times on Central TV documentary "Our warm home." Brochures “M.A. Alekseev ", From the experience of extracurricular work in physics and technology, books about him" Inextinguishable flame "," Teacher from God "," People's teacher MA Alekseev "were published.

Leontyeva Aida Afanasyevna
Position: Physics teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Lekechenskaya secondary school named after A.I. Leontiev"
Locality: from. Lekechen of Vilyui ulus RS (Y)
Material name: article
Theme: The sower of the reasonable, kind, eternal - people's teacher of the USSR, Alekseev M.A.
Date of publication: 25.04.2018
Section: secondary education

"Sower of the reasonable, kind, eternal - people's teacher of the USSR Alekseev

"The sower of the reasonable, kind, eternal" was the initiator of physical







people's teacher of the USSR Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev. is he

with his life and genuine service to the people really confirmed

these words of wisdom about teachers. 57 years ago at the Verkhnevilyui school named after

Isidora Barakhova Mikhail Andreevich and his associates achieved







mathematical school. Most of the graduates of these classes and schools



are working


the economy




teachers, their lessons. I studied at the Verkhnevilyui Physics and Mathematics

the last



class teacher, but also our physics teacher. We saw him

every day and constantly talked, and I, as a niece, sometimes also

spent the night at their house. Mikhail Andreevich was kind, but strict, always

sensitive and attentive to us. All of our teachers were professional

their business. Everything that we have absorbed from them undoubtedly helped and helps

to this day. When Mikhail Andreevich lived in Vilyuisk, I often visited him.

I have preserved all my school notes on physics, notebooks for

solving problems. I am especially careful to keep the letters of my dear Teacher.

He shared with me his innermost thoughts. Every day I

i remember Mikhail Andreevich, I always mentally consult with him. It is he


to enter




university, I was given a postgraduate course at the Paton Institute in

the city of Kiev, but I chose the profession of a teacher and came to my native village.

Mikhail Andreevich then wrote to me that I did the right thing,

it is a sacred thing to work in their native land, to teach the children of their fellow villagers. FROM

since then, for the 31st year I have been teaching physics at the Lekechen school, and since 2008

i have been working as a director for a year. I am glad that at the end of 2015 our

the school was awarded the Grant of the Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) E.A. Borisov (1 million rubles),




"Best Rural School - 2017". This is our fourth Grant, before that we

received the Grant of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (2007), Grant of the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) V.A. Shtyrov

(2009), Grant of the Republican Committee of Family and Childhood under the President

RS (Y) (2010). In this I see my Teacher's blessing, his justification

bright hopes.

100 year old


Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev. All my colleagues - physics teachers and

mathematics -

i urge

worthy to celebrate the anniversary of our dear

Teachers! Let's celebrate him with our spiritual gifts, because Mikhail Andreevich

always stressed that above all in the teacher - love for children.

Aida Leontieva

Director, physics teacher

Lekechen secondary school named after A.I. Leontiev,

On February 7, a plenary session of the republican meeting of education workers of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was held under the leadership of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic Vladimir Egorov... The State Councilor of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the first president of Yakutia took part in the plenary session Mikhail Nikolaev, Chairman of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) Alexander Zhirkov, federal experts, etc.

In his speech, Vladimir Anatolyevich quoted the words of the German teacher Friedrich Disterweg "... the teacher himself is the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student" and recalled the outstanding Yakut teacher, people's teacher of the USSR Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev: "Mikhail Andreevich is a true teacher who did not raise one generation of talented teachers. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War... And the people's teacher of the USSR. Chevalier of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, orders of the Great Patriotic War. Laureate of the A.E. Kulakovsky. Honored teacher of schools of the YaASSR and the RSFSR. Excellence in public education of the USSR. He is the first founder of a school in the republic with an in-depth study of the foundations of physics and mathematics. The initiator and inspirer of the physical and mathematical movement in the republic. The intellectual, civil and moral feat of Mikhail Andreevich in his ideas and deeds to create a new school of new pedagogical science, we see now being in the XXI information age. May 5 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Andreevich. The 100th anniversary of the people's teacher of the USSR is an event of cultural significance, significant for the entire public of the republic. 2017 in the field of education of the republic is declared by the Ministry of Education and Science as the Year of Mikhail Andreyevich Alekseev, ”the minister said.

- Mikhail Efimovich Nikolaev,State Counselor of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), First President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) .

- Alexander Nikolaevich Zhirkov,Chairman of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) .

- Alexander Nikolaevich Kim-Kimen, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) .

- Yuri Mikhailovich Grigoriev,doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Full Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Professor of the North-East federal university named after Maxim Kirovich Ammosov, chairman of the methodological commission of the International Olympiad for schoolchildren "Tuymaad" in physics.

- Pavel Arkadievich Sergomanov,director, Center for Leadership in Education, School Management, Institute of Education High school economics, candidate of psychological sciences .

- Vladimir Igorevich Blinov, head of the Center vocational education and the qualification system of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor.

- Elena Leonidovna Indenbaum,doctor of Psychology, Head of the Department of Complex Correction of Child Development Disorders Pedagogical Institute Irkutsk State University.

- Natalia Georgievna Amelina, chief specialist of the Institute information technologies in UNESCO education.

- Ivan Ivanovich Alekseev, director of the Vilyui technical school of the Vilyui ulus.

- Alexey Nikolaevich Pavlov, teacher of mathematics of the Republican boarding school with in-depth study of individual subjects, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) named after Mikhail Andreevich Alekseev in the field of pedagogy.

- Raisa Vladimirovna Berezhnova, director of the Abyisk secondary comprehensive school named after Doctor of Technical Sciences Arkady Yegorovich Sleptsov of Abyisky ulus.

Press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)