Demo version of kdr in physics. Earthworm in nature plays a role

Monitoring the quality of education

All-Russian verification works (VPR) and Regional verification works (RPR) are not state final certification... They are conducted by the educational organization independently, using uniform options for assignments for the entire Russian Federationdeveloped at the federal level in strict accordance with the Federal State educational standard... These are diagnostic works to evaluate individual achievements students.

VLOOKUP and RPR can be compared with control workstraditionally held in the past decades in many regions and individual educational organizations. Distinctive features VLOOKUP are the unity of approaches to drawing up options, carrying out the work themselves and evaluating them, as well as using modern technologies, allowing to ensure almost simultaneous execution of work by students of all educational organizations Russian Federation.

VLOOKUP tasks are developed at the federal level, RPR tasks - at the regional level.

What do VLOOKUP and RPR give

Experts from Rosobnadzor report that such a test of knowledge at school allows:

  • Psychologically prepare students for exams in the senior class, in particular for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam.
  • Determine the amount and level of knowledge that was acquired during the completed year of study.
  • Will give an incentive to systematic studies throughout all years, in addition to grades 9 and 11.
  • The downsides to study programs in the subjects being tested will not go unnoticed.
  • Parents will be aware of the student's level of knowledge.
  • Will give an opportunity to improve common system learning.

Normative documents

The schedule for conducting all-Russian verification works in educational organizations for academic subjectsstudied at the levels of elementary general, basic general and secondary general education for the 2018-2019 academic year

Schedule of regional studies of the quality of education in educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory in 2018-2019 academic year

the date Class Thing Form of conducting
9.10.2018 4 Russian language RPR
9.10.2018 9 Informatics and ICT RPR
11.10.2018 4 Maths RPR
23.10.2018 9 Social science RPR
24.10.2018 4 The world RPR
25.10.2018 9 Geography RPR
13.11.2018 9 Maths RPR
14.11.2018 3
15.11.2018 9 Biology RPR
20.11.2018 10 Foreign language RPR
21.11.2018 2 Complex verification work In Russian. mathematics around the world Regional comprehensive verification work
22.11.2018 10 Informatics and ICT RPR
27.11.2018 10 Story RPR
29.11.2018 10 Chemistry RPR
4.12.2018 10 Physics RPR
5.12.2018 9 Story RPR
6.12.2018 10 Biology RPR

1. The main organ of excretion in humans

A) Liver

B) Kidneys

C) Leather

D) Lungs

2. The figure shows a diagram of the structure of the human heart. What letter is the right atrium on it?

1) A

2) B

3) B

4) G

3.. The formation of carbon dioxide in the human body occurs in

A) muscle cells

B) erythrocytes

D) lungs

4. The figure shows a human skull. What letter on it denotes the bone that protects the visual area of \u200b\u200bthe cerebral cortex?

1) A

2) B

3) B

4) G

5. What is the function of intestinal villi in the human digestive canal?

A) participate in the formation of water-soluble vitamins

B) increase the speed of food movement during digestion

C) neutralize harmful substances coming from food

D) increase the surface of contact of the intestinal wall with food

6. Blood in the human body turns from venous to arterial after leaving:

A) lung capillaries

B) left atrium

C) liver capillaries

D) right ventricle

7. To reduce swelling and pain in case of joint dislocation,

A) apply an ice pack to the injured joint

B) try to develop the damaged joint

B) independently correct the dislocation in the damaged joint

D) warm the damaged joint

8. The internal cavity of the tooth with nerves and blood vessels is called

A) cement B) dentin C) enamel D) pulp

9. The nerve cell is:

A) nephron B) axon C) neuron D) dendrite

10. How many ribs does a person have?

A) 12 pairs B) 14 pairs C) 10 pairs D) 8 pairs

11. Pleura is:

A) a kind of ciliated epithelium

B) an organ involved in the formation of sounds

B) a thin dense shell covering the lungs

D) the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity

12. Coarse straight hair, a wide face, a narrow eye slit are signs of:

A) Equatorial race

B) Caucasian race

C) Mongoloid race

D) Negroid race

13. The gray matter of the brain is formed by a cluster of:

A) processes of neurons B) axons

B) dendrites D) cell bodies

14. The autonomic nervous system regulates the work of:

A) skeletal muscles B) only the digestive system

B) only the heart D) all internal organs

15. Before the use of the vaccine, many children in our country suffered from whooping cough. What kind of immunity occurs after a child undergoes this infectious disease?

A) natural congenital

B) natural acquired

C) artificial active

D) artificial passive

16. Which of the following can cause AIDS? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

A) using a public toilet

B) a kiss on the cheek of an AIDS patient

C) being at the same desk with an AIDS patient

D) using someone else's toothbrush

E) ear piercing

E) tattooing

17. Establish a correspondence between the gland and the characteristic that corresponds to it. To do this, select a position from the second column for each element of the first column. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.


A) the lack of the produced hormone causes 1) the adrenal gland


B) produces the hormone insulin 2) pancreas

B) gland of mixed secretion

D) produces the hormone adrenaline

D) consists of the cortex and medulla

E) iron steam room

18. Establish the sequence of stages of the passage of the nerve impulse with the knee reflex.

A) anterior roots of the spinal cord

B) sensory fibers of the spinal nerves

C) skin receptors

D) posterior roots of the spinal cord

D) sacral spinal cord

E) muscle

G) motor fibers of the spinal nerves

19. Explain why it is harmful to wear tight shoes, and in adolescence - and high-heeled shoes.

20. When the temperature rises environment in order to avoid overheating in the human body, heat transfer increases. In what ways is it carried out?

Answer matrix

19. The correct answer should contain the following elements.

1. In narrow shoes the foot is compressed, muscles are overstrained, blood circulation deteriorates, skin abrasions appear, sweating increases and legs fatigue.

2. In adolescence - during the period of intensive growth - high-heeled shoes can lead to incorrect formation of the skeleton, poor posture, flat feet

20. The correct answer should contain the following elements:

1) In narrow shoes, the foot is compressed, muscles are overstrained, blood circulation worsens, skin abrasions appear, sweating increases and legs fatigue.

2) In adolescence - during the period of intensive growth - high-heeled shoes can lead to improper skeletal formation, poor posture, and flat feet. The elements of the answer can be given in other, close to

"Analysis of the CRA of the 9th grade of 2016 in the Krasnodar Territory Guidelines according to GIA-9 for teachers based on typical mistakes participants of the CRA in biology CRA in biology ... "

Analysis of the CRA of the 9th grade of 2016

across the Krasnodar Territory

typical mistakes of participants in the CRA in biology

of the year. In the region of 9th grade graduates 39689, and 11473 graduates wrote the work that

is 28.9%.

The structure of the work corresponded to the codifier, specification and demo version presented to the regional teachers back in December 2015. In the 9th grade, biology, as well as in the 11th grade, is an elective subject, but this academic year, according to preliminary data (February - 2016), almost 16,000 graduates of the 9th grade were chosen in the 9th grade. The work is designed for 45 minutes and consisted of 13 tasks in 2 parts: the first part contains -12 tasks, and the second part - 1 task. The total score for the work is 17 points.

The grading scale is as follows:

0-8 points -2 9-11 points -3 12-15 points -4 16-17 points- 5 Diagram No. 1

The results of the CRA in the 9th grade of the region:

on average at the edge 48% "2" "3" 30% "4" 20% 2% "5" The diagram shows that in the 9th grade, the work was performed much worse than in the 11th grade. It can be concluded that the graduates of the 9th grade Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory GBOU IRO Krasnodar Territory Biology Grade 9 Regional diagnostic work in biology February 2016 almost not ready for GIA-9 in biology. The teacher has a huge preparatory work with graduates! The scores "4" and "5" account for only 22%, and "2" - 30%. Diagram № 2 Distribution of assessments for the implementation of CRA-9 This diagram shows the results of implementation by municipalities.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory SBEE IRO Krasnodar Territory Biology Grade 9 Regional diagnostic work in biology February 2016 Diagram No. 3 This diagram gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat topics and issues need to be paid attention to and thoroughly worked out.

In the first part of the CRA, there is a low indicator for assignments No. 4,6,8, 9,10.

Task number 4 tested the role of animals in nature and human life.

For example: Simple eyes:

1) spider-cross

2) crayfish

4) Asian Locust Answer: 1

An earthworm in nature plays a role:

1) creator of minerals

2) pest

3) destroyer of organic residues

4) manufacturer organic matter Answer: 3

2. The safest and most effective way to control harmful insects.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory SBEE IRO Krasnodar Territory Biology Grade 9 Regional diagnostic work in biology February 2016

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Task number 6 Vn.d. Conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, their biological significance.

For instance:

What type of temperament does a person have with a strong balanced system, characterized by weak mobility of nervous processes?

1) melancholic

2) sanguine

3) phlegmatic

4) choleric

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To the highest nervous activity refer?

1) unconditioned reflexes

2) instincts

3) orientation reflexes

4) speech Answer: 4 After what illness is persistent immunity developed?

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Task number 8 - the influence of environmental factors on organisms, biotic factors include:

1) the gas composition of the atmosphere

2) temperature

3) soil salinity

4) none of the above

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Flooding a lake under the influence of runoff from farms is an example of the effect of

1) biotic

2) abiotic

3) man-made

4) agronomic

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The biotic factor is:

1) volcanic eruption

2) attack of a predator on a prey

3) temperature

4) technogenic pollution of the oceans Answer: 2 Task number 10 - the consequences of human activities in ecosystems.

What causes anthropogenic air pollution?

1) forest fire caused by lightning

2) combustion of hydrocarbons at a chemical plant

3) volcanic eruption

4) earthquake Answer: 2

The main cause of acid rain is:

1) overgrowth of algae

2) human economic activity

3) volcanic eruption

4) a sharp increase in the number of locusts

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Indicate the most dangerous cause depletion of biological diversity of the biosphere:

1) physical pollution of the habitat

2) destruction of habitats

3) chemical pollution of the habitat

4) direct extermination of living organisms Answer: 2 Why is environmental pollution with radioactive isotopes dangerous for humans?

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Assignments No. 8, 9, 10 from ecology, despite the fact that the specification and codifier were posted on the institute's website in advance, the students were not ready to answer these questions, because the teachers explain these topics have not yet been completed. I think that this situation does not justify the poor knowledge of graduates, because environmental themes are touched upon in each class, and even more so the subject is elective, with each graduate it was necessary to work out these topics in advance and such problems would not have arisen.

Not a single task, as in the 11th grade, is 100% completed, it's time to think about this question.

Tasks No. 11, 12 at an increased level, the average indicator No. 11 is 1.04; No. 12 - 0.63.

Task number 11 tested knowledge about the senses - here the graduates showed more solid knowledge.

What is the difference between a person's daytime vision and twilight vision:

1) cones work

2) there is no color difference

3) visual acuity is low

4) sticks work

5) color difference is carried out

6) high visual acuity

Answer: 125

Farsighted people need to use glasses:

1) since their image is focused in front of the retina

2) since their image is focused behind the retina

3) since they poorly see the details of closely spaced objects

4) since they poorly distinguish distant objects

5) having biconvex lenses that enhance the refraction of rays

6) having biconcave lenses that diffuse light

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11 What parts of the visual analyzer are involved in the origin, conduct and analysis of nerve impulses?

2) lens

3) rods and cones

4) optic nerve

5) vitreous

6) visual cortex cerebral hemispheres

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In option No. 3 it was formed incorrectly, the task instead of the organ of hearing, the auditory analyzer sounded, but using distractors the graduates answered correctly.

Task number 12 checked the work with the text by comparing different cells, this task turned out to be very difficult, from year to year the graduates show poor knowledge and ability to work with the text not only in cytology, but in all topics.

Insert in the text "Plant cell" the missing terms from the proposed list, using numbers for this. Write down the numbers of the selected answers in the text, and then transfer them to the table.

Plant cell All plants have _____________________ (A). Outside, the cage is covered with ___________________ (B), which consists of __________________ (C). The main part of the cell is __________________ (D), in which the chromosomes are located. When breathing, the cell absorbs __________________ (D) and secretes ______________ (E).

During cell division, the most significant changes occur with the chromosomes.

List of terms:

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Task number 13 - high level (working with tables and free answers to 3 questions, most of the students coped, the average score of 3 points is 1.37 - this is a good indicator.

Using the table "Energy consumption of an adult at an average temperature and humidity of the surface of the environment and normal loads", as well as using knowledge from the course of biology, answer the following questions.

Energy consumption of an adult at an average temperature and humidity of the surface of the environment and normal loads

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1. Due to what process is the regulation of heat exchange in the heat, while the percentage of heat transfer is more than 20%?

Biology Grade 9 Regional diagnostic work in biology February 2016

2. What is the most energy-intensive process?

The analysis of the CRA in the 9th grade allows us to draw the appropriate conclusions:

Graduates poorly mastered the educational material at the basic and advanced levels on the topics:


Animals, their role in nature and human life;

Temperaments v.n.d .;

Working with text in all 5 blocks of the codifier.

Use tasks identical to the KIM (s) of the 9th grade in the intermediate and current control of the topics studied and repetition

On the basis of diagnostics and IEP, conduct individual work of preparation for GIA-9 in biology.

It is advisable to solve with the graduates an open segment of assignments for grade 9 on the FIPI website.

Use textbooks in preparation: V.S. Rokhlov "Man and His Health";

V.S. Rokhlov "OGE in 2016" publishing house "National Education";

Complex work with grades 5-9 "publishing house" National Education "2015

Good luck and good luck to everyone! We are waiting for high results!

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