Battle of Stalingrad 70 years of events in the library. Titles, titles, quotes for exhibitions, etc.

Event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad

goal : to contribute to the education of feelings of love and pride for the native land, Motherland, great people;

to expand the students' understanding of the Great Victory at Stalingrad;

foster a respectful attitude towards the older generation;

to show the courage of Russian soldiers and the cruelty of the war, to develop a sense of patriotism, to foster respect for the history of the country, the traditions of the school, and the performance of civic duties.

Equipment : multimedia computer;photographs of military Stalingrad; songs about war; presentation.

Event progress :

Good afternoon! Our event is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Levitan's words about the end of the Battle of Stalingrad

Lead 2. Stalingrad battle - the decisive battle of the entire Second World War, in which the Soviet troops won the largest victory. This battle marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the course of World War II and World War II in general. The victorious offensive of the German fascist troops ended and their expulsion from the territory began. Soviet Union.

The city of Stalingrad (until 1925 - Tsaritsyn) was founded in the 16th century. Now the city has been renamed Volgograd.

On the eve of the war, Stalingrad was the largest industrial and cultural center countries with half a million population. The strategic importance of Stalingrad was determined by two important factors: its defense potential and geographic location... A tractor plant, famous in the 30s, worked in the city, which gave the country 50% of tractors. In 1940, the production of T-34 tanks began on its basis. The products of the Krasny Oktyabr and Barrikady factories were of great defense importance. Having seized Stalingrad, the Germans got access to the Caucasus, the Near and Middle East, and therefore to unlimited oil reserves. For the USSR, the loss of Stalingrad meant an inevitable collapse, since this would deprive the army and industry of the main sources of oil. Hitler planned to capture the city in 2 weeks, but the Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943)

Our people remember those 200 days and nights that seemed endless.

It was crystal clear to everyone that Stalingrad was the last frontier. And this line cannot be surrendered.

Viewing the video clip “The Battle of Stalingrad. Chronicle of battles " (up to 7:10 min.)

Open to the steppe wind
Broken houses stand.
Sixty-two kilometers
Stalingrad will be stretched out in length.

As if he were blue along the Volga
He turned around in a chain, took the fight.
He stood up front across Russia
And he covered it all up with himself.

In the heat of factories, houses, station,
Dust on the steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland told him:
- Do not hand over the city to the enemy!

And that order "Back - not a step!" -
Harsh military order
Instilled courage in the hearts of people,
That the Victory hour is not far.

Lead 2. Victory soviet troops near Stalingrad had a huge stimulating effect on the national liberation movements of the peoples of those countries that were occupied by the troops of Germany and its allies. In the days of February 1943 on the banks of the Volga was won a great victory, which marked the beginning of a radical change in the war. Since then, the word "Stalingrad" has entered all languages \u200b\u200bof the world and has become a universally recognized symbol of heroism, extraordinary fortitude and selfless love for their Fatherland.


We fell asleep thinking about you.
At dawn we turned on the loudspeaker
To hear about your destiny.
Our morning began with you.
In the worries of the day dozens of times in a row,
Gritting my teeth, holding my breath,
We confirmed:
- Take heart, Stalingrad! -
Your suffering went through our heart.
It ran hot through our blood
The stream of your unthinkable fires.
We so wanted to be shoulder to shoulder
And take on yourself at least some of the blows!

Song-Video "Stalingrad"

Lead 1. The most difficult day for the Stalingrad people was August 23, 1942. At three o'clock in the afternoon, hundreds of enemy heavy bombers appeared over the central part of the city. In just two hours in the afternoon, enemy aircraft made about two thousand sorties. The Germans dropped either incendiary or heavy high-explosive bombs. Huge hell. The smoke of the conflagration covered the midday sun. Explosions of terrible power shook the air. Dwelling houses, neighborhoods were burning, schools, hospitals and hospitals were crumbling like cards. Groans and cries of the wounded were heard from everywhere. The city was turned into ruins. Killed from above40 thousand civilians. It was not only buildings that were on fire, the earth and the Volga were on fire. The heat was so hot in the streets from the fires that the clothes of the people who fled for shelter caught fire. August 23, 1942 is the most mournful date in the history of Stalingrad. Fascist generals were ordered to wipe out the city on the Volga. The history of the war did not know such a fierce battle.

Leading The soldiers of Stalingrad withstood such an onslaught of the enemy, which has never been experienced by any army in the world. Together with the soldiers, the city was defended by all its inhabitants. At the tractor factory, women assembled tanks, which were sent straight from the assembly line to the battlefield.

The battles here were fierce, they fought for every street, for every house. The wounded were transported to the other side of the Volga by boats, cutters, and longboats. When the wounded who had been brought back were asked what was going on in the city, they answered: “Everything is on fire: houses, factories, land. The metal melts. " "And the people?" - “People? They stand to death!

The whole country lived for these long months with events, battles in Stalingrad. Our soldiers did not surrender a single street, not a single house to the enemy without a fight.

The earth has not seen since birth

No siege, no such battle

The earth trembled, and the fields blushed,

Everything was burning over the Volga River.

In the heat of factories, houses, station,

Dust on the steep bank.

"Do not hand over the city to the enemy!"

Loyal to the oath russian soldier,

He defended Stalingrad.

The time will come - the smoke will clear

The war thunder will cease

Taking off his hat when meeting him,

The people will say about him:

This is an iron Russian soldier

He defended Stalingrad.

Leading: An example of courage is the still standing house of Pavlov, the soldiers who never left it until the city was completely liberated.

The house in the area of \u200b\u200bthe square named after January 9 (now - Lenin Square) occupied a dominant position over the surrounding area. From here it was possible to observe and fire the part of the city occupied by the enemy to the west up to 1 km, and to the north and south - even further. A small group of soldiers, led by Sergeant Yakov Pavlov, seized the house and turned it into a stronghold. The Nazis subjected the house to crushing artillery and mortar shelling, bombed it from the air, continuously attacked, but its defenders staunchly repulsed countless enemy attacks for 58 days and nights, inflicted losses on it and did not allow the Nazis to break through to the Volga in this area. "This small group, - notes Marshal Chuikov, - defending one house, destroyed the enemy soldiers more than the Nazis lost in the capture of Paris."

Why is everything wrong?

It seems - everything is, as always:

The same sky is blue again

The same forest

The same air

the same water

Only he did not return from the battle.

The song "The Never Returned Soldier"

The students read an excerpt from the letters of German soldiers:

Leading: The Germans themselves spoke of the courage of our defenders. Extract from the diary of a Nazi killed at Stalingrad: “... We only need to walk one kilometer to the Volga, but we just can't get through it. We are fighting for this kilometer longer than for all of France, but the Russians are standing like boulders.

Reader 1. And here is an extract from the diary of Wilhelm Hoffmann:

“September 1: Are the Russians really going to fight on the very bank of the Volga? This is crazy!

October 27: Russians are not people, but some kind of iron creatures. They never get tired and are not afraid of fire ...

Reader 2. From a letter from the soldier Reffert to his wife. 29.XII.1942
"... Above many, who last year did not think about death, stands today a wooden cross. During this year, many people have lost their lives. In 1943 it will be even worse. If the situation does not change and the encirclement is not broken through then we will all die of hunger.

Reader 3. From a letter from non-commissioned officer Georg Krieger to the bride. November 30, 1942
"... We are in a rather difficult position. It turns out that the Russian also knows how to wage war, this was proved by the great chess move that he made in the last days, and he did it not by the forces of a regiment or a division, but much larger ones ... "

The Battle of Stalingrad is one of the heroic pages in the history of our people. In the fierce battle, the people showed personal and collective heroism. Mass heroism confused the enemy. The Germans did not understand its reasons, its roots, origins. The exploits of ordinary Russian soldiers frightened the enemy, instilled in him a sense of fear. Reading the pages of history, getting acquainted with the exploits of people, you are surprised at their dedication, strength, will, courage. What drove their actions? Love for the Motherland, striving for a bright future, a sense of duty, an example of comrades who fought shoulder to shoulder? ..

4 reciter: Heroic feat similar to feat fairytale hero Danko, who burned his heart for the sake of the happiness of people, was made here by the military sailor Mikhail Panikakha. On September 28, while repelling an enemy attack near the village of Krasny Oktyabr, he used up all the grenades and, grabbing a bottle with a combustible mixture, swung to throw it into a fascist tank. And at that moment the bottle was broken by a fascist bullet. The sailor flashed like a living torch and, in front of the amazed comrades, rushed towards the enemy vehicle. He managed to grab a second bottle and threw it onto the motor's grate. A huge burst of fire and smoke consumed him. Mikhail burned out. With his body, he covered the enemy machine gun and saved the lives of his comrades, who then took possession of the pillbox and destroyed 20 Nazis in a fierce battle.

2 reader: One of the many examples of the iron fortitude and mass heroism of the defenders of Stalingrad was the immortal feat of 33 soldiers of 1379 infantry regiment 87th Infantry Division. They were armed with machine guns and rifles, they had grenades and bottles with a combustible mixture, they had only one anti-tank gun and 20 rounds for it. And against them was attacked by a battalion of infantry and 70 tanks.

For several hours this handful of people, led by political instructor A. Eftifeev and junior political instructor D. Kovalev, repulsed the fierce attacks of the enemy. Having lost 150 killed, leaving 27 destroyed tanks on the battlefield, the enemy retreated! ...

Lead 1. On November 23, the troops of Stalingrad and Southwestern Fronts connected at the village of Sovetsky, 18 km from Kalach. A fascist grouping with a total number of 330 thousand people was surrounded.

Operation "Ring" - Hitler's command strove from outside to save the troops surrounded at Stalingrad from defeat. Army Group Don is hastily formed under the command of General Manstein. The operation to destroy the encircled group, which received the code name "Ring", was entirely assigned to the Don Front. On January 27, the Don Front began to eliminate the enemy. Field Marshal Paulus was taken prisoner along with his staff. The enemy's southern grouping ceased resistance, and the Northern grouping continued to resist until February 2. The Battle of Stalingrad ended with a brilliant victory for the Soviet troops. It marked the beginning of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War.

Lead 2. Stalingrad has forever entered the consciousness of mankind as a symbol of the unyielding will, courage and courage of Soviet soldiers. We, who are now living, and our descendants will bow our heads with gratitude before the memory of those who defended Stalingrad at the cost of their own lives, proved their love and devotion to the Motherland.

The eternal flame on the Square of the Fallen Fighters was lit on February 1, 1963 on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. In 1967, a monument was unveiled on the Mamayev Kurgan. The grandiose 52-meter sculpture "Motherland" as conceived by the author-sculptor Vuchetich, raises the sword of liberation in Stalingrad. There is also a mass grave in which soldiers of 13 divisions who died in the battles for Stalingrad are buried.


In due time - not too late and not early -
Winter will come, the earth will freeze.
And you to Mamaev Kurgan
You will come on the second of February.
And there, at that frosty,
At that sacred height
You're on the wing of a white blizzard
Put in red flowers.
And as if for the first time you will notice
What it was, their military path!
February - February, soldier's month -
Blizzard in the face, chest-deep snow.
A hundred years will pass. And a hundred blizzards.
And we are all in debt to them.
February - February. Soldier's month -
Carnations are burning in the snow.

Lead 1. Battle for Mamayev Kurgan lasted 135 days out of all 200 days Stalingrad battle ... The slopes of the mound were pitted with bombs and mines - even on snowy days it remained black. The snow here instantly melted, mixing with the ground from the artillery fire. The density of the fire here was colossal: one square meter land accounted for from 500 to 1250 bullets and shrapnel. Upon completion Stalingrad battle on Mamaev Kurgan buried the dead from all over the city. About 34.5 thousand people are buried here. At that time, this place became a real mound, i.e. burial place. It is not surprising that in the first post-war spring, the Mamayev Kurgan did not even turn green - no grass grew on the burnt-out ground.

The song "On Mamayev Kurgan Silence"


And widows do not weep for them,

Someone brings bouquets of flowers to them,

And the eternal flame is lit.

The ground here reared up before,

And now - granite slabs.

There is not a single personal fate here -

All destinies are merged into one.

And in the Eternal Flame, a flared tank is visible,

Burning Russian huts

Burning Smolensk and burning Reichstag,

The burning heart of a soldier.

Mass graves have no widows in tears -

Stronger people come here.

No crosses are placed on mass graves,

But does it make it easier? ..

Leading Defenders of Stalingrad ... "An iron wind beat them in the face, and they all went forward, and again a feeling of fear gripped the enemy: people went on the attack, are they mortal? .. "

Yes, they were mere mortals, and few of them survived, but they all fulfilled their duty to the sacredMOTHER - NATIVE.

All the heroes cannot be named, but they are remembered. Houses, streets, squares are named after them. In memory of them, the Eternal Flame is lit.

A minute of silence.

Reader. I've never seen a war
And I can't imagine her horror
But the fact that our world wants silence
Today I understand very clearly.
Thank you for not getting it
Imagine and recognize such torments.
All this had to your share:
Anxiety, coldness, hunger and separation.
Thank you for the bright light of the sun,
For the joy of life in every moment of ours,
For the trills of the nightingale and for the dawn,
And beyond the fields of blooming daisies.

The song "Let's bow to those great years"

Teacher. At this event, the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad is over. Thank you all for your attention!

February 2, 1943 citizens Soviet Union heard from the Soviet Information Bureau: Today, February 2, 1943, the troops of the Don Front have completely completed the liquidation of the German fascist troops surrounded in the Stalingrad region.

1. Scenario (blog "Bibliomir83")

5. Additional little things on the topic for the presentation design. (dietary supplements blog)


And if we were told: - Live two more lives!

We both would give them, For living to the Fatherland ...

Sl. 1. Screensaver.

One hundred winters will pass.

And a hundred blizzards.

And we are before them

everything is in debt.

February, February.

Soldier's month.

Carnations are burning in the snow.

Sl. 2.

At dawn on June 22, 1941, the German army with all its might fell on Soviet soil. The Great Patriotic War began, the war of the Soviet people against the fascist occupants, which lasted 1418 days and nights. By the middle of the summer of 1942, the battles of the Great Patriotic War reached the Volga.

The beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad can be considered on July 17, when the advance detachments of the 62nd and 64th armies of the Stalingrad Front met with the detachments of the 6th German army near the Chir and Tsimla rivers. Throughout the second half of the summer, there were fierce battles near Stalingrad.

By November, almost the entire city, despite resistance, was captured by the Germans. Only a small strip of land on the banks of the Volga was still held by our troops. But it was too early to declare the capture of Stalingrad, as Hitler did. The Germans did not know that the Soviet command already had a plan to defeat the German troops. The development of the offensive operation "Uranus" was carried out by Marshal G.K. Zhukov

Despite the war, the Soviet people were preparing to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the existence of their state.

And in Stalingrad these days the soldiers took an oath to defend Stalingrad. It was signed by everyone who held the weapon in their hands. Both a soldier and a general.

In their oath, the front-line soldiers said that, fighting at Stalingrad, they knew that the battle was going on not only for this city.

“At Stalingrad we defend our Motherland, defend everything that is dear to us, without which we cannot live. Here, near Stalingrad, the question is being decided: whether or not the Soviet people should be free. That is why we strain our strength, this is why we fight to the last, because each of us understands that we cannot retreat further ... We swear ... that we will defend Stalingrad to the last drop of blood, to the last breath, to the last heartbeat ... "

Sl. 3.

On February 2, 1943, citizens of the Soviet Union heard from the Soviet Information Bureau: Today, on February 2, 1943, the troops of the Don Front have completely completed the elimination of the German fascist troops surrounded in the Stalingrad region. Our troops broke the resistance of the enemy, surrounded north of Stalingrad, and forced him to lay down his arms. The last center of enemy resistance in the Stalingrad region was crushed. On February 2, the historic battle of Stalingrad ended in complete victory for the Soviet troops.

Sl. 4

What happened then -

Blood flowed like water

But not the Volga, but the violent rapids.

Roll up your sleeves

Brazenly pearl horde,

Hiding behind the "tiger" armor

Black and white grin

Someone stood up in full growth,

Baptized with the crossfire.

Who died for us

He forgave us for this,

But he went into immortality without saying goodbye.

He fell on the run

In the red muddy snow

They will bury him on the mound.

Sl. five

February 2nd - Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad!

Kurgan, sculpture of the Motherland, silence ...

And as in a silent ... and black and white, old film

The step of the Descendants is sad ... Heart ... and Soul ...

Veterans, Grandfathers and Fathers are coming ...

And bow to the names of those killed

For what Life after ... Mothers ... Sons ...

The Medals are ringing ... Scarlet carnations -

On the marble of Memory from all Living!

And Russian, eternal Sorry ...

On the slope ... in the Temple of All Saints ...

A minute lasts ... to believe in Tears ...

And Life, like Repentance, is long!

And your feat ... of course not to measure ...

All because ... because the Motherland ... One!

Mamaev Kurgan, an upland in the central part of Volgograd (north of the Central Station), dominating the city, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich stubborn battles took place during the Battle of Stalingrad 1942-43. In 1963–67, a monument-ensemble was erected on Mamayev Kurgan to commemorate the victory at Stalingrad. In the center of the ensemble is the Motherland Monument (52 m high). At the foot of the mound there is a monument “To stand to the death”, under it are the ruins of two walls with relief compositions revealing the theme of heroic struggle.

Sl. 6.

Volgograd - Stalingrad,

Souls of the Fallen Soldiers

Everything is on fire - there is simply nowhere to go.

There are simply no awards

There are no awards in the world

What is worthy of the memory of the heart.

Sl. 7

Stalingrad! Stalingrad!

Fight both night and day

Smoke everywhere, burning everywhere,

Blazing with fire

Forty-third year January!

But not a step back

Let's turn back time

Dear Stalingrad,

Let's stand to the death

For you, for you

For you, Stalingrad!

Sl. eight

Volgograd - Stalingrad,

Private and battalion commander

People stand in silence

The cranes will fly by

And the murmur is like a funeral service.

Sl. nine

Under the influence of the Battle of Stalingrad, major changes took place in the international one. A radical change took place during the Second World War. In the battle of Stalingrad Soviet army defeated 5 enemy armies, captured 91 thousand people. But there were also many losses among Soviet soldiers.

The lines fit straight into the notebook ...

Let hundreds of times

Snow will come down from the slopes

All the same, my heart will stop

With this figure - 20 million.

Sl. 10. Roads of war near the Volga river ...

And the results of the Battle of Stalingrad are as follows:

  1. The defeat of the Wehrmacht at Stalingrad accelerated the collapse of the Hitlerite coalition: Italy withdrew, Hungary, Romania and other allies of Germany were on this path.
  2. The death of selected troops at Stalingrad caused a decline in the morale of the German population.
  3. For 200 days of the battle on the Volga, enemy losses in killed, wounded and prisoners amounted to 1.5 mil. person. A three-day mourning period was declared in the country. More and more Germans began to think that the Nazis were leading them to death.
  4. The victory on the Volga caused an upsurge in the national liberation movement in countries enslaved by the Nazis. In Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, the struggle against the invaders grew.
  5. In the Soviet Union, the defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad strengthened the people's faith in victory, gave strength for life in the name of helping the front, gave hope for an end to the war.
  6. The battle on the Volga showed high level military skill and tactical skill of the Red Army and its command, boundless heroism and staunchness of its soldiers, devoted to the Motherland and the people.
  7. After the Battle of Stalingrad, a new stage of the war began. On all fronts, our troops were advancing to the west, liberating the occupied territories of the Soviet Union and European countries from the fascist aggressors. The outcome of the war was predetermined in our favor.
  8. The Battle of Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the war.

Sl. eleven.

For the Soviet Union, which also suffered heavy losses during the battle, the victory at Stalingrad marked the beginning of the country's liberation, and the victorious march through Europe that led to the final defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.How it was…

The Stalingraders fought for every meter of land, for every destroyed house, while work was in full swing in the rear of the fronts. The counter-offensive has begun!

The enemy was taken in pincers. All the German fascist troops operating at Stalingrad, those that survived the destruction, were taken prisoner, led by their commander-in-chief, Field Marshal Paulus. During the Battle of Stalingrad, which covered an area of \u200b\u200bone hundred thousand square kilometers, Soviet troops utterly defeated five enemy armies - two German, two Romanian and one Italian. The total losses of the Nazi troops here amounted to more than eight hundred thousand people!

These were the most difficult days for the city. There was a battle like history had never known. The Great Battle of Stalingrad ... Millions of people, many thousands of aircraft, tanks and guns fought a grandiose battle for six and a half months. vast territory... Having taken Stalingrad, the Nazis intended to enter the rear of Moscow, break through to the Caucasus, seize the passes over the ridge, and seize the Soviet oil-bearing regions. Much, very much promised the Nazis the successful implementation of these plans. But they didn't come true.

Sl. 12

The victory at Stalingrad was all the more significant because now the peoples of the world saw in the Land of Soviets a powerful force capable of ridding humanity of the “brown plague.” The greatness of the Battle of Stalingrad is also recognized by our enemies.

Stalingrad was defended by two armies - the sixty-second of General Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, he took command in the most fateful hours of the Battle of Stalingrad, and the sixty-fourth of General Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov. The enemy managed to drive a wedge between them. And then the main blow turned against the sixty-second. The enemy embraced her with a horseshoe and pressed her to the Volga.

And Hitler, meanwhile, hastened to inform the world that Stalingrad had fallen. “The Russian forces are on the verge of exhaustion,” he boasted. "Their resistance is only of local importance." On September 14, targeting the city center, the Nazis brought in large forces of infantry and tanks.

Sl. 13

On this difficult day for the city, the Thirteenth Guards rifle division... And the news that help was near added strength to those who were bleeding on the right bank of the river.

Hold on! To hold out by all means!

Tracer bullets cut through the sky like endless red-hot strings. Lighting flares - "umbrellas" flare up. They hang motionless in the air. And it becomes clear how fountains of earth fly up, how clouds of dust swell - shells and mines explode ... A minute passes, then another, and the rocket, as if on reflection, begins to descend smoothly, illuminating everything around with an indifferent bluish light. And black-black shadows, bouncing, scatter from the silent boxes of houses. And again everything was drowning in darkness. Fire raged on the high bank. It was hard to believe that anything alive could remain in this pitch hell, but it only seemed so. There, on the Stalingrad coast, a fierce struggle was going on next to death. Soviet soldiers defended every meter of the earth. On February 2, 1943, the last enemy grouping was eliminated, which is considered the date of the end of the battle. The last torn to pieces German soldiers and officers surrender.

Sl. 14. Sacred stones.

Forty second. Shells, mines.

And the screeching of bombs is heard.

There is a house left, like an island in the sea.

Others are erased to the ground.

And a skeleton remained from it.

There are only a handful of soldiers in the basement.

How could people survive?

And their commander is Pavlov,

A little older than them. Sergeant.

Boys. The godchildren of napalm.

The last provisions have expired.

Water drop by drop. But the shells

So far there is to beat the enemy.

Although they knew: they would not give a reward.

And who doesn't care about life?

But the soldiers did not give the house away.

He is a part of the Motherland, the rear.

We can hardly imagine

How difficult September was.

Pavlov's house went down in the history of the war years. And whoever has visited Volgograd, he will definitely come to this place, which has become the embodiment of the unfading glory of the great feat of the people. ... And a hundred and fifty meters from Pavlov's House, closer to the Volga, to this day stands the skeleton of a red brick building, riddled with bullets, mutilated by shells. This is the famous mill, the stronghold of the glorious third battalion. Volgograd residents decided not to restore it. Let the dear ruins forever remain a monument to those terrible days!

And at that time, the Pavlov House, connected by numerous threads with the entire defense of the regiment and division, continued to stand as an impregnable fortress on the Ninth January Square.

Inside this fortress, tense combat life... Every day, every hour was filled with heroic deeds.

Among the ruins of this house and in its basements, secrets were arranged - firing points for a heavy machine gun, for a "bobby" mortar, for a pair of anti-tank rifles and two light machine guns. All this helped to defend Pavlov's House from the south - and in fact from this side, after the Nazis still managed to occupy the house of the military organization, the distance to the enemy did not exceed forty-five meters!

Here is just a small episode of those battles ...

This time the enemy began with "throat reconnaissance" - that is how the Hitlerites' manner of calling each other in the morning was called here. The distance to the military center, where they settled, is short. In calm weather, when there is no big shooting, shouts in broken Russian are clearly audible:

- Hey, Rus, get up, you need to heat the stove!

From Pavlov's House they answer:

- Already flooded, you will soon get Stalingrad dumplings!

The fascists were treated to "dumplings" without stint. They were sent by the mortars of Aleksey Chernushenko.

Sometimes a naive question was heard from the enemy side:

- Rus, how many of you are there?

They were answered:

- A full battalion and even a supplement ...

- Rus, how much bread do they give you a day?

“A loaf for two,” came the answer.

- Changing bread for cartridges ... You have nothing to shoot with ...

- Now you will get it for free! .. - And they opened fire from all machine guns.

During the Battle of Stalingrad, Pavlov's house became the subject of fierce battles. In mid-September 1942, it was decided to turn Pavlov's house into a stronghold: the favorable location of the building made it possible to observe and fire on the territory of the city occupied by the enemies for 1 km to the west and more than 2 km to the north and south. Sergeant Pavlov, together with a group of soldiers, settled in the house - since then, Pavlov's house in Volgograd has taken his name. On the third day, reinforcements arrived at Pavlov's house, delivering weapons, ammunition and machine guns to the soldiers. The defense of the house was improved by mining the approaches to the building: that is why the assault groups of the Germans for a long time could not capture the building. A trench was dug between Pavlov's house in Stalingrad and the Mill building: from the basement of the house, the garrison kept in touch with the command.

On Paulus's personal map, this house was marked as a fortress. The captured German intelligence officers believed that it was defended by a whole battalion. German assault groups sometimes captured the lower floor of the building, but could not capture it entirely. For the Germans it was a mystery how the garrison on the upper floors was supplied.

Of the 26 defenders of Pavlov's house, only three were killed - mortar lieutenant A. N. Chernyshenko, guard sergeant Idel Yakovlevich Khait and private Ivan Timofeevich Svirin.

On November 25, during the attack, Pavlov was wounded in the leg, was lying in the hospital, then was the gunner and the commander of the reconnaissance department. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Star and many medals. On June 27, 1945, Pavlov, who by that time had received an officer rank, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Sl. 15 the living torch

The Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights. One of the terrible days for the residents of the city is August 23, 1942. Then, back in 1942, German military aircraft intended to wipe Stalingrad from the face of the earth. Several thousand bombs were dropped on the houses of the townspeople, destroying most of Stalingrad, killing more than 40 thousand people, thereby turning the city into a huge territory covered with burning ruins.

People did not spare themselves in this war. They fought to the last, performed feats, sacrificing their lives. Such a feat was performed by the Red Army soldier Mikhail Panikakha, whose monument is located in the Krasnooktyabrsky district of the city of Volgograd.

Sl. sixteen

Fascist tanks rushed to the positions of the battalion of the marines. Several enemy vehicles moved to the trench in which the sailor Mikhail Panikakha was, firing cannons and machine guns.

Through the roar of shots and the explosions of shells, the clank of the tracks was heard more and more clearly. By this time, Panikakha had already used up all his grenades. He had only two bottles of the fuel mixture left. He leaned out of the trench and swung, aiming the bottle at the nearest tank. At that moment, the bullet broke the bottle raised above his head. The warrior flared up like a living torch. But the hellish pain did not cloud his consciousness. He grabbed the second bottle. The tank was nearby. And everyone saw how the burning man jumped out of the trench, ran close to the Nazi tank and hit the engine hatch grill with a bottle. An instant - and a huge flash of fire and smoke engulfed the hero, along with the fascist car set on fire by him.

He was presented to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union back in November 1942, but received it only by the decree of the President of the USSR of May 5, 1990, posthumously.

For a long time, there was a memorial sign with a memorial plate at the place of the hero's feat. On May 8, 1975, a monument was erected on this site. Poet Demyan Bedny dedicated poems to the heroic deeds of a soldier.

... He fell, having accomplished his feat,

Our sailor is fighting,

But he fell like a proud winner!

To knock down the flame on the sleeve

Chest, shoulders, head,

Burning torch avenger warrior

I didn't roll on the grass

Seek salvation in the swamp.

He burned the enemy with his fire,

Legends are made about him, -

Our immortal sailor.

Sl. 17. Thank you lad!

During the Great Patriotic War a whole army of boys and girls acted against the Nazi invaders. It was an amazing "movement"! Boys and girls did not wait for adults to "call" them - they began to act from the first days of the occupation. They risked mortally! Someone found leaflets scattered from planes and distributed them in their regional center or village. The Polotsk boy Lenya Kosach collected 45 rifles, 2 light machine guns, several baskets of cartridges and grenades on the battlefield and safely hid them all; an opportunity presented itself - passed it on to the partisans. Each,made an unbearable contribution for his age to the overall Victory. The poet dedicated a poem to one of these little heroes.

It was a difficult fight. Everything today, asleep,

And I just can't forgive myself:

From thousands of faces I would recognize a boy

And what is his name, I forgot to ask him.

About ten to twelve years old. Troubled,

Of those that children have leaders,

Of those in the frontline towns

They welcome us as dear guests.

The car is surrounded in parking lots ..

There was a fight for the street. The enemy's fire was terrible

We broke forward to the square.

And he nails - do not look out of the towers, -

And the devil will understand where it hits from.

He nestled, - so many holes,

And suddenly a boy ran up to the car:

Comrade commander, comrade commander!

I know where their gun is. I scouted ...

I was crawling, they are over there in the garden ...

But where, where? .. - Let me go

On the tank with you. I'll give it straight.

Well, no battle awaits. - Get in here, buddy! - +

And so we roll to the place four of us.

MKOU "Bolshovskaya average comprehensive school urban district city of Mikhailovka, Volgograd region. "

8th grade.

Prepared by a history teacher

Tsykanova Marina Alexandrovna

x. Big 2015

Extra-curricular event "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad".

8th grade.

Goal: Organization of an extracurricular event in memory of the victory of the Russian people in the Battle of Stalingrad.


    to expand the knowledge of students about the historical events of the victory in the Great Patriotic War;

    foster patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, respect for veterans and the memory of a great victory:

    form the ability to find information on a given topic;

    to promote the development of a sense of pride in the heroic past of the small homeland;

    evoke an emotional and moral response to the events of the Battle of Stalingrad and a sense of admiration for the hometown.

Technical equipment: personal computer, multimedia projector, screen, PowerPoint program, presentation.

Preliminary work:learning poetry, preparing messages on the topic “Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad”.

The course of the event.

On the old, dear to us Earth

There is a lot of courage. It

Not in the hall, will and warmth,

Not born in the cradle ...

K. Simonov

Teacher:70 years have passed since the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, but its echoes are still heard. How many lives this war took, how many destruction it left behind, how many broken lives ... The whole country worked for victory in the rear, and at the front people showed massive heroism and courage. And all this for the sake of the future life of other generations, entire peoples and countries , for the sake of peace on earth.

Reader 1:

Where two hundred days and nights
A great battle was raging
There with the blood of a thousand people
Every meter of the earth was soaked.
There the strength of Soviet soldiers
Crushed the fascist force, -
The guns have been silent there for a long time
And the fields have cooled down from the fires.
There today over the Volga River,
On the sacred land of Stalingrad,
A field flower tears to the sun,
From under the helmet of a punched soldier.
A life! We praise her greatness.
Live! - this is human blessing and happiness.
For him, for your happiness and mine
The heroes gave their lives.

Teacher:From July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943, heavy, bloody battles took place on the territory of the Volga steppes. In terms of duration and ferocity, in terms of the number of people participating and killed in them, this battle surpassed all previously known battle history.

The Battle of Stalingrad is an unparalleled feat of the people ... On the Stalingrad land, Soviet people withstood the most difficult test ...

The capture of Stalingrad was important to Hitler for several reasons. Firstly, it was the main industrial city on the banks of the Volga (a vital transport route between the Caspian Sea and northern Russia). Secondly, the capture of Stalingrad could provide security on the left flank of the German armies advancing into the Caucasus. And thirdly, the very fact that the city bore the name of Stalin, Hitler's main enemy, made the capture of the city a winning move.

And today we will talk about the courage shown by the participants in the Battle of Stalingrad during the battle.

An excerpt of B. Okudzhava's song "We need one victory" is played (from the film "Belorussky Station")

Teacher: Yes. Our soldiers did not stand behind the price, fought to the death, to the last drop of blood.

Reader 2.

Day after day, the Stalingradians fought.

In an unprecedented bloody battle.
In these terrible days they defended
and the Fatherland, and their Volga.
You and I did not know defeat
Our slogan was: "Not a step back!"
Until the last they stood to death,
But they did not surrender Stalingrad to the enemy.

Teacher:The defenders' motto became the words: “Not a step back! Stand to death! There is no land for us beyond the Volga! " In fierce bloody battles, thousands of heroes were born, showing examples of courage, courage, and selflessness.

Who are they the real heroes of Stalingrad?

Apprentice 1

Vasily Zaitsev is a sniper. He personally killed 242 fascists, 11 of them were German snipers. Zaitsev combined all the qualities of a sniper - visual acuity, sensitive hearing, endurance, endurance, military cunning. He knew how to choose the best positions, to mask them. The Germans brought the best sniper to Stalingrad to destroy Zaitsev. But soon the fascist sniper was shot in a difficult duel.

Apprentice 2

Mikhail Panikakha. On October 2, 1942, in the battles of Stalingrad, he performed a heroic feat. Enemy tanks were moving into the trench in which he was. Taking two bottles of flammable liquid, Mikhail crawled towards the main German tank. The bullet hit one of the bottles, the liquid instantly spilled over the fighter's body and ignited. Bursting out with a torch, Mikhail rushed to the grate of the engine hatch and smashed the second bottle on it. The German tank stopped ...

Apprentice 3

Matvey Putilov is a headquarters signalman. In the midst of the battle, it was necessary to fix the damaged connection. Two previous unsuccessful attempts to restore communication ended in the death of communications workers, and then Matvey Putilov was given the task of restoring wire telephone communication. A mine fragment wounded him in the shoulder. Overcoming the pain, he crawled to the place where the wire was broken, but was wounded again: his arm was shattered. Losing consciousness and unable to act with his hand, he squeezed the ends of the wires with his teeth, and a current passed through his body. The connection was restored. Matvey Putilov died with the ends of the telephone wires clamped in his teeth.

Apprentice 4

Sniper Pyotr Goncharov in battles he destroyed 445 fascists. After the Battle of Stalingrad, he became a sniper mentor. Celebrating the new year 1944 with his fighting friends, he said: “German corporal Hitler had to remove 402 Fritz from the boiler ration because of my shots. And if we add here the work of my young comrades, snipers of our regiment, the score will exceed 1000. Pyotr Goncharov continued to take part in the battles and died near Krivoy Rog on January 31, 1944. On October 10, 1944, Goncharov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. (Posthumously)

Apprentice 5

Sniper Anatoly Chekhov defended the Pavlov House. In Stalingrad, he killed 256 Nazis. He was only 19 years old at the time. During his service in the army he trained 20 snipers. In 1943, near Kiev, his foot was blown off by an explosion, he underwent 12 operations. After recovering, Chekhov went to work at an electromechanical plant. Created about him documentary "And the saved world remembers."

Apprentice 6

Alexey Vaschenko. It was September 5, 1942. There was a bloody battle on the right flank of the 272nd Rifle Regiment of the NKVD. The Nazis threw a large number of tanks and infantry here. The fourth company of machine gunners was supposed to attack the enemy and go on the offensive. But at that time an enemy heavy machine gun opened fire from the bunker. The attack was thwarted. Then Alexey Vashchenko stood up to his full height and rushed to the enemy firing point. Alexey was wounded. Half dead, he crawled to the bunker and covered it with his body. This confused the enemy and enabled the company to go on the offensive. Our compatriot Nikolai Serdyukov repeated his feat, also covering the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his body and providing this attack.

Teacher:Speaking about the heroes of Stalingrad, one cannot fail to mention our fellow countryman, a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad, Shishkin Ivan Yakovlevich.

Ivan Yakovlevich Shishkinwas born in the Mokhov farm in a peasant family. From the age of seven he was a bull driver. He worked on a collective farm in the field, with cattle. He has earned awards in peacetime: the Order of the Badge of Honor, the title of Honorary Collective Farmer. Before the war he was a freelance correspondent for the Prizyv newspaper.

Went through the whole war. Member of the Battle of Stalingrad. Has two orders of the Great Patriotic War, medals "For Military Merit", "For the Capture of Berlin", "For the Liberation of Warsaw", "For the Defense of Stalingrad". Has letters of thanks from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief for the battles on the Oder, Vistula.

After the war he returned to his native farm. He worked as a secretary of a party organization. He built a club on a voluntary basis. Then he was in charge of it for seven years. He was the ringleader and initiator of interesting events. He himself always took part in them.

Then he worked on a collective farm as a driver at GAZ - 51. He transported grain from the field to the current. Fifty years of experience. Has many certificates of honor.

Reader 3

Ah, the war that you did vile
Instead of weddings - parting and smoke.
Our girls dresses are white
They gave it to their sisters.
Boots, where can you go from them?
Yes, green wings epaulettes.
You spit on gossips girls
We'll settle accounts with them later.
Let them talk that you have nothing to believe in,
That you are wandering about a war at random
Goodbye girls! Girls,
Try to get back

Teacher:The women in white coats also fought the enemy to the end. Every day was filled with groans and crying, pain and horror, blood and despair. And every minute there was a struggle of these "sisters" for the most precious thing - for human life.

Student 8:

During the Battle of Stalingrad, Lyudmila Rodionova, after being severely wounded in the head, helped 70 wounded. IN cold water on the crossing of our troops to the right bank of the Volga in the fall of 1942, under continuous bombardment, she courageously rescued the drowning.

Student 9:

420 wounded were carried from the battlefield by Maria Kukharskaya. In attacks, she walked behind the fighters in order to see them. They sacredly believed in her. They knew that he would not overlook one, not leave one.

Student 10:

Nurse Masha Melikhova did more than make bandages. She gave her blood to the seriously wounded. This mercy, participation, compassion, increased the strength of the soldiers tenfold, and was a real feat.

Student 11:

Everyone knows the name Guli Koroleva. On November 24, 1942, during the fighting, she took out 100 wounded soldiers from the battlefield. She brought grenades to the fighters, and when the critical moment of the battle came, she led the fighters. Wounded twice, she did not leave the battlefield in her the last fight personally destroyed 15 fascists and died a hero's death.

Reader 4:

I was both a pioneer and a soldier

But my tie was replaced by bandages.

Death roared over our medical battalion

And with a squeal they dropped from the height.

And I suffered bravely and stubbornly

Tore off the bandages in a raging delirium.

I sometimes shouted in a childish way: "MOM!"

So it was in the 41st year.

Teacher:During the war, children had to work on an equal footing with adults behind enemy lines, look after the wounded, take them out of the battlefield, help detain spies, seize weapons from the Nazis, and perform not childish feats at all. Many died in the struggle for their homeland, giving away the most precious thing they had, their lives.

Student 12:

The youngest defender of the city was Seryozha Aleshkov. This six-year-old orphan boy helped the fighters as best he could. He brought them food, shells, cartridges, sang songs, recited poems, and delivered mail between battles. His heroic deed saved the life of the regiment commander. When Soviet troops crossed the Dnieper, fighter Alyoshkov saw a flame rise over the dugout where the commander was. He rushed to the dugout, but the entrance was blocked up, and nothing could be done alone. The fighter, under heavy fire, reached the sappers, and only with their help was it possible to extract the wounded commander from under the pile of earth.

Student 13:

A "barefoot garrison" was operating in the Verbovka farm, which was captured by the Nazis. This detachment consisted of teenagers 10 - 14 years old. There were 20 of them, and they fearlessly acted against
enemy, sowing panic among the invaders. “We vow to beat the fascists all the time, harm them in every way. We will avenge the women, children and old people who were shot and tortured. Blood for blood! None of us will get scared, back down or change. For treason and cowardice - death "- such was the oath of the little heroes of the great war ...

The boys were captured and brutally tortured, and then on
the eyes of the farmers were shot. It seemed the earth was crying for these children who died for their Motherland, for these real little men. Ten angels flew into the sky ...

Teacher:Today, speaking of victory and giving recognition and gratitude to the victors, we must never forget about those who have remained forever lying at Stalingrad. Unfortunately, there were a lot of them.

A minute of silence is announced ...

In the memory of our people, this time lives not only as a time of a radical turning point in the war, but also as horror, as an unforgettable grief. This event still reminds of itself in almost every home with yellowed triangles of soldiers' letters, terrible sheets of "funerals", surviving military awards, photographs of those who died at the front, died of wounds, diseases and missing relatives. We have no right to forget about it. This is our history, this is our memory

The recording of the song "Hot Snow" (music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov) is played.

MKUK "Library system" MO Yeisk district, librarian Okhrimenko Irina Ivanovna

Leading. There are dates in the calendar that are forever inscribed in the heroic chronicle of the country. One of them - Stalingrad battle, which lasted from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943.
A battle like which the history of war has never known. Today is a day of memory and sorrow, courage and heroism of the Russian people, who won the Great Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad.

Reader 1.

At the noisiest intersection
at the entrance to the city of Stalingrad,
there are chestnuts and birches
and ate slender stand.

No matter how you look, you will not meet them
in the forests of the Volga side,
and they say these trees
brought from afar.

And it was like this: once the war
was on the Volga coast.
There are three soldiers at the crossroads
sat side by side in the snow.

It was January. And the wind is biting
drifting into the rings curled.
A fire was burning at the crossroads -
warmed the soldiers' hands.

The soldiers knew that there would be a battle.
And before the fight for half an hour
they probably remembered
their distant forests.

Then there was a battle ... And three soldiers
remained forever in the snow.
But the crossroads of Stalingrad
they did not give it to the enemy.

And now at the crossroads
at the place where the soldiers died,
there are chestnuts and birches,
and ate slender stand.

They rustle with alien sheets
washed in the rain in the morning,
and burn our memory
by the fire of a soldier's fire.

(M. Agashina)

Clip of the song "Stalingrad" (A. Vilena)

Leading. The events of the Battle of Stalingrad retreat further into history. But the events of those terrible years will never be erased from the memory.

Reader 2

Open to the steppe wind
Broken houses stand.
Sixty-two kilometers
Stalingrad will be stretched out in length.

As if he were blue along the Volga
He turned around in a chain, took the fight.
He stood at the front across Russia -
And he covered it all up with himself.
(S. Orlov)

Leading. The greatest battle in the history of World War II, the Battle of Stalingrad, began on July 17, 1942.
None of the world battles in scale, ferocity and importance can be compared with it. It unfolded on a huge territory of 100 thousand square kilometers, lasted 200 days and nights (6.5 months). On both sides, over 2 million people took part in it, up to 2 thousand tanks, more than 2 thousand aircraft, up to 26 thousand guns.
In the city, ninety-eight percent of buildings were burned and destroyed.
Hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers displayed unparalleled heroism. "There is nowhere to retreat, there is no land for us beyond the Volga." The inscription on the wall of one of the destroyed houses: “Yes, we were mere mortals, and few of us survived, but we all fulfilled our patriotic duty to the end before the sacred Mother-Motherland”.

Reader 3.
Defender of Stalingrad

In the heat of factories, houses, station.
Dust on the steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland told him:
"Do not hand over the city to the enemy!"

Russian soldier faithful to the oath,
He defended Stalingrad.
Rolling loudly in the bloody haze
A hundred attack shaft,

Angry and stubborn, chest-deep in the ground,
The soldier stood to death.
He knew that there was no turning back -
He defended Stalingrad.

One hundred dive bombers howled over him
In the sky, like a fiery serpent,
He did not leave the trench, we keep
Loyalty to his Russian.

Between charred black masses
He defended Stalingrad.
The tank moved towards him, growling.
Threatened with torment and death.

He, hiding in a ditch, on his shoulder
I smashed the tanks with a grenade.
Bullet for bullet. Projectile - for a projectile.
He defended Stalingrad.

Death approached him point blank.
The darkness lashed like steel.
Artilleryman, infantryman, sapper -
He's not crazy.

What is the flame of a hyena to him, hell? ..
He defended Stalingrad.
Just a soldier, lieutenant, general -
He grew up in a battlefield.

Where metal dies in the fire
He passed through alive.
One hundred grueling days in a row
He defended Stalingrad.

The war thunder will cease.
Taking off his hat when meeting him,
The people will say about him:
- This is an iron Russian soldier,
He defended Stalingrad.
A. Surkov)

Leading. At Stalingrad, Soviet troops defeated five armies: two German, two Romanian and one Italian.
Fascist troops lost in killed, wounded, captured more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers, as well as a large number of military equipment, weapons and equipment. Only in the battles for "Pavlov's House" (58 days) did Hitler's troops suffer significantly more losses than in the capture of some European capitals!
During the fighting from January 10 to February 2, 1943, Soviet troops defeated 22 fascist divisions, captured 91 thousand soldiers and officers, including 24 generals led by Field Marshal Paulus.
For military exploits in the Battle of Stalingrad, 125 Soviet soldiers became Heroes of the Soviet Union.
Stalingrad was awarded the title of Hero City.

Video clip “Stalingrad. An unparalleled feat "

Leading. The victory at Stalingrad was the biggest event of the Second World War. It marked the beginning of a turning point in the course of hostilities. Our Victory began with her.

Reader 4
Stalingrad silence

The last volley. And after sleepless days
we waited for an unprecedented dream.
And finally with the third echelon
there came a complete silence.
She lies, unheard of large,
on sleeves and on broken bricks,
deafening with such a heartbeat,
that you fall asleep on the fly, in the heat of the moment.
And Stalingrad on this night for the first time
took off his boots and unfastened the belts.
Not all the dead were buried alive,
but in the hearths there were lights.
And let the "Junkers" circle above us,
Scared looking at the flag.
We sleep without boots. Pood pieces
reddish limestone stuck to them.
- ... And you have green eyes,
the same as my sweetheart -
a friend told me thoughtfully.
With our arms outstretched, we both fell asleep.
(Semyon Gudzenko)

Leading. The land of Stalingrad ... Charred by conflagrations, hewn with metal, abundantly watered with blood. It seemed that no one would resurrect her. Up to 1250 fragments of mines, shells, and grenades were collected from each square meter of the land of the Mamaev Kurgan. They covered the ground so densely that even grass did not grow on the mound for several years.
There are almost no ominous traces of war left on the revived land, but she lives in the fates of people, she looks at us with the barrels of guns in museums, long lists of names on mass graves, the mournful eyes of mothers.

Reader 5.
2nd of February

In due time -
not too late and not early -
winter will come
the earth will freeze.
And you
to Mamaev Kurgan
you will come
the second of February.

And there,
at that frosty,
at that sacred height
you're on the wing
blizzard white
put red flowers.

And as if for the first time
what was he like,
their way of arms!
February, February,
soldier's month -
blizzard in the face,
snow to the chest.

One hundred winters will pass.
And a hundred blizzards.
And we are before them
everything is in debt.
February, February.
Soldier's month.
Are burning
on snow.
(M. Agashina)

Don't forget those terrible years
When the Volga water was boiling.
The earth was drowning in the fury of fire
And there was no night and no day.
We fought along the Volga shores,
Divisions of enemies marched to the Volga,
But our great soldier stood
But immortal Stalingrad survived!

Let's bow to those great years
To those glorious commanders and soldiers
And to the marshals of the country, and privates,
Let us bow down to the dead and the living, -
To all those who cannot be forgotten
Let's bow, let's bow, friends.
The whole world, all the people, the whole land -
Let's bow for that great fight.

We remember, we are grateful to people who gave their lives for a clear sky overhead,
we are grateful to all those who gave us peace on earth at the cost of their lives.

1. What is the start date of the Battle of Stalingrad? (July 17, 1942)
2. When did the Battle of Stalingrad end? (02.02.1943)
3. Name the most terrible day for the city, when fascist bombers made more than 2 thousand sorties. (08.23.42 g.)
4. How many days did the Battle of Stalingrad last? (200 days.)
5. How long did Hitler want to take over the city? (In 2 weeks.)
6. What regiments defended Stalingrad in the Mamaev Kurgan area? (Tarashchansky, Bogunsky.)
7. Where is the place that the defenders of Stalingrad called "the main height"? (Mamaev kurgan.)
8. What is the height of Mamaev Kurgan? (102 meters.)
9. What feat did Panikakha accomplish? (06.09.1942 Mikhail Panikakha, being engulfed in fire, stopped an enemy tank.)
10. What is the Pavlov House known for? (10.10.1942 this house was seized and defended by the guard senior sergeant Ya.F. Pavlov together with a group of machine gunners, repelling 40 enemy counterattacks.)
11. When did the Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad begin? (19.11.1942)
12. Who was the commander-in-chief of the German army? (Colonel General Paulus; January 31, 1943 mass surrender.)
13. What streets in our area are named after the defenders of Stalingrad?
14. What are the largest monuments to the defenders of Stalingrad in our city? (Mamaev Kurgan, panorama museum "Battle of Stalingrad".)
15. Which building has remained unrecoverable since the Battle of Stalingrad? Why is this done? (The mill building is in memory of the feat of the defenders of Stalingrad.)
16. The significance of the Battle of Stalingrad. (A radical turning point in the war.)
17. What is the city awarded for this battle? (Order of Lenin, Gold Star of the Hero.)\u003e

Event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad

goal : to contribute to the education of feelings of love and pride for the native land, Motherland, great people;

to expand the students' understanding of the Great Victory at Stalingrad;

foster a respectful attitude towards the older generation;

to show the courage of Russian soldiers and the cruelty of the war, to develop a sense of patriotism, to foster respect for the history of the country, the traditions of the school, and the performance of civic duties.

Tasks aimed at achieving personal results:

fostering a sense of patriotism, pride for their Motherland and for their native people;

the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion, a different point of view;

development of independence and personal responsibility for their actions, decisions made;

development of ethical feelings, benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness,

Tasks aimed at achieving metasubject results:

developing the ability to work with information;

development of the ability to use different ways search for information;

the development of thinking operations: comparison, juxtaposition, isolation of excess, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification. (Cognitive UUD);

the formation of the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection. (Regulatory UUD)

the formation of the ability to competently build speech utterances in accordance with the tasks of communication and compose texts orally;

formation of the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, express your point of view and argue for it;

Equipment : multimedia computer; interactive whiteboard; photographs of military Stalingrad; songs about war; presentation.

Registration: exhibition of books on the Second World War; musical screensavers; slideshow on the topic; student wall newspapers and drawings.

Event progress:

Readers take the stage with the teacher

(with musical accompaniment "Holy War")

Teacher: teacher's speech ...

Lead 1. June. Summer. Saturday. People did their usual things: we played on the street, high school students return from proms... No one suspected that pleasant chores, playful games, and many lives would be crossed out by one terrible word - war.

Lead 2. This is how the Great Patriotic War began. The Battle of Stalingrad is the decisive battle of the entire Second World War, in which the Soviet troops won the largest victory. This battle marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the course of World War II and World War II in general. The victorious offensive of the German fascist troops ended and their expulsion from the territory of the Soviet Union began. On the eve of the war, Stalingrad was the largest industrial and cultural center of the country with a population of half a million. During the war, Stalingrad acquired an exceptionally large strategic importance... Having seized Stalingrad, the Germans got access to the Caucasus, the Near and Middle East, and hence to unlimited oil reserves. For the USSR, the loss of Stalingrad meant an inevitable collapse, since this would deprive the army and industry of the main sources of oil. Hitler planned to capture the city in 2 weeks, but the Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943)

Our people remember those 200 days and nights that seemed endless.

It was crystal clear to everyone that Stalingrad was the last frontier. And this line cannot be surrendered.

Watching the video clip "Battle of Stalingrad"(up to 7:10 min.)

Lead 1 ... The Battle of Stalingrad, in terms of the duration and fierceness of the battles, the number of people and military equipment involved, surpassed all battles in world history at that time. It developed over a vast area of \u200b\u200b100 thousand square kilometers. At some stages, more than 2 million people, up to 2 thousand tanks, more than 2 thousand aircraft, and up to 26 thousand guns, took part in it on both sides. As a result, this battle also surpassed all previous ones. At Stalingrad, Soviet troops defeated five armies: two German, two Romanian and one Italian. The Nazi troops lost in killed, wounded, captured more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers, as well as a large number of military equipment, weapons and equipment

We fell asleep thinking about you.
At dawn we turned on the loudspeaker
To hear about your destiny.
Our morning began with you.
In the worries of the day dozens of times in a row,
Gritting my teeth, holding my breath,
We confirmed:
- Take heart, Stalingrad! -
Your suffering went through our heart.
It ran hot through our blood
The stream of your unthinkable fires.
We so wanted to be shoulder to shoulder
And take on yourself at least some of the blows!

The song "Deadly fire awaits us ..."

Lead 2. The victory of Soviet troops at Stalingrad had a huge stimulating effect on the national liberation movements of the peoples of those countries that were occupied by the troops of Germany and its allies. In the days of February 1943, a great victory was won on the banks of the Volga, which marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the war. Since then, the word "Stalingrad" has entered all languages \u200b\u200bof the world and has become a universally recognized symbol of heroism, extraordinary fortitude and selfless love for their Fatherland.

A student recites a poem

In due time - not too late and not early -
Winter will come, the earth will freeze.
And you to Mamaev Kurgan
You will come on the second of February.
And there, at that frosty,
At that sacred height
You're on the wing of a white blizzard
Put in red flowers.
And as if for the first time you will notice
What it was, their military path!
February - February, soldier's month -
Blizzard in the face, chest-deep snow.
A hundred years will pass. And a hundred blizzards.
And we are all in debt to them.
February - February. Soldier's month -
Carnations are burning in the snow.

Lead 1. The most difficult day for the Stalingrad people was August 23, 1942. At three o'clock in the afternoon, hundreds of enemy heavy bombers appeared over the central part of the city. In just two hours in the afternoon, enemy aircraft made about two thousand sorties. The Germans dropped either incendiary or heavy high-explosive bombs. Huge hell. The smoke of the conflagration covered the midday sun. Explosions of terrible power shook the air. Residential buildings, neighborhoods burned, schools, hospitals, hospitals collapsed like cards. Groans and cries of the wounded were heard from everywhere. The city was turned into ruins. Over 40 thousand civilians were killed. Not only buildings were on fire, the earth and the Volga were on fire. The heat was so hot in the streets from the fires that the clothes of the people who fled for shelter caught fire. August 23, 1942 is the most mournful date in the history of Stalingrad. Fascist generals were ordered to wipe out the city on the Volga. The history of the war did not know such a fierce battle.

Students recite poems:

Reader 1. Open to the steppe wind
Broken houses stand.
Sixty-two kilometers
Stalingrad will be stretched out in length.

As if he were blue along the Volga
He turned around in a chain, took the fight.
He stood at the front across Russia -
And he covered it all up with himself.

Reader 2. In the heat of factories, houses, station,
Dust on the steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland told him:
- Do not hand over the city to the enemy!

And that order "Back - not a step!"
Severe military order.
Instilled courage in the hearts of people,
That the Victory hour is not far.

Lead 2. The soldiers of Stalingrad withstood such an onslaught of the enemy, which has never been experienced by any army in the world. Together with the soldiers, the city was defended by all its inhabitants. At the tractor factory, women assembled tanks, which were sent straight from the assembly line to the battlefield.

The battles here were fierce, they fought for every street, for every house. The wounded were transported to the other side of the Volga by boats, cutters, and longboats. When the wounded who had been brought back were asked what was going on in the city, they answered: “Everything is on fire: houses, factories, land. The metal melts. " "And the people?" - “People? They stand to death!

The students read an excerpt from the letters of German soldiers:

Reader 1. The Germans themselves spoke of the courage of our defenders. Extract from the diary of a Nazi killed at Stalingrad: “... We only need to walk one kilometer to the Volga, but we just can't get through it. We are fighting for this kilometer longer than for all of France, but the Russians are standing like boulders.

And here is an extract from the diary of Wilhelm Hoffmann:

“September 1: Are the Russians really going to fight on the very bank of the Volga? This is crazy!

October 27: Russians are not people, but some kind of iron creatures. They never get tired and are not afraid of fire ...

Reader 2. From a letter from Paul Müller, p / n 22468, to his wife. 31.XII.1942
"... We are going through a big crisis here, and it is not known how it will end. The situation on the whole is so critical that, in my humble understanding, the matter is similar to what happened a year ago near Moscow."

Reader 3. From a letter from the soldier Reffert to his wife. 29.XII.1942
"... Above many, who last year did not think about death, stands today a wooden cross. During this year, many people have lost their lives. In 1943 it will be even worse. If the situation does not change and the encirclement is not broken through then we will all die of hunger.

Reader 4. From a letter from non-commissioned officer Georg Krieger to the bride. 30 November 1942
"... We are in a rather difficult situation. It turns out that the Russian also knows how to wage war, this was proved by the great chess move that he made in recent days, and he did it with the forces of not a regiment or division, but much larger ones .. . "

Reader 5. A huge contribution to the Victory on the Volga was made by the military skill of the commander-in-chief of the 62nd Army, General V.I. Chuikov, and the commander-in-chief of the 64th Army, General M.S. Shumilov, commander 13 guards division A.I. Rodimtsev, commander of Yugo - Western front N.F. Vatutin, the commander of the Don Front K.K.Rokossovsky, Stalingrad - A.I. Eremenko, Voronezh - General F.I. Golikov, Chief of the General Staff A.M. Vasilevsky, G.K. Zhukov, Marshal of the Soviet Union, who, on behalf of the Council of the Supreme High Command, coordinated the actions of the fronts in the Battle of Stalingrad.(Reads under the slides).

The song "Let us bow to those great years" is played

Lead 1. On November 23, the troops of the Stalingrad and Southwestern Fronts joined up at the village of Sovetsky, 18 km from Kalach. A fascist group with a total number of 330 thousand people was surrounded.

Operation "Ring" -Hitler's command strove from outside to save the troops surrounded at Stalingrad from defeat. Army Group Don is hastily formed under the command of General Manstein. The operation to destroy the encircled group, which received the code name "Ring", was entirely assigned to the Don Front. On January 27, the Don Front began to eliminate the enemy. Field Marshal Paulus was taken prisoner along with his staff. The enemy's southern grouping ceased resistance, and the Northern grouping continued to resist until February 2. The Battle of Stalingrad ended with a brilliant victory for the Soviet troops. It marked the beginning of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War.

Student message ...

Lead 2. Stalingrad has forever entered the consciousness of mankind as a symbol of the unyielding will, courage and courage of Soviet soldiers. We, who are now living, and our descendants will bow our heads with gratitude before the memory of those who defended Stalingrad at the cost of their own lives, proved their love and devotion to the Motherland.

The eternal flame on the Square of Fallen Soldiers was lit on February 1, 1963, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. In 1967, a monument was unveiled on the Mamayev Kurgan. The grandiose 52-meter sculpture "Motherland" as conceived by the author-sculptor Vutetich, raises the sword of liberation in Stalingrad. There is also a mass grave in which soldiers of 13 divisions who died in the battles for Stalingrad are buried.

A student recites a poem

And widows do not weep for them,

Someone brings bouquets of flowers to them,

And the eternal flame is lit.

The ground here reared up before,

And now - granite slabs.

There is not a single personal fate here -

All destinies are merged into one.

And in the Eternal Flame, a flared tank is visible,

Burning Russian huts

Burning Smolensk and burning Reichstag,

The burning heart of a soldier.

Mass graves have no widows in tears -

Stronger people come here.

No crosses are placed on mass graves,

But does it make it easier? ..

The first verse and the first chorus of the song "On the Mamayev Kurgan ..."

Lead 1. Battle for Mamayev Kurgan lasted 135 days out of all 200 days Stalingrad battle... The slopes of the mound were covered with bombs and mines - even on snowy days it remained black. The snow here instantly melted, mixing with the ground from the artillery fire. The density of the fire here was colossal: there were from 500 to 1250 bullets and shrapnel per square meter of earth.At the end of the Battle of Stalingrad,The Mamaev Kurgan buried the dead from all over the city. About 34.5 thousand people are buried here. At that time, this place became a real mound, i.e. burial place. It is not surprising that in the first post-war spring, the Mamayev Kurgan did not even turn green - no grass grew on the burnt-out ground.

Reader. A life! We praise her greatness.
To live is human blessing and happiness!
For him. For your happiness and mine
The heroes gave their lives ...

Lead 2. Defenders of Stalingrad ... "An iron wind beat them in the face, and they all went forward, and again a feeling of fear gripped the enemy: people went on the attack, are they mortal? .. "

Yes, they were mere mortals, and few of them survived, but they all fulfilled their duty to the sacredMOTHER - NATIVE.

All the heroes cannot be named, but they are remembered. Houses, streets, squares are named after them. In memory of them, the Eternal Flame is lit.

Reader. I've never seen a war
And I can't imagine her horror
But the fact that our world wants silence
Today I understand very clearly.
Thank you for not getting it
Imagine and recognize such torments.
All this had to your share:
Anxiety, coldness, hunger and separation.
Thank you for the bright light of the sun,
For the joy of life in every moment of ours,
For the trills of the nightingale and for the dawn,
And beyond the fields of blooming daisies.

A song is being performed, slides "From the heroes of the old days ..."

Teacher. At this event, the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad is over. Thank you all for your attention!