Teaching the deductive method of thinking. Definition of deduction: through the general to the particular

Who among us has not read books about Sherlock Holmes or seen the film adaptation of these works! And, of course, all of us were amazed at the ability of the protagonist to see what others would not have paid attention to and to make such conclusions that would not have occurred to anyone else. In any case, each of us would like to visit the place of Mr. Holmes, and this can be done by developing our deductive skills.

But before we talk about the development of deduction, let's first understand what it is. Deduction or deductive inference is a method of thinking in which particular provisions are derived from general provisions using logic. That is, in other words, it is a chain of reasoning, the parts of which are connected by a logical relationship.

How to develop logical thinking, that is, deduction?

Deduction training is about developing your attention, memory, logic and imagination, in other words, it is about developing your brain. How to learn deduction? To do this, you need to do exercises to develop deduction, for example, solving problems in school subjects. Take from the library or ask a friend for five school textbooks in different subjects, and work through all the tasks in them. It may seem like a long and tedious process to you, but developing deduction is not a matter of one day or one month. If you are serious about learning how to master the method of deduction, please be patient, it may take you more than one year.

The next exercise for developing deduction is observation and study. To do this, it is advisable for you to find a person with excellent logical thinking who will help you. You just need to periodically go for a walk with him and watch the passers-by. In the process of observation, you must draw conclusions about a person - how old is he, where he works, where he lives, etc. Over time, you will notice the amazing results you have achieved with these walking activities.

How else can you learn deduction?

We all train and develop deduction when we read scientific or fiction with curiosity and pleasure. Yes, it is our desire and curiosity, like nothing else, that develops in us logical thinking... For more effective development and training of deduction, take a small interesting cognitive story, read it carefully, and then try to more fully convey the meaning of the story in your own words. Since you will not be able to develop a deduction method, if you read the story once and retell it, be sure to do it systematically, then the result will not be long in coming.

And finally, in order to understand how to master deduction, how to develop deduction, try to be critical of any situation, that is, delve into it, get to know it from the inside, take it apart. Constantly improve your knowledge, learn the flexibility of your mind, look for alternative ways of solving a seemingly everyday standard problem.

And, of course, the more you read useful scientific literature, the better you will understand how to develop deduction faster. Try to start by reading one paragraph a day of the subject of interest. In any situation, look for explanations and logical chains, it may not work the first time, but, as you know very well, everything depends only on your desire.

You can do everything if you wish. But the desire cannot be made.

I wish you success in working on your consciousness!


Artyom Luchko

The skills of a good detective, such as the ability to quickly "read" a situation and to reveal the smallest details of secrets, recreating pictures of what happened and psychological portraits people are definitely useful for everyone. It is not that difficult to acquire and hone them. Having studied various techniques, we have selected several useful tipsthat will help you get a little closer to Sherlock Holmes.

Attentionto the details

As you observe people and everyday situations, be aware of the smallest signals during conversations to be more responsive to the course of events. These skills have become trademarks of Sherlock Holmes, as well as the heroes of the series "True Detective" or "The Mentalist". The New Yorker columnist and psychologist Maria Konnikova, author of Mastermind: How to Think Like by Sherlock Holmes, says Holmes's method of thinking is based on two simple things - observation and deduction. Most of us do not pay attention to the details around us, and in the meantime, outstanding (fictional and real) detectives have a habit of noticing everything down to the smallest detail. How to train yourself to be more attentive and focused?

First, give up multitasking and focus on one thing. The more things you do at the same time, the more likely you are to make mistakes and the sooner you miss important information. It is also less likely that this information will be stored in your memory.

Secondly, it is necessary to achieve the correct emotional state. Anxiety, sadness, anger and other negative emotions that are processed in the amygdala interfere with the brain's ability to solve problems or absorb information. Positive emotions, on the other hand, improve this brain function and even help you think more creatively and strategically.

Develop memory

Having tuned in the right way, you should strain your memory in order to start putting everything observed there. There are many methods for training it. Basically, it all boils down to learning to attach importance to individual details, for example, the brands of cars parked near the house, and their numbers. At first, you will have to force yourself to remember them, but over time it will become a habit and you will remember cars automatically. The main thing when forming a new habit is to work on yourself every day.

Play more often " Memori»And other board games that develop memory. Set yourself the task of memorizing as many objects as possible in random photos. For example, try to memorize as many items as possible from photographs of the "" section of our colleagues from FURFUR in 15 seconds, and then reproduce the entire list on paper.

Memory competition champion and author of Einstein Walks on the Moon on how memory works, Joshua Foer explains that anyone with an average memory ability can greatly expand their abilities. Like Sherlock Holmes, Foer is able to remember hundreds of phone numbers at once, thanks to the coding of knowledge in visual images.

His method is to use spatial memory to structure and store information that is relatively difficult to remember. So numbers can be turned into words and, accordingly, into images, which in turn will take place in the palace of memory. For example, 0 can be a wheel, ring, or sun; 1 - with a pillar, pencil, arrow, or even a phallus (vulgar images are remembered especially well, Foer writes); 2 - a snake, a swan, etc. Then you imagine some space you are familiar with, for example, your apartment (it will be your "memory palace"), in which there is a wheel at the entrance, a pencil lies on the bedside table, and behind it is a porcelain swan. This way you can memorize the sequence "012".

Maintaining "Field notes"

As you begin your transformation into Sherlock, start keeping a journal with notes. As the Times columnist writes, scientists train their attention in this way - by writing down explanations and capturing sketches of what they are watching. Michael Canfield, an entomologist at Harvard University and author of Field Notes on Science and Nature, says this habit "will force you to make good decisions about what's really important and what's not."

Arthur Conan Doyle. "A study in Scarlet":

“It seems to me that the human brain is like a small empty attic that you can furnish however you want. The fool will drag there any junk that comes to hand, and there will be nowhere to put useful, necessary things, or at best you will not get to the bottom of them among all this blockage. And an intelligent man carefully selects what he puts in his brain attic. He will take only the tools that he will need for work, but there will be many of them, and he will arrange everything in an exemplary order. It is in vain that people think that this small room has elastic walls and can be stretched as much as they want. I assure you, the time will come when, acquiring something new, you will forget something of the old. Therefore, it is extremely important that unnecessary information does not crowd out the necessary information. "

Taking notes in the field, whether it's during a regular work planning meeting or a walk in a city park, will develop the right approach to exploring the environment. Over time, you start paying attention to small details in any situation, and the more you do it on paper, the faster you will develop the habit of analyzing things on the go.

Focus attentionthrough meditation

Many studies support meditation to improve concentration and attention. It is worth starting to practice from a few minutes in the morning and a few minutes before bed. According to John Assaraf, a lecturer and renowned business consultant, “Meditation is what gives you control over your brain waves. Meditation trains the brain so you can focus on your goals. ”

Meditation can make a person better equipped to receive answers to questions of interest. All this is achieved by developing the ability to modulate and regulate various frequencies of brain waves, which Assaraf compares to four speeds in an auto gearbox: "beta" - with the first, "alpha" - with the second, "theta" - with the third and " delta waves ”- from the fourth. Most of us function during the day in the beta range, and this is not so badly bad. However, what is first gear? The wheels are spinning slowly and the engine wear is quite large. People also burn out faster and experience more stress and illness. Therefore, it is worth learning how to switch to other gears in order to reduce wear and the amount of "fuel" spent.

Find a quiet place where nothing will distract you. Be fully aware of what is happening and follow the thoughts that arise in your head, concentrate on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths, feeling the flow of air from the nostrils to the lungs.

Think criticallyand ask questions

Once you learn to pay close attention to detail, start converting your observations into theories or ideas. If you have two or three pieces of a puzzle, try to figure out how they fit together. The more puzzle pieces you have, the easier it will be to draw conclusions and see the whole picture. Try to deduce particular positions from general ones in a logical way. This is called deduction. Remember to apply critical thinking to everything you see. Use critical thinking to analyze what you are following closely, and use deduction to build the big picture from those facts.

Describing in a few sentences how to develop your critical thinking skills is not easy. The first step to this skill is to return to the child's curiosity and the desire to ask as many questions as possible. Konnikova says the following about this:

“It's important to learn to think critically. So, when purchasing new information or knowledge of something new, you will not just learn by heart and remember something, but learn to analyze it. Ask yourself, "Why is this so important?" "How to combine this with the things that I already know?" or "Why do I want to remember this?" Such questions train your brain and organize information into a knowledge network. "

Unleash your imagination

Critical thinking is of no use unless you learn how to make connections between individual pieces of information. Of course, fictional detectives like Holmes have a superpowered ability to see connections that ordinary people simply ignore. But one of the key foundations of this exemplary deduction is nonlinear thinking. Sometimes you should give free rein to your imagination in order to replay the most fantastic scenarios in your head and sort out all possible connections.

Sherlock Holmes often sought solitude in order to reflect and freely explore the issue from all angles. Like Albert Einstein, Holmes played the violin to help himself relax. While his hands were busy playing, his mind was immersed in meticulous search for new ideas and problem solving. Holmes even mentions once that imagination is the mother of truth. Having renounced reality, he could look at his ideas in a completely new way.

Broaden your horizons

Obviously, an important advantage of Sherlock Holmes lies in his broad outlook and erudition. If you will also with equal ease understand the work of Renaissance artists, the latest trends in the cryptocurrency market and discoveries in the most progressive theories quantum physics, your deductive thinking methods are much more likely to succeed. You should not put yourself in the framework of any narrow specialization. Reach for knowledge and nurture a sense of curiosity in a wide variety of things and areas.

Maria Konnikova:

“Holmes said that a person should have a clean and tidy“ brain attic ”, but at the same time he himself was literally a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. He read a lot of fiction, which actually had nothing to do with his work. I think this is an important lesson that we can learn. "

Deduction is a special method of thinking based on the ability to build a logical connection, to deduce small private conclusions from the general picture. How the well-known used it legendary hero Sherlock Holmes?

Sherlock Holmes method

The deductive method of Sherlock Holmes can be described in one phrase, which the detective uttered in "Study in crimson tones": "Every life is a huge chain of causes and effects, and we can know its nature by one link." Undoubtedly, everything in life is chaotic and sometimes unpredictable, but, despite this, the skills that the detective possessed helped him solve even the most intricate crimes.

Observation and details

Sherlock Holmes collected as much information as possible, analyzed various scenarios for the development of events and looked at them from different angles. This allowed the detective to discard the insignificant, thus, the hero of Arthur Conan Doyle singled out one or more more weighty versions from the many possible versions.


A detached face, ignoring people and their questions, as well as events around him - this is how Conan Doyle draws his character. However, this behavior is by no means a sign of bad taste. No. This is the result of a special focus on the investigation. Sherlock Holmes is constantly thinking about all possible options for solving the problem, abstracting from external factors.

Interest and outlook

The detective's main weapon was his broad outlook. It is worth remembering how he could easily determine from what place in England a person came from the particles of soil. He was interested in literally everything, especially what escaped attention. ordinary people... He was an expert in forensic science and biochemistry, played the violin remarkably, understood opera and music, knew several foreign languages, was engaged in fencing and knew how to box. Multifaceted personality, isn't that so? ..

The palaces of the mind

The deduction method is based on memorizing information using associations. The famous detective worked with a lot of information. And in order not to get confused in it, he used a method called "palaces of the mind." By the way, it is far from new, its essence was already known to the ancient Greeks. Each fact, information, knowledge is tied to a certain object of the room, for example, to a door, window, etc. This made it easier for the detective to memorize the information that came to him almost hourly.

Sign language

Sherlock Holmes was a wonderful psychologist. Observing the behavior of this or that person, the detective paid attention to facial expressions and gestures, as a result of which he could easily determine whether his client / suspect was lying or not. The ability to notice details - behavior, manner of speaking, dress - helps to form an overall picture of a person's life.


Sherlock Holmes' intuition was more likely based not on the sixth sense, but on experience. But the line between the voice of the subconscious and high qualifications in work is quite blurred. Only the person himself can draw this fine line between the assumption and the action itself.


The deduction method can only be developed through practice. Sherlock Holmes constantly practiced logic, even in his free time. This allowed him to constantly keep his mind "in good shape." But without an interesting case, he was bored and depressed.

The benefits of deduction

Deductive thinking skills will be useful in everyday life and labor activity... The secret of many successful people lies in the ability to think logically and to analyze their actions, predicting the outcome of events. This helps them to avoid cliches and achieve great success in various fields:

In studies - helps to quickly master the subject under study;

In working life - to make the right decisions and calculate your actions several steps forward;

In life - to be well versed in people and build effective relationships with others.

Thus, the deduction method will help make life much easier and avoid many unpleasant situations, as well as quickly achieve your goals.

How to develop deductive thinking

Mastering the way of thinking we are considering is a long and painstaking work on oneself, but at the same time it does not present any particular difficulties. The deduction method requires the participation of common sense, while emotions must be relegated to the background, they will only interfere with the process. There are some rules that will help you develop a deductive way of thinking at any age.

1. If you are determined to achieve a positive result in this field, then you need to start reading a lot. But not glossy magazines and newspapers - classic literature and modern detective stories or novels will be useful. While reading, you need to think about the plot, memorize the details. Compare the "passed material": eras, genres, etc.

2. In everyday life, try to pay attention to little things: people's behavior, their clothes, gestures, facial expressions, speech. This will help develop observation and teach you analysis. It would be nice to enlist the support of a like-minded person with whom you can discuss what you saw, besides, during the conversation you will learn to explain your thoughts logically and build a chronological sequence of events.

3. Solving logic problems and puzzles will help to master the skills of deductive thinking.

4. Pay attention to your actions, analyze why you acted this way in a certain situation, look for other possible ways out of it and think about what result could be obtained in this case.

5. The development of deductive thinking requires memory training. This is necessary in order to capture a large amount of information and keep it in mind. It is important to note that memory training should be done constantly. Scientists have found that a person loses acquired skills and abilities if brain activity is interrupted for a period of time (say, on vacation). Well-known methods will help develop memory:

Memorize a certain number of words by ear;

Repeat the read phrases word for word;

List items.

It should be remembered that there are several sources of information perception: auditory, vocal, visual and tactile. At the same time, it is important to develop everything at the same time, focusing on weaknesses. To simplify the memorization process, you can come up with your own encoding and association system.

6. But do not rely entirely on memory, as its possibilities are not limitless. You need to train yourself to take notes - in the form of graphs, tables, lists. This useful habit will help you find relationships and create logical chains.

7. It is important to constantly master new knowledge. They may not even be related to social life and interpersonal relationships. It is recommended to read fiction - this will develop impressionability, the ability to think figuratively. Special attention should be paid to the development of special knowledge, such as psychology, physiognomy, sign language. They will help analyze human behavior in certain situations.

8. Practice plays an important role in mastering deductive thinking. Its essence lies in creating a problem situation and finding a way out of this situation. To do this, it is necessary to put forward a hypothesis and determine the ways of solving the problem. Further, considering all possible approaches, you need to find the best option. Try to make a comparative analysis of the expected paths of development of events.

The deductive way of thinking is an exciting journey through the vastness of logic. After making an effort and spending some time studying, you can use deduction to pick the keys to any locks and experience for yourself what it means to be Sherlock Holmes.

It's worth starting with the hopeful one. Sherlock Holmes' abilities are absolutely real. And in general, the legendary character was written off by Conan Doyle from a living person - a professor at the University of Edinburgh, Joseph Bell. He was widely known for his ability to guess the character of a person, his past and profession by little things.

On the other hand, the existence of one real outstanding person does not guarantee success to everyone who tries to repeat its achievements. Mastering abilities comparable to those of Holmes is incredibly difficult. Otherwise, the Scotland Yard cops wouldn’t run to Baker Street for clues, right?

What he does is real. But what does he do?

He acts, demonstrates his arrogance, pride and ... remarkable mind. All this is justified by the ease with which he solves crimes. But how does he do it?

The deductive method becomes the main weapon of Sherlock Holmes. Logic backed by an increased attention to detail and outstanding intelligence.

To this day, there is a debate about what Holmes uses: deduction or induction. But, most likely, the truth is somewhere in between. Sherlock Holmes accumulates his reasoning, experience, keys to the most complicated cases, systematizes them, collecting them into a common base, which he then successfully uses, applying both deduction and induction. He does it brilliantly.

Most critics and researchers are inclined to believe that Conan Doyle did not make a mistake and Holmes really uses the deductive method. For simplicity of presentation, below we will talk about it.

What the mind of Sherlock Holmes controls

Deductive method

This is the main weapon of the detective, which, however, would not work without a number of additional components.


Sherlock Holmes captures even the smallest detail. If not for this skill, he simply would not have material for reasoning, evidence and clues.

Knowledge base

The detective himself said it best of all:

All crimes show great generic similarities. They (Scotland Yard agents) introduce me to the circumstances of this or that case. Knowing the details of a thousand cases, it would be strange not to solve the thousand and one.

The palaces of the mind

This is his excellent memory. This is the repository that he turns to almost every time he looks for a solution to a new riddle. These are knowledge, circumstances and facts accumulated by Holmes, a significant part of which cannot be obtained anywhere else.

Continuous analysis

Sherlock Holmes analyzes, reflects, asks questions and answers them. Often he even resorts to double analysis, it is not in vain because the detective is constantly acting together with his partner Dr. Watson.

How to learn it

Pay attention to the little things

Bring your attention to detail to automaticity. In the end, only the details matter. They are the material for your reasoning and conclusions, they are the keys to solving and solving the problem. Learn to look. Look in order to see.

Develop memory

This is the only way to learn how to analyze, display your own statistics and form patterns. It will only save you at a difficult moment, when you will not have other sources of information. It is memory that will help to correctly analyze all those little things that captured your attention when you attack the trail.

Learn to formulate

Make out your guesses and conclusions, make a "dossier" on passers-by, write verbal portraits, build harmonious and clear logical chains. So you will not only gradually master the Sherlock method, but also make your thinking more precise and clear.

Go deeper into the area

One could say "broaden your horizons," but Holmes would not approve of this lengthy formulation. Try to deepen your knowledge in the chosen area, avoid useless knowledge. Try to grow in depth, not in breadth, no matter how absurd it may sound.


Among other things, Holmes is a genius of concentration. He knows how to isolate himself from the world around him when he is busy with business, and does not allow distractions to tear himself away from what is important. He should not be distracted by Mrs. Hudson's chatter or the explosion in the neighboring house on Baker Street. Only high level concentration will allow you to think soberly and logically. This is a prerequisite for mastering the deduction method.

Learn body language

A source of information that many people forget. Holmes never neglects him. He analyzes a person's movements, how he behaves and gestures, pays attention to facial expressions and fine motor skills. Sometimes a person betrays his hidden intentions or involuntarily signals his own lie. Use these tips.

Develop intuition

It was intuition that often suggested the right decision to the famous detective. Hordes of charlatans have badly damaged the reputation of the sixth sense, but this does not mean that they should be neglected. Deal with your intuition, learn to trust it and develop it.

Take notes

And of a different kind. It makes sense to keep a diary and write down what happened to you during the day. So you analyze everything that you have learned and noticed, summarize and draw a conclusion. The brain is actively working during this analysis. You can take field notes where you will note your observations of the world around you and people around you. This will help systematize observations and deduce patterns. Someone may prefer a blog or electronic diary - everything is individual.

Ask questions

The more questions you ask, the better. Be critical of what is happening, look for reasons and explanations, sources of influence and impact. Build logical chains and cause and effect relationships. The ability to ask questions will gradually develop the skill to find answers.

Solve problems and puzzles

Anything: from ordinary tasks from school textbooks to complex puzzles for logic and lateral thinking. These exercises will keep your brain busy looking for solutions and answers. Just what is needed for the development of deductive thinking.

Come up with puzzles

Have you already learned how to solve them quickly? Try to make your own. The task itself is unusual, so it won't be easy. But the result is worth it.

Read on. More. Better

What matters is not what you read, but how you do it. To develop deductive thinking, you need to analyze what you read and pay attention to details. Compare information from different sources and draw parallels. Include the information received in the context of the knowledge you already have and replenish your card index.

Listen more, talk less

Holmes would not have been able to unravel matters so easily if he had not listened to every word of the client. Sometimes one word decides whether the case will hang in the air or be unraveled, whether the legendary detective is interested in him or not. Think only of the huge hound in The Hound of the Baskervilles and the one word that turned a girl's life in the second episode of the fourth season of the BBC series.

Love what you do

Only strong interest and great desire will help you reach the end. Only in this way you will not deviate from the path of constant difficulties and seemingly insoluble problems. If Holmes did not love his work, he would not have become a legend.


I saved the most important point for the final. Practice is the key to mastering deductive thinking. The key to Holmes' method. Practice anytime, anywhere. Even if at first you are not sure of the correctness of your judgments. Even if at first you look more like Dr. Watson in your conclusions. Look at people on the subway, on the way to work, keep an eye on those around you at train stations and airports. Only a skill brought to automatism will become truly working.

Deductive thinking can come in handy anywhere, and the talents of the legendary detective, with constant practice, will stay with you for life. Holmes' method is interesting in itself and gives amazing results. So why not try to master it?

Deduction is a logical conclusion in the process of thinking from the general to the particular, by adding a particular premise to the general premise and obtaining a particular conclusion.

First of all, it is important to understand that in order to develop deduction, you need to develop your own: logical thinking, and imagination. And, therefore, all exercises for the development of the brain are suitable for the development of deduction.

Let's take a look at specific techniques, exercises, and tips to help improve deductive thinking.

1. Deductive thinking is the ability to reason logically, build correct logical chains. To do this, you need to study the laws of logic, logical operations. It is also important to be aware of various logical mistakes in order to avoid them in the course of your reasoning.

2. Deduction - a method of revealing the truth used in the exact and natural sciences: mathematics, physics and others in the proof of axioms. Studying these sciences and solving problems especially contributes to the development of deduction. Exact sciences also help to structure thinking, to put things in order in thoughts.

3. Deepening knowledge in various fields. This is how you train yourself to be deep detailed analysis... Interest in the material being studied is also important here. At the same time, you need to be able to find intersections and connections in various sciences, apply knowledge from one area to another.

4. Deduction and induction are interrelated. Friedrich Engels wrote: “Induction and deduction are connected in the same necessary way as synthesis and analysis. Instead of one-sidedly exalting one of them to heaven at the expense of the other, one should try to apply each in its place, and this can be achieved only if one does not lose sight of their connection with each other, their mutual complementarity. "

Induction is a logical conclusion in the process from the particular to the general. In induction, we go from premises expressing knowledge of a lesser degree of generality to a new judgment of a greater degree of generality, that is, we go from individual concrete phenomena to generalization. In your reasoning, it is imperative to combine both methods.

5. Observation and study. Exercises in a very effective and efficient way to develop deduction. You can observe both casual passers-by and familiar people, making hypotheses about the causes and consequences of their actions.

Specific exercises for training: intellectual exercise "Forecast", "Find a spy." Going out for a walk, observe people, trying to draw conclusions about them - age, place of work, place of residence. This exercise can be done in in social networks... Look at the person's photos / profile on social media and try to get as much information as possible about him.

6. Learn to find typical features in each specific case, generalizing information and deriving patterns.

7. Logical and mind games... Chess, poker, logic puzzles, ciphers, educational computer games.

8. Development of divergent and convergent thinking. Divergent thinking is a method of thinking commonly used to solve problems and problems. It consists in finding many solutions to the same problem. Thus, by developing divergent thinking, you develop mental flexibility.

Advice to help you develop mental flexibility (quote from Robert Green's book 33 Strategies of War): “It is important to understand that great commanders, talented tacticians and strategists were able to prove themselves not because they knew the most, but because if necessary, they knew how, discarding bias, to concentrate exclusively on what was happening around them here and now. After all, only then creative sparks flare up and creative and original ones appear. Life experience and theoretical knowledge is good for the time being: no matter how much you think in advance, trying to predict the situation, it will not prepare you for a series of endless possibilities, for the chaos of realities of life and will not teach you the art of improvisation. "

There are many exercises for developing flexibility of thinking, a whole article will be required to describe them, but basically they boil down to changing the usual state of affairs (temporal, spatial connections). When solving problems, you need to try to look at the problem from different angles and look for different solutions. Thus, you can learn to find the best solutions for the tasks at hand.

Convergent thinking is based on a strategy of precise use of previously learned algorithms for solving a specific problem, that is, when instructions are given on the sequence and content of elementary operations to solve this problem.

9. Development of critical thinking. Try to critically approach even familiar situations and learn to find the best way out on your own, without relying on others.

10. Reading books. We all train and develop deduction when we read scientific or fictional literature with curiosity and pleasure. Yes, it is our desire and curiosity like nothing else that develops logical thinking in us. For more effective development and training of deduction, take a small interesting informative story, read it carefully, and then try to more fully convey the meaning of the story in your own words. Since you will not be able to develop a deduction method, if you read the story once and retell it, be sure to do it systematically, then the result will not be long in coming.

11. Training attention. You need to develop all types of attention: voluntary, involuntary and post-voluntary.

Voluntary attention is active, volitional attention, when we consciously regulate concentration on an object. To train voluntary attention, you can use pictures to test attention (images on which you need to find some elements).

Involuntary attention is an orientation reflex caused by changes, "vibrations" environment, that is, the appearance of an irritant that was absent before and at the moment is first affecting a person.

It is possible to train involuntary attention in conditions unusual for perception and consciously "catch" what attracted attention in the "borderline" spectrum, when fixation is still noted, but it is already clear that it is slipping away:
you can observe familiar objects with a lack of illumination;
you can "listen" to the work of involuntary attention when changing the parameters of acoustic perception (the sound of pleasant music - familiar familiar music - sharp unpleasant sounds);
deliberately fixate on the transitions between objects (pay attention to what attracts attention when moving to another type of activity, when moving the gaze from one object to another);
experiment with the strength of stimuli (pastel colors - bright juicy colors, quiet sound of music - musical sound of medium strength - loud sound).

Post-voluntary (post-voluntary) attention arises on the basis of voluntary attention and consists in focusing on an object due to its value, significance or interest for a person. Its appearance is possible with the development of the operational and technical side of the activity in connection with its automation and with the transition of actions into operations, as well as as a result of changes in motivation. At the same time, mental stress is removed and the conscious focus of attention, the correspondence of the direction of activity to the adopted goals, is preserved, but its implementation no longer requires special mental efforts and is limited in time only by fatigue and depletion of the body's resources.

On November 16, 2017, Nikita Artemov, an expert profiler of the Research Center for Corporate Security, published an article on the pages of the medium.com Internet portal about ways to develop human thinking, perception and increase mental abilities in order to get closer to the currently widely publicized image Sherlock Holmes. You can read his article at this link.

You can learn more about how to develop your brain and pump your skills in order to significantly increase your level of development compared to the average person in the materials.

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