Mamsurov Haji Umar Dzhhipovich. Haji Umar Mamsurov - Pride of Ossetia

He was born in Ossetia at the dawn of the twentieth century and became not an eyewitness, but an active participant in his most significant events. In the Red Army - from 1918, with civilian - in scouts. In Moscow, he got into Moscow to explore the All-Union Street Mikhail Kalinin, who had a firmly remembered fighter, which saved him from the White Gang in the Caucasus. Courses during the Union of the Red Army Hadji-Umar Mamsurov finished before the war in Spain. That very much that Colonel Xanti glorified.

In the Republican Spain of the 30s about it there were legends. According to the exterior - Basque, by nationality - Macedonian, by profession - a merchant and diversion.

All Spain knew about Xanti's exploits. A man of desperate courage, he led the operations in the rear of Frankists, let down the train, exploded the bridges. Macedonian named Alexander Xanthi was he for Dolores Ibarrury, George Orwell, Mate Stalk and, of course, for Ernest Hemingway. And only in Moscow they knew his real name - the secret authorized sender A - active intelligence - Major Hadji-Umar Mamsurov.

Ossetian originally from the village of Olginsky TERSK Russian Empire. In the past, the cavalryman, the scout, and now the military volunteer, directed to protect the young Spanish republic.

People of the older generation never forget that the language of diplomats was called "events in Spain." Martial filmports Roman Carmen walked in front of all sessions in all cinemas. Spanish "No Pasaran!", "They will not pass!" It was clear then in the USSR to everyone - from Mala to Great.

Today, you can relate differently to the events of the time, but in Spain the coming fascism was given the first fight. The reaction of General Franco was then supported by Nazi Germany, and fascist Italy. The second world was impaired inexorably, and its rehearsal was in Spain.

Since the most fiery 30s, Spain forever entered the heart of Haji Mamsurov. Here he met and love - Paulina Abramson - the daughter of the Argentine revolutionary, a leaving from Russia. She was knew in Spain under the name Lina Argente. For all, she was an Argentine camping with the fascists, and only the initiates knew the truth. He did not immediately realize that Lina is fate. There was a gratitude for salvation, which made untied ... And love came. They were together - then in Spain, and then - the rest of his life.

Powlina and Haji-Umar Mamsurov

On the monument of Haji Mamsurov in Spain - the silhouette of the bell, as a reminder - the hero of the best novel about civil War In Spain is written off from him - from the legendary xanthi. Ilya Erenburg and Mikhail Koltsov introduced them. Ernest Hemingway was in the training camp and twice walked with saboteurs for the front line. A bridge undermining in the mountains of the Guadarram imprinted in memory and did not let go: it was this episode that the novel was as the basis of the bell. And Haji Xanthi became Robert Jordan. Hamingway never learned that Macedonian Xanthi - hero, legend - in fact soviet scout, Ossetian Haji-Umar Mamsurov.

In the final of the novel and the film, the hero dies very in Soviet, covering the waste of the squad. In the life of Haji Mamsurov was wounded five times, but every time he returned to construction. Fate prepared him for three more wars: Finnish, great domestic, and indefinite undeclared - secret ...

From the first days of the Great Patriotic Mamsurov - on the front line: organized the partisan movement in Belarus, commanded the 2nd Guards Cavalry Division. Forced Dnipro, went to the desperate raids on the rear, freed the city in the country and in Europe, saved the prisoners of concentration camps, received the title of Hero Soviet Union... Major General Mamsurov's war finished under Berlin, and on June 24, at the head of the battalion of the consolidated shelf of the 1st Ukrainian Front, Hadji-Umar coins a step at the Victory Parade.

After the war, Mamsurov graduated from the Academy of General Staff. He commanded the division, corps, army ... From Hungary in 1956, Mamsurov returned gray and slightly with heart attack. But if not Haji, the Hungarian autumn would have come out where the bloody: he personally convinced the authorities to open borders, and many thousands of Hungarians found refuge in Austria. Based on the Hungarian events in Hollywood, the film "Trip" was shot. The role of the main character of Major Surov, which is easy to guess Mamsurov, played the famous Yul Brinner. Externally not at all similar to Haji, in the film he repeated the actions of Haji. And his words:

I never thought that we were so hated.

Haji is called the father of the Soviet special forces. In 1957, he became the first deployer deployer and headed the center special purpose. It was in this center that there was a legendary now special forces GRU. Everything was strictly secret. Even from the Central Committee. He knew only the Minister of Defense Georgy Zhukov, the initiator of the creation of a super secretary sabotage center, the head of GRU Shtemenko and his first deputy - Major General Mamsurov, who created this center. When the secret became apparent, the scandal broke out. Khrushchev, taking advantage of the situation, accused Zhukov in an attempt to the state version and the famous Marshal Victory removed from all posts. Mamsurov This story was worth 2nd infarction.

The film "7 days in May" transferred the events to the American soil, which happened in the USSR. In general, Scott learned Marshal Zhukov, in Colonel Casey, played by the star of Hollywood Kirk Douglas - General Mamsurov. The author of the book, taken as the basis, recognized that the idea of \u200b\u200bhis militant took from the materials of the famous Plenum of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of 57th. So Hadji Mamsurov entered the literature and cinema ...

< Герой Советского Союза, генерал-полковник Хаджи-Умар Джиорович Мамсуров

Nevertheless, the real, not fictional life of Haji Mamsurov turned out to be much more interesting than any novel. She was full of losses, dramatic events and adventures ... Mamsurov was always in the thick of passions - political and human. This biography does not invent, such plots are just a bait for a writer and director.

Haji Mamsurov did not become the spring of the 68th. When I realized that his arguments would not hear that Hungary's lessons were not learned and troops will be introduced into Czechoslovakia, he could not stand the heart.

He gave the military and intelligence service of half a century and became its legend. Buried Haji Umar Mamsurov in Moscow on Novodevichy Cemetery. He lies next to a military comrade and friend from the Spanish pore writer Ilya Ehredburg - a head to the head.

See you! We will not meet in geography - we will meet in history! ", - So they said goodbye during life. Now they are forever near - and in geography, and in history.

Scout profession does not imply publicity. A significant part of the life of Haji Mamsurov is still under the vulture "Secret." As the hero of another Roman Hamingway, "50 years of undeclared wars in front. I signed a contract for the entire period. "

Time confirmed the place of Haji Mamsurov in history - his name was named streets in Vladikavkaz and Tskhinvale, Beslan, Grozny and Lutsk ... in Moscow at the house in which the general lived for many years, a memorial plaque was installed, a monument in his native village was installed ... Monument The hero of the Soviet Union is now in distant Fuenlabrad. After seventy years, the legendary Haji Xanti returned to Spain - in granite and bronze.

P.S. We have long been living at another time, in another country, although they did not move anywhere. But the past does not disappear anywhere, it remains forever where it was. Just need sometimes go back there - in memories, books, films. Because it is in the wrong time.

Hadji-Umar (Hadzhiumar) Gamovich Mamsurov (September 2, 1903 - April 5, 1968, Moscow) - Colonel-General, Civil War Member in Spain, Soviet-Finnish War, Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, First Deputy Chief of the GRU.

Pre-war time

Ossetian, born in the village of Olginsky Right Bank district (North Ossetia) in the peasant family.

In the Red Army since 1918. Participant of the Civil War. Member of the RCP (b) since 1924. In 1924 he graduated from the military-political school, in 1932 - courses of improving political composition, in 1941 - courses of improving the command formulation (QUX) at the M. Frunze Military Academy.


Under the pseudonym "Colonel Xanthi" participated in the Civil War of 1936-1939 in Spain. Military Advisor to the Staff of the Republican Army, Counselor B. Duruthti and Head of Gerilders (Diversants, "14 Corps"). In the Soviet and Russian literature, there are allegations that Mamsurov served as a prototype of one of the heroes of Roman E. Hemingway "The Kom Calls": Ilya Erenburg believed that "much of the fact that Hemingway told in the novel" the command call "about The actions of the partisan, he took from the words of Haji, "and Roman Carmen claimed that" two evenings Ernest Hemingway spent with him at the Florida Hotel and later made a bold Haji with a prototype of one of the heroes of the novel. " However, Mamsurov's biographer M. Boltunov notes that "Hemingway has given the features of the Haji Mamsurov many of the heroes of his novel," but we are not talking about the direct image in the book.

Then participated in soviet-Finnish War 1939-1940. Since 1941 - on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Mamsurov in the summer of 1941 by order of Stalin arrested the commander of the Western Front of the General Army of D. G. Pavlova. Then he commanded the 2nd Guards Cavalry Division (1st Guards Cavalry Corps, First Ukrainian Front). Distinguished in the course Berlin Operation. With the introduction into battle in mid-April 1945, on the Dresden direction, the division was skillful actions in the rear of the enemy inflicted him a big damage and freed two Hitler's concentration camps (about 16 thousand people). On May 20, 1945, the title Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded.

The Military Council of the 1st Ukrainian Front, he was appointed commander of the battalion of the countercourse, with which June 24, 1945 participated in the Victory Parade.

After the war

After the war continued to serve in the army. In 1948 he graduated Military Academy General Staff.

Commander 3rd off. Guards Evpatoria Rifle Brigade in Bryansk (October 1946 - March 1947), 27th mechanized division of the 38th Army (1948-1951), 27th rifle corps The 13th Army (1951-1955), commander of the 38th Army of the Carpathian in (June 1955 - July 1957). Lieutenant General (1953).

In 1956, he personally participated in the suppression of an uprising in Hungary, he was seriously ill. From October 1957 to 1968 - Head of the Special Purpose Center, First Deputy Head of the Grove Armed Forces. Colonel-General (1962).

A sudden subsidiary of Georgy Zhukov has been connected with Mamsurov from the post of defense minister in 1957. According to the performance of M. A. Suslov at the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee on October 28, 1957:

Recently, the Presidium of the Central Committee found out that the comrade of Zhukov without the knowledge of the Central Committee decided to organize the school of saboteurs in two more thousands of listeners ... Only three people were to know about her organization: only three people were to know: Zhukov, Shemmenko and General Mamsurov, who was appointed chief of this school. But General Mamswing as a communist found his duty to inform the Central Committee about this illegal action of the minister.

This version of events is disputed by a number of specialists - for example, a journalist L. Mlechin, believing that "the general only appealed to the department of administrative bodies of the CPSU Central Committee with a reasonable question, why it does not approve him as long as", but those employees with whom he had The case was not aware of the planes of Zhukov, and top management Just took advantage of this situation as a reason for removing the marshal.

He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Awards and titles

  • Hero of the Soviet Union,
  • three Order of Lenin (03.01.37, 29.05.45, 05.11.46),
  • five Order of the Red Banner (21.06.37, 21.05.40, 03.11.44, 20.06.49, 22.02.68),
  • order of Cutuzov I degree (18.12.56),
  • order of Suvorov II degree (13.11.43),
  • order of the Patriotic War I degree (09/20/44),
  • uSSR medals,
  • as well as foreign orders and medals.


  • Mamsurov is dedicated documentary "In time in stirrups."
  • Its name is the streets in Vladikavkaz, Grozny, Beslan, Lutsk, Tskhinvale.
  • In the village of Olginsky Right Bank of North Ossetia, where Mamsurov was born and grew, a memorial house-museum was opened, here in the yard high SchoolMounted Monument.
  • To the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Ossetian generals of Pliyev, Mamsurov and Hetagurova in 2005, a book was published about them called "Pride of Ossetia".
  • Ossetian heroic song is composed of Mamsurov: Music Dudar Khakhanova, the words of Gigo Tsagarayev.
  • In 2015, Mamsurov in Spain opened a monument in the suburbs of Madrid.

2 (15) * September 1903 was born in the village of Olginsky Vladikavkaz district of the Teresk region, now the right-bank district (North Ossetia) in the family of the peasant. Ossetian.
In the Red Army from June (July) of 1918.
Participated in the Civil War since 1918.
As part of the detachment of the Vladikavkaz Council of workers and soldiers, the city and its surroundings defended the city and its surroundings, and a month later he was enrolled in the Gorsa Red Cavalry Hundred of the 11th Army.
At the end of 1918, he fell ill with a typhoid and was left the retreating 11th army together with other wounded and sick not far from the village of Cool.
After recovery in the spring of 1919, it snuck into the partisans, which fought in the region of Vladikavkaz - Grozny. Participated in battles and diversions on railway, led reconnaissance in the areas of the parts of the White Army, carried out tasks due to the relationship between individual detachments.
With the arrival of the Red Army in March 1920, he was directed to the Teresk Regional Emergency Commission. As part of the Operational Group of CC, and sometimes parts of the Red Army, participated in the elimination of the surviving White Guard detachments and groups.
He graduated from the training course of the regional party school.
He worked as an instructor of the Vladikavkaz Committee of the RCP (b), at the same time, along the line of the regional CC, struggled with banditry. In early 1921, he was sent by Politbeta to the escadron of the 10th Army, which was fighting against the Menshevian troops of Georgia.
In the mountains heavily frost and got into the hospital.
After recovery was sent to study to Moscow.
He graduated from the Communist University of Workers of the East in Moscow (he studied from March 1921 to May 1923).
In 1923, a bullet in the thigh was injured in one of the battles with white-facasters.
From September 1923 he worked as a boss national Group District Military Political School. K. E. Voroshilova in Rostov-on-Don.
He graduated from the district military-political school. K. E. Voroshilova in August 1924.
Since 1924, he held the positions of the teacher of the National Cavalry School in Krasnodar, a vigorous and military commissar of the national cavalry parts in the North Caucasus Military District, in Makhachkala and Ordzhonikidze, commanded the divisions in the elimination of banditry and Kulatsky uprisings in the North Caucasus, was engaged in harvest.
I passed the external exam for a military school in 1931.
He graduated from the courses of the improvement of the politzostava at the National Political Academy named after N. Tolmachev in Leningrad in June 1932.
Since March 1933 served on command positions In the 1st rifle Division them. CEC Tatar ASSR in Kazan, first by a separate cavalry squadron, and then a separate intelligence division.
He graduated from the commissioning courses at the intelligence officer of the RKKK headquarters (studied from February to November 1935).
In November 1935, she was appointed commander of the regiment, but did not start the position, as it was left to work in intelligence.
Awarded the title of Major.
From November 1935 (January 1936) to February 1936, there was important government assignments, from February 1936 to April 1938 he was secretly authorized in the Special Office "A" (active intelligence) of the RKKK intelligence department.
Participated in the National Revolutionary War in Spain from August (October) in 1936 to August (September), 1937 as a senior adviser to the 14th Army (Partisan) Corps, the instructor of special work on the branch of the "A" department, which was "active Intelligence, "was the organizer and head of the partisan movement, personally participated in a number of operations. **
He had the pseudonyms "Major Xanthi" and "Faber".
At the end of November 1936, during the raid, the grenade explosion was wounded at the enemy airfield and was severely contused with a grenade explosion, but he was saved by a translator P. V. Abramson. ***
After returning from Spain, continued to serve in the intelligence.
In February 1938, the title of Colonel was assigned.
In April 1938, he was appointed Head of the Special Office, and in May 1939 - the head of the department "A" (active intelligence).
Participated in the Soviet-Finnish war from December 1939 to 1940 as the Deputy Head of the General Staff of the General Staff West Front, commander of a special ski brigade, operating in the rear of Finnish troops.
From August 1940 to June 1941 he was the head of the 5th Department of Intelligence Department of the General Staff of the Red Army.
He graduated from the highest natch courses at the Red Army Military Academy. M. I. Frunze in 1941.
Participated in the Great Patriotic War from June 22, 1941.
He fought in the positions of a special commissioned on the Northern front and leadership of the partisan movement, the head of the special operative group of the intelligence department of the General Staff of the Red Army, was engaged in the organization of the partisan movement in the Western, North-West and Leningrad fronts.
August 23, 1941 in battle under the miracle was seriously injured by fragments of the shell in both legs and hands.
After returning from the hospital, in September (October), 1941 was appointed head of the reconnaissance department of the headquarters of the backup front.
From November 1941, he commanded the 114th Chechen-Ingush Volunteer Cavalry Division. From January 1942, he was deputy 7th Cavalry Corps, from August 1942 - Head of the Southern Staff of the Partisan Movement (Caucasus, Crimea), from November 1942 - Head of the Operational Department and Assistant Central Staff of the Partisan Movement, from March 1943 - Deputy Head 2nd office of the Red Army.
From April 1943 he commanded the 2nd Guards Cavalry Division.
Fought on Voronezh Front He took part in the battles to liberate Ukraine.
November 13, 1943 was awarded the title of Major General.
19 (23) March 1944 was injured in the face.
He fought at the 1st Ukrainian Front took part in the Lviv-Sandomira East Carpathian Vorolo-Oder and Berlin offensive operations.
After the end of the war, he continued to command the 2nd Guards Cavalry Division in August 1946.
From October 1946 to March 1947, he commanded the 3rd separate Guards Evpatoria rifle Brigade in Bryansk.
He graduated from the Higher Military Academy. K. E. Voroshilova (studied from 1946 to 1948).
From 1948 he was the commander of the 27th mechanized division of the 38th Army, since 1951 - the commander of the 27th Rifle Corps of the 13th Army.
August 3, 1953 was awarded the title Lieutenant-General.
Since June 1955, he was the commander of the 38th Army of the Carpathian Military District.
He participated in the suppression of counter-revolutionary rebellion in Hungary in the fall of 1956.
From July 1957 performed the task of formation Separate brigade Special purpose and special diversion-intelligence school in Tambov.
From October 1957 he was the head of the special purpose center, the Deputy Head of the Human Staff of the Armed Forces.
April 27, 1962 is assigned military rank "Colonel-General".
I lived in Moscow (Russia).
He died on April 5, 1968. Buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 29, 1945 for the exemplary fulfillment of military assignments of the command at the front of the fight against German invaders and the head of the guard and the heroism of the Guard Major Major Mamsurov, the Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and Medals "Golden Star" (№ 6568).

Awarded three orders of Lenin (01/03/1937, 05/23/1945, 05.11.1946), five orders of the Red Banner (06.21.1937, 05.21.1940, 11/03/1944, 06/21/1949, 22.02.1968), Cutuzov 1st degree (12/18/1956), the Order of Suvorov 2nd degree (13.11.1943), the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree (09/20/1944), the medals of the "XX years of the Red Army" (1938), "Parisan of the Patriotic War", "For defense Leningrad, "" For the defense of Moscow "," For the defense of the Caucasus "," For the victory over Germany "," 30 years Soviet army and the fleet "and others, as well as orders and medals of foreign countries.

* The exact date He did not know his birth, and the date of September 15, 1903 began to point out in the documents since 1920, when he recruited the volunteer in the first equestrian army.
** served as one of the prerequisites of the American Volunteer - the demolition of Robert Jordon in the novel "The Common Bell Calls" of Ernest Hemingway.
*** Subsequently married her.

Four wars fell on his share. He had a chance to be a connected partisan detachment, and a scout, and a saboteler, command small units and cavalry compounds. Put the fugasy and organize partisan work on huge territory. Communicate with strong Mira of this and simple soldiers - war workers.

What are the essence of the matter, he himself remained all his life ...

One of the Soviet special forces of the Soviet special forces of Hadji-Umar Dzhhipovich Mamsurov was born on September 15, 1903 in the village of Olginsky Vladikavkaz district of Teresk province in the peasant family.

In early summer, 1918, the young man came to Vladikavkaz, entered the workers in the railway depot. In August, when the North Caucasus was overwhelmed by the revolutionary events, joined red, became a fighter of the mountain cavalry hundreds of the 11th Red Army, where she registered several months. But, sick title, was left by retreating colleagues in one of the Vladikavkaz hospitals. The city was taken by the White Guards, a wild massacre began in it. In January 1919, almost 17,000 redarmeys were killed in the capital of Ossetia and its surroundings without trial, most of whom were wounded and sick. Only by the lucky chance of Haji managed to avoid the bloody massacre.

Since April 1919, Mamsurov is a scout and a connected partisan detachment, operating in the region of Vladikavkaz and Grozny. More than once, he distinguished himself in dashing raids on the units and headquarters whites, as well as in the battles for Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Georgievsk, Nevinnomyssk. In the 1920s, after the return of the regular troops of the Red to the North Caucasus, became an employee of the Teresk CC. The composition of its operas participated in many special operations to eliminate the surviving White Guard detachments. In March 1921, already having a ticket of a member of the RCP (b) in his pocket, he became the second-channel special department of the 11th Red Army.

The name of the brave young man was heard not only at the Highlanders who supported the Soviet power: thanks to the relatives - his native uncle Sahanviri Mamsurov became a member of the Bolsheviks Party of the Glasses of the Caucasian Committee of the Bolsheviks Among the new leaders of the country. However, fate provided Haji chance and personally to "light up" at the highest level.

In mid-1921, he left to study in Moscow, to the Communist University of the Workers of the East. It seemed that now his life will be far from the army. But fate ordered otherwise ...

After a year and a half, he was summoned to the main political management of the Red Army and sent to the military council of the North Caucasus Military District, pre-providing leave. Haji rested B. hometownWhen it became known that in the middle of May, the All-Union Starright Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin will come to the feast of the association of peoples of the Gorsoops Assour. The celebration should have been held between the Ossetian village of Olginsky and the Ingush Aulu Bazkino, where the representatives of many mountain peoples were going to arrive.

However, on the eve of the arrival of a high guest in Olginsky, anxious message came: a large gang of Belocazakov is preparing for an attack on the All-Union Older. There was no time to collect big strength. But let the attack on guests in his own house meant to break the ancient law of the mountains, cover yourself with shame.
Haji collected two dozen local units and made an ambush. As soon as the Cossacks approached the village, Mamsurov's squad with a whistle and Gicani hit them to the flank. In the course of a short, but cruel cavalry schorka, the attackers were overturned and the ones rushed. Several people were injured, including the commander of the Khaji Mamsurov squad: the bullet was reversed the thigh, fortunately, not bone ...

The holiday took place. Leaning to Moscow, the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (nominally - the first person in the Soviet state hierarchy) took with him the wounded Highlander, who shed blood for his salvation, and determined it in one of the best metropolitan clinics.

In 1928, Haji, then the military commissar of a separate Dagestan cavalry division, with its own connants on the orders of the republic council of the republic, provided the conservation of the village and the fortress of Gunib, where the All-Union Strost arrived on his holiday. They met daily for three weeks, spending time in many hours of conversations to different topics. Later in his memoirs, Mamsurov will say: "For the time of communication with Kalinin, I graduated from a real University, this Academy of Life."

It is no wonder that such a rich in the events biography has opened the way to the Elite of the Red Army. In 1929, Haji-Umar (at the age of twenty-six!) Becomes commander of the cavalry regiment, and after another two years, after completing the courses for improving the command staff at the Military Political Academy. Lenin, translates to work in the intelligence management of the Red Army.
From now on his life will be associated with military intelligence ...

Spanish ballad

In the early 1930s, the hearth of international tension moved to the Pyrenean Peninsula. In Spain, the monarchy fell and the republic was installed. However, on July 18, 1936, the rebellion broke out in the country raised by General Franco. Part of the country was under the control of the opposite military. A 200,000th Italian Expeditionary Corps and the 50-thousand German Legion "Condor" arrived in the country to help the rebels. The Soviet Union was not standing aside, who came to the help of Republicans.

Spain turned into a military clash of two political systems, on the side of each of which professional military advocated under the guise of volunteers and military advisors. In this boiling boiler, the Major of the Soviet military intelligence Khadzhi-Umar Mamsurov was also a specialist for the organization of partisan struggle and sabotage work.

On the Pyrenees, he acted under the name of the international terrorist Xanthi, Macedonian by nationality, which was considerable to the external similarity between Caucasians and Levancets. Recall that at that time the concept of "terrorist" meant belonging to the extremely left political parties - social revolutionary and anarchists, legally existed in many countries and confessed armed ways to achieve power. But the essence is not.

Arriving in Spain, Colonel Xanti took the position of head of intelligence XIV corps, concentrating in his hands, in fact, all the intelligence and sabotage work in the Republican Army.

The business of Republicans at the first stage of the war went out of the hands badly. Only brigades of volunteer-internationalists fought more or less. But their personnel units of Frankists, strengthened by Italian and German parts, were pushed to the coast and in the mountains. The only effective tacty that disappeared the opponent's plans and giving time to the organization of defense large citiesStill controlled by the revolutionary authorities, and the formation of regular battalions and regiments of the Republican Army, in that period it could only be the holding of well-organized sabotage. This was engaged in "Colonel Xanti".

His account was not one dozen successful sabotage operations. We will tell only about one of them, almost worth the Mamsurov of life.

In the second half of November 1936, the general offensive of Frankists in Madrid was scheduled. Hadji sent several reconnaissance groups to the rear of the opponent with the task of finding the exact time of the strike. Only one thing returned, which was driving a dead language with him - an officer. With it, on the happiness of the Republicans, the order of Franco himself, who said: Start an offensive on November 25th.

The preventing strike "Colonel Xanthi", adhered to the verified principle that "every sabotage has its own hour," caused by day before. His sabotage squad, moving the front line, blew four bridges on iron and road roads, and at the end of the raid attacked the airfield, destroying almost three tens of transport aircraft. When the Mamsurov airfield was wounded in the shoulder, heavily contused with a close grenade rupture, lost consciousness and ... remained lying on the battlefield.

The loss of the commander was found only during the collection of saboteurs in an agreed place. It is not known how further the fate of the "Colonel Xanthi" was formed, do not be a brave translator of Argentica Paulina-Marianna, directed to Spain with the Communist International Youth. Making advocating in the absence of Mamsurov at the point of collection, the girl jumped behind the wheel of a randomly refined machine, returned to the smoking airfield and literally from under the nose from the sighted terrain of Frankists took the helpless Haji.

After returning from Spain to the Soviet Union of Xanthi and Lina, as they called each other comrades of internationalists, became husband and wife ...

Another significant event was a scout meeting with the Writer Ernest Hemingway, who was at that time on the Pyrenees as a military correspondent of several American newspapers. It is well known that it was the "Colonel Xanthi", the real name of which the American American did not know, became the prototype of the main hero of the novel "Bell calls". Interestingly, the saboteur himself, without evaluating the literary talents of his famous acquaintance, he was briefly expressed in memoirs about Hemingway-man short and specifically: "drinks too much and chatting a lot."

And this sharpness is completely explained: the people of the military profession, which Hadji-Umar Giorovich chose for himself, never sought to be widely fame and cheap popularity.

The very same Mamsurov, who received two combat orders, after returning from the Pyrenees Peninsula and the third sleeper on the loop, was already waiting for a new theater of hostilities. After the hot mountains of Spain, he had to be in the snow-covered forests and swamps of the Karelian Isthmus ...

"Xanthi, are you bad or immortal?"

Shortly after the return of "Colonel Xanti" to the Soviet Union, the red army was overwhelmed by a wave of personnel cleaning. Dived many. Sandgeri Mamsurov was arrested and shot - Uncle Haji Umar, who did not hide his commitment to the Trotskyists. And since the ideas of Lion Trotsky about the development of the global revolution adhered to many people returned from the Pyrenean Peninsula and Fighters of Interbrigade, the danger of arrest for Haji was more than real.

However, he managed to avoid repression. Moreover, in 1938, he was appointed head of one of the divisions in the reconnaissance department of the Red Army for organizing sabotage work in the rear of the opponent's army after the start of hostilities. And therefore, as soon as the first shots sounded in Karelian forests, drove to the front.

In the winter of 1939/1940, Mamsurov commanded a special ski brigade, consisting of personnel redarmeys and volunteers, selected by the command from students of the Leningrad Institute of Physical Education. Her detachments acted in the strip of the 9th Army, leaving the Finnish rear by 60-80, sometimes at 120, or even 150 kilometers.

Mamsurov's loudest cases can be attributed to the destruction of the communication line between the Poolaan and Kitifi Group of Enemy's troops. To do this, skiers, together with their commander, had to overcome 5 days in absolutely deserted terrain into a forty-feather-perdus frost of about 200 kilometers, find made of durable concrete, hidden deep under the snow and the ground cable channels, lay the explosives brought with them ...

In addition, the headquarters of the 9th Infantry Division of Finns were defeated by the Mamsurov skiers, the army binding unit at the kitchen village was destroyed, the control points of 25, 27 and 65 phenomena regiments were thoroughly duled, the warehouses of the 9th artillery regiment of the enemy were destroyed. And this is in addition to ordinary ambushes and raids, arranged at 6-8 kilometers from the front line.

It was not without loss, sometimes very annoying. On February 18, 1940, Mamsurov was summoned to the 9th Army political notion, where he received the task "to present the Finns a gift for the anniversary of the Red Army," that is, to arrange a loud sabotage on February 23. Hadji Umar tried to convince the political trains that they think too primitively and standardly that it was on this day the Finns will triple posts, strengthen vigilance. All like a pea wall! As a result, a group of 50 skiers sent to the Finnish rear was easily detected, surrounded and completely destroyed. Mamsurov People Three Days led an unequal fight surrounded by the last two of those who remained in living diversants undermined themselves with grenades ...

All this, as well as many other, Hadji-Umar Giorovich spoke in April 1940, at a meeting of the superior composition of the Red Army, where the experience of the Soviet-Finnish war was generalized.

Then many were published on the rostrum. But it was the performance of Colonel Mamsurov that became the most bright and resonant. He, like most military leaders, sitting in the Presidium, Stalin asked the question: "Tell me, did someone interfere with the command?" The curiosity of the leader was not idle: before the country's leadership, rumors reached the fact that the head of the RKKA political enforcement Army Commissioner of the 1st Rod Lev Mehlis and some of his subordinate political workers allowed themselves to interfere with the leadership of the troops, commanders and divisions.

The question is Mamsurov, it was not as chance: at the front Mehlis was a member of the Military Council of the 9th Army, in which the saboteurs of Haji-Umar acted. And it was Makhlis that became the initiator of the very "gift of the Finns on February 23," the life of fighters of Mamsurov's fighters.

... Before that, he later recalled the army general Pavel Batov, on the question of the leader all speaking teams of high ranks, heroic comedors, comes and Combridges responded negatively. And only the commander of the ski brigade said: "Sometimes, Comrade Stalin, prevented. And greatly interfered. "

For a few seconds, silence was hung in the hall. And then Mamsurov began to talk about his work at the front, sharply criticizing Mehlis and some other high-ranking political workers for the fact that the army of the army binds the creative opportunities and the initiative of the commanders.

However, the commanders themselves, especially the lower link, from Mamsurov also got. "I was given lieutenants from the Tambov Infantry School," the colonel brought. - These people were not commanders, they could not even be fighters. They turned out to be well dulled, they knew how to walk on the places, to famously trump the bosses, but did not know either weapons, no cards or movement on the compass. Many of them go to the Finns in the rear were frankly afraid. The first martialctions It was shown that the platoon commander, the groups in the raid actually became not the lieutenant, but the Red Army, a fighter that had at least a two-week combat experience. "

Next, Mamsurov said that he prepared his sabotage skiers for only a month, but they still managed to achieve a lot. And summed up his report by a proposal that caused an ambiguous reaction in the hall: "I think that if I had a fighters prepared in peacetime, we would have done a more significant damage to the enemy. I propose to put and resolve the issue of creating special parts in a number of districts. We must begin to prepare them before the war, whoever it happens to. As part of the armies, these parts will bring much benefit by performing, in addition to special work, the task of far intelligence. "

So for the first time in the presence of the entire military, party and state top, a proposal to create army special forces were expressed.
At the break of the meeting, the Army Commissioner of the 1st Rank Mehlis, who passed by Mamsurov, was incompletely measured by the colonel with a sealing look. And the head of the Soviet Union Soviet Union cargo troops of the Soviet Union, Comandarer of the 1st rank of Pavlov, Mamsurov's associate in Spain, the right shaking Hadji-Umar hand, left twisted several times from the temple and quietly asked: "Xanti, are you bad or immortal?"

After that April meeting, many expected if not arrest, then at least the transfer of Mamsurov with a decrease in the periphery. And he became the head of the 5th division of the Red Army and was sent to the courses of improving the command staff at the Military Academy. M. V. Frunze ...

Polvayan - Partizan, Polvayan - Cavalier

June 22, Haji-Umar Dzhhipovich lay at home with high temperatures, Pills swallowed, warmed the neck that it was impossible to turn from wild pain. But it turned out that war is the best medicine for the sabotea: the first shock from terrible news was so great that the disease instantly retreated.

On June 24, almost all subordinate Mamsurov led to him were in the Belarusian Special Military District. Now no one argued with Haji-Umarness about the need to deploy partisan War and sabotage work in the rear of the aggressor. But where was the most commanders of partisans and professional sabersans? After 1938, they were not found in the Soviet Union during the day with fire. In essence, the 5th Department of Savorov, the Department of Mamsurov, which included such assessment and sabotage work, like Guy Tumanyan, Nikolai Patrahalites, Ivan Demsky, Vasily Troyan, Sergey Fomin, Valery Znamensky, Nikolai Ltdokov, Grigory Kharitonenkov, Peter Gerasimov, - turned out to be the only division in the top of the Red Army, capable of something to teach people left by party and government agencies In the rear of the enemy.

"Our whole special group," Jealthy Dzhhipovich recalled after the war, "in those days it worked on the organization of a special network of agents in the area of \u200b\u200bRogachev, Mogilev, Orsha. In the first meeting with Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus Ponomarenko, we discussed the organization of partisan movement and urgent training of special intelligence and sabotage personnel, sketched an action plan. Of course, the leadership of Belarus found, organized people. But they had to be familiar with the tactic of the partisan war, establish appears, communications, conspiracy apartments, caches, prepare agents for activities underground. In addition to us, it was no one ...

I myself left for the Mogilev to the area of \u200b\u200btraining of partisan detachments, where he conducted classes on tactics of sabotage actions. Training went day and night. In the morning of June 29, we sent the first group to perform combat missions in the rear of the opponent - about 300 people. So the guerrilla movement in Belarus was born. "

On the Western Front, Mamsurov was located until July 7, while the cipherogram was not withdrawn to the capital, where he received a new prescription - loss in Leningrad to organize a partisan movement in the North-West Front.

Alas, there for a long time to deal with my business to Colonel Mamsurov did not have to. After the German breakthrough under the miracle Hadji-Umar was forced to accept the remains of the 311st Rifle Division under his command, organize defense at a new line and lead the connection with severe defensive battles. On August 24, the new Committee was heavily injured by the shell fragments - immediately in both legs and hands.

After discharge from the colonel hospital, they were appointed to the headquarters of the partisan movement, where Mamsurov was headed by an operational department, personally prepared future commanders of partisan detachments.

When our affairs in the south went out of Hands badly, the decision of the State Defense Committee dated August 3, 1942 for the leadership of the partisan struggle in the North Caucasus and in the Crimea at the Military Council of the North Caucasus Front was created by the Southern Headquarters of the Partisan Movement. He headed his colonel Mamsurov. At headquarters, he organized a school on the preparation of sabotage frames, to the teaching work attracted many former fighters of interbricades, who knew in Spain.

At the same time, Haji-Umar submitted a proposal to form a light cavalry division, intended, in the absence of a continuous line of the front, for deep rapid raids on the enemy replaes.

I liked the idea, it was approved at the very top, and in March 1943, Colonel Mamsurov joined the post of commander of the 2nd Guards Crimean Cavalry Division, from whom he fought before the victory. And how fought!

In early October 1943, Mamsurov's office forced the Dnieper north of Kiev, expanded the bridgehead for the troops of the 60th Army and went for a walk through fascist reasons. On November 11, they mastered the city of Korosten, and on November 12 - Zhytomyr. Having at the disposal only a trophy artillery, the cavalry officers held a Zhytomyr for six days, destroying more than 50 tanks and more than 3 thousand soldiers and opponent officers. The city was still commissioned, but the exhausted enemy did not have time to help with his parts, defended near Kiev. The offensive of the Nazis in the Fastovsky-Kiev direction was broken. For excellent leadership of combat actions of Division Haji-Umar Dzhhipovich was awarded the Order Suvorov 2nd degree and produced in major general.

At the end of January 1944, Mamsurov's connants crossed the Stirm river and, being in the rear of the enemy, swiftly moved in the southern direction. Division connecting with several partisan detachments, crushed the 19th Infantry Division of Hungarians and the 143rd Infantry Germans, liberated many settlements and on February 1, 1944 raised the Red Banner over Lutsk. Moving on the connection with the advancing parts of the 1st Ukrainian front, the cavalrymen thoroughly fell away the rear of the Dubnan enemy grouping.

During the Lviv-Sandomir operation, the Mamsurov Division took possession of Kamenka-Stammilovo, destroying more than 8 thousand Nazis, capturing more than 2 thousand prisoners, including two generals.

Crushing raids in German reasons. In September 1944, breaking through the defense of the enemy, Mamsurov's Defense, as part of the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps, was successfully operated on the territory of Czechoslovakia, broke through the defense of the Nazis on the Neurov River, seized near the cities and rushed to Berlin from the south-west. April 24, south of Torgau they spent their the last fight, during which, in addition to the capture of rich trophies, freed 15600 prisoners from two concentration camps.

On May 29, 1945, Haji-Umar Dzhhipovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On the same day, he was appointed commander of the battalion of the consolidated shelf of the 1st Ukrainian Front, with which June 24 participated in the Victory Parade ...

Without guilt to blame

In 1948, the general graduated from the Military Academy General Staff. Commanded the hull, army. He had to play again in the fall of 1956, when a military insurgency broke out in Hungary and were introduced into the country soviet troops. Parts of Mamsurov took part in the restoration of order in Debence, Mischiktse and Diere, where in a week without much difficulty and losses coped with the task.

In 1957, Haji-Umar Giorech was appointed the deputy head of the GRU. And soon in the military and party leadership of the Soviet Union, a colossal scandal broke out, which turned out to be mixed and the name of General Mamsurov. It was about the preparation of the Minister of Defense of Zhukov, no little ... state coup! To do this, Marshal was allegedly intended to use parts of a special purpose, the order for the creation of which, in secret from the Central Committee of the Party, gave the leaders of GRU - Generals Shtemmenko and Mamsurov ...

The literary and cowners of those events exist enough. But that's what a personnel intelligence officer and a close companion of Haji-Umar Giorovich Mikhail Milstein said in memoirs about this story.

"Shortly before the trip to Yugoslavia G. K. Zhukov called Mamsurov to himself and shared his decision on the formation of a special purpose team, based on the possible nature of future hostilities in the region (i.e., in the Balkans! - Aut.). These brigades were to be relatively small (up to 2,000 people), armed with an easy, but the most advanced weapon. It was assumed to gather into a single fist, the choice, physically strong personnel, trained in the receptions of the melee, including hand-to-hand, towing air and the use of modern explosives. The formation of these brigades Georgy Konstantinovich placed on Mamsurov.

Hadji-Umar Goriovich was a friend whom he knew many years, General Tumanyan. At that time, he served as Deputy Head of the Armored Academy for the Political Part. Tumanyan had to relatives to Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan. Being married to sisters, they often met and treated each other in a friendly. Mamsurov spoke about the meeting with Zhukov and his instructions to Tumanyan, he who, in turn, reported on the heard A. I. Mikoyan.

Mikoyan, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, perceived the story very seriously. The question he asked, sounded like this: "Can these brigades be thrown away from the Kremlin?" Tumanyan replied that if Mamsurov was taken for business, then people prepared by him can be thrown out anywhere. At the same time, he meant only the quality of the military-professional training of future Soviet special forces, but not their political beliefs or the complete absence of such.

Hearing such an answer, Anastas Ivanovich hurried to the report to Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev. In the inflamed imagination of the first deputy chairmina, brought up on the theory of conspiracies, the thought was immediately born about the intention of Zhukov to prepare a military coup with the help of a special purpose brigade. "

The inflamed imagination was not only at Mikoyan, but also from the absolute majority of members of the CPSU Central Committee, suspended in the struggle for power and most in the life of those who were afraid to lose her.

In October 1957, a plenum of the Central Committee was convened, on the agenda of which was the only question: "On the improvement of party-political work in the Soviet army and a fleet." M. A. Suslov, the main Soviet ideologist, who said literally the following: "The Presidium of the Central Committee found out that the Minister of Defense G. K. Zhukov without the knowledge of the Central Committee decided to organize the school of saboteurs in two thousands of listeners (you feel the difference between" Brigade Special Forces "and" School of Diversants "? - Avt.). Tov. Zhukov did not even consider it necessary to inform the Central Committee about this school. Only three people were to know about her organization: Zhukov, Sheemko and Mamsurov, who was appointed chief of this school. But General Mamsurov, as a communist, found his duty to inform the Central Committee about this illegal action of the minister. "

What was illegal in the actions of the Minister of Defense, Mikhail Andreevich Suslov, so elegantly put up Mamsurov with a refinement and party informant, and did not explain. Yes, it was not required, for the reason for displacement from the post of Minister of Defense Marshal Zhukov, who so afraid and whose popularity in the army and the people were envied by many party leaders, was found.

Marshal Malinovsky was appointed to the place of displaced Zhukov, who left all the guide of the GRU. And Mamsurov continued to work on the creation of the Soviet special forces. The best candidacy for this was not found at that time.

Four wars fell on his share. He had a chance to be a connected partisan detachment, and a scout, and a saboteler, command small units and cavalry compounds. It is very listed by Fugas and organize partisan work in a huge territory. Communicate with the strong world of this and simple soldiers - workers of war. What are the essence of the matter, he himself remained his whole life.

In vortex civil

One of the Soviet special forces of the Soviet special forces of Hadji-Umar Dzhhipovich Mamsurov was born on September 15, 1903 in the village of Olginsky Vladikavkaz district of Teresk province in the peasant family.

In early summer, 1918, the young man came to Vladikavkaz, entered the workers in the railway depot. In August, when the North Caucasus was overwhelmed by the revolutionary events, joined red, became a fighter of the mountain cavalry hundreds of the 11th Red Army, where she registered several months. But, sick title, was left by retreating colleagues in one of the Vladikavkaz hospitals. The city was taken by the White Guards, a wild massacre began in it. In January 1919, almost 17,000 redarmeys were killed in the capital of Ossetia and its environs without a court and the investigation, mostly wounded and patients. Only by the lucky chance of Haji managed to avoid the bloody massacre.

Since April 1919, Mamsurov is a scout and a connected partisan detachment, operating in the region of Vladikavkaz and Grozny. More than once, he distinguished himself in dashing raids on the units and headquarters whites, as well as in the battles for Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Georgievsk, Nevinnomyssk. In the 1920s, after the return of the regular troops of the Red to the North Caucasus, became an employee of the Teresk CC. The composition of its operas participated in many special operations to eliminate the surviving White Guard detachments. In March 1921, already having a ticket of a member of the RCP (b) in his pocket, he became the second-channel special department of the 11th Red Army.

The name of the brave young man was heard not only at Highlanders who supported the Soviet power. However, fate provided Haji chance to "light up" and at the highest level.

In mid-1921, he left to study in Moscow, to the Communist University of the Workers of the East. It seemed that now his life will be far from the army. But fate ordered otherwise. After a year and a half, he was summoned to the main political management of the Red Army and sent to the military council of the North Caucasus Military District, pre-providing leave. Haji rested in his hometown, when it became known that in mid-May, the All-Union Old Town Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin will come to the feast of the people of the Peoples of the Gorskops Autonom. The celebration should have been held between the Ossetian village of Olginsky and the Ingush Aulu Bazkino, where the representatives of many mountain peoples were going to arrive.

However, on the eve of the arrival of a high guest in Olginsky, anxious message came: a large gang of Belocazakov is preparing for an attack on the All-Union Older. There was no time to collect big strength. But let the attack on guests in his own house meant to break the ancient law of the mountains, cover yourself with shame.

Haji collected two dozen local units and made an ambush. As soon as the Cossacks approached the village, Mamsurov's squad with a whistle and Gicani hit them to the flank. In the course of a short, but cruel cavalry schorka, the attackers were overturned and the ones rushed. Mantsev was injured several people, including the commander of the Khaji Mamsurov squad: the bullet was reversed the thigh, fortunately, did not bone.

The holiday took place. Leaving to Moscow, the Chairman of the Russian Academy of Sciences took the wounded Highlander with him, who shed blood for his salvation, and determined it in one of the best metropolitan clinics.

It is no wonder that such a rich in the events biography has opened the way to the Elite of the Red Army. In 1929, Haji Umar (at the age of 26!) It becomes commander of the cavalry regiment, and after another two years, after completing courses of team formulation at the Military Political Academy named after Lenin, translates to work in the intelligence management of the Red Army. From now on his life will be associated with military intelligence.

Spanish ballad

In the early 1930s, the hearth of international tension moved to the Pyrenean Peninsula. In Spain, the monarchy fell and the republic was installed. However, on July 18, 1936, the rebellion broke out in the country raised by General Franco. Part of the country was under the control of the opposite military. A 200,000th Italian Expeditionary Corps and the 50-thousand German Legion "Condor" arrived in the country to help the rebels. The Soviet Union was not standing aside, who came to the help of Republicans.

In this boiling boiler, the Major of the Soviet military intelligence Khadzhi-Umar Mamsurov was also a specialist for the organization of partisan struggle and sabotage work.

On the Pyrenees, he acted under the name of the international terrorist Xanthi, Macedonian by nationality, which was considerable to the external similarity between Caucasians and Levancets. Recall that at that time the concept of "terrorist" meant belonging to the extremely left political parties - social revolutionary and anarchists, legally existed in many countries and confessed armed ways to achieve power. Arriving in Spain, Colonel Xanti took the position of head of intelligence XIV corps, concentrating in his hands, in fact, all the intelligence and sabotage work in the Republican Army.

The business of Republicans at the first stage of the war went out of the hands badly. Only brigades of volunteer-internationalists fought more or less. But their personnel units of Frankists, strengthened by Italian and German parts, were pushed to the coast and in the mountains. The only effective tacty that disappeared the opponent's plans and giving time to the organization of the defense of large cities, is still controlled by the revolutionary authorities, and the formation of regular battalions and regiments of the Republican Army, at that time it could only be the conduct of well-organized sabotage. This was engaged in "Colonel Xanti".

His account was not one dozen successful sabotage operations. We will tell only about one of them, almost worth the Mamsurov of life.

In the second half of November 1936, the general offensive of Frankists in Madrid was scheduled. Hadji sent several reconnaissance groups to the rear of the opponent with the task of finding the exact time of the strike. Only one thing returned, which was driving a dead language with him - an officer. With it, on the happiness of the Republicans, the order of Franco himself, who said: Start an offensive on November 25th.

The preventing strike "Colonel Xanthi", adhered to the verified principle that "every sabotage has its own hour," caused by day before. His sabotage squad, moving the front line, blew four bridges on iron and road roads, and at the end of the raid attacked the airfield, destroying almost three tens of transport aircraft. When the Mamsurov airfield was wounded in the shoulder, heavily contused with a close grenade rupture, lost consciousness and ... remained lying on the battlefield.

Ernest Hemingway

The loss of the commander was found only during the collection of saboteurs in an agreed place. It is not known how further the fate of the "Colonel Xanthi" was formed, do not be a brave translator of Argentica Paulina-Marianna, directed to Spain with the Communist International Youth. Making advocating in the absence of Mamsurov at the point of collection, the girl jumped behind the wheel of a randomly refined machine, returned to the smoking airfield and literally from under the nose from the sighted terrain of Frankists took the helpless Haji. After returning from Spain to the Soviet Union of Xanthi and Lina, as they called it among themselves internationalists, became husband and wife.

Another significant event was a scout meeting with the Writer Ernest Hemingway, who was at that time on the Pyrenees as a military correspondent of several American newspapers. It is well known that it was the "Colonel Xanthi", the real name of which the American American did not know, became the prototype of the main hero of the novel "Bell calls". Interestingly, the saboteur himself, without evaluating the literary talents of his famous acquaintance, he was briefly expressed in memoirs about Hemingway-man short and specifically: "drinks too much and chatting a lot."

And this sharpness is completely explained: the people of the military profession, which Hadji-Umar Giorovich chose for himself, never sought to be widely fame and cheap popularity.

The very same Mamsurov, who received two combat orders, after returning from the Pyrenees Peninsula and the third sleeper on the loop, was already waiting for a new theater of hostilities. After the hot mountains of Spain, he was to be in the snow-covered forests and swamps of the Karelian Isthmus.

In 1938, Haji-Umar was appointed head of one of the divisions that responded in the reconnaissance department of the Red Army for organizing sabotage work in the rear of the opponent's army after the start of hostilities. And therefore, as soon as the first shots sounded in Karelian forests, drove to the front.

In the winter of 1939-1940, Mamsurov commanded a special ski brigade, consisting of personnel redarmeys and volunteers selected by the command from students of the Leningrad Institute of Physical Education. Her detachments went to the Finnish rear by 60-80, sometimes 120, or even all 150 kilometers.

Mamsurov's loudest cases can be attributed to the destruction of the communication line between the Poolaan and Kitifi Group of Enemy's troops. To do this, skiers, together with their commander, had to overcome five days in absolutely deserted terrain in a forty-fightened frost of about 200 kilometers, find those made of durable concrete, hidden deep under the snow and the ground cable channels, lay the explosives brought with them ...

In addition, Mamsurov's skiers defeated the headquarters of the 9th Infantry Division of Finns, destroyed the army bonding unit, thoroughly had the control points of the three infantry regiments, destroyed the warehouses of the 9th artillery regiment of the enemy. And this is in addition to ordinary ambushes and raids, arranged at 6-8 kilometers from the front line.

It was not without loss, sometimes very annoying. On February 18, 1940, Mamsurov was summoned to the 9th Army political notion, where he received the task "to present the Finns a gift for the anniversary of the Red Army," that is, to arrange a loud sabotage on February 23. Hadji Umar tried to convince the political trains that they think too primitively and standardly that it was on this day the Finns will triple posts, strengthen vigilance. All like a pea wall! As a result, a group of 50 skiers sent to the Finnish rear was easily detected, surrounded and completely destroyed. Mamsurov People Three Days led an unequal fight surrounded by the last two of those who remained in living saboteurs undermined themselves with grenades.

All this, as well as many other, Hadji-Umar Giorovich spoke in April 1940, at a meeting of the superior composition of the Red Army, where the experience of the Soviet-Finnish war was generalized.

Then many were published on the rostrum. But it was the performance of Colonel Mamsurov that became the most bright and resonant. He, like most military leaders, sitting in the Presidium Stalin asked the question: "Tell me, did anyone interfere with you command?" The curiosity of the leader was not idle: before the country's leadership, rumors reached the fact that the head of the RKKA political enforcement Army Commissioner of the 1st Rod Lev Mehlis and some of his subordinate political workers allowed themselves to interfere with the leadership of the troops, commanders and divisions.

The question is Mamsurov, it was not as chance: at the front Mehlis was a member of the Military Council of the 9th Army, in which the saboteurs of Haji-Umar acted. And it was Makhlis that became the initiator of the very "gift of the Finns on February 23," the life of fighters of Mamsurov's fighters.

Before that, as he subsequently recalled the Army General Pavel Batov, on the question of the leader all speaking teams of high ranks, heroic comkers, comes and Combridge answered negatively. And only the commander of the ski brigade said: "Sometimes, Comrade Stalin, prevented. And greatly interfered. "

For a few seconds, silence was hung in the hall. And then Mamsurov began to talk about his work at the front, sharply criticizing Mehlis and some other high-ranking political workers for the fact that the army of the army binds the creative opportunities and the initiative of the commanders.

However, the commanders themselves, especially the lower link, from Mamsurov also got. "I was given lieutenants from the Tambov Infantry School," the colonel brought. - These people were not commanders, they could not even be fighters. They turned out to be well dulled, they knew how to walk on the places, to famously trump the bosses, but did not know either weapons, no cards or movement on the compass. Many of them go to the Finns in the rear were frankly afraid. The first combat actions showed that the platoon commander, the group in the raid actually became a lieutenant, but the Red Army, a fighter that had at least a two-week combat experience. "

Next, Mamsurov said that he prepared his sabotage skiers for only a month, but they still managed to achieve a lot. And summed up his report by a proposal that caused an ambiguous reaction in the hall:"I think that if I had a fighters prepared in peacetime, then we would have done a more significant damage to the enemy. I propose to put and resolve the issue of creating special parts in a number of districts. We must begin to prepare them before the war, whoever it happens to. As part of the armies, these parts will bring much benefit by performing, in addition to special work, the task of far intelligence. "

So for the first time in the presence of the entire military, party and state top, a proposal to create army special forces were expressed.

At the break of the meeting, the Army Commissioner of the 1st Rank Mehlis, who passed by Mamsurov, was incompletely measured by the colonel with a sealing look. And the head of the Soviet Union's auto-rotary troops of the Hero of the Soviet Union by the Comandarm of the 1st Rank of Pavlov, the Communner of Mamsurov else in Spain, the right shaking Hadji-Umar hand, left twisted several times at the temple and quietly asked: "Xanthi, are you bad or immortal?"

After that April meeting, many expected if not arrest, then at least the transfer of Mamsurov with a decrease in the periphery. And he became the head of the 5th division of the Red Army and was sent to the courses of improving the command staff at the Military Academy. M. V. Frunze.

Polvayan - Partizan, Polvayan - Cavalist

June 22, Haji-Umar Jiorovich lay at home with a high temperature, swallowed pills, warmed her neck, which was impossible to turn from wild pain. But it turned out that war is the best medicine for the sabotea: the first shock from terrible news was so great that the disease instantly retreated.

On June 24, almost all subordinate Mamsurov led to him were in the Belarusian Special Military District. Now no one argued with Haji-Umarness about the need to deploy the partisan war and sabotage work in the rear of the aggressor. But where was the most commanders of partisans and professional sabersans? After 1938, they were not found in the Soviet Union during the day with fire. In essence, the 5th Department of Savorov - the Department of Mamsurov - turned out to be the only division at the top of the Red Army, capable of anyone to teach people left by the party and government agencies in the enemy's rear.

"Our whole special group, - recalled after the war Hadji-Umar Giorovich, - in those days, he worked on the organization of a special network of agents in the area of \u200b\u200bRogachev, Mogilev, Orsha. In the first meeting with Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus Ponomarenko, we discussed the organization of partisan movement and urgent training of special intelligence and sabotage personnel, sketched an action plan. Of course, the leadership of Belarus found, organized people. But they had to be familiar with the tactic of the partisan war, establish appears, communications, conspiracy apartments, caches, prepare agents for activities underground. In addition to us, it was no one.

I myself left for the Mogilev to the area of \u200b\u200btraining of partisan detachments, where he conducted classes on tactics of sabotage actions. Training went day and night. In the morning of June 29, we sent the first group to perform combat missions in the rear of the opponent - about 300 people. So the guerrilla movement in Belarus was born. "

On the Western Front, Mamsurov was located until July 7, while the cipherogram was not withdrawn to the capital, where he received a new prescription - loss in Leningrad to organize a partisan movement in the North-West Front.

Alas, there for a long time to deal with my business to Colonel Mamsurov did not have to. After the German breakthrough under the miracle Hadji-Umar was forced to accept the remains of the 311st Rifle Division under his command, organize defense at a new line and lead the connection with severe defensive battles. On August 24, the new Committee was heavily injured by the shell fragments - immediately in both legs and hands.

After discharge from the colonel hospital, they were appointed to the headquarters of the partisan movement, where Mamsurov was headed by an operational department, personally prepared future commanders of partisan detachments.

When our affairs in the south went out of Hands badly, the decision of the State Defense Committee dated August 3, 1942 for the leadership of the partisan struggle in the North Caucasus and in the Crimea at the Military Council of the North Caucasus Front was created by the Southern Headquarters of the Partisan Movement. He headed his colonel Mamsurov. At headquarters, he organized a school on the preparation of sabotage frames, to the teaching work attracted many former fighters of interbricades, who knew in Spain.

At the same time, Haji-Umar submitted a proposal to form a light cavalry division, intended, in the absence of a continuous line of the front, for deep rapid raids on the enemy replaes. I liked the idea, it was approved at the very top, and in March 1943, Colonel Mamsurov joined the post of commander of the 2nd Guards Crimean Cavalry Division, from whom he fought before the victory.

And how fought!

In early October 1943, Mamsurov's office forced the Dnieper north of Kiev, expanded the bridgehead for the troops of the 60th Army and went for a walk through fascist reasons. On November 11, they mastered the city of Korosten, and on November 12 - Zhytomyr. Having at the disposal only the trophy artillery, the cavalrymen held the Guards for six days, destroying more than 50 tanks and over three thousand soldiers and opponent officers. The city was still commissioned, but the exhausted enemy did not have time to help with his parts, defended near Kiev. The offensive of the Nazis in the Fastovsky-Kiev direction was broken. For excellent leadership of the combat actions of Division, Haji-Umar Giorovich was awarded the Order of Suvorov of the 2nd degree and was produced in major general.

At the end of January 1944, Mamsurov's connants crossed the Stirm river and, being in the rear of the enemy, swiftly moved in the southern direction. The division, having connected with several partisan detachments, defeated the 19th Infantry Division of the Hungarians and the 143rd Infantry Germans, freed many settlements and on February 1, 1944 raised the Red Banner over Lutsk. Moving on the connection with the advancing parts of the 1st Ukrainian front, the cavalrymen thoroughly fell away the rear of the Dubnan enemy grouping.

During the Lviv-Sandomir operation, the Mamsurov Division took possession of Kamenka-Stammilovo, destroying more than 8 thousand Nazis, capturing more than 2 thousand prisoners, including two generals.

Raid on German reasons were crushing. In September 1944, breaking through the defense of the enemy, Mamsurov's connants in the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps successfully acted in Czechoslovakia. Having broke through the defense of the Nazis on the Neurov River, seized alongside the cities and rushed to Berlin from the south-west. And on April 24, South Tracks, they conducted their last fight, during which, in addition to the capture of rich trophies, were released from two concentration camps of 15600 prisoners.

On May 29, 1945, Haji-Umar Dzhhipovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On the same day, he was appointed commander of the battalion of the consolidated shelf of the 1st Ukrainian Front, with which June 24 participated in the Victory Parade.

After the war

In 1948, the general graduated from the General Staff Military Academy. Commanded the hull, army. He had to play again in the fall of 1956, when a military rebellion broke out in Hungary and Soviet troops were introduced into the country. Parts of Mamsurov took part in the restoration of order in Debence, Mischiktse and Diere, where in a week without much difficulty and losses coped with the task.

In 1957, Haji-Umar Giorech was appointed the deputy head of the GRU. At the same time he headed the center of special purpose.

The general, who spent his entire life with Soviet military intelligence and became one of her legends during his lifetime, died on April 5, 1968 and was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.