How to complete courses from the employment center. Free training courses from the Employment Center: a list of specialties and courses, conditions and rules of training

College and university graduations are often not enough to get a job. Many citizens are thinking about what free training courses are offered at the labor exchange in 2018 in order to improve their qualifications and become a sought-after specialist. Every unemployed person has the right to seek help from the nearest employment center and start receiving the appropriate allowance. If within a certain period of time it is not possible to employ a citizen, a specialist may offer to complete free courses in one of the directions. Main information Government agency - the employment service is a multifunctional organization where you can not only find a job, but also improve your qualifications or acquire new labor skills. This service has a branch in every city of Russia.

Free training from the employment center: specialties, reviews

The training uses a modular system that allows you to master the necessary skills in a shorter time. Also, in most cases, in addition to technical specialties, self-directed training in humanitarian areas is being introduced.

Recently, teachers have been betting on the gameplay in education. Thus, information is better assimilated, professional skills are trained and developed.
Regardless of the chosen direction in the profession, the employment center practices business ethics and the basics of etiquette. The retraining involves modular programs developed by the specialists of the employment center.


If we consider the form of retraining of employees, then this is definitely a full-time program. Depending on the set of groups, the passage of theoretical or practical classes can be either individually or in a group.

Retraining courses: what the employment center offers


The training of mothers on maternity leave from the employment center is widespread. During this period, they receive an allowance and master a new profession.

Benefits in training Although all unemployed citizens have the right to improve their qualifications, there are still priority groups of people who are given greater preference:

  • disabled people;
  • unemployed registered for more than 6 months;
  • dismissed citizens;
  • servicemen and their families who have lost their jobs;
  • school graduates.

For such people, the employment center offers all available professions, from which you can choose your favorite. It is important for the state to find a job for them in the first place.

Free training from the employment center - list of courses

Advice. People with experience of professional retraining advise persistently seeking referrals to the course of interest at the employment center. It is also worth finding out on whose material base the classes will be held.

For most specialties, give priority to universities. In the process of training, the unemployed are paid a scholarship.
There are one-time financial assistance (on request), as well as compensation for travel and accommodation, if the employment center sent you to courses in another area. All payments can be cut or suspended if a person stops attending classes. After successful completion of the program, a government-issued document confirming the acquisition of a new profession is issued.

What free training courses are offered at the labor exchange in 2018


    How to apply for retraining courses

  • 4 Job Center: video

Courses from the employment center: the pros and cons of additional education Have you registered at a local employment center and have not yet received an interesting offer for your profession? Do you need a labor exchange to find a permanent job? In this case, try to get additional professional education... Special courses from the employment service are useful for the following reasons:

  • the offered professions are usually in demand and relevant in the labor market;
  • there is an opportunity to discover a new sphere and oneself - in a new sphere;
  • new knowledge will definitely not hurt;
  • training takes place at the expense of the state;
  • The "student" is paid a scholarship.

The courses are taught not by the employees of the employment center, but by specialists educational institutionswho won the competition.

The order of training in courses at the employment center

  • Auditor;
  • Auditor;
  1. Working professions:
  • Locksmith;
  • Milling cutter;
  • Plumber;
  • Tiler;
  • Turner;
  • Collector of furniture;
  • Picker;
  • Mechanism operator;
  1. Service specialties:
  • Assistant to the head;
  • Confectioner;
  • The hairdresser;
  • Manicurist;
  • Waiter;
  • Baker;
  • Bartender;
  • Lifter;
  1. Private enterprise;
  2. Computer techologies:
  • Programmer;
  • Website layout designer;
  • Graphic Designer;
  1. Medical professions:
  • Nurse (nurse);
  • Pharmacist.

The local labor exchange will provide precise information on the list of specialties for which you can retrain free of charge.

How can you take courses from the employment center in 2018

An extraordinary right to free education Out of turn, the following categories of citizens are entitled to take courses:

  • who have received the status of a disabled person (if there is a medical report on the need to change their profession);
  • adoptive parents, parents, guardians of a child with a disabled status;
  • citizens who have not been able to find a job for more than 6 months (a prerequisite is registration at the Employment Center);
  • servicemen with their wives after their dismissal;
  • citizens who graduated from educational institutions and are employed for the first time.

Thanks to taking courses, a person can realize himself in a new professional activity, successfully find a job or change difficult working conditions for optimal ones. Advantages and Disadvantages of Employment Center Retraining Retraining from a Labor Exchange has its advantages and disadvantages.

What courses can be taken and completed from the labor exchange in 2018

The main advantages are that even people with a criminal record and disabilities can find work. Until they are employed, they are entitled to an allowance, the amount of which is not equal to the average wage, but it will still allow them to buy food and some necessary things.

Are benefits paid during the passage? If a citizen is sent by a specialist of the employment center for training, he is guaranteed a scholarship. Classes are held in specially designated places - classrooms and training centers, with which the employment office has entered into a cooperation agreement.

After the training process is completed, the payment of the scholarship is terminated and the citizen continues to go for interviews. At the same time, the chances of successful employment increase significantly.

Moscow cities

Let's take a look at the advantages:

  • receiving benefits;
  • new professional skills;
  • the opportunity to find a job in a new job;
  • special programs for disabled and convicted citizens.

As for the cons, they are:

  • the areas in demand are always filled with those who want to study, so periodically you have to wait for a new set;
  • the vocational training program for free courses may not be up-to-date, which means the need for independent partial training;
  • a citizen is removed from the labor exchange after he has twice refused the offered vacancies.

Payment of allowance during retraining During the course of training, citizens are paid a scholarship and material assistance.
The unemployed can be offered not only retraining, but also advanced training in his specialty. Another crust will not hurt, for example, when employed as an accountant. The employer is often looking for an employee with experience, which graduates of higher and other educational institutions do not have enough. Training in the courses of the Employment Center is free for students. But this one has educational program and cons:

  1. The employment center does not care what specialty you teach. You may need to wait to enroll in a course in a profession that interests you.
  2. The technical base in educational institutions is often poor and outdated, especially in the regions.
  3. After retraining, the range of jobs offered expands.

What specialties are being retrained at the employment center

If a citizen falls ill during his studies, he is paid an allowance (in the event that the sick leave is confirmed by the Employment Center). If a person missed classes in courses or had poor academic performance, the scholarship may be canceled for one month, or reduced by 25%.

Termination of payment of the scholarship occurs in the following cases:

  • training completed successfully;
  • the student was expelled from the courses through his own fault;
  • the student voluntarily decided to quit school.

Attention! During maternity leave and maternity leave, the scholarship is not paid. Interesting fact! Training on courses and work can be combined if this does not harm the educational process. If a citizen is sent to take courses in another region, the funds that he spends on travel are returned to him, per diem is paid.

If necessary, rental housing is paid.
Therefore, the exact list will only be given to you at your employment center. How to enroll in retraining courses Courses last from 1 to 6 months. The recruitment of groups, the start and end of training takes place at different times of the year, not necessarily in September or January. In addition, there are queues for popular training groups.

Therefore, getting into the program in a profession you are interested in can be lucky right away, or maybe even months later. Also, after registering at an employment center, you are unlikely to be promptly offered to join educational courses.

You can get an advanced training or a completely new specialty.The primary right to receive a referral is for:

  • disabled people;
  • unemployed who have been registered for more than 6 months;
  • people fired from their jobs;
  • dismissed military personnel and their spouses;
  • citizens who are looking for a first job, as well as those who do not have a profession, incl.

In 2018, the employment center continues to work with unemployed people who wish to undergo training and get a new profession that will be in demand in the labor market. Considering legislative framework, it is worth noting the federal law "The right of unemployed citizens to undergo free education."

There are several cases in which a potential employee is granted the right to receive an education:

  • If the applicant does not have higher education in more than one specialization;
  • In case of retraining of employees;
  • In the need to acquire some of the skills necessary to achieve results in another position;
  • Servicemen after dismissal from public service;
  • Employees who have been looking for work for 6 months.

What courses can be completed from the employment center

Is it possible to complete courses from the employment center fairly frequent question from visitors to this organization. In 2018, get the right to additional education or a referral for retraining is possible in the following areas:

  • General chef;
  • Security guard;
  • Welder;
  • General Human Resources Manager;
  • Accountant;
  • Computer operator with knowledge of the basics of accounting 1 C;
  • Crane operator;
  • A lifter to various enterprises;
  • Employee for electric loading of goods;
  • Kindergarten teacher.

Who is eligible for retraining from an employment center?

It is important to note the fact that not all applicants and unemployed are entitled to retraining or free education in the above specialties. First of all, the following can take courses from the employment center:

  • Disabled persons of groups 2 and 3;
  • The category of citizens who have children, grandchildren with disabilities, or are themselves under guardianship;
  • Retired military;
  • Graduates of higher education institutions who have no work experience.

As a rule, all of the above categories are entitled by right to free medical care, as well as the payment of a scholarship on a mandatory basis once a month. What courses can an unemployed person take? Depending on the skills and education, if available, the employee may be offered several free professional courses. The choice remains with the unemployed.

How is the training course

IN this year introduced a new education system on courses from the employment center. The training uses a modular system that allows you to master the necessary skills in a shorter time. Also, in most cases, in addition to technical specialties, self-directed training in humanitarian areas is being introduced. Recently, teachers have been betting on the gameplay in education.

Thus, information is absorbed better, professional skills are trained and developed. Regardless of the chosen direction in the profession, business ethics and the basics of etiquette are practiced at the employment center. The retraining involves modular programs developed by the specialists of the employment center.

If we consider the form of retraining of employees, then this is definitely a full-time program. Depending on the set of groups, the passage of theoretical or practical classes can be either individually or in a group. The retraining of an unemployed applicant can take place on an individual basis. The duration of the course from the employment center is on average about 3 months.

After the client of the employment center receives special skills according to curriculum, he will be offered to pass the examination form in two directions: written and oral. If the lesson has been learned and the unemployed has successfully passed all the stages of testing, after some time has elapsed, he is issued a certificate or certificate indicating qualifications or assignment of a category (for categories of working specialties.)

Are benefits paid during the course

During retraining, material assistance is legally paid in the amount specified by the state. It does not matter whether a future or a real mother, an ordinary woman or a man, payments are required. Taking special courses does not immediately mean taking up a position or starting a business. This is just the beginning of the journey. Employment center specialists are obliged to provide professional qualified advice and timely assistance, as well as support at all stages of training and search for the desired position.

It is worth noting the fact that material payments to students may be terminated in some cases, including:

  • Termination of retraining at any stage of the educational process;
  • When the unemployed is expelled from the course of the chosen profession;
  • In case of temporary incapacity for work of the unemployed;
  • During maternity leave and pregnancy.

Many unemployed people have every right to retraining if they are compatible with their main place of work. At the same time, material assistance from the state for the period of study is guaranteed. If the funds provided are not enough, you can always get an urgent loan without certificates and confirmation of wages. List of offers

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As a lazy person with experience, I quite often found out a non-working citizen long ago and use the opportunity to get into the employment center (or the labor exchange, or the employment service - as soon as the names of these institutions have not changed). At the moment, I have completed my 4th registration.

Why am I doing this and why do I advise you too?

What are the costs and disadvantages?

  • time costs. Each appointment with the selection of vacancies and other heap of papers takes about an hour. After you are recognized as unemployed, you will have 2 attendances per month. On each for an hour, you are selected 2 vacancies that you need to visit and put a mark (that you did not suit them - if you plan to stay on the stock exchange) within 3 days from the issuance of the referral. to be honest, it just infuriates to go for these marks. Recent times I was * lucky * - noted that I do not fit as a bread stacker, for example.
  • moral costs. Someone is simply ashamed to stand on the stock exchange (when I got up after the institute - I remember my emotions). Well, not all inspectors are adequate and well-disposed, some talk to applicants as if they are being paid out of their own pocket :) But the solution is simple - you change the inspector for the boss. I'm just asking who can you advise me? And I have the cutest inspectors :)
  • the need to clearly follow the rules - the time and date of attendance, visits to even unpleasant directions to work, not to skip training, etc., etc.
  • finding a good job is almost fantastic. Just know, the exchange is not for this, vacancies are mostly so-so. For good "quotas" - the employer does not wait for applicants from the stock exchange and writes that "places are only for the disabled" (while there is work experience from .., higher education and so on. That is, for sooooo advanced people with disabilities. vacancy - the inspector showed me. Some companies (like with state participation) are required to provide vacancies to the exchange, so they do :)

In general, if you clearly know what to expect and why spend time in the employment center, you can get advantages and minimize disadvantages. I think it's just great that in general there is such an opportunity and such assistance in our country! And whether to use it or not - everyone decides for himself.

To apply, take all documents in a package, this will save you time:

  • the passport
  • employment history
  • diploma of education
  • certificate of income from the last job (if 1 year has not passed since dismissal).

I will add that the above information is relevant for Moscow - all 4 times I got registered here, geographically - in different departments, maybe my place of residence changed. At the moment there is no obligation to get up at the place of registration, you just need to write a statement "at the place of residence" in the nearest branch. Conveniently.

Good luck finding yourself and a great job!

I hope the review was useful to you.

Every citizen who has received the status of unemployed is given the opportunity not only to receive state support in the form of social payments, but also take refresher courses. The ninth and twelfth articles of the Law on Employment of the Population stipulate which courses can be completed from the employment center.

Labor exchange activities are regulated by:

  • International documents on employment of the population, ratified by the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner;
  • Labor Code;
  • Federal Employment Law;
  • Others regulations, providing for the procedure for providing state support to certain categories of people.

How the exchange will help

The CPC keeps records of people looking for work, promotes their employment, and also pays benefits to those who have received the status of unemployed. Such payments are calculated for a certain period, and their size depends on the average salary at the previous place of work, as well as the time during which the citizen does not work.

Functions of labor exchanges:

  • Registration of persons who do not have a permanent place of work;
  • Job placement assistance;
  • Registration of payments to the unemployed;
  • Sending unemployed persons for training, retraining or advanced training;
  • Preparation and implementation of special programs (paid public works, other employment measures);
  • Professional and social adaptation of the unemployed (psychological assistance, retraining courses).

Who is sent for training

The CPC has the right to offer a citizen to get another profession if:

  • The person has no profession;
  • A citizen should retrain due to lack of work in his specialty;
  • A person cannot work according to the qualifications that he has.

Free courses at the employment center can help:

  1. Find a job;
  2. Start your own bissnes;
  3. Increase competitiveness in the professional market.

Preferential queue for passing the CPC courses

Those who have received the status of unemployed have the primary right to undergo free training from the Employment Center:

  • Persons with disabilities. When providing an act of the VKK stating that the disease prevents a person from engaging in a certain type of activity;
  • Family members (parents, adoptive parents, guardians) of a disabled child;
  • Citizens who have been unemployed for more than six months;
  • Military retirees, as well as their spouses;
  • Persons who have received a certificate of completion comprehensive school (lyceum, gymnasium);
  • Those who have applied for the first time for help in finding a job.

What will the CPN courses teach?

By agreeing to take courses from the labor exchange, a citizen will be able to acquire one of over fifty specialties. The choice of profession depends on the region of residence. The labor market of Moscow and the regional center have different needs for qualified personnel.

The following specializations are priority:

  1. Economic direction:
  • Accountant;
  • Auditor;
  • Auditor;
  1. Working professions:
  • Locksmith;
  • Milling cutter;
  • Plumber;
  • Tiler;
  • Turner;
  • Collector of furniture;
  • Picker;
  • Mechanism operator;
  1. Service specialties:
  • Assistant to the head;
  • Confectioner;
  • The hairdresser;
  • Manicurist;
  • Waiter;
  • Baker;
  • Bartender;
  • Lifter;
  1. Private enterprise;
  2. Computer techologies:
  • Programmer;
  • Website layout designer;
  • Graphic Designer;
  1. Medical professions:
  • Nurse (nurse);
  • Pharmacist.

The local labor exchange will provide precise information on the list of specialties for which you can retrain free of charge.

How to get to the courses

The duration of training is from one month to six months. The start of studies depends on the formation of groups. Some qualifications are in high demand, so there is a queue for such groups. If you are interested in a certain specialty, you will have to wait for the start of training. To whom, immediately after registration, the employee of the labor exchange will not immediately offer to undergo retraining.

List of documents

To get to the courses from the employment center, the applicant must provide the necessary documents:

  • Applicant's application;
  • Identity document (passport);
  • Labor book (if any);
  • Certificate of the acquired profession (certificate, diploma, certificate of completion of courses, driver's license);
  • Certificate of income for the quarter (for people who had a job);

If you sign up for training again, you will need:

  • Passport;
  • Document on the appointment of an individual rehabilitation program (for persons with disabilities).

Learning process

Not so long ago, labor exchanges began to work according to a new retraining scheme. New system modules allows you to teach applicants the necessary professional skills in the shortest possible time. Many teachers conduct classes in an accessible game form... Applicants study some humanitarian disciplines on their own.

Full-time study is used to improve qualifications or acquire a new profession. Theoretical lessons alternate with practical training of the acquired skills. The courses offer both individual and group lessons. Most often it depends on the set of groups.

After completing the courses, the applicant is offered to pass an exam to obtain a certificate. It takes place orally or in writing (at the request of the applicant). The certificate of completion of the course contains information about the assignment of a category or qualification.

Benefits during the period of study

For the period of study, the applicant retains the allowance provided for by law. The amount of the benefit does not depend on the status of a citizen; only the assignment of the status of an unemployed person matters.

Material assistance is not charged or its payment stops if:

  • The citizen arbitrarily interrupted the learning process;
  • The applicant was expelled from the course of study;
  • For the period of illness;
  • During maternity leave.

Advantages and disadvantages of courses from the CPN

There are the following advantages of passing free retraining from the labor exchange:

  • Courses offer to master a profession that is in demand among employers;
  • You can try to change the field of activity and succeed in it;
  • Obtaining new skills that will not harm anyone;
  • The study process is absolutely free for the applicant;
  • An unemployed person receives a "scholarship" - material assistance from the state.

Please note that you will not be studying the profession with the employees of the Center of Labor Centers, but with the teachers of educational institutions that have won the tender for the provision of such services. A citizen can not only retrain, but also improve his qualifications in the existing specialty. Any certificate of professional development is your bonus when applying for a job.

Of course, there is a fly in the ointment in this "barrel of honey." When agreeing to courses from the CPN, remember:

  • Exchange employees are not interested in what profession you will master. You will have to wait to become a student of the course you are interested in;
  • The level of teaching in the regions is poor. Therefore, how much knowledge you acquire depends primarily on you;
  • Having received a new specialty, you will receive new job offers. But they can disappoint you with the size of your salary. And the refusal of several offered vacancies may result in the refusal to pay benefits.

Applicants who have already completed retraining courses from the CZN are advised to choose a specialty that is of interest to you and give preference to classes with teachers of higher educational institutions.

In such a situation, the Employment Center can help you, and one of the forms of its assistance is training, retraining, advanced training. To use this service, you must register at the Employment Center at your place of residence, register as an unemployed person and express your desire to study with the Employment Center inspector. What list of documents you need to submit for registration as unemployed, you can find out in the information room of this institution. After registration as unemployed, (if you have expressed a desire to get a new profession), the inspector will refer you to a professional advisor and a retraining specialist (usually one person), with whom you will discuss the options and conditions of training.

Free training from the employment center: specialties, reviews

These include:

  • persons with disabilities;
  • families with disabled children;
  • citizens after six months of unemployment;
  • dismissed military personnel;
  • first-time job seekers, graduates of educational institutions;
  • citizens who have passed military service on conscription, laid off within 3 years.

Payments to applicants during training The state, through its bodies, pays a scholarship and conducts a medical examination free of charge. What profession can you learn from training? The employment service can send to various courses, but the priority for employers is the vacancies of working specialties: assembler, locksmith, electrician, plumber, etc. But this does not mean that the courses will only offer these areas.

Free training from the employment center - list of courses

How is it going studying proccess Professional education Citizens in the direction from the employment center is carried out according to the following scheme: The direction is chosen Most often, it corresponds to the first education received. It should be understood that such courses lasting from 1 to 6 months cannot be a substitute for basic education.A scholarship can be assigned for the period of study - A citizen receives all the necessary professional skills and passes an exam After which he is given a certificate Employment is carried out through the employment service - A citizen who has passed training gets the opportunity to change working conditions from harmful to normal, of their own free will or if there are appropriate indications.

Moscow cities

The forms of this assistance are very different:

  • providing vacancies,
  • psychological support,
  • guaranteed employment, employment under various programs for socially unprotected segments of the population,
  • including training,
  • retraining and advanced training.

Training at the Employment Center: You have lost your job, and through no fault of your own - staff reductions, intrigues of management, insufficient qualifications, etc., etc. The reasons may be very different, but the result is the same, you do not have a job, as well as where to look for it, you do not know yet. The situation may be different, you yourself left the job, because it did not suit you for some reason: low-skilled work, you want to improve your qualifications in the existing profession, the desire to take up another field of activity, the desire to try your hand at business.

How to get training for free!


The unemployed can be offered not only retraining, but also advanced training in his specialty. Another crust will not hurt, for example, when employed as an accountant. The employer is often looking for an employee with experience, which graduates of higher and other educational institutions do not have enough.

Training in the courses of the Employment Center is free for students.But this educational program has its drawbacks:
  1. The employment center does not care what specialty you teach. You may need to wait to enroll in a course in a profession that interests you.
  2. The technical base in educational institutions is often poor and outdated, especially in the regions.
  3. After retraining, the range of jobs offered expands.

What free training courses are offered at the labor exchange in 2018

To use this service, you must register at the Employment Center at your place of residence, register as an unemployed person and express your desire to study with the Employment Center inspector. What list of documents you need to submit for registration as unemployed, you can find out in the information room of this institution. After registration as an unemployed person (if you have expressed a desire to acquire a new profession), the inspector will refer you to a professional advisor and a retraining specialist (usually one person), with whom you will discuss options and conditions for training.
What professions can be obtained with the help of the Employment Center: Training through the Employment Center, of course, does not involve obtaining a secondary specialized higher education, this is coursework, that is, getting a profession in courses.

The order of training in courses at the employment center

For the period of study, a citizen receives:

  1. The stipend in the established amount according to the norms of the law.
  2. Financial assistance.

Also, payments can be made in the event that a citizen is temporarily disabled, which is confirmed by a sick leave. This document is issued by an employee of a medical institution to the address of the employment center. If a person attends classes irregularly or shows poor results, the total amount of the scholarship can be reduced by 25%.

Complete termination of payments is possible in several cases:

  • the end of the learning process;
  • deduction;
  • unauthorized withdrawal from classes.

If a woman becomes pregnant and takes maternity leave, the scholarship is also not paid.

Retraining courses: what the employment center offers

What services are provided? The employment center offers full-fledged training, which includes the following services:

  • vocational orientation: there is an opportunity to take a test, on the basis of which a suitable specialty will be chosen;
  • familiarization with the labor market providing employment opportunities;
  • referral to training.

Types of training Depending on the need, the following types of training are selected:

  • Preparation: Skills are acquired in a short time.
  • Retraining: programs are studied to gain additional knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Further training: improving personal knowledge, skills and abilities in the profession received.

In the employment center, professions are selected on the basis of wishes, as well as existing education, professional qualifications, and vacation time.

Training at an employment center

The most popular specialties can be grouped into the following categories:

  1. Economics: accountant; analyst; auditor, etc.
  2. Working specialties: plumber; locksmith; turner; car mechanic; industrial transport driver; driver of various profiles; mason; grinder; a carpenter; painter, etc.
  3. Service industry: cook; security guard; secretary; cashier; business man; the hairdresser; elevator; telecom operator, etc.
  4. Social sphere: social worker; psychologist; educator.
  5. Entrepreneurship.
  6. IT: web designer; System Administrator.
  7. Creativity and education: landscape and phytodesign; English language.
  8. Management, logistics.
  9. Medicine: Nurse, Nurse Nurse.

Attention! In different settlements and districts, the list differs due to the characteristics of the local labor market and the capabilities of educational institutions.

What courses can be completed from the employment center

  • new knowledge will not be superfluous;
  • training is free, since it is paid by the state;
  • scholarships are provided to many categories of citizens.

Training from the employment center is carried out by experienced teachers, specialists from various educational institutions. The unemployed are offered not only retraining, but also advanced training. The issued document will serve for employment. Cons of training But vocational training from the employment center also has disadvantages:

  • there are not always interesting vacancies, sometimes you have to wait long enough for suitable vacancies;
  • technical equipment in many regions is not so rich;
  • if after training to refuse several vacancies, then the unemployed person is not paid benefits.

Therefore, you should think carefully before signing up for training from an employment center.

Per diems can be issued for the time when the citizen followed to the place of study and home.

  • Compensation for rental housing while studying in another region.
  • The completed training is a guarantee that a citizen will be employed in another place or get a job for the first time in his life in accordance with his wishes. What vacancies can be offered On refresher courses or regular general education, you can get one of the following professions:
  1. Legal assistant - lawyer (advanced training).
  2. Accountant.
  3. Seamstress.
  4. Makeup artist - hairdresser.
  5. Cook.
  6. Lifter.
  7. Masseur.
  8. Medical worker.
  9. Programmer.
  10. Tourism manager.
  11. Driver.
  12. Warehouse worker.

At the end of the training, a citizen has a certificate in his hands, according to which he can find a job.