Service in the army was and remains prestigious. The most frequently asked questions about the army

Is contract military service really prestigious? Is it worth going to serve? Agree, it would be fair to get answers to these questions from those who have already signed a contract ...

Service to the Motherland, says Kyzylorda Nursultan Eleusizov, it's not just a profitable job. For the most part, already established personalities go to the service, for them barracks pampering is a passed stage, so we can safely conclude: contract soldiers show real professionalism and high consciousness in the service.

After the army, I ran a lot in search of work. There is no stability anywhere, and the amount of earnings was not impressive, ”Nursultan says. - In the newspaper I read an article about the army under the contract, turned to the Zhanakorgan department for the recruitment of military under the contract. They explained everything, and, I must confess, the conditions were tempting. So I went to serve under the contract and I do not regret this decision at all. Judge for yourself, a solid social package, in which in the first place (in terms of attractiveness) free housing for all categories of military personnel (service or rental) and, of course, guaranteed wages. Stable deduction of 20 percent to the pension fund. The size and differentiation of salaries by military ranks are provided, which can stimulate the career growth of a serviceman. Free medical care for military personnel and their families. In short, the social package provides for significant social guarantees from the state, which undoubtedly increases the prestige of military service. And it's good that today the military profession is again becoming popular in Kazakhstan.

At a 24-year-old Aktobe resident Erlana Kyztuganova study in state university named after Kudaibergen Zhubanov, work as a psychologist at Bolashak college, military service. He served in Ust-Kamenogorsk during internal troops... Demobilized, I tried myself in private companies. At the beginning of last summer, I accidentally saw an advertisement on the street about recruiting for contract service in the army. I remembered the phone number that I could call back. Then there was a conversation in the department of defense affairs of the Aktobe region. After it was explained to him what documents needed to be collected, he began serious preparations.

Passed a medical examination, now I am preparing for sports tests. I live in anticipation of the order, - says Yerlan, whose height is one meter and ninety centimeters. During his military service he was a radiotelegraph operator. I am ready to put on a military uniform and again be in the internal troops.

It is recognized that there were no professional military men in the family before. Father is a teacher, mother is a housewife. The family is growing up two sisters, students polytechnic college... Yerlan's wife is also a teacher, she teaches biology at school. But it doesn't work now. Four months ago, the newlyweds had their first child, Aydar. And, in spite of new troubles, for all the piled up responsibility, the wife fully supported the decision of her husband.

Service in the army tempered me, made me look at life a little differently. There I understood what is the meaning of true patriotism, what it means to defend the homeland, - says Yerlan.

When asked what really attracted him to the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a contract soldier, he first of all remembered about military discipline. Then about the opportunity to receive a decent salary, about the guarantee of medical care, about the real opportunity to get housing. Now the young family lives with their parents in a private house. At the same time, he realizes that by signing a contract, he may end up in another point of Kazakhstan.

Information about contract service:

  • Military personnel can sign contracts for three, five and ten years. If it is signed for three years, then the contractor receives a one-time remuneration in the amount of one official salary, if for five - then in the amount of 10, and for 10 years - in the amount of 20 official salaries.
  • In the absence of official housing - monetary compensation for renting a dwelling (according to the size of the family and the place of service). Servicemen who have served 20 or more years, depending on the composition of the family, are paid monetary compensation for the purchase of housing.
  • On military service under the contract, a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan can enter at least 19 years old and not older than 40-42 years old, depending on military rank, having a military registration specialty, having served urgent military service, trained in military department university or military training in specialized organizations of the Ministry of Defense.
  • Those who have had problems with the law at least once are not considered.
  • All reserve officers wishing to enter the military service under the contract can apply via the Internet. On the official website of the Ministry of Defense (, where the “Personnel” page is open.

The blog uses data from the newspaper Leater

Photographer Valery Kaliev

At it's peak autumn appeal to the Armed Forces of Russia. The phased military reform of recent years has changed the army. The attitude towards it is also changing among those who have served and those who have yet to do it. Our correspondent talked about all this with the head of the department of the united military commissariat of the city of Moscow for the Preobrazhensky district, Yasnikov Andrey Gennadievich.

What are the features of this call?

I can highlight three main points:

First. Every conscript leaving for the military receives an electronic conscript card. This is a kind of personal matter, that is, a database where information about him is entered: anthropometric indicators (height, weight, blood type, shoe size), social status (where he was called from, education, skills, etc.). This hag will fill up as the service progresses. It will contain information about the specialty received in the army, participation in exercises, incentives. When retired to the reserve, these data will be entered into a single electronic database of military registration and will be used in the future when involved in military training. This facilitates the work of military commissariats and puts it on modern lines.

Secondly, all conscripts who are sent to the troops from the city recruiting center will be provided with personal hygiene products. It will be a special travel bag with appropriate accessories: soap, toothbrush and paste, shaving kit, towel, mirror, needles and thread. This is a continuation of the measures that began to be introduced last year: the introduction of showers in military units, a new set of uniforms, uniforms and equipment for servicemen. As a rule, servicemen receive the main kit already in the unit, but they will receive a hygiene kit immediately on the first day. Previously, conscripts bought these supplies at their own expense, but from now on, the state completely takes upon itself to provide its soldiers with everything they need during their service.

And the third, from January 1, 2014, the Federal Law of July 2, 2013 No. 170-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts” came into force Russian Federation regarding the implementation of measures to increase the prestige and attractiveness of conscript military service ”. Now citizens who have not completed military service, without having legal grounds for that, after the conclusion of the draft board on recognition of them as such, will receive a certificate with a corresponding record, and not a military ID, as they used to also not be able to further participate in competitions for filling vacant posts upon admission to the state or municipal service, in strong structure to enterprises where there is a share of the state as a founder. The measure is effective and, in my opinion, correct. Also, from this year, a new Regulation on military medical examination approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2013 No. 565 is in force. The Regulation defines diseases that previously gave grounds for assigning a conscript the category of "limited fitness for military service" with enrollment in the reserve. For example, flat feet of the 2nd degree, arthrosis of the 2nd degree and some others. Now, those with such diseases will be classified as "fit with minor restrictions" and will be eligible for conscription. Such conscripts will serve in military units where there is no significant physical exertion and in accordance with the specialty they received in a college or institute. Today, the army is in demand for those who own related military specialties, have a good command of a computer, and other skills that are not related to increased physical activity. They will also find a use and they will be able to fulfill their military duty to the Motherland with honor.

To what types of troops and places of service is the Preobrazhensky military enlistment office sending today?

Several years ago, the Moscow and Leningrad military districts were merged into one - the Western. We send the guys to the units deployed in its territory. The type of troops, as I said, depends on their physical development, health, education, and, in particular, their desires. At the draft board, the conscript is always asked the question: in which troops he wants to serve. Very often, many of those who are in good health express a desire to send them to the appropriate branches of the troops: airborne troops, marines, the navy. Those who love technology and have a driver's license might be sent to the military by a driver. Many young men want to make practical use of their year of military service. We help them in this. For example, we send them to study at a driving school DOSAAF Russia. After completing the course and receiving a driver's license (for a conscript it's free), a young man actually gets practical driving skills, which will undoubtedly be useful to him in civilian life. Revealing these skills and sending the recruit to the place where he can improve as a person in the best way, learn what will be useful to him in the future - this is the main principle of our work today.

Are recruits changing attitudes towards military service?

IN last years there is a steady tendency when children who study in universities and who have a reprieve take academic leave during their studies and go to serve. It is known that after serving only a year in the armed forces, they receive a number of benefits and advantages. They can enter or transfer to any university, and those who studied at a paid department can continue their studies at a budgetary one, which is very important for many families. There are certain privileges when applying for a job. Today, for many, it is important not just to serve, but to serve, so that it is beneficial, and the current Russian army, in my opinion, contributes to this as much as possible and really is a "social lift" for many guys.

What do the recruits tell when they return home?

Almost everyone who returned to recent times, having gone through difficulties and matured, speak very well of the army. And the changes that have taken place contribute to this. Judge for yourself: now they serve only a year, whereas before, two or three. The soldiers have a quiet hour after lunch, the system and the quality of food have improved significantly. Today it is based on outsourcing. That is, food is handled by civilian firms. The soldiers have a choice of several dishes. The diet itself has been significantly expanded in terms of the degree of usefulness of products and taste. Some types of dishes that were not popular, such as barley porridge, are excluded from it. Improved and expanded set of uniforms and equipment, introduced new form, taking into account all the features and needs of the service.

It is very important for us that, having served in the army, the guys return home and share positive impressions with their friends and acquaintances. So that those who have not yet served can see with their own eyes how useful service in the army is, so that they are not afraid, but consciously want to go to serve, so that they return home to their families matured and matured, skillful and strong, capable of work and responsibility for themselves, their loved ones and, ultimately, for their country.

It's 2016. Service in the Russian army is becoming more and more prestigious. And a good indicator in this direction is the fact that now more and more young people want to conclude a contract for military service and enter military universities. Not all of today's young people dream of a career as a manager or financier. Perhaps the time has come to remember that there is still such a profession - to defend the Motherland!


Recently conscript service in the ranks russian army has undergone significant changes. The call for young people has ceased to be a horror story, and military service is becoming honorable, as in the days of the USSR. The military units have been repaired; canteens offer a varied diet; great emphasis is placed on discipline and physical fitness; the absence of the concept of "bullying" as such; there are good prospects for further development through the career ladder and much more.

With regards to the top level. A modern officer of the Russian army has good income, his own apartment, excellent military and physical training. Him appearance disposes, and for the younger generation, a soldier serves as an ideal example. For the majority of the population, the "officer" is more likely not a kind of work, but a kind of service, with all the associations that follow from it: protection, duty, honor, courage, valor. This opens up a new perspective for the army: to be not only an institution of war, but an institution for the development of society in its peaceful life.

Huge contribution

Of course, in this issue a positive role is played by public policy... The Ministry of Defense focuses not only on the modernization of the weapons of the troops, but also on the soldiers themselves. Military reform 2012 contributed to the improvement of the social sphere of the soldier. For example, in 2015, the level of pay for servicemen exceeded the average monthly salary in Russia for senior officers by 3.2 times, junior officers by 2.4 times, warrant officers and warrant officers by 1.7 times.

Very soon our army should switch to contract service, because experienced and skillful soldiers will look much better than conscripts. But not all at once. In 2015, the share of contract servicemen increased by 10%, and the number of contract servicemen even exceeded the number of conscripts. The Russian Ministry of Defense predicts that in this year this growth will continue and the number of contractors will grow to 384 thousand. It is also worth noting the prospects for this, they say, profession. Starting from the third year of service, upon concluding a contract for a period of at least 10 years, the contractor acquires the right to become a participant in the mortgage accumulation system. Every year the Ministry of Defense will transfer 238 thousand rubles to his account. In 10 years this money can be used to buy an apartment or a house.

Is military service prestigious?

To serve or not to serve? IN soviet years this question did not arise at all, since everyone knew: a man must serve in the army. But since the nineties of the last century, the attitude towards the army in society has been ambiguous, and sometimes openly negative. But the army did not stall in place, but evolved along with the changing society. So what do our fellow countrymen think of serving in the army today?

Vladimir Bibik, reserve captain:

I was in aviation. I had to serve in Mongolia, Transbaikalia, finished in Ivanovo. Serving is necessary and prestigious, especially, as it seems to me, now that conditions in the army have improved. However, it has always been an honor to defend the Motherland. My son also went through the army. When his time came, we did not even think: if you have to, serve. He was satisfied with his service ... I have no grandchildren yet. But, when they grow up, they, I am sure, will honestly give their man's debt to the Motherland.

Artem Shlykov, head of the Young Guard Komsomol branch:

Of course, serving in the army is prestigious. I served in the internal troops in Moscow. I remember this time with a warm feeling: then I acquired many qualities that I lacked earlier. I have matured, matured, my outlook on life has become more conscious. He rose to the rank of sergeant. And after the service I clearly knew what I wanted, how I would live on. My younger brother is growing up, and although I'm worried - how will he be there, in the army? - I still want him to serve. Yes, and now there are a lot of good changes - from friends and acquaintances I hear more and more positive comments about the army.

Dmitry Kabanov, head of department of a commercial firm:

No, the service has ceased to be prestigious. My attitude to the call is negative. I believe that the army should be professional. First, to save budget funds. Secondly, following the example of developed countries: many of them have long since abandoned compulsory service. And thirdly, service in the army is simply dangerous: some guys return from it disabled. In my opinion, the way of life and structure of the army requires serious changes.

Pavel Klopov, manager:

To be honest, I was not in the army for certain reasons. But most of my acquaintances and friends served. These are normal guys, and they tell different things about the service: both good and not so good. Yes, the army is a lifelong lesson, but, probably, one shouldn't brush everyone's hair with the same brush. Everyone is different, everyone has their own circumstances, which would be good to take into account. The service, I think, should be voluntary. After all, many of my friends go to the military registration and enlistment office themselves and say: “I want to serve. This is my conviction. " And hardly anyone will convince them of this.

Tatiana Borodkina, Chairman of the Ivanovo Regional Committee of Soldiers' Mothers:

It is gratifying that recently something has changed in the psychology of our children, and military service is once again becoming prestigious. For guys, this is a school of courage, and you definitely need to go through it to become a real man. There is no country without an army, and our children must defend it, the honor of those who died for the Motherland. They must be worthy of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Another thing is that in the army everything must be organized so that the soldiers do not lose faith, do not break down, and return home safe and sound. I want our serving sons to know we are proud of them.

As you can see, almost all of our respondents consider serving in the army necessary and honorable. There are also those who have doubts, but probably even they will not say that the army did not take into account the lessons of the last twenty years.

The well-being of absolutely any state directly depends on national army... The more efficient it is, the less threats there will be for the country's security. But one should understand the fact that the army is a systemic concept that has internal features and specific structural components. Each of these elements is entrusted with a number of specific functions necessary to ensure the state's defense capability. It must also be remembered that the army performs important tasks both in wartime and in peacetime. In the classic version, it consists of several basic elements, namely: naval, land, air forces.

In especially developed countries there are other troops, for example, in the Russian Federation there are space ones. Behind the scenes, special elite troops are allocated, which are assigned special functions. It is about such national military formations of the Russian Federation that will be discussed in the article below.

The essence of the concept

To get into the most elite troops of Russia, you need to train hard and for a long time. Many experts advise starting physical training even before the onset of both conscripts and officers who graduated from special universities. Knowledge of any martial arts or military sports training is encouraged. This branch of the military is the most promising in the Russian Federation, because from it personnel are recruited into the GRU, the FSB and other secret special-purpose units.


We examined the elite troops of Russia. Note the fact that this list can change over time. Nevertheless, the rating was compiled on the basis of combat readiness facts and detailed surveys of the population. The article also answers the question of how to get into the elite troops of Russia. In conclusion, we add that the army is the lot of strong and purposeful people. If you are one hundred percent confident in yourself, then the elite armed forces RF is waiting!