Source: Theory. Story

Source: Theory. Story. Method. Sources of Russian history: Proc. allowance / I.N. Danilevsky, V.V. Kabanov, O.M. Medushevsky, M.F. Rumyantseva. - M.: Russian. state humanit. un-t, 1998. - 702 p.
ISBN 5-7281-0090-2

The textbook corresponds to the new status of source studies in the modern epistemological situation, characterized by the strengthening of polymethodology, the desire to humanize historical knowledge, and the strengthening of integration processes. object of various humanities with a variety of their subject.

Considerable attention is paid to methodological problems: the source criterion of comparative historical research is substantiated, interdisciplinary links of source study are revealed. Source studies are considered as an integrating discipline in the system of the humanities; various methodological approaches to solving the most significant problems are shown, as well as the development of a methodology for studying the main types of historical sources.

Overview of the main types of sources of Russian history, given in the 2nd part study guide, has a universal character, since it reflects trends common to the source base of the history of different countries.


    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2. Source: the phenomenon of culture and the real object of knowledge
    Chapter 3
(p1s2.pdf - 775K)
    Chapter 1. Criticism and interpretation as a research problem
    Chapter 2. Source study as a problem of national history
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4. Sources as a means of knowledge for the historian
    Chapter 5. Positivist Methods of Historical Research
    Chapter 6
    Chapter 7. Methodological isolation of the sciences of culture
    Chapter 8. Historical fact and historical source in the concept of "Annals"
    Chapter 9
    Chapter 10. Humanitarian knowledge as strictly scientific
    Chapter 11
    Chapter 12
    Chapter 13
    Chapter 14 Theoretical problems source study. Source study problems of human sciences
(p1s3.pdf - 483К)
    Chapter 1. Source Analysis and Source Synthesis
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3. Classification of historical sources
    Chapter 4



    Chapter 1
    (p2s1c1.pdf - 612K)
    Chapter 2 Legislative Sources
    (p2s1c2.pdf - 367K)
    Chapter 3. Acts
    (p2s1c3.pdf - 380K)
    Chapter 4. Literary works
    (p2s1c4.pdf - 452K)
    Chapter 1. Changes in the corpus of historical sources during the transition from the Middle Ages to the modern times
    (p2s2c1.pdf - 212K)
    Chapter 2. General properties of historical sources of modern times
    (p2s2c2.pdf - 217K)
    Chapter 3
    (p2s2c3.pdf - 201K)
    Chapter 4 Legislation
    (p2s2c4.pdf - 530K)
    Chapter 5. Acts
    (p2s2c5.pdf - 221K)
    Chapter 6
    (p2s2c6.pdf - 283K)
    Chapter 7. Materials of fiscal, administrative and economic accounting
    (p2s2c7.pdf - 305K)
    Chapter 8. Statistics
    (p2s2c8.pdf - 317K)
    Chapter 9
    (p2s2c9.pdf - 186K)
    Chapter 10
    (p2s2c10.pdf - 273K)
    Chapter 11
    (p2s2c11.pdf - 350K)
    Chapter 12

Current page: 1 (total book has 62 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 15 pages]


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source study

© Danilevsky I. N., Dobrovolsky D. A., Kazakov R. B., Malovichko S. I., Rumyantseva M. F., Khoruzhenko O. I., Shveikovskaya E. N., 2015

© Publishing House high school economy, 2015


What is source study

Source study (German Quellenkunde, English source study) is a humanitarian discipline, an object which are historical sources, i.e. the totality of human works / products of culture is the empirical reality of the historical world, and item- the study of a historical source as a cultural phenomenon and, on this basis, the search, extraction, evaluation and use in science and other social practices of information about a person and society in their historical component.

Source study grew out of the practical need to establish the authenticity and reliability of documents. Scientific historical source study has gone through a difficult path of formation and development as a discipline historical science. At each stage of this path, the functions of source study grew, its tasks became more complicated and, most importantly, the status and place of source study in the system of scientific historical knowledge changed.

During the XX century. source study acquires the status of a scientific discipline. The current state of source studies is determined by the transformation of modern science, distinguished by a strict disciplinary division, into a new type of knowledge, predominantly of a humanitarian and synthetic nature. In the new socio-cultural and epistemological situation, which has developed mainly in the last third of the 20th - early 21st centuries, source studies act as an integrating principle of the humanities, since its subject is a historical source, understood as a cultural phenomenon, as a product of human and social creativity in a broad sense. , - simultaneously acts as an object of study of other humanities and social sciences. Modern source study is fundamentally multidisciplinary, it refers to the totality of cultural works in order to understand the Other (man, society, culture), to expand on this basis the experience of one's own culture, to enrich one's perception of the world.

Acting as an integrating beginning of humanitarian knowledge, providing a universal method of referring to human works / cultural products for any humanities and social sciences, source studies at the same time retain links with auxiliary historical disciplines, the formation and development of which was due to the need for a special study of certain aspects of historical sources ( for example, paleography studies the external features of written monuments, historical chronology - the dates contained in them, metrology - the measures mentioned) or special groups of historical sources (sphragistics studies seals, heraldry - coats of arms, faleristics - insignia, awards, vexillology - banners) in order to establish authenticity, dating, determining the authorship of historical sources.

Why does a person need source

According to the logic of things, it would be necessary to start with the answer to this question. For the question "Why?" very important both in science and in life. A timely response to it often saves a lot of time and effort. But we couldn't talk about why study, before at least preliminary clarification what to study.

Based on a simple everyday thought and their own scientific and life experience, the authors advise you, before starting to study the discipline, if you do not answer the question “Why do I need this?”, Then at least find out what it can be useful to you for.

However, there is some cunning in such a formulation of the question, since the answer to this question involves positioning oneself in relation to various communities. A person, by virtue of his social nature, willy-nilly (consciously or unconsciously) always correlates himself with any society. Therefore, the question posed can be transformed as follows: “How will society demand source knowledge?”

Let's single out two components of interest in source studies - universal/general cultural and strictly scientific/professional. In each of them, in turn, two levels can be distinguished.

general cultural component. At the first level of mastering source studies, a useful ability to evaluate information is developed, including in everyday everyday situations, in order to make adequate decisions. But the second level is much more important - the development of the ability to understand a person of a different culture, the Other - in a broad, philosophical sense, referring to the created by these Other things - the products of his creativity, works of a different culture, acting in the system of historical knowledge as historical sources. Thus, the source study approach can and should become the basis of a tolerant attitude towards the Other, which is an indispensable requirement of modern ethics.

professional component. At the axiomatic level, it is clear that source study is the basis of the professionalism of a historian-researcher. However, even here it is possible and necessary to single out two levels of mastering source studies, although, at first glance, professionalism is a category that is either present or, alas, absent. But the modern scientific community, or rather scientific communities, is highly differentiated, including in terms of the level of professionalism. Therefore, at the first level, a historian, or rather a person with a diploma in history, must be able to construct historical facts through a strict scientific procedure - source analysis. To describe a higher level of professionalism, let us resort to the words of the Russian historian-methodologist Alexander Sergeevich Lappo-Danilevsky (1863–1919):

Anyone who seeks knowledge of historical reality draws his knowledge about it from sources (in the broad sense); but in order to establish what particular fact he can get from a given source, he must understand it: otherwise he will not have sufficient reason to give his idea of ​​a fact an objective value; not being sure of what exactly he learns from a given source, he cannot be sure that he does not attribute to the source the product of his own fantasy. From this point of view, the historian, in essence, proceeds to the study of various types of sources: he tries to establish, for example, the remnants of which particular fact or the legend about which particular fact are contained in a given source, which becomes possible only with a proper understanding of it. 1
Lappo-Danilevsky A. S. Methodology of history: in 2 vols. M., 2010. T. 2. S. 64.

A professional historian should not only be able to extract facts by “criticizing historical sources” (this concept, which is still loved by many historians, will be discussed later), but also understand the nature of the new knowledge received and reflect on their own research process.

Principles of constructing a textbook and its structure

The fuzziness of the terminology of historical/humanitarian knowledge makes it necessary to define the concepts used. At the same time, the authors do not claim to have a final definition of the introduced concepts, but only strive for terminological certainty within the framework of this tutorial.

The curriculum is based on two principles.

First: unity of history and theory. The current state of source studies is to a certain extent the result of its history. The authors understand this very trivial statement not in a cumulative sense (as it often happens in the history of science to this day - this position is explained at the beginning of the first section of the textbook), but they focus on the fact that in modern source study there are components that were formed at different times, and we must learn to recognize them.

The most productive, in our opinion, is the understanding of the history of source studies in relation to the classical, non-classical, post-non-classical and neo-classical types of rationality developed in the philosophy of science (and the corresponding models of science). This is not an easy and non-trivial task, since the problems of the philosophy of science have been developed mainly in relation to physics and the natural sciences.

Second: a clear division of the three components of modern source study:

Source study as a scientific discipline and as a system-forming foundation of humanitarian knowledge;

Source study as a method of obtaining new rigorous knowledge about a person and society in their historical perspective;

Source study as one of the tools of historical research.

The synthesis of these two principles allows us to propose a concept of the development and current state of source studies, the general scheme of which is fixed in the structure of the textbook, where a separate section is devoted to each of the components.

Source study as a component of the historical method is formed within the framework of the classical model of science, which assumes, as a result of studying (the so-called criticism) of a historical source, obtaining a historical fact, which is used further in the practices of historical writing, being invariant with respect to them. Such a model no longer corresponds to modern epistemological and sociocultural realities. Therefore, this auxiliary function of source study, being preserved, is modified taking into account the requirements of non-classical, post-non-classical and neoclassical science. In particular, the place of "criticism" of historical sources in order to obtain the so-called reliable facts, verified through the correspondence of "objective reality" and understood as an invariant element ("brick") of historical construction, is occupied by source study analysis, in which the interpretation procedure, the goal which is the understanding of the Other, i.e. the author of the historical source. Since source analysis must be epistemologically substantiated, it is considered in the third and final section of the textbook along with the formation of the source basis for research and methods for introducing historical sources into scientific circulation and social practices (archaeography).

Acquisition of the status of a discipline by source studies is associated primarily with the reflection of the object. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. in the Russian version of neo-Kantianism, the problem of the historical source as a specific object of source study was posed. Based on the understanding of a historical source as an objectified result of human activity, formed in the Russian version of neo-Kantianism, the researchers who developed this concept came to the conclusion that a system of types of historical sources representing the corresponding culture was approved as an object of source study. 2
This concept is fixed in our previous tutorial: Source Studies: Theory. Story. Method. Sources of Russian history: textbook. allowance. M., 1998 [re-ed. 2000, 2004].

Substantiation of the concept of "empirical reality of the historical world" 3
Medushovskaya O. M. Theory and methodology of cognitive history. M., 2008.

As not only epistemological, but also, in fact, ontological, it allowed to consolidate the status of source studies as an independent scientific discipline in the system of both historical and humanitarian knowledge in general. The concept of an object and the related classification problem are discussed in the first section of the tutorial.

A new understanding of the object of source study made it possible to constitute the study of specific systems of historical sources as an independent method of studying various sociocultural communities. The second section of the textbook contains an approbation of the method and presents a system of types of sources of Russian history as a projection of Russian culture. Consideration of the corpus of sources of Russian history makes it possible to understand how the method of source study is used when working with specific material, how specific methods are formed that take into account the characteristics of various historical sources. Studying the sources of Russian history specifically gives the authors the opportunity to rely on the rich traditions and achievements of the Russian source study culture and the teaching of source study as a special discipline. At the same time, a historian studying the history of another country (culture, ethnic group, region, etc.) is provided with a developed model of approach to a holistic set of historical sources. The same section presents comparative source studies as a method of comparative historical research and source study of historiography as an application of the method of source study to the study of the history of history (the history of historical knowledge and the history of historical science).

So, the general scheme of development of source studies looks like this.

Classical model of science

The function of source studies in historical knowledge is the criticism of a historical source in order to obtain reliable facts understood as part of the reality of the past.

The purpose of studying in the educational system of professional training of a historian is to master the skill of a critical attitude to the information of a historical source in research practices.

Non-classical model of science

The function of source studies in historical knowledge is a dialogue between a historian and the author of a historical source in order to interpret its content on the basis of the principle of "recognizing someone else's animation" and understanding the mechanism for generating a historical source in a particular culture.

The purpose of the study is to reveal the phenomenological nature of the historical source, to understand the constructive role of the cognizing subject in the context of understanding the mechanisms of cognition.

Post-nonclassical model of science

The function of source study in historical cognition is, in the context of postmodern deconstructions, to propose a way of social construction of reality by the method of source study based on understanding the object of source study as a system of types of historical sources representing a particular culture.

The purpose of the study is the construction of a historical whole based on the method of source study.

(However, we note that this part of the proposed construction is the most controversial. Here we should rather talk about intertextuality and partly opposing this approach from the phenomenological source concept of historical knowledge, which belongs to the neoclassical model of science.)

Neoclassical model of science

The function of source study in historical knowledge is the formation of the epistemological foundations of history as a rigorous science based on the understanding of its object - the empirical reality of the historical world as an ontological category.

The purpose of the study is to understand source studies as a cognitive science and to form strict standards of scientific character in historical knowledge based on the concept of "empirical reality of the historical world" as an ontological category.

We have left philosophical discussions about the relationship between post-non-classical and neo-classical rationality beyond the scope of consideration. Let us fix our vision of the problem for further analysis: if the first three types of rationality replace each other, then neoclassical rationality is formed in parallel with nonclassical rationality and is updated under the predominance of postnonclassical, being in constant search for new epistemological foundations of rigorous scientific knowledge. That is why it does not replace post-nonclassical rationality, but offers its own vision scientific knowledge, in many ways opposed to postmodern epistemological anarchy.

Obviously, the logical structure of source study outlined above, on the basis of which the material of the textbook is organized, does not correspond to the historical sequence, i.e., the sequence of the emergence of different components of the discipline. The reason for this, as already noted, is the need for theoretical foundation at the level of current scientific knowledge of both the application of the source study method in historical knowledge and the procedures of source study analysis that retain an instrumental character in research practice.

This structure of the textbook determines its fundamental novelty and compliance with the current understanding of the status of source studies in the system of scientific knowledge.

Keeping in mind the promise to clarify the concepts used, the authors should emphasize that they strictly distinguish between the concepts of “modern”, i.e., existing in the here and now historical knowledge, and “actual”, i.e., adequately meeting the needs of this knowledge and, accordingly, meeting the needs of modern society.

Required notice

Before embarking on a systematic presentation of source studies as a scientific discipline and as a backbone of humanitarian knowledge, the authors consider it necessary to make one preliminary notice, but address it only to those who intend to master source study on high level professionalism.

The reflective level of mastering knowledge - especially theoretical, and the theoretical component of source study is very significant - involves not only the enrichment of memory, but also education, understood as the education of a person in the literal sense, i.e. work on one's personality and in-depth self-reflection. The authors are extremely close to the formula of J.-P. Sartre: “To understand means to change, to transcend oneself…”

If you are ready to change, then let's master and appropriate source study together. If you are not ready, then let the study of sources remain an assistant for you in satisfying your interest in history and give some food to your erudition.

Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich (section 2, part 1, chapter 1); Dobrovolsky Dmitry Anatolievich (section 2, part 1, chapter 3); Kazakov Roman Borisovich (sources and literature); Malovichko Sergey Ivanovich (section 2, part 3; section 3, part 1, chapter 2); Rumyantseva Marina Fedorovna (introduction; section 1; section 2, part 1, chapter 2; section 2, part 2; section 3, part 1, chapters 1, 3; instead of conclusion); Khoruzhenko Oleg Igorevich (section 3, part 3), Shveikovskaya Elena Nikolaevna (section 2, part 1, chapter 1, paragraph 4).

Section One
Source study as a discipline of historical science

Part I
History of source studies
Preamble. Two approaches to the history of science

Historians traditionally show interest in the history of historical knowledge. Tribute to the work of predecessors is invariably given in the historiographical analysis, which is an obligatory component of the introduction to any qualifying work. Other scientific studies of historians also begin with consideration of previous historiography. IN late XIX V. historiography is taking shape, first as an auxiliary historical discipline, and then as an independent discipline of historical science. But what is the meaning of historiographical analysis? A detailed answer to this question clearly goes beyond the disciplinary framework of source studies, so here we will only briefly clarify our position - we will determine the relationship between the history and theory of source studies.

The history of science, including source studies, can be approached in two fundamentally different ways, radically different in goal setting. One of them, still the most common, is based on the cumulative model of the development of science. Researchers who adhere to this model believe that science develops through the accumulation and refinement of knowledge; as science develops, our knowledge becomes more extensive and more precise, i.e., it more and more fully and accurately describes the so-called objective reality. This model assumes an axiomatic belief in a) the existence of the so-called objective reality, i.e., independent of the knowing subject, reality, and b) its knowability as such. With this approach, the goal of studying the history of science is to show this path and present state of the art science as a result of its previous development.

This approach had already exhausted itself by the middle of the 20th century, when other ideas about the mechanism of transformations of scientific knowledge were established. The new cognitive situation was marked by the publication of the book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) by the American historian and philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn (1922–1996), in which the paradigmatic nature of science is substantiated. The main concept of the new approach is a paradigm, that is, a basic theory shared by the scientific community and serving as the basis for posing research problems. The change of paradigms occurs in leaps and bounds, through scientific revolutions, and depends not so much on the "accumulation" of knowledge, but on unpredictable fundamental scientific discoveries and interactions with changes in sociocultural situations.

Sharing the idea of ​​the paradigm nature of science and, accordingly, not accepting its cumulative model, the authors proceed from the fact that several sociocultural epochs have changed since the first attempts at a critical attitude to historical sources in the early modern period. Therefore, it is appropriate and expedient to raise the question of the status and place of source study studies in each of them. This approach also makes it possible to detect in modern (i.e., existing in our time, but not always meeting the actual needs of science and social practice) source study elements inherited from earlier paradigms, and to identify the degree of their adequacy to the current socio-cultural and epistemological situations.

In the first part of this section, source study paradigms are identified that correspond to different, replacing each other, types of rationality and models of science: classical, non-classical, post-non-classical and neoclassical. The selection of the analyzed historiographical material also corresponds to this goal, although, of course, the history of source studies is much more diverse and richer than the scheme we propose.

When starting to consider the history of source studies, it is important to clearly understand that it is a research construct. Source study as an independent discipline was formed only in the 20th century. (and fully - only in a specific Soviet context). Historians of the 18th–19th centuries considered questions of the study of historical sources in connection with the study of history as such and most often cited source studies observations in the introductory part of their works, and also devoted special works to the study of individual monuments or groups of historical sources. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. historians who developed the problems of the nature of a historical source and the methods of its study did so in the context of the methodology of history, devoting source study problems - understanding the nature of a historical source, questions of classification, criticism and interpretation of historical sources - a more or less significant place in its structure. Thus, we single out the problem of source studies from historical research and works on the methodology of history analytically, from the point of view of our research tasks. In the historical review, mainly methodological works are considered, since they present in a concentrated way the vision of historians of the problems of studying historical sources and generalize the experience of source studies.

Source study. Theory. Story. Method. Sources of Russian history 1998/fin.pdf PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE * TO PART 1 Study guides Medushevsky O.M. Source study of the socialist countries: Proc. allowance. M., 1985. 103 p. Medushovskaya O.M. Modern bourgeois historiography and questions of source study; Proc. allowance M., 1979. 72 p. Medushovskaya O.M. Modern foreign source studies: Proc. allowance. M., 1983. 143 p. Medushovskaya O.M. Theoretical problems of source studies: Proc. allowance. M., 1977, 80s. Continuing editions Archaeographic Yearbook on / USSR Academy of Sciences (RAS). Department of History Archeographer, comis. M., 1957-1994. Auxiliary historical disciplines: Sat. L. (St. Petersburg), 1968-1994. Issue. 1-25. Source study of national history: Sat. Art., M., 1973-1989. [Issue. 1-7]. Source research / AN GruzSSR. Komis. according to the sources of the history of Georgia. Tbilisi, 1979-1988, [Iss. 1-3]. Bernheim E. Introduction to historical science. SPb., 1908. 369 p. Bernheim E. Philosophy of history, its history and tasks. M., 1910. 112 p. Langlois Sh.-V., Sen'obos Sh. Introduction to the study of history. M., 1898. 275 p. Blok M. Apology of History, or the Craft of the Historian. M., 1986. 256 p. Collinewood R. J. The Idea of ​​History: Autobiographies. M., 1980. 485 p. Bestuzhev-Ryumin K.N. The methods of historical study // Zhurn. Ministry of Public Education. 1887. February. pp. 1-29. Kareva N.I. Istorika (Theory of historical knowledge). Pg., 1916. 281 p. The authors are grateful to R.B. Kazakov for help in compiling the bibliography. 668 Karsavin L.P. Introduction and History: Theory of History. Pg., 1920. 78 p. Karsavin L.P. Philosophy of history. SPb., 1993. 351 p. Kozlovsky I.P. Introduction to Russian history. Warsaw, 1913. Klyuchevsky V.O. source study; Sources of Russian history // Works: In 9 volumes, M., 1989. T. VII. pp. 5-83. Lappo-Danilevsky A.S. Methodology of history. SPb., 1910-1913. Issue. 1-2. Bykovsky S.N. Methodology of historical research. L., 1931. 204; Danilov V.I., Yakubovskaya S.I. Source study and study of the history of Soviet society // Vopr. stories. 1961. No. 5. S. 3-23. Source study: theoretical and methodological problems: Sat. Art. / Rev. Red S.O. Schmidt. M., 1969. 511 p. Kashtanov S.M., Kyrnosov A.A. Some questions of the theory of source studies // Historical archive. 1962. No. 4. S. 173-190. Picheta V.I. Introduction to Russian history: (Sources and historiography). M., 1922. 205 p. Problems of source study: [Sat. Art.]. M.; L., 1938-1940. Sat. 1-3; M., 1955-1903. Issue. 4-11. Saar G.I. Sources and methods of historical research. Baku, 1930. 174 p. To sections 1 and 3 "Theory of source studies" and "Method of source study and interdisciplinary aspects" Actual problems of Soviet source study: Round table in the editorial office of the journal "History of the USSR" // History of the USSR. 1989. No. 5. S. 36-91. Belenky P.L. To the analysis of modern source study consciousness // World of source study: (Collection in honor of Sigurd Ottovich Schmidt). M.; Penza, 1994. P. 12-18, Belenky P.L. Development of problems of theoretical source study in Soviet historical science: (1960-1984): Analyst. review. M., 1985. 69 p. Ivanov G.M., Korshunov A.M., Petrov Yu.V. Methodological problems of historical knowledge. M., 1981. 296 p. Kovalchenko I.D. Historical source in the light of information theory: On the formulation of the problem // History of the USSR. 1982. No. 3. S. 129-148. Kovalchenko I.D. Methods of historical research. M., 1987. 438 p. Medushevskaya O.M. Archival document, historical source in the reality of the present // Otech. archives. 1995. No. 2. S. 9-13. Medushevskaya O.M. Source study and humanitarian culture // Otech. archives. 1992. No. 4. pp. 11-19. Rakitov A.I. Historical knowledge: System-epistemological approach. M., 1982. 303 p. Farsobin V.V. Source study and its method: Experience in the analysis of concepts and terminology, Moscow, 1983. 231 p. Chernin L.V. To the question of the methodology and methods of source study and auxiliary historical disciplines // Source study of national history: Sat. Art. Issue. 1. M., 1973. S. 32-63. Schmidt S.O. Theoretical problems of source study // Source study: theoretical and methodological problems. M., 1969. S. 7-58. Braudel F. Esprit sur l'hisioire. , 1969. 315 p. Braudel F. On history. Chicago, 1980. 226 p. Certeau M. de De la culuire au pluriel. P., 1993. 256 p. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 669 Certeau M. de. L'ecriture de l'histoire. P., 1978. 358 p. Certeau M. de. The writing of histoiy. N.Y., 1988. 308 p. Duly G. L'histoire continue. P., 1991. 220 p. Furol F. L'atelier de l'histoire. P., 1982. 312 p. Genicot L. Simples observations sur la facon d'ecrire l'histoire. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1980. 120 p. Gossman L. Between history and literature. Cambridge, 1990. 412 p. Haddock B.A. An introduction to historical Thought. L., 1980. 184 p. Halkin L.K. Iniliation a la critique hislorique, 5-me ed. P., 1982. 102 p. Histoire et methode. Bruxelles, 1981. 519 p. Histoirt el ses methodes: Recherche, conservation et critique des temoignages. P., 1961, 1771 p. Marrou H.I. DE la connaissance historique. P., 1975. 318 p. Nouschi A. Initiation aux sciences historiques. P., 1967. 208 p. Salmon P. Histoire et critique. 3-me ed. Bruxelles, 1987. 234 p. Walch J. Historiographie structurale. P., 1991. 351 p. Definition of the concept of "historical source" Ivanov G.M. Historical source and historical knowledge. Tomsk, 1973. 222 p. Ivanov G.M. On the social nature of a historical source // Tr. Tomsk State university Tomsk, 1974, vol. 11, pp. 73-85. Classification of historical sources Alasania G.G. Classification of Georgian written historical sources. Tbilisi. 1986. 244 p. Kurnosov A.A. To the question of the nature of types of sources // Source study of domestic history, 1976. M., 1977. P. 5-25. Pushkarev L.H. Classification of Russian written sources on national history. M., 1975. 281 p. Tartakovsky A.G. Social functions of sources as a methodological problem of source studies // History of the USSR. 1983, No. 3. S. 112-130. Uybo A.S. Information approach to the typology of historical sources // Uchen zap. / Tartus. un-t. Tartu, 1982. Issue. 599. S. 51-52. Schmidt S.O. On the classification of historical sources // Auxiliary historical disciplines. L., 1985. Issue. XVI. pp. 3-24. Yatsunsky V.K. To the question of the classification of sources in the course of source studies of the history of the USSR // Tr. / MGIAI. M., 1958. T. 11. S. 133-139. Source Analysis Bobinskaya Ts. Gaps in Sources: Methodological Analysis // Vopr. stories. 1965. No. 6. S. 76-86. Kikhnadze M.R. On the connection of terminological research with the interpretation of sources // Source research. Tbilisi, 1988, pp. 113-121. Interdisciplinary connections of source studies Belchikova N.F. Literary source study. M., 1983. 272 ​​p. Veselovsky S.B. From the course of lectures to graduate students of the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives on the methodology of scientific research // Veselovsky S.B. Works on source studies and the history of Russia during the period of feudalism. M., 1978. S. 190-292. 670 Gurevich A.Ya. Social Psychology and history: Source study aspect // Source study: Theoretical and methodological problems. M., 1969, S. 384-426. Ilizarov B.S. Source Problems of Archiving: Methods for Measuring the Volumes of Written Information. M., 1981, 120 p. Ilizarov S.S. Some features of the development of source study of science and technology // Source study and auxiliary historical disciplines. M., 1990. S. 45-63. Source study of the history of philosophy // Emelyanov B.V., Lyubutin K.N. Introduction to the history of philosophy. M., 1987. S. 67-91. Kubasov A.A. On the Place of Source Studies in the System of Historical Sciences // World of Source Studies: (Coll. in honor of Sigurd Ottovich Schmidt) M.; Penza, 1994, pp. 10-12. Lyublinskaya A.D. Sources in sciences related to history // Problems of source studies of the Western European Middle Ages. L., 1979. Medushovskaya O.M. Source study and auxiliary historical disciplines in modern foreign archivism: Analyt. review. M., 1990. 40 p. Pushkarev L.N. The concept of a historical source in the works of Soviet philosophers // Source study of national history. 1975. Moscow, 1976, pp. 76-84. Shepelev L.E. Source Studies and Auxiliary Historical Disciplines: On the Problem of Tasks and Role in Historical Research // Auxiliary Historical Disciplines. L., 1982. Issue. XIII. C, 3-22. Schmidt S.O. Some questions of source studies of historiography // Problems of the history of social thought and historiography. M., 1976. S. 266-274. Shmidt S. O. Problems of interaction between society and nature and some issues of source studies // Society and nature: Historical stages and forms of interaction. M., 1981. S. 262-275. To section 2 "Formation and development of source studies" Medushovskaya O.M. History of source studies in the XIX-XX centuries: Proc. allowance M., 1988. 71s. Nikolaeva A.T. Questions of the historiography of Russian source studies of the 18th-20th centuries. M., 1970. 83 p. Nikolaev. A.T. A brief outline of the development of source studies in the 18th century. / Rev. ed. E.A. Lutsky. M., 1962, 45s. Nikolaeva A.T. The main stages in the development of domestic source studies of the XVIII-XX centuries: Proc. allowance M., 1976. 67 p. TO PART 2 To section 1 "Historical sources of the XI-XVII centuries" To the entire section Bestuzhev-Ryumin K.N. Russian history. SPb., 1872-1875. T. I-II. Old Russian written sources of the X-XIII centuries. / Ed. Ya.N. Shchapova. M., 1991, 80s. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 671 Soviet source study of Kievan Rus: Historiographical essays / Ed. Col.: V.V. Mavrodin (responsible editor) and others. L., 1979. 246 p. Yanin V.L. Essays on complex source studies: Medieval Novgorod: Proc. allowance. M., 1977. 240 p.: ill. Russian historical library published by the Archeographic Commission. SPb., 1872-1927. T. 1-39. Collection of imp. Russian Historical Society. SPb., 1867-1916. T. 1-148. To chapter 1. Chronicle Complete collection of Russian chronicles. SPb.: Archeogr. Komis., 1846-1921, vol. 1-24; M.; L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1949-1963. T. 25-29; M.; L.: Nauka, 1965-1994. T. 29-39; M .: Archeographer, center, 1995. T. 41. West Russian chronicles // Full. coll. Russian chronicles. SPb., 1907. T. XVII. Joasaph Chronicle / Ed. and with preface. A.A. Zimin. M., 1957. 240 p.: ill. Novgorod First Chronicle of the Senior and Junior Editions / Ed. and with pre-disl. A.N. Nasonov. M.; L., 1950. 647 p.: ill. The Tale of Bygone Years. M.; L, 1950. Part 1: Text and translation / Prepared. text and trans. D.S. Likhachev and B.A. Romanova. 406 p.; Part 2: App. / Art. and comment. D.S. Likhachev. 556 p.: ill. Pskov Chronicles / Prepared. for publication and editing. A.N. Nasonov. M.; L., 1941. Issue. 1. XIV, 148 p.; M., 1955. Issue. 2. 304 p.; ill. Priselkov M.D. Trinity Chronicle: Reconstruction of the text / Foreword. K.N. Serbian. M.; L., 1950. 515 p. Radziwill Chronicle: Text. Study. Description of thumbnails / Ans. ed. M.V. Kukushkin. SPb.: Verb; M.: Art, 1994. Book. 1-2. Ustyug chronicle code (Arkhangelsk chronicler) / Prepared. to the stove And ed. K.N. Serbina. M.; L., 1950. 127 p. Bestuzhev-Ryumin K.N. On the composition of Russian chronicles until the end of the 14th century. SPb., 1868. 544 p. Shletser A.L. Nestor: Russian Chronicles in the Old Slavonic Language / Per. D. Yazykov. SPb., 1809-1819. Ch. 1-3. Azbedev S.N. Novgorod chronicles of the 17th century. Novgorod, 1960. 295 p.: ill. Aleshkovsky M.Kh. The Tale of Bygone Years: The Fate of a Literary Work in Ancient Rus'. / Rev. ed. V.L. Yanin. M., 1971. 136 p. Amosov L.A. On the issue of the time of origin of the Ivan the Terrible's Facial Code // Materials and messages on the funds of the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences. L., 1978. S. 6-36 Rtsikhovsky A.V. Old Russian miniatures as a historical source. M., 1944. 213 p.: ill. Vovina V.G. New Chronicler: Results and Problems of Study // Studies in Source Studies of the History of the USSR in the Pre-October Period. M., 1987. S. 61-88. Danilevsky I.N. The Bible and the Tale of Bygone Years: On the Problem of Interpreting Chronicle Texts // Otech. story. 1993. No. 1. S. 78-94. Danilevsky I.N. The idea and title of the Tale of Bygone Years // Father. story. 1995. No. 5. S. 101-110. Eremin I.P. Lectures and articles on the history of ancient Russian literature. L., 1987. 327s, Eremin I.P. Literature of Ancient Rus': (Etudes and Characteristics) / Introduction. Art. D.S. Likhachev. M.; L., 1966. 263 p., 1 sheet. portrait 672 Eremin I.P. "The Tale of Bygone Years": Problems of its Historical and Literary Study. L., 1946. 92 p. Kazakova N.A. Vologda chronicle of the XVII-XVIII centuries. // Aux. ist. disciplines. L., 1981. Issue. XII. pp. 66-90. Kloss B.M. Nikon's code and Russian chronicles of the 16th-17th centuries. M., 1980. 312 p. Koretsky V.I. The history of Russian chronicle writing in the second half of the 16th - early 17th centuries. / Rev. ed. IN AND. Buganov. M., 1986. 271 p., 1 sheet. portrait Koretsky V.I. Mazury chronicler of the end of the 17th century. and chronicle of the Time of Troubles // Slavs and Rus; Sat. Art. M., 1968. S. 282-290. Kuzmin A.G. The initial stages of ancient Russian chronicle writing. M., 1977. 406 p. Kuzmin A.G. Russian chronicles as a source for the history of ancient Rus'. Ryazan, 1969. 240 p. Likhachev D.S. Russian chronicles and their cultural and historical significance. M.; L., 1947. 499s. Lurie Ya.S. Two histories of Rus' in the 15th century: Early and late, independent and official chronicles on the formation of the Muscovite state. St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanii, 1994. 240 p. Lurie Ya.S. All-Russian chronicles of the XIV-XV centuries. L., 1976. 283 p. Lurie Ya.S. On the origin of the Radziwill Chronicle // Vspom. ist. disciplines. L., 1987. Issue. XVIII. pp. 64-83. Muravieva L.L. Chronicle of North-Eastern Rus' of the late XIII - early XV century. M., 1983. 295 p. Muravieva L.L. Moscow chronicle in the late XIV - early XV century. M., 1991. 221s. Mytsyk Yu.A. Ukrainian Chronicles of the 17th century: Proc. allowance. Dnepropetrovsk, 1978.87p. Nasonov A.N. History of Russian chronicle writing in the 10th - early 18th centuries. M., 1969. 555 p. Podobedova O.I. Materials of Russian historical manuscripts: On the history of Russian chronicle writing. M., 1964. 334 p.; ill. Priselkov M.D. History of Russian Chronicle XI-XV centuries. L., 1940. 188 p.: ill. Serbina K.H. Ustyug chronicle of the 16th-18th centuries. / Rev. ed. IN AND. Buganov. L., 1985.135 p. Curd O.V. Ancient Russian chronographs. L., 1975. 320 p. Tikhomirov M.N. Russian chronicle / Ed. Col.: S.O. Schmidt (responsible ed.). M., 1979. 384 p.: ill. Ulaschik N. Introduction to the study of the Belarusian-Lithuanian annals / Ed. ed. IN AND. Buganov. M., 1985. 261 p. Cherepnin L.V. "The Tale of Bygone Years", its editions and the annals preceding it // Ist. notes. 1948. T. 25. S. 293-333. Shakhmatov A.A. Review of Russian chronicles of the XIV-XVI centuries. M.; L., 1938. 372s. Shakhmatov A.A. The Tale of Bygone Years. Pg.., 1916. T. 1: Introductory honor. Text. Notes. LXXX, 404 p. Shakhmatov A.A. "The Tale of Bygone Years" and its sources // Tr. Department of Old Russian Literature / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit. M.; L., 1940. T. IV. pp. 9-150. Shakhmatov L.L. Research on the most ancient Russian chronicle vaults. St. Petersburg, 1908. XX, 687 p.: ill. Schmidt S.O. The Russian State in the Middle of the 16th Century: The Tsar's Archive and the Chronicles of the Time of Ivan the Terrible / Ed. ed. D.S. Likhachev. M., 1984. 277 p.: ill. Buganov V.I. Domestic historiography of Russian chronicles: A review of Soviet literature. M., 1975. 344 p. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 673 To chapter 2. Legislative sources Monuments of Russian law / Ed. and with preface. S.V. Yushkov. M., 1952-1968. Issue. 1-8. Russian legislation of the X-XX centuries: [Texts and comments]: In 9 volumes / Under the general. ed. O.I. Chistyakov. M.: Yurid. lit., 1984-1994. T. 1-9. Collection of State Letters and Treaties kept in the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs. M., 1813-1894. Ch, 1-5. Acts related to the history of zemstvo cathedrals / Ed. Yu.V. Gauthier. M., 1909. 10, 76 p. (Monuments of Russian history / Ed., edited by V.O. Klyuchevsky, M.K. Lyubavsky and others; Issue 3). Old Russian princely statutes of the XI-XV centuries. / Ed. prepared Ya.N. Shchapov; Rep. ed. L.V. Cherepnin. Moscow, 1976. 240 p. Law Judgment People: [Lists of short edition and reproduction of lists] / Prepared. to press M.N. Tikhomirova, L.V. Milova; Ed. MM. Tikhomirov. M., 1961. 178 p.: ill. Law of Judgment by people of a lengthy and consolidated edition / Prepared. to press M.N. Tikhomirova, L.V. Milova; Ed. M.N. Tikhomirov. M., 1961. 286 p.: ill. Legislative acts of the Russian state in the second half of the 16th - first half of the 17th centuries: Texts / Prepared. text by R.B. Muller; Ed. NOT. Nosov. L., 1986. 264 p. Legislative acts of the Russian state in the second half of the 16th - first half of the 17th century: Comments / Ed. NOT. Nosova, V.M. Paneyakh. L., 1987.262 p. The measure of the righteous: According to the manuscript of the XIV century. / Ed. under supervision. and with entry. Art. M.N. Tikhomirov. M., 1961. XIV, 698 p. Pravda Russian / Prepared. to print; V.P. Lyubimov and others; Ed. B.D. Grekov. M.; L., 1940-1963. T. 1-3. Pskov judicial charter / Per. and comment. Podosina I.I.; Ed. K.V. Sivkov. M., 1952. 160 p. (Uch. zap. Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin. T. LXV; Department of History of the USSR. Issue 3.) Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1529 / Ed. K.I. Yablonskis. Minsk, 1960, 253 p. Cathedral Code of 1649: Text, comments / Prepared. text by L.I. Inina; Comment. G.V. Abramovich and others; Ruk. A.G. Mankov. L., 1987. 448 p. Stoglav. St. Petersburg: Kozhanchikov, 1863. 312 p. Sudebnik XV-XVI centuries. / Under the total. ed. DB. Grekov. M.; L., 1952. 619 p.: ill. Alekseev Yu.G. The Pskov Judicial Letter and Its Time: The Development of Feudal Relations in the Rus' XIV-XV centuries / Ed. NOT. Nosov. L., 1980. 243 p. Vladimirsky-Budanov M.F. Review of the history of Russian law. 7th ed. Pg.; Kyiv, 1915. See also ed. Rostov n/D, 1995. 639 p. Lazutka S.A. I Statute of Lithuania - the feudal code of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Vilnius, 1973. 211 p.: ill. Lappo I.I. Lithuanian statute of 1588. Kaunas, 1934-1938. T. 1-2. Mankov A.G. Code of 1649 - the code of feudal law in Russia / Ed. ed. K.N. Serbina. L., 1980. 271 p. First Lithuanian Statute of 1529: Proceedings of the Rep. scientific conf. / Editorial staff: S. Lazutka (responsible editor) and others. Vilnius, 1982. 154 p. The development of Russian law XV - the first half of the XVII p. / Responsible. Ed. B.C. Nerses-syants. M., 1986. 288 p. Sverdlov M.B. From Russian Law to Russian Truth. M., 1988. 176 p.: ill. Tikhomirov M.N. Research on "Russkaya Pravda": The Origin of Texts. M.; L., 1941. 254s. 22 - 4463 674 Tikhomirov M.N. Manual for the study of Russian Truth. M., 1953. 192 p., ill. Third Lithuanian Statute of 1588; Rep. materials. scientific conf. / Ed. count; S. Lazutka (responsible editor) and others; Vilnius, 1989. 259 p. Cherepnin L.V. Zemsky Sobors of the Russian state in the XVI-XVII centuries. M., 1978. 417 p. Cherpnin L.V. Russian feudal archives of the XIV-XV centuries. M.; L., 1948-1951. Ch. 1-2. Cherepnin L.V. Composition and origin of the Novgorod Judicial Charter // Ist. app. 1947. T. 21. S. 222-253. Shchapov Ya.N. Byzantine and South Slavic ancestral heritage in Rus' in the 11th-13th centuries. M., 1978. 291s. Shchapov Ya.N. Princely statutes and the church in ancient Rus', XI-XIV centuries. M., 1972. 340 p. Kaiser D.H. The Growth of the Low In Medieval Russia. Princeton, 1980. 408 p. To chapter 3. Acts Actual sources on the history of Russia and Siberia of the XVI-XVIII centuries in the funds of G.F. Miller: Inventory of copies of books: In 2 volumes / Responsible. ed. N.N. Pokrovsky. Novosibirsk, 1993. Vol. 1. 250 p. Acts issued by the Vilna Commission for the analysis of ancient acts. Vilna, 1805-1915, vol. 1-39. Historical acts collected and published by the Archaeographic Commission, St. Petersburg, 1841-1875. Acts of Moscow monasteries and cathedrals 1509-1609. FROM THE ARCHIVES of the Assumption Cathedral and the Epiphany Monastery; In issue 2 / Comp. T.P. Aleksinskaya, V.D. Nazarov. M., 1984. Issue. 1-2. 443 p. Acts of the Moscow State, published by them. Academy of Sciences / Ed. ON THE. Popov. SPb., 1B90-1901.T. 1-3. Acts related to history Western Russia collected and published by the Archaeographic Commission. SPb., 1840-1853. T, 1-5. Acts relating to the history of Southern and Western Rus', collected and published by the Archaeographic Commission. SPb., 1863-1892. T. 1-15. Acts of the Russian State, 1505-1520 / Comp. S.B. Veselovsky; Ed. coll.: A.A. Ponoselsky and others. M., 1975.435 p. Acts of the socio-economic history of the North of Russia at the end of the 15th-16th centuries: Acts of the Solovetsky Monastery, 1479-1571. / Comp. ML. Liberson. L., 1988, 274 p. Acts of the socio-economic history of the North of Russia at the end of the 15th-16th centuries: Acts of the Solovetsky Monastery, 1572-1584. / Comp. FROM. Liberson. L., 1990. 328 p. Acts of the socio-economic history of North-Eastern Rus' at the end of the 14th-beginning of the 16th century: In 3 volumes / Ed. ed. B.D. Grekov, M., 1952-1964. T. 1-3. Acts of feudal landownership and economy of the XIV-XVI centuries / Prepared. to the press L.V. Tcherepnin; Ov. ed. S.V. Bakhrushin, M., 1951-1901. Ch. 1-3. Acts of feudal landownership and economy; Acts of the Moscow Simonov Monastery (1506-1613) / Comp. L.I. Ivin. L., 1993. 352 p. Acts of the economy of the boyar B.I. Morozova / Under the general. ed. A.M. Yakovlev. M.; L., 1940-1945. Ch. 1-2. Supplements to historical acts collected to those published by the Archaeographic Commission). SPb., 1840-1872. T. 1-12. Diplomas of Veliky Novgorod and Pskov / Prepared. V.G. Geiman, N.A. Kazakova, A.I. Konanev and others; Ed. CM. Valka. M.; L., 1949. 408 p. Spiritual and contractual letters of the great and appanage princes of the XIV-XVI centuries. / Prepared to the press L.V. Tcherepnin; Rep. ed. S.V. Bakhrushin. M.; L., 1950. 587 p.; ill. Lithuanian metric / Ed.: I.M. Lappo, N.A. Giltebrandt, S.L. Ptashitsky. SPb., 1903-1915. Dep. 1-2. (RIB; T. 20, 27, 30, 33). Polotsk letters of the XIII - early XVI centuries: Texts / Comp. A.L. Khoroshkevich, M., 1977-1985. Issue. 1-5; Pointers. M., 1989. 200 p. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 675 Collection of Prince Obolensky, M., 1838-1859. No. 1-12. Actual source study: Sat. Art. / Ed. Col.: S.M. Kashtanov (responsible editor) and others. M., 1979. 272 ​​p. Alekseev Yu.G. Spiritual letters of the princes of the Moscow House of the XIV century. as a source on the history of the specific system, Vspom. ist. disciplines. L., 1987. Issue. XVIII. S. Anpilozov G.N. Nizhny Novgorod Acts of the 16th century (1588-1600). M., 1977. 462 p. Andreev V.F. Novgorod mast act of the XII-XV centuries. / Rev. ed. V.L. Yanin. L., 1980. 145s. Berezhkov N.G. Lithuanian metric as a historical source, M;; L., 1946. Part 1. 179s. Studies on the history of Lithuanian metrics: Sat. scientific tr.: In 2 vol. / Ed. Col.: V.T. Pashuto and others. M „ 1989. Issue. 1-2. 386 p. Kashtanov SM. The diplomatic composition of the ancient Russian act // Vspom. ist. disciplines. L., 1969. Issue. II. pp. 143-149. Kashtanov S.M. From the history of a Russian medieval source: Acts of the X-XVI centuries. M., 1996, 265 p. Kashtanov S.M. To the study of the formulary of grand ducal spiritual letters of the late XIV - early XVI century. // Aux. ist. disciplines, L., 1979, Issue. XI. pp. 238-251. Kashtanov S.M. Essays on Russian diplomacy. M., 1970. 498 p. Kashtanov S.M. Essays on the socio-political history of Russia at the end of the 15th - the first half of the 16th century. Moscow, 1967. 392 p. Kashtanov S.M. Finances of medieval Rus' / Ed. ed. A.A. Zimin, V.L. Yanin. Moscow, 1988, 248 p. Lithuanian metric: Tez. report interrep. scientific conf., Apr. 1988, Vilnius, 1988. 68 p. Paneyakh V.M. Bonded books of the first half of the 17th century. // Aux. ist. disciplines. L., 1979, Issue. XI. pp. 89-113. Priselkov M.D. Khan's labels to Russian metropolitans. Pg., 1916. VIII, 116 p. Semenchenko G.V. Testaments of church hierarchs of the 15th century. as a historical source // Source study of the father. history, 1984: Sat. Art. / Ed. coll.: V.I. Buganov (responsible ed.) et al. M „1986. S, 154-162. Usmanov M.A. Complained acts of the Dzhuchiev Ulus XTV-XVI centuries. Kazan, 1979. 318 p. Cherepnin L.V. Actual material as a source on the history of the Russian peasantry of the 15th century; (From the history of productive forces and production relations) // Problems of source studies, 1955, T, 4, pp. 307-349, Cherepnin L.V. Zemsky Sobors of the Russian state in the XVI-XVII centuries. M., 1978. 417 p. Yanin V.L. Novgorod acts, XII-XV centuries: Chronological commentary. M., 1991. 383 p. To chapter 4. Literary works of Alexandria: A novel about Alexander the Great according to a Russian manuscript of the 15th century,: [Text and translation] / Ed. prepared M.N. Botvinnik, Ya.S. Lurie, O.V. Curds, M.; L., 1965. 269 p.; ill. Bulanin D.M. Translations and messages of Maxim the Greek: Unpublished. texts / Rep. ed. L.. 1984. 277 p.: ill. Great Menaion Chetiy, coll. Vseros. Met. Macarius / Ed. Archaeographer. commission, St. Petersburg; M., 1868-1912. Sept.-Apr, (Vladimir Monomakh) Teaching // The Tale of Bygone Years. M,; L., 1950. Part 1: Text and translation / Prepared. text and trans. D.S. Likhachev and B.A. Romanova, S. 163-167. Military stories of ancient Rus' / Ed. V.P. Adrianova-Peretz. M.; L., 1949. 359 p.: silt, Ivan Timofeev's Timebook / Prepared. to print., trans. and comment. O.A. Derzhavina; Ed. V.P. Adrianova-Peretz. M.; L.. 1951. 612 p.: ill. 22* 676 Domostroy / Ed. prepared V.V. Kolosov, V.V. Christmas. SPb., 1994. 392 p.: ill. Life and Life of Sergius of Radonezh: Sat. / Comp., afterword. and comment. V.V. Wheel owl. M., 1991. 366 p.: ill. Life of Metropolitan Peter // Great Menaion Chetin. M., 1907. Dec., days 18-23. S. 1620-1646. The life of Archpriest Avvakum, written by himself, and his other works / Prepared, text by N.K. Gudzia and others; Under total ed. N.K. Gudzia. M., 1960. 479 p.: ill. Life of St. Stephen, Bishop of Perm, written by Epiphanius the Wise / Ed. ed. V.G. Druzhinin. SPb., 1897. Lives of the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb and services to them / Podg. DI. Abramovich. Pg., 1916. 235 p. Notes of Russian travelers of the 16th - 17th centuries. / Comp., prepared. texts, trans., entry. Art. N.I. Prokofiev, L.I. Alekhina. M., 1988. 525 p.: ill. Izbornik Svyatoslav of 1073 / Nauch. ed. L.P. Zhukovskaya. Fax machine. above. M., 1983. 266 p.: ill. Izbornik 1076: (Text and research) / Ed. S.I. Kotkov. M., 1965. 1091 p.: ill. Joseph Volotsky. Enlightener: Per. Sortavala, 1993. 382 p. Book of travels: Notes of Russian travelers of the 11th - 15th centuries. / Comp., prepared. texts, trans., entry. Art. N.I. Prokofiev. M., 1984. 447 p.: ill. Literary collection of the 17th century. - Prologue. M „ 1978. Kotoshikhin G.K. About Russia about the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich / Op. G. Kotoshi-hina. SPb., 1900. XXVI, 215 p. Krizhanich Y. Politics; [Texts and translation] / Preparatory work. text for publication V.V. Zelenina; Per. and comment. A.L. Goldberg; Ed. M.N. Tikhomirov. M., 1965. 735 p.; ill. Margaret // Great Menaion of Chetiy. SPb., 1869. Sept., days 14-24. pp. 773-1193. Nikitin A. Journey beyond the three seas Athanasius Nikitin / Ed. prepared L.S. Lurie, L.S. Semenov. L., 1986. 213 p.; ill. Neil SOROKIN. Traditions and Charter / With entry. Art. M.S. Borovkova-Maikova. SPb., 1912.167s. Palea Tolkovaya according to the list made in Kolomna in 1406, M., 1892. Part 1. Issue. 1-2. Monuments of ancient Russian church teaching literature / Ed. A.I. Nomareva. SPb., 1894-1898. Ch. 1-4. Monuments of literature of Ancient Rus' / Comp. and general ed. L.A. Dmitrieva and D.S. Likhachev. M., 1978-1989. [Book. 1-9, vol. 1-10]. Monuments of renounced Russian literature / Sobr. and ed. N.S. Tikhopravov. St. Petersburg; M., 1863. T. 1-2. Patericon of the Kiev Caves Monastery / Ed. DI. Abramovich. SPb., 1911. 277p. Correspondence of Ivan the Terrible with Andrei Kurbsky: Texts and trans. / Text prep. I'M WITH. Lurie, Yu.D. Rykov; Comment. V.B. Kobrin, Ya.S. Lurie. L., 1979.431 p.: ill. (Lit. monuments). Tales of Ancient Rus' XI-XII centuries. / Comp. N.V. Ponyrko; Intro. Art. D.S. Likhachev. L., 1983. 574 p.: ill. The Tale of Dmitry Basarga and his son Borzosmysl / Issled. and prepare. Texts M.O. Skripil. L., 1969. 218 p.; ill. The Tale of Dracula / Research. and prepare. texts by Ya.S. Lurie. M.; L., 1964. 211 p., ill. The Tale of the Zemsky Sobor in 1613 / Prepared. A.L. Stanislavsky, B.I. Morozov // Vopr. stories. 1985, No. 5. S. 89-96. The Tale of Peter and Fevronia / Prepared. texts and research. R.P. Dmitrieva. L., 1979. 339 p.: ill. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 677 The Tale of Simeon of Suzdal about the Eighth Cathedral // Pavlov AS. Critical experiments on the history of the ancient Greek-Russian controversy against the Latins. SPb., 1878. S. 198-210. Message of Ivan the Terrible: Text and trans. / Prep. text by D.S. Likhachev and Ya.S. Lurie; Per. and comment. I'M WITH. Lurie; Ed. V.P. Adrianova-Peretz. M.; L., 1951. 716 p.: ill. (Lit. monuments). Epistles of Joseph Volotsky / Prepared. text by A.A. Zimina, Ya.S. Lurie; Intro. Art. I.P. Eremina, Ya.S. Lurie. M.; L., 1959. 390 p.: ill. Pustozerskaya prose: Sat. / Comp., foreword. and comment. M.B. Plyukhanov. M., 1989, 365 p. Pustozersky collection: Autographs of the writings of Avvakum and Epifain / Ed. prepared P.S. Demkova, N.F. Drobenkova, L.I. Sazonova. L., 1975. XIV, 263 p.; 193 l. Russian Bible: Bible of 1499 and Bible in synodal translation : In 10 t. M .: Ed. otd. Moscow Patriarchy, 1992-1998. T. 4, 7-8, 10. Russian democratic satire of the 17th century / Prepared. text, art. and comment. V.P. Adrnanova-Peretz, M., 1977, 254 p., ill. Simeon Polotsky. Fav. op. / Prep. text, art. and comment. I.P. Eremin. M.; L., 1953. 282 p.; silt, The Tale of Avraamy Palitsyn / Prepared. text and comments. O.A. Derzhavina and E.V. Kolosova; Ed. L.V. Tcherepnin. M.; L., 1965. 346 p. The legend of Boris and Gleb; Fax. playback hagiographic tales from Silve-Sarovsky Sat. (second half of the 14th century). M., 1985. 160 p.: ill. + App. (151 p.). The Legend of the Battle of Mamaev: The front manuscript of the XVII claim from the collection of the State. ist. Museum: Album. M., 1980. 270 p.: ill. Legend and stories about the Battle of Kulikovo: [Old Rus. texts and trans.] / Ov. ed. D.S. Reckless. L., 1982. 422 p.: ill. Word about the regiment by Igor / Ed. V.P. Adrianova-Peretz. M.; L., 1950.484, VIII, 46 p.: ill. (Lit. monuments). Works by Ivan Peresvetov / Prepared. text by A.A. Zimin; Ed. D.S. Likhache-pa. M.; L., 1950. 388 p.; ill. Works of St. Maximus the Greek and Russian translation. Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 1910-1911. Ch. 1-1P. Explanatory Paley of 1477: Reproduction of the Synodal Manuscript No. 210. St. Petersburg, 1892. Issue. 1, Khozhenis of the merchant Fedot Kotov to Persia / Publ. ON THE. Kuznetsova. M., 1958. Artistic prose of Kievan Rus XI-XIII centuries / Comp., trans. and note. I.P. Eremina and D.S. Likhachev; Intro. Art. D.S. Likhachev. M „ 1957. XII, 370 p.: ill. Shestodnev, compiled by John Exarch of Bulgaria: According to the charter list of Mosk. Synodal library of 1263. Word for word and letter for letter / Foreword. A. Popova. M., 1879. 2, XXVIII p.; 255 l. (Readings in the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities; Book 3). Abramovich D.I. Research on the Kiev-Pechersk Patericon as a Historical and Literary Monument. St. Petersburg, 1902. IV, XXX, 213 p. Alexandrov L. Physiologist. Kazan, 1898. 70 p. Begunov Yu.K. Monument of Russian literature of the XIII century. “A word about the destruction of the Russian land”: [Research. and text]. M.; L., 1965. 231 p.: ill. Bugapnv V.M., Koretsky B.M., Stanislavsky A.L. “The Tale of What Revenge” is a monument to the early journalism of the Time of Troubles // Proceedings of the Otd. Old Russian lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit. L., 1974. T. 28. S. 231-254. Budovnits I.U. Monasteries in Rus' and the fight against them by the peasants in the XIV-XVI centuries: (According to the “Lives of the Filmed”) / Entry. Art. L.V. Tcherepnin. M., 1966, 392 p.: ill. Budovnits I.U. Socio-political thought of Ancient Rus' (XI-XIV centuries). M., 1960. 488 p. 678 Budovnits I.U. Russian journalism of the 16th century. M.; L., 1947. 311 p. Goldberg A.L. Three "epistles of Philotheus": (Experience of textual analysis) // Proceedings of the Otd. Old Russian lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit. L., 1974. T. 23. S. 68-97. Gorsky A.A. “The Tale of Igor's Campaign” and “Zadonshchina”: Source Studies and Historical and Cultural Problems / RAS. In-t grew up. ist. M., 1992. 172 p. Demkova N.S. Life of Archpriest Avvakum: (Creative history of the work). L., 1974. 168 p. Derzhavina O.A. Ancient Rus' in Russian literature XIX century: (Plots and images of ancient Russian literature in the works of writers of the XIX century) / O.A. Derzhavin. Prologue: Fav. texts / [To Sat. in general:] Rev. ed. V.P. Scallop. M., 1990. 416 p. Dmitriev L.A. Plot narrative in the hagiographic monuments of the late XIII-XV centuries. // Origins of Russian fiction. L., 1970. S. 208-262. Dmitriev L.A. Hagiographic stories of the Russian North as monuments of literature of the XIII-XVII centuries. L., 1973. 303 p. Old Russian Literature: Source Studies: Sat. scientific tr. / Rev. ed. D.S. Likhachev. L., 1984.272 p.: ill. Drobenkova N.F. Great Menaion Chetiy // Tr. Dep. Old Russian lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit. L., 1985. T. 39. S. 238-243. Zimin A.A. Source study problems of the history of early non-covetousness // Uchen. app. / Kazan. ped. in-t. Kazan, 1974. Issue. 121. S. 87-103. Zimin A.A. Socio-political views of Fyodor Karpov // Tr. Dep. ancient Russian. lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit. L., 1956. T. 12. S. 1GO-173. Zimin A.A. I.S. Peresvetov and his contemporaries: Essays on the history of Russian social thought in the middle of the 16th century. M., 1958. 498 p. The ideological and philosophical heritage of Hilarion of Kyiv / Ed. ed. A.A. Bazhenov. M., 1986. Part 1-2. Izbornik Svyatoslav 1073: Sat. Art. / Oto. ed. B.A. Rybakov. M., 1974. 343 p.: ill. Source study in the study of the literature of Ancient Rus'. L., 1987. Source study of the literature of Ancient Rus': Sat. Art. / Redkol: D.S. Likhachev (responsible editor) and others. L., 1980. 295 p.: ill. Istrin V.M. Alexandria of Russian Chronographs: Research. and text. M., 1893. VIII, 356s. Istrin V.M. Books of temporary and figurative Georgy Mnikh. Chronicle of George Amartol in ancient Slavic Russian translation: Text, research. and dictionary, Pg., 1920-1930. T. 1-3. Istrin V.M. Chronicle of John Malala in Slavic translation: Repr. ed. materials V.M. Istrina / Prepared. ed., entry. Art. and app. M.I. Chernysheva. M., 1994. 473 p. Kazakova N.A. Vassiai Patrikeyev and his writings: Issled. and texts. M.; L., 1960. 363 p.: ill. Kazakhova N.A. Western Europe in Russian Literature of the 15th-16th Centuries: From the History of Russia's International Cultural Relations / Ed. D.S. Likhachev. L „1980.278 p.: ill. Kazakova N.A. Essays on the history of Russian social thought: the first third of the 16th century. L., 1970. 297 p. Kazakova N.A., Lur'eYa.S. Anti-feudal heretical movements in Rus' in the 15th - early 16th centuries. M.; L., 1955, 544 pp.: silt, Kudryavtsev I.M. "Message to the Ugra" by Vassian Rylo as a monument of journalism of the 15th century. // Tr. Dep. Old Russian lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit. M.; L., 1951. T. 8. S. 158-186. Kuchkin V.A. The legend of the death of Metropolitan Peter // Tr. Dep. Old Russian lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit. L., 1962. T. 18. S. 59-79. Latysheva G.G. Publicistic source on the history of the oprichnina: (On the issue of dating) // Vopr. historiography and source studies of national history: Sat. tr. / MGPI. M., 1974. S. 30-62. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 679 Likhachev D.S. Great Legacy: Classical Works of Ancient Geese Literature. M., 1979. 366 p.: ill. Likhachev D.S., Panenko L.M., Ponyrko N.V. Laughter in Ancient Rus'. L 1984. 296 p.: ill. Lurie Ya.S. Ideological struggle in Russian journalism of the late 15th - early 16th century. M.; L 1960. 532 p.: ill. Lurie Ya.S. Literary and cultural and educational activities of Euphrosyn at the end of the 15th century. // Tr. Dep. Old Russian lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit. M.; L., 1961. T. 17. S. 130-168. Malinin V.N. The Elder of the Eleazar Monastery Fadofey and His Messages: A Historical and Literary Study. Kyiv, 1901. VIII, 768, 105 p. Meshchersky A.N. History of the Jewish War of Josephus Flavius ​​in Old Russian Perepod. M.; L., 1958. 578 p. Meshchersky A.N. Sources and composition of the ancient Slavic-Russian translated writing of the 9th - 15th centuries. L., 1978. Maldovan A.M. A word about the law and grace of Ilarnon. Kyiv, 1984. 240 p. Morozova L.E. Works of Zinovy ​​Otensky / Otv. Ed. A.A. Preobrazhensky. M., 1990. 320 p. Prokofiev N.I. Russian walking XII-XV centuries. // Literature of ancient Rus' and XVIII p.: Sat. Art. / Ed. Col.: N.V. Water carrier (responsible editor) and others. M., 1970. Ponyrko N.V. Epistolary heritage of Ancient Rus', XI - XIII: Issled., texts, trans. / Rev. ed. D.S. Likhachev. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1992. 216 p. Prokhorov G.M., Drobenkova N.F. Cyprian // Proc. Dep. Old Russian lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit., L., 1985. T, 39. S. 53-71. Robinson A.N. Lives of Avvakum and Epiphanius: Studies and texts. M., 1968. 316 p.: ill. Rozov N.N. The Tale of the White Klobuk as a Monument of All-Russian Journalism of the 15th Century. // Tr. Dep. Old Russian lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit. M.; L., 1953. T. 9. S. 178-219. Salmina M.A. On the question of dating "The Legend of the Battle of Mamaev" // Tr. Dep. Old Russian lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Int rus. lit. L., 1974. T. 29. S. 98-124. Semenov M.S. The Journey of Athanasius Nikitin. M., 1980. 145 p.: ill. Solodkin Ya.G. "Vremennik" by Ivan Timofeev and "History" by Avraamy Palitsyn: (On the question of the sources of works) // Studies in the history of public consciousness of the era of feudalism in Russia. Novosibirsk, 1984. S. 12-23. Solodkin Ya.G. To the question of the sources of "Vremennik" by Ivan Timofeev // Tr. Dep. Old Russian lit. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t rus. lit. L., 1989. T. 42. S. 115-127. Curd O.V. Translation fiction of the XI-XIII centuries. // Origins of Russian fiction. L „1970. S. 180-194. Fonkin B.L. Greek-Russian Cultural Relations in the 15th-17th Centuries: (Greek Manuscripts in Russia). M., 1977. 245 p.: ill. To section 2 "Historical sources of the 18th - early 20th centuries" To the entire section Voronkova S.V. Problems of source study of the history of Russia in the period of capitalism: (Results and objectives of the study). M., 1985. 180 p. Petrovskaya I. F. Source study of the history of the Russian pre-revolutionary drama theater: Proc. allowance. L., 1971. 199 p. Petrovskaya I.F. Source study of the history of Russian musical culture of the 18th - early 20th centuries. 2nd ed., add. M., 1989. 318 p. 680 Reference books on the history of pre-revolutionary Russia: Bibliogr. decree. / Ed. P. A. Zayonchkovsky. 2nd ed. M., 1978. 638 p. To chapter 3. Mass sources Litvak B.G. Essays on source studies of mass documentation: XIX - early XX centuries. M., 1979.294s. Yatsunsky V.K. On the Application of the Statistical Method in Historical Science // Studies in Domestic Source Studies: Sat. Art. M.; L., 1964. S. 26-36. (Tr. LOII; Issue 7.) To chapter 4. Legislation Military regulations of Peter I. M., 1946. Peasant reform in Russia in 1861: Collection of legislative acts: Proc. allowance / Comp. K.A. Sofronenko. M., 1954, 500 p. Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 1. St. Petersburg, 1830. T. 1-45.; Collection 2. St. Petersburg, 1830-1884. T. 1-5B.; Collection 3. St. Petersburg, 1885-1916. T, 1-33. Russian legislation of the X-XX century: In 9 vols. M., 1986-1994. T. 4-9. Ecateina II. Order of the Commission on the composition of the New Code. SPb., 1907. Speransky M.M. Projects and notes / Prepared. to press A.I. Kopanev and M.V. Kukushkin; Ed. S.N. Valka. M.; L., 1961. 244 p.: ill. Vernadsky G.V. Essay on the history of the law of the Russian state of the XVIII-XIX centuries. (Period of empire). Prague, 1924.166 p. Vladimirsky-Budanov M.F. Review of the history of Russian law. Pg: Kyiv, 1915. See also ed.: Rostov n/D, 1995. 639 p. Kochakva B.M. Russian legislative document XIX - early. XX centuries // Auxiliary historical. disciplines. M.: L., 1937. S. 319-371. Latam V.N. Textbook of the history of Russian law in the period of the empire (XVIII-XIX centuries). SPb., 1909. X, 644 p. The development of Russian law in the second half of the XVII-XVIII centuries. / Rev. ed. E.A. Skripilei. M., 1992. 309 p. The development of Russian law in the first half of the 19th century / Ed. ed. E.A. Skripilev. M., 1994. 315 p. Rybakov Yu.Ya. Codes of laws of the Russian Empire in the first half of the nineteenth century. (To the source study characteristic) // Problems of source study of the history of the USSR and special historical disciplines: Art. and materials. M., 1984. S. 61-68. Rybakov Yu.Ya. Industrial legislation of Russia in the first half of the 19th century: (Source essays) / Ed. ed. B.G. Litvak. M., 1986. 214 p. To chapter 6. Office materials Monuments of Moscow business literature of the 18th century. M., 1981. 318 p. Decembrist uprising: Documents and materials. M.; L., 1925-1984. T. I-XVIII. The case of the Petrashevites / Prepared. to print V.R. Leikin; Tot. ed. V.A. Desnitsky. M.; L „1937-1951. T. I-III. Case of Chernyshevsky / Prepared. I.V. Gunpowder; Tot. ed. N.M. Chernyshevsky. Saratov, 1968, 679 p.: ill. The State Duma. Verbatim reports. SPb., 1906-1917. Journals of the Special Conference on the Defense of the State. 1915, M., 1975; 1916 M., 1977. Issue. I-IV; 1917 M., 1978-1979. Issue. I-V. Ilyushenko M.P. History of office work in the USSR: Proc. allowance M., 1974.169 p. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 681 Litvak B.G. On the regularities of the evolution of office documentation in the XVIII-XIX centuries: (On the formulation of the question) // Problems of source study of the history of the USSR and special historical disciplines. M., 1984. S. 48-55. Shepelev L.E. The study of office documents of the XIX - early XX century. // Auxiliary historical disciplines. L., 1968. Issue. I. S. 119-138. To chapter 7. Materials of fiscal, administrative and economic accounting Kabuzan V.M. Materials of revisions as a source on the history of the population of Russia in the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries. (1718-1858) // History of the USSR. 1959. No. 5. S. 128-140. Kabuzan V.M. On the reliability of accounting for the population of Russia (1858-1917) // Source study of national history: Sat. Art. for 1981. M., 1982; Litvak B.G. Essays on source studies of mass documentation: XIX - early XX centuries. M., 1979. 294 p. To chapter 8. Statistics Arsen'vv K.I. Statistical essays of Russia. St. Petersburg, 1848, 10, 503 p.: ill. Valetsky S.N. Reference book on zemstvo statistics. Zemstvo Survey Programs. M., 1899. T. 1-2. Military horse census of 1912. St. Petersburg, 1913. 1891-1914. Military Statistical Review of the Russian Empire, published at the first branch of the Department of the General Staff. St. Petersburg, 1848-1853. T. 1-17. Zyablovsky E. Statistical descriptions of the Russian Empire and its current state. 2nd ed. SPb., 1815 Ch. 1-5. Horse census of 1882. St. Petersburg, 1884. 4, XLV, 176, 187 pp. Brief reference information about some Russian farms. SPb., 1897-1898. Issue. 1-3. Materials on the statistics of land ownership in Russia. SPb., 1896-1917. Issue. 1-25. Description of individual Russian farms. SPb., 1897-1898. Issue. 1-13. The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897: A general compilation of the results of the development of data on the empire of the First All-Russian population census, carried out on January 28, 1897. St. Petersburg, 1906, Collection of statistical information on the Moscow province / Ed. Moscow lips. zemstva. M., 1877-1913. Collection of reports of factory inspectors for 1900-1914, St. Petersburg, 1902-1915. T. 1-15. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky P.P. Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire. SPb., 1863-1885. T. 1-5. List of factories and plants of European Russia. St. Petersburg, 1903. 4, 839 p. List of factories and plants of the Russian Empire / Comp. ed. V.E. Vardar. SPb., 1912. 720 p. sec. Pat. Land ownership statistics 1905: A compilation of data on 50 provinces of European Russia. SPb., 1907. 212 p. sec. pag. Statistics of land ownership and settlements in European Russia. SPb., 1880-1885. Issue. 1-8 Statistical information about factories and plants for production not subject to excise duty, for 1900 / Comp. ed. V.E. Vardar. SPb., 1903. 629 p. sec. pag. The cost of production of the main breads: Statistical. information on materials received from the owners. SPb., 1915-1917. Issue. 1-3. 682 Factory life in the Moscow province: Report for 1882-1883. factory inspector over the occupations of juveniles Mosk. env. I. I. Yanzhula, St. Petersburg, 1884. 258 p. sec. pat.: ill. FundukleyI.I. Statistical description of the Kyiv province. SPb., 1852. Ch. 1-3. Grigoriev N.V. Subject index of materials in Zemstvo-statistical works from the 1860s to 1917, Moscow, 1926-1927, Vol. 1-2. Index of Russian literature on the description of Russian privately owned farms in 1765-1902. / Comp. P. M. Bogdanov. SPb., 1904. 124 p. Vorontsova S.V. Mass sources on the history of Russian industry in the late XIX - early XX century. M 1995.102 p. Vorontsova S.V. Industrial statistics in Russia in the last decades of the 19th - early 20th centuries: (On the problem of the evolution of statistical sources) // Problems of source studies of the history of the USSR and special historical disciplines: Art. and mother. / Editorial board: I.D. Kovalchenko et al. M., 1984. S. 95-104. Gozulov A.I. Essays on the history of domestic statistics. M., 1972. Kabuzan V.M. On the reliability of accounting for the population of Russia (1858-1917) // Source study of national history: Sat. Art. for 1981. M., 1982. Litvak B.G. Population census of 1897 on the peasantry of Russia (source study aspect) // History of the USSR. 1990. M 1. S, 114-126. Litvak K.B. On the limits of informativity of communal summaries of zemstvo censuses in the study of types of peasant farms // Mathematical methods and computers in historical research: Sat. Art. / Rev. ed. I.D. Kovalchenko. M., 1985. Mass sources on the socio-economic history of Russia during the period of capitalism / Ed. ed. I.D. Kovalchenko. M., 1979. 415 p. Mironov B.N. To the question of the use of hidden historical information: (Based on the materials of statistical sources of the 18th - early 20th centuries) // Auxiliary historical disciplines. L., 1985, Issue. XVII. C, 17-35. Ostrovsky MM. Zemstvo statistics of landlord economy as a historical source // Auxiliary historical disciplines. L., 1978. Issue. X. S. 285-295. Rybakov Yu.Ya. Industrial statistics of Russia in the 19th century: Source study. M., 1976. 276 p. Ryabushkin T.V. et al. Development of statistical science in the USSR: Questions of methodology. M., 1985. 336s. Svavitsky N.A. Zemsky household censuses: Review of methodology, M., 1961. 355 p. Tarasyuk D.A. Land ownership of post-reform Russia: Source study according to the 1877-1878 census. M., 1981.129 p. To chapter 9. Publicism Karamzin N.M. On ancient and new Russia in its political and civil relations // Lit. studies. M., 1988. No. 10. Pestikov I. T. “The Book of Poverty and Wealth” and other works / Ed., afterword. and comment. B.B. Kafengauz. M., 1951. 410 p.: ill. Radishchev A.N. Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow; Liberty: Ode / Ed. prepared V.A. West. SPb., 1992. 671 p. 1 l. portrait (Lit. monuments). Feofan Prokopovich. Works / Ed. and with preface. I.P. Eremin. M.; L., 1961. 502 p.: ill. Shcherbatov MM. On the damage to morals in Russia. SPb., 1906. 84 p. Engelgardt A.N. From the village: 12 letters 1872-1887 / Entry. Art. P.V. Volobueva, V.P. Danilova. M., 1987. 639 p.: portr. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 683 To chapter 10. Periodical press "The Bell" - the newspaper of AI Herzen and NP Ogarev. Free Russian. printing house, 1857-1867. London-Geneva / Entry. Art. E. Rudnitskaya. Fax machine. ed. M, 1962-1964. Issue. 1-11. "Polar Star" - A.I. Herzen and N.P. Ogareva: In 8 books. 1865-1869. Free Russian, printing house. London - Genena. Fax machine. ed. Moscow: Nauka, 1966-1968. Book. 1-9, Lisovsky N.M. Bibliography of the Russian periodical press of 1703-1900: (Mater, for ist, rus, journalism): In 2 vols. Reprint. ed., M, 1995. T. 1-2.1995 p.: ill. Russian periodicals (1702-1894): Handbook / Ed. A.T. Dement'eva et al. M., 1959. 835 p.: ill. Cherepanov M.S., Fingerey E.M. Russian periodical press (1895 - Oct. 1917): Handbook. M., 1957. 351 p.: ill. Consolidated catalog of Russian illegal and forbidden press of the 19th century; (Books and periodicals). M „ 1971. Ch. 1-9. Consolidated catalog of Russian illegal and forbidden press of the 19th century: Leaflets. M., 1977. Ch. 1-3. Dmitriev S.S. Source study of Russian historical journalism: (Statement of the topic and problems) // Source study of national history: Sat. Art. for 1975. M., 1976. Esin B.I. Journey into the past: (Newspaper world of the 19th century) M., 1982. 160 p. Esin B.I. Russian newspaper and newspaper business in Russia: Tasks and theoretical and methodological principles of study. M., 1981, 132 p. Esin B.I. Russian pre-revolutionary newspaper: 1702-1917: A brief essay. M., 1971. 88s. Esin B.I. Russian journalism of the 70-80s of the XIX century. M., 1963. Lurie F.M. Keepers of the Past: Magazine "Byloye": history, editors, publishers. L., 1990. 255 p.: ill. To chapter 11. Sources of personal origin Bolotov AT The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov, described by him for his descendants. SPb., 1871-1873. T. I-IV. Witte S.Yu. Memories / Intro. Art. A.V. Ignatiev. Tallinn, 1994, vol. 1-3. Herzen A.I. Past and thoughts. [Any ed.] History of pre-revolutionary Russia in diaries and memoirs: Annot. decree, book and publ. in the magazine / Nauch. hands., ed. and enter. P. A. Zayonchkovsky. M., 1976-1989. T. 1-5. Mints S.S. On the Peculiarities of the Evolution of Memoir Sources: (On the Statement of the Problem) // History of the USSR. 1979. M 6. S. 55-70. Tartakovsky A.G. 1812 and a Russian memoirist: An experience of source studies. M., 1980. 312 p. Tartakovsky A.G. Russian memoirs of the 18th - the first half of the 20th century: From a manuscript to a book. M., 1991. 280 p. Tartakovsky A.G. Russian memoirs and historical consciousness of the 19th century. Moscow, 1997. 357 p. Chekunova A.E. Russian memoir heritage of the second half of the 17th - 18th centuries: Experience of source study analysis. M., 1995. 136 p. Chudakov A.P. The subject world of literature; (On the problem of categories of historical poetics) // Historical poetics: Results and perspectives of the study / Ed.: M.B. Khrapchenko et al. M., 1986. S. 251-191. 684 To section 3 "Historical sources of the Soviet period" To the entire section Teaching aids Kabanov V.V. Source study of Soviet society. M., 1997. Chernomorsky M.N. Source study of the history of the USSR: the Soviet period. Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional M., 1976. 296 p. Works of a generalizing nature Source study of the history of Soviet society: In 4 issues. / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Institute of History of the USSR. M., 1964-1982. Issue. 1-4. Source studies on the history of the Great October Revolution and the formation of the Soviet state, 1917-1920; Sat. Art. / Editorial Board: M.P. Iroshnikov (responsible editor) and others M.; L., 1983.100 p. Professionalism of a Historian and Ideological Conjuncture: Problems of Source Studies Soviet history. M., 1994, 399 s, Proceedings of conferences Source study of the XX century. Tez. report and messages. M., 1993. Perestroika in historical science and problems of source studies and special historical disciplines. Tez. report and messages. Kyiv, 1990. Collected works and collections of works of leaders of the Soviet state Lenin V.I. Full coll. cit.: V 55 t. M., 1960-1965. T, 1-55. Stalin I.V. Op. M., 1946-1951. T. I-XIII. Stalin I.V. Op. Stanford, 1967. T.l(XIV)-3(XVI). Khrushchev N.S. For durable peace and peaceful coexistence: [Sb.] M., 1958. 367 p. Khrushchev N.S. A world without weapons is a world without war. M., 1960. T. 1-2. Khrushchev N.S. On the foreign policy of the Soviet Union, 1960. M., 1961. T. 1-2. Khrushchev N.S. The construction of communism in the USSR and the development of agriculture: In 8 vols. M., 1962-1964. T. 1-8. Brezhnev L.I. Lenin's Course: Speeches and Art. M., 1974-1983. T. 1-9. Andropov Yu.V. Fav. speech and art. M., 1983. 320 p., 1 sheet. portrait Chernenko K.U. Fav. speech and art. M., 1984. 670 p., 1 sheet. portrait Chernenko K.U. On the way to perfecting developed socialism. M., 1985. 431 p., 1 sheet. portrait Bibliographic indexes and reference literature Source study of the history of Soviet society: Decree. lit. M., 1987-1989. [Ch. 1-2]. Korzhikhina T.P. History of State Institutions of the USSR: Materials for Source Studies and Historiography (1917-1990) / Ed. S.P. Strekopytov. M., 1992. 236 p. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 685 Korzhikhina T.P. Public organizations in the USSR: materials for source studies and historiography / Ed. ed. S.P. Strekopytov. M., 1992. 179 p. Collections of documents of various types Archive of the Russian Revolution: In 22 volumes / Ed. G.V. Gessen, M., Sovremennik. 1991-1993. T. 1-22. White business: Fav. prod.: In 16 books. / Comp., scientific. ed. and comment. S.V. Karpenko. M „1992-1993. South. 1-3, 8. Documents of foreign policy of the USSR / Ministry of Foreign Affairs. affairs of the USSR; AL. Gromyko and others. M., 1957-1992, T. 1-22. Red or White?: The Drama of August-91: Facts, hypotheses, clash of opinions: Sat. / Comp. L.N. Dobrokhotov et al. M., 1992. 472 p. Past: East. almanac, M., 1990-1995. Issue. 1-18. The National Question at the Crossroads of Opinions: 20s: Doc. and materials / Sost, V.A. Gorny et al. M., 1992. 269 p. NEP: View from the outside: Sat. / Comp. and ed. foreword V.V. Kudryavtsev. M., 1991. 304 p. Subject to disclosure. USSR - Germany, 1939-1941: Documents and materials: Compiler-translator Y. Felshtinsky; Foreword V. Dashichev. M., 1991. 367 p.: ill. The Hidden Truth of War: 1941. Unknown Documents: Sat. / Comp. P.N. Knyshevsky. M., 1992. 382 p.: ill. The Soviet Union at international conferences during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: Sat. Doc.: In 6 volumes / Ch. ed. Commissioner: A.A. Gromyko (chief editor) and others. M., 1984. T. 1-6. To chapter 2. Features of Soviet sources Danilov V.P., Yakubovskaya S.I. Source study and study of the history of Soviet society // Vopr. stories. 1961. No. 5, Dmitriev A.V., Latynov V.V., Khlopyev A.T. Informal political communication. M „ 1997. Kabanov V.V. Rumors as a historical source//Tr. Historical and Archival Institute. M., 1996. V. 33. Problems of oral history in the USSR (abstracts of a scientific conference). Kirov, 1990, Yakubovskaya. S.I. On the issue of studying and publishing sources of the Soviet period // Problems of Source Studies. M., 1955. T. IV. pp. 46-59, To chapter 3. Legislation and legislative sources Decrees of Soviet power / Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Institute of History; Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU. M., 1957-1989. T. 1-13. Directives of the High Command of the Red Army (1917-1920): Sat. doc, /Ed. coll.: G.A. Belov et al. M., 1969. 882 p. Directives of the command of the fronts of the Red Army: In 4 vols. M., 1971-1978. T. 1-4. Constitution (Basic Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Amended. and additional, adopted at the third session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the ninth convocation. Moscow, 1975. 32 p. Constitution (Basic Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Constitutions (Basic Laws) of the Union Soviet Socialist Republics. M., 1978, 573 s, ill. Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation - Russia; Adopted at the extraordinary seventh session of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of the ninth convocation 686 12 Apr. 1978, rev. and additional, introduced by the Laws of the RSFSR of October 27. 1989, May 31; 16 June and 16 Dec. 1990, 24 May and 1 Nov. 1991 and the Law of the Russian Federation dated April 21. 1992. M.: Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation: Izvestiya, 1992. 111p. Constitution of the Russian Federation: Adopted by popular vote on 12 Dec. 1993. M., 1993. 63 p. History of the Soviet Constitution: (In documents), 1917-1966 / Foreword. and general ed. S.S. Studenikina. M., 1957.1046 p. Code of Laws of the RSFSR. M., 1983-1989. T. 1-9. Collection of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, March 5, 1992 - May 21, 1993. M., 1993. 254 p. Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation; Weekly. ed. M., 1994 - Iroshnikov M.P. IN AND. Lenin and Soviet Decrees (October 1917 - July 1918) // Auxiliary histories, disciplines. L., 1976. Issue. VII. pp. 3-28. Korzhikhina T.P. Legislative sources on the history of public organizations of the USSR (1917-1936) // Auxiliary istor. disciplines, L., 1987. Issue. XVIII. pp. 221-248. Lezov S.V. Legal concepts and language of law in modern foreign studies. Informative and analytical review. M., 1988. Lutsky E.A. Decree on Land // Lenin Decree on Land in Action: Sat. Art. / Ed. coll: I.I. Mints (responsible ed.) et al. M., 1979. S. 11-47. Lutsky E.A. The draft law on the land of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly (1917-1918) // Auxiliary historical. disciplines. L., 1982. Issue. XIII. pp. 90-108. Palenina S.V., Silchenko N.V. Scientific foundations of the typology of normative-legal acts in the USSR. M., 1987. Felshtinsky Yu.G. To the history of our closedness: Legislative foundations of the Soviet immigration and emigration policy. M., 1990. 184 p. The language of the law. M., 1990. To chapter 4. Program, statutory and directive documents of political parties and public organizations Trotsky's archive: Communist opposition in the USSR. 1923-1927, M., 1990. T. 1-4. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee (1898-1986): In 15 volumes, 9th ed., add. and correct. M., 1983-1989. T. 1-15; 1990. Correct, vol. 223 p. The program of the “Union of October 17”, approved by the Moscow Central Committee. M., 1906; Program of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. M., 1917. The program of the party of people's freedom (constitutional-democratic). Poltava, 1917. Program of the Labor (People's Socialist) Party // People's Socialist Review. SPb., 1906. Issue. 1. The program of the party of revolutionary communism. Adopted at the 4th Congress of the PKK. M., 1920. Programs of the main Russian parties. M., 1917 / Ed. A. Steblova and I. Sakharov; Sat. political programs. parties of Russia: Democratic parties / Ed. I.V. Vladislavsky. M., 1917. Issue 1; Programs of Russian political parties. The full text of the programs of the Social-Democratic and Social-Democratic parties. People's Socialists, Trudoviks, Ph.D. with introductory notes by S.G. Mikhailov. Pg, 1917; PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 687 Protocols of the First All-Russian Congress of the Anarchist-Communist Party. December 25-28, 1918 B.M., 1919. Protocols of the I Congress of the AKP. SPb., 1906. Protocols of the Central Committee of the Constitutional Democratic Party (In 6 volumes). T. 1. 1905-1911 M „ 1994. (Other volumes in the work); Mensheviks in 1917, (In 3 volumes). T. 1. From January to July events. M., 1994; T. 2. From the July events to the Kornilov rebellion. M., 1996; (Third volume in production). Programs of political parties in Russia. Late XIX - early XX centuries. M „ 1995 Amateur organizations of the USSR. M., 1989 /reference book published by the Information Center of the MNF/; Directory of periodical samizdat (review of the independent press); M., 1989-1990; Informal Russia; On Informal Politicized Movements and Groups in the RSFSR (A Handbook Experience). M., 1990, Kopotilova E.Yu. Charters of volunteer cultural and educational societies of Leningrad in the first half of the 20s. // Auxiliary stories, disciplines. L „1987. Issue. XVIII. pp. 248-256. To chapter 5. Acts Kabanov V.V. Documentation of a rural gathering in the first years of Soviet power (1917-1920). // Archaeographer, yearbook for 1985. M., 1986. Kashtanov S.M. Acts of modern times // Source study of the XX century. M., 1993. To chapter b, Office materials of state institutions and public organizations The First Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, May 25 - June 9, 1989. Shorthand. Report, Moscow, 1989. Vol. 1-5. Second Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, December 12-24. 1989 Verbatim. report. M., 1990. T. 1-6. Extraordinary Third Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. Stenographic report: V 3 t. M., 1990. T. 1-3. Fourth Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, 17-27 Dec. 1990 Verbatim. report. M., 1991. T. 1-4. Russian Federation. Federal Assembly. State Duma, Transcript of meetings. Spring session. M., 1994-1995. T. 1-10. Russian Federation. Federal Assembly. Council of the Federation. Meeting (2-21; 1994-1995), [Second - twenty-first] meeting of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: Verbatim. report. M., 1994-1995. [Issue. 1-20]. RCP(b). Congress (7; 1918; Petrograd), Stenographic. report. M „ 1962. ХLI, 401 p.: ill. RCP(b). Congress (8; 1919; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1919. RCP(b). Congress (9; 1920; Moscow), Stenographic. report. M., 1920. VII, 412 p. RCP(b). Congress (10; 1921; Moscow), Stenographic. report, M., 1963. 915 p.: ill. RCP(b). Congress (11; 1922; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1961. KhP, 873 s; ill. RCP(b). Congress (12; 1923; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1968. XXII, 903 p.: ill. RCP(b). Congress (13; 1924; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1963. XXIV, 883 p. VKP(b). Congress (14; 1925; Moscow). Stenographic report. M.; L., 1926. VIII, 1029 p. ShSP(b). Congress (15; 1927; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1961-1962. Ch. 1-2. VKP(b). Congress (16; 1930; Moscow). Stenographic report. M.; L., 1.930. VIII, 782 p.: ill. VKP(b). Congress (17; 1934; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1934. VI, 716 p. 688 CPSU(b). Congress (18; 1939; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1939. 742 p. CPSU. Congress (20; 1956; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1956. T, 1-2. CPSU. Congress (21; 1959; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1959. T. 1-2. CPSU. Congress (22; 1961; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1962. T. 1-3. CPSU. Congress (28; 1966; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1966. T. 1-2. CPSU. Congress (24; 1971; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1971. T. 1-2. CPSU. Congress (26; 1976; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1976. T. 1-3. CPSU. Congress (26; 1981; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1981. T. 1-3. CPSU. Congress (27; 1986; Moscow). Stenographic report. M., 1986. T. 1-3. CPSU. Congress (28; 1990; Moscow). Stenographic report: V 7 t. M., 1991. T. 1-2. XIX All-Union Conference of the CPSU, June 28 - July 1, 1988. Verbatim. report: In 2 volumes. M., 1988. T. 1-2. XIX Congress of Trade Unions of the USSR, October 23-27. 1990 Verbatim. report. M., 1991. 573 p. From the history of the formation of the USSR. Transcript of the meeting of the section of the XII Congress of the RCP (b) on the national question on April 25, 1923 // News of the Central Committee of the CPSU. 1991. No. 3. S. 169-182; No. 4. S. 158-176; No. 5. S. 154-176. Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR with the Presidents of the United States and Prime Ministers of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: In 2 vols. 2nd ed. M „1986-1989. T. 1-2. Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU Oct. 1987: Verbatim. report // News of the Central Committee of the CPSU. 1989. No. 2. S. 209-287. Minutes of meetings of the Central Committee of the RCP(b): March 15, 20, 31, April 7, 26, May 3, 13, 18, 19; Sep 16; 2. 22, 25 Oct. 1918; Jan 16; Feb 5; March 14, 16, 17, 20, 1919 // News of the Central Committee of the CPSU. 1989. No. 3. S. 102-110; No. 4. S. 143-146; No. 6. S. 154-172; No. 7. S. 146; No. 8. pp. 156-173. Minutes of the plenary meetings of the Central Committee of the RCP (b): March 25, April 13, May 4, June 7, 10, 11, 15, 1919 // News of the Central Committee of the CPSU. 1989. No. 12. S. 133-174. Protocols of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the National Economy: Sat. doc. M., 1991-199S. [Ch. 1-2]. Protocols of the Presidium of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, 1923: Sat. doc.: At 2 pm / Editorial board: V.P. Vorobyov (responsible ed.) et al. M., 1991. Part 1. 365 p. Constituent Assembly, Russia 1918: Transcript and other documents / Comp. and ed. foreword THOSE. Novitskaya, M., 1991. 161 s, Borisova L.V. Minutes of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of National Economy (1917-1920): Experience in source analysis // History, notes. 1988. V. 116. S. 228-255. Vorobyov G.G. Document: Information analysis. M., 1973. Vylats M.A. Materials of the Narkomfin of the USSR as a source on the history of the Soviet village / / Source study of the history of Soviet society, Vol. II. M., 1968. Gonkina E.B. Protocols of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR as a historical source for studying the state activities of V.I. Lenin. M., 1982. Documents and paperwork: a reference guide. M., 1991. History of office work in the USSR. M., 1974. Karpenko S.V. Intelligence reports of the headquarters of the Red Army as a source on the history of internal counter-revolution and intervention (on the example of the Wrangel region) // Auxiliary histories, disciplines. L., 1989. Issue. XX. pp. 63-78. Mityaev K.P. History and organization of office work in the USSR. M., 1959. Mityaev K.P., Mityaeva E.K. Administrative documentation (clerical work) in Soviet institutions. Tashkent, 1964. Mikhailova N.M. On the preparation by Eastpart of the publication of the protocols of congresses and conferences of the Communist Party // Archeography, yearbook for 1990. M., 1992. S. 137-147. . The development of Soviet document management (1917-1981). M., 1983. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 689 To Chapter 7. Statistics National Economy of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War and 1941-1945: Statistical Collection. M., 1990. 235 p. National Economy of the USSR for 70 Years: Jubilee Statistical Yearbook. M., 1987. 768 p. National economy of the USSR in 1988. M., 1989. 765 p., National economy of the USSR in 1989. M., 1990. 766 p. National economy of the USSR in 1990. M., 1991. 750 s, * * * Beznin M.A. Collective-farm population in the Russian Non-Chernozem region in 1950-1965. (Methodological recommendations and materials for a special seminar on the history of Soviet society). Vologda, 1990. Part 1-2. Gasoline M.A. Peasant economy in the Russian Non-Black Earth region. 1950-1965 M.; Vologda, 1990. Bokarev Yu.P. Budget surveys of peasant farms of the 20s as a historical source, M., 1981. Gross D. Economics in the human dimension, M., 1988. VeresovD. Historical demography of the USSR. Benzon (USA), 1987. The classification was removed: Losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR and wars, hostilities and military conflicts: Statistical study / Ed. ed. G.F. Krivosheev. M., 1993. 416 p.: ill. Drobizhev V.Z., Sokolov A.K., Ustinov V.A. Working class Soviet Russia in the first year of the proletarian dictatorship: (Experience of structural analysis based on the trade union census of 1918). M., 1974. 224 p.: ill. Ezhov A.I. Organization of statistics in the USSR. M., 1968. Zhyromskaya V.B. All-Union population censuses of 1926, 1937, 1939. History of preparation and conduct // History of the USSR. 1990, No. 3. S. 84-104. Zamkov O.O. From whom and why are statistics hidden? //ECO. Novosibirsk, 1988. No. 11. Yu.P. Komissarov, T.I. Slavko. Budgets of workers in the 1920s as a historical source (Questions of source study and processing methods) // History of the USSR. 1987. No. 2. S. 108-120. Kondratiev N.D. Problems of economic dynamics. M., 1989. Kondratiev N.D. The main problems of economic statistics and dynamics. M., 1991. Mass sources on the history of the Soviet working class in the period of developed socialism. M., 1982. Mass sources on the socio-economic history of Soviet society / Ed. ed. I.D. Kovalchenko. M., 1979. 374 p. Ploshko B.G., Eliseeva I.I. History of statistics: Proc. allowance. M., 1990. Polyakov Yu.A., Zhyromskaya V.B., Kusilev I.N. Half a century of silence (All-Union population census of 1937) // Sotsiol. research. 1990. No. 7. Polyakov Yu.L. Soviet country after graduation civil war: territory and population. M, 1986. Problems of historical demography of the USSR. Chisinau, 1985. Svishchev M.A. Tax statistics as a source for studying the social structure of the city in the 20s. // History of the USSR. 1985. No. 6. S. 128-142. Selyunin V., Khanin G. Crafty figure // New world . 1987, No. 2. SelyuninV., Khanin G. Does statistics know everything? // New world. 1987. No. 11. Chayanov A.V. History of budget research. M., 1922. Chayanov A., Studensky G. Budget research: History and methods. M., 1929. 690 To Chapter 8. Materials for planning the development of the national economy Danilov V. The phenomenon of the first five-year plans // Horizont. 1988. No. 5. Industrialization of the USSR: the first five-year plans. Conversation with B.C. Lelchuk // True. 1988. 28 Oct. Kondratiev N.D. Plan and foresight // Kondratov N.D. Problems of economic dynamics. M, 1989. Kondratiev N.D. Special opinion. M., 1993. Book. 1-2. Orlov V.P. Illusions and reality of economic information // EKO. 1988. No. 8. Development of forms of planning documentation in the industry of the USSR. M., 1979. To chapter 9. Publicism Afanasiev Yu.N. I must say this: Political journalism of the times of perestroika. M.. 1991. 396 p. Belikova G., Shokhin A. Shadow economy // Ogonyok, 1988. No. 51. Bukharin N.I. Problems of the theory and practice of socialism: [Coll.] M., 1989. 512 p., 1l. portrait Gross D. Economics and human dimension. M., 1988. Great Patriotic War: Literary and artistic collection. M., 1942. Gorbachev M.S. Fav. speech and art. M., 1987-1990. T, 1-7. Gorbachev M.S. December-91: My position. M., 1992. 224 p. Gorbachev M.S. Life and reforms. M., 1995. Book. 1-2. Gorky M. Untimely Thoughts. M., 1990. No other choice. M., 1988. Klyamkin I. Was there an alternative to the Administrative system? // Political education. 1988, no. 10; He is. Why is it difficult to tell the truth? // New world. 1989. No. 2. Latsis O. Fracture // Banner. 1988. No. 6. Lisichkin G. Myths and Reality // Top Secret. 1990. No. 1-2. Nuikin A. Long live socialism! // Spark. 1990. No. 31. Pineker B., Pilsheva L. Property and freedom // New World. 1989. No. 11. Popov G. The program that Stalin was guided by // Science and Life. 1989. No. 7. Ryzhkov N.I. Perestroika: History of betrayals. M., 1992. 399 p.: ill. Ryumin M.N. I won’t get on my knees: [Sat.] / Intro. Art. B.A. Starkov. M., 1992. 351 p.: ill. Sakharov A.D. Anxiety and hope. M., 1991. Salyunini V. Black holes in the economy // New World. 1989. Mi 10; He, Origins // New World. 1988. No. 5. The fate of the Russian intelligentsia: Materials of the discussions of 1923-1925. / Rev. ed. V.L. Soskin. Novosibirsk, 1991. 219 p. Tolts M. How many of us were there then? // Spark. 1987. No. 51. Trotsky L.D. To the history of the Russian revolution / Comp., author. foreword and approx. ON THE. Vasetsky. M., 1990. 447 p., 1 sheet. portrait Trotsky L.D. October lessons: (With the application of crit. materials of 1924) / Comp. Yu.A. Prokhvatilov; Intro. Art. IN AND. Startsev. SPb., 1991. 364 p.: portr. Tsipko L. Origins of Stalinism// Science and Life. 1988. No. 11, 12; 1989. Mil 1, 2. Shmelev G. Do not dare to command! // October. 1988. Mb 2. Shmelev N. Advances and debts // New World. 1987. No. 6-7; He is. From the memorandums of an economist // Znamya. 1989. No. 12. Yakovlev A.N. Bitter Cup: Bolshevism and the Reformation of Russia, Yaroslavl, 1994. 461 p. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 691 To chapter 10. Periodicals Menshevik and Socialist-Revolutionary leaflets of 1917-1918 // Otech. story. 1993. No. 1. pp. 15-173. Moscow news [for 1987]: Reprint. M., 1988. Newspapers of the first years of Soviet power, 1917-1922: Code. bibliography catalog / GBL USSR im. IN AND. Lenin. M., 1990. Ch. 1-4. Newspapers of the USSR, 1917-1960: Bibliography. directory / All-Union. book. ward. M., 1970-1984. T. 1-5. Periodical press of the USSR, 1917-1949: Bibliog. ukaz.: Journals, works, bulletins: Svodn. decree. M., 1955-1963. [T. 1-10]. Political parties, informal amateur organizations and the independent press of the USSR: (Catalog-reference book) / Prepared. D.F. Levicheva M., 1990. 307p. Russian emigration in Europe: Consolidated catalog periodicals : In 2 volumes. Paris, 1981-1990. Petrov V.A. The newspaper of the labor collective as a historical source (On the material of the newspaper "Kirovets") // Auxiliary historical. disciplines. L., 1990. Issue. XXI, pp. 66-73. Romanovsky V.K. Workers' letters as a source for studying the social makeup of the working class in the 1920s. // Auxiliary historical disciplines, L., 1990. Issue. XXI. pp. 54-65. Strekopytov S.P. Journal "Socialist Reconstruction and Science" ("SORENA") as a source on the history of the organization of science and the system of the Supreme Council of National Economy - People's Commissariat for Heavy Machinery of the USSR 1931-1986. // Auxiliary historical disciplines. L., 1991. Issue. XXII. pp. 73-87. To chapter 11. Sources of personal origin Amalrik A.A. Notes of a dissident. M., 1991. 432 p. Andrei Dmitrievich: Memories of Sakharov. M., 1990. 367 p.: ill. Bukovsky V. "And the wind returns ...", Letters from a Russian traveler. M., 1990. Vishnevskaya G.P. Galina: The story of life. SPb., 1994. 526 p.: ill. Memories of General Baron N.P. Wrangel: At 2 h. M., 1992. Part 1-2. Memoirs of Tolstoyan peasants, 1910-1930s / Comp. A.B. Roginsky, M., 1989. 479 p.: ill. Memories of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin: In 10 vols. M., 1989-1991. T, 1-8. Gippius Z.N. Petersburg diary. M., 1991. 127 p. From the correspondence of A.M. Gorky: Letters of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) V.I. Lenin (1921) // News of the Central Committee of the CPSU. 1991. No. b. pp. 152-156. From the correspondence of A.M. Gorky (1930-1935) // News of the Central Committee of the CPSU. 1991. M 8. S. 151-157. Kerensky A.F. Russia at the historical turn: Memoirs. M „ 1993. Maryanov G.B. Kremlin censor. Stalin is watching a movie. M „ 1992. Makhno N.P. Memories / Intro, Art. S.S. wolf; Comment. S.S. Volka, I.A. Gypsy. M., 1992. 334 p. Mikhailovsky G.N. Notes: From the history of the Russian Foreign Ministry, 1914-1920: In 2 books. M., 1993. Book. 1-2. October Revolution: Memoirs / Comp. S.A. Alekseev. M., 1991. 426 p. Sakharov L.D. Memoirs: In 2 vols. M., 1996. 692 Simonov K.M. Through the eyes of a man of my generation. Reflections on I.V. Stalin: [Sat.] / Comp. and ed. foreword L. Lazarev. M., 1990. 428 p. Sorokin P.A. Long road: Autobiography / Per. from English, general ed., comp., foreword. and note. A.V. Lipsky. M., 1992. 304 p.: ill. Chuev F.I. One hundred and forty conversations with Molotov: From the diary of F. Chuev / Afterword. S. Kuleshova. M., 1991. 604 p.: ill. Trotsky L.D. My life: an autobiographical experience. M., 1990. Trotsky L.D. Portraits of revolutionaries. M., 1991. Khrushchev N.S. Union pensioner. M., 1991. Chernov B.M. Before the storm M., 1993. Alekseev V.V. Workers' letters to newspapers as a source of sociological information // Data selection methods, document analysis, experiment. M., 1985. Peasants about socialism (letters to the "Peasant newspaper" on the 10th anniversary of Soviet power / Publication by T.P. Mironova // Soviet archives. 1987. No. 5. Kurnosov A.A. Collecting documents of personal origin of participants in the Great Patriotic War war, system of values, trends and problems // Archaeographic Yearbook for 1990. M., 1992. P. 3-8 Mironova T. P. Experience of using content analysis in the study of social consciousness of the pre-collective farm peasantry // Perestroika in Science of History and Problems of Source Studies and Special Historical Disciplines: Abstracts of Reports and Communications, Kiev, 1990, To Chapter 12. Sources of Russian Emigration Arane D. Russian Bibliography Abroad: Review Experience // Soviet Bibliography, 1990, No. 1. pp. 140-148 Baskakov VN New Bibliographies of Russian Emigrant Literature // Russian Literature 1990 No 3 Zernov N Russian Writers of Emigration: Bibliographic Information and Bibliography of Their Books on Theology, Religious Philosophy, Church History rii and Orthodox culture 1921-1972. 1973. Cossack V. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Russian Literature since 1917. London, 1988. Literature of the Russian diaspora returns to its homeland. M., 1993. Issue. 1. Ch. 1-2. Materials for the bibliography of Russian scientific works abroad. Belgrade, 1932-1941. T. 1-2. Materials for the consolidated catalog of periodicals and continuing publications of the Russian abroad in the libraries of Moscow (1917-1990). M., 1991. Postnikov S.P. Bibliography of the Russian Revolution and Civil War. 1917-1921 Prague, 1938. Russian emigration: journals and collections in Russian, 1920-1980: Consolidated index of articles. Paris, 1988. Pages of Russian foreign press. Munich; Moscow, 1990. Index of periodicals of emigration of Russia and the USSR for 1919-1952. Munich, 1953. FosterL. Bibliography of Russian foreign literature, 1918-1968, 1971. T. 1-2. Shatav M.V. Bibliography of the liberation movement of the peoples of Russia during the Second World War. New York, 1961. Literature of the Russian Diaspora: Anthology: In 6 volumes / Ed. int. Art. and scientific ed. A.L. Afanasiev. M „1990-1991. T. 1-2. Argunov A. Between two Bolshevisms. Paris, 1919. PUBLICATIONS OF HISTORICAL SOURCES AND LITERATURE 693 Brutskus B. Rise and collapse of the Soviet planned economy // Sovremennye zapiski, 1983. V. 51; He is. Hunger and collectivization // Ibid. 1934. T. 52; He is. The fate of the five-year plan // Ibid. 1932. T. 48. Memoirs of General Baron P.I. Wrangel, M., 1992. Part 1-2. Wrangel P.N. Notes; At 2 p.m. // White business. Berlin, 1928-1929, Vol. V-VI. Gippius Z. Living Faces: Memoirs, Tbilisi, 1991. Golovin N.N. Russian counter-revolution in 1917-1918. B.M. Ch. 1-5. Book. 1-10. Denikin A.M. Essays on Russian Troubles. Paris, 1921, T, 1, Issue, 1-2, Paris, 1922, T, 2; Berlin, 1924. Vol. 3; Berlin, 1925, T, 4; Berlin, 1926. T, 6. Denikin A.I. Essays on Russian turmoil: The collapse of power and the army, February-September 1917, M., 1991; He is. Essays on Russian Troubles; The struggle of General Kornilov; August 1917 - April 1918, M, 1991. Drozdovsky M.G. Diary. Berlin, 1923. Kerensky A.F. Russia at a historical turn // Vopr. stories. 1990. No. 6-8. Margulis M.S. year of intervention. Berlin, 1923. Book. 1-3. Martov L. Lenin against communism // Sociolistic. messenger. 1921. No. 10. Makhno N. Memories. M., 1992. Mensheviks after October revolution: Sat. articles and memoirs by B. Nikolaevsky, S. Volin, G. Aronson. Vermont, 1990. Milyukov P.N. Memoirs, M., 1991. Nemirovich-Danchenko G.V. In the Crimea under Wrangel. Berlin, 1922, Nesterovich-Berg M.A. In the fight against Bolshevism. Paris, 1931. Obolensky V.A. Essays on the past, Belgrade, 1981. Polovtsev L.V. Knights of the Crown of Thorns. Prague, b.g. Rakovsky G.N. In the camp of the whites, Constantinople, 1920; He is. End of whites. Prague, 1921. Rodzianko A.P. Memories of the North-Western Army, Berlin, 1921. Rodzianko M.V. The collapse of the empire. Kharkov, 1990. Ustryalov N.V. Under the Sign of Revolution, Harbin, 1925, pp. 23-24, 45-46, Fedotov G. Litigation about Russia // Sovremennye zapiski. Paris, 1936, T, 60, Khodasevich V.F. Necropolis; Memories. M, 1991. Tsereteli I.G. Memories of February Revolution, Paris, 1963, Book. 1-2. Chernov D.M. Before the storm M. 1993; He is. Destruction instead of creation // Will of Russia. 1924. No. 1-2; He is. Constructive socialism, Prague, 1925. Vol. 1, Shulgin V.V. 1920 Sofia, 1921. Shulgin V. Years - Days - 1920. M., 1990. Yuryevsky E. Peasants, collective farm and state // Russian notes. 1941, T, 19; He is. From the first five-year plan to the second // Modern notes. Paris, 1934. Vol. 55; He is. Behind the scenes of the five-year plan // Ibid. 1932. V. 49. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................. .................................................5 PART I THEORY, HISTORY AND METHOD OF SOURCE STUDIES SECTION 1 THEORY OF SOURCE STUDIES (O.M. Medushushskaya) .........................19 Chapter 1. Source studies: a special method of cognition of the real world.... ................................................. ..............................................19 1. The real world and its cognition ................................................. ..........21 2. Fixed sources of information about reality .................................. ................................................. .......22 Chapter 2.

  • 1. Quantitative growth of historical sources .......... 324
  • 2. Simplifying the content of a single document .......... 327
  • 3. Increasing the number of varieties of historical sources .......... 328
  • 4. Publication and replication of historical sources .......... 329
  • 1. Historiography ........... 337
  • 2. Law: attempts to define the concept .......... 341
  • 3. Changing the ratio of custom and law as sources of law .......... 343
  • 4. The discrepancy between public and private law .......... 350
  • 5. Adoption of the principle “ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility” .......... 351
  • 6. Folding the system of publication of legislative acts .......... 353
  • 7. Ensuring the effectiveness of legislation .......... 366
  • 8. The problem of codification of legislation .......... 372
  • 9. Classification of legislative acts .......... 376
  • 1. Private legal acts .......... 385
  • 2. Acts related to the implementation of the peasant reform (statutory letters and redemption acts) .......... 388
  • 3. New types of acts of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries - acts of joint-stock entrepreneurship .......... 390
  • 4. Problems of source study of acts .......... 391
  • 1. Legislative basis of office work .......... 393
  • 2. Varieties of office materials .......... 395
  • 3. Evolution of the form of clerical sources. The influence of form on content .......... 397
  • 4. Special office systems .......... 398
  • 5. Reference publications .......... 399
  • 6. Problems of source research of office documentation .......... 407
  • 1. Accounting for the population for fiscal purposes.......... 409
  • 2. Church and administrative-police registration of the population .......... 413
  • 3. Accounting for bureaucracy .......... 414
  • 4. Economic accounting in privately owned farms .......... 421
  • 5. Accounting for industrial production .......... 425
  • 1. Organization of statistics .......... 429
  • 2. Demographic statistics .......... 431
  • 3. Agrarian statistics .......... 433
  • 4. Statistics of industrial production .......... 438
  • 5. Labor statistics .......... 445
  • 6. Zemstvo statistics .......... 445
  • 1. Author's publicistic works .......... 450
  • 2. Journalism of mass popular movements.......... 450
  • 3. Projects of state reforms and constitutions .......... 451
  • 1. Censorship.......... 454
  • 2. Newspapers as a kind of periodical press .......... 457
  • 3. Features of the study of periodicals .......... 465
  • 1. Definition .......... 466
  • 2. Classification .......... 466
  • 3. Evolution.......... 468
  • 4. Historiography .......... 469
  • 5. Memoirs - "modern stories" .......... 472
  • 6. Memoirs-autobiographies.......... 475
  • 7. Essays .......... 485
  • 8. Confession.......... 486
  • 1. The problem of transition from the new time to the latest .......... 488
  • 2. Changes in the main types of historical sources .......... 489
  • 3. Changes in the typology of the corpus of historical sources.......... 490

Danilevsky, Igor Nikolaevich. Source: Theory. Story. Method. Sources Ros. history: Proc. manual for university students / I.N. Danilevsky, V. V. Kabanov, O. M. Medushevsky, M. F. Rumyantseva; Ros. state humanitarian. un-t, In-t "Open Island". M. : RGGU, 2000. - 701s.; 22cm

© Danilevsky I. N., Dobrovolsky D. A., Kazakov R. B., Malovichko S. I., Rumyantseva M. F., Khoruzhenko O. I., Shveikovskaya E. N., 2015

© Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2015


What is source study

Source study (German Quellenkunde, English source study) is a humanitarian discipline, an object which are historical sources, i.e. the totality of human works / products of culture is the empirical reality of the historical world, and item- the study of a historical source as a cultural phenomenon and, on this basis, the search, extraction, evaluation and use in science and other social practices of information about a person and society in their historical component.

Source study grew out of the practical need to establish the authenticity and reliability of documents. Scientific historical source studies have gone through a difficult path of formation and development as a discipline of historical science. At each stage of this path, the functions of source study grew, its tasks became more complicated and, most importantly, the status and place of source study in the system of scientific historical knowledge changed.

During the XX century. source study acquires the status of a scientific discipline. The current state of source studies is determined by the transformation of modern science, distinguished by a strict disciplinary division, into a new type of knowledge, predominantly of a humanitarian and synthetic nature. In the new socio-cultural and epistemological situation, which has developed mainly in the last third of the 20th - early 21st centuries, source studies act as an integrating principle of the humanities, since its subject is a historical source, understood as a cultural phenomenon, as a product of human and social creativity in a broad sense. , - simultaneously acts as an object of study of other humanities and social sciences. Modern source study is fundamentally multidisciplinary, it refers to the totality of cultural works in order to understand the Other (man, society, culture), to expand on this basis the experience of one's own culture, to enrich one's perception of the world.

Acting as an integrating beginning of humanitarian knowledge, providing a universal method of referring to human works / cultural products for any humanities and social sciences, source studies at the same time retain links with auxiliary historical disciplines, the formation and development of which was due to the need for a special study of certain aspects of historical sources ( for example, paleography studies the external features of written monuments, historical chronology - the dates contained in them, metrology - the measures mentioned) or special groups of historical sources (sphragistics studies seals, heraldry - coats of arms, faleristics - insignia, awards, vexillology - banners) in order to establish authenticity, dating, determining the authorship of historical sources.

Why does a person need source

According to the logic of things, it would be necessary to start with the answer to this question.

For the question "Why?" very important both in science and in life. A timely response to it often saves a lot of time and effort. But we couldn't talk about why study, before at least preliminary clarification what to study.

Based on a simple everyday thought and their own scientific and life experience, the authors advise you, before starting to study the discipline, if you do not answer the question “Why do I need this?”, Then at least find out what it can be useful to you for.

However, there is some cunning in such a formulation of the question, since the answer to this question involves positioning oneself in relation to various communities. A person, by virtue of his social nature, willy-nilly (consciously or unconsciously) always correlates himself with any society. Therefore, the question posed can be transformed as follows: “How will society demand source knowledge?”

Let's single out two components of interest in source studies - universal/general cultural and strictly scientific/professional. In each of them, in turn, two levels can be distinguished.

general cultural component. At the first level of mastering source studies, a useful ability to evaluate information is developed, including in everyday everyday situations, in order to make adequate decisions. But the second level is much more important - the development of the ability to understand a person of a different culture, the Other - in a broad, philosophical sense, referring to the created by these Other things - the products of his creativity, works of a different culture, acting in the system of historical knowledge as historical sources. Thus, the source study approach can and should become the basis of a tolerant attitude towards the Other, which is an indispensable requirement of modern ethics.

professional component. At the axiomatic level, it is clear that source study is the basis of the professionalism of a historian-researcher. However, even here it is possible and necessary to single out two levels of mastering source studies, although, at first glance, professionalism is a category that is either present or, alas, absent. But the modern scientific community, or rather scientific communities, is highly differentiated, including in terms of the level of professionalism. Therefore, at the first level, a historian, or rather a person with a diploma in history, must be able to construct historical facts through a strict scientific procedure - source analysis. To describe a higher level of professionalism, let us resort to the words of the Russian historian-methodologist Alexander Sergeevich Lappo-Danilevsky (1863–1919):

Anyone who seeks knowledge of historical reality draws his knowledge about it from sources (in the broad sense); but in order to establish what particular fact he can get from a given source, he must understand it: otherwise he will not have sufficient reason to give his idea of ​​a fact an objective value; not being sure about what? it is he who learns from a given source, he cannot be sure that he does not attribute to the source the product of his own fantasy. From this point of view, the historian, in essence, proceeds to the study of various types of sources: he tries to establish, for example, the remnants of which particular fact or the legend about which particular fact are contained in a given source, which becomes possible only with a proper understanding of it. 1
Lappo-Danilevsky A. S. Methodology of history: in 2 vols. M., 2010. T. 2. S. 64.

A professional historian should not only be able to extract facts by “criticizing historical sources” (this concept, which is still loved by many historians, will be discussed later), but also understand the nature of the new knowledge received and reflect on their own research process.

Principles of constructing a textbook and its structure

The fuzziness of the terminology of historical/humanitarian knowledge makes it necessary to define the concepts used. At the same time, the authors do not claim to have a final definition of the introduced concepts, but only strive for terminological certainty within the framework of this tutorial.

The curriculum is based on two principles.

First: unity of history and theory. The current state of source studies is to a certain extent the result of its history. The authors understand this very trivial statement not in a cumulative sense (as it often happens in the history of science to this day - this position is explained at the beginning of the first section of the textbook), but they focus on the fact that in modern source study there are components that were formed at different times, and we must learn to recognize them.

The most productive, in our opinion, is the understanding of the history of source studies in relation to the classical, non-classical, post-non-classical and neo-classical types of rationality developed in the philosophy of science (and the corresponding models of science). This is not an easy and non-trivial task, since the problems of the philosophy of science have been developed mainly in relation to physics and the natural sciences.

Second: a clear division of the three components of modern source study:

Source study as a scientific discipline and as a system-forming foundation of humanitarian knowledge;

Source study as a method of obtaining new rigorous knowledge about a person and society in their historical perspective;

Source study as one of the tools of historical research.

The synthesis of these two principles allows us to propose a concept of the development and current state of source studies, the general scheme of which is fixed in the structure of the textbook, where a separate section is devoted to each of the components.

Source study as a component of the historical method is formed within the framework of the classical model of science, which assumes, as a result of studying (the so-called criticism) of a historical source, obtaining a historical fact, which is used further in the practices of historical writing, being invariant with respect to them. Such a model no longer corresponds to modern epistemological and sociocultural realities. Therefore, this auxiliary function of source study, being preserved, is modified taking into account the requirements of non-classical, post-non-classical and neoclassical science. In particular, the place of "criticism" of historical sources in order to obtain the so-called reliable facts, verified through the correspondence of "objective reality" and understood as an invariant element ("brick") of historical construction, is occupied by source study analysis, in which the interpretation procedure, the goal which is the understanding of the Other, i.e. the author of the historical source. Since source analysis must be epistemologically substantiated, it is considered in the third and final section of the textbook along with the formation of the source basis for research and methods for introducing historical sources into scientific circulation and social practices (archaeography).

Acquisition of the status of a discipline by source studies is associated primarily with the reflection of the object. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. in the Russian version of neo-Kantianism, the problem of the historical source as a specific object of source study was posed. Based on the understanding of a historical source as an objectified result of human activity, formed in the Russian version of neo-Kantianism, the researchers who developed this concept came to the conclusion that a system of types of historical sources representing the corresponding culture was approved as an object of source study. 2
This concept is fixed in our previous tutorial: Source Studies: Theory. Story. Method. Sources of Russian history: textbook. allowance. M., 1998 [re-ed. 2000, 2004].

Substantiation of the concept of "empirical reality of the historical world" 3
Medushovskaya O. M. Theory and methodology of cognitive history. M., 2008.

As not only epistemological, but also, in fact, ontological, it allowed to consolidate the status of source studies as an independent scientific discipline in the system of both historical and humanitarian knowledge in general. The concept of an object and the related classification problem are discussed in the first section of the tutorial.

A new understanding of the object of source study made it possible to constitute the study of specific systems of historical sources as an independent method of studying various sociocultural communities. The second section of the textbook contains an approbation of the method and presents a system of types of sources of Russian history as a projection of Russian culture. Consideration of the corpus of sources of Russian history makes it possible to understand how the method of source study is used when working with specific material, how specific methods are formed that take into account the characteristics of various historical sources. Studying the sources of Russian history specifically gives the authors the opportunity to rely on the rich traditions and achievements of the Russian source study culture and the teaching of source study as a special discipline. At the same time, a historian studying the history of another country (culture, ethnic group, region, etc.) is provided with a developed model of approach to a holistic set of historical sources. The same section presents comparative source studies as a method of comparative historical research and source study of historiography as an application of the method of source study to the study of the history of history (the history of historical knowledge and the history of historical science).

So, the general scheme of development of source studies looks like this.

Classical model of science

The function of source studies in historical knowledge is the criticism of a historical source in order to obtain reliable facts understood as part of the reality of the past.

The purpose of studying in the educational system of professional training of a historian is to master the skill of a critical attitude to the information of a historical source in research practices.

Non-classical model of science

The function of source studies in historical knowledge is a dialogue between a historian and the author of a historical source in order to interpret its content on the basis of the principle of "recognizing someone else's animation" and understanding the mechanism for generating a historical source in a particular culture.

The purpose of the study is to reveal the phenomenological nature of the historical source, to understand the constructive role of the cognizing subject in the context of understanding the mechanisms of cognition.

Post-nonclassical model of science

The function of source study in historical cognition is, in the context of postmodern deconstructions, to propose a way of social construction of reality by the method of source study based on understanding the object of source study as a system of types of historical sources representing a particular culture.

The purpose of the study is the construction of a historical whole based on the method of source study.

(However, we note that this part of the proposed construction is the most controversial. Here we should rather talk about intertextuality and partly opposing this approach from the phenomenological source concept of historical knowledge, which belongs to the neoclassical model of science.)

Neoclassical model of science

The function of source study in historical knowledge is the formation of the epistemological foundations of history as a rigorous science based on the understanding of its object - the empirical reality of the historical world as an ontological category.

The purpose of the study is to understand source studies as a cognitive science and to form strict standards of scientific character in historical knowledge based on the concept of "empirical reality of the historical world" as an ontological category.

We have left philosophical discussions about the relationship between post-non-classical and neo-classical rationality beyond the scope of consideration. Let us fix our vision of the problem for further analysis: if the first three types of rationality replace each other, then neoclassical rationality is formed in parallel with nonclassical rationality and is updated under the predominance of postnonclassical, being in constant search for new epistemological foundations of rigorous scientific knowledge. That is why it does not replace post-nonclassical rationality, but offers its own vision of scientific knowledge, which in many respects opposes postmodernist epistemological anarchy.

Obviously, the logical structure of source study outlined above, on the basis of which the material of the textbook is organized, does not correspond to the historical sequence, i.e., the sequence of the emergence of different components of the discipline. The reason for this, as already noted, is the need for theoretical foundation at the level of current scientific knowledge of both the application of the source study method in historical knowledge and the procedures of source study analysis that retain an instrumental character in research practice.

This structure of the textbook determines its fundamental novelty and compliance with the current understanding of the status of source studies in the system of scientific knowledge.

Keeping in mind the promise to clarify the concepts used, the authors should emphasize that they strictly distinguish between the concepts of “modern”, i.e., existing in the here and now historical knowledge, and “actual”, i.e., adequately meeting the needs of this knowledge and, accordingly, meeting the needs of modern society.

Required notice

Before embarking on a systematic presentation of source studies as a scientific discipline and as a system-forming beginning of humanitarian knowledge, the authors consider it necessary to make one preliminary notice, but address it only to those who intend to master source study at a high level of professionalism.

The reflective level of mastering knowledge - especially theoretical, and the theoretical component of source study is very significant - involves not only the enrichment of memory, but also education, understood as the education of a person in the literal sense, i.e. work on one's personality and in-depth self-reflection. The authors are extremely close to the formula of J.-P. Sartre: “To understand means to change, to transcend oneself…”

If you are ready to change, then let's master and appropriate source study together. If you are not ready, then let the study of sources remain an assistant for you in satisfying your interest in history and give some food to your erudition.

Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich (section 2, part 1, chapter 1); Dobrovolsky Dmitry Anatolievich (section 2, part 1, chapter 3); Kazakov Roman Borisovich (sources and literature); Malovichko Sergey Ivanovich (section 2, part 3; section 3, part 1, chapter 2); Rumyantseva Marina Fedorovna (introduction; section 1; section 2, part 1, chapter 2; section 2, part 2; section 3, part 1, chapters 1, 3; instead of conclusion); Khoruzhenko Oleg Igorevich (section 3, part 3), Shveikovskaya Elena Nikolaevna (section 2, part 1, chapter 1, paragraph 4).

Section One
Source study as a discipline of historical science

Part I
History of source studies
Preamble. Two approaches to the history of science

Historians traditionally show interest in the history of historical knowledge. A tribute to the work of predecessors is invariably given in the historiographical analysis, which is an obligatory component of the introduction to any qualifying work. Other scientific studies of historians also begin with consideration of previous historiography. At the end of the XIX century. historiography is taking shape, first as an auxiliary historical discipline, and then as an independent discipline of historical science. But what is the meaning of historiographical analysis? A detailed answer to this question clearly goes beyond the disciplinary framework of source studies, so here we will only briefly clarify our position - we will determine the relationship between the history and theory of source studies.

The history of science, including source studies, can be approached in two fundamentally different ways, radically different in goal setting. One of them, still the most common, is based on the cumulative model of the development of science. Researchers who adhere to this model believe that science develops through the accumulation and refinement of knowledge; as science develops, our knowledge becomes more extensive and more precise, i.e., it more and more fully and accurately describes the so-called objective reality. This model assumes an axiomatic belief in a) the existence of the so-called objective reality, i.e., independent of the knowing subject, reality, and b) its knowability as such. With this approach, the goal of studying the history of science is to show this path and present the current state of science as a result of its previous development.

This approach had already exhausted itself by the middle of the 20th century, when other ideas about the mechanism of transformations of scientific knowledge were established. The new cognitive situation was marked by the publication of the book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) by the American historian and philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn (1922–1996), in which the paradigmatic nature of science is substantiated. The main concept of the new approach is a paradigm, that is, a basic theory shared by the scientific community and serving as the basis for posing research problems. The change of paradigms occurs in leaps and bounds, through scientific revolutions, and depends not so much on the "accumulation" of knowledge, but on unpredictable fundamental scientific discoveries and interaction with changes in sociocultural situations.

Sharing the idea of ​​the paradigm nature of science and, accordingly, not accepting its cumulative model, the authors proceed from the fact that several sociocultural epochs have changed since the first attempts at a critical attitude to historical sources in the early modern period. Therefore, it is appropriate and expedient to raise the question of the status and place of source study studies in each of them. This approach also makes it possible to detect in modern (i.e., existing in our time, but not always meeting the actual needs of science and social practice) source study elements inherited from earlier paradigms, and to identify the degree of their adequacy to the current socio-cultural and epistemological situations.

In the first part of this section, source study paradigms are identified that correspond to different, replacing each other, types of rationality and models of science: classical, non-classical, post-non-classical and neoclassical. The selection of the analyzed historiographical material also corresponds to this goal, although, of course, the history of source studies is much more diverse and richer than the scheme we propose.

When starting to consider the history of source studies, it is important to clearly understand that it is a research construct. Source study as an independent discipline was formed only in the 20th century. (and fully - only in a specific Soviet context). Historians of the 18th–19th centuries considered questions of the study of historical sources in connection with the study of history as such and most often cited source studies observations in the introductory part of their works, and also devoted special works to the study of individual monuments or groups of historical sources. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. historians who developed the problems of the nature of a historical source and the methods of its study did so in the context of the methodology of history, devoting source study problems - understanding the nature of a historical source, questions of classification, criticism and interpretation of historical sources - a more or less significant place in its structure. Thus, we single out the problem of source studies from historical research and works on the methodology of history analytically, from the point of view of our research tasks. In the historical review, mainly methodological works are considered, since they present in a concentrated way the vision of historians of the problems of studying historical sources and generalize the experience of source studies.