Ecological expeditions. Ecological expedition program "Young researcher

Sections: Extracurricular work

The ecological situation in the country and around the world, the global nature of ecological problems and their peculiar manifestation in each region, persistently require the earliest restructuring of the thinking of mankind and each individual person. The ideas of the inexhaustibility of natural resources, the possibility of conquering nature, disregard of the laws of the dynamics and stability of natural systems are out of date. The formation of an attitude towards the environment and nature, as a part of it, can no longer proceed spontaneously, since this leads to an irresponsible attitude towards the environment. Today, high school graduates, as well as the general population, have a consumerist approach to nature. The level of perception is still low environmental issues as personally significant, superficial knowledge about natural objects and the principles of their protection, the need for practical participation in real nature conservation activities is not developed.

The study of the natural world is one of the aspects of human activity. At first, life depended on such research; later, people allowed themselves the luxury of doing science for cognitive purposes.

Biology and ecology are disciplines with an immense field of activity for scientific research by the forces of schoolchildren. From the first step of “interest” in nature, the child rises higher: to search for answers he needs “knowledge”. Small scientific research - observations are quite accessible junior schoolchildren (clarification of the conditions for seed germination, the life of the inhabitants of the aquarium, phenological observations).

The step of “knowledge” is stretched out in time: the child walks along it for a long time, looking for answers to increasingly complex questions. From the first delight "oh, frog!" through observation of her to bold ideas about using the properties of bactericidal skin to create medicines. Further, the young researcher, asking new "why", can get carried away by the scientific process itself, or will use knowledge in practice through environmental protection measures, creating projects, etc.

In the lessons at the Tompon Municipal Gymnasium, elements of a scientific approach and experimental work are actively used. They can be seen during practical and laboratory exercises: heart rate measurements, determination of flat feet, studying the ecological state of an apartment, classroom, etc.

Children should not be afraid to put forward even erroneous hypotheses, because often a “crazy idea” gives impetus to a correct solution, and it is important for a teacher to support all the versions that students have when solving cognitive problems in biology and ecology. There are interesting questions and series of "TRIZ", which require the ability to develop and conduct an experiment, for example, with the help of which sense organs the swimming beetle navigates. It is also important to be able to pose a good “scientific” question to a report, film, plot and try to give an answer.

Excursion work is a testing ground for research. Cards are offered - tasks, such as: measuring the projection cover of the forest, studying the activity of ants, biological indication of air pollution by lichens. The results of the excursion may become a continuation of the work for further scientific research. Multi-day observations in nature and in the field laboratory for living objects can be made during expeditions, environmental practices and thematic camp shifts.

The main research work is carried out in the classroom, in the course of specialization. The program “Environment and Human Health” includes a course in theory and defense of scientific projects. Extracurricular work in biology and ecology, he actively contacts with specializations in psychology, IWT, chemistry, literature. Interdisciplinary research projects are being created: an interactive glossary of terms for monitoring work or a chapter on the psychological climate to an abstract on the ecological state of the gymnasium. The stimulus for further work is the results of research projects of the gymnasium, their high assessment at conferences, competitions, publications in collections of scientific works.

The research activity of students sets an educational goal: the horizons expand, the worldview is formed, and the introduction to ecological culture takes place. The educational goal is also pursued: children learn to work in groups, communicate with specialists, and seek information.

Science is just one of the ways of knowing the world around us. Empower children through scientific activity deeper understand the phenomena of nature, and perhaps some of them will be able to reveal its secrets.

Environmental education is organized according to a three-level system: junior, middle and senior classes.

For primary school age (grades 5-6), training is organized according to the comprehensive program “Man and the Environment” in the form of an elective course “Our Environment”. The content of this course of the program is aimed at achieving the goal of environmental education and upbringing of an emotional and moral humane attitude towards the environment in younger students. The implementation of this goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:

  • the formation of ideas about the environment as the environment of human life;
  • broadening the horizons of children about the nearest natural surroundings: plants, animals, natural monuments and cities;
  • education of an aesthetic, moral, humane and practical attitude to the environment of human life;
  • the ability to behave in accordance with the universal rules of behavior in nature and the environment.

Middle-level students (grades 7-8) study the elective course “Man and the Natural Environment”. Within the framework of this course, students receive a system of scientific knowledge adequate to their age, master the system of scientific concepts and the basis of the technique of the simplest experiment, reveal the connections and patterns that objectively exist in the world.

The third stage of environmental education is the environmental monitoring laboratory (scientific and creative association of high school students). Stalker club.

Summer and winter ecological camps, expeditions and hikes play a significant role in environmental education. These are the holidays of the child's soul, their freedom. Surprise by the miracle of nature and communication with peers, older comrades and adults, unobtrusive recharge with knowledge and energy.

It is the serious summer work with children that allows ensuring the continuity and universality of environmental education through close communication with nature and care for nature. The forms of this work can be manifold.

The main features of organizing summer environmental work with schoolchildren are as follows:

  • communication with nature to nurture feelings and form a sense of reverence for life;
  • holding ecological camps in specially protected natural areas;
  • the use of modern information technologies for teaching schoolchildren and conducting educational and research activities;
  • creating an environment of interaction, sympathy for each other, nature;
  • using innovative technologies - role-playing games, simulation, search methods;
  • focus on personal development, increasing the social adaptation of children;
  • constant nature conservation work at a specific natural object, familiar from childhood, with monitoring the state of this object;
  • creation of a regional children's environmental movement;
  • social activity of students, aimed at a dialogue with authorities, environmental structures, the population, the media, in order to consistently achieve an improvement in the ecological state at a particular facility.

To implement the task of forming and developing the reflexive skills of students in the process of introducing them to the methods of scientific cognition, it is advisable to use extracurricular research activities of schoolchildren. In order to form in the children the need for cognitive activities, to self-development, the ecological expedition "Stalker" was organized and is working, which was founded in the summer of 1998, on the basis of a secondary school in Khandyga, at the initiative of biology teachers from the Tompon municipal gymnasium Ogneva E.P. and Berdikova P.N. - a teacher of biology at the Khandyg high school. When creating an ecological expedition, the following tasks were defined:

  • Mastering by schoolchildren of empirical methods: observation (direct and indirect) for the purpose of describing biotic, abiotic components of natural systems, health status, observation of the development of personal and characterological characteristics of people, interpersonal relations;
  • Formation of experimentation skills;
  • Formulation of a problem, hypothesis, research task, drawing up a plan, carrying out variants of an experiment, drawing up results, interpreting data;
  • Mastering the methods: quantitative accounting of living beings in units of space and time, inventory of natural objects (development of goals, forms of documents, accounting method, methods of summarizing results), tracking (monitoring) of the state environment, psychological diagnostics;
  • Mastering the techniques of registration of data of observations and experiments in the form of tables, diagrams, graphs;
  • Mastering by schoolchildren: theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, hypothesis), sociological methods (questionnaire, survey, conversation, testing);
  • Development of the ability to construct a related story about the conducted research using terms and related concepts;
  • Formation of skills for argued defense of one's position;
  • Promotion of the experience of the best young researchers;
  • Involvement of the scientific, pedagogical, and engineering and technical community in the leadership of the creativity of schoolchildren, the expansion of creative contacts between young researchers and teams, the creation of favorable conditions for educational and research and scientific and practical activities of schoolchildren.

Individual extracurricular research activity is the most optimal form of development of the intellectual abilities of students. This is explained by the presence of practically unlimited time for the teacher to communicate with the students, the students' interest in specific issues, a specific problem, the freedom to choose a topic in terms of content, as well as the specific results of this activity. Teachers have the opportunity to work with children of the widest range, the educational process does not have a fixed time frame. Thanks to this, research activity sequentially moves from one stage to another: first, a soil favorable for the child's creative activity is created, then cooperation is ensured in theoretical groups of beginners with those who have already mastered the relevant skills, and, finally, the student enters the level of independent creativity.

Thanks to independence, the student learns to control his thinking: set research goals, put forward hypotheses of cause-and-effect relationships, consider known facts from the standpoint of the hypotheses put forward. Critical thinking is manifested in the fact that children begin to evaluate their own and other people's point of view, taking into account the laws of nature and society. In school years, working research is a form that broadens the horizons, forms cognitive interest. Research skills developed during school years help my graduates to be successful in college.

Ecological expedition "Stalker" is the first ecological practical activity of adolescents. This activity is aimed at tracking, observing what is happening in the environment, its quality for life.

Monitoring objectives:

  1. Education of ecological culture;
  2. Development of public ecological opinion on the environment;
  3. Performing a research experiment to control the environment.

Investigated: the composition of air, water of open drinking sources and tap water, soil and its pollution, the impact of vehicle emissions on the surrounding vegetation and humans

At the same time, we assume that the student has mastered the experiment if he clearly and fully represents its conditions, the result and is able to carry out analysis. At the same time, I believe that the student has mastered the experiment if he clearly and fully represents its conditions, the result and is able to carry out analysis. Let's highlight the following levels of knowledge of observation and experiment.

0 level. The student does not own the experimental evidence, does not know the conditions and result of the experiment or observation, and therefore cannot analyze it.

1st level.The student does not own the experimental proof, but according to the known condition of the experiment correctly predicts its result, that is, he answers the question: “What happens if ... (the condition of the experiment is formulated)?”, Finding it difficult to analyze the experiment.

2nd level. The student does not own the experimental proof, but knows the condition-result-analysis of this experiment, that is, the questions: “What happens if ... (the condition of the experiment is formulated)? How is this explained? " correctly describes the result and analyzes.

Level 3.The student possesses experimental evidence, that is, when performing the task: “Prove the existence of a given phenomenon (functional dependence)” describes the condition, the result of an experiment proving this phenomenon (functional dependence), analyzes it. To determine the level, it is possible to use tests or a more flexible method of assessment - a conversation, which should be built on the following principle: first, a question corresponding to a higher level of knowledge is asked, then, if the answer is unsatisfactory, a question corresponding to a lower level.

In the expedition "Stalker" there is a multi-age, friendly communication environment: children of different ages from 12 to 17 years old, teachers and specialists from the Committee for Nature Protection.

All children at Stalker are united by joint, socially significant environmental work. The beginning of the summer of 1998 - research activities to assess the ecological state and clean up the coastal zone of water bodies, which are the recreation area of \u200b\u200bthe village residents. It started out as a game. Public interest in the press and on television fueled the desire to continue this activity. And then the children saw the results of their work - clean banks and paths, signs with calls to keep clean and tidy, dustbins in the recreation area, and an ecological trail created by joint efforts.

The next three years, 1999-2001, “Stalker” traveled to the nature reserve “Suntar - Khayata” (southern spurs of the Verkhoyansk ridge), created to protect rare animals and plants listed in the Red Book of Russia. The reserve is crossed by the Magadan Highway - a federal highway that connects Yakutia and the Magadan Region. The members of the expedition studied the influence of road transport and humans on the ecological state of the reserve. An ecological assessment of the state of soil, fauna and flora near the highway has been carried out, and analyzes of the water of rivers crossed by bridges and directly by the highway have been made. Based on the research results, the following conclusions were made:

The road has a negative effect on the state of the fauna (the biodiversity of insects, birds and mammals decreases annually as a result of scaring away, oil pollution of the soil, predatory hunting of rare animals - endemic of Yakutia and Russia - bighorn sheep, black-capped marmot, Ammosov's butterfly, etc.);

The annual fires caused by human negligence have dramatically reduced the diversity of the unique plants of the reserve - lichens, mosses, rhododendrons, Pozdnyakov's mountain ash, etc .;

Along the entire length of the road through the reserve, on the side of the road, there are garbage dumps in places of unauthorized stops for truck drivers (parking is prohibited on the territory of the reserve and is prosecuted by law).

In 2002-2003, a group of students and teachers went to the mouth of the Amga River (left tributary of the Aldan River), where a tent camp was set up on the right bank. The work was carried out in the sections of soil science, zoology, botany according to pre-drawn plans.

As a result:

  1. The vegetation of the coastal zone was studied in detail, its diversity and change depending on the terrain, and the impact of the 2001 flood.
  2. The entomofauna of flooded and floodplain meadows has been studied;
  3. The coastal and meadow avifauna was studied, the students learned to identify and distinguish birds not only by appearance, but also by the voice, the nature of the flight, by the nests, footprints in the sand and soil;
  4. Collected medicinal herbs of 7 types for aromatherapy and phytotherapy during the training period;
  5. Collected plants for the manufacture of herbarium and classes in floristry in the winter;
  6. The composition and structure of the soils of the coastal zone have been studied;
  7. Water samples from the Amga River and its tributaries were taken for chemical and bacteriological analysis.

Every year, when organizing summer expeditions, we face certain difficulties, the most important of which are:

  • lack of scientific supervision of the work performed;
  • lack of information about environmental projects carried out in the republic and abroad;
  • lack of literature necessary for research (identifiers of plants, animals, insects, etc.);
  • lack of equipment for conducting research directly in nature (magnifiers, microscopes, mini-laboratories, etc.).

Based on the results of this experiment, students write research papers and successfully defend them at regional, republican scientific and practical conferences "Step into the Future", also in the winter period there is an intensive theoretical and practical preparation for the summer expedition.

During the period from 1998 to 2003, 142 students from grades 6 to 10 of secondary school and gymnasium took part in the Stalker ecological expedition; they spent a total of six months in natural conditions, getting acquainted with the beauty of the surrounding Native Nature. In addition to environmental and research work, the students mastered the skills of mountain tourism, and also actively went in for sports on each trip, developed independence, since they had to get and chop wood, fish, cook food, etc. During the existence of the expedition, changes in students' attitudes towards Nature were monitored using psychological tests, the results of which clearly show an increase in the level of a responsible attitude to Nature and an increase in environmental awareness. Also, a positive result of the expeditions can be considered the fact that the majority of school and gymnasium graduates who took part in the expedition chose universities with a biological and ecological profile for further education.

Such ecological-practical activity with the closest and most accessible to the schoolchildren a specific regional manifestation, accumulating the specificity of local conditions, gives an adequate and differentiated assessment of the moral situations of the environment.

The "Kusagan Mastaakh" expedition is the first expedition of this scale carried out by the Chokurdakh high school on the basis of the circle "Know your native land". The circle received a grant to conduct research works under the "Forests of Yakutia" program of the Public Environmental Monitoring Network of the Republic of Sakha. However, the Grant funds were not enough for the expedition, so organizations were involved to solve some issues. First of all, the Ulus Nature Conservation Inspectorate, represented by TG Stryukova, responded, which not only helped to resolve many issues of both material and financial nature, but also attracted UIOP employees to participate in the expedition. The Ulus Department of Education got involved in the business, which raised funds for food and pay for the work of the head.

Expedition name: ecological expedition "Kusagan Mastaakh"

Destination: the Kusagan Mastaakh river, the western slope of At-Khaya, a forest area with the oldest larch trees in the world, discovered on the Earth by the Krasnoyarsk forest expedition.

Expedition route: Chokurdakh settlement - Pokhvalny (abandoned) river - Kusagan Mastaakh river - Pokhvalny settlement - Chokurdakh settlement

Movement along the route: from Chokurdakh to Pokhvalny - by m / v Uragan, from Pokhvalny to Chokurdakh - by m / v Kasatka, from Pokhvalny to the destination - on foot.

Expedition objectives:
1. Beginning of monitoring observations of the forest with long-lived larch trees.

2. Research work on the study of the forest, individual trees.

3. Establishment of biodiversity (representatives of flora and fauna) of the forest.

4. Development of ecological culture in children through their involvement in various types of activities for the study and protection of the unique forest biocenosis, their involvement in nature conservation activities.

5. Involvement of the public in the problem of preserving forests growing on permafrost.

6.Collection of material in order to create a Natural Monument in the place of growth of long-lived larch trees.






Kusagan Mastaakh "


Chokurdakhskaya geography teacher

High school

Portnyagin P.A.


Expedition name: ecological expedition "Kusagan Mastaakh"

Destination: Kusagan Mastaakh river, western slope of At-Khaya city,

a section of forest with the oldest larch trees in the world, discovered on the Earth by the Krasnoyarsk forest expedition.

Expedition route: the village of Chokurdah - the village of Pokhvalny (abandoned) - the river Kusagan Mastaakh - the village of Pokhvalny - the village of Chokurdakh

Following the route: from the village of Chokurdakh to the village of Pokhvalny - on the m / v "Uragan",

from Pokhvalny village to Chokurdakh - by m / v "Kasatka", from Pokhvalny to the destination - on foot

Expedition goals : 1.Start of forest monitoring observations from

Larch trees - long-lived

2.Research work on the study of the forest, individual trees

3. Establishment of biodiversity (representatives of flora and fauna) of the forest

4. Development of ecological culture in children through their involvement in various types of activities for the study and protection of the unique forest biocenosis, their involvement in nature conservation

5. Involvement of the public in the problem of preserving forests growing on permafrost

6.Collection of material in order to create a Natural Monument in the place of growth of long-lived larch trees

The expedition "Kusagan Mastaakh" is the first expedition of this scale, carried out by the Chokurdakh secondary school on the basis of the circle "Know your native land". The circle received a grant for research work under the "Forests of Yakutia" program of the Public Environmental Monitoring Network of the Republic of Sakha. However, the Grant funds were not enough for the expedition, so organizations were involved to solve some issues. First of all, the Ulus Nature Conservation Inspectorate, represented by TG Stryukova, responded, which not only helped to resolve many issues of both material and financial nature, but also attracted UIOP employees to participate in the expedition. The Ulus Department of Education got involved in the business, which raised funds for food and pay for the work of the head.

The ecological expedition "Kusagan Mastaakh" was organized by the Chokurdakh secondary school under the EIGE grant with the assistance of the Allaikhovsky UUO and Allaikhovsky IEP

Obligations of the parties to organize the expedition

Chokurdakh secondary school



  • enrollment
  • appointment of a manager
  • educational, cognitive and research activities
  • grant funds
  • manager's approval
  • food supply
  • payment for work
  • transport costs on the Chokurdakh-Pravdalny-Chokurdakh route
  • catering (for its members)
  • communication (walkie-talkie)
  • provision of a guide, cook
  • provision of tents
  • scientific and methodological literature

Structure and composition of the expedition

  1. Berezkin Ilya Portnyagin P.A. Stryukova T.G. Kazak L.S. 1. Struchkov K.K.-inspector
  2. Gorokhov Alyosha Stryukov I.S. GIMS
  3. Cossack Elvira 2. Cheremkin Afonya-
  4. Fedorov Sasha student of Olenegorskaya
  5. Uvarovsky Vova Secondary School
  6. Syrovatsky Vanya
  7. Amonov Ruslan
  8. Petrov Dima

Short description work

During the reporting time, the following types of work were carried out:

  1. Preparation period:

a) preparation of the material base, equipment for the expedition;

b) information about the expedition (route, goals, etc.).

c) briefings on TB and PPB, lessons on providing first medical aid. help; purchase of products;

  1. Expedition period itself:

a) UIOP (TG Stryukova) provides transport for the transfer of the expedition participants to the Pokhvalny settlement; distance along the Indigirka river 180 km;

b) from Pokhvalny village 4 days of walking to the place of growth of long-lived larches;

c) study of the forest;

d) primary processing of the collected material;

e) installation of information notices.

f) to Pokhvalny village 2 days of walking;

g) UIOP provides transport for the return of the expedition.

  1. Post-expedition period:

a) final processing of the material;

b) preparation of reports by students;

c) registration of the herbarium;

d) participation in a school-wide environmental conference;

Topics of lectures, conversations

  1. Global problems of humanity. Global warming of the Earth's climate, its causes, consequences.
  2. Forest as a natural biogeocenosis. Types of forests.
  3. The origin of life on Earth, hypothesis.
  4. Environmental factors, its actions.
  5. Forest fires, causes, consequences.
  6. Soils of the Allaikhovsky ulus.
  7. Animals of the Allaikhovsky ulus: - mammals



  1. Larch as a member of the pine family (Pinaceae Lindl)
  2. Larch trees of Yakutia.
  3. The history of the discovery of long-lived larch trees in the Allaikhovsky ulus.
  4. From the report of the expedition of the Krasnoyarsk Forest Institute.
  5. Career guidance work: - schools biological directions

Biological professions

Profession - ecologist


forest area for field work between groups of students

  1. Left wing: Ilya Berezkin

Cheremkin Afonya

2. Center: Fedorov Sasha

Amonov Ruslan

Petrov Dima

3. Right wing: Uvarovsky Vova

Syrovatsky Vanya

Herbarium route: Cossack Elvira

Gorokhov Alyosha


larch indicators

D1, D2 ... Dn - the ordinal number of the tree

О1 - the circumference of the tree trunk at the base

О2 - trunk circumference at H \u003d 1.5m (chest level)

h1 - height to the first branch

h2 - tree height

h3 - depth of permafrost

C - (beginning of the word "dry") dry top

S - distance to the nearest tree

B - branch length at h \u003d 1.5m

II - the tree "bifurcates"

III - the tree is "upset"

The data is entered into the table










Stage 2


Final processing of the material

Registration by students of reports;

Speech (publication) through the media;

Participation in a school-wide environmental conference held annually by the ChSOSh.

We have established that

  1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe forest with long-lived larch is 750 km2 .
  2. The stand is uneven-aged.
  3. The average density of trees is 52 der / 100 m2 .
  4. The density of trees is different in different parts of the forest: a) in the center, on average, 64 der / 100 m2 ; b) along the periphery from 45 (higher along the slope) to 55 der / 100 m2 ;
  5. The approximate number of trees is 480,000. (calculated by extrapolation).
  6. The average tree trunk diameter at the level h \u003d 1.5 m is 26 cm.
  7. The average height of trees is 5.2 m (from 2.1 to 7.4 m).
  8. The average depth of permafrost is 21 cm.
  9. The lower branches (twigs) in the vast majority of cases are dead.
  10. 62% of trees have a dry top.
  11. 17% of trees “bifurcate”, 4% - “wasted”, probably due to the death or damage to the top at an early age.
  12. Trees grow from each other at an average distance of 3.2 m (1.8 to 5.8 m).
  13. Closeness no more than 0.3.
  14. The older generation of trees has deep cracked bark.
  15. The condition of young trees (undergrowth) is good, although many (21%) have forked tops.
  16. Undergrowth is more along the forest periphery.
  17. The root system of trees spreads over a relatively large area - on average about 6 m2 .
  18. The anthropogenic impact is insignificant. Tree stumps were found (2 pcs.), Cut down with an ax, probably in winter, because the height of the stumps is 0.8 and 1.2 m, which corresponds to the height of the snow cover.


Students are selected to participate in the ecological expedition:

  • on a voluntary basis.
  • have reached the age of 12 (grade 7 and over).
  • have shown a steady interest in biological sciences, research activities.
  • doctors who have no contraindications for the march.
  • with parental consent.


Students have the right to:

  • for free travel along the Chokurdakh-Pravatalny route and back.
  • for free meals for the entire period of the expedition.
  • for the use of the necessary equipment (except for especially valuable and hazardous to health).
  • elect and be elected to the self-governing bodies of the expedition.
  • take part in the discussion of emerging issues, holding events, make your suggestions.

Responsibilities of students:

  • strictly observe the safety and health standards.
  • observe the internal regulations in the camp, movement along the route, during field research.
  • take good care of nature and equipment.
  • responsibly follow the orders and instructions of the management.
  • monitor your health, observe personal hygiene.
  • respect the dignity and opinion of other members of the expedition.


The attendants are appointed for 1 day. The senior duty officer is appointed from among the adults, and the duty officers (2 people) - from the students. On the day of duty, the attendants are exempt from classes.

Duties of the senior officer on duty:

  • takes general guidance over those on duty.
  • responsible for his attendants.
  • in the absence of the leader of the expedition in the camp, he is responsible for order in the camp, for the life and health of students.
  • kindles a fire, observing TB and PPB.
  • on the day of duty, monitors the consumption of products.

The attendants are obliged:

  • keep the camp clean.
  • keep an eye on the fire, observing all the rules of safety and health protection, do not go far from the fire.
  • help the cook in cooking.
  • prepare firewood and water for timely cooking.
  • all emergency situations should be immediately reported to the Senior Duty Officer and the head of the expedition.

Duty schedule







Portnyagin P.A.

Uvarovsky Vova

Syrovatsky Vanya

Kazak L.S.

Cossack Elvira

Gorokhov Alyosha

Stryukova T.G.

Amonov Ruslan

Petrov Dima

Struchkov K.K.

Berezkin Ilya

Fedorov Sasha
























Rise on duty, cook.

Raise the Camp.


Morning toilet



Briefing on safety and health protection, clarification of tasks for the day

Activities according to the plan of the day



Afternoon rest

Activities according to the plan of the day

Afternoon snack



Personal time

Analysis and analysis of what was done during the day, processing of material, filling out diaries

Setting tasks for the next day

Evening toilet, preparing for bed

End of Camp


Delivery and acceptance of duty

For health reasons, due to the high air temperature (24-280 c) and the complexity of the route, at a meeting of the expedition participants, it was decided to change the time of day. In this regard, a new "Time distribution during the march" has been developed:



Dismantling the camp, packing things and property

Briefing on safety and health protection, clarification of tasks and route of movement

Route advance







Clarification of tasks for the next day

Personal time, toilet, preparation for bed

End of Camp

When driving, rest in 20-30 minutes, depending on the complexity of the route.

Expedition leader: Portnyagin P.A.

Memo "What should be in a backpack"

  • personal hygiene products (towel, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • mosquito protection equipment (death, mosquito nets)
  • pen, pencil, notepad
  • changeable clothes
  • sneakers (light boots, sneakers)
  • sleeping bag
  • dishes (mug, spoon, bowl)
  • pocket knife (folding)
  • thread, needle, rubber glue
  • flask

Note .: Shoes for the expedition - waders; if any, a camera, small binoculars, a book for rest.

Information boards (notices) that we have installed

Pulling a stick and running 100 meters

  1. The absolute champion of the “Hapsagai” wrestling camp is Vanya Syrovatsky.

Prize - a can of condensed milk

  1. The absolute champion of the tug of war camp is Ilya Berezkin.

Prize - videotape

  1. Running 100 meters:

1st place - Vanya Syrovatsky, prize - black pen

II place - Ilya Berezkin, prize - red pen

III place - Sasha Fedorov, prize - brown pen

  1. Visual sympathy prize, for the will to win - Amonov Ruslan

Problems encountered, errors in the implementation of the expedition program

  1. For the way to the destination, we spent 4 days, instead of two planned. Because of this, there were 2 days left to study the forest, instead of the planned four. Reasons: a) because of the "outdated" map, the route was laid with errors (inaccurate); b) did not calculate the weight of the luggage - the weight significantly reduced the speed of movement, the members of the expedition got tired. Solutions - the route has been corrected with an accuracy of 10 m, the weight of the luggage is set within max \u003d 25 kg (on average 20 kg, depending on the weight of the participant).
  2. During the whole expedition mosquitoes and high air temperatures interfered strongly. Ways of solution - it is advisable to carry out the expedition immediately after the ice drift, when there are no mosquitoes and it is cool.
  3. The design of the tents (no windows or ventilation openings) did not allow full rest at high air temperatures - it became stuffy in the tents. The solution is to make windows in two opposite walls of the tents.
  4. For the entire period of the expedition there was not enough ointment "death" (the last ointment ended on the way back). It was decided next time to set the norm for each person 3 tubes (bottles). It is advisable to purchase domestically produced "mosquitoes".

"Gorny Altai-2006"

The expedition of the project "" ROFFNiOP "Foundation for Biological Research" (Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow) was held on the coast of Lake Teletskoye from July 17 to August 1, 2006.

The head of the expedition is a teacher at the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, Cand. biol. Sciences K.V. Neverov.

The expedition included 33 schoolchildren, 2 trainees, 4 leaders of the detachments and 11 instructors, including the head of the expedition.

The purpose The expedition was to familiarize interested schoolchildren with the unique nature of Gorny Altai and Lake Teletskoye. This ecological expedition was carried out within the framework of the All-Russian projects of summer educational recreation for children« Youth educational expeditions"And« World of the enthralled» carried out by the "Foundation for Biological Research" for 10 years. The project is part of a program for the harmonious development of the personality of adolescents, aimed at the formation of ecological (in a broad sense) thinking through close contact with the world of wildlife. This program is ultimately designed to promote the education in children of a sense of responsibility, both for themselves and for the world around them.

During the ecological expedition "Gorny Altai-2006" the following specific tasks were solved:

Expedition tasks

Deployment of a field camp on the shores of Lake Teletskoye in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bele cordon. Providing the necessary conditions for living, household amenities, organizing the supply of firewood and drinking water. Organization of power supply (electric generator, solar panels).

Organization of field laboratories (microbiological, botanical-zoological, entomological) and a diving station at the camp site.

Teaching schoolchildren the basics of forest, mountain and water tourism, as well as the basics of safety during exits to the taiga.

Conducting theoretical and practical lessons with children's groups in the appropriate directions provided for by the expedition program.

Organization of introductory one-day hikes along the Belinskaya Terrace and to the mountain salt lick; conducting practical exercises in geobotany and entomology during hikes.

Carrying out long (one- and two-day) hikes to the coast of the Kygin Bay (Chiri cordon) and to the high-mountain zone (Lake Chiri).

Teaching the expedition members the basics of scuba diving as a tool for understanding the underwater world of Lake Teletskoye.

Conducting psychological cohesion trainings and psychocorrectional work in children's groups.

The ecological expedition camp was located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bele cordon in the southern part of Lake Teletskoye. Initially, the camp was located on the upper (Belinskaya) terrace (3 days), then on the coast of the lake in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bele cordon pier. The issues of camp placement, organizing the life of the participants, as well as compliance with sanitary and environmental standards were resolved in cooperation with the senior state inspector I.E. Anisimov.

Theoretical and practical classes were conducted in groups (detachments) of children of 8 people. Each detachment was assigned an accompanying (leader) from among the adult members of the expedition. Paired classes for two groups were also conducted (for example, geobotany and entomology), usually associated with long trips (half a day or more) outside the camp territory. The expedition program included both biological courses (botany, microbiology, entomology) and auxiliary (tourism, diving, etc.). Each lesson had its own topic and, as a rule, a practical part.

Geobotany and landscape science.

Hydrobiology. Aquatic fauna and flora of the Teletskoye Lake basin.

Field microbiology.

Entomology .

Tour Basics static training.

Medical training.

Photo and video filming.


Leisure and cultural activities.

Conclusion .

The children's ecological expedition “Gorny Altai-2006” was generally successful. We managed to solve practically all the tasks set by the FBI leadership. To optimize the expedition, it would be necessary to set up a camp near the coastal zone from the first days of stay. This is due to the presence in the program of "water" disciplines (diving, water tourism, hydrobiology).

Some of the courses could not be carried out 100% both because of organizational difficulties (loss of time to move the camp) and because of difficult weather conditions (frequent daytime rains, excitement on the lake). According to the headquarters of the expedition, a more convenient place for the expedition would be the coast of the Kyga Bay (Chiri cordon). During the hike there we examined a section of the coast near the Chiri cordon, which is very convenient for parking and can accommodate an expedition of 40-50 people.

In general, the Board of the Foundation for Biological Research positively evaluates the results of the ecological expedition Gorny Altai-2006 and hopes for further fruitful cooperation with the leadership of the Altai State Reserve in the field of children's environmental education and wildlife protection.

The final event of the XXI expedition "Start from your home" was held at the beginning of the week, on August 20, in the conference hall of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Altai Territory - the organizer of the expedition, where young ecologists arrived from the last point of the route of this year - Biysk.

For each day spent on the expedition, those interested could observe on the official websites of the Government of the Altai Territory, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the All-Russian popular front, The Public Chamber of the Territory, with the support of which the expedition took place, as well as on the information Internet portal "Nature of Siberia". This year, the guys covered the Siberian Federal District with environmental actions.

On the eve of the reporting performance, the guys performed their program at the Forest Fairy Tale children's camp near Biysk, then rehearsed at the base camp, worked with diaries, created the history of the expedition in drawings to convey to those who met the emotions from the two-week expedition. The hall contains a photo chronicle of the expedition-2018, created on the road, posters, booklets, calendars and publications on environmental topics.

Representatives of the executive power, deputies, heads of cultural institutions, environmental education and enlightenment, scientific and educational institutions and public organizations gathered at one round table.

The event was started by the ideological inspirer and permanent leader of the movement "Start from your home" Sergei Malykhin, setting the tone for the propaganda team. Childishly simple and grown-up words filled with words: “I just cleaned the school garden”, “I just saved the chick”, “I just planted flowers”, “I just fed the birds in winter”, “I just cleaned the banks of the Alley” team “ Eaglets ”began each of its performances this year.

The team spirit was clearly felt in every song, in every poem and in the expressed impression of the 14 days and nights spent in the field. In the songs with the guitar "Deal is Deal", "The Bend of the Yellow Guitar", "Childhood", "You, Yes Me, Yes, You and Me", "Pass", many recognized the bright time of school trips of student teams. The guys sang the anthems of the Siberian Federal District ("Siberian Federal") and the environmental movement "Start from your home", an author's song written by the team of the expedition in 2014 "Sail our wing jackets".

First days

As Sergei Ivanovich noted, the most important days on the expedition are the first. The guys who have been on the expedition more than once help to organize joint work, they are affectionately called "oldies".

Rublev Alexander: “I am 17 years old, I am from the Tretyakovsky district. Most of all, I remember the first days of the expedition, which took place in the Ecosapiens camp on the Berdsk reservoir - because we faced the first difficulties, but gradually coped with everything. During the expedition, what gives me the most joy is helping the guys, singing songs with them, performing. "

Sergei Ivanovich presented a team of teachers who helped the children to get used to new conditions. The teacher has been working with the propaganda team for the ninth year german language Old school # 1, member of the Public Chamber of the region Victor Meisengelter, who actually became the deputy head of the expedition. Every year, teachers of the Altai Regional Children's Environmental Center travel with an expedition - this time Valentina I. Meshcheryakova and Lyudmila Evgenievna Paraskun... A lot of work falls on the volunteers who help in the economic part - these are students of the Faculty of Geography of Altai State University Dmitry Grigorenko and Svetlana Agafonova, and Natalia Lebedeva from the Pedagogical University. Journalists of the newspaper "Nature of Altai" Elena Panfilo and Irina Shilref for two weeks they described all the events of the expedition. And the health of the group was monitored by a medical worker from Kulunda Natalya Viktorovna Budanova.

The guys themselves willingly shared their impressions of the expedition, many of them became part of the team “Start from your home” for the first time.

Tatiana Biryukova:“This is my first time on an ecological expedition. This movement gave me the opportunity to travel to the cities of Siberia, visit interesting places, and also study the interaction of Siberian cities. They say that we are the children of a lost generation, we are here to prove otherwise. We do what others are lazy about, which others do not pay attention to, although it does not require much effort. I want to tell you: enjoy, study and preserve what is around you. "

For two weeks, the guys had to constantly overcome themselves. By overcoming common difficulties, the guys became a real team.

Ivan Nikitenko: "I am 14 years old. This is my first expedition. Thanks to her, I realized that you should never give up under any circumstances. If something doesn't work out, you need to try again, again and again. Until it works. I realized that I can - everything! "

Sergei Ivanovich shared his story when, starting to clean the banks of the Tom River in the Kemerovo Region, the guys found themselves in the rain, but continued their environmental campaign.

“This story has become the point that happens in the life of every person and in the life of every expedition. This was the “pass” that had to be passed, ”the head noted.

Following their leader, the guys confirm that from that moment they felt an unprecedented cohesion.

Maya Kazantseva: “I am from Barnaul, and this is my first expedition. We visited four regions. Of all the places I fell in love with the Kuzbass Botanical Garden for its linden alley, collection of badan, observation deck overlooking the river. It seemed to me that it was there that we became a team, when, despite the rain, we cleaned up the garbage on the banks of the Tom. So this place has become home to me. "


Sergei Ivanovich spoke about the daily routine of young ecologists: the morning begins with exercise, the day is filled with meaningful work - filling out diaries, visiting cultural sites included in the program, holding environmental events, rehearsing performances, preparing firewood, evening bonfire, cooking food on the fire. Each lesson is not accidental on the expedition, for example, in addition to instilling practical life skills in the field and the formation of an ecological culture, children are taught to write, to express their thoughts on paper coherently, thereby awakening intellectual activity.

This year, as in the last few trips, the route was built according to the principle of addition: in Akademgorodok they visited the Geological Museum, where they showed the sarcophagus in which Princess Ukok was buried. And in the Altai Republic, in the Anokhin Museum, we managed to get into the hall where the ancient sacral mummy is currently kept. Thus, at two different points we received information, analyzed, generalized and made a diverse presentation of the famous find of archaeologists of the early 90s.

The expedition has clearly assigned roles and everyone knows his own.

Danil Lebedev: “I am a volunteer from the Tretyakovsky District. Each of the members of the expedition has a role to play. I am responsible for the fire, warm bath and firewood. The expedition is a family, as everyone knows their role in it. Thank you very much to all the leaders and participants - I will not let you down. "

At each stop on the crossings from point to point, the guys cleaned up garbage in the area around them, because tourists also stop at these places, leaving behind "traces".

Victor Laponogov:“I live in the Kamensky district. I have been studying at the Ecocenter for the fifth year and this is my third expedition. Consider a situation: one day you are going to the forest to listen to birds, pick mushrooms, or sit on the shore of a lake. And what do you see? Bags in the trees, bottles in the bushes. Now it is called “relaxing in nature”. So it was on the banks of the Tom in Kemerovo and on Lake Utkul in Biysk before our arrival. Garbage in such places is not just ugly, but very dangerous for soil, water, forests. Therefore, I ask you: the next time you go into the forest, take at least a small bag with you to remove any garbage that comes your way. After all, you need to understand that we are also part of nature and must take care of it. "

Plans for the future and associates

This year, the guys visited many museums: the Central Siberian Geological Museum of the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the SB RAS, the Museum of the History of Culture of the Peoples of Siberia and The Far East Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Museum of the Sun in the Novosibirsk Region; The Cholkoy Historical and Ethnographic Museum of the Belovsky District, the Krasnaya Gorka Museum-Reserve in the Kemerovo Region; the Vitaly Bianchi Museum in Biysk; National Museum of the Altai Republic named after A.V. Anokhin in Gorno-Altaysk. At the same time, information was collected for a new interesting tourist route "Museum Siberia", which will become the basis of the next year's expedition.

In addition to the museum exhibits, the children were impressed by the Bachatsky coal mine. Its scale allows one to realize all the power of man, which can be directed both at the destruction of nature and at its restoration. In the Kuzbass Botanical Garden, the guys learned how to properly prune trees, helped with weeding the seedlings.

In Novosibirsk, we met with the organization “Young Ecologists of Siberia” (the only one in the city, it was created on the initiative and assistance of the movement “Start from your home”), with representatives of the Regional Ministry of Natural Resources and the Directorate of Protected Areas.

In Biysk, young ecologists were met by the chief specialist of the department of regional environmental supervision in the Biysk district of the Ministry natural resources and ecology of Altai Territory Vladimir Stepanov... A new expedition camp was established at the Utkul recreation center near Biysk. The members of the expedition did not change their location anymore, and for six days they made trips to neighboring areas and cities. This is a feature of this year's route - the emphasis on work on the territory of the region. The children visited the children's health camp "Forest Fairy Tale", held an environmental campaign on the shore of Lake Utkul, where their camp was based. In one hour, young environmentalists collected 25 garbage bags. According to the observations of the expedition members, who have been taking part in the expedition for several years in a row, this year there was noticeably less garbage, as well as on the banks of the Tom River.

In addition, the guys visited the National Museum of the Altai Republic named after A.V. Anokhin in Gorno-Altaysk, got acquainted with the unique materials of archaeological excavations, collections of household items of the Altaians and Russian Old Believer culture, the history of Gorny Altai in the 19th century.

In Biysk, on Sunday, on the eve of the reporting event in Barnaul, a large-scale environmental campaign was held to clean up the boron from garbage, among the participants of which was the mayor of the city Alexander Studenikin... This action, like others in the expedition, took place within the framework of the All-Russia People's Front project "General Cleaning".

Discipline comes first

The appearance of the expedition guys at meetings with public organizations, with veterans, young athletes was always accompanied by the performance of the propaganda team. The guys initiated each new person into their ranks by tying a green tie.

Anastasia Boyko addressed those present with the following words:

“I am from the Tretyakovsky district. On the expedition for the second time. A year ago I could not have imagined that 35 people could become real force... We are for the protection of the environment. I am pleased when our ideas resonate. In every region new people join us: in Novosibirsk they are “Young Ecologists of Siberia”. We are supported by doctors of sciences, professors, ministers, deputies State Duma... I hope you will support us too. "

Also in Biysk after the last expedition was opened public organization "Start with your house." According to S.I. Malykhin, a meeting with the Mayor Alexander Petrovich Studenikin and teachers is planned for October to work out further joint plans.

The strict discipline that Sergei Ivanovich maintains in the ranks of the expedition members is a measure completely justified by the circumstances, worked out in practice for more than one year, thanks to which it is possible to keep the situation under control and return the expedition members safe and sound. For 21 years of expeditions - not a single serious injury! Surprisingly, such hard work, including self-organization, does not prevent the children from feeling all the charm of childhood.

What makes children go on an expedition, because these are field conditions, rains, possibly cold, long hours on the bus. What is the motivation of the guys? This is how the participants themselves, a novice and a veteran of the ecological expedition, explain it:

Tatiana Zyryanova:
“I am from Altai region, I am 15 years old. I am a member of the Ecological Movement Fighters team. I worked a lot, so I got on an expedition. Here I met new people, found like-minded people, made friends. I learned a lot about myself and my opportunities. I got acquainted with such problems as excess plastic and other waste, cruelty towards animals. I have a cat named Ekaterina and a dog called Rex, I love them very much, so I don’t want to be cruel to animals. During the expedition, I helped to clean the banks of rivers and lakes, as well as to preserve certain species of animals and plants. I am very glad that I went on an expedition, it was my dream. I'm on an expedition! "

Svetlana Vodyakova:
“This is my fourth year on the expedition. For me, it is an exciting journey that I look forward to every summer. Here we not only find ourselves new friends and comrades, close in spirit, but also help nature. In each region we conduct environmental actions from local residents... I am happy to be here again. For me summer is an expedition! "

Education of patriots

Over the years of leading the children on the expedition, Sergei Ivanovich has developed a clear methodology for the educational process, and he willingly shares his conclusions: “Children are able to withstand any overload if the work is organized correctly. Therefore, the development of patriotism is one of the main components of the expedition. "

Poems on patriotic themes were recited Ekaterina Karjakina ("We went with you half of Europe"), Svetlana Vodyakova ("Alyosha"), songs about the war " Last Stand"(Performer Nastya Manakova), "About that spring" the audience listened to while standing. Many had tears in their eyes.

At the end of the speech of young ecologists, the honorary guests expressed their gratitude for the continuation of the development of the ecological movement "Start from your home", which has no analogues in Russia.

“Now you are a close-knit team. It is worth a lot when you feel the elbow of a comrade and are ready to move mountains together. Pass this power of burning to your peers in classroom, friends in the yard ", - admonished Valery Anatolyevich Elykomov, member of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection.

Grateful words to the head of the expedition said Lev Alexandrovich Korshunov, Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Altai Territory:

“Sergei Ivanovich found such a path along which one must go further. And let there be a fair wind along the way. The patriotic bloc touched to the depths of the soul - when the singers begin to cry and the audience together with them - that's when the feeling that we call patriotism arises. "

Region support

Vladimir Nikolaevich Popryadukhin, the Acting Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Altai Territory thanked the guys for the report in a literary and patriotic embodiment, which “cleans souls”:

“All this time, while we were waiting for you, we experienced a constant sense of responsibility. We are honored to meet and see you healthy, safe, energetic and united. The Ministry of Natural Resources is confident that in your person we have found true companions and patriots of the environmental movement. We will be glad to meet and work with you in the future in the professional community of ecologists ”.

The head of the environmental department expressed his readiness to assist in the promotion and further development of this environmental expedition:

"Start from your home" is a unique project that has no analogues throughout the country. We, as environmentalists, understand that today a respect for nature should be brought up from a young age - this is the key to successful work on the conservation of biological diversity and all the wealth that Altai Territory possesses. Environmental activities would be impossible without the system of environmental education and training. That is why the entire ecological community, scientific and educational institutions, authorities support young ecologists, acting as ideological inspirers. This direction is included in state program Altai Territory "Environmental protection, reproduction and rational use of natural resources, forestry development of the Altai Territory" for 2015 - 2020 "and will be held, as before, annually. The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Territory, as the organizer of the ecological expedition, came up with an initiative to make this project completely financially independent, since in previous periods it was necessary to attract significant sponsorship. The proposal was supported by the Government of the Altai Territory, and in this year the entire amount of funding has been allocated from the regional budget, ”said Vladimir Popryadukhin.

The existing opinion that the values \u200b\u200bof previous generations are completely alien to modern children, they are cut off from reality, disappear on the Internet, they cannot be entrusted with the preservation of culture and nature. Sergei Ivanovich recalled that such concerns were expressed by ancient thinkers four thousand years ago (Papyrus Prissa). The guys from the expedition “Start from your home” are the best example of the fact that the younger generation is interested, inquisitive and actively learning.

Malykhin S.I. expressed confidence that the further development of the movement should be associated with the expansion of the geography of the project, with the involvement of other subjects of Siberia. Colleagues from the Kemerovo Region, the Novosibirsk Region and the Altai Republic have already approached the management with similar proposals.

In qualitative terms, the organization of the process has been perfected to the smallest detail - 21 years of building a system of not only ecological, but also emotional, psychological education, which, of course, leads the children to personal growth and raises the level of ecological culture. And this, according to the participants of the movement "Start from your home", is the main direction of their work.

Press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the AK jointly with the newspaper "Priroda Altai"

"All games and tasks in the project only with real objects: balloons, stones, earth, water, plants ..."

My daughter Alisa, who is now 2.2 years old, and I took part in the Ecological Expedition project. Of course, this project is designed for children from three years old, but we still decided to take part. And they did not regret it! During 5 weeks of the project, we made 5 expeditions and got acquainted with air, earth, water, plants and animals within the framework of the ecology problem. True, Alice and I, due to her age, talked little about ecology, but simply enjoyed the games, experiments and experiments, and also worked within the framework of the project.

The scenario for each expedition included a list of required materials, a description of games, observations, experiments and experiments, practical and creative tasks. The material is very extensive and redundant, it even scares at first, because you have absolutely no idea how to do all this with a child. But this is not required, the mother herself decides what to play with the child in accordance with his interests.

Alice and I really enjoyed participating in the project. My daughter remembered the "dirty" experiments with water and earth, games with balloons, active gamesobserving on walks. I was glad that my preparation for the games was minimal: I read the script, selected tasks that would be interesting to my daughter in accordance with her age, wrote myself a little cheat sheet and collected a box with the necessary materials.

One of the advantages of scripts is that the necessary encyclopedic information on the topic is provided, so there is no need to additionally climb into the encyclopedia and the Internet. A huge plus in preparation - you do not need to print a lot of printed materials for classes. In principle, a printer may not be needed at all if you can draw something by hand. All games and tasks in the project with only real objects: balloons, stones, earth, water, plants, etc. This was very important for my Alice, since she does not like studying with printed materials.

What else do we remember in the project. First, as part of the project, we made a weather calendar and monitored the weather every day. For Alice, this was the first experience of observing the weather, she joyfully looked out the window and picked up the appropriate cards in our calendar. Secondly, creative tasks for each expedition (they could be completed at will). Here our imagination showed itself. We made a wind chime from pasta, a game of colors and sizes from stones, a forest craft from waste material, ships from walnut shells, a herbarium in verse and a laptop “Red Book of Russia”. As a result of our participation in the project, we have formed a museum of ecology, which includes all our creative works and handicrafts for the project.

Of course, we will return to the Environmental Expedition in a couple of years, when my daughter grows up, and we will focus on environmental issues. Thanks to the authors of the project, Marina Suzdaleva and Yulia Maznina, for an interesting and useful pastime with my daughter.

Dominova Tatiana and daughter Alisa (2.2 g) St. Petersburg