What are the rules of courtesy. Good behavior rules for children - etiquette for preschoolers

You study English, attend diligently (or study on Skype), learn words, listen to English speech ... But do not forget about one very important aspect: to communicate successfully in an English-speaking environment, it is extremely important to understand.

In order for you to be favorably accepted in any society, be it a student collective, a work environment, or any random group of people gathered together, you just need to learn and remember forever a few simple rules that will provide you with invaluable service in the future. After all, according to Cervantes, nothing is as valuable or as cheap as courtesy!

Six "magic" words:


Each of us perfectly understands that Please is the magic word.However, we often forget about it in everyday speech, and in vain. If you ask someone for something, do not forget to add please: « Coffee, please!», « Could you please turn off your cellphone - and the world will become kinder.

Thank you

Remember to thank people.« Thank you - « You are welcome("Thank you!" - "No thanks!") , probably the most frequently used phrases in english language... Don't skimp on gratitude and be sincere.


As Sir Elton John sings, « Sorry seems to be the hardest word», but do not forget to ask for forgiveness in time (if, of course, there is something for that): stepped on someone's foot, collided with someone on the street ... Option « Im sorry» sounds even more polite.

Excuse me

Another way to ask for forgiveness if your fault is not so greatfor example, you sneezed in public.

This is very useful expressionwhich will help you, for example, find out the way to the nearest metro station Excuse me, would you know where the nearest subway is?»).

Good morning!

Don't forget about congratulations, because there are so many reasons for this:good morning, good night, happy birthday, happy New Year, congratulations ("Good morning", "good night", "happy birthday", "happy new year", "congratulations") ...

In the morning at work, we can greet colleagues: « Hey, good morning. How are you("Good morning, how are you?") - and do not forget to listen carefully to the answer: « Oh, pretty good. I" m fine. How are you ("Not bad, everything is all right. What about you?")

We've listed six must-haves in a polite person's daily vocabulary, and now let's get down to action!

So, six rules of polite behavior in an English-speaking society:

Smile, gentlemen!

"The smile will brighten everyone",so try to smile more often.This, however, does not mean that you need to smile without interruption, but when meeting a person you should smile, otherwise he will think that you are nervous, angry or upset about something. A smile signals that you're okay "Things are going and life is easy", and also how pleasant the meeting is for you.

Don't avoid shaking hands

Rather, it is about business etiquette: a handshake is expected of you, and strong, energetic;the hand must be dry. This rule is from the category of business etiquette and should not be neglected.

Cover your mouth when you yawn, cough, or sneeze

Sometimes we yawn - when we want to sleep or we are bored ... If at this moment you are in public, be sure to cover your mouth with your palm.

If you have a cough, cover your mouth and turn away from those present. Recent trends in sanitation and hygiene dictate coughing in the crook of the elbow, since covering your mouth with your hand while coughing can transmit germs to another person when you shake hands.

Respect the queue

There are many rules for queuing in different parts of the world. In English speaking countries, you are expected to respect the order of priority:do not push, try to skip the line, you just need to ask who is the last Who" s last?») and stand behind him.

Hold up the doors

When you walk through the door, remember to hold it in front of the person following you.And it is not so important whether they thank you for it or not, because our common task is to make the world kinder!

Keep your distance

Foreigners are often unaware of this phenomenon, but it is customary in English-speaking countries. When you are in a crowd, your personal space, of course, shrinks, but usually people should not come closer than arm's length to each other.Otherwise, the interlocutor may feel uncomfortable, withdraw, step back to prevent you from intruding into his comfort zone. comfort zone») : For example, in the case of a man and a woman, the woman may feel that the man is being overly intrusive.

Respect the privacy of your privacy, whether you are standing or sitting.For example, when placed in a conference room, the outermost seats at opposite ends of the room will be occupied first; as long as there are free seats in the hall, the participants of the event will not sit next to each other - this is an unwritten rule, which, however, is respected by everyone.

« ListenDo you want to know a secret? .. " And now - as promised, we will give you one invaluable advice. Do not be surprised, it is a little unusual ... We are talking about the smells emanating from a person. So that society does not turn away from us (in the literal sense!) each of us must be 100% sure that a pleasant smell comes from him: fresh breath (didn't you brush your teeth in the morning?), light scent of perfumery, absence of sharp extraneous odors - "... and people will be drawn to you!"

Do not forget to carefully monitor your body hygiene, use deodorants and antiperspirants (the smell of sweat is absolutely unacceptable).

Also, watch your clothes: besides the fact that they should be clean (of course), they should also not smell of something foreign (tobacco, food aromas, etc.) - after all, even clean clothes easily absorb strong odors. For example, when heading to, try not to go into the kitchen if your mom / wife / husband / roommate is preparing something that smells strong - it will be almost impossible to get rid of this smell until the next wash.

It is always pleasant to communicate with a well-mannered, cultured, educated, polite person! A lot depends on our ability to behave in relation to other people in life, and often we do not understand or underestimate this. The circle of friends and acquaintances, reputation in the team, success in business, harmony in personal life - well-being in any of these areas, you must agree, largely depends on how we communicate and behave with other people.

Being polite is actually not always easy. Many of our entourage or even outsiders do not like us very much or frankly do not sympathize, often behave with restraint and adequately interfere with troubles in personal life, fatigue, stress. But one of the most important qualities of a successful modern man is self-control and courtesy. This is why it is so important that our children learn this from early childhood. A polite child will always be preferred to a rude and boorish one, even and especially when he grows up. And you need to forge iron while it is hot, that is, it is necessary to teach children the rules of courtesy from an early age.

Rules of polite behavior and communication for children

Probably the most universal rule can be the well-known one: do to others as you want others to do to you. But children do not always consciously want to be greeted or paid the slightest attention to them. However, one cannot do without this in the formation of politeness.

Perhaps, it follows from the fact that to explain to the child what politeness is, what polite children are and why it is better and even very important to be polite. Then gradually move on to practice and start applying the knowledge gained in everyday life... A very convenient help for parents are the courtesy rules for children in pictures, the courtesy rules for children in verses and many other publications, which will not be difficult to find and buy today.

It is hardly possible to clearly and point by point set out all the rules of polite behavior, because in almost every life situation or a small episode of yourself can be led in a certain way. But the starting point can be the study, understanding and application of the so-called magic words, words of courtesy: "hello", "goodbye", "thank you", "thank you", "sorry", "allow", "please", "please " etc. But they can be used in completely different situations. For example, people ask for an apology not only when they do something bad, wrong, cause inconvenience to someone, or feel guilty about themselves. The word “sorry” can be both a request (for example, when trying to move forward in a crowd of people or wanting to ask something), and a way to attract attention (for example, by engaging in other people's conversation).

Using verbal (i.e. verbal) courtesy tools will get better as you increase life experience Child: The more he meets and interacts with other children and adults, the more he can practice.

The words of gratitude deserve special attention. You need to thank not only for the gifts or surprises provided, and this should be done even in cases where the present did not suit your taste. With words of gratitude, you need to respond to the compliment said to yourself, to the service or help provided. By the way, helping others is also a sign of politeness.

It is possible to be not / polite without even using these special words. The kid needs to be explained that it is unacceptable to call names, ridicule or invent nicknames for other people, to emphasize their shortcomings, to express aloud their dissatisfaction or anger. Instead, you need to compliment others and express praise, celebrate virtues and good qualities, be able to listen and be interested in the personal affairs of others. For example, after answering a question asked to a child, how is he doing, it will be polite to ask his interlocutor about the same.

Even without saying a word (and often children do not want to answer a greeting or goodbye), you can behave politely or ugly. A sincere smile in response can replace words that can be so difficult to pronounce. The same smile in the appropriate situation may be completely inappropriate and speak of bad parenting.

A polite child should know and understand that others need to be respected (especially adults and even more so - teachers), that you cannot think only about yourself and your comfort, that you should not interrupt unless absolutely necessary or shout, speak loudly in in public places - ugly, just like picking your nose or biting your nails.

There are many other rules of courtesy, among which there are some more basic ones:

  • Always say hello first and answer the greeting.
  • Smile, be in a good mood.
  • Don't interrupt when others are talking.
  • When you enter a closed door, knock.
  • When leaving a closed door, hold it with your hand.
  • Cover your mouth with your palms when coughing or sneezing.
  • If you yawn or hiccup while talking to the other person, you need to apologize.
  • Ask permission if you are unsure of something.
  • Use the word "can": can I ask you? let me ask? let me pass?
  • Do not show that you are not interested.
  • Don't argue, avoid conflicts.
  • Do not respond rudely to rudeness.
  • Remember: a polite person will never intentionally offend another or create trouble for him.

There are many rules of politeness for children and adults. But a child brought up in a cultured, educated family, many of them will feel intuitively, even without special emphasis on them by adults.

How to Raise a Polite Child: Rules for Parents

Probably, many parents will agree that children learn bad things faster and easier than good ones. It is worth sending the kid to kindergarten or taking a walk in the yard near the "bad" company, as in the culture of behavior and communication of the child there is already something to work on.

Meanwhile, the truth is also that no matter how we raise our children, they will still be like their parents. This means that raising a child, teaching him polite communication and behavior does not make any sense if we ourselves do otherwise. Whether we like it or not, whether we notice it or not, children always copy their mothers and fathers, although not always to the same extent.

So the rules of politeness exist not only and not so much for children as, first of all, for parents. And most importantly, the most important of them is to be the best example for the child!

You can tell the kid a thousand times that it is ugly and unworthy to start arguments and swear, but once you have a row in the store with the man who pushed you, the child will take this behavior as a model. Learn to control your thoughts, emotions and actions in any situation and maintain a good demeanor regardless of the setting. And, by the way, it is necessary to start with communication with the child: use the words of politeness when addressing him, have the patience to listen to the end and not interrupt, be able to ask for forgiveness and be sincerely grateful.

Trying to instill in the child the rules of good form, follow the recommendations that will help to achieve the desired goal and not get the opposite result:

  1. From the first days of your communication with your baby, build warm, kinship, trusting relationships. Then you will be an authority for the child, he will listen to your instructions, will turn to you for help and advice.
  2. Start learning politeness from an early age: even non-speaking children understand everything perfectly!
  3. Use game form learning: role-playing, reading literature, discussing pictures or life situations.
  4. Do not impose courtesy rules on children. Do not force them to act or speak in a certain way, do not scold for "wrong" behavior or shout.
  5. Provide a choice to do one way or another, but at the same time explain the advantages of one tactic and the disadvantages, consequences of another.
  6. Explain why you should do this and not otherwise.
  7. Do not read, scold, or lecture in front of other people.
  8. Do not be ashamed of the child's behavior or shame him. Emphasize how you should have done, criticize the behavior, but never the child.
  9. Always consider the characteristics of the character and temperament of the baby, his mood and well-being. The personality of your child, his experiences should be above the established rules in society.
  10. Praise your politeness and culture. Celebrate how pleased you are.

Teaching children to be polite should be unobtrusive, harmonious, and bring mutual pleasure. In this process, not only a child, but also an adult is improving. It is easier for polite people to find a common language, and this is so important!

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko


Purpose: Formation in children of knowledge about the rules of polite communication and the skills of polite communication.


1. Teach children to communicate politely with peers and adults.

2. Develop creativity.

3. To cultivate politeness and courtesy in children.

Form of carrying out: play exercises

Equipment: sheets with the meanings of the word "politeness", with situations, with

rules of polite communication.

Completed: educator of the first qualification category A.V. Komarov

The course of the event.

Opening speech. Hello guys! Listen carefully to the poem that I am reading to you now, and tell me, please, what we are going to talk about.

Good day! - you were told

Good day! - you answered.

Like two strings tied - warmth and kindness.

Hello - you will tell the person

Hello! - he will smile back.

And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy,

And it will be healthy for many years.

What do we say "thank you" for?

For everything they do for us

And you could not remember:

Who have you told? How many times?

What do you think will be discussed in our lesson today? (children's answers)

Today we will not just talk about politeness, but we will learn polite communication.

Main part. First, let's find out what is "politeness"? What does it mean to be polite? Let's try to derive a rule? (children's answers)

Now, let's compare your answer choices with the definition that the dictionary offers us and compare with our output.

Politeness - Old Russian "vezha" - knowledgeable, courteous.This is the observance of the rules of decency. This is the ability to behave in such a way that others would be pleased with you. Ignorance - the opposite meaning - rude, does not follow the rules of decency.

A polite person means observing the rules of decency, well-mannered and courteous (information on the board).

In the everyday life of a polite person, a well-mannered person, there are always words that we call "magic". With the help of these words, you can even restore a good mood to a sad and offended person, cheer up.

Game "Polite words"

Now we will find out if our guys know polite words, words used in greetings. You need to amicably and correctly finish the rhyme.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When we meet, greet ...(good morning)

The old tree stump will turn green

When he hears ...(good day).

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word ...(thank).

When scolded for pranks

We say "Sorry ...(you are welcome).

If you can't eat anymore

Let's tell mom we ...(thank).

Both in France and in Denmark

Saying goodbye ..(goodbye).

All of you with great love

I wish you a strong ...(health).

If the sun goes down

The trees are gilded

We speak when we meet

To all friends(good evening)

I met Vitya as a neighbor,

The meeting was sad:

It's like a torpedo on me

Came from around the corner

But imagine: in vain from Viti

I was waiting for the word(sorry)

It will be easier for us to go and easier to walk,

When they want(Bon Voyage)

Politeness isn't just magic words. Politeness is also the rules of decency, the ability to behave in such a way that others would be pleased to communicate with you.

Imagine a situation when you go to visit each other for a birthday. Give advice to the one who visits (children's answers).

Now listen carefully to the poem.

If you have come to friends

Don't say hello to anyone.

Words: "please", "thank you"

Do not tell anybody.

Turn away and questions

Do not answer anyone.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a chatterbox

Why do you think this poem is called Reverse Tips?

(Children answer that you need to do the opposite: say hello when you come, say the words "please", "thank you", answer if they ask you about anything).

How polite words help me greet them, I say

How polite words can help I'm sorry

guests come to me I always

If you do not know the person's name Please excuse me or

to whom you are addressing is best Be kind, tell me

start a phrase with words

The game "Polite or impolite." I call a situation, and you decide whether or not the actions in it were polite.

Say hello when you meet ... (politely).

Push, don't apologize ... (impolite).

Help to get up, pick up the fallen thing ... (politely).

Do not stand up while addressing the teacher ... (impolite).

Get a ticket on the tram ... (politely).

Not to make way for the elderly ... (impolite).

Mom sent you to a neighbor to borrow flour. How do you do it?

You want to invite your mates to your birthday party. How do you do it?

You came to the store to buy notebooks. How do you contact the seller?

Your comrades invited you to the cinema, but you cannot go with them, because you did not. homework... How do you respond to their proposal?

Analysis of situations and drawing up rules of politeness.

After work, my mother cooked dinner, washed the dishes and went to do the laundry. Dad went to the garden to water cucumbers. And Petya settled down comfortably on the sofa and began to watch his favorite show "In the world of animals."


Marina was presented with a large set of markers for her birthday. The next day, she proudly showed her gift to the girls at school. “I will not give them to anyone while they are new,” she said to her friends.


Kolya, running into the classroom, shouted:

Hello Gray!

I just hit the fat Svetka with my briefcase. It was funny when she fell into a puddle!


Once Vova went to the theater. In the tram, he sat down near the window and looked with interest at the streets. Suddenly a woman with a small child entered the tram. Vova looked at them and turned back to the window.


Natasha has many friends in her class. They often meet, walk, play, do homework together. Natasha and her friends are never bored.


Two passers-by were walking along the street. One is 62 years old, and the other is 8 years old. The first had several items in his hands: 1 briefcase, 3 books and 1 large package. One of the books fell.

Your book fell, - the boy shouted, catching up with the passerby.

Is it, - he was surprised.

Of course, - the boy explained, - you had 5 things, and there are 4 left.

I see that you know very well subtraction and addition, - said a passer-by, with difficulty lifting the fallen book, - however, there are rules that you have not yet learned.

What are these rules? What was the boy supposed to do?

What other courtesy rules could you add? (Children's answers)

Summarizing. So our event ends. What do you especially remember? What new have you learned? What rules of polite communication do you remember?

Politeness - Old Russian "vezha" - knowledgeable, courteous. This is the observance of the rules of decency. This is the ability to behave in such a way that others would be pleased with you.

Ignorance - the opposite meaning - rude, does not follow the rules of decency.

Polite person - observing the rules of decency, well-mannered and courteous.

Find answers to situations. Connect with lines.

How polite words help I say hello to them

find friends them "please pass"

How polite words help Hello, come with you

put up if I offended a friend and be friends.

i want to make up, I can say

How polite words can help I'm sorry

be hospitable when

guests come to me I always

If you do not know the person's name Please excuse me or

to whom you are addressing is best Be kind,

start a phrase with words


A polite person constantly thinks about the people around him.

Be polite to your comrades.

A polite person will not cause trouble to another person, will not offend him with an offensive nickname.

A polite person is attentive to people.

A polite person does not quarrel with friends, works and plays together.

Being polite is a matter of etiquette, respect, being considerate of people, their feelings, culture and values. It doesn't seem difficult, but many people don't have this etiquette. While some people have no interest in polite, you are probably wondering how you can improve your etiquette in behavior. At least you can learn how to avoid rude or boorish treatment. Being polite and etiquette is a good way to make new friends.

Politeness in behavior.

Be polite, rule one ⇒ Be gentle, not provocative or persistent. This does not mean that you need to act like a meek doe, as if this is a quiet trifling matter. This means that you do it without putting pressure on the people around you and not making them feel like they are being pushed into a corner.

* For example, if you have a conversation, this is one thing, if you ask a question on a topic or offer your opinion, but another when you behave rudely, if someone has caused discomfort (verbally or non-verbally) on this topic.

* Even if you are trying to help by offering to pay for lunch or wash the dishes, do not be persistent. If the person refuses and says: "Thank you, I can handle it myself," you can answer: "Please, I would gladly help." If they still say no, so be it.

Be polite, rule two ⇒ When in doubt, watch others. How do they greet each other? What are they doing with their coats? What topics are they discussing? Various relationships require different standards, and these standards often define what is polite and what is not.

* Relationships related to work, lunch, holiday, wedding or funeral will require different approaches in the relationship, a different tone than the relationship with a group of friends.

Be polite, rule three ⇒ Be polite. It's always like you could meet this person again in a different environment and would not want to evoke negative memories, which will give you a bad disposition. If someone annoys you or even speaks in an offensive tone, do not respond as an argument either. Suggest “Let's disagree” and change the topic, politely continue the discussion, or simply drop the conversation.

Be polite, rule four ⇒ To start a conversation, ask questions about another person. Try not to talk too much about yourself if they want to know (or are polite) they will ask. Be confident and adorable. Don't be arrogant and boorish. Look, interested and listen to the answers.

* Do not look over your shoulder at the person when they speak, or your eyes linger on a new guest who has just entered. This means that you are distracted or not interested in what your companion is saying, it is not important or interesting enough for you to pay attention.

Be polite, rule five ⇒ A firm handshake and eye contact when doing so. You can practice this a bit so that you don't clap or hurt people. This will make them feel uncomfortable. Especially beware when shaking hands with women who have rings on their hands. Excessive pressure can be very painful.

* Remember also that many "old school" people (especially if you are located in Europe) find it inappropriate to offer your hand for a handshake to a lady or an elderly gentleman, of course, if you are a gentleman or an older lady if you are a lady. Always greet the other person first, but wait for them to shake hands with them. But also, if you are an older person or a lady, keep in mind that if you do not offer your hand, that person may feel rejected as he or she wants to shake your hand. Usually this situation is occupied by another person who moves towards you for a handshake. Be careful.

* Do not approach someone with an outstretched hand. That is, don't be persistent. If you want someone to know that you are moving towards them, make eye contact or smile, maybe open your arm a little (bent at the elbow) to make a welcome gesture.

Be polite, rule six ⇒ Know proper dining etiquette. Place the napkin on your lap, and don't add anything to the table that was not there when it got there (cell phone, glasses, jewelry). Place your wallet between your legs, under your chair. Women should not wear makeup at the table. It looks rough and shows a lack of sophistication. If you want to fix your makeup or check if there is something in your teeth, go to the toilet.

Be polite, rule seven ⇒ Smile and laugh, which shows your fun, but not loudly. Loudness indicates arrogance or insecurity. Your charming politeness makes the other person feel good. Keep this goal in mind, be considerate of people's needs and opinions. Do not make offensive statements against any ethnic, political or religious group under any circumstances.

Be polite, rule eight ⇒ Be graceful and show elegance, behave fluidly, with a sense of calm. People will notice your subtle charm and it will help you tremendously.

Be polite, rule nine ⇒ Remember that etiquette and manners vary depending on the cultural region you are in. Be sure to learn the local customs when you travel!

Svetlana Romankova

purpose: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bpupils about the main ethical standards and the skills of cultural communication, to educate children politeness and friendliness, respect and sensitivity towards people around.

Epigraph of the lesson: "Good manners are the one who embarrasses the least number of people." (D. Swift)

Game motto: “Watch yourself always and everywhere. Remember, you are among the people! "

Introductory speech of the educator.

A person lives among people. The attitude of other people towards you depends on many factors, including the inner qualities of the person, but people need time to get to know you.

Russian proverb says: "They are greeted by clothes"... This means that a lot depends on what impression a person makes. Appearance, manners of behavior determine the perception of one person by another.

A bridge connecting inner world a person with its inner manifestation is etiquette... When we first meet a person, we also form a certain opinion about him. We can endow it with everyone good qualities, but we can doubt something. But when we meet any new person, then, first of all, we pay attention to his manners. Good manners we call etiquette.

The poet Rasul Rza compared man to the sea. Listen to his poem "The old man - the sailor talks about the sea".

Lead 1:

The sea is generous, ”he said.

It can be sad, ”he said.

Sometimes cruel, he said.

It can be desperate, ”he said.

The sea is different, ”he said.

Clean and dirty, he said.

Mysterious and revealed

Mighty, grumpy, angry ...

The sea is like a person!

As you can see, a person is not the owner of any one quality - good or bad. Man is an ensemble of qualities. The main rule polite behavior: even if your friend doesn't deserve good attitude, norms etiquette cannot be crossed.

Educator: Let's check this statement. Let's divide into three groups. Each the group receives a task-situation that needs to be played out, and then analyze their behavior.

Cards with assignments are given to children.

Situation number 1.

You must pick up your little sister from kindergarten... At the door, you come across two arguing women who do not allow you to pass. Time is limited. What are you going to do?

Situation number 2.

Your friend introduces you to his friend and invites you to go for a walk. You don't like your new acquaintance, but you want to take a walk with your friend. What will you do?

Situation number 3.

You are helping your old grandmother, your neighbor: buy food, go to the pharmacy, etc. Your friends make fun of you all the time. How to change the situation?

Guys act out situations and analyze.

About the history of good manners.

Lead 1: Modern etiquette inherits customs and traditions of all times and peoples. After all, the desire to behave according to certain rules goes back millennia. Word « etiquette» French origin. At one of the magnificent and exquisite receptions at the king Louis XIV, who had the loud nickname of the Sun King and was unusually fond of pomp, the guests were presented with cards listing some of the mandatory rules of conduct. From the French name of the cards - « labels» and the word happened « etiquette» . Etiquette consists of rulesthat cover behavior in public places, forms of address, greetings, manners, style of dress. Etiquette requires a person to behave according to the situation, in accordance with the norms adopted in this society. Concept etiquette changed in different eras, how the historical situations in which people found themselves changed.

Lead 2: Since the 18th century, manuals on etiquette... Under Peter, a book for youth was published three times "Honest Mirror of Youth, or Testimony to Everyday Circumstance"... In her following alphabet and arithmetic outlined the rules of how to sit at a table and handle a fork and a knife, at what distance to take off your hat when meeting friends, etc. Curious recommendations about behavior in public places and table: “No one has hanging his head and looking down the street to walk and look askance at people, but step straight and not bent over”. Or other: “Don’t chomp over food like a pig, and don’t scratch your head without swallowing a piece, don’t speak, for ignorant people do this. Often sneezing, blowing your nose and coughing is not appropriate. " The book gave advice and moral plan. It was recommended, for example, "Father and mother are in great honor to contain"... If the father calls his son, then it was considered decent to respond so: "What do you please, sir, father" or "What do you order me, Sovereign". Impolite relied on the following the answers: "What, what, what, how do you say what you want". Etiquette was directly correlated with moral relations.

Lead 1: Of course etiquette today is far from the good manners of French "The king of the sun"... But nevertheless, we note that a significant part of its rules came to us from history, and some even from ancient history. Historical development was a kind of filter that weed out trivial or useless rules. It left behind only the most rational of them.

Educator: So, etiquette is good manners, good manners, ability to behave in society. But, as we said, with every man needs his own line of conduct. Let's try to decide together how. I will name the qualities of character and behavior of a person, and you make suggestions on how to behave in this situation.

We behave with a suspicious person ...

Children: Caution.

With a capricious ...

Children: We do not pay attention to whims and behave very calmly.

With a boastful ...

Children: With irony.

With a shy ...

Children: Confidently, we help him get used to the team.

Guys, does anyone know what the word means « politeness» ? Word « politeness» comes from Old Church Slavonic "Even", i.e. "Expert"... Be polite, therefore, to know how to behave, to treat others with respect. It is used exclusively for people who know the rules of good form. Hence, an ignoramus is a person who does not know decency. The rules of decency are rooted in history. (For example, the rule to take off the hat, the rule about the handshake).

Lead 2: "Are your livestock healthy?" This phrase is pronounced by the Mongols. Representatives of the African Zulu tribe say: "I see you"... In China ask: "Have you eaten today?" And it all means the same thing. How does it sound in Russian? We just talking: "Hello", that is, we wish our friend health. At all times, it was considered the height of bad manners, disrespect for others, if a person evades a greeting and does not respond to it.


Bowing down, we said to each other

Although they were completely unfamiliar.


what special topics did we tell each other?

Just "Hello", we didn’t say anything else.

Why has the sun added to the world by a drop?

Why has the world added a drop of happiness?

Why has life become a little more joyful? (V. Soloukhin)

Educator: You said hello, and on "Life has become a little more joyful"... But sometimes you guys shout or mutter something on the go - not that "Drps", not that "Bry".

A game« Polite words» .

(Which of the participants in the game will name more polite words.)

Contest for experts etiquette.

What politeness? ("Vezhe", i.e. "Expert".)

Who greets first if the younger and the elder meet? (Jr)

You are walking down the street with a friend. He greeted a stranger, paused. Should I say hello to you too?

You entered the bus from the back deck and saw your friends at the front door. Do I need to say hello to them, and if so, how to do it? (Yes, you can just nod.)

Probably with you it happens: you meet the person often, for example, on the street on which you walk to school. But they are unfamiliar with him. Is it supposed to say hello in such cases? (Yes.)

And by the way, who is the first to give the hand, the elder to the younger or the younger to the elder, a man to a woman, or vice versa? (The hand is the first to extend the elder to the younger, and the first to give the hand is a girl, a woman, the boss - to a subordinate.)

You see, guys, your opinions differ. It seems to some that it is better to do this, and to others otherwise. French people say: “The first to greet is the one who more polite» ... Will follow this simple rule - never go wrong.

A game"Mirror".

Summing up the game. Reflection.


1. Aloeva M.A. Cool watch in grades 5-7. Rostov-on- Don: Phoenix. National project "Education", 2007

2. Severina OA Classroom hours in grades 5-7. Volgograd: Panorama, 2008