A magazine about the new year for children. Safe New Year! Recommendations for parents

In the distant northern country, Lapland, in the kingdom of ice and snow, there is a white palace. Cold beauty and eternal peace surround him. Once upon a time I lived here The Snow Queenbut evil destroyed her. Now Santa Claus lives in her palace. He recently moved here from an old abandoned well. Hurricane winds hid all paths and roads to the palace. And only the Reindeer remembers how to find the palace, and delivers letters to old Grandfather that adults and children write to him.

On New Year's Eve, the deer had a particularly busy schedule. Letters came from all over the world. Suddenly the weather began to deteriorate. A hurricane wind flew in and whirled in the whirlwinds of the blizzard. "It would be nice to wait until morning," thought the deer, but glancing at the letter, he decided to immediately hit the road. The letter was extraordinary. It came with a package from the guys from Siberia. They sent a gift to Santa Claus.

The snow blinded the eyes, but the deer walked forward, now drowning in the snowdrifts, now sliding on the smooth ice. The old enemy of the deer, the hungry wolf, also did not sleep that night. He had been waiting for his prey for a long time, hiding behind a huge snowdrift. Opening its mouth and flashing its eyes, the wolf rushed at the deer. The deer dropped the package from an unexpected attack. The wolf grabbed her and rushed to run. The deer did not lag behind. Suddenly the ice began to crack underfoot. The chase was becoming dangerous. The ice cover became too thin, and then the deer decided to return home.

The hungry wolf opened the package and salivated. There were gingerbread cookies, cakes, rolls, berries and fruits. The wolf began to eat sweets. "Fu, how disgusting!" the wolf spat. He realized that all these "sweets" were made of plasticine and threw the package away.

In the morning the blizzard calmed down. The sun rose. Snow and ice shone dazzlingly in its rays. A friendly family of penguins noticed the package and they took it to the deer. A deer whirlwind rushed the package to Santa Claus. Old Grandfather was very happy with the package. He carefully examined the children’s handicrafts and enjoyed their imagination. For a long time, Santa Claus walked along the ice corridors of the palace and was surprised: "Can children really make patterns better than me? I build ice palaces, draw ice patterns, and they mold outlandish crafts from plasticine. I will definitely send them the best plasticine as a gift for the New Year. the world they ask for in the letter. "

He went around his domain. What is not there: toys, sweets, "Snickers". "Kinder Surprises", Lego constructors, but there was no plasticine. Then Santa Claus opened his magic book and found a recipe for making plasticine, compiled by the most skilled craftsmen, and set to work. When the gift was ready, Santa Claus sent it to the guys in Siberia. The guys received a New Year's gift and were very happy.

Alla Koretskaya

Nadezhda Fedorova
Safe New Year! Recommendations for parents

Safe New Year

New year is an amazing time when wishes come true and miracles happen. The main thing is to make sure that for your kids the spell does not dissipate from not at all festive problems. Therefore, consider how to arrange safe walks.

AT holidays sometimes it is quite difficult to remember all kinds of "Little things"... But that's why we are adults, to think about important things. This concerns security children during the long New Year holidays.

For parents it is worth being careful.

Do not forget what is general rulesthat come in handy is always: basics fire protection has not been canceled.

You certainly know a lot about this. But it’s never out of place to learn something new, and more importantly, to organize the information you know and create several algorithms for each specific situation.

Safe Christmas tree.

Well, what a holiday without a tree? None! Someone cannot imagine the New Year without a real tree, but someone needs a fluffy artificial substitute. But in one and in the other case, quality is important.

Buy both in designated areas. Try to get as much information as possible regarding the source of income (or manufacturer) beauties.

Check the artificial tree for a fire safety... Ask permission to bring the lighter to the twigs, rub the twigs (they should not crumble, smell (any unpleasant synthetic smell is a bad sign) If you have not been driven away from the goods, it is hoped that the tree is genuine. In addition, you must be presented with the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological examination.

Do not place the tree near an open flame (fireplace, heater)... Secure it (especially if there are small children or animals in the house).

Jewelry for a beauty. Fireproof safety.

Toys, garlands, tinsel ... Jewelry must have documentation that shows that the products are made from environmentally friendly materials. The requirements for them in our country are the same as for children's toys. Therefore, feel free to ask for documents that confirm this.

Garlands are a special topic. They must have quality certificates. Pay attention to which company the document was issued to. In addition, it must contain a link to the fire certificate.

Be sure to check for bare wires, any damage to the product or packaging.

Never hang homemade garlands on the tree.

If the children are small, it is better to do with toys that do not break.

We hope that you understand that candles are not decoration ... But why not remind me again? Even candles on new Year's table, which will stand near the flammable beauty, is not a very good solution.

Correct use of fireworks

Indoors you can only indulge in sparklers and firecrackers. Everything else - on the street, after a detailed study of the instructions.

And the main points security(let the children read):

· Do not carry firecrackers in your pockets!

· Do not throw it under your feet!

· Do not launch fireworks in strong winds.

· Do not point at people.

· Do not use products that did not work the first time.

· When lighting the wick, do not lean over the box.

· After ignition, move back to the distance indicated in the instructions.

In fact, a lot depends on your inner feeling. The holiday should be a holiday for everyone. The main thing is to think over everything so that New Year was pleasant and safe for everyone.

Happy New Year!

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