The military prosecutor's office did not dare to try Pereslegin. Our veterans Biography gene lieutenant alexander nikolaevich bespalov

Our dear and beloved fellow countrymen are veterans of the Great Patriotic War!

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory!

We are proud of you!

BEREGOVOY Mikhail Timofeevich

Retired Lieutenant General, formerly head of the air defense radio-technical forces

Born on January 13, 1918 in Donbass, in the town of Chistyakovo (Torez). Sibling of the pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero Soviet Union G.T.Beregovoy.

Higher military education - graduated from the Leningrad Artillery and Technical School in 1939. Then he served in this school as a cadet unit commander and teacher. In 1951 he graduated from the Artillery Radio Engineering Academy.

He served in the Air Defense Forces. At the front since 1943: was an officer of the regiment's headquarters, finished the war as a headquarters officer Southwestern Front Air defense. After graduating from the Academy, he served for 32 years in various positions in the radio technical troops,was the head of the air defense radio-technical troops.During the Great Patriotic War they played an important role in the defense of Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad and on other fronts. And in the post-war period Mikhail Beregovoy defended the peaceful sky of our country.

BESPALOV Vladimir Vasilievich

Retired Lieutenant General, Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences, former head of the political department

Military Engineering Academy. V. Kuibysheva

Born on August 16, 1927. in the village of Novaya Bezginka, Novooskolsky district, Belgorod (formerly Kursk) region in a poor peasant family.

In 1943-1944. in the frontline zone of the Voronezh Front, being a minor, he was a fighter of the NKGB (NKVD) Fighter Battalion and the demining team of the Novooskolsk district of the Kursk (now Belgorod) region.

Higher military education: graduated from the Kharkov Artillery Special School in 1945, Sumy Artillery Command School named after M. V. Frunze in 1948, Dagestan State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Stalsky (Faculty of History) in 1956, the Military-Political Academy named after S. V.I. Lenin in 1967, Higher academic courses in 1976.

During military service (1945-1990) for 15 years he passed successively command and combat positions and 30 years in political work, including deputy regiment commander for political affairs, head of the political department of a missile formation, deputy head of the political department of the Red Banner Transcaucasian Military District. From 1957 to 1963 served in the GSVG in Germany.

In 1976-1986. was the Head of the Donetsk Higher Military-Political School engineering troops and signal troops named after General of the Army A.A. Epishev. At the same time he was the Head of the military garrison in Donetsk, a deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council of People's Deputies, a member of the Donetsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. During the service he changed 13 garrisons.

In 1986. transferred to Moscow to the post of Deputy Head of the Academy - Head of the Political Department of the Military Engineering Academy. V. Kuibyshev. In this position, he finished military service in 1990.

BOBKOV Philip Denisovich

Army General , a well-known figure in the state security organsthe USSR

BornDecember 1st 1925 , villageChervona Kamenka , now withAlexandria region Kirovograd region Of Ukraine , in the family of a land surveyor.

As a child, due to his father's business trip, the family often moved from city to cityUkrainian SSR , since 1929 onDonbass , since 1932 she lived in the cityMakeevka Donetsk region ... When at the beginning of World War IIgerman troops approached toDonbass , in October 1941 the family was evacuated toKemerovo region ... Lived in the cityLeninsk-Kuznetsky where Philip Bobkov worked on the construction of the plantunderground coal gasification ... Was elected as a Komsomol organizerkomsomol organization of the plant, soon became the second secretary of the city committee of the Komsomol.

He went to the front as part of the Siberian volunteer units. After his father was drafted to the front, Philip Bobkov ascribed his age to himself in the documents and in the fall of 1942 was enrolled as a volunteer inRed Army ... In the active army on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War since December 1942. He was assistant platoon commander, Komsomol organizer of a rifle battalion, platoon commander. Fought onWestern front , participated inRzhev-Vyazemskaya operation of 1943 , where he was wounded of moderate severity. Upon recovery, he fought inSmolensk offensive operation , in unsuccessful winter offensive battles inBelarus in the winter of 1943-1944. There he was wounded a second time, and seriously - from a close explosion of a mine he received about 40 shrapnel wounds. He was in hospitals until the summer of 1944, soon after his return to the front, his father died of wounds, who fought with his son in one unit. As part of the troops2nd Baltic andLeningradsky fronts took part inBaltic operation and blockadeCourland boiler ... Completed the combat path on May 9, 1945 inLatvia , where the Kurland group was surrounded and defeated.

At the end of the war, he was sent to study inLeningrad military counterintelligence school"SMERSH" ... After graduating from school in 1946, he was awarded an officer's rank and sent to work in the central office.USSR Ministry of State Security inMoscow .

Took part in the settlement of interethnic conflicts in Georgia (Tbilisi , Abkhazia ), Azerbaijan (Sumgait , Nagorno-Karabakh ), Uzbekistan (Fergana ).

In January 1991 he was relieved of his posts and transferred to the Group of Inspectors GeneralUSSR Ministry of Defense .

Since 1992 - retired.

MPSupreme Soviet of the RSFSR 11 convocation (1986-1990). People's Deputy of the RSFSR in 1990-1992.

Awards and titles: orders Lenin (three), October revolution , Patriotic War 1st degree,Labor Red Banner , Fame 3rd degree, many medals of the USSR, including, "For courage" (two), "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." , "For distinction in protecting the state border of the USSR" ... He was also awarded with foreign orders and medals. Honorary employee of the state security agencies of the USSR and Bulgaria. Honorary Citizen of the CitySpas-Demensk Kaluga region .

VIDULIN Anatoly Evdokimovich

Retired, formerly head of a laboratory at the A.A. Skochinsky Institute of Mining

Born in August 1915 in Donbass, in the city of Khartsyzk.

Higher education. He began his studies at the Mining College, and graduated from the North Caucasian Mining and Metallurgical Institute (1939).

He began working as a lamp-bearing at the Maria mine in Makeevka. In 1939 he was called up for active service in the army. Went to the front from the first days of the war. Participated in battles near Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, and then in battles on Kursk Bulge, near Prokhorovka, Solntsevo, where he was seriously wounded.

After demobilization, he went to the Chelyabinsk coal basin to mine No. 12-16 of the Kopeiskugol trust, where he worked as a mining foreman, assistant to the head of a section and deputy chief engineer of the mine. In 1944 he moved to Donbass. He worked as a deputy chief engineer at the Pochenkov mine, as a regional plant engineer, chief engineer at the Zapadnaya-Kapitalnaya mine, and then as the head of this mine.

Since 1953 - first deputy, and then chief Engineer plant "Rostovugol", then - the first deputy head of "Glavdonbassantranzit".

Since 1960 headed the coal industry of the Rostov region, and since 1962. appointed head of the Coal and Mining Industry Directorate of the North Caucasian Economic Council.

In the 60s, he headed the Science and Technology Department of the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry. In 1966 he defended his thesis of candidate of technical sciences, and a little later - his doctoral dissertation. Became a professor. Since 1970 worked as the head of the laboratory of the A.A. Skochinsky Institute.

Laureate of the Stalin Prize for the creation and implementation of high technology for the development of coal deposits (1949).

Retired since 1996.

For military services he was awarded orders and medals, and for work in the coal industry he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the honorary sign "Miner's Glory" of three degrees.

VLADYCHENKO Ivan Maksimovich

Public figure, in the past - Chairman of the USSR Gosgortechnadzor

Born on January 16, 1924. in Donbass, in the village of Mokry Yelanchik, Amvrosievsky district.

In 1941 he graduated high school No. 34 in Khartsyzsk, in August this year he voluntarily left for the front and until the end of World War II was in the active Army as part of the 13th Guards Signal Battalion, the 2nd Guards rifle corps - at Kalininsky andI-m Baltic fronts.

Higher education: after graduating from the Donetsk Industrial Institute, he worked as the head of the underground section of the mine. Lutugin of the Chistyakovantracite trust.

Since 1952 in party work: the second secretary of the Chistyakovsky city committee, the first secretary of the Snezhnyansky district committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine - a member of the Donetsk regional party committee.

From 1959 to 1964 - Chairman of the Central Committee of the workers of the coal industry. In the same years - Vice-President of the International Association of the Miners' Trade Union (MOP of Miners).

From 1964 to 1981 he was elected Secretary of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

In July 1981, he was approved by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Supervision of Safe Work in Industry and Mining Supervision (Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR) - a member of the Government.

For military and labor merits he was awarded 8 orders and 20 medals, including: Orders of the October Revolution, Patriotic WarI degrees, four Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, a medal "For Courage", as well as medals of Bulgaria, Mongolia, Ukraine, signs of "Miner's Glory" of 3 degrees and a Certificate of Honor from the Government Russian Federation.

GONCHAROV Nikolay Efremovich

Journalist, writer

Born on December 11, 1925 in the Tomarovka settlement of the Belgorod Region in the family of a fur coat and leather artel worker.

As a seventeen-year-old seventh-grader, he became a front-line soldier, first a private in the infantry, then a scout in an artillery regiment. The year was at the forefront. After a severe spinal injury and contusion, he was treated in hospitals for about four and a half years.

Graduated from Kharkov state University named after A.M. Gorky (1955), having received the specialty of a teacher of the Russian language and literature of a secondary school. Already in Moscow he graduated from the Higher Economic Courses and acquired a second specialty - an economist.

In 1954 he became a newspaperman. He worked in Gorlovka "Kochegarka" for eight years. For six years in the interregional book publishing house "Donbass" he was the chief editor and director. Then the head of the Donetsk regional press department (1964), and then the editor of the regional newspapers "Radianska Donechchina" and "Socialist Donbass".

Since 1970, twenty years, he worked in Moscow in the newspaper "Socialist Industry" as a member of the editorial board and editor of the newspaper in the department of heavy industry.

Member of the Union of Writers and the Union of Journalists of Russia. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR, Honorary Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, Honorary Citizen of the village of Talmaz (Moldova). Winner of a number of creative awards, including the "Golden Autumn" named after Sergei Yesenin, "The Golden Pen of Donbass", "Golden Skif", the prize of the Union of Journalists of the USSR and others.

Has four orders and eighteen medals, diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, signs "Miner's glory" and "Miner's valor" of three degrees.

DUPAK Nikolay Lukyanovich

Honored Artist of Russia and Honored Artist of Ukraine

In 1937 he entered the Rostov-on-Don Theater School under the direction of Yu.A. Zavadsky.

In March 1941. film director A.P. Dovzhenko invited to Kiev to shoot the film "Taras Bulba" for the role of Andrey. But the war began.

In July 1941 he volunteered for the front. He rose from a cadet to the commander of the Guards Cavalry Squadron. In battles he was wounded three times, a war invalid of the II group. After being seriously wounded, he was demobilized.

From 1943 to 1963. was the leading actor of the Moscow Drama Theater. K.S. Stanislavsky. He played over 70 roles on stage and staged 8 performances.

1977 to 1978 - Director of the Moscow Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

From 1963 to 1990 - the first director of the legendary Moscow Drama and Comedy Theater on Taganka.

He starred in 60 films at film studios in Moscow, Leningrad, Minsk, Kiev, Berlin, Lisbon and others. In particular, in such popular films as "Forty-first", "Missing", "Criminal Investigation Officer", "Two Comrades Served", "Life is Beautiful", "Bumbarash", "Intervention" and many others.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1980), Honored Artist of Ukraine (2012). In the constellation Libra there is a planet named after Nikolai Dupak.

Awarded for military service with the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War of I and II degrees, For Courage, Friendship of Peoples and medals. Awarded with an honorary diploma "Best Artist" and a medal "For Wisdom". Received 4 diplomas for architecture, two of them are foreign. The Union of Architects of Russia awarded the “Golden Diploma for Architecture of Russia”.

Honorary Citizen of the city of Valuyki, Belgorod Region and Starobeshevsky District, Donetsk Region.

Iofis Mikhail Abramovich

Chief Researcher of the Institute for the Problems of Integrated Development of Subsoil of the Russian Academy of Sciences

As a child, he wanted to become a pilot. He dreamed of entering an aviation school. Dreams partially came true: he entered and graduated from an aviation school during the war and participated in battles as part of the 208th assault aviation regiment, took part in the liberation of Kiev.

Graduated with honors in 1951. Moscow Mining Institute, specializing in mining engineering mine survey.

From 1951 to 1954 worked as a local surveyor, chief surveyor and chief engineer of mine No. 2 of the Shchekinugol trust of the Tulaugol combine. From 1954 to 1957 studied in graduate school of the All-Union Scientific Research Mine Surveying Institute (VNIMI). From 1955 to 1978 worked in the Ukrainian branch of VNIMI (Donetsk) in the following positions: junior researcher, senior researcher, head of the laboratory and deputy director for scientific work.

From 1978 to the present, he has been working as a chief researcher at the Institute for the Problems of Complex Development of Subsoil Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and lectures at the Moscow State Mining University.

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, full member of the Academy of Mining Sciences, highly qualified expert. Monographs: "Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics", "Displacement and Destruction of Rocks", Geological and Mine Surveying Support for the Safe Development and Preservation of Subsoil Resources "and others.

Awards and titles: orders of the "Red Star", "Patriotic War" and many medals "For Military Merit", "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War" and more than 20 jubilee medals. Laureate of the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, Prize of Academician A. A. Skochinsky, full holder of the Miner's Glory badge. Signs "Frontline", "For impeccable service to the city of Moscow", "Miner's Valor"III degree (Ukraine). Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Coal Industry, Best Inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

LIPILIN Stepan Zakharovich

Retired, formerly chief engineer of production and technological departments at the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry

Higher education. Everywhere I studied with excellent marks. And at the Yerevan Mining and Metallurgical College, and at the Moscow Mining Institute, where he defended his diploma as a mining engineer on June 21, 1941. And the next day, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. And Stepan Lipilin had to go to work in the Urals instead of Donbass.

In the Urals, the profession of a mining engineer came in handy. At the Degtyarsky mine, he was identified as the assistant to the head of the section for deepening the shaft. A few months later he was drafted into the army, graduated from a machine-gun and mortar military school, was a platoon commander of cadets.

When Donbass was liberated, the country set about restoring its industry. For this purpose, a group of mining engineers was recalled from the army, including Stepan Lipilin. In 1947 he was appointed head of the operation sector in the department for Voroshilovgrad and Rostov regions. In 1950, at a personal request, he was sent to Donbass, to the lagging mine administration number 10 named after Volodarsky trust "Sverdlovugol" head of the mine administration. Two years later, he became the manager of this trust. He managed to open five additional mines.

Since 1965, he already worked in Moscow, in the USSR Ministry of Coal Industry, as chief engineer of production and technological departments. All the years of work in the ministry, he was directly involved in the development of Donbass and the coal industry in Ukraine in general.

He was awarded three orders, including the Red Banner of Labor and medals, and holds the title of Honored Miner of the Russian Federation.

NEDOREZOVA Evgeniya Potapovna

Head of the Department of Clinical Defectology, Department of Advanced Training of Medical Workers, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Born March 8, 1930 in Biysk, Altai Territory, RSFSR, participant of the Great Patriotic War

Graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Lenin, Faculty of Defectology. Specialty - defectologist. Siberian Medical Institute named after Gorky, Novosibirsk; postgraduate study at the Research Institute - Defectology, Moscow (1973). Received a referral to work in Donbass. Has an additional education as a psychologist, preschool teacher.

The labor path began in October 1941, when the military registration and enlistment office invited him to work as a nurse in the evacuation hospital. Three months later, she received a diploma of a sister of mercy from the Russian Red Cross. In 1946. the evacuation hospital was disbanded. She was in charge of the children's sanatorium for chronic pneumonia and disintegrants with concomitant severe rickets and, as a result, with delays in speech and brain development. Then there was study.

On the basis of the First City Clinical Hospital in Donetsk, she organized a Center for Severe Speech and Brain Pathologies, through which hundreds of children in need of help, not only from Donbass, but also from Chernobyl, passed through. People came to the Center from all over the Soviet Union.

In 1996. invited to Russian University Friendship of Peoples for scientific and educational work at the Department of Advanced Training of Medical Workers, where he heads the Department of Clinical Defectology.

Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Chairman of the Spiritual, Moral and Patriotic Commission of the Youth Movement under the Southern Administrative District, the Council of Veterans "Donskoy" of Moscow. Defectologist of the Orthodox school "Dimitrievskaya".

Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, full member of the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries in the Field of Medicine.

Awards: medals "For Valiant Labor during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "Zhukov G.K.", "Veteran of Labor", "For the Defense of Moscow", "For the Liberation of Ukraine", "Sign of the Academician", “Donor's sign”, “Russia-Japan” (bridge for rendering aid after the explosion of Hiroshima), “100 years of twice hero of the Soviet Union, pilot N. Kravchenko”, 18 anniversary medals.

OSIPOV Igor Sergeevich

Major General of the Internal Service, retired, formerly Assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR

Higher education: graduated from high school in Kharkov in June 1941. and the military-law faculty of the Military-Political Academy in 1958.

Since June 1941. - volunteer of the NKVD fighter battalion and the 1st regiment militia Kharkov. During the war years, he took part in battles in the Southwest, South, North Caucasus, Transcaucasian, 4th Ukrainian, Belorussian and 1st Baltic fronts as deputy commander of an artillery battery, assistant head of the division's political department for work among the Komsomol members.

The frontline fate decreed that the 216th rifle (later - Sivash) divisions, consisting of the 51st army, had a chance to liberate Donbass. They advanced with battles north of Gorlovka, liberated the Artyom mine, Dzerzhinsk, Novogradovka, Chaplino, Zaporozhye region.

Was injured. After the war, he was a senior instructor of the Political Directorate of the Kharkov Military District.

Since 1947 - service educational institutions Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, in the Office of military educational institutions, High school Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Soviet Militia". Since 1967 - Assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

Special rank - Major General of Internal Service.

Awards and titles: Orders of the Patriotic War of I and II degrees, the Red Banner of Labor, the Red Star, the Badge of Honor; medals "For Military Merit", "For the Defense of the Caucasus", many medals received in fifty years of service in the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, as well as jubilee ones. Order of the GDR and medals of the countries of the GDR, Poland, Cuba, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

TITOV Mikhail Georgievich

Retired Lieutenant General, retired, formerly Deputy Chief of Staff of the United Armed Forces Warsaw Pact countries, Lieutenant General

Born November 30, 1921 in the village. Shegodskoe, Yuryev-Polsky district, Vladimir region.

After birth, the family moved to Krasny Liman.

Higher education: in 1939. finished 10 classes of secondary school number 4 in Krasny Liman, in March 1940. drafted into the Red Army and sent to the Kuibyshev Infantry School (now Samara). After the war he graduated from the Military Academies: them. M.V. Frunze (1948), the Soviet Army (1953) and General Staff (1967).

In July 1941. was early released from the school with the rank of lieutenant and sent to the active army, becoming a participant in the Great Patriotic War. The first position is the deputy commander of the reconnaissance company of the headquarters of the 65th rifle corps: the task is to conduct reconnaissance behind enemy lines. After the disbandment of the corps - assistant chief of staff, deputy commander of the 142nd rifle regiment of the 5th Red Banner rifle division (since 1942 - 44th Guards Division).

After being seriously wounded in September 1942. and healing in January 1943. was assigned to a headquarters position in the operational department of the headquarters of the 13th Army, continued to participate in the battles on the Voronezh, and then the First Ukrainian fronts.

He took part in the battle for Moscow, the liberation of the north of Ukraine, in the operations for the liberation of Kiev, in the Lutsko-Rivne, Brodsky and Lvov operations.

In August 1944. active participation in the war ended for him. Together with other officers, participants in the war, he was sent to study. Further life and activities are associated with the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. Served at various military district headquarters

(Carpathian, North Caucasian, in the group Soviet troops in Cuba and others), in the central office of the Armed Forces. For a considerable time he served in the headquarters of the Joint Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact countries. The last position is the Deputy Chief of Staff.

In December 1987. dismissed with the rank of lieutenant general.

Awards and titles: 8 orders and more than 30 medals of the Soviet Union and the Socialist countries of Europe and other countries; Honorary professor Russian Academy natural sciences, Honorary Citizen of the Zubtsovsky District of the Tver Region and the city of Krasny Liman of the Donetsk Region, Honorary Citizen of the Ostankino District of Moscow.

For only a couple of days, Lieutenant General Nikolai Pereslegin, First Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District (YuVO), was in the status of a suspect, who was accused of abuse by the TFR. As soon as the investigator's decision reached the military prosecutor's office, she overturned it as unfounded and illegal.

Kommersant reported on the start of the criminal prosecution of Lieutenant General Nikolai Pereslegin on August 2. As established by the military investigation department of the TFR for strategic missile forces, in March 2010, the then first deputy commander-chief of staff of the North Caucasus Military District (now part of the Southern Military District), Lieutenant General Alexander Bespalov, conducted by order of the Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukova certification of their deputies. Among them was Colonel Alexander Verigin, who held the post of deputy chief of staff and chief of communications. According to representatives of the TFR, "based on personal qualities, availability state awards and the results of many years of service experience ", the colonel passed the certification successfully, having received the resolution" the position occupied ".

However, after the certification was completed, Lieutenant General Bespalov first went on vacation and then retired. In April 2010, Lieutenant General Nikolai Pereslegin was temporarily appointed to his post.

According to the ICR, the new chief ignored the results of the certification carried out by the predecessor and "with his own hand" made a new certification sheet on Colonel Verigin. In it, the latter was characterized from a negative side and was called deserving of dismissal from service. In the course of a pre-investigation check in the TFR, it was established that General Pereslegin did this because he wanted to appoint his own man to the post of Mr. Verigin. A criminal case was initiated against Lieutenant General Pereslegin on the grounds of a crime under Part 1 of Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of office), but the ICR did not even have time to start a full investigation of it.

As reported yesterday in the Prosecutor General's Office, the decision to initiate a criminal case was sent by the TFR to the military prosecutor's office of the strategic missile forces. After reviewing the document, the Strategic Missile Forces Prosecutor Vladimir Samusev issued his own decree canceling the investigation. The prosecutor, as specified in the supervisory department, came to the conclusion that General Pereslegin did not abuse his powers, but, on the contrary, "acted within the limits of his official duties." Moreover, according to the prosecutor's office, the decision to dismiss Verigin's subordinate, whose rights, according to the investigation, were violated, were not taken by General Pereslegin, "including taking into account the documents not drawn up by him." Canceling the decision to initiate the case by way of supervision, prosecutor Samusev noted: harm Pereslegin did not cause the interests of the serviceman, therefore, there is no corpus delicti in his actions. "

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation informed Kommersant that the decision of the prosecutor, after examination, was appealed to the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office.

Nikolay Sergeev

Military leader of the USSR and the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General


In 1974 he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne command school... After graduating from college, he served in Airborne Forces in the positions of the commander of an airborne platoon, an airborne company, chief of staff - deputy commander of an airborne battalion, commander of an airborne battalion.

Graduated in 1986 Military academy named after M.V. Frunze and continued to serve in the Airborne Forces. He served as chief of staff - deputy commander of an airborne regiment, commander of an airborne regiment, deputy commander of an airborne division.

  • in 1993-1996 Commander of the 98th Airborne Division;
  • in 1998-2001 - after graduating from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Volga Military District;
  • in 2001-2003 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Army in the Volga-Ural Military District;
  • june 2003 - February 2005 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Operational Art of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • february - August 2005 - Commander of the Group of Russian Forces in the Transcaucasus;
  • august 2005 - October 2006 - Deputy Commander of the North Caucasian Military District for Emergency Situations;
  • october 2006 - December 2008 - Deputy Commander of the North Caucasian Military District;
  • from December 3, 2008 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the North Caucasus Military District (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1717 of December 3, 2008).


Order "Badge of Honor"

Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces", III degree

Order of the Red Star

Order of Courage

10 Ministry of Defense medals

Personal life

He is married with three children.

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Excerpt characterizing Bespalov, Alexander Nikolaevich

- Well? - said Pierre, looking with surprise at the strange animation of his friend and noticing the look that he threw up at Natasha.
“I need, I need to talk to you,” said Prince Andrey. - You know our women's gloves (he talked about those Masonic gloves that were given to the newly elected brother to present to his beloved woman). “I… But no, I’ll talk to you later…” And with a strange gleam in his eyes and anxiety in his movements, Prince Andrey went up to Natasha and sat down beside her. Pierre saw how Prince Andrew asked her something, and she answered him with a flush.
But at this time Berg approached Pierre, urging him to take part in the dispute between the general and the colonel about Spanish affairs.
Berg was pleased and happy. A smile of joy never left his face. The evening was very nice and just like the other evenings he has seen. Everything was similar. And ladies', delicate conversations, and cards, and behind the cards, a general raising his voice, and a samovar, and cookies; but one thing was still missing, that which he always saw at parties, which he wished to imitate.
There was a lack of a loud conversation between men and an argument about something important and intelligent. The general began this conversation and Berg attracted Pierre to him.

The next day, Prince Andrei went to the Rostovs to dine, as Count Ilya Andreich called him, and spent the whole day with them.
Everyone in the house felt for whom Prince Andrew was traveling, and he, without hiding, tried to be with Natasha all day. Not only in the soul of Natasha, who was frightened, but happy and enthusiastic, but in the whole house there was a sense of fear of something important that was about to happen. The Countess looked with sad and seriously stern eyes at Prince Andrei when he spoke to Natasha, and timidly and feignedly began some insignificant conversation, as soon as he looked back at her. Sonya was afraid to leave Natasha and was afraid to be a hindrance when she was with them. Natasha turned pale with fear of anticipation when she remained alone with him for minutes. Prince Andrey amazed her with his timidity. She felt that he needed to tell her something, but that he could not decide on it.