Stavitsky engineering troops. Lieutenant General Stavitsky spoke about the state of the engineering troops of the Russian Federation

FROMtavitsky Yuri Ivanovich - squadron commander of the 23rd separate aviation regiment of the Group of Border Troops Russian Federation in the Republic of Tajikistan, lieutenant colonel.

Born on July 13, 1953 in the village of Komsomolsk in the Evpatoria region of the Crimean region of the Ukrainian SSR.

IN Armed Forcesah USSR since 1970. Graduated from the Saratov Military Aviation Pilot School in 1974. Served in the aviation of the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR. Since 1974 - right pilot, then commander of the Mi-8 helicopter crew of the Pacific Border District. Even in peacetime, he had combat missions to prevent violations of the state border of the USSR by China.

Since 1979 - commander of the Mi-8 crew in the 17th separate aviation regiment of the Central Asian border district (Mary, Turkmen SSR), then in the 23rd separate aviation squadron (Dushanbe, Tajik SSR). Since April 1981 he took part in hostilities in Afghanistan, having made about 700 sorties to Afghanistan from the territory of the USSR in the squadron of the Hero Soviet Union F.S. Shagaleeva. He was seriously injured when he fell in a downed helicopter. Since 1985, he commanded the crew of a heavy Mi-26 helicopter in the same regiment, became a flight commander and a detachment commander. He mastered the evacuation of heavy equipment on an external sling in high mountains. He also mastered the An-26 and Yak-40 aircraft.

Since December 1986 - navigator of the 20th separate aviation squadron of the North-Western Frontier District (Petrozavodsk). Since May 1989, he served as a flight commander in the 4th separate Arctic Aviation Squadron (Vorkuta). Since January 1994, he was a flight commander in the 20th separate aviation squadron of the North-Western Border District (Gorelovo airfield near St. Petersburg). Participated in the first chechen warse.

In September 1996, he arrived on a business trip to the aviation of the Group of Border Troops of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia in the Republic of Tajikistan, actively participated in hostilities on the Tajik-Afghan border. On September 29, 1996, one of the Russian border outposts near the village of Makhi-Nav in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kalai-Khumb border detachment came under massive two-way shelling from Afghan and Tajik territory. The commander of the helicopter regiment, Colonel, boarded the MI-8 helicopter, Lieutenant Colonel Stavitsky, and at the head of the helicopter flight they flew to the aid of the surrounded outpost. In the conditions of inclement weather and active enemy fire, the position of mortars firing at the outpost was discovered. When approaching to inflict a fire strike on the enemy, the helicopter underwent massive shelling from large-caliber machine guns, receiving multiple damage, the right engine failed, the main rotor was damaged, and a fire broke out on board. The crew members, captains I. Budai and. In such an environment, he continued to carry out a combat mission and delivered an accurate blow to the positions of the militants. Subsequent strikes of other helicopters of the flight on the targets indicated by them, the mortar and machine-gun positions were destroyed.

After completing the assignment, Lieutenant Colonel Stavitsky and the colonel brought the damaged and smoking combat vehicle to the airfield of the border detachment.

For courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, Haveby the Kazak of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1679 dated December 14, 1996 to lieutenant colonel Stavitsky Yuri Ivanovichawarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. By the same decree, the titles of Hero of Russia were awarded to Colonel, Captain Igor Budai (posthumously), and Captain (posthumously).

Since 1997, he continued to command a link in the aviation of the North-Western Frontier District. Since 1999 he has been the head of the air-fire training of the Magadan separate aviation squadron of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. The total combat flight time is over 5 thousand hours. Since May 2000, Lieutenant Colonel Stavitsky has been in reserve.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Good afternoon! I am glad to welcome everyone who is now listening to the General Staff program on the Russian News Service, in Igor Korotchenko's studio. I present our guest - next to me is Lieutenant General Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky, Chief of Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Yuri Mikhailovich, good afternoon.


I. KOROTCHENKO: Of course, the first question, tell us what the engineering troops are today, what stage are they at, and the general characteristics of the troops?

YU. STAVITSKY: Engineering troops are a special type of troops, which is a type of combat support. And we are very mature today - we are more than 300 years old, next year we will celebrate the 315th anniversary of the birth of the engineering troops by Peter I. Today the engineering troops are a technological branch of the military, science-intensive. We perform various tasks such as setting up barriers, clearing the area, equipping crossings, equipping roads, maintaining them, fortification equipment, field water supply, power supply ... and many other general engineering tasks.

If we talk about the current state of the engineering troops, then, probably, the new birth of our troops began two years ago in full measure. We can say with confidence that a whole line of new engineering equipment has been created, which, in terms of its quality indicators, in terms of technical indicators, is in no way inferior to foreign counterparts, and some even surpasses them. A serious breakthrough topic is water barriers, crossing, ensuring crossings, and today we have entered completely new models of our new pontoon parks, we are seriously engaged in engineering ammunition. And, of course, one of the main factors is the means of protection and search for explosive objects. We recently held an international conference and were seriously interested in these very issues.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Structurally and organizationally, what do the engineering troops look like?

YU. STAVITSKY: This is the directorate of the chief of engineering troops, we lock ourselves in General Staff... In the military district, this is a directorate with the corresponding composition of troops - these are engineering brigades, in the army - engineering regiments, in the tactical echelon - battalions of a company. Engineering troops are represented in all types and branches of the military, including the strategic missile forces, navy - today we have two engineering regiments in the Black and Baltic Seas, the Air Defense Forces and the Space Forces.

I. KOROTCHENKO: What tasks for the development of military infrastructure and other issues did you solve on the territory of Crimea?

Y. STAVITSKY: Today we are still solving these problems.

I. KOROTCHENKO: I am talking about this, of course.

Y. STAVITSKY: Our most important task is to clear the territory for the construction of a new Kerch bridge. An international mine action center participates there.


Y. STAVITSKY: Cleaning explosive objects.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Work on the bottom first of all?

Y. STAVITSKY: Both along the bottom and on land. We have 18 kilometers of land on one side and on the other, this section is more than 600 meters wide, and the entire underwater part. This is a serious topic for us, especially since a detachment from the International Mine Action Center, which was created literally last year by the decision of the Minister of Defense, is participating in it, and this is the first test for them.

I. KOROTCHENKO: You mentioned new samples of engineering equipment - can you give a more detailed description of what it is in each segment?

Y. STAVITSKY: We are seriously engaged in the topic of ensuring crossings, all topics related to the engineering troops, we understand that we have also broken away in the means of forcing water obstacles and overcoming them. We are seriously working on the equipment for fortification of positions, areas of troops, on the protection of the sapper and means of search, in robotics we have broken through over the past two years - from the standing position we have taken a leading position in the Armed Forces, and on many other models, which are quite serious our tasks. Electrical equipment, means of water extraction and purification, where we also believe that we are engaged in a serious cell, we know that European countries are even interested in our technology. According to other indicators, today our designers, our factories, have probably made a revolution in the last two years.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Who are your counterparties in the industry? Uralvagonzavod, perhaps?

Y. STAVITSKY: Uralvagonzavod, Okskaya Shipyard.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Does Okskaya Shipyard make pontoon ferry facilities?

Y. STAVITSKY: Yes. Kursk "Electroagregat", Krasnodar "Polymerfilter". We have a wide network, a large range of products.

I. KOROTCHENKO: This immediately raises the question of import substitution.

Y. STAVITSKY: We have solved it completely.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Is there any dependence on foreign components and suppliers?

Y. STAVITSKY: No. We initially took this position, even before everything happened. We tried to minimize this issue, and if we have something somewhere left, then today it is being worked out and replaced completely. We had moments when the engine on the excavator installation was German - today we are changing it to another engine that is in no way inferior in its characteristics. We have already solved this problem in robots, and we are already starting to conduct state tests entirely on our robots, on all our equipment.

I. KOROTCHENKO: You mentioned the International Mine Action Center - do you expect to participate in international projects?

Y. STAVITSKY: Definitely, we created it for this. And we want to delay the training of sappers for other states, and today many are expressing their interest: this is Venezuela, and Cuba, and Iran, and Egypt. We already have a growing list. I think next year we will have a busy one.

I. KOROTCHENKO: The engineering troops will be 315 years old, a decent period, but this shows that the troops were in demand in the wars of previous generations, centuries, and the role of the engineering troops in modern warfare, how would you describe the tasks to be solved?

Y. STAVITSKY: First of all, these are the tasks of protecting the troops, this is the countermobility of troops and their mobility. That is, if deciphering, protecting - this means bury, bury, countermobility - this is to prevent the enemy from breaking through in some directions by arranging explosive and non-explosive barriers, and mobility is to ensure the movement of its troops: paths, roads, crossings. Here are three whales on which the engineering troops stand, in general, they have solved such problems at all times.

I. KOROTCHENKO: At the Army-2015 forum, prefabricated structures were demonstrated, easily erected, made of cubes, the weight of armored structures, which can be manually assembled for defended positions - is this also an innovation?

Y. STAVITSKY: Industry offers us this. Our industry has too easy an approach, as picking up a cardboard box - now the construction has turned out. Of course, we are looking, it is interesting, we are testing it for the possibility of protection against weapons of mass destruction, resistance to explosion.

I. KOROTCHENKO: With the coming of Sergei Shoigu to the post of Minister of Defense, almost all branches and branches of the Armed Forces are actively involved in the competitive aspect. In what competitions of the International Army Games will engineering troops be involved as participants and as a support unit?

Y. STAVITSKY: Engineering troops are represented in two competitions - Open Water and Safe Route. The system of competition in the engineering troops has existed for a long time. "Open water" appeared when we took as a basis the example of the group soviet troops Germany, a large number of pontoon units were concentrated there and pontoon competitions were regularly held. We have somewhat expanded this format, brought it to a dynamic state, and attracted more technicians and personnel. In addition, we have held competitions for more than 10 years among the CIS countries with the participation of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Ukraine previously participated, now, unfortunately, it does not participate. At the beginning of July, we held competitions on the territory of Belarus, our team was represented by the 187th training center, we have been holding first place for several years. We had an idea to carry out another "Safe Route". There is one more competition - "Engineering Formula", but we put up two competitions for international games: "Open Water" and "Safe Route".

I. KOROTCHENKO: And what kind of armament engineering will be involved in these competitions?

Y. STAVITSKY: In Open Water, all the floating equipment is presented, what we have by state and which consists of supplying troops - these are pontoon parks, floating transporters, ferry bridge vehicles, and everything that is included in the set of these samples. The "Safe Route" will involve the engineering vehicles of the obstacle - these are heavy mechanized bridges, something that moves on land, and plus sappers with reconnaissance and search equipment.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Are there any fundamental differences in the structure and operation of Russian engineering equipment and similar equipment of the People's Liberation Army of China?

Y. STAVITSKY: According to some indicators. Let's say they have their own chassis, we have ours. And the bridge or pontoon is ours. I have already said that by pontoon-ferry means we have pulled away quite far in the world, and the world has copied everything from us. And today we see that the People's Republic of China has our pontoon park, domestic, in fact, with some modifications. Samples are practically ours in essence, or similar to ours. But how do they work, what do they have specifications - will show the competition.

I. KOROTCHENKO: And what foreign countries will be exhibited?

Y. STAVITSKY: Chinese people's republic and the Republic of Belarus. And on the "Safe Route" Egypt is added to these countries.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Is it Egypt for the first time?

Y. STAVITSKY: For the first time. Before that, we were in Egypt, the head of the main engineering department invited us there to see how the engineering troops are developing, and we invited them to participate in this competition. We hoped that they would exhibit pontoons because they have them. A large number of countries cannot participate in Open Water, because there are no rivers, everyone has tankers, and, unfortunately, not everyone has pontoons. The same Armenia cannot participate, because there are no such subdivisions. The Egyptians are now performing on the Safe Route, watching at the Open Water.

I. KOROTCHENKO: How seriously was the preparation for the competitions of engineering troops in the framework of the International Army Games carried out, what forces and means were involved, what infrastructure facilities were reconstructed or rebuilt?

Y. STAVITSKY: Due to the fact that they began to prepare for international gamesprepared their polygons. I would like to thank the Minister of Defense for making such a decision, we have pulled up our training ground: these are observation towers, stands, and all areas where you can watch. And conducting all-army competitions, we saw a fairly large interest of the population of the city of Murom, and created normal, comfortable conditions for them to watch.

We prepared for Open Water seriously, in stages. First, competitions were held in the armies, districts, and the best teams were put up for all-army competitions. Six teams participated: engineering brigades of districts, regiments of the fleet, armies, a tactical link and a pontoon company. We are holding this competition for the second year. Judging by the last year, the indicators this year have grown many times, the divisions operate so harmoniously. If we take the final part, we have a difference between the units - it's not a tank with a tank, it's hundreds of people on the water. Imagine, the difference between one unit and the other was 15 seconds.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Is this the building of floating bridges?

Y. STAVITSKY: Not only guidance, this is the equipment of ferries of various carrying capacities, the loading of equipment, crossing it to the other side, floating conveyors, loading machines on them with mortar crews - it's not so easy.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Specify the terms and dates of the event so that the listeners, who wants to, could go and see?

Y. STAVITSKY: We are pleased to invite everyone to watch these competitions. "Open water" will be held on August 8 in the city of Murom, Vladimir region, just over 300 kilometers from Moscow. And "Safe route" in the city of Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region on August 12. We are glad to see everyone interested.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Foreign teams that arrive on the territory of our country will stay here for a rather long time, what will you do with foreign guests in your free time from the competition?

Y. STAVITSKY: They no longer want to watch something, they just want to get ready.

I. KOROTCHENKO: The cultural program has been minimized.

Y. STAVITSKY: They want it that way. Of course, we have something to show: that the city of Murom, that the city of Kstova are quite old cities, Kstova is younger, but Nizhny Novgorod is an old city, there is something to see. Our cultural and leisure program is quite rich, our musical groups, city, district, have been prepared, which are ready to perform in front of the arriving military personnel. Of course, the most important thing for them is the preparation of equipment, the material part, because a fairly large number of different vehicles are involved, so these are not two or three tanks, these are dozens of vehicles.

I. KOROTCHENKO: In what activities of combat training of troops, perhaps operational activities, exercises, will you take part in in 2015?

Y. STAVITSKY: The most important exam for us is the strategic exercises in September, plus our special exercises before the data are special exercises of the central military engineering troops of the Central Military District, where engineering brigades of the Central District and the first engineer brigade will participate my subordination will act in the directions that will be designated for them.

I. KOROTCHENKO: As far as I understand, the Safe Route will become the hallmark of the presentation of the International Mine Action Center?

Y. STAVITSKY: I would not say that it was a mine action center, but we will show some competitive elements there to overcome a mined area. But all the same it is impossible to say that, because it is a kind of movement support unit. The goal of the "Safe Route" is that the engineer-engineer unit must safely bring the equipment that follows them, that is, the tank and the armored personnel carrier. Such a mini-detachment of movement support.

I. KOROTCHENKO: I see. Is the mood in the troops?

Y. STAVITSKY: Everything is on such a high ascent, the spirit is such that it is even difficult to say and describe - it must be seen!

I. KOROTCHENKO: The guest of the first part of the Geenstab program was Lieutenant General Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky, Chief of Engineering Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Thank!

Y. STAVITSKY: Thank you.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yuri Ivanovich Stavitsky
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Period of life

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Date of Birth
Date of death

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A place of death

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Type of army
Years of service

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Battles / wars
Awards and prizes
Order of the Red Banner Order of the Red Star Medal of Honor" Medal "For Military Merit"
40px 40px 40px 40px
40px Medal "For Impeccable Service" I degree Medal "For Impeccable Service" II degree Medal "For Impeccable Service" III degree

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Yuri Ivanovich Stavitsky (b. July 13) - Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, participant in the Afghan and the first Chechen wars, the war in Tajikistan, Hero of the Russian Federation ().


Since April 1981, Stavitsky took part in the war in Afghanistan. Later, he was transferred to the state of the 23rd separate aviation regiment of the Central Asian border district (23rd detachment), which was newly created in 1983, stationed in the capital of the Tajik SSR, Dushanbe.

... For the first time in the practice of operating Mi-26 helicopters in border troops In the zone of responsibility of SAPO on February 11, 1988, a damaged Mi-8 helicopter was evacuated on an external sling to its airfield from the accident area, which was later completely restored. The crew of the commander of the Mi-26 helicopter squadron, Major Yu. Stavitsky, and all the personnel involved in this operation were awarded orders and medals for their courage and high flying skills ...

Nominated as a candidate for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation from the RPPS in the regional group Crimea-Sevastopol 2

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An excerpt characterizing Stavitsky, Yuri Ivanovich

Finally we came to a small round glade. And there ... illuminated by the moon, unusually tall, sparkling figures stood in a circle. They were very similar to people, only absolutely transparent and weightless, like my unusual guest. They were all in long flowing robes like shimmery white cloaks. The four figures were male, with absolutely white (possibly gray), very long hair, intercepted by brightly glowing hoops on their foreheads. And two female figures that were very similar to my guest, with the same long hair and a huge sparkling crystal in the middle of the forehead. The same comforting warmth emanated from them, and somehow I understood that nothing bad could happen to me.

I don't remember how I ended up in the center of this circle. I only remember how suddenly brightly glowing green rays emanated from all these figures and joined right on me, in the area where my heart was supposed to be. My whole body began to quietly “sound” ... (I don’t know how it would be possible to more accurately define my then state, because it was precisely the sensation of a sound inside). The sound became stronger and stronger, my body became weightless and I hung above the ground just like these six figures. The green light became unbearably bright, filling my entire body completely. There was a feeling of incredible lightness, as if I was about to take off. Suddenly, a dazzling rainbow flashed in my head, as if the door had opened and I saw some completely unfamiliar world. The sensation was very strange - as if I had known this world for a very long time and, at the same time, had never known it.
As my husband later explained to me, I saw at that moment Sacred Daaria, a distant and amazing ancestral home of our ancestors. But then I was just a little girl and saw only a crystal city of extraordinary beauty, similar to one of the amazing cities of my fairy tales ... Then these visions suddenly disappeared and others appeared, already completely incomprehensible. A powerful sparkling stream of some unfamiliar signs, similar to strange and very beautiful letters ... (which I learned much later, reading the ancient Slavic Vedas) floated before my eyes. I saw a huge crystal staircase, so high that it seemed as if it was going nowhere. And one of the six showed that I must follow it upstairs.
It was extraordinary - I did not feel my body at all, it was completely weightless! At the very top, six more tall luminous figures were waiting, on the head of one of which a crown of amazing beauty sparkled. It shone and shimmered with millions of colors (which I have never seen on Earth!) And changed shape all the time. Then, of course, I found out that these were just energy structures of a very high essence (which most often resemble a crown), but then it was truly absolutely extraordinary and painfully beautiful ...
I somehow found myself in a circle again, only now there were already twelve luminous figures around me. Again, an amazing sound was heard. And I saw myself in a strange crystal egg, which was, as it were, assembled from many diamond crystals. The figures disappeared somewhere, I was the only one left. Suddenly, each of these crystals began to glow brightly and I felt completely "full of holes". It was as if millions of holes suddenly opened in my body, through which some strange warm music poured into me from each crystal. It was so amazingly good that I wanted to cry ... I didn't remember anything else.
I woke up in the morning in my room, perfectly remembering every detail of what happened last night and knowing absolutely for sure that it was not a dream and not my imagination, but that it was real and real - as it was always with me. But even if I really wanted to doubt it, subsequent events would completely erase my most skeptical childhood thoughts, even if there were any.

My strange "walks" were now repeated every night. I didn’t go to bed anymore, but waited impatiently for when, finally, everyone in the house would fall asleep and everything around would plunge into deep night silence, so that I could (without fear of being "caught") once again completely plunge into that extraordinary and mysterious , "Another" world, in which I have almost got used to being. I was waiting for the appearance of my new "friends" and every time an amazing miracle given again. And although I never knew which of them would come, I always knew that they would come without fail ... And whoever of them did not come, he will again give me another fabulous moment, which I will cherish for a very long time and carefully in my memory like in a closed magic chest, the keys to which only I had ...
But one day nobody showed up. It was a very dark moonless night. I stood with my forehead pressed against the cold window glass and stared at the garden covered with a shimmering snow shroud, trying to spot something moving and familiar to the pain in my eyes, feeling deeply lonely and even a little "treacherously" abandoned ... It was very sad and bitter and wanted to cry. I knew that I was losing something incredibly important and dear to me. And no matter how hard I tried to prove to myself that everything was fine and that they were just “late”, deep down I was very afraid that maybe they would never come again ... It was insulting and painful and I didn’t want to believe it. ... My childish heart didn’t want to put up with such a “terrible” loss and didn’t want to admit that it would still have to happen someday, only I didn’t know when. And I wildly wanted to push this unfortunate moment as far as possible!

Type of army Rank

lieutenant general

Commanded Battles / wars Awards and prizes
Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky at Wikimedia Commons

Yuri Mikhailovich Stavitsky (born January 21, 1961, Murmansk region, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian military leader, chief of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian Armed Forces), lieutenant general.


He is married and has three sons.


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An excerpt characterizing Stavitsky, Yuri Mikhailovich

“I know that she loves ... will love you,” Princess Marya corrected herself.
Before she had time to say these words, Pierre jumped up and, with a frightened face, seized Princess Mary by the hand.
- Why do you think? Do you think I can hope? You think?!
“Yes, I think,” said Princess Marya, smiling. - Write to your parents. And charge me. I'll tell her when I can. I wish it. And my heart feels that it will be.
- No, it can't be! How happy I am! But this cannot be ... How happy I am! No, it can not be! - said Pierre, kissing the hands of Princess Mary.
- You go to Petersburg; it is better. I'll write to you, ”she said.
- To Petersburg? Go? Okay, yes, go. But can I come to you tomorrow?
The next day Pierre came to say goodbye. Natasha was less lively than in previous days; but on that day, sometimes glancing into her eyes, Pierre felt that he was disappearing, that neither he nor she was no longer there, but there was one feeling of happiness. “Really? No, it can't be, ”he said to himself with every look, gesture, word, filling his soul with joy.
When, saying goodbye to her, he took her thin, thin hand, he involuntarily held it in his own for a little longer.
“Is it really this hand, this face, these eyes, all this foreign treasure of feminine charm, will it all be forever mine, habitual, the same as I am for myself? No, It is Immpossible!.."
“Farewell, Count,” she told him loudly. “I will very much wait for you,” she added in a whisper.
And these simple words, the look and expression on the face that accompanied them, for two months were the subject of inexhaustible memories, explanations and happy dreams of Pierre. “I will very much wait for you ... Yes, yes, how did she say? Yes, I will very much wait for you. Oh, how happy I am! What is it, how happy I am! " - Pierre said to himself.

In Pierre's soul nothing now happened like what had happened in her under similar circumstances during his matchmaking with Helene.
He did not repeat, as then, with painful shame of the words he said, he did not say to himself: "Oh, why did I not say this, and why, why did I say then je vous aime?" [I love you] Now, on the contrary, every word of her, his own, he repeated in his imagination with all the details of his face, smile and did not want to subtract or add anything: he only wanted to repeat it. Doubt whether what he had undertaken was good or bad — now there was no shadow. Only one terrible doubt sometimes crossed his mind. Isn't it all in a dream? Wasn't Princess Marya mistaken? Am I too proud and arrogant? I believe; and suddenly, as should happen, Princess Marya will tell her, and she will smile and answer: “How strange! He was probably wrong. Doesn't he know that he is a man, just a man, and I? .. I am completely different, higher. "
Only this doubt often came to Pierre. Now he did not make any plans either. It seemed to him that the coming happiness was so incredible that as soon as it happened, nothing could happen further. It was all over.
A joyful, unexpected madness to which Pierre considered himself incapable took possession of him. The whole meaning of life, not for him alone, but for the whole world, seemed to him to consist only in his love and in the possibility of her love for him. Sometimes all people seemed to him busy with only one thing - his future happiness. It sometimes seemed to him that they all rejoice in the same way as he himself, and only try to hide this joy, pretending to be occupied with other interests. In every word and movement, he saw hints of his own happiness. He often surprised people who met him with his significant, secretly agreed, happy looks and smiles. But when he realized that people might not know about his happiness, he felt sorry for them with all his heart and felt a desire to somehow explain to them that everything they were doing was complete nonsense and trifles not worthy of attention.
When he was offered to serve or when they discussed some general, state affairs and war, assuming that the happiness of all people depended on such or such an outcome of such an event, he listened with a meek condolence smile and surprised the people who spoke to him with his strange remarks. But as those people who seemed to Pierre to understand the real meaning of life, that is, his feeling, so those unfortunate people who obviously did not understand this - all people during this period of time seemed to him in such a bright light of the feeling that shone in him that without the slightest effort, he immediately, meeting with any person, saw in him everything that was good and worthy of love.
Considering the affairs and papers of his late wife, he felt no feeling for her memory, except pity that she did not know the happiness that he knew now. Prince Vasily, now especially proud of having received a new place and a star, seemed to him a touching, kind and pitiful old man.
Pierre often later recalled this time of happy madness. All the judgments that he made to himself about people and circumstances during this period of time remained for him forever true. He not only did not subsequently renounce these views on people and things, but, on the contrary, in his inner doubts and contradictions, he resorted to the view that he had at that time of madness, and this view always turned out to be correct.
“Maybe,” he thought, “I seemed then strange and ridiculous; but then I was not as mad as it seemed. On the contrary, I was then smarter and more discerning than ever, and understood everything that is worth understanding in life, because ... I was happy. "
Pierre's madness was that he did not wait, as before, for personal reasons, which he called the virtues of people, in order to love them, and love overwhelmed his heart, and he, loving people for no reason, found undoubted reasons for which it was worth loving their.