Kangaroo math competition competition results. International mathematical competition-game "Kangaroo

The international mathematical game-competition "Kangaroo-2017" was held on March 16, 2017. 143,591 students from 2,681 educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus took part in the most massive mathematical competition for schoolchildren in the world.

People began to use counting, measurements, calculations in life from the most ancient times. The origins of mathematical science are usually attributed to Ancient Egypt... In those distant times, knowledge was surrounded by mystery. Education opened access to public service and to a wealthy life. Only the children of wealthy parents could attend schools. The first schools appeared at the palaces of the pharaohs, later at temples and large government agencies... The future pharaoh, despite his sacred and divine status, did not have any indulgences and privileges in the process of mastering the art of counting, measuring, calculating areas and volumes different figures... Every day he was obliged to solve mathematical problems that the teacher brought him on a papyrus (a school notebook of that time), and there was nothing more important until all the problems were solved. This knowledge was necessary for the competent management of a great state.

Today, mathematicians around the world are making efforts to popularize this science. "Math for everyone!" - this is the motto of the international association "Kangaroo without Borders" (KSF - Le Kangourou sans Frontieres), which now includes 81 countries.

On March 16, guys from different countries tried their hand at solving problems prepared by the best teachers and teachers and approved at the annual conference of the KSF participating countries. It is pleasant to note that the group of Belarusian mathematicians came out on top in terms of the number of problems selected for assignments of six age levels.

In our country, on this day, 143,591 students solved problems, which is 6759 more than in the previous competition. The increase in the number of participants took place in all regions, with the exception of the Grodno region. The largest number of students participating in this intellectual competition is registered in the capital. The number of participants by region is shown in the diagram:

Kangaroo assignments are developed for six age groups: for 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11 grades. The distribution of participants according to classes is as follows:

Recall that, according to the rules of the competition, all tasks in the task are conditionally divided into three difficulty levels: simple, each of which is estimated at 3 points; more complex problems, for the solution of which a good knowledge of the school curriculum in mathematics is sometimes required (estimated at 4 points); complex, non-standard tasks, for the solution of which one must show ingenuity, the ability to reason, analyze (estimated at 5 points). The success of the assignments is reflected in the following diagrams.

Information on the success of the assignment for grades 1-2, on which the youngest participants worked:

Successful completion of the same task by grade 2 students:

When analyzing the results of this task, it is surprising that, in percentage terms, first-graders coped more successfully than second-graders, with the solution of 8 problems (one third of the task out of 24 problems), and another 8 problems (another third of the task) were solved equally successfully. Only with problems №№ 1, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13 and 19 second-graders who study mathematics for a year longer, coped more successfully than first-graders.

Percentage of correctly solved tasks for 3-4 grades by third graders:

Successful completion of the same task by grade 4 students:

In this task, fourth-graders confirmed more high level knowledge in comparison with third-graders, having coped in percentage terms more successfully with all tasks.

Statistical data on the performance of the assignment for grades 5-6 by students in grade 5:

Successful completion of the same task by grade 6 students:

In this task, the sixth graders also confirmed that they had acquired knowledge during the year, having completed the task more successfully than the fifth graders. Only problems №№ 7, 29 and 30 in percentage terms were solved equally successfully, in the rest the percentage of correct answers among sixth-graders is higher than among fifth-graders.

Data on the success of the assignment for grades 7-8 by grade 7 students:

Data on the performance of the same task by participants - students of grade 8:

Comparative analysis of the success of the task shows that the percentage of correctly solved problems is higher among older children, only the seventh-graders coped with problem No. 28 more successfully, and problems No. 23, 24, 25 and 29 were solved equally successfully by children from different parallels.

Information on the success of the assignment for grades 9-10, on which the ninth graders worked:

Successful completion of the same task by grade 10 students:

The comparative analysis of the success of the task is similar to the previous ones: in solving only one task No. 30, the younger children were more successful. The ninth-graders and tenth-graders showed the same percentage of correct answers for problems No. 5, 12, 16, 24, 25, 27 and 29.

Information on the success of the assignment by grade 11 students:

The following diagram characterizes the level of difficulty of the tasks in general. She introduces the national average scores for each parallel:

We remind participants and organizers of the competition that the results are preliminary during the month. 1 month after posting on the website, the preliminary results of the competition are announced as final and are not subject to any changes.

We draw the attention of all participants, parents and teachers, that independent and honest work on the task is the main requirement for the organizers and participants of the game-competition. The organizing committee regrets that as a result of the work of the disqualification commission, cases of violation of the rules of the game-competition were once again found in certain educational institutions and by individual participants. Fortunately, this year the number of such violations has decreased slightly, but it still suffers from this. elementary School... Some teachers, in an effort to "help" their students, often cause tears from the little participants and well-founded complaints from their parents. After all, the tasks are designed in such a way that even the most prepared guys rarely complete them completely in the allotted time. Over the many years of Kangaroo, even the winners of international math olympiads they were not always completed in 75 minutes. How can one comment, for example, the fact that first graders, who, according to the teachers themselves, are still not very well trained to read and write, perform the same tasks better than second graders, as evidenced not only by the analysis of answers, but also by a higher average score for the country. Or such a fact: with the number of participants about 21,000 in parallel in 3 classes across the country, 19 children showed the maximum possible result. Of these, only from one institution 8 participants - third graders scored 120 maximum possible points. It is time to send all the other teachers to the teacher of these children in this school for experience. These and other facts indicate that not all teachers and organizers fully understand their responsibility for organizing and conducting not only this, but other competitions as well. We are confident that most of the participants and organizers are honest and conscientious about the participation and organization of our games-contests.

The organizing committee congratulates all the participants of the Kangaroo-2017 game-competition. Each participant will receive a prize “for everyone”. Students who showed top scores in their area and in the educational institution will be rewarded with additional prizes. We express our gratitude to the organizers-coordinators of the game-competition in districts (cities) and in educational institutions, who responsibly reacted to the organization and conduct of the competition.

We wish all the participants of the competition success in the study of mathematics and other disciplines!

The international mathematical game-competition "Kangaroo-2017" was held in March 2017. 143 591 students from 2 681 educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus took part in the most massive mathematical competition for schoolchildren in the world, among them - 15 students of our school. The game-competition "Kangaroo" is held with the aim of developing and supporting the interest of students in the study of mathematics.

The competition was born in Australia in the 80s, since 1991 it began to be held in France, since 1993 it has become international and is the most massive intellectual competition in the world. Unlike olympiads in mathematics, in which, as a rule, the strongest students take part, all interested students of grades 1-11 can participate in the "Kangaroo" competition.

Congratulations to all the participants of the Kangaroo-2017 game-competition. Each participant received a prize “for everyone”. Students who perform best in their local area and educational institution are rewarded with additional prizes.

We wish all the participants of the competition success in the study of mathematics and other disciplines!

Results of the competition-game "Kangaroo-2017"

People began to use counting, measurements, calculations in life from the most ancient times. The origins of mathematical science are usually attributed to Ancient Egypt. In those distant times, knowledge was surrounded by mystery. Education provided access to public service and a wealthy life. Only the children of wealthy parents could attend schools. The first schools appeared at the palaces of the pharaohs, later at temples and large government institutions. The future pharaoh, despite his sacred and divine status, did not have any indulgences and privileges in the process of mastering the art of counting, measuring, calculating the areas and volumes of various figures. Every day he was obliged to solve mathematical problems that the teacher brought him on a papyrus (a school notebook of that time), and there was nothing more important until all the problems were solved. This knowledge was necessary for the competent management of a great state.

Today, mathematicians around the world are making efforts to popularize this science. "Math for everyone!" - this is the motto of the international association "Kangaroo without Borders" (KSF - Le Kangourou sans Frontieres), which now includes 81 countries.

The Kangaroo competition has been held since 1994. It originated in Australia on the initiative of the famous Australian mathematician and educator Peter Holloran. The competition is designed for the most ordinary schoolchildren and therefore quickly won the sympathy of both children and teachers. The tasks of the competition are designed so that each student finds interesting and accessible questions for himself. After all, the main goal of this competition is to interest the children, instill in them confidence in their capabilities, and the motto is "Mathematics for everyone."

Now it is attended by about 5 million schoolchildren around the world. In Russia, the number of participants exceeded 1.6 million. In the Udmurt Republic, 15-25 thousand schoolchildren participate in Kangaroo every year.

In Udmurtia, the competition is held by the Center educational technologies "Another school".

If you are in another region of the Russian Federation, contact the central organizing committee of the competition - mathkang.ru

Competition procedure

If the number of participants in the competition at the school is less than 10 and the organizer cannot independently pick up the materials at the office of the regional organizing committee, then they are sent by registered mail by Russian Post, subject to payment of the registration fee, increased to 100 rubles. for one participant.

The competition is held in a test form in one stage without any preliminary selection... The competition is held at the school. Participants are given tasks containing 30 problems, where each problem is accompanied by five answer options.

All work is given 1 hour 15 minutes of net time. Then the forms with the answers are submitted and sent to the Organizing Committee for centralized verification and processing.

After the check, each school that took part in the competition receives a final report, indicating the points received and the place of each student in general list... All participants are given certificates, and the winners in parallel receive diplomas and prizes, the best are invited to mathematics camps.

Documents for organizers

Technical documentation:

Instructions for conducting a competition for teachers.

Form for the list of participants in the "KENGURU" competition for school organizers.

The notification form of the informed consent of the participants in the competition (their legal representatives) to the processing of personal data (to be completed by the school). Their filling is necessary due to the fact that the personal data of the participants of the competition are automatically processed using computer technology.

For organizers who want to additionally insure about the validity of collecting the tax fee from participants, we offer the form of the Protocol of the meeting of the parent public, the decision of which will also confirm the powers of the school organizer from the parents. This is especially true for those who plan to act as an individual.

Kangaroo 2019 - math for everyone

The Kangaroo math competition is held annually and is perhaps one of the most popular in the world. It is attended by about 6 million schoolchildren, 2 million of whom are from the Russian Federation. Anyone can test their strength and take part. The difficulty of the tasks depends on the age of the participants. There are tasks for grade 2, for grade 3 and 4, for grade 5 and 6, for grade 7 and 8, for grade 9 and 10.

Kangaroo 2020

The next competition "Kangaroo 2020" will be held on March 19, 2020. Summing up will take place within a month after writing in schools. All participants are awarded a certificate indicating the location by country, district and school. In addition, valuable prizes are awarded to the winners and prize-winners. In this section you can familiarize yourself with the competition tasks for previous years.

Kangaroo Olympiad 2020 tasks and answers

Summing up the results of the 2020 Olympiad will take some time. Tentative results will be announced by the end of April 2020.

For everyone who wants to know how many points they have scored, you can use: "Kangaroo" points calculator.

The tasks of the competition for 2020 on our resource will appear after they are published on the official website.

Testing "Kangaroo graduates" for grades 4, 9 and 11

Date: January 20-25, 2020

The Kangaroo Graduate Test involves a 36-question test for grade 4, 48 questions for grade 9, and 60 questions for grade 11. Each question presupposes an answer: "yes" or "no". To prepare and assess the complexity of testing, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the tasks of previous years.

Tasks and answers of the "Kangaroo" Olympiad for the past years

2019 year
5-6 grade
7-8 grade
2018 year
2nd grade 3-4 class 5-6 grade
7-8 grade 9-10 grade
2017 year
2nd grade 3-4 class 5-6 grade
7-8 grade
2016 year
2nd grade 3-4 class 5-6 grade
7-8 grade 9-10 grade
2015 year
2nd grade 3-4 class 5-6 grade
7-8 grade 9-10 grade
year 2014
2nd grade

The international mathematical game-competition "Kangaroo-2017" was held on March 16, 2017. 143,591 students from 2,681 educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus took part in the most massive mathematical competition for schoolchildren in the world.

People began to use counting, measurements, calculations in life from the most ancient times. The origins of mathematical science are usually attributed to Ancient Egypt. In those distant times, knowledge was surrounded by mystery. Education provided access to public service and a wealthy life. Only the children of wealthy parents could attend schools. The first schools appeared at the palaces of the pharaohs, later at temples and large government institutions. The future pharaoh, despite his sacred and divine status, did not have any indulgences and privileges in the process of mastering the art of counting, measuring, calculating the areas and volumes of various figures. Every day he was obliged to solve mathematical problems that the teacher brought him on a papyrus (a school notebook of that time), and there was nothing more important until all the problems were solved. This knowledge was necessary for the competent management of a great state.

Today, mathematicians around the world are making efforts to popularize this science. "Math for everyone!" - this is the motto of the international association "Kangaroo without Borders" (KSF - Le Kangourou sans Frontieres), which now includes 81 countries.

On March 16, guys from different countries tried their hand at solving problems prepared by the best teachers and teachers and approved at the annual conference of the KSF participating countries. It is pleasant to note that the group of Belarusian mathematicians came out on top in terms of the number of problems selected for assignments of six age levels.

In our country, on this day, 143,591 students solved problems, which is 6759 more than in the previous competition. The increase in the number of participants took place in all regions, with the exception of the Grodno region. The largest number of students participating in this intellectual competition is registered in the capital. The number of participants by region is shown in the diagram:

Kangaroo assignments are developed for six age groups: for 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11 grades. The distribution of participants according to classes is as follows:

Recall that, according to the rules of the competition, all tasks in the task are conditionally divided into three difficulty levels: simple, each of which is estimated at 3 points; more complex problems, for the solution of which a good knowledge of the school curriculum in mathematics is sometimes required (estimated at 4 points); complex, non-standard tasks, for the solution of which one must show ingenuity, the ability to reason, analyze (estimated at 5 points). The success of the assignments is reflected in the following diagrams.

Information on the success of the assignment for grades 1-2, on which the youngest participants worked:

Successful completion of the same task by grade 2 students:

When analyzing the results of this task, it is surprising that, in percentage terms, first-graders coped more successfully than second-graders, with the solution of 8 problems (one third of the task out of 24 problems), and another 8 problems (another third of the task) were solved equally successfully. Only with problems №№ 1, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13 and 19 second-graders who study mathematics for a year longer, coped more successfully than first-graders.

Percentage of correctly solved tasks for 3-4 grades by third graders:

Successful completion of the same task by grade 4 students:

In this task, fourth-graders confirmed a higher level of knowledge in comparison with third-graders, having coped in percentage terms more successfully with all tasks.

Statistical data on the performance of the assignment for grades 5-6 by students in grade 5:

Successful completion of the same task by grade 6 students:

In this task, the sixth graders also confirmed that they had acquired knowledge during the year, having completed the task more successfully than the fifth graders. Only problems №№ 7, 29 and 30 in percentage terms were solved equally successfully, in the rest the percentage of correct answers among sixth-graders is higher than among fifth-graders.

Data on the success of the assignment for grades 7-8 by grade 7 students:

Data on the performance of the same task by participants - students of grade 8:

Comparative analysis of the success of the task shows that the percentage of correctly solved problems is higher among older children, only the seventh-graders coped with problem No. 28 more successfully, and problems No. 23, 24, 25 and 29 were solved equally successfully by children from different parallels.

Information on the success of the assignment for grades 9-10, on which the ninth graders worked:

Successful completion of the same task by grade 10 students:

The comparative analysis of the success of the task is similar to the previous ones: in solving only one task No. 30, the younger children were more successful. The ninth-graders and tenth-graders showed the same percentage of correct answers for problems No. 5, 12, 16, 24, 25, 27 and 29.

Information on the success of the assignment by grade 11 students:

The following diagram characterizes the level of difficulty of the tasks in general. She introduces the national average scores for each parallel:

We remind participants and organizers of the competition that the results are preliminary during the month. 1 month after posting on the website, the preliminary results of the competition are announced as final and are not subject to any changes.

We draw the attention of all participants, parents and teachers, that independent and honest work on the task is the main requirement for the organizers and participants of the game-competition. The organizing committee regrets that as a result of the work of the disqualification commission, cases of violation of the rules of the game-competition were once again found in certain educational institutions and by individual participants. Fortunately, this year the number of such violations has decreased, but this still continues to suffer in primary schools. Some teachers, in an effort to "help" their students, often cause tears from the little participants and well-founded complaints from their parents. After all, the tasks are designed in such a way that even the most prepared guys rarely complete them completely in the allotted time. For many years of carrying out "Kangaroo", even the winners of international mathematical Olympiads did not always complete them in 75 minutes. How can one comment, for example, the fact that first graders, who, according to the teachers themselves, are still not very well trained in reading and writing, perform the same tasks better than second graders, as evidenced not only by the analysis of answers, but also by a higher average score for the country. Or such a fact: with the number of participants about 21,000 in parallel in 3 classes across the country, 19 children showed the maximum possible result. Of these, only from one institution 8 participants - third graders scored 120 maximum possible points. It is time to send all the other teachers to the teacher of these children in this school for experience. These and other facts indicate that not all teachers and organizers fully understand their responsibility for organizing and conducting not only this, but other competitions as well. We are confident that most of the participants and organizers are honest and conscientious about the participation and organization of our games-contests.

The organizing committee congratulates all the participants of the Kangaroo-2017 game-competition. Each participant will receive a prize “for everyone”. Students who perform best in their area and institution will be rewarded with additional prizes. We express our gratitude to the organizers-coordinators of the game-competition in districts (cities) and in educational institutions, who responsibly reacted to the organization and conduct of the competition.

We wish all the participants of the competition success in the study of mathematics and other disciplines!