Statistics in English translation. English learning statistics in the world

According to the Ethnologue website, in 2016 Chinese is the leading language, which is spoken in 35 countries. Second place is given to spanish... It is spoken in 31 countries and has 427 million native speakers. But English in the world arena of languages \u200b\u200btakes an honorable third place.

There are 339 million native speakers of the language, which is spoken in 106 countries. This is the highest indicator, respectively, which is why today Shakespeare's language is in the lead and, according to scientists, will occupy these positions at least in the next 50-70 years.

You can go to the UK and USA, Canada and Australia, New Zealand and Ireland, East and South Africa, Nigeria, Gambia, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guyana, Belize. You can visit the countries of the West Indies, look into Cyprus and spend your holidays in Malta and the Philippines, and everywhere you will be spoken in English. Can you imagine the globality of this language? Only 26 letters that can unite people from over 100 countries - that's what is impressive.

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English proficiency levels

Research by EF EPI has shown that the most high level English proficiency is represented in Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Slovenia, Estonia, Luxembourg and Poland. The second ten countries that speak English well are represented by Austria, Germany, Singapore, Portugal, Malaysia, Argentina, Romania, Belgium, Czech Republic, Switzerland, India and Hungary.

It is estimated that in Russia, Mexico, China, France and several other countries, people have low knowledge rates in English... A very low level of language proficiency is noted in Turkey, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Algeria and some other countries. However, despite the above facts, we still note that this indicator is relative. If you travel to Turkey, Egypt or Morocco for a mainstream tourist destination, you will hardly notice that people do not speak English. One way or another, everyone knows English, because where there are tourists, there is communication, communication in the international language. It's another matter if you visit non-promoted places in the above countries. Here you will really come across the fact that people only speak their native language. And the further you move away from tourist places, the more you will understand that people do not care about the international language. They live well with their language.

You can come to this conclusion on your own, without any research, having once tried to travel on your own without an all-inclusive package tour. Have you ever traveled to Africa or Turkey on your own? About 200 km away from popular tourist destinations and voila, no English. There is a native language and there are other foreign languages. That is why it is important to study the second (third, fourth) foreign language... Trust me, they can come in handy.

Note that the higher the level of English proficiency, the higher the income level. While getting a job, many of you could feel this. 910 thousand participants took part in the EF EPI study, which resulted in statistics showing that women know the language better than men.

Knowledge of English in Europe

According to the resource, you can see slightly different numbers indicating the knowledge of English in Europe:

  • Ireland 97.51%
  • UK: 94.45%
  • Malta 62.39%
  • Sweden 53.97%
  • Denmark 52.95%
  • Finland 45.25%
  • Cyprus 43.07%
  • Austria 40.64%
  • Netherlands 38.46%
  • Slovenia 34.37%
  • Greece 32.66%
  • Germany 31.93%
  • Luxembourg 30.72%
  • Belgium 28.76%
  • Latvia 27.22%
  • France 24.21%
  • Estonia 23.4%
  • Lithuania 20.58%.

In Poland, Romania, Portugal, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Spain, the number of native speakers and speak English as a second language is less than 20%.

Global internet

Now let's figure out what happens on the World Wide Web. At the time you read this article, 163 million non-native English speakers communicate online in Byron's language, and 50.4% of Internet users are not native English speakers.

An interesting fact is that 37 million Americans do not speak English at all at home. But the least number of words is in the language TakiTakiwhich is also called Sranan... The total number reaches 340 lexical units. Taki Taki is based on the Creole language derived from English, which is spoken by approximately 120,000 inhabitants of Suriname (South America). At the same time, the total number of the population is 405,000, of which a third are descendants of Indians, 30% are Creoles, 15% are Javanese, 10% are Maroons, the rest of the ethnic groups are Indians, Chinese, whites and others.


We continue to explore the different nuances of using different words in English, and this time it is the turn of the words we need to describe statistics. We'll look at prepositions, nouns, and verbs that aren't just useful for those writing business reports.

Words for describing statistics


  1. ..% of something (...% of something)
  • Only 10% of students have passed the exam. - only 10% of students passed the exam.
  • We have questioned 50% of our clients and all of them were satisfied with our offered service. - we have surveyed 50% of our clients and they are all satisfied with the services we offer.
  • What percentage of the crop was imported this year? - what percentage of the crop was imported this year?
  1. Betweenand ... (between ... and ...)
  • The prices for oil rose dramatically between January 2010 and March 2011.-oil prices jumped strongly from January 2010 to March
  • His health worsened between September and December. - his health deteriorated between September and December.
  1. The figure / total / percentage for a category or a group. (digit / total / percentage per category or group).
  • Analyzing figures for autumn and winter we can make a conclusion that our products are still in great demand. - analyzing the figures for autumn and winter, we can conclude that our products are still in great demand.
  • If we compare total expenditure indices for the current and previous years, we can find out that they become much lower every new year. - if we compare the cost figures for the current and previous years, we can find that they are getting much lower every year.
  • The average income for policemen amounts approximately $ 5000. - The average annual income of a police officer is approximately $ 5000.
  1. At a level / rate. (at the level / at the rate)
  • Our profits remained at the same level as last year. - our income remained at the same level as last year.
  • I can obtain credit at a favorable rate. - I can get a loan at a favorable rate.
  1. Be highest / come top / rank second with... (occupy the highest / second position in something)
  • London comes top with 80% of foreign students having intention to study English. - London leads in the number of foreign students - 80%, intend to study English.
  • Australia is lowest with 15% of population in some regions. - Australia is ranked bottom with a population of 15% in some areas.

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We usually use the word " percent / per cent"Or sign % after the numeral:

  • Sales rose for three percent / 3% last year - Sales climbed three percent last year.

« Percentage"(Percentage) - the most common noun for describing a part of something whole, a fraction of 100.

  • The first table shows the percentage of people employed in the shipping industry. - the first table shows the percentage of people employed in shipping.

« Proportion»(Part, ratio, proportion) is also used in relation to a part of a whole:

  • Asian countries have the highest proportion of population living in poverty. - Asian countries have the highest level of population living in poverty.

Word "Rate" (rate) describes how often or how quickly something happens, and also refers to many other indicators such as the unemployment rate, crime rate, the birth / death rate , the rate of exchange / interest rate (the exchange / interest rate).

  • We can offer you 3% interest rate. - we can offer you a rate of 3 percent.
  • The crime rate is very low in Australia. - The crime rate is very low in Australia.

(graph) implies the presence of two lines: a vertical axis and a horizontal axis, one with numbers, and a curved line (line / curve) showing a trend.

« A chart»(Diagram, diagram) - a visual way to get acquainted with statistics. Most often, such a scheme consists of colored lines or columns. Such a scheme is called " a bar chart ". There is another kind - a round pattern - “ a pie chart», Whose sections of a circle are also usually colored.

a bar chart - a pie chart

« A table»(Table) also contains information, usually in the form of numbers, placed in boxes (boxes) in rows (rows), which are located along (going across) and down (going down).

"" (Diagram) is also a visual way to get acquainted with statistics, what works and how, stages of success, etc.


The verbs combined with the above words, necessary for tables, graphs and diagrams to show something, are show, illustrate, represent compare / we can see… that:

  • The graph / chart shows the levels of students in various faculties. - the graph shows the level of students in different faculties.
  • The diagram represents / illustrates various expenses including operational. - the diagram shows various costs including operating costs.
  • The graph / chart compares monthly consumption of gasoline in Britain and USA. - the graph compares the monthly consumption of gasoline in the UK and the USA.
  • We can see from the table that the electricity consumption rate is the highest in winter months. - we can see from the table that the level of electricity consumption reaches its highest point in the winter months.

Verbs are also used to describe statistics and numbers. suggest, reach, drop:

  • Figures / statistics suggest that railway workers have more benefits than those engaged in other traffic. - figures / statistics show that railroad workers have more benefits than workers in other transport.
  • The figure of unemployed in Greece has reached catastrophic number. - The rate of unemployed in Greece has reached a catastrophic level.
  • Demand fell below 40% this week. - demand fell below 40% this week.
  • Consumption of water rose from 56% to 78%. - water consumption increased from 56% to 78%.

Verbs rise, decline, drop, fall describe the change taking place. A person or organization can raise or reduce something.

  • The Bank of New York has raised interest rates. - Bank of New York raised interest rates.
  • The Government promised to introduce measures that would reduce crime rate. - the government promised to introduce measures that would reduce the crime rate.

STATISTICS. 1. Short story, subject and basic concepts general statistics... The subject of S. is the study of aggregates of internally connected although externally isolated elements. The internal regularity of the latter finds its manifestation ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

STATISTICS - the most accurate of all pseudosciences. Jin Ko Statistics can prove anything, even the truth. Noel Moynihan Statistics is the science of how, not being able to think and understand, to make numbers do it. Vasily Klyuchevsky Statistics is like a swimsuit ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

STATISTICS - (Greek statizein to prove). Science aimed at showing the moral and material forces of the people, its state at a given time, the sources and sizes of agricultural and industrial production, etc., based on digital data. Dictionary… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

STATISTICS - STATISTICS, statistics, many others. no, wives. (from English statistics, literally information about the state, from lat.). 1. Science that studies quantitative changes in the development of human society and national economy... Industrial statistics. Statistics ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

Statistics - (German Statistik, from the Italian stato state), 1) collecting, processing, analyzing and publishing quantitative information on various spheres of society (economy, culture, morality, etc.). 2) A branch of knowledge that sets out general ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

STATISTICS - (German Statistik from Italian stato state), 1) a type of practical activity aimed at collecting, processing, analyzing and publishing statistical information characterizing the quantitative laws of society in all its ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Statistics - by Article pages 1843 Pages (All pages in the wiki, including discussion pages, redirects, etc.) 15 540 Files uploaded 153 Editing statistics Number of revisions since the installation of the People's Accounting Encyclopedia 94 902 Average revisions to ... Accounting encyclopedia

Statistics - (statistics) 1. One of the areas of mathematics associated with the collection, classification and presentation of information in numerical form. Statistics are based on the assumption that if the group is large enough, then its behavior, unlike ... ... Business glossary

STATISTICS - STATISTICS, the science of collecting and classifying digital data. Statistics can be descriptive (summarizing the data obtained) or deductive (based on logical conclusions about a certain amount of information, which are judged on ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

STATISTICS - (from Lat. status - state) a science that studies quantitative indicators of the development of social production and society, their correlation and changes in the sphere of economic, state and social life, as well as in the field of biology, physics, etc. ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

Statistics - a science that studies the quantitative aspect of mass phenomena. In English: Statistics See also: Mathematics Statistical Data Finam Financial Dictionary ... Financial vocabulary


  • Statistics, L. I. Tarnovskaya. General questions of the theory of statistics are stated, the most important provisions of the methodology of statistical research and methods of forecasting socio-economic phenomena are highlighted. Issues considered ...

We think everyone knows that English is one of the most important languages \u200b\u200bin the whole world. But we are sure that you do not know all the facts about this language. Here is some informative information to make it more interesting for you to learn English.

Now let's tell you in detail. English, as paradoxical as it may sound, is not the most widely spoken language in the world. It is in second place in terms of the number of people speaking it. Guess which language he lost? That's right, Chinese. Yes, China has cleverly bypassed everyone due to the country's huge population.

Nevertheless, English is spoken by about 1,100,000,000 people worldwide, 400 million of whom speak English as their first language. The number of people who want to study it is constantly growing in the world, because this essential language for medicine, aviation, navigation, business, religion. Maybe you can join and sign up for?

Scientists believe that today there are from 3,000 to 7,000 languages \u200b\u200bin the world. Which one has the most extensive vocabulary? Despite our boundless love for the mighty Russian language, according to philologists, English is the greatest and richest. The legendary Oxford English Dictionary contains about half a million words. The same number of scientific and technical terms were not included in the dictionaries.

Learning English will allow you to improve not only linguistic skills, but also get the freshest and most useful knowledge on a topic of interest. For example, you will have access to free online courses from leading universities in the world. Some of them are cognitive in nature, but many can be successfully used in professional practice.

Do you like reading? We, too. Did you know that virtually every third book in the world is published in English? And this is despite the almost daily appearance of dozens of new authors in Russia! Moreover, 50% of scientific and technical publications are also published in English. For scientists, programmers, testers, knowledge of English is a must!

Almost all international organizations use English to communicate. The same goes for various conferences: as a rule, all participants speak the same language and in 85% of cases it is English.

Three quarters of letters and telegrams worldwide are written in English, and this also applies to business correspondence.

On the World Wide Web, the volume of materials in English is 9-10 times larger than the volume of the Runet. Information is one of the most important resources in our time. To master it fully, you must learn the language in which it is presented.

We think you have already heard more than once that travelers need to learn English in order to communicate freely with foreigners. Interestingly, in 45 countries of the world, English has the status of an official and second official language... In addition, English is the language of international communication, so you will be understood in any country.

The company's largest TV and radio companies such as BBC, NBC, CBC, ABC and CBS broadcast in English. These are some of the most reputable and popular channels. Millions of people around the globe are their constant spectators.

Now let's take a break from numbers. We want to give you some interesting facts about English:

And the last interesting fact: in Russia no more than 13-17% of Russians know English. Even in less developed countries, this percentage is much higher. Russian people are used to being the first in everything, aren't they? Let's prove that we are the best in language skills too! Good luck with your learning!

Did you know that English is one of the 10 international languages. At the same time, only about 1 billion people speak English. Although we say that this language is the most widespread, but in reality it is not entirely true. And today we will tell you about the most interesting factsthat will help you learn English in an interesting way.

Today the language of the Anglo-Frisian group gives way to only one language - Chinese. And this is not surprising, since the PRC is considered the largest country in the world in terms of population. China currently has over 1.357 billion people, which is an absolute record.

English is native to only 400-500 million people. However, every year more and more inhabitants of the Earth speak this language. Even when we are learning English for children, at that moment, at that moment, at the same time, at least 80,000 people are learning English with us. This is because English is widely spoken in such irreplaceable areas as aviation, medicine, business, programming, etc.

The richest language in the world

Modern linguistics numbers from 3000 to 7000 languages \u200b\u200bin the world. And, surprisingly, most philologists are inclined to believe that English is the richest language in lexical and grammatical constructions.

Thus, the popular Oxford English Dictionary contains about 500,000 words. The same number of English terms and slangs were not included in the Oxford Dictionary. However, all of these phrases are often used when composing English lessons.

Learning English will open up new sources of information. After all, over 90% of all content on the web is English. Once you reach basic level in English, you will discover unique online articles, books and various publications in English. That is why today, learning English for children is of great importance.

Moreover, every third book in the world is written in English. Also, about 50% of all scientific articles in the field of medicine, technology, biology, chemistry, physics and other sciences are published in English. Therefore, basic English is extremely necessary for people of these professions.

It is necessary to learn English for children for free because this language is the most widely used language in the business world. About 85% of all conferences (including) are held in English. In addition, all correspondence is ¾ of English.

At the moment, 45 countries of the world have recognized English as their national or second national language. Therefore, they learn English from a young age in order to be able to communicate with the whole world in the future.

Here are some more interesting facts:

The most popular letter in English is "E". It occurs in most words.

Bookkeeper - single word, where 3 identical pairs of letters go in a row. There are similar phrases, but they are all hyphenated: sweet-toothed, etc.

The "-gry" ending appears only in two words: hungry and angry. The “-dous” ending comes in four words: hazardous, stupendous, tremendous, and horrendous.

The longest word in English that does not contain duplicate letters is "Uncopyrightable"

Most of all in English are those words that begin with the letter "S".

Pangram is a sentence that includes all letters of the alphabet and looks like this: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".

The @ symbol is not called the dog at all, but the at sign or the at symbol.

A new word or term appears in English every two hours. That is, the unofficial dictionary is updated by an average of 50 words per day. However, all of them do not have to be taught English to children.

Shortest sentence: "I am"

It is interesting that in the Russian Federation only 15–18% of the population know English. This is a rather small figure when compared with other countries. Therefore, the relevance of this language in our country will not fall soon. Read English lessons for kids and share these fun facts to keep your little students interested!