How science is spelled in English. Talking about science

Science and technology - a topic in English with translation and phrases, which will help in preparing for the oral part of the examinations of the Unified State Exam, OGE, and will also be useful to everyone who is improving their English.

We are living in a world of technologies now and can’t remember our life being different. The humanity has made many discoveries and invented lots of mechanisms and devices which have simplified our life significantly.

We got acquainted with light and sound and explored their characteristics which helped us to use them effectively. The radio, the TV, the telephone was invented and enabled us to get in touch with each other, learn about what is happening in our native city and all over the world.

The humanity never stopped on the way to unexplored places and even planets! We devised a satellite and made a rocket to travel to the moon and round the Earth. Special equipment lets us make photos of the faraway planets and study their environment.

The most recent breakthrough in technology is supposed to be the internet. It has broadened our abilities and opened new horizons. We connect with people from other countries without any problems, search for any information and get it in one click, and have many other opportunities accessing the net from our smartphones, tablets, and computers.

However, other realms of science have also been developing. Medicine, biology, archeology and many other sciences have achieved great results. We do have everything to maintain a high quality of life now. Many processes have been automated and people have got rid of many unpleasant things and difficulties they used to face in the past.


Today we live in the world of technology and no longer remember that our life was once different. Humanity has made many discoveries and invented many mechanisms and devices that have greatly simplified our life.

We got acquainted with light and sound and studied their properties, which helped us to use them effectively. Radio, television, the telephone were invented, which allowed us to communicate with each other, to learn about what is happening in our hometown and all over the world.

Humanity has never stopped on its way to unknown places and even planets! We invented the satellite and built the rocket to go to the moon and fly around the earth. Special equipment allowed us to take pictures distant planets and study their natural conditions.

One of the latest breakthroughs in technology is the Internet. He expanded our capabilities and opened up new horizons. We communicate with people from other countries without any problems, we search for any information and find it in one click of the mouse and have many other possibilities, connecting to the network through our smartphones, tablets and computers.

However, other areas of science are also developing. Medicine, biology, archeology and many other sciences have achieved excellent results. We really have everything to maintain a high standard of living now. Many processes were automated and people got rid of many of the unpleasant things and complexities that they faced before.

Phrases from text

Level B. Other.

My thoughts about science

Nowadays people live in the era of progress and development that provides a wide range of opportunities for everybody. Using accumulated knowledge, people can make discoveries and inventions, which seemed incredible not long ago.

Every science has an experience that gives a great opportunity to everybody to reach his own goals and realize his own dreams. It is very important for every person to figure out what science can help to get these opportunities.

To my mind, some sciences are sure to be learned. It is a well-known fact that science is an important part of many different kinds of jobs. Doctors study diseases and discover new cures and treatments. Chemists invent new medicines. Agricultural scientists help to bring fresh nutritious products to our supermarkets. These are just a few examples. You can find many more examples of science on the ground, in the skies, and in the oceans.

Science produces useful models, which allow us to make various useful predictions and attempts to describe what already exists. So, science is a very useful tool. It is a basis of understanding that allows us to act more effectively concerning our surroundings and to better adapt and evolve. Modern science has revealed insights about the
Universe that were unimagined just a few generations ago. Surely some are important for understanding the overall context that gives meaning and significance to our lives. In recent years scientists of the world have achieved great success in the development of physics, chemistry, biology, and such astonishing, interesting science as psychology.

However, scientific discoveries can also have a negative impact. Some of the latest technological advances that make our life easier or more enjoyable have proved to have unwanted and often unexpected long-term effects. Industrial and agricultural chemicals pollute the global environment, even in such remote areas as Antarctica, and city air is much contaminated by toxic gases from vehicle exhausts.

All in all, we should be very careful using new scientific discoveries and technologies not to damage the world we live in and save our planet for further generations.

Today, people live in an era of progress and development, which provides a wide range of opportunities for everyone. Using the accumulated knowledge, people can make discoveries and inventions that seemed incredible recently. Each science has an experience that provides everyone with an excellent opportunity to achieve their own goals and realize their dreams. It is very important for every person to find out what science can help to gain these opportunities.

In my opinion, some sciences will undoubtedly spread. It is a well-known fact that science is an important part of many different types of work. Doctors study diseases and discover new medicines and treatments. Chemists are inventing new drugs. Agricultural scientists help bring fresh, nutritious food to our supermarkets. These are just a few examples. You can find many more examples of science in both the sky and the oceans.

Science produces useful models that allow us to make various useful predictions and attempts to describe what already exists. Science is a very useful tool. This is the foundation for understanding what allows us to act more effectively in relation to our environment and to better adapt and develop. Modern science has revealed a deeper understanding of the universe that was unimaginable just a few generations ago. Of course, for understanding, the context is important, which gives meaning and meaning to our life. In recent years, scientists around the world have made great strides in the development of physics, chemistry, biology and such an amazing, interesting science as psychology.

However, scientific discoveries can also have negative consequences. Some of the latest technological advances that make our lives easier and more enjoyable have had unwanted and often unexpected long-term consequences. Industrial and agricultural chemicals contaminate environment even in remote areas like Antarctica, and the city air is polluted by toxic exhaust fumes from cars.

In general, we must be very careful when using new scientific discoveries and technology so as not to damage the world in which we live and to save our planet for future generations.

Computerization ( computerization), modern medicine ( modern medicine), production technologies ( manufacturing technology) - all this and much more would not have been possible without scientists ( scientists) and their hard work. Scientific and technical progress ( scientific and technological progress) Is an integral part of the life of each of us, which means that every now and then we come across terms and idioms in English that are associated with science ( science). Our article is devoted to them, at the end of which you will find a test that will help you better remember the words from the article.

A short glossary on Science

Word Transfer Example
Nanotechnology is a branch of science that deals with the study and creation of extremely small objects. Nanotech is a fast developing branch of technology.

Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing technological field.

High tech. He’s crazy about state-of-the-art hi-tech gadgets.

He is obsessed with the latest high-tech gadgets.

Cyber- Cyber \u200b\u200b- a prefix showing the connection with computer technologies, the Internet. Cyberaddiction (cyber addiction) is a fierce passion for computer games or an excessive computer use.

Cyberdiction is a strong addiction to computer games and overuse of the computer.

Brave new worldish Adjective derived from the name of the science fiction novel by O. Huxley “ Brave new world”(“ Brave New World ”). The word describes something that the speaker disapproves of, as it violates the natural order of things. I find the attempts to achieve eternal life rather Brave New Worldish.

I believe that attempts to achieve eternal life are somewhat similar to the novel Brave New World, I do not approve of them.

Trial and error Trial and error method. Trial and error is the only method which leads to perfection in many areas of life.

Trial and error is the only path to excellence in many areas of life.

A placebo Placebo is a harmless substance appearance imitating any drug is prescribed to calm the patient. And also actions that are taken to calm down rather than for real benefit. I told him that everything would be OK and it was a placebo for him as he trusted me entirely.

I told him that everything would be fine, and it became a kind of placebo for him, since he trusted me infinitely.

The placebo effect The placebo effect is the effect of a drug due not to its medicinal properties, but to the patient's self-hypnosis. There is also a metaphorical meaning. They say if you can believe it, then you can do it. It is known as the placebo effect.

They say that if you believe, you can. This is called the placebo effect.

A side effect Side effect of medication. Also has a metaphorical meaning. We can apply this business strategy but it will surely have some side effects.

We can apply this business strategy, but it has side effects.

Mercurial 1. Contains mercury.
2. Volatile (about compounds).
3. Fickle (person).
My brother is the most mercurial person I know.

My brother is the most fickle person I know.

A miracle drug A panacea, a magic pill - a drug that supposedly can completely cure a serious illness. Our national economy seems to be seriously ill but there is no miracle drug to heal it.

Our national economy seems to be seriously ill and there is no magic pill to cure it.

Greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases (greenhouse effect). Environmentalists all over the world are raising the alarm in connection with the amounts of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.

Environmentalists are sounding the alarm about the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.

Global warming Global warming. They say global warming makes the Arctic ice melt very fast.

They say global warming is forcing arctic ice melt very quickly.

A test tube baby "Test tube baby" born as a result of artificial insemination ( artificial fertilization). A few decades ago people couldn’t believe in the existence of test tube babies but today they don’t surprise us anymore.

Several decades ago, we could not believe in the existence of test-tube babies, but today they no longer surprise us.

As we can see from the table, you don't need to be a scientist to use English words on the topic "Science". Modern technologies are very diverse, multifaceted and capable of adding additional colors to our speech. Watch the following related video:

Most important from the video:

  • Technology - an uncountable collective noun that denotes the application of scientific knowledge to solve some practical problems. Therefore we say: “ Technology has made our life better”, Referring to technology in general. but technology can also be a countable noun, meaning techniques and methods used in a certain area.
  • Technophile /ˈTeknəʊfaɪl/ - technophile, technology lover.
  • Technophobe - technophobic.
  • Tech-savvy - tech-savvy.
  • Cutting-edge, state-of-the-art - cutting edge, modern.
  • Obsolete /ˈⱰbsəliːt/ - obsolete.
  • Outdated - outdated.
  • The latest (the newest) Is the most modern.
  • Compact - compact.
  • Bulky - large, voluminous, bulky, taking up a lot of space.
  • User-friendly - user-friendly.
  • Glitch - failure, short-term failure.

"Scientific" English idioms

The topic of science is also rich in phraseological units, and I would like to dwell on some of them.

In English Translating to Russian language
Science The science
It would be correct to call the present era the era of science. Science is everything that surrounds us. Experimental science began hundreds of years ago, when men first started using the energy of fire and water. Being a rational creature, man has explored other mysteries of nature, which has gradually led to many new discoveries. Today, people use thermonuclear energy and a great number of electronic devices. Besides, scientists throughout the world managed to create spacecrafts for further studying of the Earth’s atmosphere and even for exploring other planets. Every sphere of life has gone through scientific revolution. One of the greatest inventions of all times is medicine. After millions of tests, doctors can now cure many fatal diseases. Thanks to science life span has increased, while the rate of infant mortality has notably reduced. Other than that, science has given the humanity a lot of useful machines, which have made our life easier. For example, cars, buses, microwaves, washing machines, sewing machines, air conditioners and even home robots. Most of these appliances work from electricity, which is also a scientific invention. It seems that people nowadays have everything they need for everyday life, but science never stops developing. It is always keen on exploring the mysteries of the universe, on conquering land and air. This incredible lust for knowledge leads to constant raise of life standards.It would be more correct to call the modern era the era of science. Science is everything that surrounds us. Experimental science began hundreds of years ago when humans first began using the energy of fire and water. As an intelligent being, man explored other mysteries of nature, which gradually led to many new discoveries. Today people use fusion energy and a large number of electronic devices. In addition, scientists around the world were able to create spaceships to further study the Earth's atmosphere and even to study other planets. Every area of \u200b\u200blife has gone through a scientific revolution. One of the greatest inventions of all time is medicine. After millions of experiments, doctors can now cure many deadly diseases. Thanks to science, life expectancy has increased and the infant mortality rate has dropped markedly. In addition, science has given humanity many useful machines that have made our lives easier. For example, cars, buses, microwaves, washing machines, sewing machines, air conditioners, and even home robots. Most of these devices are powered by electricity, which is also a scientific invention. It seems that people currently have everything they need for everyday life, but science never stops developing. She is always interested in studying the mysteries of the universe, in the conquest of earth and air. This incredible thirst for knowledge leads to a constant improvement in living standards.

Related topics:

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  5. The topic Achievements of science, scientific and technological revolution and our daily life - describes how our life has changed, thanks to the innumerable number of inventions. It is even difficult to imagine when the very first invention was made. Of the most ... ...
  6. Idiom: rocket science Idiom: rocket science col. Translation: anything that requires special skills or knowledge (usually used in the phrases It’s not exactly rocket science, It doesn’t take a rocket ... ...
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research study
term term
professor professor
science [ˈSaɪəns] science (natural)
expert [ˈƐkspɜːt] expert
theory [ˈΘɪəri] theory
method [ˈMɛθəd] method
pattern [ˈPætən] model, diagram
scientist [ˈSaɪəntɪst] scientist
speech speech
concept [ˈKɒnsɛpt] concept, idea
researcher researcher
scale scale
survey [ˈSɜːveɪ] poll
sample [ˈSɑːmpl] sample
technique technique (reception)
principle [ˈPrɪnsəpl] principle
aspect [ˈÆspɛkt] aspect, side
experiment [ɪksˈpɛrɪmənt] experiment
scholar [ˈSkɒlə] scientist (researcher)
observation [ˌⱰbzə (ː) ˈveɪʃən] observation
error [ˈƐrə] mistake
discovery opening
philosophy philosophy
phenomenon phenomenon, phenomenon
historian historian
origin [ˈⱰrɪʤɪn] origin
satellite [ˈSætəlaɪt] satellite
telescope [ˈTɛlɪskəʊp] telescope
object [ˈⱰbʤɪkt] an object


The examples do not show all possible meanings of words, but only one or two basic ones related to this part of speech and topic. For more meanings and examples, check out online dictionaries and translators.

  • research - research

medical research - medical research

I am doing (conducting \\ carrying out) a research on the linguistics. - I am doing research in linguistics.

  • term - term

I don’t understand legal terms. - I don't understand legal terms.

  • professor - Professor

He is a professor of history at Columbia University. - He's a professor of history at Columbia University.

  • science - science (natural)

Wonders (marvels) of modern science. - The wonders of modern science.

Note: english word science does not match the meaning of the Russian word the science... The concept of "science" includes both natural and humanitarian sciences, and "science" is understood only as natural sciences. Accordingly, the concept scientist refers to physicists, mathematicians, biologists, but not to historians, philologists - they are called humanitarians.

  • expert - expert

You don’t have to be a medical expert to see that he is ill. - You don't need to be an expert in medicine to see that he is sick.

  • theory - theory

Darwin's theory of evolution. - Evolutionary theory Darwin.

In theory, the governments should help you, but in practice you will be on your own. - In theory, the government should help you, but in practice you will be on your own.

  • method - method

What you your method of language learning? - What is your language learning method?

  • pattern - model, diagram

behavioral patterns - behavior patterns

speech patterns - speech patterns (models, schemes)

  • scientist - scientist

The scientists work at the laboratory. - Scientists work in the laboratory.

  • speech - speech

You gave a great speech. - You made an excellent speech.

  • concept - concept, idea

It is difficult to define the concept of beauty. - It is difficult to define the idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty.

  • researcher - researcher

She is the leading researcher in the field. - She is the leading researcher in this field.

  • scale - scale

On a scale of one to ten, how do you feel today? “On a scale of one to ten, how are you feeling today?

  • survey - poll

The survey showed that no one participated in the survey. - The survey showed that no one took part in the survey.

  • sample - sample

There is a free sample of shampoo in the magazine. - The magazine has a free sample of shampoo.

Police can use a blood sample for their investigation. - The police can use a blood sample to investigate them.

  • technique - technique (reception)

I know an effective technique for vocabulary learning. - I know an effective technique for memorizing words.

  • principle - principle

Can you explain me the principles of planning? - Can you explain to me the principles of planning?

  • aspect - aspect, side

That's the most worrying aspect of the situation. - This side of the situation raises the greatest concerns.

I don’t like this aspect of my job. - I don't like this side of my work.

  • experiment - experiment

Do you think that experiments on animals should be banned? - Do you think that animal experiments should be banned?

  • scholar - scientist (researcher)

He is a distinguished scholar of Russian history. - He is an outstanding scholar in the field of Russian history.

  • observation - observation

Observation of animas behavior was his hobby. - His hobby was observing the behavior of animals.

  • error - mistake

The air crash was caused by human error. - The plane crash was caused by human error.

  • discovery - opening

He made a scientific discovery. - He made a scientific discovery.

  • philosophy - philosophy

He majored in philosophy. - He studied to be a philosopher (specialized in philosophy).

  • phenomenon - phenomenon, phenomenon

Gravity is a natural phenomenon. - Gravity is a natural phenomenon.

  • historian - historian

The book is written by an amateur historian. - The book was written by an amateur historian.

  • origin - origin

What is the origin of the proverb? - Whose saying is this? (what people, origin)

He is of Russian origin. - He comes from Russia.

  • satellite - satellite

The moon is Earth’s satellite. - The Moon is the Earth's satellite.

  • telescope - telescope

I am looking at the moon through the telescope. - I look at the moon through a telescope.

  • object - an object

I saw a shining object in the sky. - I saw a shining object in the sky.

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