Change of day and night fabulous explanation drawing. What is the use of fabulous explanations of the changing seasons? The ancient Indian concept of the emergence of a new day

17 November 2016

Various ancient peoples, be they Egyptians, Greeks or Romans, tried to explain all the phenomena happening around them, so a fabulous explanation of the change of day and night has come down to our times. The legends of different nationalities are generally similar.

Change of day and night: a fabulous explanation

With the words "the sun has risen" or "the sun has gone down," we begin or end another day in life. Our ancestors endowed sunrises and sunsets great strength... These phenomena were of sacred significance for our ancestors.

Indeed, during sunsets and sunrises, various rituals and ceremonies, both church and magical, were performed. From here a fabulous explanation of the change of day and night "grew". Every user has a photo of a sunset or sunrise social networks... Today modern man he does not understand these phenomena and does not know the sacred meaning.

Ancient greek myth

The ancient Greeks have a fabulous explanation for the change of day and night. The titan Hyperion had three children: Selena, Eos and Helios. Shining with cold light, Selena was the goddess of the moon. On her head was a crescent moon. On the night road, she rides a chariot drawn by bulls. Selena drives off this road when her children-stars fade and the marble columns are painted pink.

Eos, the goddess of the dawn, announces the arrival of a new day. Following Eos, their brother Helios rushes from the east on a shining golden chariot. The Greeks revered him no less than the powerful and supreme Zeus. The beams of Helios penetrated into the farthest and darkest corners through black clouds. Their warm light awakened all living things. Thanks to the rays, trees and fruits grew. Helios is the threat of all criminals. The rays of this god blind them. Even the gods cannot hide from such rays.

Helios knows everything about the divine "deeds". It was he who suggested to Demeter that her daughter Persephone had been kidnapped by Hades into his dark kingdom of shadows. But noon comes when Helios reaches the west. In the evening, the horses of Helios and he himself get tired and blush. God goes to his palace for rest, where the divine retinue also rests, and Selena's chariot sets out on the road ... Such is the Greek cycle of day and night. Their fabulous explanation is similar to the Slavic myth.

Slavic vision of day and night

The views of the world among the ancient pagan Slavs were very complex and confusing. Sun and sunlight were different concepts to them. For each season the Slavs had a separate "sun" - Yarilo, Kupailo, Svetovit and Kolyada. The sun itself they called Horos. By the way, this word meant "circle". Hence the word round dance came from.

Like the Greeks, the Slavic fabulous explanation of the change of day and night is simple - Dazhdbog (the sun is the giving god) rode in a golden chariot across the daytime sky, harnessed by fiery winged horses. The morning and evening dawns were considered sisters. Moreover, the morning dawn was the wife of the sun. On the day of the summer solstice, the Slavs celebrated their wedding. Like the Greeks, the Sun is an all-seeing eye that watched everyone and everything. Therefore, criminals operate at night to this day.

The ancient Indian concept of the emergence of a new day

A distinctive Indian legend about the change of day and night. The fabulous explanation says that there was no night. It appeared thanks to one tragic incident. There lived brother Yama and sister Yami. The brother died, and the lonely sister had no choice but to endlessly mourn the unfortunate brother. To all requests and admonitions to calm down and stop shedding tears, Yami only exclaimed: "But he died today!" The gods saw the truth: in order for the girl to calm down, night is needed, only in this way a new day will come. They made the night. Morning came, Yami forgot about her grief. And the Indians began to say "the sequence of day and night."


For many years, our ancestors believed in these myths and legends about the creation of day and night, right up to the Middle Ages. Science replaced religion and mystical ideas. Nicolaus Copernicus 500 years ago wrote a book that our planet rotates on its axis, passing its way in an orbit around the star Sun. So, according to Copernicus, there was a change of day and night.

The fabulous explanation was destroyed. And the book of the scientist was banned by the Pope, as it contradicted the Christian religion. Copernicus became famous as the creator of the heliocentric system. The name of this system comes from the name of the sun god Helios, so, according to the theory of Copernicus, the Sun is located in the center of the Universe. The Polish astronomer died of a stroke on May 24, 1543, he was 73 years old.




For the inhabitants of the Earth, the constant change of day and night is a familiar phenomenon. All life on the planet is subject to the rhythmic alternation of dark and light times of the day. However, this is not the case on all planets. For example, on Venus, which rotates very slowly on its axis, a year lasts less than two Venusian days. Jupiter orbits its axis in about five Earth hours, and Saturn in ten.

The Earth makes a full revolution around its axis in 23 hours 56 minutes 4.1 seconds, during this time the day is replaced by night - a sidereal day passes. A sidereal day is understood as the time of a complete revolution of our planet around its axis relative to the stars, considering them to be infinitely distant.

The alternation of day and night creates favorable conditions for all life on Earth. As you know, the Earth has the shape of a ball, and its axis of rotation is constantly inclined to the orbital plane at an angle of 66 ° 33 "22". Because of this, the sun's rays illuminate different areas. earth surface is not the same, therefore the duration of the day and night is different everywhere. It depends on the geographical latitude and time of year.

Only twice a year - on the days of the spring and autumn equinox (March 20-21 and September 23 - approx.), The duration of the day and night is the same at all latitudes of the Earth and is equal to 12 hours. The sun at this time stands at the zenith above the equator, and the terminator, the line dividing light and shadow on the planet's surface, passes through the poles, coinciding with the direction of the meridians. The sun's rays fall on the equator these days at an angle of 90 °, and the Northern and Southern hemispheres are heated evenly.

On the days of the summer and winter solstices (June 22 and December 22 - approx. From the site) there is the longest night and the shortest day on the planet. For example, on June 22, the Sun is at its zenith over the Northern Tropic (23 ° 07 "N). In the Northern Hemisphere on this day, at all latitudes, the day is longer than night. North of the Arctic Circle (66 ° 33" N) ) the polar day is set - the Sun does not go beyond the horizon for days. On the polar circle, the polar day lasts a day, and at the poles - up to six months. The southern hemisphere on June 22 is less illuminated than the northern one. Here, at all latitudes, the day is shorter than the night, and in the south polar region the polar night is established.

The Earth moves around the Sun, but the tilt of the planet's axis of rotation remains constant. Gradually, the height of the Sun above the horizon in the Northern Hemisphere decreases, days are getting shorter and nights are longer. Finally comes September 23 - the day of the autumnal equinox, when the length of day and night is equal at all latitudes. From this moment on, the Sun begins to illuminate the Southern Hemisphere more. December 22, on the day of the winter solstice, the hemispheres seem to change places. On this day in the Southern Hemisphere, at all latitudes, the day is longer than night, and there is a polar day beyond the Antarctic Circle. At the same time, the polar night reigns in the northern polar regions.

White nights fall south and north of the polar circles in both hemispheres. At this time, evening twilight turns into morning, and darkness does not come. Above the Arctic Circle, white nights precede the polar day - approx .. At different latitudes, white nights differ in duration: for example, in St. Petersburg they last from June 11 to July 2, and in Arkhangelsk - from May 13 to July 30.

The satellite of our planet, the Moon, rotates around its axis at such a speed that when moving around the Earth, it is constantly turned to it by one side. If the Earth moved around the Sun like the Moon and was constantly turned to it with one side, natural conditions on the planet would have changed enormously. One hemisphere of the Earth would be illuminated all year round, while the other would be constantly in the shadow. The illuminated hemisphere would heat up to temperatures over 100 ° C, which means that all rivers, seas and oceans would evaporate. On the dark side of the planet, the temperature would be below -100 ° C, here all the water would turn into ice. On the border of light and shadow, due to large temperature differences, hurricanes would rage, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions would occur.

Children explore the world, explore their own emotions and enter into adult life... In addition to playing, an important aspect next to you I am the happiest picture here is creativity. While drawing, sculpting and coloring, kids develop their imagination, express themselves and learn about the world. Features. Caring parents try to develop the baby from an early age and give him as much knowledge as possible in all subjects. But one should take into account the peculiarities of the still not quite formed psyche and intellect of the little researcher. Among all the questions that the child is trying to get an answer to, the question of what is the world around is important. After all, it is so dynamic that sometimes children do not have time to understand the sequence of all events. One of the most interesting moments of learning about the world is the question of the seasons.

Therefore, it is important from the very early years give children correct concept this phenomenon. For what age is the fabulous explanation of the changing seasons suitable? These concepts should be purposefully studied from the age of 2, when the necessary vocabulary has already been formed. Nature. The very first and most correct would be a simple observation of the environment... Children love to walk on the street, and during such walks there are a lot of "why". Different natural and weather phenomena replace each other, and the child understands that changes are caused not only by external changes. The cognitive value of walking in the fresh air is quite high, but it will not help the little man get a comprehensive idea of \u200b\u200bthe seasons. After all, in childhood, time passes very slowly, and a small child may not remember what happened a couple of months ago. The kid can understand that there is winter, spring, autumn and summer, but at the same time Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf and the pictures do not in any way connect the names of the seasons.

It is important to teach how to correlate them with the phenomena that accompany them. Therefore, you need to see a holistic picture of all seasons. A fabulous explanation of the changing seasons is the most accessible to a child. Fairy tales. All children, without exception, love fairy tales. This folk art allows young dreamers to learn the basic characteristics of good and evil, teaches them to perceive the world around them correctly. The first step can be a fabulous explanation of the changing seasons. What to draw so that the child understands the essence? A complex image will help to compare and raise many questions, but this is how you can reach the truth.

Different pictures with the seasons will help you understand and analyze every nuance.

In one of the very first lessons, you can simply lay out pictures with different seasons in front of the baby. Desirable, cauliflower salad recipe with a photo so that the images are as identical as possible. That is, you can offer a simple drawing of a tree and a path. With the help of such images, the child will understand that in autumn the trees are decorated with yellow foliage, green in summer, and in winter it is shrouded in a layer of snow. Other similar pictures can be of a person in different clothes, depending on the season. Try to explain to your child why they are dressed that way. Frequent use of the seasons at the first meeting will help the baby to learn them and relate them to natural phenomena. Fairies. How to draw a fabulous explanation of the changing seasons? To do this, you can use the fabulous images of fairies. In this way, you can play in association with the child.

Winter-winter in a warm fur coat strewn with snowflakes, with a wave of a magic wand, turns the earth into a white carpet, the trees are covered with frost, and everything around becomes sparkling and magical. An autumn beauty in a golden dress paints the leaves yellow, the harvest ripens in the fields, and a cute hedgehog hurries with the gifts of nature to his forest. A young spring with flowing hair turns the earth into a blooming carpet, birds fly around, flowers bloom. A cheerful summer can be portrayed as a young man playing the flute. Colorful butterflies and mischievous birds flock to the sounds of the game, ducks or swans swim in the stream nearby. Cartoons. Famous cartoon princesses can become another helpers. The fabulous explanation of the change of seasons was embodied in Disney heroines. Rapunzel - spring with golden hair, walking in flowering fields, anna summer crowned with flowers, merida autumn with golden curls, elsa - winter in the company of a faithful friend, a snowman, surrounded by snowflakes. How to present a fabulous explanation of the changing seasons?

Photos of heroines against the background of a magical forest give a complete picture for the child to understand the changes in nature. Visibility is important for the child's perception of everything that happens. The fabulous explanation of the changing seasons develops the imagination and imagination of the baby, broadens his horizons and increases his vocabulary.

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Working programm course "The World Around" for grade 2 for the 2012-2013 academic year is based on the standard general education around the world and programs in general educational institutions authors A. A. Pleshakova, M. Yu. Novitskaya “The world around. 1 - 4 classes ". The program is developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard primary general education, the Concept of spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia, the author's program of A.A. Pleshakov and M.Yu. Novitskaya, the planned results of primary general education. Currently, the main tasks russian education in general, and primary general education in particular, can be defined as follows: the formation of a general culture, the spiritual, moral, social, personal and intellectual development of students, the creation of the basis for self-realization learning activities, which can ensure social success, development of creative abilities, self-development and self-improvement, preservation and strengthening of students' health. Closely related to this general goal-setting are the goals of studying the subject "The World Around" in primary school:. the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the awareness of a person's place in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value comprehension of the child's personal experience of communication with people and nature; spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a citizen of Russia in the context of the cultural and confessional diversity of Russian society. The peculiarity of this program is that it was created based on culturological principles, concepts, categories that are the basis for constructing the content of the educational component (subject) " The world around us ”, harmoniously combining natural science information and experience humanities... Leading, from the point of view of organizing content, is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the natural world and the world of culture. From this principled position, the world around is viewed as a natural and cultural WHOLE, and man is regarded as a part of nature, as a creator of culture and as its product, i.e. also a natural and cultural WHOLE. The program introduces students to nature and the traditional culture of the calendar against the background of seasonal changes. At the same time, the formation of knowledge about natural diversity, about ecological relations, about the rules of human behavior in nature, necessary for its conservation and preservation of children's health throughout the year, takes place. The program aims to implement environmental education junior schoolchildren, on the development of such qualities as observation, interest in the nature of their area, the desire to learn the traditional labor and festive culture of their peoples.

Please tell me where the windows of your house face?

Does the sun wake you up in the morning, breaking through the window?

Or is the sun watching off the evening with gentle rays, softly reflecting in the windows of your house?

Of course, the familiar picture of sunrise and sunset depends on which side the windows of our house face. If you do not take into account cloudy weather when the sun is simply not visible, then the meeting of the sun at dawn and seeing it off at sunset occurs regularly twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Example: Swipe over the picture with the mouse from left to right.

A little complicated?
Then here: Time of day for children +3 to\u003e 7

What is the time of day.

A day is a cycle of time during which the sun rising from the east passes through the sky and sets in the west, then when night falls on our half of the earth, the sun turns around from another part of the planet and rises again from the east.

The day lasts exactly 24 hours. Each hour is 60 minutes long. Every minute of 60 seconds. Accordingly, a day \u003d 24 hours \u003d 1440 minutes \u003d 86,400 seconds. For convenience of designating time, two formats are used:

  • 12 hour time format - time until noon from 0 hours 00 minutes to 11 hours 59 minutes (a.m.) and afternoon from 12 hours 00 minutes to 11 hours 59 minutes (p.m.). this time format is established in England, Ireland, France, Greece, Turkey, Australia, Canada, the USA and the Philippines are also used.
  • 24 hour time format - from 0 hours 00 minutes to 23 hours 59 minutes... The most common time format used in Russia and in many other countries of the world.

How is the change of day and night on earth

In addition to the rotation of the earth around the sun (calendar year), the earth rotates around its axis. A complete revolution around its axis occurs in 24 hours, which are called days.

At the same time, being on the surface of the Earth, we do not feel the movement of the globe, but can only observe it, based on the apparent movement of the sun, stars, relative to the Earth.

Conventionally, the time of day is divided into several parts:

  • Morning - begins with the dawn of the sky in its eastern part and the rising of the sun over the horizon.
  • Day - the movement of the sun across the sky from east to west.
  • Evening - sunset in the west of the sky and gradually fading colors of the sunset.
  • Night - Night time. At this time, the sun passes from the other side of the globe relative to us.

Since the Earth consists of continents located on both sides of the globe, the time of day in each part of the Earth is different. So if New York still lasts night, then in London morning has already come, in Moscow it is midday, and in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky it is already evening.

Interestingly, until recently it was believed that the movement of the globe around the axis is uniform, however, later scientists calculated inaccuracies and it turned out that uneven rotation is still present. These irregularities are associated with a slight oscillation of the globe during rotation (conditionally wobble of the Earth, in terminology - nutation), but these changes are so small (less than 0.001 s) that they are not taken into account in the compilation of the calendar.

Changing the time of day

Many photographers tried to capture the change of day and night. by taking many pictures in a row from one position, one could trace the smooth movement of the sun across the sky, see the movement of the stars, and get excellent videos of sunrise and sunset. Features of time-lapse photography are when a camera mounted on a tripod in a stationary position for a long period takes a series of photographs at regular intervals.

If the duration of the day is constant, then the duration component parts the time of day varies with the time of year. This is due to the tilt of the earth and the movement around the sun in an elliptical path. So in summer daylight hours lasts longer than night, and in winter, on the contrary, night is longer than day.

Moreover, in different parts the duration of the day and night is different. For example, in the Crimea in the summer it gets dark quickly, the night is dark, and in St. Petersburg June is famous for its "white nights", the sun sets not far behind the horizon and therefore the nights seem bright.

Different times of the day look and feel differently. This is connected with the biological (internal) clock by which a person is used to living (day - wakefulness, night - sleep) and with a variety of color contrast, as well as with mood. By the morning, strength is added, the day passes in study, business, work, and the evening is tired, a gradual withdrawal from business, rest and sleep.

The change of the time of day was painted by the artist Nikolai Petrovich Krymov in the educational landscape entitled "Change in the landscape in tone and color at different times of the day".

A simple motive was chosen for the landscape - a house by the forest, a diagonally leading path that gives volume to the picture, the field and the sky, sometimes people walking along the path came into view, which made the picture lively. The landscape was captured 9 times at different times of the day, where the artist clearly showed how the landscape, colors and colors change at dawn in the morning, when the shadow from the sun moves during the day, at sunset in the evening and at night.

The entire plant and living world of nature adjusts to the rhythm of the changing time of day. In the morning, the plants bloom, in the evening the buds close. The human world also adjusts to the change of time of day. The most common work schedule, lesson schedule, work of educational institutions and entertainment centers and even the radio and television program is compiled depending on the time of day.