The period of validity of student travel. Benefits in electric trains

Students are a social stratum in need of support. Material assistance from parents and scholarships do not always provide an opportunity to provide for themselves what they need. In addition, not every student has such sources of income.

Even with the most successful combination of circumstances, funds may not be enough for basic things, so benefits for full-time students are becoming especially relevant.

Student benefits

Benefits are special preferences for a limited group of people united by some characteristic.

Student benefits are mostly discounts on travel, housing, and the like.

Most student benefits fall under the general benefits category, but the benefits provided by benefits are targeted specifically at the student audience. What does it mean?

For example, especially for students, the city administration or city transport department may introduce a special route to educational buildings from student dormitories... Any citizen can use public transport along this route. However, this route was introduced for the convenience of students.

The basic rights, obligations and benefits of students are enshrined in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012. In 2019, the state provides students with the following social guarantees and benefits:

  • The choice of an educational organization, forms of education, definition educational plan, choice of optional and additional subjects;
  • For a social scholarship;
  • To provide conditions for training;
  • Respect for human dignity, protection from all forms of physical and mental violence, personal insults, protection of life and health;
  • Freedom of conscience, information, free expression of one's own views and beliefs;
  • For holidays, academic leave, transfer to another educational organization, restoration in an educational organization, combining education with work;
  • To participate in the management of an educational organization, to familiarize itself with its certificates, charter, license and other documents;
  • For free use of library and information resources, educational, industrial, scientific base of the educational organization;
  • For the use of medical and recreational infrastructure, cultural facilities and sports facilities of an educational organization;
  • To develop their creative abilities and interests, participation in competitions, olympiads, exhibitions, parades, physical culture events, sports events, including official sports competitions, and other public events;
  • To participate in scientific research, scientific and technical, experimental and innovation activitiescarried out by an educational organization;
  • On the direction for training and conducting scientific research, internships and academic exchange, including in foreign educational organizations;
  • To publish their works in publications of an educational organization free of charge;
  • To be rewarded for success;
  • To receive information from an educational organization on the situation in the field of employment of the population of the Russian Federation;
  • To provide a hostel;
  • To defer from conscription in accordance with the established procedure;
  • For travel.

Other academic rights and freedoms may be contained in the federal legislation of the Russian Federation, regional legislation, local regulations.

Additional support measures are also provided for orphans and persons belonging to other categories of beneficiaries.

Let's take a closer look at transportation benefits.

This benefit is governed by and provided by regional legislation. Accordingly, the procedure and conditions for its provision are also regulated by the regions. In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, full-time students on contract and budget options of study are granted the right to travel by rail at a 50% discount from the standard ticket price.

This exemption applies to travel on intercity trains and to travel on electric trains from September 1 to June 15. In the Pskov region, for example, such a benefit is valid until June 30. In the Moscow region, a travel benefit is provided to all students, regardless of which university and region they study at. But in Crimea, the travel discount will apply only to students of Crimean universities. In Tverskaya and Novgorod regions the student benefit does not apply to all directions of travel. A travel ticket is issued on the basis of a student card on the day of travel. It is possible to issue a reduced fare ticket to a social card, for example, in Moscow, or to issue a reduced fare ticket.

Full-time students are temporarily exempted from military service. The deferred call-up applies for the entire time of full-time study. In addition, it continues to operate upon admission to graduate school.

Persons with academic degrees are not subject to conscription.

Thus, the successful completion of postgraduate studies and the mandatory defense of a Ph.D. thesis frees males from compulsory conscription.

In 2019, students studying under a contract are entitled to tax deductions in the amount of 13% of the tuition fee, while the amount of the deduction cannot exceed 13% of the maximum payment amount - 120,000 rubles. Thus, the maximum can be returned 15 600 rubles (120 000 * 13%).

Please note that you need to contact the Internal Revenue Service to withhold. And to receive a deduction, a student must be officially employed and deduct income tax.

What documents do you need when contacting the service?

  • Completed declaration application (the form is issued at the tax office);
  • A copy of the agreement with the university;
  • Documents confirming expenses;
  • Certificate confirming the payment of income tax (2-NDFL).

Full-time students receive a scholarship. This provision is enshrined in Art. 36 of the Federal Law "On Education", there are also indicated the categories of students to whom the scholarship is assigned. Distinguish between state academic and social scholarships. The first is assigned to all full-time students at the expense of budgetary funds. Social scholarship assigned to a strictly defined category of persons specified in paragraph 5 of article 36. The minimum scholarship for university students is 1,484 rubles, and for students of secondary vocational education - 539 rubles.

In addition to these scholarships, they are appointed:

  • state scholarships for graduate students, residents, assistant trainees;
  • president's scholarships Russian Federation and scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • personal scholarships;
  • scholarships for students appointed by legal entities or individuals, including those who sent them to study;
  • scholarships for students of preparatory departments.

Regions and educational institutions can also set their own scholarships.

Students can apply for accommodation in a hostel, this right is granted to them by the Federal Law "On Education". But the procedure for providing is established by each educational institution separately, in addition, not all of them have a housing fund for students on the balance sheet.

Students have free access to all municipal and state museums and libraries. In addition, some private institutions may provide students with discounts on services. For example, discounts in shopping centers, shops or cafes.

Benefits for working students

Students who are employed have the right to officially go on vacation three times during the year in order to pass the session and prepare for it. Vacation is issued upon request educational institution, which sends a certificate-call to the student's place of work.

Students in their final years are given additional leave to write their thesis.

Important! All vacations are provided to the student with income, i.e. the employer is obliged to pay the student at the time when he is studying and cannot attend work.

Evening students are not eligible for paid leave to prepare for sessions and sit exams. The university can accommodate the student and provide him with the opportunity to pass the session during the period that is free from work. Sometimes training according to an individual plan is allowed.

Study leave is provided only at the main place of work, it can be added to the annual paid leave.

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Parent Student Benefits

Pupils who become parents have a number of discounts on housing and household services, provided that the family is poor. They can study according to an individual plan and take exams at a convenient time for them.

Another great perk for parents is the ability to take care of the child.

Thus, the law creates a series special conditions for students of parents in order to alleviate their situation and enable them to complete their education.

Financial incentives

Students of a college, university and other higher education institutions have the opportunity to take out loans for the needs of their studies. Some of the leading banks offer their loan products to students and applicants at a reduced interest rate.

An educational loan is not issued to a student, but transferred to the account of an educational institution in tranches (for each semester). Favorable conditions are offered by Gazprombank and Post Bank.

Benefits in the regions

Regional authorities are developing their own student support programs. For example, in Moscow, university students are issued a student's social card. It gives the right to reduced fares on public transport, trains, trains and airplanes. With its help, you can pay in stores, receive additional discounts, as well as take loans on favorable terms

In St. Petersburg, school and student discounts are available in many private clinics and dental offices. Most travel agencies offer special educational excursion programs for school and university students at discounted prices.

The authorities of Ufa do not have sufficient funds to organize additional benefits for school and university students. However, the Ufa administration managed to develop a project to facilitate the employment of students for a while summer holidays... Thus, pupils and students can earn the money they need on a legal basis.

There are several suburban routes in Novosibirsk, which provide reduced fares for school and university students. The discount is valid for holders of special cards issued by educational institutions.

Starting from 2019, all Ugra students from among the small indigenous peoples of the North who study at universities and technical schools will be able to receive compensation for training costs in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles. Previously, only students from low-income families could exercise this right.

Benefits for orphans

The legislation provides for a slightly more extensive list of benefits for such a vulnerable segment of society as orphans. These include:

  • the right to study at the preparatory departments of educational institutions at universities at the expense of budgetary funds;
  • the right to receive full-time education at the expense of the budget. At the same time, they are fully supported by the state until the completion of training in educational programs, regardless of their age, annual purchase allowance educational literature and writing materials;
  • annual allowance for the purchase of educational literature and writing materials;
  • graduates of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care during holidays, weekends and holidays can be enrolled in this organization for free food and accommodation for the period of their stay in them;
  • provision of funds federal budget a free set of clothes, shoes and soft inventory, or replacement at will with a cash payment to an insured account in a banking organization;
  • for the entire period of academic leave for medical reasons, maternity leave, parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years, the student retains full state support and is paid a state social stipend;
  • provision of free travel on urban, suburban transport, in rural areas on intradistrict transport (except for taxis), as well as free travel once a year to the place of residence and back to the place of study.

The above security measures are applied in the event of:

  • full-time training in basic professional educational programs in federal and regional state educational institutions;
  • orphans;
  • children left without parental care;
  • children who have lost both or a single parent during the period of education.

Regional authorities can also establish measures to provide for orphans, allocating funds from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation. For information on measures regional support you should contact the educational organization at the place of study or the local administration.

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Last changes

Since 2017, discounts on travel on long-distance trains and suburban electric trains have been set independently by the regions. The size of the discount for travel on suburban electric trains will reach 50%. This benefit is only valid for school year.

In a number of regions, in particular in the Vologda Oblast, from January 1, 2017, students have been canceled the reduced fare on commuter buses. Discounts for travel in the amount of 30% of the fare are reserved only for children from low-income families.

The State University of St. Petersburg has canceled quotas for Crimean applicants since 2017. Introductory benefits were granted in 2014-2015. Now, future students will be able to enter the university only on a general basis.

Student years are a time of low income and related problems. Young people, in particular, have to travel a lot around the metropolis and beyond. And this leads to additional spending. Therefore, in the regions there have been established travel benefits for students.

Let's take a look at what benefits young people can take advantage of in 2019.

Public transport

Financing of this type of state preferences is carried out from regional budgets. This is stated in the Federal Law "On Education" No. 273-FZ dated 22.12.2012. To provide youth with discounts on public transport, local authorities must conclude appropriate agreements with carriers. Educational institutions are informed about this and explain everything to students and pupils.

A young person can take advantage of this preference by issuing a student ticket. The government of the Russian Federation decided to use international experience in solving this problem. Therefore, a city transport pass is now issued in the form of a smart card. It operates on all routes for which the authorities have concluded contracts, which is convenient for students. After all, young people have to move from their place of residence to educational buildings, libraries, enterprises and so on.

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The pass gives you the opportunity to use the following types of transport running on city lines:

  • by buses;
  • trams;
  • subway;
  • trolleybuses;
  • boats (in some cities).

The effect of benefits does not apply, as a rule, to travel in taxis and minibuses. However, there may be exceptions. You should learn about them at the dean's office of the faculty or the administration.

Preferences are provided only to young people studying at daytime departments of state educational institutions:

  • higher;
  • secondary special.

The procedure for issuing a travel card

In order to get a smart card, you need to go to the leadership of the trade union committee of the educational institution. This organization is engaged in the issuance of a document confirming the student's rights to benefits. You should have the following documents with you:

  • the passport;
  • student card;
  • black and white photograph (3 × 4).
It is recommended to make photocopies of identity papers. They will be required to remain in the union.

Ask a specialist from the trade union committee to fill out an application. It is not necessary to do this in advance, since the application for the smart card is written on a special form. In this case, the following requirements should be observed:

  1. Personal data is entered into cells. They are filled with block letters.
  2. When filling out the form, only blue paste is used. Writing in other colors is strictly prohibited.
  3. All data must be entered accurately and without errors. In addition, they are required to comply with those indicated in the passport.
Wrinkled, filled in with errors and blots, applications are not considered by the trade union committee.

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Algorithm for receiving a smart card

  1. An application received from a student is processed in approximately two days. This time is needed to check the information entered in the form. If everything is filled in correctly, then the young man is handed a decision.
  2. With this paper, you must go to a special cashier that sells coupons for public transport. As a rule, there is an advertisement for the acceptance of the questionnaires next to it.
  3. The cashier is obliged to check the accuracy of the application. To do this, he:
    • verifies the photo with the applicant's face;
    • requires proof of identity.
The student must go to the cashier with the application form. You should have your passport or student ID with you.
  1. The cashier gives the young man a slip of the form.
  2. With him you should return to the checkout, after two weeks.
  3. On the spine get a travel ticket.
To activate the smart card, it must be topped up. Initially, its balance is zero.

This document entitles you to a 50% discount on public transport. It cannot be used in a taxi.

Smart card expiration date

The pass can be used for five years. That is, the student has the right to issue it in the first year and not worry about the extension. You will only need to replenish the balance. But remember that the smart card is fraudulent. Universities submit lists of expelled students to organizations that issue travel cards.

As soon as the student finishes his studies at the educational institution, his ticket is canceled.

Suburban train discounts

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 No. 1163, the provision of benefits for students for travel on electric trains is attributed to the responsibilities of regional authorities. They must conclude an appropriate agreement with Russian Railways. The preference is 50%. In practice, it happens as follows:

  1. The region is adopting a law on student preferences for paying for commuter train tickets.
  2. Based on this, a contract is drawn up with the service provider.
  3. The carrier receives a subsidy from the budget to cover the costs of the services rendered.
If the authorities do not carry out the above work, then there will be no discounts on electric trains.

How to buy a discount ticket for a student

According to the established procedure, young people are given a discount on the basis of documents confirming the privileged category. They must be presented to the cashier. That is, when purchasing a travel pass, you need to have the following papers with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • student card;
  • a certificate from an educational institution stating that a person is studying there (on demand).

All of the above documents must be:

  • valid;
  • issued to the same person.

There are a number of restrictions on the provision of this type of preference in 2019. Namely:

  1. The discount for travel by train is valid during the educational process: from September 1 to June 15 of the next year.
  2. It applies only to full-time students and pupils of state educational institutions.
  3. The discount is valid only on suburban routes.

Electric train discounts are not eligible for students studying:

  • in absentia;
  • in branches of foreign universities.

In 2019, students and pupils have the right to purchase train passes. The discount for them is also 50%. To do this, you should contact the cashier of the Russian Railways, having the documents with you (indicated above).

For your information: these benefits do not apply to intercity trains. However, Russian Railways provides discounts on some seats, for example, the upper bunk. This allows students to save money on travel costs.

International travel card: ISIC card

There is another type of preferences, which are valid in 130 countries of the world. This is an ISIC card. It entitles you to discounts:

  • for travel by public transport in the EU countries;
  • on discount tickets on international flights (from 10 to 30%).
More specifically, you should find out about preferences at the card issuing centers. They operate in large cities of Russia.

Who and how can get an ISIC card

This card is designed for young people from 12 to 26 years old. The main condition for its provision is study at an educational institution during the day. That is, like the travel card, it is not issued to correspondence students.

The ISIC card is usually handled by the university trade unions. In addition, students and pupils of schools can independently apply to the relevant centers. You need to have the following documents with you:

  • passport or birth certificate (for children under 14);
  • student or pupil card;
  • photo 3 × 4.

The ISIC card replaces the identity card when traveling abroad. In addition, it provides an opportunity to receive a discount on rental payments.

This card is issued for one year only. You have to pay for it. In 2019, it costs 600 rubles.

March 18, 2017, 07:31 Mar 3, 2019 13:49

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Free in Russia

Most Russian students travel regularly by train, as many of them do not study in their hometowns. The state aims to help students, because the future is behind them. Therefore, there are benefits for students on railway tickets.

Reduced train tickets

There are certain peculiarities of granting benefits to students.

  1. Only full-time students in primary, secondary and higher directions have the opportunity to purchase a discount on train travel vocational education... A student card must be presented to purchase a reduced travel pass.
  2. Discounts are provided on the basis of an agreement between transport organizations and state authorities of the region of the Russian Federation.
  3. The benefits apply exclusively to reserved seat seats, but at the same time, it does not matter what kind of transport it is (fast or regular).
  4. Discounts for students in universities are valid from September 1 to June 15, that is, for the period of the academic year, excluding the session. Such a restriction is provided so that students do not use the privilege in their personal interests during the rest, since this contradicts the goals set forth by Russian law.
  5. Since 2019, the benefits are also valid for long-distance routes. Long-distance travel is understood as a route taken by a train leaving the borders of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In 2019, discounts on long-distance routes did not apply.

Factors affecting the discount

The cost of a train pass varies depending on specific factors, such as:

  • time of the year;
  • holiday;
  • weekday;
  • the selected train, etc.

There is a project setting a discount on Tuesdays. On such a day, at the ticket offices of the passenger company, you can buy an inexpensive train ticket for the desired date.

You can buy a ticket at the box office or online on the official website. The discount cannot be combined with other privileges.

How do I buy discounted train tickets?

In accordance with the established procedure, students are provided with a benefit based on documentation that confirms such a right. It must be shown at the box office to an employee of the Russian Railways station. At the time of purchasing a ticket, you must have the following documents with you:

  • identification;
  • student ticket;
  • help from educational institution that a citizen is studying there on a full-time basis (rarely required).

The listed documentation must be valid and issued for one person.

Are there any benefits for correspondence students? Rail transport benefits do not apply to students:

The fare, taking into account the student benefit, is 50% of the total amount.

Discounts on other transport

At the level of the regions of the Russian Federation, it is planned to reduce the cost of travel on the metro, buses, trolleybuses and trams. There is no discount at the federal level. If such a privilege is provided in the region, it means that the executive bodies have concluded contracts with transport companies. Only full-time students are eligible to use such offers. To do this, they will need to purchase an individual travel pass or smart card.

Some companies that carry out transportation on airplanes and ships also provide privileges for persons of this category. If the companies have entered into an agreement, then students can purchase tickets at a discount of up to 50% of the total cost. The flight is carried out only in economy class, while the discount does not apply to baggage payments.

Attention! Due to the latest changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may become out of date!

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