You can transfer from one specialty to another. How to transfer from university to another university: step by step instructions

Is it possible to transfer from one educational program to another within HSE in the first year?

Transfer of a 1st year student of an undergraduate educational program is possible only after a session of the second module (for 1st year students of master's programs, this restriction is absent) and within the timeframes determined by a specific educational program for transferring students. The dates are published on the website of each educational program in the section "Number of students and vacancies".

Who makes the decision to transfer?

The student's readiness to transfer to a certain educational program determines the certification commission of the educational program, the composition and terms of work of which are approved by the dean of the faculty for one academic year; or the manager of the educational program in the cases established by the educational programs of higher education and the procedure for conducting certification at the Higher School of Economics. The decision on the transfer is made by the vice-rector who coordinates educational work.

What factors influence the decision to transfer?

The defining condition for a student's transfer is his readiness for mastering a specific educational program, previous academic performance, as well as the availability of vacant budgetary and commercial places for translation, which are separately determined by the educational program and are published at least twice a year on the website of each educational program in the section "Number students and vacancies. " When deciding to transfer a student to a vacant budgetary place for transfer, a prerequisite is taken into account - the total duration of a student's study on a budget should not exceed the period established by the HSE curriculum for more than one academic year.

If a student is studying at HSE on a budgetary place, are they obliged to transfer to a budgetary place?

Transfer to a budget-funded place for transfer is possible if there is such a vacant place in the program where the student is going to transfer and the amount of the period of study for the new educational program and the period of study at the Higher School of Economics from the moment of admission to the university does not exceed the standard period of mastering the program by more than a year. And also on the availability of a competitive situation and your place according to the results of this competition.
Otherwise, upon successful completion of certification tests, you may be offered to move to a vacant commercial place for translation (if available).
Transfer to a vacant budgetary place for transfer is absolutely impossible if the student has academic debts (no more than two) in the disciplines that are mandatory in the educational program to which the transfer is planned.

What disciplines can be transferred when transferring a student to another program?

The results of disciplines that coincide in name and volume in credit units, or are similar in content, can be recalculated. The possibility of counting is determined by the attestation commission.

What needs to be done to transfer from one HSE educational program to another?

Step 1. Make sure that there are vacancies for translation on the course of the HSE educational program you are interested in. The information is published on the eve of the transfer period (no later than December 1 and June 1) on the website of each educational program in the section "Number of students and vacancies".

Step 2. Apply for translation in the module "Translation" in personal account LMS systems during the application period established by the educational program... Instructions for working with the service will be available in LMS

Please note that the filing date is not the filing date. The application is considered within 3 working days.

Step 3.If the application is approved, an application form will be sent to you, which must be signed and submitted to the educational office of your educational program for affixing the academic supervisor's visa.

Step 4... Submit a certified application to the study office of the HSE educational program for which the translation is planned. Attention! You do not need to provide documents confirming the learning outcomes (certificate of progress, an extract from the electronic grade book). Information on academic performance will be available to the manager of the host EP in the LMS

Step 5. Wait for a message from the manager about the timing and procedure for the certification.

Internal translation rules established by a specific educational program may provide for mandatory certification tests. Information on the availability of such tests is reflected on the website of the educational program. You can also check with your education program manager for this information.
Certification of a student can be carried out by examining his grade book (available to the manager of the host program in the LMS), interview, testing or in another form determined by the educational program. If the number of vacancies for transfer (on a specific course) is less than the submitted applications from students wishing to transfer (transfer), then in the order of competition, based on the results of certification, the selection of persons most prepared for continuing education is carried out. The conditions for holding the competition are determined by the local Rules for the transfer of students related to a specific educational program (posted on the program page).

Step 6.Pass qualification tests.

Step 7.Obtain from the program manager information about the decision taken taking into account the attestation (including the course (module), the place to which the transfer is possible, and the project of an individual curriculum.

In case of a positive decision, the certification commission determines the list of elements of the curriculum that can be re-read, the list of disciplines to be studied or recertified, as well as the course with which the student will continue his studies, in case of transfer. The number of credit units (credits) that can be included in a student's IEP for one year determines the development of the educational program. As a rule, this amount does not exceed 75 credit units (credits) per year. If the disciplines cannot be re-credited to the student or unexplored disciplines (disciplines sections) are found, the student's IEP includes these disciplines in addition to the standard list of elements of the curriculum of the course to which the student is transferred.

Step 8. Make a decision: continue the transfer procedure or withdraw the application. Report the decision to the manager of the educational program.

Step 9. In case of a positive decision, agree on the draft IEP received from the program manager and conclude an agreement on the provision of paid educational services (when transferring to a commercial place).

Step 10. Wait for the order to transfer to an educational program is issued.

Step 11. Get started.

Can I start attending classes before the transfer order is issued?

Prior to the issuance of the order for the transfer, the dean of the faculty has the right to admit the student to studies by his order.

In preparing this material, the following regulatory documents were used:
2) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 10.02.2017 No. 124 "On approval of the Procedure for transferring students to another organization carrying out educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational and (or) higher education"

How to transfer from university to another university? Probably, there will always be those who will be interested in this issue. It becomes especially relevant at the end of the academic year, when the session is completed, the results are summed up, and the student is faced with a choice, whether to stay in the previous educational institution, or to try himself in something else, perhaps more consistent with his goals and ambitions.

There is a rather persistent misconception that it is practically impossible to transfer from a university to another university, which means that it is, in principle, better to quit this undertaking. This is not entirely true. Yes, it won't be easy, you will have to tinker with paperwork and learn a lot of new material in order to pass the academic difference. But in some cases, such a game, as they say, is actually worth the candle.

This article will mainly focus on how to transfer from a university to another university. In addition, readers will receive practical advice and recommendations, which, if necessary, will certainly help them to carry out their plans easier and sooner.

Section 1. Initial list of documents required from the student

First of all, it is necessary to draw up an application with a request to issue an academic certificate and submit it to the dean's office or the educational department of the institution in which you previously studied.

In the next 10 days, an order of the rector must be issued to expel the student who submitted such an application from the university.

On the basis of this order, the student is given the original document on education, which is stored in the university from the moment the student enters.

Section 2. How to transfer from a university to another university and what documents must be required from the previous place of study?

It should be noted that the academic certificate, which is a document of strict accountability (ordered from the State Sign, has protection against counterfeiting) must be issued within 2 weeks. That is, it will take some time, and it will not be possible to do it in one day.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it must indicate all, without exception, the disciplines studied by the student, as well as completed by him term papers and practice.

Section 3. Order of transfer. Student actions

How to transfer from university to another university and at the same time save time? Is this possible in principle? Surely!

Before drawing up an application with a request to issue an academic certificate, the student is recommended to decide in which university he will continue his studies.

In doing so, consider the following:

  • currently there are state and non-state educational institutions;
  • it is possible to study at a budgetary place, if there is one, of course, or with payment of the cost;
  • current forms of education: daytime, evening, correspondence; in different universities and in different specialties (directions - for a bachelor's degree), these forms may not be fully presented.

You need to pay special attention to these points before transferring from university to university to another city. Agree, sometimes the distances are considerable, which means that traveling several times, specifying the nuances, will be not only very inconvenient, but also financially unprofitable.

After deciding where to continue training, you need to contact admissions committee of the selected university.

If there are vacancies in the specialty (direction) chosen by the student, and if the other conditions suit him, of course, the student has the right to be enrolled in this educational institution.

However, the following documents will need to be provided:

  • a copy of the transcript or an extract from this document - they are drawn up at the dean's office (this must be done before expulsion from the place where the training was started) to determine the difference in the curriculum at the selected university, which will serve as the basis for drawing up an individual student's training plan;
  • personal statement of the student with a request to transfer him to the university to continue his studies.

Section 4. Order of translation. Actions of the educational institution

The university chosen by the student, in which he intends to continue his studies, if it is possible to accept a new student, issues him a certificate, which indicates that the student is admitted to certification tests and, after successfully passing them, is enrolled in order to continue his studies.

Some of the disciplines, based on the results of certification, are re-read to the student, and a number of them will have to be studied independently and eliminated as academic debt.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that it is much easier to answer the question of how to transfer from a university to a university in Ukraine or, say, in Belarus, if the transition is carried out within the framework of legislative framework one country. Otherwise, it will be necessary to take into account the national characteristics of foreign educational institutions.

After receiving the aforementioned certificate, the student must contact the administration of the previous educational institution and write an application with a request for expulsion to continue studying elsewhere, as well as with a request to issue a document of education and an academic certificate.

Before the student provides everything required documents, he can be admitted to classes only by order of the rector.

The enrollment order is issued after the required documents are submitted to the certification commission of the new university. This document must also indicate the need to eliminate academic debt.

In the new educational institution, the student's personal file is formed, in which his application with a request for transfer, a photocopy and the original of the education document, as well as an extract from the order for enrollment in the order of transfer are entered.

If a student is admitted to a place with tuition fees, an agreement on the provision of paid services in the field of education is entered into the personal file.

Only after that, the applicant should be given a grade book and student card.

Section 5. List of documents submitted to the selection committee:

  • Student's personal application for transfer.
  • Academic transcript based on the results of training at the university where the training began.
  • Educational document on the basis of which the student was enrolled in the university.
  • Extract from the order for admission to the university, where the student decided to continue his studies.
  • If the training will take place on paid basis, you must provide an agreement for the provision of paid services.

Section 6. How to transfer from a university in Ukraine to a university in Russia, that is, to a foreign educational institution?

To transfer to foreign institute or a university, you must successfully pass an exam, the result of which will confirm the knowledge of the language in which the study abroad will be conducted.

An extract on the degree of mastering the curriculum of the Russian university in which the training was started is also required.

All educational achievements of those wishing to continue their studies at a foreign university are taken into account.

You can choose another way of transferring to a university abroad - to study in a summer school, the results of which will be taken into account when enrolling.

The required copies of documents must be submitted by April. It should be borne in mind that the beginning of studies in foreign institutions is represented by more than one date, as in Russian universities.

You can continue your studies from the semester, by the beginning of which a positive decision on admission to study will be made.

Section 7. Is it possible for a foreigner to transfer to a Russian university?

Purely theoretically, such a procedure is quite real.

If between the state where the student began his studies and Russia there is a corresponding agreement within the framework of which the transfer can be made, then the procedure for enrolling a student in russian university possible and carried out in accordance with this document.

Section 8. What should you first look out for?

  • When transferring within the university, the procedure remains the same as when transferring to another university, however, an academic difference is not required.
  • The postponement for young men from serving in the army during the transfer is retained only if the transfer is the first, and the total period of study does not increase by more than 1 year (the university, by the way, must have state accreditation).
  • When transferring from non-accredited universities to accredited universities, attestation in the form of an external student is mandatory, except when such practice is not allowed.
  • As a rule, not all subjects studied by the student are re-read. Some of the disciplines must be passed in order to eliminate academic debt.

Transfer to another specialty

In order to transfer from one specialty (direction of training) to another within one educational institution or with a change of university, first you need to write an application to the dean's office of your faculty and attach a photocopy or the original of the grade book to it.

Transfer to another specialty takes place in approximately the same way as transfer from one university to another. If there are vacant budgetary places in the corresponding course in the specialty of interest to the student, the university has no right to offer the student studying for free to transfer to a commercial basis. If the number of those wishing to transfer exceeds the number of places on the budget, the university organizes a competition among them (as in the case of admission).

The translation is carried out on the basis of attestation: consideration of a copy of the record book, interview or in another form that the university determines independently. If not all disciplines already passed by a student during his studies in the first specialty can be re-read due to the difference in curricula, they will have to be passed. The list of disciplines that must be passed is established by the university.

If all questions are resolved positively, the student is issued a certificate of the established sample. The rector of the university issues an order with the following wording: "Transferred from ... a course of study in a specialty (direction) ... to ... a course and. A form of study in a specialty (direction) ...". This order may also indicate the student's individual plan for the elimination of academic debt.

If a student is transferred from one specialty to another within the university, the student retains his student card and record book, to which the appropriate corrections are made.

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How to transfer to another university or another specialty?

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How to transfer from one university to another?

It happens that there are circumstances that the transfer of a student is necessary.

I am not satisfied with the quality of education at the university, there is no “relationship” with the chosen specialty, or I have to change my place of study due to a change of place of residence.

How to arrange everything correctly, according to the law?

Order of 24.02.98 N 501

About the approval of the Order of transfer

students from one higher education institution

Russian Federation to another.

To begin with, apply to the educational department of the university or to your dean's office. The application needs

DO NOT FORGET to make this entry: "Please give me an academic certificate." Otherwise, you may be left without the main document for transfer to another university.

Within 10 days after the submission of the application, the rector's order is issued on the expulsion of the student from the university, then a document on education is extracted from his personal file and handed over to his hands, on the basis of which he was enrolled in the university, an academic certificate of the established form is drawn up. It is possible to issue documents to the student's representative on the basis of a notarized power of attorney.

Within two weeks, the university must issue the student with an academic certificate - a document without which translation will be impossible. Academic transcript is a document of strict accountability, ordered by universities in Goznak and having degrees of protection against forgery, like a diploma of higher education... All disciplines studied, term papers and practices are entered in the certificate. If a subject was listened to, but a mark was not received for it in the session, such a discipline will not be included in the academic transcript. Therefore, it is most optimal to translate immediately AFTER the session is "closed". Otherwise, the disciplines already studied will have to be listened to and passed exams or tests in another university again.

It is necessary to take from the personal file a document on education (certificate / diploma) with an attachment, on the basis of which admission to another university will take place.

It should be borne in mind that an academic transcript is not a document of education. It is necessary to continue your studies at the university.

Before writing an application for expulsion at the place of study and ordering an academic transcript, you should follow these steps to help you not waste time on the transfer procedure.

Decide on the choice of a university (state / non-state, budget place / place with payment of tuition fees), specialty, form of study (full-time, evening (part-time), part-time). It is necessary to contact the admissions office and find out if there are required specialty, course and form of study for continuing education, as well as a vacancy.

When transferring to a related specialty, the loss in the period of study will be minimal; when transferring to another specialty, the difference in the curricula of universities increases significantly. Usually it is possible to transfer during the academic year, but it is wiser to join the group at the beginning of the academic year: the academic difference will be paid off evenly, it will be easier to adapt to the new team.

Further (without expelling from the university!), You need to make a copy of the grade book (or, better, an extract from the grade book in your dean's office), which must be submitted to the educational unit of the selected university to determine the academic difference in disciplines and the number of hours studied on them.

If a new university is ready to hire you, you will be given a certificate of the established sample, which indicates that, on the basis of a personal statement and a photocopy of the record book, you were admitted to the certification tests, which you successfully passed. It also states that you will be transferred to continue your studies. Based on the results of certification (it is determined by the university independently), some disciplines can be transferred to the student. But often, due to the difference in curricula, unexplored disciplines (discipline sections) are found. And the student must pass them, that is, eliminate the academic debt.

The received certificate is provided to the university where you study. It is then that an application for expulsion is written in connection with the transfer and a request to issue an academic certificate and a document on education, on the basis of which you were enrolled in the university.

The order on the student's enrollment in a higher educational institution in connection with the transfer is issued by the rector of the host university after receiving the educational document and academic certificate (the university checks the correspondence of the copy of the record book to the academic certificate), which are attached to his personal application. Before receiving the documents, the rector of the host university has the right to admit the student to classes by his own order.

If, according to the results of the certification, it turned out that the student has academic debt, the order on the transfer of the host university should contain a record of the approval of the student's individual curriculum, which should include, among other things, a list of disciplines (sections of disciplines) to be studied, their volumes and established terms exams and (or) tests.

At the receiving university, a new student's personal file is formed and registered. It contains an application for transfer, an academic certificate, a document on education and an extract from the order of admission in the order of transfer. And also an agreement, if enrollment is carried out to places with payment of tuition fees. The student is issued a student card and a record book.

If you are transferring not to another university, but INSIDE the university (to another specialty or form of study), then the transfer procedure is identical to that described above. Just order a transcript and no need to wait.

When transferring to another university for young men, a deferral from military service is retained, but on condition that this is the first transfer and that the total period of study does not increase or increases by no more than one year. As a reminder, the postponement is provided for full-time students at a university that has state accreditation.

If there are places in a state or municipal university on the corresponding course of study for the main educational program of interest to the student, financed from the budget, the university is not entitled to offer the student who is receiving higher professional education for the first time to transfer to places with payment on a contractual basis.

The transfer of students who received their education in non-accredited higher educational institutions to accredited universities for any form of study can be carried out after they exercise their right to attestation in the form of an external study (with the exception of areas of training and specialties of higher education). vocational education, the receipt of which in the form of an external student is not allowed).

When translating, general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines are re-read by the host university in the amount studied by the student. Optional disciplines can be transferred to the student at his will. When a student is transferred to the same or a related basic educational program, the university also re-reads mathematical and general natural science disciplines established by the higher educational institution, and all disciplines of the student's choice.

When a student is transferred to another university for an unrelated educational program, the list of disciplines to be passed (elimination of academic debt) is established by the receiving university. "KP"

Will there be a difference in studies. After 1 semester.

I can't look directly at these sites. and his group had to be liquidated.

You need to talk with the dean of the target faculty.

Transfer within the university to another faculty

Applicants, as a rule, are very responsible in choosing an institute, university or academy and rarely make a mistake with a higher educational institution. If the university is satisfied, but for some reason disappointed future profession, the question arises whether it is possible to transfer from one faculty to another.

Who can transfer and when

Transfer to another specialty within the university is possible at the end of the training course, that is, after a successfully passed summer session, but not in the middle of the semester. It is better to transfer to another faculty before the third year, because for the first two years it is customary to read general disciplines without deepening into the profession, respectively, most of the subjects can be re-read.

Most often, undergraduate and specialty students are transferred, for a magistracy with a two-year study period this is an exceptional phenomenon. Changing the direction of training is available with different forms of study You can go:

  • from a budgetary basis to a paid basis: always;
  • from commerce to budget: only if there are vacancies. They can appear, for example, if someone decided not to continue their studies after academic leave or was expelled as a result of the session for academic debt;
  • from full-time to part-time (evening) or part-time: it is worth checking in advance whether they are in the chosen specialty, since a correspondence diploma is not highly valued, many universities have refused them. Most likely, these places will be paid. Transfer from correspondence to evening form or in the opposite order is not associated with great difficulties, since the number of hours and the schedule for them are almost the same;
  • from any other form to full-time: in theory it is possible, but in practice it is rare. The student should be truly appreciated at the university in order to forgive him for a change in specialty and to keep free space for him. As a rule, when vacancies appear in the full-time department, especially on the budget, a line of full-time paid students is lined up for them.

The deferral from the army is given for a period of 5 years - the standard period of specialty. When transferring with a decrease in the rate, an additional year is not provided, that is, they can be taken into the army before receiving a diploma.

The order of transfer from faculty to faculty

For information on how to transfer to another faculty, you should contact the dean's office. It is desirable that the specialty be related, and the subjects coincide at least 50%. Each university has its own characteristics, but the transfer procedure is as follows:

  1. At the end of the academic year, the dean's office publishes lists of vacancies, including budgetary ones. They can be released if students were expelled due to academic failure or of their own free will.
  2. An open competition is announced for these places.
  3. Those who wish to write applications for the transfer to the name of the rector, which are considered by the certification commission. Since the document is internal, its sample must be provided to the dean's office.
  4. A certified copy of the grade book is attached to it. There should be no uncovered objects, marks - only good and excellent.
  5. The commission has the right to invite a student for an interview to assess how motivated he is in translation.

It is important to consider the number of disciplines that will have to be taken. If the academic difference is too large, then transfer from the mathematics department to the design department, even within one university, will most likely be refused.

  1. Sometimes the chairman of the student council takes part in the meeting of the commission, who can recommend candidates who are actively involved in university life.

At the new department, it is necessary to finish disciplines during the first winter session, independently studying lectures from the notes of fellow students, completing all tasks in a limited time period and individually negotiating with subject students. The workload before the New Year will greatly increase, and, unfortunately, the teaching staff does not really support those who decide to change their specialty, so you will have to rely only on yourself.

Important! Now the transition to another institution or within one university occurs only through the transfer procedure, and not deductions. When, by order of the rector, a student was expelled from the university, he can re-enroll only in a new academic year, in September, on a general basis by competition and only for the first year.

Transfer with a change of profession is a very risky undertaking, especially if it involves loss budget place... Due to the mismatch of the curriculum, you can lose a year. But if after graduation you want to do any business, you should try.

Lost in translation: how to transfer to another university

Step 1. Decide on a university for translation

Whatever the reason why you decided to switch, you need to choose a new educational institution before collecting documents. Decide on the direction - will the specialty be as close as possible to the one in which you studied? Think about it: you may want to correct the direction or change it altogether. Pay attention to the accreditation of the university (whether it is state or non-state), whether there are budget places and what is the cost of tuition on a paid basis. Make sure that the chosen specialty has the required form of study (full-time, part-time or part-time) - sometimes some of the formats may not be available.

It is better not to be content with information from the official website, where only the positive aspects are presented. Read the discussions in social networks, chat with those who are already studying in the place that interests you. This will give you a more complete picture.

Step 2. Apply with the documents to the new university

The first documents that will be needed for translation are a personal statement and an extract from the grade book (or a certified copy), which are issued within five working days at the dean's office of the source university. The certificate received must contain a list and volume of disciplines passed, as well as marks obtained during the session or sessions. If there has not yet been an intermediate certification, the student cannot transfer to another university. That is, first you will need to successfully complete at least one semester. As soon as you receive the certificate, take it to the selected university along with the transfer application. You can also provide documents confirming academic success: certificates, diplomas, etc.

Step 3. Get confirmation from the selected university

The university will evaluate the submitted documents within two weeks. The admissions committee will determine which subjects are re-read, which ones will need to be completed, and also when you start your studies with a positive decision. It is important to know that if the university has free budget places, it has no right to offer the student to switch to paid education. In the case when there are more applications for transfer, a competition is announced for budget places.

If the admission committee is satisfied with the received documents, it issues a certificate of transfer within five calendar days. Among other things, it indicates the disciplines that will be read over to you. It is possible that all items will get there, but you should be prepared in advance for the fact that some will have to be taken or retried.

Step 4. Drop out from the old university

Before you can officially transfer to a new institution, you will need to drop out of the previous one. To do this, you need to write in the educational part an application for expulsion in connection with the transfer to a new university and submit it along with a certificate of transfer. Within three working days, the rector's decree on your expulsion is issued. After that, within three more days, you will be required to issue the original document of education, on the basis of which you applied, and an extract from the order. You, in turn, will need to fill out a detour sheet, return the student ID of the old university and the record.

Step 5. Enroll in a new university

The last step is enrollment in a new educational institution. You need to submit there a document on previous education and an extract from the order for expulsion from the previous university. If you are transferred to a paid branch, you additionally need to conclude an agreement. Within three working days, an order for your admission will appear, you will be given a new student and grade book.

If the paperwork is taking too long or the semester has already begun, don't worry. As a rule, the educational part enters into the position of the transferred students and allows them to study.

How to transfer from one university to another? Surely, in our life there will be those who are very interested in this issue. And it acquires its main importance at the end of the school year. The session has already been passed, some results of the outgoing academic year have been summed up, and many students are faced with a choice, either to continue their studies at their University, or to try their knowledge in another area, maybe in one that will be more suitable for them in terms of their main interests and personal ambitions. ... Many people are mistaken in the fact that transferring from one university to another is practically impossible action, and the majority of students simply find themselves out of this idea. This belief is wrong. It should be noted that this procedure is far from easy, and the student will need to spend considerable time collecting required documents for this and study a lot of new material, for the opportunity to successfully pass the academic difference. But in most cases, this process is doable. In our article, we will just tell you about how you can transfer from one university to another. In addition, you can get a lot of necessary and practical recommendations that can help you in solving this difficult issue.

We collect the initial package of documents required from the student

Before transferring from one educational institution to another, we advise you to carefully study all the formalities. First of all, you should write a statement. In it, indicate the request for an academic transcript. The application must be submitted to the dean's office, or to the educational department of the university where you studied before. Within 10 days, the rector must issue a special order on the possibility of expelling the student who drew up this application. Based on this order, the student will be issued with an original educational document, which is kept at the University from the first day of the student's admission.

How should one transfer from one university to another. And what documents are required from the previous place of study?

In this article, we talk about how to transfer from one university to another without losing the course? It is worth noting that the academic transcript, which is the main document of strict accountability (supplied with protection from counterfeiting, ordered in the State Sign), must be issued to the student after 2 weeks. It follows that you will not be able to get this document right away. Please note that this document should indicate all disciplines that were previously studied by the student, as well as coursework and practical work.

Translation algorithm. Basic student actions. How to transfer one university to another, and at the same time significantly save personal time

Is it possible to carry out a transfer from one university to another in practice? Of course it is possible! Before starting to draw up an application for the issuance of an academic certificate, the student should first determine in which educational institution he wants to continue his studies. Here you need to take into account the following factors: at the moment, there are non-state and state educational institutions; you can study full-time, evening and correspondence form, budget training is possible. You should be especially attentive to the points listed above until you transfer from a university to a university in another city.

Surely, you will agree that in some cases, the distance is large, which means that coming to a given city a number of times to clarify all the nuances is not very convenient, and you will have to spend financially. After you have been able to decide where you want to continue further training, you need to visit the admissions office of your chosen university. If there are vacancies in your chosen specialty, and if everything suits you completely, you can be enrolled in this educational institution. In any case, you will need to provide the University with a package of documents:

  • a photocopy of a personal grade book, or an extract from this document (as a rule, it is drawn up at the dean's office. This should be done before you are expelled from the educational institution where you started to study),
  • a personal statement about the request to transfer to the chosen university for possible continuation of studies.

Translation algorithm. University actions

The university that you choose, for the opportunity to accept you for training, issues a certificate, which will indicate the possibility of admitting a student to passing certification tests. And if the student passes them successfully, then he can be enrolled in the University for the opportunity to continue his studies. A certain number of disciplines based on the results of the passed certification, the student will be re-calculated, and some disciplines will have to be studied by himself. In this case, it should be borne in mind that it will not be difficult to transform from one university to another, for example, in Belarus or Ukraine, if this process takes place taking into account legislative norms one country. Or, it will be necessary to take into account some of the national characteristics of foreign universities.

After the student is issued the above certificate, he needs to visit the administration of the former university and draw up a request to expel him for the opportunity to undergo further studies in another place, as well as provide him with an academic certificate and a paper on education. Before the student presents the entire required package of documents, he is admitted to all classes only by the appropriate order of the rector. The order for the enrollment of a student will be issued only after all the necessary papers have been submitted to the certification commission of the new educational institution. This document must necessarily indicate the need to eliminate academic debt.

In the new University, they begin to form a new personal file on the student. It contains an application for a request to make a translation, a copy and original of the certificate of education, an extract from the order for the enrollment of a student in the order of transfer. In the event that a student is enrolled on a paid basis, then an agreement on the provision of paid services in the field of education must be included in the student's personal file. Only after carrying out this procedure, the student is issued a record book and a student card.

The list of those documents that should be submitted to the university admissions office:

The admission committee of the university must provide:

  1. transfer application from a student,
  2. academic transcript from the university where the training was started,
  3. education document. Based on it, the student is enrolled in the university.,
  4. an extract from the order for the student's enrollment in the University in which he wishes to continue his studies.

In the event that a student will undergo paid education, then he should sign an agreement for the provision of paid educational services.

How can you make a transfer from a university in Ukraine to an educational institution in Russia, i.e. to a foreign university

In order to transfer to a foreign university, you must successfully pass all exams. The result of this exam will confirm the excellent knowledge of the language, in which further studies will be carried out abroad. An extract is also required confirming the degree of mastering the curriculum of the Russian institution in which the student began his studies. In addition, it is possible to choose another possibility of transferring to a foreign university - to study at a summer school. All results this training will be taken into account when a student is enrolled in the university. All copies of documents required for enrollment in the selected university must be submitted by April. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the fact that the beginning of education in foreign educational institutions is represented by more than one date, as in our domestic universities. It is quite possible to complete your studies from the semester, from the beginning of which the student will receive a positive result on his enrollment in the university.

Is it possible to transfer a foreigner to a Russian university?

In theory, this procedure is quite feasible if there is a special agreement between Russia and the sovereign in which the student began to study, thanks to which it is possible to make a transfer. In that case, the procedure for enrolling a student in a Russian university is quite feasible and is carried out in accordance with this document.

What, first of all, you need to pay attention

When transferring, which takes place within the university itself, the procedure is the same as when transferring from university to university. Still, the academic difference is not needed. For young boys, a respite from serving in the ranks russian army when making a translation, it will be preserved only if the translation is made for the first time, and the total training period will not be increased by more than one year. When transferring from a non-accredited educational institution to an accredited university, it is necessary to undergo mandatory attestation in the form of an external study, in addition to those cases when this practice cannot be acceptable. As a rule, not all disciplines that the student previously studied will be re-read. A certain number of disciplines will need to be retaken in order to eliminate academic debt.

How to transfer from university to another university? Probably, there will always be those who will be interested in this issue. It becomes especially relevant at the end of the academic year, when the session is completed, the results are summed up, and the student is faced with a choice, whether to stay in the previous educational institution, or to try himself in something else, perhaps more consistent with his goals and ambitions.

There is a rather persistent misconception that it is practically impossible to transfer from a university to another university, which means that it is, in principle, better to quit this undertaking. This is not entirely true. Yes, it won't be easy, you will have to tinker with paperwork and learn a lot of new material in order to pass the academic difference. But in some cases, such a game, as they say, is actually worth the candle.

This article will mainly focus on how to transfer from a university to another university. In addition, readers will receive practical advice and recommendations, which, if necessary, will certainly help them to carry out their plans easier and sooner.

Section 1. Initial list of documents required from the student

First of all, it is necessary to draw up an application with a request to issue an academic certificate and submit it to the dean's office or the educational department of the institution in which you previously studied.

In the next 10 days, an order of the rector must be issued to expel the student who submitted such an application from the university.

On the basis of this order, the student is given the original document on education, which is stored in the university from the moment the student enters.

Section 2. How to transfer from a university to another university and what documents must be required from the previous place of study?

It should be noted that which is a document of strict reporting (ordered in the State Sign, has protection against counterfeiting) must be issued within 2 weeks. That is, it will take some time, and it will not be possible to do it in one day.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it must indicate all, without exception, the disciplines studied by the student, as well as the coursework and practice completed by him.

Section 3. Order of transfer. Student actions

How to transfer from university to another university and at the same time save time? Is this possible in principle? Surely!

Before drawing up an application with a request to issue an academic certificate, the student is recommended to decide in which university he will continue his studies.

In doing so, consider the following:

  • at present state and non-state ones are functioning;
  • it is possible to study at a budgetary place, if there is one, of course, or with payment of the cost;
  • current forms of education: daytime, evening, correspondence; in different universities and in different specialties (directions - for a bachelor's degree), these forms may not be fully presented.

You need to pay special attention to these points before transferring from university to university to another city. Agree, sometimes the distances are considerable, which means that traveling several times, specifying the nuances, will be not only very inconvenient, but also financially unprofitable.

After deciding where to continue your studies, you need to contact the selection committee of the selected university.

If there are vacancies in the specialty (direction) chosen by the student, and if the other conditions suit him, of course, the student has the right to be enrolled in this educational institution.

However, the following documents will need to be provided:

  • a copy or extract from this document - is drawn up in the dean's office (this must be done before expulsion from the place where the training was started) to determine the difference in the curriculum at the selected university, which will serve as the basis for drawing up an individual student's training plan;
  • personal statement of the student with a request to transfer him to the university to continue his studies.

Section 4. Order of translation. Actions of the educational institution

The university chosen by the student, in which he intends to continue his studies, if it is possible to accept a new student, issues him a certificate, which indicates that the student is admitted to certification tests and, after successfully passing them, is enrolled in order to continue his studies.

Some of the disciplines, based on the results of certification, are re-read to the student, and a number of them will have to be studied independently and eliminated as academic debt.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that it is much easier to answer the question of how to transfer from a university to a university in Ukraine or, say, Belarus, if the transition is carried out within the framework of the legislative framework of one country. Otherwise, it will be necessary to take into account the national characteristics of foreign educational institutions.

After receiving the aforementioned certificate, the student must contact the administration of the previous educational institution and write an application with a request for expulsion to continue studying elsewhere, as well as with a request to issue a document of education and an academic certificate.

Before the student provides all the necessary documents, he can be admitted to classes only by order of the rector.

The enrollment order is issued after the required documents are submitted to the certification commission of the new university. This document must also indicate the need to eliminate academic debt.

In the new educational institution, the student's personal file is formed, in which his application with a request for transfer, a photocopy and the original of the education document, as well as an extract from the order for enrollment in the order of transfer are entered.

If a student is admitted to a place with tuition fees, an agreement on the provision of paid services in the field of education is entered into the personal file.

Only after that, the applicant should be handed a record book and a student card.

Section 5. List of documents submitted to the selection committee:

  • Student's personal application for transfer.
  • Academic transcript based on the results of training at the university where the training began.
  • Educational document on the basis of which the student was enrolled in the university.
  • about admission to the university, where the student decided to continue his studies.
  • If the training will take place on a paid basis, you must provide an agreement for the provision of paid services.

Section 6. How to transfer from a university in Ukraine to a university in Russia, that is, to a foreign educational institution?

To transfer to a foreign institute or university, you must successfully pass an exam, the result of which will confirm the knowledge of the language in which the study abroad will be conducted.

An extract on the degree of development of the Russian university in which training was started is also required.

All educational achievements of those wishing to continue their studies at a foreign university are taken into account.

You can choose another way of transferring to a university abroad - to study in a summer school, the results of which will be taken into account when enrolling.

The required copies of documents must be submitted by April. It should be borne in mind that the beginning of studies in foreign institutions is represented by more than one date, as in Russian universities.

You can continue your studies from the semester, by the beginning of which a positive decision on admission to study will be made.

Section 7. Is it possible for a foreigner to transfer to a Russian university?

Purely theoretically, such a procedure is quite real.

If between the state where the student began his studies and Russia there is a corresponding agreement under which the transfer can be made, then the procedure for enrolling a student in a Russian university is possible and carried out in accordance with this document.

Section 8. What should you first look out for?

  • When transferring within the university, the procedure remains the same as when transferring to another university, however, an academic difference is not required.
  • The postponement for young men from serving in the army during the transfer is retained only if the transfer is the first, and the total period of study does not increase by more than 1 year (the university, by the way, must have state accreditation).
  • When transferring from non-accredited universities to accredited universities, attestation in the form of an external student is mandatory, except when such practice is not allowed.
  • As a rule, not all subjects studied by the student are re-read. Some of the disciplines must be passed in order to eliminate academic debt.

Applicants, as a rule, are very responsible in choosing an institute, university or academy and rarely make a mistake with a higher educational institution. If the university suits, but for some reason disappointed the future profession, the question arises whether it is possible to transfer from one faculty to another.

Who can transfer and when

Transfer to another specialty within the university is possible at the end of the training course, that is, after a successfully passed summer session, but not in the middle of the semester. It is better to transfer to another faculty before the third year, because for the first two years it is customary to read general disciplines without deepening into the profession, respectively, most of the subjects can be re-read.

Most often, undergraduate and specialty students are transferred, for a magistracy with a two-year study period this is an exceptional phenomenon. Changing the direction of training is available with different forms of study You can go:

  • from a budgetary basis to a paid basis: always;
  • from commerce to budget: only if there are vacancies. They can appear, for example, if someone decided not to continue their studies after academic leave or was expelled as a result of the session for academic debt;
  • from full-time to part-time (evening) or part-time: it is worth checking in advance whether they are in the chosen specialty, since a correspondence diploma is not highly valued, many universities have refused them. Most likely, these places will be paid. Transfer from correspondence to evening form or in the opposite order is not associated with great difficulties, since the number of hours and the schedule for them are almost the same;
  • from any other form to full-time: in theory it is possible, but in practice it is rare. The student should be truly appreciated at the university in order to forgive him for a change in specialty and to keep free space for him. As a rule, when vacancies appear in the full-time department, especially on the budget, a line of full-time paid students is lined up for them.

The deferral from the army is given for a period of 5 years - the standard period of specialty. When transferring with a decrease in the rate, an additional year is not provided, that is, they can be taken into the army before receiving a diploma.

The order of transfer from faculty to faculty

For information on how to transfer to another faculty, you should contact the dean's office. It is desirable that the specialty be related, and the subjects coincide at least 50%. Each university has its own characteristics, but the transfer procedure is as follows:

It is important to consider the number of disciplines that will have to be taken. If the academic difference is too large, then transfer from the mathematics department to the design department, even within one university, will most likely be refused.

  1. Sometimes the chairman of the student council takes part in the meeting of the commission, who can recommend candidates who are actively involved in university life.

At the new department, it is necessary to finish disciplines during the first winter session, independently studying lectures from the notes of fellow students, completing all tasks in a limited time period and individually negotiating with subject students. The workload before the New Year will greatly increase, and, unfortunately, the teaching staff does not really support those who decide to change their specialty, so you will have to rely only on yourself.

Important! Now the transition to another institution or within one university occurs only through the transfer procedure, and not deductions. When, by order of the rector, a student was expelled from the university, he can re-enroll only in the new academic year, in September, on a general basis by competition and only for the first year.

Transfer with a change of profession is a very risky undertaking, especially if it is associated with the loss of a budgetary place. Due to the mismatch of the curriculum, you can lose a year. But if after graduation you want to do any business, you should try.