What strata of peasants actively left the community. On the problem of peasants leaving the community

Verification testing by topic

"The first world War... Revolution in Russia in 1917

Option 1

1. When did Stolypin begin to carry out reforms of the PA?

A) wealthy

B) poor

c) poor and wealthy

5. Give a definition to the concept of "farm":

C) priests

d) all of the above

Option 2

A) Constituent Assembly

c) Provisional government

D) State Council

^ 22. What was the name of the first Soviet government?

A) VTsIK b) SNK c) VChK

^ 26. When was the first Soviet Constitution adopted?

Option 1

^ 1. When did Stolypin begin to carry out reforms of the PA?

A) in 1906 b) in 1907 c) in 1908

3. What strata of peasants actively left the community?

A) wealthy

B) poor

C) the poor and wealthy

^ 5. Give a definition of the concept of "farm":

A) a plot of land that a peasant could receive when leaving the community, with the transfer of a house and outbuildings to it

B) a piece of land that a peasant could take when leaving the community, but he could leave his house and buildings in the old place in the village

C) this is a peasant's house, which he built far from the village

^ 7. What are the causes of the First World War?

A) the desire of the leading world powers to redraw the map of the world in their own interests

B) the desire of the governments of the countries - participants of the war to divert their peoples from the revolutionary struggle

C) the desire of the participating countries to select colonies from the largest colonial power - Great Britain

^ 9. What was the main outcome of the 1914 military campaign?

A) the signing of a separate peace by Germany and England

B) Germany failed to implement its lightning war plan

C) Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France

^ 11. When did the February 1917 revolution in Petrograd begin?

13. What are the main results of the February Revolution?

A) the monarchy fell b) dual power arose

C) the democratization of the country began d) the convocation of the Constituent Assembly took place

^ 15. What is the meaning of order number 1?

A) the establishment of dictatorships in the proletariat

B) the democratization of the army began

C) the state mind was seen

^ 17. What was the main reason for the April crisis of the Provisional Government?

A) Milyukov's note on the continuation of the war

B) Lenin's speech at the I Congress of Soviets

C) breakthrough at the front of General Brusilov

^ 19. When was the Second Congress of Soviets held?

21. What document was the basis for the Land Decree?

A) 240 proposals of the poorest peasants

B) 242 local peasant orders to the I Congress of Soviets

C) declaration of the rights of the peoples of Russia

^ 23. Representatives of which political parties were included in the first Soviet government?

A) representatives of only left-wing parties

B) representatives of the Bolsheviks and Left SRs

C) representatives of only Socialist-Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks

^ 25. What is the fate of the Constituent Assembly?

A) it was dissolved by the Bolsheviks

B) it continued to work during the month of January

C) it was reorganized into a coalition government

A) persons using hired labor

B) former employees of the tsarist police

C) priests

D) all of the above

Option 2

^ 2. What relates to the provisions of the Stolypin agrarian reform?

A) the exit of the peasants from the community with the land

B) resettlement of peasants to new lands beyond the Urals

C) the allocation of part of the landowners' lands to the peasants

D) providing each peasant with a sum of money in the amount of 50 rubles

^ 4. What are the results of Stolypin's agrarian reform?

A) the development of market relations in the countryside intensified

B) the process of social stratification of the peasantry began

C) the main social problems in the village have been smoothed out

^ 6. When did the First World War start?

8. Why did the Russian army fail during the First World War?

A) poor supply of the army with weapons and shells

B) there was a scattered action of the fronts

C) England and France violated the allied agreement

^ 10. What are the results of the First World War for Russia?

A) the internal political and economic situation in the country has sharply deteriorated

B) Russia achieved the goals for which it participated in the war

C) during the war in Russia, the First Russian Revolution will occur

^ 12. What events caused the riots in February 1917 in Petrograd?

A) demonstration of women in honor of the International women's day

B) the dismissal from the Putilov plant of 30,000 striking workers

C) performance by soldiers of the Petrograd garrison

^ 14. What two organs of power appeared in Petrograd during the February Revolution?

A) Constituent Assembly

B) Petrograd Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies

C) Provisional government

D) State Council

^ 16. What changes were made to the life of Russia by the Declaration of the Provisional Government, adopted on March 3, 1917?

A) introduced wide civil rights and freedom

B) provided the peasants with land

C) brought Russia out of the first world war

18: When was Russia declared a republic?

^ 20. What decrees was adopted by the II Congress of Soviets?

A) decree on peace, on land, on power

B) the decree on the creation of the Cheka, All-Russian Central Executive Committee, SNK

C) decree on the separation of church from state

22. What was the name of the first Soviet government?

A) VTsIK b) SNK c) VChK

24. When did the work of the Constituent Assembly take place?

26. When was the first Soviet Constitution adopted?

A) in 1917 b) in 1918 c) in 1919

28. In what form was the Soviet power established?

A) in the form of the dictatorship of the proletariat

B) in the form of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie

c) in the form of an alliance of workers and peasants

Home\u003e Document

Verification testing by topic

"World War I. Revolution in Russia in 1917

Option 1

a) in 1906 b) in 1907 c) in 1908 a) well-off b) poor c) poor and wealthy a) a plot of land that a peasant could receive when leaving the community, with the transfer of a house and outbuildings to it b) a piece of land that a peasant could take when leaving the community, but he could leave his house and buildings in the old place in the village c) this is a peasant's house, which he built far from the village 7. a) the desire of the leading world powers to redraw the world map in their interests b) the desire of the governments of the countries - participants in the war to distract their peoples from the revolutionary struggle c) the desire of the participating countries to take away colonies from the largest colonial power - Great Britain a) the signing of a separate peace by Germany and England b) Germany failed to implement its plan of lightning war c) Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France a) February 23 b) February 24 c) February 27 a) the monarchy fell b) there was a dual power c) the democratization of the country began d) the convocation of the Constituent Assembly took place a) the establishment of dictatorships in the proletariat b) the democratization of the army began c) the State Duma was abolished a) Milyukov's note on the continuation of the war b) Lenin's speech at the I Congress of Soviets c) a breakthrough at the front of General Brusilov 19. When passedII Congress of Soviets? a) February 23, 1918 b) October 26, 1917 c) October 25, 1917. a) 240 proposals of the poorest peasants b) 242 local peasant ordersI Congress of Soviets c) declaration of the rights of the peoples of Russia a) representatives of only left-wing parties b) representatives of the Bolsheviks and Left SRs c) representatives of only Socialist-Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks a) it was dissolved by the Bolsheviks b) it continued to work during the month of January c) it was reorganized into a coalition government a) persons using hired labor b) former employees of the tsarist police c) priests d) all of the above

Option 2

a) the withdrawal of peasants from the community with land b) resettlement of peasants to new lands beyond the Urals c) the allocation of part of the landowners' lands to the peasants d) providing each peasant with a sum of money in the amount of 50 rubles a) the development of market relations in the countryside intensified b) the process of social stratification of the peasantry began c) the main social problems in the village have been smoothed out a) August 1, 1914 b) October 1, 1914 c) December 1, 1915 a) poor supply of the army with weapons and shells b) there was a scattered action of the fronts c) England and France violated the allied agreement 10. a) the internal political and economic situation in the country has sharply deteriorated b) Russia achieved the goals for which it participated in the war c) during the war in Russia, the First Russian Revolution will take place a) Demonstration of women in honor of International Women's Day b) the dismissal of 30,000 workers on strike from the Putilov plant c) speech by soldiers of the Petrograd garrison a) Constituent Assembly b) Petrograd Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies c) Provisional government d) State Council a) introduced broad civil rights and freedoms b) provided the peasants with land c) brought Russia out of the First World War a) August 1, 1917 b) September 1, 1917c) March 1, 1917 20. What decrees did it takeII Congress of Soviets? a) decree on peace, on land, on power b) the decree on the creation of the Cheka, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Council of People's Commissars c) the decree on the separation of church from the state a) The All-Russian Central Executive Committee b) SNKc) Cheka a) February 7-8, 1918 b) January 5-6, 1918 c) March 3-5, 1918 a) in 1917 b) in 1918... c) in 1919. a) in the form of the dictatorship of the proletariat b) in the form of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie

Option 1

1. When did Stolypin begin to carry out reforms of the PA? a) in 1906 b) in 1907 c) in 1908 3. What strata of peasants actively left the community? a) well-off b) poor c) poor and well-off 5. Give a definition to the concept of "farm": a) a piece of land that a peasant could receive upon leaving the community, with the transfer of a house and outbuildings to it; b) a piece of land that a peasant could take upon leaving the community, but he could leave his house and buildings in the old place in the village c) this is a peasant's house that he built away from the village 7. What are the causes of the First World War? a) the desire of the leading world powers to redraw the map of the world in their own interests b) the desire of the governments of the participating countries of the war to distract their peoples from the revolutionary struggle c) the desire of the participating countries to take away colonies from the largest colonial power - Great Britain 9. What was the main outcome of the 1914 military campaign? a) the signing of a separate peace by Germany and England b) Germany failed to implement its plan of lightning war c) Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France 11. When did the February 1917 revolution in Petrograd begin? a) February 23 b) February 24 c) February 27 13. What are the main results of the February Revolution? a) the monarchy fell b) a diarchy arose c) the democratization of the country began d) the convocation of the Constituent Assembly took place 15. What is the meaning of order # 1? a) the establishment of dictatorships in the proletariat b) the democratization of the army began c) the State Duma was abolished 17. What was the main reason for the April crisis of the Provisional Government? a) Milyukov's note on the continuation of the war b) Lenin's speech at the I Congress of Soviets c) General Brusilov's breakthrough at the front 19. When passedII Congress of Soviets? a) February 23, 1918 b) October 26, 1917 c) October 25, 1917 21. What document was the basis for the Land Decree? a) 240 proposals of the poorest peasants b) 242 local peasant orders to the I Congress of Soviets c) declaration of the rights of the peoples of Russia 23. Representatives of which political parties were included in the first Soviet government? a) representatives of only left parties b) representatives of the Bolsheviks and left SRs c) representatives of only SRs and Bolsheviks 25. What is the fate of the Constituent Assembly? a) it was dissolved by the Bolsheviks b) it continued to work during the month of January c) it was reorganized into a coalition government 27. What categories of the population were deprived of voting rights? a) persons using hired labor b) former employees of the tsarist police c) priests d) all of the above

Option 2

2. What concerns the provisions of Stolypin's agrarian reform? a) the withdrawal of the peasants from the community with land b) the resettlement of the peasants to new lands beyond the Urals c) the allocation of part of the landowners' lands to the peasants d) providing each peasant with a sum of money in the amount of 50 rubles 4. What are the results of Stolypin's agrarian reform? a) the development of market relations in the countryside intensified b) the process of social stratification of the peasantry began c) the main social problems in the countryside were smoothed out 6. When did the First World War start? a) August 1, 1914 b) October 1, 1914 c) December 1, 1915 8. Why did the Russian army fail during the First World War? a) poor supply of the army with weapons and shells b) there was a scattered action of the fronts c) England and France violated the allied agreement 10. What are the results of the First World War for Russia? a) the internal political and economic situation in the country has sharply deteriorated b) Russia has achieved the goals for which it participated in the war c) during the war in Russia, the First Russian Revolution will occur 12. What events caused the riots in February 1917 in Petrograd? a) a demonstration of women in honor of International Women's Day b) the dismissal of 30,000 striking workers from the Putilov plant c) a speech by soldiers of the Petrograd garrison 14. What two organs of power appeared in Petrograd during the February Revolution? a) Constituent Assembly b) Petrograd Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies c) Provisional Government d) State Council 16. What changes were made to the life of Russia by the Declaration of the Provisional Government, adopted on March 3, 1917? a) introduced broad civil rights and freedoms b) provided the peasants with land c) brought Russia out of the First World War 18: When was Russia declared a republic? a) August 1, 1917 b) September 1, 1917 c) March 1, 1917 20. What decrees did it takeII Congress of Soviets? a) a decree on peace, on land, on power b) a decree on the creation of the Cheka, All-Russian Central Executive Committee, SNK c) a decree on the separation of church from state 22. What was the name of the first Soviet government? a) VTsIK b) SNK c) VChK 24. When did the work of the Constituent Assembly take place? a) 7-8 February 1918 b) 5-6 January 1918 c) 3-5 March 1918 26. When was the first Soviet Constitution adopted? a) in 1917 b) in 1918 c) in 1919 28. In what form was the Soviet power established? a) in the form of the dictatorship of the proletariat b) in the form of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie

c) in the form of an alliance of workers and peasants



The main wealth and power of the state is not in the treasury and state property, but in a wealthy and strong population ”.


Teacher actions

Student actions

"Blitz Survey"

1.What is a peasant community?

2. What role did the community play in the life of the peasantry?

3. What shortcomings of communal agriculture were manifested at the beginning of the 20th century?

4. How much land was necessary for the peasant economy for a normal existence?

5. How many acres of land were there on average for one peasant farm?

6. What is agrarian overpopulation and what consequences did it have for the Russian countryside?

7. How efficiently was the landlord's land used?

8. How did the peasants see the solution to the problem of land shortages?

9. Name the main problems of the agricultural sector.

In this way, the main problem the Russian economy became the problem of modernizing the agricultural sector and this problem demanded an early resolution.

Frontal responses from the spot

Lesson plan message:

1. Objectives of the reform

2. Main activities and implementation of the reform.

3. Results and significance of the reform.

Imagine how the epigraph reflects

the need to reform the agrarian sector of the economy from the point of view of Stolypin?

Monological Reasoning Answers

Who is he - P.A. Stolypin? His name has always caused and causes controversy, and draws us into a cycle of passionate assessments. By the way, interesting fact, former President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin named three great reformers of Russia: Peter I, Alexander II, P.A. Stolypin.

In November 2006, the 100th anniversary of the agrarian reform of P.A. Stolypin. Why did not the path of reforms take place, and why was its fate so tragic? Why P.A. Stolypin remained a loner reformer? Is the topic relevant today?

We will try to reflect on these questions after studying this topic.

Autobiographical note of P.A. Stolypin

(portrait on the blackboard), information prepared by the student

Realizing the complexity of the situation in the country, Stolypin proposed to solve two interrelated problems. The first was to end the revolution as soon as possible, i.e. in "calming the country", and the second was reduced to the implementation of systemic reforms. There was a constant threat of a new outbreak of popular unrest in the country, and the authorities tried to suppress these will by force.

neniya. And yet, under the prevailing conditions, the possibility of economic and political reforms was realized.

Work with documents (§ 7, p. 55).

Assignment: Based on Stolypin's statements, determine the goals of the reform.

Oral answers of students, writing conclusions in a notebook

An important part peasant reform were the abolition of class restrictions of the peasants and the granting of individual peasants the right to buy land.

The government could no longer ignore the demands of the peasantry to solve the problems of agrarian overpopulation and land shortages.

Task for a group of work:

Analyzing the text of the documents, formulate how Stolypin intended to solve the issue of land shortages. Add your assumptions to the scheme

1.Group work with a document

Handout # 1 and # 2

Filling out the logic diagram

2. Argumenting the entered facts

3. Comparison of the resulting variants of the schemes of students with the variant of the teacher. (See visual materials. Scheme No. 1)

Pay attention to the terms introduced in the diagram and illustrating the topic of the lesson. Name them.

Write down their notebook.

The government and the tsar were interested in reforming the agrarian question. They understood that the solution to the problem of peasant land shortages,

defuses the revolutionary situation in the country, therefore it actively helped Stolypin at first. I bring to your attention a diagram illustrating this interest.

On August 12, 1906, a decree was issued on the transfer of agricultural specific lands to the Peasant Bank (property of the imperial family); August 27 - on the procedure for the sale of state lands; September 19 - on the procedure for selling state land in Altai (property of the emperor) to peasants ... by these decisions a national land fund was created. with state aid to peasant farms, incl. and migrants, with peasant cooperatives. For joint processing and marketing of products, Siberian farms were united into artels and cooperatives (flax-growing, dairy, butter-making).

Working with concepts. Write a definition in a notebook - reform, agrarian reform, cut, farm, resettlement policy.

Work according to the scheme. (Individual answers)

Identify which of the activities caused the greatest concern from the government and why?

The main measures of the agrarian reform of P.A. Stolypin.

From the history of solving the agrarian question in Russia,

You are familiar with the name Witte S.Yu and his vision of resolving this issue. Let's compare the activities of two statesmen

\\ (current control)

Comparison chart projected onto the board,

Reformist ideas of S.Yu. Witte and P.A. Stolypin on the agrarian question.

work in groups

1Highlight common features

2 Highlight ideas that contribute to the modernization of the agricultural sector

3 Identify the ideas defining the attitude of the ruling class to the modernization of the agricultural sector.

Moving on to the third point of the lesson plan.

1 It is necessary to analyze the results and significance of the agrarian reform.

2 Emphasize your attitude, assumption about the meaning of the reform

3.The opportunity to check your innocence you will get when working at home over 7

Closing remarks from the teacher:

- Why did the reformist path fail? It is clear that Stolypin wanted to carry out economic transformations outside of democracy, without affecting the autocratic system and its basis - landed estates, a centralized bureaucratic system. Stolypin's name has always been controversial. This name immediately draws into the cycle of passionate, mutually exclusive evaluations. None of the tsarist political figures of the early twentieth century. cannot be compared with him in the devoted and enthusiastic memory of his admirers and the concentrated hatred of his opponents. "The period of Stolypin reaction", the gallows - "Stolypin ties", on the one hand, and "a fighter for the good of Russia, a man" worthy to sit on the royal throne "- on the other. Stolypin's career lasted only 5 years, but this time was full of grandiose plans. Stolypin was called the Russian Bismarck. And if we look at historical events as eyewitnesses, whom you and I are, then it will seem to us that history repeats itself. As well as at the beginning of the twentieth century. today Russia is solving difficult questions: which way to go, how to develop its economy, to build a new democratic state. Russia often faces difficult elections. And it is very important to remember the lessons of history and not to admit the mistakes that were committed by Russia during the time of P.A. Stolypin.

Presentation 2. (slide 2-9)

1Pupils formulate and write in

notebook results of the reform.

2.Polemic responses.

3. Working with statistical data.

Handout # 4



Homework by groups:

1. Having worked through the material 7, determine your attitude to the opinion of Stolypin's contemporaries about his state activities

Pyotr Arkadievich Stolypin is one of the major reformers in the history of Russia. Assessment of PA Stolypin as a politician is contradictory: “stronghold of strength, power and legality”, “hero of thoughts”, “Nikolaev lackey”, “pogromist” - such epithets were awarded to a major reformer of the early 20th century

2. As an epigraph to the lesson reflects the nature of Stolypin's reforms. Write an essay.

Consolidation of the learned,

Control of the degree of assimilation of the material.

Fixing homework.

Form of work

Teacher actions

Student work


Distribution of proactive tasks; advice and recommendations for implementation

Preparing a message,

Creation of presentation, work with reference books, Internet resources

In Group:

Determination of the principle of division into groups (colored signal sheets, names ..).

Preparation of handouts, control over the even distribution of the amount of work in the group, creating a situation of competition between them.

Work according to logical schemes, public speaking, recording the results of work in a notebook, exchange information, defend their opinions, participate in discussions.


Simulates a problem situation, ensures the differentiation of the issues discussed, analyzes the answers of students. Creates a situation of discussion,

Participate in discussions, defend own opinionlearn ethics

dialogue, outline the main ideas.


Control form number 1

Form for issue to students No. 1

Form for issue to students No. 1


What or who are we talking about?

A plot of land received by peasants upon leaving the community, leaving the estate in the village.

On January 1, 1907, he was appointed a member of the State Council, from January 1, 1908, Secretary of State E.I.V. On September 1, 1911, he was mortally wounded by the former secret police agent D. Bogrov at the Kiev Opera House.

land tenure and land use transformation

Control form number 1


What or who are we talking about?

count, Russian statesman, Minister of Finance of Russia (1892-1903),

A plot of land received by peasants upon leaving the community, leaving the estate in the village

decree granting peasants the same civil rights as other estates

residence in sparsely populated outlying areas - Siberia, distant movement of the rural population of the central regions of Russia to the permanent East as a means of internal colonization

No. 6 January 1, 1907 appointed a member of the State Council, from January 1, 1908 State Secretary E.I.V. On September 1, 1911, he was mortally wounded by D. Bogrov, a former secret police agent, at the Kiev Opera House.

Resettlement policy

decree on allowing peasants to leave the community on farms and cuts


emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and grand Duke Finnish (October 20 (November 1) 1894 - March 2 (March 15) 1917).

Land tenure and land tenure transformation

Nikolay ll

Agrarian reform

the adoption by the Duma of the law "On amendments and additions to certain resolutions on peasant land tenure", which approved the decree of November 9, 1906 No.


Option 1

1. When did P.A. Stolypin?

A) in 1906. b) c. 1907 c) in 1908.

2What relates to the provisions of Stolypin's agrarian reform?

a) the withdrawal of peasants from the community with land b) the resettlement of peasants to new lands beyond the Urals

c) the allocation of part of the landowners' lands to the peasants

d) providing each peasant with a sum of money in the amount of 50

3. What strata of peasants actively left the community?

a) wealthy

b) poor c) poor and prosperous

4What are the results of Stolypin's agrarian reform? ...

5. Give a definition to the concept of "farm":

a) a plot of land that a peasant could receive when leaving the community, with the transfer of a house and outbuildings to it

b) a piece of land that a peasant could take when leaving the community, but he could leave his house and buildings in the old place in the village

c) this is a peasant's house, which he built far from the village

6) What is the result of the Stolypin reform:

a) It ended in complete failure everywhere except Siberia, where during the years of the reform lands were allocated to settlers.

b) It led to a complete restructuring of all agriculture.

c) The peasants received land in private ownership (with the right to sell), which led to the creation in the village of a new layer of rich peasant farmers (kulaks).

Option 2

a) Claim land for private ownership.

b) Leave the community, but without land.

c) Take the communal land for rent.

2) What, according to P.A. Stolypin, was the main reason for the disorder in agriculture in Russia?

a) In the existence of landlord ownership.

b) In a sharp stratification of the peasants into kulaks and farm laborers.

c) In the preservation of the peasant community.

3) When was the main decree on the agrarian reform of P.A. Stolypin adopted?

a) November 9, 1906.

b) November 10, 1907

c) March 14, 1911

4) What impact did the agrarian reform of P.A. Stolypin have on the landlords' land?

a) Elimination of landlord ownership.

b) Allowed to significantly increase landowners' land ownership at the expense of the peasants.

c) Preservation of landlord ownership.

5) What are the results of Stolypin's agrarian reform? ...

and the development of market relations in the countryside intensified

b) the process of social stratification of the peasantry began

c) the main social problems in the village have been smoothed out

6) The cut meant

a) Wooden housing

b) Settlement outside the community

c) a piece of land that a peasant could take when leaving the community, but he could leave his house and buildings in the old place in the village

For group work


P.A. Stolypin's reform program. Volume 1. Documents and materials. M .: "Russian political encyclopedia", 2002

    Unpopulated, but suitable for settlement lands of the Altai District

The offices of His Imperial Majesty are transferred, as resettlement plots are formed on them, into the property of the treasury and are at the disposal of the Main Directorate of Land Management and Agriculture, for the settlement of settlers. The rights to the subsoil of the designated lands are retained by the Cabinet on the grounds specified by the applicable law.

(Code of Laws, vol. IX, Special appendix, ed. 1902, Paul. Cross. Siberia, p. 126).

II. The transfer of the lands of the Altai District of the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty to the ownership of the treasury is carried out on the basis of the following rules:

1. The resettlement plots are addressed by: 1) vacant land; 2) surplus clauses, as the lease contracts for them are terminated, and 3) land surpluses remaining with the Cabinet from the land arrangement of old residents.

2. The composition of resettlement sites may not include: 1) valuable, protective and water protection forest dachas; 2) land and forests allotted or necessary for allotment to cabinet and private mining enterprises, factories, plants and other industrial establishments, as well as for the development of minerals, for agricultural schools, churches, schools and experimental and demonstration institutions; 3) lands intended for afforestation and for other state or public needs; 4) lands occupied by valuable structures, buildings or gardens, or representing land that does not meet the usual conditions of a peasant economy.

For work in groups


P.A. Stolypin on the structure of the life of the peasants and on the right of ownership, pronounced in The State Duma May 10, 1907.

History of Russia XX century, edited by A.N. Sakharova and others.

M., AST, 2001.S. 88-89.

Would the land question give or not give the opportunity to arrange for the peasants in their localities?

The answer can be given by figures, and the figures, gentlemen, are as follows: if not only private ownership, but even the entire land without the slightest exception, even the land currently under the cities, were given to the disposal of the peasants who now own allotment land, then time, as in the Vologda province, together with the currently available 147 dessiatines per yard ..., in 14 provinces it would not have gotten even 15, and in Poltava, there would have been only 9 ..., in 10 provinces ... with the smallest allotment, i.e. That is, 7 acres per yard.

The universal division of all lands can hardly meet the land needs on the ground; will have to resort to the same means that the government is proposing, that is, resettlement; will have to give up the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving land to the entire working people ...

For work in groups


Wealthy peasants and middle peasants who are able to run a farm without a community, by family forces or by hiring additional labor - farm laborers. As Stolypin said: “The stake is not on the poor and drunk, but on the strong and strong”.


Using the data of the last population census, calculate the numerical data given in% ratio. Use Internet resources.

The beginning of the creation of farms (by 1915 - 10% of all peasant farms) Growth of agricultural productivity (by 1915 the gross grain harvest increased by 1.7 times), improvement of agricultural technology (use of machines, fertilizers). Growth in grain exports The community was not destroyed. From it came 25% of peasant farms, mostly well-to-do and the poorest. The property stratification of the peasants increased, and the proletarianization of the countryside accelerated. The peasantry as a whole had a negative attitude towards private owners (arson, injury). To the contradiction between the peasantry as a whole and the landowners was added the contradiction between the wealthy and the poorest peasants. More than 3 million peasants moved beyond the Urals. 30 million acres of virgin lands have been mastered.

empire Russianempire in earlyXXcentury... Agrarian legislation Russianempire start XX ...
  • UMK 1 Educational-methodical complex for 1st year students Moscow - 2009

    Training and metodology complex

    To some educationalsubject (see ... ideology. Official name states: ... Russianempire in the second half of the 19th century. Legal status print in Russianempire in earlyXXcentury... Agrarian legislation Russianempire start XX ...

  • Tutorial

    National relations. Educational allowance. SPb, 1999 INTRODUCTION XXcentury SUBJECT Name Russianempire in earlyXXcentury, just like ...

  • sociology and psychology of ethnic relations study guide SPb 1999


    National relations. Educational allowance. SPb, 1999 INTRODUCTION XXcentury was marked by not .... IN SEARCH SUBJECT 1.1. About domain boundaries Name this chapter is far away ... still at the stage of existence Russianempire in earlyXXcentury, just like ...

  • Zabelin Vladimir Mikhailovich, candidate historical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of History and Theory of State and Law, Non-State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North Caucasian Social Institute", Stavropol [email protected]

    To the problem of the withdrawal of peasants from the community

    Annotation. The article examines the withdrawal of the peasants of the Blagodarnensky district of the Stavropol province from the community under the Stolypin agrarian reform. Specific examples are given, options for the use of land by peasants after receiving it into ownership are considered.

    Key words: peasants, owners, rural community, communal lands, redistribution of land.

    State reforms have always attracted the attention of researchers. The study of the Stolypin agrarian reform remains relevant for historians and economists. In the article, we will consider, using the example of Blagodarnensky district of the Stavropol province, how the peasants left the community, consolidating allotment lands into their personal ownership. By decree of 15 November. it was supplemented by the permission of the mortgage of allotment land in the Peasant Bank, both to individual peasants and to societies and partnerships. After additions, the Decree on November 9, 1906. was approved as a Law on June 14, 1910. "Amendments to some decrees on peasant land tenure." Land management of peasants was finally standardized by the Law of May 29, 1911, which regulated the ways of using plots. He gave the right to open up communal lands for farms and cuts with a simple majority of votes, and not two-thirds, as before. In April 1907. The Committee for Land Management Issues issued a resolution on the opening from May 1907. land management commission in the Stavropol province. However, only in May 1910. In 1907, there were 34261 peasant households with 906,581 dessiatins in Blagodarnensky uyezd. allotment land. Of these, in 1910, 5027 peasant households from 66161 dessiatines of land passed to personal land ownership, which, in percentage terms, amounted to 15 of the total number of registered householders. the number of householders who finally transferred to personal land ownership amounted to 6861 households, with 94181 dess. land, or 20%. Next, we will consider how the exit of peasants from the community in certain settlements of the Blagodarnensky district of the Stavropol province was covered in the periodicals of that period. In the village of Burlatsky, back in

    1908 rural society carried out an early redistribution of land, spreading all arable land for 2060 males in small uneven strips in six places. At the end of the year, they left the community according to the law on November 9, 1906. ten householders, and then their number began to increase. Then the society, seeing that "the community is coming to an end" and in order to quickly end the procedure for transferring from community to property and deprive its absent people of the same social rights to receive land, passed on the verdict on February 9, 1909. from communal to household ownership of land, strengthening allotments and all land in the personal property of householders. So the agricultural society began to consist of owners. a group of 66 people applied to the county land management commission with a petition for the allocation of their cross-strip land for cut plots, on which they counted on starting a more cultural economy, since crop failures and crop failures recent years undermined their well-being. According to the information of contemporaries, there were different situations in the village with leaving the community. There were doubts and fears among the peasants: “the experiments of the neighbors of the pipe workers showed that you cannot brew beer with our huge, unstable communities ... slovenly manners of land use. rejected. The influential can rent for a pittance ... referring to the inconvenience of the fragmentation of small strips. ”In the uyezd village of Blagodarny, many peasants, having received land in their ownership, immediately sold it. Therefore, in the dacha of a land allotment, lands with an area of \u200b\u200b50,200 dess., Dug by moats, appeared. The land was bought up mainly by local prosperous gratitude, who immediately began to lease it and for the skopshchina. Peasants who sell the land are often quickly left without money. The fellow villagers noted that “the community members look at these squandered“ landowners ”with contempt. But to those owners who, having received allotments, did not sell them, but continue to cultivate themselves, the community is quite friendly and benevolent. They do not harbor any malice towards them, but only wait for the difference between a sole proprietorship and a communal one ”.

    The peasants of the village of Sotnikovsky noted that the access to the cuts in their village went in several directions. One part passed into the category of owners with the sole purpose of winning the jackpot from the land and ending farming forever. Another group goes to the cut without knowing the essence of the matter, seduced by the freedom to dispose of the land and fantasies about the possibility of having free money, by pledging land, etc. The third category of owners sells land on the basis of the proceeds to buy larger areas in the resettlement areas than they had at their disposal. The last group of owners remains in their places and sits quite firmly. Not only on their own land, but they also buy their lands from dreamers and settlers. This group attracted attention. they began a new cultivation of the land, began to plow deeper, brought black fallow. half of the village came to the cut. The rest of the sotnikovites stopped at the following thought: “All the members of the community decided to strengthen their allotments into personal property, but they are not allocated for the cuts, but use the land on the basis of common share ownership, while maintaining a common clean-up, with the formation of black steam winter, spring and grass wedge. Then, these same peasants propose to buy several thousand land on a comradely basis, with the help of a peasant bank. ”The press did not manage without materials revealing the abuse of officials of land management commissions. Here is what was reported about the activities of those in the village of Sotnikovsk: “At the beginning of the spring of this year (1912. ZV), land surveyor Ya.M. Artemyev for the production of work on the allotment to the owners of the cutting sites. The owners reached out to Artemyev with an application for a cut. The land surveyor seemed to the peasants to be a sympathetic, intelligent and good person. He promised to each owner to cut a piece of land where he wanted. He only demanded from each person a written statement indicating the desired place. In view of this, the peasants with great eagerness rushed to the village clerks with requests for the earliest possible drafting of the named statements. It is desirable for everyone to indicate a good, convenient place for the plot. Without saying a word, the clerks were paid 50 kopecks. and a full ruble per application. These owners rarely submit applications to the landlord during the day. More went late in the evening or early in the morning, and certainly with the attachment: a sack of flour, a pot of cow butter, a few pounds of lamb, lard, chopped goose, ducks, chickens, a few dozen eggs, cream, milk, baked bread and even a live goat.

    This kind of order continued until August 15th, and the local merchant I.T. Novikov, who bought more than 225 shower plots for himself from our owners. Since that time, a crowd of owners crowded daily at the land surveyor's apartment, a hot feast and revelry raged to the sound of a gramophone. In such an atmosphere Artemyev spent the spring and summer and did not take the cut-off plots to any of the owners, except for Novikov alone. For Novikov, he made the whole plan for 225 shower allotments. I cut off the land for him. Good and convenient in everything, on both sides of the Buffola River and not far from the village. From ordinary owners he tried to satisfy by cutting cuts 1520 miles from the water and the village. Having looked at these arts, the peasants on August 15 came to the land surveyor with a request to show them their plots , as the time is right for plowing and sowing bread for 1913. The surveyor hesitates and vaguely announces that the plots are there ... but plowing and sowing, they say, they are not yet possible, the plans, they say, are not finished. Some of the owners resigned themselves, while others, seeing that they were deceived and not wanting to stay for the next year without sowing, filed a petition to the head of the province with a complaint against the surveyor. By the way, the owners apply for the provision of all

    the land assigned by the land surveyor to Novikov. Obviously, in connection with this petition, on September 20, an indispensable member of the county land management commission arrived from Blagodarny. He questioned four complainants and left without making any definite statements. The sowing time has already passed, and the peasants are sitting idle, remaining next year without winter grain. But how much did the owners spend on the direct maintenance of the land surveyor, his family and servants? According to the calculation, it comes out about twenty rubles from the allocated allotted soul ... ”. On October 23, at an emergency meeting of the Blagodarny district land management commission, a decision was made to remove the land surveyor Artemyev from work and replace him with the land surveyor Dulin.

    Provincial periodical press in 1915. began to publish on their pages reports on individual villages on the sale of fortified land by peasants, and the value of transactions. For instance:

    “In the village of Mirny, the sale of fortified land has been carried out forever since 1911 at the following prices: for one allotment of 6 acres and 160 square meters. soot. In 1911, they paid 250 rubles, in 1912. 300 rubles, in 1913. 400 rubles, in 1914 and 1915. 500 rubles each Mostly poor people were selling their plots, burdened with debts, which for the most part went on sale to workers. The buyers were both their well-to-do peasants and newcomers from the Tavriches.

    “In the village of Alekseevskoye, the sale of allotments forever began only in 1913, as in 1911 and 12. there were no fortifications yet. Prices for one allotment measure 6 from the floor. There were the following treasury tithes: in 1913. 400 rubles, in 1914. 550 RUR and in this year 600 RUR the poor people and the Russian subjects of the Germans sold their allotments, and the latter, among the 70 households, sold everything to Kashchenko and went to America. The buyers were also their well-to-do peasants and 10 householders who arrived from the Tavricheskaya province, and in particular Kashchenko. ”The withdrawal from the community often took place with the resistance of the peasant community. In the village of Petrovskoye, a situation was created in which the owners could not live in the village, they were not even given water. March 20, 1911 the village gathering decided: "so that the owners should not be given stone, sand and clay, and if someone gives one of the community members, a fine of 25 rubles." At that time, it was decided to take payment from the owners for grazing livestock on public land: for cattle 5 rubles, sheep 3 rubles. Agitated peasants for such a decision S. Fastikov and P. Pavlovsky, for which they were arrested for three months. There are cases when political agitators tried to persuade peasants not to leave the community. Such agitation in the village of Kistinskoye was carried out by a local peasant T.I. Korelin, while distributing leaflets of the Stavropol Committee of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. Thus, the withdrawal of peasants from the community in Blagodarnensky district of the Stavropol province took place with different consequences and different public perceptions.

    References to sources 1. Review of the Stavropol province in 1910 / According to the data of the Stavropol province statistical committee. Stavropol: Printing house of the Stavropol provincial government, 1911. 178s. 2. Overview of the Stavropol province for 1911 / According to the data of the Stavropol provincial statistical committee. Stavropol: Printing house of the Stavropol provincial government, 1912. 128 p. 3. S. Burlatskoe // Ibid, 1912. № 345 (May 27). С.3.4. Leaving the community // North Caucasus Territory. 1912. No. 424 (September 1). С.1.5.S. Sotnikovskoe // Ibid., No. 342 (May 24). FROM. 3.6 Owner. Feeding // Ibid, No. 449 (October 5). C.3.7.C. Thankful // North Caucasian Territory. 1912. 478 (November 9). FROM. 3.

    8.Cuttal results // North Caucasus Territory. No. 191 (September 3). FROM. 3.9. New // North Caucasian Territory. 1915. No. 209 (September 26). C.3.10 State Archives of the Stavropol Territory (GASK), F. 101, Op. 5, D. 535.

    1. When did P L. Stolypin begin to carry out reforms?
    a) in 1906
    b) in 1907 c) in 1908

    2. What concerns the provisions of Stolypin's agrarian reform?
    a) the withdrawal of peasants from the community with land
    b) resettlement of peasants to new lands beyond the Urals

    c) the allocation of part of the landowners' lands to the peasants
    d) providing each peasant with a sum of money in the amount of 50 rubles

    3. What strata of peasants actively left the community?
    a) wealthy
    b) poor
    c) poor and wealthy

    4. What are the results of Stolypin's agrarian reform?
    a) the development of market relations in the countryside intensified
    b) the process of social stratification of the peasantry began
    c) the main social problems in the village have been smoothed out

    5. Give a definition to the concept of "farm":
    a) a plot of land that a peasant could receive when leaving the community, with the transfer of a house and outbuildings to it
    b) a plot of land that a peasant could take when leaving the community, but he could leave his house and buildings in the old place in the village
    c) this is a peasant's house, which he built far from the village

    6. When did the First World War start?
    a) August 1, 1914
    b) October 1, 1914
    c) December 1, 1915

    7. What are the causes of the First World War?
    a) the desire of the leading world powers to redraw the world map in their interests
    b) the desire of the governments of the countries participating in the war to divert their peoples from the revolutionary struggle
    c) the desire of the participating countries to take away colonies from the largest colonial power - Great Britain

    8. Why did the Russian army fail during the First World War?
    a) poor supply of the army with weapons and shells
    b) there was a scattered action of the fronts
    c) England and France violated the allied agreement

    9. What was the main outcome of the 1914 military campaign?
    a) the signing of a separate peace by Germany and England
    b) Germany failed to implement its plan of lightning war
    c) Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France

    10. What are the results of the First World War for Russia?
    a) the internal political and economic situation in the country has sharply deteriorated
    b) Russia achieved the goals for which it participated in the war
    c) during the war in Russia, the First Russian Revolution will occur

    Answers (keys) for test 1:

    1 -a; 2-a, b, c; 3-in; 4-a, b; 5-a; 6-a; 7-a; 8-a, b; 9-6; 10-a.