Test 20 peasant reform 1861 option 1.

The work contains 20 questions with one answer. For convenience, I divided the work into 2 options - 12 questions each. Choose the type of work application convenient for you. Recommended grading system: 20-18 - "5", 17-14 - "4", 13-10 - "3", 9-0 - "2" I hope you find the right application for this job. Good luck!



Testing on the topic “Abolition of serfdom. Liberal reforms of the 60-70s of the XIX century "

2. What are line segments?

4. Temporarily liable peasants had to:

5. According to the Manifesto "On the all-merciful granting to serfs of the rights of the state of free rural inhabitants and on the arrangement of their life":

6. Which of the above was one of the prerequisites for the abolition of serfdom?

7. What was the decisive circumstance that prompted Alexander II to carry out the peasant reform?

8. In what year was the Zemskaya reform carried out?

9. Later the rest was carried out:

10. In what year was the city reform carried out?

11. According to the judicial reform, according to the new judicial statutes, the courts were divided into:

12. Overall service life in the course of military reform:

13. In the course of the reforms, the management of the III department began to be carried out:

14. In the course of the Zemsky reform, 3 curiae were created. Eliminate unnecessary:

15. In the course of the education reform, the main educational institutions were:

16. Select Outstanding Speaker Advocates:

17. Zemsky councils were:

18. The highest court was:

19. An appeal against a decision of a court in a higher judicial body for the purpose of reviewing this decision is:

20. "Dictatorship of the heart" was called politics:

Option 1

1. Serfdom was abolished in:

2. Temporarily liable peasants had to:

A) Pay quitrent or work off corvee in favor of its former owner;

B) Work for free for the state 2 times a week

C) Take part in community service in your county.

3. According to the Manifesto "On the all-merciful granting to serfs of the rights of the state of free rural inhabitants and on the arrangement of their life":

A) The peasants fully redeemed the land;

B) The peasants paid 50%, the state paid the same;

C) The peasants paid 20%, the state 80%.

4. Which of the above was one of the prerequisites for the abolition of serfdom?

A) Mass protests of peasants against obligations;

B) Intensive development of natural economy;

C) The desire of the government to stimulate the development of capitalism in Russia.

5. In what year was the Zemskaya reform carried out?

A) 1861 B) 1864 C) 1867 D) 1870

6. Later the rest was carried out:

A) City reform B) Zemskaya reform C) Judicial reform D) Military reform

7. According to the judicial reform according to the new judicial statutes, the courts were divided into:

A) World and internal B) World and general C) World and regional

8. During the Zemsky reform, 3 curiae were created. Eliminate unnecessary:

A) Landowning B) Noble C) Urban D) Rural

9. The highest court was:

A) Trial Chamber B) District Chamber C) Magistrate Court D) Senate

10. "The dictatorship of the heart" was called politics:

A) N. A. Milyutina B) Alexander II C) M. T. Loris-Melikova D) Ya. I. Rostovtseva

11. What are line segments?

A) The land that was allocated to the peasants under the reform of 1861;

B) the land that was cut off from the landowners in favor of the peasants;

C) A part of the peasant allotment, which turned out to be "superfluous" in comparison with the norm established in 1861.

12. What circumstance became decisive that prompted Alexander II to carry out the peasant reform?

A) The demand of the nobility to free the peasants;

B) Defeat to the Crimean War;

C) Radishchev's journey "From St. Petersburg to Moscow"

Testing on the topic “Abolition of serfdom. Liberal reforms 60-70s of the XIX century "grade 8

Option 1

1. Serfdom was abolished in:

2. What are line segments?

A) The land that was allocated to the peasants under the reform of 1861;

B) the land that was cut off from the landowners in favor of the peasants;

C) A part of the peasant allotment, which turned out to be "superfluous" in comparison with the norm established in 1861.

3. Who is the World Mediator?

A) A representative of the nobility, called upon to monitor the implementation of the peasant reform in the field;

B) A representative of the landlords participating in the development of the reform;

C) A representative of the peasant community participating in the resolution of disputes between the landowner and the peasants;

4. What was the decisive circumstance that prompted Alexander II to carry out the peasant reform?

A) The demand of the nobility to free the peasants;

B) Defeat to the Crimean War;

C) Radishchev's journey "From St. Petersburg to Moscow"

5. Later the rest was carried out:

A) City reform B) Zemskaya reform C) Judicial reform D) Military reform

6. In what year was the city reform carried out?

A) 1861 B (1864 C) 1865 D) 1870

7. Overall service life in the course of military reform:

A) Increased B) Decreased C) Remained at the same level

8. In the course of the reforms, the leadership of the III department began to be carried out by:

A) M. T. Loris-Melikov B) N. A. Milyutin C) K. D. Kavelin D) Ya. I. Rostovtsev

9. In the course of the education reform, the main educational institutions were:

A) Grammar schools B) Schools C) Boarding houses D) Parish schools

10. Select Outstanding Speaker Advocates:

A) D. A. Milyutin B) P. V. Annenkov C) F. N. Plevako D) E. I. Totleban

11. Zemsky councils were:

A) Executive body B) Administrative body C) Judicial body

12. An appeal against a decision of a court in a higher judicial body for the purpose of reviewing this decision is:

A) Nihilism B) Appeal C) Rescript

1. For the first time, Alexander II announced the need to abolish serfdom in short speech, which he pronounced on March 30, 1856 in front of representatives

a) the Moscow nobility; b) the St. Petersburg nobility;

c) the Moscow merchants; d) Russian clergy.

2. To prepare for the abolition of serfdom, Alexander II established a special government body on January 3, 1857

a) the Peasant Committee; b) Special presence;

c) the Peasant Committee of the ruling Senate; d) Secret Committee.

3. Initially, the government of Alexander II prepared the preparations for the abolition of serfdom

a) publicly; b) secretly; c) widely discussed in the press; d) actively attracting Russian landowners.

4. To prepare the abolition of serfdom, special bodies were established in 46 provinces

a) provincial committees; b) noble committees;

c) land committees; d) peasant committees.

5. To consider the materials for the preparation of the abolition of serfdom, developed in the provinces by the landowners in St. Petersburg, editorial commissions were formed, headed by General

a) Kankrin; b) Kiselev; c) Rostovtsev; d) Kavelin.

6. In the fall of 1860, the peasant reform project was ready. It was approved

and) The State Duma; b) the State Council; c) the Imperial Council; d) Imperial surname.

7. On February 19, 1861, Alexander II signed a manifesto "On the all-merciful granting to serfs of the rights of the state of free rural inhabitants and on the arrangement of their life" and "Regulations on the peasants who emerged from serfdom." In accordance with these documents, the peasants, receiving freedom, were allotted land

a) free of charge; b) partly free of charge and partly for a ransom; c) at the expense of the state; d) for a ransom.

8. Sections are

a) the land that the peasants lost under the reform of 1861;

b) a transitional period for peasants from serfdom to freedom;

c) the remnants of feudal duties; d) redemption payments for land;

9. Peasants were considered temporarily liable until

a) reaching 40 years of age; b) within 5 years after the reform;

c) before the redemption of their land allotments;

d) within 7 years after the reform;

10. Legal status temporarily liable peasants determined

a) redemption payments; b) Regulation on the abolition of serfdom; c) Manifesto on the abolition of serfdom; d) Charter certificates.

11. The owner of peasant allotments, after the abolition of serfdom, was

a) the peasant himself; b) the peasant community; c) peasant family; d) landowner.

12. Local reform was to be monitored

a) conciliators; b) landlords; c) clerks and clerks; d) zemstvo chiefs.

13. In the past, the Decembrist. On the eve of the uprising on December 14, 1825, he informed Nicholas I about the uprising. Into the reign

Alexander II did a lot to free the peasants

a) Ants; b) Pestel; c) Rostovtsev; d) Lunin.

14.On February 19, Alexander II chose to sign the most important documents on peasant reform, since this

a) his birthday; b) the day of his coronation; c) the day of his accession to the throne;

d) the day was chosen at random.

15. According to the reform of 1861, the peasants of each estate united

a) to the parish; b) to the county; c) in rural society; d) the peasant community.

The key to the test.

Test on the topic "Abolition of serfdom"

1. For the first time about the need to abolish serfdom AlexanderII officially announced on March 1856. b) February 1861. c) March 1861. d) April 1864.
2.The Chairman of the Drafting Commission for the development of the draft reform on the abolition of serfdom becamea) N.A. Milyutin b) Ya.I. Rostovtsev c) Yu.F. Samarin d) Ya.A. Soloviev
3. The crisis of the feudal-serf system of economy manifested itselfa) in the presence of estatesb) in the existence of a monarchical form of governmentc) in the existence of a peasant communityd) in reaching the highest limit of corvee and rent
4. The reform to abolish serfdom was carried out in the interests ofa) the local nobilityb) the peasantry c) the emperor d) residents of national outskirts
5. What period was set for the peasants to make redemption payments for the land a) 10 years b) 25 years c) 49 years d) 70 years
6. The temporarily liable state of the peasants could continue fora) 6 years b) 7 years c) 8 years d) 9 years
7. The reform envisaged solving the land issue as followsa) give land to peasants for ransomb) divide the land between the peasants equallyc) peasants to lease land from landlordsd) give land to peasants free of charge

8. In the course of the reform, the land purchased from the landowner became a) the personal property of the peasant b) the property of the peasant community c) state property d) the property of the emperor
9. Peasant reform of 1861 a) strengthened the autocratic power b) worsened the situation of the peasants c) created conditions for the establishment of the capitalist structure in the economy d) solved the agrarian issue in Russia
10. Set the correspondence between date and event


11. Establish a correspondence between the term and its definition


1) transformation, change;2) part of the land used by the peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landlords;3) former serfs freed under the "Regulations of February 19, 1861", but not transferred to ransom;4) one of the obligations of dependent peasants, which consists in paying tribute to the landlord in food or money;5) annual repayment by peasants of 1/49 of the amount of money paid by the government for the redemption of peasant allotments in the course of the reform of 1861;6) the most severe form of dependence of peasants on landlords, whose power extended to the personality, labor and property of the peasants belonging to them;7) the amount of tax or due not paid on time;8) labor, work as serfs and temporarily liable peasants in favor of the feudal lord;9) civil service since 1859 in Russian Empire to settle land relations between landlords and peasants and to supervise peasant institutions;10) offering to the church a tenth of the proceeds. For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.
12. Arrange the events in chronological orderA) the murder of AlexanderII B) cancellation of redemption paymentsC) Alexander's ManifestoII on the emancipation of the peasants D) Alexander's statementII on the need to abolish serfdom D) the beginning of the reign of AlexanderII E) the establishment of Editorial Commissions 13. What are the central and local institutions of Russia involved in the preparation of the peasant reform1) II Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery 2) Editorial commissions3) Main Committee for Peasant Affairs4) Secret Committee on Peasant Affairs5) Ministry of Internal Affairs6) Council of State7) State Duma8) Provincial noble committees for improving the life of landlord peasants9) Governing Senate Answer: _________________
14. Name the rights and freedoms granted to the peasants by the Manifesto of 18611) the right to engage in entrepreneurship2) the right to leave the peasant community3) elective peasant self-government4) electoral rights5) personal freedom6) the right to transfer to other classes7) freedom of speech 8) the right to engage in trading operations9) the right to meetings and strikesAnswer: _________________
15. Note the provisions that are the reasons for the abolition of serfdom1) the crisis of the feudal-serf economic system2) the desire to turn Russia from an agrarian into an industrial country3) the military-technical backwardness of Russia4) the growth of peasant uprisings, the possibility of a new "Pugachevism" in Russia5) pressure from conservative forces6) solve the problem of peasants' land shortageAnswer: _________________

1.a 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.c 6d 7.a 8.b 9.c

13. 2,3,4,6,8
14. 1,3,5,6,8
15. 1,3,4

Reforms of the 60-70s


Zemstvos are elected representative institutions that dealt with local economic issues (in provinces, counties)

Zemstvos played a significant role in solving local economic and cultural problems: the organization of medical and veterinary care, the emergence of educational institutions


Senate - considered political cases; the highest appeal system.

District Court with jurors.

Magistrates' Court - tried petty civil claims and misdemeanors, no jury with one judge.

The court became non-literal, public, adversarial, independent of the administration

Compulsory military service for men from 20 years of age. The service life depended on the level of education of the conscript. Rearmament of the army. New military educational institutions.

Increasing the combat effectiveness of the Russian army due to the possibility of its replenishment during the war with reserve trained in military affairs.

one). Local government reforms.

January 1, 1864 the imperial decree introduced the "Regulations on provincial and district zemstvo institutions." Elective bodies of local self-government were created in the counties - zemstvos... Only men enjoyed the right to vote. The material basis for the activities of the zemstvos was a special tax imposed on real estate: land, houses, factories and trade establishments.

*** Completing the table: first line: Zemskaya reform.

*** Find in the text the liberal nature of the reform and the limitations of the reform. (p. 132)

liberal nature of the reform

limited reform

Election; all-estate.

The reform contributed to the involvement of the general population in solving management issues.

An energetic, democratic-minded intelligentsia was grouped around the zemstvos.

The zemstvos raised the level of education and public health, improved the road network, and provided agronomic and veterinary assistance to the peasants.

The activities of the zemstvos were aimed at improving the situation of the broad masses of the people.

The principle of all-estate is inconsistently maintained.

The elections were actually built on the basis of class.

The nobles had a significant advantage.

The range of issues solved by the zemstvos was limited.

IN 1870 year on the type of zemstvo was held urban reform... It replaced the previous estate city councils with all-estate elective institutions. The city government was in charge of solving economic issues: the improvement of the city, the development of local trade and industry, health care and public education, the maintenance of the police, prisons, etc. the city reform contributed to the involvement of broad strata of the population in solving management issues, which served as a prerequisite for the formation of civil society and the rule of law in Russia.

2). Judicial reform.

In November 1864 g... new judicial statutes were adopted.

*** Completion of the table: second line: Judicial reform.

In accordance with the judicial reform, the court was built on the principles of bourgeois law:

• equality of all estates before the law;

• lack of estates - representatives of all estates are judged by one court;

• publicity of the court - court sessions are open to everyone;

 adversarial - there are two parties in the process: the accuser - the prosecutor and the defending - the lawyer “compete”; an interest in advocacy arose in society - the lawyer F.N. Plevako, Prince A.I. Urusov;

 independent of the administration, i.e. the judge could not be dismissed for passing a sentence that was undesirable to the authorities.

According to the new judicial statutes, two types of courts were created - peace and general.

3) Military reforms.

Military regulations approved on January 1 1874 g.The author of the reform is the Minister of War, Count D.A. Milyutin.

*** Completing the table: third line: Military reform.

The main provisions of the reform:

 recruitment was canceled;

 a universal conscription for all classes from 20 years old;

• the service life has decreased (6-7 years);

The rearmament of the army and navy took place. All soldiers were taught to read and write during the service. As a result of the reform, Russia received a massive army of a modern type.

4) Reforms in the field of education. 1864 g.

 Regulations on elementary public schools: created primary schools of various types - state, parish, Sunday. The training juice was 3 years.

 Gymnasiums became the main type educational institutions middle step. They were divided into real and classic.


Prepared "for employment in various industries and trade." Education - 7 years. The main focus was on the study of mathematics, natural science, technical subjects... Access to universities for graduates of real gymnasiums was closed. They could continue their studies in technical universities


A large place was given to the ancient languages \u200b\u200b- Latin and ancient Greek. They prepared young people for university entrance. The term of study since 1871 is 8 years. The gymnasium accepted children "of all classes, without distinction of rank and religion." But the tuition fees were very high.

 A new charter for universities was approved, which restored the autonomy of these educational institutions.

 Developed female education - female gymnasiums, higher female courses.

5) Constitutional throwing. "Dictatorship of the Heart".

Many innovations that have appeared in Russia as a result of reforms have come into conflict with the principles of autocracy. Alexander II was convinced that autocratic power was the most acceptable form of government for the multinational and vast Russian Empire. He declared "that he opposes the establishment of a constitution not because he values \u200b\u200bhis power, but because he is convinced that this would be a misfortune for Russia and would lead it to disintegration."

Nevertheless, Alexander II was forced to make concessions to the supporters of constitutional rule. The reason was the terror against top officials and the constant attempts to assassinate the emperor himself by revolutionary organizations.

After the second attempt on the life of Alexander II in April 1879, the tsar appointed the popular military leaders, generals I.V. Gurko, E.I. Totleben, M.T. Loris-Melikov governors-general in order to calm the population and cool the heads of the revolutionaries.

In February 1880, a new attempt was made to assassinate the emperor in the Winter Palace. Alexander II established the Supreme Administrative Commission and appointed it chief of the Kharkiv Governor-General M.T. Loris-Melikova.

The activities of M.T. Loris-Melikova:

 All security agencies were concentrated in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the number of assassination attempts declined.

• Weakened censorship.

 He insisted on the dismissal of the Minister of Public Education, Count D.A. Tolstoy.

"Dictatorship of the Heart": the number of terrorist assassination attempts has decreased, the situation in the country has become calmer.

Loris-Melikov Constitution project:

1. To develop laws, it is necessary to create two temporary commissions from representatives of zemstvos and cities - administrative and economic and financial.

2. Proposed draft laws to be sent for discussion to the General Commission, composed of elected representatives of the zemstvo and city government.

3. After approval in General Commission the bill would go to the State Council, in the meeting of which 10-15 electives who worked in the General Commission would also participate.

On the morning of March 1, 1881, Alexander II approved the Loris-Melikov project and appointed a meeting of the Council of Ministers for March 4 for its final approval. But a few hours later, the emperor was killed by terrorists.

Fill in the table.

Liberal nature of the reform

Limitations of the reform

