How to develop a person's analytical skills. Ways to develop analytical skills

Analytical skills include, to a large extent, work with computer technologies, various documents and programs. Work with people here is manifested to a lesser extent. Therefore, it is extremely important that a person finds himself and his place in life, because many people, having worked most of their fast-flowing life, begin to realize that they do not have a soul for a specific job.

In general, the analytical skills of the applicant are of great interest to employers. The thing is that this valuable quality is present in such professions as logisticians, managers, economists, analysts, sales specialists - and these employees are a valuable personnel link for the company. That is why employers pay special attention to organization, mental flexibility, focus on details and analytical data of a potential employee.

Currently, an analytical mindset is needed mainly by those employees who work with a large flow of information. Therefore, such an employee must be able to analyze the entire amount of information, design and predict the likelihood of certain situations, and also evaluate and structure the incoming data. That is why if we want to reach heights in our careers, then it is very important for us to develop our analytical skills. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. There are many different trainings designed to develop your analytical skills. It should, in order to self-development, visit them and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. It is necessary to give yourself more often various tasks aimed at logic and analysis, these can include chess, and solving crossword puzzles, computer games, learning to play a musical instrument or foreign language courses.
  3. Be sure to pay special attention to your diet. Lack of vitamins and minerals can affect the thought processes. To improve brain function and thereby develop analytical skills, you need to include in your diet foods such as berries, cocoa, nuts, fish and red wine. Read more in the nutritional note.
  4. Also big influence our perception of information is influenced by the ability to fantasize and think over any situation; reading books is the best suited for this. The book is a source of a large amount of knowledge, so reading will help in developing a person's analytical skills.
  5. Regime as a link between nutrition, stress and the body's ability to work as efficiently as possible.

Blah, blah, blah ... In this age of technology development and competition in all areas, a person's analytical abilities greatly simplify his life and are the most important quality of the mental mindset. The development of analytical skills helps to cope with a large flow of incoming information and contributes to the ability to correctly summarize what was said and seen. This is a kind of wand - a lifesaver for people of all levels and professions.

Each person is talented and unique. Analytical warehouse mind is one of the rare qualities, possessing which you can become successful in many areas of life. Abilities for analysis and logic are essential in science, medicine, forensic science, psychology.

What does analytical mind mean?

Talents begin to manifest themselves from childhood, wise parents, noticing the strengths of their child, set themselves the goal of starting to develop them. What factors determine a person's tendency to analyze? One of the answers lies in the predominance or domination of the brain responsible for technical thinking, logic and the predominance of reason over feelings. An analytical mindset is a thinking process that includes

  • careful analysis of facts, events, phenomena;
  • the ability to build logical chains;
  • the ability to separate the main from the secondary in a large flow of information;
  • vision of perspective;
  • clear presentation of thoughts;
  • a sequence of inferences.

Analytical thinking in psychology

Mental operations in psychology are and reflect the subjective connection of a person with the surrounding objective reality. Discursive or analytical thinking is a subspecies of abstract logical thinking, which is based on deep awareness, deployed in time and is characterized by stages:

  1. "Scanning" or comprehension of an event, situation, problem. An important component at this stage is the high motivation of a person in an effort to resolve the situation.
  2. Viewing options, processing information and setting tasks. All possible parameters for the solution are identified.
  3. Putting hypotheses.
  4. Ways to solve a problem situation: using previously known, familiar algorithms or creating a new solution.
  5. Process in action (practical activity).
  6. Hypothesis testing.
  7. With an ineffective solution to the problem, a period of detachment and the search for new solutions.

Analytical and critical thinking

An analytical mindset can be supplemented (not always) with such a quality as criticality. Critical thinking helps the analyst to look objectively at ideas, solutions, see weaknesses, and test assumptions and facts. With overdeveloped critical thinking, there is an obsession with the shortcomings of people, judgments, decisions, which interferes with objectively evaluating, applying and obtaining positive results.

Analytical and logical thinking

Analytical thinking is closely related to logical thinking and relies on it when building logical chains and connections. Scientists consider the analytical mind to be equal to the concept of abstract logical thinking. Any mental operation is a delicate and complex process that involves both internal mechanisms and external factors. Analytical thinking in conjunction with logical thinking helps a person:

  • establish patterns;
  • predict (calculate) the development of events, processes;
  • build supposed connections between objects, objects without the need to study them at the same time;
  • theoretically substantiate conclusions using written or spoken language.

How to develop an analytical mind?

The analytical mind, like any other natural feature or talent of a person, should not remain at a certain “point” - it is necessary to develop what is given from birth. The famous saying, “Success is 1 percent talent and 99 percent labor,” applies to the development of analytical skills. When a person sets a goal to "pump" analytical thinking important rule are gradualness. At the first stage, these are:

  • solution of crosswords, scanwords;
  • reading detective stories with reflections on the actions, motivation, motives of the heroes;
  • word games;
  • checkers or chess is a great way to develop analysis.

Analytical Thinking Exercises

Analytical skills begin to develop from childhood. For a child with a "mathematical" mindset, it will be useful to spend time with parents together solving puzzles, puzzles, tasks with finding differences in drawings, searching for missing objects. How can an adult develop analytical thinking if a number of circumstances arise when the ability to analyze is very important (promotion, desire to realize potential)? You can develop the left hemisphere and analytical skills at any age by doing the following exercises:

  1. Analysis of any information coming from outside: political, economic. What are the arguments given by politicians, economists, which raises doubts, how in this case the person himself would have acted.
  2. Coming up every day different situations with unforeseen events (business organization, space flight,) and think over several solutions, which one is the best and why.
  3. Solving logical problems.
  4. Learning programming.
  5. Create a goal and implement it using an algorithm:
  • collection of complete information;
  • definition of primary connections;
  • solutions and development options, hypotheses;
  • goal achievement: action based on decisions made.

Analytical mindset - professions

The analytical mind is a highly organized mind. IN modern world important parameter is the speed of processing a huge amount of information, which is constantly changing, supplemented. High analytical skills of a person are more and more in demand and such specialists are needed all over the world. Professions in which a person with analytical thinking can realize himself:

  • auditor;
  • manager;
  • economist;
  • political scientist;
  • computer technology specialist at various levels;
  • logistician;
  • analyst;
  • legal adviser;
  • programmer;
  • critic;
  • reviewer;
  • IT - technologies
  • criminologist;
  • investigator.

Analytical Thinking - Books

The development of analytical skills helps a person to get out of difficult situations without unnecessary emotions. The ability to analyze helps to see a way out where it seemed that it was not and to build a logical chain of cause-and-effect relationships. Reading fiction in the detective genre, as well as special literature on the development of thinking, contribute to increasing analytical skills:

  1. "Engineering heuristics". - D. Gavrilov
  2. “The art of thinking. Lateral thinking as a way to solve complex problems "- E. Bono
  3. “Book of decisions. 50 models strategic thinking"- M. Krogerus
  4. "Conceptual thinking in solving complex and intricate problems" - A. Teslinov
  5. "Logic in questions and answers" - V. Vechkanov
  6. “Logic and tactical thinking. 50 + 50 tasks to train skills successful person"- C. Phillips
  7. "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - A.K. Doyle
  8. "Hercule Poirot" a cycle of books by A. Christie

What are analytical skills and why are they important in the workplace? Analytical skills relate to the ability to gather and analyze information, solve problems and make decisions. These strengths can help solve company problems and increase and improve company productivity.

Here's information on why employers are looking for employees with these skills, along with a list of analytical skills that employers look for in resumes, cover letters, job applications, and interviews.

A detailed list of the five most important analytical skills is included, as well as a longer list of even more analytical skills.

Also see below for a list of analytical skills related keywords you can include in your application.

Why employers value analytical skills

Employers are looking for employees who can investigate the problem and find a solution in a timely, efficient manner.

To solve problems, employees need strong analytical skills. Hiring managers want someone who uses clear, logical steps and excellent judgment to understand the problem from all angles before taking action. Decisions can be reached with clear, methodical approaches or more creative and lateral angles, depending on the goal. Both of these ways of solving a problem take up analytical skills.

Analytical skills may sound technical, but we use these skills in everyday life by identifying models, brainstorming, observing, interpreting data, integrating new information, theorizing and making decisions based on multiple factors and options,

These essential skills are required by employers for various types of jobs in various fields, including business intelligence, data architecture, data science, marketing, project management, accounting, business development, programming, law, medicine, and science.

How to use skill lists

You can use these skill lists throughout the job search process.

First, you can use these words of skill on your resume. In describing your work history, you can use some of these keywords.

Second, you can use them in your cover letter. In the body of your email, you can list one or two of these skills and give a specific example of a time when you demonstrated these skills at work.

Finally, you can use these words of skill in interviews. Make sure you have at least one example from the time you've demonstrated each of the top 5 skills listed here.

Of course, each job requires different skills and experience, so read the job description carefully and focus on the skills indicated by the employer.

Also check out our other skill lists, listed by job and skill type.

The five best analytical skills

It often takes a creative mind for analysis to spot trends in data that others have not found.

Creativity is also important when it comes to problem solving. Employees often have to think outside the box to come up with effective solutions to big problems.

Critical thinking
Critical thinking is essential to having strong analytical skills. Critical thinking refers to evaluating information and then making a decision based on your results. Thinking critically helps employees make decisions that help solve problems for the company.

Data analysis
No matter what your career is, good analytical research means being able to explore a large amount of data and find trends in that data. You have to go beyond just reading and understanding information, make sense of it and find patterns.

Often, before analyzing it, the employee must first collect data or information. At the end of the day, you need to know more about the problem before solving it.

Therefore important analytical skills is the ability to collect data and research a topic.

Examples of analytical skills

  • Analysis
  • Audit
  • Budgeting
  • Calculation
  • Calculation
  • Accuracy check
  • Classification
  • Information Gathering\u003e Communication
  • Comparison
  • Compilation
  • Cost analysis
  • Count
  • Creation
  • Critical thinking
  • Data analysis
  • Data collection
  • Making decisions
  • Deductive Reasoning\u003e Diagnosis
  • Assessment
  • Study
  • Financial management
  • The financial analysis
  • Financial record
  • H - M
  • Study


  • Logical thinking
  • Indicators\u003e N-S
  • Organization
  • Planning


  • Problem solving
  • Qualitative analysis
  • Quantitative analysis
  • Study
  • Reasoning
  • Registration information
  • Research\u003e Reporting
  • Resolution
  • Survey
  • Synthesizer
  • T - Z
  • Stock analysis
  • Troubleshooting
  • Analytical keywords

Keywords are an important component of a job application because hiring managers use word d in the resume and cover letter phrases for job candidates on the screen (often with software for recruitment management). By incorporating the words the employer is looking for, you are more likely to move on to the next round of the hiring process.

  • Here is a list of analytical keywords for resumes, cover letters, and job applications.
  • Analytics



Big data

  • Two-dimensional
  • Business analysis
  • Business analytics
  • Payment
  • Case Analysis
  • Causal relationship
  • Cohort analysis
  • Company analysis
  • Comparative analysis
  • Correlation
  • Cost analysis
  • Credit Analysis
  • Critical analysis
  • Critical thinking\u003e D - I
  • Data analysis
  • Data analysis
  • Data output
  • Deductive thinking
  • Descriptive analysis


  • Dissection
  • Productivity increase
  • Assessment
  • Financial analysis
  • Fourier analysis
  • Fundamental analysis
  • Heptalysis
  • Definition of savings
  • Improvement
  • Industry analysis
  • Output
  • Interpretation
  • J - P
  • Logical analysis
  • Analyze data across multiple channels
  • Optimization
  • Analysis of calculations
  • Policy analysis
  • Predictive analytics
  • Predictive modeling
  • Prescriptive analytics
  • Price earnings ratio Price earnings before growth
  • Major Component Analysis
  • Prioritization
  • Problem solving
  • Process analysis
  • Q - Z
  • Qualitative analysis
  • Quantitative analysis
  • Resolution
  • Restructuring
  • Return on investment
  • Rhetorical analysis
  • Risk assessment
  • Scattering boundaries
  • Scenario analysis
  • Sentimental analysis
  • Social analysis
  • Statistical analysis
  • Strategic planning
  • Process optimization
  • Analysis of structured data
  • Technical analysis
  • Trouble-shooting
  • Univariate
  • More details:
  • Business Skills List | Research Skills List | Skills not to use your resume

When hiring employees, employers often list analytical skills as essential. And this is not without reason - today it is necessary for workers of many professions to be able to work with large amounts of data, to analyze and highlight the main thing. and writing reports, solving technical problems, and even having conversational skills are just a few of the areas where analytical skills are needed. If it seems to you that it is boring and dull, then know: the developed also requires these skills.

How strong are your analytical skills at problem solving? Not too sure about your answer? With regular practice, they can be strengthened and developed. Let's talk about this further.

What are analytical skills

Analytical skills are the ability to visualize, formulate, conceptualize, and resolve problem situations by making intelligent decisions based on the information available. Here is a short list of the skills and abilities that make up and at the same time contribute to the development of analytical skills.

Break down problems into their component parts

Many people get stuck trying to solve a big problem. Analytical skills help break down problems into smaller pieces that are easier to solve. This saves time and energy.

Collect and evaluate information

Also known as information literacy, this skill allows you to separate the wheat from the chaff. In a literal sense, it is the ability to select and operate with relevant and correct information, work with sources, and draw informed conclusions.

Manage information effectively

Today it is important to be able to manage a lot of information. This skill set includes both direct information handling and advanced organizational skills.

Look for alternatives and solutions

Over time, each person realizes that there are many paths leading to success in life and business. With advanced analytical skills, you will be armed with an effective tool for finding solutions and alternatives.

In general, analytical skills are used in the following situations:

  • To solve complex problems
  • Making informed decisions
  • Summarizing statistical data
  • Identifying trends
  • Streamlining processes
  • Effective project execution
  • Analyze and diagnose the problem
  • For research or data analysis

If you are not a scientist, detective, or mathematician, what is the use of analytical skills for you? In personal life, you can identify tendencies and patterns of behavior in order to better understand the world around you, communicate effectively with people, set up life experiments, and explain your point of view.

When you learn to think analytically, you will automatically improve your skills and creative thinking... You will also be appreciated by employers for your ability to solve complex problems. We will highlight the last point separately.

What questions are asked in an interview?

Here are a few typical interview questions to test a job seeker's analytical skills.

  1. What steps do you need to take to investigate the problem and then make the right decision?
  2. Tell me about a case in your previous work where you discovered a better method for a typical task.
  3. Can you give me an example of a small problem that you identified and solved before it turned into a major problem?
  4. Describe the tasks that you faced earlier that required analytical skills.
  5. Think of a problem situation that requires a quick solution. How did you resolve it.
  6. Were there times when your analysis of the situation and the decision you made made her worse, and you failed? What would you do differently now?
  7. What's the hardest analytical taskhave you ever performed?

The answers to these questions partly determine whether you will be hired. Moreover, it is not so much your experience that will be assessed, but the ability to reason right now: the construction of phrases, the logic in the narrative and the ability to make correct inferences.

12 principles of analytical thinking

Adhere to the following principles when facing a problem and trying to find an effective solution:

  • Gather information that is related to a topic or problem.
  • Focus on facts and evidence, not opinions and speculation.
  • Study the information carefully.
  • Give a precise definition of the problem.
  • Divide complex information into simple pieces.
  • Look for patterns and spot trends.
  • Determine the cause and effect.
  • Learn to understand the connections between concepts and their relationship.
  • Eliminate unnecessary and extraneous information.
  • Organize your information.
  • Make informed conclusions.

Some problems do not require following these principles, because they are too simple and obvious. Others are complex and take a long time to solve. But by following these principles, you greatly increase the chances of ultimate success.

How to develop analytical skills

Play analytical games

There are many games to help you improve your analytical skills. Some of the more popular ones are:

  • Chess
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Backgammon
  • Sudoku
  • Various puzzles

There are many online games, exercises and simulators for developing analytical thinking. These are, for example, in our program "", and are also included in.

Make lists, mind maps and tables

We all face a host of problems, most of which are related to each other. How not to get lost in this array of information and how to see intersections and trends? For this, there are lists, mind maps and tables. These practical tools will help you manage yourself and become more organized.

You can train your analytical skills by creating lists like this:

  • List of their values \u200b\u200band life rules
  • To-do list
  • Do's list
  • Reading list
  • List of films
  • List of habits to instill in yourself
  • List of habits to get rid of

Similarly, you can create tables of your expenses and income or diet. Think about the area of \u200b\u200byour life where there is a lot of information and categories. Then create a table or graph to simplify it.

You can learn more about mind maps from.

Use the Five Whys technique

This simple and powerful technique will keep you focused on what really matters.

Find the root cause of the problem. Ask yourself the question "Why?" whenever faced with something incomprehensible or difficult. The reason can be so deep that it takes a long time to dig to find it. For example, the reason for poor sales may not be in the quality of services or goods, but in the fact that the site takes a long time to load or requests are processed for a long time.

Use the SWOT technique

Created by Albert Humphrey back in the 1960s, the instrument has stood the test of time and remains useful. You can use it in two ways - as a simple icebreaker (called an icebreaker) helping a team get together to start developing a strategy, or more. in a difficult wayas a serious tool for solving a whole range of problems.

By using this technique, you are creating an entire strategy rather than trying to deal with one problem.

Let's see how you can use this analytical tool for self-development.


Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are your advantages?
  • What are you doing better than anyone else?
  • What unique and cheap resources can you use?
  • What do other people think are your strengths?

By answering them, you will be able to assess your personality in terms of skills.


  • What can you improve in yourself?
  • What should you avoid?
  • What do other people consider your flaws?

The third question is especially important. We are so used to knowing everything about ourselves that we ignore the opinions of others. From the outside, some problems are easier to see.


Answer the following questions:

  • What options do you have at the moment?
  • Can you turn your disadvantages into advantages?
  • What global trends in self-development exist and what can be used?

To see the possibilities, you need to research a lot of information, classify it and draw conclusions. Trend means that you carefully study the whole picture and try to find something in common.


Answer the following questions:

  • What threats do you face?
  • Will your skills and knowledge be in demand in 5 years?
  • Can technological change damage your life and career?
  • Are you in debt?

Be realistic and rigorous in your analysis. The more honest the answers are, the more correct conclusions you can draw.

The SWOT tool can also be used when analyzing and creating a strategy for your business.

Learn to program

Knowing how to "communicate" with machines is one of the most valuable skills a human can possess today. Programming also enhances cognitive and analytical skills.

Everything we talked about in this article is involved when writing code.

Play the game "Argument - Counterargument"

You don't even need a partner for this, although it is desirable. Write down on a piece of paper all your beliefs or opinions that you are sure of. Back it all up with arguments. Now find ten counterarguments to each of them. Try to defend the opposite point of view.

This is what you will achieve by doing this exercise, according to Scott Fitzgerald: "You will pass the test for first-class intelligence when you learn to hold two opposing ideas in your mind and still retain the ability to think."

Experiment regularly

Become a kind of scientist who conducts collecting information of all kinds. Write down your assumptions about how you intend to prove or disprove the theory, and then run them.

For example, figure out how to deal with a conflict in order to extinguish it. Can:

  • Answer reproach for reproach
  • Stay calm
  • To ask questions
  • Tell jokes
  • Refrain from criticism

Each such action has its own consequences. Write down in detail what this or that tactic led to. Analyze what all this might mean. This will help you find effective ways to communicate with other people.

Review 100 articles on a specific topic and write down the main thoughts

This is a great exercise for getting a big picture of a specific topic and expanding your horizons. As you browse through articles, look for recurring and unique ideas in structure, semantics, and clarity of language.

Imagine that after the work done, you have dozens of points of view on one question. It is not necessary to agree with them, it is important to know that they exist. This gives a huge advantage in polemics and defending your point of view.

Analyze what is happening in a room full of people

Especially if you don't know them. Analyze the relationship between them, intentions, specific words and gestures. Imagine yourself as a detective trying to figure out what's going on in a room. You can play this game in the club, in the waiting room, or wherever you find yourself in a group of people.

Describe the various processes in your life

Want to keep your memory as fresh as possible throughout the day? One of the ways to achieve this is to analyze the processes that are happening to you during the day. Everything is important: actions, phrases, events, behavior, conflicts.

When you collect information, do not try to interpret it in any way. Just write it down. At the end of the week, certain conclusions can be drawn. Thus, you will pump your analytical skills, and also begin to understand what is happening in your life.

Create a strategy for your life

The greatest generals were strategists and had excellent analytical skills. They constantly changed their angle of view and looked at the situation in detail, then as a big picture.

To play any strategy game, you must understand the rules (and which ones you can break), other players and their goals. It takes a smart strategy to get what you want. Sometimes you have to sacrifice momentary pleasure. But let it inspire you that all great people have done this. They knew how to endure and wait to appear on stage at the most important moment.

The methods listed and described above for developing analytical skills are the most common. Here's a list of additional tips:

  • Try to draw the idea or problem you are thinking about right now.
  • Try making graphs of different trends by year or month.
  • List various arguments for implementing your idea.
  • Explain complex concepts simple languageusing metaphors and analogies.
  • Create pros and cons for any solution.

The more you exercise, the more your brain gets used to analytical thinking. Remember that practice leads to perfection.


Developing analytical skills requires reading, especially hard reading. The following books will help you transition to new level... Remember: it will be hard.

  • “How People Think” Dmitry Chernyshev.
  • “Brain development. How to read faster, memorize better and achieve bigger goals. ”Roger Sipe.
  • Sherlock Holmes Puzzles by Richard W. Galland.
  • “Train Your Brain to Work” by Matthew MacDonald.
  • "The Japanese system for the development of intelligence and memory" by Ryuta Kawashima.
  • “Exercise for the brain. Boost Your IQ "Joel Levy.
  • "5 minutes for reflection" Jan Perelman.
  • "Fast Count" Jan Perelman.
  • "Entertaining tasks and experiences" Jan Perelman.
  • Developing Critical Thinking by Diane Halpern.

Being creative can help you get brilliant ideas, create impressive pieces, and be unique. They will help you stand out. But creativity and innovation must always be backed up by the right strategy and perfect execution. That's when your analytical skills will help you. They are the basis for building a flexible plan and mechanism. feedback, which will allow you to implement even the most complex and incredible solutions.

We wish you good luck!

A person is endowed with several types of thinking, but one always prevails over the rest. Analytical thinking is consistent. People who are prone to it process a large block of information, dividing it into major parts and exploring each component step by step. To do this, they must also have developed logical thinking.

Analytical thinking implies the search for new information, its study and systematization, as well as conclusions drawn from the data obtained.

This type of thinking requires facts, a detailed study of the issue, an emphasis on small things, the ability to compare data and draw conclusions. When we talk about the mathematical mindset, we mean precisely the propensity for analytical thinking.

A person with an analytical type of thinking should be able to:

  • collect the information;
  • work with a large amount of data;
  • divide general information into its component parts according to certain criteria;
  • compare data and find relationships;
  • objectively evaluate information;
  • think logically;
  • express thoughts consistently;
  • work with facts;
  • arrange correctly, separating the main from the secondary;
  • think critically (question the information received);
  • look for alternative options;
  • draw conclusions.

Why analytical thinking is useful

Well-developed analytical thinking allows you to timely and effectively cope with even the most difficult task and find several possible options for its solution.

A person with predominantly analytical thinking makes deliberate and balanced decisions, knows how to plan and make forecasts of his activities.

Employees with such qualities are highly rated. In any professional field, the ability to quickly find a decent way out of a difficult situation will be an advantage. By the way, this ability will come in handy in everyday life.

How to develop analytical thinking

Analytical thinking can be trained and developed.

1. Solve logic puzzles

For analytical thinking, logic is important. If this is your weak point, then start exercising. Choose first, gradually moving to complex ones.

2. Solve math examples

Find a math textbook and remember. Choose complex examples, in which there are variables.

3. Do crosswords

And when you have hundreds of solutions behind you, try to compose your own. It is quite difficult.

4. Solve puzzles

Collect puzzles, solve puzzles or try to solve a Rubik's cube.

5. Play chess

Find an opponent and remember the rules of the game. Chess is an excellent trainer for analytical thinking.

6. Read books

You can choose, for example, about Sherlock Holmes, fiction or specialized literature. Ask questions: why did the hero do this in this situation, what else could be done?

7. Analyze situations from everyday life

Train critical thinking, doubt, seek facts and new informationwhen watching the news or reading a book. Pay attention to details, look at things from a new angle and look for non-obvious relationships between various objects, compare facts.

9. Learn something new every day

Pick a topic that interests you and find one fact about it a day.

10. Look for alternatives

Don't dwell on one solution to the problem - look for more. Think about what you might have missed, process the information several times and draw conclusions.

11. Participate in discussions

12. Ask yourself how the things around you work

Ask yourself questions about the things around you or the situations you face. Why does it happen, how does it work, why does it happen? Answer them, but don't look for easy ways. Understand the problem and give yourself a comprehensive answer.

13. Create a mind map

A mind map, a mind map is a way to visualize the thought process. The mechanics are simple: you have a key thought that you put in the very center of the map. Let it be Development of Analytical Thinking. To it, you add elements that are related in meaning or significance, for example: methods of development, difficulties, reasons - everything that seems important to you. Then you supplement the map with new associative rows from each element. And a picture of your thought process appears in front of you.

jean-louis Zimmermann /

You can create such a map on a computer, phone or tablet using. But you can also take a regular sheet of paper (be prepared that there may not be enough space).

14. Write down

Keep a diary in which you write down your goals, how you achieve them, and results. Work on mistakes if the goal was not achieved. Look for reasons and analyze.

15. Simulate situations

Think of any situation that has a problem and try to fix it. Develop an algorithm of actions and do not dwell on one solution - look for more.

Do brain exercises on a daily basis - most of them take little time and do not require special conditions... You can develop analytical thinking if you stick to regularity and challenge yourself.