Kyiv city. The population of Kyiv - historical and modern facts Kiev population

In progress historical development each ethnic group of the world is gradually creating its own economic basis. At the same time, national culture, spirituality, customs, rituals, traditions, language, and the like are being formed.
An important role in this is played by cities that become centers national culture. Subsequently, among them are those that, due to various socio-political circumstances, become the leading centers of spirituality, socio-political, economic and administrative life, acquire the title of the capitals of their people.
their role, place in the life of the people may change. If a people is under the domination of NOT their national state, then they lose their administrative, political functions, some of them even disappear.
Since the formation Kievan Rus and until now Kyiv is the leading center of Ukrainian culture, spirituality, political life of our people.
Being under the domination of other peoples, Kyiv lost its administrative influence on Ukrainian lands. This significantly affected the population and national composition of the city.
The ruling countries, trying to keep the Ukrainian ethnos in subjection, tried to denationalize it, using various means (which has already been mentioned). This also applied to the population of the capital of the Ukrainian people.
From the time of Kievan Rus and even earlier, Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Pechenegs, Cumans, tribes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Poland, Austrian, Russian empires, etc. came to our fertile and rich natural fossil lands. They populated our lands with representatives of their people, especially this concerned the capital. A significant role in the settlement of the capital was also played by the international relations of our lands with the peoples of the East, West, North, Caucasus and even Central Asia. Therefore, since ancient times, our lands have been multinational. This applies primarily to the capital.
Since there are no more or less accurate data for the 9th-19th centuries regarding the population of Kyiv, it is difficult to consider the changes in this period.
It is practically impossible to trace trends, to identify any patterns in changes in the number and national composition of Kyiv over the first twenty years of the 20th century. They were influenced by such temporary factors in the life of the population as the First World War, change of power in Kyiv during 1917-1920 pp. So, for this short period in the history of the city, Kiev was ruled by: the Russian Empire, the Provisional Government, the Central Rada, Pavel Skoropadsky, the Directory, four times, with the help of the Russian Socialist Federation, the Bolsheviks came to power (Table 17).
According to the first All-Russian census of 1897, 247.4 thousand inhabitants lived in the city at that time, of which there were approximately 138.3 thousand Russians (56%), Ukrainians - 54.5 thousand (22%), Jews - 31.8 thousand (12.8%). So, Kyiv, on a national basis, was not the capital of the Ukrainian people. The same can be said about the city of Odessa. At that time, it was the largest in terms of numbers in Ukrainian lands and ranked fourth among cities. Russian Empire after St. Petersburg, Moscow and Warsaw ...
Also, as in Kyiv, Ukrainians were not the most detachment among the population of Odessa. Here there were 53% Russians, 32% Jews, and only 6% Ukrainian. In the third most populated city, Kharkov, there were also more Russians (58%), and Ukrainians - 25%.
Kyiv and in terms of population was not then the largest city in those Ukrainian lands that were part of the Russian Empire. At that time, 405 thousand people lived in Odessa. Moreover, in 1914, Kiev had a population of 626.3 thousand, and Odessans in 1915 - 655.9 thousand.
These estimates cannot be considered accurate for various reasons. But the composition of the population was significantly influenced by almost 250 years of the Russification policy towards the Ukrainian people, which was carried out by the Russian Empire and the invaders of previous times.
20th century turned out to be very stormy for the Ukrainian ethnos. Even during separate short periods, there are significant shifts in the composition of the population of the capital. It was significantly influenced by the First World War, subsequent events, the revolution in Russia, the liberation movement of the Ukrainian people, etc.
Therefore, the author proposes to consider changes in the composition of Kiev for such intervals: 1917-1923 pp., 1923-1926 pp., 1926-1939 pp., 1939-1959 pp., 1959 - 1979 pp., 1979-1989 pp. and during independence in 2001
For the period from the end of the XIX century. until 1917, the total number of capital increased by more than 200 thousand people. The number of Ukrainians also increased. But since the total number of other peoples increased faster, the proportion of Ukrainians in the capital decreased by almost 6%. Moreover, if the number of Ukrainians in late XIX V. were second after the Russians, then during this period they moved to third place.
The next three years were a time of stormy struggle of the Ukrainian people for the restoration of their state. They ended in defeat, the establishment of the power of the Bolsheviks with the help of military force Russian Federation in 1920. At the installation of the Bolshevik government, the population of the city decreased by 100 thousand and amounted to 366 thousand people, and the proportion of Ukrainians decreased to 14.3%, Russians became 171.7 thousand people - 47%. Only the number of Jews, on the contrary, increased to 117 thousand people, which contributed to the growth of their share to 32%. So, nothing fundamentally changed in the national composition of the capital. Ukrainian among the population has decreased by 2.1%. If in 1917 every sixth resident of the city was Ukrainian, then in 1920 only every seventh. Ukrainians continued to remain the third national detachment of the capital in terms of numbers.
As a result of the First World War, our lands were divided among four European countries: the Soviet Union, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia.
If before the First World War, the vast majority of Ukrainian lands were part of the Russian Empire, then after it ended, they became part of the USSR.
Acquisitions continued over the next triennium Russian Federation Ukrainian socialist republic. It ended with the proclamation of the formation of the USSR on December 30, 1922, which included Ukraine.
For the period 1921-1923 pp. accounts for the first famine that swept Ukrainian lands in the 20th century. During that time, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians died. Experts believe that the main causes of the famine were a terrible drought, as well as the Bolshevik government.
This period also includes the restoration of life in peace. The latter contributed to the growth of the population of Ukraine and Kyiv.
In 1923, the population of Kyiv, although it grew to 398 thousand people, but did not reach the level of 1917. The Ukrainian capital was 101.2 thousand people, or 25.6%. For the first time since 1897, growing not only the number of Ukrainians in the capital, but their proportion among the population. Among the inhabitants of the city, not only the number, but also the proportion of Russians continued to decrease - up to
144.2 thousand (36.2%), the number of Jews slightly increased - up to 126.2 thousand (31.7%). But even now Ukrainians made up only a quarter of its population in the capital and continued to be only the third ethnic detachment of the capital. Over the next three years, although a rather slow, but clear increase in the population and the proportion of Ukrainians among the population of the capital is observed.
According to the first All-Union census of 1926, 512,000 people lived in the capital. But among them, although the total number of Ukrainians increased, their share decreased somewhat. They remained the third national detachment in the capital, the same trend is observed in the number and proportion of Jews. At the same time, not only the number, but also the proportion of Russians is growing.
The next period covers thirteen years - 1926-1939 pp., Times of life in peace. The population of our country was influenced by Stalinism, the policy of national revival, its execution, industrialization, collectivization, genocide 1932-1933 pp., And also the terrible terror of 1937-1938 pp.
A significant role in national policy was also played by the fact that leading cadres from the RSFSR were sent to the capital on a significant scale, and also during the 20s-30s and in the next sixteen years in the republic the first figure, the practical leader of the republic was the first secretary of the Central Committee CP (b) of Ukraine, and not one of them was Ukrainian in origin.
Comparing the changes in the composition of the population during this time, it should be noted that the absolute population of Kyiv continues to grow. In 1939, 846.7 thousand people lived here, that is, their number more than doubled. Significant changes have taken place in the ethnic composition of the inhabitants of the city. Ukrainian became 450.6 thousand, for the first time during the Soviet period they became the absolute majority of the population of the capital - 53.2%. Although the number of Russians decreased by only 4.7 thousand people, their proportion among the population decreased by more than two times, from 36.3% to 16.5%. Despite the increase in the number of Jews by 224.2 thousand people, their share decreased to 26.5%, that is, the increase in the share of Ukrainians in the capital was due to the fall in the share of both Russians and Jews.
Significant shifts both in numbers and in the national composition of the capital took place over the next twenty years. They were influenced by the human losses of the republic during the Second World War, the famine of 1946-1947 pp., the policy of the Soviet government in Ukraine, the unjustified resettlement of Ukrainians for the development of virgin and fallow lands, the development of oil and gas fields in Russia, the involvement of Ukrainian recruitment to foreign lands, unjustified deportation to Siberia of former members of the OUN, their families, as well as their sympathizers. And this happened at a time when the Ukrainian lands were considered to be the most affected by the Second World War, and their population even in 1959. did not reach the pre-war level. Ukraine in post-war times itself experienced an acute demand for labor resources. We have significantly increased the disproportion in the composition of the population by sex. If in 1939 there were 52.2% of women, then in 1959 almost 56%. This negatively affected the birth rate, the natural growth of labor resources, etc.
A certain role in the population was also played by the fact that Ukraine joined the population of Eastern Galicia in 1939., Northern Bukovina in 1940 p., Transcarpathia in 1945 p., Approximately more than 9 million people.
Even with the great human losses that our country suffered (8,500,000 people), the population recovery in the capital took place at a faster pace than in Ukraine as a whole. At the beginning of 1959, 1104.3 thousand people lived in Kyiv, or 258.1 thousand, 30.5% more than in 1939.
During the period from 1939 to 1959, the national composition of the population also changed significantly. The number of Ukrainians in Kiev grew to almost 663.9 thousand people, their share continued to increase, reaching 60.1%, the number of Russians over the years increased to 254.3 thousand people, by 114.7 thousand people with growth specific gravity up to 23.1%.
The genocide used by the Nazi invaders against Jews during the Second World War (Babi Yar), and other factors led to the fact that there were Jews in Kyiv in 1959. There were 153.5 thousand people, or over these twenty years they decreased by 70.8 thousand people, and the share decreased to 13.9%, or almost twice.
For the next thirty years, the population of Ukraine lived in its conditions of peace. The total population of its regions and the city of Kyiv grew. As in the previous period, the growth rate of the number of Kiev residents is
outpaced the population growth rate. During this time, the population of the capital was already 2572.2 thousand people, or increased by 1467.9 thousand people, 2.3 times, and the country - by 23.5%.
Significant changes have also taken place in the national composition of Kyiv. Here the number of Ukrainians increased to 1863.7 thousand people (2.8 times), and the share - up to 72.5%. With an increase in the number of Russians to 536.7 thousand people, their share decreased to 20.9%. The decline in the number and proportion of Jews among the population of Kyiv continued in accordance with 100.6 thousand people - 3.9%.
So, during the stay of Ukraine in the Soviet Union the number of inhabitants of the capital grew continuously (with the exception of the years of World War II). The number and proportion of Ukrainians increased. If in 1923 In the capital they were only 25.6%, then in 1989. - 72.5%. In 1923 in the capital, only one in four was Ukrainian, and in 1989 there were almost three-quarters of them. According to this indicator, the capital is almost equal to the population of the country, where in 1926 Ukrainian was 80%, and in 1989. - 72.7%.
The process of changes in the composition of the population of the capital continued during the years of independence.
Since Kyiv was inalienable integral part state, then it was significantly influenced by the trends that took place in the country as a whole.
The answer to this is given by the results of the All-Ukrainian population census conducted in December 2001.
During this period they were influenced important events. Ukraine became an independent state, and this contributed to the intensification of the development of national culture, consciousness, a sense of pride in its people, state, etc.
Unfortunately, the inability of a clear economic program further development led to the fact that the financial situation of the vast majority of the population of our country has deteriorated significantly.
That is why, since 1993, we have begun a general decline in population. If at the beginning of 1993 there were 52,200,000 people living in Ukraine, then according to the 2001 census, there were only 48,500,000 of them. This significantly affected the changes in the composition of the country's population.
The number of Ukrainians for the period from 1989 to 2001 increased from 37,400,000 people to 37,500,000 people, and their proportion among the population increased accordingly from 72.7% to 77.7%.
Against the background of a general decline in the population of Ukraine, the increase in the number of Ukrainians did not occur due to their actual increase, but most likely we are undergoing a process of de-Russification of Ukrainians, when some of them regained their true belonging to their ethnic group, they awakened a sense of national dignity, pride in their spirituality .
8.3 Sufficiently significant changes have taken place in the number and proportion of Russians and Jews. The number of Russians in the republic has decreased from 11,300,000 people to
million people, and their share in accordance with 22.2% to 17.3%. During these twelve years, no outflow of Russians from Ukraine was observed.
The number and proportion of Jews were especially reduced. This trend is clearly visible in post-war years. During the Soviet era, before the start of World War II, about 1,500,000 of them lived in Ukraine. People. As a result of the genocide against the Jewish population during the occupation of Ukraine by the Nazis, their number decreased, according to the 1959 census, to 840 thousand people. With the formation of the State of Israel in 1947, they began moving to it from the Soviet Union as a whole, as well as from Ukraine. Therefore, thirty years later, their number in Ukraine decreased to 490 thousand people.
This process continued actively in the subsequent period. At the end of 2001, the number of Jews in Ukraine decreased to 103.6 thousand people (0.2%).
Closely related to the processes taking place in Ukraine are changes in the composition of the population of its capital. But although the population in the country has decreased, in twenty years the number of residents of the capital has grown from 2602.8 thousand people to 2611.3 thousand.
For twelve years, the number of Russians in the capital has decreased from 536.7 thousand people to 337.3 thousand people, and the share from 20.9% to 13.1%. During this period, the number of Jews decreased even more rapidly - correspondingly with
103.6 thousand people to 17.9 thousand people, and their share was 3.9% and 0.7%.
During this period, the number of Ukrainian capital has grown to 2110.8 thousand people, and the share of 82.2% and has become more than in the whole country. So, the process of Ukrainization of the capital took place at a faster pace than in Ukraine as a whole.
Thus, during the XX century. Significant changes have taken place in the composition of the population of the capital of the Ukrainian state. Its number increased from 467.6 thousand people in 1917 to 2611.3 thousand in 2001. Particularly significant changes occurred in its national composition.
At the beginning of the 20th century, that is, during the time of the Russian Empire, almost 50% of the population of Kyiv considered themselves Russians and only one-sixth - Ukrainian.
According to this indicator, the city could hardly be considered the capital of Ukrainian lands. This is evidence of the centuries-old Russification policy on Ukrainian, which was pursued by the Russian Empire.
Only at the end of the thirties of XX century. more than half of the inhabitants of Kyiv already considered themselves Ukrainian, and at the beginning of the XXI century. over four-fifths of its inhabitants were Ukrainian. A tangible role in this was played by the fact that Ukraine became an independent state.

General information and history

Kyiv (in Ukrainian - Kiev, in old Russian - Kyiv) is the capital and largest city Ukraine, its separate administrative-territorial unit, the center of the Kyiv region, its Kiev-Svyatoshinsky district and the Kyiv agglomeration. In addition, it is the seventh city in Europe in terms of population, as well as the cultural, scientific, political, religious, socio-economic and transport center of Ukraine. Located in the north of Ukraine, on the Dnieper River. It has the status of a hero city. Founded approximately in the 6th - 9th centuries. Unofficial names - Mother of Russian cities and New Jerusalem.

The first people on the territory of the Kyiv region lived 15 - 20 thousand years ago.

According to legend, Kyiv was founded by the brothers Kyi, Shchek, Khoriv and their sister Lybid as the capital of the glades. In 882, the city was conquered by a representative of the Rurik dynasty, the Novgorod prince Oleg, who made Kyiv his residence and capital. Old Russian state. At that time, the city had another name - Samvatas. At least until 1132 Kyiv was the political center of Kievan Rus. Princes Vladimir Monomakh and Mstislav the Great (his son) died this year. During the fragmentation, Kyiv formally remained the senior table of Rus'. For this reason, all the strong princes tried to take possession of it. In 1169, it was plundered by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, and in 1203, the Smolensk prince Rurik Rostislavovich defeated him. The weakened city was finished off by the Mongol-Tatars in 1240.

In 1324 Kiev principality became a vassal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and Mindovg Golshansky, the founder of the Golshansky dynasty, began to rule it. From 1362, Kiev became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, from 1569 - the Commonwealth, and in 1654 it passed "under the hand of the Moscow Tsar", which was officially confirmed in 1667. In the period from 1627 to 1708, Kyiv was the regimental center of the Kyiv Regiment - a military and administrative-territorial unit of the Hetmanate. Then it became the capital of the Kyiv province.

In September 1917, Kyiv, its province, the administration of the military district, entered the Russian Republic, and after October revolution- subordinate to the Provisional Government. Then, until November 7 (20) in Kyiv, power repeatedly changed, until the Ukrainian Central Rada took it into its own hands. From January 16 (29), 1918, the unsuccessful January uprising of the Bolsheviks lasted for six days in the city, after which an independent Ukrainian People's Republic, with its capital in Kyiv. Already on January 26 (February 8), Kyiv was taken by the Bolsheviks. A month later, the Ukrainian People's Republic, thanks to Simon Vasilyevich Petliura, returned the city. On April 29, the Germans overthrew the Central Rada and put Pavel Petrovich Skoropadsky at the head of the Ukrainian state (Ukrainian state). In December, Petlyura again took the city. In the 1919-20s, Kiev was alternately owned by the Red and Volunteer armies, as well as the Polish Army.

In the summer of 1920, Soviet power was finally established in the city. Fourteen years later, the capital of the Ukrainian SSR was moved from Kharkov to Kyiv.

On July 11, 1941, fighting began near Kyiv. In September, the 37th Army of the Red Army, which was defending Kyiv, left it and the Germans entered the city. During the occupation, the Syrets death camp was located in the area of ​​Babi Yar, where over a hundred thousand Kyivans and prisoners of war were killed. Most of the Jews managed to evacuate after the capture of Kyiv. The remaining 29-30 September 1941 were shot at Babi Yar. There were over 33.7 thousand of them. In addition, in 1941-42, another 15,000 Jews were killed. On November 3, 1943, the Kiev offensive, as a result of which the city was liberated on November 6.

IN postwar period Kyiv began to develop actively. For example, in it, in 1951, the first MESM computer in the Soviet Union and continental Europe was created. The subway was opened nine years later. In 1961, the city was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Kyiv" and the Order of Lenin. Four years later, Kyiv received the title of "Hero City".

August 24, 1991 Kyiv became the capital of independent Ukraine. From November 2004 to January 2005, the Orange Revolution took place in it, and from November 2013 to February 2014, the city became the venue for the main events of the Euromaidan.

Districts of Kyiv

Kiev is administratively divided into ten districts: Goloseevsky (area - 160 km², population (2015) - 246,343), Darnitsky (132.24 km², population (the same year) - 331,553), Desnyansky (154.2 km², population - 368,216), Dnipro (66.7 km², population - 354,291), Obolonsky (110.32 km², population - 320,211), Pechersky (19.57 km², population - 151,455), Podolsky (34.08 km² , population - 197,741), Svyatoshinsky (102.63 km², population - 340,607), Solomensky (40.52 km², population - 362,720) and Shevchenkovsky (26.63 km², population - 227,783).

These areas, in turn, are divided into such residential areas, historical areas and industrial zones as:

Goloseevsky: VDNH, Goloseevo, Demievka, Good Way, Zhovtneve (Bagrinova Gora), Zabaykovye, Kitaevo, Komsomolskoye, Korchevatoe (and the industrial zone of the same name), Installer, Myshelovka, Nizhnyaya Telichka, New Building, Pankovshchina, Pirogovo (and the industrial zone of the same name), Pokol , Sappernaya Slobodka, Towers-I, Towers-II, Feofaniya, Chapaevka, Shirma, industrial zones Along Vasilkovskaya and Telichka streets.
. Darnitsky: Bortnichi (and the industrial zone of the same name), the industrial area Darnitskiy, DVRZ, Novaya Darnitsa, the villages of Osokorki (and the industrial zone of the same name), Poznyaki and Shevchenko, Poznyaki (and the industrial zone of the same name), Rembaza, Northern Osokorki and Kharkiv massif.
. Desnyansky: Bykivnya, Vigurovshchina-Troyeshchyna, Lesnoy massif, Troyeshchyna village, Dneprovskiy and Troyeshchyna industrial districts.
. Dneprovsky: Bereznyaki, Voskresenka, Hydropark, Darnitsa massif, DVRZ, Komsomolsky, Levoberezhny, Nikolskaya slobidka, Raduzhny massif, Rusanivka, Rusanovsky gardens, Sotsgorod, Staraya Darnitsa, Trukhanov island, Voskresensky and Dneprovsky industrial areas.
. Obolonsky: Vyshgorodsky, DVS, Minsky, Obolon, Petrovka, Priorka, Pushcha-Voditsa and the Podolsko-Kurenevsky industrial area.
. Caves: Upper Telichka, Menagerie, Lipki, Pechersk, Sapper Field, Cherepanova Gora and Black Mountain.
. Podolsky: Squirrel Field, Berkovets, Vynohradar, Wind Mountains, Kurenivka, Mostytsky, Podil, Priorka and Floriculture.
. Svyatoshinsky: Aviagorodok, Akademgorodok, Belichi, Bratskaya Borshchagovka, Galagany, Zhovtnevoe, Mikhailovskaya Borshchagovka, Nikolskaya Borshchagovka (and the industrial zone of the same name), Nivki, Novobelichi, Otradny, Pobeda, Svyatoshinoi and Yuzhnoborshchagovsky.
. Solomensky: Aleksandrovskaya Slobidka, Batyeva Gora, Grushki, Railway Colony, Zhuliany, Zaliznichny Massif, Kadetskaya Grove, Karavaevy Dachas, Novokaravaevy Dachas, Otradny (and the industrial zone of the same name), Pervomaisky, Pronevshchina, Sovki, Solomenka, Turkish Town, Chokolovka, Shulyavka and the industrial zone Near Post-Volynsky station.
. Shevchenkovsky: Voleikov, Kudryavets, Lukyanovka, Nivki, Soldier's Slobidka, Syrets, Tatarka, Shulyavka and the industrial area along Degtyarevskaya Street.

The population of Kyiv for 2018 and 2019. The number of inhabitants of Kyiv

The data on the number of inhabitants of the city are taken from federal service state statistics. The official website of the Rosstat service Also, the data were taken from the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, the official website of the EMISS The site published data on the number of residents of Kyiv. The table shows the distribution of the number of Kyiv residents by years, the graph below shows the demographic trend in different years.

Schedule of changes in the population of Kyiv:

As of 2015, 2,900,920 people lived in Kyiv. Density - 3408 people / km². The population of the Kyiv agglomeration was 4,071,000 people.

IN last years the number of Kyivans increases by about 20,000 people annually. For example, over the year, from November 1, 2014, the number of citizens increased by 0.61%. The natural increase is also positive and higher than the Ukrainian average (2.2/1000 and -4.17/1000, respectively). In 2014, the birth rate was 12.1/1000 and the death rate was 10.4/1000. The coefficients of migration flows are as follows: the number of arrivals - 171.5/1000, departures - 121.3/1000. The migration increase was 50.2.

In 1917, the national composition of the city was distributed as follows: Russians - 54.7%, Jews - 19%, Ukrainians - 12.2%. In addition, representatives of another 65 peoples lived in Kyiv. In 2001, the number of Ukrainians was 82.2%, and Russians - 13.1%. In 2006, during a survey, 83% of Kyivans called themselves Ukrainians, 14% - Russians, 3% - Armenians, Belarusians, Jews, Poles and others.

It can also be said that from 1989 to 2001 the number of Ukrainians increased from 72.5% to 82.2%. The share of other peoples has decreased. The number of Russians over the years has decreased from 20.9 to 13.1%, Belarusians - from 25.3 to 16.5 thousand people, and Poles - from 10.4 to 6.9 thousand people. The proportion of Jews from 1959 to 2001 decreased from 13.9% to 0.7%.

Representatives of such denominations and religions live in Kyiv, such as: Greek Catholics, Jews, Catholics, Muslims and Orthodox.

Ethnoburial name: Kievans, Kievite, Kyivan.

Kyiv city photo. Photo of Kyiv

Information about the city of Kyiv in Wikipedia:

Link to Kyiv website. You can get a lot of additional information by reading them on the official website of Kyiv, official portal Kyiv and the government.
Official website of Kyiv

Map of the city of Kyiv. Kyiv Yandex maps

Created using the Yandex service People's Map (Yandex map), when zoomed out, you can understand the location of Kyiv on the map of Russia. Kyiv Yandex maps. Interactive Yandex map of the city of Kyiv with the name of the streets, as well as house numbers. The map has all the designations of Kyiv, it is convenient and not difficult to use it.

On the page you can find some description of Kyiv. Also see the location of the city of Kyiv on the Yandex map. Detailed with descriptions and labels of all objects of the city.

Kyiv is considered to be the oldest city and one of the most beautiful among European capitals. show that settlements existed on its territory about twenty thousand years ago.

Historian Ilovaisky D.I. at the end of the nineteenth century for the first time published the population of Kyiv in the era Ancient Rus'. According to discovered historical chronicles, 100,000 people lived in Kyiv in the 12th century. This figure is confirmed by other researchers. Modern historians believe that the population of Kyiv at that time reached 120,000 people. This discrepancy in numbers shows the lack of development of research methods. After all, specific facts can be found in the annals, which speak of plagues, fires, the number of troops that went out to fight the enemy. The testimonies of foreign travelers should not be left aside, which indicate the vast size of the city at that time and the number of its inhabitants.

According to historical facts, in Novgorod in the XIII century 30 thousand people lived, in London in the XI century - 20 thousand people (in the XIV century - about 35 thousand), Gdansk and Hamburg totaled 20 thousand people in the XII century. If compared with the number of Slavic and Western European cities of that time, we can conclude that Kyiv significantly outnumbered them. It was the largest trade and craft center.

Much later, scientists learned more accurate statistics from archaeological sources. In the 17th century, they differed little from the major cities of the ancient world. At that time, there were 100-150 people per hectare of the earth's territory. The average population density was 125 people. per 1 ha. Consequently, 47.5 thousand people lived on 380 hectares. In terms of population, Kyiv at that time was considered a rival of Constantinople. And the data of the end of the eighteenth century indicate that the population of Kyiv at that time was approximately 30 thousand people.

In the post-Soviet period, it was the only region of the country where the number of inhabitants remained stable for a decade.

Modern Kyiv, with a population of 2.9 million according to 2010 data, is constantly growing. Every year the number of Kiev residents increases due to the arrival of migrants from rural and small urban regions of Ukraine. In the first two quarters of 2010 alone, the population of Kyiv increased by 880 people due to migration. These are the official facts of the Main Kyiv Department of Statistics. The increase in the number of inhabitants was also reflected in the number of newborn children. The official figure is 810 babies. The natural growth of Kyiv has long been negative.

The bulk of the city's population are Ukrainians. The rest of the national composition of Kyiv is formed by Belarusians, Jews, Russians, Poles and Moldovans. According to the Constitution, the state language is Ukrainian. But many residents of the capital are fluent in Russian and communicate in it.

The main part of the people of Kiev profess Orthodoxy. This is due to the historical past of Kyiv. The religion of some residents (Poles, immigrants from Western Ukraine and Belarus) is Catholicism.

Kyiv has been and remains the most attractive city for Ukrainians. Every year, tens of thousands of people come here in search of a better life and opportunities for self-development. What is the real population of Kyiv today? And how does it differ from those figures that are published in official sources?

Let's try to answer these and some other questions in our article.

Kyiv: official and actual population

Demographers and statisticians, assessing the number of urban residents, distinguish three types of population:

  • official (number of inhabitants, which is published in official sources and statistical reports);
  • real (the actual number of residents who live in a particular city, taking into account illegal migrants and unregistered citizens);
  • "daytime" population - the number of inhabitants of the city, taking into account pendulum migrations.

All these types are valid for any modern city, including Kyiv.

The population of the Ukrainian capital, according to estimates at the beginning of 2015, is 2 million 890 thousand people. But these are official numbers. Some researchers, in particular from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, argue that the population of Kyiv is already 3.15 million people (including unregistered citizens and temporarily working migrants).

Kyiv is the leading city in the country in terms of the number of inhabitants; almost 7% of the total population of Ukraine lives within its borders. Following the capital is Kharkiv, which has about 1.6 million people.

Population of the Kyiv agglomeration

In addition to Kyiv, there is also such a thing as the Kiev agglomeration. It is a supra-city formation, consisting of, in fact, Kyiv, as well as a number of settlements surrounding it. Urbanists identify three main factors that contributed to the formation and development of this agglomeration. These include:

  • The location of the agglomeration at the crossroads of important transport routes.
  • The presence of the largest water artery - the Dnieper River.
  • The capital status of the core of the agglomeration, which is the city of Kyiv.

The population of the Kyiv agglomeration, according to experts, has at least four million inhabitants.

It includes two rings of satellite cities. The first includes Vyshgorod, Cherry, Vorzel, Glevakha and Irpin. To the second - Vasilkov, Boyarka, Brovary, Obukhov, Borispol and Ukrainka.

Kyiv: population of the capital and its dynamics by years

It is known that up to 50 thousand people lived in ancient Kyiv already in the 10th century. However, as a result of the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols in 1241, the city was completely destroyed. And he was able to return to the mark of 50,000 people only in the middle of the 19th century. And by the time the First World War began, the population of Kiev had increased almost tenfold and amounted to about half a million people.

Already at the time of Ukraine's independence, the rapid growth of the city's population began in 2003. So, over the past ten years, the population of Kyiv has increased by 10%. In 2014 alone, the number of residents of the Ukrainian capital increased by 20,000.

Demographic projections for Kyiv in the near future are as follows: by 2025, the official population of the city will be about 3.3 million people. At the same time, at least 4 million people will de facto live within the city, and its “daytime” population will grow to 4.3 million.

Demographic heyday of the capital

Kyiv is the only city in Ukraine, which in recent years has been characterized by positive growth dynamics of its permanent population. The number of residents of the capital is increasing by several tens of thousands of people every year. What attracts Ukrainians to Kyiv? As in any other European country, the capital of the state is always ready to offer a wider choice in the employment market. In addition, wages in Kyiv are 1.5-2 times higher than in other regions and cities of Ukraine.

According to the forecasts of many experts, including international organizations, the population of Kyiv will continue to grow in the coming decades. By 2025, its number, as some experts suggest, may already grow to 3.5 million people. And this is without taking into account residents of nearby satellite cities and suburban areas.

Ethnic, linguistic and religious composition of the city's population

According to the ethnic composition, the top ten nationalities of the city of Kyiv are as follows: Ukrainians, Russians, Jews, Belarusians, Poles, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Tatars, Georgians and Moldovans. About 82% of the city's population is made up of the country's indigenous people - Ukrainians. The share of Russians in Kyiv is slightly less than 13%. Jews in the city - about 0.7%.

According to the last census conducted in 2001, about 72% of Kyivans consider Ukrainian their native language, 25% - Russian. It is interesting that a hundred years ago the language situation in Kyiv was absolutely opposite.

As for the religious composition of the population, 64% of Kyivans identified themselves as believers. Most of them are parishioners of the Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate. Temples of the Moscow Patriarchate are visited by about 18% of the faithful residents of the capital.

However, in terms of the number of registered religious communities in the city, Protestants are in absolute leadership. As of 2010, there are 263 registered Protestant churches in Kyiv.

Population of Kyiv by districts

The Ukrainian capital is divided into 10 administrative units. The population of the districts of Kyiv is shown in the following table (administrative units are located in it according to the decrease in the number of inhabitants):


Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and its largest metropolis. In addition, it is the only city in the country that shows a positive trend in population growth. Today, from 2.9 to 3.2 million people live in Kyiv.

According to the Main Department of Statistics in the city of Kyiv as of 04.01.2020 population - 2.952.376 people (+8000 per year)

Official sources:

It should be noted that the number of the population is growing from year to year due to the migration of the working population of the country. So, for example, from 2014 to 2015, the number of residents in Kyiv increased by 18.6 thousand people. These are official sources, but it is worth considering non-registered residents.

In 2016 there is also an increase in the city's population due to labor migration, due to the difficult economic situation in the country. Many people are forced to go to Kyiv in search of a better job.

In 2019 growth by several tens of thousands of people is expected (justified) 2.944.408 – 2.952.376

How many tourists visit Kyiv per year? According to experts, this is about 500 thousand people a year. Again, there is no official exact data.

How many students?- according to the data is close to 400 thousand. How many out-of-town accurate data were not met. It is noted that young people from 15 to 35 years old live 30% of the total population. And from 15-19 years old - 18%, 20-25 years old - 24%, 25-29 years old - 30%, 30-34 years old - 28%. This means that the capital is very young, which is due to many young professionals coming to study and work in Kyiv. The older generation, upon reaching retirement age, prefers to move to the districts of the region, having previously bought a house there and live breathing clean air and eat organic food. Many of them leave the apartment to their young children or relatives or sell it altogether.

Reference from the history of the population of Kyiv by years

According to forecasts, by 2025 the number of inhabitants of the city will be 3.3 million people. On the other hand, these are indicators of growth due to the visiting population, and given that the birth rate in the capital is not so high, the picture is not so welcoming. As before, the number of children in a family of more than 2 is a very rare picture, many couples do not have or simply do not want to have more than 1 or 2 children. This is largely due to social politics and a culture of promiscuity and a desire to enjoy life, and children are a burden. But many, when they live the mark of 40, understand that their time is gone and they had to give birth to children as many as possible. And it is worth thinking about this now and protecting family values, keeping love and fidelity.