How a person found his calling. How to find your purpose in life? Determine what works well

A person can live life without finding himself. Sometimes the reason is education, when parents devalue the interests of their child. The daughter wants to write, and the mother says: "You won't earn anything, what kind of profession is this: a hack?" The son wants to design airplanes, but his father flatly refuses to pay for such training. As a result, the young man goes to study to be a locksmith or manager, finishes his studies, gets a job and every day reluctantly goes there, as if to torture, waiting for Friday on Monday, and evenings - already in the morning.

A person who works in his favorite field always has a good mood. Dissolving in the profession to their liking, a person lives more interestingly, works with greater zeal and dedication.

What is my purpose in life?

Numerology can give the answer to this question. With the help of this science, you can calculate your destination by date of birth, name. Calculation by the square of Pythagoras will show you the ability, talent.

And if you adhere to traditional methods, then you know that books on pedagogy and psychology have been written long ago, in which there is a lot of information for determining and further developing abilities. If you still haven't found yourself, you can try to figure it out using some methods:

  • taking tests to identify hidden talents (in psychology books or on the Internet);
  • write down on a piece of paper those activities that are interesting to you and make you happy;
  • set a goal: what to strive for in order to get what you want from life.

How to calculate your calling, says the author - En Stein. You will not find traditional aptitude tests in this book, only unusual spiritual practices. According to the author, having determined your element, making a map of life, asking for help from the planets, you can determine what you want to do all your life.

But here's a more mundane example: practically the girl's namesake, Albert Einstein is the author of the famous theory of relativity and many works on quantum physics: the theory of the photoelectric effect, the theory of heat capacity, Bose-Einstein statistics, many books on history, philosophy, science and other fields.

But Einstein for a long time could not get a job after graduation, but despite all the difficulties in life, he continued to work on what he loved. As a result, he deduced the famous formula E \u003d mc2, for which he became a Nobel Prize winner.

Paradoxically, this formula became the formula of his calling. This is a brilliant example of a person who has found his place in life and an important message to humanity: look for yourself, live a better life, be useful.

The majority of the population of Russia follows a familiar scenario: study, work, home, children. Some find their hobby in gardening, some in computer games, some love travel, and some find joy in volunteering and helping people or animals. But there are those who have not yet determined their place in life. Routine and monotonousness does not allow them to develop and feel like an important link in society. People who persist in searching for their "I" eventually find a point of repulsion and live a life full of bright colors.

Here are examples of real stories from the life of ordinary people who have found themselves after 30 years.

How did the psychologist find himself in carpentry

Fedor Smekhov has two higher educations behind him. He successfully graduated from Moscow State University with honors, got a job by profession and ... thought about it. Is this what he would like to do in life?

What gave him real pleasure was hidden in games and furniture. Fedor, without thinking twice, drew up an action plan to make his dream come true. He found a video game company and joined it as a game designer without having the slightest experience in the field.

Later, he decided to go to study at a vocational school for carpentry, and even submitted documents. But in the end, he did not go to study, because he found a faster way: he found a restorer and asked him for advice on where to study better. And the next morning I started practicing in his workshop.

After a year of work, he realized that his life's work was furniture. After the restoration, he began to work as a carpenter. After some time, he quit his job and began to earn extra money, taking private orders. At the same time, I was doing the task of the curator, because I entered the British Higher School of Art and Design.

Natalia Kiseleva wrote about show business and culture. She was subscribed to blogs of celebrities, and once on one of the pages she read a post about a gathering of volunteers accompanying a humanitarian aid bus to Krymsk, destroyed by the flood. Kiseleva responded, while not knowing where she was going and why.

After Natalya entered the first house, where an elderly woman lay under the rubble for two days, the journalist's instinct worked. She immediately pulled the woman out from under the rubble, gave water to drink, and threw on a dry blanket. It's like she's been doing this all her life.

All summer she was in Krymsk, helping people. When I returned home, I could no longer engage in journalistic activities - the very idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to shows and writing boring articles about fashion collections and other "beauty nonsense" was disgusting. Kiseleva realized that she was no longer interested in her past life, and her vocation was to help people, to be a volunteer.

Such stories. In general, it is quite simple to know yourself - listen to your inner voice and do not be afraid of changes. Read books on where and how to look for sources of inspiration, development, and let your life be filled with meaning and happiness.

It is said that the profession of the future is a mission manager. And that's for sure! But not in the future, but now, because every second one left behind " thirty»Is asked by such questions as: "What is the meaning of human life?""How to find your calling?" and"How to understand your purpose in life?"

There are two great days in your life: your birthday and the day you will find out what the true meaning of your life is. If you think that you do not need this knowledge and do not understand at all why you are reading this article, then perhaps you are still young, or you have already thrown off the shackles of uncertainty and become a harmonious person. But whoever you are, I promise it will be interesting.

Have you ever thought about the meaning of life? Have you been looking for the purpose of existence? As a rule, such questions concern people who feel lonely and isolated from society.

What is purposefulness and do you have it?

For decades, psychologists have studied how long-term and meaningful goals change and progress throughout life. Goals that foster a sense of purpose are those that have the potential to change the lives of others. An example of this is starting a business, researching a disease, or teaching children to read.

Indeed, “a sense of the meaning of life” seems to have evolved in people so that we can work together on global things. That is why the ability to set goals is one of the indicators of physical and mental health. The goal is adaptive in an evolutionary sense. It helps individuals and species to survive.

Perhaps many believe that purpose arises from an individual's special gifts and distinguishes him from other people. However, this is only a fraction of the truth. Purpose also grows out of our connection with others. Therefore, the crisis of the meaning of life in people is often a symptom of isolation from society. Once a person finds his way, he will almost certainly meet other people traveling with him and hoping to reach the same destination - communities. Perhaps this is the meaning of human life on earth.

Here are six ways to find your purpose through overcoming feelings of isolation.

Read to understand what the purpose is

Reading connects us to people we will never know - in time and space. Through them we gain experience, which is also associated with the sensations of the meaning of life and the purpose of existence. (Note: “meaning” and “purpose” are interrelated but separate socio-scientific concepts. Purpose is part of meaning; meaning is a much broader phenomenon that, in addition to purpose, also includes value, effectiveness and self-worth).

One study studied about 26,000 adolescents in England and Wales. Those who spend more time reading the Bible have been found to have a stronger sense of purpose in life. Similar results have been reported for people reading secular books. In one study, Raymond A. Mar and colleagues found a link between reading poetry and fiction and adolescent determination.

“Reading fiction allows teens to observe the characters' entire lives. It helps to form a certain idea about your own life, without having to live it completely, ”they suggest. Seeing the purpose of the characters, teens are more likely to see it in their lives. In this sense, the goal is an act of imagination.

Many people catch certain ideas in books. So if you think you have a goal crisis, head to a bookstore or library. Books will help you look at your life from a new perspective.

Develop altruism

Certain emotions and behaviors that promote health and well-being can also lead to an understanding of what a person is meant to be. In particular, these emotions include feelings of care, gratitude, and altruism.

Research has been conducted at a research center that has shown that the experience of caring makes us feel connected to something greater than ourselves. Therefore, it can provide an emotional basis for understanding the meaning of life.

Of course, caring for someone by itself will not lead to a life goal. It's not enough just to feel like a small part of something big. You need to feel the urge to make a positive impact on the world. This is where gratitude and altruism come into play.

“It may sound counterintuitive, but it works,” writes psychologist Kendall Bronk. Research by William Damon, Robert Emmons and others has shown that thankful children and adults are much more likely to try to “contribute to the world outside of themselves”. This is most likely because when we see others making our world a better place, there is more motivation to reciprocate.

Here we come to altruism. At the moment, there is no doubt that helping others is associated with a meaningful, purposeful life. In one study, for example, Daryl Van Tongeren and his colleagues found that people with more altruistic behaviors (such as volunteering or donating money) tend to have a deeper understanding of purpose in their lives.

Interestingly, gratitude and altruism go hand in hand and together set the direction of the meaning of life. In one experiment, researchers asked some participants to write letters of thanks. Later, these people showed a greater understanding of the goal. More recent research has shown that altruism and gratitude are linked neurologically, activating the same reward zones in the brain.

Search and create communities

Understanding the purpose of life can come from relationships with others, through communication with people. If you have problems understanding your purpose, you should look at the people around you. What do you have in common with them? Who are they trying to be? What impact do they have on the world? Is this a positive influence? Can you join them? What does that require? What can you give to each other?

If the answers to these questions don't inspire you, you may need to find a new community. And with this - and find your new calling in life.

Share your story

To understand what the vocation of life is, not only reading other people's stories, but also telling others your own can help.

Understanding your calling is often born out of curiosity about your own life. Tell others about yourself. What obstacles did you face? What are your strengths that helped overcome them? How have other people helped you? How do your strengths help make life better?

“Everyone has the opportunity to share their own lives,” says Emily Smith, author of 2017's The Power of Meaning. “It brings clarity to our lives, helps us understand ourselves, and gives us a framework through which we can make sense of our experiences.”

One study found that people who talk about themselves get a clearer picture of their lives. They can analyze their history of change and growth, as well as the obstacles they have faced. In other words, storytelling about our lives helps us see our own strengths and how applying those strengths can make a difference in the world. This, in turn, enhances our sense of self-efficacy.

Talent and strengths

The purpose of life can be determined by your talents and abilities. Many people do not enjoy work, not because they have no talent, but because they are in a role where their strengths are not shown.

Why don't we want to flex our strongest muscles? Experience has shown that this is easier said than done. Not because it's hard to identify your talents. It turns out because we often underestimate ourselves. We underestimate what we do better than others.

Often our " Superpower "Is what we do effortlessly, reflexively, like breathing. For example, I am now writing this post, and I am happy to do this, I am inspired and immersed in full….

How to determine your superpower?

In fact, everything is simple, do not go to a fortuneteller ... Just ask yourself these questions:

  • What annoys you? For example, it annoys you that everyone is late for work, and their desk is a mess. So your superpower is to maintain discipline and order.
  • What compliments do you turn down? When we are the best at something, we tend to downplay it. They thank us for a reason.
  • What do you think about when you have nothing to think about? Pondering something is a sign that it matters to you. Your brain brings you back to this topic every time

Finding a calling is the key to a better life. The combination of a successful career, a loving family and active social activities may seem like a recipe for the perfect life. However, even those who can boast of success in these areas often feel that something is missing in their lives. In most cases, this "something" is a vocation or meaning in life.

"Purpose or vocation" is not just another cliché or pipe dream. It is a tool that can make life better, healthier and happier. And few people try to use this tool. In fact, only about 25 percent of adults admit that they have found their calling and feel that they are doing their job for a reason.

Why seek vocation?

A 2010 study published in Applied Psychology found that people with high levels of eudaimonic well-being ( it is associated with a sense of the meaning of life, your vocation and a sense of the significance of your activities) tend to live longer. The researchers found that people with the highest levels of emotional well-being were 30 percent less likely to die during eight and a half years of follow-up.

There is also research that links having a goal to positive health outcomes. People who know their vocation are much less likely to have strokes and heart attacks, sleep is better, and the risk of dementia or disability is lower.

In addition, one 2016 study found that motivated people make more money than those who feel that their jobs are meaningless.

The good news is that you don't have to choose between wealth and a fulfilling life. The more vocations you find, the more money you can make.

It is possible to find the main vocation and meaning in your life. However, this is not fast.

The process requires a lot of self-reflection, analyzing the thoughts of others, as well as identifying your strengths, talents and hobbies. Here are seven strategies to help you discover or find your calling, making your life more meaningful and meaningful.

Donate your time, money or talent to others

There is only one habit that you can develop in yourself to more effectively find your calling. This habit is to help others. Researchers at Florida State University have found that active social life makes people happier.

Altruistic behavior can manifest itself both in charity and in simple help to people around. Gratuitous donations and caring for others are equally good at improving happiness.

If you decide to devote two Saturdays a month to helping children in orphanages or to volunteer to take your elderly neighbor to the grocery store, you are likely to feel that life makes sense.

Listen to others

Sometimes it can be difficult to recognize what you are passionate about. At the end of the day, chances are you like a bunch of different things. It is also quite possible that your favorite work is so ingrained in your life that you no longer consider it a vocation.

Fortunately, other people can help you. Most likely, you unknowingly demonstrate your hobbies and life aspirations when communicating.

So it is not forbidden to turn to close people and ask what you associate with them. Or - what they think about when they remember you. You should also pay attention to compliments, criticism and comments addressed to you. Write down your observations and find patterns.

You may be thought of as “ great pop artist", Man" with an original sense of humor" or " attentive and caring personality". By analyzing what others notice about you, you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself and apply this information for the benefit of your work. For example, professional.

Surround yourself with positive people

A person's environment is his reflection. And vice versa. What do you have in common with the people you choose?

Don't think about coworkers or family members. They are usually not chosen. Think about the friends and acquaintances you spend your personal time with - outside of your professional life and outside of your family.

Our environment is a rich source of information about ourselves. And at the same time, it directly affects us. If you are surrounded by positive people, the chance to be inspired and find your true calling is higher.

On the other hand, if people around you are negative and pessimistic, it will be difficult to experience purposefulness and, accordingly, find your calling.

Make acquaintances

Ask them how they are doing, what projects they are currently working on, hobbies and hobbies. Talk to them about work or other things.

While these conversations with strangers may be awkward at first, talking to people outside of your immediate social circle can open your eyes to aspects of life, your actions, and even career opportunities that you never knew existed.

You can discover new activities or visit different places. This will help you find your calling.

Analyze your interests

Is there a topic that you regularly talk about on Twitter or Vkontakte? Do you regularly read or publish articles about climate change or refugees?

Are there Instagram photos that repeat over and over again? For example, how do you give a speech on stage or take part in landscaping a city.

Think about which conversations you enjoy the most. Maybe this is history? Or nanotechnology? French cuisine? Or do you prefer sharing and bargaining?

What you love to talk about and what attracts you most on social media can reveal your true calling.

Analyze what hurts you about "worldly injustices"

Is there something that causes you a flurry of outrage when you read an article or, for example, watch the news? What topic concerns you the most?

It could be animal welfare, a specific civil rights issue, or even childhood obesity. Perhaps you are concerned about the low income of older people, or you think drug addicts need more rehabilitation opportunities.

Why not set aside your time for this. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to devote your career to this problem and do it full time. Perhaps your specialty can provide you with resources to help. Or maybe you can donate time at least once a week.

Think about your favorite activities

Your favorite activities will help you find your calling.

Do you like to draw? Or go to musicals? Perhaps some of your skills can be useful in the arts or organizing performances and exhibitions. For example, you can organize children's activities related to creativity and art.

Or maybe you enjoy it? Many organizations may find this skill an invaluable asset.

Think about your skills, talents, and hobbies. Then do a one-on-one thinking about how you can turn your passion into something tangible and meaningful.

Three incredible ways to find your destination

Are you feeling confused? As if something is missing in life? Maybe you want to change your life for the better, but you don't know how to do it. Many wander through life feeling confused and desperate to receive deeper feedback from the world around them. However, not everyone knows how to do this.

I am very familiar with this feeling. Earlier I used to suffer in mental attempts to find my purpose and my destiny. I hated my job in advertising. I had to sit for long hours under fluorescent lamps and suffocate from the stale office air. And at the same time, I often saw people like Beyoncé and Justin Timberlake on TV shine brightly during their performances. I wanted the same thing: an infectious passion and a thirsty love for life.

I struggled every day to find out the purpose of my life. But my attempts didn’t work until I took a step back. Then it dawned on me that I could not "find" my purpose. I tried to find it in my head. I realized that the difficulty is not that I do not know what my destiny is. The problem is I'm looking for it.

So, we shouldn't look for our destiny. We must create it. This means that you need to take action and remove from your life that to which your soul does not lie. Bring in what you like. So I left my job and a successful advertising career, going in search of my own happiness - gradually adding things and aspects to my life that gave me pleasure. If you are looking for your life purpose, stop observing and analyzing. Start doing. These steps will help you.

So how to find your destiny and passion

Take more action

No need to torment yourself in thoughts and conjectures about how to find your purpose. We need to go to her. Remember Nike's wise slogan: Just do it ... Just do it. The more actions on our part, the more the situation becomes clear. Instead of thinking over whether it will work out, why not try it?

Stop asking yourself empty questions like, "What if it's not as exciting as it seems to me right now?" or "What if it doesn't make me money?" Start walking towards your goals and try new things. This will get you on your way. I have struggled with myself for years, trying to understand what my destiny is. This only confused me even more. It was only when I started to act that everything changed.

I started writing stories and articles and sent one of my works to the magazine. The moment when the letter of consent for publication did not come was unlike anything. Love poured into my heart in all a stream. And I realized - that's what I should have done with my life for a long time. It's funny, but I had to start writing to realize that my greatest passion is writing.

Experience is a reward. Clarity - appears during the process. In action, results are obtained.

Think with your heart, not your head

The heart is the optimal tool for achieving your true purpose and passion. Think about what you love. And start doing it. When you are inspired and feel united with your happy self, joy and a surge of energy fill your heart and soul. If you are guided by your heart, you have more motivation. Do what you love. And then you will understand what you live for.

Search for new and different

Most believe that life's purpose is one. However, it is the attempt to choose one thing that often causes the feeling that something is missing. The idea that each person has only one goal in life is limiting. And removes us from our nature.

Take me, for example. I have as many as six different "positions". I am a trainer, writer, author, speaker, mentor, designer. And all of the above gives me joy. However, none of this is my destiny. These are my passions. So start enjoying what you are doing! When life is filled with your favorite things, you live it consciously and meaningfully - with a purpose.

Stop thinking that there can only be one true purpose. Throw away this destructive idea. And accept this: the meaning of everyone's life is in life itself. This means that you need to get acquainted with the new, stop resisting the unknown and take full part in what is happening right here and now. For life to be meaningful, follow your passions. By living life to the fullest, we truly are Living. This makes sense.

The feeling of lack of something disappears when you fill your life with passion. The desire to seek purpose comes from a lack of passion. When you don't feel connected to your life. Fill this void with passion. And remember this simple equation:

Passion + Everyday Activities \u003d Living with Purpose

Consider that everyone's real purpose in life is to be fully involved in life. Try to be present on this exciting journey and fully embrace it. Soon you will feel so energized and determined that you will start to wonder how you existed before. Enjoy the journey into your own amazing life.

Harmonious people are those satisfied and contented with their lives who have managed to find their passion or, in other words, life purpose. A goal in life is a kind of compass that helps and guides, even when it is not entirely clear where to go.

How to determine the meaning of your life

Each of us is born with a unique purpose. Finding, recognizing and pursuing this goal is perhaps the most important thing successful people have ever undertaken. And success, in our understanding, is not only money. First, these people take the time to understand who they are and what they are doing here, and then with all their passion and enthusiasm they go where their hearts tell them, fulfilling their plans.

For some of us, our own purpose and passion are obvious and clear. We are born with a multitude of talents and abilities that develop later as we practice and develop skills.

All my relatives had natural talents, which ultimately became clear indicators of the right direction in life.

However, it is not easy for many people to identify their passion. Perhaps you have once asked questions like, "What should I do with my life?" "What is my passion?" or "What is my true purpose and purpose."

Moreover, perhaps you already have a business that is incredibly exciting and delightful. However, upon deeper analysis, you may find that in reality you are fascinated by something completely different.

Below I would like to give 10 tips to help you find your passion and true life purpose.

Explore things that come easy or enjoyable to you

We are all born with a deep and meaningful purpose that we must later discover. Your destiny is not something that still needs to be done. This is something that already exists. And you should see it. You can help yourself with questions. Answer honestly:

  1. What do you enjoy doing the most?
  2. What things or areas are easy for you?

Of course, it takes work to develop talent. Even the most talented musician should practice regularly. However, everything should not be through force and self-compulsion, but naturally - with the flow. Like breathing. Let me give myself an example. I love teaching people, coaching them, writing texts, conducting seminars and teaching courses. I love bringing other leaders together at conferences and working together on new ideas.

And all this is easy for me. Although I spent many years investing my time and money in learning the materials and mastering these skills, I loved every minute I spent on this training. In other words, development requires work, not suffering. If you are struggling with yourself, it is worth considering if this is your occupation.

Ask yourself what inspires you the most in this world.

First, ask yourself something like this: "What two qualities or phenomena inspire me?" For example, in my case - love and joy.

Second, ask yourself: "In what two ways do I bring these phenomena into my life?" I inspire people and help them empower them.

I inspire people with life examples and stories that I tell in my seminars and which I write about in my articles. I empower them by teaching strategies for success and practical skills that they can apply in their own lives.

Imagine a perfect world

Take a few minutes and write in writing what the world would look like if it were ideal from your point of view. For example, in my ideal world, everyone lives in accordance with their highest aspirations. Everyone does what they love and have everything they want. Finally, combine all of your ideas into one big statement and you have a clear idea of \u200b\u200byour goal.

An example of mine: "To inspire and enable people to live according to their highest aspirations in the context of love and joy."

Listen to your heart

What if I said that you have your own navigation system inside that can help you get from where you are to where you want to go?

Let's call this internal GPS. It is similar to the GPS systems used in cars and phones. The navigator will tell you how to get from point A to point B.

When you get into your car and head to a specific destination, what is the first thing you put into the GPS? Your current location. Once it is determined, the navigator is ready to give further instructions.

For the system to work, it just needs to know the starting point and final destination. Everything else is done with a program that receives signals from multiple satellites. It's the same with your internal system.

From now on, all you have to do is follow the instructions of your internal navigator.

Decide where you want to go

All you need to do is to be clear and decide where to go. After - analyze where you are now and what route is optimal to achieve the final goal. You can help yourself with affirmations and visualizations. However, this is only an addition. The main thing is to start acting and move in the right direction.

As you visualize, each time visualize the destination you want to get to.

Every time you want something, don't just want to - create an intention.

Use this technique even in small things. Imagine a welcome new table by the window, front rows of a conference, first class tickets, a room with an ocean view, or a warm relationship with your loved one.

Due to these images and thoughts, you "send requests" to the universe.

If you are still far from your path, you should not interrupt the process with a stream of negative thoughts, doubts and fears. Otherwise, your internal GPS will sense interference and make it harder to reach your destination.

In other words, as soon as you clarify exactly where you want to go and then focus on your path, the internal navigator will do all the work on its own, helping you to find new moves, ideas and opportunities.

Make the goal clear and concise

Once you clearly begin to understand exactly what you want, and constantly keep this in mind, making decisions and achieving what you want becomes easier.

You were born with an internal built-in navigator that tells you whether you are heading in the right direction or off course. This navigator is the feelings that you experience during a particular activity. It is those things that bring you the most joy that align with your goal. And they are the ones who will take you to your desired destination.

When you mentally imagine your goals, you are kind of "sending a request" to the universe. Hard to believe, but it works.

Take some time to honestly and thoroughly think about where you are now and where you want to go.

What is your financial status? How are things going in personal relationships? Are there any serious health problems? And so on…

Then - think about where and who you would like to be.

If your life was perfect, what would it look like? What do you do and where do you live? By constantly doing this exercise, you send powerful images to your subconscious mind, which will subsequently help you achieve your plan.

Take a test

This test is quite simple, but elegant at the same time. Just think about this sentence and continue it 15 times in different ways: “ When my life is perfect I ___ ". The main word you choose should be a verb. Preferably in the present tense.

An example of my statements:

  • My life is perfect when I serve a huge number of people.
  • My life is perfect when I help people identify their aspirations.
  • My life is perfect when I perform in front of a large audience.
  • My life is perfect when I am one of the spiritual leaders.
  • My life is perfect when I am the founder of a community of coaches.

After creating 15 applications, identify the 5 best options. To do this, compare the two separate statements and determine which of them is better and most important. Compare the winner with the third statement. Then with the fourth and fifth. Continue the algorithm until you reach the last point.

Compare the statements according to your inner aspirations - which one most reflects them.

Repeat this process for the remaining 14 statements to define the second choice. Repeat this entire process until you have identified your five main aspirations in life.

When everything is ready, for each of the five statements, create your own markers or, in other words, criteria. This will make it easier to tell if you are heading in the right direction.

In my case, these criteria are as follows: “When I help people live according to their aspirations, I teach at least 20 seminars a year and at least for 10,000 people. Each event is really useful for its participants and gives them the opportunity to come to their true self ”.

Once you have identified your core aspirations and goals, it will be easier for you to come up with an action plan that will make your dreams come true.

Remember the happiest times for you

Another method that you can use to determine your Goal is to remember periods in your life or moments in which you felt the happiest. Just take yourself about 30 minutes and make a list of all these cases.

(For example: I was a really happy person when I was a child camp counselor during my school days, when I was in cadet school, when I was chosen as an assistant class teacher for organizing an event, when I was a high school teacher, when I gave seminars and trainings when I told anecdotes and interesting stories in a big company when I was traveling.)

Then analyze what all these times or moments have in common.

In my case, these were periods when I taught and instructed someone, when I inspired people and gave them the opportunity to follow their dreams, directing their life towards love and joy.

Since we already know that joy and happiness are part of the internal navigation system, after completing this little exercise, you will be able to learn a lot about yourself and your life purpose.

Analyze this example

One of my students and trainees, a successful cardiologist, struggled to define his goal. I offered him a slightly different exercise. I asked him to look back at his life and answer the question: "When did I feel most satisfied?"

He identified three such periods.

First he told me about the period from his childhood when he grew up in India and spent a lot of time with his grandfather.

Then - about his experience of playing with his own grandchildren.

The third period was the time spent on a sailboat.

When I asked him what all these three events have in common, he replied that they were united by a sense of freedom.

Noticing that none of the three experiences he listed had anything to do with his profession or medicine, I asked him to tell me about his most successful experiences as a doctor.

The cases he described were mostly related to gratuitous assistance (for example, when he provided his services free of charge or at a lower cost than his partners). He also talked about cases when he deliberately spent more time at work only in order to support or reassure a family that was afraid of losing a loved one before the upcoming heart surgery.

Take your time

As we investigated his life further, it became obvious that he left very little time for himself. He was always in touch with his colleagues and patients, always worked late and always sacrificed his free time for the sake of circumstances or other people. To my natural question "Why?" he replied that people could die if he didn't.

The problem became obvious: devoting all his time to patients to his own detriment, he himself, in a sense, was dying - emotionally.

To help him figure it out, I asked him what he would do in the following situation: “A patient comes to your surgery. If you pass it, you will die. If not, the patient will die. Who will you choose? " He pondered this scenario for a long time, and then finally said: “I would rather live than die myself. I have no reason to kill myself to save others. "

This was a turning point in his life. He later told me that he still wants to serve people. However, he now knows that he has the right to take care of himself, his mind, his body and his needs.

Now this cardiologist pays more attention to what is happening in his own heart, and not in others.

Align your current goals with life aspirations

We are all gifted with certain talents and abilities. We all have certain interests and hobbies. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is these aspects that dictate to us where to go next and how to behave. Once you determine your purpose, concentrate all your thoughts and actions around her. Everything you do should be an expression of your purpose. If an action or task does not fit this formula, leave the venture.

Aligning actions with one's own goal is one of the most important points in professional activity. When it comes to personal tasks, you have more flexibility and room to maneuver.

If you want to learn how to paint or water ski, feel free to continue. If your goal is to tighten your body and lose weight, you can confidently go forward. Parenting yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually is what will make you more energetic, flexible, and motivated. And these qualities are always useful in professional life.

However, don't ignore the signs that your current job is not to your liking. If you can barely get up in the morning and struggle with the desire to stay home, but only really feel life on weekends, most likely something went wrong and you need to choose a different direction. It's time to follow your heart.

Start gradually

Once you understand what your main goal is, you don't have to completely rebuild your life. Instead, just start changing it little by little - gradually giving up something or introducing something new.

Take small steps every day towards the life of your dreams. Most importantly, pay attention to the feedback. The results, even if they are very small, should be.

The formula for achieving the desired

You have big dreams and ambitions. And now it's time to start taking action, taking your life to a whole new level.

Coaches and psychologists often help you understand the purpose, and they ask you questions, the answers to which bring you closer to understanding the meaning of life and purpose. Now I'm going to ask them for you too:

  • Where are you now - are you where you really want?
  • Have you achieved everything that you planned?
  • Are you enjoying your current lifestyle, the travel, weekend and entertainment you've always dreamed of?
  • Is it possible to make your career or business more rewarding and do you want it?
  • Could your relationship with your current partner be deeper, more rewarding and meaningful?

If not, I want to challenge you. To level up every aspect of your life, career, and lifestyle, START NOW. I believe that with the right tools, everyone can cultivate a success mindset and discover their biggest Life Purpose.

Parting word

Finding your vocation and purpose is not possible to do in a few days, weeks or months. This journey can take a lifetime. They come to their destination gradually - step by step.

Moreover, you may find that your purpose changes over time. You may have enjoyed working with animals as a young man, but now you want to focus your energies on fighting human trafficking. Vocations can change throughout life and there can be several at the same time.

It is also important to keep in mind that for the sake of a vocation it is not necessary to radically change your landmarks and habitual lifestyle. If you are currently working as a hairdresser, it is possible that one of your goals is to help other people feel beautiful.

And if you work as a school security guard, you may find that your calling is to keep others safe or to create an environment that helps children learn.

Sometimes you can afford to take time out and think about what you are doing. Analyze whether you feel satisfied with the current activity and whether you are going. If not, then you can change your course. After all, the path to your destination is often not straight and smooth.

It is impossible to meet a person who has never tried to find his calling. This is not surprising, since success in life depends on the choice of a suitable type of activity. Being a real specialist, you can make good money, look into tomorrow with confidence, and make plans for the future. Realize and be satisfied with yourself. This is the social role of man as an element of our society. Take your place, be as efficient as possible. Let's look at simple ways to find your calling.

1. Try yourself in various activities.

Practice is the best teacher and examiner. It is not enough to be interested in something, you also need the ability to have it. How to find your calling in life without even trying yourself in it? The sooner a person realizes whether this or that job suits him, the better. There will be more time for a new search or self-improvement. Or, on the contrary, the profession is suitable and it will be possible to start mastering it earlier, thereby gaining more chances to become a real specialist. Don't be afraid to try. Sooner or later, everyone will find something to do that they like.

2. Dive into introspection.

For many people, temporary solitude and dialogue with oneself helps to find the right solution. After all, the inner voice rarely deceives. They just don't always know how to listen to him. The body's prompts cannot be ignored. It is worth pondering what "butterflies in the stomach", and what "goosebumps" from.

If you follow your desires to a reasonable extent, then you can get an answer to various questions. And “how to find your calling” is no exception. Understanding your real self makes life much easier. If you follow the whims of fashion, someone else's instructions, then you can spend your whole life as someone else.

3. Be proactive.

Take responsibility for yourself and your life. Go not with the flow, but where the heart calls. Don't be passive, don't follow stereotypes and patterns. Listen to yourself, and not the obsessive opinion of "well-wishers". This does not mean completely ignoring other people. In no case! The main thing is to remember that everyone is responsible for their own lives.

Therefore, it is important to find your calling yourself. This is probably the second main event in a person's life, after his birth. After directing their talents in the right direction, people are born again - as an integral component of society.

4. Take vocational guidance tests.

The Internet and various specialized publications are full of them. You shouldn't mindlessly follow their verdict. But, rethinking the results obtained can be very useful. To facilitate interpretation, here is the main classification of skills:

  • Verbal-linguistic - characteristic of copywriters, journalists, teachers, politicians, public figures;
  • Logical and mathematical - inherent in programmers, engineers, analysts;
  • Visual-spatial - talents of architects, sculptors and artists;
  • Musical and rhythmic skills of DJs, musicians, composers;
  • Bodily-kinesthetic - define artists, dancers, athletes;
  • Intrapersonal - typical for philosophers, psychologists, gurus;
  • Interpersonal and communicative - businessmen, sales and service representatives;
  • Naturalistic - farmers, biologists, travelers.

And even if it is difficult for someone to find his calling by choosing one profession, one can at least understand the possible field of activity.

5. Contact representatives of interesting professions.

The next good trick on how to find your calling is regular communication with specialists. This can be attending specialized exhibitions, conferences, chatting and forums, excursions to production facilities, and many other options. The most important thing is to feel like one of them as "one of our own" If such a feeling does not appear, then, most likely, one should look further. It is advisable to read about professions in books, watch thematic films, programs.

6. Consider the question of how you can benefit society.

We are all biosocial beings. This means that you need to look not only for personal gain, but also to be useful to others. The more useful someone is, the more authority they have. Each specialty has some kind of social function. And not even at work, but in everyday life, they turn to us with requests. If you analyze what is most often asked for, then you can even find your calling.

7. Discard monetary priorities.

The pursuit of profit is clouding the mind. Money is definitely needed. But, this is not a reason to become their slave. We need to soberly assess the situation. Perhaps the hobby will bring even more profit than some high-paying job. After all, doing an unloved thing causes depression. It is followed by psychosomatic disorders, which are sometimes more expensive to treat than to prevent.

When a person is happy, doing something is the best prevention of disease and old age. So, even for mercantile reasons, it is much more profitable to find your calling.

8. Overcome the main "enemies" of self-development.

Our entire environment, and sometimes we ourselves, can become an obstacle to our own self-realization. This is due to the many stereotypes that surround us. Most people are more accustomed to going with the flow. But you have to fight for your dream. Common barriers that prevent you from finding your calling include:

  • Self-doubt, complexes and fears;
  • Laziness and passivity;
  • Lack of knowledge necessary for the choice;
  • The desire to compare yourself with others, and not in your favor;
  • Public stamps, templates;
  • Striving to be fashionable, not real;
  • Pursuit of profit and money.

These factors often act in groups, amplifying the influence of each other. Defeating them is not easy, but possible. It is in the struggle against the named barriers that the formation of a personality, a specialist, a person with a capital letter takes place.

You should approach the solution of the voiced question as responsibly as possible. The listed ways of how to find your calling can be effective even individually, but it is better to apply them in combination. Then, the results obtained will be more objective and will make it possible to better understand yourself and your skills.

Do what you are called to do.

One frosty autumn morning I was lucky enough to have breakfast at a local restaurant. I was sitting and enjoying a cup of coffee, when suddenly I noticed a rather large group, located around the tables pushed together.

There was no one else in the restaurant besides them and me, so I could not help but hear their conversation. It became clear that this is a group of young retirees who regularly get together for breakfast. When one of them got up and was about to leave, the woman sitting next to her shouted loudly: “Are you leaving already? Where are you in a hurry? You're retired! "

I vividly imagined some of us who have not yet reached retirement and dreaming of just such breakfasts - when you can just slowly drink coffee, enjoying the carefree idleness. And while this prospect may be attractive to many, I am not very happy about it. Don't get me wrong: one day, I really will retire. But after that, I will continue to pursue my calling until the very last day.

Christine Kane, founder of A21 and PropelWomen, recently commented in a comment: “What are you going to do, retire and play golf or what? As long as we breathe, God has a specific purpose and purpose for us. "

Many years ago I found my calling in helping people find their own by the example of my life line - my life can become a “map” for those who are trying to find their own way. In my example, other people can avoid “pits and stones” in their path.

You've probably already figured out what to dream about in your life and are striving to become the best version of yourself. Pursuing your calling is an investment in your own well-being. The most satisfied people with their lives are those who have learned to manage their gifts in such a way as to follow what they have a heart for.

But how do you find your calling?

This is what you wake up for every morning

It not only resonates in your mind and heart, but makes your soul rejoice. For me, for example, it is a feeling of joy when I think about the development of those who work for me, about the achievement of their goals and dreams.

This is something that, according to other people, you have no equal

Calling usually rests on your greatest gifts and most developed talents. I often recall the advice based on 2 Timothy 1: 5-7: “Listen carefully to the people that God has placed in your life. They not only help you identify your gifts, but also tools in the hands of God to open up new opportunities for you. "

A calling is a way to use your energy to leave a mark

When you are the solution to a problem, your work makes sense. There is a chance to become the hero of our story, in which we are given a chance to solve something global. In everything we do, we need to feel that our actions are justified and can be measured as something positive.

This is both the moment, experiencing which, and the work, performing which, you feel that you have pleased God

Nothing beats the feeling that you are doing what you are called to do. In Chariots of Fire, Olympic runner Eric Liddell puts it this way: “I believe that God created me for a purpose. But He also gave me the ability to run fast. And when I run, I feel that He is pleased. "

This question is asked by many. Let me ask you, did you ask yourself this question? And what, how? Found your calling? I don't know about you, but I have been doing this self-digging for a long time. Oh, and this is not easy, I tell you. Terribly exhausting. As the site reports

It is good when, in childhood, a child is engaged in something, develops in different areas, determines what he likes best, and parents do not interfere with the choice. But this is a question of education, this is not for me.

At a certain age, from about 30 to 40 years old, many begin to feel as if "Out of place"... Something is wrong, some kind of inner state of uncertainty. Questions arise: "And what am I doing, what is my true mission, how to reveal my talent, how to find a calling, etc." And away we go ...

Why are these questions so important? Very simple. Because, doing not his own business, not doing what he likes, a person feels unhappy, and will never achieve outstanding results. This will certainly affect health, because it is known that a very large part of the disease is directly related to the psycho-emotional state.

The topic has become highly topical recently, especially in the Russian Internet. I have already met several dozen authors on the Internet promising to teach me how to find the very talent in myself, the very vocationwho can radically change your life. I think some are speculating on this need, but this is not the point now.

In terms of finding, discovering and developing talent, I have already expressed my opinion. Definitely, I give the palm to Konstantin Sheremetyev. Here you can get his free book "The most important thing about your intelligence".

About the question how to find your calling, I will give 5 wayswhich I used myself.

  1. Ask yourself this question. What would I be doing (doing) if I didn’t care about money and their production? That is, if there was so much money that it would not be spent in a lifetime, with all the desire. The concepts are often confused here and most people think that they would travel the world. OK. If so, what else would you do while traveling the world?
  2. Write on a piece of paper all your interests, as many as possible, everything you remember. Then, for each item, think if you could do this for a long time, for example, six months, without making a profit? All the same, you need to eat constantly. Cross out gradually. Test the remaining ones at the moment of the lowest potential profit and cross them out to get 1-2. With this and work further.
  3. Remember, on what issues other people, friends, colleagues often turn to you for help, advice? In what question are you competent and do you like to help on this particular topic?
  4. Do you have a hobby? This is somewhat different from interests. A hobby is a more serious attitude and an absorbing hobby, as opposed to just interests. As a rule, a person spends money on a hobby, and often a lot. By the way, now there is a boom in Runet on the possibility of earning money on a hobby.
  5. From the sphere of revealing talent. I will share one technique from Konstantin Sheremetyev. If you can repeat something from memory - pick up a melody on the guitar, piano, in this area you have a talent and you can develop it. If you can design, draw, assemble, prepare, in general, repeat anything you like, from memory, without referring to the original source, you have talent in the relevant areas.

Here are some simple ways to define your calling. I would be glad if you get even a little closer to yourself. Write in the comments what other methods do you know? And it would be interesting to know, what is your personal calling? (Of course, if you've already decided).

In one of the next posts, I will publish an interview with Konstantin Sheremetyev about the disclosure of talent. Not to be missed

Transfer: Dmitry Balezin

Understand your purpose in life, to understand why you appeared on Earth is sometimes as difficult as to assemble a puzzle, the particles of which are scattered all over the world. Some people never put this puzzle together in a single picture, as they often lack patience and desire. Or perhaps they are too afraid of this ...

However, the five pieces of the puzzle called "My purpose in life", which you need to complete the whole picture, it is quite easy to find.

These are the ingredients that need to be put together.

1. Identify your talents and passions

This is probably the simplest and most common way to define your calling in life. So start with it.

Following your talents and passions will lead you to contentment, happiness, and even allow you to earn “bread” (and possibly much more). It doesn't matter if your talent is innate or acquired. You have talent, and it was given to you for a purpose.

To discover your talent and discover your passions, consider the following:

What makes you cry with joy?
What makes you smile?
What do other people sincerely say you are really good at?
What makes you laugh?
What makes you stay up all night since you just can't stop?

2. Take a look into your past

Sometimes it can be difficult to remember your past. There are many such events that I would like to erase from my memory. However, that would be silly. Instead, we must use our past to move forward to understand the meaning of our present position.

A look into your past, with an attempt to determine your purpose, also consists of some components of the puzzle:

Under what circumstances were you born?
Perhaps you were born in poverty. Then your destiny could be the task of getting out of poverty and leading others out of it, by your example.

What are the main mistakes your parents made? What negative traits of their characters did they struggle with?

Did they behave in an abusive way, perhaps they were addicted to alcohol, or were they addicted to some other destructive behavior? If so, then your goal may be to break the cycle (not continue). You must break with this and become an example for others.

What endeavor did you fail in?

Failure or failure shouldn't be permanent for you. They only exist to separate those who really want something from others. If a certain setback affects you so much, then your calling in life is to get back “in the game” and, using a new approach, win this time.

Who has influenced you the most (in a positive way)?

Was he / she your teacher? An actor? By the author? A director? President? A local hero? If they changed your life, then perhaps you should continue their mission?

3. There are three callings that unite us all

1. Be as happy as possible;
2. To live the way you want it;
3. Change the lives of other people;
4. Leaving behind the world a little better than it was when we were born

And I say "yes" to all those negatively minded people ... Yes, not everyone realizes these vocations, but everyone could.

4. Be open to multiple destinations

Many of us have several purposes in life, but often we still have one main mission in life and several smaller reasons for being. It may be someone's calling to be a wonderful parent, but at the same time, they can change the world in their own way.

However, it also happens that several destinations merge into one, more significant. I was often told that I was good at writing, and that I should think about how to turn this ability of mine into a career, but I constantly "denied" this. However, one of my desires has always been to change the world. So one day, I just decided to combine these two and change the world through my writing.

Our calling can also be very dependent on age. Usually our goals are very materialistic when we are young, but they cease to be so when we get older.

All of this brings me to thinking about the fifth piece of the puzzle.

5. Find out what your calling is TODAY

What is the meaning of your stay on Earth today is much more important than the goal that you must achieve later in your life. Today is guaranteed, tomorrow is not.

We expect the perfect moment, but it doesn't exist. Concentrate on your calling today ... tomorrow, next month, next year at most. Life flows now, not tomorrow.

Copyright © 2008 Dmitry Balezin

There is a theory that everyone comes into this world for a reason, and everyone has a certain purpose of their own that should be fulfilled. Once (someone earlier, and someone later) everyone begins to think about the questions: "Am I doing the right thing, could I open myself more in another area, am I fully realizing the opportunities given to me by nature?" in total, we begin to live consciously after twenty or thirty years, and it is then that we begin to feel that we have some kind of inner mission, and it must be followed. More and more often you begin to understand that if you chose the right path, you would be able to avoid many failures, because it is they who often indicate to a person that he is on the wrong path. It is believed that the destiny is the path that the soul chooses, heading to this world. If you manage to understand what exactly is "destined" for you, and take up this field of activity, then you will certainly expect great success in it. This is the only way you can reveal your hidden talents! Otherwise, chances are that you will never know about them at all. Take the time to understand what path is in store for you, and you can avoid many unpleasant moments in life.

How fate and karma affect life and place in the sun

Many do not doubt that it is impossible to escape from karma and fate, and no matter how we try to direct life in a different direction - everything is already predetermined, and all our attempts can only slightly and almost imperceptibly change the general "course". Others argue that it is not necessary to make mistakes in order to spoil your karma - sometimes almost sinless people face many difficult trials. In this case, it is said that, apparently, he is responsible for the sins of his parents or ancestors. If everything is really programmed in advance, is there any chance to influence your fate and change it for the better? Several ways to influence your destiny1. It is believed that the name we receive at birth has a significant impact on our future life. A certain character is laid, as well as its shortcomings, which determine many situations in the future and the attitude of others. As a rule, when studying the meaning of their name, most people recognize that the information is the same - they really are as described. Wanting to radically change some aspects of their character and life, some decide to change their name. This decision can come spontaneously, or it can mature over the years, from early childhood - many people already then alienate and do not like their own name. And we have to admit that it often works! 2. Try to think positively. If you look for good sides in everything, charging others with positive, then soon you will really be fine, and good luck will accompany you. Also, abandon the habit of predicting something unkind and in general - do not be a pessimist! Learn to love life in many of its manifestations, and it will become really happy for you. 3. Forgive the offenders. Perhaps once someone acted unfairly towards you, and for a long time you cannot come to terms with it, over and over again replaying those unpleasant minutes that you had to go through. This is an unnecessary and unproductive waste of energy, which would be much more useful to direct towards improving your own life and building harmonious relationships with good people. 4. Get rid of the ghosts of the past. Do not follow the lives of people who decide to leave you in the past and do not avoid those with whom you have long had to explain. It's also important to address any health problems that you are well aware of but nevertheless continue to ignore. It is also important to pay off all debts, and not take them in the future. Sooner or later, we have a choice, and we decide - to leave everything as before or to decide on something new. Often we choose the first option, not wanting to take risks, and only over time we realize that we could gain a lot if we once made another choice. It seems that such situations are so common that even an expression has appeared that “luck loves the brave.” Of course, in some situations, fear is beneficial, being dictated by a sense of self-preservation, but often fear can lead to a catastrophic mistake, and this is especially critical when turning points come in our life. There are many such situations: an offer of a more promising job, the opportunity to leave an alcoholic husband, the opportunity to meet an interesting person, learning a new business, and the like. Fate can provide such and many other opportunities only once in a lifetime, but because of fear we miss them. Very rarely, luck accompanies those who try to avoid experiments for fear of making a mistake, because most often standing in one place is the main mistake ... Of course, sometimes fear works for the good - we give up unnecessary addictions, extreme sports and other things, subsequently not regretting it. But if you are a forward-thinking person, then you understand that fear can miss out on many amazing opportunities.

The test will help you determine your life purpose for free

In order to at least roughly navigate what suits you best in this life, first determine your type. Thanks to this test, you will be able to understand which business is capable of bringing you the most realization. After each question, there are several answer options - you need to choose one of them.

1) Which of these activities do you find most interesting?

    a) Repair of damaged things. b) Studying scientific papers. c) Communication with interesting personalities. d) Analysis of documents, various papers. e) Planning for the near or distant future. f) Creation of any crafts or painting a picture.
2) What do you like to do more on your free days?
    a) Tidy up clothes, fix broken things, create coziness at home b) Study new interesting information on the Web c) Visit loved ones, invite them to visit or just go to interesting events together d) Watch TV shows and films e) engage in self-development (master classes, reading literature on psychology, etc.) e) dance or listen to your favorite music performers.
3) How do you prefer to deal with difficulties?
    a) Without much emotion, quickly assess the situation and find the most correct solution for you. b) Study the problem in detail, trying to understand which solution will be the most optimal. c) Consult with loved ones or those who are well versed in the issue. d) You worry and hope that the troubles will resolve themselves. E) Shift the problem onto someone else. F) Calm yourself, trying to find the positive aspects and prospects that the problem may entail.
4) What qualities, in your opinion, prevail in you the most?
    a) Hardworking b) Smart c) Decent d) Responsible e) Persistent f) Charismatic
5) Which of the things would you most like to receive as a gift?
    a) A toaster, slow cooker or laptop b) An interesting book on psychology, self-development c) A wardrobe item d) A rare or expensive item e) Stylish accessory f) Headphones, good watercolors or a concert ticket.
6) What is your priority in the professional field?
    a) Clear and clear requirements b) Personal growth c) Good team d) Stable position e) Regular pay increase f) Vivid emotions
7) What school lessons did you go to with the most enthusiasm?
    a) Physical culture and labor. b) Physics and algebra. c) Russian and foreign literature. d) World history. e) Foreign language f) Music or drawing.
8) What is the main component of success for you?
    a) Good job b) Traveling c) Safe environment d) High pay e) Influential position f) Enjoyment of life

Test results

After answering these questions, determine which letter, of the accompanying one or another option, in your answers prevailed over the others? Now look at what the test results tell you. So which letter flashed more often? A - Realist. You prefer to stand firmly on your feet and do things that are understandable and necessary. You are closer not to intellectual work, but to work with your hands. Based on this, you can find the right job for yourself - seamstress, furniture assembler, agronomist and much more. B - Intellectual. You are convinced that your main wealth is your mind. You could be an excellent researcher, writer, or analyst. You might want to try your hand at writing interesting stories or delivering training. B - Socially successful person. You don't see much difficulty in communicating with other people, and you like it. You could become a teacher, sociologist, salesman, presenter, and the like. The area in which interaction with people is necessary is the most beneficial for you. D - Conventional person. You are highly committed to tradition, value personal comfort and time, and dislike doing things for free. At the same time, you are responsible and reliable. You will be comfortable in such professions as a tutor or a tour guide. Also, you will enjoy any leadership position or personal business management. D - Materialist. Talking about high feelings and complaining about life is not for you. You value your comfort and strive for success in life. At the same time, you understand that in order to achieve all this, you need to make efforts, and not rely on or groan at fate. You could be a great entrepreneur or public speaker and lead a large team. You should probably think about starting and developing your own business. E - Creative nature. Feelings and emotions come first for you. In your head, unexpected and interesting ideas regularly arise, however, often everything ends already at this stage. You would become a wonderful artist, dancer, singer, actor, writer ... The list goes on for a long time. Determine what occupation you like the most, and start active development in this direction!

A vocation in a profession or how to find a job in life

1. Through skills, interests and abilities. Please note that you are most interested in your free time, where you like to go, what you do. Of course, if after work you are most fascinated by the same sphere to which your professional activity belongs, then there is no doubt that you are "in your place." If work depresses you, and then you find an outlet in drawing, writing stories, knitting, concerts, dancing or something else, then, probably, in this way, you are drawn to your true destiny and you simply have to test yourself in something. then another at a professional level. 2. Master new specialties. Now, in order to be well versed in a new specialty, there is no urgent need to study a new business for years. There are many intensive courses that will get you up to speed in a relatively short time. During this period, you will have the opportunity to understand whether you like this specialty. If the answer is yes, then you can easily comprehend its new facets and begin to develop in a new direction. 3. Don't stop at failure. Sometimes, nevertheless, having decided on an experiment, we almost immediately face failures, and in the end we abandon the intended goal. However, we forget that it takes work and perseverance to achieve truly great goals. Only by applying perseverance will you achieve your goals, and the bigger your dream, the more effort it will take to make it come true. Give yourself a chance to make a difference in your life for the better. 4. Look for answers in yourself. Surely, in your childhood you dreamed about how your future life would develop. We saw ourselves in some profession or in some interesting business. remember what you sincerely wanted during that period. If memories are dormant, then think about what now excites you the most, people of what professions seem to you the most interesting. By making an effort, and trying to understand yourself, you can understand what exactly you want from life, and where you see yourself, if you discard all conventions and barriers.

There are 4 criteria for a vocational job (a job that you really enjoy):

  1. Time flies by. We decided to finish the job in 5 minutes - we did it, got up from the chair and realized that 3 hours had passed.
  2. You are not understood and scolded for your occupation... What do you do? Why are you coming so late? Maybe you can find a normal job? This is not serious!
  3. Doing increases the amount of energy... You just work and you feel good. If at the same time you also achieve results, then motivation rises hundreds of times. And if at the same time you earn seriously, then you are generally lost to society.
  4. They ask you for advice... They ask for help, ask questions, “sit on their ears” and persistently talk about problems, ask what you can advise.

My dentist told me that at the theater he once met his client, who greeted him and immediately after the greeting opened his mouth and asked to see what was there with the five upstairs.

Finding your calling in life and following it is the path to happiness and a prosperous life at the same time.

But is it so easy to find it?

What prevents you from finding a vocation

Asking people the question, "What would you do if financial issues were resolved?" you can get many interesting and non-standard answers. Very rarely, these answers coincide with current work.

What is usually the answer to the question: "Why not do what you like?"

  • I have no experience.
  • There are few vacancies in the city (someone says that you have to go to Moscow).
  • You can't make money on this.
  • Nobody needs this in our country.
  • To do this, you need to get a second higher education.
  • If I fail? If I fail ??
  • I can't, I have to feed my family.

Fears and insecurities lead to the fact that people cannot find their calling and favorite work. They work in a job they hate (out of habit) and don't want to try anything new. And if you do not try and start nothing new, then it is impossible to change your own life.

There is another problem in finding a calling - comparing yourself to others... In 99% of cases, wanting what a neighbor has or what is written in fashion magazines means giving up your real life.

People who found their calling did not compare themselves to others.

One aspiring artist came to the United States to be creative and paint. At this time, he was talking with an acquaintance who had lived in America for a long time. They had something like the following dialogue.
- What do you do?

$ 50 apiece.
- How much??? Maybe you can do something normal? We have a lot of good work in America.
- No, no, I'm minding my own business.

Exactly 5 years later, a similar dialogue took place.

What are you doing?
- I'm minding my own business. I paint pictures.
- How much do you sell your paintings for?
- $ 50,000 apiece.
- !!!

This example says one more important thing - about consistency in achieving your goals... If you decide to try something or learn a skill, give yourself enough time so that the first setbacks don't stop you.

What is life's work

There is one simple, but at the same time complex, thought - your life's work lies on the surface... To find a calling in life, you just need to take a close look at yourself. What you do easily, quickly and with pleasure is what you do every day.

How to find your vocation and work in life?

In fact, the technique is very simple - you need to look at all three areas of your personality and find the work that will satisfy all aspects of your I.

You will need - paper, pen, free time, disconnected phone, skype and all social networks.


What is a character trait? This is what you enjoy doing and what you are already doing. It doesn't have to be good for you.

Or you are very emotional. Sometime it plays into your hands, sometime on the contrary. But you are and this is your personality trait.

The task

Find and write down more than 30 of your character traits.

  • What do you like to do? How do you show yourself? What are you?
  • What do others see in you? You can ask your friends and acquaintances to describe you with 7 adjectives. This will help you to know the look at you from the outside.

Interests, skills and abilities

This is what you know and love to do. Drive a car, meet guests, skillfully set the table, decorate windows, ride a bike well, you have calligraphic handwriting, you are an accountant, you get along with technology or vice versa, animals love you, and so on.

This also includes interesting activities and your desires. Do you like kayaking, want to learn how to ride a motorcycle, plan to start drawing, want to educate people, start making websites or whatever.

The task

List over 30 of your skills, abilities, and interests.

  • What can you do? What do you like to do?
  • What are you interested in? What do you want to learn?
  • What did you like to do as a child?
  • What do you ask for advice? What do people around you value in you?

How to find a calling

One important thing to say first:

Don't confuse vocation with profession. An accountant, salesman, pastry chef or programmer is not a vocation, but a profession through which you realize your vocation.

To find your calling, you need to pay attention to several things.

1. You don't like something in this world and you want to fix it. You notice some imperfections all the time.

For example, the famous designer Artemy Lebedev, to put it mildly, is not fond of design in Russia. He changed it with his own hands and is changing it and, judging by his current affairs, he is going to do it in the future.

Lebedev is not happy with the design of the sign:

What flaws in this world do you notice?

2. You enjoy doing what you do. You like it even if the result of labor is not needed by anyone. In other words, you cannot help but do it.

What is it for you?

3. You do it for yourself and for others.

Your case is directed at other people. You want to help them, you want to make the world a better place for them.

What do you want to give to people? What can you do for them? How do you want to change the world?

The task

Expand and answer the questions in detail.

  • What flaws and imperfections in this world do you notice?
  • What are you already doing and cannot but do?
  • What do you want to give to people? What would you enjoy doing for people?
  • How do you want to change the world? What do you want to improve?

Each person has their own purpose in this life. He is born to fulfill his specific mission. Will he be able to find his favorite business? It directly depends on whether a person is aware of what he lives for and whether he develops. Otherwise, life will not bring joy, it will seem empty and meaningless. Our Universe is always ready to help a person in his search for himself, directing him to the right path. The main thing is to understand and follow the prompts of life in time.

Many of us go to our unloved jobs every day, because "it is necessary." We need to feed the family, pay the mortgage, teach the children, and so on. Work is stability, confidence in the future. And each of us strives to find a job with a higher salary, moving from one place to another, even if we don't like what we have to do at all. And we are all afraid of losing our home and without earning money. We are afraid of change. We are afraid of losing stability. And therefore we hold on to it with all our might.

If a person is asked the question: "What would you be doing if you did not need money?", Then the answers can be very interesting and unexpected even for him. And if after that we ask the second question: “Why aren't you doing this?”, Then everyone here answers almost the same:

  • you won't earn a lot of money;
  • no relevant experience or education;
  • i'm afraid to take risks, suddenly I can't cope;
  • i have no time to do this, I need money;
  • in my country nobody needs it.

As you can see, all answers are based on fear. It is fear and lack of confidence in their abilities that do not give people the opportunity to change something in their life, to start it in a new way, in a different way. In addition, there are other aspects that prevent a person from looking for his destiny and not betraying, first of all, himself:

1. Disbelief in oneself. Many of us, of course, tried to start from scratch and change our lives. But they gave up halfway, faced with the first obstacles and setbacks. And you just need to be patient and believe in yourself, in your business. If you dream of becoming a writer, then don't expect your first work to be published and published. Nobody will want to sign a contract with you right away. Yes, budding writers start small. From small articles to order, for a small fee. And they themselves are looking for customers for a long time who would agree to work with them.

But dropping your hands, as if you will not achieve anything. Today, you can even sell your books online. And the payment for writing articles for other sites will also gradually increase if you establish yourself as a worthy author. You can save money to publish your book. Or maybe one day you just get lucky and the publisher will agree to publish your work.

2. Money is everything. Don't kid yourself by saying, “If I had money ...” Money is never enough. And even if they were in the right amount, it would not provide you with a state of happiness from being fulfilled in your life. Not all rich people have found their calling, they earn money and are truly happy. Money does not fill an inner void.

You don't need to make money to do what you love. Your favorite activity should be enjoyable, and then it won't matter how much you can earn. After all, the most important thing is harmony within yourself. But the secret also lies in the fact that as soon as you start doing what you love, the money will appear. Because work, created with love, is always of high quality, and it is this kind of work that is always in demand and brings good money.

3. Don't stand out from the crowd. People are afraid to be different from everyone else. Therefore, they are looking for work that is common and familiar to everyone. Society, friends, parents impose their ideals. Sometimes they decide for you what is best. There is no need to be afraid to stand out and declare your desires. Be responsible for your own destiny and tell everyone: "I will do what I want, not you." Even if you make the wrong choice, you will only blame yourself. Errors will be sure. Just do not stop and look further for your calling.

You can learn about other reasons that can prevent you from finding your purpose in this video. Also in it I shared how I overcame many obstacles on the way to my favorite work.

3 ways to find your calling

Any business and occupation should bring money. After all, a person needs to buy food, clothes, study, etc. But the concepts of "vocation" and "profession" should be clearly distinguished. When you understand for yourself what you want to do, you should also think about how this business can benefit society. In what field of activity can you realize your skills and talents? And then the choice of profession will overtake you.

What can and do I like to do? Use some simple exercises to help answer this question.

Your imagination

Imagine yourself as a wizard. You can create yourself the life of your dreams. Imagine boldly! After all, any of your wishes is immediately fulfilled. Now answer the following questions:

  • What kind of person do I see myself as? What kind of person am I?
  • What kind of business am I doing? In what area have I achieved success, become the best in the world?
  • What is my lifestyle?
  • What kind of people are around me?

After analyzing the answers, you can draw a conclusion about what you want to do seriously and why you want to do it.

Your childhood

It is in childhood that a person at a subconscious level already knows about his vocation. Therefore, remember your childhood, and give answers to the following questions (if you don't remember, ask your parents):

  • What did I want to become?
  • What was I dreaming about?
  • What did I enjoy doing the most?

Now imagine that all your childhood thoughts have come true, and you have become what you dreamed of. Do you like it now? If so, then perhaps this is your calling. If not, then imagine yourself in a different role.

Mission doable in 3 days

This exercise will take 3 days. Answer certain questions each of these days. One day - one point with questions. And write down all the answers that come up during that day. Questions for 3 days:

  1. What do I like to do? What do I like to talk about? The more things you love and the more you find, the better. Write whatever comes to mind without criticizing it. Even if it's peeling potatoes, sniffing flowers or running barefoot on the grass.
  2. What do I do best? What are my abilities? In this list you need to write down all your skills, skills and knowledge. For example, knitting, cleaning floors, speaking English, writing texts, and more.
  3. How can I combine my favorite things and skills? Which professions suit me based on my interests and skills? How can I benefit people? For example, I love to pick up clothes and can write well. In this case, I can blog about fashion and beauty. Or I like to go shopping and know how to pick clothes, then you can become a stylist-image maker. Your favorite activities, topics and interests can be combined in different ways. The result can be many different areas of activity.

All recorded answers need to be analyzed and found in them points of contact. The answer about the purpose will be found by itself.

But even if you really like some business, but you have no skills in it, you can always learn it. For example, you love to photograph, but you don't know how to do it professionally. There are many schools where you will be taught how to find the angle correctly, adjust the light, process images in Photoshop, and more. The main thing is to have a desire, but you can learn anything.

How can you make your vocation a reality?

When all fears have been dropped, the vocation has acquired more or less clear contours, all internal answers are analyzed, then the task is small. You need to understand in which specific profession you can fulfill your vocation. And it doesn't have to be alone. Don't be afraid to look for yourself, make mistakes and move on. There can be many professions in which you can realize yourself. Real work and dreams of a vocation are completely different things. And it is important that you feel comfortable while working.

Now you need to declare yourself! If you have a product, then there will definitely be a buyer. The Internet can be your first step towards your dream. Share your creativity on social networks, offer your services. And someone will definitely like what you do and want to purchase your product or service. You can be sure of this.

My experience of finding what I love to do

I myself am among such people who are looking for their vocation, and having found it, they realize it. After graduating from university, I did not want to work as an economist by profession. I realized that it was not mine, but imposed by society. And I threw all my strength to understand myself and find my favorite job. It took me half a year. I thought for a long time, doubted, but then I had an idea. I have always loved beautiful things: clothes, accessories and jewelry. And I decided to open an online store for women. After analyzing the demand for different products, I chose Swarovski jewelry.

After that, everything started spinning, the Universe itself began to help me in realizing my dream. I bought a batch of goods from a supplier, posted a photo of the jewelry on social networks, and later opened my own website. Sales were growing, but slowly. Then I took training in marketing and online store promotion. And it went faster.

At first I worked at a regular job, and in the evenings I delivered orders or worked on the promotion of my store. It was difficult, very difficult. I practically did not rest. But it was worth it! A year later, I quit my unloved job and started doing my own thing. And a little later I managed to fly to Thailand and manage my stores remotely. At that time, I already had assistants. I have always dreamed of traveling a lot and living by the sea. It turned out that everything is real, if you really want to.

In the course of my work, I even recorded a training course "Online store from scratch." If you are interested in this topic, then I recommend that you study it. It's completely free.

Of course, a lot of things have changed since then, I closed my jewelry store and began to engage in more creative and interesting activities for me at the moment. Including blogging. But my experience is very revealing. I have been engaged in my online store for 4 years and during this time I have accumulated a lot of experience and knowledge, which allowed me to move on. I'm proud of myself And I'm scared to imagine what it would be like if I were afraid to take risks or were too lazy to look for my favorite business, but simply went with the flow.

It's never too late to change something in life. If you lack the skills or knowledge to do what you love, it's never too late to learn. Self-education can be devoted to that free time, which is usually spent lying in front of the TV or playing computer games. And don't be afraid to start over. Be true to your goal, your mission, and success will surely come!