When there was 1 war. Important dates and events of the First World War

Almost 100 years ago, an event turned over in world history that turned over all the world order, who captured in the whirlpool of hostilities almost half of the world, which led to the collapse of powerful empires and, as a result, to the wave of revolutions - the Great War. In 1914, Russia was forced to join the First World War, in a cruel confrontation on several fighting theaters. In the war marked by the use of chemical weapons, the first large-scale use of tanks and aviation, war with a huge number of human victims. The outcome of this war was tragic for Russia - a revolution, a fratricide civil war, the split of the country, the loss of faith and the millennium culture, the split of the whole society into two irreconcilable camps. The tragic collapse of the state system of the Russian Empire turned over the age-old way of life of everyone without exceptions of the society. A series of wars and revolutions, like the explosion of colossal power, broke the world of Russian material culture for millions of fragments. The history of this catastrophic war for Russia, in the please of the ideology of reigning in the country after the October Revolution, was considered as a historical fact and how the war is imperialist, and not the war "for faith, king and fatherland."

And now our task is to revive and preserve the memory of the Great War, about her heroes, about the patriotism of the whole Russian people, about his moral and spiritual values, and its history.

It is possible that the global public will be quite widely celebrated the 100th anniversary since the beginning of the First World War. And most likely the role and participation of the Russian army in the Great War of the beginning of the twentieth century, as well as the history of the First World War today will be forgotten. In order to counteract the facts of distortion of the domestic history, ROO "The Academy of Russian Symbols" Mars "opens the memorial national project dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First World War.

Within the framework of the project, we will try with the help of newspaper publications, photographs of the Times of the Great War, objectively illuminate the events of 100 years ago.

Two years ago, the People's Project "Shards of the Great Russia" was launched, the main task of which is to preserve the memory of the historical past, about the history of our country in the subjects of its material culture: photographs, postcards, clothes, signs, medals, household and everyday life, all sorts of everyday details and other artifacts that constituted the inalienable environment of citizens of the Russian Empire. Formation of a reliable picture of the daily life of the Russian Empire.

Origin and the beginning of the Great War

When entering into the second decade of the XX century, the European Society was in anxious state. The extensive layers were experiencing an extreme burden of military service and military taxes. It was found out that by 1914, the costs of large, keeping the military needs of rustle up to 121, billion, and they absorbed about 1/12 of all income received from the wealth and work of the population of cultural countries. Europe has been commissioned explicitly at a loss, burdened by all other types of earnings and profits. But at a time, when it seemed, the majority of the population protests against the increasing demands of the Armed World, the well-known groups wanted to continue or even strengthen militarism. Such were all suppliers for the army, fleet and fortresses, iron, steel mills and machinery plants, published tools and shells engaged in them numerous techniques and workers, as well as bankers and secured papers lending the government when equipped. Moreover, the leaders of this type of industry in such an extent entered the taste of huge latles that began to seek this war, waiting for more large orders from her.

In the spring of 1913, the deputy of Reichstag Karl Liebknecht, the son of the founder of the Social Democratic Paria, exposed the origin of supporters of war. It turned out that Kruppa systematically bribes employees in the military and maritime departments in order to learn the secrets of the new inventions and attract the government orders. It turned out that the French newspapers brought by the director of the German rifle factory Gonutrend, spread false rumors about French weapons to cause the German government a desire to take for new and new weapons in turn. It turned out that there are international companies that benefit from the supply of weapons to various states, even the warring together.

Under the pressure of the same concerned in the war circles of the government continued their weapons. In early 1913, in almost all states there was an increase in the personnel of the army. In Germany, they decided to bring the figure to 872.000 soldiers, and Reichstag gave a one-time contribution of 1 billion and an annual new tax of 200 million for the maintenance of the surplus parts. On this occasion in England, supporters of militant politics spoke about the need to introduce a universal military service in order for England to be compared with land powers. Especially difficult, the position of France was almost painfully in this matter due to the extremely weak population growth. Meanwhile, as in France from 1800 to 1911, the population increased only from 27.5 Mill. Up to 39.5 Mill, in Germany for the same time it rose from 23 Mill. Up to 65. With such a relatively weak increase, France could not sobally for Germany in the sizes of the army, although he took 80% of the recruiting age, while Germany was limited only to 45%. Radicels dominant in France, in harmony with nationalist conservativeists, saw only one outcome - to replace the two-year-old service introduced in 1905, three years; At the same time, it was possible to bring the number of soldiers under the gun to 760.000. In order to spend this reform, the government tried to heat the warlike patriotism; By the way, Military Minister Millirand, the former Socialist, arranged brilliant parades. Protested against the three-year service socialists, large groups of workers, whole cities, eg, Lyon. Conscious, however, the need to take measures in view of the threatening war, leaving common concerns, the socialists were proposed to introduce a national militia, of course the magnitude of the army while maintaining the civilian nature of the army.

It is not difficult to indicate the immediate perpetrators and organizers of the war, but it is very difficult to describe its long-term foundations. They are rooted primarily in the industrial rivalry of the peoples; The industry itself has grown from military seizures; She remained a merciless conquest; Where she needed to create a new space, she forced the weapon for himself. When military hoddles have developed in its interests, they themselves became dangerous tools, as if causing power. It is impossible to keep huge military reserves with impunity; The car becomes too expensive, and then only one thing remains - put it into action. In Germany, the presence of the peculiarities of its history is only more accumulated military elements. It was necessary to find official places for 20 too royal and princely surnames, for the Prussian landowner nobility, it was necessary to give an outdoor plants, it was necessary to open the field for the application of German capital on the abandoned Muslim east. The tempting task was also to be the economic conquest of Russia, which the Germans wanted to ease her to a political weakening, moving her deep into the seas for Dvin and Dnipro.

To carry out these military-political plans took Wilhelm II and Ertzgerce France Ferdinant, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. The desire of the latter to strengthen on the Balkan Peninsula. A considerable obstacle was represented by independent separation. In economic terms, Serbia was completely dependent on Austria; Now the queue was delivered by its political independence. Franz Ferdinand assumed to join Serbia to the Serbian-Croatian provinces of Austria-Hungary, i.e. To Bosnia and the lifting, as satisfying the national idea, he came up with the creation of the Great Serbia in equal rights with two former parts, Austria and Hungary; Power from dualism should go to trialism. In turn, Wilhelm II, using the fact that the children of Ertzgerce were deprived of the right to the throne, directed his idea to the creation of independent ownership of the Black Sea and Transnistria from the seizure of Russia. From the Polish-Lithuanian province, as well as the Baltic region, it was assumed to create another state in vassal dependence on Germany. In the upcoming war with Russia and France, Wilhelm II hoped for the neutrality of England in view of the extreme inconsistency of the British for the land acts and weakness of the British army.

The course and features of the Great War

The explosion of war accelerated thanks to the murder of Franz Ferdinand, which occurred when visiting them Sarajevo, the main city of Bosnia. Austria-Hungary took advantage of the chance to present the terror's preaching to the entire Serbian people and demand the assumptions of Austrian officials to the territory of Serbia. When in response to this and for the protection of Serbs, Russia began mobilization, Germany immediately announced the war of Russia and began military operations against France. Everything was done by the German government with extraordinary hasty. Only with England, Germany tried to agree on the occupation of Belgium. When the English ambassador to Berlin referred to the Neutrality Treaty of Belgium, the Chancellor Betman-Holveg exclaimed: "But this is a piece of paper!"

The occupation of Belgium Germany aroused the announcement of the war from England. The plan of the Germans consisted, apparently, to defeat France and then collapse with all their forces to Russia. In a short time, all Belgium was captured, and the German army occupied Northern France, moving to Paris. In a large battle on Marne, the French stopped the onset of the Germans; But the subsequent attempt by the French and the British break through the German front and knock out the Germans from France failed, and since that time the war in the West took a protracted character. The Germans built the entire length of the front from the North Sea to the Swiss border with a colossal line of fortifications, which abolished the previous system of isolated fortresses. Opponents turned to the same method of artillery war.

At first, the war was held between Germany and Austria, on the one hand, Russia, France, England, Belgium and Serbia - on the other. The powers of the teaching consent established an agreement between themselves, not to conclude a separate world with Germany. Over time, new allies appeared on the other side, and the war theater was extremely expanded. Japan, Italy, separated from the tripod, Portugal and Romania, joined the tripard agreement, and to the Union of Central Member States - Turkey and Bulgaria.

Military actions in the East began on the large front from the Baltic Sea to the islands of the Carpathians. The actions of the Russian army against the Germans and especially the Austrians were first successful and led to the lesson of the most part of Galicia and Bukovina. But in the summer of 1915, due to the lack of in the projectiles, the Russians had to retreat. Not only the cleansing of Galicia, but also the occupation of the German troops of the Kingdom of Polish, Lithuanian and part of the Belarusian province. It also established the line of impregnable fortifications, a formidable continuous shaft, for which none of the opponents was resolved; Only in the summer of 1916, the army of General Brusylov advanced to the angle of Eastern Galicia and changed this line somewhat, after which the fixed front was determined again; With joining the consent of Romania, he lengthened to the Black Sea. During 1915, as Turkey and Bulgaria joined the war, hostilities opened in front Asia and the Balkan Peninsula. Russian troops, occupied Armenia; The British, moving away from the Persian Gulf, was fighting in Mesopotamia. The English fleet was unsuccessful tried to break through the fortifications of Dardanell. After that, the Anglo-French troops landed in Thessaloniki, where the Serbian army was transported by the sea, forced to provide his country to seizure the Austrians. Thus, in the east, the colossal front stretches from the Baltic Sea to the Persian Gulf. At the same time, the army that operates from salonnikov, and the Italian forces, which took the entrances to Austria at the Adriatic Sea, amounted to the Southern Front, whose value is that he cuts off the Union of Central Powers from the Mediterranean Sea.

At the same time there were big battles on the sea. A stronger British fleet destroyed the Hermann squadron appeared in the open sea and locked the rest of the German fleet in the harbors. This was achieved by the blockade of Germany and cut off the import of supplies and shells. At the same time, Germany lost all its frozeanic colonies. Germany answered attacks of submarines, exterminating both military transport and trade steamboats of opponents.

Until the end of 1916, Germany and its allies retained the overall advantage on land, while the maintenance of the consent retained the domination of the sea. Germany took the entire lane of land, which she has noted itself in terms of "Central Europe" - from the North and Baltic seas through the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, Maly Asia to Mesopotamia. She had a focused position and the opportunity, using an excellent network of messages, quickly move their strength to the scene threatened by an opponent. On the other hand, her inequity was to limit funds due to circumcision from the rest of the world, while opponents used freedom of marine movements.

The war, which began in 1914, far exceeds all wars, which ever conducted humanity. In previous wars, only the existing armies were performed only in 1870, to defeat France, the Germans applied spare sides. In the Great War of our time, the existing armies in all peoples were only a small part, one weighty or even one tenth of the entire composition of the mobilized forces. England, who had an army in 200-250 thousand volunteers, introduced a universal military service during the war herself and promised to bring the number of soldiers to 5 million. In Germany, not only almost all men of draft age were taken, but also the young men of 17-20 years and older people in 40 and even in 45 years. The number of people designed to go throughout Europe, maybe up to 40 million.

Respectively, the losses in battles; Never so little did not spare people as in this war. But the most striking its feature is the predominance of technology. In the first place in it cars, aircraft, armored cars, colossal guns, machine guns, suffocating gases. The Great War is the advantage of engineering and artillery competition: people are buried to the ground, there are labyrinths of streets and towns there, and during the storming of the fortified lines throw opponents with an incredible number of shells. So, during the attack of the Anglo-French for German fortifications from the r. Somma in the fall of 1916, on both sides in a few days up to 80 Mill was released. shells. Cavalry is not completely applied; And the infantry is very little case. In such battles, he decides that one of the opponents who has better equipment and a large number of material. Germany wins before opponents with their military training, which occurred within 3-4 decades. It was an extraordinitively important thing that since 1870 in her possession was the richest country of iron Lorraine. In the fall of 1914, the Germans prudently seen two regions of iron production, Belgium and the rest of Lorraine, who were still in the hands of France (all lotoring gives half the total amount of iron produced by Europe). Germany also owns enormous coal deposits necessary for iron treatment. In these circumstances, one of the main conditions for the stability of Germany in the struggle was concluded.

Another feature of the Great War is its merciless character, which plots cultural Europe in the depth of barbarism. In the wars of the XIX century. did not touch the civilian population. Back in 1870, Germany announced that he was fighting only with the French army, but not with the people. In the modern war, Germany not only ruthlessly picks up all reserves from the population of the captured territories of Belgium and Poland, but it itself is reduced to the position of convicts, which are driven by the hardest work on the construction of fortifications for their winners. Germany introduced into the battle of the Turks and Bulgarians into battle, and these half-trivial nations brought their cruel morals: they do not take prisoners, destroyed wounded. No matter how the war run out, European peoples will deal with the launch of the huge spaces of the Earth and the decline of cultural habits. The position of the working masses will be harder than it was before the war. Then the European Society will show whether arts, knowledge and courage have been preserved in it for the revival of deeply upset lifestyle.

This unprecedented war should be brought to full victory. Who is now thinking about the world who wishes him is that a traitor of the Fatherland, his traitor.

August 1, 1914Germany declared the war of Russia. The First World War began (1914-1918), which became for our homeland the Second Patriotic War.

How did the Russian empire turned out to be drawn into the First World War? Was our country ready for her?

The history of this war, about what she was for Russia, "Fome" was told by Dr. Historical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IVI RAS), President of the Russian Association of Historians of the First World War (Raipmv) Evgeny Yuryevich Sergeev.

Visit to Russia President of France R. Poincare. July 1914.

What do not know the masses

Evgeny Yuryevich, World War II (PMW) - one of the main directions of your scientific activity. What influenced the choice of this topic?

This is an interesting question. On the one hand, the significance of this event for world history leaves no doubt. One thing that can make the historian to engage in PMW. On the other hand, this war still remains, to a certain extent, "Terra Incognita" of domestic history. The civil war and the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) departed it, moved to the background in our consciousness.

Equally important is extremely interesting and few people who are known events of that war. Including those direct continuation of which we find during the Second World War.

For example, there was such an episode in the history of the PMW: August 23, 1914 Japan declared war in GermanyBeing in alliance with Russia and with other countries of the Entente, supplied weapons and combat equipment to Russia. These deliveries walked through the Sino-Eastern Railway (FC). The Germans are a whole expedition (sabotage team) organized there in order to blow up tunnels and bridges of the CAW and interrupt this message. Russian counterintelligence intercepted this expedition, that is, they managed to prevent the elimination of tunnels, which would cause significant damage to Russia, because important surveillance artery would be interrupted.

- Surprisingly. How so, Japan, with which we fought in 1904-1905 ...

By the time I started the PMW with Japan there were other relationships. Related contracts have already been signed. And in 1916, an agreement on military union was even signed. We had very close cooperation.

It is enough to say that Japan handed over to us, although not free, three ships, which Russia lost in the years of the Russian-Japanese war. "Varyag", which the Japanese raised and restored, was among them. As far as I know, the cruiser "Varyag" (the Japanese called him "soy") and two other ships raised by the Japanese were redeemed by Russia in Japan in 1916. 5 (18) April 1916 in Vladivostok was raised by the Russian flag over the "Varyag".

At the same time, after the victory of the Bolsheviks, Japan participated in the intervention. But this is not surprising: the Bolsheviks were considered the accomplices of the Germans, the German government. You yourself understand that the conclusion of the Separate world on March 3, 1918 (Brest World) was essentially a blow to the Spin of Allies, including Japan.

Along with this, of course, there were quite concrete political and economic interests of Japan in the Far East and Siberia.

- But were there any interesting episodes in PMW and other interesting episodes?

Of course. We can say about that (few people know about it) that, famous for the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, military convoys were and in during the PMW, and also went to Murmansk, which in 1916 was specifically built for this. The railway connecting Murmansk with the European part of Russia was opened. Supplies were quite significant.

Together with Russian troops at the Romanian front, the French squadron operated. Here is a sacchade of the Squadron "Normandy - Neman". British submarines fought on the Baltic Sea along with the Russian Baltic fleet.

Collaboration in the Caucasian front between the Corps of General N. N. Baratov (which fought against the troops of the Ottoman Empire in the Caucasian army) and British forces are also a very interesting episode of the PMW, one can say, the type of the so-called "meeting on the Elbe" of the Second World War . Baratov made a march and met with British troops near Baghdad, on the territory of modern Iraq. Then these were Ottoman possessions, naturally. As a result, the Turks were clamped in ticks.

Visit to Russia President of France R. Poincare. Photo 1914

Grand plans

- Evgeny Yuryevich, and who is still to blame unleashing the First World War?

Wines definitely lies on the so-called central powers, that is, on Austria-Hungary and Germany. And even more in Germany. Although the PMW began as a local war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, but without solid support, which was promised to Austria-Hungary on the part of Berlin, she would not have acquired European first, and then a global scale.

Germany This war was very necessary. Its main objectives were formulated as follows: to eliminate the Gegemony of Great Britain on the seas, to seize its colonial possessions and acquire a "living space in the East" (that is, in Eastern Europe) for the rapidly growing German population. There was a geopolitical concept of "Middle Europe", according to which the main task of Germany was to unite around themselves European countries into a similar similarity of the modern European Union, but, of course, under the auspices of Berlin.

For ideological provision of this war in Germany, a myth was created about the "Surroundings of the Second Reich Ring of hostile States": from the West - France, from the East - Russia, on the seas - the United Kingdom. Hence the task: to break through this ring and create a prosperous global empire with the center in Berlin.

- What role in the case of his victory Germany took Russia and the Russian people?

In the event of victory, Germany counted to return the Russian kingdom to the boundaries of the approximately XVII century (that is, to Peter I). Russia, in the German plans of that time, was to become a Vassal of the Second Reich. The Romanov Dynasty was supposed to be preserved, but, of course, Nicholas II (and his son Alexey) would be removed from power.

- How did the Germans behave in the occupied territories during the PMW?

In 1914-1917, the Germans managed to occupy only the extreme Western provisions of Russia. They led themselves there rather restrained, although, of course, the proposal of the property of the civilian population. But there was no massage of people in Germany or atrocities against civilians.

Another thing is 1918, when German and Austro-Hungarian troops occupied extensive territories in the conditions of the actual collapse of the Tsarist Army (I will remind you that they reached Rostov, Crimea and the North Caucasus). Mass requisitions for the needs of Reich have already begun here and there are detachments of resistance created in Ukraine by nationalists (Petlyra) and Esrami, who performed sharply against the Brest world. But in 1918, the Germans could not be especially unfolded, as the war already went to an end, and they threw their main forces on the West Front against the French and the British. However, the partisan movement against the Germans in 1917-1918 in the occupied territories was still noted.

World War I. Political poster. 1915.

Session of the III of the State Duma. 1915.

Why did Russia get involved in the war

- What did Russia do to prevent the war?

Nicholas II to the end hesitated - to start war or not, offering to allow all controversial issues at a peaceful conference in the Hague through international arbitration. Such proposals from Nicholas were made by Wilhelm II, the German Emperor, but he rejected them. And therefore, it is about the fact that wines for the beginning of the war lies in Russia, is an absolute nonsense.

Unfortunately, Germany ignored Russian initiatives. The fact is that German intelligence and ruling circles were well aware that Russia is not ready for war. Yes, and the Allies of Russia (France and the United Kingdom) were not quite prepared for her, especially the United Kingdom in terms of land forces.

Russia in 1912 began to fulfill the large program of re-equipment of the army, and it should have ended only by 1918-1919. And Germany actually completed preparations for the summer of 1914.

In other words, the "window of opportunity" was quite narrow for Berlin, and if you have to start war, it was necessary to start it in 1914.

- How reasonable were the arguments of the opponents of the war?

Arguments of opponents of war were strong enough and clearly formulated. Among the ruling circles were such forces. There was a strong and active party who opposed the war.

A note is known for one of the major states of the time - P. N. Dorunovo, which was filed in early 1914. Durovo warned Tsar Nicholas II on the harm of the war, meaning, in his opinion, the death of the dynasty and the death of the imperial Russia.

Such forces were, but the fact is that Russia by 1914 was in union relations not with Germany and Austria-Hungary, but with France, and then with the United Kingdom, and the logic of the development of the crisis associated with the murder of Franz Ferdinand, the heir to Austria "The heger throne, led Russia to this war.

Speaking about the possible fall of the monarchy, Dunovo believed that a large scale of Russia would not stand that there would be a crisis of supply, and the crisis of power, and this will lead, ultimately, not only to the disorganization of the country's political and economic life, but also to the collapse of the empire , loss of manageability. Unfortunately, his forecast was in many ways justified.

- Why anti-war arguments, with all their validity, clarity and clarity did not proper influence? Russia could not not join the war, even despite such clear arguments of her opponents?

The allied debt on the one hand, on the other hand, is afraid to lose prestige and influence in the Balkan countries. After all, if we did not support Serbia, it would be catastrophically for the prestige of Russia.

Of course, the pressure of certain forces configured to war, including those connected and with some Serbian circles, with Chernogorsi circles. Famous "Chernogorki", that is, the spouses of the Grand Dukes at the court, also influenced the decision-making process.

It can be said that Russia should have significant amounts of money obtained as loans from French, Belgian and English sources. The money was received precisely on the re-equipment program.

But the question of prestige (which for Nikolai II was very important) I would still put on the fore. We need to give him due - he always advocated the maintenance of the prestige of Russia, although it may not always understand that correctly.

- Is it true that the motive of assistance to the Orthodox (Orthodox Serbia) was one of the decisive factors determined Russia's entry into war?

One of the very weighty factors. Maybe not decisive, because - I once again emphasize - Russia it was necessary to support the prestige of the Great Power and not be an unreliable ally at the very beginning of the war. This is probably the main motive.

Sister of Mercy writes the last will of the dying. Western Front, 1917

Myths old and new

The PMW has become for our homeland the Patriotic War, the second domestic, as it is sometimes called. In the Soviet textbooks, the PMW called "imperialist". What is behind these words?

Give the PMW solely imperialist status - a serious error, although this moment is also present. But first of all, it is necessary to take a look at it as a second domestic, having remembered that the first domestic is a war against Napoleon in 1812, and in the 20th century there were the Great Patriotic War in the XX century.

Taking part in the PMW, Russia defended himself. After all, Germany declared Russia to Russia on August 1, 1914. The First World War has become for Russia the second domestic. In confirmation of the thesis on the main role of Germany in the unleashing of the PMW, it can be said that at the Parisian Peace Conference (which took place from January 18, 1919 to 01/21/1920) Allied powers, among other requirements, provided a condition for Germany to agree with the article on "military crime "And recognize your responsibility for the unleashing of war.

All the people then rose to the struggle against foreign invaders. War, emphasized again, declared us. We did not start her. And not only the current army participated in the war, where, by the way, several million Russians were called upon, but all the people. Rear and front acted together. And many trends that we then observed in the period of the Great Patriotic War, originate during the PMW period. Suffice it to say that the partisan detachments operated that the population of the rear provinces was actively showed, when it helped not only wounded, but also rescued from the war to refugees from the Western provinces. Sisters of mercy actively acted, the priests were very well, who were on the advanced and often raised troops in the attack.

It can be said that the designation of our great defensive wars terms: "The first domestic", the "second domestic" and "third domestic" is the restoration of the historical continuity that was broken in the period after the PMW.

In other words, whatever the official goals of the war were, there were ordinary people who perceived this war as a war for their fatherland, and died, and suffered precisely for that.

- And what, from your point of view, now there are the most common myths about the PMW?

The first myth we have already called. This is a myth that the PMW was definitely imperialist and was carried out exclusively in the interests of the ruling circles. This is probably the most common myth that has not yet been confused even on the pages of school textbooks. But historians try to overcome this negative ideological heritage. We try to take a different look at the PMW story in a different story, and explain to our schoolchildren the true essence of that war.

Another myth is the idea that the Russian army only retreated and suffered defeat. Nothing like this. By the way, this myth is spread in the West, where, except for Brusilovsky breakthrough, that is, the onset of the troops of the South-Western Front in 1916 (spring-summer), even Western specialists, not to mention wide circles of the public, no major victories of Russian weapons in PMW can not be called.

In fact, excellent samples of Russian military art have been demonstrated in the PMW. Let's say on the southwestern front, on the West Front. This is the Galician battle, and the Lodz operation. One defense of Osovtsa is worth it. Osovets is a fortress located on the territory of modern Poland, where Russians for more than six months defended the superior forces of the Germans (the siege of the fortress began in January 1915 and lasted 190 days). And this defense is quite comparable to the defense of the Brest Fortress.

You can give examples with Russian heroes. You can remember the sisters of mercy, which saved the wounded. There are a lot of such examples.

There is still a myth that Russia led this war in isolation from the allies. Nothing like this. Previously, the examples of the examples are milled and this myth.

War was coalition. And we had significant assistance from France, Great Britain, and then the United States, which entered the war later, in 1917.

- Is the figure of Nikolai II mythologized?

In many ways, of course, mythologized. Under the influence of revolutionary campaign, he was a clarifier almost as a favor of Germans. There was a myth according to which Nicholas II allegedly wanted to conclude a separate world with Germany.

In fact, it was not. He was a sincere supporter of war to winning a victorious end and made it all dependent on it. Already being in the link, he is extremely painful and with a very big indignation took the news about the conclusion of the Bolsheviks of the Separate Brest World

Another thing is that the scale of his personality as a state actor turned out to be quite adequate to ensure that Russia can pass this war to the end.

Noemphasize , no documentary evidence of the aspiration of the emperor and empress to conclude a separate world not found. He did not even think about it. There are no these documents and could not be. This is another myth.

As a very bright illustration of this thesis, you can bring our own words of Nikolai second from the act of renunciation (2 (15) of March 1917 at 15 o'clock): "In the days of the Great Fight against the external enemy, seeking almost three years to enslave our homeland, the Lord God has pleased to send a new grave test. The beginning of the internal folk unrest threaten poorly reflected in the further conduct of a stubborn war.The fate of Russia, the honor of the heroic of our army, the benefit of the people, the whole future of expensive fatherland requires the management of the war by all means to the victorious end <…>».

Nicholas II, V. B. Frederix and Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich in the bet. 1914.

Russian troops on the march. Photo 1915

Defeat a year before victory

The first world war is, how do some, shameful defeat of the royal regime, catastrophe or something else? After all, until the last Russian king remained in power, the enemy could not enter the limits of the Russian Empire? Unlike the Great Patriotic War.

You are not quite right in the fact that the enemy could not enter our limits. He still entered the limits of the Russian Empire as a result of the occurrence of 1915, when the Russian army was forced to retreat, when our opponents were transferred actually all the forces on the Eastern Front, to the Russian front, and our troops had to move away. Although, of course, the opponent did not enter the deep districts of Central Russia.

But I would not call what happened in 1917-1918 by defeat, a shameful defeat of the Russian Empire. Rather, it would be believed that Russia was forced to sign this separable world with central powers, that is, with Austria-Hungary and Germany and other participants in this coalition.

This is a consequence of the political crisis in which Russia turned out to be. That is, the reasons for this internal, and by no means a military. And do not yet forget that the Russians actively fought in the Caucasian front, and the successes were very significant. In fact, the Ottoman Empire was inflicted from Russia a very serious blow, which later led to her defeat.

Although Russia to the end and did not fulfill its allic debt, it must be recognized, but the Entente's significant contribution to the victory is definitely introduced.

Russia did not have enough of a literal year of some. Maybe one and a half years in order to adequately complete this war in the Entente, as part of the coalition

And how did the war in Russian society perceived? The Bolsheviks representing the overwhelming minority of the population dreamed of defeating Russia. But what was the attitude of ordinary people?

The total attitude was quite patriotic. For example, women of the Russian Empire were most actively engaged in charity. Many many were recorded in the sisters of mercy, not even being professionally prepared. They passed special short-term courses. A lot of girls and young women from different estates participated in this movement - ranging from the members of the imperial family to the most ordinary people. There were special delegations of the Russian society of the Red Cross, who visited the camp of prisoners of war, were observed for their content. And not only in Russia, but also abroad. Leaving to Germany, Austria-Hungary. Even in the conditions of war, it was feasible through the mediation of the International Red Cross. We drove through third countries, mainly through Sweden and Denmark. During the Great Patriotic War, such work, unfortunately, was impossible.

By 1916, medical and social assistance was rudely systematized and adopted a targeted character, although initially, of course, a lot was done on a private initiative. This is a movement to the help of the army, to help those who found themselves in the rear, wounded, had a nationwide character.

Members of the royal family also took an active part in this. They collected parcels for prisoners of war, donations in favor of the wounded. A hospital was opened in the Winter Palace.

By the way, it is impossible not to say about the role of the church. She provided tremendous help and the current army, and in the rear. The activities of regimental priests at the front were very versatile.
In addition to their immediate duties, they also dealt with the preparation and disposition of "funerals" (notifications of death) native and close fallen warriors. Many cases were recorded when the priests walked at the head or in the first rows of the upcoming troops.

The priests had to do the work, as they would say now, psychotherapists: they held conversations, soothered, tried to remove the feeling of fear, natural to humans in the trenches. This is on the front.

In the rear, the church assisted wounded and refugees. Many monasteries have satisfied free hospitals, gathered parcels to the front, organized sending charitable assistance.

Russian infantry. 1914.

Remember everyone!

Is it possible under the current worldview chaos in society, including in the perception of PMW, to present a fairly clear and clear position on the PMW, which would reconcile all in relation to this historical phenomenon?

We, professional historians, just now on this and work, strive for such a concept. But it is not easy to do it.

In fact, we are now catching the fact that Western historians have been made in the 50s - 60s of the 20th century - we do not work, which, by virtue of our characteristics, we did not. The whole focus was made on the October Socialist Revolution. The story of PMW was hushed and mythologized.

Is it true that the construction of the temple in memory of those killed in the PMW soldiers already scheduled is planned, just as the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was built at one time?

Yes. Such an idea is being worked out. And even there is a unique place in Moscow - a fraternal cemetery in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Metro Sokol station, where not only Russian warriors were buried, who died here in the rear hospitals, but also prisoners of the opponent's armies. That is why it is fraternal. There are buried soldiers and officers of different nationalities.

At one time, this cemetery occupied quite a large space. Now, of course, the situation is completely different. There is a lot of lost, but a memorial park is recreated, there is already a chapel, and the restoration of the temple is there, probably it would be a very right solution. Just like the opening of the museum (the case with the museum is more complicated).

You can declare fundraising for this temple. The role of the church is very great.

In fact, we can put an Orthodox church at the crossroads of these historic roads, just as the chapels had previously set at the crossroads, where people could come, pray, remember their dead relatives.

Yes, quite right. Moreover, almost every family in Russia is associated with the PMW, that is, with the second Patriotic War, as well as with the Great Patriotic War.

Many fought, many ancestors somehow took part in this war - or in the rear, or in the existing army. Therefore, our holy duty to restore the historical truth.

June 28, 1914, in Bosnia, the murder of the Austro-Hungarian Ersgertzog Ferdinand and his wife were committed, in involvement in which Serbia accused. And although the British statesman Eduard Gray called for the settlement of the conflict, offering 4 largest powers as intermediaries as intermediaries, he only managed to enhance the situation and draw all of Europe to the war, including Russia.

Almost a month later, Russia announces the mobilization of troops and appeal to the army, after Serbia appeals to her for help. However, what was originally planned, as a precautionary measure, caused a response from Germany with the requirements for termination of appeals. As a result, August 1, 1914, Germany declares the war of Russia.

The main events of the First World War.

The years of the First World War.

  • When did the First World War begun? The year of the beginning of World War II - 1914 (July 28).
  • When ended the Second World War? The year of completion of the First World War - 1918 (November 11).

The main dates of the First World War.

For 5 years of war there were many important events and operations, but several of them are distinguished by several, who played a decisive role in the war and its history.

  • On July 28, Austria-Hungary declares war of Serbia. Russia is in support of Serbia.
  • On August 1, 1914, Germany declares the war. Germany always always sought to world domination. And all August all each other put ultimatums and only make that they declare war.
  • In November 1914, the United Kingdom begins the marine blockade of Germany. Gradually, in all countries, active mobilization of the population in the army begins.
  • In early 1915, in Germany, large-scale operations on the occurrence unfold on its eastern front. The spring of the same year, namely, April can be associated with such a significant event as the beginning of the use of chemical weapons. Again, from Germany.
  • In October 1915, fighting against Bulgaria is unleashed against Serbia. In response to these actions, Anntan declares the war of Bulgaria.
  • In 1916, the use of tank technology is begins, mainly by the British.
  • In 1917, in Russia, Nikolai Second rents in Russia, a temporary government comes to power, which leads to a split in the army. Active military actions continue.
  • In November 1918, Germany proclaims itself as a republic - the result of the revolution.
  • On November 11, 1918, from the very morning, Germany signs the compiece trucy and from these most pursuing the fighting.

The end of World War II.

Despite the fact that for more part of the war, German troops were able to cause serious blows of the Allied Army, by December 1, 1918, the Allies were able to break through to the borders of Germany and start her occupation.

Already later, on June 28, 1919, without having another choice, German representatives signed a peace treaty in Paris, called the "Versailles World", and who put the final point in the First World War.

Who fought with whom? Now this question will certainly put in a dead end of many ordinary people. But the Great War, as she was called in the world until 1939, carried out more than 20 million lives and forever changed the course of history. For 4 bloody years, the empire collapsed, alliances were concluded. Therefore, it is necessary to know about it at least for the purpose of general development.

Causes of the start of war

By the beginning of the 19th century, the crisis in Europe was obvious to all major powers. Many historians and analysts lead various populist reasons why those who have fought before, which peoples were fraquently and so on - all this did not have any importance for most countries. The goals of warring powers in the First World War were different, but the main reason was the desire of large capital to extend their influence and get new markets.

First of all, it is worth considering the desire of Germany, since it was she who became an aggressor and actually untied the war. But it should not be considered that only wanted war, and the rest of the countries did not prepare the plans of the attack and only defended themselves.

Goals in Germany

By the beginning of the 20th century, Germany continued to develop rapidly. The empire had a good army, modern types of weapons, a powerful economy. The main problem was that to unite the German lands under the unified flag was only in the middle of the 19th century. It was then that the Germans became an important player on the world stage. But by the time of the formation of Germany, the period of active colonizations was already missed as a great power. England, France, Russia and other countries had many colonies. They opened a good sales market for the capital of these countries, allowed to have a cheap labor force, an abundance of food and specific goods. Germany did not have it. Commodity overproduction led to Stast. Population growth and limited territories of their settlement formed food deficit. Then the German leadership decided to move away from the idea to be a member of the Commonwealth countries, having a secondary voice. Somewhere by the end of the 19th century, political doctrines were aimed at building the German Empire as a leading power in the world. And the only way to this is the war.

Year 1914. First World War: Who did you fight with?

Other countries thought similarly. Capitalists pushed the governments of all major states to expansion. Russia, first of all, wanted to combine as many Slavic lands under their signs as possible, especially in the Balkans, especially since the local population loyally referred to such patronage.

An important role was played by Turkey. The world's leading players intently observed the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and waited for the moment to bite off a piece from this giant. The crisis and wait felt across Europe. There was a number of bloody wars on the territory of modern Yugoslavia, after which the World War I followed. Who who fought in the Balkans with whom, sometimes did not remember the locals themselves of the South Slavic countries themselves. Capitalists drove soldiers forward, changing allies, depending on the benefit. It was already clear that, most likely, something more large-scale than a local conflict, it will happen in the Balkans. So it happened. At the end of June, Gavril was killed by Ersgertzog Ferdinanda. Used this event as a reason for the announcement of the war.

Expectations of Party

The warring countries of the First World War did not think in any way, in which the conflict would turn out. If it is clearly seen in detail the plans of the parties, it is clearly seen that every one was going to win due to rapid offensive. No more than a few months were assigned to the fighting. This was due to the fact that before that, there were no such precedents in history, when almost all powers participate in the war.

World War II: Who fought against whom?

On the eve of 1914, two unions were concluded: anntante and triple. The first included Russia, Britain, France. In the second - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy. Smaller countries united around one of these unions, with whom Russia fought? With Bulgaria, Turkey, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Albania. As well as a number of armed formations of other countries.

After the Balkan crisis in Europe, two main host theaters were formed - Western and East. Also, combat actions were carried out in the Transcaucasus and in various colonies in the Middle East and Africa. It is difficult to list all the conflicts that the World War Speed. Who he fought with, depended on belonging to a certain union and territorial claims. For example, France has long dreamed of returning lost Alsace and Lorraine. And Turkey - land in Armenia.

For the Russian Empire, the war was given the most expensive. And not only in economically. On the fronts, Russian troops carried the greatest losses.

This became one of the reasons for the beginning of the October Revolution, as a result of which the socialist state was formed. The people simply did not understand why the thousands were mobilized to the West, and a few are returned.
Intensive was mostly only the first year of war. The following were characterized by the positional struggle. Many kilometers of trenche were dug, the random many defensive structures were erected.

The atmosphere of the positional permanent war is very well described in the remark book "on the Western Front without Change." It was in the trenches that the soldiers' lives were grinding, and the economies of countries worked exclusively to war, reducing the cost of all other institutions. 11 million peaceful lives took the First World War. Who fought with whom? The answer to this question can be only one: capitalists with capitalists.

The First World War began in 1914 after the murder of Ersgertzog Franz Ferdinand and lasted until 1918. In conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (central powers) fought with Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (allied powers).

Thanks to the new military technologies and horrors of trench leading, the First World War turned out to be unprecedented in terms of bloodshed and destruction. By the time of the end of the war and the victory of the Allied powers of more than 16 million people, both soldiers and civilians, were dead.

First World War

Over Europe, the tension was hung, especially in the problem of the Balkan region and Southeast Europe, long before the actual beginning of the first world. Some unions, which included European powers, the Ottoman Empire, Russia and other forces, existed over the years, but political instability in the Balkans (in particular, Bosnia, Serbia and Herzegovina) threatened to destroy these agreements.

The spark that he was sorted by the first world war in Sarajevo (Bosnia), where Ertzgercog Franz Ferdinand - the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire - was shot dead together with his wife Sophia Serbian nationalist Gaburo Gaburo on June 28, 1914. The principle and other nationalists were on the throat of the Austro-Hungarian Board in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The murder of Franz Ferdinanda gave rise to a rapidly spreading chain of events: Austro-Hungary, like many other countries around the world, accused the Serbian government in attacking and hoped to use the incident, so that under the pretext of the restoration of justice, to solve the issue with Serbian nationalism once and for all.

But due to the fact that Russia supported Serbia, Austria-Hungary has concealed with the declaration of war, while their leaders did not receive confirmation from the German ruler of Kaiser Wilhelm's second, that Germany will support their business. Austria-Hungary was afraid that the Russian intervention would attract the Allies of Russia - France, and possibly the UK.

On July 5, Kaiser Wilhelm secretly promised his support, giving Austria-Hungary the so-called card blanche for active actions and confirmation that Germany will be on their side in the event of war. The dualistic monarchy of Austria-Hungary put forward Serbia an ultimatum with such harsh conditions that they could not be taken.

I am convinced that Austria-Hungary is preparing for war, the Serbian government gives an order to mobilize the army and requests help from Russia. On July 28, Austria-Hungary announces Serbia War and the fragile world between the greatest European powers collapses. For the week, Russia, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom and Serbia are opposed to Austria-Hungary and Germany. So the First World War began.

West Front

According to the aggressive military strategy known as the plan of Schliffene (named by the chief of the German General Staff of General Alfred von Schliffene), Germany began to fight in the First World War in two fronts, invading France through neutral Belgium in the West and entered into confrontation with powerful Russia in the East .

On August 4, 1914, German troops switched to Belgium's border. In the first battle of World War II, the Germans were besieged well fortified city. They used the most powerful weapon in their arsenal-heavy artillery guns and captured the city by August 15. Leaving death and destruction on its path, including the senses of the civilian population and the execution of the Belgian priest, who was suspected of organizing civilian resistance, the Germans moved through Belgium in the direction of France.

In the first battle on Marne, which took place on September 6-9, the French and British troops entered the battle with the German army, which penetrated deep into the territory of France from the North-East and was already 50 kilometers from Paris. Allied troops stopped the German offensive and conducted a successful counterattack, displacing the Germans back to the north of the Ein River.

The defeat meant the end of the German rapid victory plans over France. Both sides struck in the trenches, and the West Front turned into a hellish war for extermination, which lasted for more than three years.

Especially long and large campaign battles were held at Verden (February-December 1916) and in the Somme (July-November 1916). The cumulative losses of the German and French army are about a million victims in the battle only at Verdae.

The bloodshed on the battlefields of the western front and the difficulties faced with soldiers, who were inspired by the creation of such works as: "On the Western Front without Change" and "on the fields of Flanders" Canadian Dr. Lieutenant Colonel John Makres.

Eastern front

On the eastern front of the First World War, Russian troops invaded Germany regions of Eastern and Poland under Germany, but were stopped by German and Austrian forces in the battle of Tannenberg late August 1914.

Despite this victory, the Russian attack made Germany transfer 2 buildings from the Western Front to the East, which ultimately had an impact on the German defeat in the battle on Marne.
Furious allied resistance in France together with the possibility of rapid mobilization of a huge military car of Russia led to a longer and exhausting military confrontation than a quick victory plan, which was calculated by Germany according to Schliffene plan.

Revolution in Russia

From 1914 to 1916, the Russian army took several attacks on the Eastern Front, but the Russian army was unable to break through the German defensive lines.

Defeats on battlefields, coupled with economic instability and food deficiency and essentials, led to increasing discontent among the main mass of Russia's population, especially among poor workers and peasants. The increased hostility was directed against the monarchical regime of Emperor Nicholas the second and its extremely unpopular wife, neborn German.

Russian instability exceeded the boiling point, which resulted in the Russian revolution of 1917, headed by and. The revolution graduated from the monarchical board and led to the cessation of Russia's participation in the First World War. Russia reached an agreement on the termination of hostilities with central powers in early December 1917, giving freedom to German troops to conduct hostilities with the remaining allies on the Western Front.

The United States enters the First World War

At the beginning of hostilities in 1914, the United States preferred to stay aside, adhering to the Neutrality Policy of President Woodrow Wilson. At the same time, they supported commercial relations and trade with European countries on both sides of the conflict.

Neutrality, however, it became difficult to observe, since the German submarines showed aggression against neutral ships, even those that were transported only to passengers. In 1915, Germany declared water around the British islands of the combat area and German submarines Skilled several commercial and passenger ships, including US ships.

The wide public protest caused the mining of the German submarine of the British transatlantic liner of the Lusitania, which followed the route New York - Liverpool. On board were hundreds of Americans, which in May 1915 was the reason for the change of American public opinion against Germany. In February 1917, the US Congress adopted a bill on weapons' appropriations worth $ 250 million so that the United States can prepare for war.

Germany Skilled 4 more shopping ships in the United States in the same month, and on April 2, President Woodrow Wilson spoke before Congress, calling to declare German war.

Dardanell operation and battle at Isa

When the First World War put Europe into a hopeless position, the Allies attempted to win over the Ottoman Empire, which entered the war on the side of the central powers in late 1914.

After the failure attack on Dardanelles (the shed connecting the marble and Aegean seas), the allied troops, led by Britain, landed a numerous landing on the Gallipoli Peninsula in April 1915.

The invasion turned into a crushing defeat and in January 1916 the Allied forces were delivered before the need for a complete retreat from the coast of the Peninsula, the losses of 250,000 people.
Young, the first Lord Admiralty Great Britain resigned from the commander's post after the Gallipoli lost campaign in 1916, taking appointment to the post of commander of the infantry battalion in France.

Slave Britain of Power also fought in Egypt and Mesopotamia. At the same time, in the north of Italy, Austrian and Italian troops met in a series of 12 fighting on the shores of the Isaonez River, located on the border of two states.

The first battle of Isonzo took place late in the spring of 1915, shortly after Italy's accession to the war on the allies. In the twelfth battle of Isons, also known as the battle at Caporpetto (October 1917), the German reinforcement helped Austria-Hungary to win a convincing victory.

After the quorretto allies of Italy got into confrontation to provide Italy support. British and French, and then the American troops landed in the region, and allied troops began to disintegrate lost positions in the Italian front.

World War II

In the years preceding the First World War, the superiority of the British Royal Fleet was indisputable, but the German imperial fleet has achieved significant success in reducing the abyss between the forces of two fleets. The strength of the German fleet in open waters was maintained by deadly submarines.

After the battle at Dogger-banks in January 1915, in which the United Kingdom inflicted an unexpected blow to German ships in the North Sea, the German navy chose not to join battles with a powerful British royal fleet in large battles throughout the year, preferring to adhere to the strategy of hidden blows by submarines .

The largest marine battle of the First World War is an Etland battle in the North Sea (May 1916). The battle was confirmed by the sea superiority of Great Britain, and Germany no longer made attempts to remove the Allied sea blockade until the end of the war.

Towards a truce

Germany got the opportunity to strengthen their positions on the Western front after a truce with Russia, which made allied troops struggle to restrain the German offensive before the arrival of reinforcements promised by the United States.

On July 15, 1918, the German troops have made an attack on French troops in the war, which joined 85,000 American soldiers and the British Expeditionary Corps, in the second battle on Marne. Allies successfully reflected the German offensive and conducted their own counterattack after only 3 days.

There are significant losses, the German forces were forced to abandon the plan on the offensive in the north in Flanders - the region extending between France and Belgium. The region seemed particularly important to Germany's prospects for victory.

The second battle on Marne changed the arrangement of the forces on the side of the Allies, who were able to take control of a significant part of France and Belgium in the following months. By the fall of 1918, the central powers suffered defeat on all fronts. Despite the victory of the Turks on Gallipoli, the subsequent defeats and the Arab uprising destroyed the economy of the Ottoman Empire and devastated their land. Turks were forced to sign the settlement agreement with the allies at the end of October 1918.

Austria-Hungary, corrosive from within the increased nationalist movement, concluded a truce on November 4. The German army was cut off from supplies from the rear and faced with a decrease in resources for conducting hostilities due to the surroundings of allied troops. It forced Germany to seek the truce she concluded on November 11, 1918, putting the end of the First World War.

Versailles peace treaty

At the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, the leaders of the Allies expressed the desire to build a post-war world capable of protecting themselves from future destructive conflicts.

Some complete hopes of the conference participants even called the First World War "War, which will put an end to all other wars." But the Versailles peace treaty, signed on June 28, 1919, did not reach the goals.

After years, the hatred of the Germans to the Versailles Agreement and its authors will be considered one of the main reasons provoking the World War II.

The results of the First World War

The First World War claimed the lives of more than 9 million soldiers and more than 21 million were injured. Losses among civilians amounted to about 10 million. The most significant losses suffered Germany and France, which sent about 80 percent of their male population aged from 15 to 49 to the war.

The disintegration of political unions accompanying the first world war led to the displacement of 4 monarchical dynasties: German, Austria-Hungarian, Russian and Turkish.

The First World War led to a massive displacement of social platforms, since millions of women were forced to go to work specialties to support men fighting at the front and replace those who did not return from the battlefields.

The first, so large-scale war, also served as the dissemination of one of the world's largest Spanish flu epidemic or "Spanish", which resulted from 20 to 50 million people.

The first world war is also called the "First Modern War", since in it for the first time the newest military developments were applied at that time, such as machine guns, tanks, aviation and radio broadcasts.

The most serious consequences caused by the use of chemical weapons, such as mustard gas and phosgene against soldiers and civilians, has intensified public opinion in the direction of prohibiting their future use as weapons.

Signed in 1925, banned the use of chemical and biological weapons in armed conflicts to this day.