Vowel harmony or something that is essential in Turkish. Equivalent to the verb "to be

a phonetic phenomenon that permeates the entire sound structure of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Ural-Altai family, although it is not inherent to its individual members to the same extent. In the languages \u200b\u200bof other families, with the exception of the Rezyan dialect, which belongs to the group of Slovinian dialects, that is, to the Indo-European family, it is not observed. This phenomenon consists in the dependence of the vowel sounds included in the secondary (suffix) syllables of the word from the vowel in the main (root) syllable. It is in close connection with the morphological structure of the Ural-Altai languages, which are, as you know, a type of agglutinating languages, that is, adding to the root (always at the head of the word) a number of secondary, suffixal syllables that are not connected with the root. All Ural-Altai vowels, in accordance with their greater or lesser sensitivity to the influence of the root vowel, are usually divided into two classes: "light" and "dark", or, in terms of sound physiology, "palatal (u, e, u)" and "non-palatal (a, oh, y, s) ". The "light" vowel of the root also requires "light" vowels in the suffix, "dark" - "dark". The G. of vowels in Rezyans' dialects is mysterious, where it takes on a different character: the main, conditioning vowel in a word is a vowel with stress, and not stressed ones change in accordance with it. This feature of the Rezian dialects, discovered by their researcher, Professor Baudouin de Courtenay, gave him a reason to consider the Rezians to be glorified Turanians. Cf .: Adam, "De l" harmonie des voyelles dans les langues Ouralo-Altaïques "(Paris, 1874); O. Bohtlingk," Ueber die Sprache der Jakuten "(1851); Ahlquist," Forschungen auf d. Gebiete d. uralaltaisch. Sprachen "(vol. I, Mordovian grammar, St. Petersburg and Helsingfors, 1861); W. Radloff," Phonetik d. nordl. Türksprachen "(Leipzig, 1882); Baudouin de Courtenay," An experience of the phonetics of the Rezian dialects "(1875).

  • - the proportionality of parts, the fusion of various components of the object into a single organic whole, as well as consonance, harmony, in aesthetics as an essential characteristic of the beautiful ...

    Beginnings modern Natural Science

  • - The daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, who inherited the beauty of her mother. Spouse of Cadmus. Her very name symbolizes the harmony of their marriage. The gods gave her a gold necklace for her wedding, made by the divine Hephaestus ...

    The ancient world. Dictionary-reference

  • - concourse of vowels or hiatus, a type of violation of the euphony of speech, a collision of vowels at the junction of adjacent words: "Then the Glass will assure us about the truth ...", "The lung product of Europe ..." ...

    Literary encyclopedia

  • - one of the differential features in the classification of vowel sounds, based on the higher or lower position of the language ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - assimilation of vowel affixes to the vowel of the root based on the place of formation, labialization, etc.; a kind of progressive assimilation. Widespread in agglutinative languages \u200b\u200b...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - § eleven...

    Russian spelling rules

  • - The same as syngharmonicity ...
  • - Vowel alternation of non-upper ascent, associated with the place of the vowel sound in relation to stress ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - Fusion of two adjacent vowels, resulting in one. Porcupine, Fedor. Wed merging two vowels into slavic languages into one simple vowel after the loss of an intervocal iota ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - See quadrilatère des voyelles ...
  • - The phenomenon, consisting in the fact that the vowel of the root determines the character of the following vowels in the affixes of a given word: oda room - odalar room ...
  • - 1) names consisting of one vowel sound: a -, and -, etc.

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - The classification of sounds is based on the following features: 1) the participation of the lips; 2) the degree of elevation of the tongue vertically in relation to the palate; 3) the degree of advancement of the tongue forward or backward horizontally ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - See mouvement vocalique ...

    Five-language dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - See triangle des voyelles ...

    Five-language dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - 1) in the modern Russian literary language, hiccup dominates - the coincidence in the first pre-stressed syllable of all vowel phonemes, except for the phoneme y, in the sound ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

"Vowel harmony" in books


From the book Tongue twisters in speech training author Smirnova MV

WORKING ON VOICE COMBINATIONS. "HIATUS". When pronouncing two adjacent vowel sounds, the transition from one to the other occurs smoothly, without separation by a respiratory pause, due to the restructuring of articulation and intraoral space. initial stage work on

1. Harmony in itself, or harmony in deed as a principle

author Alexey Losev

1. Harmony in itself, or harmony in deed as a principle It is not necessary to prove that such a general doctrine of harmony should precede all of its individual manifestations. If we opposed this entire structural area to the conceptual one, or, as one might say,


From the book Results of the Millennial Development, Vol. I-II author Alexey Losev


6. Ancient harmony and medieval harmony

From the book Results of the Millennial Development, Vol. I-II author Alexey Losev

6. Ancient harmony and medieval harmony There are a number of important works on ancient harmony, which are listed below (Additional bibliography, General literature, Harmony). Of these works, we would now point to the work of L. Spitzer, since in it

Vowel articulation

From the book Learn to Speak to Be Heard. 245 simple exercises according to the Stanislavsky system author Sarabian Elvira

Articulating vowels Continuity and evenness of the sound of a voice is achieved by working on vowel sounds. Vowel sounds give speech melody, sonority, fluidity. Well-placed vowels allow the most complete expression of emotions. Articulation clarity, good

Spelling unstressed vowels

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Handbook author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Spelling of unstressed vowels § 33. General rule... The spelling of letters in place of unstressed vowels is established by checking in other words and forms, where in the same significant part of the word (in the same root, in the same prefix, suffix, ending) the checked vowel

I. Spelling of vowels in the root

From the book Spelling and Styling Reference author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

I. Spelling of vowels at the root § 1. Checked unstressed vowels Unstressed vowels of the root are checked by stress, that is, the same vowel is written in the unstressed syllable as in the corresponding stressed syllable of the same root word, for example: try on (put on) suit - reconcile


author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

I. SPELLING OF VOICES IN THE ROOT § 1. Checked unstressed vowels Unstressed vowels of the root are checked by stress, that is, the same vowel is written in the unstressed syllable as in the corresponding stressed syllable of the same root word, for example: forest (forest), fox (is it? sy), try on

§ 235. Pronunciation of vowels

From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 235. Pronunciation of vowel sounds The main feature of Russian literary pronunciation in the area of \u200b\u200bvowels is their different sound in stressed and unstressed syllables with the same spelling. In unstressed syllables, the vowels are reduced. There are two types

Raising vowels

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (Software) author TSB

6. Reading vowels (and consonant j)

From the book Latin language for doctors author Shtun AI

2. Reading vowels (and consonant j)

From the book Latin for Physicians: Lecture Notes author Shtun AI

Practicing vowel sounds

From the book Master the Power of Suggestion! Achieve whatever you want! by Smith Sven

Working out vowel sounds Vowel sounds are responsible for the melodiousness, melodiousness of the voice. Well-developed, open vowels diversify intonation, allow you to "play" your voice, make it expressive. A set of the following exercises will help your voice become mobile and

5. For the glory of vowels - and consonants

From the book The Embryology of Poetry author Veidle Vladimir Vasilievich

5. For the glory of vowels and consonants, you think, and it is generally accepted, in general, to assume that neither vowels nor consonants "in themselves" mean anything, and you do not see, at the same time, or do not recognize the difference between "nothing do not mean "and" have no meaning (or even semantic coloring). " And I

Interpreting vowel phonemes

From the book Turbulent Thinking [Charging the Intellect] author Dmitry Gavrilov

Interpretation of vowel phonemes In ancient times of paganism, the art of eloquence was considered magical and belonged to the gifts of the immortal gods. Knowing the true names of things, according to the same views, it was possible to control the world. We would advise "lyricists" to contact

The harmony, or use, of vowels occurs in a row.

The vowel row of the first syllable has an impact.

IN simple word there are vowels of only one row - or non-front ones:

steam -good, good
colmo -three
kudo - house;

Or the front ones:

vele - village
kevkstems - ask
pidems - cook.

In complex words, this pattern may not be observed:

who are - sixteen, from kemen ten + koto - six;
codegemen - sixty of koto six + kemen ten.

Vowel harmony is disturbed by the following circumstances:

1) soft consonants. If a soft consonant occurs in a word with non-front vowels, it changes the row of the next vowel to the front:

kudosonzolinec - we were at his house;

2) the behavior of the vowels a, and, s in non-first syllables. These sounds in this position do not obey the vowel harmony:

or it can follow the front vowel: sir - acorn;
and, s - behind the non-front vowels: wands - tomorrow;

3) the phenomenon of morphonology. Some suffixes do not obey vowel harmony and have only one variation:

suffix dativa -nen / nen: kudonen - at home;
plural definiteness suffix -not / ne: panartne - these shirts, veletne - these villages.

In accordance with the harmony of vowels and the softness / hardness of consonants, most suffixes have two or more variants.

For instance:

Inessiva suffix -so / -se:
kudoso - in home, velese - in the village;

The abessive suffix -automo / -theme / -tomo / -theme / -theme:

kudovtomo - without a home
velevteme - without a village
saltomo - no salt
kedteme - without a hand
virezteme - without the lamb;

Suffix ablative - -do / -de / -de / -to / -te / -te:

kudodo-about the house
velede - about the village
virezde - about the lamb
oshto - about the city
sekste - about autumn
levkste - about the baby.
the pronunciation of consonants and their combinations

Final voiced consonants are not stunned:

after all (in, ed,) - water.

When inflating, stunning is possible:

valgoms-roll - go down, go down,
lead (in, fl, t,) - water,
lead (in, et, t, e) about water, water,

but: virezde (v, ir, ezde) - about the lamb.

After the sonoric, instead of s, s, s, s, z, affricates c, c, dz, dz, j can be pronounced:

mons (mon, c,) - I myself,
panjoms (pan joms) - open,
inze (in dzher) - raspberry,
yarsams (yartsams) - eat, eat.

However, there is also the preservation of these sounds:

(mon, s,), (in, s, hey).

Combinations (ts, t, s, ds, d, s,) in the middle and end of a word sound like affricates c, c,:

kands (kan, c,) - he brought,
tones (tonavts,) - he taught.

Whistling can and persist:

(kan, s,),

In combinations of noisy consonants, all components are the same in voicing / voicelessness:

or all deaf:

cakes - gender,
chaksha - a pot,
moth - dry,
summer - wet;

or all voiced:

kedge - dishes,
lezamo - help,
witch - on water.

At the junctions of words, stems and suffixes, suffixes, a number of consonant changes occur in voicing / voicelessness.

1. A dull sound turns into a ringing one:

a) in compound words:

the first word ends in voiced, the second begins with voiceless, which turns into voiced:

weigelbe (veig, el, b, e) - verst, kilometer from weigel voice + ne end;
yondol (yondol) - lightning from yong - dexterous, side + tol - the fire;

b) at the junction of two words, if they are not separated by a pause during pronunciation:

tseran panard (c, oran, banar) - men's shirt,
velen teiter (v, el, en, d, ey, er,) - a country girl.

2. The voiced sound turns into a dull sound (d-t, d, -t, z-s, z, -s, z-k, zh-w) or drops out:

a) when conjugating a verb:

before the 1st person plural suffix. numbers - tano / tano and before the 2nd person plural suffix. numbers -tado / tyado

candoms candtano (cantano)
(carry) kandtado (kantado)

paidems peidtyano (p, ayt, ano)
(smile, laugh) paytyado (p, ayt, ado)

gozoms coztano (costano)
(cough) goztado (costado)

kuzems Kuztyano (kus, t, ano)
(climb, climb) kuztyado (kus, t, ado)

valgoms valgtano (valctano)
(descend) valgtado (valktado)

pujoms puzhtano (pushtano)
(wither) pujtado (pushtado)

Before the imperative suffix sing. numbers -t / t:

kandt (kant) - carry,
payt (p, eyt,) - laugh,
goat (cost) - cough,
kuzt (kus, t,) - rise,
valgt (roll) - go down,
pujt (pusht) - fade;

b) with the formation of a plural:

tarad is a branch,
taradt (taratt) - branches,

ked - hand,
kedt (k, et, t,) - hands,

kuz - spruce,
kuzt (bush) - ate,

kezh - anger, anger
kezht (k, esht,) - plural

c) when declining, for example, before the suffix -tomo / -theme / -theme:

taradtomo (tarattomo) - without a branch,
kedteme (k, et, t, uh, e) - without an arm,
kuztomo (kustoomo),
rivezteme (r, iv, es, t, uh, e) - without a fox,
kezhteme (k, esht, uh, e) - without anger.

There are cases when the suffix changes its voicing under the influence of the final sound of the stem:

suffix -do / -de / -de / -to / -te / -te:

Do / -de / -de is used after vowels and voiced consonants, except for d, d,:

kudo - house,
kudodo - about the house,

vele - a village,
velede - about the village,

kuz - spruce,
kuzdo - about eating,

virez - lamb,
virezde - about the lamb;

To / -te / -te follows voiceless consonants, after d, d, which are deafened at the same time (see examples above):

chaksh - a pot,
cakshto - about the pot,

hooked - autumn,
sekste - about autumn,

pix - rope,
pikste - about the rope;

suffix -ha / -ka:

Ha appears after voiced consonants, - ka - after deaf ones:

vir - forest,
virga - through the forest,

lei - river
leiga - along the river,

san - lived,
sanga - by vein,

cakes - floor,
kiyakska - on the floor,

lax - slit,
laskka - along the crack;

d) when forming new words using suffixes:

The transition of the final voiced consonant in the voiceless stem is transmitted in the spelling:

ked - hand,
ketks - bracelet,

risnams - to worry,
risk - sadness

visdems - to be ashamed, ashamed,
visks - shame;

For the sonorant consonant of the base, the voiceless consonant of the suffix can be voiced or preserved:

molems - go,
moltyano (they say, t, ano) or (they say, d, ano) - let's go,

wanoms - watch
vantano (vantano) or (vandano) - look,

simems - to drink,
simtyano (s, imt, ano) or (s, imd, ano) - we drink;

Final n, n, before the plural suffix are not pronounced:

break (lomat, t,) - people,
narmunt (narmut, t,) - birds.

When sibilants or sibilants and sibilants meet at the junction of the stem and the suffix or two suffixes, the previous s, s, z, z, sometimes turn into d:

goats (kois,) - he coughed,
lazso (layse) - a board,
lassto (layte) - from the board,
lazz (lays) - into the board,

picse - with a rope,
pixte - made of rope.

Lesson vocabulary

ağaç - tree
deniz - sea
doktor - doctor
dünya - the world, the universe
göz - eye
gül - rose flower
hoş - good, good
kuş - bird
mektup - letter
müdür - Chief

oda - room
otobüs - bus
silgi - rag, sponge (for wiping)
söz - word
sözlük - dictionary
tahta - school board
televizyon - TV set
vurgu - stress
yıldız -star
yoğurt - yogurt

Interrogative pronouns

In Turkish, to express a question Who is it? What is it? demonstrative pronouns are used bu, şu, o combined with question words kim (who), ne (what). When it comes to animals, use the question Bu ne?

Bu ne? Bu masa.
Bu kim? Bu Ali.

Palatine attraction principle

The main feature of the phonetic structure of the Turkish language is the vowel and consonant harmony. The effect of vowel harmony is that in the roots of words, the quality of the vowel of the first syllable determines the quality of the vowels of subsequent syllables. This phenomenon does not apply to the roots of borrowed words, however, it acts with an iron consistency when building up various affixes (suffixes) to express various lexical and grammatical meanings of a word.

All vowels of the Turkish language are divided into two groups:

When pronouncing the vowels of the back row, the tongue is slightly pushed back (not in contact with the palate), when pronouncing the vowels of the front row, it is pushed forward (in contact with the palate). Therefore they are called that. Follow the language and everything will be clear. If the surveillance fails, hire an investigator to spy on him.

The vowels in the root of one native Turkish word can be only palatal or only non palatal.

D en iz
T av uk

However, in the Turkish language there are a huge number of borrowed words, at the root of which this pattern is violated. This rule applies when attaching various suffixes to the roots (stems of words). Consider plural affixes to demonstrate this phonetic phenomenon of language.


To express the number of objects, persons, phenomena, etc. Turkish has two affixes lar and lerjoining directly to the root of the word.

So, in accordance with the principle of palatal attraction, if last syllable words contains vowels a ı o uthen the affix larif the vowels e i ö üthen ler:

a ı o u → lar: mas a + lar, kap ı + lar, televizy on + lar, ok ul + lar
e i ö ü → ler: çiç ek + ler, şeh ir + ler, s ö z + ler, gözl ü k + ler

Exercise 2.1. Form plural nouns.

Araba, masa, öğretmen, sıra, aile, kedi, ders, pencere, çiçek, baba, çanta, müdür, defter, dolap, ev, şehir, öğrenci, kitap, silgi, otobüs, kalem, doktor, kö tpek, cetvel gül, oğul, ağaç

Exercise 2.2. Translate into Turkish.

Tables, dogs, windows, cars, friends, students, streets, notebooks, cupboards, houses, bags, flowers, sons, rulers, desks, buses, books, lessons, pens, trees, cats.

Exercise 2.3. Translate into Russian.

Kitaplar, kalemler, çiçekler, tahtalar, öğrenciler, köpekler, sıralar, cetveller, ağaçlar, şehirler, öğretmenler, doktorlar, evler, çantalar, dolaplar, dersler, defterler, ablar, masalar.

Interrogative particle

If in Russian the question is general type It is a table? is set by raising intonation up, then in Turkish for a similar question, in addition to intonation means, an interrogative particle is also used , which has its own phonetic variants (mı, mi, mu, mü) and is written separately from the word. The choice of the phonetic variant of any affix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the law of vowel harmony. Let's consider it.

Vowel harmony law

The law of vowel harmony is formed from the principle of palatal attraction discussed above and the principle of labial attraction.

The vowels of the Turkish language are subdivided into non-labial and labial:

Unlawful are a ı e i
Labial are o u ö ü

With the normal position of the lips, uncorrupted vowels are obtained, when the lips are extended with a tube - rounded.

The essence of the law of vowel harmony is that, when increasing affixes to a word, behind non-labial non-sky vowels a ı only a non-palatal vowel can follow, i.e. ı ;
behind non-labial palatine e i only non-labial palatine i;
for labial non-palatal o u only labial non-palatal vowel u; behind the labial palatine ö ü only labial palatine ü

A → I
E → İ
O → U
Ö → Ü

That is, the vowel quality of the last syllable of the word determines the vowel quality of the affix.

a or ı ı :

Bu, mas a m ı ? - It is a table?
Bu, atk ı m ı ? - Is that a scarf?

If the last syllable of a word contains a vowel e or i, then the affix can only contain i:

Bu, deft er m i? - This is a copybook?
Bu, öğrenc i m i? - Is that a student?

If the last syllable of a word contains a vowel o or u, then the affix can only contain u:

Bu, dokt or m u? - Is that a doctor?
Bu, oğ ul m u? - This is son?

If the last syllable of a word contains a vowel ö or ü, then the affix can only contain ü :

Bu, s ö z m ü ? - This word?
Bu, müd ü r m ü ? - Is this the boss?

When adding affixes (suffixes) to a word, the law of vowel harmony always applies, which determines which vowel will be in the added affixes.

A (I) → I (Bu, masa mı?)
E (İ) → İ (Bu, defter mi?)
O (U) → U (Bu, doktor mu?)
Ö (Ü) → Ü (Bu, söz mü?)

Exercise 2.4. Ask a question

Bu, salon mı mi mu mü?
Bu, araba mı mi mu mü?
Bu, yoğurt mı mi mu mü?
Bu, ev mı mi mu mü?
Bu, baba mı mi mu mü?
Bu, deniz mı mi mu mü?
Bu, köpek mı mi mu mü?
Bu, kuş mı mi mu mü?
Bu, kitap mı mi mu mü?
Bu, sözlük mı mi mu mü?
Bu, tahta mı mi mu mü?
Bu, dört mı mi mu mü?
Bu, cetvel mı mi mu mü?
Bu, söz mı mi mu mü?
Bu, kalem mı mi mu mü?
Bu, oda mı mi mu mü?
Bu, gül mı mi mu mü?
Bu, çiçek mı mi mu mü?
Bu, arı mı mi mu mü?
Bu, köylü mı mi mu mü?
Bu, yıldız mı mi mu mü?
Bu, mektup mı mi mu mü?
Bu, dolap mı mi mu mü?
Bu, sokak mı mi mu mü?
Bu, vurgu mı mi mu mü?
Bu, televizyon mı mi mu mü?
Bu, oğul mı mi mu mü?
Bu, terbiye mı mi mu mü?
Bu, abla mı mi mu mü?
Bu, göz mı mi mu mü?
Bu, motor mı mi mu mü?
Bu, hoş mı mi mu mü?
Bu, dünya mı mi mu mü?
Bu, aile mı mi mu mü?
Bu, kedi mı mi mu mü?
Bu, radyo mı mi mu mü?
Bu, kuzu mı mi mu mü?
Bu, arkadaş mı mi mu mü?

Exercise 2.5. Translate into Turkish.

This is a book?

This is a copybook?

This is a dog?

Is it a rose?

Is that mom?

Is this a desk?

This letter?

Is this a closet?

Is this the door?

This is a friend?

Is it a dictionary?

Is this a student?

Is this a window?

This is a car?

This room?

Exercise 2.6. Translate into Russian.

Bu, gül mü? Bu, aile mi? Bu, söz mü? Bu, kitap mı? Bu, pencere mi? Bu, dolap mı? Bu, şehir mi? öğrenci mi? Bu, ev mi? Bu, araba mı? Bu, mektup mu? Bu, kedi mi? Bu, çanta mı? Bu, yıldız mı? Bu, radyo mu? Bu, oda mı? Bu, oğul mu? Bu, köpek mi? Bu, defter mi? Bu, insan mı?

Negative particle değil

For a negative answer to a general question It is a table? / No, this is not a table negative particle is used değil, i.e. Russian negative particle not corresponds to the unchangeable Turkish değilstanding after noun.

Vowel harmony

a phonetic phenomenon that permeates the entire sound structure of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Ural-Altai family, although it is not inherent to its individual members to the same extent. In the languages \u200b\u200bof other families, with the exception of the Rezyan dialect, which belongs to the group of Slovinian dialects, that is, to the Indo-European family, it is not observed. This phenomenon consists in the dependence of the vowel sounds included in the secondary (suffix) syllables of the word from the vowel in the main (root) syllable. It is in close connection with the morphological structure of the Ural-Altai languages, which are, as you know, a type of agglutinating languages, that is, adding to the root (always at the head of the word) a number of secondary, suffixal syllables that are not connected with the root. All Ural-Altai vowels, in accordance with their greater or lesser sensitivity to the influence of the root vowel, are usually divided into two classes: "light" and "dark", or, in terms of sound physiology, "palatal (u, e, u)" and "non-palatal (a, oh, y, s) ". The "light" vowel of the root also requires "light" vowels in the suffix, "dark" - "dark". The G. of vowels in Rezyans' dialects is mysterious, where it takes on a different character: the main, conditioning vowel in a word is a vowel with stress, and not stressed ones change in accordance with it. This feature of the Rezian dialects, discovered by their researcher, Professor Baudouin de Courtenay, gave him a reason to consider the Rezians to be glorified Turanians. Cf .: Adam, "De l" harmonie des voyelles dans les langues Ouralo-Altaïques "(Paris, 1874); O. Bohtlingk," Ueber die Sprache der Jakuten "(1851); Ahlquist," Forschungen auf d. Gebiete d. uralaltaisch. Sprachen "(vol. I, Mordovian grammar, St. Petersburg and Helsingfors, 1861); W. Radloff," Phonetik d. nordl. Türksprachen "(Leipzig, 1882); Baudouin de Courtenay," An experience of the phonetics of the Rezian dialects "(1875).

S. Bulich.

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb .: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what "Vowel Harmony" is in other dictionaries:

    Assimilation of vowel affixes to the vowel of the root based on the place of formation, labialization, etc.; a kind of progressive assimilation. Widespread in agglutinative languages \u200b\u200b(see Agglutination) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Assimilation of vowel affixes to the vowel of the root based on the place of formation, labialization, etc.; a kind of progressive assimilation. Widespread in agglutinative languages \u200b\u200b(see Agglutination). * * * HARMONY OF VOICES HARMONY OF VOICES, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    The same as syngharmonicity ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    vowel harmony (syngharmonicity) - (other Greek σύν together + ´αρμονια connection, consonance) Phenomenon [Ch. arr. in Turkic languages], which consists in the fact that the vowel of the root determines the character of the following vowels in the affixes of the given word: oda room - odalar room (Turkish) ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    - (Greek harmonia, from harmoso to put in order). 1) musical harmony, agreement, teaching about the relationship between intervals, scales, chords, modulations, etc. 2) proportionality of parts with the whole and among themselves in works of artDictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

report (no later than February 20) on the amount of each imported (exported) precursor according to the forms in accordance with Appendices Nos. 5 and 6. Appendix N 2 to the Rules for submitting reports on activities related to the circulation of precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (as amended by the RF Government Decree dated October 1, N). REPORT. on the quantity of each precursor inscribed in Schedule I produced.

A report on the quantity of each precursor produced, included in List I or List IV (underline as appropriate) of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation.

Appendix No. 3 to the Rules. A report on the amount of each sold precursor included in list I or tables I and II of list IV (underline as appropriate) of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control Appendix No. 4 to the Rules. Methyl methacrylate in dentistry. Organization of work, reporting.

Speaker: Lysov Mikhail Igorevich, Head of the orthopedic department of BU KhMAO - Ugra “Khanty-Mansiyskaya. - presentation. If it is impossible to store precursors indoors, their storage is carried out in containers located in protected areas (tanks, reservoirs, barrels and other transport containers), which are sealed (sealed) after the end of the working day. 5 Report form: 6 Dura lex, sed lex.

Thanks for attention! Download a free presentation on the topic "Methyl methacrylate in dentistry. Organization of work, reporting. The form of the journal is also provided for by these Rules (Appendix to the Rules for maintaining and storing special journals for registering operations related to the circulation of precursors of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances). Head of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur appoints persons responsible for maintaining and storing logs (clause 5 of the Rules).

2. Report on precursors until February 20. They are subject to quantitative accounting. Checks often. 1. "INFORMATION ABOUT THE INSTITUTION OF HEALTH CARE" form 30 to 10 January.

2. Report on precursors by 20 February. They are subject to quantitative accounting. Checks often. Report on precursors to the drug control agency in your area. Instruction for the accounting of precursors drugsincluded in list IV (tables II and III), which are contained in medical devices, Note: Please note that this letter does not replace the need to refer to primary sources, which are undergoing constant changes.

3. In the report on precursors in dentistry, for example, fluorox with veins, indicate the name of the drug and the number of vials in ml? Yes, you must specify this information... 4. Honey. College, dentistry-orthopedics, trained using precursors, in production purposes they are not used.

Is it necessary in this case to notify the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and send them an annual report on income and expense? Yes. you need to do it. 6. Methyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate are included in table 3 of list 4 Precursors, in dentistry, do you need a license to work with these drugs? Hello. Yes, you need permission.

Are you LLC ?. Materials with precursors in dentistry, the list (PCU) of which should be kept in the form given in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of No. Precursors in dentistry. Accounting for precursors in dentistry can be kept in one journal, highlighting the required number of sheets for each item, or in separate journals, if a large number of operations are registered during the year.

At the same time, an entry in the journal about the total number of released, sold, purchased or used these substances is made monthly and documentary confirmation of the completion of each expenditure transaction is not required. RULES FOR SUBMISSION OF REPORTS ON ACTIVITIES RELATED TO THE TURNOVER OF PRECURSORS OF NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES List of amendment documents (as amended by

Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation from N, from N, from

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