Are the lice sleeping? Can lice appear on nerves? Myths about lice

Like mosquitoes, flies, lice are insects. They are incapable of dwelling inside the human body. Even the stage of laying eggs, the maturation of the larva occurs exclusively on the surface of the body (the hair of the host). Therefore, there are no additional phases of lice development with a delay in the manifestation of insects.

The use of the patient's belongings is recognized as contactless methods of transmission of insects. This is a purposeful, accidental borrowing of other people's things. They get infected with head lice anywhere: child care, hairdressing salons, hotels, sports events.

Most often, head lice infection occurs in the following cases:

  • hair contact (hugs, close proximity in in public places, outdoor games);
  • the use of other people's things, household items, personal hygiene, jewelry, clothing (bed linen, combs, elastic bands, hats).

Lice may not always be well controlled. Friction in public transport (especially peak hours), interaction during sports, active contact of children is not easy to foresee. You will find more details on where lice come from in humans on our website.

Given the above methods of infection, pediculosis on nerves seems to be a delusional assumption.However, the opinion exists. The version of the stressful appearance of lice is widespread among the masses. You shouldn't take it seriously. There is some truth here, even given the absurdity of the assumption.

Attention! Scientific theories refute assumptions about stress. To a large extent, psychosomatics contributes to the emergence of conjectures. It is convenient for people to write off everything on their nerves. Many do not want to deal with the true causes of infection. Even Louise Hay, an authoritative researcher on the psychosomatics of disease, refutes this theory.

Scientific rationale for the "stressful" appearance of lice

Pediculosis is a well-studied disease. It has been proven that among the modes of transmission, the appearance of lice from the nerves does not exist. All myths and speculations are a relic of popular beliefs.

The lack of close contact with the sick, the use of their things, bathing after them in stagnant water is not observed. This means that it is impossible to become the owner of lice.

Science supports the supporters of the existence of "stress" infection only in the fact that during the period of an unstable state of the psyche, the internal processes of the body contribute to a change in the natural smell. The body produces sweat more intensively, saturated with special volatile compounds.

Scientists say that during a period of stress, a person is tense, the body's defenses will weaken, and the predisposition to various diseases increases. Nervous strain provokes concentration on a specific problem. Vigilance decreases. Often neglect occurs at this point. important rules personal hygiene. As a result of any of the proposed factors, the risk of infestation with lice increases.

Doubtful people tend to attribute all troubles to stress. The fear of infection is so great that itching, stirring in the hair is felt from the wind. The psychosomatics of the disease, the unstable psyche of individuals are to blame for everything. The tendency to suspiciousness becomes another source of the appearance of "tales" about the birth of lice.

There is a great tendency among the masses to discuss, exaggerate (gossip). Having received information, a ground for thought, individuals are able to come up with completely unexpected versions. Hence the high number of dubious assumptions.

It is stupid to say that lice come from nerves. Such versions have no scientific justification.

Lice from stress or other illnesses

Often, lice are suspected only by the presence of itching. As mentioned above, the symptom is typical for many diseases besides lice (including a consequence of stress). If it is impossible to cope with a psychosomatic problem on your own, you should seek help from specialists.

Doctors will help reveal the true causes of the unusual phenomenon. Cope with stress, cure other diseases.

Many people associate characteristic manifestations on the skin (bites, rashes, sores) with the presence of lice. Don't panic unnecessarily. Most cases are accompanied by symptoms of completely different diseases.

How to understand that you have lice, symptoms of the disease, like read on our website.

Council. It is worth more carefully examining the scalp, adjacent areas of the skin (neck, ears, shoulders) for the presence of insects. The presence of lice will certainly give itself away (adults, nits, larvae)

Head lice risk area

The area of \u200b\u200bdistribution of lice is extensive, but there is no need to talk about a surge in incidence, widespread distribution. Not everyone is faced with head lice. People are at risk:

  • with unfavorable living conditions (homeless, asocial personalities);
  • with an active life position in relation to disadvantaged citizens (employees of medical institutions, receivers, shelters);
  • in a cramped environment (prison, barracks, refugee camp);
  • with a tendency to promiscuous close relationships (sexual or social).

In addition to the above groups of citizens, children are at particular risk of head lice incidence. Lack of vigilance, immediacy, predisposition to close contacts ( active games) create a favorable environment for rapid infection.

Thinking about whether lice can appear on nerves, you should find out what ways these insects are transmitted, how the infection occurs. There is an opinion that one of the causes of head lice is a strong nervous stress in humans. To understand whether this is a myth or reality, you need to study in more detail the features of lice, their vital activity.

The only way lice can get on a person's head or body is through direct transfer from another person.

When thinking about whether lice can appear from stress, it should be borne in mind that in difficult situations when you have to decide global problems or a person is faced with a big grief, experiences daily stress, changes occur in the body. In particular, the glands (sebaceous, sweat) begin to work more intensively, producing a specific, heavy smell of sweat. In this case, a person on a nervous basis becomes a more attractive object for insects, and they, on occasion, populate the body of a new host.

So the answer to the question of whether lice can appear on their own will be negative. They come from somewhere, from the previous owner.

Infection methods

Lice in a child, as well as in an adult, can appear in several ways:

As you can see, lice in humans do not appear from nerves. In order for the infection to occur, it is necessary to provide opportunities for this, namely, direct contact with the sick or his things.

Signs of head lice under stress: are they lice?

When deciding whether lice can appear from stress, on a nervous basis, sometimes these manifestations are mistaken for real head lice. However, in the absence of factors that lead to infection, in such cases, a common allergy is diagnosed.

Dermatitis can also appear on nerves, and lice have nothing to do with them.

The danger with this assumption is that time may be wasted on treating an allergy or skin condition. As a result, the symptoms will become more severe and it will take more time and effort to recover.

By the way, dermatitis and other skin diseases (for example, scabies) really begin to develop in stressful situations, which is due to a decrease in immunity.

Thinking about whether lice from nerves can appear, it should be borne in mind that quite often the vital activity of a subcutaneous tick provokes the appearance of similar symptoms as in the case of head lice: severe itching, wounds on the skin, changes in its properties (dryness, peeling).

Interesting video:Lice in humans - causes, symptoms and treatment

What are the myths about lice?

There are many misconceptions about pests. The most common of them is the myth that lice and nits are different insects that are not related to each other. In fact, these are representatives of the same species, only they are at different stages of development. A louse is an adult, and an insect egg, which is fixed on the hair, is called a nit. Answering the question whether lice can appear on a nervous basis, you should know that nits are the result of the vital activity of sexually mature insects and do not appear on the hair by themselves.

In addition to the question of whether lice can appear on a nervous basis, there are other misconceptions. For example, there is an opinion that nits can appear only with cancer, since these neoplasms consist of cancer cells and are destroyed only after the death of a person.

There are different myths, however, you need to be guided by logic and think sensibly, relying on proven facts, and not speculation. You should be aware that lice tend to appear only in cases when conditions are created for this - when touching the patient. These pests cannot materialize from the air, even if a person has nervous stress.

Anxiety and stress can cause certain diseases, but, fortunately, head lice is not one of them. Just from nerves, without really any real reason, insects are unlikely to appear in your head. You don't have to worry about this. The idea of \u200b\u200bsome people that lice and nits can be in the scalp for years, and manifest themselves completely unexpectedly, under some extraordinary circumstances that entailed stress, is absolutely groundless.

Likewise, there is no basis for the opinion that bloodsucking starts in the hair of a person who is not very neat, and his head can often be dirty, untidy. These judgments of the not very progressive part of the population cannot be called otherwise than myth or fiction. Remember once and for all: lice are transmitted only from person to person. This means that you can become infected with them through personal contact with someone who already has them. Or if you used his comb, put on his hat, sleep on his pillow.

Can lice appear in an adult on a nervous basis?

The child has

Now let's see if lice can appear on a nervous basis in a child? In principle, age hardly matters here. If a child, just like an adult, is very worried about something and at the same time sweats a lot, he is at risk. Of course, if there is a lice carrier next to him at that moment. Although it should be noted that children sweat much less often than adults, and their sweat smell is not so pronounced. However, the fact remains: if there is a lice carrier next to the child, and he for some reason sweats a lot, the blood-sucking can "go" to the smell.

It is widely believed that lice appear in a person due to his uncleanliness, low material wealth and living standards. However, this is a delusion. Why and where do lice actually come from and how to get rid of them?

General information

Where do lice come from? They crawl from a sick person to a healthy one. Lice can also appear as a result of contact with infected things:

  • players;
  • clothes;
  • telephones;
  • toys, etc.

Pediculosis can be contracted in wardrobes, swimming pools, gyms, shops, public transport.

Types of lice and how they are transmitted

About the appearance of lice on nerves

So, lice are transmitted to a person from a carrier or from objects that he used. Can lice appear on nerves? The answer is negative! The existing opinion that lice eggs sleep in a person's head while he is calm is mistaken.

Where do body-type lice come from? For most of their lives, they hide in underwear and clothes. Spreading occurs when multiple people use one thing. Head lice are often transmitted through fur hats.

Lice: causes and treatment (video)

Is it lice?

Lice are often confused with. Perhaps this is the reason for the emergence of various myths. Pediculosis can also be mistaken for the usual dermatitis that occurs on a nervous basis. With this disease, a person also feels itching, although of a slightly different nature. A similar sensation appears with psoriasis, but this disease is accompanied by itching with a wave-like intensity, so that it can be distinguished from head lice. The symptoms of psoriasis can indeed appear against the backdrop of strong feelings. In any case, if you experience constant discomfort on the skin, you should visit a dermatologist.

Why else do people think they have? On the nerves, scabies often occur, provoked by ticks. But it is localized only on the body - arms and legs. In this case, a person is worried about severe itching. Scabies can be distinguished from head lice by itching on parts of the body that are not covered with hair. This means that lice and nits cannot be the cause.

Preventive measures

  • use only your own combs and hygiene items;
  • eliminate casual sex completely;
  • if you have long hair, braid it when you are in crowded places;
  • change clothes, bedding, and wash your hair regularly.

How is the treatment carried out

What means can you effectively fight lice? Today, various pediculicidal substances are used for this. Folk remedies such as green soap and kerosene are also used, but less frequently.

High requirements are imposed on chemicals for lice and nits:

  • reliability and efficiency;
  • no side effects;
  • no contamination of clothing;
  • lack of unpleasant odor;
  • lack of mutagenic and carcinogenic effects.
  • Treatment for lice should be carried out in conjunction with the disinsection of bed linen, premises and clothing.
  • The amount of the substance to be treated in each case is chosen differently - from 10 to 100 ml, depending on the degree of infection and the density of the hair. Processing time should not exceed 40 minutes.
  • If you do not act on the nits for a sufficient time, you will have to re-treatment after a week.
  • Preventive measures should be taken to prevent re-infection.

All about lice and head lice (video)

A pediatric dermatologist or pediatrician can easily diagnose pediculosis in children using a visual examination or a special Wood lamp.

Unfortunately, children under the age of 14 are in second place in terms of age statistics of those infected with head lice. The first place is taken by persons from 15 to 24 years old, the third - persons from 35 to 50.

Where do lice on the head of children come from? It is believed that this disease is widespread in children growing up in socially disadvantaged conditions, but this is far from the case.

Every fifth child regardless of social status suffering from head lice accordingly, almost every child in contact with an infection carrier is at risk.

Causes of occurrence

What are the causes of lice in a child? One of the main reasons the occurrence of head lice in children is infection by close contact from a sick child to a healthy one. At first glance, it is impossible to understand whether a child has lice, and to prohibit communication of your child with peers is simply wildness.

What else causes lice on the head of a child? : at school, kindergarten, in the yard through common hygiene products or while playing. most susceptible to this disease.

Lice crawl from their former owner to a new victim. They lay eggs, reproduce and cause many problems to their new owner.

You can find out about the reasons for the appearance of lice from the video:

Myths about lice

One of the most common misconceptionsWhat causes lice in the head of children is the assumption that lice can be transmitted from animals to humans. Animal fleas or lice, of course, can bite a person once again, but their main habitat is an animal, be it a cat or a dog or even a parrot.

Another false rumor, from which there are lice in children, is considered either under severe stress.

Lice are transmitted only from an infected person to a healthy person. There are no other options for the onset of the disease. Even unsanitary conditions are not the cause of head lice, but only increase the likelihood of catching the infection.

Why lice can appear again

Why does a child constantly (often) have lice? Reappearance of lice on a child's head is possible for two reasons:

And yet, if the child has lice - what to do in this case? Compliance with basic rules, which parents should know about, will maximize the protection of the child from infestation with lice. is to improve the sanitary discipline of children, clarify the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness.

Regular change of bedding and underwear in conjunction with regular bathing of the child in clean water with appropriate detergents. Washing linen in hot water and thorough cleaning of premiseswhere the children are will help to avoid the appearance of blood-sucking insects.

A very important point is a systematic visual examination of children, and if a focus of the disease is detected, immediate isolation and timely treatment.

Only the parents themselves can save parents from the serious trouble associated with head lice. Take a closer look at your child's lifestyle, to his surroundings. Education, including cleanliness lessons, will help resolve many issues.

Useful video

Video on the prevention of head lice: